12 Years Later: Remembering 9/11

Heartache and pain that may fade, but will never be forgotten
US News • Views: 28,359

September 11, 2001. New Yorkers were heading to the polls to vote on the next mayor of the city. It was a morning full of promise and baseball fans were excited about the Yankees’ chances of making the playoffs, the Mets thinking about the future, and the start of the new football season. In other words, it was a day not much different than those September days we’ve been experiencing in the New York City metro area this year.

While everyone was focused on the day ahead, another group of people were thinking about the mission that would forever alter the skyline of NYC and alter history. Al Qaeda’s terrorists were already on board four jets bound for New York and Washington DC and had already overpowered the crews.

I was on a NJ Transit train with my dad when I first noticed something wrong at the WTC out of the corner of my eye; it was smoke coming from the upper reaches of the tower.

It was just around 8:45.

The world changed, and I didn’t quite realize it.

People watching the morning news didn’t know it either at first. But they would soon be glued to broadcasts that showed the horrors of the worst terror attacks ever perpetrated.

The damage done on that morning was nearly impossible to comprehend. In the mere blink of the eye, nearly 3,000 people were condemned to death and the World Trade Center would soon be reduced to a pile of rubble that would burn for weeks on end. Reports would come in that a third plane had struck and damaged the Pentagon. But the death rattle of the Twin Towers would continue for just under two hours and victims trapped above the fires had to make the choice to stay and choke on the heat and smoke or jump to a certain death. All too many made that decision to jump. Firefighters on the ground also succumbed before the towers fell - falling debris hitting firefighters and fleeing people alike.

Victim Number One would be there to comfort those who fell. Rev. Mychal Judge of the FDNY was comforting fallen firefighters and office workers alike when he was struck and killed by debris. So many people inside the Department and around the City thought so highly of him that he was honored as the first victim of the attacks - so that he could comfort and aid all those many others who were murdered on that day - to guide them to Heaven.

All too many would unfortunately follow him - and not by their own choice.

Here are remembrances of a few of those killed on 9/11, as written by my friend legalbgl for Project 2,996:
Captain Patrick J. Brown (2010).
Hagay Shefi (2009).
Alison Marie Wildman (2008).
Daniel Thomas Afflito (2007).

Coming full circle, on May 1, 2011, the United States finally caught up with Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan. In a daring raid on a compound near Pakistan’s military academy, US special forces killed bin Laden and captured a treasure trove of intel. That’s small consolation for the thousands of families and friends who still grieve the senseless murder of their loved ones in New York, Washington DC at the Pentagon, and in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. The profound loss is a heavy burden on all those who were there and on those who lost loved ones. While television crews jockeyed for spots overlooking the Ground Zero site, the death of bin Laden would not bring solace to those who lost loved ones, nor would it bring their loved ones back.

Local commemorations are already underway and will continue through the week throughout the region. And there are those in the area who are still suffering from the medical effects of exposure to the air at Ground Zero.

The federal government created the James Zadroga health and compensation fund because of the ongoing health concerns of those who carried out relief and recovery efforts at Ground Zero. More people are seeking assistance via the program, including those emergency responders who came from across the country to spell the FDNY and NYPD and PAPD in the grim task of recovering the remains of those murdered.

Emergency personnel were at Ground Zero around the clock for weeks on end before officials would claim that the site had officially been cleared of remains. Many of them, plus those living near Ground Zero would later become ill from the effects of breathing in all the dust and debris that was pulverized by the collapsing towers, and it is one of the sadder chapters from 9/11 that we are still burying victims of the attacks to this day, including James Zadroga.

People who risked their lives to save others and to help families who lost loved ones find remains of the victims are themselves victims of the attacks. The Zadroga Act isn’t perfect by any means and it has come too late for some, but it’s a start to compensate and aid families of responders who are suffering from all manner of ailments attributed to Ground Zero exposure.

The death toll, which was once feared to be more than we could bear - in the tens of thousands, would eventually drop to around 2,742 at the World Trade Center. However, that count continues rising as more emergency personnel working at Ground Zero succumb to ailments attributed to exposures at Ground Zero. The head of the PBA says that the total number of cops who have died from medical ailments related to the 9/11 attacks is greater than the number who died during the attacks themselves. More than 1,100 people have cancers attributed to exposure at Ground Zero. Over 65,000 are registered with the WTC Registry. Some of their names will eventually be added to the roll of those killed in the attacks.

Construction at the site now dominates discussion, though there are unsettling discoveries made from time to time. Workers at the site of the proposed Park 51 / Cordoba House Islamic Center found part of the landing gear of one of the planes wedged between the building and an adjacent one.

The past 10 years have been a near constant reminder of the profound sense of absence. 1WTC (aka the Freedom Tower) has finally recaptured part of the skyline. 1WTC is still under construction but the antenna and external structures are complete. The base and interior work continues.

Construction of the Transit Hub is also underway, and Santiago Calatrava’s design now peeks out above ground as well.

The WTC Transit Hub from Greenwich Street at Vesey
Looking down Greenwich St at the WTC Transit Hub and 3 and 4 WTC
4WTC exterior finished; the building needs interior work, but is in its final form.

2 and 3 WTC are only being built as a stub capable of being completed to their originally designed heights. Unless Larry Silverstein receives commitments to lease space, they will remain as stub buildings that provide retail commercial space for the foreseeable future. 4WTC will be opened to business in November. It’s likely that work will restart later this year on 3WTC as there have been rumblings of a deal in the works for leases of significant amounts of space in the tower with GroupM. The 1WTC Observatory will take longer to open, but Conde Nast will be moving into its offices in 1WTC in 2014 and retail spaces in 3 and 4 WTC will be opening in the coming year courtesy of Silverstein and Westfield Properties.

Fiterman Hall

Meanwhile, Fiterman Hall has now been opened for a full year as students from the Borough of Manhattan Community College have been able to use the facility for classes.

While the National 9/11 Memorial opened in time for the 10th anniversary, the National 9/11 Museum at the World Trade Center had been delayed due to an ongoing battle over who is responsible for certain costs. The museum foundation and the Port Authority had fought over hundreds of millions in costs, and the resulting delay meant that the earliest it would open is early 2014.

The delays were made worse as a result of the damage done by Hurricane Sandy. That included flooding of the museum facilities that are under the podium containing the memorial. It turns out that the battle over costs between the memorial foundation and the Port Authority was a blessing in disguise. It meant that facilities weren’t finished out and artifacts weren’t in place when lower Manhattan was flooded by Sandy. It also means that the facilities will have to address protecting the artifacts from future storms.

Then, there’s the cost to operate the museum when it eventually opens in conjunction with the memorial. The WTC Memorial Foundation estimates it will cost $60 million a year to operate the memorial and museum, which is far out of line from other memorials operated by the National Park Service. It makes tremendous sense and it is logical for the 9/11 museum and memorial to be operated by the NPS instead of the private foundation because of cost containment and the ability to manage the myriad details that come along with such a sensitive site and one of national and international importance.

Millions of people have already paid their respects and visited the 9/11 memorial, and the site has fast become a touchstone for those visiting the city. Tourists from around the country and the world flock to the area to see the new construction and to visit the memorial.

One of the stumbling blocks continues to be whether the museum will charge a fee for entry. I’ve long argued against any kind of entry fee as well as stripping the memorial foundation of the authority to run the facility and instead put the NPS in charge. The NPS does a tremendous job managing sites around the nation, and the memorial and museum should come under the NPS umbrella. However, without Congressional action, the situation will remain in flux and we should expect to see entry fees imposed on those visiting the site (we already see the foundation making “mandatory” suggested donations for access to the memorial). I wouldn’t be surprised if the entry fee runs $20 or more. As more than 4 million visit annually, that would mean $80 million in revenues towards operations.

The Port Authority, which owns the entire site, had been building the infrastructure necessary for other components of the site, including the Vehicle Security Center, the PATH transit hub, and the museum. All three are seriously over budget and are years behind schedule. The PATH Transit hub was among the worst offenders. It was supposed to have been completed in 2009 for $2.2 billion, and yet the earliest it may be finished is 2016 at a cost of more than $4 billion.

When one looks at the recently enacted toll and fare hikes, the cost overrun for PATH turns out to be nearly the entire amount of revenue expected to be raised from the hikes. That’s inexcusable; the overruns on the transit hub sap the Port Authority’s ability to handle other critical infrastructure projects around the region, and commuters to Lower Manhattan and businesses that want to consider Lower Manhattan have to take into account that the World Trade Center area is still one vast construction site.

When one realizes that the Port Authority gave up the trademark rights to the World Trade Center and WTC to a foundation started by a former employee of the agency for $10, you can begin to understand how poorly the authority had handled its assets over the years. A new report by the Bergen Record found that the Port Authority has no record of this deal being done, which makes this whole situation even more bizarre. After all, it’s a former head of the agency involved - Guy Tozzoli. It’s why I don’t think the agency has managed its assets well, nor handled the rebuilding in a cost-effective and efficient manner.

The Port Authority said Monday that it had no record of its governing board approving a 1986 deal that handed over ownership of the World Trade Center name for $10. And the agency’s top executive at the time said he didn’t recall it ever coming across his desk.

That added to the mystery surrounding how the Port Authority came to sell the vaunted name of its Manhattan landmark to a group run by a retiring agency executive who made millions in the years that followed.

The Christie administration, which jointly steers the agency with New York’s governor, slammed the deal on Monday, in response to a story in The Record a day earlier.

“You can be sure that would never happen under this administration,” Christie spokesman Michael Drewniak said. “I’d venture to say that if something like that was done today, it would probably draw the attention of the United States Attorney’s Office.”

The Port Authority essentially handed over one of its most valuable assets to a former executive who has made a ton of coin over the deal, and has even cost the agency money to continue using the name. Had the agency retained the rights to the name and licensed the name to other entities as the WTCA has done, the Port Authority would have had millions of dollars of revenue that it could have used to fund ongoing operations and projects.

Meanwhile, nearby transit projects are slowly inching towards completion, including the Fulton Transit Center a block east of Ground Zero. That project, run by the MTA, is similarly over budget and late. However, it’s far closer to completion than the PATH hub. When finished, the Fulton Center would link with the PATH transit hub by the Dey Street connector, and ultimately those working at the World Financial Center would be able to access Fulton Center without having to travel outside. It’s likely to be opened in time for when 4WTC is opened for business later this year.

The skyline will never be the same. Neither will our hearts, which are heavy with the loss and supreme sacrifices made on 9/11 by the rescue personnel who bravely rushed up the towers even as people were racing to get out of the towers or gasping as people were forced to jump to their deaths to avoid being burned alive in the fires that racked the towers.

We remember.

Tribute in Light
Looking up at 1WTC and 7WTC.

More photos of Ground Zero and the rebuilding at the World Trade Center, as taken from 4WTC, which is scheduled to open next year.

The WTC as seen from Hoboken.

Cross posted at A Blog For All.

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1 klys  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 4:05:20pm

I posted this elsewhere, but it seems appropriate for here as well:


Reading through my journal entries from 12 years ago, thinking about tomorrow.

To those who lost loved ones, to those who lost their innocence, we do remember. Not in the political way, but in the personal way.

They spoke in school about history being made. History wasn’t made yesterday. It was burned. It was burned into the hearts and minds of every person who watched those towers come crashing down. It was burned into the memories of those who lived through it and those who merely watched.

It was burned, inexorably, into the lives of those who lost loved ones.

All those burned will never be the same again.

The day the Japanese struck Pearl Harbor was a day that would live in infamy. What would they say today? What label would they put on an action that took the lives of so many people - and didn’t even have the courage to admit it? What would this day be to them? Worse? Better? Another feeling to dangerous to contemplate?

It burns. How it burns.

It burns the people who have seen this before - and who had hoped never to see it again. It burns the people who see this now - and wished that they had never seen it at all. It burns their hearts. It burns their souls.

It burns the souls of children, children who do not know and do not need to know what it feels like. Children who now know all too well. It burns their hearts and minds and souls and their tears. Nothing burns like the tears.

It burns.

I remember her dad. I remember his dad’s girlfriend. I didn’t know them, but I saw the ripples and I remember.

I saw the ripples for those who made it out but still carried the scars. I remember them too.

Tomorrow is not about Benghazi, although there is loss there too. Tomorrow is about the people and the loss. The politics don’t have a place there.


I have not been to the WTC memorial. I carry a different memorial in my heart, the memory of the fliers posted seeking loved ones, of the candles lit and flowers left at the wall in downtown. I remember the faces of those who lost loved ones. I remember the lights.

I hope that we as a country can remember those who really matter - the people who lost their lives.

2 lawhawk  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 5:16:03pm

I walk through the WTC every day as part of commuting via PATH, but I’ve yet to visit the official memorial. I don’t necessarily need the memorial to remember having lived through the day, walking with my friend across the Manhattan Bridge like thousands of others because all the subways were shut down and no one could do anything else. Well, that and stare at the empty sky.

I see it all around me - remembering what the old WTC PATH station used to look like, how the twin towers used to dominate the skyline and shopping in the concourse level stores.

3 CuriousLurker  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 5:21:05pm

The perseverance you’ve shown in keeping tabs on all manner of things related to 9/11 over the years is impressive. In my mind you’re sort of LGF’s curator on the subject—if I had a question about it then or now, you’re probably the first one I’d go to. Kudos for your dedication.

4 CuriousLurker  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 5:39:15pm

re: #2 lawhawk

I see it all around me - remembering what the old WTC PATH station used to look like, how the twin towers used to dominate the skyline and shopping in the concourse level stores.

Ouch, yeah, same here. Like you, I used to arrive at the WTC PATH station around 8:45 every morning as I worked for a tech company over off of Maiden Lane. Luckily, I’d been laid off earlier in the year thanks to the deflation of the dotcom bubble, so I escaped having to be in the area when the planes hit. I’m so thankful I was spared that horror.

Oddly enough, I was due to go into The City that afternoon to meet with a designer friend about a potential project. He’s the one who called me and told me to turn on the TV. Looking at the altered, empty skyline used to make me so furious.

I’ve never visited the official memorial either, nor do I have any intention of doing so. It’s just too much. I’ve been down in the WTC area several times, but never looked at ground zero except on TV. It’s… I just can’t. *sigh*

5 klys  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 5:43:27pm

re: #4 CuriousLurker

I was in class that morning, and right before we went on break (was taking classes at the local community college in the morning twice a week), he told us that there had been a plane crash into the WTC. We tuned into CNN just in time to see the first tower come down.

I didn’t get much more work done that day. Out of the group I knew at school, one girl lost her dad on Flight 93. The memory I have there I will never forget. Another nearly lost her mom (and her mom lost coworkers). The guy whose locker was next to mine - his dad’s girlfriend had gone in early to give a presentation that he had helped her with the night before. She never came home.

Didn’t have TV for two weeks until my folks shelled out for cable; losing the antennas on the WTC took out our TV for a while.

6 CuriousLurker  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 6:16:44pm

re: #5 klys

Gah, I remember seeing the first tower come down. The feeling of numb unreality was colossal, immediately followed by the bloodcurdling, gut-wrenching realization that there are people in there, probably thousands of them, dying right before my eyes.

IIRC, the only channel we could still get for the next couple of weeks in Jersey City was CBS. I was freelancing at the time, and since everything came to a standstill business-wise, I had nothing to do but sit and watch TV all day for a few weeks. That was a REALLY bad decision.

Thankfully, I didn’t know anyone who died or who lost someone that day.

7 klys  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 6:30:53pm

re: #6 CuriousLurker

We may have had CBS; I don’t remember for sure. Whatever we had was pretty weak despite the amplifier my dad had up there. I relied on the Internet an awful lot for news those first few days, and thankfully had recourses (before Twitter, of course) when the standard news sites went down.

We had the Spanish channels but that didn’t help my parents much.

I remember the flags virtually everywhere the next day. And the sick numbness, and the not being sure how to dance around the topic with the folks who did lose people.

And how it all transitioned into such a sick, sick mess later on.

I tend to dislike a lot of the blatant memorials because it’s still too raw and too personal in so many ways, and so the only way to deal with it is privately, for me. I don’t judge for anyone else because it’s their grieving process too, but I try to make a lot of my decisions out of respect for how I would want to be treated if I had been in that position, to try and avoid making things worse. I’ll probably go see the memorial at some point because my husband wants to - it’s not as real and immediate to him as it is to me, I think - and I know the names I will try to find.

But mostly I just take the time to remember quietly.

8 Charles Johnson  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 6:33:59pm

Such a great post, lawhawk. Thank you. I’ll be promoting this to the front page in a little bit.

9 prairiefire  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 6:45:42pm

Thank you! I was hoping you would do a page. Well done!

10 jaunte  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 7:46:34pm

Fantastic post. Thanks.

11 dog philosopher  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 7:49:50pm

de blasio still ahead in NYC primate race w 39% w 72% of votes counted

nyc needs a non primate mayor

12 Amory Blaine  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 7:49:55pm

My Ma and Pa Kettle show hit the road to NYC for our honeymoon. We pulled up to the front door of a very fancy Manhattan hotel in my rusting minivan, handed several lawn and leaf bags filled with clothes to the doorman along with a cooler full of beer. The first full day there we went to the WTC. There were several drawings created by children of the victims on the walls and we were very moved.

Excellent post thank you.

13 b_sharp  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 7:50:46pm

{{{US Friends}}}

14 Gus  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 7:50:47pm
15 CuriousLurker  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 7:52:43pm

re: #14 Gus

[Embedded content]


16 b_sharp  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 7:54:25pm

re: #14 Gus

[Embedded content]

He’s hard up for attention.

17 Gus  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 7:55:29pm

re: #15 CuriousLurker


He won the internet.

18 Amory Blaine  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 7:57:06pm

His impotent candidacy fell short.

19 jaunte  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 8:00:53pm

Uh huh.

20 Dark_Falcon  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 8:01:30pm

re: #18 Amory Blaine

His impotent candidacy fell short.

He crossed the finish line with a limp.

21 Gus  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 8:01:51pm

Been a long time. Thinking back there were some horrible nights thinking about the victims. My worst experience in my American history.

22 EPR-radar  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 8:04:34pm

re: #19 jaunte

This idiot at the Daily Beast needs to show his work here. What could Obama have done to work with Republicans? The only possibility I can think of is unconditional surrender to all Republican demands.

23 Amory Blaine  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 8:04:41pm

Obama has compromised with the radicals. Anyone who doesn’t see that is a liar or blind.

24 Gus  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 8:05:33pm
25 EPR-radar  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 8:06:17pm

I’m so glad to see the new construction going in. Pictures of the giant holes in the ground made 9/11 too real for me to easily take.

26 dog philosopher  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 8:09:40pm

new skyline an improvement on the old wtc’s twin cigarette cartons

27 Dark_Falcon  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 8:10:25pm

re: #23 Amory Blaine

Obama has compromised with the radicals. Anyone who doesn’t see that is a liar or blind.

Which radicals and on what?

28 AlexRogan  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 8:14:45pm

re: #26 dog philosopher

new skyline an improvement on the old wtc’s twin cigarette cartons

Say what you will about the old WTC towers’ design, but they’ll be times when you’re watching an old TV show or a movie, you see them and all you can feel is “damn”.

Near the end of Trading Places does it for me.

29 AlexRogan  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 8:14:59pm

re: #23 Amory Blaine

Obama has compromised with the radicals. Anyone who doesn’t see that is a liar or blind.


30 CuriousLurker  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 8:18:32pm

A bit of NYC nostalgia—some old scanned photos from 2000:

The pre-9/11 lower Manhattan skyline - Taken from the dock at the foot of the Brooklyn Bridge as the sun was starting to set.

WTC Tower from bottom - I’m not 100% sure because it was so long ago, but I believe this was the North Tower (1 WTC). My son and I had gone there with the intention of going up to the observation deck, but the wait to take the elevators up was long, so I took a quick snapshot thinking we could always come back another time… I know this is morbid, but now all I can think about when I see the photo is how far those poor souls who jumped had to fall.

God, I hate that those assholes made it so we have to relive this horror every year.

I’m out for now. G’nite, lizards.

31 goddamnedfrank  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 8:18:51pm

Compromised like a fox.

32 b_sharp  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 8:20:26pm

re: #23 Amory Blaine

Obama has compromised with the radicals. Anyone who doesn’t see that is a liar or blind.

Which radicals?

33 Stanley Sea  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 8:22:39pm

Tweeted this, hope my followers take a peek. Thanks Lawhawk.

34 erik_t  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 8:23:18pm

re: #32 b_sharp

Which radicals?

The GOP?

/not sure if

35 Charles Johnson  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 8:30:35pm
36 Gus  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 8:32:07pm

re: #35 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

Freaking awesome.

37 darthstar  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 8:32:22pm
38 darthstar  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 8:36:12pm
39 Kragar  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 8:37:41pm

re: #37 darthstar

[Embedded content]

Danger. Carlos Danger!

Youtube Video

40 dog philosopher  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 8:39:56pm

re: #37 darthstar

just call me DANGER dog!

41 Gus  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 8:43:17pm

re: #38 darthstar

[Embedded content]

Oh for Christ’s sake. Weiner is such an idiot.

42 blueraven  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 8:49:20pm

re: #35 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

Reminds me of this movie, coming on later on TCM. Will watch if I can stay awake

We do not know how big the crowd is, and what opposition it is… until we get out of step with it.

The Crowd - King Vidor 1928

43 Kragar  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 8:51:31pm

Yeah, because that it totally whats going on.

44 AlexRogan  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 8:52:30pm

re: #38 darthstar

@RussOnPolitics @theonlyadult Is he gone now? I just want to be done with him. (Not an actual quote from Huma…yet)

— Sean McCabe (@darthstar99) September 11, 2013

Anthony Weiner’s final fury: he gives a reporter the middle finger after his concession speech. Amazing. pic.twitter.com/ckA5VddwHy

— Russell Schaffer (@RussOnPolitics) September 11, 2013

Wow…if Weiner wasn’t going out of his way to completely crash-and-burn his entire life, you could have fooled me.

Huma needs to get away from him; she can do much better.

45 darthstar  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 8:59:18pm
46 Interesting Times  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 9:01:41pm

re: #41 Gus

NRA seems to have won big in the CO recall elections. One of their targets (Morse) has already conceded. The gun and fossil fuel lobbies own America at this point. They win; everyone else loses.

47 Amory Blaine  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 9:02:12pm

Yes I meant the GOP. Sorry I had to move my shit and setup again.

48 Dark_Falcon  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 9:05:38pm

re: #46 Interesting Times

NRA seems to have won big in the CO recall elections. One of their targets (Morse) has already conceded. The gun and fossil fuel lobbies own America at this point. They win; everyone else loses.

Recall elections that are not of statewide offices are small-turnout affairs. They are won by turning out your base, since most moderates simply don’t vote in such elections.

49 Dark_Falcon  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 9:07:07pm

re: #47 Amory Blaine

Yes I meant the GOP. Sorry I had to move my shit and setup again.

Compromised on what, though? And who within the party are the ‘radicals’ that Obama compromised with?

50 Amory Blaine  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 9:09:37pm

The stimulus was a comprimise the ACA was a comprimise. The offer to Congress to weigh in on Syria. All of their leadership are radicals. Stopping Obama at all costs is their aganda.

51 Interesting Times  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 9:10:47pm

re: #49 Dark_Falcon

Compromised on what, though?

The initial debt ceiling debacle, for one. And healthcare. And the stimulus.

And who within the party are the ‘radicals’ that Obama compromised with?

LOL all of them (since Boehner and McConnell cave to the teabaggers as much as possible)

52 Amory Blaine  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 9:12:13pm

New Lay’s flavors.

Lay’s flavors.

53 dog philosopher  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 9:13:46pm

re: #50 Amory Blaine

The stimulus was a comprimise the ACA was a comprimise. The offer to Congress to weigh in on Syria. All of their leadership are radicals. Stopping Obama at all costs is their aganda.

well i have hopes that hillary will succeed him and then No More Mr Nice Guy

or you never know maybe christie will do as well…

54 Interesting Times  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 9:14:21pm

re: #46 Interesting Times

NRA seems to have won big in the CO recall elections. One of their targets (Morse) has already conceded. The gun and fossil fuel lobbies own America at this point. They win; everyone else loses.

And now it looks like the second state senator up for recall will lose as well.

I wonder if all the NRA groupies will fire guns into the air to celebrate? CO lizards stay indoors, please, preferably away from walls and windows :/

55 Amory Blaine  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 9:15:24pm

Every single major policy initiative taken by this center right President has been blocked and intentionally damaged to hurt his credibility.

56 A Man for all Seasons  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 9:18:14pm

Great post Lawhawk!
I Proudly put it on my Facebook page.
You strike the right chords.

57 Kragar  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 9:18:25pm

re: #55 Amory Blaine

Every single major policy initiative taken by this center right President has been blocked and intentionally damaged to hurt his credibility.

Dissent is only patriotic when conservatives do it.

58 Dark_Falcon  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 9:27:31pm

re: #54 Interesting Times

And now it looks like the second state senator up for recall will lose as well.

I wonder if all the NRA groupies will fire guns into the air to celebrate? CO lizards stay indoors, please, preferably away from walls and windows :/

That is unlikely. The NRA is actually quite hostile to that practice.

59 Amory Blaine  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 9:31:09pm

State judge rules Indiana’s right-to-work law unconstitutional

A Lake County Superior Court judge has ruled Indiana’s right-to-work law unconstitutional, but the decision doesn’t mark the end of a legal battle over the measure.

Judge John Sedia ruled the law unconstitutional last week because the state constitution calls for just compensation for services, according to an order. The ruling stems from a lawsuit filed in February 2013 on behalf of members of the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 150 AFL-CIO, who argued the law violated the constitution.

The Indiana attorney general’s office said Monday in an email that the state plans to immediately appeal the decision to the state Supreme Court. The attorney general’s office called the judgement incorrect because the judge dismissed four other counts in the lawsuit.

60 Lidane  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 9:37:47pm

re: #58 Dark_Falcon

That is unlikely. The NRA is actually quite hostile to that practice.

Yeah, they tend to prefer it when you aim properly at a target. Random fire is just too messy.

61 Amory Blaine  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 9:42:10pm

George Zimmerman Smashed iPad That Had Video Of Confrontation, Wife Claims

Shellie Zimmerman claims her estranged husband, George Zimmerman, broke into pieces an iPad she used to record video of their confrontation Monday afternoon, Officer Zach Hudson of the Lake Mary (Fla.) Police Department told The Huffington Post.

“That iPad is in half a dozen pieces at this point,” Hudson said. The remains of the device have been sent to a lab where technicians will attempt to extract the video Shellie Zimmerman recorded and any other potential evidence that might be stored on it.

62 Amory Blaine  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 9:48:34pm

This is what compromise with radicals leads to:

Fight Delayed
House leadership will tie a debt-ceiling increase to a one-year delay of Obamacare.

Majority Leader Eric Cantor spent 90 percent of a presentation to House Republicans in the Capitol basement this morning explaining and defending his convoluted plan to force the Senate to vote on defunding Obamacare before eventually allowing the upper chamber to send a “clean” CR to President Obama.

Towards the end, however, he dropped a big piece of news about the House Republican strategy heading into the next fiscal fight — over raising the debt ceiling. To increase the debt ceiling, Cantor said, Republicans will demand a one-year delay to Obamacare.

63 Sol Berdinowitz  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 9:54:09pm

re: #58 Dark_Falcon

That is unlikely. The NRA is actually quite hostile to that practice.

Is that why foreigners are always beating us out a vertical marksmanship competitions?

64 Dark_Falcon  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 9:56:33pm

Good Night, All.

65 Targetpractice  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 10:02:01pm

Forgot how absorbing that Skyrim can be. And I’m finding out real quickly how stupid I was not to buy a horse the first time I played.

66 Kragar  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 10:10:46pm

re: #65 Targetpractice

Forgot how absorbing that Skyrim can be. And I’m finding out real quickly how stupid I was not to buy a horse the first time I played.

*BUY* a horse?

/clutches at pearls

67 Targetpractice  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 10:18:50pm

re: #66 Kragar

*BUY* a horse?

/clutches at pearls

Fear not, I’m doing the Dark Brotherhood quests. It’s just easier to at least get them started if I can make it to Windhelm in under 2 hours. Though poor Lydia’s no doubt gonna need a rest before too long.

68 GeneJockey  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 10:33:00pm

re: #49 Dark_Falcon

Compromised on what, though? And who within the party are the ‘radicals’ that Obama compromised with?

Seriously? You been asleep the last 5 years? Everything. Every goddam thing.

Stimulus, larded up with tax cuts that don’t do shit, because that’s what the GOP demanded. GOP votes? None.

PPACA - no public option, basically the Heritage Foundations healthcare reform plan. Negotiated with Snow and Collins and Grassley for MONTHS. GOP votes? None.

Debt ceiling, nominations - you name it, he’s bent so far over he loses votes from the left, and still, nothing from the GOP.

So, again, have you been asleep for 5 years?

69 Mark Lass  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 10:44:10pm

I regret that the term ground zero has been usurped as sympathetic to us after the terrorist attacks. There are two ground zeros, both in Japan.
I do not mean to diminish the tragedy of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. See, I do not like to refer to the attack as 9/11 either, because there is one every year.
And boy did everything change and obviously not for the better.

70 piratedan  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 10:51:49pm

re: #68 GeneJockey

Seriously? You been asleep the last 5 years? Everything. Every goddam thing.

Stimulus, larded up with tax cuts that don’t do shit, because that’s what the GOP demanded. GOP votes? None.

PPACA - no public option, basically the Heritage Foundations healthcare reform plan. Negotiated with Snow and Collins and Grassley for MONTHS. GOP votes? None.

Debt ceiling, nominations - you name it, he’s bent so far over he loses votes from the left, and still, nothing from the GOP.

So, again, have you been asleep for 5 years?

I often wonder if the Dems had known that the R’s would be going scorched earth and to the extent that they would spit on all legislative traditions, just how different those first ten months would have been. Knowing that they ate four months before Franken took his Senate seat and the failing health of Kennedy and Byrd and the idiotic behavior of Coakley just how much Nancy Smash would have trundled through. To this day, I think that Dem legislators still think that it’s business as usual when it comes to playing fair and observing the niceties and the people on the other side play it for each and every advantage and I honestly believe that the behavior of the Republican Party since Obama’s election crosses a political Rubicon that will take a long time to heal.

I really want to punish those people and tear down every plank of glass and flimsy playing card of that hateful, bigoted edifice that they’ve created.

71 Amory Blaine  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 10:57:12pm

Anyone who paid attention knew scorched earth was their intention. That is exactly how they governed under Bush. Self righteous cruelty is a kind description of their entire party.

72 PeterWolf  Tue, Sep 10, 2013 11:05:30pm

I was living in Central America on 911. I had been sleeping in that morning. My wife woke me and told me I needed to come and see what was happening. I sat and watched the television coverage. It was shocking to watch.

I’ve never been sure that 911 itself changed the world, but the world was most certainly going to be changed because of it.

73 freetoken  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:29:24am
74 leftynyc  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 2:23:55am

I watched it from my office window…the second plane hitting and the first tower to fall. It was like seeing a movie with no sound. And then the sirens, and the fighter jets (or whatever those planes were). All traffic moving south while so many were walking north to get away from downtown. I hate commuting on the anniversary. Like most NYers, I just want the day to pass quietly.

75 leftynyc  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 2:27:33am

re: #26 dog philosopher

new skyline an improvement on the old wtc’s twin cigarette cartons

I miss those ugly buildings. They were like my compass. I could be anywhere in the city and get my bearings just by looking up and finding the towers. Flying home - see the towers and know I was almost there. The new one is okay but also a reminder of what is gone.

76 Sol Berdinowitz  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 3:03:56am

Growing up in Chicago, we disliked the Twin Towers because they supplanted the Sears Tower as the tallest building in the world. Not that I was pleased to see them go down that way…

I was in Germany on 9/11/01. At first I heard some reports of a plane flying into the Pentagon (we were moving a piano at the time), I thought it was a sport plane like the Cessna pilot who tried to crash into the White House once…

Then we got a call from some panicked American friends to warn us that we were “at war”.

77 Decatur Deb  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 3:14:21am

re: #76 Sol Berdinowitz

Growing up in Chicago, we disliked the Twin Towers because they supplanted the Sears Tower as the tallest building in the world. Not that I was pleased to see them go down that way…

I was in Germany on 9/11/01. At first I heard some reports of a plane flying into the Pentagon (we were moving a piano at the time), I thought it was a sport plane like the Cessna pilot who tried to crash into the White House once…

Then we got a call from some panicked American friends to warn us that we were “at war”.

Watched the towers go up, and disliked them supplanting the Empire State, the icon of my era. Then I watched the second come down on a bigscreen in our DA staff office. Like you, our first thought was ‘accident’. Then we got the video up in time for the second plane. The guys upstairs were on the phone with our Pentagon liaison in Crystal City, and they described the crash there. The 2-star killed there, and many of his people were ‘on our molecule’.

The staff officers around me were mostly young AH-64 and Chinook pilots. They made warlike noises, then settled into communication and contingency planning.

78 ObserverArt  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 4:06:50am

Good morning on this 9/11. I just want to say I hope America has a safe day. We know this day can be tough on emotions. We also know this day can be tough politically. Hopefully America uses the day for positive reflection as we have enough negativity every other day to allow one day to keep the rancor down and just think about things.

79 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 4:07:34am

re: #76 Sol Berdinowitz

Growing up in Chicago, we disliked the Twin Towers because they supplanted the Sears Tower as the tallest building in the world. Not that I was pleased to see them go down that way…

I was in Germany on 9/11/01. At first I heard some reports of a plane flying into the Pentagon (we were moving a piano at the time), I thought it was a sport plane like the Cessna pilot who tried to crash into the White House once…

Then we got a call from some panicked American friends to warn us that we were “at war”.

Actually, the Sears Tower (now the Willis Tower) was built after the World Trade Center and is taller than the Twin Towers were. The new 1 WTC, however, is taller still and claims the title of tallest building in the Western Hemisphere.

80 Decatur Deb  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 4:13:51am

re: #79 Dark_Falcon

Actually, the Sears Tower (now the Willis Tower) was built after the World Trade Center and is taller than the Twin Towers were. The new 1 WTC, however, is taller still and claims the title of tallest building in the Western Hemisphere.

Let me slip into a 19th century mindset for a bit. The towers should have been replaced by the tallest two buildings in the world, at any price, at record speed, even if it required the effort of the Army Corps of Engineers.

81 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 4:18:23am

re: #80 Decatur Deb

Let me slip into a 19th century mindset for a bit. The towers should have been replaced by the tallest two buildings in the world, at any price, at record speed, even if it required the effort of the Army Corps of Engineers.

Maybe, I often felt that way myself. But the World Trade Center was always about business and business and money concerns still rule the site in many ways.

82 Justanotherhuman  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 4:22:15am

Wonderful, thoughtful post, Lawhawk.

I’ll never forget that day, sitting with my son, who was off work that day, having our coffee and watching the news down here in NC. The bravery that day, and in days to come, from so many, was representative of what we as a people are capable.

We couldn’t believe it. Seeing a place I had casually visited years ago while doing a short work stint in NYC being hit by passsenger jets, then watching both people and the towers themselves come down was absolutely surreal. I don’t think we turned off the TV or left the living room all day.

The tension about the PA plane crash and the Pentagon strike had everyone looking for even more of them, even with the sky on lock down. The loss of lives was horrific, and if these events had happened an hour later, might have been even worse as people came into work.

If this was war, we had never experienced anything like it. We would never be the same. We didn’t know it at the time, but this one event would make many things in our lives not the same, either, given who was in office and the response to that horrible event, politically, economically, socially.

But at least we had the good sense to elect Barack Hussein Obama twice, after the fiasco that was George W. Bush and his NeoCons, who developed the US response to 9/11, with 2 wars and policies that will haunt us for a very long time. We are still cleaning up his mess and the effects from it—let’s not screw this up.

83 Decatur Deb  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 4:28:09am

re: #81 Dark_Falcon

Maybe, I often felt that way myself. But the World Trade Center was always about business and business and money concerns still rule the site in many ways.

Yep. That’s why they’re still not finished 12 years later. We are engaged in a culture war, and the weapons of that war are symbols. We suck at symbols, excel at blowing shit up. Stay tuned in kiddies.

84 sagehen  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 4:30:44am

My 9/11 story is the boringest in all NYC.

I’d been up late the night before, so I was sleeping peacefully (with my windows open, since the weather was so nice) when a fire truck drove by in full siren. We learn to sleep through those. But then there was another. And another. And a bunch more. One after the next after the next, no space between them. Just a constant rising and falling of multiple sirens.

At which point I got up and turned on my computer; my mailing lists were full of OMG OMG OMG so I turned on the TV. About 15 minutes later, as a tower fell… my TV went dark. I had to futz around for a bit to find cable news, as broadcast TV just wasn’t happening anymore.

I went to the Red Cross office, very near my apartment; the entire block was jammed with people, and a guy at the top of the stairs with a bullhorn was yelling “Type O, Type O, step right up, everybody else come back tomorrow, make way for the Type O’s!!”

Then I went home and watched more TV. For days.

((the movie that makes me sniffle at the Towers — “Working Girl”, when Melanie’s on the Staten Island Ferry going in to work in the morning.))

85 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 4:32:46am

Well, it’s not a good morning. I don’t know how many 9/11 remembrances I can take because I am THIS CLOSE to breaking down in tears, and not from the emotional trauma of the anniversary, but because I am having a terrible pain day.

I brought extra pain meds and stay in my chair.

Damn if only I’d had insurance in 2004.

86 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 4:42:44am

re: #85 Vicious Babushka

Well, it’s not a good morning. I don’t know how many 9/11 remembrances I can take because I am THIS CLOSE to breaking down in tears, and not from the emotional trauma of the anniversary, but because I am having a terrible pain day.

I brought extra pain meds and stay in my chair.

Damn if only I’d had insurance in 2004.

Feel better and take it easy.


87 Justanotherhuman  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 4:54:04am

Listening to the pundits this morning, no one appears to be able to see past their noses.

Just as there are rogue people in this country who shouldn’t own weapons, there are rogue nations that shouldn’t have what Syria or N. Korea, for instance, have. There are WMD no country should have.

The isolationists, worldwide, are winning. Ordinary people, worldwide, will bear the consequences, as we’ve already seen, when diplomacy fails and dictatorships are kept propped up.

88 A Mom Anon  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 5:05:21am

re: #85 Vicious Babushka

I’m sorry you hurt. Feel better soon.

89 Justanotherhuman  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 5:05:23am

Here is the full transcript of Pres Obama’s speech.


The comments are absolutely brutal, and those commenting only seem to care about themselves, name calling, and their twisted logic, and blaming Pres Obama for every atrocity committed by the US.

90 Decatur Deb  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 5:06:24am

re: #87 Justanotherhuman

Listening to the pundits this morning, no one appears to be able to see past their noses.

Just as there are rogue people in this country who shouldn’t own weapons, there are rogue nations that shouldn’t have what Syria or N. Korea, for instance, have. There are WMD no country should have.

The isolationists, worldwide, are winning. Ordinary people, worldwide, will bear the consequences, as we’ve already seen, when diplomacy fails and dictatorships are kept propped up.

The alternative is a world police, and I’m not facilely referring to us. The UN was headed that way during the Korean war, and we got a bit of it with GWB’s Coalition of the Willing.

Downside is that the police nation(s) make the law, consensus, and morality for all. We’re not ready for that yet.

Worst case is that we go back to The White Man’s Burden.

91 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 5:06:33am

Prudence “The Patriot” has a NEW PATRIOTIC HERO! Ben Carson? Who’s that?

92 Decatur Deb  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 5:07:27am

re: #91 Vicious Babushka

Prudence “The Patriot” has a NEW PATRIOTIC HERO! Ben Carson? Who’s that?

[Embedded content]


93 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 5:07:58am
94 sffilk  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 5:09:10am

I finally told my 9/11 story:


95 Decatur Deb  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 5:16:25am

re: #93 Vicious Babushka

Transcript of Rand Paul’s “rebuttal” to POTUS speech.

Shorter version: OBAMA SUX!

Worst thing we can do with Rand Paul and the rest of the libertarians is give them an opportunity to sound sane. They can actually keep it up for a 5-10 minute speech. In my dreams Elizabeth Warren faces Rand Paul in the 2016 presidential debates.

96 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 5:23:31am

re: #91 Vicious Babushka

Prudence “The Patriot” has a NEW PATRIOTIC HERO! Ben Carson? Who’s that?

[Embedded content]

Oh, how Prudence and far too many of her ilk yearn to be dominated. How much they wish to feel the stinging lash of an authoritarian ruler; how they so wish to kiss the boots of a powerful and ruthless autocrat. They wish nothing more than to submit to a man who will rule them with an iron fist.

97 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 5:23:36am

Google has a very simple logo today. It’s like somebody woke up and was like OH SHIT! WE DIDN’T MAKE A SPECIAL LOGO.

But it’s very low key.

98 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 5:25:02am

re: #96 Dr Lizardo

Oh, how Prudence and far too many of her ilk yearn to be dominated. How much they wish to feel the stinging lash of an authoritarian ruler; how they so wish to kiss the boots of a powerful and ruthless autocrat. They wish nothing more than to submit to a man who will rule them with an iron fist.

“Those who bite the hand that feeds them, will kiss the boot that kicks them.” —Somebody, sometime.

99 Decatur Deb  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 5:30:56am

re: #96 Dr Lizardo

Oh, how Prudence and far too many of her ilk yearn to be dominated. How much they wish to feel the stinging lash of an authoritarian ruler; how they so wish to kiss the boots of a powerful and ruthless autocrat. They wish nothing more than to submit to a man who will rule them with an iron fist.

50 Shades of Derp.

100 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 5:31:36am

re: #98 Vicious Babushka

“Those who bite the hand that feeds them, will kiss the boot that kicks them.” —Somebody, sometime.

I get the feeling that folks like Prudence, et al, are deeply masochistic at their core. The thrill they feel from a strongman, the desire to submit themselves at his feet while he orders them around, must be quite a rush I suppose.

101 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 5:34:06am

re: #99 Decatur Deb

50 Shades of Derp.

Heh. Personally, I don’t doubt for one minute that there is a degree of sexual masochism in folks like that. Some people are deeply submissive, and that submissiveness - if not channelled in an overtly sexual direction - manifests itself in other areas.

102 Decatur Deb  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 5:35:58am

re: #101 Dr Lizardo

Heh. Personally, I don’t doubt for one minute that there is a degree of sexual masochism in folks like that. Some people are deeply submissive, and that submissiveness - if not channelled in an overtly sexual direction - manifests itself in other areas.

I think she’s a team of 50-yr old guys in sleeveless undershirts typing blog comments in Karl Rove’s basement.

103 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 5:36:23am

re: #100 Dr Lizardo

I get the feeling that folks like Prudence, et al, are deeply masochistic at their core. The thrill they feel from a strongman, the desire to submit themselves at his feet while he orders them around, must be quite a rush I suppose.

That would explain the contempt they have for Obama, calling him a “wimp” and a “sissy” and a “girly man”

104 A Mom Anon  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 5:36:53am

I don’t feel like my 9/11 story even matters in the big picture. I live outside Atlanta, my first thoughts went to my husband and son at the moment. Kid was at school(should I go get him? let him stay?), husband was in Houston for work(couldn’t get a flight home, rented a car and drove home. I didn’t even know what had happened until he called me and told me to turn on the TV). I was horrified and sad, but it wasn’t my town, my family, my home that got hurt. I didn’t lose a loved one or have to look at the damage for months/years afterwards. And I’ve never felt right claiming a part of that day as really “mine”. I have some people living around me that lose their shit every 9/11, maybe that tempers my feelings some. One of my neighbors had his truck wrapped in some horrible 9/11 photos and all this screaming eagle vengeance stuff for years, he finally had it removed a couple of years ago. I watched TV that day and just cried and cried, by the evening it hit me that this was going to be just the excuse needed for another war, I wish I had been wrong.

I feel weird saying the above because it sort of sounds like I don’t care because I don’t want to claim the day as part of my own personal mourning. I sort of feel like it would be the same as me making a neighbor’s funeral about me when it isn’t. Does that make any sense? I do care, and I was scared, mad and sad then, it was an awful time for the country. It almost united us and then political operatives used it to divide us, I think that pisses me off just as much as the terrorists did.

I just think this day belongs to the people and the communities who suffered actual physical losses that day and to the soldiers, both dead and living and their families who have suffered since. I am an American, and proud of that, but I never know the right thing to say or the right way to feel about this day. I won’t wallow in anger and sorrow, but it’s surely not something to forget about entirely either. Maybe with more time I can sort that part out.

105 Jayleia  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 5:39:19am

re: #100 Dr Lizardo

Speaking as someone who knows a little somethingsomething…not so much sadism/masochism (that’s a different, but somewhat correlated axis), but a weird mix of feeling the need to be in control while still being very submissive.

106 sagehen  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 5:39:29am

re: #91 Vicious Babushka

Prudence “The Patriot” has a NEW PATRIOTIC HERO! Ben Carson? Who’s that?

[Embedded content]

He’s a black guy from Baltimore, world-class pediatric neurologist, yet curiously creationist. Fundie 7th Day Adventist, has said some really hideous things about gay people (because god tells him to)… and super-right wing on economics, boostraps yadda. Fox News loves him.

But he really is best of the best for pediatric brain surgery. Go figure.

107 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 5:39:53am

re: #103 Vicious Babushka

That would explain the contempt they have for Obama, calling him a “wimp” and a “sissy” and a “girly man”

Oh it does. A submissive or a masochist is naturally attracted to what they perceive of as a dominant - or in extreme cases, an outright sadistic - figure, and they are contemptuous of what they would perceive of as less than dominant.

108 sagehen  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 5:40:59am

re: #93 Vicious Babushka

Transcript of Rand Paul’s “rebuttal” to POTUS speech.

Shorter version: OBAMA SUX!

Because deep thinkers always pre-record rebuttals to speeches that didn’t have advance copies given out.

109 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 5:43:28am

re: #105 Jayleia

Speaking as someone who knows a little somethingsomething…not so much sadism/masochism (that’s a different, but somewhat correlated axis), but a weird mix of feeling the need to be in control while still being very submissive.

My ex-wife was of a deeply submissive nature - borderline masochist, I would say - and yes, you’re assessment is quite correct; a strange mixture of needing to submit while simultaneously feeling they are still in some manner of control.

Thus far, I have never encountered anyone who would totally submit and completely surrender all control, as that would be tantamount to a paraphilia and could well lead to an extremely dangerous situation.

110 A Mom Anon  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 5:43:44am

re: #108 sagehen

Seriously? That was pre-recorded? I didn’t pay attention to the guy with the dead marmoset on his head last night so I had no idea what he even said. If it weren’t so destructive, in a big heaping pile of destruction designed to keep us divided, it would be hilarious.

111 Stoatly  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 5:48:59am

re: #91 Vicious Babushka

“we better learn from the suicides of America, England, Holland and France”

I’ve been to all of those, and Russia - and this straight white male knows which is the only country I’d find life intolerable in.

We played the game of “make a local smile” in Russia, it’s really hard!
Met a few really good people - but a greater percentage of miserable fuckers than anywhere outside Saudi.

112 lawhawk  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 5:50:46am

re: #35 Charles Johnson

That photo taken from Rockefeller Center towards downtown shows a couple of tall buildings down there. The tallest of those is the Woolworth Building, which is a few blocks from the WTC and Ground Zero.

Made it into work this morning, and the security gates are up all over. Rudy was giving interviews along Vesey at Church, just a few feet from a bunch of Troofers who were busy Troofing.

Sad reminders all about, including several people who put up candles/incense along the fence line at St. Paul’s Chapel across from the WTC.

I just can’t take pictures of those who were clutching photos of their loved ones or the firefighters or police who were in their dress uniforms from departments near or far. It’s too personal - for them, and for me. Let them have their day to grieve and remember.

For me, my coping comes from writing about the events of the day and the rebuilding efforts that have come since. It also takes my mind off the fact that I very nearly lost two people I love - one being a very close friend that I’ve known since our tweens and the other being my dad. Both worked in Lower Manhattan. My friend actually was getting out of his express bus at the WTC just about the time the first plane hit - and managed to take a subway uptown within moments. My dad never did make it to the City - transfixed like everyone else along the Hoboken waterfront as the horror unfolded.

Later I would learn that a few acquaintances I had worked with previously had been in the towers when they were hit, but they were able to get out.

Others wouldn’t be at the WTC that morning because they were voting in that year’s primary elections. But we were all changed people after that day.

113 ObserverArt  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 5:51:02am

I saw a clip of Rand this morning. What’s up with those reverse raccoon eyes? Is his career so bright now that he always wears shades so his eye area is always “farmer-tan” white?

114 Pygmalion  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 5:53:50am

I remember where I was when the chickens came home to roost. We have a long way to go.

115 A Mom Anon  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 5:55:12am

re: #112 lawhawk

Thanks for sharing all your photos and thoughts from that day. You’ve taken some great pics. I like seeing the process of the rebuilding efforts. I also think you’re right about the NPS taking over the museum/memorial, it would be less costly and more efficient all around. NPS has decades of experience in running sites of all sorts, it would be a win all around.

(((hugs))) to you today.

116 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 5:56:06am

re: #106 sagehen

He’s a black guy from Baltimore, world-class pediatric neurologist, yet curiously creationist. Fundie 7th Day Adventist, has said some really hideous things about gay people (because god tells him to)… and super-right wing on economics, boostraps yadda. Fox News loves him.

But he really is best of the best for pediatric brain surgery. Go figure.

Ben Carson was born and raised in Detroit, attended Detroit public schools and just dedicated a Math & Science High School in Detroit. So he knows where his roots are and he is a very gifted pediatric neurosurgeon, but he is just very fundie.

Asking for his political expertise is like asking Mozart for financial planning advice.

117 Justanotherhuman  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 5:56:54am

Of course, Morning Idiot had to play his “ode to 9/11”, a piece of countrified sentimental crap, called “Reason to Believe”.

Believe what, exactly?

118 A Mom Anon  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 6:00:38am

re: #117 Justanotherhuman

I stopped subjecting myself to morning news shows. Nope. Over it. Done. They’re all insane and in it to play cutesy for more money in a week that my family sees in a year. Fuck em all sideways with a rusty farm implement. I’ll dig through online newspapers and figure it out myself. Or come here and see what other folks have dug up to talk about. My Aleve consumption has dropped by half as a result. I’m not even turning on the TV this morning, not a chance.

And with that bit of happy, I’m off to walk the dog,lol. BBL.

119 Decatur Deb  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 6:04:37am

My dog concurs. BBL

120 lawhawk  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 6:06:33am

Also appropos of the remembrance, the Jewish Mourners’ Kaddish:

May His great Name grow exalted and sanctified (Amen.)
in the world that He created as He willed.
May He give reign to His kingship in your lifetimes and in your days,
and in the lifetimes of the entire Family of Israel,
swiftly and soon. Now respond: Amen.
(Cong Amen. May His great Name be blessed forever and ever.)
May His great Name be blessed forever and ever.
Blessed, praised, glorified, exalted, extolled,
mighty, upraised, and lauded be the Name of the Holy One, Blessed is He
(Cong. Blessed is He) beyond any blessing and song,
praise and consolation that are uttered in the world. Now respond: Amen.
May there be abundant peace from Heaven, and life
upon us and upon all Israel. Now respond: Amen.
He Who makes peace in His heights, may He make peace,
upon us and upon all Israel. Now respond: Amen.

121 Backwoods_Sleuth  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 6:08:02am
122 lawhawk  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 6:12:20am
123 Justanotherhuman  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 6:21:34am

re: #118 A Mom Anon

I stopped subjecting myself to morning news shows. Nope. Over it. Done. They’re all insane and in it to play cutesy for more money in a week that my family sees in a year. Fuck em all sideways with a rusty farm implement. I’ll dig through online newspapers and figure it out myself. Or come here and see what other folks have dug up to talk about. My Aleve consumption has dropped by half as a result. I’m not even turning on the TV this morning, not a chance.

And with that bit of happy, I’m off to walk the dog,lol. BBL.

Well, most of the time it’s just background noise for me as I livestream it.

But I did give up the computer to my g-gson so he could do another course of independent study on “Peep” (I showed him how to access the “games” which are teaching tools), until he had enough, while I cleaned the fridge. Now he’s off to play another game (he loves those, but I try to restrict them in favor of other activities). I remember that by the time I went to first grade (no K back then for us), I was able to read quite a bit by just reading the papers and magazines (even boxes and packages) around the house on my own. He also loves his books, which I’ve been reading to him since he was an infant. The kids do love their v-v-v-video, though, so I try to make it as interactive as possible, not just a passive activity.

124 Sol Berdinowitz  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 6:25:49am

re: #91 Vicious Babushka

Prudence “The Patriot” has a NEW PATRIOTIC HERO! Ben Carson? Who’s that?

[Embedded content]

Replace “Russian” in that speech with “Ukrainian”, “Byelorussian”, “Tadzhik”, “Uzbek”, “Azeri”, “Georgian”, “Armeminan”, “Latvian”, “Kazakh”, “Moldavian”, etc., and apply it to the Russian minorities living in those respective countries…

What a short-sighted prick.

125 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 6:26:46am

re: #124 Sol Berdinowitz

Replace “Russian” in that speech with “Ukrainian”, “Byelorussian”, “Tadzhik”, “Uzbek”, “Azeri”, “Georgian”, “Armeminan”, “Latvian”, “Kazakh”, “Moldavian”, etc., and apply it to the Russian minorities living in those respective countries…

What a short-sighted prick.

He is only referring to the Russian Federation, not to any of the other former Soviet republics.

126 darthstar  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 6:29:49am
127 Lidane  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 6:33:37am

My 9/11 story is insignificant. I was at home that morning since I had an afternoon shift at work. My best friend called me in a panic, which I’d never heard from her before. She was telling me to turn on the TV and put it on the nearest news broadcast I could find. I saw the WTC on fire. I remember sitting there stunned and having no idea how to process what was on my screen.

At the time, my best friend was in Virginia. Her husband was an officer in the Air Force (he retired not too long ago, IIRC) and back then, he was working in the Pentagon. She called me from her car since she was racing to pick up the kids from school and get them home as fast as possible. Her husband thankfully worked in a different section of the Pentagon than the one that got hit, but it was a very tense moment when she didn’t know that.

I didn’t know anyone in the Towers. My best friend’s husband had been assigned to a different section of the Pentagon and he was okay, all things considered. I didn’t have any direct connection to anyone who died that day. I’m in Texas and didn’t have my entire life upended like the people of New York. It took a while for me to figure out how to process the 9/11 attacks without feeling like a selfish bitch for being hurt and upset by what happened.

It was a horrible day and we shouldn’t forget it, but at the same time, I don’t let myself get maudlin. I wasn’t in any direct danger that day, nor did I lose anyone. It would be selfish of me to make today about myself or my feelings. I just hope we learn from that day as a country and try to move forward to a better, more understanding society. A girl can dream anyway.

128 Sol Berdinowitz  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 6:34:53am

re: #125 Vicious Babushka

He is only referring to the Russian Federation, not to any of the other former Soviet republics.

The point is that Russia has an enormous diaspora of Russian speakers living in the former Soviet republics.

And he forgets a time when they were all one nation in which people of other nationalities lived in the Russian Federation - and that the Russian Federation itself contains numbers of non-Russian peoples within its own borders.

He is an asshole.

129 Mattand  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 6:34:56am

Hey, Lawhawk. Great post.

130 Political Atheist  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 6:40:11am

re: #122 lawhawk

I spend my time here instead of twitter. But I do hope someone reminds these guys that we are not ignoring the war by not attacking, we are trying to reduce rather than add to the carnage.

Patience, reliable intelligence, working with a coalition. Have these two forgotten what can happen when we don’t have those things before we attack?

131 b.d.  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 6:41:35am

Wonderful write up lawhawk, it is a shame it had to be written.

132 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 6:42:08am

My son and his wife were living in Seattle, my daughter-in-law had just given birth to a baby boy on 9/7/2001.

They were planning to fly into New York with their newborn for the brit, which was scheduled to take place on 9/14. I also had plane tickets to fly to NY on 9/13.

Incredibly, they were on the first flight from Seattle to New York when the airports opened again. DTW Metro was still closed, so I could not fly out.

133 Feline Fearless Leader  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 6:42:50am

re: #128 Sol Berdinowitz

The point is that Russia has an enormous diaspora of Russian speakers living in the former Soviet republics.

And he forgets a time when they were all one nation in which people of other nationalities lived in the Russian Federation - and that the Russian Federation itself contains numbers of non-Russian peoples within its own borders.

He is an asshole.

A lot of the nut rhetoric these days seems very dependent on the world coming into existence last week with no preceding history.

134 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 6:43:01am

Glenn, it’s not his decision.

135 Ian G.  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 6:43:24am

Unseasonably warm, sticky day here in lower Manhattan (it’s as we’re getting a bit of August here in September because all of August was unseasonably cool and pleasant).

I don’t have much to add about 9/11, as I was away in college, far from death and destruction, and if I shut the TV off, I could go outside for a moment and enjoy the beautiful fall weather and pretend the world wasn’t going insane. My sister had to run away from the dust cloud with a cloth over her face, but she was OK. I didn’t know anyone who died.

That’s not to say that it didn’t affect me (I consider it the second worst day of my life, after the day my mother died), but that over the years, it’s become more history than anything, which it probably never will be for those who lost loved ones.

136 wheat-dogghazi  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 6:44:12am

re: #134 Vicious Babushka

Which is why GG is not trying to call attention to it, because it’s not about Snowden, people!

137 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 6:44:45am

Wingnuts are absolutely batshit crazy today.

I will honor the memory of 9/11 by not posting anymore Derp for the rest of the day.

138 b.d.  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 6:48:10am

re: #134 Vicious Babushka

Glenn, it’s not his decision.

[Embedded content]

Isn’t one of his conditions of his detention asylum that he not say anything bad about the USA? It is kind of hard to do an interview if that is the only trick your pony knows.

139 makeitstop  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 6:48:10am

re: #134 Vicious Babushka

Glenn, it’s not his decision.

[Embedded content]

Besides, The GG has the ‘fame-seeking narcissist’ thing covered.

140 darthstar  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 6:48:45am
141 Gus  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 6:49:41am
142 Sol Berdinowitz  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 6:49:57am

re: #133 Feline Fearless Leader

A lot of the nut rhetoric these days seems very dependent on the world coming into existence last week with no preceding history.

Or with a very selective view of history (GOP the Party of Lincoln, KKK founded by Democrats, etc…)

143 Backwoods_Sleuth  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 6:51:46am


Days after appearing on Fox News to discuss a potential military strike against Syria, right-wing radio host Alex Jones elucidated an updated Syria conspiracy theory, arguing that a tentatively agreed upon effort to place that nation’s chemical weapons under international control is the latest step in a broader globalist conspiracy to orchestrate the extinction of the human race and replace it with a new species of human-machine hybrids. Despite his regularly outlandish rhetoric, outlets like Fox News continue to mainstream the Texas conspiracist.

Alex Jones Links Syrian Weapons Proposal To Human Extinction Plot

144 darthstar  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 6:53:51am

And how the fuck is Snowden “focusing on the NSA” right now? Does he still have VPN access? I suspect his get into the servers card was deactivated about twenty seven seconds after his name became known. And by now some full audits of the systems have been completed, and all passwords have been changed - hell, it wouldn’t surprise me if the NSA did a full IP address migration - it’s not that difficult (did it myself when we moved our offices as part of merger with HP a few years back). What Snowden knew is now far more than what he knows.

145 b.d.  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 6:54:02am

re: #134 Vicious Babushka

Glenn, it’s not his decision.

[Embedded content]

[greenwaldian]But if you give me $50,000 I’ll produce Snowden for anyone and everybody. I’ll Snowden will do as many interviews as you want for $50,000 each, NSA focus be damned.[/greenwaldian]

146 Gus  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 6:54:09am
147 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 6:54:20am

re: #143 Backwoods_Sleuth


Alex Jones Links Syrian Weapons Proposal To Human Extinction Plot

I had a friend up in Portland, OR who I always thought had some pretty good weed.

Clearly, she had nothing compared to what Alex Jones is smoking.

148 Ian G.  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 6:54:39am

re: #137 Vicious Babushka

Wingnuts are absolutely batshit crazy today.

I will honor the memory of 9/11 by not posting anymore Derp for the rest of the day.

Benghazi, I assume?

149 b.d.  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 6:55:26am

Snowden isn’t focusing on the NSA right now, he’s focusing on getting the crops in before the first freeze like the leaders of the collective farm told him to do.

150 Ian G.  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 6:55:48am

re: #146 Gus

It’s still mind-boggling that the smoke cloud disappears off the right in the photo well past Atlantic Highlands, NJ. It’s more a volcanic eruption than a fire.

151 Feline Fearless Leader  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 6:56:02am

re: #149 b.d.

Snowden isn’t focusing on the NSA right now, he’s focusing on getting the crops in before the first freeze like the leaders of the collective farm told him to do.

In Soviet Collective - cows milk you!

152 darthstar  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 6:56:53am

re: #149 b.d.

Snowden isn’t focusing on the NSA right now, he’s focusing on getting the crops in before the first freeze like the leaders of the collective farm told him to do.

Looking forward to him dressed like Tess digging frozen turnips out of the ground.

153 ObserverArt  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 6:58:08am

re: #147 Dr Lizardo

I had a friend up in Portland, OR who I always thought had some pretty good weed.

Clearly, she had nothing compared to what Alex Jones is smoking.

He’d be better off if it was weed. I’m thinking it is more a PCP problem. It has some nasty reality distortions.

154 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 6:58:37am

Good morning lizards. This is the best thread I’ve ever seen here at LGF. Thank you Lawhawk, this is an important day in history we should never forget.

And for the conspiracy troofer kooks…fuck you.

155 darthstar  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 6:59:21am

re: #143 Backwoods_Sleuth


Alex Jones Links Syrian Weapons Proposal To Human Extinction Plot

It’s a cook book!

156 wheat-dogghazi  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:01:32am

re: #143 Backwoods_Sleuth

Assad is an operative for Skynet!

157 makeitstop  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:02:10am

The smell. That’s what I remember most. The smell.

On that day, I was living about 40 miles out from Manhattan, on Long Island’s North Shore. My then-girlfriend (now my lovely wife) had gotten up to head for the office, and she called me saying a plane hit the WTC, and to turn on the TV. I turned on the TV just in time to see the second plane hit the second tower. Like every other American, I was glued to the TV that day.

After a couple of hours, I went out side into my yard, and I could already smell it - that acrid odor that occurs when an electrical fire occurs, only more intense. It was a smell I nearly got used to over the coming weeks, even 40 miles away it hung in the air as a reminder of the destruction that had taken place.

Even a month later, when Lower Manhattan was re-opened and my wife and I would go in and have dinner in neighborhood restaurants to try and do our little bit to help them stay afloat, the smell was ever-present.

Even right now, my senses bring it back on cue. That smell still haunts me.

158 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:02:11am

re: #153 ObserverArt

He’d be better off if it was weed. I’m thinking it is more a PCP problem. It has some nasty reality distortions.


Alex Jones is, in my wholly unprofessional opinion, a clearly disturbed individual; serious mental illness issues.

159 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:02:26am

re: #148 Ian G.

Benghazi, I assume?

Benghazi, Birthers, 9/11 Truthers, Obama is Al Qaeda, Islamophobia, it’s a Sharknado of Derp.

160 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:07:45am
161 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:08:48am
162 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:09:24am

I am not liking the cheesy flag graphics.

163 Internet Tough Guy  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:10:36am

re: #91 Vicious Babushka

Prudence “The Patriot” has a NEW PATRIOTIC HERO! Ben Carson? Who’s that?

[Embedded content]

Dear Prudence: Click here for freedom.

164 lawhawk  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:11:38am

re: #157 makeitstop

Nothing compares to that acrid, sulfurous, evil, metallic smell. Thinking about it can make me gag, and there are times when I pass construction sites, including at the WTC, where I get a whiff of the stuff given off by the guys working the welding torches. Painful memories indeed.

It’s a smell that hung over Lower Manhattan for months.

165 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:12:10am

re: #163 Internet Tough Guy

Dear Prudence: Click here for freedom.

Heh. I wish they would sometimes. You should tweet that to her.

166 piratedan  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:14:17am

re: #134 Vicious Babushka

Glenn, it’s not his decision.

[Embedded content]

whereas GG, firmly has his snout ensconsed up the media’s ass so far that he can say what they had for breakfast……

167 Internet Tough Guy  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:16:10am

re: #165 Dr Lizardo

Oh dear god no. I’d only sign up as “Internet Tough Guy” and I’d end up getting dragged into every twitter spat for the rest of my life.

168 Lidane  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:18:43am
169 piratedan  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:18:55am

while the Networks revel in the disaster porn today I’m guessing that with all of this remembrance and there will be most likely be nary a mention of the current fact that Obama directed Seal Team Six to go into Pakistan and take this fucker out. Probably got lost in all of the fear mongering and pity parties….

170 Mattand  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:19:18am

re: #91 Vicious Babushka

re: #163 Internet Tough Guy

re: #165 Dr Lizardo

Jesus Effing Christ, we’ve gotten to the point where conservatives have to be told that if they love Russia so much, they should move there.

I always had the feeling that electing a black president would send Republicans/conservatives* into a tailspin. I had no idea it would completely break their brains.

*Just to cover my bases: yes, it’s possible that Republcians would nominate a black dude for president one day. It’s also possible I’ll see the Jersey Devil playing Monopoly with Bigfoot on the roof of my shed.

171 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:19:53am

re: #169 piratedan

while the Networks revel in the disaster porn today I’m guessing that with all of this remembrance and there will be most likely nary a mention of the current fact that Obama directed Seal Team Six to go into Pakistan and take this fucker out. Probably got lost in all of the fear mongering and pity parties….

Wingnuts totally deny that POTUS had anything to do with taking out OBL, or that he is even dead.

172 lawhawk  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:20:26am

I missed two people that Legalbgl (my friend I reference above) had written up for the Project 2996 memorialization and remembrance:

Mary Lenz Wieman

Mark Francis Broderick

Legalbgl is also currently working on a remembrance for another person murdered on 9/11 and I’ll post that link when it becomes available.

Legalbgl has also worked pro bono for those who are trying to access the Zadroga Compensation Fund.

173 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:21:02am

Today is Bashar Al Assad’s birthday.

174 Justanotherhuman  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:21:53am

re: #173 Vicious Babushka

Today is Bashar Al Assad’s birthday.

Talk about synchronicity…

176 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:25:34am
177 Donna Ballard  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:25:55am

Hello my friends… I will not wish you a “Good Morning” Because there is no Good 9/11 Morning in my book… I spent 9/11/01 crying and I’m having a real hard time not breaking down in tears on this 12th year of that day. I feel weird calling it an “Anniversary” because that word con-notates a happy occasion in my mind and that would be creepy to me. I’m not staying long because I have too much work to do today but I just wanted to spend a few minutes with you all and read your comments in order to try and feel better about today. {{{Hugs}}} to all of you whom live in New York City and are reliving the actual moment the towers came down, my heart is heavy with the memories of seeing them fall on TV, those visions are etched on my mind and soul for the rest of my life. Take care all.

178 Ian G.  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:26:17am

re: #173 Vicious Babushka

It’s also the anniversary of another, very different terrorist attack by religious fanatics.

179 Lidane  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:26:25am

re: #170 Mattand

Jesus Effing Christ, we’ve gotten to the point where conservatives have to be told that if they love Russia so much, they should move there.

I’m seeing conservatives post variations of this in the last 24 hours:

A words to the wise, in regards to Mr. Putin.. remember, this is the leader, who on national TV told the theater bombers to turn themselves in… Or “you will be hunted down, found, then castrated, and the parts shoved down your throat…” Do NOT play games with this man. Do NOT cross him over Syria… Let your ego take a bruising, get over it, and focus on this high ass unemployment!!

Yes. Because Obama was somehow blindsided by the Russian chem weapons “deal” that Syria has accepted and he got “schooled” by Vladimir.

I’m seeing all these otherwise smart people insist that we’re now Russia’s bitch in the Middle East because we somehow got pantsed on the world stage. I don’t see it. I see a conversation at the G20 Summit between Putin and Obama that led to this point and Obama wisely leaving our military on alert if there are any attempts at backsies.

180 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:30:35am
181 lawhawk  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:33:40am

Remembering Lt. Col. Jerry Don Dickerson Jr., Legalbgl’s 2013 contribution as part of Project 2,996.

182 leftynyc  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:35:10am

re: #58 Dark_Falcon

That is unlikely. The NRA is actually quite hostile to that practice.

You’re talking about the old NRA - the ones that supported background checks and safety - the new NRA likes giving guns to blind people. And terrorists.

183 piratedan  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:36:57am

re: #179 Lidane

I’m seeing conservatives post variations of this in the last 24 hours:

Yes. Because Obama was somehow blindsided by the Russian chem weapons “deal” that Syria has accepted and he got “schooled” by Vladimir.

I’m seeing all these otherwise smart people insist that we’re now Russia’s bitch in the Middle East because we somehow got pantsed on the world stage. I don’t see it. I see a conversation at the G20 Summit between Putin and Obama that led to this point and Obama wisely leaving our military on alert if there are any attempts at backsies.

it’s all about making sure that the black guy doesn’t get credit for anything. It’s flat out denial that he really has been the best elected leader that we’ve had since Eisenhower, maybe even Roosevelt. There are times where I actually tear up thinking about what this man could have done for the country if he had more than a five month window to get his agenda through. Despite all of the obstruction, it’s actually made me prouder of him that he’s been able to get as much done as he has in the area of foreign policy and facilitating the dropping of barriers for LGBT rights. I can’t say without a doubt that his economic policies would have worked, but I sure as hell would have wanted to give them a chance.

184 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:38:38am
185 Eventual Carrion  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:42:04am

re: #173 Vicious Babushka

Today is Bashar Al Assad’s birthday.

Today is my middle sons birthday also. He was 10 when they hit the towers.

186 Gus  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:44:23am

The car rose, but before it reached its first landing, ”We felt a muted thud,” Mr. Iyer said. ”The building shook. The elevator swung from side to side, like a pendulum.”

Then it plunged. In the car, someone punched an emergency stop button. At that moment — 8:48 a.m. — 1 World Trade Center had entered the final 100 minutes of its existence. No one knew the clock was running, least of all the men trapped inside Car 69-A; they were as cut off 500 feet in the sky as if they had been trapped 500 feet underwater.

They did not know their lives would depend on a simple tool.

187 makeitstop  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:48:27am

re: #186 Gus

[Embedded content]

That’s an amazing story.

188 Donna Ballard  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:48:44am

re: #182 leftynyc

You’re talking about the old NRA - the ones that supported background checks and safety - the new NRA likes giving guns to blind people. And terrorists.

You have no idea what your talking about. The NRA does not give guns to anyone! They simply back our 2nd amendment rights, which you obviously do not. I will not get into a gun rights fight with you or anyone else but until you truly understand what the NRA stands for you should not throw stones in a glass house. NOW I am logging out so I don’t loose my temper with your ignorance and ridiculous rhetoric. Goodbye!

189 Gus  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:49:31am

re: #187 makeitstop

That’s an amazing story.

Very. Harrowing.

190 Justanotherhuman  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:51:20am

Good. The troll has hustled herself (?) out of here.

191 Backwoods_Sleuth  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:51:49am

Quite the flounce there.

192 sattv4u2  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:52:46am

re: #190 Justanotherhuman

Good. The troll has hustled herself (?) out of here.

Sorry, but DL is not troll!

193 William Barnett-Lewis  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:53:10am

re: #188 Donna Ballard

You have no idea what your talking about. The NRA does not give guns to anyone! They simply back our 2nd amendment rights, which you obviously do not. I will not get into a gun rights fight with you or anyone else but until you truly understand what the NRA stands for you should not throw stones in a glass house. NOW I am logging out so I don’t loose my temper with your ignorance and ridiculous rhetoric. Goodbye!

I’m sorry, but since the coup of 77, they have been about the manufacturers and about keeping the money flowing in. A few years ago, the manufacturers were ok with expanded background checks; so too was the NRA. Now expanded background checks are seen as inhibiting sales so the manufacturers and their lobbyists at the NRA oppose them.

IF they care about the 2nd at all it is only how it relates to keeping the 7 figure salaries flowing to Wayne and co.

I have been a gun owner my whole life and I have spent my adult life opposing the frauds at the NRA.

194 Interesting Times  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:53:23am

re: #190 Justanotherhuman

Good. The troll has hustled herself (?) out of here.

Actually, she isn’t normally like that, and I found that comment from her a bit of a shock. I’ll chalk it up to being in a bad/sad mood due to the 9/11 anniversary.

195 Justanotherhuman  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:54:08am

re: #191 Backwoods_Sleuth

Quite the flounce there.

First sentimentality, then rage. What was that Dorothy Parker saying again?

196 William Barnett-Lewis  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:54:49am

re: #190 Justanotherhuman

Good. The troll has hustled herself (?) out of here.

No. Not even close to a troll.

197 Justanotherhuman  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:55:36am

re: #194 Interesting Times

Actually, she isn’t normally like that, and I found that comment a bit of a shock. I’ll chalk it up to being in a bad/sad mood due to the 9/11 anniversary.

Well, I’ve never seen her here, but OK. Just seemed like a troll operation.

198 Internet Tough Guy  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:56:19am

re: #188 Donna Ballard

Nothing says integrity and conviction like running away before anyone can respond.

199 sattv4u2  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:56:54am

re: #197 Justanotherhuman

Well, I’ve never seen her here, but OK. Just seemed like a troll operation.


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200 Romantic Heretic  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:57:33am

re: #100 Dr Lizardo

I get the feeling that folks like Prudence, et al, are deeply masochistic at their core. The thrill they feel from a strongman, the desire to submit themselves at his feet while he orders them around, must be quite a rush I suppose.

Required reading on the subject: Escape from Freedom.

201 sattv4u2  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:58:42am

re: #198 Internet Tough Guy

Nothing says integrity and conviction like running away before anyone can respond.

When the 1st response is getting called a ‘troll”. why stay!?!?

202 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 7:59:11am

re: #197 Justanotherhuman

Well, I’ve never seen her here, but OK. Just seemed like a troll operation.

Donna is the wife of Daniel Ballard, aka “Political Atheist”

203 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:00:50am


204 Justanotherhuman  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:00:54am

re: #202 Vicious Babushka

Donna is the wife of Daniel Ballard, aka “Political Atheist”

OK. The remarks about the NRA just seemed like something from the TP, though.

205 Interesting Times  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:00:58am

re: #197 Justanotherhuman

Well, I’ve never seen her here, but OK. Just seemed like a troll operation.

Yes, she used to post more regularly before you joined LGF.

re: #202 Vicious Babushka

Donna is the wife of Daniel Ballard, aka “Political Atheist”

And despite his 2nd-amendment advocacy, he doesn’t strike me as an NRA fan (I’m sure he’s criticized their increasingly extremist tactics in comments/pages, if I’m remembering correctly)

206 wheat-dogghazi  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:01:41am

re: #203 Vicious Babushka


Right! I saw that on NCIS once!


207 Justanotherhuman  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:03:19am

re: #205 Interesting Times

Yes, she used to post more regularly before you joined LGF.

And despite his 2nd-amendment advocacy, he doesn’t strike me as an NRA fan (I’m sure he’s criticized their increasingly extremist tactics in comments/pages, if I’m remembering correctly)

Husbands and wives don’t necessarily have the same politics; maybe those folks do, but I don’t know them, so only have to go by remarks.

So, sorry if I offended anyone who knows her history.

208 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:03:40am

re: #206 wheat-dogghazi

Right! I saw that on NCIS once!


I stopped watching NCIS because Ziva’s Israeli accent was so FAKE.

I still like to watch NCIS-Los Angeles because Linda Hunt is the baddest badass on TV!

209 William Barnett-Lewis  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:03:41am

re: #198 Internet Tough Guy

Nothing says integrity and conviction like running away before anyone can respond.

If you’re concerned you’ll just create more heat than light, why stay?

I think she has a bit of a blind spot about the NRA but she and her husband are both very active in shooting sports in the state (California) that comes very close to being in active violation of the Constitution on that issue on a daily basis.

Knowing when to walk away shows more integrity than snarking behind someones back, in my book.

210 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:04:00am

On the 12th anniversary of 9/11, Rosie ‘Fire Does Not Melt Steel’ O’Donnell is still pushing her truther bullshit.

211 Romantic Heretic  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:04:01am

re: #107 Dr Lizardo

Oh it does. A submissive or a masochist is naturally attracted to what they perceive of as a dominant - or in extreme cases, an outright sadistic - figure, and they are contemptuous of what they would perceive of as less than dominant.

As the book I linked mentions, it’s a matter of ego. The submissive has a weak ego, a poor sense of identity. They strengthen that identity by being ‘absorbed’ into the identity of their dominant.

Conversely, the dominant also suffers from a weak ego. They strengthen theirs by ‘absorbing’ the identity of the submissive. It’s a perverse and dangerous method of making a person feel important and wanted.

It’s why I’ve often said that the Borg are many people’s idea of heaven. To be part of something so powerful, so unstoppable, would be the culmination of their beliefs. No longer themselves but an indistinguishable part of a great thing.


212 Eclectic Cyborg  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:04:32am

Charles I can’t help but notice the 9/11 Skyline graphic is missing from the top of the site so far today.

213 Internet Tough Guy  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:04:37am

re: #203 Vicious Babushka

You know, most antisemites at least have the guts to post “JEWS DID WTC”.

214 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:06:35am

re: #213 Internet Tough Guy

You know, most antisemites at least have the guts to post “JEWS DID WTC”.


Sadly, Abe Zelmanowitz, Hagai Segal, Shimmy Biegeleisen, Danny Levin and many others did not get the memo.

215 wheat-dogghazi  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:08:35am

re: #208 Vicious Babushka

I stopped watching NCIS because Ziva’s Israeli accent was so FAKE.

I still like to watch NCIS-Los Angeles because Linda Hunt is the baddest badass on TV!

Cote de Pablo’s good looks make up for her lousy Israeli accent that sounds remarkably Chilean. TV people don’t care for accuracy, they just want an exotic accent.

Think about how many Koreans play Japanese or Chinese, and vice versa.

216 Mattand  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:09:38am

re: #188 Donna Ballard

You have no idea what your talking about. The NRA does not give guns to anyone! They simply back our 2nd amendment rights, which you obviously do not. I will not get into a gun rights fight with you or anyone else but until you truly understand what the NRA stands for you should not throw stones in a glass house. NOW I am logging out so I don’t loose my temper with your ignorance and ridiculous rhetoric. Goodbye!

Christ, you had to follow up a truly heartfelt 9/11 post with this bullshit.

You know how a few posts up I said that electing Obama broke conservatives’ brains? Thanks for providing Exhibit A.

217 Dr. Matt  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:10:26am

re: #210 NJDhockeyfan

On the 12th anniversary of 9/11, Rosie ‘Fire Does Not Melt Steel’ O’Donnell is still pushing her truther bullshit.

What a fucking idiot. Google “Forrestal fire”. Google “‘Class D’ fire”. What an insufferable dolt.

218 Eclectic Cyborg  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:11:02am

This deplorable graphic appeared in my Facebook feed this morning.

Look, I don’t care what you think about Benghazi but there are some things that should be inappropriate no matter what. I understand the laws of free speech mean this picture should not be censored, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.

219 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:11:14am

It just dawned on me that in addition to those who lost their lives on 9/11 and subsequently due to exposure, there are the soldiers and civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq.

220 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:11:26am

re: #215 wheat-dogghazi

Cote de Pablo’s good looks make up for her lousy Israeli accent that sounds remarkably Chilean. TV people don’t care for accuracy, they just want an exotic accent.

Think about how many Koreans play Japanese or Chinese, and vice versa.

Daniela Ruah’s natural accent is Portuguese but she does a pretty good job of talking just like an all-American California girl.

221 sattv4u2  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:11:30am

re: #216 Mattand

Christ, you had to follow up a truly heartfelt 9/11 post with this bullshit.

You know how a few posts up I said that electing Obama broke conservatives’ brains? Thanks for providing Exhibit A.

Problem with your statement (among others) is that she’s not a “conservative”!! Ah well, another good rant wasted!!

222 Eclectic Cyborg  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:12:17am

re: #219 FemNaziBitch

It just dawned on me that in addition to those who lost their lives on 9/11 and subsequently due to exposure, there are the soldiers and civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Yes, the extended death toll from 9/11 is well over 10 000 by now.

223 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:12:17am

re: #211 Romantic Heretic

As the book I linked mentions, it’s a matter of ego. The submissive has a weak ego, a poor sense of identity. They strengthen that identity by being ‘absorbed’ into the identity of their dominant.

Conversely, the dominant also suffers from a weak ego. They strengthen theirs by ‘absorbing’ the identity of the submissive. It’s a perverse and dangerous method of making a person feel important and wanted.

It’s why I’ve often said that the Borg are many people’s idea of heaven. To be part of something so powerful, so unstoppable, would be the culmination of their beliefs. No longer themselves but an indistinguishable part of a great thing.


I’ve heard of the book you linked - it’s considered one of the best on the subject - but I’ve never read it. I’ll have to check it out.

I’ve never understood wanting to disappear into something so completely that I lost my own sense of self. Perhaps I’m too much of an individualist for that sort of thing. Generally my observation is that people who gravitate towards extremes in anything, politics, religion, social movements, etc., are usually people who have a poorly-developed sense of the individual self and hence they seek to gain an identity through participation in a mass of like-minded others.

224 wheat-dogghazi  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:12:30am

re: #208 Vicious Babushka

I stopped watching NCIS because Ziva’s Israeli accent was so FAKE.

I still like to watch NCIS-Los Angeles because Linda Hunt is the baddest badass on TV!

And I see that she is leaving the show at the end of this season “for undisclosed reasons,” according to Wikipedia. I haz a sad.

225 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:13:31am

re: #217 Dr. Matt

What a fucking idiot. Google “Forrestal fire”. Google “‘Class D’ fire”. What an insufferable dolt.

Someone should respond with this on her twitter post.

Tanker fire destroys part of MacArthur Maze / 2 freeways closed near Bay Bridge

2007-04-29 18:03:00 PDT OAKLAND — Huge leaping flames from an exploding gasoline tanker melted the steel underbelly of a highway overpass in the East Bay’s MacArthur Maze early this morning, causing it to collapse onto the roadway below and virtually ensuring major traffic problems for weeks to come.

The elevated roadway that fell carried eastbound traffic from the Bay Bridge onto Interstates 580 and 980 and state Highway 24. It draped like a blanket over a roadway below, a connector from southbound I-80 to I-880 that also was severely damaged.

The single-vehicle crash occurred on the lower roadway when the tanker, loaded with 8,600 gallons of unleaded gasoline and heading from a refinery in Benicia to a gas station on Hegenberger Road in Oakland, hit a guardrail at 3:41 a.m.

Engineers said the green steel frame of the I-580 overpass and the bolts holding the frame together began to melt and bend in the intense heat

— and that movement pulled the roadbed off its supports.

226 Justanotherhuman  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:14:05am

re: #203 Vicious Babushka


[Embedded content]

For crying out loud, who the hell made the assessment?

“The deal was reached in principle in March 2009, according to the undated memorandum, which lays out the ground rules for the intelligence sharing.”

The INSU memorandum briefing was held March 2009, not implemented, as the Guardian implies. Also, notice III(b) as it pertains to “US persons”.

See for yourself; copy of doc: theguardian.com

227 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:14:14am

re: #216 Mattand

Christ, you had to follow up a truly heartfelt 9/11 post with this bullshit.

You know how a few posts up I said that electing Obama broke conservatives’ brains? Thanks for providing Exhibit A.

While I still stand behind the right to self-defense from imminent danger, I have lost faith in the NRA. The NRA is in bed with the firearm industry—and there is too much money involved in that industry for me to trust them anymore.

Not when they turn every bad event in to a profit event.

228 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:15:28am

re: #223 Dr Lizardo

I’ve heard of the book you linked - it’s considered one of the best on the subject - but I’ve never read it. I’ll have to check it out.

I’ve never understood wanting to disappear into something so completely that I lost my own sense of self. Perhaps I’m too much of an individualist for that sort of thing. Generally my observation is that people who gravitate towards extremes in anything, politics, religion, social movements, etc., are usually people who have a poorly-developed sense of the individual self and hence they seek to gain an identity through participation in a mass of like-minded others.

What book is this?

229 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:16:14am
230 Eclectic Cyborg  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:16:19am
231 Mattand  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:17:31am

re: #221 sattv4u2

Problem with your statement (among others) is that she’s not a “conservative”!! Ah well, another good rant wasted!!

The problem is she’s describing a NRA that is currently fictional, and exists in the minds of conservatives and the loons at places like Free Republic. I’m not sure why that’s so hard for you to figure out.

As far as any other “problems” with my posts: Republicans/conservatives have lost their collective shit due to an African American being elected President, obstructing him at every point to the point of fucking up the entire country. Sorry if these facts are hard for you to figure out.

232 Backwoods_Sleuth  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:18:11am

re: #229 FemNaziBitch


mohr kittehs!

233 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:19:00am

re: #228 FemNaziBitch

What book is this?

Escape From Freedom by Erich Fromm.

234 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:19:40am

My 11 year old kids were asking about 9/11 this morning. I’m recording the movie 102 Minutes That Changed America tonight and I’m wondering if they are ready to watch it yet.

235 sattv4u2  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:21:12am

re: #231 Mattand

re: #231 Mattand

The problem is she’s describing a NRA that is currently fictional

No , the problem is she was called a TROLL without the person calling her that knowing anything about her here, and you knee jerk labeling her a “conservative” just because ,,,, well hell,, I’m not even sure why! One issue?

236 Backwoods_Sleuth  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:21:43am

re: #234 NJDhockeyfan

My 11 year old kids were asking about 9/11 this morning. I’m recording the movie 102 Minutes That Changed America tonight and I’m wondering if they are ready to watch it yet.

You know your kids best, but if they’re asking, the answer is probably “yes”. But keep your hand on the remote to stop from time to time as more questions will undoubtedly arise while they watch.

237 Romantic Heretic  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:21:51am

re: #143 Backwoods_Sleuth


Alex Jones Links Syrian Weapons Proposal To Human Extinction Plot

I guess he’s safe then. Alex Jones isn’t human. //

238 sattv4u2  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:22:09am

re: #231 Mattand

Republicans/conservatives have lost their collective shit due to an African American being elected President,

And BTW,,, iirc (which I do) both her and her hubby voted for Obama ,, BOTH times

239 Gus  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:24:07am
240 Mattand  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:25:45am

re: #235 sattv4u2

The problem is she’s describing a NRA that is currently fictional

No , the problem is she was called a TROLL without the person calling her that knowing anything about her here, and you knee jerk labeling her a “conservative” just because ,,,, well hell,, I’m not even sure why! One issue?

Gee, someone posts a delusional fantasy about the NRA that would be right at home on Red State, but I’m supposed to go “Wow, lookit that maverick liberal”?


241 Dr. Matt  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:25:47am

GG, are you listening?

242 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:25:53am

re: #236 Backwoods_Sleuth

You know your kids best, but if they’re asking, the answer is probably “yes”. But keep your hand on the remote to stop from time to time as more questions will undoubtedly arise while they watch.

It’s a pretty powerful documentary. I might have them see a more mild show first.

243 Mattand  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:26:05am

re: #238 sattv4u2

Republicans/conservatives have lost their collective shit due to an African American being elected President,

And BTW,,, iirc (which I do) both her and her hubby voted for Obama ,, BOTH times

So. Fucking. What?

244 William Barnett-Lewis  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:26:39am

re: #233 Dr Lizardo

Escape From Freedom by Erich Fromm.

Eric Hoffer’s “The True Believer” makes an interesting companion piece to Fromm’s work. en.wikipedia.org

245 sattv4u2  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:27:46am

re: #243 Mattand

So. Fucking. What?

Well, in your own words ,,,

Sorry if these facts are hard for you to figure out.

246 Backwoods_Sleuth  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:28:04am

re: #242 NJDhockeyfan

It’s a pretty powerful documentary. I might have them see a more mild show first.

Very true about the documentary. As I said, you know your kids best and how much they can process.

247 Gus  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:28:16am

Remain calm.

248 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:28:58am
249 Carlos Danger  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:30:30am

I’m not sure if people who aren’t here all the time know about that mayor in PA with his gun toting posse or the Iowa blind person thing.

It’s going to really be hard to do anything about the radicalism of the NRA as long as people still think it’s synonymous with sport hunting. It seems like they can get crazier all the time and pushback on one issue sets people off.

250 Mattand  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:30:40am

re: #245 sattv4u2

Well, in your own words ,,,

How her husband votes has no bearing on this woman describing the NRA in a way that is, at best, delusional.

251 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:31:00am

re: #244 William Barnett-Lewis

Eric Hoffer’s “The True Believer” makes an interesting companion piece to Fromm’s work. en.wikipedia.org

And none of his are on audible!

252 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:32:05am

re: #249 Carlos Danger

I’m not sure if people who aren’t here all the time know about that mayor in PA with his gun toting posse or the Iowa blind person thing.

It’s going to really be hard to do anything about the radicalism of the NRA as long as people still think it’s synonymous with sport hunting. It seems like they can get crazier all the time and pushback on one issue sets people off.

It’s hard when many of the people you know are diehard NRA believers. People working the gun clubs, range safety officers etc …. We’ve been sold snake oil by the NRA.

253 sattv4u2  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:32:21am

re: #247 Gus

Remain calm.

Vodka helps

And if not,,, try more!!

254 lawhawk  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:32:30am
255 sattv4u2  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:33:17am

re: #250 Mattand

How her husband votes has no bearing on this woman describing the NRA in a way that is, as best, delusional.

What part of

both her and her hubby

was missed by you??

256 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:34:43am

I think it is wrong to talk about Donna & Political Atheist if they are not here. Wait till they come back.

257 wrenchwench  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:34:59am

re: #254 lawhawk


12 years. One GIF.

That is GREAT! It looks like the cranes on top are knitting the building.

258 lawhawk  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:35:10am
259 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:35:23am

re: #244 William Barnett-Lewis

Eric Hoffer’s “The True Believer” makes an interesting companion piece to Fromm’s work. en.wikipedia.org

I’ve read “The True Believer” before; an outstanding work that pretty much explains, well, damned near everything.

260 Justanotherhuman  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:35:33am

re: #235 sattv4u2

The problem is she’s describing a NRA that is currently fictional

No , the problem is she was called a TROLL without the person calling her that knowing anything about her here, and you knee jerk labeling her a “conservative” just because ,,,, well hell,, I’m not even sure why! One issue?

Well, I’m that “person” (I don’t mind if you name me) and I made a judgment based on what she said about the NRA. Isn’t that what we all do with no further explanation about why the person said it from that person? The NRA, under the direction of Wayne LaPierre, has made a joke out of responsible gun ownership and the organization itself— and there’s enough out there to make that judgment.

We make judgments all day long about comments, just as one was made about what I said. I have explained why I called her a “troll” because the comment seemed off the wall and too reminiscent of TP/NRA rhetoric.

261 piratedan  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:36:14am

re: #255 sattv4u2

What part of

both her and her hubby

was missed by you??

what part of her statement regarding the NRA do you agree with?

I have no problem with her stating her opinion, nor do I have any problem with folks who disagree with her statement. Maybe she had a brain fart, maybe this is how she really feels. You make a comment and state an opinion, folks are going to respond… what part of that do YOU NOT GET?

262 Killgore Trout  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:36:18am

Suicide Bombs Hit Egypt Military in Sinai, Kill 9

Suicide attacks are a new element in the wave of political violence triggered initially by the ouster of Egypt’s Islamist president Mohammed Morsi on July 3, and intensified by a violent crackdown on his supporters’ protest camps. They suggest that al-Qaida-inspired groups may be developing a new capability to strike at security and other targets, both in Sinai and elsewhere in Egypt.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility for Wednesday’s attack.

However, Ansar Jerusalem issued a statement dating Sept. 11 claiming responsibility for three different non-suicide attacks, in which armored vehicles were targeted with explosive devices.

The group described in its two-page statement the Egyptian military of conducting “a dirty war, deputizing all anti-Islam forces in and outside Egypt, especially the Jews.” The group has ties to militants in the Gaza Strip, and has claimed in the past attacks on Israel.

263 sattv4u2  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:36:34am

re: #256 Vicious Babushka

I think it is wrong to talk about Donna & Political Atheist if they are not here. Wait till they come back.

My guess, Donna won’t be (she hasn’t been posting much of late anyway,, and now, after being called a troll,,,)

As to PA, I’m sure he’ll be here at some point soon. Whether he takes up this issue, I have no clue

264 sattv4u2  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:38:00am

re: #261 piratedan

Thsi wasn’t about her statement re: the NRA. It was about a poster whose been here for years getting called a TROLL

265 Dr. Matt  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:38:19am

re: #247 Gus

Remain calm.

I second that

266 Mattand  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:39:06am

re: #255 sattv4u2

What part of

both her and her hubbywas mised by you??

In fairness, I did miss that part.

Which makes the whole rainbow-farting-unicorn description of the NRA even more delusional, as that organization has done as much to fuck up the US as the Republicans have.

If you support Obama and have that kind of view of the NRA, it’s probably a matter of time before you’re watching Fox News 24/7 and voting Rand Paul for President.

267 sattv4u2  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:39:16am

re: #265 Dr. Matt

I second that

Another round, barkeep

268 Dr. Matt  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:39:19am

re: #256 Vicious Babushka

I think it is wrong to talk about Donna & Political Atheist if they are not here. Wait till they come back.

Why? We always talk about you when you’re not around…..ooops, nevermind……


269 Backwoods_Sleuth  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:40:59am

re: #268 Dr. Matt

Why? We always talk about you when you’re not around…..ooops, nevermind……


no pie for you!

270 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:42:02am

re: #268 Dr. Matt

Why? We always talk about you when you’re not around…..ooops, nevermind……


Just keep talking about the pie.

271 Dr. Matt  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:43:01am

Ah, very timely tweet:

And I’m not a fan of pie. I’d rather have a cheese platter.

272 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:43:05am

I was saving the last piece of blueberry pie in the fridge to bring for my lunch.

Then I forgot to put it in my lunch bag.

273 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:43:07am

re: #270 Vicious Babushka

Just keep talking about the pie.


or Key Lime?

274 piratedan  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:43:07am

re: #264 sattv4u2

Thsi wasn’t about her statement re: the NRA. It was about a poster whose been here for years getting called a TROLL

then, fine, they made a mistake and later on admitted that they had no idea on who the poster was… you happy now? honor defended?

Jaysus it’s as if no one has ever said anything stupid before on a political blog and been called on it. All you can do is blink, open up your mind and decide whether or not you need to be better informed.

275 sattv4u2  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:44:08am

re: #266 Mattand

If you support Obama and have that kind of view of the NRA, it’s probably a matter of time before you’re watching Fox News 24/7 and voting Rand Paul for President.

Sprain your ankle making that leap?

276 William Barnett-Lewis  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:44:14am

re: #272 Vicious Babushka

I was saving the last piece of blueberry pie in the fridge to bring for my lunch.

Then I forgot to put it in my lunch bag.

It seems to be that kind of day… Well, you can have a nice snack when you get home. Wish I had enough apples in the house to make a pie. :)

277 OhNoZombies!  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:44:16am

re: #256 Vicious Babushka

I think it is wrong to talk about Donna & Political Atheist if they are not here. Wait till they come back.


278 Carlos Danger  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:44:26am

I remember being in school- the attack happened in the first class, and a teacher wheeled in a TV before the first tower collapsed. The second tower wavered for a few minutes, and then it was all over.

The entire rest of the day was nothing but rumors and innuendo and wondering when Bush was going to come on. It didn’t take long for some of the more strident students to attack people they considered un-American.

Later on that week by dad painted the front of his truck as an American flag.

279 Mattand  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:45:05am

re: #275 sattv4u2

If you support Obama and have that kind of view of the NRA, it’s probably a matter of time before you’re watching Fox News 24/7 and voting Rand Paul for President.

Sprain your ankle making that leap?

Not really.

BTW, congratulations on writing a properly punctuated sentence like a grown up.

280 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:45:23am

re: #273 FemNaziBitch


or Key Lime?


281 Eclectic Cyborg  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:45:36am

re: #258 lawhawk

It’s disgraceful that the Speaker of the House, one of the highest positions in our government, is posting junk like that on a day like this.

282 OhNoZombies!  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:47:24am

Too early to drink…
Have moar cute. :-)

283 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:47:33am

You know Glenn’s latest NSA freakout. It is total bullshit as usual.

284 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:48:29am
285 sattv4u2  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:48:36am

re: #282 OhNoZombies!

Too early to drink...
Have moar cute. :-)


286 OhNoZombies!  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:49:40am

re: #284 NJDhockeyfan

Teh Juice…spying…9/11
He’s a transparent ass.

287 Eclectic Cyborg  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:50:19am

re: #284 NJDhockeyfan

I’d like to know where that pic was actually from. Must have been something really boring.

288 OhNoZombies!  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:51:34am

re: #286 OhNoZombies!

Teh Juice…spying…9/11
He’s a transparent ass.

Crap, that was for re: #283 Vicious Babushka.

Guess it still works though.

289 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:51:38am

re: #287 Eclectic Cyborg

I’d like to know where that pic was actually from. Must have been something really boring.

The VMA awards show, just before Miley made her entrance.

290 sattv4u2  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:51:45am

re: #287 Eclectic Cyborg

I’d like to know where that pic was actually from. Must have been something really boring.

is that Warren Buffett,,, front row,, far right??

291 William Barnett-Lewis  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:51:54am

re: #287 Eclectic Cyborg

I’d like to know where that pic was actually from. Must have been something really boring.

Looks like an audience participation thing - “OK, now pretend you’re so bored you’re falling asleep.”

292 Killgore Trout  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:54:50am

Russia confirms sale of advanced anti-aircraft missiles to Iran

According to the Kommersant daily, Russia has also agreed to build additional nuclear reactor at Bushehr nuclear site; Israel staunchly opposed possible Russian sale of advanced S-300 missiles to Assad earlier this year.


293 sattv4u2  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:55:01am

re: #262 Killgore Trout

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for Wednesday’s attack.

A real mystery, eh!?!?!

295 Dr. Matt  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:55:40am

re: #281 Eclectic Cyborg

It’s disgraceful that the Speaker of the House, one of the highest positions in our government, is posting junk like that on a day like this.

Would you expect anything less?

296 sattv4u2  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 8:59:31am

re: #294 Killgore Trout

Russia confirms sale of advanced anti-aircraft missiles to Iran

Russia has agreed to supply Iran with advanced S-300 anti-aircraft missiles

This might shorten Israels time line of taking out the Iranian nuke facility, if in fact they are going too. They may want / need to do it before those are delivered and up and running

297 Carlos Danger  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:00:00am

SO I was looking for some Information on the NY mayoral race and I tripped across this google result:

Eugene Delgaudio is fighting liberals, homosexuals, Obama, pornography, gay marriage, high taxes, over-regulation, obscenity, abortion, atheists, agnostics, …

Better watch your back, agnostics… Eugene is coming.

298 Bubblehead II  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:00:47am

Morning Lizards.

This is just so wrong on so many levels..

Hello Kitty beers make a splash in Asia

There are six Hello Kitty beers, which come in easy-drinking fruit flavors like peach, lemon-lime, passion fruit, and banana. They have about half the alcohol content of mainstream American beers - a Budweiser runs 5 percent alcohol-by-volume, where the Hello Kitty brews range from 2.3 percent to 2.8 percent.

299 sattv4u2  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:01:30am

re: #297 Carlos Danger

Okay. I’ll bite

WTF is a Eugene Delgaudio??? Is he this years The Rent Is Too Damn High candidate/personality/whackjob??

300 lawhawk  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:02:38am
301 Gus  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:03:48am
302 Carlos Danger  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:04:05am

re: #299 sattv4u2

I dunno. I thought it was kind of random.

Oh, it’s a conservative 501 Non-Profit

Didn’t notice that at first.

303 Gus  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:07:44am
304 Gus  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:08:37am
305 Gus  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:09:22am
306 Carlos Danger  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:10:46am

re: #305 Gus

That truck looks like an excellent beer delivery system.

307 Killgore Trout  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:12:31am

re: #296 sattv4u2

Russia has agreed to supply Iran with advanced S-300 anti-aircraft missiles

This might shorten Israels time line of taking out the Iranian nuke facility, if in fact they are going too. They may want / need to do it before those are delivered and up and running

It seems odd they are more focused on the missiles. I would think it would be a bigger deal that the Syrians are planning a new nuke facility while negotiating about giving up their chemical weapons.

308 Pavlovian Hive Mind  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:13:46am

re: #301 Gus

[Embedded content]


309 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:14:41am

re: #301 Gus

[Embedded content]

My surprise. Let me show you it.

310 sattv4u2  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:14:56am

re: #307 Killgore Trout

It seems odd they are more focused on the missiles. I would think it would be a bigger deal that the Syrians are planning a new nuke facility while negotiating about giving up their chemical weapons.

For totally peaceful purposes, of course

311 sattv4u2  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:16:09am

K Kiddies

Day off
And you all know what that means



312 sattv4u2  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:16:16am

play nice

313 Gus  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:18:01am
314 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:20:03am

You know what really bothers me?

when you order products on ebay from China and it takes for frickin’ ever for them to arrive.

315 Gus  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:21:09am

re: #314 FemNaziBitch

You know what really bothers me?

when you order products on ebay from China and it takes for frickin’ ever for them to arrive.

That’s because it’s on a slow boat from China.

316 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:22:50am

moar cuteness!

317 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:23:02am

re: #315 Gus

That’s because it’s on a slow boat from China.

you so bad

318 sagehen  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:23:43am

re: #297 Carlos Danger

SO I was looking for some Information on the NY mayoral race and I tripped across this google result:

Better watch your back, agnostics… Eugene is coming.

Now I’m embarassed that I cast my vote for the guy whose name I hadn’t heard and who wasn’t at the debate, because I intensely disliked the two whose names I had heard and were at the debate… and this is what I pulled the level for?

Never have I been so happy for the secret ballot. OMG. I should have just skipped the primary altogether.

319 bratwurst  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:25:08am

For some reason, people still don’t seem to understand how to mark this day:

320 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:25:49am

Maybe it’s because I do the Art thing and have all my life, but I have a gazillion frames of stuff on my walls and more waiting to be framed or resting for a while in the closet.

Ever been to anyone’s house and they have NOTHING on the walls?

How do they stand it?

321 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:26:29am

re: #319 bratwurst

For some reason, people still don’t seem to understand how to mark this day:

[Embedded content]

They do that anyway —usually from o-dark thirty thru morning rush.

322 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:26:58am

re: #319 bratwurst

For some reason, people still don’t seem to understand how to mark this day:

[Embedded content]

Some are worse than others.

323 wrenchwench  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:27:56am

re: #319 bratwurst

For some reason, people still don’t seem to understand how to mark this day:

[Embedded content]

That’s pretty lame, but it is a shifting thing. I just decided not to post this, but it’s still on my clipboard:

For the past 11 years, I participated in a full-page ad in the local paper commemorating 9-11-01. This year I declined, saying, ‘11 years are enough.’ I don’t want the day to be permanently dominated by eagle and flag graphics. Besides, a full page in that paper is half the size it was last year. Maybe it’s a two-page spread this year.

There needs to be a balance between ‘never forget’ and fetishizing the day.

And that’s a comment I should post tomorrow, not today.

324 HappyWarrior  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:28:03am

I have a 12 year old brother. He plays Little League baseball. It occured to me watching his game last night that he, his teammates, and their opponents really have not known a non 9/11 world. Sure some of them like my brother were a few months or so old when it happened but the world did change that day. I think we did lose some innocence that day. Me. I still remember where I was when I heard about the attacks. I was the second person to arrive to my third period World history class in 9th grade and the TV was on. And we didn’t know it at the time but our world was changing.

325 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:28:30am

re: #322 NJDhockeyfan

Some are worse than others.

[Embedded content]

I actually read about that; I was certainly left shaking my head.

326 HappyWarrior  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:29:04am

re: #322 NJDhockeyfan

Some are worse than others.

[Embedded content]

and here we thought this was just a satire.

327 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:29:17am

re: #316 FemNaziBitch

moar cuteness!

You forgot to include the link to moar cuteness, so here it is.

329 HappyWarrior  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:33:47am

re: #328 NJDhockeyfan

9/11 truthers have full-page ad in City Pages

That’s their right I guess but man tacky shit.

330 Decatur Deb  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:34:47am

re: #183 piratedan

it’s all about making sure that the black guy doesn’t get credit for anything. It’s flat out denial that he really has been the best elected leader that we’ve had since Eisenhower, maybe even Roosevelt. There are times where I actually tear up thinking about what this man could have done for the country if he had more than a five month window to get his agenda through. Despite all of the obstruction, it’s actually made me prouder of him that he’s been able to get as much done as he has in the area of foreign policy and facilitating the dropping of barriers for LGBT rights. I can’t say without a doubt that his economic policies would have worked, but I sure as hell would have wanted to give them a chance.

I would love to see the start of the First Obama Administration. Perhaps with Hilary in 2017.

331 ObserverArt  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:35:03am

re: #315 Gus

That’s because it’s on a slow boat from China.

You don’t know how true that is.

I bought a bass amp and it had issues. I took it to a OEM repair shop and the guy called me back in two days and said he knew the problem and it needed a part from China. He said it could take up to three weeks to get the part. So, I said what could I do, I’d wait. After a month he called and excused himself saying he still hadn’t gotten the part, it would be an other few weeks. Again, what can I do? So, a full two and half months he calls and said still no part. Now he was frustrated representing the company, so he called the American marketing department and requested they give me a new amp, he’d repair the original with the part when it came in and then return the repaired to the American warehouse. That sounded pretty good, especially after all the time waiting. So, three weeks later, for a whopping total of three months I had a new amp.

332 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:35:27am

I’m beginning to think of 9/11 troofers as the Holocaust Denier wannabes.

333 DisturbedEma  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:35:53am

re: #322 NJDhockeyfan

I live nearby the facility…the local opinion about this “act of remembrance” are pretty unified- summed up as “what in the ____ were you thinking?” with the option of filling in a sentence enhancer of your choice…

334 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:36:46am

Really, beyond a moment of silence, I can’t think of anything appropriate. Well, contribution to appropriate charity.

335 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:36:55am

re: #332 FemNaziBitch

I’m beginning to think of 9/11 troofers as the Holocaust Denier wannabes.

There is significant (but not universal) overlap.

336 Gus  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:38:31am
337 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:39:29am

re: #332 FemNaziBitch

I’m beginning to think of 9/11 troofers as the Holocaust Denier wannabes.

Ahhh..there are also those that are both.

Troofers and Holocaust Deniers

Charles Johnson
10/10/07 9:04:32 am • Views: 390

The 9/11 Troofer “movement” is now converging with Holocaust denial, which shouldn’t be a surprise. The mental illnesses involved are very similar.

338 lawhawk  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:39:46am

How many people ignore the meaning of Independence Day? Memorial Day? Veterans Day? More than a few. It’s commercialized to within an inch of existence. Never mind that it’s about fireworks or barbecues or commercial sales.

I expect that within a generation, if 9/11 is made a national holiday that it too would become just like the other holidays that were established to help people remember and honor those who came before us.

Life does go on.

That compares with how say Israel handles Yom Hazikaron (Israel’s Memorial Day) or Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day). In both cases, the country pauses what it does, sirens blare across the country, and everyone pauses for a moment of reflection before continuing in their daily routines.

Yom Hazikaron is then followed by Israeli Independence Day, and everyone celebrates with barbecues and outdoor gatherings. But those moments of silence provide a touchstone to remind people of the events that preceded them.

339 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:40:04am

re: #337 NJDhockeyfan

Ahhh..there are also those that are both.

Troofers and Holocaust Deniers

You and your googlefu!

340 ObserverArt  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:41:57am

re: #323 wrenchwench

That’s pretty lame, but it is a shifting thing. I just decided not to post this, but it’s still on my clipboard:

I think a post like that is needed from time to time. Sometimes people tend to both go through the motions and wallow in it.

Remember and reflect. Not fake it.

341 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:44:53am

I know I promised not to post any Derp, but I just saw a Tweet that featured a picture of GW Bush saying “Miss me?”

342 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:44:58am

Dogs are napping.

Cat is napping.

I feel I should as well.


343 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:47:07am
344 Gus  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:48:52am
345 Ian G.  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:50:16am

Took a little lunch-break walk through lower Manhattan’s streets (ugh, the heat and humidity, how I do not miss thee). A few more cops and barricades than normal, some fire trucks driving around, some firefighters in formal uniforms, and people with flags. And one nutcase with a “Satan lives in Israel” sign. There was also a Mennonite (I think) choir singing in Zucotti Park.

So, not all that different from a usual day down here.

346 ObserverArt  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:50:45am

re: #343 Vicious Babushka

[Embedded content]

I hope Tammy Duckworth has Johnny Boehner on her list of followers.

347 darthstar  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:51:39am

re: #344 Gus

That boy has put on some weight…good luck finding another neighborhood watch job.

348 Gus  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:52:26am

re: #347 darthstar

That boy has put on some weight…good luck finding another neighborhood watch job.

Did you watch it? Can’t here. Basically he’s destroying evidence. Or what could have been evidence.

349 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:53:18am

Esquire has since fixed their page but earlier someone there really screwed up.

350 Gus  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:54:19am


351 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:55:12am

re: #350 Gus

Who is Barry?

352 darthstar  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:55:55am

re: #348 Gus

Did you watch it? Can’t here. Basically he’s destroying evidence. Or what could have been evidence.

Yeah, and he keeps his right hand in his jacket a lot while he’s arguing with his wife - I guess he moved to a shoulder-holster.

353 OhNoZombies!  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:56:12am

The Towers as seen from the ISS:

354 Gus  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:56:20am

re: #351 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

Who is Barry?


355 darthstar  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:56:50am

re: #351 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

Who is Barry?

Has to be Goldwater - only one I’ve seen in a suit.

356 ObserverArt  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:57:15am

re: #348 Gus

Did you watch it? Can’t here. Basically he’s destroying evidence. Or what could have been evidence.

Never! Not the irreproachable George Zimmerman.

Florida. We are all watching. Your police departments are looking rather rank amateurish. But then, this may be policy. With Florida*** you just never know.

***…and Texas, Arizona, The Carolinas and other states ready to join the list.

357 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:57:28am

re: #351 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

Who is Barry?

Barry Sanders. Hall of Fame NFL running back.

358 Gus  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:57:40am

re: #352 darthstar

Yeah, and he keeps his right hand in his jacket a lot while he’s arguing with his wife - I guess he moved to a shoulder-holster.

359 OhNoZombies!  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:57:40am

re: #350 Gus


One more reason for me to NOT watch his show ever again.

360 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:58:01am

re: #351 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

Who is Barry?

Youtube Video

361 ObserverArt  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 9:58:37am

re: #350 Gus


[Embedded content]

Can we add to that?

Smarmy asshole.

362 Ian G.  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:01:22am

re: #351 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

Marion Barry? Maybe Bill Maher’s line about “not making the sale” was in reference to crack.


363 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:02:14am

re: #354 Gus


What a weird way to be disrespectful. It’s so middle-school.

364 wrenchwench  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:04:34am

Last Sunday night I got a call from my landlady’s daughter, who lives a four hour drive away (the landlady lives right behind me). She hadn’t been able to reach her mother for hours and was starting to panic. She wanted me to get the hidden key and go in my landlady’s house and check on her.

I tried to calm the daughter a little as she described where to get the key. I had to move a bunch of yard tools and spider webs and rocks and crumbly black plastic. Then I tried to calm myself as I went to the door, rang the bell a couple of times, and let myself in.

My landlady was in her bed with the TV on loud, and she had just gotten a new cell phone AND a new landline phone, and I think in her sleep, she did not recognize either ring and attributed any ring she heard to the TV. Also, she was passed out drunk, and I’m pretty sure her daughter thought that would be the case. It’s nothing new.

So they are both very grateful that I could walk over there and verify that she was alive. However, I know the resentment of having to acknowledge that the mother’s drinking is out of control will long outweigh and outlast any gratitude.

I just got a card from the daughter with a $50 bill in it, so I know she’s embarrassed and grateful. I’ve seen this play before. I know how it ends. No good deed goes unpunished.

365 Lidane  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:05:01am

re: #363 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

What a weird way to be disrespectful. It’s so middle-school.

Typical dudebro/wingnut, really.

Also, fuck Bill Maher. He’s an anti-vax tool.

366 Internet Tough Guy  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:09:03am

re: #363 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

What a weird way to be disrespectful. It’s so middle-school.

I suspect that a lot of the time, “Barry” is dogwhistle.

367 Gus  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:10:30am


368 b.d.  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:10:34am

Bill Maher is the Rand Paul of comedians.

369 Justanotherhuman  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:11:33am

Of course, everyone jumps on the bandwagon as if this woman’s background composed the entirety of the admin’s decisions. That isn’t the case, but you wouldn’t know it by this article.

Controversial Syria Researcher Fired Over Doctorate Claim

Elizabeth O’Bagy’s ties to the Syrian opposition had become an issue.


370 b.d.  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:12:20am

re: #367 Gus

What oath did Snowden take?

371 Lidane  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:12:21am

re: #367 Gus

He’s bragging about those raving lunatics in the Oathkeepers putting up some signs? Really?


372 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:12:26am
373 Gus  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:12:53am
374 Lidane  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:13:03am

re: #370 b.d.

What oath did Snowden take?

The one where he swore to be an insuffereable, entitled dudebro like Greenwald and Assange until he could defect to Russia.

375 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:13:07am

re: #371 Lidane

He’s bragging about those raving lunatics in the Oathkeepers putting up some signs? Really?


It’s the Dudebro/Wingnut Convergence of Derp.

376 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:13:46am

Dudenuts. Wingbros. EmoTeaParty.

377 wrenchwench  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:13:47am

re: #367 Gus

[Embedded content]


And ‘Reason’ has their own ‘fair and balanced take’ on the Oathkeepers….

Circle of Derp.

378 darthstar  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:14:07am

ISS Astronauts landing yesterday in a field in Kazakhstan. The flames are from the capsule’s landing booster rockets that fire to soften the touch down.

Image: nasa_soyuz_exp36.jpg.CROP.original-original.jpg

379 b.d.  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:14:18am

re: #374 Lidane

The one where he swore to be an insuffereable, entitled dudebro like Greenwald and Assange until he could defect to Russia.

Mission Accomplished.

380 darthstar  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:15:23am

I’m really disappointed in the dudebros and wingnuts…not one comparison yet of Putin to MLK.

381 b.d.  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:16:00am

re: #373 Gus

the Oath Keepers are hosting the Northwest Patriots and Self Reliance Rally. The lineup of participating allies is revealing.

There will be a workshop on colloidal silver — a substance that many on the radical right believe is a cure for all kinds of ailments that the government has kept secret from the people.


382 wrenchwench  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:19:06am

re: #377 wrenchwench

And ‘Reason’ has their own ‘fair and balanced take’ on the Oathkeepers….

Circle of Derp.

Oh, it’s not Reason’s own article. They republished it from AmConMag. That derp’s been circling for a while….

383 Decatur Deb  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:19:34am

re: #367 Gus

[Embedded content]


OK—Greenwald just lost any trace of “Leftism”. He’s closing in on
Tim McVeigh territory.

384 Internet Tough Guy  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:20:34am

re: #367 Gus

[Embedded content]


It’s like it’s really 1995!

PROTIP: Stay away from rental trucks.

385 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:21:23am
387 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:29:16am
388 thedopefishlives  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:29:59am

Afternoon Lizardim. Wanted to drop in to see the crew on this, the twelfth anniversary of the OTHER “day which will live in infamy”. I hope all is well among the lizardfolk and that the derp has been ridiculed to the appropriate extent.

389 Eclectic Cyborg  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:30:13am

re: #387 Dr Lizardo


The first word of that link tells you all you need to know.

390 Justanotherhuman  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:30:33am
391 Eclectic Cyborg  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:33:23am

For anyone interested you can on Youtube, find complete network coverage of the 9/11 attacks from just after the first plane hit to after the second tower collapsed.

I’m sure many of you probably already know this, I just thought I’d mention it in case anyone didn’t.

392 bratwurst  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:33:48am

Add AT&T to the list of advertisers who have trouble with the whole 9/11 thing.

393 Eclectic Cyborg  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:33:52am

re: #390 Justanotherhuman

[Embedded content]

Wouldn’t surprise me if it’s the same darned crowd they pay to come out every time.

394 b.d.  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:35:23am


395 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:35:24am

re: #391 Eclectic Cyborg

MSNBC played it most of the morning until about 9 I believe (was in meetings from 9 on).

396 Eclectic Cyborg  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:36:13am

re: #394 b.d.

Damn. I use to like James Woods.

397 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:36:22am

I really wish they’d bring back Tweet Deck, I hate the actual twitter app…

398 wrenchwench  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:36:41am

re: #386 Vicious Babushka

Republican Strategist: Benghazi ‘Much Worse’ Than 9/11

The tags are fabulous.

399 b.d.  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:37:40am

re: #396 Eclectic Cyborg

Damn. I use to like James Woods.

Another one of those Hollywood Conservatives that don’t exist.

400 ObserverArt  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:37:49am

re: #386 Vicious Babushka

Republican Strategist: Benghazi ‘Much Worse’ Than 9/11

I’m beginning to think Republican Strategist is an oxymoron.

401 wrenchwench  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:38:04am

re: #397 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

I really wish they’d bring back Tweet Deck, I hate the actual twitter app…

I have a TweetDeck. Where did yours go?

402 Justanotherhuman  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:38:46am

Yeah, these nutbags each represent 5M others who “couldn’t make it” today.

Who are those green people? : )

403 blueraven  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:39:31am

re: #386 Vicious Babushka

Republican Strategist: Benghazi ‘Much Worse’ Than 9/11

As bad as Karl Rove last night on Fox declaring Obama has caused the world to look badly on the US.

Seriously? How can he say this with a straight face after his boss, GW Bush, lied us into almost a decade of war in Iraq?

404 Single-handed sailor  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:39:46am

re: #386 Vicious Babushka

Republican Strategist: Benghazi ‘Much Worse’ Than 9/11

9/11 is President Bush’s Benghazi.//

405 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:40:36am
406 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:41:45am

re: #398 wrenchwench

The tags are fabulous.

Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Boogaloo Eleventy Derp IMPEACH! TREASON! Underpants

407 Lidane  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:41:55am


408 Gus  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:42:01am

re: #402 Justanotherhuman

Yeah, these nutbags each represent 5M others who “couldn’t make it” today.

[Embedded content]

Who are those green people? : )

Wow. You know I was just scrolling down and saw the top half and just the sign and thought this was from the Middle East.

409 ObserverArt  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:42:47am

re: #392 bratwurst

Add AT&T to the list of advertisers who have trouble with the whole 9/11 thing.

[Embedded content]

I’ve been in and around advertising as an artist. I would say the absolute best way to advertise in connection with 9/11 is don’t. Do not tie into it at all. No matter what you do, by it’s very nature it is commercialism.

410 Eclectic Cyborg  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:43:25am

Also of note: The 9/11 documentary featuring Robert De Niro, which was released in 2002, is also available on youtube, albeit broken into parts.

It’s a difficult watch with a lot of raw footage but it really gives you a feel for what really happened 12 years ago.

411 Gus  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:43:41am
412 Eclectic Cyborg  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:43:44am

re: #409 ObserverArt

I’ve been in and around advertising as an artist. I would say the absolute best way to advertise in connection with 9/11 is don’t. Do not tie into it at all. No matter what you do, by it’s very nature it is commercialism.

I agree 100%

413 makeitstop  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:44:34am

Some web site called Conservative Focus is reporting that there are 800,000 bikers on the streets of DC right now.

They posted a pic with a bunch of bikers in it, but there are zero landmarks or recognizable buildings to positively ID the crowd of bikers as actually being in DC.

Anybody in DC who can verify this? I am, as you can guess, skeptical.

414 Internet Tough Guy  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:45:45am

re: #413 makeitstop

Used to live in DC. Post a link and I’ll take a look.

415 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:46:24am

re: #413 makeitstop

Some web site called Conservative Focus is reporting that there are 800,000 bikers on the streets of DC right now.

They posted a pic with a bunch of bikers in it, but there are zero landmarks or recognizable buildings to positively ID the crowd of bikers as actually being in DC.

Anybody in DC who can verify this? I am, as you can guess, skeptical.

Thousands of bikers ride in “2 Million Bikers” rally.

News source just says “thousands” not “100s of thousands” or “10s of thousands”

416 klys  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:47:14am

I admit, I can’t watch any of the documentaries or movies or old footage. There is still far too much raw emotion there.

417 Gus  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:48:23am
418 Eclectic Cyborg  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:48:42am

re: #413 makeitstop

Some web site called Conservative Focus is reporting that there are 800,000 bikers on the streets of DC right now.

They posted a pic with a bunch of bikers in it, but there are zero landmarks or recognizable buildings to positively ID the crowd of bikers as actually being in DC.

Anybody in DC who can verify this? I am, as you can guess, skeptical.

Wouldn’t be surprised if they lifted the picture from Sturgis.

419 Decatur Deb  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:49:17am

re: #413 makeitstop

Some web site called Conservative Focus is reporting that there are 800,000 bikers on the streets of DC right now.

They posted a pic with a bunch of bikers in it, but there are zero landmarks or recognizable buildings to positively ID the crowd of bikers as actually being in DC.

Anybody in DC who can verify this? I am, as you can guess, skeptical.

Washington Post webpage hasn’t noticed the influx.

420 Charles Johnson  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:49:31am
421 Gus  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:49:48am
422 Kragar  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:49:52am

Pat Robertson Marks 9/11 By Blaming Separation Of Church And State For Inviting Radical Muslim ‘Fifth Column’ Into America - See more at: rightwingwatch.org

423 Kragar  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:50:49am

re: #420 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

So GG supports the Oaf Creepers now?

424 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:52:11am

re: #401 wrenchwench

mine no longer works and I heard it’s no longer working period.

425 Internet Tough Guy  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:53:05am

re: #415 Vicious Babushka

I have to give that station credit; they do subtle snark very well:

On their Facebook page, in all caps, the group said they will stand by the Constitution and Bill of Rights, adding that they’re “against any fundamental transformation of America.”

426 makeitstop  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:53:43am

re: #414 Internet Tough Guy

Used to live in DC. Post a link and I’ll take a look.


(Charles, if that link is not allowed, feel free to delete.)

427 piratedan  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:53:54am

re: #420 Charles Johnson

face it Charles, he’s simply not a good person, he’s been consumed by his own narcissism and believes his own bullshit

428 lawhawk  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:54:22am

re: #415 Vicious Babushka

If there were that many bikers, you’d think they’d show up in huge numbers on these webcams.

Constitution Ave @ 20th St - shows a couple of bikes parked, and a handful of bikers riding.

Constitution Ave @ 17th St - more parked bikes.

Constitution Ave @ 15th St - a couple of bikes off the driving lanes.

Not as many bikers showing on the cameras up towards the Capitol Building, or along the National Mall between the Capitol and the Washington Monument.


429 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:54:38am

re: #423 Kragar

So GG supports the Oaf Creepers now?

OWS folks like them too.

430 Eclectic Cyborg  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:55:00am

Still no top graphic Charles?

431 Decatur Deb  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:55:16am

re: #428 lawhawk

If there were that many bikers, you’d think they’d show up in huge numbers on these webcams.

Constitution Ave @ 20th St - shows a couple of bikes parked, and a handful of bikers riding.

Constitution Ave @ 17th St - more parked bikes.

Constitution Ave @ 15th St - a couple of bikes off the driving lanes.

Not as many bikers showing on the cameras up towards the Capitol Building, or along the National Mall between the Capitol and the Washington Monument.


Each biker has 10,000 tiny bikers in his saddlebags.

432 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:55:36am

re: #424 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

mine no longer works and I heard it’s no longer working period.


Works fine for me (I use the web-based version)

433 Eclectic Cyborg  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:55:50am

I was never a huge fan of George W Bush, but I did like the bullhorn speech. Looking back at it now though and where it led us, I’m not sure I still like it.

Youtube Video

434 wrenchwench  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:56:22am

re: #424 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

mine no longer works and I heard it’s no longer working period.

For certain devices? Mine’s working fine on a laptop.

435 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:57:03am

re: #434 wrenchwench

For certain devices? Mine’s working fine on a laptop.

Although, the version on my Android phone has stopped working.

436 Justanotherhuman  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:58:02am

re: #429 NJDhockeyfan

OWS folks like them too.

[Embedded content]

Obviously one of those cluelesss “I am an artist and above politics” types.

437 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:58:04am


438 Internet Tough Guy  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:58:37am

re: #426 makeitstop

I’d need a clearer picture of the buildings in the distance to say for sure; Facebook is blocked where I am, so i can’t see the original Facebook page. If the original pic is that lo-res, I call bullshit.

439 ObserverArt  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:59:38am

re: #416 klys

I admit, I can’t watch any of the documentaries or movies or old footage. There is still far too much raw emotion there.

Been a little choked up a few times today myself. I get crushed sometimes by large amounts of human suffering. I just can’t imagine all the karma in and around the NY area of the former World Trade Center. I do not mean this in a bad way, but I would find it very haunting. All those lost souls would just be too much for me.

440 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 10:59:43am

re: #432 Vicious Babushka

Then it’s just the mobile version that is borked.

441 Internet Tough Guy  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:00:01am

re: #429 NJDhockeyfan

Nevermind that the Oath Keepers would be the first to crack their skulls between 2001 - 2009.


442 makeitstop  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:00:24am

re: #438 Internet Tough Guy

I’d need a clearer picture of the buildings in the distance to say for sure; Facebook is blocked where I am, so i can’t see the original Facebook page. If the original pic is that lo-res, I call bullshit.

That’s what was posted on the blog - I didn’t bother looking at the FB page.

I’ll just go ahead and call bullshit now. :)

443 Charles Johnson  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:00:45am
444 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:01:08am
445 Decatur Deb  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:02:46am

re: #442 makeitstop

That’s what was posted on the blog - I didn’t bother looking at the FB page.

I’ll just go ahead and call bullshit now. :)

800,000 bikes would be noticeable in Prattville, AL. Not going to hide them in DC.

446 Justanotherhuman  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:03:32am

re: #441 Internet Tough Guy

Nevermind that the Oath Keepers would be the first to crack their skulls between 2001 - 2009.


How long before GG starts chanting, “Molon labe!”?

Or as I like to call it, “Moron label”.

447 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:04:39am

Oh for fuck’s sake…don’t these idiots have anything better to do?

Graffiti of crashing planes placed on downtown 9-11 monument

Lafayette police are trying to find out who placed two cardboard cutout images of crashing planes at the 9-11 Memorial in downtown Lafayette.

The 3D graffiti was apparently placed at the monument overnight. Police say they are in the process of removing it.

The stabilizer on each plane includes a reference to the New World Order conspiracy theory—the Eye of Providence and the initials “NWO.” For some, this theory includes the belief that the 9-11 attacks were carried out by the United States Government.

The 9-11 monument is a 1-by-100 scale of both the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. It includes three beams from the World Trade Center, limestone from the Pentagon, and soil from the Shanksville, Pennsylvania, field in which Flight 93 crashed.

The monument was dedicated on September 11, 2002—the first anniversary of the terrorist attacks.

448 ObserverArt  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:04:41am

re: #422 Kragar

Pat Robertson Marks 9/11 By Blaming Separation Of Church And State For Inviting Radical Muslim ‘Fifth Column’ Into America - See more at: rightwingwatch.org

That ol’ gasbag has been saying this shit for the last twelve years. I wish there was a second appearance of Jesus Christ just to slap that idiot so hard across the mouth and tell him to STFU…here is your ticket to your personal hell for ever. And never speak in my name again…ever!

449 Charles Johnson  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:05:24am

I actually have Greenwald fans defending the Oathkeepers to me now on Twitter.

I just can’t even. What the hell is wrong with these people’s heads?

450 klys  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:05:49am

re: #439 ObserverArt

My most vivid memory in a day of vivid memories is seeing a classmate rushing to the office, having just gotten word/figured out that her dad was on one of the planes.

451 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:07:48am

re: #447 NJDhockeyfan

Oh for fuck’s sake…don’t these idiots have anything better to do?

Graffiti of crashing planes placed on downtown 9-11 monument

The whole “NWO carried out 9/11 as a false flag” is essentially gospel for far too many people out there. An acquaintance of mine from the Pacific NW, she’s fallen for it, and never ceases to prattle on about it when given the opportunity. I just tell her, politely, that she’s hopelessly insane and refer her to a nearby mental health facility.

Heh….that really gets her dander up.

452 HappyWarrior  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:09:21am

re: #422 Kragar

Fuck this clerical fascist. We didn’t deserve 9/11 Pat. You on the other hand deserve public humiliation.

453 piratedan  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:09:46am

re: #449 Charles Johnson

I actually have Greenwald fans defending the Oathkeepers to me now on Twitter.

I just can’t even. What the hell is wrong with these people’s heads?

GG is the Libertarian Jim Jones, they have drunk the kool aid, he/GG could shit in the middle of the street and they would see it as “a sign”

454 HappyWarrior  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:10:04am

Well I am glad I have my interview at DOI tomorrow instead of today because D.C is probably full of nuts today and I’d be suspect because I’d be wearing a blazer and tie.

455 lawhawk  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:10:33am

re: #449 Charles Johnson

Cognitive dissonance - ignoring evidence and facts that simply don’t fit into their preconceived notions and their distorted worldview.

456 HappyWarrior  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:10:57am

re: #443 Charles Johnson

It’s not shocking at all to me but then again, I’ve never been a GG fan.

457 darthstar  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:11:15am
458 Justanotherhuman  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:11:33am


Power outage hits several major Detroit facilities


VB still here?

459 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:12:07am

re: #458 Justanotherhuman


Power outage hits several major Detroit facilities


VB still here?

I’m in Dearborn.

460 HappyWarrior  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:12:22am

re: #457 darthstar

This is why the anti-vaxxer movement is the most dangerous in the country. Stupid beliefs like the president is a secret Muslim operative are one thing, believing vaccines are evil and spreading that belief is a danger to public health.

461 darthstar  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:12:48am
462 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:13:09am

re: #460 HappyWarrior

This is why the anti-vaxxer movement is the dangerous in the country. Stupid beliefs like the president is a secret Muslim operative are one thing, believing vaccines are evil and spreading that belief is a danger to public health.

I agree. Anti-vaxxer bullshit is a genuine public menace.

463 b.d.  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:13:25am

The Cult of Greenwald is full of some real nutjobs.

464 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:15:03am

re: #463 b.d.

The Cult of Greenwald is full of some real nutjobs.

I was reading some comments over at the Guardian regarding the NSA story; revolting.

Some of these folks, the GG cultists, are sick in the head. I can’t think of another way to state it.

465 Dr. Matt  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:15:12am

re: #458 Justanotherhuman


Power outage hits several major Detroit facilities


VB still here?

There were power outages last night in some of the Detroit burbs too. Weird.

466 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:16:47am

re: #465 Dr. Matt

There were power outages last night in some of the Detroit burbs too. Weird.


467 HappyWarrior  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:16:49am

re: #461 darthstar

Or Reagan’s where 200+ Marines died in Lebanon. But no let’s act like Obama is the only president that has something like this happen because we’re on a witch hunt and we’re bored and desperate. I think I saw someone say it here a couple days ago that if Romney had simply responded like a decent human being rather than a partisan hack following the Benghazi attack, the CT nuts about htis would have never taken off. I honestly don’t know but one thing is for sure, I’m tired of the right acting like Obama is the only president to ever have an embassy or consulate attacked in his presidency.

468 darthstar  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:16:50am

PPP vs Nate - pretty entertaining stuff on their timelines.

469 Justanotherhuman  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:17:09am

re: #465 Dr. Matt

There were power outages last night in some of the Detroit burbs too. Weird.

Rolling blackouts without notification? Wouldn’t put it past Snyder’s guy.

470 darthstar  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:17:44am

re: #467 HappyWarrior

Or Reagan’s where 200+ Marines died in Lebanon. But no let’s act like Obama is the only president that has something like this happen because we’re on a witch hunt and we’re bored and desperate. I think I saw someone say it here a couple days ago that if Romney had simply responded like a decent human being rather than a partisan hack following the Benghazi attack, the CT nuts about htis would have never taken off. I honestly don’t know but one thing is for sure, I’m tired of the right acting like Obama is the only president to ever have an embassy or consulate attacked in his presidency.

The big change that came from Lebanon was the installment of bollards in front of embassies to keep people from driving too close with explosives.

471 b.d.  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:17:50am

re: #464 Dr Lizardo

I was reading some comments over at the Guardian regarding the NSA story; revolting.

Some of these folks, the GG cultists, are sick in the head. I can’t think of another way to state it.

Notice how his fan base and crowd he is appealing to is becoming more narrow and closed minded rather than more universal? This is how your Alex Jones fringe nutcase types are developed.

472 HappyWarrior  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:18:24am

re: #462 Dr Lizardo

It’s fucked up. It’s not only the public health problem though, it’s also that the people who will be victimized most by it are kids. I don’t understand why and how it’s taken off some 50+ years after Dr. Salk’s polio vaccine but here we are.

473 Amory Blaine  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:19:48am

I was on my way to school in my car to take a test. I had Mancow on the radio and he was hyperventilating as usual, prattling on about planes or other nonsense (I thought). So I thought “what a douchebag” and I shut the radio off. One of the common areas at school has a tv with news on and that’s when I saw it. One of the younger guys in class next to me was monitoring the news on his headphones while we took the test and he was clearly upset by what was going on.

474 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:20:21am

re: #465 Dr. Matt

There were power outages last night in some of the Detroit burbs too. Weird.

Not where I live.

However we are having a heat wave here, there is a burden on the grid.

475 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:21:32am

re: #471 b.d.

Notice how his fan base and crowd he is appealing to is becoming more narrow and closed minded rather than more universal? This is how your Alex Jones fringe nutcase types are developed.

Oh yeah…..that acquaintance of mine up in the PacNW, she’s definitely full-metal Alex Jones nutcase. Seriously unhinged - I’ve known her since I was 16, and sure, she was always somewhat eccentric, but now it’s just full-on batshit crazy.

When I joined the Masons many, many years ago (though I never got past Apprentice Mason - no time) she began eyeing me with deep suspicion, LOL.

476 Amory Blaine  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:23:02am

re: #464 Dr Lizardo

I was reading some comments over at the Guardian regarding the NSA story; revolting.

Some of these folks, the GG cultists, are sick in the head. I can’t think of another way to state it.

I was trying to argue for reasonableness regarding the NSA story on another site and I was admonished for being a communist, statist whatever. One of them was advocating for homegrown domestic terrorism to take out elected and NSA officials. No bad words for him though from the community. On the anniversary of 9/11 no less. Such patriots.

477 ObserverArt  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:24:07am

I just read the sidebar article about the fake service dogs. That did it. I have just reached maximum payload weight. Time to go jettison some anger. I have a drum set just for these times.

So, to close…I am glad that President Obama is a real human being, with real human feelings and real human concerns. He may not be right all the time, he sometimes forgets to play politics in ALL situations, especially when he is being human. I like that.

478 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:25:18am

re: #472 HappyWarrior

It’s fucked up. It’s not only the public health problem though, it’s also that the people who will be victimized most by it are kids. I don’t understand why and how it’s taken off some 50+ years after Dr. Salk’s polio vaccine but here we are.

I don’t get it either.

Someone here once mentioned those ‘kittens of creationism’ of Adnan Oktar’s; out of curiosity, I watched a couple of their interview program vids; one of their early guests was an anti-vaxxer, and their reaction was something to effect of “WHHUUUT?” when this person went off on an anti-vaxxer rant about autism and whatnot.

They simply couldn’t believe that any sane human being would advocate that position. One of them challenged the anti-vaxxer, and after a rather sputtering response, they changed the subject, probably to avoid embarrassing the guest even further.

I laughed my butt off.

479 Amory Blaine  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:26:01am

re: #322 NJDhockeyfan

Some are worse than others.

[Embedded content]

That golf course is in Wisconsin. He apologized profusely for it. He is receiving death threats over it.

480 Dr. Matt  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:27:53am

re: #322 NJDhockeyfan

Some are worse than others.

This 9/11-themed golf course ad is a real thing that ran in today’s Wisconsin State Journal. pic.twitter.com/rn6VIYH4mF
— Josh Orton (@joshorton) September 10, 2013

What about memorial day sales and veterans day sales?

481 Ian G.  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:29:26am

re: #416 klys

I admit, I can’t watch any of the documentaries or movies or old footage. There is still far too much raw emotion there.

This. I watched the Naudet Brothers documentary for the first time 2 years ago (i.e. 11 years after the event) and I was on the verge of vomiting afterward. I don’t know that I could subject myself to it again voluntarily.

482 Decatur Deb  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:31:34am

re: #480 Dr. Matt

What about memorial day sales and veterans day sales?

Drive through any small town in the South until you find the largest American flag, and pull in. You’re in front of a car dealership. He’ll give you a good trade-in for your heap.

483 Pygmalion  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:33:07am

re: #449 Charles Johnson

The OathKeepers really are crazy. It’s no wonder that people associate Bikers with White Supremacists.

484 Ian G.  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:34:43am

re: #437 NJDhockeyfan

Ah, building 7, the smoking gun. Of course, in order for it to be a smoking gun, you have to believe that the Bush administration figured that 4 plane crashes, two iconic skyscrapers destroyed, and 3,000 people dead would not be enough to get Americans to support an invasion of Afghanistan and/or Iraq. No, what was also needed was for a nondescript skyscraper that nobody had ever heard of to collapse 7 hours later with no casualties whatsoever. THEN, the gloves would come off.

I don’t even know how to describe the kind of sub-amoeba intelligence it would take to come to such a conclusion, but Rosie has done so.

485 Eclectic Cyborg  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:35:03am

re: #449 Charles Johnson

I actually have Greenwald fans defending the Oathkeepers to me now on Twitter.

I just can’t even. What the hell is wrong with these people’s heads?

The answer you are looking for is: Everything.

486 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:35:50am

any word on those colorado recall votes from last night?

487 Dr. Matt  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:36:06am

re: #482 Decatur Deb

What about memorial day sales and veterans day sales?

Drive through any small town in the South until you find the largest American flag, and pull in. You’re in front of a car dealership. He’ll give you a good trade-in for your heap.

I just bought a 2013 Chrysler 300 three months ago. Not ready for a trade-in yet and it probably doesn’t qualify as a “heap” by any definition.

Not sure what my vehicle has to do with my query…… But thanks for asking, I do love my Detroit made ride.

488 Eclectic Cyborg  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:36:14am

Btw, thanks for getting the top graphic up Charles.

489 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:36:21am

re: #486 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

any word on those colorado recall votes from last night?

Both recall efforts succeeded.

490 Decatur Deb  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:37:24am

re: #487 Dr. Matt

I just bought a 2013 Chrysler 300 three months ago. Not ready for a trade-in yet and it probably doesn’t qualify as a “heap” by any definition.

Not sure what my vehicle has to do with my query…… But thanks for asking, I love my Detroit made ride.

In reference to patriotism-for-profit on formerly ‘sacred’ holidays.

491 Dr. Matt  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:37:40am

re: #486 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

any word on those colorado recall votes from last night?

Two Dems were tossed out. Koch bros and NRA win again, America loses.

492 William Barnett-Lewis  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:37:54am

re: #486 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

any word on those colorado recall votes from last night?

Both incumbents lost, however the Democrats still have control of the legislature so no change in the laws is expected.

493 darthstar  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:38:15am
494 Decatur Deb  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:39:08am

re: #491 Dr. Matt

Two Dems were tossed out. Koch bros and NRA win again, America loses.

Resurfacing the old quote:

“Gun control is what Democrats do when they get tired of winning elections.”

495 Eventual Carrion  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:39:46am

re: #351 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

Who is Barry?


496 Dr. Matt  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:39:52am

re: #490 Decatur Deb

In reference to patriotism-for-profit on formerly ‘sacred’ holidays.

Ah. Gotcha. Good point. Suffering through a head cold and didn’t catch your poignant critique. Thanks.

497 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:40:32am

re: #495 Eventual Carrion


Clearly, Barry Manilow.

498 Decatur Deb  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:41:36am

re: #497 Dr Lizardo

Clearly, Barry Manilow.

Barry White. I’m getting warmer.

499 Dr. Matt  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:42:50am

re: #494 Decatur Deb

Resurfacing the old quote:

“Gun control is what Democrats do when they get tired of winning elections.”

It’s a shame too because their “gun control” bill that was signed into law was pretty weak. The same people that voted to recall those two Dems, are the same people that will fight tooth-and-nail to get rid of Obamacare. It’s numbing.

500 William of Orange  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:43:17am


See this experiment.
This is a hidden camera event where an actor plays a Muslim deli clerk who does nothing but his own thing, cater the patrons who order stuff from him. Enter another actor acting as a bigot who blames everything bad that happened to America on the Muslims, and takes it all out on the clerk. All reactions to this are by average people who react totally different.

Most of them are appalled at the behavior of the bigot actor, apart from one. That one is a bigot like the actor. And then the cherry on the cake!!

A true American hero, a GI who’s on R&R back from a tour brings it all home. He’s seen the truth out there in the desert and will not hear anything from the bigot actor.

“You have a choice to shop anywhere like he has a choice to practice his religion. THAT’S THE REASON WHY I WEAR THE UNIFORM, SO ANYONE CAN LIVE FREE IN THIS COUNTRY! Leave the man alone, buy your stuff and leave!”

Man, this genuinely gives me a great feeling that I can believe that there are actually more good people living in the US of A than bad! Of course you want to see this for yourself so here it is. This should be frontpaged, Charles! This should be shown in schools everywhere! A real eye-opener!

Youtube Video

501 Lidane  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:44:37am

re: #449 Charles Johnson

I actually have Greenwald fans defending the Oathkeepers to me now on Twitter.

I just can’t even. What the hell is wrong with these people’s heads?

Obama bad. Greenwald, Snowden, Assange, and Putin good. That’s what’s wrong.

502 Eclectic Cyborg  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:46:02am

re: #500 William of Orange

Sounds awesome but I can’t help but wonder if it could be a hoax.

503 Eclectic Cyborg  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:46:28am

“First they came for the journalists and I did nothing, because I wasn’t a journalist” - Glenn Greenwald

504 William Barnett-Lewis  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:46:48am

re: #494 Decatur Deb

Resurfacing the old quote:

“Gun control is what Democrats do when they get tired of winning elections.”

Yep. Happens every time since 1968 - Gun control gets passed and Democrats start loosing again but they seem to refuse this basic reality of politics in America.

505 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:49:48am

re: #500 William of Orange

Pam Geller sees video, promptly has nervous breakdown.

506 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:50:23am

re: #492 William Barnett-Lewis

re: #489 Dr Lizardo

re: #491 Dr. Matt

Unbelievable but then again part of Colorado wants to form its own state.

507 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:50:50am

re: #502 Eclectic Cyborg

Sounds awesome but I can’t help but wonder if it could be a hoax.

It says up front that these were actors.

508 Eclectic Cyborg  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:50:53am

re: #506 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

Unbelievable but then again part of Colorado wants to form its own state.

Sounds ripe for a South Park spoof.

509 Justanotherhuman  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:51:11am

re: #505 Dr Lizardo

Pam Geller sees video, promptly has nervous breakdown.

I think you have to have some self-awareness to have a nervous breakdown.

Irrational haters like her have none.

510 Eclectic Cyborg  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:51:16am

re: #507 Vicious Babushka

It says up front that these were actors.

All of them or just the clerk and the bigot?

511 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:51:56am

re: #510 Eclectic Cyborg

All of them or just the clerk and the bigot?

Don’t know, will have to wait until I get home to watch it.

512 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:52:01am

re: #506 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

Unbelievable but then again part of Colorado wants to form its own state.

Not just Colorado; Siskyou County in Northern California also wants to secede and form the State of Jefferson, though that notion has been around for a long time. Since the late 1930s or so.

513 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:52:45am

re: #509 Justanotherhuman

I think you have to have some self-awareness to have a nervous breakdown.

Irrational haters like her have none.

Heh. Good point.

514 Lidane  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:52:51am

re: #462 Dr Lizardo

I agree. Anti-vaxxer bullshit is a genuine public menace.

Anti-vax is both scientific illiteracy and a public health risk. The people telling parents not to vaccinate their kids should be dropped in the middle of the slums of Calcutta and other spots around the world being ravaged by entirely curable diseases so they can see the effects of their idiocy.

515 Eclectic Cyborg  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:53:31am

Anyone ever seen World Trade Center with Nicholas Cage?

516 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:53:39am

re: #512 Dr Lizardo

Not just Colorado; Siskyou County in Northern California also wants to secede and form the State of Jefferson, though that notion has been around for a long time. Since the late 1930s or so.

Upper Peninsula of Michigan has wanted to secede for a long time, but they couldn’t decide if they wanted to be their own country or join Canada.//

517 Eventual Carrion  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:54:06am

re: #406 Vicious Babushka

Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Boogaloo Eleventy Derp IMPEACH! TREASON! Underpants


518 William of Orange  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:54:45am

re: #502 Eclectic Cyborg

Sounds awesome but I can’t help but wonder if it could be a hoax.

In other words; that’s the FOXNEWS narrative.

519 Interesting Times  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:54:55am

re: #514 Lidane

Anti-vax is both scientific illiteracy and a public health risk. The people telling parents not to vaccinate their kids should be dropped in the middle of the slums of Calcutta and other spots around the world being ravaged by entirely curable diseases so they can see the effects of their idiocy.

All they’ll do is claim the epidemics are a result of poor sanitation (seriously, I once worked at a public health unit entering records, and on file was an anti-vaxxer letter from the late 50s(!) making that very claim)

520 Dr. Matt  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:55:01am

re: #500 William of Orange

Great vid. Thanks for sharing.

521 Decatur Deb  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:55:28am

re: #511 Vicious Babushka

Don’t know, will have to wait until I get home to watch it.

Just the clerk and mock bigot were actors, according to my viewing. SP4 was fairly articulate and amazing, but we can hope he’s a norm. His constant use of ‘sir’ was realistic.

522 William of Orange  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:55:32am

re: #515 Eclectic Cyborg

Anyone ever seen World Trade Center with Nicholas Cage?

Doesn’t everything blow up around Nicholas Cage? The man is a walking disaster.

523 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:56:11am
524 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:57:18am

re: #516 Vicious Babushka

Upper Peninsula of Michigan has wanted to secede for a long time, but they couldn’t decide if they wanted to be their own country or join Canada.//

I think Vermont wanted to do that a few years back too.

525 William of Orange  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:57:37am

re: #510 Eclectic Cyborg

All of them or just the clerk and the bigot?

Only the clerk and the offensive customer were actors. All other persons were people like you and me.

526 A Mom Anon  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:58:05am

re: #462 Dr Lizardo

I had a “friend” who threatened to call children’s services on me when my son was little. It pissed her off that I still went ahead with his vaccine schedule after his autism diagnosis. I laughed in her face and told her I’d dial the number for her. After which she told me I deserved to “have a little retard” for a son.

Yeah, she’s not only lucky I didn’t find a place to bury her body, I haven’t seen or heard from her since that day about 14 yrs ago. Funny thing though, her kids got all their shots.

527 Lidane  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:58:29am

re: #461 darthstar

I replied to Ted Cruz, flat out telling him that talking about Benghazi instead of paying respect to the dead makes him an embarrassment to Texas and an asshole.

I expect to be ignored, but that’s okay. I said my piece.

528 Justanotherhuman  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 11:59:34am

US institute: NKorea reactor appears to restart


“Without access to the secretive facility, it is difficult to say with certainty that the reactor is operating again.

“But the U.S.-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies says an Aug. 31 commercial satellite image shows white steam rising from a building that houses steam turbines and electric generators that are driven by heat from the reactor.”

529 lawhawk  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:00:59pm

re: #515 Eclectic Cyborg

Nope. I’ve avoided it, and most other 9/11 related media productions or videos.

The few I have watched involve the rebuilding efforts, and one I’m looking forward to reading is this one, the Battle For Ground Zero, in part because it covers some of the same materials and issues I’d been blogging about ever since.

530 Dr. Matt  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:01:21pm

Just yesterday the RWNJs were tweeting about how President Obama uses children as “props”. Let us not forget:

531 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:01:23pm

re: #526 A Mom Anon

I had a “friend” who threatened to call children’s services on me when my son was little. It pissed her off that I still went ahead with his vaccine schedule after his autism diagnosis. I laughed in her face and told her I’d dial the number for her. After which she told me I deserved to “have a little retard” for a son.

Yeah, she’s not only lucky I didn’t find a place to bury her body, I haven’t seen or heard from her since that day about 14 yrs ago. Funny thing though, her kids got all their shots.

Heh. Anti-vaxxers, troofers, birfers, conspiracy whackadoodles, etc. just really get under my skin. It’s deliberate ignorance, and that’s something I cannot abide.

532 Eclectic Cyborg  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:02:50pm

re: #529 lawhawk

Nope. I’ve avoided it, and most other 9/11 related media productions or videos.

The few I have watched involve the rebuilding efforts, and one I’m looking forward to reading is this one, the Battle For Ground Zero, in part because it covers some of the same materials and issues I’d been blogging about ever since.

That book looks interesting. Thanks for pointing it out to me.

533 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:06:07pm

Here’s my latest page on an angry-making subject:


A black girl who was accomplished, poised, well-respected, and had a stellar GPA was blocked from joining a sorority which has always been all-white, though not explicitly. The hopeful note is that it was the alumni that drove this, not the current students.

But other sororities don’t allow alumni voting:

“We’re one of the few sororities on campus that alums are allowed in the voting process, which also kind of breaks my heart, because some of the other sororities that didn’t have to deal what we dealt with,” Gotz said. “Why didn’t they take this awesome black girl?”

Post-racial, don’t make me laugh.

534 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:07:06pm

Wingnuts keep Tweeting this photo to show their “2 Million Bikers Ride” but DC media does not show any swarms of bikers.

Where is this photo from, specifically? The exit sign says “Mt. Zion” isn’t that in Utah?

535 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:10:31pm

NBC has a video of a lot of bikers in DC.


536 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:10:46pm

re: #534 Vicious Babushka

There’s Mt. Zions all over the US, remember the US was settled by whacky Christians of various denominations who had a big jones for the OT names. I have relatives up in Maine named Zechariah, Obadiah, Ezekiel, and

537 Romantic Heretic  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:11:35pm

re: #367 Gus

[Embedded content]


Double patriots.

538 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:12:32pm

re: #535 NJDhockeyfan

NBC has a video of a lot of bikers in DC.


Hee hee:

Thousands of bikers with the group “Two Million Bikers to D.C.” are snarling traffic on the Beltway

“Hi, we’re the million biker ride.”

“How many of you are there?”

“A few thousand”.

539 Ian G.  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:12:57pm

re: #534 Vicious Babushka

Wingnuts keep Tweeting this photo to show their “2 Million Bikers Ride” but DC media does not show any swarms of bikers.

Where is this photo from, specifically? The exit sign says “Mt. Zion” isn’t that in Utah?

Judging by the terrain and trees, and what comes up when you Google “Mount Zion park and ride”, I’m guessing that this is in the northern Kentucky exurbs of Cincinnati. Who knows when and why.

540 Ian G.  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:13:33pm

re: #535 NJDhockeyfan

NBC has a video of a lot of bikers in DC.


So I’ll bite: what on earth is this whole bike riders in DC thing about?

541 Dr. Matt  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:13:36pm

re: #535 NJDhockeyfan

NBC has a video of a lot of bikers in DC.


Don’t any of these “people” have jobs?

542 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:14:40pm

re: #533 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

Here’s my latest page on an angry-making subject:


A black girl who was accomplished, poised, well-respected, and had a stellar GPA was blocked from joining a sorority which has always been all-white, though not explicitly. The hopeful note is that it was the alumni that drove this, not the current students.

But other sororities don’t allow alumni voting:

Post-racial, don’t make me laugh.

Every human being on this planet, you, me, all of us; we’re all Africans when everything is said and done.

That’s where homo sapiens comes from. It is our collective point of origin. We as a species have certainly spread all over the planet, even living in some of the most inhospitable of climes. Nonetheless, there is for all of us one true home, and that home is where we as a species began.

543 makeitstop  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:15:12pm

re: #540 Ian G.

So I’ll bite: what on earth is this whole bike riders in DC thing about?

Ostensibly to honor the troops, but they were denied a parade permit in DC because their organizer seems to be pretty vocally anti-Muslim.

Wingnuts were whining about a Muslim rally today getting a permit while the bikers didn’t get one.

544 Lidane  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:15:56pm

re: #541 Dr. Matt

Don’t any of these “people” have jobs?

Pfft. Shows what you know. Those are the almighty Job Creators who despise the 47% moocher class that want all their money.

545 Decatur Deb  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:16:00pm

re: #540 Ian G.

So I’ll bite: what on earth is this whole bike riders in DC thing about?

A reaction to a proposed “Million Muslim March” which has been renamed.

“There’s a million of us, and when I say ‘million’, I mean ‘thousand’.”

546 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:16:33pm

re: #540 Ian G.

So I’ll bite: what on earth is this whole bike riders in DC thing about?

They were riding to “commemorate 9/11” and also to confront the “Million Muslim March” of which only about 20 people showed up for.

547 A Mom Anon  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:16:41pm

re: #534 Vicious Babushka

There is a Mt Zion cemetery and a church named that in the DC area. No cities in that area that I can see. There is a Mt Zion, GA and I’d guess there are others all over the country.

You’re thinking of Zion National Park in Utah. Not sure, but I think that picture is bullshit in regards to today in DC.

548 Gus  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:16:54pm

re: #534 Vicious Babushka

Wingnuts keep Tweeting this photo to show their “2 Million Bikers Ride” but DC media does not show any swarms of bikers.

Where is this photo from, specifically? The exit sign says “Mt. Zion” isn’t that in Utah?

‘Never Forget’ ride passes through Frederick County
Procession of more than 1,800 motorcycles stretching 16 miles long will end at ground zero
Friday, August 19, 2011

Image: AR-708199410.jpg

Bill Ryan/The Gazette More than 1,800 motorcyclists participated in the 9/11 “Never Forget” motorcycle ride, which passed Friday through Frederick County along Interstate 70 and U.S. Route 15/340 . The procession was nearly 16 miles long and passed under a large American flag hoisted up by the ladder trucks from the Brunswick and Carroll Manor Volunteer Fire companies near Mount Zion Road.

549 Ian G.  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:18:00pm

re: #548 Gus

Nice work, gus.

550 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:18:15pm

re: #548 Gus

‘Never Forget’ ride passes through Frederick County
Procession of more than 1,800 motorcycles stretching 16 miles long will end at ground zero
Friday, August 19, 2011

Image: AR-708199410.jpg

Your Tineye-fu is better than mine. I Tineyed that and no matches came up.

551 ProTARDISLiberal  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:18:29pm

Got here safe (car dinged though but fixable).

However i noticed to things, the terror attack against the Foreign Ministry in Libya. It’s disgusting what these radical clowns are willing to do when they lose.

I also just found out that James Corden (Who plays Craig Owens, the occasional Doctor Who companion) is in a play which Taylor Swift will be writing a song for in Britain.

Let’s see if I can get to things I am fans of to connect.

552 Gus  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:18:46pm

re: #549 Ian G.

Nice work, gus.

Was easy. :D

553 Gus  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:19:34pm

re: #550 Vicious Babushka

Your Tineye-fu is better than mine. I Tineyed that and no matches came up.

I uploaded the image to Google and let the search go to work.

554 Dr. Matt  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:19:37pm

re: #550 Vicious Babushka

Your Tineye-fu is better than mine. I Tineyed that and no matches came up.

I uploaded to google images and it linked freeperville over the last 12 hrs.

Edit: Ah, nevermind, Gus’ link is on the second page. Good catch, Gus.

555 A Mom Anon  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:20:11pm

re: #548 Gus

So they’re full of shit then? HAHAHAHA. Surprise. Someone please show these idiots that pic with the date and stuff.

And even if it were true, 1800 bikes isn’t even a decent rally.

556 Ian G.  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:20:50pm

re: #552 Gus

Was easy. :D

Ah, should have noticed that the auto-complete for “mt zion park and ride” was “Frederick, MD” and not Union, KY. Bad Googling on my part.

557 Decatur Deb  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:20:58pm

re: #548 Gus

‘Never Forget’ ride passes through Frederick County
Procession of more than 1,800 motorcycles stretching 16 miles long will end at ground zero
Friday, August 19, 2011

Image: AR-708199410.jpg

Sounds like this group was either renamed (also), or has been co-opted by the ‘2M Motorcycle’ bit that was pushed on the web. Could be totally independent, but it’s hard to keep bikes sorted.

558 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:21:22pm

re: #553 Gus

I uploaded the image to Google and let the search go to work.

You should Tweet that to #2MBikers and say “It took 2 years to ride to DC?”

559 A Mom Anon  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:22:18pm

re: #558 Vicious Babushka

Heh. They had to push those Harleys. They’re heavy, it takes awhile.

560 Gus  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:22:22pm

re: #558 Vicious Babushka

You should Tweet that to #2MBikers and say “It took 2 years to ride to DC?”

I don’t want to deal with that kind of nuttery. Go for it though! ;0

561 wrenchwench  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:23:32pm

re: #560 Gus

I don’t want to deal with that kind of nuttery. Go for it though! ;0

What kind of nuttery would you like to deal with?


562 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:23:39pm

re: #560 Gus

I don’t want to deal with that kind of nuttery. Go for it though! ;0

I promised no Derp today.

563 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:24:36pm

re: #557 Decatur Deb

Sounds like this group was either renamed (also), or has been co-opted by the ‘2M Motorcycle’ bit that was pushed on the web. Could be totally independent, but it’s hard to keep bikes sorted.

Here is their Facebook page.

564 Gus  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:24:56pm
565 Justanotherhuman  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:25:15pm

re: #535 NJDhockeyfan

NBC has a video of a lot of bikers in DC.


They’re using the same film. If I right-click on the video, “settings” has this:

the Platform PDK, 3-18-13 4:17 pm V5.2.0.293707

I think that’s some old stuff in a different location.

566 A Mom Anon  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:25:31pm

re: #559 A Mom Anon

My husband actually lived in Frederick, MD as a kid, it’s about an hour or so outside of DC.

567 OhNoZombies!  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:25:35pm

Depressing day.
Dudebros and wingers derping up a storm…
And last, but most certainly not least, my sister sends me a text:
My 93 y.o. Grandma has been in the hospital for nearly a week with pneumonia, and nobody bothered to tell me.
Sorry to go OT.

568 wrenchwench  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:26:49pm

re: #567 OhNoZombies!


569 Decatur Deb  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:28:43pm

re: #561 wrenchwench

What kind of nuttery would you like to deal with?


Image: 325509541_f4a68e3ca9_z.jpg

570 ProTARDISLiberal  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:29:57pm

re: #567 OhNoZombies!


571 OhNoZombies!  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:30:51pm

The hardest part is not being short with the kids.
So I quietly post.

572 GeneJockey  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:31:06pm

re: #478 Dr Lizardo

I don’t get it either.

Someone here once mentioned those ‘kittens of creationism’ of Adnan Oktar’s; out of curiosity, I watched a couple of their interview program vids; one of their early guests was an anti-vaxxer, and their reaction was something to effect of “WHHUUUT?” when this person went off on an anti-vaxxer rant about autism and whatnot.

They simply couldn’t believe that any sane human being would advocate that position. One of them challenged the anti-vaxxer, and after a rather sputtering response, they changed the subject, probably to avoid embarrassing the guest even further.

I laughed my butt off.

The reason antivaxxers have gained so much prominence is largely because we don’t have children in industrialized nations dying of whooping cough, diphtheria, polio, smallpox, etc. Before the antivax movement took off, we had functionally eradicated these diseases which used to kill thousands every year. The absence of the deaths allowed people to forget what it was like.

Then, for a while, herd immunity allowed the irresponsible, stupid, gullible people to coast on everyone else’s responsibility. Their kids didn’t get sick, because there were no sick kids to expose them. Thus, their choice didn’t seem so dangerous and irresponsible.

But that only works till the number of people who are stupid enough not to vaccinate reaches a certain level.

So, it’s what you might call a First World Problem. We did such a good job eliminating infectious diseases that people have lost all conception of how bad it used to be.

The other part, of course, is the rise of autism and the desire of parents of autistic children to 1) find some cause that’s not their fault, and 2) find some magical cure that will make it all better. As the parent of a son diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome (now Autistic Spectrum Disorder), believe me, I understand the pain. You grieve for the ‘perfect’ child you dreamed of. You worry whether he’ll find a place in the world. You run out of patience at the rigidity of thinking, or the atypical reactions to things. You get tired of dealing with it, and you just want to scream, “JUST BE NORMAL FOR ONCE!!!” Then you feel like the shittiest parent in the whole damned world, for thinking that.

But it’s not Big Pharma’s fault. It’s not mercury in vaccines, or numbers of vaccines. There’s not a magical cure. you have to live with it, and accept that life is just shit that happens.

573 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:32:04pm
574 wrenchwench  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:32:42pm

With her intergalactic experience, I’d have thought this would seem more routine….

575 Decatur Deb  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:33:34pm

re: #563 NJDhockeyfan

Here is their Facebook page.

Lot of smoke blowing on their twitter thread.

576 Romantic Heretic  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:33:43pm

re: #522 William of Orange

Doesn’t everything blow up around Nicholas Cage? The man is a walking disaster.

Sorcerer’s Apprentice was fun.

577 Kragar  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:34:25pm

re: #576 Romantic Heretic

Sorcerer’s Apprentice was fun.

And then we have the Wicker Man.


578 Killgore Trout  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:35:06pm

Anonymous celebrates 9-11 by attacking Israel.
Cyber attack on Israel planned for Wednesday to mark 9/11

The hackers are launching the attack in revenge for what they claim is the ongoing assault on the Palestinians by Israel.

As a prelude to the attack, the hackers published a list that includes data on 165,000 Israelis. The data include email addresses, passwords, names, residence, mobile phone numbers, dates of birth, and gender. CyberInt security expert Shlomo Eisenberg believes that the data came from website set-up and storage portal Area.co.il, which was hacked by a Saudi hacker in the previous cyber attack. However, he believes that other hackers are responsible for present attack.

Over the next few days, people should be very wary about attempts to hack their private accounts (whether email, Facebook, or any other service). The most important thing to do is to stay alert. For example, avoid clicking on suspicious links or entering unknown sites. On Facebook, it is advisable to be cautious in accepting requests to be a friend from unknown people and to avoid clicking on suspicious posts.

579 Decatur Deb  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:35:25pm

re: #573 NJDhockeyfan

[Embedded content]

But perhaps not ‘this’ day. Check the website you sent, a dozen or so comments down.

580 Dr. Matt  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:36:08pm

re: #575 Decatur Deb

Lot of smoke blowing on their twitter thread.

Oh for fuck sake, THIS is one of the posters on the 2MBikers facebook: “Angie Benghazi Bryan”

These “people” need therapy. End of story.

581 Randall Gross  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:36:23pm

Here’s some photos I took in May
Image: IMG_5558.jpg

Image: IMG_5494.jpg

582 Gus  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:36:47pm
584 klys  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:37:52pm

re: #583 Kragar

Alex Jones: Syria Diplomacy a Plot to Extinguish Humans So Obama and Elitists Can Be Cyborgs

…you mean that’s not the Onion?

What time do these people start drinking that this makes sense?

585 Decatur Deb  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:39:23pm

re: #584 klys

…you mean that’s not the Onion?

What time do these people start drinking that this makes sense?

“I’m certifiable, and I vote.”

586 HappyWarrior  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:39:35pm

re: #583 Kragar

Yes, that’s it, Alex. You figured it out! Man how this guy functions daily without killing himself.

587 sattv4u2  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:39:38pm

re: #574 wrenchwench

With her intergalactic experience, I’d have thought this would seem more routine….

[Embedded content]

Forgot the name of the pro basketball player, but his team was traveling from the Indianapolis to (iirc) Denver, a flight of about 1.5 hours. They would be arriving in Denver “earlier” than they took on in Indy. He balked at getting on the plane saying “I ain’t getting into no time machine!”

588 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:40:28pm

re: #572 GeneJockey

The reason antivaxxers have gained so much prominence is largely because we don’t have children in industrialized nations dying of whooping cough, diphtheria, polio, smallpox, etc. Before the antivax movement took off, we had functionally eradicated these diseases which used to kill thousands every year. The absence of the deaths allowed people to forget what it was like.

Then, for a while, herd immunity allowed the irresponsible, stupid, gullible people to coast on everyone else’s responsibility. Their kids didn’t get sick, because there were no sick kids to expose them. Thus, their choice didn’t seem so dangerous and irresponsible.

But that only works till the number of people who are stupid enough not to vaccinate reaches a certain level.

So, it’s what you might call a First World Problem. We did such a good job eliminating infectious diseases that people have lost all conception of how bad it used to be.

The other part, of course, is the rise of autism and the desire of parents of autistic children to 1) find some cause that’s not their fault, and 2) find some magical cure that will make it all better. As the parent of a son diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome (now Autistic Spectrum Disorder), believe me, I understand the pain. You grieve for the ‘perfect’ child you dreamed of. You worry whether he’ll find a place in the world. You run out of patience at the rigidity of thinking, or the atypical reactions to things. You get tired of dealing with it, and you just want to scream, “JUST BE NORMAL FOR ONCE!!!” Then you feel like the shittiest parent in the whole damned world, for thinking that.

But it’s not Big Pharma’s fault. It’s not mercury in vaccines, or numbers of vaccines. There’s not a magical cure. you have to live with it, and accept that life is just shit that happens.

All very true. I just shake my head in disbelief at some of the nonsense I come across. I can’t help but think the internet is spreading all manner of bullshit with lightning speed, and the credulous swallow it all.

I have no kids of my own, but I tip my hat to you in regard to your child.

589 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:41:04pm

re: #584 klys

…you mean that’s not the Onion?

What time do these people start drinking smoking PCP that this makes sense?


590 Killgore Trout  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:41:43pm

Overnight, Syrian analyst Elizabeth O’Bagy became a prominent figure in the Syrian debate. She was fired Wednesday for falsely claiming to have a Ph.D.

In an Aug. 30 op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, O’Bagy challenged the conventional wisdom that the rebel forces are increasingly dominated by Islamic extremists.

“Moderate opposition forces — a collection of groups known as the Free Syrian Army — continue to lead the fight against the Syrian regime,” she wrote.

Overnight, O’Bagy was a fixture on news programs, offering her take on the Syrian war, which included a Sept. 6 interview on NPR’s Morning Edition.

Her comments often sparked a strong response, pro and con. Secretary of State John Kerry and Sen. John McCain both favorably cited her work during congressional hearings. Critics claimed she was helping push the U.S. into a Middle East quagmire

591 sattv4u2  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:44:13pm

Porsche 918 Spyder claims title of fastest production car around Nürburgring

Me wanty!!!

$845,000 price tag

Lessee,,,, if I give up coffee,,,, clothes,,, food,,, gas,,,, heat,,, electricity,,,, I should be able to save up enough to buy one in, ohh,,, 45-50 years

592 Romantic Heretic  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:44:25pm

re: #572 GeneJockey

Talking about anti-vaxxers always brings this Penn & Teller skit to mind.

Youtube Video

593 OhNoZombies!  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:44:29pm

Apple is Cyberdyne Systems, and I am a polymimetic organism.

594 EPR-radar  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:45:34pm

re: #590 Killgore Trout

I do like to see people get in trouble for false claims of degrees they have not earned.

595 Political Atheist  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:46:06pm

re: #190 Justanotherhuman

Good. The troll has hustled herself (?) out of here.

Wrong. 3 years in and that’s the first post that ever got dinged like that. That’s another former NRA firearms instructor that left the NRA over it’s policies of late.

596 sattv4u2  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:47:33pm

re: #590 Killgore Trout

Overnight, Syrian analyst Elizabeth O’Bagy became a prominent figure in the Syrian debate. She was fired Wednesday for falsely claiming to have a Ph.D.

O’Bagy told POLITICO in an interview Monday that she had submitted and defended her dissertation and was waiting for Georgetown University to confer her degree. O’Bagy said she was in a dual master’s and doctorate program at Georgetown

Read more: politico.com

597 GeneJockey  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:47:37pm

re: #588 Dr Lizardo

All very true. I just shake my head in disbelief at some of the nonsense I come across. I can’t help but think the internet is spreading all manner of bullshit with lightning speed, and the credulous swallow it all.

Mark Twain famously said “A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.”, and that was 120 years ago. Then there’s the ‘democratization of expertise’, by which I mean that everyone’s opinion, no matter how ill-informed, seems to have equal value, in the pursuit of ‘balance.’ Worst of all, lies on the internet never seem to die. They keep coming back like the Terminator - shoot them, burn them, crush them, debunk them, they keep coming.

I have no kids of my own, but I tip my hat to you in regard to your child.

Thank you, though to be honest, others bear much heavier burdens than I do, and with more grace.

598 HappyWarrior  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:48:35pm

re: #572 GeneJockey

As someone with ASD, I can’t like this post enough. Really, I’m tired of vaccines being blamed for my condition and life with autism being made out to be hell- yeah I’m talking to you RFK Jr who compared it with the Holocaust. Is life with ASD and autism sometimes difficult? Yeah sure as hell is but it’s my life and it’s who I am.

599 Political Atheist  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:48:55pm

re: #191 Backwoods_Sleuth

Quite the flounce there.

Not a flounce, just a log off.

600 sattv4u2  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:49:45pm

re: #599 Political Atheist

Not a flounce, just a log off.



601 Kragar  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:51:05pm

Glenn Beck Honors 9/11 By Accusing President Obama Of Treason - See more at: rightwingwatch.org

602 HappyWarrior  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:51:48pm

re: #601 Kragar

He’s no different from Alex Jones except I don’t think Alex Jones cries like a hysterical little shit on the air.

603 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:52:08pm

re: #597 GeneJockey

Mark Twain famously said “A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.”, and that was 120 years ago. Then there’s the ‘democratization of expertise’, by which I mean that everyone’s opinion, no matter how ill-informed, seems to have equal value, in the pursuit of ‘balance.’ Worst of all, lies on the internet never seem to die. They keep coming back like the Terminator - shoot them, burn them, crush them, debunk them, they keep coming.

Heh; ain’t that the truth? No matter how many times a conspiracy theory is thoroughly debunked, it just comes back again and again.

604 GeneJockey  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:52:55pm

re: #601 Kragar

Glenn Beck Honors 9/11 By Accusing President Obama Of Treason - See more at: rightwingwatch.org

What in the ever lovin’ blue eyed world is wrong with these people? I mean, SERIOUSLY, treason? TREASON?!? And THIS is how Beck et al. remember 9/11?

605 Killgore Trout  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:53:42pm

re: #596 sattv4u2

O’Bagy told POLITICO in an interview Monday that she had submitted and defended her dissertation and was waiting for Georgetown University to confer her degree. O’Bagy said she was in a dual master’s and doctorate program at Georgetown

Read more: politico.com

I think the degree was just an excuse. Her assessment was innacurate, probably dishonest and she was also reluctant to disclose her other affiliations…

Originally the op-ed only listed O’Bagy, 26, as only “a senior analyst” at the ISW, later adding a clarification that disclosed her connection to a Syrian rebel advocacy group.

606 HappyWarrior  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:53:57pm

The thing is about conspiracy theories and conspiracy theorists is that they will always ignore the facts. They will find sinister intentions where there are reasonable explanations. That’s the life of the conspiracy theorists. It’s about ignoring the information placed in front of you for an alternative narrative that suits your agenda, see 9/11 truthers, Obama birthers, etc.

607 Lidane  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:54:08pm

re: #584 klys

What time do these people start drinking that this makes sense?

Who said Alex Jones was drinking? His paranoia and idiocy are side effects of the fluoridated water and chemtrails he’s routinely exposed to.


608 Pavlovian Hive Mind  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:54:09pm

re: #192 sattv4u2

Sorry, but DL is not troll!


609 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:55:10pm

re: #606 HappyWarrior

The thing is about conspiracy theories and conspiracy theorists is that they will always ignore the facts. They will find sinister intentions where there are reasonable explanations. That’s the life of the conspiracy theorists. It’s about ignoring the information placed in front of you for an alternative narrative that suits your agenda, see 9/11 truthers, Obama birthers, etc.

And whenever a conspiracy theory is debunked, it simply serves as proof to the conspiracist that an even greater conspiracy is at work.

610 HappyWarrior  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:55:30pm

re: #604 GeneJockey

Treason is a very serious allegation yet these guys like to throw the word around like it’s trivial. Fucking morons. I wish Beck would stop comparing everything to the Nazis too. I mean, I get it, you’re fascinated by the Third Reich Glenn, many of us are, that doesn’t mean we see everyone we dislike as the heirs do the Nazis and that even includes Glenn Beck even though I detest everything Beck stands for.

611 freetoken  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:55:41pm

re: #609 Dr Lizardo

It’s conspiracies all the way down.

612 sattv4u2  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:56:26pm

Don’t piss off Granny!!!!


73-Year-Old Woman Arrested For Going On Car ‘Keying’ Spree

613 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:56:43pm

re: #611 freetoken

It’s conspiracies all the way down.

Indeed. I’m still waiting for the Grand Metaconspiracy.

David Icke took at stab at it, but…….meh. Not so much.

614 HappyWarrior  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:56:51pm

re: #609 Dr Lizardo

Yep, that’s very much the case. The conspiracy that amazes me the most though is the Protocols. People still publishing it as fact practically a century after it’s been debunked as a clear Okhrana forgery.

615 sattv4u2  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:57:02pm

re: #605 Killgore Trout

Nothing to see here

Move along

616 freetoken  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:58:44pm

The volume of Derp today screaming for attention tells me yet again that we, as a nation, have had a difficult time coming to terms with the repeated attacks by violent islamicists and what they mean.

Even more deeply, the revelation of vulnerability scares people so profoundly that as a group we’ve become too easily manipulated by those expert in manipulating fear.

617 Political Atheist  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:58:51pm

re: #207 Justanotherhuman

Husbands and wives don’t necessarily have the same politics; maybe those folks do, but I don’t know them, so only have to go by remarks.

So, sorry if I offended anyone who knows her history.

Thanks for retracting the troll comment.
Donna is a fierce advocate for the 2nd. As I am. And we both welcome the advocacy, the training, the safety programs from the NRA. We are both ex members, and quite upset at the reign of Wayne. We both want universal registration. And an end to the often over the top commentary that both sides indulge pretty regularly.

618 EPR-radar  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 12:58:52pm

re: #601 Kragar

Glenn Beck Honors 9/11 By Accusing President Obama Of Treason - See more at: rightwingwatch.org

This, coming from a person who relies on the definition of treason in the US constitution practically every day?

Another funeral for The Onion, please.

619 dog philosopher  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 1:02:18pm


it just happened that i had already scheduled the meeting with the fancy dating service that particular day. less than a week later i was already at the dinner arranged by them where i met my (now ex) wife

so, for me, 9/11 will always mean taking stock of today in regard to the timeline of my marriage

620 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 1:02:28pm

re: #614 HappyWarrior

Yep, that’s very much the case. The conspiracy that amazes me the most though is the Protocols. People still publishing it as fact practically a century after it’s been debunked as a clear Okhrana forgery.

Protocols has a life of its own; that’s one of those conspiracies that’ll probably be floating around forever, despite the fact that it’s been long debunked.

Permutations of it still float around; the Rothschilds, of course, the NWO, the Illuminati, various conspiracies involving the Freemasons, etc.

621 GeneJockey  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 1:02:35pm

re: #613 Dr Lizardo

Indeed. I’m still waiting for the Grand Metaconspiracy.

David Icke took at stab at it, but…….meh. Not so much.

Metaconspiracy? Like, “I never metaconspiracy that made sense!”

Seriously, though, I’ve urged people to start treating Conspiracy Theories the way you would any hypothesis. Hypotheses make predictions, so what does any particular conspiracy theory predict? The big problem with just about all of them is that they require hundreds, even thousands of people to all keep the secret.

Global Warming a hoax? Then thousands of scientists and all their post docs, grad students, and RAs ALL know the truth, and NOT ONE has come forward to expose it.

CIA and FBI killed JFK for LBJ? All those folks who had to have been in on it, and not one confessed on his deathbed?

622 Feline Fearless Leader  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 1:04:22pm

re: #609 Dr Lizardo

And whenever a conspiracy theory is debunked, it simply serves as proof to the conspiracist that an even greater conspiracy is at work.

“When the Light of the Endless was drawn in the form of a straight line in the Void… it was not drawn and extended immediately downwards, indeed it extended slowly — that is to say, at first the Line of Light began to extend and at the very start of its extension in the secret of the Line it was drawn and shaped into a wheel, perfectly circular all around.”

623 EPR-radar  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 1:04:27pm

re: #617 Political Atheist

Thanks for retracting the troll comment.
Donna is a fierce advocate for the 2nd. As I am. And we both welcome the advocacy, the training, the safety programs from the NRA. We are both ex members, and quite upset at the reign of Wayne. We both want universal registration. And an end to the often over the top commentary that both sides indulge pretty regularly.

The fact that the Gun Owners of America apparently exists to make LaPierre et al. at the NRA look sane does not bode well.

More generally, I can’t think of a single US hot-button issue which hasn’t radicalized significantly in the past few decades.

624 Feline Fearless Leader  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 1:04:58pm

re: #613 Dr Lizardo

Indeed. I’m still waiting for the Grand Metaconspiracy.

David Icke took at stab at it, but…….meh. Not so much.

The Templars are involved in *all* of them.

625 GeneJockey  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 1:07:09pm

re: #624 Feline Fearless Leader

The Templars are involved in *all* of them.

Working hand in hand with the Trilateral Commission, no doubt, and depending on the degree of antisemitism the Rothschilds, or maybe just ‘international bankers’.

626 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 1:07:17pm

re: #621 GeneJockey

Metaconspiracy? Like, “I never metaconspiracy that made sense!”

Seriously, though, I’ve urged people to start treating Conspiracy Theories the way you would any hypothesis. Hypotheses make predictions, so what does any particular conspiracy theory predict? The big problem with just about all of them is that they require hundreds, even thousands of people to all keep the secret.

Global Warming a hoax? Then thousands of scientists and all their post docs, grad students, and RAs ALL know the truth, and NOT ONE has come forward to expose it.

CIA and FBI killed JFK for LBJ? All those folks who had to have been in on it, and not one confessed on his deathbed?

All very true; but to a true conspiracist, the very fact that none of their conspiracies bear fruit is simply proof of a conspiracy far wider than they had initially anticipated or imagined.

628 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 1:09:10pm

re: #627 Kragar

Russian Lawmaker: Children Are Better Off In Orphanage Than With A Gay Parent

Scott Lively and Bryan Fischer concur: Announce they will be moving to the “Land of Freedom”, Russia, forthwith.

629 GeneJockey  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 1:09:17pm

re: #626 Dr Lizardo

All very true; but to a true conspiracist, the very fact that none of their conspiracies bear fruit is simply proof of a conspiracy far wider than they had initially anticipated or imagined.

Right, because conspiracists mistake inability to think critically for wisdom.

630 Decatur Deb  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 1:09:58pm

re: #624 Feline Fearless Leader

The Templars are involved in *all* of them.

Templars are just backwater Eurotrash Gnostics.

631 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 1:10:20pm

re: #610 HappyWarrior

Treason is a very serious allegation yet these guys like to throw the word around like it’s trivial. Fucking morons. I wish Beck would stop comparing everything to the Nazis too. I mean, I get it, you’re fascinated by the Third Reich Glenn, many of us are, that doesn’t mean we see everyone we dislike as the heirs do the Nazis and that even includes Glenn Beck even though I detest everything Beck stands for.

But Ed Snowden is a hero to them.

632 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 1:11:15pm

re: #629 GeneJockey

Right, because conspiracists mistake inability to think critically for wisdom.

People who possess critical thinking are part of the conspiracy. Indeed, critical thinking itself is often anathema to a good many conspiracists.

633 A Mom Anon  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 1:11:22pm

re: #572 GeneJockey

Big hugs to you and the kiddos. I just had a day like you described with The Teenager. And immediately felt like a jerk. Not the first time, won’t be the last either. I always hear the little fish in Finding Nemo, Dori(?) singsonging”Just keep Swimming, Just Keep Swimming” on days like this one. gah.

634 dog philosopher  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 1:14:04pm


it’s natural that americans experience anything they aren’t directly involved in as TV

night after night after 9/11, i came home to watch the TV stations unable to do anything else but run, rerun, and run yet again ghostly, unedited, and uncommented raw footage of the disaster, like a nightmare you couldn’t wake up from

people screaming and running down the street ahead of a monstrous dust cloud. the woman who was grabbed by store clerks and pulled into the store just before the dust cloud hit, hysterical and shouting the whole time, finally repeating “you saved my life you saved my life”. the people watching from a nearby apartment, suddenly waxing hysterical when the second plane hit and what looked like a horrible accident suddenly became an uncanny, inconceivable international act of aggression ohmygod ohmygod somebody is ATTACKING us!!! Shocked dust covered survivors tramping down a side street wondering what to do next…

635 gwangung  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 1:14:39pm

re: #621 GeneJockey

Metaconspiracy? Like, “I never metaconspiracy that made sense!”

Seriously, though, I’ve urged people to start treating Conspiracy Theories the way you would any hypothesis. Hypotheses make predictions, so what does any particular conspiracy theory predict?


There are implications and side effects to these things, just like in criminal forensics, certain methods of assault/crime have undeniable effects that leave evidence that you can examine. If you don’t see the evidence that MUST be there, then it most likely didn’t happen.

636 GeneJockey  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 1:15:28pm

re: #633 A Mom Anon

Big hugs to you and the kiddos. I just had a day like you described with The Teenager. And immediately felt like a jerk. Not the first time, won’t be the last either. I always hear the little fish in Finding Nemo, Dori(?) singsonging”Just keep Swimming, Just Keep Swimming” on days like this one. gah.

In moments of despair, I think about it, and I realize - he’s not doing drugs, he’s not living under a bridge, he’s not a skinhead, he’s not violent, etc. There are SO MANY worse things that he could be. And he’s sweet, and funny, and brilliant, and loving.

637 GeneJockey  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 1:16:48pm

re: #632 Dr Lizardo

People who possess critical thinking are part of the conspiracy. Indeed, critical thinking itself is often anathema to a good many conspiracists.

“You gotta open your eyes, man!”

638 sattv4u2  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 1:16:54pm

re: #634 dog philosopher


I can tell you from someone that’s in the broadcast business, as much footage as the networks did show, it was heavily edited

All that day (and the days that followed) I saw raw footage live, unedited, from multiple sources on site

639 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 1:18:10pm

re: #637 GeneJockey

“You gotta open your eyes, man!”

I’ve been told that before - those exact words.

I responded, “Sounds to me like you’ve opened your eyes so much, your brain fell out.”

640 Feline Fearless Leader  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 1:19:05pm

re: #630 Decatur Deb

Templars are just backwater Eurotrash Gnostics.

But when they finish comprehending telluric currents *they* will be the supreme beings!


641 GeneJockey  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 1:20:29pm

re: #640 Feline Fearless Leader

But when they finish comprehending telluric currents *they* will be the supreme beings!


Then they’ll battle with the Obama Cyborgs of Alex Jones’ imagination for domination of the planet!

Hey, who knew ‘Obamabot’ would turn out to be a real thing?

642 Feline Fearless Leader  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 1:20:45pm

re: #639 Dr Lizardo

I’ve been told that before - those exact words.

I responded, “Sounds to me like you’ve opened your eyes so much, your brain fell out.”

There is probably a Terry Gilliam animation from the Monty Pythons days to cover that event.

643 Feline Fearless Leader  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 1:21:33pm

re: #641 GeneJockey

Then they’ll battle with the Obama Cyborgs of Alex Jones’ imagination for domination of the planet!

Hey, who knew ‘Obamabot’ would turn out to be a real thing?

Sorcerers vs Robots - but for real this time!

644 A Mom Anon  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 1:21:55pm

re: #636 GeneJockey

Mine too. I hear parents of 19 yr olds lamenting what little shits their kids are to them and I kinda smile. My son tells me he loves me every day and isn’t afraid to even put an arm around me in public. He’s a little metalhead, with long hair and a lot of people think he’s a dope smoking criminal, but I’ve seen him walk away from drugs and alcohol more than once. Goes to concerts, passes joints on to the next guy, says he’s not even interested. He’s got the biggest heart of anyone I think I’ve ever known. Yeah, it could be a lot worse. Aspergers is just a bump in the road, kind of a big bump, but not a mountain range.

645 GeneJockey  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 1:26:13pm

re: #644 A Mom Anon

Mine too. I hear parents of 19 yr olds lamenting what little shits their kids are to them and I kinda smile. My son tells me he loves me every day and isn’t afraid to even put an arm around me in public. He’s a little metalhead, with long hair and a lot of people think he’s a dope smoking criminal, but I’ve seen him walk away from drugs and alcohol more than once. Goes to concerts, passes joints on to the next guy, says he’s not even interested. He’s got the biggest heart of anyone I think I’ve ever known. Yeah, it could be a lot worse. Aspergers is just a bump in the road, kind of a big bump, but not a mountain range.

I think many parents of kids On The Spectrum get stuck in thinking that their child will always be like they are when diagnosed. But it gets better. I was trying to explain this to someone, that the social aspect of Aspergers is largely about having to learn human interaction in a different manner from how everyone else learns it - more academically than by osmosis. But they learn it, they grow up, they’re not stuck.

I also think that a lot of people who do dangerous shit like chelation, then say, ‘It helped him so much!’ are just experiencing that, and misinterpreting it.

646 Backwoods_Sleuth  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 2:02:15pm

re: #534 Vicious Babushka

Wingnuts keep Tweeting this photo to show their “2 Million Bikers Ride” but DC media does not show any swarms of bikers.

Where is this photo from, specifically? The exit sign says “Mt. Zion” isn’t that in Utah?

It’s from Frederick County, MD, on August 19, 2011. There were 1,800 motorcycles stretching 16 miles, heading to Ground Zero for a memorial. It was called the “Never Forget Ride”.

ETA: ooops…I see Gus already caught that.

647 AlexRogan  Wed, Sep 11, 2013 2:43:42pm

re: #188 Donna Ballard

You have no idea what your talking about. The NRA does not give guns to anyone! They simply back our 2nd amendment rights, which you obviously do not. I will not get into a gun rights fight with you or anyone else but until you truly understand what the NRA stands for you should not throw stones in a glass house. NOW I am logging out so I don’t loose my temper with your ignorance and ridiculous rhetoric. Goodbye!

‘leftynyc’ may have went a bit hard on the hyperbole, but I have to respectfully disagree with your response. The NRA hasn’t been a sane advocate for gun owners and gun safety in many years; one has to look no farther than the NRA’s executive vice president, Wayne LaPierre, waste of skin that he is. IN fact, the NRA has become so co-opted by the firearms industry, they’ve become a defacto marketing organization, pimping fear, disaster, and the ever-present boogieman of “THE GUBMINT IS COMIN TO TAKE OUR GUNZ!!!!ty” to sell ever-increasing amounts of their wares to the membership (and beyond).

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