Genius! Jazz Standard “Autumn Leaves” Played in the Styles of 10 Classical Composers

Music • Views: 23,380


How would these famous classical composers have arranged Autumn Leaves?? Composers included: Bach, Mozart, Mendelssohn, Chopin, Liszt, Rachmaninoff, Ravel, Gershwin, Shostakovich, Philip Glass.

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Charles Johnson  Oct 16, 2022 • 5:12:07pm

Moving some more components of the LGF codebase into my new git-based setup, so you might see some oddness as I get the kinks hammered out.

I Would Prefer Not To  Oct 16, 2022 • 5:19:36pm


Haven’t posted about comedy in a while. I’ve been doing about two shows week. Still producing some Monday Night shows at the Greenwich Village Comedy Club. It’s really fucking hard to get audience on a Monday night for a 7PM show (If anyone wants to come for free, hit me up).

I will post video clips in the near future.


Belafon  Oct 16, 2022 • 5:20:00pm
Patricia Kayden  Oct 16, 2022 • 5:35:33pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 16, 2022 • 5:40:41pm


HRH Stanley Sea  Oct 16, 2022 • 5:41:06pm


Hecuba's daughter  Oct 16, 2022 • 5:41:54pm

So scientists have transplanted human brain cells into rats to study diseases. Wasn’t that similar to the premise of Deep Blue Sea, though they used sharks not rats? This never ends well.

Charles Johnson  Oct 16, 2022 • 5:43:44pm

Good grief, this CSS code. Written when flexbox and grid were unheard of, floated elements all over the fucking place, outdated CSS hacks everywhere. Amazing it was still holding together. At least it wasn’t all built out of tables, I got that goin’ for me.

Hecuba's daughter  Oct 16, 2022 • 5:45:00pm

re: #3 Belafon

[Embedded content]

How do they go after assets stored in other countries?

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 16, 2022 • 5:45:55pm
Barefoot Grin  Oct 16, 2022 • 5:46:18pm

re: #7 Hecuba’s daughter

So scientists have transplanted human brain cells into rats to study diseases. Wasn’t that similar to the premise of Deep Blue Sea, though they used sharks not rats? This never ends well.

There was no hint of rat-brain manipulation in Flushed Away but I think it was implied. You had your posh brain, you had your thug brain, you had your rational brain. Seems to cover at least some potential donors.

Charles Johnson  Oct 16, 2022 • 5:53:13pm
Belafon  Oct 16, 2022 • 5:57:52pm

re: #9 Hecuba’s daughter

How do they go after assets stored in other countries?

The more stuff he hides, the longer collectors will be hounding him.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 16, 2022 • 6:00:05pm
Patricia Kayden  Oct 16, 2022 • 6:00:39pm
Belafon  Oct 16, 2022 • 6:01:10pm

re: #7 Hecuba’s daughter

So scientists have transplanted human brain cells into rats to study diseases. Wasn’t that similar to the premise of Deep Blue Sea, though they used sharks not rats? This never ends well.

I feel like we’re getting closer to Flowers for Algernon.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 16, 2022 • 6:01:16pm
Patricia Kayden  Oct 16, 2022 • 6:10:59pm

re: #17 Backwoods_Sleuth

Is a police department going to come forward and agree that this badge is legitimate? Or is Walker going to perjure himself in a losing bid for a Senate seat. It feels as if Republicans threw up a popular Black athlete without vetting him just because Warnock is Black. Kind of like when they put up the odious Alan Keyes against then Senator Obama.

Belafon  Oct 16, 2022 • 6:14:15pm

re: #18 Patricia Kayden

Is a police department going to come forward and agree that this badge is legitimate? Or is Walker going to perjure himself in a losing bid for a Senate seat. It feels as if Republicans threw up a popular Black athlete without vetting him just because Warnock is Black. Kind of like when they put up the odious Alan Keyes against then Senator Obama.

And how Thomas took over Thurgood Marshall’s seat.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 16, 2022 • 6:14:35pm

sure, jan…

Patricia Kayden  Oct 16, 2022 • 6:17:52pm

re: #20 Backwoods_Sleuth

That deposition is going to be fun — for the filmmaker.

BeenHereAwhile  Oct 16, 2022 • 6:18:25pm

re: #13 Belafon

The more stuff he hides, the longer collectors will be hounding him.

It will be interesting to see Jones attempt to evade paying judgments while using the SWIFT banking system to handle his financial transactions

He’s already pissed off his bankruptcy judge, and the bankruptcy trustee will be looking to collect his percentage of potential millions to recover.

And Jone’s bankruptcy attorneys will demand their costs and fees.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 16, 2022 • 6:19:58pm

niterz, lizardz!

BeenHereAwhile  Oct 16, 2022 • 6:21:44pm

re: #14 Backwoods_Sleuth

Now that’s mega megafauna.

I Would Prefer Not To  Oct 16, 2022 • 6:22:53pm

Belafon  Oct 16, 2022 • 6:23:36pm

re: #25 I Would Prefer Not To

Nothing is going to beat Mr. Fibbs.

BeenHereAwhile  Oct 16, 2022 • 6:23:37pm

re: #18 Patricia Kayden

Is a police department going to come forward and agree that this badge is legitimate? Or is Walker going to perjure himself in a losing bid for a Senate seat. It feels as if Republicans threw up a popular Black athlete without vetting him just because Warnock is Black. Kind of like when they put up the odious Alan Keyes against then Senator Obama.

Forget it Jake, it’s Cobb County, GA.

A Mom Anon  Oct 16, 2022 • 6:25:10pm

re: #18 Patricia Kayden

From what I can gather, the Cobb County Police Department has told local news channels that he did not work for them in any capacity. This was on an anti Walker ad that was running here for awhile. He’s claimed to be a cop and an FBI agent so there’s that.

A current ad by Walker says he wrote a book about overcoming mental illness”by grace”, and that means he’s a changed man since his days of being a wife beater and absent father. Except for one thing. His book came out in 2008. His first wife, Cindy Grossman, filed a restraining order against him in 2012 and had to take her son and move 6 times in 6 months to escape his violence. He really thinks everyone is stupid beyond the people who would actually vote for him. Seems like all this saved by grace horseshit is horseshit, who would have guessed?

I Would Prefer Not To  Oct 16, 2022 • 6:25:55pm

re: #26 Belafon

Nothing is going to beat Mr. Fibbs.

I still have to try.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Oct 16, 2022 • 6:28:29pm

re: #21 Patricia Kayden

That deposition is going to be fun — for the filmmaker.

It’s the standard “I’m gonna sue!” thing they say in public to gain sympathy and try to intimidate. I’d say a 80%+ chance nothing is ever filed.

Discovery in this case would be hilarious. Plus it would bring the filmmaker’s raw footage into a courtroom.

Hecuba's daughter  Oct 16, 2022 • 6:31:38pm

re: #18 Patricia Kayden

Is a police department going to come forward and agree that this badge is legitimate? Or is Walker going to perjure himself in a losing bid for a Senate seat. It feels as if Republicans threw up a popular Black athlete without vetting him just because Warnock is Black. Kind of like when they put up the odious Alan Keyes against then Senator Obama.

It was the Republican voting base who selected Walker among the 6 candidates running in the primary, of whom two had actual but limited political experience. I don’t know why there weren’t others with stronger credentials in the race. Alan Keyes was selected by the GOP hierarchy and not Illinois voters; Jack Ryan (ex Mr. 7 of 9) won the GOP primary but dropped out.

Charles Johnson  Oct 16, 2022 • 6:35:20pm
FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Oct 16, 2022 • 6:37:55pm

re: #31 Hecuba’s daughter

It was the Republican voting base who selected Walker among the 6 candidates running in the primary, of whom two had actual but limited political experience. I don’t know why there weren’t others with stronger credentials in the race. Alan Keyes was selected by the GOP hierarchy and not Illinois voters; Jack Ryan (ex Mr. 7 of 9) won the GOP primary but dropped out.

Back when a sex scandal could actually wreck a GOP candidate’s career. Or they had the scruples to withdraw their candidacy.

Belafon  Oct 16, 2022 • 6:38:03pm
mmmirele  Oct 16, 2022 • 6:38:35pm

re: #5 Backwoods_Sleuth


[Embedded content]

Thank you for sharing this artist. I was completely unaware of her, but wow…

mmmirele  Oct 16, 2022 • 6:45:21pm

re: #22 BeenHereAwhile

It will be interesting to see Jones attempt to evade paying judgments while using the SWIFT banking system to handle his financial transactions

He’s already pissed off his bankruptcy judge, and the bankruptcy trustee will be looking to collect his percentage of potential millions to recover.

And Jone’s bankruptcy attorneys will demand their costs and fees.

The SWIFT system can only be accessed through banks. SWIFT itself doesn’t decide what gets put on the network. That’s up to the banks, which is why here in the USA banks have an extensive sanctions regime to stop funds from going out.* In order to stop transactions, his creditors will need to get court orders sequestering his money and present them to the banks. This is presumably already in progress with his self-declared bankruptcy.

Jones has been such an obnoxious person I have no doubt that there are a few people out there who are looking for his monies and properties for the sheer hell of it. This is on top of the Sandy Hook families, their lawyers, his ex-wife and others. He’s crazy if he thinks he can hide all his money. Most of it will be found, it may take awhile.

*One of our predecessor banks was fined over $100 million in 2010 for failing to properly check OFAC and other sanctions regimes. It’s seriously important.

Hecuba's daughter  Oct 16, 2022 • 6:54:02pm

re: #33 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

Back when a sex scandal could actually wreck a GOP candidate’s career. Or they had the scruples to withdraw their candidacy.

Except it was a really stupid non-scandal scandal from his divorce ….and he could have survived it if the party just dismissed it as nonsense. Especially given that the party had no viable candidate in Illinois — I’m not sure why they rejected the ice cream guy Oberweis who, I believe, came in 2nd to Ryan.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Oct 16, 2022 • 6:58:51pm

re: #37 Hecuba’s daughter

Except it was a really stupid non-scandal scandal from his divorce ….and he could have survived it if the party just dismissed as nonsense. Especially given that the party had no viable candidate in Illinois — I’m not sure why they rejected the ice cream guy Oberweis who, I believe, came in 2nd to Ryan.

I think in part the Illinois GOP leadership panicked since Ryan was trailing Obama by 22 points in the polls in May, 2004.

Hecuba's daughter  Oct 16, 2022 • 7:03:18pm

re: #38 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

I think in part the Illinois GOP leadership panicked since Ryan was trailing Obama by 22 points in the polls in May, 2004.

He would have likely lost by a healthy margin but it would not have been the embarrassment that Alan Keyes was. It would have been a good contest between 2 candidates from Illinois, both of whom knew issues here.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Oct 16, 2022 • 7:05:20pm

re: #39 Hecuba’s daughter

He would have likely lost by a healthy margin but it would not have been the embarrassment that Alan Keyes was. It would have been a good contest between 2 candidates from Illinois, both of whom knew issues here.

Appears that the GOP in Georgia learned nothing along those lines.

EstebanTornado1963  Oct 16, 2022 • 7:05:54pm
BlueSpotinAL  Oct 16, 2022 • 7:09:24pm

re: #68 Ming5000

Here is a way to eat, ya’ll!

[Embedded content]

For a few seconds I thought Sandra Lee had her show Semi-homemade back on.

Which reminds me - about time to make Sandra Lee’s Kwanza cake.

Sandra Lee and the famous Kwanzaa Cake (Food Network)

Hecuba's daughter  Oct 16, 2022 • 7:11:41pm

re: #41 EstebanTornado1963

[Embedded content]

What a surprise! Marc Thiessen opinion! Who could have guessed?

Patricia Kayden  Oct 16, 2022 • 7:18:12pm

re: #34 Belafon

I was hoping this was just a rumor. What’s up with Republicans hating dogs? Huge sigh.

garzooma  Oct 16, 2022 • 7:22:13pm

re: #41 EstebanTornado1963

Anthony Fauci is attempting to rewrite history and erase the role he played in shutting down schools.

And the mayor was the hero in Jaws.

Dangerman  Oct 16, 2022 • 7:22:52pm

re: #18 Patricia Kayden

Is a police department going to come forward and agree that this badge is legitimate? Or is Walker going to perjure himself in a losing bid for a Senate seat. It feels as if Republicans threw up a popular Black athlete without vetting him just because Warnock is Black. Kind of like when they put up the odious Alan Keyes against then Senator Obama.

It’s exactly what they did.

Only difference is keyes wasn’t out of his depth (odious as he is/was)

bratwurst  Oct 16, 2022 • 7:30:08pm

Here’s a “columnist & author” who has some thoughts on the discourse regarding the role of Jews in American life.

Hecuba's daughter  Oct 16, 2022 • 7:33:21pm

re: #46 Dangerman

It’s exactly what they did.

Only difference is keyes wasn’t out of his depth (odious as he is/was)

In terms of intellect, experience, and knowledge (and ignoring his policies), Keyes would have been a reasonable selection if he had any ties to Illinois. But he was a ridiculous choice. It’s not as though he was doing an Oz and running in the primary, allowing the GOP voters to select him as their candidate despite his lack of any relationship to our state.

Hecuba's daughter  Oct 16, 2022 • 7:40:36pm

re: #47 bratwurst

Here’s a “columnist & author” who has some thoughts on the discourse regarding the role of Jews in American life.

[Embedded content]

A first!! Joel Pollak says something reasonable — something that is not racist or outrageous or offensive!! Will wonders never cease?

OTOH David Marcus (never heard of him) is an embarrassment. I have no doubt if this were the 1930’s, he would have been one of 25% of Jews opposed to immigration for those fleeing Nazi Germany.

Belafon  Oct 16, 2022 • 7:42:04pm

re: #47 bratwurst

Patricia Kayden  Oct 16, 2022 • 7:44:20pm

re: #47 bratwurst

darthstar  Oct 16, 2022 • 7:46:36pm

Just saw TeleskiGuy’s donation post. Maybe some bans shouldn’t be permanent.

Belafon  Oct 16, 2022 • 7:49:38pm
Belafon  Oct 16, 2022 • 7:52:44pm

re: #52 darthstar

Just saw TeleskiGuy’s donation post. Maybe some bans shouldn’t be permanent.

I don’t think he’s been banned, he just hasn’t been back.

Charles Johnson  Oct 16, 2022 • 7:55:44pm

re: #52 darthstar

Just saw TeleskiGuy’s donation post. Maybe some bans shouldn’t be permanent.

I must have missed something - he isn’t banned, in fact I invited him to return, months ago.

jaunte  Oct 16, 2022 • 7:56:42pm

re: #52 darthstar

It’s more of a self-imposed exile.

bratwurst  Oct 16, 2022 • 7:57:09pm

re: #51 Patricia Kayden

Ugh…I got so bent out of shape over the nitwit “author & columnist” who shares Kanye’s concerns that I ignored that this cretin was involved.

Charles Johnson  Oct 16, 2022 • 7:57:30pm

Not sure what you mean by “donation post…” Where was this?

EstebanTornado1963  Oct 16, 2022 • 7:59:39pm
austin_blue  Oct 16, 2022 • 8:31:31pm

re: #28 A Mom Anon

From what I can gather, the Cobb County Police Department has told local news channels that he did not work for them in any capacity. This was on an anti Walker ad that was running here for awhile. He’s claimed to be a cop and an FBI agent so there’s that.

A current ad by Walker says he wrote a book about overcoming mental illness”by grace”, and that means he’s a changed man since his days of being a wife beater and absent father. Except for one thing. His book came out in 2008. His first wife, Cindy Grossman, filed a restraining order against him in 2012 and had to take her son and move 6 times in 6 months to escape his violence. He really thinks everyone is stupid beyond the people who would actually vote for him. Seems like all this saved by grace horseshit is horseshit, who would have guessed?

I lived in Cobb County from 1970 to 1972 when my Da was commander of the Marine Air Reserve Training Detachment at Dobbins AFB. One year at East Cobb JHS and one year at Wheeler High School (Hated Enemy; Sprayberry HS, in Smyrna).

austin_blue  Oct 16, 2022 • 8:33:57pm

re: #55 Charles Johnson

I must have missed something - he isn’t banned, in fact I invited him to return, months ago.

Yup, he flounced. If he is back, I am overjoyed!

If so, welcome back my dear boy.

A Cranky One  Oct 16, 2022 • 8:38:22pm

A Mom Anon  Oct 16, 2022 • 8:48:39pm

re: #60 austin_blue


BeenHereAwhile  Oct 16, 2022 • 8:49:00pm

re: #36 mmmirele

The SWIFT system can only be accessed through banks. SWIFT itself doesn’t decide what gets put on the network. That’s up to the banks, which is why here in the USA banks have an extensive sanctions regime to stop funds from going out.* In order to stop transactions, his creditors will need to get court orders sequestering his money and present them to the banks. This is presumably already in progress with his self-declared bankruptcy.

Jones has been such an obnoxious person I have no doubt that there are a few people out there who are looking for his monies and properties for the sheer hell of it. This is on top of the Sandy Hook families, their lawyers, his ex-wife and others. He’s crazy if he thinks he can hide all his money. Most of it will be found, it may take awhile.

*One of our predecessor banks was fined over $100 million in 2010 for failing to properly check OFAC and other sanctions regimes. It’s seriously important.

It’s going to be interesting to watch.

austin_blue  Oct 16, 2022 • 8:52:23pm

re: #62 A Cranky One

[Embedded content]

I’ve got a tan suit. In autumn, as the leaves change, it’s proper.

I also have a seersucker suit, which I have not worn in twenty years.

I also have a black pin-striped Marrying and Burying suit, which has been used a lot in the last few years, as I’m an old.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Oct 16, 2022 • 8:53:25pm

re: #63 A Mom Anon

[Embedded content]


Targetpractice  Oct 16, 2022 • 8:58:41pm

re: #51 Patricia Kayden

[Embedded content]

Evangelicals support Israel for the same reason farmers fatten up turkeys. Hint: It ain’t out of a benevolent spirit…

austin_blue  Oct 16, 2022 • 9:01:40pm

re: #67 Targetpractice

Evangelicals support Israel for the same reason farmers fatten up turkeys. Hint: It ain’t out of a benevolent spirit…

You are a cheeky monkey!

Targetpractice  Oct 16, 2022 • 9:04:33pm

re: #53 Belafon

[Embedded content]

I have never doubted that Putin’s plans for successfully invading Ukraine depended in part upon Trump winning in 2020. That his military planners assumed the West would be too fractured to offer support, and that all they would have to do if their initial thrust into Kyiv failed was just grind them down until their limited resources petered out.

Captain Ron  Oct 16, 2022 • 9:08:34pm
BeenHereAwhile  Oct 16, 2022 • 9:15:14pm

re: #60 austin_blue

I lived in Cobb County from 1970 to 1972 when my Da was commander of the Marine Air Reserve Training Detachment at Dobbins AFB. One year at East Cobb JHS and one year at Wheeler High School (Hated Enemy; Sprayberry HS, in Smyrna).

Turn left at the big chicken, Mitch WerBell, & Newt Gingrich.

ckkatz  Oct 16, 2022 • 9:18:48pm

So Cal Greek Hippie  Oct 16, 2022 • 9:19:40pm

Vinings, Georgia—Cobb County

BeenHereAwhile  Oct 16, 2022 • 9:21:18pm

re: #67 Targetpractice

Evangelicals support Israel for the same reason farmers fatten up turkeys. Hint: It ain’t out of a benevolent spirit…

Lemmie guess, eschatology?

Targetpractice  Oct 16, 2022 • 9:30:07pm

re: #70 Captain Ron

[Embedded content]

The culture war BS is for their poor/lower middle class base, a way of giving them people to hate and blame for their plight. Everybody else higher up on the totem pole (for the most part) doesn’t give a damn where you stick your dick or who you choose to shack up with, just so long as their taxes stay low and the government keeps shoveling money into their offshore bank accounts.

ckkatz  Oct 16, 2022 • 9:45:07pm

In honor of Halloween, and just because I are old…

Santana - Black Magic Woman (Official Audio)

ckkatz  Oct 16, 2022 • 9:47:45pm

And with that, I’m heading off to bed..
G’Nite and sweet scaly dreams to all.
And for the evening ‘Dad’ joke:

Did you hear about the hippy who loved nature so much he married a river?
Mrs Hippy.

mmmirele  Oct 16, 2022 • 9:50:05pm

re: #74 BeenHereAwhile

Lemmie guess, eschatology?

“Israel must exist so Jesus can return.”

Oh, and then, if you’re Jewish and you then don’t accept Jesus as your lord and savior, you’re going to fry for all eternity.

Also in religious thought.

GlutenFreeJesus  Oct 16, 2022 • 10:06:15pm
sagehen  Oct 16, 2022 • 10:15:25pm

re: #47 bratwurst

Here’s a “columnist & author” who has some thoughts on the discourse regarding the role of Jews in American life.

[Embedded content]

according to his twitter bio, he works at Fox, NY Post, Daily Wire…

austin_blue  Oct 16, 2022 • 10:25:35pm

re: #76 ckkatz

In honor of Halloween, and just because I are old…

[Embedded content]


Originally a Fleetwood Mac song, but Santana made it a classic.

austin_blue  Oct 16, 2022 • 10:36:35pm

And I’m out. Sweet scaly dreams. Love you all.

John Hughes  Oct 16, 2022 • 11:56:37pm

re: #8 Charles Johnson

At least it wasn’t all built out of tables,

oi! I resemble that remark.

Captain Ron  Oct 17, 2022 • 12:44:54am

Outgoing artillery in Makiivka, Donetsk on camera. Should be easy for UAF to target.

Nyet  Oct 17, 2022 • 1:11:27am


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Targetpractice  Oct 17, 2022 • 1:19:37am

So as if to punish me for my hubris of thinking I could get through a quiet night without any major issues, the universe decided to visit upon me not one but two loud and angry assholes disturbing other guests tonight. One apparently of the “HOW DARE YOU DISRESPECT ME?!” variety having a shouting match with an old woman, while the other is a belligerent drunk who’s yelling and banging on things at 3am.

If reincarnation and karma are real things, then I must have killed a whole busload of nuns in a past life. That’s the only way I can explain my luck.

Captain Ron  Oct 17, 2022 • 1:50:21am
sagehen  Oct 17, 2022 • 2:25:41am

re: #87 Captain Ron

[Embedded content]

Not a band name, but… maybe an EDM track title?

Barefoot Grin  Oct 17, 2022 • 2:55:49am

re: #88 sagehen

Not a band name, but… maybe an EDM track title?

Or maybe off-off-Broadway.

Shropshire Slasher  Oct 17, 2022 • 3:50:30am

Some drive time music

Momma - Speeding 72 (Music Video)

Barefoot Grin  Oct 17, 2022 • 3:53:46am
Shropshire Slasher  Oct 17, 2022 • 4:45:49am

GMA is breathlessly reporting on BTS having to serve compulsory South Korean military service.

Members of BTS, the K-pop supergroup, are planning to undertake military service, the band’s record label confirmed Monday, with Jin, the oldest member, aiming to start the process at the end of the month.

Military service is mandatory in South Korea, where almost all able-bodied men are required to serve in the army for 18 months by the time they are 28 years old.

South Korea’s parliament passed a bill in 2020 allowing pop stars - namely those who “excel in popular culture and art” - to defer their service until the age of 30.

With Jin turning 30 this year, and the band’s announcement of a break in June from group musical activities to pursue solo projects, members are now making plans to serve.

If there is a war, I hope they don’t get lit up like dynamite

Barefoot Grin  Oct 17, 2022 • 5:08:32am

re: #92 Shropshire Slasher

GMA is breathlessly reporting on BTS having to serve compulsory South Korean military service.

If there is a war, I hope they don’t get lit up like dynamite

I had a South Korean friend I met in Japan in the 1990s who suffered hearing loss while doing his service. He said he was jumped in a hazing incident and hit in the head with barbell. He said it was a brutal experience—though, again, 25 years ago.

Barefoot Grin  Oct 17, 2022 • 5:11:24am
Shropshire Slasher  Oct 17, 2022 • 5:29:07am


Some are calling it a historic ruling. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced a long-awaited rule change in August when it comes to hearing aids. Starting Monday, you’ll be able to buy them in stores without a prescription or medical exam by a doctor.

The move by the FDA not only makes hearing aids more accessible, but also cost-effective.

The ruling by the FDA allows people who feel they have mild to moderate hearing loss to buy the devices without a prescription directly from stores or online.

CVS, Walgreens, and Walmart all offer over-the-counter hearing aids at their stores and online.

Dangerman  Oct 17, 2022 • 5:35:10am

re: #63 A Mom Anon

[Embedded content]

something just occurred to me that y’all probably thought of months ago re

“hours long lines and no allowances for water or food unless you bring your own”

yeah we know why they dont want you giving anything to people in line
so if you were gonna hand out water or whatever, do it before they get in line - even just outside the no-electioneering past this point sign

i wonder also can people in line share?
so hand each one who arrives two bottles, and pass one forward…

there’s got to be lots of ways…

Eventual Carrion  Oct 17, 2022 • 5:39:36am

re: #72 ckkatz

[Embedded content]

Yes. Took daughter back to Cleveland airport yesterday for her flight back to Denver, and the trees are all in their fall colors. Saturday we went to a fall pumpkin festival and the whole surrounding area was in full color. Love this time of year, but the snow will be coming soon.

TarHellion  Oct 17, 2022 • 5:39:54am

Changed up the starting word on a hunch. And got to go Where Eagles Dare. Will take that as a good omen for the rest of the week. Have a great day/evening Lizardz!

Wordle 485 2/6


lawhawk  Oct 17, 2022 • 5:40:45am

re: #67 Targetpractice

Evangelicals support Israel for the same reason farmers fatten up turkeys. Hint: It ain’t out of a benevolent spirit…

End Times apocalyptic worldview that sees Jews as cannon (and canon) fodder for their prophesies. The existence of Israel is a means to the End Times. They don’t support Jews.

These people are deeply anti Semitic.

Shropshire Slasher  Oct 17, 2022 • 5:42:07am

I like this band. I recognize this song from somewhere.

Momma - Rockstar (Music Video)

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Oct 17, 2022 • 5:43:26am

re: #99 lawhawk

End Times apocalyptic worldview that sees Jews as cannon (and canon) fodder for their prophesies. The existence of Israel is a means to the End Times. They don’t support Jews.

These people are deeply anti Semitic.

They just need a resurgent Israel to help usher in Armageddon so Jesus can return with his Host of Heaven and cast the unbelievers (Jews included) into the Lake of Fire.

Sick fucks all.

lawhawk  Oct 17, 2022 • 5:44:39am

re: #72 ckkatz

Winter is coming…

lawhawk  Oct 17, 2022 • 5:47:12am

re: #101 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

They just need a resurgent Israel to help usher in Armageddon so Jesus can return with his Host of Heaven and cast the unbelievers (Jews included) into the Lake of Fire.

Sick fucks all.

And I’m utterly convinced that they backed Trump precisely because they thought his corruption, incompetence, and criminality would help usher in the End Times - by getting Iran and Israel to start war, nukes would fly, etc.

I’m pretty sure Trump’s nuclear proliferation moves - where he literally and figuratively helped rogue states like Iran and North Korea advance their nuclear programs through diplomatic efforts utter dumbfuckery were the things that the Evangelicals wanted.

Nyet  Oct 17, 2022 • 6:02:36am

re: #101 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

I think it was Abe Foxman of ADL who remarked that, basically, what they believe about the afterlife is irrelevant, since it’s not what the Jews believe anyway, whereas their help in this world is very much appreciated.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Oct 17, 2022 • 6:02:42am

re: #103 lawhawk

And I’m utterly convinced that they backed Trump precisely because they thought his corruption, incompetence, and criminality would help usher in the End Times - by getting Iran and Israel to start war, nukes would fly, etc.

I have heard other people express the opinion that since the entire economic/political/social system is going to collapse anyways, might as well speed it up by electing Trump and hitting Rock Bottom so we can start afresh and rebuild a new, modern Galt’s Gulch of a society.

Ming5000  Oct 17, 2022 • 6:08:25am

Good distinction.

Belafon  Oct 17, 2022 • 6:24:47am
Belafon  Oct 17, 2022 • 6:26:43am

I had to go research this a little. Ulta is featuring Dylan Mulvaney, and that has anti-trans people saying stupid shit:

Florida Panhandler  Oct 17, 2022 • 6:28:02am

Kanye Buying Parler.

1. We’ll see if this actually happens. It’s not like an unstable mental patient is involved with this storyline.

2. How long before Parler is banned again by Apple for violent racist rants?

3. I guarantee Israeli secret services are not just going to sit idly by and allow platforms that espouse violence and calls for “death con” directly against Jews to operate with impunity.

jeffreyw  Oct 17, 2022 • 6:28:59am

Not Breakfast

Good morning!

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 17, 2022 • 6:33:54am

re: #32 Charles Johnson

Dr Lizardo  Oct 17, 2022 • 6:38:43am

re: #111 Backwoods_Sleuth

First, still don’t know if Elon’s deal with Twitter is a done deal. Second, Kanye, or Ye, or Yeezy, or whatever moniker he’s going by these days, is probably in the grip of a manic episode. Third, Trump’s social media site is the internet equivalent of a flaming bag of dog shit and is, by all accounts, in trouble.

lawhawk  Oct 17, 2022 • 6:41:32am

re: #112 Dr Lizardo

First, still don’t know if Elon’s deal with Twitter is a done deal. Second, Kanye, or Ye, or Yeezy, or whatever moniker he’s going by these days, is probably in the grip of a manic episode. Third, Trump’s social media site is the internet equivalent of a flaming bag of dog shit and is, by all accounts, in trouble.

All true, but the theme is that these fascists and know nothing extremists are trying to create a social media channel to aggressively push their ideologies to the masses.

Eclectic Cyborg  Oct 17, 2022 • 6:44:07am

re: #112 Dr Lizardo

Also, the two of the other biggest social networks are both owned by Mark Zuckerberg who is a serious douche in his own right and China has its tentacles all up in TikTok.

Which leaves us with what, Snapchat?

Mattand  Oct 17, 2022 • 6:48:44am

The editorial meetings at Politico must be a hoot. This is their take on Trump threatening all Jewish Americans, hot on the heels of Kanye/Ye’s nastiness:

Trump endorses Zeldin after nudging Jewish Americans


So that’s what the kids are calling talking like a Nazi these days.


Hecuba's daughter  Oct 17, 2022 • 6:52:10am

re: #91 Barefoot Grin

They either share the views expressed or they are afraid of their base or both. Their base is racist to its core and the Jews who are part of that base vocally hate George Soros and share Trump’s views of Jews who do not adore Trump.

mmmirele  Oct 17, 2022 • 7:02:58am

re: #92 Shropshire Slasher

GMA is breathlessly reporting on BTS having to serve compulsory South Korean military service.

If there is a war, I hope they don’t get lit up like dynamite

This breathless reporting is so stupid. ARMY (the fan club) is well aware that BTS have to do their military service. Even I, not an ARMY (really, I’m not, I only know the name of one member, Jungkook) knew they were going to have to go into military service by the end of the year. I think BTS is at a point in their career where a break would be good, but doing mandatory military service is not how I would choose to spend that time.

This breathless reporting annoys me.

Dangerman  Oct 17, 2022 • 7:06:41am
There’s going to be a lot of investigations. I’ve talked with a lot of members about this.”

— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), quoted by the New York Times, describing what she anticipates if the Republicans regain the House majority this November.

policy, not so much

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Oct 17, 2022 • 7:07:38am

re: #103 lawhawk

And I’m utterly convinced that they backed Trump precisely because they thought his corruption, incompetence, and criminality would help usher in the End Times - by getting Iran and Israel to start war, nukes would fly, etc.

I’m pretty sure Trump’s nuclear proliferation moves - where he literally and figuratively helped rogue states like Iran and North Korea advance their nuclear programs through diplomatic efforts utter dumbfuckery were the things that the Evangelicals wanted.

Maybe the leaders. Their congregations are just there for the racism and the cruelty.

lawhawk  Oct 17, 2022 • 7:08:53am

re: #118 Dangerman

GOP don’t have policies that they want the media to highlight. What we’ve seen so far from Rick Scott is the closest we get to this:

* ending Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.
* tax cuts for rich people.
* gutting the safety net.

Investigations are easy to gin up nonsense from right wingers. They don’t have to produce anything other than soundbites, and they need to distract from Trump’s actual crimes. Everything is projecting like IMAX from GOPers. Everything.

Dangerman  Oct 17, 2022 • 7:09:34am
Dangerman  Oct 17, 2022 • 7:10:46am

Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Oct 17, 2022 • 7:12:35am

re: #107 Belafon

re: #108 Belafon

Just your almost daily reminder.


And they are passing Legislation that refuses medical care to my Community in order to do it. Also, just another reminder. The Nazis came for the physically and mentally disabled first. Then the “sexual deviants” aka LGBT+ people and THEN the Jews.

6 May 1933: Looting of the Institute of Sexology

Eclectic Cyborg  Oct 17, 2022 • 7:13:16am

re: #122 Dangerman

They are also offering solutions for problems that do not exist (Litter boxes in schools).

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Oct 17, 2022 • 7:14:21am

re: #110 jeffreyw

[Embedded content]

Good morning!

Western good morning!

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 17, 2022 • 7:15:44am
Hecuba's daughter  Oct 17, 2022 • 7:16:26am

I don’t know what going on in FB though maybe it was just random, but yesterday saw across my screen that 2 “friends” had tried to send me messages. In both cases there were discussions a few days ago with my real friends. Turns out both messages from yesterday were spoofers. Trying to decide if someone is targeting me (?) or it was just a coincidence that both showed up yesterday.
Wording in 3 today!
Hint below — don’t look if you haven’t done it.


Edited to clarify my comments.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 17, 2022 • 7:17:09am
Dr. Matt  Oct 17, 2022 • 7:22:09am

Idiocracy has arrived:

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Oct 17, 2022 • 7:22:14am

re: #128 Backwoods_Sleuth

Is “woke” something that now basically translates as “How dare you call us out on acting like complete uncaring assholes”?

Dr. Matt  Oct 17, 2022 • 7:25:40am

re: #130 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

Is “woke” something that now basically translates as “How dare you call us out on acting like complete uncaring assholes”?

If conservatives don’t like something, it’s either, or a combination of, woke, communism, Soros, BLM, NWO, fascism, etc., etc. Their list of boogeyman terms gets longer by the days.

Crush White Nationalism  Oct 17, 2022 • 7:26:35am

re: #129 Dr. Matt

Idiocracy has arrived:

[Embedded content]

Kanye is getting grifted by Candace Owens. She’s taking advantage of his poor mental health.

Dr. Matt  Oct 17, 2022 • 7:30:14am

re: #12 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

Moonfall is a terrible movie, but a “good” movie if you’re looking to kill 120 minutes on a flight.

Belafon  Oct 17, 2022 • 7:37:08am

I had seen this joke and was wondering where it came from:

I had not realized that Mike Lee wrote an article about Mike Lee in the third person.

GlutenFreeJesus  Oct 17, 2022 • 7:38:46am

Day off. Soylent Green is one one of the off-the-path antenna channels. I had forgotten this was set in the year 2022. 😂

Eclectic Cyborg  Oct 17, 2022 • 7:38:49am

re: #134 Belafon

Referring to oneself in the third person is usually a sure sign of a douchebag.

Dr. Matt  Oct 17, 2022 • 7:40:48am

re: #136 Eclectic Cyborg

Referring to oneself in the third person is usually a sure sign of a douchebag.

Or someone mentally disturbed (or all of the above).

GlutenFreeJesus  Oct 17, 2022 • 7:44:33am

re: #136 Eclectic Cyborg

Jimmy’s Down Seinfeld TBS

Dr. Matt  Oct 17, 2022 • 7:46:13am

The Modern GQP is a nutshell:

Warnock: “One thing I have not done — I have never pretended to be a police officer.”

Walker: *Pulls out a prop badge*

Debate Audience: *ROFL*

Dr Lizardo  Oct 17, 2022 • 7:46:44am

A major wildfire in Southwest Washington is forcing thousands to evacuate:

The Nakia Creek Fire in east Clark County exploded in size on Sunday, prompting a significant expansion of Level 3 mandatory evacuation zones affecting 2,903 residences in the rural outskirts of Camas and Washougal and Level 1 and 2 warning zones affecting 33,782 residents extending as far as Hockinson and east Vancouver.

Both the Washougal School District and Mount Pleasant School District have canceled classes for Monday.

The Clark County Sheriff’s Office reported around 2:30 p.m. that the fire had broken through containment lines and was aggressively moving to the west and southwest.

The fire has grown from 156 acres to about 2,000 acres, according to the Department of Natural Resources. Containment is estimated at 5 percent.

I know exactly where this area is, as I lived there for many years in the 1980s and ’90s. Bear Prairie is threatened (a girl I dated in high school lived up there), and the areas around the Washougal River Road are also under threat as well. Back in the ’80s and ’90s, that part of Washougal was pretty sparsely populated, but I know there was significant population growth starting in the mid-2000s.

What a mess.

Belafon  Oct 17, 2022 • 7:47:47am

re: #139 Dr. Matt

The Modern GQP is a nutshell:

Belafon  Oct 17, 2022 • 7:51:40am
Belafon  Oct 17, 2022 • 7:56:05am
lawhawk  Oct 17, 2022 • 7:56:29am

re: #142 Belafon

Iran’s hoping Russia gets to do real world testing of their ballistic missiles but one has to wonder at the number of weapons that Iran can provide. It’s not likely to be enough to be a game changer. That doesn’t mean that it wont produce casualties - only that the outcome will not change because Iran’s missiles are now being used.

What it also suggests is that Russia’s capabilities are so hollowed out that they can’t deliver their own missiles to the theater for use, have run out of the weapons in a similar class of ranges, or have proven to be ineffectual so they want to try to mass weapons launches to maximize effect.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Oct 17, 2022 • 7:57:51am

re: #142 Belafon

So Iran is getting a testbed to see how good their high tech drones and missiles really are.

Russia is getting much needed high tech armaments they appear unable to produce themselves in any meaningful quantity (or at least quickly enough.) [And I presume Iran is demanding cash on the barrelhead for the equipment.]

And Ukraine and the West gets to learn how good their anti-drone and anti-missile tech is. Or at least get a start on developing better such systems. [And I think drone warfare is a given in any war going forward so better off learning how to deal with it now.]

Not sure how much of this is really geopolitics as compared to Iran having a customer for military hardware. Tweaking the USA’s nose a bit here is probably not as much of a factor as I am sure the anti-Iran* faction will play it up.

* - The Anti-Islam-in-general folk will be here too.

Eventual Carrion  Oct 17, 2022 • 7:58:01am

4/6 for the word thingy today

Wordle 485 4/6


darthstar  Oct 17, 2022 • 8:03:31am

6/6 on wordle
26/39 on the Bee
Time to walk the dogs.

How to wipe the macho off a guy’s face in five hours:

Dr. Matt  Oct 17, 2022 • 8:04:02am

Appropriate for October:


Belafon  Oct 17, 2022 • 8:05:56am

One of my coworkers showed me a new US quarter that is featuring Wilma Mankiller:

Wilma Pearl Mankiller (Cherokee: ᎠᏥᎳᏍᎩ ᎠᏍᎦᏯᏗᎯ, romanized: Atsilasgi Asgayadihi; November 18, 1945 - April 6, 2010) was a Native American (Cherokee Nation) activist, social worker, community developer and the first woman elected to serve as Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation. Born in Tahlequah, Oklahoma, she lived on her family’s allotment in Adair County, Oklahoma, until the age of 11, when her family relocated to San Francisco as part of a federal government program to urbanize Native Americans. After high school, she married a well-to-do Ecuadorian and raised two daughters. Inspired by the social and political movements of the 1960s, Mankiller became involved in the Occupation of Alcatraz and later participated in the land and compensation struggles with the Pit River Tribe. For five years in the early 1970s, she was employed as a social worker, focusing mainly on children’s issues.

Returning to Oklahoma in the fall of 1976, Mankiller was hired by the Cherokee Nation as an economic stimulus coordinator. With her expertise at preparing documentation, she became a successful grant writer, and by the early 1980s was directing the newly created Community Development Department of the Cherokee Nation. As Director she designed and supervised innovative community projects allowing rural citizens to identify their own challenges and, through their labor, participate in solving them. Her project in Bell, Oklahoma, was featured in the movie The Cherokee Word for Water, directed by Charlie Soap and Tim Kelly. In 2015, the movie was selected as the top American Indian film of the past 40 years by the American Indian Film Institute.[1] Her project in Kenwood received the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Certificate of National Merit.

Her management ability came to the notice of the incumbent Principal Chief, Ross Swimmer, who invited her to run as his deputy in the 1983 tribal elections. When the duo won, she became the first elected woman to serve as Deputy Chief of the Cherokee Nation. In 1985, when Swimmer took a position in the federal administration of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, she was elevated to Principal Chief, serving until 1995. During her administration, the Cherokee government built new health clinics, created a mobile eye-care clinic, established ambulance services, and created early education, adult education and job training programs. She developed revenue streams, including factories, retail stores, restaurants and bingo operations, while establishing self-governance, allowing the tribe to manage its own finances.

Not all of the text on the back is in English.

Dr. Matt  Oct 17, 2022 • 8:06:18am

re: #147 darthstar

6/6 on wordle
26/39 on the Bee
Time to walk the dogs.

How to wipe the macho off a guy’s face in five hours:

[Embedded content]

A translation:

BeachDem  Oct 17, 2022 • 8:10:11am

Jennifer Rubin, once again, has it right:

SNL has better coverage of Herschel Walker than the mainstream media

The mainstream media persist in portraying unfit Republican candidates as normal and the midterms as an ordinary clash of policy differences. As New York University’s media guru Jay Rosen put it on Twitter, “Election coverage begins by positing the existence of two parties operating in roughly the same way, but with different ideologies. That picture is the foundation, on top of which consensus practices rest.” He adds, “With the foundation now in ruins, the practices are snapping and breaking.”

Put differently, voters can get a more exact picture of the election from “Saturday Night Live.”

Crush White Nationalism  Oct 17, 2022 • 8:12:37am
Federal prosecutors want Steve Bannon, a former top adviser to former President Donald Trump, to be sentenced to six months in prison for contempt of Congress, according to a recommendation filed Monday.

In addition to serving time, the government is seeking $200,000 in fines.

“For his sustained, bad-faith contempt of Congress, the Defendant should be sentenced to six months’ imprisonment - the top end of the Sentencing Guidelines’ range - and fined $200,000 - based on his insistence on paying the maximum fine rather than cooperate with the Probation Office’s routine pre-sentencing financial investigation,” prosecutors wrote in their court filing on Monday.

Prosecutors want Bannon to be sentenced to six months (CNN)

Dr. Matt  Oct 17, 2022 • 8:23:12am

re: #152 Crush White Nationalism

Six months is far too kind for that asshole prick.

Eclectic Cyborg  Oct 17, 2022 • 8:23:53am

Wordle 485 5/6


Hint below:


GlutenFreeJesus  Oct 17, 2022 • 8:24:27am

re: #152 Crush White Nationalism

Unfortunately he will likely get way less time than he actually deserves.

Eclectic Cyborg  Oct 17, 2022 • 8:24:41am

re: #153 Dr. Matt

Six months is far too kind for that asshole prick.

Agreed, but that is the max for this particular violation.

Hecuba's daughter  Oct 17, 2022 • 8:30:18am

re: #154 Eclectic Cyborg

Wordle 485 5/6


Hint below:

[Embedded content]


dat_said  Oct 17, 2022 • 8:33:05am

COVID complications

Belafon  Oct 17, 2022 • 8:33:18am

You can tell how dead Roman Numerals are now because this should have been more widely used: It is the year MMXXII.

Eventual Carrion  Oct 17, 2022 • 8:38:55am

re: #159 Belafon

You can tell how dead Roman Numerals are now because this should have been more widely used: It is the year MMXXII.

It’s going to take a while for the Superb Owl to use it, we are only coming up on LVII in Febuary of next year.

Eclectic Cyborg  Oct 17, 2022 • 8:40:31am

re: #158 dat_said

[Embedded content]

COVID complications

I don’t believe anything coming out of Russian media these days.

Hecuba's daughter  Oct 17, 2022 • 8:44:57am

re: #161 Eclectic Cyborg

I don’t believe anything coming out of Russian media these days.

An old saying from when I was young: “There’s no Izvestia in Pravda and no Pravda in Izvestia”. Not sure when any information from Russian publications was reliable.

Teukka  Oct 17, 2022 • 8:49:12am

re: #161 Eclectic Cyborg

I don’t believe anything coming out of Russian media these days.

Yep. If Russian state connected media reports that water is wet, you do not believe it until it has been independently verified that water is wet.

lawhawk  Oct 17, 2022 • 8:51:13am

re: #163 Teukka

Yep. If Russian state connected media reports that water is wet, you do not believe it until it has been independently verified that water is wet.

Typically verified these days by finding someone defenestrated into a pool. /half

Dr Lizardo  Oct 17, 2022 • 8:53:09am


Nyet  Oct 17, 2022 • 8:53:52am

Military plane, meet an apartment building.

Nyet  Oct 17, 2022 • 8:55:25am

re: #162 Hecuba’s daughter

Depends on what one counts as a Russian publication. Meduza is registered in Latvia, so is free from the Russian censorship, but it’s a Russian publication nevertheless.

jaunte  Oct 17, 2022 • 8:56:07am
Dr Lizardo  Oct 17, 2022 • 8:56:55am

re: #166 Nyet

From what I’ve seen mentioned online, the plane was an Su-34 (“Fullback”).

Dangerman  Oct 17, 2022 • 8:59:26am
A new Fox News survey asked which of two messages voters would send to the federal government: “Lend me a hand” or “Leave me alone.”

A majority of 52% would ask Washington to lend them a hand, up from 44% in 2021. The eight-point increase comes mostly from a 19-point jump among Republicans as views among Democrats held steady.

Guess how they’ll vote anyway

wrenchwench  Oct 17, 2022 • 9:01:19am
Dangerman  Oct 17, 2022 • 9:01:25am
Nyet  Oct 17, 2022 • 9:01:53am

re: #158 dat_said

Too bad it wasn’t Putin or his puppet patriarch, but at last COVID has gotten a right guy.

Eventual Carrion  Oct 17, 2022 • 9:02:04am

re: #166 Nyet

Military plane, meet an apartment building.

[Embedded content]

Looks like at least one person ejected.

lawhawk  Oct 17, 2022 • 9:03:27am

Right wing dumbfuckery strikes again.

These assclowns don’t care that CBP is seizing narcotics like fentanyl at the border. Those are drugs that aren’t getting into the US. But they make it sound like they’re here and on the streets, all while the same GOPers refuse to fund addiction treatment programs that would reduce demand for illicit drugs.

Belafon  Oct 17, 2022 • 9:03:53am

re: #170 Dangerman

Guess how they’ll vote anyway

When the question was asked “Lend them a hand” or “Leave them alone” the view among Democrats remained the same, while Republicans swung to “Leave them alone” by by 40-points.

Eclectic Cyborg  Oct 17, 2022 • 9:04:17am

re: #172 Dangerman

To the GOP “Freedoms” mean:

- The freedom of men to tell women what to do and how to live

- The freedom of white Christians to discriminate against other races and religions without penalty.

- The freedom to be armed to the fucking teeth and to be able to carry their assault rifles wherever they go

- The freedom of business owners to exploit and fuck over their employees.

- The freedom to tell all immigrants to “go back to your fucking country”.

- The freedom to make LGBT people second class citizens.

These are the “Freedoms” they are worried about Democrats “taking away”.

Eventual Carrion  Oct 17, 2022 • 9:04:33am

re: #171 wrenchwench

Skeleton on a Peloton, nice

Hecuba's daughter  Oct 17, 2022 • 9:07:02am

re: #173 Nyet

Too bad it wasn’t Putin or his puppet patriarch, but at last COVID has gotten a right guy.

It remains surprising that someone as young and wealthy as Petrunin would die from COVID. If that were the actual ailment (as opposed to polonium), wouldn’t Russian hospitals have access to top quality treatments for the oligarchs?

wrenchwench  Oct 17, 2022 • 9:07:10am

A 2 out of the blue.

Wordle 485 2/6*


Nyet  Oct 17, 2022 • 9:10:01am

re: #179 Hecuba’s daughter

Plenty of young people died during the height of the pandemic. And why would CIA etc. use polonium on a relatively unimportant Putin underling?

Nyet  Oct 17, 2022 • 9:11:00am

Official MoD statement on the plane.

⚡️Крушение Су-34 в Ейске - информация от МО РФ:

▪️Самолет потерпел крушение при наборе высоты для выполнения учебно-тренировочного полета с военного аэродрома Южного военного округа;

▪️Летчики катапультировались и доложили, что причиной крушения стало возгорание одного из двигателей при взлете;

▪️На месте падения Су-34 во дворе одного из жилых кварталов произошло возгорание топлива.

Подписаться на Zvezdanews

Nyet  Oct 17, 2022 • 9:12:03am

This way they’ll nuke Voronezh soon.

Hecuba's daughter  Oct 17, 2022 • 9:13:22am

re: #178 Eventual Carrion

Skeleton on a Peloton, nice

Looks like a Halloween decoration!

Here are a couple pics from my favorite overdecorated house in the hood!

(((Archangel1)))  Oct 17, 2022 • 9:15:06am
Jay C  Oct 17, 2022 • 9:15:43am

re: #180 wrenchwench

A 2 out of the blue.

Moi aussi:

Wordle 485 2/6


Also Queen-Bee’d Spelling Bee. 39/39

(((Archangel1)))  Oct 17, 2022 • 9:19:02am

re: #180 wrenchwench

A 2 out of the blue.

[Embedded content]

Continuing a week-long streak of threes here…


A Mom Anon  Oct 17, 2022 • 9:28:01am

re: #96 Dangerman

A lot of groups are out there trying to do that, I think many of them are the voter rights groups like Fair Fight. I know some of the larger non evangelical churches in the areas of greatest need have small scale neighborhood ways of getting people what they need. We’re still going to see a lot of long lines and intimidation tactics, it happens every election in poorer parts of my county and all over Georgia. I can look at a county map and tell you which precincts will have long lines and which won’t and it’s always based on a combo of race and income for that area. Always.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Oct 17, 2022 • 9:32:05am

re: #179 Hecuba’s daughter

The guy looked obese, from the photo. He may have had other complicating factors.

(((Archangel1)))  Oct 17, 2022 • 9:32:46am

re: #187 (((Archangel1)))

On that note, while a bit late, here’s the ridiculous Wordle attempt of mine from a week ago for those who asked…


Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Oct 17, 2022 • 9:33:06am

Philomena knows her stuff:

Youtube Video


Nyet  Oct 17, 2022 • 9:33:16am

re: #189 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

The guy looked obese, from the photo. He may have had other complicating factors.

He spent a month in a coma. Clearly he was susceptible.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Oct 17, 2022 • 9:34:52am

re: #111 Backwoods_Sleuth

Big picture: Conservatives really starting to build alternate media universe

And none of it “sticks” because they need to Own The Libs and they cannot do that in an echo chamber.

On a side note, my husband who can sometimes be a dick, but is never nasty about it (he is snarky damn near all the time) got a time out on Twitter and he just said, Fuck it. I don’t need it.

Upset one conservative and they’re like a reporting swarm.

Dr. Matt  Oct 17, 2022 • 9:35:30am

Trump’s company charged Secret Service ‘exorbitant’ hotel rates to protect the first family, House committee report says

This is what “draining the swamp” looks like?

The Trump Organization charged the Secret Service “exorbitant rates” - upwards of $1.4 million over four years - to protect the former President and his family at properties they owned, according to documents released by the House Oversight Committee on Monday.

The committee found that the Trump Organization charged the Secret Service “excessive nightly rates on dozens of trips” as high as $1,185 per night despite claims by the former President’s company that federal employees traveling with him would stay at those properties “for free” or “at cost.”

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Oct 17, 2022 • 9:36:30am

re: #112 Dr Lizardo

First, still don’t know if Elon’s deal with Twitter is a done deal. Second, Kanye, or Ye, or Yeezy, or whatever moniker he’s going by these days, is probably in the grip of a manic episode. Third, Trump’s social media site is the internet equivalent of a flaming bag of dog shit and is, by all accounts, in trouble.

I don’t think Parler is in much better shape. I doubt Kanye can afford it and if he manages to get the cash, he will likely go bankrupt because there ain’t no money waiting to be made there.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Oct 17, 2022 • 9:38:45am

re: #132 Crush White Nationalism

Kanye is getting grifted by Candace Owens. She’s taking advantage of his poor mental health.

Shame. Oh well, what’s for lunch?

Dopamine Fish  Oct 17, 2022 • 9:41:07am
(((Archangel1)))  Oct 17, 2022 • 9:41:30am

How many pet dogs has this maniac in office slaughtered????

Hecuba's daughter  Oct 17, 2022 • 9:43:57am

re: #190 (((Archangel1)))

On that note, while a bit late, here’s the ridiculous Wordle attempt of mine from a week ago for those who asked…

[Embedded content]


Eclectic Cyborg  Oct 17, 2022 • 9:46:33am

re: #198 (((Archangel1)))

How many pet dogs has this maniac in office slaughtered????

[Embedded content]

Maybe she should go work for Dr. Oz.


Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Oct 17, 2022 • 9:47:17am

re: #154 Eclectic Cyborg
Doubt it has a Wordle spoiler but YMMV.


Nyet  Oct 17, 2022 • 9:48:39am

Have tried to google thoroughly about Petrunin and nothing “suspicious” comes out, seemingly a pretty typical functionary of no great achievements but also without scandals. Typically patriotic/United Russia/pro-Putin grey nobody. Also, rich but no oligarch.

wrenchwench  Oct 17, 2022 • 9:49:19am

re: #190 (((Archangel1)))

On that note, while a bit late, here’s the ridiculous Wordle attempt of mine from a week ago for those who asked…

[Embedded content]

It’s beautiful. Thank you.

Barefoot Grin  Oct 17, 2022 • 9:49:39am

re: #194 Dr. Matt

Trump’s company charged Secret Service ‘exorbitant’ hotel rates to protect the first family, House committee report says

This is what “draining the swamp” looks like?

And there’s that whole thing about making Pence use his property in Ireland (Doonbeg) and US service folks use his Scotland property to stay even though both were way out of the way from where they were doing their jobs.

Nyet  Oct 17, 2022 • 9:50:47am

The moment the plane hits…

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Oct 17, 2022 • 9:51:59am

re: #190 (((Archangel1)))


wrenchwench  Oct 17, 2022 • 9:52:38am

re: #201 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Doubt it has a Wordle spoiler but YMMV.

[Embedded content]


Belafon  Oct 17, 2022 • 9:53:01am

re: #198 (((Archangel1)))

How many pet dogs has this maniac in office slaughtered????

It’s the “my property” philosophy taken to it’s logical conclusion.

Nyet  Oct 17, 2022 • 9:53:46am

Both pilots are (allegedly) unfortunately alive.

Hecuba's daughter  Oct 17, 2022 • 9:55:09am

re: #208 Belafon

It’s the “my property” philosophy taken to it’s logical conclusion.

There were some questions about whether the dogs were attacking Boebert’s livestock. I’m unclear of the details surrounding both incidents.

Nyet  Oct 17, 2022 • 9:55:21am

The alleged main hypothesis is that there were birds in the engine(s)…

Nyet  Oct 17, 2022 • 9:58:41am

re: #211 Nyet

The alleged main hypothesis is that there were birds in the engine(s)…

[Embedded content]

Must have been the infamous Ukrainian fighting Bandera-pigeons from the biolabs.

steve_davis  Oct 17, 2022 • 10:00:11am

Taking a work break.

Hecuba's daughter  Oct 17, 2022 • 10:01:02am

re: #211 Nyet

The alleged main hypothesis is that there were birds in the engine(s)…

[Embedded content]

Same reason as for the “Miracle on the Hudson” plane incident.

Romantic Heretic  Oct 17, 2022 • 10:04:17am

re: #152 Crush White Nationalism

Prosecutors want Bannon to be sentenced to six months (CNN)

I winder how Bannon will react when he discovers jail time includes frequent bathing?

Dr. Matt  Oct 17, 2022 • 10:04:51am

re: #196 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Shame. Oh well, what’s for lunch?

Karma stew and a glass of MAGA tears on ice.

Dr Lizardo  Oct 17, 2022 • 10:06:05am

re: #195 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

I don’t think Parler is in much better shape. I doubt Kanye can afford it and if he manages to get the cash, he will likely go bankrupt because there ain’t no money waiting to be made there.

I didn’t even know that Parler was still around until I read that Kanye was wanting to buy it. 😄

Romantic Heretic  Oct 17, 2022 • 10:07:44am

re: #172 Dangerman

When GQP people talk about freedom they are really talking about power.

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Oct 17, 2022 • 10:08:01am

re: #162 Hecuba’s daughter

An old saying from when I was young: “There’s no Izvestia in Pravda and no Pravda in Izvestia”. Not sure when any information from Russian publications was reliable.

Briefly, around 1990, and for a while after. Now? Maybe if it’s published abroad.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 17, 2022 • 10:10:18am

ETA twitter translation:
Previously, Lada-Kalina was promised, now potatoes and cabbage. For the life of his son, husband, brother. Utter tin. And why is the mayor of Yakutsk not mobilized himself? His family doesn’t need potatoes?

Nyet  Oct 17, 2022 • 10:11:31am

108 Ukrainian women POWs freed (after an exchange).

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Oct 17, 2022 • 10:11:50am

re: #217 Dr Lizardo

I didn’t even know that Parler was still around until I read that Kanye was wanting to buy it. 😄

There are levels of ick involved. From meh to holy shit.


Parlar is barely a step up from Gab and I’m thinking those who call it home wouldn’t take to kindly to one of them owning the place, considering every last one (of the people there) is a raging asshole.

Go build your own, Kanye. It’ll be cheaper and you might not have to file bankruptcy.

Teukka  Oct 17, 2022 • 10:12:39am
Nyet  Oct 17, 2022 • 10:15:26am

re: #223 Teukka

Somebody handed her her butt?

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 17, 2022 • 10:16:16am
Charles Johnson  Oct 17, 2022 • 10:16:17am
The GOP is a racist terrorist organization  Oct 17, 2022 • 10:18:25am
Nyet  Oct 17, 2022 • 10:18:34am

re: #220 Backwoods_Sleuth

More on this from a de facto state resource (still illuminating):

Сало по повестке
В некоторых регионах помощь решили оказывать не в денежном, а в натуральном выражении. Например, в Туве власти постановили выдать каждой семье призванных граждан по барану, а ряд районов республики начал доставлять уголь к домам мобилизованных. Впрочем, там есть и небольшие финансовые выплаты на детей — каждому несовершеннолетнему ребенку мобилизованного гражданина полагается по пять тысяч рублей.

В Бурятии местная администрация выделила семьям дрова.

А в Кургане местный мясной центр пообещал мобилизованным по килограмму сала. В организации пояснили, что для снабжения российских призывников его уже закоптили 100 килограммов. Чтобы получить продукт, достаточно продемонстрировать повестку.

«Если будет заканчиваться, то закоптим еще», — сказал представитель городского мясного центра.

В Сахалинской области вдобавок к выплатам решили выдать родственникам мобилизованных по пять килограммов рыбы: ее на регион выделено около девяти тонн, раздача начнется в ближайшее время.

Инициатива реализуется в рамках проекта «Доступная рыба».

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 17, 2022 • 10:18:37am


The GOP is a racist terrorist organization  Oct 17, 2022 • 10:21:12am

The voice of the insane traitor:

Captain Ron  Oct 17, 2022 • 10:24:28am
Dr. Matt  Oct 17, 2022 • 10:24:33am

re: #230 The GOP is a racist terrorist organization

The voice of the insane traitor:

[Embedded content]

Once again, coming from the same people that claimed the Left were Obama Cultists because we voted from him….twice.

Florida Panhandler  Oct 17, 2022 • 10:29:39am

re: #168 jaunte

I have no doubt that many of my extended family, who are wholly dependent on Social Security, will vote 1000% GQP. They ignore anything not related to the prospect of a “return to the 1950’s”. ..or 1850’s for that matter.

Dangerman  Oct 17, 2022 • 10:30:10am

re: #211 Nyet

The alleged main hypothesis is that there were birds in the engine(s)…

[Embedded content]

Sully managed not to hit anything // (1/2)

Dangerman  Oct 17, 2022 • 10:30:37am

re: #213 steve_davis

Taking a work break.

[Embedded content]

I thought you were..longer

Barefoot Grin  Oct 17, 2022 • 10:31:21am

re: #223 Teukka

[Embedded content]

Soccer pundit Roger Bennett on Morning Joe this morning describing Leeds United player’s missed penalty kick: “he Trussed it.”

jaunte  Oct 17, 2022 • 10:33:42am
FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Oct 17, 2022 • 10:34:53am

re: #231 Captain Ron

Of course. The DNA kits can be bought by the state on a no-bid contract from a crony of Abbott (or a political contributor). And probably at a considerable mark-up from what costs a competitive bidding process might result in.

And if they think ahead a bit the replacement of those kits as they age out (and my guess is that they do) is baked into the contract as well.

Dangerman  Oct 17, 2022 • 10:35:27am

re: #233 Florida Panhandler

I have no doubt that many of my extended family, who are wholly dependent on Social Security, will vote 1000% GQP. They ignore anything not related to the prospect of a “return to the 1950’s”. ..or 1850’s for that matter.

8% inflation totally Biden

8.7% ssa cola increase, nothing to do with biden

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Oct 17, 2022 • 10:36:52am

re: #220 Backwoods_Sleuth

ETA twitter translation:
Previously, Lada-Kalina was promised, now potatoes and cabbage. For the life of his son, husband, brother. Utter tin. And why is the mayor of Yakutsk not mobilized himself? His family doesn’t need potatoes?

“Utter tin” is an idiom meaning something like “what a joke.”

austin_blue  Oct 17, 2022 • 10:49:21am

re: #205 Nyet

The moment the plane hits…

[Embedded content]

Looks they both got out. Boom, boom- sequenced ejections.

Nyet  Oct 17, 2022 • 10:50:00am

re: #240 A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS

“Utter tin” is an idiom meaning something like “what a joke.”

It means “how hardcore”, coming most likely not from tin/жесть but rather from жесткий/hard-tough-rigid.

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Oct 17, 2022 • 10:50:11am

Birbie, again
Wordle 485 3/6


John Hughes  Oct 17, 2022 • 11:09:24am

re: #113 lawhawk

All true, but the theme is that these fascists and know nothing extremists are trying to create a social media channel to aggressively push their ideologies to the masses.

Which is kinda dumb, because they already have the existing ones, if they were just a tiny bit smarter.

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Oct 17, 2022 • 11:18:59am

re: #242 Nyet

It means “how hardcore”, coming most likely not from tin/жесть but rather from жесткий/hard-tough-rigid.

I would argue that my translation is as good as yours — (“how hardcore” would have to be used with heavy sarcasm in this instance) — when translating idioms, I try to use an expression an English speaker would be likely to use.

Nyet  Oct 17, 2022 • 11:29:08am

re: #245 A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS

I would argue that my translation is as good as yours — (“how hardcore” would have to be used with heavy sarcasm in this instance) — when translating idioms, I try to use an expression an English speaker would be likely to use.

You can use какая жесть without a hint of sarcasm.

Nyet  Oct 17, 2022 • 11:37:04am

re: #246 Nyet

BTW, I don’t really feel much sarcasm in “Раньше Ладу-Калину обещали, теперь картошку и капусту. За жизнь сына, мужа, брата. Полнейшая жесть.”. More like exasperation from the absurdity. The commenter is describing what is almost literally happening. It’s the situation itself that is absurd. The sarcasm comes in the next sentence.

John Hughes  Oct 17, 2022 • 3:18:37pm

re: #130 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

Is “woke” something that now [ has always ] basically translated as “How dare you call us out on acting like complete uncaring assholes”?

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