Glenn Reynolds Shocked - Shocked! - to Find Homophobia in the GOP

Instapundit fails right wing purity test
Wingnuts • Views: 30,693

Apparently, “Instapundit” Glenn Reynolds never got the memo about Republicans and gay rights; he seems totally gobsmacked that he was disinvited to speak at a Utah Republican Party dinner because he doesn’t hate gay people enough.

And on top of that, he was doing it for nothing.

I love how Reynolds and Roger L. Simon pretend they’re shocked — shocked — to find homophobia in the Republican Party. Who knew?

Meanwhile, over at Michelle Malkin’s fake news site Twitchy, the article seems sympathetic to Reynolds, but most of the commenters are assuredly not, oddly enough. Some examples of the “conservative values” on display:

So let’s abandon our values and make ourselves barely different than the Democrats. Sorry we don’t pull the “Personally opposed to x, but” BS. Yes we should reach out to minorities more, but changing our values? No. That’s what the socialists want us to do, but we have to stay strong.


A person suffering from homosexuality has the same hurdles as anyone else who wishes to marry. They must find a willing member of the opposite sex. Should lonely computer geeks demand that masturbation be redefined as marriage so they, too can derive the legal benefits of marriage?

What’s your position on narcissists marrying themselves?

If you oppose it, you’re a hypocrite. If you support it, you are supporting the devaluation and dissolution of the concept of marriage until it can mean anything, and therefore means nothing, which is the “gay agenda”.


You cannot explain the biological purpose of homosexual attraction.
You cannot explain away the simple fact that sexual and romantic attraction exist for the purpose of procreation, just as hunger exists for the purpose of nourishment.

A sane, rational, thinking brain cannot possibly consider homosexuality as anything other than a mental/emotional disorder.


We have to stand up for traditional marriage guys. I agree with the move.


Seriously Correct! one of the reasons the GOP is so fscked up is because they let sexual deviants (ie homosexuals) in to start with. You want to clean up the party, make that damn tent smaller and the righteous will come back.


The DemocRATS won with removing God from their platform…I don’t think that staying true to our conservative position against “gay” marriage and abortion is a bad thing. Its what conservatives hold as a convictions. Something Democrats know nothing of. I would rather be firm in my convictions and lose every election, than to compromise my values to win. I think that is called prostitution, is it not??


letting filth in to the party just to garner more votes is just as bad as prostitution no matter how you try to excuse it.


that & they’re abnormal as well.


The reason the GOP is sinking is because they are wallowing in the filth of the unrighteous. Maybe if they would clean themselves back up the righteous might be willing to return to their party.


I’m not saying sexual deviants should be legislated to convert to Christianity. I’m saying their deviant lifestyle choices shouldn’t earn them any extra rights. If I decide to drive a nail throuh my hand every saturday, should I get extra priviledged status in legislation? No, because it is a STUPID thing to do. If I decided to dress like a baby as a lifestyle should I get a disablity check? NO, because it is a stupid lifestyle choice!! people who chose sexually deviant lifestyles do not deserve ANY extra legislative consideration EVER!!


So very typical of you lefturd scumbags, you decide since I think sexual deviancy is wrong so I must be a hater. My disgust at a depraved lifestyle choices must have nothing to do with how filthy and perverted they are, I’m just a bigot, right? you must be a member of the demoncrapic party, abort any babies recently, collect your gub’mint stipend last week?


Of course it is deviant. Anyone with two eyes and common sense can see that. If not just check the CDC stats of all the illness homo-sex will give a person.


As soon as you or Glenn can explain to me what gay rights are, you might make me give a damn.


Exactly, sexual deviants have the same rights as everyone else. What they want now is justification for their perversions.


People of the same sex can’t be married it is an absurdity. Its like cats campaigning for the right to be dogs


“Homosexual rights” leads to indoctrination of children. That is a fact. We don’t need to teach small children that disease inducing perversion is normal. It’s a lie. Utah GOP group was right

UPDATE at 1/7/13 3:02:57 pm

The Utah Republican Party says they never invited Glenn Reynolds to speak in the first place:

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1 Kragar  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 1:28:09pm

Man, next thing you know, they might turn out to hate women, minorities, or science. Better keep a close eye on things to make sure that doesn’t happen.

2 Bulworth  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 1:33:14pm
A person suffering from homosexuality has the same hurdles as anyone else who wishes to marry. They must find a willing member of the opposite sex. Should lonely computer geeks demand that masturbation be redefined as marriage so they, too can derive the legal benefits of marriage?

Um, what are they trying to say here? I know, should know better than to ask…

3 Charles Johnson  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 1:34:58pm

re: #1 Kragar

Man, next thing you know, they might turn out to hate women, minorities, or science. Better keep a close eye on things to make sure that doesn’t happen.

It’s a very slippery slope.

4 Dancing along the light of day  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 1:35:08pm

“Homosexual rights” leads to indoctrination of children. That is a fact. We don’t need to teach small children that disease inducing perversion is normal. It’s a lie. Utah GOP group was right”
Just give me a big WTF!

5 Ghost of Tom Joad  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 1:35:26pm

re: #2 Bulworth

Um, what are they trying to say here? I know, should know better than to ask…

Technically it’s not rape if the penis can’t say no.

6 Kragar  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 1:35:28pm

re: #2 Bulworth

Um, what are they trying to say here? I know, should know better than to ask…

They’re saying that they’re fucking morons.

7 A Mom Anon  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 1:36:02pm

re: #2 Bulworth

I find myself incredibly happy I don’t understand these fools. I will say though that they seem to spend an awful lot of time thinking and talking about gay sex. More than actual gay people do. I’ll leave it up to you to decide what that might mean…..

8 Bulworth  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 1:36:36pm

I was previously unaware of instapundit’s alleged support of gay rights. Of what does this support consist?

9 Dancing along the light of day  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 1:37:08pm

re: #5 Ghost of Tom Joad

Technically it’s not rape if the penis can’t say no.

Many men need to think with their big head…..

10 Ghost of Tom Joad  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 1:37:56pm

re: #4 Dancing along the light of day

Just give me a big WTF!


(probably won’t work)

11 Bulworth  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 1:38:00pm
So very typical of you lefturd scumbags, you decide since I think sexual deviancy is wrong so I must be a hater. My disgust at a depraved lifestyle choices must have nothing to do with how filthy and perverted they are, I’m just a bigot, right? you must be a member of the demoncrapic party, abort any babies recently, collect your gub’mint stipend last week?

Your views and insights are most intriguing. I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

12 Charles Johnson  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 1:38:16pm

re: #8 Bulworth

I was previously unaware of instapundit’s alleged support of gay rights. Of what does this support consist?

It amounts to not being opposed to gay marriage.

13 Kragar  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 1:39:01pm

Wingnut world:

The government can’t tell a private individual how to run their business, unless they want to share their lives with a person who happens to be the same sex as them.

14 BroncD  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 1:39:40pm

What a bunch of fucking ****s.
Pardon my French.
And I was talking about the Twitchy commenters, obvi.

15 Kragar  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 1:43:04pm

re: #14 BroncD

What a bunch of fucking ****s.
Pardon my French.
And I was talking about the Twitchy commenters, obvi.

They’re twitchy because of severe neurological disorders.

16 lawhawk  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 1:44:58pm

I’m sure that the Log Cabin GOPers are going to say that this is all perfectly acceptable in their cognitive dissonance sort of way that they’ve been going since… well… forever.

17 Sol Berdinowitz  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 1:45:11pm

This is not about people having the right to do whatever they want as long as they don’t interfere with other peoples’ rights. That is Libertarianism.

This is Dominionism: they insist that our laws must reflect (thier bigoted, close-mied interpretaion of) God’s Divine laws or God will up and smite us into oblivion as he did with Sodom and Gomorrah.

Because he is a loving, caring God, one who would rather have us smitten to smithereens than fall prey to the forbidden allure of Beelzebub’s Butt Boys.

18 Ghost of Tom Joad  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 1:46:38pm

re: #17 Sol Berdinowitz

That loving God, willing to flood the village in order to save it.

And it has shit-all to do with God or any religious rigamaroo. It’s always some combination of “eww, buttsechs!” and “teh gays are so feminine” bigotry, wrapped up in a religious wrapper for the sole purpose of being a shield against criticism. “I’m not a bigot, it’s my religious belief!”


19 Kragar  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 1:47:03pm

The same group that defends a business owner’s right to fire a person for being gay is the same group who will form a lynch mob if a business owner wants to provide a gay couple with the ability to share the benefits they’re entitled to.

Its all about property rights.

20 Shvaughn  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 1:48:54pm

They’re claiming that they never invited him.

21 Sol Berdinowitz  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 1:49:29pm

re: #16 lawhawk

I’m sure that the Log Cabin GOPers are going to say that this is all perfectly acceptable in their cognitive dissonance sort of way that they’ve been going since… well… forever.

Funny, because the GOP low-tax, small-government approach has a big appeal to people who are high earners because they have not had their careers sidelined by raising families, but in having done so, do not enjoy dependent tax deductions or the mortgage interest deductions that go with buying a big house in the suburbs with good schools.

But, unfortunately, they are an abdomination unto the Lord, and must be shunned and/or cured.

22 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 1:50:42pm

re: #4 Dancing along the light of day

“Homosexual rights” leads to indoctrination of children. That is a fact. We don’t need to teach small children that disease inducing perversion is normal. It’s a lie. Utah GOP group was right”
Just give me a big WTF!

The what is very simple: That person is acting like a bunch of laughing hyenas. So do what giraffes do to laughing hyenas: Kick their heads clear off.

/kidding, but I do think that goon needs a verbal booting.

23 freetoken  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 1:51:29pm

re: #20 Shvaughn

We’re all shocked now.

Sooner or later, they’ll get their story straight.

24 danarchy  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 1:52:11pm

re: #21 Sol Berdinowitz

But, unfortunately, they are an abdomination unto the Lord, and must be shunned and/or cured.

Is that some new exercise routine like p90x?

25 Shvaughn  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 1:52:13pm

re: #23 freetoken

We’re all shocked now.

Sooner or later, they’ll get their story straight.

I love it when right wingers fight with each other. Pass the popcorn!

26 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 1:53:44pm

re: #19 Kragar

The same group that defends a business owner’s right to fire a person for being gay is the same group who will form a lynch mob if a business owner wants to provide a gay couple with the ability to share the benefits they’re entitled to.

Its all about property rights.

‘The Bloody Shirt’

A footnote, but a telling one: To white conservative Southerners, the outrage was never the acts they committed, only the effrontery of having those acts held against them. The outrage was never the “manly” inflicting of “well-deserved” punishment on poltroons, only the craven and sniveling whines of the recipients of their wrath. And the outrage was never the violent defense of “honor” by the aristocrat, only the vulgar rabble-rousing by his social inferior. “The only article the North can retain for herself is that white feather which she has won in every skirmish,” declared one Southerner, speaking of the Sumner–Brooks affair. Only a coward would revel in a token of his own defeat.

The bloody shirt captured the inversion of truth that would characterize the distorted memories of Reconstruction that the nation would hold for generations after. The way it made a victim of the bully and a bully of the victim, turned the very blood of their African American victims into an affront against Southern white decency, turned the very act of Southern white violence into wounded Southern innocence; the way it suggested that the real story was never the atrocities white Southerners committed but only the attempt by their political enemies to make political hay out of it. The mere suggestion that a partisan motive was behind the telling of these tales was enough to satisfy most white Southerners that the events never happened, or were exaggerated, or even that they had been conspiratorially engineered by the victims themselves to gain sympathy or political advantage.

If it was incomprehensible to many Northerners, it made perfect sense to those same white Southerners who, on more than one occasion, blamed the “cowardly negroes” for their unmanliness in having permitted themselves to be massacred by bands of armed white men: it only showed, they argued in complete earnest, that black men lacked the Anglo Saxon virtues indispensable to free men who would exercise the lofty privilege of self-government. Any people who allowed their vote to be taken from them at gunpoint didn’t deserve to keep it. (Of course, when African Americans did fight back, the fury of their white assailants knew no bounds.)

27 Kragar  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 1:53:57pm

re: #24 danarchy

Is that some new exercise routine like p90x?

I’m still waiting to find out what happened with the Alpacalpyse.

28 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 1:55:08pm

re: #24 danarchy

Is that some new exercise routine like p90x?

No, because if it were related to p90x it would be part of Paul Ryan’s fitness regimen.

29 majii  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 1:55:08pm

It seems that, to these people, one’s sexual orientation is more important than the fact that they are human beings and U.S. citizens and deserve the same rights under the Constitution as every other American. What’s next on their agenda, burning LGBTQ Americans at the stake? I’d like to give every one of these bigots a hard, swift kick in the center of their ass cracks with a pair of keen-toed high heels.

30 Ghost of Tom Joad  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 1:56:18pm

re: #25 Shvaughn

I love it when right wingers fight with each other. Pass the popcorn!

I’m more interested when one of the crazies finds out there’s people out there crazier than they are. It’s a very humbling moment.

31 Kragar  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 1:58:45pm

re: #29 majii

It seems that, to these people, one’s sexual orientation is more important than the fact that they are human beings and U.S. citizens and deserve the same rights under the Constitution as every other American. What’s next on their agenda, burning LGBTQ Americans at the stake? I’d like to give every one of these bigots a hard, swift kick in the center of their ass cracks with a pair of keen-toed high heels.

These are people who seriously believe homosexuals are possessed by demons and evil spirits are attacking America.

32 Lidane  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:00:50pm

These morons DO know that homosexuality was declassified as a mental disorder back in the late 60’s, right?

33 HoosierHoops  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:01:28pm

re: #7 A Mom Anon

I find myself incredibly happy I don’t understand these fools. I will say though that they seem to spend an awful lot of time thinking and talking about gay sex. More than actual gay people do. I’ll leave it up to you to decide what that might mean…..

Last night we were discussing those RW manly men disparaging gay men for their views of about how limp they are.
I was stunned
Have none of those people ever been to a gym?

34 Kragar  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:02:15pm

re: #32 Lidane

These morons DO know that homosexuality was declassified as a mental disorder back in the late 60’s, right?


35 Lidane  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:03:46pm

re: #33 HoosierHoops

Have none of those people ever been to a gym?

Have you seen the average Tea Party rally?

36 Decatur Deb  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:03:50pm

CPAC week should be a treat this year.

37 Petero1818  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:04:14pm

re: #32 Lidane

These morons DO know that homosexuality was declassified as a mental disorder back in the late 60’s, right?

Merely evidence of the moral decay that some call “science”//

38 Locker  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:04:20pm

I love the “smaller tent” line. Yes.. by all means go for a smaller tent… just means more victories for “the other guys”.

39 Sionainn  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:05:35pm

Why does the Utah GOP hate Christmas?

40 Shvaughn  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:05:55pm

Extremism in action: The Utah County Republican Party would disinvite Dick Cheney from speaking.

41 Shvaughn  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:06:31pm

re: #39 Sionainn

Why does the Utah GOP hate Christmas?

Obviously they’re a bunch of RINOs.

42 Kragar  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:07:46pm

re: #38 Locker

I love the “smaller tent” line. Yes.. by all means go for a smaller tent… just means more victories for “the other guys”.

A small tent, a few dozen mimeographed sheets of hymnals and a chickenwire box full of rattlesnakes. What more do they need?

43 Dr Lizardo  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:08:05pm

re: #29 majii

It seems that, to these people, one’s sexual orientation is more important than the fact that they are human beings and U.S. citizens and deserve the same rights under the Constitution as every other American. What’s next on their agenda, burning LGBTQ Americans at the stake? I’d like to give every one of these bigots a hard, swift kick in the center of their ass cracks with a pair of keen-toed high heels.

The world that they knew, the world of heterosexual, white male patriarchy, a worldview they fully endorse, is crashing down around them. They see this confirmed every day. When states vote to allow same-sex marriage by popular majority, when they see a plethora of women in the US Senate, when they see that “secular/non-religious” is a growing demographic and when they see a black man as President of the United States.

As their world becomes ever smaller, and as their worldview is more roundly held up as out of touch, antiquated, or deserving of little more than polite ridicule, they become increasingly shrill and frightened. They scream all the louder, their siege mentality goes into overdrive and they become increasingly desperate to hold on to the last shreds of a way of life that’s vanishing before their eyes.

While I take some satisfaction in their provincial world passing into the history books, I also feel a small amount of pity for them as well. They are raging against the dying of the light (from their point of view) and I can only imagine the ever-increasing sense of despair they must be feeling.

44 Shvaughn  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:15:05pm

re: #43 Dr Lizardo

While I take some satisfaction in their provincial world passing into the history books, I also feel a small amount of pity for them as well. They are raging against the dying of the light (from their point of view) and I can only imagine the ever-increasing sense of despair they must be feeling.

I can imagine it too, but honestly, I relish their despair instead of pitying them.

(I also fear their despair, as desperate men in desperate situations take desperate actions.)

45 Dr Lizardo  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:17:50pm

re: #44 Shvaughn

I can imagine it too, but honestly, I relish their despair instead of pitying them.

(I also fear their despair, as desperate men in desperate situations take desperate actions.)

There’s a part of me that relishes their despair as well; schadenfreude. And you’re quite right that there’s a strong possibility that some of them may take desperate actions; pull a Tim McVeigh or something like that, and I will not rule that possiblity out - in my view, it’s a distinct likelihood.

46 HappyWarrior  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:19:25pm

Do these guys know anything about the party they support?

47 CuriousLurker  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:19:30pm

re: #29 majii

It seems that, to these people, one’s sexual orientation is more important than the fact that they are human beings and U.S. citizens and deserve the same rights under the Constitution as every other American. What’s next on their agenda, burning LGBTQ Americans at the stake? I’d like to give every one of these bigots a hard, swift kick in the center of their ass cracks with a pair of keen-toed high heels.

I’m still trying to figure out this comment:

I’m not saying sexual deviants should be legislated to convert to Christianity. I’m saying their deviant lifestyle choices shouldn’t earn them any extra rights. If I decide to drive a nail throuh my hand every saturday, should I get extra priviledged status in legislation? No, because it is a STUPID thing to do. If I decided to dress like a baby as a lifestyle should I get a disablity check? NO, because it is a stupid lifestyle choice!! people who chose sexually deviant lifestyles do not deserve ANY extra legislative consideration EVER!!

1.) Well, gosh, it’s mighty generous of you not to demand that LGBT people be be legislated to convert to Christianity.

2.) “Extra” rights and “privileged” status? What, precisely, would those be? I thought they were asking for the same rights/status everyone else has.

3.) A disability check? *blinks* I guess I must’ve missed something in the news, because I don’t recall anyone asking for any such thing.

4.) A lifestyle “choice”? Yeah, I’m sure LGBT people consider their options and then say to themselves, “Oh, look! This one looks good—I can be misunderstood, reviled, and denied equal treatment under the law—what’s not to love? I’ll take it!”

5.) “Extra” legislative consideration? See #2.


48 Kragar  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:20:30pm

re: #46 HappyWarrior

Do these guys know anything about the party they support?

Um… Jesus?

49 Kragar  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:25:12pm

And another business which no longer wants my business…

Wendy’s Franchise Cuts Employee Hours To Part-Time To Avoid Obamacare

50 HappyWarrior  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:26:16pm

re: #49 Kragar

And another business which no longer wants my business…

Wendy’s Franchise Cuts Employee Hours To Part-Time To Avoid Obamacare

Too bad. Haven’t ate there in a while. Sick of corporations doing this on the excuse of Obamacare. Bullshit. It’s greed.

51 CuriousLurker  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:27:46pm

re: #47 CuriousLurker

It’s so bizarre. These people really do think that granting others equal treatment is going to somehow be at their expense. I can’t for the life of me figure out what it is they think they’re losing. Maybe the power to impose their will on others?

52 Kragar  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:28:02pm

re: #50 HappyWarrior

Too bad. Haven’t ate there in a while. Sick of corporations doing this on the excuse of Obamacare. Bullshit. It’s greed.

“We’ll fuck over our employees and pass the savings onto… well, our executives actually for coming up with the plan to fuck our employees.”

53 b_sharp  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:29:53pm

re: #43 Dr Lizardo

The world that they knew, the world of heterosexual, white male patriarchy, a worldview they fully endorse, is crashing down around them. They see this confirmed every day. When states vote to allow same-sex marriage by popular majority, when they see a plethora of women in the US Senate, when they see that “secular/non-religious” is a growing demographic and when they see a black man as President of the United States.

As their world becomes ever smaller, and as their worldview is more roundly held up as out of touch, antiquated, or deserving of little more than polite ridicule, they become increasingly shrill and frightened. They scream all the louder, their siege mentality goes into overdrive and they become increasingly desperate to hold on to the last shreds of a way of life that’s vanishing before their eyes.

While I take some satisfaction in their provincial world passing into the history books, I also feel a small amount of pity for them as well. They are raging against the dying of the light (from their point of view) and I can only imagine the ever-increasing sense of despair they must be feeling.

OK why can’t I write this well.

You and CL are totally fucking with the RWNJ Muslim standard image.

54 HappyWarrior  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:31:40pm

re: #52 Kragar

“We’ll fuck over our employees and pass the savings onto… well, our executives actually for coming up with the plan to fuck our employees.”

Pretty much. Yet another reason I want people to shut the fuck up about “union greed” when companies engage in shanngians like this regularly.

55 A Mom Anon  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:32:45pm

re: #53 b_sharp

I’d almost feel sorry for them except for the fact that they leave so much collateral damage in their wake. It’s their own damned fault the world left them behind. They’re the ones who have refused to grow up and act like they’re grown ass men.

56 CuriousLurker  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:33:45pm

re: #53 b_sharp

OK why can’t I write this well.

You and CL are totally fucking with the RWNJ Muslim standard image.

Nah, they’ll just say, “IT’S TAQIYYA!!11!”

57 Lidane  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:34:14pm

re: #49 Kragar

And another business which no longer wants my business…

Wendy’s Franchise Cuts Employee Hours To Part-Time To Avoid Obamacare

I stopped eating most fast food just to get back in shape and because most of that shit barely qualifies as food. Now I have another reason to avoid ever going back to them.

Shame. I always did enjoy their baked potatoes and their Frostys.

58 Kragar  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:34:49pm

Bryan Fischer is going full Godwin

Bryan Fischer wears pants. You know who else wore pants?

59 Kragar  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:35:55pm

re: #57 Lidane

I stopped eating most fast food just to get back in shape and because most of that shit barely qualifies as food. Now I have another reason to avoid ever going back to them.

Shame. I always did enjoy their baked potatoes and their Frostys.

I’ve been off high fructose corn syrup since November.

I did have an In ‘n Out burger over the weekend though.

60 BongCrodny  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:36:00pm
You cannot explain the biological purpose of homosexual attraction.
You cannot explain away the simple fact that sexual and romantic attraction exist for the purpose of procreation, just as hunger exists for the purpose of nourishment.

A sane, rational, thinking brain cannot possibly consider homosexuality as anything other than a mental/emotional disorder.

You cannot explain the 372,000+ Mainers that voted in favor of allowing gays to marry.

You cannot explain that my sister and her partner of 17 years will now have the same rights, responsibilities and privileges as other Americans.

And I’m sure as shit positive that you’re not going to be able to explain why they have 150 people attending their wedding next month.

I’ve got your “normal” right here, pal, and I’m proud as hell to be part of it.

61 Shvaughn  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:37:06pm

re: #57 Lidane

I stopped eating most fast food just to get back in shape and because most of that shit barely qualifies as food. Now I have another reason to avoid ever going back to them.

Shame. I always did enjoy their baked potatoes and their Frostys.

Well, to be fair, it’s just one franchisee in Omaha, Nebraska. You can probably enjoy other Wendy’s locations without guilt.

62 Kragar  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:38:55pm

re: #61 Shvaughn

Image: 31056298.jpg

63 CuriousLurker  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:40:06pm

WTF? Charles must be tinkering with something…

64 BongCrodny  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:40:31pm


65 Shiplord Kirel  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:40:32pm
You cannot explain away the simple fact that sexual and romantic attraction exist for the purpose of procreation, just as hunger exists for the purpose of nourishment.

Well, true enough, but it doesn’t keep me from preferring prime rib to hardtack.

66 CuriousLurker  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:40:55pm


67 Kragar  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:41:04pm

Well, I can see I’m not the only one who is getting deleted.

68 makeitstop  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:41:04pm

Did everybody go on a cussing jag or something?

69 Kragar  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:41:34pm

re: #68 makeitstop

Did everybody go on a cussing jag or something?

I blame [deleted]

70 Charles Johnson  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:41:35pm

Sorry about that. Reload the page and everything will be fine.

71 Shvaughn  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:41:37pm

re: #62 Kragar

Image: 31056298.jpg

No what?

72 Political Atheist  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:42:49pm

re: #51 CuriousLurker

It’s so bizarre. These people really do think that granting others equal treatment is going to somehow be at their expense. I can’t for the life of me figure out what it is they think they’re losing. Maybe the power to impose their will on others?

I suspect (not that I try to crawl too far into those heads!) that it’s some weird idea that the more kinds of relationships are recognized the less theirs are worth somehow. As if relationships were like fruit punch, add more water and lose the taste. Or perhaps it’s the “castle” in their heads. Anything that threatens to change a point of view is like an enemy at the gates.

Whatever, many of the most interesting and illuminating people in my life are unlike me in big ways. Maybe politics, maybe lifestyle, maybe career. But the bigger the difference the more prospect to learn something.

73 HappyWarrior  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:43:01pm

re: #58 Kragar

Bryan Fischer is going full Godwin

[Embedded content]

Bryan Fischer wears pants. You know who else wore pants?

As I said earlier, Godwining this is particularly stupid because Feinstein’s background. So, Bryan go fuck yourself.

74 Dr Lizardo  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:44:11pm

re: #53 b_sharp

OK why can’t I write this well.

You and CL are totally fucking with the RWNJ Muslim standard image.

Well, usually I just write “Dirka dirka! Mohammed jihad!” but sometimes I feel the need to elaborate further.

(with a tip o’ the hat to Trey Parker and Matt Stone)

75 Shvaughn  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:44:28pm

The impact of ObamaCare on Wendy’s restaurants is less than $25,000 per restaurant per year.

76 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:45:13pm

Evening Lizardim from the relatively warm and sunny wild north country. Temperatures are set to crash after a snowfall this coming weekend, but for now, Minnesotans are indulging in T-shirts and shorts in the above-freezing temperatures. How go things in the war on derp?

77 danarchy  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:45:26pm

re: #57 Lidane

I stopped eating most fast food just to get back in shape and because most of that shit barely qualifies as food. Now I have another reason to avoid ever going back to them.

Shame. I always did enjoy their baked potatoes and their Frostys.

This is currently just one franchise in omaha nebraska, not the entire company, so unless you happen to live in nebraska, your frostys may still be an option.

78 Political Atheist  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:45:29pm

re: #32 Lidane

These morons DO know that homosexuality was declassified as a mental disorder back in the late 60’s, right?

Sure and evolution, gravity, the spherical earth, all well established. but some kinds of denial just won’t break.

79 CuriousLurker  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:45:46pm

re: #72 Political Atheist

I suspect (not that I try to crawl too far into those heads!) that it’s some weird idea that the more kinds of relationships are recognized the less theirs are worth somehow. As if relationships were like fruit punch, add more water and lose the taste. Or perhaps it’s the “castle” in their heads. Anything that threatens to change a point of view is like an enemy at the gates.

You may very well be right. The anger & resentment is palpable. And very creepy.

Whatever, many of the most interesting and illuminating people in my life are unlike me in big ways. Maybe politics, maybe lifestyle, maybe career. But the bigger the difference the more prospect to learn something.

Same here. ;)

80 HappyWarrior  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:45:47pm

re: #75 Shvaughn

The impact of ObamaCare on Wendy’s restaurants is less than $25,000 per restaurant per year.

In other words, chump change. They can afford and then some.

81 Kragar  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:46:00pm

re: #75 Shvaughn

The impact of ObamaCare on Wendy’s restaurants is less than $25,000 per restaurant per year.

So a thin line between staying in business and total financial collapse then?

82 HappyWarrior  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:47:01pm

Seems like it’s one franchise but there’s always Papa Johns which is doing this on a national level so the broader point about corporate greed taking precedence over employee welfare still stands.

83 Kragar  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:47:11pm

re: #77 danarchy

This is currently just one franchise in omaha nebraska, not the entire company, so unless you happen to live in nebraska, your frostys may still be an option.

Don’t rain on my collective punishment of all franchises for a business I don’t really frequent all that much anyways.

84 Shvaughn  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:49:01pm

re: #75 Shvaughn

The impact of ObamaCare on Wendy’s restaurants is less than $25,000 per restaurant per year.

Each store takes in (2010 figures) more than $1.4 million annually in revenues.

86 CuriousLurker  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:49:59pm

re: #83 Kragar

Don’t rain on my collective punishment of all franchises for a business I don’t really frequent all that much anyways.

Where the hell is KT? He’s turning into a slacker. Who’s gonna defend Wendy’s form the moonbat calls for boycott now?

87 Shvaughn  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:50:04pm
88 HappyWarrior  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:50:07pm
89 Dr Lizardo  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:50:09pm

re: #72 Political Atheist

I suspect (not that I try to crawl too far into those heads!) that it’s some weird idea that the more kinds of relationships are recognized the less theirs are worth somehow. As if relationships were like fruit punch, add more water and lose the taste. Or perhaps it’s the “castle” in their heads. Anything that threatens to change a point of view is like an enemy at the gates.

Whatever, many of the most interesting and illuminating people in my life are unlike me in big ways. Maybe politics, maybe lifestyle, maybe career. But the bigger the difference the more prospect to learn something.

It’s their worldview. They’ve had drummed into their heads since they were toddlers that their provincial worldview is the correct way of looking at the world. It’s reinforced by their parents, their families, their churches. When this worldview comes under threat, or even worse (from their point of view) when it is rejected, they come to feel personally threatened. It creates the unimaginable in their minds…..that everything they’ve been taught to believe in is wrong. They cannot cope with this. Their only coping mechanism is to double-down on what they believe - to close themselves off from anything that threatens their perceptions of the world, no matter how distorted it may be.

90 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:50:45pm

re: #86 CuriousLurker

Where the hell is KT? He’s turning into a slacker. Who’s gonna defend Wendy’s form the moonbat calls for boycott now?

I will. The Baconator is a chunk of heaven on a bun.

91 HappyWarrior  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:50:50pm

re: #87 Shvaughn

Wrong side of history.

wrong side of reality is more like it. This fuck’s been pushing anti gay, women, etc propaganda for years and gotten away with it.

92 Shvaughn  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:51:51pm

re: #91 HappyWarrior

wrong side of reality is more like it. This fuck’s been pushing anti gay, women, etc propaganda for years and gotten away with it.

I know. My parents tried to follow his parenting books when I was a child. :(

93 HappyWarrior  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:51:55pm

And this is why having hte BCS championship today sucks because normally I’d be having my half price burger at the pub for trivia night. Oh well.

94 Kragar  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:52:05pm
“In his post-election Family Talk broadcast, Dobson said that Obama’s re-election was God rejecting the prayers of his wife’s National Day of Prayer Task Force and will bring about divine judgment on America.”


95 HappyWarrior  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:52:06pm

re: #92 Shvaughn

I know. My parents tried to follow his parenting books when I was a child. :(

That sucks.

96 Lidane  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:52:36pm
97 CuriousLurker  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:52:56pm

re: #90 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too

I will. The Baconator is a chunk of heaven on a bun.

Phew! Good thing you were here to step up.

98 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:53:58pm

re: #97 CuriousLurker

Phew! Good thing you were here to step up.

Yeah, I know. I’m expecting a bonus in my Liberal Lizard Overlord check this week.

99 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:55:56pm

*clears throat*

Why are you hating on Wendy’s? They’re just exercising their 1st Amendment right as a corporate person. You’re punishing them unfairly for their political speech, and that’s censorship. You should be ashamed of yourselves for wanting to boycott such a healthy American business for no sound logical reason.

How’d I do?

100 Shvaughn  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:56:08pm

re: #95 HappyWarrior

That sucks.

It did. I was identified as The Strong-Willed Child even though I was actually just a mild-mannered geeky kid with undiagnosed ADHD.

101 Varek Raith  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:56:23pm

re: #99 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too

*clears throat*

How’d I do?

Needs moar Benghazi.

102 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:56:47pm

re: #101 Varek Raith

Needs moar Benghazi.

Dammit, I knew I forgot something. Sigh. Oh well, my wingnut generator burned out on that one, so it’ll have to do.

103 JRCMYP  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:56:47pm

re: #20 Shvaughn

They’re claiming that they never invited him.

[Embedded content]

What’s up with the GOP and their “invitations?” Seems like this we-didn’t-invite-you I-never-accepted-your-invitation happens alot. *cought*sarah palin*cough*

104 HappyWarrior  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:57:27pm

re: #100 Shvaughn

It did. I was identified as The Strong-Willed Child even though I was actually just a mild-mannered geeky kid with undiagnosed ADHD.

Damn. Really sorry that you had to go through that. Makes me glad that my parents didn’t overreact to my ADD and later my Asperger’s diagnosis.

105 danarchy  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:58:02pm

re: #90 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too

I will. The Baconator is a chunk of heaven on a bun.

I love a good Baconator every once in a great while, but I swear I can feel my arteries clogging while eating them. I think I saw a study that said it was the least healthy item on any of the major fast food menus, and that’s saying something.

106 Shvaughn  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:58:03pm

re: #99 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too

*clears throat*

How’d I do?

You forgot to compare right-wing and left-wing boycotts. Like, this is just like boycotting Starbucks, ergo we are all morally equivalent to NOM.

So, good try, but needs more Magical Balance Fairy.

108 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 2:59:45pm

re: #106 Shvaughn

You forgot to compare right-wing and left-wing boycotts. Like, this is just like boycotting Starbucks, ergo we are all morally equivalent to NOM.

So, good try, but needs more Magical Balance Fairy.

I guess it’s good that my wingnut generator burned out, then. Apparently it needed a tuneup.

109 HappyWarrior  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:00:13pm

All this talk about really good but unhealthy sandwiches makes me wish I could go to Pittsburgh and get a Primanti Bros sandwich right now. So good.

110 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:00:31pm

re: #105 danarchy

I love a good Baconator every once in a great while, but I swear I can feel my arteries clogging while eating them. I think I saw a study that said it was the least healthy item on any of the major fast food menus, and that’s saying something.

I don’t eat them very often, maybe one every 2-3 months, but when I do I pound that sucker like there’s no tomorrow. It is as delicious as it is terribly unhealthy.

111 Dr Lizardo  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:00:36pm

re: #99 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too

*clears throat*

How’d I do?

Not bad but a bit too coherent for true Wingnutese.

112 Varek Raith  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:01:21pm

re: #108 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too

I guess it’s good that my wingnut generator burned out, then. Apparently it needed a tuneup.

Yeah, they explode quite frequently.
Poor things.

113 bratwurst  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:02:13pm

Uh oh…looks like someone who has seldom posted over the last 5 years is upset that anyone here would DARE to speak ill of the “Aigle” bot!


114 HappyWarrior  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:02:28pm

re: #111 Dr Lizardo

Not bad but a bit too coherent for true Wingnutese.

Canoe was also lacking caps and exclamation points but it was a valiant try.

115 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:03:16pm

re: #111 Dr Lizardo

re: #114 HappyWarrior

In my defense, it was supposed to be KT-style, rather than true wingnut. KT is much more coherent than any wingnut.

116 HappyWarrior  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:03:39pm

re: #113 bratwurst

Uh oh…looks like someone who has seldom posted over the last 5 years is upset that anyone here would DARE to speak ill of the “Aigle” bot!


Hell even if you like what the bot posts, that post was mock worthy. It’s one thing for an actual person to give itself on the back but for a bot. Bring on the mockery baby.

117 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:04:02pm

re: #112 Varek Raith

Yeah, they explode quite frequently.
Poor things.

Yeah, they’re on backorder over at Lizard HQ. Good thing I stocked up a while back.

118 HappyWarrior  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:04:08pm

re: #115 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too

re: #114 HappyWarrior

In my defense, it was supposed to be KT-style, rather than true wingnut. KT is much more coherent than any wingnut.

True and KT isn’t a wingnut. So, yeah.

119 Varek Raith  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:04:13pm

re: #107 Kragar

UPDATED: Fox Deceptively Crops 2008 Obama Speech To Falsely Suggest Assault Weapons Hypocrisy


You skipped several key phrases.
I am disappoint.

120 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:04:22pm

re: #118 HappyWarrior

True and KT isn’t a wingnut. So, yeah.

Precisely my point.

121 HappyWarrior  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:04:45pm

re: #120 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too

Precisely my point.


122 Kragar  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:04:48pm

So, Scott Lively’s trial for promoting hate crimes against homosexuals started today. I’m sure this will help.

Listen: With trial beginning, let’s hear Scott Lively say gays are Satan’s Endtimes-invoking foot soldiers

123 Varek Raith  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:05:25pm

re: #122 Kragar

So, Scott Lively’s trial for promoting hate crimes against homosexuals started today. I’m sure this will help.

Listen: With trial beginning, let’s hear Scott Lively say gays are Satan’s Endtimes-invoking foot soldiers

Totally helps his case.
Yes sirree!

124 Lidane  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:07:10pm

Just got out of a huge client meeting.

Bad news: He initially backed out of the meeting because our quoted prices were way higher than what he was willing to pay.

Good news: I talked him into meeting with me anyway and left with him still open to working with us. Now come the hard part — getting a better proposal written.

125 Kragar  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:07:51pm

re: #123 Varek Raith

Totally helps his case.
Yes sirree!

Who can argue against that?

126 Dr Lizardo  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:07:57pm

re: #99 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too

*clears throat*

How’d I do?

Wendy’s is a GOD-FEARING ALL AMERICAN COMPANY that supports our Lord JESUS CHRIST and not the EVIL OBAMUNIST REGIME in Washington DC and the filthy sodomite degenerates in HOLLYWEIRD who pollute teh minds of our children with they’re FILTHY SODOMTIE ENTERTAIMENT and they dont serve the DISGUSTING HALAL MOSLEM MEAT WHICH IS DEDICATED TO THEIR MOON-GOD ALLAH they serve real JEWISH AND CHRISTIAN MEAT in their hamburgers which are dedicate TO OUR LORD AND SAVOR JESUS CHRIST KING OF THE UNIVERSE so if you boyocott Wendy’s then YOU’RE A FILTHY MOHAMMED LOVING COMMUNIST!1!

Whaddaya think of my wingnut rant?

127 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:08:32pm

re: #126 Dr Lizardo

Whaddaya think of my wingnut rant?

I’ll get back to you when my brain recovers.

128 ProBosniaLiberal  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:09:27pm

One of my close Muslim Friends from OU met Harry Styles from One Direction. May not like the band, but she’s happy. She also is in a Paparazzi Picture (Possibly.)

Though, Paparazzi are rather nasty critters.

129 HappyWarrior  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:10:18pm

re: #126 Dr Lizardo

Whaddaya think of my wingnut rant?

Needs more misspellings.But props to the Obamunist usage.

130 Dr Lizardo  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:11:06pm

re: #127 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too

I’ll get back to you when my brain recovers.

Excellent. That’s the effect I was going for.

Maybe I should try ghost-writing for wingnuts.

131 CuriousLurker  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:11:24pm

re: #99 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too

*clears throat*

How’d I do?

Excellent! LOL

132 Dr Lizardo  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:12:14pm

re: #129 HappyWarrior

Needs more misspellings.But props to the Obamunist usage.

Thanks! Misspellings is difficult for me as I’m somewhat pedantic about spelling.

133 Dr Lizardo  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:13:54pm

re: #131 CuriousLurker

Excellent! LOL

At least I can always write in my resumé that I’m proficient in Wingnutese.

134 wilburs  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:14:17pm

re: #126 Dr Lizardo

Whaddaya think of my wingnut rant?

Moar misspelled words please

135 HappyWarrior  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:14:39pm

re: #132 Dr Lizardo

Thanks! Misspellings is difficult for me as I’m somewhat pedantic about spelling.

Heh yeah I was lending first hand experience. But hey good work none the less.

136 Kragar  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:15:23pm

I cannot support Wendy because she is another woman intruding on a business meant to be the territory of men. Just ask Ronald McDonald, Carl, The Burger King, or Jack.

Don’t even talk to me out that fruitcake, The Dairy Queen.

137 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:16:42pm

re: #130 Dr Lizardo

Excellent. That’s the effect I was going for.

Maybe I should try ghost-writing for wingnuts.

Create a Random Wingnut Generator. Hours of entertainment for the sane.

138 Dr Lizardo  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:17:30pm

re: #135 HappyWarrior

Thanks. I saw on another site a truly epic wingnut rant….all caps. With more exclamation points than actual words. Truly impressive; 100% pure, triple-filtered distilled vitriol and hate.

139 HoosierHoops  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:17:57pm

re: #58 Kragar

Bryan Fischer is going full Godwin

[Embedded content]

Bryan Fischer wears pants. You know who else wore pants?

Pastor Fisher: Are you really comparing our great freedom loving America to the rise of the Nazi’s in 1934? If so then just spell it out.
You tweeted that it’s worth noting that the Nazi’s banned gun shows..
You’re getting closer….Go ahead take the mask off..or ask forgiveness for your sins against ‘We the People’
You said: One reason for the Holocaust: Jews in Nazi Germany were not allowed to own weapons. They had no way to defend themselves.
So you think Women, children and old men could really fight against the German Army with piss ass guns? Are you kidding me? The Germans were destroying Europe and Russia and bombing London and The Nazi’s were sweeping Countries and people aside. Those poor souls didn’t have a chance. But, At least they acted like the children of God and marched to their doom having faith and praying to Our Father.. They weren’t Hypocrites Pastor. When a true men of faith faces his greatest test in Life.. When the rubber meets the road so to speak..He then reveals his soul.. His character comes to light. I suggest tonight while you pray.. Ask for God to reveal your true soul..and judge your words and actions. Ask Jesus if he is proud of your political and religious actions and the hate you spew towards your fellow man. That’s all I ask of you…hey,, You know us Christians we all believe in redemption so we are pulling for you to find it. ( Sorry..No prayers..I’m not getting involved between God and Your sins,, It’s on you now pal )

140 Varek Raith  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:19:24pm

re: #126 Dr Lizardo

Whaddaya think of my wingnut rant?

Oh, dear, the chem trails have gotten to him.

141 Kragar  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:20:00pm

re: #139 HoosierHoops

Everyone knows all it would have taken to stop the German war machine in its tracks was a few yokels with rifles.

142 celticdragon  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:20:20pm
So very typical of you lefturd scumbags, you decide since I think sexual deviancy is wrong so I must be a hater. My disgust at a depraved lifestyle choices must have nothing to do with how filthy and perverted they are, I’m just a bigot, right? you must be a member of the demoncrapic party, abort any babies recently, collect your gub’mint stipend last week?


Of course it is deviant. Anyone with two eyes and common sense can see that. If not just check the CDC stats of all the illness homo-sex will give a person.

Aaaaannnnd this is why I own some of the guns that I have here in North Carolina…the state where a fucking unhinged guy with a shotgun blew apart a neighbor’s No on Prop 1 sign and where a nearby preacher advocated the final solution for GLBT people like me.

Greensboro is a nice college town. An awful lot of the rest of the state is bugfuck crazy, and some of these people would have no problem with beating me or my wife to death with a baseball bat if they thought they could get away with it.

143 Shvaughn  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:20:47pm

re: #137 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too

Create a Random Wingnut Generator. Hours of entertainment for the sane.

There doesn’t seem to be one yet, but this is amusing enough, albeit British in nature.

145 Mich-again  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:22:33pm
“Homosexual rights” leads to indoctrination of children. That is a fact.

Yeah better to home school your children and fill them with creationist nonsense and anti-science ignorance than to subject them to the evil indoctrination of truth.

146 Kragar  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:24:17pm

re: #142 celticdragon

Aaaaannnnd this is why I own some of the guns that I have here in North Carolina…the state where a fucking unhinged guy with a shotgun blew apart a neighbor’s No on Prop 1 sign and where a nearby preacher advocated the final solution for GLBT people like me.

Greensboro is a nice college town. An awful lot of the rest of the state is bugfuck crazy, and some of these people would have no problem with beating me or my wife to death with a baseball bat if they thought they could get away with it.

They’re not judgmental, they just think you’re a dirty pervert. Why are you a hater?

Rubio: I Don’t ‘Pass Judgment’ On The ‘Sin’ Of Homosexuality (Except When I Do)

Because who doesn’t call something they have no opinion on a sin?

147 HappyWarrior  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:25:15pm

re: #144 Kragar

Rep. Grayson mocks ‘bath salts caucus’ for voting against Sandy relief

He can be a dick but in this case they deserve the mocking.

148 Mattand  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:25:52pm

re: #58 Kragar

Bryan Fischer is going full Godwin

[Embedded content]

Bryan Fischer wears pants. You know who else wore pants?


149 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:26:16pm

re: #148 Mattand



150 AntonSirius  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:26:24pm

re: #49 Kragar

And another business which no longer wants my business…

Wendy’s Franchise Cuts Employee Hours To Part-Time To Avoid Obamacare

I didn’t know you lived in Omaha.

151 Kragar  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:27:09pm

re: #145 Mich-again

Yeah better to home school your children and fill them with creationist nonsense and anti-science ignorance than to subject them to the evil indoctrination of truth.

I can easily imagine many home schooling parents being one police siren away from reenacting Jonestown or Waco.

“This is it, they’ve finally come for us.”

152 Dr Lizardo  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:28:10pm

re: #151 Kragar

I can easily imagine many home schooling parents being one police siren away from reenacting Jonestown or Waco.

“This is it, they’ve finally come for us.”

Having known some homeschooled kids, I’d say you’re not too far off the mark.

153 Kragar  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:28:36pm

re: #150 AntonSirius

I didn’t know you lived in Omaha.

Driven thru it, so it means I potentially had the possibility of maybe choosing to eat there, BUT NEVER AGAIN!

154 Kragar  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:30:15pm

re: #149 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too


You’re implying I was wearing pants in the first place.

155 CuriousLurker  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:30:21pm

Yay, Home Depot just delivered the I’m-not-gonna-get-caught-unprepared-again emergency supplies that I decided I needed post-Sandy:

48 Qt. Coleman Cooler: Check
Solar Powered Pocket Charger (for mobile devices): Check
LED Tent Light: Check
Two Industrial Floating LED Battery-Powered Lanterns: Check
Two Multicolored LED Glow Stick Flashlights: Check

Wait… WTF? For some reason I suddenly feel the urge to dress in camouflage, join the NRA, and go shopping online for doomsday bunkers…

156 Mich-again  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:31:23pm

re: #151 Kragar

I can easily imagine many home schooling parents being one police siren away from reenacting Jonestown or Waco.

“This is it, they’ve finally come for us.”

The problem for the Country is that someday the kids that were raised to be ignorant on purpose by their wingnut and/or religious extremist parents will never reach their full potential. It’s a real form of child abuse.

157 HoosierHoops  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:31:40pm

re: #128 ProBosniaLiberal

One of my close Muslim Friends from OU met Harry Styles from One Direction. May not like the band, but she’s happy. She also is in a Paparazzi Picture (Possibly.)

Though, Paparazzi are rather nasty critters.

That’s great! It’s always cool to meet someone you admire. I’ve been lucky to met famous people in my lifetime..It’s an exciting moment that you will never forget..When I was a kid I was a autograph hound and my scrap book is full of neat moments..Some open thread I’ll ask everybody to talk about the most famous person they have met and the story behind it.

158 Varek Raith  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:32:06pm

re: #155 CuriousLurker

Yay, Home Depot just delivered the I’m-not-gonna-get-caught-unprepared-again emergency supplies that I decided I needed post-Sandy:

48 Qt. Coleman Cooler: Check
Solar Powered Pocket Charger (for mobile devices): Check
LED Tent Light: Check
Two Industrial Floating LED Battery-Powered Lanterns: Check
Two Multicolored LED Glow Stick Flashlights: Check

Wait… WTF? For some reason I suddenly feel the urge to dress in camouflage, join the NRA, and go shopping online for doomsday bunkers…

I can hook you up with a 10 terawatt shield generator.

159 Kragar  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:32:07pm

re: #155 CuriousLurker

Yay, Home Depot just delivered the I’m-not-gonna-get-caught-unprepared-again emergency supplies that I decided I needed post-Sandy:

48 Qt. Coleman Cooler: Check
Solar Powered Pocket Charger (for mobile devices): Check
LED Tent Light: Check
Two Industrial Floating LED Battery-Powered Lanterns: Check
Two Multicolored LED Glow Stick Flashlights: Check

Wait… WTF? For some reason I suddenly feel the urge to dress in camouflage, join the NRA, and go shopping online for doomsday bunkers…

I got a hand cranked Lantern/Radio/battery charger last year. I’m ready for the End Times now.

160 researchok  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:32:26pm

re: #155 CuriousLurker

Will you be joining the NRA?

161 Kragar  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:33:35pm

re: #158 Varek Raith

I can hook you up with a 10 terawatt shield generator.

You’re just trying to offload those crappy Clone War surplus models again.

162 Varek Raith  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:34:35pm

re: #161 Kragar

You’re just trying to offload those crappy Clone War surplus models again.

I’m about to drop one on you from orbit.

163 wrenchwench  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:34:36pm

re: #155 CuriousLurker

Yay, Home Depot just delivered the I’m-not-gonna-get-caught-unprepared-again emergency supplies that I decided I needed post-Sandy:

48 Qt. Coleman Cooler: Check
Solar Powered Pocket Charger (for mobile devices): Check
LED Tent Light: Check
Two Industrial Floating LED Battery-Powered Lanterns: Check
Two Multicolored LED Glow Stick Flashlights: Check

Wait… WTF? For some reason I suddenly feel the urge to dress in camouflage, join the NRA, and go shopping online for doomsday bunkers…


164 Decatur Deb  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:34:53pm

re: #142 celticdragon

Aaaaannnnd this is why I own some of the guns that I have here in North Carolina…the state where a fucking unhinged guy with a shotgun blew apart a neighbor’s No on Prop 1 sign and where a nearby preacher advocated the final solution for GLBT people like me.

Greensboro is a nice college town. An awful lot of the rest of the state is bugfuck crazy, and some of these people would have no problem with beating me or my wife to death with a baseball bat if they thought they could get away with it.

Sort of the reason I gave for lack of anti-gun enthusiasm. The next town South of here held perhaps the largest ‘spectacle’ lynching on record (2000 in the mob, from a town population of about 1000).

It’s not all Uppa Wesside out here.

165 wrenchwench  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:35:16pm

re: #158 Varek Raith

I can hook you up with a 10 terawatt shield generator.

Yes, but can you ride it to the store??? HMMMM???

166 Mattand  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:35:23pm

re: #157 HoosierHoops

That’s great! It’s always cool to meet someone you admire. I’ve been lucky to met famous people in my lifetime..It’s an exciting moment that you will never forget..When I was a kid I was a autograph hound and my scrap book is full of neat moments..Some open thread I’ll ask everybody to talk about the most famous person they have met and the story behind it.

I had Nathan Lane walk by me in a snit on a back lot at Paramount Studios.

167 Varek Raith  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:35:54pm

re: #165 wrenchwench

Yes, but can you ride it to the store??? HMMMM???

If I attach a projector to the bike, yes.
Yes I can.

168 CuriousLurker  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:36:25pm

re: #160 researchok

Will you be joining the NRA?

Yes, and next time there’s an emergency you’ll find me in my bunker clinging to my Qur’an & my guns lest the socialist Kenyan usurper send out the black helicopters to try to drag me away to a FEMA camp. DON’T TREAD ON ME!!11!

169 Dr Lizardo  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:36:39pm

re: #155 CuriousLurker

Yay, Home Depot just delivered the I’m-not-gonna-get-caught-unprepared-again emergency supplies that I decided I needed post-Sandy:

48 Qt. Coleman Cooler: Check
Solar Powered Pocket Charger (for mobile devices): Check
LED Tent Light: Check
Two Industrial Floating LED Battery-Powered Lanterns: Check
Two Multicolored LED Glow Stick Flashlights: Check

Wait… WTF? For some reason I suddenly feel the urge to dress in camouflage, join the NRA, and go shopping online for doomsday bunkers…

What? No Thompson submachine gun with 200-round drum magazine? And where’s your 50,000 round of .45 caliber ammo? I see you forgot your Barrett .50 caliber sniper rifle as well, not to mention your Glock 18 for taking on the zombie hordes and/or DHS TSA VIPR units.

170 b_sharp  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:36:44pm

re: #137 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too

Create a Random Wingnut Generator. Hours of entertainment for the sane.

Why would we have to create one? There is an entire species of them out there.

171 CuriousLurker  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:37:11pm

re: #163 wrenchwench


ZOMG, I totally forgot about the thing with the bikes! Aaaaieeeeee….

172 Kragar  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:37:24pm

re: #162 Varek Raith

I’m about to drop one on you from orbit.


173 Varek Raith  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:38:30pm

re: #172 Kragar


Let’s test just how strong it is.

174 CuriousLurker  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:38:49pm

re: #169 Dr Lizardo

YES! Gunz, I need MOAR GUNZ!

175 Mich-again  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:38:54pm

I like to point out to my GOP loyal friends and family that Fred Phelps and his congregation have the same point of view as the mainstream GOP, they are just more vocal about it. The wingnuts do get incensed with Fred Phelps for protesting military funerals, but not because they disagree with the bigotry and hatred, just that he makes an issue of it out at the wrong time and place.

176 researchok  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:39:15pm

re: #168 CuriousLurker

Stock up with enough food.

You’ll show them.

177 Dr Lizardo  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:39:31pm

re: #157 HoosierHoops

That’s great! It’s always cool to meet someone you admire. I’ve been lucky to met famous people in my lifetime..It’s an exciting moment that you will never forget..When I was a kid I was a autograph hound and my scrap book is full of neat moments..Some open thread I’ll ask everybody to talk about the most famous person they have met and the story behind it.

I met Harrison Ford when I was eight years old, in a Standard Brands paint store. I literally bumped into him…..I looked up and the first words out of my mouth were, “You’re Han Solo.” He laughed about it. I got his autograph as well, and I still have it.

178 Varek Raith  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:39:43pm

re: #174 CuriousLurker

YES! Gunz, I need MOAR GUNZ!

3600mm railgun with neutronium shells.
Also, good against Kragar and his jewelry.

179 Mich-again  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:40:29pm

re: #144 Kragar

Rep. Grayson mocks ‘bath salts caucus’ for voting against Sandy relief

The best way to combat their ignorance and hate is with mockery. There is no defense against that. It drives them even crazier.

180 Kragar  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:40:37pm

re: #174 CuriousLurker

YES! Gunz, I need MOAR GUNZ!


181 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:41:19pm

re: #178 Varek Raith

3600mm railgun with netronium shells.
Also, good against Kragar and his jewelry.

Speaking of railguns, I think it’s high time I Halo up for tonight.

182 Dr Lizardo  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:41:37pm

re: #174 CuriousLurker

YES! Gunz, I need MOAR GUNZ!

If you ever saw “The Dark Knight”, the Glock 18 was the handgun that the Joker preferred (actually, in real life it was a Glock 17 converted to full-auto fire).

183 Kragar  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:42:09pm

re: #178 Varek Raith

3600mm railgun with netronium shells.
Also, good against Kragar and his jewelry.

You’re still just mad your mystic powers turned out to be nothing more than a bacterial infection, aren’t you?

184 Political Atheist  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:42:54pm

re: #155 CuriousLurker

Yay, Home Depot just delivered the I’m-not-gonna-get-caught-unprepared-again emergency supplies that I decided I needed post-Sandy:

48 Qt. Coleman Cooler: Check
Solar Powered Pocket Charger (for mobile devices): Check
LED Tent Light: Check
Two Industrial Floating LED Battery-Powered Lanterns: Check
Two Multicolored LED Glow Stick Flashlights: Check

Wait… WTF? For some reason I suddenly feel the urge to dress in camouflage, join the NRA, and go shopping online for doomsday bunkers…


Here in tremor central we “prep” for 5 days on our own. (Pssst, it’s how we justify camping supplies we then use or consume over summer vacation) We call summer earthquakes shake and bake.

185 b_sharp  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:43:24pm

re: #163 wrenchwench


She needs to get more than one kind, each specialized for specific conditions. A pontoon bike for floods, a water filled balloon tire model for droughts and a hang glider bike for tornado season.

186 HoosierHoops  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:43:48pm

re: #166 Mattand

I had Nathan Lane walk by me in a snit on a back lot at Paramount Studios.

When I was about 15, my dad took me to hear Jesse Owens speak..He was not only inspirational but was highly motivating to this young kid. Also I got his autograph to boot..

187 Decatur Deb  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:44:42pm

re: #184 Political Atheist


Here in tremor central we “prep” for 5 days on our own. (Pssst, it’s how we justify camping supplies we then use or consume over summer vacation) We call summer earthquakes shake and bake.

When Hurricane Opal knocked us off the grid for a couple weeks, we broke out the Colman stuff and called it ‘camping in’.

188 sattv4u2  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:44:42pm

re: #166 Mattand

I had Nathan Lane walk by me in a snit on a back lot at Paramount Studios.

I would have thought he’d be wearing something else!!

189 Varek Raith  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:44:46pm

re: #183 Kragar

You’re still just mad your mystic powers turned out to be nothing more than a bacterial infection, aren’t you?

At first.
Now, I don’t care.
*Conjures Force Maelstrom*

190 Kragar  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:44:51pm

re: #185 b_sharp

She needs to get more than one kind, each specialized for specific conditions. A pontoon bike for floods, a water filled balloon tire model for droughts and a hang glider bike for tornado season.

An anti-tank bike…

Image: 2r597q9.jpg

191 CuriousLurker  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:44:59pm

re: #169 Dr Lizardo

Let me know if you happen to hear of any stores that sell nice camouflage hijabs & jilbabs. Oh, and I’m gonna need one of those headband things with the Arabic writing on them… //

192 Shvaughn  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:45:37pm

re: #190 Kragar

An anti-tank bike…

Image: 2r597q9.jpg

Well, I suppose it could be useful against Sheriff Joe.

193 wrenchwench  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:45:56pm

re: #185 b_sharp

She needs to get more than one kind, each specialized for specific conditions. A pontoon bike for floods, a water filled balloon tire model for droughts and a hang glider bike for tornado season.

BMX, mountain, road, fixie, cyclocross, time trial, and one of these:

Image: Fat+Fat+bike.jpg

194 Political Atheist  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:46:05pm

re: #158 Varek Raith

I can hook you up with a 10 terawatt shield generator.

Hey, tell her to be careful, last time I borrowed one of your flashlights I gave myself a brand new place for a window in my wall and started a brush fire a quarter mile up the road. :0)

195 Kragar  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:46:18pm

re: #189 Varek Raith

At first.
Now, I don’t care.
*Conjures Force Maelstrom*

My Culexus Assassin wonders where the weather went.

Silly, silly psykers.

196 CuriousLurker  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:46:44pm

re: #182 Dr Lizardo

If you ever saw “The Dark Knight”, the Glock 18 was the handgun that the Joker preferred (actually, in real life it was a Glock 17 converted to full-auto fire).

Ah, yes, I’ve seen it. Didn’t know that was the Joker’s weapon.

197 b_sharp  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:47:48pm

re: #193 wrenchwench

BMX, mountain, road, fixie, cyclocross, time trial, and one of these:

Image: Fat+Fat+bike.jpg

The perfect drought bike.

198 CuriousLurker  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:48:03pm

re: #184 Political Atheist

Here in tremor central we “prep” for 5 days on our own. (Pssst, it’s how we justify camping supplies we then use or consume over summer vacation) We call summer earthquakes shake and bake.


199 Decatur Deb  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:49:15pm

re: #193 wrenchwench

BMX, mountain, road, fixie, cyclocross, time trial, and one of these:

Image: Fat+Fat+bike.jpg

My (model) Rover equipped for a dip:

Image: LandRoverswim.jpeg

200 Dr Lizardo  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:49:36pm

re: #191 CuriousLurker

Let me know if you happen to hear of any stores that sell nice camouflage hijabs & jilbabs. Oh, and I’m gonna need one of those headband things with the Arabic writing on them… //

Camo hijabs and jilbabs…..there’s a market there for Muslim preppers. A headband with the shahada; [Link:…]

201 CuriousLurker  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:49:55pm

re: #199 Decatur Deb

My (model) Rover equipped for a dip:

Image: LandRoverswim.jpeg

Whoa! O_o

202 Mich-again  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:50:07pm

re: #193 wrenchwench

BMX, mountain, road, fixie, cyclocross, time trial, and one of these:

Image: Fat+Fat+bike.jpg

It would be easier to walk than pedal that behemoth.

203 wrenchwench  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:50:58pm

re: #202 Mich-again

It would be easier to walk than pedal that behemoth.

Except for down hill.

204 Kragar  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:51:25pm

re: #199 Decatur Deb

My (model) Rover equipped for a dip:

Image: LandRoverswim.jpeg

Needs more corkscrews.

Image: screw_drive_tank.jpg

205 researchok  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:51:50pm

re: #193 wrenchwench

I like the way that just blends into the background.

206 Mich-again  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:52:35pm

re: #203 wrenchwench

Except for down hill.

Good point..

207 CuriousLurker  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:52:46pm

re: #200 Dr Lizardo

Camo hijabs and jilbabs…..there’s a market there for Muslim preppers. A headband with the shahada; [Link:…]

How did I know that someone would manage to come up with the itmes on my list in no time flat? LOL

Oh, look—here, about 3/4 of the way down the page—camo burqas! Woohoo!!

208 sattv4u2  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:52:47pm

re: #203 wrenchwench

Except for down hill.

Depends on the hill!!
Image: WotR77RealWorldPhysics003.jpg

That one, I’d take my chances walking

209 Decatur Deb  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:53:10pm

re: #204 Kragar

Needs more corkscrews.

Image: screw_drive_tank.jpg

Full-tracked versions:


210 b_sharp  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:53:17pm

re: #202 Mich-again

It would be easier to walk than pedal that behemoth.

Gear down.

It would work great here or here.

211 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:53:51pm

Back to the topic of railguns and MOAR DAKKA, I have this: IMPRESSIVE.

212 CuriousLurker  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:54:02pm

re: #208 sattv4u2

Depends on the hill!!
Image: WotR77RealWorldPhysics003.jpg

That one, I’d take my chances walking


213 sattv4u2  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:54:30pm

re: #212 CuriousLurker


Hey. How do you think the mailman feels!!!

214 Kragar  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:55:06pm

Bishop: Concern for LGBT people motivates opposition to same-sex marriage

In a column in this week’s Rhode Island Catholic, Tobin said that allowing same-sex couples to receive the same benefits and protections as opposite-sex couples was “immoral and unnecessary.” He said that “traditional” marriage affirmed “the complementary roles of males and females,” and provided the best environment for raising children.

“It’s important to emphasize once again, however, that while rejecting homosexual activity, the Catholic Church has consistently promoted respect and pastoral care for individuals with same-sex attraction,” the bishop added. “They are children of God and our brothers and sisters. They are invited to be members of our churches. It is our very concern for their spiritual welfare, however, that motivates our rejection of the homosexual lifestyle and same-sex marriage.”

The good old “We’re doing this for your own good” line, just like abusers and psychos have said through out history.

215 Dr Lizardo  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:55:24pm

re: #207 CuriousLurker

How did I know that someone would manage to come up with the itmes on my list in no time flat? LOL

Oh, look—here, about 3/4 of the way down the page—camo burqas! Woohoo!!

Camo burqas…..they’ll never see you coming. MOOOWAHAHAHAHAHA!

216 goddamnedfrank  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:55:40pm

re: #163 wrenchwench


It occurred to me that nobody rides bikes in post apocalyptic movies, and I wondered why. In a real collapse scenario a good mountain bike with rack and a Bob trailer would be the balls. You can haul all your gear around, won’t need any gas and since zombies can’t ride for shit you can easily outrun them.

Then I realized that it was an aesthetic problem, people on bikes look happy and that doesn’t work if the goal is to portray a gritty dystopia. My Master’s thesis explored this as as similarity between bicycling and photography, that both activities foster a sense of freedom, independence, creating an ability and desire to explore one’s environment - that people who show an avid interest in both activities independently tend to associate each with these themes/feelings. Both technologies were invented and co-evolved in the same place and time. The first art photography exhibition in the United States was organized by the Capital Cycling Club. This 1896 Washington Salon and Art Photography Exhibition is where the Smithsonian made some of its first major purchases.

217 Kragar  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:56:44pm

re: #215 Dr Lizardo

Camo burqas…..they’ll never see you coming. MOOOWAHAHAHAHAHA!

I had a pack of camouflage condoms that promised the same thing…

218 Mich-again  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:57:02pm

re: #210 b_sharp

Gear down.

That is a one-speed bike with pretty much the same size sprocket in front and back. Pedaling that bike would be like climbing stairs. ha

219 Decatur Deb  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:57:28pm

re: #215 Dr Lizardo

Camo burqas…..they’ll never see you coming. MOOOWAHAHAHAHAHA!

It’s been done:

Image: 1351881011-23560-15.jpg

220 b_sharp  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:58:26pm

re: #209 Decatur Deb

Full-tracked versions:


There is a Suzuki Samurai retrofitted with tracks like that just a few blocks away. Around here the larger farms are moving toward tractors with tracks very similar to those.

221 researchok  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 3:59:28pm
222 Shvaughn  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 4:00:06pm

re: #214 Kragar

Bishop: Concern for LGBT people motivates opposition to same-sex marriage

The good old “We’re doing this for your own good” line, just like abusers and psychos have said through out history.

I’m a fan of religious people who support same-sex marriage because of their concern for LGBT people.

That’s an ever-increasing number these days, including my own mom — who attends a church that opposes same-sex marriage, and she quit being an elder there because of their stance on the subject.

223 sattv4u2  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 4:00:17pm

re: #221 researchok

Yeah, but do you have one of these in camo?

Why do i expect to see two dozen Smurfs coming out of that ???

224 CuriousLurker  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 4:00:57pm

re: #215 Dr Lizardo

Camo burqas…..they’ll never see you coming. MOOOWAHAHAHAHAHA!

Did you see the Israeli burqa? Now I can really go undercover—no one will ever notice me wearing that!

That’s got to be a parody site, heh.

225 Mich-again  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 4:01:23pm

Just because … We’re #1 Moses from the campus of Notre Dame..

I know everyone is picking Alabama, but I want to see ND win.

And don’t forget the Irish already beat the other team in College football named after a shade a red earlier this season..

226 b_sharp  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 4:01:37pm

re: #219 Decatur Deb

It’s been done:

Image: 1351881011-23560-15.jpg

Isn’t that the swamp thing?

227 wrenchwench  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 4:02:16pm

In other news:

Hello All,

Please be advised that the previously scheduled BIENNIAL MEETING of the RP[XX] January 19, 2013 has been RESCHEDULED. The new date to be determined.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Republican Party of [Xxxx] County

If you aren’t going to use the old date, and you don’t have a new date, doesn’t that mean it’s cancelled, not ‘rescheduled’?

That came roughly six weeks after this:


In order to conserve available funds, we wanted you all to know that by a majority vote of the Central Committee of the Republican Party of [Xxxx] County, the office at xxx Highway xxx in Xxxxx is now officially closed.


If you need to contact RPXX, for the time being, our email and telephone will be active. If the email address changes, you will be notified of the new email address.

Then they disconnected the phone, took down the website, and changed the email address.

228 CuriousLurker  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 4:03:53pm

Son’s on the phone—gotta run. Later, lizards.

229 wrenchwench  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 4:04:06pm

re: #216 goddamnedfrank

It occurred to me that nobody rides bikes in post apocalyptic movies, and I wondered why. In a real collapse scenario a good mountain bike with rack and a Bob trailer would be the balls. You can haul all your gear around, won’t need any gas and since zombies can’t ride for shit you can easily outrun them.

Then I realized that it was an aesthetic problem, people on bikes look happy and that’s doesn’t work if the goal is to portray a gritty dystopia. My Master’s thesis explored this as as similarity between bicycling and photography, that both activities foster a sense of freedom, independence, creating an ability and desire to explore one’s environment - that people who show an avid interest in both activities independently tend to associate each with these themes/feelings. Both technologies were invented and co-evolved in the same place and time. The first art photography exhibition in the United States was organized by the Capital Cycling Club. This 1896 Washington Salon and Art Photography Exhibition is where the Smithsonian made some of it’s first major purchases.

Coool! Great idea for the thesis! Wouldn’t mind reading it some time.

Happy Dystopia would make a good band name.

230 b_sharp  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 4:04:13pm

re: #227 wrenchwench

In other news:

If you aren’t going to use the old date, and you don’t have a new date, doesn’t that mean it’s cancelled, not ‘rescheduled’?

That came roughly six weeks after this:

Then they disconnected the phone, took down the website, and changed the email address.

Now that’s organization.

231 Decatur Deb  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 4:04:14pm

re: #226 b_sharp

Isn’t that the swamp thing?

We held a field training exercise in Turkey, unloading a thousand or so troops from contract 747s. One reservist clown lieutenant showed up dressed like that.

232 sattv4u2  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 4:04:38pm

re: #225 Mich-again

Just because … We’re #1 Moses from the campus of Notre Dame..

I know everyone is picking Alabama, but I want to see ND win.

And don’t forget the Irish already beat the other team in College football named after a shade a red earlier this season..

My head says Bama but my heart says ND

TouchDown Jesus
Image: tdj.jpg

233 b_sharp  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 4:05:01pm

re: #229 wrenchwench

Coool! Great idea for the thesis! Wouldn’t mind reading it some time.

Happy Dystopia would make a good band name.

My first band was named Frozen Heat.

234 Dr Lizardo  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 4:08:13pm

re: #224 CuriousLurker

Did you see the Israeli burqa? Now I can really go undercover—no one will ever notice me wearing that!

That’s got to be a parody site, heh.

It could be, I honestly don’t know. The Israeli burqa certainly made me say “Whaaaat?”

235 researchok  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 4:08:58pm

re: #229 wrenchwench

One of the great Dystopia quotes:

“It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.”
― George Orwell, 1984

236 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 4:11:52pm

re: #226 b_sharp

Isn’t that the swamp thing?

That’s a sniper ghillie.

237 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 4:13:00pm

re: #224 CuriousLurker

Did you see the Israeli burqa? Now I can really go undercover—no one will ever notice me wearing that!

That’s got to be a parody site, heh.

Wait, what?

No, there really is a cult of Jewish women who wear burqas. They creep me right out.

238 Eventual Carrion  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 4:14:27pm

re: #145 Mich-again

Yeah better to home school your children and fill them with creationist nonsense and anti-science ignorance than to subject them to the evil indoctrination of truth.

Then bitch because they can’t get a good job after getting out of “school”.That’s alright, they can make min wage as long as that is around.But remember, you have a right to work, until the day you fucking die on the way to work, you have a right to work.

239 b_sharp  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 4:14:52pm

re: #236 Vicious Babushka

That’s a sniper ghillie.

Do you always answer a smartass attempt at a humorous comment with the literal truth?

240 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 4:15:31pm

re: #239 b_sharp

Do you always answer a smartass attempt at a humorous comment with the literal truth?

I thought, being Canadian, you might not know what that is.

241 Amory Blaine  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 4:16:23pm

Russell County teen accused of plan to bomb high school released on $75,000 bond

Derek Shrout, 17, was released Monday afternoon from Russell County Jail on a $75,000 bond after he was arrested for allegedly planning to use homemade explosives in a terrorist attack on fellow students at Russell County High School in Seale, Ala.

242 b_sharp  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 4:16:46pm

re: #237 Vicious Babushka

Wait, what?

No, there really is a cult of Jewish women who wear burqas. They creep me right out.

Why do they do that?

243 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 4:18:09pm

re: #242 b_sharp

Why do they do that?

Bad hair days and feeling fat.//

244 b_sharp  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 4:21:08pm

re: #240 Vicious Babushka

I thought, being Canadian, you might not know what that is.

A Canadian sniper in Afghanistan has been confirmed as hitting an enemy soldier at a range of 2,310 meters, the longest recorded and confirmed sniper shot in history. The previous record of 2,250 meters was set by US Marine sniper Carlos Hathcock in Vietnam in 1967. The Canadian sniper was at an altitude of 8,500 feet and the target, across a valley, was at 9,000 feet. Canadian sniper units often operated in support of US infantry units, which were grateful for their help. The record lasted only one day, until a second Canadian sniper hit an enemy soldier at 2,400 meters (8000 feet).

245 Shvaughn  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 4:23:35pm

[Link:…]re: #244 b_sharp

Canadian sniper units often operated in support of US infantry units, which were grateful for their help.

Except when we negligently blow them up.

246 b_sharp  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 4:23:49pm

re: #240 Vicious Babushka

I thought, being Canadian, you might not know what that is.

Canadian sniper.

247 b_sharp  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 4:26:58pm

re: #245 Shvaughn


Except when we negligently blow them up.

Shit happens.

248 Interesting Times  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 4:27:53pm

re: #216 goddamnedfrank

It occurred to me that nobody rides bikes in post apocalyptic movies, and I wondered why.

Do you write for in your spare time? ;)

(though in addition to the “aesthetic” thing, another reason bicycles may be unpopular in dystopias is they aren’t usually considered a “macho” mode of transport. Perhaps films like this may change that)

249 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 4:35:37pm

re: #246 b_sharp

Canadian sniper.

Warning - Item Canadian Sniper - Flying body Parts might contain content that is not suitable for all ages.

By clicking on CONTINUE you confirm that you are 18 years and over.

250 wrenchwench  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 4:36:45pm

re: #248 Interesting Times

(though in addition to the “aesthetic” thing, another reason bicycles may be unpopular in dystopias is they aren’t usually considered a “macho” mode of transport. Perhaps films like this may change that)

Those guys shave their legs!!!11

251 goddamnedfrank  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 4:38:26pm

Another link between early development of the bicycle and photography I found during the preliminary research of the literature for my thesis - Nicéphore Niépce, prior to creating the first known photographic image, had coined the term velocipede and invented the first adjustable saddle.

252 Killgore Trout  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 4:40:21pm

Surprisingly little complaining from the moonbats over the Brennan nomination. He seems like a really interesting guy
He was studying to be a priest but decided to join the CIA.

253 b_sharp  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 4:43:02pm

re: #249 Vicious Babushka

Warning - Item Canadian Sniper - Flying body Parts might contain content that is not suitable for all ages.

By clicking on CONTINUE you confirm that you are 18 years and over.

Sorry, I should have added that warning.

254 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 4:46:47pm

My Derp list can’t keep up with #TGDN. There is more Derp there than at a DerpMart.

255 HappyWarrior  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 4:49:03pm

re: #252 Killgore Trout

Surprisingly little complaining from the moonbats over the Brennan nomination. He seems like a really interesting guy
He was studying to be a priest but decided to join the CIA.

That is interesting. You hear about people who consider the priesthood then change their minds but seldom someone who was actually studying for it. Anyhow, I think he’ll be a good pick. He’s obviously qualified for the job.

256 researchok  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 4:49:41pm

re: #252 Killgore Trout

Power is power, earthly or heavenly.

257 Gus  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 4:51:24pm

re: #244 b_sharp


258 ReamWorks SKG  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 4:51:28pm

If anyone needs a palate cleanser, see the Whitehouse’s Year in Photos 2012


259 Killgore Trout  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 4:52:13pm

re: #256 researchok

Power is power, earthly or heavenly.

Interesting angle. I wouldn’t want to run into him in a dimly lit confessional.

260 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 4:57:39pm

re: #49 Kragar

And another business which no longer wants my business…

Wendy’s Franchise Cuts Employee Hours To Part-Time To Avoid Obamacare

Remember, that’s just the franchise in Omaha. Don’t hold it against franchisees in other cities who have no ability to control what Omaha does.

261 Gus  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 4:59:15pm

re: #253 b_sharp

Sorry, I should have added that warning.


Varmint Video Clips: Varmint Safari II: Rock Chucks

WARNING: Contains video of exploding Marmots.

262 Stanghazi  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:08:51pm

I haven’t done a page in ages. My writing skills suck lately.

Today on the way home I cried in my car listening to an NPR story. I did a page. Hope some will listen.


263 b_sharp  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:14:15pm

re: #262 Stanghazi

I haven’t done a page in ages. My writing skills suck lately.

Today on the way home I cried in my car listening to an NPR story. I did a page. Hope some will listen.



264 Romantic Heretic  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:15:13pm

re: #26 Dark_Falcon

That was one hell of an interesting read.

265 Stanghazi  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:15:49pm

And….am I missing the spell check button on the pages? Fucking A.

266 b_sharp  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:17:58pm

re: #262 Stanghazi

I haven’t done a page in ages. My writing skills suck lately.

Today on the way home I cried in my car listening to an NPR story. I did a page. Hope some will listen.


All I can tell you is I’m trying to be part of the solution, not part of the problem and I know a lot of other fathers trying to do the same.

267 reidh  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:18:18pm

You, the writer of this article let others comments about ghey rights stand as though that one would question the notion is demonstration enough and alone to condemn them. Are you completely ghey or what?

268 Romantic Heretic  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:18:28pm

re: #32 Lidane

These morons DO know that homosexuality was declassified as a mental disorder back in the late 60’s, right?

There has been no history since the 1950s in these people’s minds. 1850s for some. 1150s for extreme nutbags.

269 b_sharp  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:19:28pm

re: #267 reidh

You, the writer of this article let others comments about ghey rights stand as though that one would question the notion is demonstration enough and alone to condemn them. Are you completely ghey or what?


270 wrenchwench  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:20:14pm

re: #267 reidh

Greetings, hatchling.

May I request a rewrite in the interest of clarity?

271 b_sharp  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:22:01pm

re: #270 wrenchwench

Greetings, hatchling.

May I request a rewrite in the interest of clarity?

I think he/she/it was condemning Charles for something. I’m not quite sure what though.

272 aagcobb  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:23:29pm

re: #267 reidh

You, the writer of this article let others comments about ghey rights stand as though that one would question the notion is demonstration enough and alone to condemn them. Are you completely ghey or what?

If I unpacked that comment correctly, it deserves a downding just for the assumption that calling someone gay is an insult.

273 Gus  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:24:15pm

re: #271 b_sharp

I think he/she/it was condemning Charles for something. I’m not quite sure what though.

Anyone who condemns someone based solely on the fact that they are anti-gay, is gay.

274 rwdflynavy  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:26:32pm

re: #249 Vicious Babushka

Warning - Item Canadian Sniper - Flying body Parts might contain content that is not suitable for all ages.

By clicking on CONTINUE you confirm that you are 18 years and over.

VB, I posted this earlier, thought you might be interested.

href=”[Link:…]>Today’s Google Doodle in Israel.

Howdy Honcos,

A friend of mine’s great grandfather is being celebrated on the Israeli Google site today Eliezer Ben-Yehuda. He worked to reestablish Hebrew among the Jews. My favorite quote: “”Before Ben‑Yehuda, Jews could speak Hebrew; after him, they did.”

275 Gus  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:27:17pm

re: #269 b_sharp


Deep. Thoughts.

276 b_sharp  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:27:38pm

re: #273 Gus

Go take a shower. You got some on you.

Play with the pigs, or decrypt their screeds, and you’ll only get dirty.

277 b_sharp  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:28:58pm

re: #275 Gus

Derp. Thoughts.

278 Kragar  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:29:11pm

I’m sensing authentic frontier gibberish ahead.

279 Stanghazi  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:29:17pm

re: #270 wrenchwench

Greetings, hatchling.

May I request a rewrite in the interest of clarity?

Then I will take back my down ding. If it makes sense.

280 Gus  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:29:56pm

re: #278 Kragar

I’m sensing authentic frontier gibberish ahead.

Let me grab my washboard. You can play the juice harp.

281 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:30:09pm

re: #267 reidh

You, the writer of this article let others comments about ghey rights stand as though that one would question the notion is demonstration enough and alone to condemn them. Are you completely ghey or what?

Google translate mutilation, what’s the original language?

282 bratwurst  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:31:23pm
283 b_sharp  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:31:38pm

re: #281 Vicious Babushka

Google translate mutilation, what’s the original language?

I think a minor dialect of Southern Derp.

284 wrenchwench  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:32:05pm

re: #279 Stanghazi

Then I will take back my down ding. If it makes sense.

It’s spreading.

285 rwdflynavy  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:32:09pm

re: #274 rwdflynavy

VB, I posted this earlier, thought you might be interested.

href=”[Link:…]>Today’s Google Doodle in Israel.

Great, I make my post right in the middle of some troll dropping a steamer on Charles’ living room rug…

286 freetoken  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:33:07pm

re: #283 b_sharp

I think a minor dialect of Southern Derp.

Nah… I vote for one of Sheriff Joe’s volunteers.

287 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:34:13pm


If they’re “welfare recipients” they won’t be on the tax rolls! DERP!

288 Gus  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:35:45pm

re: #287 Vicious Babushka


[Embedded content]

If they’re “welfare recipients” they won’t be on the tax rolls! DERP!

Adolf Obama? Oh brother.

289 Targetpractice  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:35:48pm

re: #287 Vicious Babushka


[Embedded content]

If they’re “welfare recipients” they won’t be on the tax rolls! DERP!

All welfare recipients? Cool, I’d like to see how many “rugged individualists” are in fact living on the dole.

290 Gus  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:37:14pm

re: #289 Targetpractice

All welfare recipients? Cool, I’d like to see how many “rugged individualists” are in fact living on the dole.

We can publish names and addresses of all welfare recipients and stare at them. The names and addresses that is. //

291 Decatur Deb  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:37:19pm

re: #288 Gus

Adolf Obama? Oh brother.

From a small Kenyan village in Bavaria.

292 freetoken  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:38:41pm

re: #252 Killgore Trout

He was studying to be a priest but decided to join the CIA.

Hail Mary, full of grace.
Our black helicopters are with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy conclave,
Holy Mary, Mother of Cloaks,
spy on us sinners,
now and at the hour of our internet use.

293 Targetpractice  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:38:53pm

re: #290 Gus

We can publish names and addresses of all welfare recipients and stare at them. The names and addresses that is. //

re: #290 Gus

We can publish names and addresses of all welfare recipients and stare at them. The names and addresses that is. //

Heh, I wonder how many of those who right now think anybody who’s on “welfare” should be demonized would be shocked to find out friends or family are in fact recipients?

294 b_sharp  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:40:24pm

re: #284 wrenchwench

It’s spreading.

It speaks not goodest or under standible.

295 Eventual Carrion  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:40:48pm

re: #291 Decatur Deb

From a small Kenyan village in Bavaria.

A little coffee growing community.

296 wrenchwench  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:43:47pm

Image: hB95E04BF.jpg

Later, lizards.

297 Gus  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:44:03pm

re: #294 b_sharp

It speaks not goodest or under standible.

Maybe he’s with Insane Clown Posse.

298 jaunte  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:44:50pm

Taiwan boats off Senkakus / JCG: 40 fishing vessels, 8 patrol ships enter Japanese waters

About 40 Taiwan fishing boats escorted by eight patrol vessels entered Japanese territorial waters off Uotsurijima island, one of the Senkaku Islands, in Ishigaki, Okinawa Prefecture, on Tuesday morning, the Japan Coast Guard said.

JCG patrol ships warned them by radio and other means to leave the territorial waters. The area was packed with a total of about 50 Taiwan fishing boats and patrol ships from Taiwan’s Coast Guard Administration as well as JCG patrol ships, with Taiwan and Japanese patrol ships spraying water at each other.

About four hours later, all the Taiwan ships left Japanese waters.

299 bratwurst  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:48:34pm
300 freetoken  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:48:44pm

In the news… as I mentioned last week, this week is the annual American Astronomical Society meetings, and among the very many topics of presentations are exoplanet studies, and the top of that list are the latest Kepler findings.

Today the Kepler team released the results of the next series of their analyses:

NASA’s Kepler telescope finds 461 potential new planets

NASA’s Kepler space telescope has uncovered another 461 potential new planets, most of which are the size of Earth or a few times larger, scientists said on Monday.

The announcement brings Kepler’s head count to 2,740 candidate new worlds, 105 of which have been confirmed.

“Two years ago we had around 1,200 candidate planet objects. A year later, we added a significant number of new objects and saw the trend of huge numbers of very small planets … twice the size of Earth and smaller,” Kepler astronomer Christopher Burke told a news conference webcast from the American Astronomical Society conference in Long Beach, California.

With the addition of 461 new candidate planets, collected over 22 months of Kepler telescope observations, the proliferation of smaller planets continues.

The new targets include what appears to be a planet about 1.5 times bigger than Earth circling its sun-like parent star in a 242-day orbit - a distance where liquid water, believed to be necessary for life, could exist on its surface.

In related research, astronomers have determined that about one in six sun-like stars have Earth-sized planets circling their parent stars closer than Mercury’s 88-day day orbit around the sun.


Announcing 461 New Kepler Planet Candidates


For more about Fressin’s presentation, see Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Press Release 2013-01. Excerpt: …50 percent of stars have a planet of Earth-size or larger in a close orbit. By adding larger planets, which have been detected in wider orbits up to the orbital distance of the Earth, this number reaches 70 percent. …it looks like practically all Sun-like stars have planets. …17 percent of stars have a planet 0.8 - 1.25 times the size of Earth in an orbit of 85 days or less. About one-fourth of stars have a super-Earth (1.25 - 2 times the size of Earth) in an orbit of 150 days or less. …The same fraction of stars has a mini-Neptune (2 - 4 times Earth) in orbits up to 250 days long. Larger planets are much less common. Only about 3 percent of stars have a large Neptune (4 - 6 times Earth), and only 5 percent of stars have a gas giant (6 - 22 times Earth) in an orbit of 400 days or less.


I hope you are short on “planets” on the inter-galactic board of exchange.

301 BongCrodny  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:48:51pm

re: #294 b_sharp

It speaks not goodest or under standible.

It’s not very “reidhable,” is it?

302 Feline Fearless Leader  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:49:41pm

re: #185 b_sharp

She needs to get more than one kind, each specialized for specific conditions. A pontoon bike for floods, a water filled balloon tire model for droughts and a hang glider bike for tornado season.

And get one with automatic 15-gear shift before they get banned and you are limited to 5 gears only!
/// ;)

303 Targetpractice  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:50:12pm

re: #300 freetoken

In the news… as I mentioned last week, this week is the annual American Astronomical Society meetings, and among the very many topics of presentations are exoplanet studies, and the top of that list are the latest Kepler findings.

Today the Kepler team released the results of the next series of their analyses:

NASA’s Kepler telescope finds 461 potential new planets

Announcing 461 New Kepler Planet Candidates

I hope you are short on “planets” on the inter-galactic board of exchange.

Somebody call Cochrane, tell him to get a hurry on that warp ship.


304 PhillyPretzel  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:51:52pm

re: #303 Targetpractice

I will get on the FTL Com and put a call to the GNS Honor Harrington and tell Her Grace to hurry up and get here. /

305 rwdflynavy  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:54:17pm

re: #294 b_sharp

It speaks not goodest or under standible.

Your (sic) just being mean. Your (sic) just a meanie…//

306 b_sharp  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:54:33pm

re: #300 freetoken

In the news… as I mentioned last week, this week is the annual American Astronomical Society meetings, and among the very many topics of presentations are exoplanet studies, and the top of that list are the latest Kepler findings.

Today the Kepler team released the results of the next series of their analyses:

NASA’s Kepler telescope finds 461 potential new planets

Announcing 461 New Kepler Planet Candidates

I hope you are short on “planets” on the inter-galactic board of exchange.

Time to send out some generation ships.

307 b_sharp  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:55:06pm

re: #305 rwdflynavy

Your (sic) just being mean. Your (sic) just a meanie…//

I arse.

308 Gus  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:55:19pm

re: #299 bratwurst

[Embedded content]

Reagan? What is it?

309 jaunte  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:56:00pm

re: #306 b_sharp

Call the first one “Galt’s Destiny.”

310 Targetpractice  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:57:11pm

re: #309 jaunte

Call the first one “Galt’s Destiny.”

Offer one-way tickets aboard the S.S. Ayn Rand to all “rugged individualists” who wish to get away from “socialists.”

311 Feline Fearless Leader  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:57:30pm

re: #225 Mich-again

Just because … We’re #1 Moses from the campus of Notre Dame..

I know everyone is picking Alabama, but I want to see ND win.

And don’t forget the Irish already beat the other team in College football named after a shade a red earlier this season..

Nice horns he has there.

312 Gus  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:57:31pm

re: #307 b_sharp

I arse.

I Al Roker

313 Gus  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 5:58:19pm

re: #307 b_sharp

I arse.

Hey. What I was saying above was that sniper video is bogus. It’s not a sniper video. It’s taken from that “varmint hunting” video.

314 b_sharp  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 6:00:29pm

re: #313 Gus

Hey. What I was saying above was that sniper video is bogus. It’s not a sniper video. It’s taken from that “varmint hunting” video.


How did you find it?

315 freetoken  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 6:01:05pm

Here’s a powerpoint file of the presentation given at the Kepler press conference this afternoon:



We now have good data to show that nearly all stars have planets, and most of these solar systems’ have inner planets which are of Earth-sized or slightly larger.

Now what do we do?

316 Gus  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 6:01:19pm

re: #314 b_sharp


How did you find it?

Reading through comments and then Googling the source.

317 Targetpractice  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 6:01:47pm

re: #315 freetoken

Here’s a powerpoint file of the presentation given at the Kepler press conference this afternoon:



We now have good data to show that nearly all stars have planets, and most of these solar systems’ inner planets are of Earth-sized or slightly larger.

Now what do we do?

Go boldly where no man has gone before?


318 Gus  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 6:02:13pm

re: #315 freetoken

Here’s a powerpoint file of the presentation given at the Kepler press conference this afternoon:



We now have good data to show that nearly all stars have planets, and most of these solar systems’ inner planets are of Earth-sized or slightly larger.

Now what do we do?

Create a White House petition. /

319 Feline Fearless Leader  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 6:03:30pm

re: #289 Targetpractice

All welfare recipients? Cool, I’d like to see how many “rugged individualists” are in fact living on the dole.

I’m sure that would really go over well in rural America.

320 b_sharp  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 6:03:32pm

re: #316 Gus

Reading through comments and then Googling the source.

The site looked strange but I didn’t see any phishing warnings and the info fit my remembrance of the real record so I put it through.

321 Gus  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 6:04:43pm

re: #267 reidh

Well. Speak up! The world awaits more of your wisdom.

322 bratwurst  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 6:05:09pm
323 Decatur Deb  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 6:07:55pm

re: #315 freetoken

Here’s a powerpoint file of the presentation given at the Kepler press conference this afternoon:



We now have good data to show that nearly all stars have planets, and most of these solar systems’ have inner planets which are of Earth-sized or slightly larger.

Now what do we do?

At least one exoplanet is close enough for a 24-yr radio conversation. If you want them to know we’re here.

324 darthstar  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 6:08:18pm

The fighting Irish are playing football like they’re fucking Irish.

325 Dancing along the light of day  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 6:08:34pm

re: #284 wrenchwench

It’s spreading.


326 Gus  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 6:09:49pm

re: #322 bratwurst

[Embedded content]

Cwazy people…

327 Gus  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 6:10:34pm

Or maybe ironic sarcasm. Or something.

328 engineer cat  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 6:11:08pm

re: #323 Decatur Deb

At least one exoplanet is close enough for a 24-yr radio conversation. If you want then to know we’re here.

just about now they would be watching tammy faye baker return to teevee and the waning days of the reagan administration

i’m not wondering why they don’t contact us

329 b_sharp  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 6:12:13pm

re: #323 Decatur Deb

At least one exoplanet is close enough for a 24-yr radio conversation. If you want then to know we’re here.

Who will make the introductions?

330 engineer cat  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 6:12:39pm

It’s spreading.

i can speak lolcat but not teh loltrool

331 bratwurst  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 6:12:40pm

re: #327 Gus

Or maybe ironic sarcasm. Or something.

I think we can all agree: beating your lesbian daughter with the butt of a gun OR the butt of a liberal would be WRONG…VERY WRONG.

332 Decatur Deb  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 6:12:47pm

re: #329 b_sharp

Who will make the introductions?

Chuck Berry


333 Romantic Heretic  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 6:12:53pm

re: #204 Kragar

Needs more corkscrews.

Image: screw_drive_tank.jpg

That looks like something Gerry Anderson designed.

334 darthstar  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 6:14:03pm

re: #204 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

Needs more corkscrews.

Image: screw_drive_tank.jpg

Herbie the love tank!
Image: herbielovebug.jpg

335 SpaceJesus  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 6:14:09pm

roll tide i guess. defeat the papists

336 darthstar  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 6:15:17pm

re: #335 SpaceJesus

roll tide i guess. defeat the papists

Notre Dame has them right where they want them…in the lead and overconfident.

337 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 6:15:38pm

re: #324 darthstar

The fighting Irish are playing football like they’re fucking Irish.

I don’t know. I think the Irish could probably play better football than these clowns.

338 wilburs  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 6:16:17pm

Fascinating article:

Robbins, who is thirty-eight and lives in Las Vegas, is a peculiar variety-arts hybrid, known in the trade as a theatrical pickpocket.

He is probably best known for an encounter with Jimmy Carter’s Secret Service detail in 2001. While Carter was at dinner, Robbins struck up a conversation with several of his Secret Service men. Within a few minutes, he had emptied the agents’ pockets of pretty much everything but their guns. Robbins brandished a copy of Carter’s itinerary, and when an agent snatched it back he said, “You don’t have the authorization to see that!” When the agent felt for his badge, Robbins produced it and handed it back. Then he turned to the head of the detail and handed him his watch, his badge, and the keys to the Carter motorcade.

Read more: [Link:…]

339 Shvaughn  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 6:16:40pm

re: #334 darthstar

Herbie the love tank!
Image: herbielovebug.jpg

Image: vw-tank-1.jpg

340 Gus  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 6:16:41pm

re: #334 darthstar

Herbie the love tank!
Image: herbielovebug.jpg

Have an Amphirol.

341 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 6:17:53pm

re: #340 Gus

Have an Amphirol.

re: #340 Gus

Have an Amphirol.

I take two of those to help my gas problem.

/Oh wait, that’s not what you meant?

342 Stanghazi  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 6:18:10pm

re: #324 darthstar

The fighting Irish are playing football like they’re fucking Irish.

I switched.

343 Decatur Deb  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 6:18:11pm

re: #334 darthstar

Herbie the love tank!
Image: herbielovebug.jpg

Some of these made it all the way to shore on D-Day:

344 Interesting Times  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 6:20:08pm

re: #324 darthstar

The fighting Irish are playing football like they’re fucking Irish.

I take it that means they’re losing? After reading this, I rather want them to.

345 jaunte  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 6:20:17pm

Here’s a car with good climbing abilities:

346 Gus  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 6:22:59pm

re: #343 Decatur Deb

Some of these made it all the way to shore on D-Day:

[Embedded content]

Quack, quack. I think most sunk.

347 Targetpractice  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 6:24:27pm

re: #346 Gus

Quack, quack. I think most sunk.

They did. Those things were unstable in even calm seas. Normandy on D-Day was anything but. The few that got ashore did provide some fire support, but nothing like was planned.

348 Interesting Times  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 6:24:59pm

What does that anti-Semitic Hamas supporter know anyway?!?! Oh wait…

349 jaunte  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 6:25:11pm

Alex Jones just out-Fellinied Piers Morgan.

350 NJDhockeyfan  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 6:25:16pm

Evening lizards.

I’m watching the national championship on ESPN’s 3D channel. I love my TV.

351 Gus  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 6:26:27pm

re: #345 jaunte

Here’s a car with good climbing abilities:

Ha. Typical. It’s not a real Mini Cooper but apparently the city is still throwing a fit.

352 jaunte  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 6:27:04pm

re: #351 Gus

I found a better picture. It appears to be just a fiberglass shell.

353 Interesting Times  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 6:28:05pm
354 Gus  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 6:28:54pm

re: #352 jaunte

I found a better picture. It appears to be just a fiberglass shell.

It’s basically a sign. If they didn’t get a sign permit that might be a different story.

355 Stephen T.  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 6:45:10pm

re: #32 Lidane

These morons DO know that homosexuality was declassified as a mental disorder back in the late 60’s, right?

From Wikipedia

In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association declassified homosexuality as a mental disorder. The American Psychological Association Council of Representatives followed in 1975.[3] Thereafter other major mental health organizations followed and it was finally declassified by the World Health Organization in 1990.

[3]Bayer, Ronald (1987). Homosexuality and American Psychiatry: The Politics of Diagnosis. Princeton: Princeton University Press. ISBN 0-691-02837-0.[page needed]

356 engineer cat  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 6:47:33pm

re: #355 Stephen T.

From Wikipedia

[3]Bayer, Ronald (1987). Homosexuality and American Psychiatry: The Politics of Diagnosis. Princeton: Princeton University Press. ISBN 0-691-02837-0.[page needed]

according to wingnuts, the ability to spell and do arithmetic is classified as a mental disorder

357 Obdicut  Mon, Jan 7, 2013 7:34:25pm

re: #251 goddamnedfrank

Feynman biked around and took pictures.

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