Herman Cain’s Sexual Harassment Incident Led to ‘Urgent Discussions’ at NRA

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Meanwhile, Herman Cain’s problems just keep getting worse.

Herman Cain flatly denies the most serious allegation facing him – that he made an unwanted sexual advance toward a female employee at a work event – but POLITICO has learned new details making clear there were urgent discussions of the woman’s accusations at top levels of the National Restaurant Association within hours of when the incident was alleged to have occurred.

The new details—which come from multiple sources independently familiar with the incident at a hotel during a restaurant association event in the late 1990s—put the woman’s account even more sharply at odds with Cain’s emphatic insistence in news media interviews this week that nothing inappropriate happened between the two.

In recent days sources—including associates of the woman and people familiar with operations of the restaurant association—have offered new details of the incident.

The woman in question, roughly 30 years old at the time and working in the National Restaurant Association’s government affairs division, told two people directly at the time that Cain made a sexual overture to her at one of the group’s events, according to the sources familiar with the incident. She was livid and lodged a verbal complaint with an NRA board member that same night, these sources said.

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1 freetoken  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 9:10:59pm
Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and caldron bubble.
2 Dancing along the light of day  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 9:13:16pm

He is TOAST, just awaiting being burnt, IMHO.

3 Interesting Times  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 9:14:10pm

The thing that amazes me most about this is you would think the 50-billion-dollar Koch Brothers could buy their favorite candidate a better crisis management team, or more effective way to make this go away.

But - that would have required a degree of foresight and ability to accurately forecast consequences. Are the Kochs now so drunk-on-power and arrogant that it's made them reckless and dumb? Here's hoping :)

4 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 9:14:14pm

re: #1 freetoken

A sailor’s wife had chestnuts in her lap,
And munched, and munched, and munched.
“Give me,” quoth I.
“Aroint thee, witch!” the rump-fed runnion cried

Her husband's to Aleppo gone, master of the Tiger
And in a sieve I'll thither sail
And like a rat without a tail
I'll do, and I'll do, and I'll do...

I love that part of the play. It's the only part I do like. I've always wanted to use the word aroint.

5 HappyWarrior  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 9:14:19pm

But sexual harassment is done by liberals to get people out and to get money. //
Seriously though I thought Cahin was just a jerk but it appears to me he's a flat out creep.

6 jaunte  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 9:15:16pm

re: #3 publicityStunted

I'm sure they'll have a new favorite candidate soon.

7 Targetpractice  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 9:16:10pm

Careful now, Politico, Cain might sue you for...for...well, frak if I know, but sue he might!


8 Ogami Itto  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 9:16:16pm

The last number I heard of women alleging sexual harassment against Cain was 6. Anyone want to guess how high that number goes?

9 freetoken  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 9:16:39pm

re: #4 EmmmieG

Romney is about to declare "Aroint thee, Herman".

10 Ogami Itto  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 9:17:37pm

re: #3 publicityStunted

The Koch Bros. are notoriously cheap.

11 Kragar  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 9:18:11pm

re: #8 Ogami Itto

The last number I heard of women alleging sexual harassment against Cain was 6. Anyone want to guess how high that number goes?

9! 9! 9!

12 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 9:19:14pm

re: #11 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

9! 9! 9!


13 Ogami Itto  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 9:19:46pm

re: #11 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

9? Or 999?

14 Kragar  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 9:21:37pm

re: #13 Ogami Itto

9? Or 999?

15 Targetpractice  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 9:25:16pm

So, I get to look forward to another day of wingnuts whining to me that the "librul media" is totally "lynching" Cain when they totally ignore Democrats caught in sex scandals...except Weiner...and Edwards...and Clinton...well, frak.

16 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 9:36:57pm

Evening all!

Tonite's kitteh! seems a little tired.

How are you feeling?

17 Gus  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 9:37:48pm

re: #15 Targetpractice, Worst of Both Worlds

So, I get to look forward to another day of wingnuts whining to me that the "librul media" is totally "lynching" Cain when they totally ignore Democrats caught in sex scandals...except Weiner...and Edwards...and Clinton...well, frak.

Sure enough I got a Tweet from someone complaining about a "lynch mob" from the Perry and Romney camps. Seriously? Heck, at this point it isn't really about the sexual harassment itself. It's the amateurish and pathetic spin coming from the Cain camp. If Cain had been more forth coming he could have avoided this. He's in a hole an he keeps digging. This guys want's to be the CiC? Seriously? Maybe I'm old school and keep thinking about facing off with the Soviets during the Cold War.

18 freetoken  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 9:41:00pm

re: #17 Gus 802

All Cain would have had to do, to let the whole thing blow over, would be to offer up a faint apology along the lines of: "Because I grew up in a time when language and interaction between men and women were less equal than they are today I carried over some of that bias, for which I am sorry today." And then it would have been over.

But no, he couldn't do that.

19 Targetpractice  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 9:42:56pm

re: #17 Gus 802

Sure enough I got a Tweet from someone complaining about a "lynch mob" from the Perry and Romney camps. Seriously? Heck, at this point it isn't really about the sexual harassment itself. It's the amateurish and pathetic spin coming from the Cain camp. If Cain had been more forth coming he could have avoided this. He's in a hole an he keeps digging. This guys want's to be the CiC? Seriously? Maybe I'm old school and keep thinking about facing off with the Soviets during the Cold War.

Personally, I like how they can't decide whether liberals are to blame for the accusations coming to light or one of Cain's fellow candidates. Either way, they're ticked at the media for...well, the "rush" to report that included 10 days of heads-up before the questions started that something dark was on the horizon. Seriously, it doesn't seem to matter how much of a dumbass Cain acts or how serious the revelations become with each passing day, the wingnuts are bound and determined to see him as a the "victim."

20 Gus  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 9:43:22pm

re: #18 freetoken

All Cain would have had to do, to let the whole thing blow over, would be to offer up a faint apology along the lines of: "Because I grew up in a time when language and interaction between men and women were less equal than they are today I carried over some of that bias, for which I am sorry today." And then it would have been over.

But no, he couldn't do that.

That too. He's a spaz. That chief of staff of his is a moron. He even could have explained something to the effect that he didn't recall the complete details of the case when he made his initial statements. Gather the information including all of the full details and then present it as a report to the press. This isn't some dumb pizza ad for a bunch of drunk sports fans that want something to eat.

21 Targetpractice  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 9:44:17pm

re: #18 freetoken

All Cain would have had to do, to let the whole thing blow over, would be to offer up a faint apology along the lines of: "Because I grew up in a time when language and interaction between men and women were less equal than they are today I carried over some of that bias, for which I am sorry today." And then it would have been over.

But no, he couldn't do that.

He didn't even really have to do that. All he had to do, when the media first asked him, was say "I'm aware of some accusations in the past, but due to non-disclosure agreements signed by all parties involved, I cannot speak of the matter," and that would have been it.

22 Gus  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 9:46:57pm

He won't make it past Iowa. If he even makes it to January. Northeast Republicans won't put up with this shit.

23 freetoken  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 9:47:15pm

re: #20 Gus 802

re: #21 Targetpractice, Worst of Both Worlds

I guess my point is, a weak mea culpa that defines the meaning of the allegations is quite effective way to box in any possible damaging accusations.

The problem with Cain simply saying "I cannot speak of the matter" is that the other parties are speaking of the matter, so it becomes necessary to try and control the narrative.

24 Targetpractice  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 9:49:38pm

re: #23 freetoken

re: #21 Targetpractice, Worst of Both Worlds

I guess my point is, a weak mea culpa that defines the meaning of the allegations is quite effective way to box in any possible damaging accusations.

The problem with Cain simply saying "I cannot speak of the matter" is that the other parties are speaking of the matter, so it becomes necessary to try and control the narrative.

And that's really it, he handled this in a piss poor manner, first trying to plead ignorance, then doing a complete 180 and acknowledging things happened before announcing them as "ridiculous." What did he expect, that this would all just quietly go away, that the victims would stay silent and folks would just take his word?

25 Gus  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 9:49:39pm

re: #23 freetoken

re: #21 Targetpractice, Worst of Both Worlds

I guess my point is, a weak mea culpa that defines the meaning of the allegations is quite effective way to box in any possible damaging accusations.

The problem with Cain simply saying "I cannot speak of the matter" is that the other parties are speaking of the matter, so it becomes necessary to try and control the narrative.

That's why I said he should have said that he couldn't respond yet. Until he had all of the information he needed. Then come out with a statement. Right now they're just reacting like a bunch of dummies. Amateurs. And the fingerpointing towards Romney and Perry is pathetic. He shouldn't be blaming anybody including Politico. He got caught with his pants down and they're still down.

26 freetoken  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 9:50:07pm

Same thing with Anthony Weiner. When the story first broke if he had simply said something like "I'm a guy who looked into doing some online dating and I may have offended someone. For that I'm sorry" he may still be in office. But no, he too couldn't do that.

Trying to run from allegations does in politicians.

27 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 9:50:54pm

re: #18 freetoken

All Cain would have had to do, to let the whole thing blow over, would be to offer up a faint apology along the lines of: "Because I grew up in a time when language and interaction between men and women were less equal than they are today I carried over some of that bias, for which I am sorry today." And then it would have been over.

But no, he couldn't do that.


Sexual Harassment is in the eye of the beholder. If a person steps over the line, an sincere apology and acknowledgment of the learning experience is usually enough to satisfy the public, in these instances.

28 freetoken  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 9:51:06pm

re: #25 Gus 802

And the fingerpointing towards Romney and Perry is pathetic. He shouldn't be blaming anybody including Politico.

Agree, the amateur nature of Cain's campaign is showing.

29 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 9:52:03pm

re: #28 freetoken

Agree, the amateur nature of Cain's campaign is showing.

I think his reliance on the Good Ole' Boy Club is showing. He is out of his element in politics.

30 engineer cat  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 9:52:49pm

these superstars and corporate heads with their rude approaches to women burn my ass

if i had had a harassment complaint lodged against me at a company i worked for, i wouldn't expect to be trying to wave it away on a national tv interview years later

i would expect to be fired. very fired.

31 Amory Blaine  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 9:52:51pm

re: #29 ggt

I think his reliance on the Good Ole' Boy Club is showing. He is out of his element in politics.

If he's calling in favors he's doing it wrong. ;)

32 Cheechako  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 9:53:05pm

Am I the only one that immediately thinks of the gun bunch when I see the abbreviation "NRA"?

33 Gus  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 9:53:14pm

re: #26 freetoken

Same thing with Anthony Weiner. When the story first broke if he had simply said something like "I'm a guy who looked into doing some online dating and I may have offended someone. For that I'm sorry" he may still be in office. But no, he too couldn't do that.

Trying to run from allegations does in politicians.

That's the old standard. "Yep, I did that. It was me and I was wrong. See I was a younger man back then. Regardless I was completely wrong and have grown a lot since then. I've since found the Lord Jesus Christ my savior."

34 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 9:54:28pm

re: #31 Amory Blaine

If he's calling in favors he's doing it wrong. ;)

No, I think he expects to say "well, you know how it is" and everyone will understand and move on to a different topic. It doesn't work the same way in business as it does in politics.

35 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 9:54:37pm

re: #32 Cheechako

Am I the only one that immediately thinks of the gun bunch when I see the abbreviation "NRA"?

No, "NRA" to me is the National Rifle Association.

My father quit when President Bush Sr. did.

36 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 9:55:20pm

re: #35 SanFranciscoZionist

No, "NRA" to me is the National Rifle Association.

My father quit when President Bush Sr. did.

I didn't realize Bush Sr. did, when and why?

37 Gus  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 9:56:08pm

re: #36 ggt

I didn't realize Bush Sr. did, when and why?

Brady Bill?

38 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 9:56:43pm

All my personal files from my old computer were supposed to be moved and I can't find them all.


Just had to share that with somebody.

39 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 9:58:08pm

re: #37 Gus 802

Brady Bill?

hmmmm 1995

40 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 9:59:07pm

re: #36 ggt

I didn't realize Bush Sr. did, when and why?

91 or 92 maybe? They published an ad that referred to ATF agents as 'jack-booted thugs', and Bush Sr. said "enough already".

These guys running for the Republican nomination these days, they'd think that didn't go nearly far enough.

41 freetoken  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 10:00:03pm

re: #33 Gus 802

Yes, the two standard get-out-of-jail-free cards: (1) I was young and foolish, and (2) I found Jesus as a result.

42 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 10:00:19pm

re: #40 SanFranciscoZionist

91 or 92 maybe? They published an ad that referred to ATF agents as 'jack-booted thugs', and Bush Sr. said "enough already".

These guys running for the Republican nomination these days, they'd think that didn't go nearly far enough.


43 Gus  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 10:00:44pm

re: #40 SanFranciscoZionist

91 or 92 maybe? They published an ad that referred to ATF agents as 'jack-booted thugs', and Bush Sr. said "enough already".

These guys running for the Republican nomination these days, they'd think that didn't go nearly far enough.

The NRA would basically support being able to sell guns to Al Qaeda at this point.

44 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 10:01:04pm

Did you know there are conspiracy theories that Patton was murdered.

I seriously expect if I searched, I would find a conspiracy theory involving the Pillsbury Dough Boy.

45 Gus  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 10:01:54pm

re: #44 EmmmieG

Did you know there are conspiracy theories that Patton was murdered.

I seriously expect if I searched, I would find a conspiracy theory involving the Pillsbury Dough Boy.


46 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 10:02:28pm

re: #43 Gus 802

The NRA would basically support being able to sell guns to Al Qaeda at this point.

No, Gus, I think that is going a bit too far.

47 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 10:02:53pm

re: #44 EmmmieG

Did you know there are conspiracy theories that Patton was murdered.

I seriously expect if I searched, I would find a conspiracy theory involving the Pillsbury Dough Boy.

too much carbs and cholesterol?

48 Digital Display  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 10:03:35pm

re: #40 SanFranciscoZionist

Hey! SFZ! So Saturday there is the OU game 2 blocks from my house...
I love living in a College town..It's really fun here..
//Kind regards...14 days till I come back home

49 Dancing along the light of day  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 10:04:05pm

re: #44 EmmmieG

Pssst, he wanted to get baked!

50 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 10:05:47pm

re: #40 SanFranciscoZionist

91 or 92 maybe? They published an ad that referred to ATF agents as 'jack-booted thugs', and Bush Sr. said "enough already".

These guys running for the Republican nomination these days, they'd think that didn't go nearly far enough.

If it was in response to Ruby Ridge, I think they had a point.

Perhaps it should be been worded differently.

51 Amory Blaine  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 10:10:37pm

Huffpo front page has a pic of Obama with demon red eyes.

52 lostlakehiker  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 10:10:48pm

re: #30 engineer dog

these superstars and corporate heads with their rude approaches to women burn my ass

if i had had a harassment complaint lodged against me at a company i worked for, i wouldn't expect to be trying to wave it away on a national tv interview years later

i would expect to be fired. very fired.

Even if the complaint were without merit? It does happen, as for instance with the complaints lodged by senate candidate Miss I am not a witch.

53 Kragar  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 10:15:34pm

re: #51 Amory Blaine

Huffpo front page has a pic of Obama with demon red eyes.

No air brushing then?

54 engineer cat  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 10:16:08pm

re: #52 lostlakehiker

Even if the complaint were without merit? It does happen, as for instance with the complaints lodged by senate candidate Miss I am not a witch.

having worked in corporations for literally decades, i can tell you that if a complaint was lodged against an "individual contributor" (munchkin; non-manager), there would be no deciding if the complaint was legitimate. it would be "it's not our business to determine the truth or falsehood of an allegation - this is a corporation, not a court. it's enough that another employee felt that they needed to lodge a complaint. play nice and we'll say you were laid off"

a long time ago a vice president of human resources said this to me: "a corporation is not a democracy"

55 Targetpractice  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 10:22:08pm

re: #51 Amory Blaine

Huffpo front page has a pic of Obama with demon red eyes.

"Damnit, Michelle, I forgot to put my contacts in again!"


56 Kragar  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 10:24:49pm

Palin: Wall Street protesters seeking bailout

Palin criticized the protesters as believing they're entitled to other people's productivity and money and said they've drawn the wrong conclusions. Instead, the former Alaska governor said people should look to the tea party.

"They say `Wall Street fat cats got a bailout so now I want one too.' And the correct answer is no one is entitled to a bailout," Palin told the crowd of about 1,000 at the Republican Party of Florida dinner. "The American dream, our foundation, is about work ethic and empowerment, not entitlement."

She compared the protesters and President Barack Obama to the "crony capitalists" they say they oppose.

"Barack Obama is owned by Wall Street. The fat cats, as he calls them, they're his friends. They're his pals. That's where he gets his campaign donations. And he's very generous about giving these cats their cat nip — bigger returns on their investments in bailouts," Palin said.

Thats right Caribou. You nailed it.

57 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 10:29:19pm

re: #54 engineer dog

having worked in corporations for literally decades, i can tell you that if a complaint was lodged against an "individual contributor" (munchkin; non-manager), there would be no deciding if the complaint was legitimate. it would be "it's not our business to determine the truth or falsehood of an allegation - this is a corporation, not a court. it's enough that another employee felt that they needed to lodge a complaint. play nice and we'll say you were laid off"

a long time ago a vice president of human resources said this to me: "a corporation is not a democracy"

Don't forget about Sensitivity Training!

58 Targetpractice  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 10:29:32pm

re: #56 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

Palin: Wall Street protesters seeking bailout

Thats right Caribou. You nailed it.

Yessir, nobody's entitled to a bailout...except the megabanks whose collapse, we were told, would plunge the nation into a new Depression and leave much of the population impoverished. Bailouts which, we were subsequently told, did not entitle the government to take any actions against the banks, such as placing limits on exec pay, because that would scare off all the "talent" and cause the banks to crash again.

Frak me sideways, turn the channel back to Cain, at least he gives the impression that he's not working a room-temp IQ.

59 Kragar  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 10:30:20pm

re: #58 Targetpractice, Worst of Both Worlds

Yessir, nobody's entitled to a bailout...except the megabanks whose collapse, we were told, would plunge the nation into a new Depression and leave much of the population impoverished. Bailouts which, we were subsequently told, did not entitle the government to take any actions against the banks, such as placing limits on exec pay, because that would scare off all the "talent" and cause the banks to crash again.

Frak me sideways, turn the channel back to Cain, at least he gives the impression that he's not working a room-temp IQ.

And Tax breaks. Don't forget the tax breaks.

60 engineer cat  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 10:31:37pm

"Barack Obama is owned by Wall Street. The fat cats, as he calls them, they're his friends. They're his pals

so talking exactly like a "marxist" is jim dandy with the tea party now if you're another republican?

61 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 10:31:57pm

re: #56 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

Palin: Wall Street protesters seeking bailout

Thats right Caribou. You nailed it.

I am so freaking tired of this. When will people get past the socialist/capitalist meme.

Protestors, IMHO, want Equality of Opportunity which the 1% have paid to legislate in their favor. The Whackos have seen an opportunity to latch on to the protestors and make it their protest.

I see the same with the Tea Party, in many regards.

It's become another 3-ring Media Circus, with the original intent being sacrificed for ratings.

62 Targetpractice  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 10:32:01pm

re: #59 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

And Tax breaks. Don't forget the tax breaks.

Tax breaks, tax loopholes, government subsidies, etc, etc, etc.

Yes, truly the 1% are fragile little dears who simply cannot be expected to bleed even the tiniest bit, lest they scream in terror and flee to foreign lands. Drop the tax burden on the poor and working class, those plebes haven't had a problem with it up to now, so they'll manage.


63 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 10:32:12pm

re: #58 Targetpractice, Worst of Both Worlds

Yessir, nobody's entitled to a bailout...except the megabanks whose collapse, we were told, would plunge the nation into a new Depression and leave much of the population impoverished. Bailouts which, we were subsequently told, did not entitle the government to take any actions against the banks, such as placing limits on exec pay, because that would scare off all the "talent" and cause the banks to crash again.

Frak me sideways, turn the channel back to Cain, at least he gives the impression that he's not working a room-temp IQ.

The new official line is that no conservatives supported the bailouts, they just sort of happened.

64 freetoken  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 10:33:10pm

re: #63 SanFranciscoZionist

The new official line is that no conservatives supported the bailouts, they just sort of happened.

It was a miracle!

65 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 10:34:19pm

I'm really greatful to an old boss and mentor who trained me to ALWAYS keep a paper copy.

The computer file is gone, just gone.

Now, if I can find the paper copy . . . . .

66 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 10:34:34pm

re: #64 freetoken

It was a miracle!

invisible hand?

67 freetoken  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 10:35:52pm

re: #56 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

Palin: Wall Street protesters seeking bailout

Thats right Caribou. You nailed it.

She sooo wants to step into the race once Cain implodes.

Bachmann is derailed, Perry is derailed, Gingrich never got on the road to begin with.

Only Esther can save the GOP* at this point.

*From Mormon domination

68 Targetpractice  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 10:37:39pm

re: #63 SanFranciscoZionist

The new official line is that no conservatives supported the bailouts, they just sort of happened.

Oh, there was a chorus of conservative voices speaking against TARP, but they were drowned out by the horde who was scared shitless that the banks would crash and take their money in the process.

Ironically enough, October '08 (when the bottom fell out) was about the same time that Bush hatred became a popular fad amongst the Right. All of a sudden, they all hated the years of overspending and all the stomping of Constitutional rights...after years of silent consent or loud cheering.

69 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 10:41:30pm

re: #68 Targetpractice, Worst of Both Worlds

Oh, there was a chorus of conservative voices speaking against TARP, but they were drowned out by the horde who was scared shitless that the banks would crash and take their money in the process.

Ironically enough, October '08 (when the bottom fell out) was about the same time that Bush hatred became a popular fad amongst the Right. All of a sudden, they all hated the years of overspending and all the stomping of Constitutional rights...after years of silent consent or loud cheering.

It was a scary little bit. I mean, it's been scary ever since, but at the time, it was just as though the bottom was falling out.

70 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 10:41:48pm

re: #69 SanFranciscoZionist

It was a scary little bit. I mean, it's been scary ever since, but at the time, it was just as though the bottom was falling out.

In mid-air.

71 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 10:41:57pm

re: #70 SanFranciscoZionist

In mid-air.

Over water with sharks in it.

72 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 10:42:13pm

re: #68 Targetpractice, Worst of Both Worlds

Conservatives also hated Bush's immigration policies and initiatives.

73 Targetpractice  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 10:44:18pm

re: #69 SanFranciscoZionist

It was a scary little bit. I mean, it's been scary ever since, but at the time, it was just as though the bottom was falling out.

I admit it was scary, I admit that I agreed with TARP. But the subsequent execution of it and absolute failure to use it as leverage to do anything about how bad the megabanks have become is just unforgivable. Obama totally dropped the ball, either out of fear that he'd trigger a relapse or inability to move it through Congress, and he's going to have to answer for that at the polls.

74 Lidane  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 10:51:23pm

re: #67 freetoken

She sooo wants to step into the race once Cain implodes.

Once Cain withdraws or completely falls apart, I'm expecting the wingnuts to start openly begging Caribou Barbie to run as a third party alternative to Romney.

75 Kragar  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 10:54:08pm

re: #74 Lidane

Once Cain withdraws or completely falls apart, I'm expecting the wingnuts to start openly begging Caribou Barbie to run as a third party alternative to Romney.

I'm waiting on Huck to resurface

76 Targetpractice  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 10:54:09pm

re: #74 Lidane

Once Cain withdraws or completely falls apart, I'm expecting the wingnuts to start openly begging Caribou Barbie to run as a third party alternative to Romney.

My money's still on Paul dropping out around mid-primaries and launching his own third party bid. After all, what's he got to lose? He's chosen not to run for reelection so as to focus on his presidential bid, so jumping ship isn't an impossible move.

77 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 10:56:16pm

re: #72 000G

Conservatives also hated Bush's immigration policies and initiatives.

Which drove me nuts and still does. We aren't going to deport 12Million people. It's obvious since marjoriemom's (?) post about the PBS Frontline special, we can't even deport 1M with any efficiency or accuracy.

People need to be documented --a Guest Worker Program makes a lot of sense. Anyone that doesn't want to be documented doesn't need to be here. It's a human rights issue that can no longer be ignored.

The law as it stands is wrong and needs to be changed.

78 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 10:57:07pm

re: #75 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

I'm waiting on Huck to resurface

NOOOOO, pleez don't jinx us. As it is he's playing Lawrence Welk on Fox. I couldn't deal with it on the campaign trail.

79 freetoken  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 10:59:05pm

Vincent Laforet, in shooting his latest video - a promo for the new Canon C300 system, used the camera in a mini-helicopter:

[Link: www.engadget.com...]

Pretty amazing.

80 engineer cat  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 10:59:26pm

re: #74 Lidane

Once Cain withdraws or completely falls apart, I'm expecting the wingnuts to start openly begging Caribou Barbie to run as a third party alternative to Romney.

freepers mooting this even as we type

Are we ready to draft Sarah Palin, yet?

Posted on Thursday, November 03, 2011 10:20:20 PM

Where do I sign up?

Outside of Gingrich (who has no real chance) the rest of the field look like characters from a Fellini film.

Sarah is our best (and probably ONLY) chance.

Go to one of the earthquake sites on Facebook and get the address to send Sarah a card or letter. I did it. Her office replied thanking me for the support. Do not count Sarah out.

81 Lidane  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 10:59:27pm

re: #76 Targetpractice, Worst of Both Worlds

My money's still on Paul dropping out around mid-primaries and launching his own third party bid. After all, what's he got to lose? He's chosen not to run for reelection so as to focus on his presidential bid, so jumping ship isn't an impossible move.

Imagine the fallout from an independent Ron Paul campaign that openly ran as a Tea Party ticket.

It would be Ross Perot II: Electoral Boogaloo. Total chaos.

82 freetoken  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 11:00:20pm

Here btw is Laforet's short he shot with the new C300 system:

83 Targetpractice  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 11:00:53pm

re: #81 Lidane

Imagine the fallout from an independent Ron Paul campaign that openly ran as a Tea Party ticket.

It would be Ross Perot II: Electoral Boogaloo. Total chaos.

At the same time, as we've seen with FreeRepublic, Paul doesn't even really enjoy popular appeal amongst the entirety of the Tea Party. So it truly would be the most horrific of sights to behold.

84 jvic  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 11:01:04pm

re: #67 freetoken

She sooo wants to step into the race once Cain implodes.

re: #74 Lidane

Once Cain withdraws or completely falls apart, I'm expecting the wingnuts to start openly begging Caribou Barbie to run as a third party alternative to Romney.

She has pretty much been ignored since announcing she wouldn't run. Being ignored is not part of her financial strategy.

85 freetoken  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 11:02:19pm

re: #84 jvic

She can't have a glorious "return" without having been gone in the first place.

She needs her people to beg for her. That'll turn her on.

86 freetoken  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 11:03:03pm

To help get your groove on:

87 Lidane  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 11:07:08pm

re: #83 Targetpractice, Worst of Both Worlds

At the same time, as we've seen with FreeRepublic, Paul doesn't even really enjoy popular appeal amongst the entirety of the Tea Party. So it truly would be the most horrific of sights to behold.

The worst of all possible outcomes for the GOP -- an independent Luap Nor / Caribou Barbie ticket.

The freepers might hate Ron Paul, but they hated McCain and voted for him anyway because of Sarah. Remove both of them from the GOP and set them up as independents and it would cause serious issues for the party.

I don't see this happening, but still. The base is so completely desperate to avoid Romney at all costs that anything is possible.

88 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 11:09:03pm
89 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 11:10:41pm

Holy Pages Post Batman!

Gus, did this get promoted and I missed it?

90 Targetpractice  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 11:11:15pm

re: #87 Lidane

The worst of all possible outcomes for the GOP -- an independent Luap Nor / Caribou Barbie ticket.

The freepers might hate Ron Paul, but they hated McCain and voted for him anyway because of Sarah. Remove both of them from the GOP and set them up as independents and it would cause serious issues for the party.

I don't see this happening, but still. The base is so completely desperate to avoid Romney at all costs that anything is possible.

Ayep, and even if there is no third-party candidate, it's still very possible that the TPers may just decide to flip the GOP the bird and simply stay home. Or be so disgusted by Romney heading the ticket that they vote against Republican candidates for other offices.

91 Gus  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 11:12:49pm

re: #89 ggt

Holy Pages Post Batman!

Gus, did this get promoted and I missed it?

No. Just over 200 comments and 21 updings. ;) Getting a little squabbly at certain points though. :/

92 Gus  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 11:26:41pm

I better hit the hay. Good night!

93 engineer cat  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 11:34:19pm

Adbusters is anti-advertising: it blames advertising for playing a central role in creating, and maintaining, consumer culture. This argument is based on the fact that the advertising industry goes to great effort and expense to associate desire and identity with commodities. Adbusters believes that advertising has unjustly "colonized" public, discursive and psychic spaces, by appearing in movies, sports and even schools, so as to permeate modern cultures.[14] Adbusters' goals include combating the negative effects of advertising and empowering its readers to regain control of culture, encouraging them to ask "Are we consumers and citizens?."

i don't know, i like adbusters

94 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 11:39:26pm

re: #93 engineer dog

i don't know, i like adbusters

Their jew-counting was despicable, as was that their main guy stood firmly behind it.

95 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 11:40:56pm

The Dusty Show with Clay Pigeon: OCCUPY UPDATE (MP3 / Flash)

/Daily WFMU pimpage

96 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 11:41:56pm
97 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 11:43:36pm

I have to sleep all!

Have a wonderful morning/evening!

98 engineer cat  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 11:48:39pm

re: #94 000G

Their jew-counting was despicable, as was that their main guy stood firmly behind it.

jew-counting? yikes!

99 engineer cat  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 11:51:44pm

In March 2004, the foundation was accused of antisemitism after running an article[32] that alleged many neoconservative supporters of the Iraq War within the Bush Administration were Jewish. The article questioned why the political implications of this neoconservative influence on U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East, given the role of Israel, were not a subject of debate.


100 freetoken  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 11:53:21pm

re: #96 ggt

Housing Prices to stay low for the forseeable future?

What a mess.

Yes. And, a couple of weeks ago the gov't sent out a request on what to do with all the excess non-performing properties backlogged in their system. They are afraid to dump them all on the market at an open price because the reality is it would drive down real estate prices even more, and thus even more Americans would end up upside-down on their houses, which in turn would slow down people who need to sell to move to new areas, etc.

The real estate bubble is an evil, evil thing, created by the lusts of Americans, but especially by that of real estate agents and the whole industry.

101 ProGunLiberal  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 11:54:06pm

I'm going to bed in about 7 minutes, but I learned something on the Netanhyahu page:

Netanyahu addressed protesters of the Oslo movement at rallies where posters portrayed Rabin in a Nazi SS uniform or being the target by in the cross-hairs of a sniper. Rabin accused Netanyahu of provoking violence, a charge which Netanyahu strenuously denied.

Netanyahu: When Limbaugh-type character gains power?

102 Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All  Thu, Nov 3, 2011 11:56:34pm

I think Cain is very damaged goods and I'm going to assume that he's going to be down in the single digits over the next few weeks which now leads to my baseless speculation. Ironically enough, I still think Romney can't win the nomination. It'll be interesting to see how totally Cain flames out, but interestingly enough, Cain flaming out is a near worst case scenario for Romney (I promise, I'm not insane, hear me out LOL) and I'll try to Illustrate why

Romney cannot get about the 25 - 30% plateau, and his best chance of winning has been to show reasonably well in Iowa, Win New Hampshire, Win Florida and finish second in South Carolina, then win Nevada. Let the people who fighting for the most evangelical side split that part of the vote up and not coalesce around a single candidate.

So, let's look at the people left besides Romney and Cain.
Perry, He's got deep pockets and a lot of cash, which could help him in larger market states, but right now he's tarnished goods. He appears to have leveled off around 10%, but I think voters are going to look for someone else to focus on for the near term.

Ron Paul, I don't see Ron Paul getting much of a bump from Cain, He's going to be perpetually around that 5 -10% level, with a few higher blips in states like Montana or in states where caucusing skills are essential.

Huntsman - Irrelevant.

Johnson - Irrelevant.

Bachmann - She could have been a contender, but now, she'll be extremely lucky to finish ahead of Ron Paul, assuming she doesn't drop out sooner rather than later

Santorum - Really, he's trying, really really, he is. But the only thing keeping me from calling him Irrelevant is the simple fact he could be the last 'conservative' candidate standing by the time this whole mess finishes.

Gingrich - He stands to be the biggest beneficiary of a Cain implosion. Most of his negative stuff is old news, and as icky as some of the things are, It's a known quantity. Plus, he's done a fantastic job of pulling up phrases and making them sound thoughtful.

So what does it mean? Well, i'd say a whole lot of nothin' except that I think Gingrich will have the next boomlet. Which could spell trouble for Romney.

103 engineer cat  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 12:00:33am

Housing Prices to stay low for the forseeable future?

american workers to get cheaper and cheaper for the foreseeable future

104 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 12:05:07am

re: #98 engineer dog

jew-counting? yikes!

[Link: www.pinteleyid.com...]

105 Kragar  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 12:07:23am

re: #103 engineer dog

Housing Prices to stay low for the forseeable future?

american workers to get cheaper and cheaper for the foreseeable future

Next, we eliminate the minimum wage so we can get people back to work

106 engineer cat  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 12:08:51am

re: #104 000G

[Link: www.pinteleyid.com...]

thanks, aber gehts nichts mitten 404

107 ProGunLiberal  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 12:10:38am

Just calculated the number of dead from the revolt in Syria.

It has climbed to 4,210 dead.

108 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 12:10:51am

re: #104 000G

urgh, won't let me edit the link; correct one: [Link: www.pinteleyid.com...]


Image: i_am_the_0.01_percent.jpg

109 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 12:16:10am

re: #106 engineer dog

thanks, aber gehts nichts mitten 404

See #108 or [Link: libcom.org...] or more recently [Link: www.commentarymagazine.com...]

110 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 12:17:19am

re: #109 000G

And recently, the issue came up here on LGF: [Link: littlegreenfootballs.com...] (comment section)

111 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 12:56:47am


Mark Levin - Herman Cain Is Absolutely Ignorant About The Agreement As A Matter Of Contract Law

112 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 1:23:02am

re: #111 000G


Mark Levin - Herman Cain Is Absolutely Ignorant About The Agreement As A Matter Of Contract Law


Lol how the hell is Mark Levin going to go around yapping about anyone else's ignorance about anything.

113 researchok  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 1:52:32am

Morning, all

114 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 1:58:45am

re: #113 researchok


115 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 1:59:50am

These two kittehs are new official Riga parliament cats who will live in the building (presented by Riga mayor Nil Ushakov):

[Link: twitter.com...]

116 researchok  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 2:06:42am

re: #115 Sergey Romanov

These two kittehs are new official Riga parliament cats who will live in the building (presented by Riga mayor Nil Ushakov):

[Link: twitter.com...]

Latvian tourist attraction?

117 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 2:16:59am

Funny, each year Nov. 4 catches me unaware. It's an official holiday and a day off, but a recent one. So I kinda found only today that today I'm free. Yay. Meanwhile nationalists are at the usual "Russian March", which always happens on this day.

118 researchok  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 2:21:06am

Now that Putin is making a comeback, be sure to have some Nov 4 photos taken of you happily working in the fields.

Maybe one or two pics of you on a working tractor.

Ah, memories...

119 Sol Berdinowitz  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 2:29:44am

In Rusia, tractor work on you!

121 researchok  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 2:40:06am

re: #120 Sergey Romanov

Pretty good.

I didn't think I'd like at first, but it really works.

122 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 2:41:24am

re: #121 researchok

Pretty good.

I didn't think I'd like at first, but it really works.

Yeah, it's the first time I listened to it, and I think I want more.

123 researchok  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 2:47:32am

re: #117 Sergey Romanov

For your consideration

124 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 2:58:24am

re: #122 Sergey Romanov

Reminded me of this classic:

btw, what do you think of Pharmakon?:

125 Obdicut  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 3:02:18am

re: #122 Sergey Romanov

Hey, what's the best translation of "mertvaya ruka"?

126 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 3:03:37am

re: #124 000G

Never heard of it. Listening now, begins a bit too heavy/noisy for me.

127 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 3:03:51am

re: #125 Obdicut

Hey, what's the best translation of "mertvaya ruka"?

Dead hand.

128 Obdicut  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 3:05:23am

re: #127 Sergey Romanov

Dead hand.

Meaning an unplayable hand in poker?

129 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 3:06:18am

re: #128 Obdicut

Meaning an unplayable hand in poker?

As a poker term too, yes.

130 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 3:07:03am

re: #124 000G

Anna-Varney Cantodea she is not. :-/


131 Obdicut  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 3:07:29am

re: #129 Sergey Romanov

As a poker term too, yes.

Okay, and when it isn't a poker term, what does it mean?

Just literally a hand that has no life in it?

132 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 3:08:38am

re: #131 Obdicut

Okay, and when it isn't a poker term, what does it mean?

Just literally a hand that has no life in it?

It's not something you would hear in everyday context. My first association was "something out of a horror film/gothic novel". A dead man's hand, for example.

133 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 3:09:03am

Rush Limbaugh - Whats Next MSNBC Showing A Cartoon Of Herman Cain With Huge Lips Eating A Watermelon

134 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 3:12:07am

re: #126 Sergey Romanov

Never heard of it. Listening now, begins a bit too heavy/noisy for me.

Noticed her because of this blog post. I am not into noise myself, but I dig her stuff, esp. for very late at night, on headphones.

135 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 3:12:28am

re: #125 Obdicut

Hey, what's the best translation of "mertvaya ruka"?

What's the context, anyway?

136 Obdicut  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 3:13:35am

re: #132 Sergey Romanov

To give the context, a friend of mine who speaks fluent but not idiomatic Russian was hanging with one of the Russian guys he works with, who basically said "When I drink too much I get a mertvaya ruka". Since the only meaning he knew for mertvaya ruka was the supposed doomsday device in Moscow (is that an urban legend, or real?) he wondered if this meant the guy was going to go apeshit and destroy everyone after getting drunk, or whether it meant he got clumsy, or whether he heard him wrong, or what.

What seems most likely?

137 Sol Berdinowitz  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 3:13:45am

re: #128 Obdicut

Meaning an unplayable hand in poker?

I have read of a practice by which men sit on their own hands to deaden them before masturbating, I hear it is supposed to make it feel like someone else's hand...

138 Obdicut  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 3:14:00am

re: #137 ralphieboy

I have read of a practice by which men sit on their own hands to deaden them before masturbating, I hear it is supposed to make it feel like someone else's hand...


139 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 3:15:15am

re: #134 000G

There's screaming and screaming. I dig this, for example:

140 Obdicut  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 3:18:12am

re: #139 Sergey Romanov

And what I consider the best 'alternative' rock song ever written:

More shouty than screamy.

141 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 3:19:56am

re: #136 Obdicut

Re: the expression: I draw blank. I suppose he might have misheard.

Re: the system - it's real, [Link: en.wikipedia.org...] , but it's called a Dead Hand in the West. It's name is "Perimeter". In any case, it's not something one would use as a metaphor.

142 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 3:21:20am

re: #139 Sergey Romanov

There's screaming and screaming. I dig this, for example:


That's more like gurgling. For gurgling I am more partial to this:

But when it comes to screaming, nothing beats this:

143 Obdicut  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 3:21:46am

re: #141 Sergey Romanov

Okay. He probably misheard some slang he's unfamiliar with and transposed it into words he was familiar with in his head.

He's really struggling with learning idiomatic Russian. He says that the Russian guys speak 'technical' Russian with him at work, which is fine and he can understand, but as soon as they switch over to normal Russian he gets lost very quickly. Is Russian an especially idiomatic language?

144 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 3:23:15am

re: #136 Obdicut

Just as a brain-storm, speculation, and off the top of my head: he might have said something like "kogda napyus, u menya mertveet ruka", "when I get drunk, my hand becomes dead", in which case it would means something like unresponsive, cold - maybe there is such a physiological/neurological condition? Never heard of it tho.

145 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 3:25:47am

re: #144 Sergey Romanov

"unresponsive, cold" - numb is the word I was looking for. Can there be a condition where a specific limb becomes numb after a serious alcohol intake? (Hussars, shuddup.)

146 Obdicut  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 3:29:50am

re: #145 Sergey Romanov

Alcohol increases blood flow to the extremities, so you'd think it'd have the opposite effect. My wife just woke up; I'll ask her.

147 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 3:31:09am

re: #146 Obdicut

Alcohol increases blood flow to the extremities, so you'd think it'd have the opposite effect. My wife just woke up; I'll ask her.

Maybe as an aftereffect at night. Quick googling does show some results that would tend to support alcohol-numbing connection, but nothing solid.

148 Obdicut  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 3:31:58am

re: #147 Sergey Romanov

Maybe as an aftereffect at night. Quick googling does show some results that would tend to support alcohol-numbing connection, but nothing solid.

My wife says "Only after about 20 years of alcoholism", and this guy is in his thirties. Still, he's Russian, so...


149 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 3:33:52am

re: #142 000G

The first one is good.

150 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 3:37:49am

re: #149 Sergey Romanov

The first one is good.

I am not a big Eisregen fan, but some of their stuff I really like:

And that second one is probably my favorite Neubauten song, next to Headcleaner and Armenia (oh, and almost the whole Halber Mensch album, lol). Not a good recording of it to be found on YT, though...

151 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 3:39:45am

re: #150 000G

Post more of the German stuff you like, if you will. I'm always on the look-out for new music.

152 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 3:47:29am

Oh. I almost forgot that ||=6 in barcodes.

Image: 11-11-11.png

153 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 3:49:17am

re: #151 Sergey Romanov

Post more of the German stuff you like, if you will. I'm always on the look-out for new music.

Well, ok, here is some of the Neubauten stuff I mentioned:



Halber Mensch:

Yü-Gung (there's hundreds of versions of this out there):


For a laugh, look for the Blixa Bargeld commercials for Hornbach.

154 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 3:49:43am

re: #153 000G

Thanks. Favorited.

155 Sol Berdinowitz  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 3:51:46am

re: #153 000G

Well, ok, here is some of the Neubauten stuff I mentioned:


For a laugh, look for the Blixa Bargeld commercials for Hornbach.

I remember seeing Blixa Bargeld playing a shopping cart with a modified hand drill, so I guess it only makes sense that he would advertise for Hornbach, a home improvement center.

157 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 3:56:25am

re: #151 Sergey Romanov

Post more of the German stuff you like, if you will. I'm always on the look-out for new music.

As for other German stuff... I am a big fan of Die Ärzte. All of their stuff is high-quality. Hard to choose.

Old stuff:

Schei nach Liebe:

Bitte, Bitte


Newer stuff:

Männer sind Schweine:


Schunder Song:


158 Sol Berdinowitz  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 4:01:50am

re: #156 Sergey Romanov

Image: s640x480.jpg

Милиционер в детском саду

159 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 4:02:53am

re: #158 ralphieboy

Милиционер в детском саду

У нас больше нет милиционеров. У нас теперь полиция. Так что "Детсадовский полицейский", все как надо.

160 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 4:06:41am

[Link: www.haaretz.com...]

The head of an Israeli neo-Nazi gang was sentenced to 69 months in prison and a 12-year suspended term after he was convicted of leading a violent racist group that terrorized foreign workers, junkies and homeless people for about two years.

162 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 4:11:07am

re: #161 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Frankly, that far in history everyone was an asshole.

163 Sol Berdinowitz  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 4:11:27am

re: #161 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

While Fawkes' image has been romanticized over the past 400 years, he was a criminal who tried to blow up a government building. It would be hard to imagine Americans one day wearing Timothy McVeigh masks to protest the government or corporate greed.

It's amazing what a few centuries can do to transform an historical figure into an icon. Sometimes it only takes decades, as with Ronald Reagan.

164 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 4:11:38am

re: #160 Sergey Romanov

Interestingly that so many sources give his surname as "Bogotich" to he is actually Bogatykh.

165 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 4:13:04am

How about some German rap/hip-hop?:

A lot of German music I cannot even watch on YT because of stupid GEMA (well, technically I could, but it's a hassle).

166 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 4:16:08am

re: #160 Sergey Romanov

[Link: www.haaretz.com...]

Wow. His mom is actually a known figure, Evelina Rakitskaya:

[Link: www.netslova.ru...]
[Link: www.jerusalem-korczak-home.com...]

A writer and a poet.

167 Obdicut  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 4:18:26am

re: #166 Sergey Romanov

Is he Jewish?

168 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 4:19:07am

re: #166 Sergey Romanov

He's father is a poet and publicist too:

[Link: 45parallel.net...]
[Link: magazines.russ.ru...]

169 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 4:19:39am

re: #167 Obdicut

Is he Jewish?

I assume that since he is from a family of repatriants, he is Jewish.

170 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 4:20:32am
171 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 4:22:17am

re: #167 Obdicut

And BTW, I don't accept "mother or conversion" as the only criterion for Jewishness, but his mom is Jewish, and very emphatically so, judging by what I've read of her poetry.

172 Obdicut  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 4:22:45am

re: #169 Sergey Romanov

I assume that since he is from a family of repatriants, he is Jewish.

Fucking hell. Jewish neo-Nazis. And Russian Jewish Neo-Nazis. I mean... fucking hell. Is it self-hatred? Is it rejection of the parents?

I just don't get it.

173 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 4:26:45am

re: #172 Obdicut

Fucking hell. Jewish neo-Nazis. And Russian Jewish Neo-Nazis. I mean... fucking hell. Is it self-hatred? Is it rejection of the parents?

I just don't get it.

Uncommon, but not really a recent phenomenon. See for instance Otto Weininger or Arthur Trebitsch.

174 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 4:31:58am

A normal guy. What could have happened?

175 Obdicut  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 4:32:02am

re: #173 000G

Yeah, I know, it's just still so baffling. Maybe he felt alienated in Israel. I know the large number of Russian immigrants put a stress on Israeli society. It's something I'd be interested in learning more about.

176 Sol Berdinowitz  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 4:35:14am

re: #175 Obdicut

Russian humorist Mikhail Zadornov once pointed out that Brighton Beach, a Russian enclave near New York, is the only case he has heard of an ethic group moving in and displacing blacks...

177 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 4:36:29am

re: #175 Obdicut

His mom's explanation is similar:

Why is there even a 12-year-old children draw a swastika? Israeli society is riven with contradictions: the religious - secular, left - right, the mishmash of ideology ... Some of this is difficult to handle, and there is a protest. I repeat: I was not familiar with the surroundings Mitya. I assume that it was their protest - everyone is not very life has developed in Israel. And in order to form a protest wore shocking nature, they have chosen the awesome symbolism. But - just my assumption. Maybe Mitya because it went to them? Maybe he lacked communication? I find it difficult even now to draw conclusions. Most likely, they pushed his curiosity. Then he said to me, his only fault is that he talked with these guys, but their views did not share.

178 Vicious Babushka  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 4:38:48am

re: #173 000G

Uncommon, but not really a recent phenomenon. See for instance Otto Weininger or Arthur Trebitsch.

Gilad Atzmon, Ilan Pappe

179 Sol Berdinowitz  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 4:38:52am

Pleased to, Mitya, hope you guessed my name...

180 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 4:40:45am

"The trusty scout is hired unseen on everyone’s recommendation that he can track, and even predict, with extraordinary accuracy. The General of the cavalry at Fort D.A. Russell goes out to meet him and finds him lying very still in the middle of faint wagon tracks with his ear to the ground. As they approach the scout slowly raises a... hand and starts speaking, low and carefully, very quietly. “Four wagons. -- Two horses each. – Two men on each wagon. – Third wagon with a woman and child. – First wagon full of cantaloupes. Second, munitions. –Fourth, uniforms. --- Blue uniforms. “Holy cow”, says the general.” You can tell all that by just putting your ear to the ground!?” The scout continues weakly – barely audible – “ --- just ran over me."

181 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 4:41:14am

re: #176 ralphieboy
Mikhail Zadornov is a conspiraloon not worth listening to.

182 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 4:53:40am

Okay. Congrats y'all. Least interesting morning thread I've ever seen. Glad I have to go to work now.

That's how to chase off the righties off of the morning thread.


Not really. I have to go to work.

183 Vicious Babushka  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 4:54:37am

Boker tov, y'all

184 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 4:54:52am

“Ok, I don’t like to gear my material to the audience but I’d like to make an exception because I was told that there is a convention of plumbers in San Francisco this week – I understand about 30 of them came down to the show tonight – so before I came out I worked-up a joke especially for the plumbers. Those of you who aren’t plumbers probably won’t get this and won’t think it’s funny, but I think those of you who are plumbers will really enjoy this…

“This lawn supervisor was out on a sprinkler maintenance job and he started working on a Findlay sprinkler head with a Langstrom 7″ gangly wrench. Just then, this little apprentice leaned over and said, “You can’t work on a Findlay sprinkler head with a Langstrom 7″ wrench.” Well this infuriated the supervisor, so he went and got Volume 14 of the Kinsley manual, and he reads to him and says, “The Langstrom 7″ wrench can be used with the Findlay sprocket.” Just then, the little apprentice leaned over and said, “It says sprocket not socket!”

“Were these plumbers supposed to be here this show…?”

185 Vicious Babushka  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 4:54:52am

Today is my daughter's birthday. She is 30 years old.

186 Vicious Babushka  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 4:55:57am

She is expecting her 5th child in a week or so.

187 Obdicut  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 4:58:29am

I think I'm going to go for a walk. It's cold and rainy. Central Park should be mostly empty.

188 Sol Berdinowitz  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 5:00:53am

re: #184 Fat Bastard Vegetarian


(rolling in cupboard under sink, laughing)

189 dell*nix  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 5:06:50am

re: #186 Alouette


190 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 5:25:13am

Morning Lizardim. Happy Friday from the clear, calm, and cold wild north country. So the vast unhinged are lining up to defend this neanderthal. Ordinarily I would be disappointed, but this affords a great opportunity to go troll hunting. If anyone needs me, I'll be camped out under our new I-35W bridge.

191 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Tears  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 5:33:37am

re: #161 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

While Fawkes' image has been romanticized over the past 400 years, he was a criminal who tried to blow up a government building. It would be hard to imagine Americans one day wearing Timothy McVeigh masks to protest the government or corporate greed.

Actually, given the nuttiness loose in our culture I'm sort of surprised it hasn't popped up yet among the goofier libertarian outfits already.

192 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Tears  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 5:53:10am

re: #163 ralphieboy

It's amazing what a few centuries can do to transform an historical figure into an icon. Sometimes it only takes decades, as with Ronald Reagan.

Googled it a bit (Guy Fawkes Day aka Bonfire Night) and one major reason the name has stuck around is that there were official government sanctioned commerations of the event (the Gunpowder Plot) for a century or so afterwards. They started anti-Catholic and eventually went secular it seems, turning into a social holiday for bonfires and fireworks.

I doubt the US government is going to sanctify McVeigh's name in that regard. So he and his co-conspirators will be dusty footnotes before too long.

193 reloadingisnotahobby  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 5:55:11am

Good morning all!
Some interesting reading of the Reconstruction Post Civil War..
and 1866 Civil Rights bill....
[Link: www1.law.nyu.edu...]


194 reloadingisnotahobby  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 6:04:04am

re: #185 Alouette

Today is my daughter's birthday. She is 30 years old.

I vaguely remember 30......
Late 70's early 80's are a bit ...fuzzy!LOL
Congrats on another grand baby!

195 Vicious Babushka  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 6:05:59am

re: #194 reloadingisnotahobby

I vaguely remember 30...
Late 70's early 80's are a bit ...fuzzy!LOL
Congrats on another grand baby!

Save the congrats for the actual birth.

196 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 6:06:40am

A funny Perry flip-flop:

[Link: www.dailykos.com...]

197 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 6:14:50am

re: #170 000G

What do you think of Die Krupps?

198 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 6:17:40am

re: #170 000G

That last one - Max Raabe is still the best.

199 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 6:18:56am

re: #193 reloadingisnotahobby

Good morning all!
Some interesting reading of the Reconstruction Post Civil War..
and 1866 Civil Rights bill...
[Link: www1.law.nyu.edu...]


"Representatives William D. Kelley, speaking on March 29, 1871 in response to an argument that the Ku Klux Klan was a necessary and reasonable reaction to the foundation of "negro militias" and to the claim that black people in the South in fact did not suffer from discrimination. "

The same zero-sum, paranoiac mentality is behind lynching and other forms of conservative race rage - we must annihilate you to protect our superiority complex.

200 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 6:20:07am

re: #199 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

The same zero-sum, paranoiac mentality is behind lynching and other forms of conservative race rage - we must annihilate you to protect our superiority complex.

Also - projection of own sins.

201 Interesting Times  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 6:23:50am

re: #200 Sergey Romanov

Also - projection of own sins.

I could pay off Eurozone debt myself if I had a dollar for every time the modern right-wing pulls that sorry stunt.

202 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 6:26:09am

re: #165 000G

Heh. Hip-hop is mostly not to my taste (except for that white boy Eminem ... is there a bias here?!///). If you have more of those melodically interesting heavy/noise/black/death/darkwave/whatever German things - keep posting'em! Very appreciated.

203 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 6:27:08am

re: #201 publicityStunted

I could pay off Eurozone debt myself if I had a dollar for every time the modern right-wing pulls that sorry stunt.

Yeah. *barf* They always do it knowingly and calculate everything. Being racist, they accuse of racism, etc.

204 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 6:28:48am

re: #203 Sergey Romanov

Yeah. *barf* They always do it knowingly and calculate everything. Being racist, they accuse of racism, etc.

The worst part of it is, if you asked them, they would totally deny being racist even if you shoved the evidence of it in their faces. It's like they don't even realize that they're doing the exact same damn thing they're accusing their opponent of.

205 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 6:30:16am

re: #203 Sergey Romanov

Yeah. *barf* They always do it knowingly and calculate everything. Being racist, they accuse of racism, etc.

OK, this is too overgeneralizing, and I should shame myself for that.

But I mean the types of Limbaugh, Coulter, etc. I don't really want to paint everyone on the right as racist, esp. as "the right" is such a vague term.

206 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Tears  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 6:31:05am

re: #204 thedopefishlives

The worst part of it is, if you asked them, they would totally deny being racist even if you shoved the evidence of it in their faces. It's like they don't even realize that they're doing the exact same damn thing they're accusing their opponent of.

Hypocrisy is a liberal concept.

207 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 6:31:37am

re: #197 Sergey Romanov

What do you think of Die Krupps?

Not really my cup of tea. If going down that road, I'd rather have Laibach.

By the way, I've seen you post some neofolksy/"goth"y stuff. Any opinion on Death In June?

re: #198 Sergey Romanov

That last one - Max Raabe is still the best.


Can't watch it, thanks to GEMA.

208 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 6:32:34am

re: #207 000G

Hey! Laibach is my everything.


209 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 6:33:07am

re: #207 000G

What, you didn't hear Raabe's rendering? Do try to find it.

210 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 6:42:12am

re: #207 000G

By the way, I've seen you post some neofolksy/"goth"y stuff. Any opinion on Death In June?

Heh. The first thing on YT is this:

which would be liked by some here ;))

Musically OK.

211 NJDhockeyfan  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 6:42:30am

Good morning lizards!

I woke up to three breaking news stories this morning...

Jon Corzine resigned, White House got subpoenaed for Solyndra documents, and unemployment rate is at 9.0%.

212 Daniel Ballard  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 6:43:27am

Good Morning from rainy Los Angeles. I found this moment of beauty online at Petapixel. A couple young ladies get a nice surprise from mother nature while out on a canoe.

213 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 6:48:08am

re: #212 Rightwingconspirator

Speechless. I wonder how that works.

214 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 6:48:15am

re: #204 thedopefishlives

The worst part of it is, if you asked them, they would totally deny being racist even if you shoved the evidence of it in their faces. It's like they don't even realize that they're doing the exact same damn thing they're accusing their opponent of.

That's why I stopped bothering, years ago, preferring to just rub their noses in their self-generated anxieties, if I expend any energy at all.

215 darthstar  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 6:48:46am

re: #212 Rightwingconspirator

Good Morning from rainy Los Angeles. I found this moment of beauty online at Petapixel. A couple young ladies get a nice surprise from mother nature while out on a canoe.

That. Was. Fucking. Awesome. Thanks.

Good morning, everyone.

216 Big Steve  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 6:51:41am

re: #159 Sergey Romanov

У нас больше нет милиционеров. У нас теперь полиция. Так что "Детсадовский полицейский", все как надо.

Sergey....when Big Steve was merely Average Sized Steve (High School) I took four years of Russian. This was early 70's. The first thing the teacher taught us was не стреляйте.

217 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Tears  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 6:51:43am

re: #211 NJDhockeyfan

Good morning lizards!

I woke up to three breaking news stories this morning...

Jon Corzine resigned, White House got subpoenaed for Solyndra documents, and unemployment rate is at 9.0%.

And you can tell that Corzine is a Democrat since he didn't ask for a multi-million dollar severance package to go with it...


//// (massive)

218 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 6:52:07am

re: #216 Big Steve

Sergey...when Big Steve was merely Average Sized Steve (High School) I took four years of Russian. This was early 70's. The first thing the teacher taught us was не стреляйте.


219 darthstar  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 6:52:16am

re: #211 NJDhockeyfan

Good morning lizards!

I woke up to three breaking news stories this morning...

Jon Corzine resigned, White House got subpoenaed for Solyndra documents, and unemployment rate is at 9.0%.

I think the White House won't have any issue with handing over Solyndra documents with President Bush's signature on them. Oh, and 10 of the Republicans on the committee investigating the Solyndra deal originally supported (and voted) for it.

The 80,000 jobs number will likely get revised upward, but again, at least we're not still hemorrhaging jobs.

Oh, and I never really liked Corzine, so good riddance.

220 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 6:53:12am

re: #216 Big Steve

Sergey...when Big Steve was merely Average Sized Steve (High School) I took four years of Russian. This was early 70's. The first thing the teacher taught us was не стреляйте.

A few minutes' Googling later, and that was the funniest thing I'd read all morning.

221 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 6:54:02am

re: #211 NJDhockeyfan

Good morning lizards!

I woke up to three breaking news stories this morning...

Jon Corzine resigned, White House got subpoenaed for Solyndra documents, and unemployment rate is at 9.0%.

Do these make you feel like celebrating?

222 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 6:54:31am

re: #216 Big Steve

Was it related to this paranoia?

223 Big Steve  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 6:55:10am

re: #220 thedopefishlives

A few minutes' Googling later, and that was the funniest thing I'd read all morning.

For those who don't want to google it....не стреляйте means "don't shoot"

224 darthstar  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 6:55:44am

re: #220 thedopefishlives

A few minutes' Googling later, and that was the funniest thing I'd read all morning.

Heh...I figured it was something like that...Red Scare and all..

225 Daniel Ballard  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 6:56:20am

I'm out to my commute. It's too early for cheap snark. Play nice folks. BBL

226 makeitstop  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 6:57:01am

re: #212 Rightwingconspirator

Good Morning from rainy Los Angeles. I found this moment of beauty online at Petapixel. A couple young ladies get a nice surprise from mother nature while out on a canoe.

So cool. I'd love to see one of those up close.

227 lawhawk  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 6:58:28am

re: #219 darthstar

The Corzine story is going to get real juicy I expect - and the GOP will try to smear the Obama administration over their ties to Corzine (they're already asking for Obama to return money that Corzine helped raise).

Fact is that MF Global did some real bad things - and admitted to doing so.

MF Global commingled funds - a cardinal rule.
They attempted to hide transactions from regulators, while the regulators were in the building looking through documents related to the pending sale of MF Global ahead of possible bankruptcy.

When the discrepancies mounted, the deals broke off - and the regulators closed in finding all kinds of financial chicanery.

Corzine's in trouble (and has already hired a criminal defense attorney) and he knows it. He pushed MF Global into these sovereign debt positions. He was giving a positive spin to company positions as recently as a week or two ago (before the talks got underway to sell), and potentially misled everyone about the company positions.

A perp-walk is in his future. So much for being the supposedly smartest guy in the room.

228 Big Steve  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 6:59:19am

re: #222 Sergey Romanov

Was it related to this paranoia?

Well that was far more erudite.....mostly he was having fun. But seriously it was an experimental class and on the first day of my freshman year the teacher told us that would be the last day we were allowed to speak English in class. Took four years and it was true, never spook english again in that class. We learned Russian like a child learns a language. I remember the very first film strip we learned from:

Ringing a phone........Игорь дома?
да Игорь является домом

229 Vicious Babushka  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:00:24am

re: #226 makeitstop

So cool. I'd love to see one of those up close.

Wouldn't be so cool if those were hornets, or bats.

230 makeitstop  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:01:33am

re: #229 Alouette

Wouldn't be so cool if those were hornets, or bats.

Yeah, I'd settle for video in those situations.

231 darthstar  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:01:59am

re: #227 lawhawk

The Corzine story is going to get real juicy I expect - and the GOP will try to smear the Obama administration over their ties to Corzine (they're already asking for Obama to return money that Corzine helped raise).

They'll try to smear Obama with anything they can get their hands on. President Obama will probably just return the money - he'll get more - and say that laws are laws and people who violate them need to answer for their actions. That'll make Carl Rove and the rest of the Republican money machine's butt pucker.

232 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:02:16am

re: #228 Big Steve


- Is Igor home?
- Yes, Igor is THE home.

Something out of Stephen King, I guess.//

233 Killgore Trout  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:02:23am

Israel Intercepts Two Boats Bound for Gaza

The Israeli military said on Friday that it was preparing to board two small boats that were sailing toward Gaza in order to challenge Israel’s maritime blockade of the Palestinian coastal enclave.

234 NJDhockeyfan  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:02:32am

re: #217 oaktree

And you can tell that Corzine is a Democrat since he didn't ask for a multi-million dollar severance package to go with it...


/// (massive)

Really? I thought it was because there is over a half a billion dollars of customer's money missing.

235 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:02:43am

re: #202 Sergey Romanov

Heh. Hip-hop is mostly not to my taste (except for that white boy Eminem ... is there a bias here?!///). If you have more of those melodically interesting heavy/noise/black/death/darkwave/whatever German things - keep posting'em! Very appreciated.

Well, I find a lot of the hi-hop stuff I posted melodically interesting as well...

As for heavier stuff in German... here are some other songs I like:

(btw, I think you could really, really dig Knorkator)

236 Obdicut  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:03:14am

re: #230 makeitstop

Yeah, I'd settle for video in those situations.

237 lawhawk  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:04:43am

re: #231 darthstar

I agree - but the smear will be made nonetheless. And it's not like Obama isn't hurting to raise money so giving back $250k or $500k isn't going to be that damaging. His campaign war chest is larger than all the GOP candidates combined. And he doesn't have to face a primary challenge (one of the perks of incumbency).

238 Gus  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:05:55am

Awe geez. This is pretty cool.

Occupy Nashville vs. GOP confrontation turns into love fest

Hey, you socialist hippie weirdos! Hey, you boot-heel-licking fascist twerps! Group hug!

That was essentially the vibe in Nashville on Thursday night, as a rare rash of love broke out across the political divide between Occupy Nashville protesters and a conservative counter-protesting group.

Jeff Woods, a writer with the Nashville Scene newspaper, reports that a "shouting, sign-waving band of Vanderbilt young Republicans" marched onto Nashville's downtown Legislative Plaza to stage a public response to the local iteration of the Occupy movement.

The Republicans were met with a chant of "We Love You!" from the Occupy Nashville crowd.

Woods observed that the Republicans were "undeterred by their warm welcome" at first, chanting, "Occupy the White House! Fire Obama!"

But minutes later, the goodwill reportedly caught on, and the scene began to resemble something like the famous World War I Christmas truce on the battlefields of Flanders.

Soon, Woods wrote, the Republicans "were smiling, shaking hands and chatting amiably with their fellow demonstrators at the opposite end of the ideological spectrum."


239 darthstar  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:06:02am

re: #229 Alouette

Wouldn't be so cool if those were hornets, or bats.

Bats are harmless. They eat bugs. I got to see a huge colony of bats in Austin Texas...pretty cool how several thousand can black out the sky. You just have to hope they all don't have to take a crap at the same time.

As far as hornets go--never saw one--but I worked for a beekeeper for a few years and I saw several "virgin flights" - when the young queen is bred by a drone...the cloud is smaller, obviously, but you could watch it move up and down the valley and around trees...it really is quite remarkable.

240 Obdicut  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:06:27am

re: #239 darthstar

241 darthstar  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:07:30am

re: #237 lawhawk

I agree - but the smear will be made nonetheless. And it's not like Obama isn't hurting to raise money so giving back $250k or $500k isn't going to be that damaging. His campaign war chest is larger than all the GOP candidates combined. And he doesn't have to face a primary challenge (one of the perks of incumbency).

Another defense against this smear is to tie it to all the lunacy from the right. "Of course they think I'm corrupt! I'm a Kenyan Muslim Socialist, remember??"

242 Gus  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:11:10am

Oh boy.

Texas Legislator: "Don't Try to Jew Them Down"

Lest you think that the last lingering prejudices in American politics consist of Democrats trying to demonize black conservatives, Texas State Rep. Larry Taylor (R) offered a pretty compelling counter-point on Thursday. Via Harvey Kronberg:

During a hearing of the Joint Legislative Committee on Windstorm Insurance this afternoon, Chairman Larry Taylor was discussing delivery of quick and fair payments for windstorm victims. Unfortunately, to make his point he said, "Don't nitpick, don't try to Jew them down."

Without pausing he added, "That's probably a bad term" and then resumed his remarks.

243 Sol Berdinowitz  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:12:28am

re: #242 Gus 802

Yes, that was niggardly...

244 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:12:49am

re: #242 Gus 802

Wow, that guy is sooo gay.


245 iossarian  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:12:56am

re: #242 Gus 802

Oh boy.

Texas Legislator: "Don't Try to Jew Them Down"

Must have been hanging around with the OWS guys or something.


246 darthstar  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:13:43am

re: #243 ralphieboy

Yes, that was niggardly...

He probably got gypped on a deal before.

247 Gus  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:14:04am

Al Franken stole the election! From today...

Bachmann also said in Adel, IA, last night, per NBC’s Jamie Novogrod that Al Franken's contested 2008 election to the Minnesota senate seat, in which he defeated incumbent Republican Norm Coleman by narrowest of margins, was a "stolen election." "But for Al Franken, in a stolen election by the way -- although that probably doesn’t surprise you,” Bachmann charged. “But for Al Franken we wouldn’t have Obamacare. We wouldn’t have Dodd-Frank. And you see, that’s why all our chips are on the line."

[Link: firstread.msnbc.msn.com...]

248 Obdicut  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:14:06am

More on campaign financing:

The conservative Americans for Prosperity is investigating their financial dealings with Prosperity USA, the group run by Cain chief of staff Mark Block that’s been accused of illegally helping get the Cain campaign off the ground, the Center for Public Integrity reports:

Levi Russell, a spokesman for AFP, told iWatch News , that “there were financial dealings with Prosperity USA and/or the Wisconsin Prosperity Network.” The latter group is another charity that Block helped set up in Wisconsin in 2008 to boost conservative causes. It’s not clear why AFP is reviewing the latter group except that Block founded it too.
Russell said AFP was trying to “find out the timing and the nature of the transactions.”

“We want to hold off (saying more) in light of potential legal ramifications,” Russell said. AFP is expected to complete its review late next week.

In a follow up written statement, Russell said AFP has “total confidence that all interactions AFP had with Prosperity USA or Wisconsin Prosperity Network were in full compliance with applicable laws.”

Total confidence. That's why we're reviewing it. Yeah.

249 Sol Berdinowitz  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:14:21am

re: #246 darthstar

He probably got gypped on a deal before.

Indian giver!!!

250 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:15:05am

re: #247 Gus 802

Sigh. Coming from Bachmann that really doesn't deserve even a facepalm any longer.

251 Sol Berdinowitz  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:15:24am

re: #247 Gus 802

She just affirming what every good conservative Minnesotan already knows.

252 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:15:48am

re: #235 000G

Knorkator is not bad, tho I'll have to hear more. I will actually be downloading discographies of most folks you posted (except hip-hop).

253 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:15:57am

re: #247 Gus 802

Oh, for the love of God. Give it a rest, Bachmann. Heck, if I knew then what I know now, I would've made it a point to go out and vote for Franken.

...Holy hell, did I just say that out loud?

254 Gus  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:17:57am

re: #250 Sergey Romanov

Sigh. Coming from Bachmann that really doesn't deserve even a facepalm any longer.

She's as consistent as a 9/11 truther.

255 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:19:30am

re: #242 Gus 802

How mighty white of him.

257 Gus  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:21:36am

re: #256 Alouette

He's sorry that people were offended.

That almost reads like "I'm sorry people were offended for saying something I still believe in."

258 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:22:13am

re: #257 Gus 802

That almost reads like "I'm sorry people were offended for saying something I still believe in."

To those who were offended - I'm sorry.
To those who weren't - good on you for having a sense of humor.

259 Gus  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:22:34am

Republicans, Mormons, Cain and sexual harassment...

Cain rises in Post-ABC poll despite scandal; most Republicans dismiss allegations

By Jon Cohen, Friday, November 4, 5:00 AM

Businessman Herman Cain and former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney are running nearly even atop the field of 2012 GOP presidential hopefuls, a new Washington Post-ABC News poll shows, with most Republicans dismissing the harassment allegations that over the past week have roiled Cain’s campaign.

Seven in 10 Republicans say reports that Cain made unwanted advances toward two employees when he was head of the National Restaurant Association in the 1990s — allegations which have been stiffly rebutted by Cain’s campaign — do not matter when it comes to picking a candidate...

260 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:23:21am

re: #257 Gus 802

That almost reads like "I'm sorry people were offended for saying something I still believe in."


261 Obdicut  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:23:40am

Absolute fucking shitheads. Warning, if you click on this link you will be very angry and sad. I'm not going to post any text here because I don't want to ruin anyone's morning.

It's petty, stupid evil.

[Link: www.thesmokinggun.com...]

262 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:23:45am

re: #259 Gus 802

Republicans, Mormons, Cain and sexual harassment...

Cain rises in Post-ABC poll despite scandal; most Republicans dismiss allegations

I thought it would end up this way.

263 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:24:14am

re: #261 Obdicut

Absolute fucking shitheads. Warning, if you click on this link you will be very angry and sad. I'm not going to post any text here because I don't want to ruin anyone's morning.

It's petty, stupid evil.

[Link: www.thesmokinggun.com...]

Yet you still posted the link. ///

264 Vicious Babushka  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:24:40am

re: #257 Gus 802

That almost reads like "I'm sorry people were offended for saying something I still believe in."

This kind of reminds me of the Johnny Galliano thing. He gets drunk, starts cursing the Jews. Now the old saying is, In veno veritas (Wine contains Truth) or in Hebrew, nichnas yayin yotze sod (Wine goes in, secrets go out)

Larry Taylor wasn't even drunk.

265 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:24:40am

re: #252 Sergey Romanov

Knorkator is not bad, tho I'll have to hear more. I will actually be downloading discographies of most folks you posted

I can certainly vouch for Hasenchartbreaker and The Schlechtst Of by Knorkator. And though you didn't comment on them, I maintain you should check out Die Ärzte.

(except hip-hop).

Oh come on! At least Fischmob is worth digging into. They're epic.

I was actually at a Type O Negative concert once... and some guys were loudly shouting for them to play Fischmob songs.

266 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:24:40am

re: #249 ralphieboy

Indian giver!!!


267 Obdicut  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:25:13am

re: #263 Sergey Romanov

Yet you still posted the link. ///

Well, I do think that anyone who gets upset at places that do pet adoption asking lots of probing questions and making sure you can really take care of a pet should know why they do it.

Ugh. I just cannot stand shit like that.

268 jaunte  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:25:48am

re: #257 Gus 802

Larry Taylor is the representative from the insurance industry. Also a tenther, sponsoring legislation like:

"Affirming the pride of all Texans in both our one and indivisible national union and our one and indivisible state, claiming sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution, serving notice to the federal government to cease and desist from certain mandates, and providing that certain federal legislation be prohibited or repealed."

269 Obdicut  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:25:58am

re: #259 Gus 802

Republicans, Mormons, Cain and sexual harassment...

Cain rises in Post-ABC poll despite scandal; most Republicans dismiss allegations

Why is Romney working so hard to lead a party that really doesn't want him? Why is he minimizing his faith, flip-flopping on every issue, deriding his own accomplishments? Is it just desire for power, or is it the vanity of really thinking he's a good leader for America?

270 prairiefire  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:26:12am

re: #231 darthstar

The RW's were impressed with the 1 billion figure the administration threw out there. And it is interesting how the Obama admin has bit into Romney so determinedly. Does anybody else remember such specific attacks launched against a not nominated contender? I'm so glad David Plouffe is back.[Link: en.wikipedia.org...]
I love you, David!

271 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:26:16am

re: #265 000G

Oh come on! At least Fischmob is worth digging into. They're epic.

That was one of the few I listened to among your links (the other was Irgendwo). I guess I'll try it again later.

272 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:27:45am

re: #267 Obdicut

And now I actually read the link. Fuuuck.

273 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:28:12am

re: #271 Sergey Romanov

(I mean the hip-hop ones.)

274 jaunte  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:31:31am

Alan Keyes left a dropping in my email in-box this morning:

Image: ShariahPres.jpg

275 Gus  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:32:03am

re: #262 Sergey Romanov

I thought it would end up this way.

Oddly enough he still hasn't used his "Jesus card" on this yet. It's been purely a secular defense. This truly shows the desperation on the part of Republicans and their confusion and muted hatred of Mormons in general.

276 lawhawk  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:32:34am

Northeast power utility updates.

NJ nearly has all the power restored (and those remaining few people are those whose homes/businesses took damage in the storms requiring more than just line work to restore power). Same thing in NY.

It's a totally different story in Connecticut where more than 200,000 customers are without power.

And CLP and Gov. Malloy must take full blame here.

For CLP, it's both action by negligence and willful failures to prepare for the storm and having crews in place to deal with storm damage that they had every reason to know and expect. Everyone from the NWS on down was warning of major storm damage from downed trees, but CLP didn't get mutual assistance calls in in a timely manner.

Then, when Gov. Malloy saw that CLP wasn't doing the job - he failed to activate the national guard until yesterday to help clear tree debris to help get power lines restored.

These delays are not only the result of the storm, but the absolute failure of the utilities to do their damned jobs.

CLP has cut its maintenance budgets even as its profits have grown. And the state hasn't held CLP accountable for its failures either. Malloy gives them a pass. That's inexcusable.

277 iossarian  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:32:35am

re: #269 Obdicut

Why is Romney working so hard to lead a party that really doesn't want him? Why is he minimizing is faith, flip-flopping on every issue, deriding his own accomplishments? Is it just desire for power, or is it the vanity of really thinking he's a good leader for America?

Having worked with people like Romney to some extent in my former job, I would assume that he genuinely does believe that America would be better off with him as leader, and that whatever "lust for power" he has lies more on the subconscious side of his motivation.

I think he's one of those people who have a very detailed understanding of how how an abstract economic system works, but that the system is unfortunately based on an extremely simplistic and unrealistic view of the world (which is not coincidentally shaped by the very privileged lifestyle these people lead).

These people really do believe that, if only they were allowed to explain and implement their grand vision, everyone would be better off.

278 Gus  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:32:36am

re: #274 jaunte

Alan Keyes left a dropping in my email in-box this morning:

Image: ShariahPres.jpg

Patriot! Drink! No wait. It's much too early for that.

279 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:32:54am

re: #278 Gus 802

Patriot! Drink! No wait. It's much too early for that.

Yeah, but it's Friday. You get a pass for that.

280 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:32:59am

re: #246 darthstar

He probably got gypped on a deal before.

One of those coincidences - I think I hear this word a second time in a row in two days; first was when Obdi brought it up yesterday). I don't think I ever heard/read it before (at least I don't remember this).

281 Gus  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:35:50am

Well. Republicans do reject science for the most part. Might as well throw in rejection of math. Or is that reading comprehension?

Jason Clayworth blogs some data from the Des Moines Register Poll that manages to be distressing and totally unsurprising at the same time.

Among the 400 likely Republican caucusgoers polled, 29 percent think they would be better off under Cain’s [9-9-9 tax] plan, and 31 percent think things would be the same, for a combined 60 percent. Eighteen percent think they would be worse off, and 22 percent aren’t sure.

But among those making less than $50,000 a year, the percentages rise to 34 percent who think they would be better off and 33 percent who think things would be the same, or 67 percent combined. Fourteen percent say they would fare worse, and 19 percent aren’t sure.

As Cain would say: The problem with their analysis is that it's not correct. Forty-seven percent of people currently get exemptions that spare them from federal income taxes, or lack jobs that would have them paying FICA. Under 9-9-9, poor people pay higher taxes. Families making between $20,000 and $50,000 would see their annual tax bills go up by more than $3000. Families making more than $1 million would get tax cuts averaging out at $581,000.

282 Gus  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:36:06am

re: #279 thedopefishlives

Yeah, but it's Friday. You get a pass for that.


283 lawhawk  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:37:01am

re: #275 Gus 802

Your Jesus card awaits.

284 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:40:06am

re: #259 Gus 802

Republicans, Mormons, Cain and sexual harassment...

Cain rises in Post-ABC poll despite scandal; most Republicans dismiss allegations



Blue dress!!

EdwardsKennedyWeiner!! FAWN HALL!!!

285 prairiefire  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:40:06am

re: #276 lawhawk

In CT, the towns aldermen have a lot of say in how the landscape is managed. They have been old school sticklers for keeping the rustic nature in place, and try to control private land ownership decisions on trees and landscaping.[Link: www.waterburyct.org...]

286 ProGunLiberal  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:43:24am

re: #276 lawhawk

The CLP is a good argument for nationalized utilities.

287 Decatur Deb  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:43:52am

re: #284 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin


It's good that his numbers are holding. Every dime he collects, and every dime he makes the others spend, comes out of the available warchests for 2012. Let the TPGOP deal with him as they wish.

288 Sol Berdinowitz  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:45:48am

re: #281 Gus 802

It is a matter of belief, they believe that 9-9-9 means lower taxes. And that belief (against all facts and logic) is all HC needs to continue to be successful

289 Gus  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:46:04am



290 Obdicut  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:46:15am

re: #280 Sergey Romanov

It's one of the slurs that almost nobody in the US actually connects with the ethnic group it relates to. Americans have almost no idea who the gypsies actually are, either.

291 lawhawk  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:46:19am

re: #285 prairiefire

I completely understand the affection for trees. I love the trees that we have in our area - and on my property. But I also understand that you've got to prune and care for them so that they don't fall on my house, my neighbors houses, or on the utility lines.

Utilities aren't spending money on maintenance - and that's coming back to bite everyone, particularly in CT. CLP seems to be able to do whatever it wants with no repercussions for its ongoing failings. Even the governor is giving them a pass. That doesn't cut it.

292 jaunte  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:47:24am

re: #290 Obdicut

I remember it being a popular term in middle school, but no one made the connection to gypsies.

293 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Tears  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:47:42am

re: #288 ralphieboy

It is a matter of belief, they believe that 9-9-9 means lower taxes. And that belief (against all facts and logic) is all HC needs to continue to be successful

I get the impression that their analysis does not get beyond "9% is less than 28%, therefore this is good". And that assumes that some analysis is taking place in the first place.

294 lawhawk  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:48:40am

re: #288 ralphieboy

It is a matter of belief, they believe that 9-9-9 means lower taxes. And that belief (against all facts and logic) is all HC needs to continue to be successful

Not just a matter of belief - but someone will simply look at the 9% income tax and think it's going to save them because it's less than their 20% bracket (or 25% bracket). They don't get that the sales tax component may end up costing them even more than they'd ever hope to save, and that the marginal rates will end up being even more.

295 makeitstop  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:49:07am

re: #259 Gus 802

Republicans, Mormons, Cain and sexual harassment...

Cain rises in Post-ABC poll despite scandal; most Republicans dismiss allegations

There's your final proof that Republican primary voters have lost their damn minds.

What used to be a career-killer in politics now gives you a ratings bump. Fuckin' surreal is what it is.

296 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:49:23am

re: #287 Decatur Deb

It's good that his numbers are holding. Every dime he collects, and every dime he makes the others spend, comes out of the available warchests for 2012. Let the TPGOP deal with him as they wish.

If it weren't a GE, I would think the spot HC has put the Republicans in is hilarious. They are getting exactly what they deserve, from these loose cannons of their own making.

297 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Tears  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:50:03am

re: #291 lawhawk

I completely understand the affection for trees. I love the trees that we have in our area - and on my property. But I also understand that you've got to prune and care for them so that they don't fall on my house, my neighbors houses, or on the utility lines.

Utilities aren't spending money on maintenance - and that's coming back to bite everyone, particularly in CT. CLP seems to be able to do whatever it wants with no repercussions for its ongoing failings. Even the governor is giving them a pass. That doesn't cut it.

They certainly have not been cutting the trees...

My brother has taken pains to analyze the path the power line follows into his wooded property. And the trees that are a threat to fall on it get some trimming (or removal). Though it still is not completely safe since he is not willing to clear cut a 40' wide path for the utility line.

298 lawhawk  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:50:34am

re: #289 Gus 802

And paying a national sales tax would require an even larger IRS to handle the payment, collection, auditing, and enforcement of that tax (even if it works in conjunction with state taxing authorities to collect and remit).

That's the same IRS that lacks sufficient auditors to handle corporate and personal income tax accounts.

Would simplification help with compliance. Absolutely, but this isn't the way to do it.

299 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:51:34am

re: #295 makeitstop

Well, it gives a ratings bump for now, and among the dumbest of bigots. That will change for HC, though, the higher the stakes get.

300 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Tears  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:51:56am

re: #298 lawhawk

And paying a national sales tax would require an even larger IRS to handle the payment, collection, auditing, and enforcement of that tax (even if it works in conjunction with state taxing authorities to collect and remit).

That's the same IRS that lacks sufficient auditors to handle corporate and personal income tax accounts.

Would simplification help with compliance. Absolutely, but this isn't the way to do it.

JOBS! Shrinking government! OOPS!

301 Decatur Deb  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:52:50am

re: #289 Gus 802



Drove by your mom's place yesterday--you need to cut her grass.

(Oddly, the 'quote' button doesn't pick up wingnutted text. Just as well.)

303 garhighway  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:54:20am

re: #269 Obdicut

Why is Romney working so hard to lead a party that really doesn't want him? Why is he minimizing his faith, flip-flopping on every issue, deriding his own accomplishments? Is it just desire for power, or is it the vanity of really thinking he's a good leader for America?

Romney is inevitable.

Resistance is futile.

You will be absorbed.

304 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Tears  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:54:21am

re: #301 Decatur Deb

(Oddly, the 'quote' button doesn't pick up wingnutted text. Just as well.)

The quote button understands that quoting even fake wingnut is frowned upon in this establishment.


305 Decatur Deb  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:55:06am

re: #298 lawhawk

And paying a national sales tax would require an even larger IRS to handle the payment, collection, auditing, and enforcement of that tax (even if it works in conjunction with state taxing authorities to collect and remit).

That's the same IRS that lacks sufficient auditors to handle corporate and personal income tax accounts.

Would simplification help with compliance. Absolutely, but this isn't the way to do it.

Italy has an entirely separate uniformed police force, the Guardia Finanza, to enforce their VAT. They are universally despised because they don't screw around.

306 jaunte  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:55:14am

re: #288 ralphieboy

It is a matter of belief, they believe that 9-9-9 means lower taxes.

I think Cain based his 9-9-9 plan on the success of the McDonald's 'Dollar Menu.' It sounds cheap, but people still spend a lot.

308 Lidane  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:55:39am

re: #295 makeitstop

There's your final proof that Republican primary voters have lost their damn minds.

What used to be a career-killer in politics now gives you a ratings bump. Fuckin' surreal is what it is.

Remember, as Ann Coulter put it, Cain's one of "their blacks", so he's okay. =P

Also, his poll numbers show just how desperately the GOP base wants to avoid a Romney nomination.

309 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Tears  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:56:30am

re: #305 Decatur Deb

Italy has an entirely separate uniformed police force the Guardia Finanza, to enforce their VAT. They are universally despised because they don't screw around.

Do they show up with submachineguns like the rest of the police have?

If so, they probably will be taken quite seriously!

310 makeitstop  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:56:51am

re: #299 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

Well, it gives a ratings bump for now, and among the dumbest of bigots. That will change for HC, though, the higher the stakes get.

'Dumbest of bigots' roughly translates to 'primary voters' in this instance. I agree that he'll have a rougher go as we get closer to the start of the primary schedule.

Meanwhile, he's going to do real damage to what's left of the GOP and he doesn't even realize it.

312 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:58:04am

re: #311 iceweasel

what is this i don't even

313 Gus  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:58:06am

It's not the content but the delivery with the GOP. So any one candidate can go up to the podium and say:

"As Ronald Reagan would say. Tax cuts are very important as is one nation under God. And let me pause here for a moment and deliver this message to you patriots gathered here. Tomorrow you will all be executed! Thank you, and may God bless America!"

[Deafening applause followed by standing ovation.]


314 lawhawk  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:59:09am

re: #305 Decatur Deb

Absolutely. And there are 3 states that don't have a sales tax, so this would be a burdensome requirement on them to implement (as a pass-through tax collector). It would be a huge burden on the states as well, since they'd need to increase their operations on sales tax collections to handle the accounting of the monies involved.

315 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:59:15am

re: #313 Gus 802

spot fn on

316 jaunte  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:59:32am

re: #311 iceweasel

"U.S. District Court records do not reveal Bartorillo’s motive for defiling the yogurt containers."

Oddly enough.

317 Lidane  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 7:59:47am

re: #303 garhighway

Romney is inevitable.

Resistance is futile.

You will be absorbed.

If Mitt Romney was a sadist, he could just pack his shit up and go on an around the world cruise for the next year and let the GOP flail in the wind. Let the Republicans nominate Cain or Perry or whoever and get stomped by Obama again.

I'm not a Mitt fan, but it would honestly serve the GOP right to have to nominate some pathetic scrub like Cain and get their ass handed to them in the polls.

318 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:00:09am

re: #311 iceweasel

The man looks like Larry Laffer.

319 Decatur Deb  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:00:24am

re: #309 oaktree

Do they show up with submachineguns like the rest of the police have?

If so, they probably will be taken quite seriously!

If the situation calls for it (bank stuff). They may stop anyone leaving a store or restaurant and demand to see the register receipt and tax paid. They busted a bar owner for letting his daughter eat free a few years back.

320 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:01:43am

re: #313 Gus 802

It's not the content but the delivery with the GOP. So any one candidate can go up to the podium and say:

"As Ronald Reagan would say. Tax cuts are very important as is one nation under God. And let me pause here for a moment and deliver this message to you patriots gathered here. Tomorrow you will all be executed! Thank you, and may God bless America!"

[Deafening applause followed by standing ovation.]


Then they all run out and vote for them.

Stupid dupes.

321 BARACK THE VOTE  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:02:45am

re: #318 Sergey Romanov

The man looks like Larry Laffer.

There's also this, from Feb-- another case:

DNA Links Grocery Clerk To Semen Found In Yogurt Sample Eaten By Woman

i guess sick minds think alike, or something. Is this a thing now, semen in yogurt? disgusting!

322 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:03:23am

re: #321 iceweasel

ugh what is it with us males

323 Lidane  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:03:34am

The party of family values:

Michigan GOP Gives Anti-Bullying Bill A Loophole

Michigan Dems say the Republican Senate gutted an anti-bullying bill when they added a clause that allows bullying based on “moral convictions.”

SB 137, also called “Matt’s Safe School Law” after 14-year old Matt Eppling who committed suicide in 2002 after being bullied, was approved in the state Senate by a 26-11 party line vote, and will now head to the House.

The bill lays out what exactly constitutes bullying, but in one key part it says that the legislation does not prohibit First Amendment rights, and “does not prohibit a statement of a sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction of a school employee, school volunteer, pupil, or a pupil’s parent or guardian.”

So it's not okay to bully people unless you're a sincere religious bigot.


324 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:04:09am

re: #321 iceweasel

There's also this, from Feb-- another case:

DNA Links Grocery Clerk To Semen Found In Yogurt Sample Eaten By Woman

i guess sick minds think alike, or something. Is this a thing now, semen in yogurt? disgusting!


325 Gus  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:04:33am

re: #321 iceweasel

There's also this, from Feb-- another case:

DNA Links Grocery Clerk To Semen Found In Yogurt Sample Eaten By Woman

i guess sick minds think alike, or something. Is this a thing now, semen in yogurt? disgusting!

I never have any of the food samples at Safeway. People are weird and/or septic.

326 jaunte  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:04:44am

re: #323 Lidane

"You're going to burn in hell forever, kid."

327 Decatur Deb  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:05:08am

re: #323 Lidane

The party of family values:

Michigan GOP Gives Anti-Bullying Bill A Loophole

So it's not okay to bully people unless you're a sincere religious bigot.


My name is Torquemada, and I approve this message.

328 Gus  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:05:26am

re: #323 Lidane

The party of family values:

Michigan GOP Gives Anti-Bullying Bill A Loophole

So it's not okay to bully people unless you're a sincere religious bigot.


WTF? WTF? Huh? What?

329 Vicious Babushka  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:05:29am

re: #321 iceweasel

There's also this, from Feb-- another case:

DNA Links Grocery Clerk To Semen Found In Yogurt Sample Eaten By Woman

i guess sick minds think alike, or something. Is this a thing now, semen in yogurt? disgusting!

Not really wanting to click on that link for the gruesome details, how did the perp sneak the "sample" into a sealed carton of yogurt?

330 lawhawk  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:06:02am

re: #327 Decatur Deb

You can't talk'em out of anything...

Auto de fae? What's that?

It's what you oughtn't do, but you do anyways... /mel brooks

331 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:06:18am

re: #329 Alouette

Not really wanting to click on that link for the gruesome details, how did the perp sneak the "sample" into a sealed carton of yogurt?

His ... contraption was small enough to fit into a hole.

OK, just made it up.


332 Gus  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:06:27am

Michigan Dems say the Republican Senate gutted an anti-bullying bill when they added a clause that allows bullying based on “moral convictions.” by children of the American Taliban.

333 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:07:49am

re: #328 Gus 802

WTF? WTF? Huh? What?

Seems like the only thing to say for the latest news.
Yeah, religion. Always a loophole for a bigot. The Bible or the Quran tells you to bully those fags? It's OK. Caricature of your favorite prophet is published? Bomb'em.

334 Gus  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:08:16am

Weirdo GOP...

@thinkprogress ThinkProgress
Romney attacks Perry in Iowa w/radio ad blasting modest effort to help kids of undocumented immigrants attend college [Link: j.mp...]

Even Perry's 'modest effort' is too radical for Romney Version 33.2

335 Gus  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:09:26am

re: #333 Sergey Romanov

Seems like the only thing to say for the latest news.
Yeah, religion. Always a loophole for a bigot. The Bible or the Quran tells you to bully those fags? It's OK. Caricature of your favorite prophet is published? Bomb'em.


We don't need hate crime laws! There are already laws in place!

[Blah, blah, blah.]


336 BARACK THE VOTE  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:09:39am

re: #329 Alouette

Not really wanting to click on that link for the gruesome details, how did the perp sneak the "sample" into a sealed carton of yogurt?

The grocery clerk was contaminating "samples" he was handing out, the other guy contaminated his coworkers food somehow. Not sure how.

337 darthstar  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:09:41am

re: #283 lawhawk

Your Jesus card awaits.

Love that site! I wish I had long golden locks of hair, I'd start my own Date Jesus business.

Bathe with Jesus

Young women interested in bathing with Jesus can now have their dream come true. Not only will you make a new friend, but you will be supporting good hygiene and benefiting the environment by conserving water. There are no strings attached except that a picture of us, suitable for family viewing, will be taken and placed on this web site as a lasting tribute to our determined efforts at cleanliness.

Image: intub.jpg

I believe getting 'filled with the holy spirit' is complimentary.

338 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:10:16am

re: #328 Gus 802

WTF? WTF? Huh? What?




339 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:11:26am

re: #308 Lidane

Remember, as Ann Coulter put it, Cain's one of "their blacks", so he's okay. =P

For now he's ok. Until he slips up. Then they get out the hemp rope.

340 Lidane  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:12:01am

re: #334 Gus 802

Even Perry's 'modest effort' is too radical for Romney Version 33.2

And it won't matter in the end. The GOP base will still hate Mitt Romney and will still cling to a scrub like Cain to avoid Mittens getting the nomination.

Seriously -- Mitt should just pack up his shit and go on vacation for the next year. Let the base force a pathetic, D-list candidate on the party leadership and let the GOP twist in the wind.

341 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:12:41am

re: #337 darthstar

I believe getting 'filled with the holy spirit' is complimentary.

You meant complementary.

/I just wanted to be an asshole for a second.

342 Gus  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:16:11am

re: #341 Sergey Romanov

You meant complementary.

/I just wanted to be an asshole for a second.

There is a misspelling in your comment therefore your argument is invalid! -- Cato


343 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:16:55am

re: #342 Gus 802

There is a misspelling in your comment therefore you argument is invalid! -- Cato


Is that an old Roman Cato or an old Roman LGF Cato?

344 Gus  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:17:48am

re: #343 Sergey Romanov

Is that an old Roman Cato or an old Roman LGF Cato?

I'll just leave it at that. Sure enough I made a typo: "your".

I can't win!


345 darthstar  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:17:59am

re: #341 Sergey Romanov

You meant complementary.

/I just wanted to be an asshole for a second.

You did good...nice catch!

346 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:18:38am

re: #344 Gus 802

Ha, I thought that was on purpose.

347 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:19:57am

re: #344 Gus 802

I'll just leave it at that. Sure enough I made a typo: "your".

I can't win!


I didn't notice.


348 BARACK THE VOTE  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:20:28am

Your Facebook Comments, Coming Soon to a Google Search Near You

Mind what you say in Facebook comments, Google will soon be indexing them and serving them up as part of the company’s standard search results. Google’s all-seeing search robots still can’t find comments on private pages within Facebook, but now any time you use a Facebook comment form on a other sites, or a public page within Facebook, those comments will be indexed by Google.

The new indexing plan isn’t just about Facebook comments, but applies to nearly any content that’s previously been accessible only through an HTTP POST request. Google’s goal is to include anything “hiding” behind a form — comment systems like Disqus or Facebook and other JavaScript-based sites and forms

349 Gus  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:20:36am

@Johngcole John Cole
Just think- people got upset when @markos used the phrase "American Taliban." [Link: t.co...] Sick, sick people.

350 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:20:39am

re: #347 Sergey Romanov

I didn't notice.


Sounds like a personal problem to me.

351 Gretchen G.Tiger  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:20:46am

Morning All!

How is it this am?

352 darthstar  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:20:56am

Herman Cain is doubling down on the "high tech lynching" defense...

353 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:21:05am

re: #345 darthstar

You did good...nice catch!


354 Gus  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:21:26am

re: #346 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

Ha, I thought that was on purpose.

I still tremble in fear over typos.


355 lawhawk  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:21:48am

re: #348 iceweasel

5 googleplex Mafia Wars and Farmville postings gumming up the works.


356 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:23:43am

OK, time to choose a horror flick tor today's viewing.

Any suggestions?

357 darthstar  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:23:51am

re: #355 lawhawk

5 googleplex Mafia Wars and Farmville postings gumming up the works.


When the internet crashes, it will be because google got rick-rolled.

359 darthstar  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:24:22am

re: #356 Sergey Romanov

OK, time to choose a horror flick tor today's viewing.

Any suggestions?

Going Rogue.

360 Obdicut  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:24:38am

re: #356 Sergey Romanov

Shallow Grave is more of a thriller, but very good.

361 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:24:53am

re: #359 darthstar

Going Rogue.

fu ///

362 darthstar  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:26:58am

re: #361 Sergey Romanov

fu ///

I just wanted to show I could be equally assholish.

363 OhNoZombies!  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:27:16am

re: #339 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

If the woman exposes herself, and HC's supporters get to see what she looks like, and she fits their standard of beauty, he'll know what lynching really means.
If she's say...a Monica Lewenksi type, or if she's a minority, he'll be fine.
She's stuck between a rock and a hard place, unfortunately, and stands a good chance of being victimized again.

364 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:27:16am

re: #356 Sergey Romanov

OK, time to choose a horror flick tor today's viewing.

Any suggestions?

Trauma (1993) - Dario Argento

F'ed up movie!

365 Gus  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:28:20am

re: #362 darthstar

I just wanted to show I could be equally asshole.

Shouldn't that be "I just wanted to show I could be equally be an asshole"?


366 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Tears  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:28:58am

re: #343 Sergey Romanov

Is that an old Roman Cato or an old Roman LGF Cato?

Possibly one and the same.

367 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:29:26am

re: #364 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

Love/hate Argento. The first two Suspiria flicks awesome. Giallo stuff? Dunno, dunno.

368 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:29:44am

re: #366 oaktree

Possibly one and the same.

An immortal vampyre?

369 darthstar  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:30:06am

re: #365 Gus 802

Shouldn't that be "I just wanted to show I could be equally be an asshole"?


I already edited it to read "assholish"...but I thought about leaving it as originally written because it was intentional misuse to bait a correction.

370 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:30:08am

re: #365 Gus 802

Shouldn't that be "I just wanted to show I could be equally be an asshole"?


You're also.


371 Gus  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:30:24am

There is a grammatical error in your comment therefore your argument is invalid!


372 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:32:21am

re: #349 Gus 802

@Johngcole John Cole
Just think- people got upset when @markos used the phrase "American Taliban." [Link: t.co...] Sick, sick people.

Ugh. Sickening.

373 Gretchen G.Tiger  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:32:30am


The linked article states there is actually an Evangelical Christian organization advocating Family Planning and Birth Control.

374 Gus  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:33:10am

re: #372 000G

Ugh. Sickening.


375 Killgore Trout  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:33:25am

Here's a pleasant surprise.
Anonymous Kidnapping Victim Released by Notorious Drug Cartel in Mexico
I thought for sure they were going to get their buddy killed. Our old pal Barrett Brown has decided to keep fucking with the cartels anyways.

On Thursday he posted a message on the Pastebin website claiming that, "the Anon[ymous] who had been kidnapped last month by the Zetas has been released, although it appears that the Zetas concerned did not know that the individual was the Anon[ymous] whose release had been demanded by those who instigated #OpCartel". As a consequence of that, "no bargain has been fulfilled," Brown added.

"Meanwhile, those who have been in possession of the emails have promised to provide them to me alone, which is to say that everything that proceeds from now on is my own work, and not that of Anonymous," Brown continued. "Any reprisals against anyone other than myself, then, will have no effect."

"I will be proceeding carefully and with the assistance of several parties who are equipped to assess the contents of these e-mails and particularly those portions dealing with Zeta collaborators. I'll announce the next step in a few days," Brown concluded.

376 lawhawk  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:33:38am

re: #357 darthstar

Or Ba-Zynga'd.

377 Gretchen G.Tiger  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:34:11am

re: #375 Killgore Trout

Anonymous was Anonymous to his kidnappers?

378 darthstar  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:34:16am
379 Gretchen G.Tiger  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:35:10am

re: #378 darthstar

Leakbook...or wikiface...or something


Facebook is the biggest scam. Yet, I have found it very useful. I'd be willing to pay a small fee everymonth to keep my info private.

380 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:36:10am

re: #363 OhNoZombies!

If the woman exposes herself, and HC's supporters get to see what she looks like, and she fits their standard of beauty, he'll know what lynching really means.
If she's say...a Monica Lewenksi type, or if she's a minority, he'll be fine.
She's stuck between a rock and a hard place, unfortunately, and stands a good chance of being victimized again.

I've been saying something very similar. For matters of his personal safety, and also the womens', I hope their identities are never revealed.

It doesn't surprise me one iota that that Archbigot RSMcC is calling for their being outed. So much for obedience to law and order, and settled decisions e_e

We'll once again be taught an unavoidable lesson in just how the right ranks the value of women of different perceived races/ethnicities, as if anyone needs another object lesson in that. I've also said I'll defend him from any hemp-ropers that form, regardless of what letter is after their name. I put nothing past anyone, on this topic.

381 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:36:15am

Anybody seen Cabin fever? Worth watching?

382 lawhawk  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:36:51am

re: #379 ggt


Facebook is the biggest scam. Yet, I have found it very useful. I'd be willing to pay a small fee everymonth to keep my info private.

Don't give them any ideas!

383 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:36:56am

re: #367 Sergey Romanov

Love/hate Argento. The first two Suspiria flicks awesome. Giallo stuff? Dunno, dunno.

This one stars his daughter, and Piper Laurie in another mom-from-hell role.

384 Gretchen G.Tiger  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:37:37am

re: #382 lawhawk

Don't give them any ideas!

It would have to be a whole new service, I think. I think it would be difficult to leash fb now.

385 OhNoZombies!  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:38:12am

Hey, Cato! That's a name I remember from my lurking days. What happened to Cato.
Or can/should I ask? :-/

386 Gus  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:38:28am

Oh look! Another conservative hypocrite...

Walsh Gets Pro-Family Award Despite Child Support Allegations

Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL), whose ex-wife says he owes $117,437 in back child support, was honored by the Family Research Council Action on Thursday for his “unwavering support of the family,” the Chicago Sun-Times reports.

“We thank Cong. Walsh who has voted consistently to defend faith, family and freedom,” FRCA President Tony Perkins said. “Cong. Walsh and other ‘True Blue Members’ have voted to repeal Obamacare, de-fund Planned Parenthood, end government funding for abortion within the health care law, uphold the Defense of Marriage Act, and continue support for school choice. I applaud their commitment to uphold the institutions of marriage and family.”

Tony "KKK Mailing List" Perkins. Puke.

387 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:38:31am

re: #385 OhNoZombies!

He left.

388 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:38:36am

re: #374 Gus 802


What's weird to me is that the daughter appeared with her mom (?) on a TV show to talk about it? Wasn't her mom complicit in that video?:
[Link: www.dailymail.co.uk...]

389 Vicious Babushka  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:39:26am

re: #387 Sergey Romanov

He left.

And the door was locked behind him.

390 ProGunLiberal  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:39:36am

re: #373 ggt

Give them Money!!

Make them bigger!!!

391 Gus  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:39:40am

re: #388 000G

What's weird to me is that the daughter appeared with her mom (?) on a TV show to talk about it? Wasn't her mom complicit in that video?:
[Link: www.dailymail.co.uk...]

Yeah, but she got divorced from the guy. A lot of other unknown issues at play here. Anyway, she was forgiven by he daughter -- they found closure and all that.

392 darthstar  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:39:55am

re: #379 ggt


Facebook is the biggest scam. Yet, I have found it very useful. I'd be willing to pay a small fee everymonth to keep my info private.

My goal is to have a site with 500 million users and charge them a mere $0.99 a month...each. I could retire on that...even with 75% overhead for operating costs and paying my employees seven figure incomes...at a minimum.

393 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:39:57am

re: #385 OhNoZombies!

As far as I remember it (lurking) he became too ... dickish. I think he was banned, but he wanted it.

394 Gretchen G.Tiger  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:40:26am

re: #386 Gus 802

Oh look! Another conservative hypocrite...

Walsh Gets Pro-Family Award Despite Child Support Allegations

Tony "KKK Mailing List" Perkins. Puke.

I'm sooo tired of the 1% hypocrites in Congress.

395 OhNoZombies!  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:41:05am

re: #389 Alouette

re: #387 Sergey Romanov

Aaah. Gotcha.

396 Gus  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:41:20am

re: #394 ggt

I'm sooo tired of the 1% 99 44/100% hypocrites in Congress.


397 Gretchen G.Tiger  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:41:23am

re: #392 darthstar

My goal is to have a site with 500 million users and charge them a mere $0.99 a month...each. I could retire on that...even with 75% overhead for operating costs and paying my employees seven figure incomes...at a minimum.

yes, but Mark Zuckerbergs wants IT ALL and he doesn't want to share.

398 Gretchen G.Tiger  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:42:57am

re: #396 Gus 802


99 44/100 of the 1%?

Who said there would be math?

399 Killgore Trout  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:43:03am

re: #377 ggt

Anonymous was Anonymous to his kidnappers?

Maybe. It's hard to tell. They might have known he was the Anon guy. He might have been released because the family paid ransom. Anon may just be making an excuse to back out on their part of the deal. Could be anything. I still have serious doubts the cartels are afraid of Anon.

400 Gus  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:43:07am

FEC Complaint Filed Against Cain Aide Over iPads, Campaign Trips

The watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) has filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission against Herman Cain chief of staff Mark Block over allegations his former group Prosperity USA footed the bill “for tens of thousands of dollars in expenses for such items as iPads, chartered flights and travel to Iowa and Las Vegas” to help get the Cain campaign off the ground.

401 Gus  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:43:31am

Moral majority!

402 darthstar  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:43:36am

re: #398 ggt

99 44/100 of the 1%?

Who said there would be math?

Are we talking about Ivory soap now?

403 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:44:06am

re: #401 Gus 802

Moral majority!

Silence of the lambs.

404 Gus  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:44:42am

re: #403 Sergey Romanov

Silence of the lambs.

Sanctity of life.

405 reloadingisnotahobby  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:45:32am

re: #400 Gus 802
To get the Cain campaign off the ground he needs to buy a shovel!!

406 darthstar  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:45:51am

re: #400 Gus 802

FEC Complaint Filed Against Cain Aide Over iPads, Campaign Trips

And we would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for those meddling kids citizens for responsibility and ethics in Washington...
Image: phantom_scooby_doo_unmask_1_1750.jpg

407 Gus  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:45:52am

Family values.

408 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:46:00am

re: #404 Gus 802

Sanctity of life.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

409 Gus  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:46:18am

re: #408 Sergey Romanov

Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Sanctity of marriage.

410 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:46:19am

re: #407 Gus 802

Family values.

Debbie does Dallas.

411 darthstar  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:46:40am

re: #407 Gus 802

Family values.

Family Ties (was not, unfortunately, about bondage)

412 Gus  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:46:44am

re: #410 Sergey Romanov

Debbie does Dallas.

Personal responsibility.

413 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:47:09am

re: #409 Gus 802

Sanctity of marriage.

Addams family.

414 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:47:10am

re: #412 Gus 802

Personal responsibility.


415 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:48:16am

re: #412 Gus 802

Personal responsibility.

Boys don't cry.

416 Gus  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:48:53am

re: #415 Sergey Romanov

Boys don't cry.

You're either with us or against us.

417 Gretchen G.Tiger  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:49:05am

re: #402 darthstar

Are we talking about Ivory soap now?

You know, it floats!

You can take it camping and wash in the lake!

418 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:50:20am

re: #416 Gus 802

You're either with us or against us.

He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters. (Mt. 12:30)

419 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:50:56am

re: #373 ggt


The linked article states there is actually an Evangelical Christian organization advocating Family Planning and Birth Control.

Just as an aside, "Evangelical Christian" is a funny term, these days. A lot like "states rights", the bigots have made the phrase into something a lot more narrow and horrid than what it actually is.

All those 95% of We Blacks on the Democrat Plantation...the vast majority, I would say probably 95% of the Christians -- which is to say most people -- are overwhelmingly Evangelical Christians, from Evangelical denominations.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America was one of the first white mainline denominations to ordain women, as well as out gay clergy.

The guy in the article, Rev. Cizik, is kind of a mixed bag, iirc.

420 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:51:47am

re: #388 000G

What's weird to me is that the daughter appeared with her mom (?) on a TV show to talk about it? Wasn't her mom complicit in that video?:
[Link: www.dailymail.co.uk...]

He probably beat the shyt out of her, too.

421 Gretchen G.Tiger  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:52:19am

re: #420 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

He probably beat the shyt out of her, too.

I was thinking that too --reason for divorce.

422 darthstar  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:52:24am

re: #417 ggt

You know, it floats!

You can take it camping and wash in the lake!

Yes, but if I seem a little nervous, it's because I've never been on television...

423 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:53:54am

re: #408 Sergey Romanov

Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

culture of life

424 Gus  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:54:10am

Herman Cain proves that we are not racists in the Republican Party! Mr. Cain also proves that our blacks are better than their blacks! We are not racist!

425 Gretchen G.Tiger  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:54:34am

re: #422 darthstar

Yes, but if I seem a little nervous, it's because I've never been on television...


"When I see the commercial, I think, that girl must believe what I believe."


426 Gus  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:54:46am

re: #423 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

culture of life

Limited government.

427 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:55:10am

re: #423 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

culture of life

Hostel 2

428 Gretchen G.Tiger  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:55:16am

re: #426 Gus 802

Limited government.

For whom?

429 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:55:31am

re: #426 Gus 802

Limited government.


430 garhighway  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:55:33am

re: #392 darthstar

My goal is to have a site with 500 million users and charge them a mere $0.99 a month...each. I could retire on that...even with 75% overhead for operating costs and paying my employees seven figure incomes...at a minimum.

I remember a Bob and Ray piece where one of them was a copier salesman. His copier cost $10,000,000. When it was pointed out how expensive that was, he said "yeah, but I only have to sell one."

431 darthstar  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:56:10am

re: #427 Sergey Romanov

Hostel 2

Those were pretty good movies, but I do think Debbie Does Dallas was better.

432 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:56:42am

re: #431 darthstar

Those were pretty good movies, but I do think Debbie Does Dallas was better.

I agree re:Hostel. I've never seen DDD.

433 Killgore Trout  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:58:06am

Portland police getting ready....
Memo from Portland police Chief Mike Reese outlines bureau's plans for handling Occupy Portland

In an email sent to the bureau, Reese thanked officers for their "patience and professionalism" since Occupy Portland began Oct. 6, but said Wednesday night's unpermitted march through downtown and Southeast Portland was different from past events.

"The tone of this march seemed to change from previous events, and many in the crowd seemed confrontational — provoking motorists and police," Reese said, later referring to a sergeant who was pushed in front of a moving TriMet bus.

Citing a "significant threat" caused by unpermitted marches and a "strain on patrol officers," Reese ordered all sworn members of the bureau have their gas masks, batons and helmets immediately available should they be called to respond to an Occupy Portland event.

434 Gretchen G.Tiger  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 8:58:35am


435 wrenchwench  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 9:00:09am

re: #399 Killgore Trout

Maybe. It's hard to tell. They might have known he was the Anon guy. He might have been released because the family paid ransom. Anon may just be making an excuse to back out on their part of the deal. Could be anything. I still have serious doubts the cartels are afraid of Anon.

Damien Cave, the NY Times reporter on Mexico, thinks the whole story might be bogus.

damiencave Damien Cave
RTSYoungReports: Context for new twist in #OpCartel:"Texas man" joining "fight against cartel" has a deal for a book on Anonymous.

More at his Twitter page.

436 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 9:02:01am

re: #433 Killgore Trout

Portland police getting ready...
Memo from Portland police Chief Mike Reese outlines bureau's plans for handling Occupy Portland

Maybe they'll bash in some more lefty idiot skulls. That would be swell.

437 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 9:02:54am

re: #426 Gus 802

Limited government.

Independence Day

438 Decatur Deb  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 9:04:09am

re: #435 wrenchwench

Damien Cave, the NY Times reporter on Mexico, thinks the whole story might be bogus.

More at his Twitter page.

Publisher will make the advance check out to: 'Anonymous'.

439 reloadingisnotahobby  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 9:05:57am

re: #434 ggt


...? Betty Bangs Los Angeles???

440 Decatur Deb  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 9:06:08am

re: #436 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

Maybe they'll bash in some more lefty idiot skulls. That would be swell.

If the kids lose control of their non-violent demos, head-bashing is par for the course. It's in the ancient texts.

441 Gus  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 9:07:53am

Will the GOP Field Ignore Another Pastor Who Says God Sent Hitler to 'Hunt' Jews?

Has the GOP primary gone off the rails before the first vote has even been cast?

In 2008, Sen. John McCain rejected the endorsement of John Hagee, a far-right pastor who had called the Catholic Church the "Great Whore" and said that Hitler was sent by God to be a "hunter" of Jews who had not yet moved to the land that would become Israel. McCain wasn't exactly running as a moderate - look who he chose to be his vice president - but he knew, at least this time, that a line had been crossed.

Today's GOP presidential candidates seem to have no such scruples.

Compare Hagee's statements to this passage from a 2004 sermon by Mike Bickle, megachurch pastor, big-time evangelical, and star speaker at Rick Perry's August prayer rally-cum-campaign launch. In a video found by Brian Wilson of Talk to Action, Bickle prophesies that in the End Times 2/3 of all Jews "will die in the rage of Satan and in the judgments of God." He goes on to discuss a disturbing and ultimately dangerous theory of the Holocaust even more outrageous than that pushed by Hagee:

The Lord says, "I'm going to offer two strategies to Israel, to these 20 million." He says, "First, I am going to offer them grace, I am going to send the fisherman." Do you know how a fisherman lures? I mean do you know how a fisherman does their thing? They have the bait in front, luring the fish. It's a picture of grace. ... And he says, "And if they don't respond to grace, I'm going to raise up the hunters." And the most famous hunter in recent history is a man named Adolf Hitler. He drove them from the hiding places, he drove them out of the land.


442 Killgore Trout  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 9:09:05am

re: #435 wrenchwench

RTSYoungReports: Context for new twist in #OpCartel:"Texas man" joining "fight against cartel" has a deal for a book on Anonymous.

Ah, thanks for the update.

443 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 9:09:12am

re: #441 Gus 802

Fuck them. Sideways.

444 SanFranciscoZionist  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 9:10:20am

re: #192 oaktree

Googled it a bit (Guy Fawkes Day aka Bonfire Night) and one major reason the name has stuck around is that there were official government sanctioned commerations of the event (the Gunpowder Plot) for a century or so afterwards. They started anti-Catholic and eventually went secular it seems, turning into a social holiday for bonfires and fireworks.

I doubt the US government is going to sanctify McVeigh's name in that regard. So he and his co-conspirators will be dusty footnotes before too long.

George Washington cracked down on Guy Fawkes day celebrations by the army, since they were extremely anti-Catholic, and involved burning the pope in effigy.

George figured we had enough trouble already without alienating Catholic colonists, and was especially concerned about the French-Canadians, who he was trying to win over.

George Washington: the kind of guy who would today be accused of aiding creeping sharia.

445 Daniel Ballard  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 9:10:59am
446 Killgore Trout  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 9:12:30am

re: #436 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

Maybe they'll bash in some more lefty idiot skulls. That would be swell.

One of the peaceful lefties pushed a cop into a moving bus.
Police chief warns officers that tone of protest has changed

One man was arrested after police alleged he pushed a sergeant into a bus. The officer received minor injuries.

As the protests grow more violent local governments are going to become less tolerant.

447 SanFranciscoZionist  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 9:14:08am

re: #212 Rightwingconspirator

Good Morning from rainy Los Angeles. I found this moment of beauty online at Petapixel. A couple young ladies get a nice surprise from mother nature while out on a canoe.

This would have about given me a heart attack.

448 SanFranciscoZionist  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 9:16:10am

re: #223 Big Steve

For those who don't want to google it...не стреляйте means "don't shoot"

A friend of mine went to the USSR with her high school Methodist church choir. They studied some Russian, but no one spoke much.

She says that the night before they left, she dreamed they were in Red Square, and someone said something, and then there were thousands of soldiers all pointing guns at them--and the only Russian she could think of was "Just joking!"

449 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Tears  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 10:03:18am

re: #441 Gus 802

Will the GOP Field Ignore Another Pastor Who Says God Sent Hitler to 'Hunt' Jews?

Queue up the MBF appearance with the Rev Wright tape...

450 makeitstop  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 10:19:38am

re: #446 Killgore Trout

One of the peaceful lefties pushed a cop into a moving bus.
Police chief warns officers that tone of protest has changed

I read the link twice. Nowhere in the story does it say the bus was 'moving.'

But hey, if it makes the situation sound worse, you're not above gilding the lily a bit.

451 makeitstop  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 10:21:39am

re: #450 makeitstop

I read the link twice. Nowhere in the story does it say the bus was 'moving.'

But hey, if it makes the situation sound worse, you're not above gilding the lily a bit.

EDIT: Read further. You are correct, and I apologize.

I didn't see that the text went past the adverts on the page.

452 makeitstop  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 10:22:25am

Re-posted, since edits do not show up if the page is not refreshed:


EDIT: Read further. You are correct, and I apologize.

I didn't see that the text went past the adverts on the page.

453 Eventual Carrion  Fri, Nov 4, 2011 10:27:51am

re: #276 lawhawk

Northeast power utility updates.

NJ nearly has all the power restored (and those remaining few people are those whose homes/businesses took damage in the storms requiring more than just line work to restore power). Same thing in NY.

It's a totally different story in Connecticut where more than 200,000 customers are without power.

And CLP and Gov. Malloy must take full blame here.

For CLP, it's both action by negligence and willful failures to prepare for the storm and having crews in place to deal with storm damage that they had every reason to know and expect. Everyone from the NWS on down was warning of major storm damage from downed trees, but CLP didn't get mutual assistance calls in in a timely manner.

Then, when Gov. Malloy saw that CLP wasn't doing the job - he failed to activate the national guard until yesterday to help clear tree debris to help get power lines restored.

These delays are not only the result of the storm, but the absolute failure of the utilities to do their damned jobs.

CLP has cut its maintenance budgets even as its profits have grown. And the state hasn't held CLP accountable for its failures either. Malloy gives them a pass. That's inexcusable.

And I also saw on the weather channel this morning before work when they were talking to a power company rep that the power company will be looking to the tax payers for money to help fix this. Is this company not a private company? Did they not make big money when times were good (without kicking back shit to the utility consumers, only taking their money). Now that they will have to pay out to keep the money flowing in they want the tax payers to pick up the tab. FUCK THAT.

This "privatize the profits and socialize the losses" is getting real old.

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