Tech Note: Expiration Dates for LGF Polls

Set a sell-by date
LGF • Views: 29,214

We’re tweaking the poll creation feature of our LGF Pages app, and the latest addition is an expiration date. When someone loads a Page with a poll that’s past the date, they’ll see a message saying the poll is “closed,” and won’t be able to vote. (The results will still be displayed.)

To set the date and time you can either click inside the field labeled ‘Expiration date’ or on the calendar icon to the right, and you’ll see a popup date- and time-picker that looks something like this (in fact, it looks exactly like this):

As you click on the dates in the calendar, and use the sliders to adjust the time, you’ll see the date/time appear in the ‘Expiration date’ field. Typing in this field is disabled; all date/time entry is done with the calendar popup.

Note: since LGF’s servers are located in the Central US time zone, you’ll need to do a simple adjustment based on where you are. For example, if you’re on the East Coast, and set an expiration date of 08:00:00 (8 am), the poll will expire at 9 am on the East Coast — since Central time is one hour behind Eastern time. So if you East Coasters want a poll to expire at 8 am in Manhattan, you would set the time to 07:00:00.

If you decide you don’t want an expiration date after all, click the ‘Clear’ button and the date will be blanked out. And there you have it: LGF Polls with sell-by dates.

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1 goddamnedfrank  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 2:27:10pm

Thanks. One thing I think might be nice is the option to make a page private, readable by registered users only.

2 Obdicut  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 2:34:02pm

Now, of course, the challenge is thinking up worthwhile things to poll.

All I can think of now is Pixies or Nirvana?

3 goddamnedfrank  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 2:37:41pm

re: #2 Obdicut

Pixies own.

Still, Pixies plus Dave Grohl could probably fold space-time.


4 Kragar  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 2:40:23pm

re: #3 goddamnedfrank

Pixies own.

Still, Pixies plus Dave Grohl could probably fold space-time.


Well, yeah, Dave Grohl is the Devil

5 Kragar  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 2:46:41pm

I’m trying to imagine the reaction of someone if you tried telling them 20 years ago that the drummer from Nirvana would end up being one of the biggest names in rock music.

6 William of Orange  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 3:14:25pm

Another GOP official who had a wake up call.

Essential read for everyone. And this closely follows the same pattern of how Charles got his wake up call. Another Republican who saw the light and was fed up with the whole right wing politics. It’s a long Epistle but you need to read it. Here are some fragments.

The debt ceiling extension is not the only example of this sort of political terrorism. Republicans were willing to lay off 4,000 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) employees, 70,000 private construction workers and let FAA safety inspectors work without pay, in fact, forcing them to pay for their own work-related travel - how prudent is that? - in order to strong arm some union-busting provisions into the FAA reauthorization.

Everyone knows that in a hostage situation, the reckless and amoral actor has the negotiating upper hand over the cautious and responsible actor because the latter is actually concerned about the life of the hostage, while the former does not care. This fact, which ought to be obvious, has nevertheless caused confusion among the professional pundit class, which is mostly still stuck in the Bob Dole era in terms of its orientation. For instance, Ezra Klein wrote of his puzzlement over the fact that while House Republicans essentially won the debt ceiling fight, enough of them were sufficiently dissatisfied that they might still scuttle the deal. Of course they might - the attitude of many freshman Republicans to national default was “bring it on!”

Information to us known for years of course. And this person is one of the very few on that side who finally realized the Republican party is on the highway to hell.

And now a clear admission of the true agenda.

A couple of years ago, a Republican committee staff director told me candidly (and proudly) what the method was to all this obstruction and disruption. Should Republicans succeed in obstructing the Senate from doing its job, it would further lower Congress’s generic favorability rating among the American people. By sabotaging the reputation of an institution of government, the party that is programmatically against government would come out the relative winner.

A deeply cynical tactic, to be sure, but a psychologically insightful one that plays on the weaknesses both of the voting public and the news media. There are tens of millions of low-information voters who hardly know which party controls which branch of government, let alone which party is pursuing a particular legislative tactic. These voters’ confusion over who did what allows them to form the conclusion that “they are all crooks,” and that “government is no good,” further leading them to think, “a plague on both your houses” and “the parties are like two kids in a school yard.” This ill-informed public cynicism, in its turn, further intensifies the long-term decline in public trust in government that has been taking place since the early 1960s - a distrust that has been stoked by Republican rhetoric at every turn (“Government is the problem,” declared Ronald Reagan in 1980).

Again, no news to us but nice to see that at least Mike Lofgren got the message. True, the democratic party is not perfect at all but you do get the feeling that they still want to play the game by the rules, but the other party bullies them into a corner, blaming them for the mess in this economy in which the Republican party was instrumental.

7 ProBosniaLiberal  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 3:27:46pm

OT, but as Libya winds down, this news comes out of Syria:

Syrians engage in mass Friday protests against the Syrian government and call on the international community for assistance against President Bashar al-Assad’s regime.

If they can get the very scared Christian Community onboard, that would be great.

Also, having an NTC-esque government form would be a major boost. Having a technocrat similar to Jalil at the top would give an additional bonus.

8 Eclectic Infidel  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 3:28:54pm

OMG. I am learning about cuts of beef, a la minute cooking, mass food production, cultural anthropology, and am dealing with a dynamic relationship with a lovely lady friend and now…this! I’ll try to keep up.

9 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 3:30:05pm

re: #2 Obdicut

Now, of course, the challenge is thinking up worthwhile things to poll.

All I can think of now is Pixies or Nirvana?


10 William Barnett-Lewis  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 3:36:00pm

re: #2 Obdicut

Now, of course, the challenge is thinking up worthwhile things to poll.

All I can think of now is Pixies or Nirvana?

Husker Du.


11 Alexzander  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 3:52:40pm

re: #8 eclectic infidel

OMG. I am learning about cuts of beef, a la minute cooking, mass food production, cultural anthropology, and am dealing with a dynamic relationship with a lovely lady friend and now…this! I’ll try to keep up.

Make sure your knowledge and familiarity with LGF polls takes top priority.

12 engineer cat  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 3:56:00pm

Every time you “like” a friend’s Facebook status, sign up for a Nordstrom credit card, rate a Netflix movie, order a magazine subscription, or merely click on a website, you’re leaving behind a trail of data exhaust that up until recently has been like so many discarded Styrofoam cups lying along the information superhighway. The rise of microtargeting is a function of new logarithms—and computers fast enough to process them—that are able to capture all this trash and turn it into gold.


ok, minus major credibility points for using “logarithms” when you clearly mean “algorithms”. interesting article otherwise, however…

13 albusteve  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 4:02:58pm

who’s bogartin the joint?

14 Mr Pancakes  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 4:08:56pm

re: #13 albusteve

who’s bogartin the joint?

Don’t Bogart That Joint My Friend.

15 HoosierHoops  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 4:09:30pm

re: #13 albusteve

who’s bogartin the joint?

Hey Steve..Long day at work..Don’t know what to eat…Reading here…Watching the best episode ever of NCIS..Supposed to go out tonight..Don’t feel like it..
I’m just glad it’s Friday

16 Gus  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 4:14:44pm

Found some more Republican/Conservative quotes of Lincoln as founder of the Republican Party. Put them all together here:

I am a Lincoln/Kemp Republican. It’s 150 years ago in Chicago this year that Abraham Lincoln, the founder of the Republican Party, accepted the Republican nomination for President of the United States. — Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN)

Immigration was a core belief of a founder of the Republican party, Abraham Lincoln. Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani (R)

Though Lincoln was the founder of the Republican Party, to liberals and advocates of civil rights Lincoln was in that pantheon along with FDR as one of the heroes of liberalism and American democracy. — James Pierson on National Review

George W. Bush is not a Goldwater Republican — he’s a Lincoln Republican. Like the founder of the Republican party, Bush doesn’t mind spending money on his priorities, and he doesn’t mind doing some of this spending with borrowed money. — Jerry Bowyer, National Review

It is a pleasure for me to address you upon the day when this club and our countrymen of all faiths throughout the land are paying tribute to the memory of Abraham Lincoln. We tonight also pay tribute to him as founder of the Republican Party and the inspirer of its ideals. — President Herbert Hoover (R)

It was — it was, in fact, the founder of our party, Abraham Lincoln, who reminded us that a government that can do everything for us is the government that can take everything from us. — Gov. Mike Huckabee (R-AR) 2008 RNC Speech

In an ironic twist. Keith Olbermann went out of his way to note the opposite after Huckabee’s speech in 2008.

17 Vicious Babushka  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 4:15:40pm

re: #12 engineer dog

Every time you “like” a friend’s Facebook status, sign up for a Nordstrom credit card, rate a Netflix movie, order a magazine subscription, or merely click on a website, you’re leaving behind a trail of data exhaust that up until recently has been like so many discarded Styrofoam cups lying along the information superhighway. The rise of microtargeting is a function of new logarithms—and computers fast enough to process them—that are able to capture all this trash and turn it into gold.


ok, minus major credibility points for using “logarithms” when you clearly mean “algorithms”. interesting article otherwise, however…

I would much rather view ads served from online stores I have already shopped at, that I am more likely to click through and actually, you know, buy something, than see another of those spam/scam “<%=getzipcodefromhttpreferer%> Mom’s Seekrit Belly/Wrinkle/Work-at-Home Trick” ads

18 Linden Arden  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 4:15:42pm

Tech novice here — How did Bing take over Firefox and set my home page?

I go to “tools / options” and set back to Google - No good! There is Bing right back at me.

19 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 4:16:11pm

For Mr. Pancakes

20 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 4:17:26pm

re: #17 Alouette

I would much rather view ads served from online stores I have already shopped at, that I am more likely to click through and actually, you know, buy something, than see another of those spam/scam “<%=getzipcodefromhttpreferer%> Mom’s Seekrit Belly/Wrinkle/Work-at-Home Trick” ads

One of the local stores uses your “loyalty card” information to print up coupons for things you actually use. What a concept.

21 Vicious Babushka  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 4:18:19pm

re: #18 Linden Arden

Tech novice here — How did Bing take over Firefox and set my home page?

I go to “tools / options” and set back to Google - No good! There is Bing right back at me.

Bing is an insidious malware shit virus.

22 Mr Pancakes  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 4:20:33pm

re: #19 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

For Mr. Pancakes


Thanks Crush…… I actually saw Camel in 1973. How’s this for a strange line up? Camel opened, Kiss followed, and Wishbone Ash headlined. I could have done without Kiss.

23 Vicious Babushka  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 4:21:16pm

re: #20 EmmmieG

One of the local stores uses your “loyalty card” information to print up coupons for things you actually use. What a concept.

I have noticed that when I make an online purchase, I will see ads from that website…for about ten minutes! Then the cookie expires and it’s back to “Mom’s Belly Trick.”

24 Gus  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 4:21:18pm

What’s the code for starting a Youtube video at a specific time?

25 Linden Arden  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 4:22:15pm

re: #21 Alouette

Bing is an insidious malware shit virus.

Son of a Bitch! I expect more from Microsoft - I thought so anyway.


26 Killgore Trout  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 4:23:10pm

re: #24 Gus 802

What’s the code for starting a Youtube video at a specific time?

I don’t think LGF supports the feature yet.

27 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 4:24:44pm

re: #23 Alouette

I have noticed that when I make an online purchase, I will see ads from that website…for about ten minutes! Then the cookie expires and it’s back to “Mom’s Belly Trick.”

Why is it always Mom’s ____ trick, and it’s never something I personally think all that much about, like white teeth?

How about “Mom’s getting Sharpie out of upholstery trick”?


“Mom’s getting your teenager to stop rolling his/her eyes trick”?

28 Alexzander  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 4:25:55pm

re: #26 Killgore Trout

I don’t think LGF supports the feature yet.

Lets test it:

29 Alexzander  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 4:26:42pm

Confirmed: Specific time start does not work in LGF.

30 Gus  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 4:26:50pm

re: #26 Killgore Trout

I don’t think LGF supports the feature yet.


In any case. Here’s the Huckabee speech in 2008. Go to 5:12 to hear him say “It was — it was, in fact, the founder of our party, Abraham Lincoln, who reminded us that a government that can do everything for us is the government that can take everything from us.”

Mike Huckabee Republican Convention Speech Part 1

Of course here you might notice this comment as being a part of the Republican Southern Strategy.

Transcript here.

31 Gus  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 4:27:55pm

re: #29 Alexzander

Confirmed: Specific time start does not work in LGF.

Got it. It’s at 5:12.

32 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 4:28:38pm

re: #22 Mr Pancakes

Thanks Crush… I actually saw Camel in 1973. How’s this for a strange line up? Camel opened, Kiss followed, and Wishbone Ash headlined. I could have done without Kiss.

Nice! Wish I could have. Love them.

KISS - such oddballs! Just found this

How did they get away with it?

33 Gepetto  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 4:29:38pm

re: #16 Gus 802
Impressive list.
Obama’s in excellent company.

34 Mr Pancakes  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 4:30:32pm

re: #30 Gus 802


In any case. Here’s the Huckabee speech in 2008. Go to 5:12 to hear him say “It was — it was, in fact, the founder of our party, Abraham Lincoln, who reminded us that a government that can do everything for us is the government that can take everything from us.”

Mike Huckabee Republican Convention Speech Part 1

Of course here you might notice this comment as being a part of the Republican Southern Strategy.

Transcript here.

There’s a statue of Lincoln in the Zona Rio area of Tijuana Mexico….. I had to do a double take when I drove past it.

35 HoosierHoops  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 4:31:40pm

I’m watching one of the best show ever written for NCIS..
Call Of Silence
A veteran confesses to murder of his best friend…

One of the best written and acted in the series…Man when they brought that medal of honor soldier back in his memory to the South Pacific in WW2..
Man.. Powerful stuff…
When you think of the hundreds of thousands of soldiers that shed their blood so we can have freedom and can argue on blogs about politics.. It is very humbling..What precious blood that has soaked the earth

36 CuriousLurker  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 4:33:06pm

Sorry to go OT so early if this has alreay been posted, but it’s seriously effed up:

Hacked NBC Twitter feed falsely reports NYC attack

New York (CNN) — Hackers accessed the Twitter account for NBC News on Friday and posted false messages about a fresh attack on New York’s ground zero.

A group calling itself The Script Kiddies claimed responsibility for the hacking, which included three messages about a hijacked plane hitting the World Trade Center site just before 6 p.m.

More at CNN…

37 Mr Pancakes  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 4:34:02pm

re: #32 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

Nice! Wish I could have. Love them.

KISS - such oddballs! Just found this

[Video]How did they get away with it?

I dunno…. if it wasn’t for the visuals, they’d be a footnote in rock history.

38 Killgore Trout  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 4:40:56pm

re: #30 Gus 802

Buck never did come back to acknowledge that he fell for a completely bogus outrage. I really don’t mind having conservatives or even wingnuts around but completely ignoring facts is very annoying.

39 bratwurst  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 4:41:11pm

re: #37 Mr Pancakes

I dunno… if it wasn’t for the visuals, they’d be a footnote in rock history.

I was still in grade school when they REALLY hit it big. Lots of the cool guys in my class were eagerly awaiting “Dynasty” when it came out in 1979. I will always be proud of the fact that, even at a young age, the VERY first time I heard “I Was Made for Lovin’ You” I KNEW it sucked.

40 Mr Pancakes  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 4:42:29pm

re: #39 bratwurst

I was still in grade school when they REALLY hit it big. Lots of the cool guys in my class we eagerly awaiting “Dynasty” when it came out in 1979. I will always be proud of the fact that, even at a young age, the VERY first time I heard “I Was Made for Lovin’ You” I KNEW it sucked.


41 Atlas Fails  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 4:43:48pm

My favorite Nirvana song:

And just to show you Pixies fans I’m not too biased:

42 Mr Pancakes  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 4:52:26pm

re: #41 Atlas Fails

My favorite Nirvana song:


I like both bands….. Nirvana had better songs, and wins that contest. The Pixies were cool too though, in a “Velvet Underground” cult kind of way.

This is a great song by Charles Michael Kittridge Thompson IV after he left the Pixies.

43 goddamnedfrank  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 4:58:13pm

re: #38 Killgore Trout

Buck never did come back to acknowledge that he fell for a completely bogus outrage. I really don’t mind having conservatives or even wingnuts around but completely ignoring facts is very annoying.

I haven’t seen him acknowledge being wrong even once, though if being wrong were an Olympic event he could easily medal in it.

44 JoyousMN  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:04:12pm

OT, but is anyone else watching Al Jazeera? Egyptians are protesting in the streets. Some are protesting slow progress, but some demonstrators are trying to attack the Israeli Embassy. It doesn’t sound like anyone is in the building or the embassy, but I’m not sure.

45 JoyousMN  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:06:46pm

Yes, just confirmed. No personnel have been in the embassy for 3 weeks according to Al Jazeera.

46 aagcobb  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:07:09pm

re: #38 Killgore Trout

Buck never did come back to acknowledge that he fell for a completely bogus outrage. I really don’t mind having conservatives or even wingnuts around but completely ignoring facts is very annoying.

Isn’t completely ignoring facts an inherent attribute of wingnuts?

47 TEXANISTA  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:12:32pm

any lgfers in wyoming?

48 Obdicut  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:13:53pm


Nobody lives in Wyoming. It’s a state Montana made up so it’d have somewhere to keep its beer.

49 Bubblehead II  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:14:19pm

re: #46 aagcobb

Isn’t completely ignoring facts an inherent attribute of wingnuts?

Yes, and the Moonbats as well. Both ends of the spectrum seem to share that particular trait.

50 TEXANISTA  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:14:33pm

oi c

51 Charles Johnson  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:15:42pm

re: #24 Gus 802

What’s the code for starting a Youtube video at a specific time?

You can do this by pasting in the URL of the YouTube video, and adding ‘&start=xxx’ to it, where ‘xxx’ is the number of seconds from the start of the video.

For example, this URL:

produces this video:

52 Atlas Fails  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:16:29pm

re: #49 Bubblehead II

Yes, and the Moonbats as well. Both ends of the spectrum seem to share that particular trait.

Well, when you’re trying to argue that Obama’s a Marxist Kenyan Muslim or that George Bush was responsible for 9/11, facts are not your friends.

53 wee fury  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:17:21pm

I once deliberately took a detour so that I could visit Spotted Horse, Wyoming.

54 TEXANISTA  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:18:26pm

where is spotted horse

55 Charles Johnson  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:18:27pm

re: #38 Killgore Trout

Buck never did come back to acknowledge that he fell for a completely bogus outrage. I really don’t mind having conservatives or even wingnuts around but completely ignoring facts is very annoying.

Being a wingnut means never having to say you’re sorry. If the intent is to make people think they’re so stupid they can’t remember the debunkings of their parrot-like utterances, it’s working.

56 Bubblehead II  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:18:45pm

re: #51 Charles

Nice. So we can use this to jump to a particular point in a You Tube video? What about load time? Say the particular time frame is 3 minutes into a 5 minute video?

57 Killgore Trout  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:19:17pm

re: #48 Obdicut

Nobody lives in Wyoming. It’s a state Montana made up so it’d have somewhere to keep its beer.


58 Bubblehead II  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:19:33pm

re: #52 Atlas Fails

Well, when you’re trying to argue that Obama’s a Marxist Kenyan Muslim or that George Bush was responsible for 9/11, facts are not your friends.

True, so very true.

59 Charles Johnson  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:19:40pm

re: #56 Bubblehead II

Mice. So we can use this to jump to a particular point in a You Tube video? What about load time? Say the particular time frame is 3 minutes into a 5 minute video?

No problem, it will start right there.

60 Killgore Trout  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:19:43pm

re: #55 Charles

Being a wingnut means never having to say you’re sorry. If the intent is to make people think they’re so stupid they can’t remember the debunkings of their parrot-like utterances, it’s working.


61 Gus  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:19:48pm

re: #51 Charles

You can do this by pasting in the URL of the YouTube video, and adding ‘&start=xxx’ to it, where ‘xxx’ is the number of seconds from the start of the video.

For example, this URL:

produces this video:


Thanks. So this would be the Huckabee video using a start time of 312…

62 wee fury  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:20:35pm


63 TEXANISTA  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:21:25pm

yeah but what part

64 HappyWarrior  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:21:34pm

It just read like typical Buck to me. Like OMG Obama is so stupid for saying that Lincoln was the founder of the Republican Party and then he tried to compare it to Palin’s Revere gaffe. It was obvious to me that he has a big agenda when he tried to make Obama’s uncle’s DWI a point of comparing him to Jimmy Carter because Carter had a brother with a drinking problem. Pretty low blow crap if you ask me.

65 Bubblehead II  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:22:54pm

re: #59 Charles

No problem, it will start right there.

Understood, but will it speed up the download time of the video?

66 Atlas Fails  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:23:43pm

re: #64 HappyWarrior

It just read like typical Buck to me. Like OMG Obama is so stupid for saying that Lincoln was the founder of the Republican Party and then he tried to compare it to Palin’s Revere gaffe. It was obvious to me that he has a big agenda when he tried to make Obama’s uncle’s DWI a point of comparing him to Jimmy Carter because Carter had a brother with a drinking problem. Pretty low blow crap if you ask me.

Obama ate lunch today. Hitler used to eat lunch. YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!!!11ty

67 Charles Johnson  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:23:55pm

re: #65 Bubblehead II

Understood, but will it speed up the download time of the video?

Doesn’t seem to have much effect on the download speed as far as I can tell.

68 Bubblehead II  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:24:33pm

re: #65 Bubblehead II

Never mind. Gus just showed in his #61 that it does. Niiiiicccceeee.

69 wee fury  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:24:46pm

Northeast — close to MT. North of … . waitaminute … you have a computer … google it.

70 HappyWarrior  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:24:54pm

On an off note, I am finally going to learn to play a musical instrument probably. Friend of mine from growing up has his own music school that teachers guitar, drums, fiddle/violin, etc. I’ve fallen in love with the fiddle and violin after hearing it in various movies and music and that’s what I am going to try. Psyched about it. Gonna come after I get my degree this fall so I can focus my full energy on learning that.

71 122 Year Old Obama  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:25:53pm

re: #66 Atlas Fails

Obama ate lunch today. Hitler used to eat lunch. YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!!!11ty

Hitler ate sugar?

72 HappyWarrior  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:26:19pm

re: #66 Atlas Fails

Oh my god and Hitler had a dog too. The similarities are endless. But yeah I saw that on one of the pages and I saw it as a real cheap blow. For one, one DUI does not make an alcoholic, and two a presidential relative getting one isn’t a reflection on that president especially if it’s an older relative.

73 Mr Pancakes  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:26:40pm

re: #71 SteelPH

Hitler ate sugar?

Hurry quick pencil

74 Bubblehead II  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:26:51pm

re: #67 Charles

Doesn’t seem to have much effect on the download speed as far as I can tell.

Actually, it seems to. Maybe just me?

75 Mr Pancakes  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:28:46pm

re: #73 Mr Pancakes

Hitler ate sugar?

Hurry quick pencil

Look at that I was even able to correct my reply post…. GREAT!

76 wee fury  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:29:15pm

President Bush was pictured as Hitler many times … and burned in effigy. President Obama hasn’t had nearly as many Hitlerite references, thank goodness.
No one should ever be compared to Hitler.

77 Mr Pancakes  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:30:56pm

re: #76 wee fury

President Bush was pictured as Hitler many times … and burned in effigy. President Obama hasn’t had nearly as many Hitlerite references, thank goodness.
No one should ever be compared to Hitler.

Maybe Pol Pot

78 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:38:05pm

Evening Honcos.

79 Bubblehead II  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:38:46pm

re: #78 Cannadian Club Akbar

Evening Honcos.

Evening. Welcome to early evening duldrums.

80 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:40:37pm

re: #76 wee fury

President Bush was pictured as Hitler many times … and burned in effigy. President Obama hasn’t had nearly as many Hitlerite references, thank goodness.
No one should ever be compared to Hitler.

You can’t fix stoopid.

81 Killgore Trout  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:41:23pm

This is funny….
Bachmann, Newt join the fray

….the fact that new candidates are coming off the sidelines to defend Social Security suggests that Romney isn’t the only one who sees Perry’s stance on the program as a political loser.

Yes, it is newsworthy when Republicans embrace common sense ideas like not abolishing Social Security.

82 Atlas Fails  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:41:59pm

re: #72 HappyWarrior

Oh my god and Hitler had a dog too. The similarities are endless. But yeah I saw that on one of the pages and I saw it as a real cheap blow. For one, one DUI does not make an alcoholic, and two a presidential relative getting one isn’t a reflection on that president especially if it’s an older relative.

I think the GOP may need to find a new straw man. They’ve been ragging on Carter for the past 30 odd years, which makes sense; he was widely viewed as weak and indecisive while in office, and his landslide loss paved the way for the only conservative Republican president of the 20th century who wasn’t viewed as an abject failure. To an extent, I agree with the Carter criticisms, but I recently read that a poll showed something like 52% now approve of the job he did in office. Lots of that probably has to do with his humanitarian work, but the fact is, the majority of Americans don’t see him as the bogeyman.

83 Atlas Fails  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:44:17pm

re: #76 wee fury

President Bush was pictured as Hitler many times … and burned in effigy. President Obama hasn’t had nearly as many Hitlerite references, thank goodness.
No one should ever be compared to Hitler.

Agreed, Hitler and Nazi references in political rhetoric need to die. Sadly, the wingnuts and moonbats will do everything in their power to prevent that from happening.

84 HappyWarrior  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:46:19pm

I confess to being sensitive to Nazi comparisons. I hate that more than anything else in politics. It shows not just historical ignorance but a complete ignorance of what the victims of Nazi atrocities went through. I don’t believe one side to be any more guilty than the other on it.

85 Targetpractice  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:48:05pm

re: #81 Killgore Trout

This is funny…
Bachmann, Newt join the fray

Yes, it is newsworthy when Republicans embrace common sense ideas like not abolishing Social Security.

If they were embracing SS because they feel it’s a good program and that efforts should be made to keep it afloat, then I’d be overjoyed.

But that would also get them drummed out of the GOP, so I know they’re only defending it because there’s votes to be had in doing so. So they can blow their “defense” out their asses.

86 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:48:59pm

re: #84 HappyWarrior

I confess to being sensitive to Nazi comparisons. I hate that more than anything else in politics. It shows not just historical ignorance but a complete ignorance of what the victims of Nazi atrocities went through. I don’t believe one side to be any more guilty than the other on it.

If someone needs to pull the Nazi card, they prolly already lost the argument.

87 HappyWarrior  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:49:29pm

re: #86 Cannadian Club Akbar

If someone needs to pull the Nazi card, they prolly already lost the argument.

That’s what Godwin’s Law is all about and I am much inclined to agree.

88 Atlas Fails  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:51:45pm

re: #84 HappyWarrior

I confess to being sensitive to Nazi comparisons. I hate that more than anything else in politics. It shows not just historical ignorance but a complete ignorance of what the victims of Nazi atrocities went through. I don’t believe one side to be any more guilty than the other on it.

That’s one of the things that turned me off to the anti-war movement when Bush was in office. Loons like Code Pink and the aging hippies of really grated on me with their Bush-Hitler comparisons. Sure, I supported many of the principles they espoused, but any political movement that allows itself to be taken over by fanatics (the pro-life movement has this same problem) is one that I try to avoid.

89 Linden Arden  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:55:33pm

re: #82 Atlas Fails

Carter was the most Libertarian president since Coolidge.

He deregulated air, trucking, finance, and energy yet left income taxes completely alone. He avoided war and entanglements as well. He appointed a hawkish Fed chief.

Wingnuts who defend the atrocious policies of Bush 43 have no idea how bad he was compared to Carter.

90 miclaine  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:56:57pm

re: #78 Cannadian Club Akbar

Honcos - takes me back to the good ole days.

91 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 5:56:58pm

re: #88 Atlas Fails

That’s one of the things that turned me off to the anti-war movement when Bush was in office. Loons like Code Pink and the aging hippies of really grated on me with their Bush-Hitler comparisons. Sure, I supported many of the principles they espoused, but any political movement that allows itself to be taken over by fanatics (the pro-life movement has this same problem) is one that I try to avoid.

This is why as a center righty I get along with center/left.

92 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 6:00:11pm

re: #90 miclaine

Honcos - takes me back to the good ole days.

Some people here don’t even know who Stan is.:)

93 HappyWarrior  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 6:00:23pm

re: #88 Atlas Fails

That’s one of the things that turned me off to the anti-war movement when Bush was in office. Loons like Code Pink and the aging hippies of really grated on me with their Bush-Hitler comparisons. Sure, I supported many of the principles they espoused, but any political movement that allows itself to be taken over by fanatics (the pro-life movement has this same problem) is one that I try to avoid.

Yeah I remember a Code Pink member went up to Secretary Rice with paint on her hands to symbolize her belief that Condi had blood on her hands. I found that tacky and I hated ANSWER too especially finding out that their political affiliates that existed in the 70’s were probably among the few groups to support the USSR invasion of Afghanistan but oppose ours. I just found them and others to be fake. And the Anti-Semitism don’t get me started.

94 Stanghazi  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 6:01:07pm

re: #88 Atlas Fails

That’s one of the things that turned me off to the anti-war movement when Bush was in office. Loons like Code Pink and the aging hippies of really grated on me with their Bush-Hitler comparisons. Sure, I supported many of the principles they espoused, but any political movement that allows itself to be taken over by fanatics (the pro-life movement has this same problem) is one that I try to avoid.

I have been and always will be anti stupid war, but those folks fucked up the sensible movement. I am not a traitor. (still stings)

95 austin_blue  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 6:02:11pm

re: #64 HappyWarrior

It just read like typical Buck to me. Like OMG Obama is so stupid for saying that Lincoln was the founder of the Republican Party and then he tried to compare it to Palin’s Revere gaffe. It was obvious to me that he has a big agenda when he tried to make Obama’s uncle’s DWI a point of comparing him to Jimmy Carter because Carter had a brother with a drinking problem. Pretty low blow crap if you ask me.

Actually, Billy had no problem drinking whatsoever.

Oh wait, I see…

96 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 6:02:45pm

re: #95 austin_blue

Actually, Billy had no problem drinking whatsoever.

Oh wait, I see…

I had one of his beer cans.

97 Decatur Deb  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 6:03:11pm

re: #89 Linden Arden

Carter was the most Libertarian president since Coolidge.

He deregulated air, trucking, finance, and energy yet left income taxes completely alone. He avoided war and entanglements as well. He appointed a hawkish Fed chief.

Wingnuts who defend the atrocious policies of Bush 43 have no idea how bad he was compared to Carter.

He also started a decades-long series of Fed civil service modernizations that left us with a demoralized, shrunken workforce that had lost much of it’s meritocracy. (See PACE test.) When I left after 30-some years the improvements had finally produced a civil service that was almost as inept as it’s critics pretended. Oddly enough, the best Fed administration to work for was Nixon’s.

98 HappyWarrior  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 6:03:22pm

re: #96 Cannadian Club Akbar

I had one of his beer cans.

My Dad says it was nasty beer but he had to try it anyhow. I would have gotten a can just for hell sakes. I have a bottle of “Duff” that I got for the same reason.

99 Atlas Fails  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 6:05:06pm

re: #91 Cannadian Club Akbar

This is why as a center righty I get along with center/left.

Unfortunately, it looks like the nuts on your side are now the ones whipping out the Nazi card. This isn’t surprising, since a Democrat’s in the White House, but the logic they use is rather embarrassing. Nazi…National Socialist…socialist…Obama’s a socialist!!!…liberals are socialists!!!…therefore, liberals and Obama are Nazis!!!11ty

How would these maniacs react to an actual socialist like, say, George Orwell or Winston Churchill? I’m not a socialist (by sane person standards), but that’s because I see the ideology as flawed, unrealistic, and chimerical, not because I think it’s inherently evil.

100 HappyWarrior  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 6:06:59pm

re: #99 Atlas Fails

Unfortunately, it looks like the nuts on your side are now the ones whipping out the Nazi card. This isn’t surprising, since a Democrat’s in the White House, but the logic they use is rather embarrassing. Nazi…National Socialist…socialist…Obama’s a socialist!!!…liberals are socialists!!!…therefore, liberals and Obama are Nazis!!!11ty

How would these maniacs react to an actual socialist like, say, George Orwell or Winston Churchill? I’m not a socialist (by sane person standards), but that’s because I see the ideology as flawed, unrealistic, and chimerical, not because I think it’s inherently evil.

Huh are you saying Churchill was a socialist? He wasn’t. It is funny though regarding Orwell, they quote him relentlessly but ignore Orwell’s socialism and fighting to preserve the Spanish Republic. The problem is these people think every socialist is a murderer like Stalin. It’s a complex ideology. That’s my problem with it and I blame Palin in large part for the resurgence of that.

101 Linden Arden  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 6:07:58pm

re: #97 Decatur Deb

Ahh! The Civil Service Act. Very right-wing for anyone much less Carter.

You are so right. It cracks me up to hear Carter excoriated by the wingnuts — 80% of his policy was their own.

And inflation? All caused by Nixon leaving the gold standard and his Wage and Price Controls.

Right-wing liars just bash Carter as part of their Big Lie.

102 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 6:09:46pm

Did people know this about Jimmy Carter and the Space Shuttle program?
Order↓ Flight date↓ Mission↓ Shuttle↓ Crew↓ Duration*↓ Landing Site↓ Notes↓
1 August 12, 1977 ALT-12[7] Enterprise 2 00d 00h 05m Edwards First free flight of Space Shuttle; first non-captive flight of Enterprise
2 September 13, 1977 ALT-13 Enterprise 2 00d 00h 05m Edwards Second free flight
3 September 23, 1977 ALT-14 Enterprise 2 00d 00h 05m Edwards Third free flight
4 October 12, 1977 ALT-15 Enterprise 2 00d 00h 02m Edwards Fourth free flight; first flight without tailcone (operational configuration)
5 October 26, 1977 ALT-16 Enterprise 2 00d 00h 02m Edwards Final free flight; final non-captive flight of Enterprise

I’m guessing…no.

103 HappyWarrior  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 6:09:58pm

The remaking of Carter in to a mega liberal amuses me. I mean there was a reason why Teddy Kennedy challenged him from the left and it nearly worked. I like Carter’s humanitarian work but I think the man is hopelessly naive on foreign policy. I don’t hate him but I don’t love him like some liberals who are convinced he got a bad rap.

104 William Barnett-Lewis  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 6:10:50pm

re: #98 HappyWarrior

My Dad says it was nasty beer but he had to try it anyhow. I would have gotten a can just for hell sakes. I have a bottle of “Duff” that I got for the same reason.

Nasty is being nice. It was simply the worst panther piss ever put in a can and sold to suckers. Would have been better if they’d made less of it so that the cans would have actually been collectables. Of course, I wouldn’t know about any of this since I didn’t hit 18 till 1982 … ;)

105 Atlas Fails  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 6:11:13pm

re: #100 HappyWarrior

Huh are you saying Churchill was a socialist? He wasn’t. It is funny though regarding Orwell, they quote him relentlessly but ignore Orwell’s socialism and fighting to preserve the Spanish Republic. The problem is these people think every socialist is a murderer like Stalin. It’s a complex ideology. That’s my problem with it and I blame Palin in large part for the resurgence of that.

I often get my European figures mixed up. I suppose one could call Blair a socialist, being a Labour member and all. I do think some in America think the Labour party is a lot further to the left than it actually is. Anyone remember that Third Way bullshit?

106 HoosierHoops  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 6:11:28pm

re: #101 Linden Arden

Ahh! The Civil Service Act. Very right-wing for anyone much less Carter.

You are so right. It cracks me up to hear Carter excoriated by the wingnuts — 80% of his policy was their own.

And inflation? All caused by Nixon leaving the gold standard and his Wage and Price Controls.

Right-wing liars just bash Carter as part of their Big Lie.

Not exactly..Carter was a weak leader In my Opinion..

107 prairiefire  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 6:11:49pm

re: #104 wlewisiii

Nasty is being nice. It was simply the worst panther piss ever put in a can and sold to suckers. Would have been better if they’d made less of it so that the cans would have actually been collectables. Of course, I wouldn’t know about any of this since I didn’t hit 18 till 1982 … ;)

It tasted like very shitty Coors.

108 William Barnett-Lewis  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 6:12:43pm

re: #107 prairiefire

It tasted like very shitty Coors.

You’re repeating yourself there. :lol:

109 HappyWarrior  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 6:12:47pm

re: #105 Atlas Fails

I often get my European figures mixed up. I suppose one could call Blair a socialist, being a Labour member and all. I do think some in America think the Labour party is a lot further to the left than it actually is. Anyone remember that Third Way bullshit?

Yeah the reason why I went huh is because Winston’s successor, Clement Atlee was a definite socialist. Apparently though, the Brits don’t mind and consider him one of their best leaders. They also really like Thatcher too. Funny huh.

110 Decatur Deb  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 6:12:57pm

re: #107 prairiefire

It tasted like very shitty Coors.

Redundant critique is redundant.

111 Mr Pancakes  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 6:14:30pm

re: #110 Decatur Deb

Redundant critique is redundant.

They sure are selling a lot of shitty beer.

112 HappyWarrior  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 6:14:36pm

re: #104 wlewisiii

Nasty is being nice. It was simply the worst panther piss ever put in a can and sold to suckers. Would have been better if they’d made less of it so that the cans would have actually been collectables. Of course, I wouldn’t know about any of this since I didn’t hit 18 till 1982 … ;)

Heh I am sure it was awful. My most awful beer was probably Natty Bo. Also not suprrisingly also the most cheap I bought. After being in Prague and trying Pilsner Urquell, I thought huh how can you call that “Bohemian”

113 Atlas Fails  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 6:14:37pm

re: #109 HappyWarrior

Yeah the reason why I went huh is because Winston’s successor, Clement Atlee was a definite socialist. Apparently though, the Brits don’t mind and consider him one of their best leaders. They also really like Thatcher too. Funny huh.

Look at how Americans look at both FDR and Reagan. Sometimes image is everything, I guess.

And btw, thanks for the info on Atlee. I may want to research him a little.

114 Decatur Deb  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 6:15:26pm

re: #111 Mr Pancakes

They sure are selling a lot of shitty beer.


115 HappyWarrior  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 6:16:23pm

re: #113 Atlas Fails

Look at how Americans look at both FDR and Reagan. Sometimes image is everything, I guess.

That’s what I was thinking too.

116 Linden Arden  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 6:17:08pm

No one will ever be as big as idiot on foreign policy as Bush 43 (41 was good, btw).

Thomas Ricks of the Post has written the definitive book of the Bush Doctrine - its a FIASCO (name of book).

117 Mr Pancakes  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 6:18:50pm

re: #114 Decatur Deb


No Kiddin…… Bud and Miller too.

118 Decatur Deb  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 6:20:15pm

Dog time—BBL Upstairs.

119 Atlas Fails  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 6:21:13pm

re: #116 Linden Arden

No one will ever be as big as idiot on foreign policy as Bush 43 (41 was good, btw).

Thomas Ricks of the Post has written the definitive book of the Bush Doctrine - its a FIASCO (name of book).

Bush 41 was sort of like a Bizzaro Reagan, imo. He actually got some things done and made the tough choice to raise taxes, knowing it could cost him reelection, for the long-term good of the economy. But his lack of charisma and perceived lack of authority helped do him in.

I’m no huge fan of H.W. Bush, but I don’t think he was horrible. W. was waaaay more conservative than his dad.

120 HappyWarrior  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 6:22:53pm

The interesting thing about the Bush family from Prescott to the present is each was more conservative than the previous. Prescott was what one would call a Rockefeller Republican though I’ve read he didn’t think much of the guy. H.W Bush was a moderate Republican for Texas standards. And W well we know W.

121 Obdicut  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 6:24:36pm

re: #119 Atlas Fails

If Bush rather than Clinton had won, the GOP might be a lot more sane. A GOP president re-elected after raising taxes might have made them a lot less fiscally stupid.

122 HappyWarrior  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 6:26:47pm

re: #121 Obdicut

If Bush rather than Clinton had won, the GOP might be a lot more sane. A GOP president re-elected after raising taxes might have made them a lot less fiscally stupid.

I always wonder what would have happened if Ford had won in ‘76 personally. Ford seems like he was a good guy and one thing I give the man major props for is not acting like a jerk when his Supreme Court pick became more liberal than expected. Eisenhower and H.W Bush were none too happy and showed it when Warren and Souther became more liberal than expected. Jerry was class when it came to John Paul Jones’ Supreme Court career.

123 prairiefire  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 6:27:09pm

re: #108 wlewisiii

re: #110 Decatur Deb

Hops connoisseurs. Thank goodness for LGF spellcheck.

124 Obdicut  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 6:30:51pm

re: #122 HappyWarrior

Or if Nixon hadn’t been deeply paranoid.

125 HappyWarrior  Fri, Sep 9, 2011 6:33:57pm

re: #124 Obdicut

Or if Nixon hadn’t been deeply paranoid.

Yeah that too. I think a lot of the GOP’s current ideological problems with me go back to when Dick decided it would be a good idea to try to get some of the former Dixiecrats on his boat in ‘68. 1960 and 1968 Nixon were two totally different candidates in style.

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