Breitbart Blogger Dan Riehl Says I Lied That He Defended Derbyshire, Then Defends Derbyshire

Wingnuts think funny
Wingnuts • Views: 30,594

Dan Riehl, one of the star bloggers at (one of his recent race-baiting posts got the coveted Drudge link there), is also known as one of the most inadvertently hilarious writers in the wingnut blogosphere. Not as dim as Jim Hoft, of course; no one is. But Dan has a penchant for self-contradiction, often in the same paragraph or even the same sentence, that is truly unparalleled. Here, Dan’s giving the right wing movement a pep talk (by viciously attacking the National Review’s editors) after the devastating loss of those two openly white nationalist writers at National Review: Riehl World View: Race in America: Leftism Is for Dummies, or Is That the Right?

Notice how Dan calls me a liar for pointing out that he defended John Derbyshire — then immediately defends John Derbyshire.

Charles Johnson was quicker and far more deceitful. Also note, I didn’t even bother trying to read it until the next day as Taki’s servers were crashed - from traffic to the post, I suppose.

It’s within the Republican Party that you’ll find dumbness and weakness among its so called leadership. Just as NRO did, rather than acknowledging any truth in what Derbyshire wrote and quietly dealing with him in whatever way they saw fit, while also using the occurrence as a means of offering some adult discussion on racism in America, they run screaming like a pack of scared little children, seeking comfort by pulling their blankets over their eyes and chewing their pillows in hopes the boogieman at the door goes away. They end up always letting the left drive the discussion, thereby enabling them to frame the debate in such a way as to beat them at the ballot box with it.

It’s striking how Dan’s only concern about these ugly racists writing for the National Review is that denouncing them means you’re surrendering to the left, and makes you look like a weak crybaby. I’m not sure what kind of person thinks that only weak crybabies don’t want to hang around with white supremacists — but that’s Dan for ya.

Note, however, that the racism itself doesn’t seem to bother him at all, except as a political problem.

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1 AK-47%  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 10:58:18am

Freedom of Speech means the freedom to be a blatant racist without having anyone call you out on it. Those people are the true racists, remember?

2 dragonfire1981  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:05:39am

You know it drive me nuts. I spent several years in college learning how to be a good journalist and a good communicator. I learned the importance of using verified facts and corroborating information and reliable sources.

And I also learned all the important things you SHOULDN'T do, which is basically most of what Dan Riehl and his ilk do on a daily basis.

And despite all that, these moron bloggers make considerably more money than I do all while being sad lame excuses for journalists and sad, lame excuses for opinion/editorial writers.

Hell, I'm good at making stuff up. Maybe I should start up a right wing blog where I just post fake yet plausible sounding stories as truth, push the envelope as far as I possibly can, vigorously DEFEND myself and insult my detractors after they call me on my bullshit and make a good chunk of change in the process.

Than again, maybe my personal integrity matters more to me than any of that.

3 Randall Gross  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:06:47am

To the modern far right it's not the reality that matters, it's their perception of reality. Don't burst their paranoid little bubbles.

4 makeitstopghazi  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:08:37am

re: #2 dragonfire1981

And despite all that, these moron bloggers make considerably more money than I do all while being sad lame excuses for journalists and sad, lame excuses for opinion/editorial writers.

And sad, lame excuses for human beings to boot.

5 Randall Gross  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:09:58am

re: #2 dragonfire1981

You know it drive me nuts. I spent several years in college learning how to be a good journalist and a good communicator. I learned the importance of using verified facts and corroborating information and reliable sources.

And I also learned all the important things you SHOULDN'T do, which is basically most of what Dan Riehl and his ilk do on a daily basis.

And despite all that, these moron bloggers make considerably more money than I do all while being sad lame excuses for journalists and sad, lame excuses for opinion/editorial writers.

Hell, I'm good at making stuff up. Maybe I should start up a right wing blog where I just post fake yet plausible sounding stories as truth, push the envelope as far as I possibly can, vigorously DEFEND myself and insult my detractors after they call me on my bullshit and make a good chunk of change in the process.

Than again, maybe my personal integrity matters more to me than any of that.

The far right has been a gold mine (literally for some...) of fear and paranoia since Howard Ruff days. It's gone from a cottage industry of memeo graphed newsletters like Howard Ruffs and Ron Pauls to full blown worldwide industry that feeds on morons. Dan's profiting from a path other wingers pioneered.

6 HappyBenghazi  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:10:54am

Up is down.

7 Charles Johnson  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:15:31am
8 wrenchwench  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:19:45am

re: #7 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

I wonder whether Zimmerman will turn himself in.

9 Gus  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:20:02am

Dan Riehl can only engage in argumentum ad hominem. His Tweets to Charles amount to juvenile, slander-laced word-salad with frequent use of sophomoric sexual insults.

10 Shvaughn  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:20:18am

re: #8 wrenchwench

I wonder whether Zimmerman will turn himself in.

I hope the white supremacists don't riot.

11 dragonfire1981  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:23:03am

re: #7 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

The optimistic side of me says "awesome, looks like justice will be served", the pessimistic side of me says this action will further inflame anger among certain white, armed, conservative leaning citizens and more black bloodshed could follow.

12 makeitstopghazi  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:24:05am

re: #9 Gus

Dan Riehl can only engage in argumentum ad hominem. His Tweets to Charles amount to juvenile, slander-laced word-salad with frequent use of sophomoric sexual insults.

Go with what you know, I guess. He doesn't seem to be capable of handling facts.

13 Four More Tears  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:24:17am

re: #7 Charles Johnson

Any response from Zimmerman's lawy... oh, wait...

14 dragonfire1981  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:25:00am

Because...fuck the Supreme Court, that's why!

Mississippi wants to ban abortions 6 weeks after gestation

The bill in question would also send doctors to prison for 30 years if they performed an abortion past 6 weeks.

15 ProGunLiberal  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:25:21am

re: #11 dragonfire1981

And I think he already has plane tickets to Dominica, or whatever Caribbean Islands that don't have extradition treaties.

16 Four More Tears  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:27:40am

re: #14 dragonfire1981

Because...fuck the Supreme Court, that's why!

Mississippi wants to ban abortions 6 weeks after gestation

The bill in question would also send doctors to prison for 30 years if they performed an abortion past 6 weeks.


17 Kragar  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:28:02am

The wingnuts are glad to let everyone know that the real problem with racism is being afraid to get called a racist.

18 Four More Tears  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:28:09am

re: #15 ProGunLiberal

And I think he already has plane tickets to Dominica, or whatever Caribbean Islands that don't have extradition treaties.



19 Romantic Heretic  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:29:27am

re: #2 dragonfire1981

And despite all that, these moron bloggers make considerably more money than I do all while being sad lame excuses for journalists and sad, lame excuses for opinion/editorial writers.

I'd just call them sad, lame excuses for human beings and leave it at that.

20 ProGunLiberal  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:31:06am

re: #18 Oblivious Troll

I'm not sure what the Non-Extradition Islands are, so I just put up the first Caribbean Nation to pop into my head.

21 makeitstopghazi  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:33:22am

re: #10 Shvaughn

I hope the white supremacists don't riot.

I wonder if they figured out who shot up the police cruiser yesterday.

This could get really bad, really quickly. I hope Sanford is prepared.

22 Four More Tears  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:34:47am

re: #20 ProGunLiberal

I'm not sure what the Non-Extradition Islands are, so I just put up the first Caribbean Nation to pop into my head.

I was chuckling because I've never heard anyone refer to the Dominican Republic as Dominica. And I've known quite a few Dominicans.

23 Shvaughn  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:35:37am

re: #22 Oblivious Troll

I was chuckling because I've never heard anyone refer to the Dominican Republic as Dominica. And I've known quite a few Dominicans.

They're not the same thing.

24 Targetpractice  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:36:55am

re: #7 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

And now, the fun part: Tracking the dipshit down.

25 Shvaughn  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:37:28am

re: #24 Targetpractice

And now, the fun part: Tracking the dipshit down.

Maybe a civil rights group can put out a bounty for his capture!


26 ProGunLiberal  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:38:42am

re: #20 ProGunLiberal

Update. Apparently, we sealed the Loopholes with the Caribbean in the last 5-6 years.

Wikipedia's list of nation with which the US cannot get someone extradited back:

Afghanistan, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Armenia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Burma, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, the Central African Republic, Chad, China, Comoros, Congo (Kinshasa), Congo (Brazzaville), Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kuwait, Laos, Lebanon, Libya, Macedonia, Madagascar, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Micronesia, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nepal, Niger, Oman, Qatar, Russia, Rwanda, Samoa, São Tomé & Príncipe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Slovenia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vatican, and Vietnam.

He'll go to Serbia. He'll fit right in there.

re: #22 Oblivious Troll

I was referring to the little Island of Dominica. Very similar name, much smaller nation.

27 Four More Tears  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:38:48am

re: #23 Shvaughn

They're not the same thing.

Well, I stand corrected.

28 Interesting Times  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:40:11am
29 Kragar  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:41:57am

Fischer: Electing a 'Spiritually-Compromised Candidate' Like Romney Will Weaken America

The reality is that there are just a number of Evangelicals that just will not vote for Romney because they do not want to put somebody who believes in a different god in the White House, which is perfectly understandable. He's a spiritually compromised candidate; that's the only way to put it. If he goes into the Oval Office, he will be the first polytheist that we've ever had as a president. Mitt Romney would be the first non-Christian president that we've ever had; the first president that we've ever had that did not emerge from a stream of historic Christian orthodoxy.

So this would be unprecedented, and it would be unprecedented spiritually. You remember the prophets, this is one of the things that they were toughest on the kings about is departing the worship of the true and living God for alternative gods. This was something that weakened a nation and so we're looking at that, if Mitt Romney becomes the president, we have a spiritually-compromised president who will be the first polytheist to ever hold the Oval Office, the first president who has ever believed in a multiplicity of gods, the first president who has ever believe that man can become a god, and that God didn't used to be God, he used to be a man who progressed to godhood. So this would be completely uncharted waters for America.

30 dragonfire1981  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:43:08am

Wikipedia's list of nation with which the US cannot get someone extradited back:

Afghanistan, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Armenia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Burma, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, the Central African Republic, Chad, China, Comoros, Congo (Kinshasa), Congo (Brazzaville), Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kuwait, Laos, Lebanon, Libya, Macedonia, Madagascar, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Micronesia, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nepal, Niger, Oman, Qatar, Russia, Rwanda, Samoa, São Tomé & Príncipe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Slovenia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vatican, and Vietnam.


31 Four More Tears  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:43:16am

re: #29 Kragar

Fischer and I agree that Mitt Romney should not be President then?

32 Lidane  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:43:26am

re: #29 Kragar

Fischer: Electing a 'Spiritually-Compromised Candidate' Like Romney Will Weaken America

But all the RWNJs have been saying that The Left would be the ones to make an issue of Romney's religious beliefs. Does that mean Fischer's a liberal now?


33 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:44:50am

re: #32 Lidane

But all the RWNJs have been saying that The Left would be the ones to make an issue of Romney's religious beliefs. Does that mean Fischer's a liberal now?


Fischer a liberal or RWNJs full of crap? Choices, choices...

34 HappyBenghazi  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:45:07am

re: #32 Lidane

But all the RWNJs have been saying that The Left would be the ones to make an issue of Romney's religious beliefs. Does that mean Fischer's a liberal now?


I've seen them try to claim Fred Phelps is a liberal because he's a registered Democrat so it wouldn't shock me.

35 HappyBenghazi  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:45:50am

Anyhow Bryan Fischer needs to go start up his own theocracy and get a life.

36 ProGunLiberal  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:45:56am

re: #30 dragonfire1981

There are other weird ones too.

Micronesia and the Marshall Islands were part of the US. Morocco has been an ally since independence.

37 Targetpractice  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:46:21am

re: #33 Johnny Derp

Fischer a liberal or RWNJs full of crap? Choices, choices...

How about we just declare them all full of shit and call it a day?

38 Lidane  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:47:37am

re: #34 HappyWarrior

I've seen them try to claim Fred Phelps is a liberal because he's a registered Democrat so it wouldn't shock me.

Randall Terry tried to run for POTUS as a Democrat, but no sane person believes he's anything but a religious fanatic and extremist.

39 HappyBenghazi  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:49:06am

re: #38 Lidane

Randall Terry tried to run for POTUS as a Democrat, but no sane person believes he's anything but a religious fanatic and extremist.

Emphasis on sane. I am telling you, I've seen what I mention about Phelps and David Duke too(even though it's ignored he later ran as a Republican.) When you're a right wing hack, no person with problems like this can possibly be a person of the right which is why you see so many right wing nuts like Jonah Goldberg trying to remake Hitler into a man of the left. Not that Hitler is anything close to the American right but he was a member of the right wing.

40 Gus  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:49:50am

Latest coming in on the referrals.

The KKK contingent is mad bro:

I’ve been reading The Diary of Daedalus which is a Charles Johnson watch dog website. It looks like I will have to go back years and years though to find the answer. Is this website simply controlled by the Jews?

There's the latest in DoD readership.

41 Targetpractice  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:53:06am

re: #40 Gus

Latest coming in on the referrals.

The KKK contingent is mad bro:

There's the latest in DoD readership.

LGF, controlled by the Jews? Preposterous! Incidentally, I'm still waiting on my check from the International Zionist Conspiracy to clear.


42 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:55:20am

re: #41 Targetpractice

LGF, controlled by the Jews? Preposterous! Incidentally, I'm still waiting on my check from the International Zionist Conspiracy to clear.


The Terrible Secret of LFG

43 wrenchwench  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:55:27am

re: #40 Gus

Latest coming in on the referrals.

The KKK contingent is mad bro:

There's the latest in DoD readership.


Must scour decades of irrelevant blog posts... find answer...

44 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:57:30am

According to WaPo... Zimmerman's gonna be charged.

45 Lidane  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:57:54am

re: #7 Charles Johnson

And the Freepers have reacted accordingly:

Charged with what offense???

Enjoy the riots after he is found not guilty.

this pisses me off

Hope he’s in Peru somewhere. This is a travesty. No way will he get a fair trial.

Well surprise surprise, succumbing to the pressure from the race baiters, if this were any ordinary case Zimmerman wouldn’t be charged with anything, heck, he’d be given a medal for protecting the community

Obama's Long Hot Summer begins.
Those in the cities and close to certain neighborhoods stay safe, stay armed.

This is what a lynch mob looks like!


And, so it starts.

Have we achieved official banana republic status yet?

In what I believe is a race war, the other side won this battle.

This country IS LOST.

We must just sit by, shut up, and watch the unraveling every day.

Well, looks like I'll be contributing to his defense fund. I hope he is outside the country in a non-extradtitable country. Sorry George Zimmerman, your country USED to have blind justice.

Zimmerman is guilty of being white, and having killed a black who attacked him. Collectivists are determined to not allow this to be a “good shoot” because they dread Americans being willing to defend their lives.

This Prosecutrix is a de facto collectivist.

A race war no doubt.

Here we have Obama and Holder dictating a Florida prosecutor to indict Capt. Zimmerman based entirely on racist hatred.

If he goes to trial, Capt. Zimmerman will be found not guilty as juries tend not to convict law enforcement heroes for actions taken while on duty.

And those are just from the first page. It's a whole bunch of batshit crazy.

46 Charles Johnson  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:58:01am

re: #40 Gus

That's the racist mental midget who tweeted "Little Green Fags" with four or five different Twitter accounts, obviously all the same person.

47 Decatur Deb  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:58:12am

re: #41 Targetpractice

LGF, controlled by the Jews? Preposterous! Incidentally, I'm still waiting on my check from the International Zionist Conspiracy to clear.


A check does not equal 'control'. Go ask your dayjob boss.

48 What, me worry?  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 11:59:19am

re: #40 Gus

Latest coming in on the referrals.

The KKK contingent is mad bro:

There's the latest in DoD readership.

I'm sorry, that made my eyes water, I laughed so hard.

49 What, me worry?  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:00:45pm

re: #40 Gus

Latest coming in on the referrals.

The KKK contingent is mad bro:

There's the latest in DoD readership.

When you have the confederate flag displayed front and center on your website, that's really everything you need to know.

50 HappyBenghazi  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:00:51pm

re: #45 Lidane

And the Freepers have reacted accordingly:

And those are just from the first page. It's a whole bunch of batshit crazy.

These people are morons. Yeah a travesty that he's being CHARGED. And they call it a a lynching. Idiots.

51 Gus  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:02:25pm

re: #49 Madge

When you have the confederate flag displayed front and center on your website, that's really everything you need to know.

Conservatives sure have some "strange" bedfellows.

52 Decatur Deb  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:02:55pm

re: #49 Madge

When you have the confederate flag displayed front and center on your website, that's really everything you need to know.

"Heritage, Not Derp"

53 iossarian  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:04:06pm

re: #51 Gus

Conservatives sure have some "strange" bedfellows.

"I never noticed that enormous racist in bed with me! Get out, enormous racist!"

54 What, me worry?  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:04:22pm

And then some douche in the comments section goes on to explain in 2007... blah blah blah... Brussels Conference... blah blah blah... Gates of Vienna... blah blah URP.

It's all so OLD and BORING and TIRING and 5 years ago! GET OVER IT.

55 Targetpractice  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:04:46pm

re: #45 Lidane

And the Freepers have reacted accordingly:

And those are just from the first page. It's a whole bunch of batshit crazy.

OJ trial, here we come!

56 Shvaughn  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:05:34pm

re: #45 freeper dude

If he goes to trial, Capt. Zimmerman will be found not guilty as juries tend not to convict law enforcement heroes for actions taken while on duty.

Does this guy really think Zimmerman is law enforcement and a "captain" of anything?

57 ProGunLiberal  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:06:39pm

The Economist is of the opinion that the UK will break apart.

Polling Last Year said otherwise:

Professor John Curtice stated in January 2012 that polling shows support for independence at between 32% and 38% of the Scottish population. This has fallen somewhat since the SNP were first elected to become the Scottish Government in 2007. The research also shows, however, that the proportion of the population strongly opposed to independence has fallen significantly in recent years.

There would have to be a 12-18% swing in just 2 years. Not only that, but already, Salmond has been a crooked ass. He is denying the Scots outside of Scotland from voting in the Referendum. In the case of South Sudan, the South Sudanese outside of South Sudan were able to vote.

There are 1 million Scots outside of Scotland. Not only that, but there are some economic issues which I don't think these Hyper-Idealists are thinking of.

58 HappyBenghazi  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:06:41pm

re: #56 Shvaughn

Does this guy really think Zimmerman is law enforcement and a "captain" of anything?

Hard to say, cringing at him calling Zimmerman a "hero."

59 Kragar  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:06:57pm

Fischer: 'Evolution is Completely Irrational and Scientifically Bankrupt'

During yesterday's program when Bryan Fischer was warning that electing a "spiritually-compromised" Mormon like Mitt Romney would weaken and endanger America, he was restating his theory that liberals and the media are now going to start attacking Romney's faith, claiming that if the media thinks that the beliefs of Evangelicals are odd, then "what Mormons believe is in coo-coo land."

That somehow sent him off on a tangent about science, during which he declared that he didn't believe in global warming or evolution because he is "committed to science." And since "evolution is completely irrational and scientifically bankrupt," the "most logical thing in the world" is to believe that God created the universe:

60 HappyBenghazi  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:08:21pm

re: #57 ProGunLiberal

The Economist is of the opinion that the UK will break apart.

Polling Last Year said otherwise:

There would have to be a 12-18% swing in just 2 years. Not only that, but already, Salmond has been a crooked ass. He is denying the Scots outside of Scotland from voting in the Referendum. In the case of South Sudan, the South Sudanese outside of South Sudan were able to vote.

There are 1 million Scots outside of Scotland. Not only that, but there are some economic issues which I don't think these Hyper-Idealists are thinking of.

Wonder what happens with Northern Ireland and Wales. Everyone knows about Irish and Scottish nationalism in the UK but Welsh nationalism isn't discussed often. My cousin's husband is Welsh and her and her husband and kids live there.

61 What, me worry?  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:09:13pm

re: #59 Kragar

Evolution fights back:

Evolution: "Fischer is Completely Irrational and Scientifically Bankrupt"

62 HappyBenghazi  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:09:26pm

re: #59 Kragar

Fischer: 'Evolution is Completely Irrational and Scientifically Bankrupt'

Coming from the guy who uses the existence of some homosexuals in the Nazi Party as justification for state sanctioned homophobia, this is rich. Go to Saudi Arabia, Bryan.

63 Stanghazi  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:09:52pm

Ugh, these paranoid Americans

64 Killgore Trout  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:10:34pm

re: #55 Targetpractice

OJ trial, here we come!

Sort of. I think that bringing charges is probably the best thing to do at this point. Even if they don't think they can get a conviction having an open court trial needs to be done. Part of the reason they scrapped the grand jury is because it's not an open enough forum for the public to see the evidence. This needs to go to court. He may be acquitted or a judge may throw it out but a trial is the best thing.

65 Targetpractice  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:12:59pm

re: #64 Killgore Trout

Sort of. I think that bringing charges is probably the best thing to do at this point. Even if they don't think they can get a conviction having an open court trial needs to be done. Part of the reason they scrapped the grand jury is because it's not an open enough forum for the public to see the evidence. This needs to go to court. He may be acquitted or a judge may throw it out but a trial is the best thing.

Agreed, better to get everything in the open and decide the case on its merits. If the evidence is presented and the charges tossed, then at least we've cleared up the lingering doubts. But I have some doubts that Corey would bring charges unless she was reasonably sure that the case would go to trial.

66 ProGunLiberal  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:13:35pm

re: #60 HappyWarrior

Polling shows over 60% Support for the current state of Northern Ireland, with Autonomy. I don't know about Wales.

What is interesting is the number of Irish Republicans, and the number of Salmond's Jackass Corp is percentage wise nearly the same. Around 35%, give or take.

67 What, me worry?  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:13:39pm

Btw, anyone know if @notawraith is a registered lizard? I'm thinking yes.

68 Charles Johnson  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:14:14pm

And here's Danny:

69 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:14:18pm

re: #64 Killgore Trout

Sort of. I think that bringing charges is probably the best thing to do at this point. Even if they don't think they can get a conviction having an open court trial needs to be done. Part of the reason they scrapped the grand jury is because it's not an open enough forum for the public to see the evidence. This needs to go to court. He may be acquitted or a judge may throw it out but a trial is the best thing.

Yup. Better for Zimmerman too.

70 Lidane  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:14:35pm

More Freeper fail on the Zimmerman charges:

App 12% of the population holding a nation hostage. That’s all this is. If whites weren’t so weak and suicidal, it couldn’t happen. I don’t blame the white South Africans a bit if they’re laughing at us, after we joined in the blackmail of that country.

Looks like the race pimps and the Lynch Mob Media are going to get their way on this.
Thank you, 0baMao, for re-igniting racism in America!

DISGUSTING...It’s bigger than Zimmerman because frankly I don’t know him or care about him personally. This is about how a mob along with the media can destroy someone’s life at will over their leftest race hustling politics and of course ANTI self defense /anti gun stance.

keep your powder dry, fire at will to protect yourselves..

I hope Zimmerman drags it out well past the election. With his arrest BO lost the opportunity to whip up a race war with this event. As long as it’s pending the black pampers don’t have anything.

This is too funny. Former race-baiter, democrat Hispanic George Zimmerman is railroaded by race-baiting black Liberals. What goes around comes around! This whole thing could backfire on O’blamer. What if it turns into a race war between Holder’s people and Geraldo’s people? Grab some pop corn and ammo, it’s going to be an interesting summer!

I hope that the prosecutor is fully aware what damages an arrest will have on Zimmerman’s future employment opportunities. The publicly known facts cast substantial doubt on criminal liability in this case. A man’s livelihood and reputation will be severely damaged for political reasons.

71 ProGunLiberal  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:15:11pm

re: #66 ProGunLiberal

I still find it staggering they are cutting out 1 million Scots out of the equations. There are only 5-ish Million Scots in Scotland.

72 What, me worry?  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:15:31pm

Btw, I saw that site seems to be registered in Scottsdale, AZ or is that the GoDaddy address? Or did you all discuss that already.

73 Shvaughn  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:15:51pm

Prosecutors are holding a news conference at 6 p.m. eastern time.

74 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:16:24pm

re: #70 Lidane

Thanks for wading in.

75 Shvaughn  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:16:27pm

re: #72 Madge

Btw, I saw that site seems to be registered in Scottsdale, AZ or is that the GoDaddy address? Or did you all discuss that already.

It doesn't mean anything in particular.

76 ProGunLiberal  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:16:33pm

re: #71 ProGunLiberal

Granted Britain needs to have more reform. Like turning the House of Lords into some sort of regional senate.

77 KronoGhazi  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:16:50pm

Is Silvio Breckman a lizard?

78 HappyBenghazi  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:17:22pm

re: #70 Lidane

More Freeper fail on the Zimmerman charges:

Yes it's all Obama's fault just like it's his fault Natalie Portman won't go out with me.*
* I don't actually blame him for that

79 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:17:38pm

re: #77 Kronocide

Is Silvio Breckman a lizard?

You can ask him directly. I did.

80 Charles Johnson  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:17:47pm

Wow, somebody at Twitter's really watching the stalkers. Another one just tweeted once to me and when I went to check the account was already suspended:

81 KronoGhazi  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:18:00pm

Oh look, the racists are getting excited at the prospect of a race war.

82 What, me worry?  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:18:06pm

re: #75 Shvaughn

It doesn't mean anything in particular.

Ok. It came up on whois so I was wondering.

83 Targetpractice  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:18:08pm

re: #70 Lidane

More Freeper fail on the Zimmerman charges:

I hope that the prosecutor is fully aware what damages an arrest will have on Zimmerman’s future employment opportunities. The publicly known facts cast substantial doubt on criminal liability in this case. A man’s livelihood and reputation will be severely damaged for political reasons.

Is that what this Freeper is really worried about? That Zimmerman, a guy whose most recent employment was working as a rent-a-bouncer, might have his employment chances damaged by being charged with a crime?

84 Charles Johnson  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:18:35pm

Tried to embed the stalker's tweet - it's gone.

85 Killgore Trout  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:18:37pm

re: #65 Targetpractice

But I have some doubts that Corey would bring charges unless she was reasonably sure that the case would go to trial.

I don't know what to think in this case. Normally I would agree with you that he wouldn't (shouldn't) be charged unless the prosecutors really thought he was guilty but this is such a strange case that I'm open to other possibilities. As long as the prosecutors don't overplay their hand and try to railroad him I'm happy to let the courts untangle the mess.

87 What, me worry?  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:18:40pm

re: #80 Charles Johnson

Wow, somebody at Twitter's really watching the stalkers. Another one just tweeted once to me and when I went to check the account was already suspended:

It's about time! Did they get Gus' stalker socks?

88 ProGunLiberal  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:18:54pm

re: #60 HappyWarrior

Looked it up.

Support for Welsh Independence is about 7%, rising to 12% if Scotland goes.

89 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:19:06pm

Hey all. My computer say's it's 2:17pm and my phone says it's 9:17am.

First, I missed the James Taylor Thread last night (or whenever) and I have to share that about 30? years ago I saw James Taylor twice in a 3 week period in two different cities. HE WAS FREAKING AWESOME. And that was before I started smoking weed. Nothing like Steamroller, live in a smaller venue.

Now, for something completely different.

How are you>

90 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:19:12pm

re: #84 Charles Johnson

Tried to embed the stalker's tweet - it's gone.

What would happen if you embedded it before deletion?

91 Targetpractice  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:19:21pm

re: #86 Kragar

EXPERTS: Hannity Could Be Required To Testify About His Conversation With George Zimmerman

You can be sure that Corey will subpoena his ass if he refuses to come forward.

92 Kragar  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:19:31pm

re: #80 Charles Johnson

Wow, somebody at Twitter's really watching the stalkers. Another one just tweeted once to me and when I went to check the account was already suspended:


93 HappyBenghazi  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:19:41pm

re: #86 Kragar

EXPERTS: Hannity Could Be Required To Testify About His Conversation With George Zimmerman

Talking with Hannity makes Zimmerman look less sympathetic IMO. It needs to be noted that Hannity had no problem being chummy with a white supremacist.

94 Shvaughn  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:19:44pm
95 Targetpractice  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:20:12pm

re: #85 Killgore Trout

I don't know what to think in this case. Normally I would agree with you that he wouldn't (shouldn't) be charged unless the prosecutors really thought he was guilty but this is such a strange case that I'm open to other possibilities. As long as the prosecutors don't overplay their hand and try to railroad him I'm happy to let the courts untangle the mess.

No offense, but are you entertaining the idea that these charges are politically motivated?

96 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:20:21pm

re: #81 Kronocide

Oh look, the racists are getting excited at the prospect of a race war.

Really, It's like when the South kept threatening Civil War if the Northern States kept pushing the abolitionist agenda in Congress. Only now it's kinda lame.

97 HappyBenghazi  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:20:24pm

re: #88 ProGunLiberal

Looked it up.

Support for Welsh Independence is about 7%, rising to 12% if Scotland goes.

Not surprised. They've been with England the longest. I think it goes back to the Middle Ages.

98 Eventual Carrion  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:20:38pm

re: #29 Kragar

Fischer: Electing a 'Spiritually-Compromised Candidate' Like Romney Will Weaken America

The reality is that there are just a number of Evangelicals that just will not vote for Romney because they do not want to put somebody who believes in a different god in the White House,

What 'different god'? I thought Romney worshiped the father of Jesus (the Jesus that came to America, but Jesus none the less). How is his sky fairy different than the christians (who worship Jesus's father also, same as the muslims)? All worship the same fucking god. It amazes me how little these people seem to know about other religions, or their own for that matter.

99 HappyBenghazi  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:21:08pm

re: #98 RayFerd

What 'different god'? I thought Romney worshiped the father of Jesus (the Jesus that came to America, but Jesus none the less). How is his sky fairy different than the christians (who worship Jesus's father also, same as the muslims)? All worship the same fucking god. It amazes me how little these people seem to know about other religions, or their own for that matter.


100 makeitstopghazi  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:21:22pm

re: #86 Kragar

EXPERTS: Hannity Could Be Required To Testify About His Conversation With George Zimmerman

Absolutely. That prosecutor should have a subpoena with his name on it, ready to go. And if he refuses to cooperate - obstruction of justice.

101 Decatur Deb  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:22:08pm

re: #97 HappyWarrior

Not surprised. They've been with England the longest. I think it goes back to the Middle Ages.

Don't ask Ulster.

102 Shvaughn  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:22:14pm

re: #83 Targetpractice

Is that what this Freeper is really worried about? That Zimmerman, a guy whose most recent employment was working as a rent-a-bouncer, might have his employment chances damaged by being charged with a crime?

Wikipedia says:

He was employed as an insurance underwriter prior to the shooting.

103 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:22:20pm

re: #98 RayFerd

What 'different god'? I thought Romney worshiped the father of Jesus (the Jesus that came to America, but Jesus none the less). How is his sky fairy different than the christians (who worship Jesus's father also, same as the muslims)? All worship the same fucking god. It amazes me how little these people seem to know about other religions, or their own for that matter.

It's up to the believers to decide whether they worship the same god or not. E.g. Christians worship Jesus as God. Do they then worship the same god as Muslims (Allah)? Different answers can be given to that question, all equally legitimate.

104 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:23:44pm

re: #41 Targetpractice

LGF, controlled by the Jews? Preposterous! Incidentally, I'm still waiting on my check from the International Zionist Conspiracy to clear.


You got yours?

105 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:24:07pm

re: #104 ggt

You got yours?

Let's strike! /

106 HappyBenghazi  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:24:11pm

re: #101 Decatur Deb

Don't ask Ulster.

Ahh but Ulster Plantation started in Elizabeth's reign. I believe Edward I (the king in Braveheart) invaded Wales in the 13th century.

107 ProGunLiberal  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:24:16pm

re: #97 HappyWarrior

Correct. I think it is unlikely Scotland will go for Independence. Devolution is more likely. Something else I noticed:

Professor John Curtice stated in January 2012 that polling shows support for independence at between 32% and 38% of the Scottish population. This has fallen somewhat since the SNP were first elected to become the Scottish Government in 2007. The research also shows, however, that the proportion of the population strongly opposed to independence has fallen significantly in recent years.

Two more years of this? Don't think independence will happen with out Salmond putting his hand on the scale.

108 Kragar  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:24:38pm

Allen West: ‘I Believe’ That 80 House Democrats Are Communist Party Members

Flamboyant Tea Party Rep. Allen West (R-FL) said at town hall meeting last night that he thinks up to 80 Democratic congressmen who are members of the Communist Party. The entire House Democratic Caucus is 190 members, so West is claiming that almost half are card-carrying Communists. Not surprisingly, he would not name names.
A spokesperson for West said the congressman was referring to the Congressional Progressive Caucus. “The Communist Party has publicly referred to the Progressive Caucus as its allies,” West spokeswoman Angela Martin said in an email to Business Insider.

109 Targetpractice  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:25:05pm

re: #102 Shvaughn

Wikipedia says:

Ah, my mistake. I'd remembered he had been fired as a bouncer, but thought that had been his most recent job. My bad.

110 Decatur Deb  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:25:16pm

re: #104 ggt

Luddites!! Bank Leumi does ETF.

111 Targetpractice  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:25:32pm

re: #104 ggt

You got yours?

*shifty look* What of it?


112 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:25:43pm

re: #108 Kragar

Allen West: ‘I Believe’ That 80 House Democrats Are Communist Party Members

Joseph McCarthy was a genius compared to West.

113 HappyBenghazi  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:25:57pm
114 HappyBenghazi  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:26:18pm

re: #112 Johnny Derp

Eugene McCarthy was a genius compared to West.

Wrong McCarthy :).

115 ProGunLiberal  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:26:26pm

re: #113 HappyWarrior

But with War Crimes.

116 Charles Johnson  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:26:26pm

Here's a screenshot of that tweet - it was still visible in TweetDeck:

Image: ZZ45E71A22.jpg

117 Decatur Deb  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:26:30pm

re: #106 HappyWarrior

Ahh but Ulster Plantation started in Elizabeth's reign. I believe Edward I (the king in Braveheart) invaded Wales in the 13th century.

Not talking priority, just the likely polling.

118 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:26:41pm

re: #71 ProGunLiberal

I still find it staggering they are cutting out 1 million Scots out of the equations. There are only 5-ish Million Scots in Scotland.

Will they be moving to Pennsylvania?

119 ProGunLiberal  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:26:53pm

re: #97 HappyWarrior

You think my view is correct? Where is are more British Lizards?

120 Ben G. Hazi  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:27:21pm

re: #15 ProGunLiberal

And I think he already has plane tickets to Dominica, or whatever Caribbean Islands that don't have extradition treaties.

I'm sure that you mentioned Dominica just by coincidence IRT Zimmerman, but Dominica is the island nation that white supremacist (and a stalker of Charles') Don Black and friends plotted to take by force:

Operation Red Dog

121 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:27:24pm

re: #114 HappyWarrior

Wrong McCarthy :).

And this, kids, is what we call a brain fart!

122 HappyBenghazi  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:27:28pm

re: #117 Decatur Deb

Not talking priority, just the likely polling.

Yeah true. Ulster is funny though.Many of the Ulster Scots ancestors were Scottish nationalists.

123 Killgore Trout  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:27:45pm

re: #95 Targetpractice

No offense, but are you entertaining the idea that these charges are politically motivated?

I don't think I'd suspect a true "political" motivation in the sense of advance someone's career or something like that. I think the potential for civil unrest is pretty high, the city is facing the possibility of boycotts, lots of bad publicity, allegations of racist/corrupt police department, etc. If the prosecutor just announced they aren't going to press charges and drop the case things could get really bad. I think the announcement to press charges will pacify a lot of the tensions. By the time the trial comes around things will be calmer and evidence can be laid out in the courts instead of sensationalist rumors and questionable forensic "investigations" in the press.
I think there are a lot of reasons to bring this to trial even if the prosecutors don't think they'll get a conviction.

124 Targetpractice  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:27:56pm

re: #108 Kragar

Allen West: ‘I Believe’ That 80 House Democrats Are Communist Party Members

What, no list of names? No demands for a Congressional investigation?

I feel robbed!


125 ProGunLiberal  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:28:00pm

re: #120 talon_262

I just pulled a name out of my ass. No, seriously.

126 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:28:20pm

re: #98 RayFerd

What 'different god'? I thought Romney worshiped the father of Jesus (the Jesus that came to America, but Jesus none the less). How is his sky fairy different than the christians (who worship Jesus's father also, same as the muslims)? All worship the same fucking god. It amazes me how little these people seem to know about other religions, or their own for that matter.

ding from me too!

127 HappyBenghazi  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:28:23pm

re: #119 ProGunLiberal

You think my view is correct? Where is are more British Lizards?

I dunno. I actually have only rudimentary understanding of British geopolitics.

128 Gus  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:28:27pm

re: #116 Charles Johnson

Here's a screenshot of that tweet - it was still visible in TweetDeck:

Image: ZZ45E71A22.jpg

Ha. Now a "block and report" conspiracy.

129 Charles Johnson  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:29:00pm

re: #116 Charles Johnson

Here's a screenshot of that tweet - it was still visible in TweetDeck:

Image: ZZ45E71A22.jpg

I clicked on the name almost as soon as it popped up, and the account was already suspended. Stalkers are on a watch list.

130 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:29:31pm

re: #105 Johnny Derp

Let's strike! /

Nah, let's Occupy something instead. Sounds like more fun, less walking.

131 Targetpractice  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:30:20pm

re: #123 Killgore Trout

I don't think I'd suspect a true "political" motivation in the sense of advance someone's career or something like that. I think the potential for civil unrest is pretty high, the city is facing the possibility of boycotts, lots of bad publicity, allegations of racist/corrupt police department, etc. If the prosecutor just announced they aren't going to press charges and drop the case things could get really bad. I think the announcement to press charges will pacify a lot of the tensions. By the time the trial comes around things will be calmer and evidence can be laid out in the courts instead of sensationalist rumors and questionable forensic "investigations" in the press.
I think there are a lot of reasons to bring this to trial even if the prosecutors don't think they'll get a conviction.

Killgore, while I admit that the last decade has left me rather cynical, I cannot claim to be as cynical as you are here. I don't believe this woman would potentially ruin her career by botching such a high-profile case just to help defuse what has become a racially-charged situation. If anything, it looks like the announcement of potential charges is doing more to stoke the fires than it is to cool things down.

132 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:30:29pm

re: #123 Killgore Trout

Basically, the reasons may be not political but utilitarian. That said, maybe they do have a strong case.

133 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:30:32pm

re: #108 Kragar

Allen West: ‘I Believe’ That 80 House Democrats Are Communist Party Members

Communist Party of what? Can you be a member of two parties, technically. Democrat and Communist, Republican and Communist, Luap Nor and Communist?

134 Decatur Deb  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:30:34pm

re: #122 HappyWarrior

Yeah true. Ulster is funny though.Many of the Ulster Scots ancestors were Scottish nationalists.

In one year, Elizabeth I hanged a couple members of our small clan, and pardoned 6. (Mostly for bad poetry.)

135 HappyBenghazi  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:32:10pm

re: #134 Decatur Deb

In one year, Elizabeth I hung a couple members of our small clan, and pardoned 6. (Mostly for bad poetry.)

Maybe, we're related. I write bad poetry.

136 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:32:35pm

re: #123 Killgore Trout

I don't think I'd suspect a true "political" motivation in the sense of advance someone's career or something like that. I think the potential for civil unrest is pretty high, the city is facing the possibility of boycotts, lots of bad publicity, allegations of racist/corrupt police department, etc. If the prosecutor just announced they aren't going to press charges and drop the case things could get really bad. I think the announcement to press charges will pacify a lot of the tensions. By the time the trial comes around things will be calmer and evidence can be laid out in the courts instead of sensationalist rumors and questionable forensic "investigations" in the press.
I think there are a lot of reasons to bring this to trial even if the prosecutors don't think they'll get a conviction.

True, a public trial would let Zimmerman be proven guilty or not guilty in a court-of-law and hopefully would pass the muster of public outrage. We deserve it, and in a way, he deserves it. If he is truly not guilty, let the public see the facts.

137 HappyBenghazi  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:32:41pm

re: #133 ggt

Communist Party of what? Can you be a member of two parties, technically. Democrat and Communist, Republican and Communist, Luap Nor and Communist?

Don't let sense get in the way of a good Red Scare.

138 makeitstopghazi  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:32:46pm

re: #130 ggt

Nah, let's Occupy something instead. Sounds like more fun, less walking.

Added bonus: Moar rapin' and stabbin'!


139 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:34:11pm

re: #138 makeitstop

Added bonus: Moar rapin' and stabbin'!


I was thinking more on the lines of partying . . . .

Make love, not war.

140 makeitstopghazi  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:35:00pm

re: #139 ggt

I was thinking more on the lines of partying . . .

Make love, not war.

Actually, I'm with you on that. :)

141 ProGunLiberal  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:35:14pm

re: #118 ggt

Exactly. It is so fucking blatant what Salmond is doing. The vast majority of those 1 million live in England, and might be more likely to vote against Independence. He's trying to fuck with voting rights in such a way that he gets the result he wants. He is doing what Republicans are doing.

On the good side, he was forced to include 400k English living in Scotland.

More research shows that this is a farce for the SNP to try. They hold only a slim majority in the Scottish Parliament, hold only 6 of 59 Scottish seats in the House of Commons, 1/3 of the European Parliament seats for Scotland, and 362 out of 1,222 Local Government Seats in Scotland. The support for Independence ain't great.

142 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:37:15pm

A surfer hippie asked me for a cigarette yesterday (I think they do nothing but bum them from tourists since they are soooo expensive here). I gave him two and he said "Dude, you're the shit!"

I never thought such a statement from a young blonde curly-headed tanned and totally buffed young person would be such a nice compliment.

143 Killgore Trout  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:37:59pm

re: #132 Johnny Derp

Basically, the reasons may be not political but utilitarian. That said, maybe they do have a strong case.

That's a possibility as well.

144 wrenchwench  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:39:01pm

re: #134 Decatur Deb

In one year, Elizabeth I hung a couple members of our small clan, and pardoned 6. (Mostly for bad poetry.)

I read that as 'bad pastry' at first. Truly a hanging offense.

146 Talking Point Detective  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:39:50pm

I'll repeat this point because this post is another example.

I can find it somewhat understandable that someone like Reihl might object to dissociating from a writer simply for voicing a particular opinion - even a vile, racist opinion. If you supported these writers before, it is a false pretense to just disassociate from them now that certain facts have become public. In reality many conservatives, including the editors of the National Review, absolutely do align with the bulk of Derbyshire's analysis w/r/t race. Read any blog on these issues where rightwingers comment.

But what's really telling for me is that people like Reihl, or Steyn as shown in the previous thread, don't connect the dots to realize that Derbyshire's racism (that they're trying to disassociate from) completely undermines the validity of his analysis (that they substantially agree with).

How would one concoct a way to denounce Derbyshire's overt racism without denouncing Derbyshire's analysis of racial issues? Isn't it obvious that racism forms the foundation of Derbyshire's analysis. Racism is inextricable from his arguments?

Does it go like this?: "I disagree with Derbyshire's racism, but I agree with his analysis of racial issues, because I don't see how being a racist would influence his analysis of racial issues."

147 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:40:20pm

re: #98 RayFerd

What 'different god'? I thought Romney worshiped the father of Jesus (the Jesus that came to America, but Jesus none the less). How is his sky fairy different than the christians (who worship Jesus's father also, same as the muslims)? All worship the same fucking god. It amazes me how little these people seem to know about other religions, or their own for that matter.

Also, we can easily take this logic in the other direction.

The God Romney worships is a literal father of Lucifer (who is a literal brother of Jesus). This God had once been a man. He has his own Father and Mother. He also has a wife, or maybe many wives. He authored the Book of Mormon and made Joseph Smith a prophet.

Is this the god of traditional Christianity, that most traditional Christians worship?

As long as we're dealing with unverifiable notions, everybody is free to imagine whatever they like about whether or not they worship the same "thing".

148 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:44:19pm

The link to the PDF of the Pepper Spray report: [Link:]

149 Lidane  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:47:07pm

re: #108 Kragar

Allen West: ‘I Believe’ That 80 House Democrats Are Communist Party Members

Communist Party slams Allen West

A top official of the Communist Party USA on Wednesday ripped Rep. Allen West’s “sad ploy” for claiming that as many as 80 Democratic members of the House are communists.

“I just think it’s an absurd way to cast a shadow over his colleagues. It’s kind of a sad ploy,” Libero Della Piana, a vice-chairman of the national Communist Party, said of the Florida Republican’s charge that about 80 House Democrats were members of the radical party.

“It’s just guilt by association taken to an extreme,” he told POLITICO. He also said there are no members of Congress who are members of the Communist Party – not even avowed socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

150 Talking Point Detective  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:56:49pm

re: #123 Killgore Trout

I don't think I'd suspect a true "political" motivation in the sense of advance someone's career or something like that. I think the potential for civil unrest is pretty high, the city is facing the possibility of boycotts, lots of bad publicity, allegations of racist/corrupt police department, etc. If the prosecutor just announced they aren't going to press charges and drop the case things could get really bad. I think the announcement to press charges will pacify a lot of the tensions. By the time the trial comes around things will be calmer and evidence can be laid out in the courts instead of sensationalist rumors and questionable forensic "investigations" in the press.
I think there are a lot of reasons to bring this to trial even if the prosecutors don't think they'll get a conviction.

What do you think the probability that a prosecutor would charge Zimmerman in this case, - such a high profile case - without being able to substantiate, on legal terms, the basis for pressing charges? It would be a very risky thing to do career-wise. And in the end, trying to prosecute the case on a bogus basis, legally, would likely backfire as a way to prevent civil unrest.

It's easy to make an assumption that pressing charges is likely political. It's much harder to provide evidence to prove the case. IMO, it is hard to distinguish from a conspiracy theory. Read any rightiwng blog right now - and you will see that the claims that this is being done primarily as political gesture to be ubiquitous.

151 Eventual Carrion  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:58:30pm

re: #103 Johnny Derp

It's up to the believers to decide whether they worship the same god or not. E.g. Christians worship Jesus as God. Do they then worship the same god as Muslims (Allah)? Different answers can be given to that question, all equally legitimate.

Even the muslims see Jesus as a prophet. Not the main one but one of them. Hell the GOP embrace Rev. Moon and he has called Jesus a failure and declared himself the true prophet that will get the job done that Jesus failed to do, it just blows my mind that the fundies can let that slide but have a problem with mormons.

152 Talking Point Detective  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 12:59:29pm

re: #145 Johnny Derp

UC-Davis Pepper-Spray Was Wrong, Panel Says - San Jose Mercury News

Arrest and try the perpetrator.

The notion that the use of pepper spray in that situation was justified as a way to prevent violence is asinine.


153 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 1:02:37pm

re: #151 RayFerd

Even the muslims see Jesus as a prophet.

Sure, he's not god though. So there are two answers to the hypothetical question I posed earlier.

Is the Christian god the same as Muslim Allah?

1. Yes, but Christians [Muslims] have some details wrong.

2. No, because Jesus is [is not] God or a Son of God.

Both are absolutely legitimate, because both deal with unverifiable things (or, put simply, with fairy tales).

154 Killgore Trout  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 1:25:58pm

re: #152 Talking Point Detective

The notion that the use of pepper spray in that situation was justified as a way to prevent violence is asinine.


I just finished reading the report and I don't think there's much in it I'd take issue with. He did step over the line of sitting students. They probably could have dragged their prisoner over the line. Worst case scenario is they might have bumped somebody's head or something but not a big deal. The spray he used was apparently not authorized and he used it incorrectly (too close). However, none of the protesters were seriously hurt and most of them seemed to tolerate it just fine. I still don't find it surprising that surrounding police and issuing demands for their release will result in some sort of pepper spray or ass beating. It's just common sense.

155 ghazidor  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 1:31:54pm
Note, however, that the racism itself doesn’t seem to bother him at all, except as a political problem.

Moral and ethical considerations have become so very retro and passe, the only thing that matters is the presentation of your opinion to the electorate. You need to "define" the opposition before they "define" you, if you can't strike first and claim the high ground then you need to "spin" your oppositions arguments against your position as childish/petty/anti-christian/anti-patriotic/anti-constitutional/likely to destroy the "fabric" of American society, or some other complaint that you think might appeal to your voter base.

Of course the real problem with this is that almost all political commentators/Bloggers are no longer speaking from the conviction of personal beliefs. Instead they have become professional liars, who are indirectly payed based on their ability to back and sell to their audience any opinion that supports the current populist leanings of their political base.

Personal convictions and integrity have become an endangered commodity, and ones that are now even openly mocked in some places.

(BTW: Charles is an exception, and it has cost him a lot of traffic and supporters obviously, plus gaining him a group of pissed off stalkers. I never would have considered posting here until "the purge" was well under way. Charles stuck to his own convictions and fought back when very popular and influential posters tried to twist his site into something he obviously hadn't ever intended it to be. I wish more Bloggers would fight back as forcefully against "frequent poster" pressure.)

P.S. The only reason I found this site was a satirical reply to a post of mine at another site that suggested that I might like like this place better, turns out I did. ;P

156 Talking Point Detective  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 1:37:39pm

re: #154 Killgore Trout

I just finished reading the report and I don't think there's much in it I'd take issue with. He did step over the line of sitting students. They probably could have dragged their prisoner over the line. Worst case scenario is they might have bumped somebody's head or something but not a big deal. The spray he used was apparently not authorized and he used it incorrectly (too close). However, none of the protesters were seriously hurt and most of them seemed to tolerate it just fine. I still don't find it surprising that surrounding police and issuing demands for their release will result in some sort of pepper spray or ass beating. It's just common sense.

I don't think it's surprising. Like anyone, cops do stupid things when they're under pressure. I wouldn't even say that it's surprising that national guard fired shots into a crowd at Kent State. The point is whether or not it's proper procedure, and whether it should be justified on procedural grounds.

157 SanFranciscoZionist  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 1:49:39pm

re: #29 Kragar

Fischer: Electing a 'Spiritually-Compromised Candidate' Like Romney Will Weaken America

OK, Fischer. You can vote for a Muslim, or you can vote for a Mormon. Or you can admit that Obama is a Christian. Or you can stay home and sulk. These are your only options, unless you want to write in for Sarah Palin.

(Stay tuned for massive amounts of anti-Mormon bigotry from the likes of Fischer.)

158 SanFranciscoZionist  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 1:50:16pm

re: #31 Oblivious Troll

Fischer and I agree that Mitt Romney should not be President then?

Presumably for different reasons. I take it you're not worried about his polytheism?

159 SanFranciscoZionist  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 1:51:49pm

re: #31 Oblivious Troll

Fischer and I agree that Mitt Romney should not be President then?

As a Jew, I would have no problem voting for a polytheist. They have a great record on Israel. (See Julian the Apostate. He would TOTALLY have helped rebuild the Temple, if they hadn't ganked him.)

However, still gonna vote for Obama. Just another boring Protestant, but he's my boring Protestant.

160 SanFranciscoZionist  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 1:54:13pm

re: #56 Shvaughn

Does this guy really think Zimmerman is law enforcement and a "captain" of anything?

Possibly. They like the idea of him as being official, as opposed to just a dude with a gun, although given their reverence for the concept of a dude with a gun, I don't see why.

161 SanFranciscoZionist  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 1:56:26pm

re: #60 HappyWarrior

Wonder what happens with Northern Ireland and Wales. Everyone knows about Irish and Scottish nationalism in the UK but Welsh nationalism isn't discussed often. My cousin's husband is Welsh and her and her husband and kids live there.

I wonder what Meibion Glyndwr are up to these days. They were a small radical Welsh nationalist group who would occasionally torch holiday homes being built for English tourists.

162 SanFranciscoZionist  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 1:58:32pm

re: #97 HappyWarrior

Not surprised. They've been with England the longest. I think it goes back to the Middle Ages.

Taken over in the thirteenth century, joined to England by the Act of Union in the sixteenth.

163 chaosium  Wed, Apr 11, 2012 2:06:25pm

re: #34 HappyWarrior

I've seen them try to claim Fred Phelps is a liberal because he's a registered Democrat so it wouldn't shock me.

He IS however less racist than 95% of registered Republicans. He's still a fucked-up human being, and that stands for a lot.

164 Stephen T.  Thu, Apr 12, 2012 5:25:10am

re: #29 Kragar

The reality is that there are just a number of Evangelicals that just will not vote for Romney because they do not want to put somebody who believes in a different god in the White House, which is perfectly understandable. He's a spiritually compromised candidate; that's the only way to put it. If he goes into the Oval Office, he will be the first polytheist that we've ever had as a president. Mitt Romney would be the first non-Christian president that we've ever had; the first president that we've ever had that did not emerge from a stream of historic Christian orthodoxy.

Wait, I thought the narrative was that Obama was the first non-Christian President? I'm so confused.

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