Acoustic Beauty: Daniel Padim, “Flying With White Wings”

Music • Views: 18,085


Music from the album Legitimate by Daniel Padim. Mixed and Mastered by Daniel Padim.
Guitar Tabs & Mp3s/CDs available at
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***This song is a fantasy upon a theme by Gonzaga, and was composed by Daniel Padim as a crossover between the pop fingerstyle and the baião (a Brazilian northeast’s traditional style.

Video credits:
Filmed by Vitoria Rossi (external scene)
Filmed by Estevão Padim/Erik Brito (internal scene)

Directed by Samuel Huh
Screenplay by Daniel Padim
Color graded by Daniel Padim
Edited by Daniel Padim

Production crew:
Augusto Gabriel, Pedro Alcantara, Matheus Alcantara, Valnan Claret
Video thumbnail designed by Sophia Carreiro.
Audio recorded at Fingerstudio:

Daniel uses:
Woodwinds Pickup System:
Novaes Guitars:
Santo Angelo Cables:
Ernie Ball Strings:

Long Live to Bing Forrest.

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Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 3, 2021 • 9:34:13pm

Sorry, I had to carry this over from downstairs. It’s too delicious a thought.

re: #80 austin_blue

Well, Drumpf has finally shot himself to pieces. There’s no amount of spit and duct tape that is going to hold his corpulent plotz in one piece. He is, as they say in Scotland, “Well and truly deed.”

God is an iron, and what killed him was a “perfect call” to the Georgia SoS. His previous “perfect call” to Ukraine last year got him impeached in late 2019, but you will notice that very few in the same Senate that refused to convict him a year ago are rushing to defend him after listening to the whole tape.

And the best part? He just killed R turnout in GA on Tuesday.

I think we’ll take both seats and Yertl the Turtle will be a minority leader for the next two years.

Night all, sweet dreams.

I’m interested to see what happens or of AZ WI PA and MI in the coming days because he didn’t just have this chat when with Georgia.

I think he shot himself in the foot totally, because if any of those states come to fuck with the votes, it’ll be a really BFD because this came out in GA.

And I’m loving it!

🌹UOJB!  Jan 3, 2021 • 9:42:37pm

We know that Trump was on a conference call with a whole bunch of state legislators trying to overturn the election. And that call did include idiots from PA.

It’s going to be a bloody Wednesday in DC because the MAGATS are going to be there with their guns…

TarHellion  Jan 3, 2021 • 9:45:36pm

re: #2 🌹UOJB!

I fully expect these fascists will try to prevent Democratic representatives and senators from making it to the Capitol. FFVCS has declared civil war and he is going to execute it.

DodgerFan1988  Jan 3, 2021 • 10:00:04pm
Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 3, 2021 • 10:17:10pm

I think it’s funny Trump believed a “fair count of legal votes” would conveniently give him JUST enough to win.

How about that?


LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Jan 3, 2021 • 10:17:18pm

re: #4 DodgerFan1988

[Embedded content]

I mean they’re the ones acknowledging they think all Mexicans are illegals. That is racism. And yeah it fucking is racist especially given there are quite a few prominent right wing talking heads who were illegal immigrants themselves. That dipshit Derbyshire comes to mind.

TarHellion  Jan 3, 2021 • 10:22:55pm

So by the Fascist Party rationale, the 91st Congress - consisting of 243 Democrats in the House and 57 Democrats in the Senate - could have voided Nixon’s “election” and appointed Humphrey as president. This is the road that Cruz, Hawley, et al want us to go.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Jan 3, 2021 • 10:26:33pm

re: #7 TarHellion

So by the Fascist Party rationale, the 91st Congress - consisting of 243 Democrats in the House and 57 Democrats in the Senate - could have voided Nixon’s “election” and appointed Humphrey as president. This is the road that Cruz, Hawley, et al want us to go.

It’s so dangerous what they’re doing.

Hecuba's daughter  Jan 3, 2021 • 10:29:26pm

re: #5 Eclectic Cyborg

I think it’s funny Trump believed a “fair count of legal votes” would conveniently give him JUST enough to win.

How about that?


I don’t think that was what he was alleging. His claim was that he won the state by hundreds of thousands of votes and that all Georgia needed to do was scrounge around and find sufficient ones of these to accord him a victory; he didn’t need all the extra votes he won — they only needed to track down enough of them. As always, he is lying about everything, but his general arguments could very well meet some success in other states. Remember how those two Michigan Wayne County Republicans initially weren’t going to certify their votes and then, after hearing from Trump, tried to rescind their certification. White supremacy runs strong in the Republican Party. Until Wednesday is finished and the votes tallied properly, I am holding my breath.

A hollow voice says, 25th my ass, impeach!  Jan 3, 2021 • 10:36:58pm

re: #1 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Sorry, I had to carry this over from downstairs. It’s too delicious a thought.

I’m interested to see what happens or of AZ WI PA and MI in the coming days because he didn’t just have this chat when with Georgia.

I think he shot himself in the foot totally, because if any of those states come to fuck with the votes, it’ll be a really BFD because this came out in GA.

And I’m loving it!

Wasn’t it Pennsylvanian officials that he invited to the White House a while back? I expect he had “the talk” with them at that time.

Decatur Deb  Jan 3, 2021 • 10:58:05pm

It’s 0059, and I’ve just finished the first coffee of the day. That’s why a year is so long.

Dread Pirate Ron  Jan 3, 2021 • 11:23:46pm
Dread Pirate Ron  Jan 3, 2021 • 11:27:01pm
ckkatz  Jan 3, 2021 • 11:28:59pm

My brother just forwarded me a bunch of jpgs. And for some reason this one cracked me up

Dread Pirate Ron  Jan 3, 2021 • 11:30:05pm
sagehen  Jan 3, 2021 • 11:41:59pm

re: #14 ckkatz

My brother just forwarded me a bunch of jpgs. And for some reason this one cracked me up

[Embedded content]

was that during prohibition?

Dread Pirate Ron  Jan 3, 2021 • 11:46:21pm

Why do they let people who don’t know science write science fiction movies?

ckkatz  Jan 3, 2021 • 11:48:52pm

re: #16 sagehen

That would also be my guess.

A hollow voice says, 25th my ass, impeach!  Jan 3, 2021 • 11:50:57pm

re: #17 Dread Pirate Ron

Why do they let people who don’t know science write science fiction movies?

Because doing good science and good screenwriting don’t overlap much? Why don’t they have someone who knows science look at the stuff once it’s written — that’s what I want to know.

Dread Pirate Ron  Jan 3, 2021 • 11:54:48pm

re: #19 A hollow voice says,1st round on points. Onward!

Their screenwriting isn’t much better.

Dread Pirate Ron  Jan 4, 2021 • 12:16:23am
Dread Pirate Ron  Jan 4, 2021 • 1:47:18am

Back in the 70s my roommate had worked for a Berkeley company that made neurofeedback machines. With electrodes attached to your head you could meditate and drive your brainwaves down to a peaceful state. I thought they would have better things now but most of them are perverted to help you focus your mind. I don’t want that, I want to unfocus and reach the state of OM.


ckkatz  Jan 4, 2021 • 2:06:12am

And bad Dad joke of the Day:

I’m not wearing glasses anymore.
I’ve seen enough.

Dread Pirate Ron  Jan 4, 2021 • 2:07:17am

re: #23 ckkatz

That’s how I feel.

ckkatz  Jan 4, 2021 • 2:10:27am

I sympathize with you.

Now you have me thinking of this song:

Doctor My Eyes

PrairieQueen  Jan 4, 2021 • 2:11:34am

re: #15 Dread Pirate Ron

Lin Wood is shit fucking crazy and the things he says surpass what should be acceptable to stay on Twitter. He needs to be shut down and either get help or spend the rest of the year gagged and fed through a straw. He’s a sick fuck and his sick fantasies are dangerous. And even if he is mentally ill, I’m over it. Fuck him.

Dread Pirate Ron  Jan 4, 2021 • 2:14:06am
ckkatz  Jan 4, 2021 • 2:17:04am

I think it’s time to finally get a little sleep before venturing out into the world. So I will leave you with this thought:

I walked into the liquor store and a guy working there asked me, “Do you need help?”
I said, “Yes, but I’m here to get whiskey instead.”

Dread Pirate Ron  Jan 4, 2021 • 2:19:53am

re: #28 ckkatz

I think it’s time to finally get a little sleep before venturing out into the world. So I will leave you with this thought:

I walked into the liquor store and a guy working there asked me, “Do you need help?”
I said, “Yes, but I’m here to get whiskey instead.”

I wish I had the ability to remember jokes, that’s a good one.

Targetpractice  Jan 4, 2021 • 2:21:16am

re: #27 Dread Pirate Ron

[Embedded content]

They were totally cool with that…when they thought that the only governors he’d force to beg were Dems.

ckkatz  Jan 4, 2021 • 2:24:22am

re: #29 Dread Pirate Ron

But that makes you one of the most valuable audience there is, to any joke teller! You both enjoy jokes and do not remember them.

I think that this means that you are paying forward to every poor soul trying to get a laugh.

Dangerman  Jan 4, 2021 • 2:33:53am
Dread Pirate Ron  Jan 4, 2021 • 2:36:19am
Dread Pirate Ron  Jan 4, 2021 • 2:45:56am

Unlike the rest of the world our California rain falls from November through March. So far this season we’ve had 1.58”.

It looks like another drought year of fires ahead.

Dread Pirate Ron  Jan 4, 2021 • 2:53:23am

That’s why I haven’t posted many Covid number updates since Christmas. Expect to see record numbers starting Tuesday.

Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 2:54:14am

Pelosi should simply legal-blackmail the clowns: they don’t do any circus on the 6th and she won’t spend 2 weeks dragging the GOP through dirt again in the impeachment hearings.

Teukka  Jan 4, 2021 • 3:00:07am

The things one sees in shitposting groups…

Sailor Dune. Yeah. You read right.
Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 3:02:52am

Nonsense, nobody here was jailed, we run the world :P

Teukka  Jan 4, 2021 • 3:06:58am

re: #38 Nyet

Nonsense, nobody here was jailed, we run the world :P

[Embedded content]

Sometimes, I toy with the concept of trolling conspiracy theorists with “We’ve already won! What you’re seeing is the psyops to flush out the stragglers…”

Dread Pirate Ron  Jan 4, 2021 • 3:11:31am

I’m guessing the limpit mine on the Iraqi oil vessel worked as a causus belli.

As the church lady says..

Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 3:11:38am

oh lin

Dread Pirate Ron  Jan 4, 2021 • 3:12:57am

re: #41 Nyet

oh lin

[Embedded content]

Republicans can’t handle the truth!

Dr Lizardo  Jan 4, 2021 • 3:22:04am

re: #41 Nyet

Lin Wood seems to be having a rather public psychotic episode.

Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 3:23:21am

re: #43 Dr Lizardo

Lin Wood seems to be having a rather public psychotic episode.

Thing is, if he kills himself, which can easily happen, that will be “proof” for them.

Dr Lizardo  Jan 4, 2021 • 3:29:33am

re: #44 Nyet

Thing is, if he kills himself, which can easily happen, that will be “proof” for them.

Of course. The Qcumbers and sundry loonies would instantly elevate him to the status of martyr.

Dread Pirate Ron  Jan 4, 2021 • 3:34:55am
TarHellion  Jan 4, 2021 • 3:48:33am

re: #18 ckkatz

Here’s Oversimplified’s cartoon history of Prohibition. His other videos are also informative and funny.

Prohibition - OverSimplified

thedopefishlives  Jan 4, 2021 • 3:56:35am

Morning Lizardim.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 4, 2021 • 3:57:41am

re: #10 A hollow voice says,1st round on points. Onward!

Wasn’t it Pennsylvanian officials that he invited to the White House a while back? I expect he had “the talk” with them at that time.

I think that was pre-all the lawsuits, so I think that’s a different Animal. That was done pretty much right after the delegation from Michigan went for a visit.

Dr Lizardo  Jan 4, 2021 • 4:01:34am

Looks like Julian Assange won’t be extradited to the United States. A British judge ruled against it.

Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 4:07:14am

re: #50 Dr Lizardo

Looks like Julian Assange won’t be extradited to the United States. A British judge ruled against it.

As much as I want Assange to suffer, and suffering due to the Trump admin actions would have been darkly ironic, that’s a good decision. He’s not a US citizen, has no allegiance to the US he could have betrayed, and in light of this the extent of his alleged crime doesn’t justify him being extradited for a trial by an American court.

thedopefishlives  Jan 4, 2021 • 4:07:20am

re: #50 Dr Lizardo

Looks like Julian Assange won’t be extradited to the United States. A British judge ruled against it.

Disappointing, but I also can’t really argue with the judge’s logic, either. Between coronavirus and our complete lack of safeguards (mental health or otherwise) in the federal prison system, shipping him here would effectively be a death sentence of one kind or another.

Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 4:09:45am

I understand e. g. being extradited for murder or something like that. But all those hacking/”espionage” things… should American hackers be extradited to NK, Iran or Russia?

thedopefishlives  Jan 4, 2021 • 4:14:07am

I tried googling “Majority States Delegations” and got nothing, but what I’m guessing is that this guy is angling for the installation of a shadow government by virtue of the fact that there are more Republican states in the House/Senate than there are Democratic states. Using the power of this shadow government, wharrgarbl override the electoral vote and appoint Trump as President-for-life. These people are… very deranged.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 4, 2021 • 4:15:20am

re: #51 Nyet

As much as I want Assange to suffer, and suffering due to the Trump admin actions would have been darkly ironic, that’s a good decision. He’s not a US citizen, has no allegiance to the US he could have betrayed, and in light of this the extent of his alleged crime doesn’t justify him being extradited for a trial by an American court.

Had the US some something to manage the coronavirus, he might have been extradited. Now it could be a death sentence, just coming here.

Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 4:16:59am

re: #54 thedopefishlives

[Embedded content]

I tried googling “Majority States Delegations” and got nothing, but what I’m guessing is that this guy is angling for the installation of a shadow government by virtue of the fact that there are more Republican states in the House/Senate than there are Democratic states. Using the power of this shadow government, wharrgarbl override the electoral vote and appoint Trump as President-for-life. These people are… very deranged.

Raiklin seems to be a grifter, even some of his own called him out the first time (PenceCard).

Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 4:17:39am
thedopefishlives  Jan 4, 2021 • 4:17:57am

Oh yeah, and this also happened.

Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 4:18:05am

re: #56 Nyet

Raiklin seems to be a grifter, even some of his own called him out the first time (PenceCard).

(as opposed to a genuine loony)

thedopefishlives  Jan 4, 2021 • 4:18:42am

re: #59 Nyet

(as opposed to a genuine loony)

It’s hard to tell these days; there should be some sort of Poe’s Law for grift vs. lunacy.

Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 4:19:03am

Here’s a new kkkrazy scenario for you, ain’t I smart, GIMME MONEY.

Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 4:20:55am

re: #60 thedopefishlives

It’s hard to tell these days; there should be some sort of Poe’s Law for grift vs. lunacy.

True. For me all signs point to Powell being a genuine loony. Would have said the same about Lin, but his kkkrazy is a bit too specific. Gonna wait and see what his game is.

thedopefishlives  Jan 4, 2021 • 4:22:38am

re: #62 Nyet

True. For me all signs point to Powell being a genuine loony. Would have said the same about Lin, but his kkkrazy is a bit too specific. Gonna wait and see what his game is.

Powell definitely seems to be the Second Coming of Orly Taitz, for sure. Lin I wasn’t sure about from the start; with how batshit-off-the-rails he is these days, I’m leaning more towards genuinely mentally ill. However, per my previous post, it could just as easily be a con.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 4, 2021 • 4:23:49am

re: #62 Nyet

True. For me all signs point to Powell being a genuine loony. Would have said the same about Lin, but his kkkrazy is a bit too specific. Gonna wait and see what his game is.

Wood thinks he’s God or God’s messenger. He’s crazy.

Dr Lizardo  Jan 4, 2021 • 4:25:11am

re: #64 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Wood thinks he’s God or God’s messenger. He’s crazy.

Wood thinks he’s the second coming of Jesus Christ. He’s absofuckinglutely insane.

Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 4:25:12am

re: #63 thedopefishlives

Powell definitely seems to be the Second Coming of Orly Taitz, for sure. Lin I wasn’t sure about from the start; with how batshit-off-the-rails he is these days, I’m leaning more towards genuinely mentally ill. However, per my previous post, it could just as easily be a con.

Mentally ill is an option, yes. I noticed how Dunford praised his court appearance, in which he saved the situation (almost irreparably damaged by Powell) in the short term. That is, for all he writes, he remains a professional lawyer capable of handling cases. How is this possible? Either grift or schizophrenia.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 4, 2021 • 4:26:31am

re: #64 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Wood thinks he’s God or God’s messenger. He’s crazy.

Just in case you hadn’t seen this.

Lin Wood’s Ex-Law Partners Claim He Was Taped Admitting to Assaults, Asserting He May Be ‘Christ Coming Back for Second Time’

Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 4:31:44am

re: #67 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Just in case you hadn’t seen this.

There you go.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 4, 2021 • 4:32:02am

re: #66 Nyet

Mentally ill is an option, yes. I noticed how Dunford praised his court appearance, in which he saved the situation (almost irreparably damaged by Powell) in the short term. That is, for all he writes, he remains a professional lawyer capable of handling cases. How is this possible? Either grift or schizophrenia.

I think you’re equating crazy with inability to function. That’s not the case always. My University offered a psych class on geniuses and mental illness, discussing many incredible people throughout history who were cray-cray.

I’m starting to think Musk falls into that category, too.

Right now, it looks to me like Wood is having some kind of episode. What exactly I don’t know, but those tweets are bugnuts fucking crazy.

Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 4:33:32am

re: #69 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

I think you’re equating crazy with inability to function.

The opposite. It’s an explanation of how he is able to function and hold those beliefs at the same time.

Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 4:35:36am

re: #69 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Right now, it looks to me like Wood is having some kind of episode. What exactly I don’t know, but those tweets are bugnuts fucking crazy.

And yes, they are very specific, non-generic kind. Something one either invents carefully, or “receives in a vision”, if you get my drift. Not simply something that a generic CT believer would write, since they mostly repeat things they’ve heard. What he writes is “new”.

BigPapa  Jan 4, 2021 • 4:36:15am

I read the whole WaPo transcript. Trump is bugfucking deranged. At some point mental issues mix together with heightened ego and they feed upon each other.

I’m more worried about the cult enabling these cretins to keep damaging our systems. There needs to be consequences.

Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 4:37:50am

re: #72 BigPapa

I read the whole WaPo transcript. Trump is bugfucking deranged. At some point mental issues mix together with heightened ego and they feed upon each other.

I’m more worried about the cult enabling these cretins to keep damaging our systems. There needs to be consequences.

From what I’ve read so far by the legal professionals, the chances of a criminal prosecution are not very good at this stage. But maybe further calls come to light.

Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 4:40:05am

There’s yet a third option. He’s being played and fed info by a third party (maybe just for fun; or maybe not).

thedopefishlives  Jan 4, 2021 • 4:41:18am

re: #73 Nyet

From what I’ve read so far by the legal professionals, the chances of a criminal prosecution are not very good at this stage. But maybe further calls come to light.

There was initial speculation that he could have violated Georgia’s election statutes by attempting to coerce Raffensperger, but the legal takes I’ve been reading this morning have been saying that Trump has to have known that he was telling Raffensperger to alter a valid count of votes, and it could be argued - based on the level of detail that Trump himself stated on the call, exact numbers, etc. - that he genuinely believes that the count stated by Georgia officials is false, which would open a defense.

Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 4:41:46am

And I’m not suggesting that this is actually happening, but wouldn’t be a win for a certain intelligence agency to be able to influence an influencer to wreck some havoc?

thedopefishlives  Jan 4, 2021 • 4:44:12am

re: #76 Nyet

And I’m not suggesting that this is actually happening, but wouldn’t be a win for a certain intelligence agency to be able to influence an influencer to wreck some havoc?

BigPapa  Jan 4, 2021 • 4:44:24am

re: #75 thedopefishlives

Yes, I’ve seen the insanity defense argued and it cannot be discounted. Trump truly believes all the deranged conspiracies.

Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 4:47:54am

I mean, someone like Guccifer would be able to supply Lin with some faked pics and convince him of anything.

thedopefishlives  Jan 4, 2021 • 4:48:45am

And now, I commence with my most frequently forgotten New Year’s tasks: Running around and installing new insurance cards in everybody’s wallet/glove compartment. (Health insurance and car insurance)

Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 4:50:31am


thedopefishlives  Jan 4, 2021 • 4:52:31am

re: #81 Nyet


[Embedded content]


Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 4, 2021 • 4:52:35am
thedopefishlives  Jan 4, 2021 • 4:53:08am

re: #80 thedopefishlives

I suppose one could refer to Jan. 1st in my household as the… *ahem* Changing of the Card.

(I’ll see myself out.)

Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 4:56:09am

The Qcumbers are all around the world.

Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 4:57:00am

re: #85 Nyet


Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 5:03:47am
thedopefishlives  Jan 4, 2021 • 5:06:58am

Heh. Mrs. Fish got up this morning, and was interrogating me: “What was with all the doors opening and closing this morning?” I then had to explain the procedure to her, since we have 3 cars, two of which live in the garage, and one of which is over 40 years old and requires a little persuasion to get the door to close properly. I guess I should’ve waited until after the family got up.

BigPapa  Jan 4, 2021 • 5:07:13am

re: #87 Nyet

Arrested for what charge exactly?

‘Insufficient Fealty and Insouciance to God Emperor’

Maxium Penalty, 5 years gulag or death by missile during halftime at SuperbOwl.

steve_davis  Jan 4, 2021 • 5:07:51am

This morning, I slept a bit too late for the cat’s liking, so she pulled her little cat bed out from under my bed, presumably because the acoustics are better, and began making claw-hammer biscuits in it. These are cat biscuits, but making full use of the claws, so that it sounded like someone was popping an infinitely long roll of bubble packaging next to the bed. At first, I thought it was rather cute: “ah, my sweet potato is down there settling in for a nap.” After 5 minutes, I knew it wasn’t ending, and I finally realized it was an hour past breakfast CET (cat estimated time). Up I got. The cat immediately went into play-acting routine: “Oh my god!” (her eyes said) “Did I wake you? I am soooo sorry.” She stayed in her little bed while I hiked my pants on and the shoes. She pretended to be completely aloof to the idea of breakfast until she heard the first kibble hit the tin, at which point she demonstrated that the first second of the universe’s genesis clearly could have occurred at faster-than-light expansion—her face in the bowl in the thousandth-of-a-second before the second kibble hit. Yes, I do love this cat. I am easy to like, hard to love, as middle-age has taught me. For all my faults, she seems damned fond of me.

Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 5:08:03am

re: #89 BigPapa

Arrested for what charge exactly?

‘Insufficient Fealty and Insouciance to God Emperor’

Maxium Penalty, 5 years gulag or death by missile during halftime at SuperbOwl.

Espionage and child trafficking, I presume…

BigPapa  Jan 4, 2021 • 5:12:04am

re: #91 Nyet

Espionage and child trafficking, I presume…

Ah yes. Something nobody could have predicted: tangle with a Q-cumber and they call you a pedo. Because calling somebody a communist or Marxist just doesn’t have the pop that it used to.

Dr Lizardo  Jan 4, 2021 • 5:12:31am

re: #87 Nyet

People are losing their minds. For Donald Trump, FFS. For a spray-tanned, two-bit real-estate conman, steak hustler and wannabe Cosa Nostra “capo di tutti i capi” in an ill-fitting suit.

Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 5:14:46am

re: #93 Dr Lizardo

People are losing their minds. For Donald Trump, FFS. For a spray-tanned, two-bit real-estate conman, steak hustler and wannabe Cosa Nostra “capo di tutti i capi” in an ill-fitting suit.

He’s openly racist, they crave that.

Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 5:15:10am

How do you think Hitler gained his initial popularity.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 4, 2021 • 5:17:26am

re: #90 steve_davis


My morning is now complete.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 4, 2021 • 5:30:07am
Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 5:30:38am
Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 5:44:00am
mmmirele  Jan 4, 2021 • 5:44:47am

This is an op-ed piece, but it’s by a longtime “more centrist to conservative” Arizona Republic columnist, Laurie Roberts.

First step in Kelli Ward’s 2022 Senate run: a nice stomp on John McCain’s grave

Opinion: Having twice lost Senate races, state GOP Chairwoman Kelli Ward appears to be launching her 2022 campaign by courting Trump voters and stomping on the grave of John McCain.

Worth remembering is how, when John McCain announced he was terminally ill, Kelli Ward announced that McCain should resign immediately, so that she, Kelli Ward, could take his seat. She was stomping on McCain’s grave before the guy died.

The whole article is a recounting of Ward’s sins, all the way through to yesterday, when she mixed it up with Meghan McCain on Twitter.

Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 5:46:32am

re: #99 Nyet

IOW, they will be lighting farts.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 4, 2021 • 5:48:07am

I’d imagine that at this point in time the GA Republicans are sick of trump and sick of the death threats there getting.

Dr. Matt  Jan 4, 2021 • 5:49:04am

This is batshit crazy. I still can’t fathom as why this scumbag still has a law license at this point.

Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 5:50:06am

Unless it was a joke (that flopped), it was pretty… let’s say, silly.

thedopefishlives  Jan 4, 2021 • 5:50:13am

re: #103 Dr. Matt

This is batshit crazy. I still can’t fathom as why this scumbag still has a law license at this point.

[Embedded content]

There is a hearing next week to show cause why he shouldn’t get his ass tossed out of a Delaware courtroom. That may be the beginning of the end.

Dr. Matt  Jan 4, 2021 • 5:56:38am

Plane Sightings Fuel Rumors Trump Planning Escape to Scotland on Day Before Biden Inauguration

…a lot of unusual U.S. military activity has been recorded at one airport that just so happens to be very close to President Donald Trump’s flagship Scottish golf resort. In fact, the report states that Prestwick airport has been told to expect the arrival of a U.S. military Boeing 757 plane, one that has reportedly been used by Trump before, on Jan. 19. If that date rings a bell, it’s because it’s the day before Joe Biden’s presidential inauguration.

Layover before he heads to Moscow?

Dr Lizardo  Jan 4, 2021 • 6:00:24am

re: #106 Dr. Matt

There’s a part of me that wouldn’t be surprised one jot if Trump fled the country.

Eric The Fruit Bat  Jan 4, 2021 • 6:01:22am

re: #106 Dr. Matt

I really think he’ll resign 2 days before Jan 20, making Pence the POTUS for just one day so he can pardon Trump and his band of Merry Malevolent Morons.

jeffreyw  Jan 4, 2021 • 6:02:46am

Good morning!

Dr. Matt  Jan 4, 2021 • 6:05:07am

re: #108 Eric The Fruit Bat

I really think he’ll resign 2 days before Jan 20, making Pence the POTUS for just one day so he pan pardon Trump and his band of Merry Malevolent Morons.

12 months ago I might have said that is hyperbole. Today, anything and everything is believable and nothing is far-fetched.

Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 6:10:06am

This lawsuit by LLW’s partners explains some stuff.

The good things start around page 36.

Scribd Document

It’s really good, I promise.

Nojay UK  Jan 4, 2021 • 6:15:17am

re: #106 Dr. Matt

Plane Sightings Fuel Rumors Trump Planning Escape to Scotland on Day Before Biden Inauguration

Prestwick is kinda weird — it’s the only part of the UK, for example, that Elvis Presley ever set foot on (he was flying back to America after completing his military draft service in Germany). Back in the 1960s it was a US Military Airlift Command (MAC) base in part because the Prestwick runway was the longest in Britain and also because it had a rep for being fog-free due to the local microclimate. Nowadays it’s perpetually on the edge of being shut down as it gets little use since Glasgow airport to the north takes most of the regular air traffic. It is used some by airlines to train pilots as well as test-fly aircraft after major refits and the like. Planespotters used to flock there when BA was testing Concordes, for example.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 4, 2021 • 6:15:49am
Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 6:15:52am

“You fucked with the wrong guy. You fucked with Lin Wood. Bad fucking choice”

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 4, 2021 • 6:16:47am

re: #106 Dr. Matt

Plane Sightings Fuel Rumors Trump Planning Escape to Scotland on Day Before Biden Inauguration

[Embedded content]

Layover before he heads to Moscow?

Of all the places trump might go, Scotland is the worst. They hate him.

Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 6:18:13am

re: #114 Nyet

“You are all dumb as hell. I am not.”

PhillyPretzel  Jan 4, 2021 • 6:18:40am

re: #115 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

It could also be a layover point to somewhere else.

Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 6:20:46am

re: #116 Nyet

“God Almighty told me to get you back to where you belong. Broke and essentially homeless….”

“You all better get on your knees and pray to Almighty God that He now asks me to show you mercy. If he does, I will show it, if he does not, I will deliver a fiery judgment against you on earth . Who the fuck did you think you were dealing with? You were screwing around me with, but I was someone else in disguise.You in fact have been screwing around with God Almighty. I am not God. You lied when you told others that I thought I was…. I am L. Lin Wood - the sole member of L. Lin Wood, P.C. The architect of the most masterful and powerful Valentine’s Day massacre known in American history.
The last one killed seven. Mine will ruin many more before it is over. Deservedly so.”

Dr. Matt  Jan 4, 2021 • 6:23:20am

re: #113 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Over the last year (or so), I have noticed that Drudge has been linking a lot to non-right-wing sites such as Mediate, Mother Jones, Politico, The Hill, Daily Beast, etc. It’s encouraging that he has abandoned the gateway-numbnuts of the world [for now], but let’s see what happens over the next 4 years.

Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 6:23:22am

re: #118 Nyet

“You are the ones who are crazy, not me.”

“Buckle up your damn seatbelts. Unless I change my mind under the instructions of God, you are in for the roughest ride of your lives.”

“I bet it’s going to be a long, long time before any of you ever sleep well again.Taylor, you are a damn pussy.”

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo  Jan 4, 2021 • 6:24:34am

re: #115 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Of all the places trump might go, Scotland is the worst. They hate him.

Yeah, I can’t see him trying to flee to Scotland of all places. His own plane, Trump Force One, is also a 757 but it has auxiliary fuel tanks and could make St. Petersburg non-stop from DC. Taking the private plane instead of official transport would eliminate a whole raft of complications for him.

Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 6:26:21am

re: #120 Nyet

Do you see an intelligence service playing a guy like this like a fiddle?

“God has now asked me to refrain for the rest of this night and tomorrow from further profanity. I shall always follow my God’s’s will and never anyone’s on earth, including mine.”

Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 6:30:53am

re: #122 Nyet

“Your best chance for mercy from L. Lin Wood is for you to start pouring the truth on me regarding information on [redacted]/[redacted] by 10:30 AM this morning. Save your child. Save your wife. Save your life….”

“Let me tell you something you little snotty ass son of a bitch. Don’t write me back and tell me you’re taking care of your son. Your son’s looking into the eyes of a damn low life, cheating, lying, probably criminal defendant.”

Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 6:33:01am

re: #123 Nyet

“I’m gonna be a little calmer with you than I have been with Taylor and [redacted] on their voicemail messages, Jonathan Grunberg, you sorry slimy piece of shit.”

“You look in the mirror and you’re gonna see a Chilean Jewish fucking crook.”

Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 6:34:17am

re: #124 Nyet

oh boy, what a rollercoaster

“I know that I am generally recognized as an experienced and skilled lawyer in the
area of First Amendment defamation law. I am also by my own admission, fully
capable of being a dumb ass or worse. Given some of my recent emails and the
filing of a IC3 Complaint Referral Form [with the FBI], the latter description may
be more applicable to me than the former….
The primary purpose of this email is [sic] correct and retract some very hurtful
and false accusations that I recently made against [redacted], [redacted],
[redacted], [redacted], and my current law partners and employees. In the
worse example of a defamer, I published accusatory statements with incomplete
information and out of anger, coupled with a tried brain and body….
Allow me to make clear that in all of the recipients of this email, there is not a
dishonest or criminal bone in any of their bodies. I say this unequivocally and in
direct contradiction to any suggestions or accusations or statements that I may
have made against anyone on this email.”

Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 6:36:17am

re: #125 Nyet

“With the help of [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], and individuals identified by
[redacted], I have now completed an examination of my office computer system,
and while my office computer system was hacked, no accused individual was
involved in any manner in that improper and illegal activity. After careful
examination, no office emails have been deleted or otherwise altered in a manner
that was not intended by authorized users of my system. If I had bothered to undertake the complete examination prior to making my unfounded accusations, I
would never have made the accusations against the individuals….”

Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 6:37:12am

re: #126 Nyet

“For the past several months, particularly since Thanksgiving, I have been
besieged by a variety of individuals, all of whom I love dearly with their own
concerns about my mental health”

mmmirele  Jan 4, 2021 • 6:37:34am

re: #66 Nyet

Mentally ill is an option, yes. I noticed how Dunford praised his court appearance, in which he saved the situation (almost irreparably damaged by Powell) in the short term. That is, for all he writes, he remains a professional lawyer capable of handling cases. How is this possible? Either grift or schizophrenia.

Sorry to be weird about this but I have my reasons. I’m just going to point out that schizophrenia is probably not it, unless he’s gone off his medications. (That said, he’s 68 and really effective medications weren’t developed until the 1990s.) He’s too old for schizophrenia to develop, as that usually occurs in a persons late teens-20s. However, there are other psychoses he could have developed. Or it could be the meth. ///////

/signed I’ve lived with my mother’s schizophrenia for 53 years of my life.

Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 6:37:39am

re: #127 Nyet

“I have assessed my mental health and spent some time with [redacted] discussing it. I am a little crazy, but I’m also mainly sane and possess a healthy mind….”

Dr Lizardo  Jan 4, 2021 • 6:38:30am

re: #119 Dr. Matt

Over the last year (or so), I have noticed that Drudge has been linking a lot to non-right-wing sites such as Mediate, Mother Jones, Politico, The Hill, Daily Beast, etc. It’s encouraging that he has abandoned the gateway-numbnuts of the world [for now], but let’s see what happens over the next 4 years.

I remember a few years back, he used to have a link to KCNA, North Korean news. I’d read it from time to time for a good chuckle. It was the usual bombastic nonsense, combined with how the world totes loves Kim Jong-un (and earlier, Kim Jong-il).

mmmirele  Jan 4, 2021 • 6:41:36am

re: #78 BigPapa

Yes, I’ve seen the insanity defense argued and it cannot be discounted. Trump truly believes all the deranged conspiracies.

That said, and as I told people on Twitter yesterday, just because Mafia Donny floats a successful insanity defense doesn’t mean he walks free. The usual course of affairs is to lock the person up in a secure medical facility and get regular assessments, which appears to have happened with Reagan’s attempted assassin, John Hinckley Jr. (who is now out on a kind of limited release).

Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 6:43:09am

“[talking to himself] “Now stop being mad, Lin. Okay, God.”“

Dr. Matt  Jan 4, 2021 • 6:46:26am

re: #130 Dr Lizardo

I remember a few years back, he used to have a link to KCNA, North Korean news. I’d read it from time to time for a good chuckle. It was the usual bombastic nonsense, combined with how the world totes loves Kim Jong-un (and earlier, Kim Jong-il).

Yeah, I remember that. He would also link to India Times that would publish stories about how much Obama’s vacation to Hawaii cost taxpayers.

Patricia Kayden  Jan 4, 2021 • 6:46:28am

re: #111 Nyet

He’s stark, raving mad. Trump said he would get the “best” people. The best delusional people, I guess.

Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 6:46:55am

re: #132 Nyet

Calling his former law partner’s wife:
“[Redacted] Wilson. You’ve got a handsome little baby boy, I need to see him soon, I know I will. “

Belafon  Jan 4, 2021 • 6:49:17am
Dr. Matt  Jan 4, 2021 • 6:49:33am

If true, Lin and Rudy now both have admitted to possessing child porn

Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 6:49:57am

re: #135 Nyet

now we come to the meaty part

“Defendant Wood had repeatedly voiced his concerns about his misconduct being
disclosed as he feared it would interfere with his imminent receipt of the Presidential Medal of Freedom and appointment as Chief Justice of United States Supreme Court. The latter belief was based, in part, on (1) a decade-plus old “prophecy” Defendant Wood heard in a YouTube video, and (2) a conspiracy theory that Chief Justice Roberts would be revealed to be part of Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking ring and was being blackmailed by liberals to rule in their favor.”

mmmirele  Jan 4, 2021 • 6:50:40am

re: #111 Nyet

This lawsuit by LLW’s partners explains some stuff.

The good things start around page 36.

[Embedded content]

It’s really good, I promise.

OK, I’m going with the meth. /////

Belafon  Jan 4, 2021 • 6:51:05am
Patricia Kayden  Jan 4, 2021 • 6:57:10am

How I felt until Biden was declared the winner.

thedopefishlives  Jan 4, 2021 • 6:58:01am

re: #141 Patricia Kayden

How I felt until Biden was declared the winner.

[Embedded content]

How I feel lowkey every day. It appears that I have a “stress floor” that I can never go below.

Belafon  Jan 4, 2021 • 6:59:59am
Barefoot Grin  Jan 4, 2021 • 7:04:09am

Man, L. Lin Hubbard Wood’s twitter feed really is something. I couldn’t find the quotes Nyet posted, but the real thing is no less crazy.

🌹UOJB!  Jan 4, 2021 • 7:04:52am

Well look who Newsmax hired to be law commentators!

PhillyPretzel  Jan 4, 2021 • 7:07:23am

re: #145 🌹UOJB!

They definitely got that one backwards. The tape was released because DT was the one trying to alter the vote.

Belafon  Jan 4, 2021 • 7:07:27am

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Friday unveiled a package of ethics and legislative reforms for the new Congress set to convene Sunday, including barring former lawmakers convicted of federal crimes from the House floor…

One change angering Republicans is a revision to parliamentary rules that allow the minority to offer an amendment as part of a “Motion to Recommit” after a bill is approved. The new rules allow the minority to demand a vote on whether the bill should be returned to committee without any proposing or debating specific revisions.

House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy on Twitter said the change “just destroyed over 100 years of representation in Congress.”

Democrats said the change would ensure the motion “is no longer used to hijack the legislative process for political gamesmanship.”…

Democrats would make it a violation of the Code of Official Conduct for a lawmaker or employee to disclose the identity of a whistleblower or disseminate manipulated media, including photos and videos, known as “deepfakes.”

The proposed rules would also protect House whistleblowers from retaliation…

Lawmakers would also change “pronouns and familial relationships in the House rules to be gender neutral,”…

Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 4, 2021 • 7:08:44am

Get ready folks, the “real numbers” are coming tonight!


steve_davis  Jan 4, 2021 • 7:11:05am

re: #126 Nyet

“With the help of [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], and individuals identified by
[redacted], I have now completed an examination of my office computer system,
and while my office computer system was hacked, no accused individual was
involved in any manner in that improper and illegal activity. After careful
examination, no office emails have been deleted or otherwise altered in a manner
that was not intended by authorized users of my system. If I had bothered to undertake the complete examination prior to making my unfounded accusations, I
would never have made the accusations against the individuals….”

LOL! “I’m sorry I called you a Chilean Jew Crook. That was unfair to Chileans everywhere.” Okay, no he didn’t say that, but it would be so fitting somehow.

steve_davis  Jan 4, 2021 • 7:15:30am

re: #145 🌹UOJB!

Well look who Newsmax hired to be law commentators!

[Embedded content]

I thought the White House turned out to be the leaking party, right?

Barefoot Grin  Jan 4, 2021 • 7:15:46am

Probably wasn’t great on Trump’s part to hurl abuse at Raffensperger over the last few weeks. He and his family have had to deal with abuse and threats. I wonder if the fact that the WH had to call 18 times to get through to the SoS of GA was because Raffensperger was getting his lawyer and recording equipment ready for what he knew would be a shit show.

thedopefishlives  Jan 4, 2021 • 7:16:06am

Well, something on the internet just asploded. I can no longer reach my company’s Slack service.

PhillyPretzel  Jan 4, 2021 • 7:20:46am

re: #152 thedopefishlives

That does not sound good. I have checked yahoo, amazon and Wiki. They seem to be working.

🌹UOJB!  Jan 4, 2021 • 7:21:03am

re: #152 thedopefishlives

Well, something on the internet just asploded. I can no longer reach my company’s Slack service.

Down Detector shows a big spike in multiple services…

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 4, 2021 • 7:21:32am

Thread. Again. Poor law Twitter.

thedopefishlives  Jan 4, 2021 • 7:27:53am

In reference to Saturday’s phone call and the “settlement agreement” dispute:

Barefoot Grin  Jan 4, 2021 • 7:32:57am
Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo  Jan 4, 2021 • 7:39:01am

As long prophesied, they are turning on each other. Enjoy, lay in lots of popcorn and the beverage of your choice.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Jan 4, 2021 • 7:39:56am

re: #158 Barefoot Grin

[Embedded content]

Got a good feeling about the runoff.

Alephnaught  Jan 4, 2021 • 7:41:06am

re: #106 Dr. Matt

Plane Sightings Fuel Rumors Trump Planning Escape to Scotland on Day Before Biden Inauguration

[Embedded content]

Layover before he heads to Moscow?

From the Sunday Post article linked in the Daily Beast article:

If Trump does fly to Scotland he could be in breach of coronavirus restrictions. Trump Turnberry is effectively closed until February 5 due to Tier 4 rules, according to the resort’s website.

Slightly more nuanced version of this from an article in The National.:

The course is currently closed because of the coronavirus pandemic,

The resort says that they will remain closed until Friday February 5, 2021, “to ensure the health and safety of our guests and associates”.

Currently, under Level 4 restrictions, golf clubs can still allow groups of up to four golfers with no restrictions on number of households to play.

Though, club houses and shops must all close.

… But that was before Scotland’s First Minister announced a full lockdown in Scotland, effective midnight tonight.

[First Minister Nicola Sturgeon] says from tomorrow only a maximum of two people, from two households, will be able to meet outdoors. Children aged 11 and under will not be included, she says.

Non-essential travel into and out of Scotland will not be allowed, she says.

The measures will last till Feb 1st, at the earliest. If Donald Trump is really planning to come over to Scotland, his timing couldn’t be worse.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Jan 4, 2021 • 7:41:52am

re: #159 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo

As long prophesied, they are turning on each other. Enjoy, lay in lots of popcorn and the beverage of your choice.

[Embedded content]

When they realize that Trump has swindled them all, that’s gonna be the best part. No sympathy for these assholes. We’ve warned them that Trump is a selfish asshole who only cares about himself and his own power.

Alephnaught  Jan 4, 2021 • 7:47:34am

re: #115 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Of all the places trump might go, Scotland is the worst. They hate him.

That’s a reference to that one time @JaneyGodley stood outside Trump Turnberry with this sign… (Hidden because NSFW)


Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 4, 2021 • 7:48:46am

re: #161 Alephnaught

It’s well proven Trump doesn’t give a shit about Coronvirus restrictions.

Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 4, 2021 • 7:49:40am

The circular firing squad continues…

thedopefishlives  Jan 4, 2021 • 7:51:14am

I’m waiting for the gold fringe to make an appearance…

nines09  Jan 4, 2021 • 7:54:53am


Dr Lizardo  Jan 4, 2021 • 7:55:05am

re: #165 Eclectic Cyborg

The circular firing squad continues…

[Embedded content]

LOL…Donnie’s Depends must be getting close to overflowing.

Alephnaught  Jan 4, 2021 • 7:57:37am

re: #164 Eclectic Cyborg

It’s well proven Trump doesn’t give a shit about Coronvirus restrictions.

Yes, but I’m pretty sure the Scottish Government does, and they will do everything they can to make sure Trump will be in de-facto lockdown inside Turnberry.

Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 4, 2021 • 7:58:45am

16 days until we have a President that isn’t a fucking lunatic.

thedopefishlives  Jan 4, 2021 • 8:00:50am

From another (shorter, not in-depth) thread about the Georgia legal Charlie Foxtrot:

stpaulbear  Jan 4, 2021 • 8:04:32am

re: #99 Nyet


steve_davis  Jan 4, 2021 • 8:05:09am

re: #161 Alephnaught

From the Sunday Post article linked in the Daily Beast article:

Slightly more nuanced version of this from an article in The National.:

… But that was before Scotland’s First Minister announced a full lockdown in Scotland, effective midnight tonight.

The measures will last till Feb 1st, at the earliest. If Donald Trump is really planning to come over to Scotland, his timing couldn’t be worse.

godamnit, “though” is not a conjunctive adverb. Nor is “although.” Stop throwing the damned things on the front of sentences that aren’t actually connected to anything else.

SerialUpDinger  Jan 4, 2021 • 8:06:39am

From the Internet

GlutenFreeJesus  Jan 4, 2021 • 8:07:28am

So. Assange won’t be extradited to the US based on “health issues”. Let’s say he was extradited here. Being a foreigner, could Trump pardon him anyway?

PhillyPretzel  Jan 4, 2021 • 8:08:44am

re: #175 GlutenFreeJesus

DT will try.

GlutenFreeJesus  Jan 4, 2021 • 8:12:33am

re: #176 PhillyPretzel

DT will try.

Yup. That’s why I’m not buying the bad health excuse.

Dr. Matt  Jan 4, 2021 • 8:13:23am

re: #165 Eclectic Cyborg

The circular firing squad continues…

LOL. Please tell me “Surrender Caucus” is trending. How perfect. Happy New Year.

Alephnaught  Jan 4, 2021 • 8:13:30am

re: #173 steve_davis

godamnit, “though” is not a conjunctive adverb. Nor is “although.” Stop throwing the damned things on the front of sentences that aren’t actually connected to anything else.

Yeah, it’s strange that the tabloid Sunday Post article was better written than The National equivalent.

Dr. Matt  Jan 4, 2021 • 8:18:00am

re: #161 Alephnaught

If Donald Trump is really planning to come over to Scotland, his timing couldn’t be worse.

In other words, he would be doing what he does best: being a complete shitshow.

Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 4, 2021 • 8:19:20am

re: #180 Dr. Matt

In other words, he would be doing what he does best: being a complete shitshow.

Because he cares about absolutely nothing and no one EXCEPT himself.

darthstar  Jan 4, 2021 • 8:22:27am

re: #161 Alephnaught

The measures will last till Feb 1st, at the earliest. If Donald Trump is really planning to come over to Scotland, his timing couldn’t be worse.

Add to that Scotland is investigating Turnberry for possible money laundering.

darthstar  Jan 4, 2021 • 8:24:15am

Hey everyone…happy new year. Man that tape of Trump was a doozy. First time listening to him for more than 2 minutes - a full hour of unfiltered crazy, from ranting about crowd size to threatening to kill political careers to pathetically begging for election fraud.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 4, 2021 • 8:24:26am
Hecuba's daughter  Jan 4, 2021 • 8:25:16am

re: #75 thedopefishlives

There was initial speculation that he could have violated Georgia’s election statutes by attempting to coerce Raffensperger, but the legal takes I’ve been reading this morning have been saying that Trump has to have known that he was telling Raffensperger to alter a valid count of votes, and it could be argued - based on the level of detail that Trump himself stated on the call, exact numbers, etc. - that he genuinely believes that the count stated by Georgia officials is false, which would open a defense.

Trump doesn’t believe anything; he lies about everything and has always gotten away with it. His own lawyers would not let him testify to Mueller because they knew he would lie. He doesn’t genuinely believe the voter fraud — he is just trying to get his marks to believe it. He is a con man par excellence. The longer he remains free to promulgate his lies the more danger the nation is in. I am rooting for a fatal heart attack to take him out since our legal system to date has been totally ineffective in stopping him or in persuading his cult that he has committed any crimes.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 4, 2021 • 8:26:29am
🌹UOJB!  Jan 4, 2021 • 8:27:22am

re: #186 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

The Gong Show Eunice Higgins Feelings

A hollow voice says, 25th my ass, impeach!  Jan 4, 2021 • 8:32:02am

re: #109 jeffreyw

[Embedded content]

Good morning!

Western good morning!

A wacky flower to suit the incoming week
TedStriker  Jan 4, 2021 • 8:33:24am

re: #185 Hecuba’s daughter

Trump doesn’t believe anything; he lies about everything and has always gotten away with it. His own lawyers would not let him testify to Mueller because they knew he would lie. He doesn’t genuinely believe the voter fraud — he is just trying to get his marks to believe it. He is a con man par excellence. The longer he remains free to promulgate his lies the more danger the nation is in. I am rooting for a fatal heart attack to take him out since our legal system to date has been totally ineffective in stopping him or in persuading his cult that he has committed any crimes.

Or a SMOD…

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 4, 2021 • 8:35:29am
danarchy  Jan 4, 2021 • 8:36:19am

Man we thought the US vaccine rollout was slow with a million in the first week. The French apparently only managed about 500 in their first week.

Hecuba's daughter  Jan 4, 2021 • 8:37:46am

re: #189 TedStriker

Or a SMOD…

SMOD may harm innocent bystanders. Heart attack though — that would be him only.

sagehen  Jan 4, 2021 • 8:41:37am

re: #177 GlutenFreeJesus

Yup. That’s why I’m not buying the bad health excuse.

I buy it.

Coronavirus is spreading through our prisons even faster than it is through meat-packing plants.

Dr Lizardo  Jan 4, 2021 • 8:43:50am

re: #191 danarchy

Man we thought the US vaccine rollout was slow with a million in the first week. The French apparently only managed about 500 in their first week.

Here in Czech Republic, PM Babiš (the local version of Donald Trump and a notorious micromanager) announced last week that he was gonna be in charge of the vaccination program.

Yesterday, he reckoned everyone here (about 10.5 million people) should be vaccinated by July, 2023.

July 2023. 🙄

wrenchwench  Jan 4, 2021 • 8:47:30am

re: #193 sagehen

I buy it.

Coronavirus is spreading through our prisons even faster than it is through meat-packing plants.

I think prisoners should get early vaccinations, because it’s the right thing to do. Start with Rikers. then put Assange there.

thedopefishlives  Jan 4, 2021 • 8:48:40am
A Cranky One  Jan 4, 2021 • 8:51:38am

re: #185 Hecuba’s daughter

Trump doesn’t believe anything; he lies about everything and has always gotten away with it. His own lawyers would not let him testify to Mueller because they knew he would lie.He doesn’t genuinely believe the voter fraud — he is just trying to get his marks to believe it. He is a con man par excellence. The longer he remains free to promulgate his lies the more danger the nation is in. I am rooting for a fatal heart attack to take him out since our legal system to date has been totally ineffective in stopping him or in persuading his cult that he has committed any crimes.

While Trump may have known his claims of fraud were false, revising history and treating the revised history as truth is one mechanism narcissists use to avoid responsibility. At this point, I’m sure he’s convinced himself that his claims are true.

PhillyPretzel  Jan 4, 2021 • 8:52:21am

This is a hoot. I just got two envelopes from a research firm with a must respond date of (drum roll please) Dec 31, 2020. These are going into the circular file.

🌹UOJB!  Jan 4, 2021 • 8:52:40am

re: #196 thedopefishlives

[Embedded content]

Why won’t even a single judge sanction these asshole lawyers filing these insane lawsuits for His Ass-Holeyness?

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jan 4, 2021 • 8:52:45am

re: #197 A Cranky One

His business model calls for him to be able to claim that he fought and is still fighting to be our Lawfully Elected President.

jaunte  Jan 4, 2021 • 8:52:51am

re: #171 thedopefishlives

That Kurt Hilbert signature looks like it came from one of Saul Steinberg’s official document parodies:

thedopefishlives  Jan 4, 2021 • 8:54:03am

re: #197 A Cranky One

While Trump may have known his claims of fraud were false, revising history and treating the revised history as truth is one mechanism narcissists use to avoid responsibility. At this point, I’m sure he’s convinced himself that his claims are true.

And regardless of whether he genuinely believes it or not, it is a defense that they can provide to try to avoid being charged under the election statutes. “Your Honor, look at how much detail the President cited - unassisted - regarding these claims. He obviously believes it’s true and that he is acting in good faith. Please don’t send him to Reidsville.”

thedopefishlives  Jan 4, 2021 • 8:54:29am

re: #199 🌹UOJB!

Why won’t even a single judge sanction these asshole lawyers filing these insane lawsuits for His Ass-Holeyness?

That was the shot. Chaser:

Semper Fi  Jan 4, 2021 • 8:55:16am

After Trump’s call to the Georgia Secretary of State was exposed I’m thinking the entire GOP is busy consulting the “Double Down Handbook.”

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 4, 2021 • 9:02:02am

re: #198 PhillyPretzel

This is a hoot. I just got two envelopes from a research firm with a must respond date of (drum roll please) Dec 31, 2020. These are going into the circular file.

Are there prepaid return envelopes? If so, consider sending them back saying “not delivered until 1/4”

REPUBLICANS fuck up everything they touch.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Jan 4, 2021 • 9:02:52am

re: #204 Semper Fi

After Trump’s call to the Georgia Secretary of State was exposed I’m thinking the entire GOP is busy consulting the “Double Down Handbook.”

The whole “Raffenberger is a snitch” shit. Seriously where’s Bob Blakey to show us how we can get the Trump org on RICO because that’s all this is. It’s a criminal enterprise and the Dim Don is in charge.

PhillyPretzel  Jan 4, 2021 • 9:03:31am

re: #205 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

No return envelope. It is okay.

The Ghost of a Flea  Jan 4, 2021 • 9:06:26am

People are attributing Lin Wood’s statements to delusion or schizophrenia, but what I get from reading him is…grandiosity and a deep enjoyment of the power he views himself as wielding. It is both enjoyable and useful to believe, and present to others, that ones enemies are beings of ultimate depravity. In this he is no different than Trump, or Trump’s followers, or the Republican cadre that ginned up WMDs in Iraq. And both are descendants of the cultural frame-job at the heart of European anti-Semitism: it’s not just the tropes that have filtered through, the function remains the same.

It’s like L Ron Hubbard, at any particular moment in his career it’s hard to discern where the line between bullshit and sincere belief is: the two are not poles because sufficient narcissism means that you can wander from one state to another and never acknowledge the shifts.

Interesting Times  Jan 4, 2021 • 9:10:02am

re: #38 Nyet

Nonsense, nobody here was jailed, we run the world :P

[Embedded content]

Some of us appear to have been caught, though:

plansbandc  Jan 4, 2021 • 9:12:43am

re: #195 wrenchwench

I firmly agree. But this is the United States. Our country hates prisoners and thinks they aren’t punished enough. Guaranteed that the majority is happy they are getting Covid and hope they die.

A Cranky One  Jan 4, 2021 • 9:13:53am

thecommodore  Jan 4, 2021 • 9:14:56am

re: #8 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

It’s so dangerous what they’re doing.

And Nancy sat all 140 of those fuckers.

Dr. Matt  Jan 4, 2021 • 9:15:12am

re: #211 A Cranky One

[Embedded content]

Or have rando boat and/or monster truck parades in his honor.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jan 4, 2021 • 9:16:29am

re: #213 Dr. Matt

Or have rando boat sinkings and/or monster truck parades in his honor.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Jan 4, 2021 • 9:17:48am

re: #211 A Cranky One

[Embedded content]

I promise only ironically to post about “Biden Bus” and to not get his face tattooed on me for my fifth tattoo.

thedopefishlives  Jan 4, 2021 • 9:19:09am

I have an extremely hard time saying, “Thank you, Lindsey Graham,” but…

BigPapa  Jan 4, 2021 • 9:19:56am

This is making me laugh more than it should.

thecommodore  Jan 4, 2021 • 9:21:00am

re: #208 The Ghost of a Flea

People are attributing Lin Wood’s statements to delusion or schizophrenia, but what I get from reading him is…grandiosity and a deep enjoyment of the power he views himself as wielding. It is both enjoyable and useful to believe, and present to others, that ones enemies are beings of ultimate depravity. In this he is no different than Trump, or Trump’s followers, or the Republican cadre that ginned up WMDs in Iraq. And both are descendants of the cultural frame-job at the heart of European anti-Semitism: it’s not just the tropes that have filtered through, the function remains the same.

It’s like L Ron Hubbard, at any particular moment in his career it’s hard to discern where the line between bullshit and sincere belief is: the two are not poles because sufficient narcissism means that you can wander from one state to another and never acknowledge the shifts.

I’m not buying that Lin Wood is nuts. Not yet anyway. I think he’s just saying delusional things because he can make money off it, much like Glenn Beck did back in the day with his chalk board.

The trouble is someone who truly was nuts acted on Beck’s nuttery in 2010, and I fear Wood has been Glenn Beck x 100 in riling up dangerously crazy people with this shit.

Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 9:22:09am

re: #215 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

I promise only ironically to post about “Biden Bus” and to not get his face tattooed on me for my fifth tattoo.

Four Obama tattoos are more than enough, true.

PhillyPretzel  Jan 4, 2021 • 9:23:40am

re: #217 BigPapa

And just looking at that schematic I can tell that a foot switch would indicate that it is for something else and not for 5G.

thedopefishlives  Jan 4, 2021 • 9:25:02am

re: #220 PhillyPretzel

And just looking at that schematic I can tell that a foot switch would indicate that it is for something else and not for 5G.

The schematic that was posted, I believe, was annotated post facto and is not the original that was distributed among the nutters.

PhillyPretzel  Jan 4, 2021 • 9:25:56am

re: #221 thedopefishlives

I am not surprised.

thedopefishlives  Jan 4, 2021 • 9:27:08am

re: #222 PhillyPretzel

I am not surprised.

I will, however, also note that I am not at all in touch with the nutter base, I have no idea if the annotated version is actually what they saw, and reserve the right to be incorrect on this point on account of underestimating their sheer stupidity.

Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 9:27:51am

Do NOT open if you’re eating or about to eat.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Jan 4, 2021 • 9:28:23am

re: #219 Nyet

Four Obama tattoos are more than enough, true.

Haha. Well played. Wonder what happened to that dude who Romney’s campaign logo tattooed on his face.

A Cranky One  Jan 4, 2021 • 9:29:04am

re: #217 BigPapa

This is making me laugh more than it should.

[Embedded content]

After it’s embedded, if you hiccup it changes your voice to sound like Darth Vader.

🌹UOJB!  Jan 4, 2021 • 9:29:19am

re: #208 The Ghost of a Flea

People are attributing Lin Wood’s statements to delusion or schizophrenia, but what I get from reading him is…grandiosity and a deep enjoyment of the power he views himself as wielding. It is both enjoyable and useful to believe, and present to others, that ones enemies are beings of ultimate depravity. In this he is no different than Trump, or Trump’s followers, or the Republican cadre that ginned up WMDs in Iraq. And both are descendants of the cultural frame-job at the heart of European anti-Semitism: it’s not just the tropes that have filtered through, the function remains the same.

It’s like L Ron Hubbard, at any particular moment in his career it’s hard to discern where the line between bullshit and sincere belief is: the two are not poles because sufficient narcissism means that you can wander from one state to another and never acknowledge the shifts.

Oh I was SO TEMPTED to refer to that ass as L. Ron Wood

thedopefishlives  Jan 4, 2021 • 9:29:57am

Another incoming thread about the dumpster fire in Georgia.

🌹UOJB!  Jan 4, 2021 • 9:31:14am

re: #217 BigPapa

This is making me laugh more than it should.

[Embedded content]

Damn does that mean that once I get the microchips in the vaccine I can play the guitar like BB King?

Renaissance_Man  Jan 4, 2021 • 9:32:58am

re: #212 thecommodore

And Nancy sat all 140 of those fuckers.

America has never actually been a democratic republic and should no longer be thought of as such. Instead, it is simply the most democratic of the major empires, both of today and history. It was founded on unequal application of the law and unequal application of the law has been its core principle ever since. It has survived as a society thus far because of its wealth and power, but it will be a terrible dystopia unless it learns to stop accepting treason from people just because they’re white men.

Dr. Matt  Jan 4, 2021 • 9:34:07am

re: #217 BigPapa

This is making me laugh more than it should.

I prefer by covid vaccination contain Ibanez TS808 (or TS9) circuitry….but, that’s just my personal preference.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jan 4, 2021 • 9:34:41am

re: #229 🌹UOJB!

Damn does that mean that once I get the microchips in the vaccine I can play the guitar like BB King?

You will need the ClaptonApp that allows you to set which guitarist you wish to emulate.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Jan 4, 2021 • 9:34:55am
Hecuba's daughter  Jan 4, 2021 • 9:39:12am

re: #197 A Cranky One

While Trump may have known his claims of fraud were false, revising history and treating the revised history as truth is one mechanism narcissists use to avoid responsibility. At this point, I’m sure he’s convinced himself that his claims are true.

I’m not. Cohen’s Disloyal quotes Trump saying something like “I can’t believe how stupid the IRS is” after receiving a $10 million tax refund from them. He is a mob boss and they have great expertise in lying. He knows exactly what he is doing.

wrenchwench  Jan 4, 2021 • 9:39:39am

re: #227 🌹UOJB!

Oh I was SO TEMPTED to refer to that ass as L. Ron Wood

I, for one, am glad you did not.

Ronnie Wood & Slash_Stay with me, Flying (Live London)

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Jan 4, 2021 • 9:40:54am
Nyet  Jan 4, 2021 • 9:41:46am

re: #234 Hecuba’s daughter

I’m not. Cohen’s Disloyal quotes Trump saying something like “I can’t believe how stupid the IRS is” after receiving a $10 million tax refund from them. He is a mob boss and they have great expertise in lying. He knows exactly what he is doing.

Me, I just say: let the FBI investigate. If he has done nothing wrong, as MAGAts like to say, he’s got nothing to fear. /

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Jan 4, 2021 • 9:43:14am
Barefoot Grin  Jan 4, 2021 • 9:43:31am

re: #217 BigPapa

This is making me laugh more than it should.

[Embedded content]

It’s actaully the “waza” chip that’s implanted. ///

thedopefishlives  Jan 4, 2021 • 9:44:00am

re: #236 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n😷Trips

[Embedded content]

He also took on a cow. That’s a real profile in courage, there.

PhillyPretzel  Jan 4, 2021 • 9:45:21am

That was odd. I tried to refresh the screen and was told I am not connected to the internet. So I shut down the computer and rebooted and it is working again. I hate when that happens.

Dr. Matt  Jan 4, 2021 • 9:45:55am

re: #236 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n😷Trips

Nunes is trying to sue a fake cow. Enough said.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Jan 4, 2021 • 9:50:23am
Dr. Matt  Jan 4, 2021 • 9:52:53am

An actual google ad on Raw Story.

Eventual Carrion  Jan 4, 2021 • 9:55:08am

re: #232 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

You will need the ClaptonApp that allows you to set which guitarist you wish to emulate.

I’ve got Peavey Vypyr VIP 3 Guitar Modeling Amp for that. So many different voices in that puppy.

A Cranky One  Jan 4, 2021 • 9:59:17am

re: #234 Hecuba’s daughter

I’m not. Cohen’s Disloyal quotes Trump saying something like “I can’t believe how stupid the IRS is” after receiving a $10 million tax refund from them. He is a mob boss and they have great expertise in lying. He knows exactly what he is doing.

The difference is whether there is narcistic injury or not. In this case, being perceived as a loser would cause severe injury. The focus becomes who or what to blame to avoid responsibility. That deflection becomes the truth to the narcissist; their protective shield. They believe their own lies.

stpaulbear  Jan 4, 2021 • 10:13:07am

re: #220 PhillyPretzel

Here’s a schematic for a crossover. CROSSOVER! Can’t you see what they’re trying to do to you?

Eric The Fruit Bat  Jan 4, 2021 • 10:16:31am

re: #208 The Ghost of a Flea

He could very well be on a manic phase for bipolar I disorder.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Jan 4, 2021 • 11:15:05am

re: #121 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo

Yeah, I can’t see him trying to flee to Scotland of all places. His own plane, Trump Force One, is also a 757 but it has auxiliary fuel tanks and could make St. Petersburg non-stop from DC. Taking the private plane instead of official transport would eliminate a whole raft of complications for him.

Though I guess a stop before Russia might be in order so that the guy with the football can get off the plane. (Assuming he does this before the inauguration.)

austin_blue  Jan 4, 2021 • 11:27:40am

re: #179 Alephnaught

Yeah, it’s strange that the tabloid Sunday Post article was better written than The National equivalent.

Perhaps the author grew up speaking Ned as his primary tongue?

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