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austin_blue  Jan 7, 2019 • 11:18:28pm

It’s going to be a shitshow. We all know it. He will talk to his base with a speech written by Stephen Miller, to justify his initiation of what will be the equivalent of martial law.

“National Security” will be the excuse.

This will be the reason why he will demand that funds, not approved by the House, will be used to build his motherfucking wall.

Goodbye to America as we have known it, hello to the new nation of absolute dysfunction justified by Executive Authority.

It’s late. I’m out. Goodnight. Dog help us.

Anymouse 🌹  Jan 7, 2019 • 11:25:51pm

re: #1 austin_blue

It’s going to be a shitshow. We all know it. He will talk to his base with a speech written by Stephen Miller, to justify his initiation of what will be the equivalent of martial law.

“National Security” will be the excuse.

This will be the reason why he will demand that funds, not approved by the House, will be used to build his motherfucking wall.

Goodbye to America as we have known it, hello to the new nation of absolute dysfunction justified by Executive Authority.

It’s late. I’m out. Goodnight. Dog help us.

He may very well just do a replay of his campaign hits, since he hasn’t been getting rally coverage from the television media lately.

The Extinction of the White American Dinosaur (goes to John Pavlovitz’s blog, more at the link):

I love the look I saw this week.

It was the look of terrified dinosaurs realizing that the meteorite is on its way; the dilated pupils in the eyes of leadened, lumbering prehistoric monsters who’ve had their run of the house, now finding themselves at the precipice of extinction.

As the most diverse Congress in our history began its session, it was a harbinger of what is coming for this nation, and what it means for their species. America is growing more diverse, and its representative leadership (though still painfully lagging behind) is quickly making up ground. They can see the change in the weather and the light in the sky—and they are scrambling to avoid the coming impact because they can sense it will not end well for them.

ckkatz  Jan 7, 2019 • 11:26:39pm

Apropos to nothing:

Höga berg och djupa dalar

Ranarim-Höga Berg

High mountains and deep valleys
The forest full of nightingales
High mountains and deep valleys
The friend that pleases me

Come, come, my heart’s very dearest
We shall dance until the morning is here
All the night until the break of day
Come, let us dance ourselves tired


Anymouse 🌹  Jan 7, 2019 • 11:38:49pm

From the last thread:

re: #235 ObserverArt

She in some ways needs to use less numbers and say something like “a lot of the funds that go to the Defense Department could be used for more important things many in this country would like to see, like health insurance and infrastructure.”

Actual figures can be used to criticize and scare people.

Also, is it wise to say insurance should be free which it seems she is saying? The money has to come from somewhere. I think it should be stated that the money you are already paying for insurance could be lessened if it were a tax and went into a big USA Insurance pool where it can be used for single payer and scaled to how much the government adds to help the needy, etc. Then it needs to be explained how that can cut overall costs because so much waste is in middle-men gouging.

As I said the other night, she is young and she will learn to deal with the media in a better way. But she does need to realize the media is out to define her and she doesn’t need to give them the chance.

Right now it might be best if she says less, not more and in Congress do more, not less. She will learn the craft. Right now she might be a little too energetic and that can lead to being baited by the media.

And I would give the same advice to any young freshman congressperson, man or woman. Learn those ropes before they hang you with them.

On the other hand, the way she gracefully admitted her errors in two whole cases is a refreshing take for a Representative.

It shows she is not only trying to be honest, but she is willing to accept reproof.

It’s because she says more, not less, which makes her positions interesting. If she was to “craft her message” for the media pundits, she would just be another Congresswoman. She is willing to admit when she gets things wrong. That’s damn refreshing.

Hecuba's daughter  Jan 7, 2019 • 11:42:35pm

Panic attack — but this time it wasn’t over Trump. I was looking at a financial statement from last year and it appeared that I hadn’t taken my entire RMD from one of my IRAs — but only about half. So spent the last hour tracking through paper records and finally checked the online account — and Yes — it looks like it was all ok!!

Now I only have to worry about Trump turning us into a dictatorship this evening.

Anymouse 🌹  Jan 7, 2019 • 11:44:24pm
ckkatz  Jan 7, 2019 • 11:44:41pm

From the last thread:

re: #420 wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam

Baijiu is distilled liquor made from a variety of grains, and can be either smooth as silk or as harsh as paint stripper, depending on aging and quality (and price). Traditionally, baijiu is drunk with meals and like Russian vodka each cup must be drained after each toast, leading to quick inebriation if you’re not used to it. Nixon reportedly got pretty sloshed drinking baijiu with Mao and Zhou during his historic visit. In the USA, Moutai is the most common brand.

Based upon your description, I had to check the wiki out. Interesting factoids:

- It is the most widely consumed spirit (alcohol) in the world, with 5 billion litres sold in 2016.
- Alcohol by volume -> 28-65%
- The Chinese traditionally serve baijiu neat at room temperature.
- It is often infused with fruit or medicinal herbs and spices.
- In 2007, a report in Time magazine mentioned integrating baijiu into cocktails, and in the years since several bars around the world have added baijiu to their cocktail programs.
- Low grades of baijiu can be inexpensive; a bottle of roughly 250 ml (8 oz) may be purchased for the same price as a can of beer.
- The highest grade of Wuliangye retails for CN¥26,800 (US$3,375)
- Baijiu has a distinctive smell and taste that is highly valued in Chinese culinary culture, and connoisseurs focus especially on its fragrance.
- The four major categories of baijiu, accounting for the overwhelming majority of the market, are strong aroma, light aroma, sauce aroma, and rice aroma.
(The wiki then goes on to list a whole bunch of different aroma/classes)

I guess that I will need to try and track down a small bottle. Hopefully it will not be, as a friend in the Foreign Service said of durian, “An acquired taste”.

uriel  Jan 7, 2019 • 11:46:09pm

Got CL’d, so reposting here:

Let’s be honest:

Tomorrow night, on national TV, Trump is going to take a dump on the constitution, 2 1/2 centuries of precedent, and the wishes of the majority of the citizenry who loathe him, and declare himself de-facto dictator of the most powerful nation on earth, based on a shitty reality show.

And his followers will turn their Dunning-Kruger sycophancy dials up to “orgasim X 11.11ty.” And the media will scurry furiously to do their NPR best at pretending there is actually two valid sides to all of this, while washing their hands in their complicity born out of fear. And the republican party will pretend this is all not just normal, but laudatory.

And then, the world as we know it ends. Not with a bang or a whimper, but with a bad comb-over and a shitty spray on tan.

Fuck, I’m tired.

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam  Jan 7, 2019 • 11:54:20pm

re: #7 ckkatz

- It is often infused with fruit or medicinal herbs and spices.

Or dead poisonous snakes, as part of traditional Chinese medicine. I have drunk such wine and lived to tell the tale.

It’s also used in cooking much as red wine or brandy are.

SteveMcGriftFlynnComey... ...corruptemoligate RN  Jan 7, 2019 • 11:54:33pm


“But thanks largely to free-market forces, more coal-fired power plants have been deactivated in Trump’s first two years in office then in Obama’s entire first term. When asked about the President’s claim to be the savior of coal, veteran miner and industry consultant Art Sullivan bristles.
‘He’s trying to get their votes,’ he says, standing by the fenced-off entrance to a mine not far from Mitchell where he once served as Face Boss, a coal industry term for managers. ‘He’s lying to them.’”

Anymouse 🌹  Jan 7, 2019 • 11:57:16pm

My Internet service went out. You poor devils, it’s back.

You’re in luck though, because I’m ready for bed. Those barricades won’t man themselves without proper sleep.

ckkatz  Jan 8, 2019 • 12:06:03am

re: #9 wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam

Or dead poisonous snakes, as part of traditional Chinese medicine. I have drunk such wine and lived to tell the tale.

It’s also used in cooking much as red wine or brandy are.

I wonder if that was the origin of the phrase “Snake Oil”.

But I think that the maguey worm in the mezcal bottle is about my limit there. :)

Anymouse 🌹  Jan 8, 2019 • 12:07:42am
ckkatz  Jan 8, 2019 • 12:10:46am

re: #13 Anymouse 🌹

[Embedded content]

As Frum said of the administration:

“Many secrets, few mysteries.”

Anymouse 🌹  Jan 8, 2019 • 12:13:17am
freetoken  Jan 8, 2019 • 12:24:28am
wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam  Jan 8, 2019 • 12:30:46am

While I can understand the motivation, refusing to watch Trump’s tirade is not going to stop Trump. Whether he has two viewers or 20 million, he will be on the air spouting forth his usual set of lies.

Anyway, he’s mostly speaking to his loyalists, because he’s already made it clear that he doesn’t represent the rest of the American public.

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam  Jan 8, 2019 • 12:39:51am


wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam  Jan 8, 2019 • 12:44:07am

Tired hyena

Teukka  Jan 8, 2019 • 12:46:31am

Anyone else having issues reaching securingdemocracy.org ?

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam  Jan 8, 2019 • 12:48:12am

re: #20 Teukka

Anyone else having issues reaching securingdemocracy.org ?

Try securingdemocracy.gmfus.org

freetoken  Jan 8, 2019 • 1:24:49am

We all here may be concerned about the state of our nation/society, but when I look at what is trending on twitter:

… I’m reminded that Trump is more a symptom than a cause.

Circuses - America is more concerned with circuses than anything else.

LastYearsMan  Jan 8, 2019 • 2:07:53am

As the parent of a 2-year-old, I can understand how toddlers think not getting their way can be a national emergency. But in our case, a bottle and a nap usually fixes things for a while. Not sure how a grownup with nuclear codes can be placated.

Single-handed sailor  Jan 8, 2019 • 2:16:13am
Single-handed sailor  Jan 8, 2019 • 2:23:53am

Translation: “I’m running to the mid-east to assure our allies we’re not abandoning them, the president is a fucking idiot, ignore what he says.”

Single-handed sailor  Jan 8, 2019 • 2:30:04am
Single-handed sailor  Jan 8, 2019 • 2:36:25am
wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam  Jan 8, 2019 • 3:12:14am

People are having fun tearing into Charlie Kirk’s latest op-ed piece:

Dave In Austin  Jan 8, 2019 • 3:28:41am
freetoken  Jan 8, 2019 • 3:44:21am

re: #29 Dave In Austin

My MOC are the dreaded LIBRULS! … and it’s all good.

But alas the left coast is not the same as the inner country. We are a very mixed lot out here, increasingly cosmopolitan, and also increasingly hated by those in the inner parts of this country.

Dave In Austin  Jan 8, 2019 • 3:47:36am


jeffreyw  Jan 8, 2019 • 3:48:48am


Good morning!

Dave In Austin  Jan 8, 2019 • 3:50:14am
bd(it's all true)  Jan 8, 2019 • 4:08:30am

Good Morning Lizards,

In the spirit of bipartisanship I offer this quote on the day of Hair Furor’s Oval Office address:

“If you’re explaining, you’re losing.”

― Ronald Reagan

Patricia Kayden  Jan 8, 2019 • 4:35:10am
MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 4:38:07am

I stole this from downstairs. Thank you!!

re: #416 ckkatz

I had to steal that.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 4:44:22am

re: #17 wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam

While I can understand the motivation, refusing to watch Trump’s tirade is not going to stop Trump. Whether he has two viewers or 20 million, he will be on the air spouting forth his usual set of lies.

[Embedded content]

Anyway, he’s mostly speaking to his loyalists, because he’s already made it clear that he doesn’t represent the rest of the American public.

No, but it will deny the media the ratings. That is important to me. It is the only stand we have against the bullshit they have been throwing at us since this whole nightmare started in 2015.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 4:48:20am

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 4:53:38am


MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 5:02:37am


dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve  Jan 8, 2019 • 5:11:41am

re: #13 Anymouse 🌹

Wait, what?
IRS operations are stopped. Only 12% of its employees are considered critical and are on the job. This part of the budget is expired, which is what forced the shutdown.
The IRS CAN’T issue refunds. It would be not only impossible, but illegal.


Dan Gilmore
Psst! My wife is a managing attorney with IRS. The White House is lying.

people will get their refunds or they wont
if they dont, everyone will know it

Michele: Out of the closet and into the fire  Jan 8, 2019 • 5:12:33am

re: #40 MsJ


That’s the least you could say. Hell I’m doing chicken tonight. Just haven’t decided if I want to do it in the slow cooker or bake it using a Teriyaki marinade. Rice and mixed veggies as sides.

dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve  Jan 8, 2019 • 5:13:38am

re: #25 Single-handed sailor

Heading to the Middle East today to send a clear message to our friends and partners that the U.S. is committed to the region, committed to #defeatISIS,

Translation: “I’m running to the mid-east to assure our allies we’re not abandoning them, the president is a fucking idiot, ignore what he says.”

i thought….
oh what the hell why bother

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 5:14:52am

re: #41 dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve

people will get their refunds or they wont
if they dont, everyone will know it

Or they won’t. We live in 1984 these days.

dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve  Jan 8, 2019 • 5:16:53am

re: #37 MsJ

No, but it will deny the media the ratings. That is important to me. It is the only stand we have against the bullshit they have been throwing at us since this whole nightmare started in 2015.

further, when it’s reported on later, that will be part of the story
that not a lot of people watched it

a presidential address. not worth their time.

dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve  Jan 8, 2019 • 5:18:17am

re: #45 MsJ

Or they won’t. We live in 1984 these days.

it was a devious way to try to get some short term temporary support

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 5:21:31am

My new favorite thing. We all feel this way, don’t we.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 5:24:25am
MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 5:30:41am
Dave In Austin  Jan 8, 2019 • 5:30:56am

re: #40 MsJ


[Embedded content]

That’s just fucking horrible! It’s so fucking horrible it’s hilarious…..

dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve  Jan 8, 2019 • 5:31:11am
“He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting”


MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 5:36:04am

Cool charts.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 5:36:30am

re: #51 Dave In Austin

That’s just fucking horrible It’s so fucking horrible it’s hilarious…..

Hilarious enough to become a Twitter Moment.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 5:36:51am

re: #52 dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve


[Embedded content]

Trumpism in one sentence.

HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 5:37:05am

re: #52 dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve


[Embedded content]

Yeah I saw that last night.

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam  Jan 8, 2019 • 5:37:11am

So, out of curiosity, I watched the first episode of the Marie Kondo Tidying Up show on Netflix. Unlike a lot of other “tidying up” shows, this one does not try to do everything in a one- or two-day blitzkrieg. Instead, she spends a month working with families, showing them how to do things, and checks in on them once a week. The first “clients” are a young couple with two toddlers and way too much stuff. They also have no organization skills. I can relate, because my house was once like that.

My daughter and son-in-law, by contrast, have things pretty well under control, probably because my kid saw what our house was like while she was growing up and said, “Nuh uh. Not me.” But, my stepson and his wife, who have no kids other than the four-legged kind, live amid a mess of knickknacks, obsolete tech items, kitchen utensils, and other what-not that drive me nuts when I visit them. I’m not prone to claustrophobia, but I get a kind of oppressive feeling when I stay with them. When I last visited, they were complaining that they couldn’t find a tableware organizer that fit their island’s drawers, so the forks, spoons and knives were all helter-skelter. Took me less than an hour on Amazon to find one that works. I bought it and now the silverware drawer looks normal.

So, I’m just going to recommend the show to everyone in my family in the hope that those who need it will follow through with Kondo’s tips.

HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 5:37:19am

re: #55 MsJ

Trumpism in one sentence.

Pretty much.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 5:42:11am
MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 5:43:29am

Lawhawk, what does this mean?

PhillyPretzel  Jan 8, 2019 • 5:44:46am

re: #59 MsJ

I personally like to see all of the US drawn into a model like the first picture. Unfortunately it is the second picture we see more than anything else.

Targetpractice  Jan 8, 2019 • 5:45:01am

re: #40 MsJ


[Embedded content]

No seasoning on an uncovered pan? That’s a fucking travesty.

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Jan 8, 2019 • 5:48:14am

re: #40 MsJ


Way, way beyond ick.

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam  Jan 8, 2019 • 5:49:01am

re: #58 HappyWarrior

Pretty much.

The people who voted for Trump are the same ones who say they are constantly being victimized by other people — meaning not-whites, not-Christians, not-conservatives. They want to punish those Others for all the bad juju that they perceive has happened to them. So, they voted for the very politicians who are going to make *their* lives worse, too, because besides being perpetual pseudo-victims, they are also as gullible as all hell. Trump and the GOP don’t give a fck about the people who voted for them, unless their net worth is somewhere north of $500M.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 5:49:52am

How on earth does this prick call himself a christian. Lying is okie dokie? And this goes for all of them.

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam  Jan 8, 2019 • 5:53:28am

re: #65 MsJ

How on earth does this prick call himself a christian. Lying is okie dokie? And this goes for all of them.

Lying for Jesus. It’s in Scripture, in the fine print. Somewhere.

ObserverArt  Jan 8, 2019 • 5:53:37am


Started the day off by using Senator Rob Portman’s contact form. Again.

I heard idiot Mike Pence a little in the first half hour of Today. He can’t even lie anymore, though he tries so hard.

When asked about the fact that none of the past presidents wanted to build the wall, he danced around that saying he saw videos of them addressing border security.

He said Trump has “the impression” the living presidents wanted to build a wall.

Not the same thing Mike you blockhead, and no where near this drummed up National Crisis® bullshit.

Here is video. It always seems to me Pence signals he is lying. He shakes his head “no” when he starts. He often looks down and away instead of at the interviewer.

Some Christian you are Mike.

Tonight is going to be crazy. I sure hope this Trump Production™ blows up in his face and all of the crappy Republicans.


MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 5:55:51am
ObserverArt  Jan 8, 2019 • 5:55:53am

Dammit! I see MsJ put up the same video.

Link a damn tweet takes what 2 seconds. I’m digging around looking for video to embed.

Sorry for the repeat.

Targetpractice  Jan 8, 2019 • 5:56:19am

re: #66 wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam

Lying for Jesus. It’s in Scripture, in the fine print. Somewhere.

From the same people who insist that Muslims are “evil” because they read the Koran orders them to lie to “infidels.”

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Jan 8, 2019 • 5:59:27am

re: #48 MsJ

I love this. My wife would do the same; if she could sing.

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:06:40am

re: #52 dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve

He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting

Who are “the people”? The libruls or brown people? Or, both?

Maybe I’m being a jerk here, but probably not.

dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:06:41am

re: #56 HappyWarrior

Yeah I saw that last night.

Overachiever. (Jk)

Decatur Deb  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:07:46am

re: #55 MsJ

Trumpism in one sentence.

She lives about 20 miles from here. Prisons and jails are a very large part of the North Florida economy. Wife and I have done student voter registration at the college in that town—it mounts a vocational program to train prison guards, much like an ROTC program, but the uniforms are grey.

Late edit: (For full disclosure, most of the kids in those grey uniforms are POC.)

lawhawk  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:12:18am

re: #13 Anymouse 🌹

We’ve got discussions in our office about this. The OMB issued guidance in 2011 saying that they can’t issue refunds during a shutdown. The IRS isn’t issuing any guidance during the shutdown either.

But Rettig and Treasury and OMB issued a statement saying that they’ll issue refunds. So, with that, they’re willing to ignore the previous guidance because the political outcome of not doing so would be severe for the GOP.

Meanwhile, everyone still takes the DOJ position on indictment of a sitting president as though it is written in stone. Why? It’s just a position paper and the current administration’s corruption that runs to the very heart of how they got in office should be open to indictment on what we’ve known so far. We’re not talking about misdemeanors here.

We’re talking Trump conspiring with Michael Cohen on money laundering. We’re talking obstruction of justice and interfering in ongoing investigations. We’re talking witness tampering. We’re talking about conspiracy against the US by Trump and his inner circle before, during, and after the campaign.

There is enough here to impeach Trump and everyone associated with Trump.
There’s enough here to indict them too.

(and for those keeping score, this is known as an analogy on how government functions)

dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:15:13am

re: #61 PhillyPretzel

I personally like to see all of the US drawn into a model like the first picture. Unfortunately it is the second picture we see more than anything else.

state lines are/ were arbitrary - mostly
yes some are based on the physical landscape
others are clearly straight lines

no one seems to have a problem with them

Sir John Barron  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:15:37am

re: #65 MsJ

How on earth does this prick call himself a christian. Lying is okie dokie? And this goes for all of them.

“Many people are saying….”

Dave In Austin  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:15:44am
MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:17:49am
MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:19:49am
Sir John Barron  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:20:31am

re: #25 Single-handed sailor

Translation: “I’m running to the mid-east to assure our allies we’re not abandoning them, the president is a fucking idiot, ignore what he says.”

So, what is Iran supposedly doing now?

Targetpractice  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:21:10am

re: #79 MsJ

[Embedded content]

“Yeah, we’ve decided that we’re rethinking that whole ‘Out in 30 days’ business on account of…well…*couFoxNewsgh*”

“Uh-uh, no chance, yankee. You said 30 days, we want your ass out in 30 days. No stalling.”

lawhawk  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:21:49am

re: #60 MsJ

This probably means that Manafort’s going to get a ruling against him because of the failure to file on the deadline. The court will not look kindly on him or his legal team.

The court will rule based on the submissions before it. It’s possible that Manafort’s lawyers decided that no filing was preferable to lying to the court but with this gang that can’t shoot straight, who knows.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:24:24am
Colère Tueur de Lapin  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:26:17am

re: #79 MsJ

Why meet with the messenger boy from a know liar?

Erdogan want to get his Kurd killing on; Donny said it was ok, what else is there to talk about?

dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:26:41am

re: #72 Colère Tueur de Lapin

Who are “the people”? The libruls or brown people? Or, both?

Maybe I’m being a jerk here, but probably not.

I didn’t read it
Though either/both works
The sentiment is just evil on any level

bd(it's all true)  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:27:21am

re: #75 lawhawk

We’ve got discussions in our office about this. The OMB issued guidance in 2011 saying that they can’t issue refunds during a shutdown. The IRS isn’t issuing any guidance during the shutdown either.

But Rettig and Treasury and OMB issued a statement saying that they’ll issue refunds. So, with that, they’re willing to ignore the previous guidance because the political outcome of not doing so would be severe for the GOP.

[Embedded content]

Meanwhile, everyone still takes the DOJ position on indictment of a sitting president as though it is written in stone. Why? It’s just a position paper and the current administration’s corruption that runs to the very heart of how they got in office should be open to indictment on what we’ve known so far. We’re not talking about misdemeanors here.

We’re talking Trump conspiring with Michael Cohen on money laundering. We’re talking obstruction of justice and interfering in ongoing investigations. We’re talking witness tampering. We’re talking about conspiracy against the US by Trump and his inner circle before, during, and after the campaign.

There is enough here to impeach Trump and everyone associated with Trump.
There’s enough here to indict them too.

(and for those keeping score, this is known as an analogy on how government functions)

Rules are things the government follows when it is convenient.

PhillyPretzel  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:30:42am

re: #86 Amory Blaine

DT will call anyone a name that he chooses. That way he can say I do not know anyone by that name.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:31:28am
wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:31:35am

re: #84 MsJ

Pictures of this dude have been making the rounds on American right-wing Twitter account, blaming violent leftists for the beating.

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:33:01am

re: #89 PhillyPretzel

DT will call anyone a name that he chooses. That way he can say I do not know anyone by that name.

“Bolton? He wasn’t anyone that important. Just ran coffee for us once in a while.”

Belafon  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:33:29am

re: #59 MsJ

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:33:53am

re: #91 wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam

Pictures of this dude have been making the rounds on American right-wing Twitter account, blaming violent leftists for the beating.


I am fully on the Punch a Nazi train. We shot them 80 years ago.

(Is it really 80 years? Damn.)

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:36:05am

re: #94 MsJ


I am fully on the Punch a Nazi train. We shot them 80 years ago.

(Is it really 80 years? Damn.)

Yeah, I can’t feel much sympathy for him.

ObserverArt  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:38:28am

re: #30 freetoken

My MOC are the dreaded LIBRULS! … and it’s all good.

But alas the left coast is not the same as the inner country. We are a very mixed lot out here, increasingly cosmopolitan, and also increasingly hated by those in the inner parts of this country.

Come on Freetoken. You are usually not one to make such a sweeping comment.

We are a mixed lot and increasingly cosmopolitan in the largest cities of Ohio too, and we are increasingly hated by those in the more rural and smaller towns of Ohio.

We all need to fight this crap. It won’t be won just by the people on the two coasts.

ObserverArt  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:41:24am

re: #33 Dave In Austin

@abcnews @NBCNews @CBSNews @MSNBC @CNN Nope… I’ll be turning off your transmissions at 9Eastern tonite for obvious reasons. You need to at least give equal time to sane people. Your respective organizations are a disgrace to the nation. #BoycottTrumpAddress

6:49 AM - Jan 8, 2019 * Texas, USA

Watching the repeat of Rachel last night and she said MSNBC will be covering it. Then she gave a sly smile and said something like you might not want to miss it.

I have a feeling they will be fact checking a lot at MSNBC and the evening crew is going to go in all guns blazing. Just a hunch.

Joe Bacon 🌹  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:42:14am

re: #52 dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve


[Embedded content]

What LBJ said 50 years ago is still true. Trump’s cracker base loves to see him kick colored people down. But when Trump turns on his cracker base they have a sad. But don’t worry, these crackers will still vote for Trump because their racism TRUMPS everything else!

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:42:22am

re: #97 ObserverArt

Watching the repeat of Rachel last night and she said MSNBC will be covering it. Then she gave a sly smile and said something like you might not want to miss it.

I have a feeling they will be fact checking a lot at MSNBC and the evening crew is going to go in all guns blazing. Just a hunch.

That’s where this belongs, on cable. There is absolutely no reason for the networks to carry it. None.

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:43:48am

re: #99 MsJ

That’s where this belongs, on cable. There is absolutely no reason for the networks to carry it. None.

But Trump needs to whip up his base, and not all have cable TV.

PhillyPretzel  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:45:14am

re: #100 wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam

Or in some cases no TV at all.

ObserverArt  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:48:03am

re: #42 Michele: Out of the closet and into the fire

That’s the least you could say. Hell I’m doing chicken tonight. Just haven’t decided if I want to do it in the slow cooker or bake it using a Teriyaki marinade. Rice and mixed veggies as sides.

I bought a new bottle of Mole sauce for some chicken breasts. With low-fat refried black beans and some long grain brown rice.

I’m addicted to this stuff…

Belafon  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:49:16am

re: #82 Targetpractice

“Yeah, we’ve decided that we’re rethinking that whole ‘Out in 30 days’ business on account of…well…*couFoxNewsgh*”

“Uh-uh, no chance, yankee. You said 30 days, we want your ass out in 30 days. No stalling.”

I’m reading it more like “I’m not going to deal with you as long as your boss is saying something different than you.”

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:49:40am

re: #102 ObserverArt

I bought a new bottle of Mole sauce for some chicken breasts. With low-fat refried black beans and some long grain brown rice.

I’m addicted to this stuff…

[Embedded content]

Lol. I like the “Mexican condiment” explainer on the label, for Anglos who probably think it’s made from mole meat.

ObserverArt  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:49:45am

re: #46 dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve

further, when it’s reported on later, that will be part of the story
that not a lot of people watched it

a presidential address. not worth their time.

Before I forget…good luck in your races this week.

Say hello to klys for us and tell her it would only take 2 minutes for her to log-in and let us know how she is doing.

Amory Blaine  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:50:25am

Milwaukee is America’s most segregated city, report says

Segregation in the United States’ largest metropolitan areas has declined only modestly since the beginning of the century, with Milwaukee topping the list of cities with the highest black-white segregation, a recent study by the Brookings Institution shows.

The majority of areas identified as being highly segregated are in the northern parts of the country, with Milwaukee, New York City and Chicago leading the list.

HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:50:27am

re: #93 Belafon

[Embedded content]

Republicans have controlled most of the state legislatures that have had the Gerrymandering problems since 2014. There is Maryland but there’s also plenty of GOP controlled ones that are just as bad if not worse.

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:50:46am

re: #105 ObserverArt

Before I forget…good luck in your races this week.

Si hello to klys for us and tell her it would only take 2 minutes for her to log-in and let us know how she is doing.

She occasionally drops a tweet here and there, so she’s still around.

HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:51:06am

re: #106 Amory Blaine

Milwaukee is America’s most segregated city, report says

I’m no historian on Milwaukee but I believe this has been a problem for awhile.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:51:30am
ObserverArt  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:52:38am

re: #50 MsJ

John Kelly Got Angry at Kamala Harris for Calling Him at Home to Ask about Travel Ban hillreporter.com

8:00 AM - Jan 8, 2019

Why, I am almost getting a feeling that Kelly has a big problem with strong Black women.

And everyone else of color.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:52:46am

re: #104 wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam

Lol. I like the “Mexican condiment” explainer on the label, for Anglos who probably think it’s made from mole meat.

Well, the picture does have a bit of mole look to it. **blink**

HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:53:06am

re: #110 MsJ

[Embedded content]

I wasn’t aware that Madonna served in the House. She was qualified for the job unlike Ash’s orange haired asshole. But I get it, you’re mad because you see your state turning purple before your eyes and you can’t run any Republican asshole and win anymore.

HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:53:38am

re: #111 ObserverArt

Why, I am almost getting a feeling that Kelly has a big problem with strong Black women.

And everyone else of color.

Lawrence O’Donnell had something to say about that. He’s a Boston bigot.

Decatur Deb  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:53:38am

re: #96 ObserverArt

Come on Freetoken. You are usually not one to make such a sweeping comment.

We are a mixed lot and increasingly cosmopolitan in the largest cities of Ohio too, and we are increasingly hated by those in the more rural and smaller towns of Ohio.

We all need to fight this crap. It won’t be won just by the people on the two coasts.

That’s 3 coasts, longitudinist!!

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:54:09am

Well, it’s inching up on 11 pm here, and sadly I still have to be in the office in the morning. I have finished classes for the term, and graded all my exams, but the captain of the ship still has to show up on the bridge now and then. I will probably monitor the Trump Thing from my office computer. Hopefully I won’t need to seek asylum somewhere. See you all later, unless Trump hits the Internet kill switch.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:54:24am

re: #113 HappyWarrior

I wasn’t aware that Madonna served in the House. She was qualified for the job unlike Ash’s orange haired asshole. But I get it, you’re mad because you see your state turning purple before your eyes and you can’t run any Republican asshole and win anymore.

From the guy who demanded feilty from all GOPers to trump.

Joe Bacon 🌹  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:54:33am
HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:54:57am

re: #117 MsJ

From the guy who demanded feilty from all GOPers to trump.

Oh damn I didn’t know that. What a jackass.

Amory Blaine  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:55:18am

re: #109 HappyWarrior

Most of the white people in Wisconsin are flaming racists. Even a lot of so called progressives i.e. labor types.

HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:55:44am

re: #118 Joe Bacon 🌹

[Embedded content]

Well Putin technically is a former Russian President isn’t he. DIdn’t he step down to be PM and then became President again? Snicker.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:55:51am

Here ya go, Happy!

HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:57:20am

re: #120 Amory Blaine

Most of the white people in Wisconsin are flaming racists. Even a lot of so called progressives i.e. labor types.

I’ve never been so I can’t comment but you’re getting at by bringing up labor and blue collar types why I don’t like fetishizing the WWC. I’d rather have people who work on WS or in financial services who have an inclusionary view of the country and world than blue collar workers who have resentments.

HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:57:52am

re: #122 MsJ

Here ya go, Happy!

[Embedded content]

Yep! My cousin just posted about it. She’s thrilled. She’s much more moderate than I am but we agree on Stewart.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:58:32am
wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam  Jan 8, 2019 • 6:59:03am

Dropping this and running for cover.

Joe Bacon 🌹  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:00:04am

re: #122 MsJ

Here ya go, Happy!

[Embedded content]

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:04:30am
HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:04:44am

re: #127 Joe Bacon 🌹

[Embedded content]

Hahaha I hear ya but he’s even hated by a lot of Republicans here. Just saw another friend post about it. She’s way to my right but she hates Trump and Trumpism.

HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:04:59am

re: #128 MsJ

[Embedded content]

That settles it guys.

PhillyPretzel  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:06:46am

re: #128 MsJ

re: #130 HappyWarrior

I am a little more traditional. I would call DT a SOB.

Targetpractice  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:06:47am

re: #122 MsJ

Here ya go, Happy!

[Embedded content]

The face of a man who is really wishing he’d taken that stool softner the night before.

HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:07:45am

re: #131 PhillyPretzel

I am a little more traditional. I would call DT a SOB.

Motherfucker is Sam’s word of choice though Philly. But my Pittsburgh family would call him a jagoff.

Joe Bacon 🌹  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:07:57am

re: #129 HappyWarrior

Hahaha I hear ya but he’s even hated by a lot of Republicans here. Just saw another friend post about it. She’s way to my right but she hates Trump and Trumpism.

Here’s a Party that will welcome KKKorey with open arms!

Don’t be stupid be a smarty, come and join the nazi party

Belafon  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:09:11am
HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:09:42am

re: #134 Joe Bacon 🌹

Here’s a Party that will welcome KKKorey with open arms!

[Embedded content]

Springtime for Stewart and Germannnnnnnnnnny! And thank you for using the original 1967 movie clip because that one is far better than the remake.

Belafon  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:09:42am

Oh, and BTW, the networks aired GWB’s immigration speech.

HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:10:18am

re: #135 Belafon

[Embedded content]

Trump governs like an autocrat. He’s not a dictator but he acts like one.

ObserverArt  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:14:50am

re: #83 lawhawk

This probably means that Manafort’s going to get a ruling against him because of the failure to file on the deadline. The court will not look kindly on him or his legal team.

The court will rule based on the submissions before it. It’s possible that Manafort’s lawyers decided that no filing was preferable to lying to the court but with this gang that can’t shoot straight, who knows.

lawhawk…did you happen to see the first 20 minutes or so of Rachel Maddow last night? She was talking about the lawyers for the Russian who were chided by the judge yesterday. It was pretty fascinating. They apparently were asking for almost the entire political history and laws of the United States as part of their “discovery” process.

Here is her opening segment. The whole thing is worth watching but this video is set to play around the 14 minute mark where you can see her talking about the discovery that is obviously way the hell over the top, Putin must think he can use the US courts to find out how we have handled Russia in the past.


HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:14:57am

We have a special election here today too. Wexton was a state senator so her seat is up. Her successor is another Jennifer, Boysko who I’ve also met and like. She actually represents right now the House of Delegates seat that I grew up in. Oh and Dick “Al Assad lover” Black is retiring too so my state senate seat will be competitive in the fall. It never ends here in Va.

Dr Lizardo  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:16:28am

There’s been a lot of twists and turns in the ongoing saga of Sears, but it looks like this time, it really is game over.

Sears Holdings has rejected Chairman Eddie Lampert’s bid to save the 126-year-old company, setting the storied retailer with more than 50,000 employees on a path to liquidation, people familiar with the situation told CNBC on Tuesday. Sears, which also owns Kmart, planned to announce its liquidation plans Tuesday morning, the people said.

Lampert had put forward a $4.4 billion bid to save Sears by buying it out of bankruptcy through his hedge fund ESL Investments. His offer, though, was deemed insufficient by Sears’ advisors, the people said. One of the biggest unresolved issues was covering the fees and vendor payment it owes, making it “administratively insolvent.”

Still, ESL plans to protest Sears’ decision, a person familiar with the situation told CNBC. ESL, which worked over the weekend to improve its offer, will point to the extensive advisory fees that Sears has racked up during bankruptcy. Such fees are part of Sears’ administrative expenses.


Targetpractice  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:16:37am

I don’t think Corey has quite figured out that the only way the VA that would elect him will ever come back…is if everything north of Frankfurt declared independence.

Targetpractice  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:17:36am

re: #141 Dr Lizardo

There’s been a lot of twists and turns in the ongoing saga of Sears, but it looks like this time, it really is game over.


*sigh* Ayn Rand claims another victim.

HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:18:11am

re: #142 Targetpractice

I don’t think Corey has quite figured out that the only way the VA that would elect him will ever come back…is if everything north of Frankfurt declared independence.

I just hope he goes back to his family in 1861. They’re probably missing him by now.

Dr Lizardo  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:18:37am

re: #143 Targetpractice

*sigh* Ayn Rand claims another victim.


Targetpractice  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:20:13am

re: #144 HappyWarrior

I just hope he goes back to his family in 1861. They’re probably missing him by now.

To be fair, Corey would have been welcomed to the the VA of as recently as 20 years ago. It’s rather fitting that, on the same day as Corey making this announcement, the Virginia-Pilot announced that Bob “It’s totally my wife’s fault!” McDonnell is filing for divorce.

Belafon  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:20:23am

Here’s a thought: Networks should pre-check Trump. About 15 mintes before it starts, present a short list of facts, such as immigration from the South declining, Trump creating the pile up of people by putting them in concentration camps, the fact that he turned down two offers for funding because it would have given DACA recepients a chance at citizenship, and that he agreed to an offer until he was criticized by Coulter.

ObserverArt  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:20:31am

re: #108 wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam

She occasionally drops a tweet here and there, so she’s still around.

Tweets. Not LGF.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:23:05am
HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:23:37am

re: #146 Targetpractice

To be fair, Corey would have been welcomed to the the VA of as recently as 20 years ago. It’s rather fitting that, on the same day as Corey making this announcement, the Virginia-Pilot announced that Bob “It’s totally my wife’s fault!” McDonnell is filing for divorce.

True enough. And yeah I saw Bob was getting divorced today. Damn and I really thought ten years ago he could have been a GOP contender for higher office.

ObserverArt  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:23:52am

re: #115 Decatur Deb

That’s 3 coasts, longitudinist!!

Four actually. Ohio and the great lakes states are on the north coast.

But you know what Freetoken meant. Usually that all means California and New York.

As Obama said: It is not red states and blue states. It is the United States!

Targetpractice  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:25:11am

re: #150 HappyWarrior

True enough. And yeah I saw Bob was getting divorced today. Damn and I really thought ten years ago he could have been a GOP contender for higher office.

He committed the greatest sin you can in the eyes of the GOP: He allowed his marriage issues to get out in the open. A proper Republican keeps the trophy wife next to him at the podium until after he’s divorced her ass in favor of a much hotter replacement. Letting it get out that she’s shagging another man while you’re sleeping on the couch elsewhere…yeah, that’s career killer.

HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:25:39am

re: #149 MsJ

[Embedded content]

Agh yeah I saw that quote cherrypicked earlier to shit on her.

HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:25:59am

re: #152 Targetpractice

He committed the greatest sin you can in the eyes of the GOP: He allowed his marriage issues to get out in the open. A proper Republican keeps the trophy wife next to him at the podium until after he’s divorced her ass in favor of a much hotter replacement. Letting it get out that she’s shagging another man while you’re sleeping on the couch elsewhere…yeah, that’s career killer.

Yep he gone.

Targetpractice  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:33:10am

I think what gets me about tonight is all the predictions about Trump declaring a “national emergency” work with the assumption that the GOP are going along with this for no other reason than provide him cover so he can reopen the gov’t without “losing face.”

Yeah, no, that’s not how this works. Assuming the predictions are right and the courts slap him down, then he suffers a greater embarassment and gets no wall funding. Plus now you’ve raised the odds of impeachment happening while giving the more vulnerable of your members incentive to go along with convicting him.

If the calculus is “This will solve all our problems,” then you morons are seriously bad at math.

lawhawk  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:34:31am

re: #139 ObserverArt

Discovery has to be narrow in scope (not overbroad) and can’t be a fishing expedition. Making discovery demands that reveal natsec will get rejected unless you have a valid and urgent reason and can point to specifics of how it relates to your case theory, and they failed to even remotely get to that hurdle.

The judge slapped them down appropriately.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:34:48am

re: #155 Targetpractice

I think what gets me about tonight is all the predictions about Trump declaring a “national emergency” work with the assumption that the GOP are going along with this for no other reason than provide him cover so he can reopen the gov’t without “losing face.”

Yeah, no, that’s not how this works. Assuming the predictions are right and the courts slap him down, then he suffers a greater embarassment and gets no wall funding. Plus now you’ve raised the odds of impeachment happening while giving the more vulnerable of your members incentive to go along with convicting him.

If the calculus is “This will solve all our problems,” then you morons are seriously bad at math.

I have a hard time believing that republicans are going to allow trump to take away their power.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:35:33am
MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:36:32am
makeitstop  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:36:32am

re: #155 Targetpractice

I think what gets me about tonight is all the predictions about Trump declaring a “national emergency” work with the assumption that the GOP are going along with this for no other reason than provide him cover so he can reopen the gov’t without “losing face.”

Yeah, no, that’s not how this works. Assuming the predictions are right and the courts slap him down, then he suffers a greater embarassment and gets no wall funding. Plus now you’ve raised the odds of impeachment happening while giving the more vulnerable of your members incentive to go along with convicting him.

If the calculus is “This will solve all our problems,” then you morons are seriously bad at math.

Shh. Don’t interrupt. They think they have a good idea here.

Targetpractice  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:37:58am

re: #157 MsJ

I have a hard time believing that republicans are going to allow trump to take away their power.

Here’s the thing: The White House has been floating this shit for close to two days now. The man has been pretty clear that he’s seriously considering it. And yet the GOP have sat around with their thumbs up their asses, doing more to bitch and moan about naughty words and high school nicknames than rebuke their wannabe-dictator-in-chief.

If he asked Mitch to shut down the Senate, Yertle might actually consider allowing it to happen. He has no way of getting the votes, but there’s every possibility based upon his recent behavior that he might step before the cameras and argue that the Dems need to go along with Donny’s demands.

makeitstop  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:45:01am


HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:47:31am

re: #162 makeitstop


[Embedded content]

….And then go to the dentist. I cannot stand listening ot Trumpo’s voice.

Targetpractice  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:47:53am

Speaking of divorces, it seems reality has divorced Jared:

Jared Kushner believes they can “flip” a Democratic senator to support the wall, Raju reports, so that Trump can claim there is “bipartisan” support for it.

“They’re trying to see if they can get at least one Democratic senator for one reason: To make the case that this is bipartisan support for what the president is calling for on the wall,” he said. “In addition to that, they’re trying to encourage Republicans from not defecting from the president’s line. Concern is growing among Republicans here on the Hill that the longer this goes on the more Republicans are bound to defect, particularly as House Democrats plan to push for individual bills to re-open the government.”

Kushner has been the president’s whip, telling Congressional Republicans that public support will swing to the president after his televised national address and a border visit.

“Jared Kushner, I’m told, from a source familiar with the matter, is making the case privately that after the president’s speech tonight, and after he goes to the border on Thursday, that public support will grow toward the Republican side,” Raju said.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:48:13am
HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:50:16am

re: #164 Targetpractice

Speaking of divorces, it seems reality has divorced Jared:

[Embedded content]

Jared proving once again that he’s not the boy genius that Trump thinks he is. If he was even slightly smart, he would have stayed the hell away from Ivanka.

ObserverArt  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:50:41am

re: #164 Targetpractice

Speaking of divorces, it seems reality has divorced Jared:

Jared Kushner believes they can “flip” a Democratic senator to support the wall, Raju reports, so that Trump can claim there is “bipartisan” support for it.

I bet we can all guess who that one Democratic Senator is!

Sir John Barron  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:51:24am

re: #164 Targetpractice

Speaking of divorces, it seems reality has divorced Jared:

Any chance that during his trip to the border Thursday that Donnie gets left in Juarez by ‘mistake’?

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:51:31am

re: #166 HappyWarrior

Jared proving once again that he’s not the boy genius that Trump thinks he is. If he was even slightly smart, he would have stayed the hell away from Ivanka.

Dude. They are totally birds of a feather. Two criminal families doing what they do…wait for the patriarch to either go to jail or get out of jail.

lawhawk  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:52:52am
makeitstop  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:53:28am

re: #167 ObserverArt

I bet we can all guess who that one Democratic Senator is!

Schumer better be leaning all the fuck over him to stay in line. If Manchin (I assume that’s who you’re talking about) backs Trump on this, his new office should be a broom closet in the basement with no desk.

Time for hardball.

HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:53:35am

re: #169 MsJ

Dude. They are totally birds of a feather. Two criminal families doing what they do…wait for the patriarch to either go to jail or get out of jail.

Yeah but Jared and Ivanka may be going to jail too potentially.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:53:59am
HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:54:42am

re: #171 makeitstop

Schumer better be leaning all the fuck over him to stay in line. If Manchin (I assume that’s who you’re talking about) back Trump on this, his new office should be a broom closet in the basement with no desk.

Time for hardball.

Yeah if Manchin does this shit after he was supported even after his Kavanaugh bullshit, I’m going to be pissed. He’s far as from the border as you can be in WV and he needs to have the courage to tell his constituents that the wall is bullshit.

PhillyPretzel  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:55:07am

re: #173 MsJ

Serves them right.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:55:21am

re: #172 HappyWarrior

Yeah but Jared and Ivanka may be going to jail too potentially.

Be still my cold, dead heart.

makeitstop  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:55:31am

re: #170 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

The equivalent of Mueller standing outside Trump’s window, staring.

‘We out here, motherfucker.’

lawhawk  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:57:39am

re: #177 makeitstop

Mueller’s investigation keeps spinning off indictments for Russians and Americans doing business with Russians that sought to influence our election.

Everyone associated with Trumpworld was compromised, corrupt, or criminal.

How do we know? Everyone Trump’s working with at the highest levels is indicted or facing/expecting indictments.

There’s more to come.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:57:44am

re: #175 PhillyPretzel

Serves them right.

Alas, while I agree, there are too many other people who don’t buy this bullshit who are affected.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:59:06am

re: #178 lawhawk

Mueller’s investigation keeps spinning off indictments for Russians and Americans doing business with Russians that sought to influence our election.

Everyone associated with Trumpworld was compromised, corrupt, or criminal.

How do we know? Everyone Trump’s working with at the highest levels is indicted or facing/expecting indictments.

There’s more to come.

I am certain that this is a big driver on this wall bullshit. Of course, the dumbass doesn’t want to lose face, but I think there’s more than that.

Of course, trump isn’t known for deep thinking so it might very well just be him saving face. Until the next big thing comes.

HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 7:59:28am

re: #176 MsJ

Be still my cold, dead heart.

I know. I would love to see them both led off to jail for a long time. Their kids will be better without those monsters in their lives.

plansbandc  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:00:12am

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:00:26am
lawhawk  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:01:51am

Participants in the Trump tower meeting and their current disposition:

Jared Kushner - not yet indicted.
Paul Manafort - convicted and in prison
Donald Trump Jr. - not yet indicted.
Natalia Veselnitskaya - indicted on interfering in ongoing investigation into money laundering by a Russian company (not directly tied to Mueller investigation).
Rinat Akhmetshin, a Russian-American lobbyist and former Soviet counterintelligence officer - no status on if/when indicted
Rob Goldstone - no status on if/when indicted
Anatoli Samochornov, a translator for Veselnitskaya.
Ike Kaveladze - no status on if/when indicted.

Belafon  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:02:37am

Looked up Manchin and immigration. He was the last Democrat to get on board preventing families from being separated at the border. He would support wall funding in echange for immigration reform votes.

Hecuba's daughter  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:03:44am

re: #128 MsJ

[Embedded content]

My sister expressed her deep disapproval of Tlaib’s language; she thinks it’s totally unbecoming of a Congresswoman. OTOH she’s fine with Snoop Dogg’s comments because he’s a rapper and that’s the language they use to communicate. And I’m sure she has no objection to Samuel Jackson — after all, hasn’t he copyrighted the term? My sister would have had no problem with “Impeach the treasonous piece of slime”. Of course, House leadership was actually not so enthusiastic about the word “Impeach” at this point; that was probably more of a concern to them.

Skip Intro  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:07:42am

re: #17 wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam

It isn’t going to make any difference whether I watch it or not so I choose not to. I’ll find out all I need to know here afterwards.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:07:55am

re: #186 Hecuba’s daughter

My sister expressed her deep disapproval of Tlaib’s language; she thinks it’s totally unbecoming of a Congresswoman. OTOH she’s fine with Snoop Dogg’s comments because he’s a rapper and that’s the language they use to communicate. And I’m sure she has no objection to Samuel Jackson — after all, hasn’t he copyrighted the term? My sister would have had no problem with “Impeach the treasonous piece of slime”. Of course, House leadership was actually not so enthusiastic about the word “Impeach” at this point; that was probably more of a concern to them.

I can’t take issue with anything you said. There is a certain decorum I desire (my biggest issue with trumps shitty wife). I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiment but I also think elected officials should be held to a higher standard.

And I think bringing up impeachment immediately serves no one…except maybe republicans.

Hecuba's daughter  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:08:46am

re: #174 HappyWarrior

Yeah if Manchin does this shit after he was supported even after his Kavanaugh bullshit, I’m going to be pissed. He’s far as from the border as you can be in WV and he needs to have the courage to tell his constituents that the wall is bullshit.

Manchin was just reelected; he has no need for his political survival to take this position.

Belafon  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:09:28am

re: #188 MsJ

I am, too, when they are all held to that standard.

HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:10:42am

re: #189 Hecuba’s daughter

Manchin was just reelected; he has no need for his political survival to take this position.

Exactly. He needs to do the right thing here. And I will grant him that he has sometimes. I’m glad he’s there and not a Republican.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:11:10am

re: #190 Belafon

I am, too, when they are all held to that standard.

That’s my biggest issue, too. Hypocrisy in what we can and cannot do and they can do any damn thing they want.

HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:11:37am

re: #190 Belafon

I am, too, when they are all held to that standard.

Right, I mean, it’s the GOP hypocrisy on the issue that pisses me off. They love Trump’s cursing. They love his childish name calling. I can’t get outraged at this.

jaunte  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:11:40am

re: #186 Hecuba’s daughter

If Tlaib had shouted Impeach the Liar, which is totally accurate, she would still be getting heavy criticism.

HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:12:18am

re: #192 MsJ

That’s my biggest issue, too. Hypocrisy in what we can and cannot do and they can do any damn thing they want.

Yep. Trump can talk about jailing his opponents but how dare a freshman Congresswoman call him a motherfucker.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:13:19am
Hecuba's daughter  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:13:28am

re: #194 jaunte

If Tlaib had shouted Impeach the Liar, which is totally accurate, she would still be getting heavy criticism.

Yep — but not from my sister.

jaunte  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:13:47am
lawhawk  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:14:27am

re: #198 jaunte

So say we all.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:15:16am
dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:16:37am

re: #167 ObserverArt

Jared Kushner believes they can “flip” a Democratic senator to support the wall, Raju reports, so that Trump can claim there is “bipartisan” support for it.

I bet we can all guess who that one Democratic Senator is!

yes i get the math

one doesnt make it bipartisan

HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:17:04am

re: #196 MsJ

[Embedded content]

Remind me Max, you are the one by your own admission never actually looked at what Barry Goldwater was talking about in his speeches. Alexandria isn’t some stupid little girl. She’s a grown ass woman who took on a well entrenched Democratic incumbent and is actually trying to serve her constituency. How about not being a patronizing dick because she doesn’t share your view of the world? And you had no problems with Sarah Palin in 2008 when you supported McCain-Palin over Obama-Biden. She’s a freshman Congresswoman. She’s going to have some fuck ups sure but comparing her to a VP nominee whom you supported at that is disingenuous as shit.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:18:50am


Skip Intro  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:18:55am

re: #164 Targetpractice

Speaking of divorces, it seems reality has divorced Jared:

[Embedded content]

Are that Dem senator’s initials J.M. by any chance? I wouldn’t bet against it.

HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:19:36am

At least Alexandria has thought out ideas rather than the same lame platitudes about rah rah Capitalism is the greatest ever! It’s not. I’m sorry but it’s just not.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:21:22am
HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:24:18am

re: #206 MsJ

[Embedded content]

Because there aren’t hardworking or real people in Massachusetts. For fuck sake, Joe, she;’s actually self made. You are *looks at biography*, a son and grandson of people who served in your state legislature and a nephew of a former WV Secretary of State. Senator Warren knows actually more about what the Middle Class goes through than you do. Shut up dude. Stop acting like only people in your state work hard or are real. Massholes are massholes but they work just as hard as people in WV or dare I say maybe even harder.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:25:15am

Pelosi and Schumer are giving the response tonight.

HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:25:38am

Elizabeth Warren, daughter of middle class parents doesn’t understand “real people” or “hardworking” Americans but Donald Trump who literally lived in a tower that bears his name and got a “modest” million dollar loan from his Dad in the 70’s does. Okay.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:26:17am

re: #209 HappyWarrior

Elizabeth Warren, daughter of middle class parents doesn’t understand “real people” or “hardworking” Americans but Donald Trump who literally lived in a tower that bears his name and got a “modest” million dollar loan from his Dad in the 70’s does. Okay.

That was Romney. Trump inherited millions.

lawhawk  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:26:59am

40% of Americans lack the ability to deal with an emergency cost of $400.

Those involved in the shutdown face far higher costs than that.

PhillyPretzel  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:27:10am

re: #208 MsJ

Good. It would be good if they were to hammer DT and everything he says in his “speech” tonight.

HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:27:29am

re: #210 MsJ

That was Romney. Trump inherited millions.

I believe Trump got a pretty nice loan from his Dad too. But thanks for reminding me how Mitt is basically Trump if Trump didn’t swear or put on a facade of decency.

lawhawk  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:27:42am

re: #210 MsJ

Trump also got multiple loans worth millions from his dad to keep his business afloat.

Trump also inherited his real estate fortune from his dad.

Both statements are true.

Anymouse 🌹  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:28:21am

re: #173 MsJ

I had a second case of chickenpox in 1993 (off work from the Navy for three weeks) and a second case of mumps in 2012 (thanks to an antivax parent’s Christmas carolling child) which nearly killed me with a 105°F fever and bits swollen up like oranges.

My mother suffers from post-polio syndrome, and my wife’s mother died from it after spending her life in a wheelchair. One of my great-grandmothers had shingles lifelong until she died in 1993.

I would dearly love to shove a cactus sideways up their anti-science BS ports.

Take a walk through an old enough cemetery and you see what life was like for children before vaccines.

HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:29:13am

Hell I’m not even huge on Warren as a Presidential candidate but if she’s going to have trouble, I think it will be regarding FP, an issue by her own admission she hasn’t thought much about. That’s a valid criticism IMO but this fake bullshit about not being able to connect with “real Americans” or “hardworking” Americans is the kind of bullshit populism I despise.

Amory Blaine  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:29:41am

re: #196 MsJ

His fedora is all business.

Anymouse 🌹  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:29:54am

re: #207 HappyWarrior

Because there aren’t hardworking or real people in Massachusetts. For fuck sake, Joe, she;’s actually self made. You are *looks at biography*, a son and grandson of people who served in your state legislature and a nephew of a former WV Secretary of State. Senator Warren knows actually more about what the Middle Class goes through than you do. Shut up dude. Stop acting like only people in your state work hard or are real. Massholes are massholes but they work just as hard as people in WV or dare I say maybe even harder.

And his daughter is charging $600 for Epi-pens because she understands working people.

HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:30:54am

re: #215 Anymouse 🌹

I had a second case of chicenpox in 1993 (off work from the Navy for three weeks) and a second case of mumps in 2012 (thanks to an antivax parent’s Christmas carolling child) which nearly killed me with a 105°F fever and bits swollen up like oranges.

My mother suffers from post-polio syndrome, and my wife’s mother died from it after spending her life in a wheelchair. One of my great-grandmothers had shingles lifelong until she died in 1993.

I would dearly love to shove a cactus sideways up their anti-science BS ports.

Take a walk through an old enough cemetery and you see what life was like for children before vaccines.

Yeah I hear people talk about the “good old days” and I just shake my hand after all the research I’ve done. Got two grandparents who lost a sibling in childhood, another who lost a parent, and another one who had two siblings that were miscarried.

HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:31:11am

re: #218 Anymouse 🌹

And his daughter is charging $600 for Epi-pens because she understands working people.

Yeah exploiting them.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:32:18am

re: #213 HappyWarrior

I believe Trump got a pretty nice loan from his Dad too. But thanks for reminding me how Mitt is basically Trump if Trump didn’t swear or put on a facade of decency.

If trump only had gotten a loan he be homeless now.

As much as I disliked Romney he was successful in business (no morals but hey, can’t have everything 🙄🙄)

HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:33:32am

re: #221 MsJ

If trump only had gotten a loan he be homeless now.

As much as I disliked Romney he was successful in business (no morals but hey, can’t have everything 🙄🙄)

True, Romney was a better businessman than Trump is but I’m talking about their character here, something Mitt professes Trump lacks. Trump does lack character but Mitt lacks it too.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:33:34am

re: #217 Amory Blaine

His fedora is all business bullshit.


Anymouse 🌹  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:33:43am

re: #216 HappyWarrior

Hell I’m not even huge on Warren as a Presidential candidate but if she’s going to have trouble, I think it will be regarding FP, an issue by her own admission she hasn’t thought much about. That’s a valid criticism IMO but this fake bullshit about not being able to connect with “real Americans” or “hardworking” Americans is the kind of bullshit populism I despise.

Sen. Warren might be weak on foreign policy chops, but there is a vast difference between her and Trump: She would have experts advising her and she would listen to their advice.

plansbandc  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:33:52am

I have a foreboding of an America in my children’s or grandchildren’s time - when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the key manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what’s true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness.

Carl Sagan in 1995

NO SMOCKING GUN!  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:34:44am

re: #210 MsJ

That was Romney. Trump inherited millions.

In large part due to tax fraud.

HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:35:49am

re: #224 Anymouse 🌹

Sen. Warren might be weak on foreign policy chops, but there is a vast difference between her and Trump: She would have experts advising her and she would listen to their advice.

I know but I’m talking about what separates her from her fellow Dem candidates. Her weakness on FP chops is one reason why she’s not my choice. I like her more as a Senator than I do possible President but if it came to her against Trump, I’d gladly have her.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:35:54am

re: #224 Anymouse 🌹

Sen. Warren might be weak on foreign policy chops, but there is a vast difference between her and Trump: She would have experts advising her and she would listen to their advice.

That’s just it… When did we expect any elected officials to be an expert in everything? Dems only, sure, but… When?

Another big difference between us and then, we actually have experts who make thought or decisions.

ObserverArt  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:36:03am

Rashida Tlaib’s comment wasn’t even in a government setting. I think it was in a restaurant or bar.

I sure would like to hear a lot of the Republican’s in a similar setting.

And of course, Trump has been recorded at his campaign rallies.

NO SMOCKING GUN!  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:36:06am

re: #224 Anymouse 🌹

Sen. Warren might be weak on foreign policy chops, but there is a vast difference between her and Trump: She would have experts advising her and she would listen to their advice.

She couldn’t be worse than Trump if she was a foreign agent hand picked by Putin. Oh wait …

Anymouse 🌹  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:36:25am

re: #223 MsJ


Hey, didn’t Max Boot support Sarah Palin? Has he apologised for that yet?

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:37:29am

re: #231 Anymouse 🌹

Hey, didn’t Max Boot support Sarah Palin? Has he apologised for that yet?

Being Republican means never having to say you’re sorry.

HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:37:36am

re: #228 MsJ

That’s just it… When did we expect any elected officials to be an expert in everything? Dems only, sure, but… When?

Another big difference between us and then, we actually have experts who make thought or decisions.

True, true. I just think it’s a legitimate criticism of her that she hasn’t focused much on FP but I’d rather her admit she doesn’t know much than be like Trump and act like she knows all.

Barefoot Grin  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:38:18am
HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:38:25am

re: #231 Anymouse 🌹

Hey, didn’t Max Boot support Sarah Palin? Has he apologised for that yet?

And there’s a difference between a VP nominee and a freshman Congresswoman.

ObserverArt  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:39:14am

re: #196 MsJ

[Embedded content]

Max Boot is so far out on comparing Alexandria to Sarah it isn’t even worth commenting on. Other than to say: what a stupid and ignorant thing to say.

HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:39:25am

re: #229 ObserverArt

Rashida Tlaib’s comment wasn’t even in a government setting. I think it was in a restaurant or bar.

I sure would like to hear a lot of the Republican’s in a similar setting.

And of course, Trump has been recorded at his campaign rallies.

Yeah exactly.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:40:09am


Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:41:07am
jaunte  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:41:13am
HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:41:35am

re: #236 ObserverArt

Max Boot is so far out on comparing Alexandria to Sarah it isn’t even worth commenting on. Other than to say: what a stupid and ignorant thing to say.

Max may hate Trump but he’s still got the annoying smug bullshit that a lot of these right wingers do. You may be right about Trump, Max and props to it but you are as I said by your own admission someone who never actually read what Goldwater spoke about. I don’t always agree with Alexandria but I think she’s trying to get something done that she has done some thinking on. She’s not some ignoarmus on economics. In fact, I bet she actually has more of an economics background than most of the self righteous assholes calling her stupid on economics. Just because you read Friedman or Hayek doesn’t make you profound.

Belafon  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:41:53am

re: #238 MsJ


[Embedded content]

If you want to watch it, view it one one of the cable channels, where Obama’s speech was.

ObserverArt  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:41:55am

re: #201 dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve

yes i get the math

one doesnt make it bipartisan

But you know the media would frame it that way. And they might even toss in it was a “bold move” by a Democratic ‘maverick.”

HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:42:13am
Joe Bacon 🌹  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:43:09am

re: #141 Dr Lizardo

There’s been a lot of twists and turns in the ongoing saga of Sears, but it looks like this time, it really is game over.


Memories of being a kid in the 60s, getting the Sears Wish Book right before Thanksgiving and looking at it over and over while I sat in front of our old Scotch Hot Air Heater in our dining room on cold winter days just dreaming…

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:43:14am

re: #242 Belafon

If you want to watch it, view it one one of the cable channels, where Obama’s speech was.

Fucking right.

calochortus  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:43:24am

re: #242 Belafon

If you want to watch it, view it one one of the cable channels, where Obama’s speech was.

Or over broadcast TV-then no one will know you watched it. ;)

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:44:20am

re: #245 Joe Bacon 🌹

Memories of being a kid in the 60s, getting the Sears Wish Book right before Thanksgiving and looking at it over and over while I sat in front of our old Scotch Hot Air Heater in our dining room on cold winter days just dreaming…

No kidding. The holiday GIMME GIMME OMG DROOL I WANT book

NO SMOCKING GUN!  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:44:59am

re: #244 HappyWarrior

Oh boy.

I will try to watch this trainwreck if I can stand listening to Trump speak for more than a few seconds.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:45:33am

re: #247 calochortus

Or over broadcast TV-then no one will know you watched it. ;)

Isn’t that still part off the ratings? She with streaming.

Imma gonna do LGF and Twitter. No ratings from me.

HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:46:08am


I will try to watch this trainwreck if I can stand listening to Trump speak for more than a few seconds.

I’m going to pass. I can’t listen to Trump speak without wanting to smack the motherfucker.

calochortus  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:46:25am

re: #250 MsJ

Isn’t that still part off the ratings? She with streaming.

Imma gonna do LGF and Twitter. No ratings from me.

Not if you are getting it from an antenna. How would anyone know?

PhillyPretzel  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:47:40am

re: #245 Joe Bacon 🌹

re: #248 MsJ

And I have some very fond memories of the LL Bean Christmas Catalog. Sweaters, turtlenecks and parkas.

Jay C  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:48:18am

re: #141 Dr Lizardo

There’s been a lot of twists and turns in the ongoing saga of Sears, but it looks like this time, it really is game over.


Nut quote:

Still, ESL plans to protest Sears’ decision, a person familiar with the situation told CNBC. ESL, which worked over the weekend to improve its offer, will point to the extensive advisory fees that Sears has racked up during bankruptcy. Such fees are part of Sears’ administrative expenses.

So to mangle a metaphor a bit: the patient is on life support, but the vultures are preventing the doctor from trying to save him: so as to preserve their portions of the corpse.

ObserverArt  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:49:48am

re: #208 MsJ

Pelosi and Schumer are giving the response tonight.

I liked this bit I had heard this morning. Vox has a story up about it all. Nancy and Chuck are calling Trump out.

Vox - Democratic leaders call for equal airtime to rebut Trump’s immigration speech

Democratic leaders say Trump’s speech will probably be “full of malice and misinformation.”

As television networks are set to air President Donald Trump’s first Oval Office address on immigration — a subject he has been known to lie about profusely — Democratic leaders are calling for equal airtime.

“Now that the television networks have decided to air the President’s address, which if his past statements are any indication will be full of malice and misinformation, Democrats must immediately be given equal airtime,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said in a joint statement.

…more at link…

Dr Lizardo  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:50:07am

re: #245 Joe Bacon 🌹

Memories of being a kid in the 60s, getting the Sears Wish Book right before Thanksgiving and looking at it over and over while I sat in front of our old Scotch Hot Air Heater in our dining room on cold winter days just dreaming…

I worked at Sears in the early 1990’s - I worked there for several years, actually. Started off in the Lawn & Garden department then moved on to Sporting Goods and did a little work in Hardware from time to time as well. Worked my way up to a supervisory position.

But even then, cracks were starting to appear; it was in the early 90s when Wal-Mart overtook Sears as the largest retailer in the US, and this was well before Amazon appeared on the retail horizon.

Part of me is sad to see them go, but I recognize that nothing lasts forever.

Amory Blaine  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:50:26am

The company that invented buying things through the mail by looking at pictures of products. Boggles the mind.

Dr Lizardo  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:50:50am

re: #254 Jay C

Nut quote:

So to mangle a metaphor a bit: the patient is on life support, but the vultures are preventing the doctor from trying to save him: so as to preserve their portions of the corpse.

Yep, that’s what Lampert’s trying to do.

Dr Lizardo  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:51:38am

re: #257 Amory Blaine

The company that invented buying things through the mail by looking at pictures of products. Boggles the mind.

Don’t forget their Prodigy service in the early 1990’s, when Sears partnered up with IBM and CBS.

Talk about a missed opportunity.

Amory Blaine  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:53:55am

I just found a lost old Craftsman pro pliers sitting on a cross member of my van from who knows how long ago. Cleaned her up and put her back in the box.

dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:54:05am

Belafon  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:54:22am

re: #257 Amory Blaine

The company that invented buying things through the mail by looking at pictures of products. Boggles the mind.

They did a story about them on CBS Sunday morning once. Sears was actually a little too early on some of the internet stuff, in that it was one of the companies that helped develop Prodigy.

Barefoot Grin  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:54:56am

Who wants to bet that the lunch meeting with cable bosses today is to remind them that once he has emergency powers he can throttle their businesses.

Dr Lizardo  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:56:24am

re: #262 Belafon

They did a story about them on CBS Sunday morning once. Sears was actually a little too early on some of the internet stuff, in that it was one of the companies that helped develop Prodigy.

Funny you should mention that; I was just watching it a few minutes ago.

Here it is:

The fall of Sears

Hecuba's daughter  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:56:42am

re: #196 MsJ

[Embedded content]

Max Boot is a jerk and his comparison of AOC to Palin shows a real failure of understanding but much of his column was very complimentary to Alexandria and her skills; he criticized Sarah for making no efforts to master policy details and was basically advising the Congresswoman to be quiet until she acquires in-depth knowledge of issues. He does think she has real potential. Of course, he fails to recognize that real change is led not by those with intricate understanding of the minutiae of policy, but those who care about problems and inspire others to follow them to find solutions.

Anymouse 🌹  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:56:43am


Martina Navratilova is speaking of her personal experience growing up in Czechoslovakia and gets this:

What makes Trump an expert in politics? His failed reality TV career?

gwangung  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:57:38am

re: #263 Barefoot Grin

Who wants to bet that the lunch meeting with cable bosses today is to remind them that once he has emergency powers he can throttle their businesses.

Their lawyers ought to say, “Go ahead. Try it.”

The Vicious Babushka  Jan 8, 2019 • 8:59:30am


Belafon  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:00:11am

re: #266 Anymouse 🌹


Martina Navratilova is speaking of her personal experience growing up in Czechoslovakia and gets this:

What makes Trump an expert in politics? His failed reality TV career?

I wish I wasn’t at work so I could respond to this one.

HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:00:22am

re: #266 Anymouse 🌹


Martina Navratilova is speaking of her personal experience growing up in Czechoslovakia and gets this:

[Embedded content]

What makes Trump an expert in politics? His failed reality TV career?

Yeah I like how she should shut up but Trump who knew nothing about politics got to act like in his own words “knew more than anyone” even though it’s obvious to anyone who actually knows even a little that Trump doesn’t know shit. Trump knows one thing. How to promote Trump. Other than that, he’s a fuck up.

Amory Blaine  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:00:24am

I got a new phone with all the bells and whistles a couple of months ago and I have to say it feels not much faster or better than the 4 year old phone it replaced.

Belafon  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:00:52am

“What made Nelson Mandela an expert in politics? He was a boxer.”

HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:01:46am

re: #265 Hecuba’s daughter

Max Boot is a jerk and his comparison of AOC to Palin shows a real failure of understanding but much of his column was very complimentary to Alexandria and her skills; he criticized Sarah for making no efforts to master policy details and was basically advising the Congresswoman to be quiet until she acquires in-depth knowledge of issues. He does think she has real potential. Of course, he fails to recognize that real change is led not by those with intricate understanding of the minutiae of policy, but those who care about problems and inspire others to follow them to find solutions.

I think it’s the whole attitude of treating Alexandria as if she’s some stupid child who doesn’t know anything about the real world or economics. I’ll say it again but if Alexandria gave them the lip service they wanted on economics, they would adore her.

Dr Lizardo  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:03:06am

Interestingly, some Sears stores will survive even if it’s a total liquidation. For example, this article from the East Idaho News notes that a couple of Sears Hometown stores are still doing well:

After reports of Sears Holdings Corporation going bankrupt and last week’s announcement of 80 more stores closing nationwide, the manager of Sears Hometown Store in Rexburg says his store is going strong and will remain open.

“We’re here and we’re not going anywhere,” Rexburg store manager Ron Hunter tells eastidahonews.com.

Hunter says sales of all the major appliances are going well and he is planning for that to continue. He’s also looking to expand this summer by offering lawnmower and snowblower repair services.

A second store in Pocatello will remain open as well.

Sears Hometown Store is a locally-owned franchise operated by Sears Hometown and Outlet Stores, Inc. and is separate from Sears Holdings Corporation. That’s why these smaller stores are not impacted by the bankruptcy proceedings.

“It remains business as usual at all of our locations, which include more than 700 retail stores across the nation,” according to a company statement.

Sears Hometown and Outlet Stores, Inc. separated from Sears Holdings in 2012.


So there will still be a Sears - but it’ll be a very different Sears than what all of us here are used to.

Sir John Barron  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:03:42am

re: #240 jaunte

Oh, sure, all your Deep State buddies.


Amory Blaine  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:04:39am

AOC: Tax cuts for the rich trickle down to the rest of us.

Hannity: I’d like to introduce my new partner on the show..

Decatur Deb  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:05:11am

re: #245 Joe Bacon 🌹

Memories of being a kid in the 60s, getting the Sears Wish Book right before Thanksgiving and looking at it over and over while I sat in front of our old Scotch Hot Air Heater in our dining room on cold winter days just dreaming…

Memories of being a 19-yr-old in the early ’60s, in the garment district, stuffing 8x10 Ektachrome E2 into a Deardorff so you could dream of the healthy models from Iowa.

NO SMOCKING GUN!  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:05:36am

re: #265 Hecuba’s daughter

Max Boot is a jerk and his comparison of AOC to Palin shows a real failure of understanding but much of his column was very complimentary to Alexandria and her skills; he criticized Sarah for making no efforts to master policy details and was basically advising the Congresswoman to be quiet until she acquires in-depth knowledge of issues. He does think she has real potential. Of course, he fails to recognize that real change is led not by those with intricate understanding of the minutiae of policy, but those who care about problems and inspire others to follow them to find solutions.

Campaign in poetry, govern in prose. AOC absolutely shouldn’t be quiet. If she waited six months to release a detail heavy policy paper, it would be completely ignored.

HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:07:12am

re: #276 Amory Blaine

AOC: Tax cuts for the rich trickle down to the rest of us.

Hannity: I’d like to introduce my new partner on the show..

If she did that, they would talk about having her replace Pence on the ticket and talked about being ZOMG SO SMART. TBH I’m not sure about some of her ideas but they’re worthy of discussion and being listened to without the constant condescending derision.

Sir John Barron  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:07:19am

re: #203 MsJ


Well, maybe some Canadians did appear, but they were White, so…


HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:08:00am


Campaign in poetry, govern in prose. AOC absolutely shouldn’t be quiet. If she waited six months to release a detail heavy policy paper, it would be completely ignored.

If she did that, she would be accused of being too serious. Women politicians like her face an uphill game.

Anymouse 🌹  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:08:55am

re: #257 Amory Blaine

The company that invented buying things through the mail by looking at pictures of products. Boggles the mind.

I’ve been to Jesse James’s home in Kearney, Missouri, where the family bought a bedroom from Sears for Zarelda James. The room, not the furniture.

NO SMOCKING GUN!  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:10:21am

re: #276 Amory Blaine

AOC: Tax cuts for the rich trickle down to the rest of us.

Hannity: I’d like to introduce my new partner on the show..

The GOP are the real cranks, peddling the same pseudoeconomics for decades, while AOC’s 70% tax bracket proposal is well supported by economists, and its popular. But she’s treated as the radical while the Republicans are treated like serious policy wonks. Its the GOP’s position that taxes on the rich should be deeply cut that is the radical idea. Even Trump know that; that’s why he lied about wanting to increase taxes on the rich.

plansbandc  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:11:24am
Anymouse 🌹  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:12:01am

re: #265 Hecuba’s daughter

Max Boot is a jerk and his comparison of AOC to Palin shows a real failure of understanding but much of his column was very complimentary to Alexandria and her skills; he criticized Sarah for making no efforts to master policy details and was basically advising the Congresswoman to be quiet until she acquires in-depth knowledge of issues. He does think she has real potential. Of course, he fails to recognize that real change is led not by those with intricate understanding of the minutiae of policy, but those who care about problems and inspire others to follow them to find solutions.

That’s not complimentary. And he did no such thing when Sarah Palin was running for office and not even elected.

The only reason he’s (mildly) rebuking Sarah Palin is so he can make a false equivalency to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

It is telling how much conservatives fear her. Good.

HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:12:46am


The GOP are the real cranks, peddling the same pseudoeconomics for decades, while AOC’s 70% tax bracket proposal is well supported by economists, and its popular. But she’s treated as the radical while the Republicans are treated like serious policy wonks. Its the GOP’s position that taxes on the rich should be deeply cut that is the radical idea. Even Trump know that; that’s why he lied about wanting to increase taxes on the rich.

Exactly. Trickle Down economics is the real elitism. AOC believes as I do in the fundamental principle of this, that the society that invests in its citizenry is a prosperous society and that’s certainly shown to be true overtime whether it’s the GI Bill among other things. AOC simply believes that if we can spend the way we do on the military, we should be able to spend that way for our citizenry and on that principle, I’m 100% with her.

Jay C  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:13:25am

re: #274 Dr Lizardo

Interestingly, some Sears stores will survive even if it’s a total liquidation. For example, this article from the East Idaho News notes that a couple of Sears Hometown stores are still doing well:


So there will still be a Sears - but it’ll be a very different Sears than what all of us here are used to.

So basically the Sears name, but actually owned by smaller “independent” entities? As long as they maintain the name/trademark protections, that should work.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:13:47am

re: #252 calochortus

Not if you are getting it from an antenna. How would anyone know?

I think that’s all tracked in ratings.

Which I personally won’t give them.

NO SMOCKING GUN!  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:14:05am

re: #281 HappyWarrior

If she did that, she would be accused of being too serious. Women politicians like her face an uphill game.

Some of the “advise” Clinton was given by pundits that she had to strike an absolutely perfect balance in her clothes and personality demonstrate the bias against women, especially since they fawned over Trump, who was barely coherent.

HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:14:37am

re: #285 Anymouse 🌹

That’s not complimentary. And he did no such thing when Sarah Palin was running for office and not even elected.

The only reason he’s (mildly) rebuking Sarah Palin is so he can make a false equivalency to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

It is telling how much conservatives fear her. Good.

Well Palin was a sitting governor but yes. The fact is. Boot didn’t seem to care much when McCain made Palin his running mate and who if elected would have been next in line to POTUS and he continues as to many of her detractors to treat her like she’s some stupid child who doesn’t know anything about policy. As I said, if she gave them what they wanted to hear about economics, they wouldn’t care.

Anymouse 🌹  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:15:03am

re: #286 HappyWarrior

Exactly. Trickle Down economics is the real elitism. AOC believes as I do in the fundamental principle of this, that the society that invests in its citizenry is a prosperous society and that’s certainly shown to be true overtime whether it’s the GI Bill among other things. AOC simply believes that if we can spend the way we do on the military, we should be able to spend that way for our citizenry and on that principle, I’m 100% with her.

Horse and sparrow economics - Panic of 1896.

They have been rebranding this not for decades, but for centuries.

Amory Blaine  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:15:26am

“Scary” reality: Meds tainted with germs, glass, carcinogens, mystery particles

An investigation by Kaiser Health News into thousands of recent drug recalls reveals a frightening record of medicines in the US being tainted with dangerous bacteria, mold, glass shards, rubber bits, cancer-causing chemicals, mysterious powders, and worrying metal particles. There were also cases of medications with too much or too little ingredients—or simply the wrong ingredients entirely.

Digging deeper, the investigation discovered that a startling number of the drug makers who issued the recalls had received an all-clear from Food and Drug Administration inspectors within a year of their recalls. FDA records and lawsuits suggest that drug makers can easily game the inspection system, mislead inspectors, lie about where drugs are manufactured, or outright sabotage inspections.

For instance, FDA enforcement documents reveal that employees at one drug-making facility in Japan stood “shoulder-to-shoulder” to physically block an FDA inspector from looking around, and another drug maker in India faked a worker strike and cut the lights at its facility to foil an inspection. In a different case, whistleblowers alleged in a lawsuit that Gilead Sciences told the FDA that it used a facility in South Korea to make an ingredient for HIV drugs Truvada and Atripla, but in reality, Gilead was using an unregistered facility in China. The civil suit claimed that the Chinese ingredient contained “glass-like shards,” “black rubber-like particles,” “plastic-like particles,” “small stone or pebble-like particles” and “metal shards.”

Dr Lizardo  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:15:31am

re: #287 Jay C

I wonder what’s going to happen to Sears’ internet presence? Will it continue, will it be sold off, or what’ll happen to it?

HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:15:35am


Some of the “advise” Clinton was given by pundits that she had to strike an absolutely perfect balance in her clothes and personality demonstrate the bias against women, especially since they fawned over Trump, who was barely coherent.

I’m trying to imagine a woman with Trump’s level of qualifications being taken even remotely seriously if she ran for office. Yeah there are the hypothetical Oprah talks but that would flame out before it would start.

HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:15:59am

re: #291 Anymouse 🌹

Horse and sparrow economics - Panic of 1896.

They have been rebranding this not for decades, but for centuries.

Wasn’t aware of that but it’s always been a sham.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:18:37am

re: #271 Amory Blaine

I got a new phone with all the bells and whistles a couple of months ago and I have to say it feels not much faster or better than the 4 year old phone it replaced.

There was an article basically saying the same thing and that’s why people are keeping their phones longer and longer (this was an Apple article but still applies).

Belafon  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:19:26am

re: #288 MsJ

I think that’s all tracked in ratings.

Which I personally won’t give them.

Ratings used to be tracked by families having special boxes that reported information back to Nielson. There may be some reporting now with cable boxes, but I still think Nielson is the major player. If you’re not using your cable, or watching it through a streaming service that can track you, they can’t count you.

Amory Blaine  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:21:30am
Varek Raith  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:21:32am

re: #122 MsJ

Here ya go, Happy!

[Embedded content]

Guess he’s gone for good.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:22:53am

re: #293 Dr Lizardo

I wonder what’s going to happen to Sears’ internet presence? Will it continue, will it be sold off, or what’ll happen to it?

I’d imagine it will be (if it isn’t already) 404 Errored.

Jay C  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:23:07am

re: #293 Dr Lizardo

I wonder what’s going to happen to Sears’ internet presence? Will it continue, will it be sold off, or what’ll happen to it?

Good question: (and I’m guessing here, since I’ve never used Sears) since internet retail consists of acting as a conduit between suppliers and consumers, if the supply chain is still there, the name recognition for “Sears” might attract enough business to make an online entity a viable thing. Though likely spun-off and “autonomous”.

Maybe: then again, the carrion capitalists might just shutter the whole things: all depends on how the money numbers line up (i.e. profit for the vultures).

calochortus  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:23:17am

re: #288 MsJ

re: #297 Belafon

As Belefon said, there is no way anyone can know whether our TV is on or off, or what channel it is tuned to.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:23:29am

re: #294 HappyWarrior

I’m trying to imagine a woman with Trump’s level of qualifications being taken even remotely seriously if she ran for office. Yeah there are the hypothetical Oprah talks but that would flame out before it would start.

Picture Victoria Jackson.

(Stop laughing)

Anymouse 🌹  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:23:43am

There are two ideas of government. There are those who believe that if you just legislate to make the well-to-do prosperous, that their prosperity will leak through on those below. The Democratic idea has been that if you legislate to make the masses prosperous their prosperity will find its way up and through every class that rests upon it. - William Jennings Bryan (1896)

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary notes that the first known use of “trickle-down” as an adjective meaning “relating to or working on the principle of trickle-down theory” was in 1944[14] while the first known use of “trickle-down theory” was in 1954.

After leaving the presidency, Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson alleged “Republicans […] simply don’t know how to manage the economy. They’re so busy operating the trickle-down theory, giving the richest corporations the biggest break, that the whole thing goes to hell in a handbasket”.


This isn’t new, it’s economic conservatism.

PhillyPretzel  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:24:19am

re: #300 MsJ

So far they are still around.

ObserverArt  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:24:25am

re: #245 Joe Bacon 🌹

Memories of being a kid in the 60s, getting the Sears Wish Book right before Thanksgiving and looking at it over and over while I sat in front of our old Scotch Hot Air Heater in our dining room on cold winter days just dreaming…

As a kid I would go into the Sears store in our downtown (60s) and my mother would leave me on the basement level floor where all the toys, sporting goods, and music stuff was at. She knew I would still be there an hour later dreaming off all the stuff I wanted.

Our Sears was on a hill. If you came into the store off Third Street it entered the “basement” level. If you came into the store off of Park Avenue you were on the main floor.

By the early 70s all that was gone and all those old stores (Penny’s and Montgomery Wards too) had moved out of the downtown to the first big “Mall” four miles west.

No longer could I go to those stores after school, or ride my bike easily to them from my home about a mile away.

One thing about being a boomer…things have changed many times in all those years.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:25:05am

re: #297 Belafon

Ratings used to be tracked by families having special boxes that reported information back to Nielson. There may be some reporting now with cable boxes, but I still think Nielson is the major player. If you’re not using your cable, or watching it through a streaming service that can track you, they can’t count you.

There are no antenna receptions any longer…I don’t think so, unless they backed off the requirements. They transferred analog to boxes years ago.

wrenchwench  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:26:56am

re: #297 Belafon

Ratings used to be tracked by families having special boxes that reported information back to Nielson. There may be some reporting now with cable boxes, but I still think Nielson is the major player. If you’re not using your cable, or watching it through a streaming service that can track you, they can’t count you.

They used to do it by telephone, back in the old days before people were watching TV on their telephones.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:27:33am

re: #308 wrenchwench

They used to do it by telephone, back in the old days before people were watching TV on their telephones.

Which is also tracked.

Anymouse 🌹  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:28:05am

re: #297 Belafon

Ratings used to be tracked by families having special boxes that reported information back to Nielson. There may be some reporting now with cable boxes, but I still think Nielson is the major player. If you’re not using your cable, or watching it through a streaming service that can track you, they can’t count you.

Neilson also tracks Facebook, cell phones, cable boxes, Internet connected television sets, Websites which use advertising (through the advertiser, not the Website), &c.

How this works:


calochortus  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:28:37am

re: #307 MsJ

There are no antenna receptions any longer…I don’t think so, unless they backed off the requirements. They transferred analog to boxes years ago.

We’ve been getting our TV using an antenna for several years. The “boxes” were after analog went to digital and converted the digital signal to analog. They weren’t connected to the outside world. “Modern” TVs receive digital signals and do not require a box.

gocart mozart  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:28:55am
wrenchwench  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:29:25am

re: #309 MsJ

Which is also tracked.

Now it is. Before, they couldn’t track users, except by keeping their phone tied to the wall.

Dr Lizardo  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:30:36am

re: #306 ObserverArt

I still remember going to two free-standing Sears stores when I was a kid - one was (IIRC) in Glendale, CA and the other one was in Portland, OR.

It was in the early 80s when they started shuttering their free-standing stores and moving into the suburban shopping malls.

PhillyPretzel  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:31:17am

re: #307 MsJ

I have a HDTV antenna and that is how I get the local PBS station on my TV. The local cable provider Comcast, does not have the type of shows I like to watch.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:31:33am
dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:31:35am

re: #297 Belafon

Ratings used to be tracked by families having special boxes that reported information back to Nielson. There may be some reporting now with cable boxes, but I still think Nielson is the major player. If you’re not using your cable, or watching it through a streaming service that can track you, they can’t count you.

If you participate, I think nielsen knows what your watching and the device you’re watching it on
Broadcast vs cable vs stream/roku vs web based etc

Sir John Barron  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:33:01am

re: #290 HappyWarrior

Well Palin was a sitting governor but yes. The fact is. Boot didn’t seem to care much when McCain made Palin his running mate and who if elected would have been next in line to POTUS and he continues as to many of her detractors to treat her like she’s some stupid child who doesn’t know anything about policy. As I said, if she gave them what they wanted to hear about economics, they wouldn’t care.

Can’t believe how spooked AOC has gotten conservatives. And of course by devoting all this attention to her they’re helping guarantee she gets more attention than they want.

terraincognita  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:33:58am

re: #120 Amory Blaine

yeah, but we are Wisconsin nice about it.

Anymouse 🌹  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:34:12am

re: #300 MsJ

I’d imagine it will be (if it isn’t already) 404 Errored.

They’re still open for shopping. They’re having a sale right now.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:34:19am

re: #318 Sir John Barron

Can’t believe how spooked AOC has gotten conservatives. And of course by devoting all this attention to her they’re helping guarantee she gets more attention than they want.

They really never have been big thinkers… Not for the majority of my life at least.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:35:45am

re: #320 Anymouse 🌹

They’re still open for shopping. They’re having a sale right now.

How is that possible?

Is there a warning that there’s no returns, no warranty, but this shit at your own risk? Where is the money going? Who gets that money?

How is this legal?

Barefoot Grin  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:37:04am

Some CT guys are sure that Natalia Veselnetskaya hired GPS Fusion and was planted by Obama/Clinton to ensnare Jr. Or something.

Belafon  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:37:13am

re: #307 MsJ

There are no antenna receptions any longer…I don’t think so, unless they backed off the requirements. They transferred analog to boxes years ago.

You can still buy digital antenna. They still broadcast over those.

Belafon  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:38:35am

re: #318 Sir John Barron

Can’t believe how spooked AOC has gotten conservatives. And of course by devoting all this attention to her they’re helping guarantee she gets more attention than they want.

At first, they just wanted to use her to smear Democats as being socialists. They weren’t counting on her responding, so now they have to try to set a new narrative, hence the dancing = aloof.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:39:11am
Anymouse 🌹  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:39:31am

re: #322 MsJ

How is that possible?

Is there a warning that there’s no returns, no warranty, but this shit at your own risk? Where is the money going? Who gets that money?

How is this legal?

Kmart is open as well, and also running a sale.


Sears is offering financing for high-priced items on their Website as well, along with normal returns and guarantees.

lawhawk  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:40:10am

re: #322 MsJ

Declaring bankruptcy and liquidation of assets has to be done orderly. There’s a plan to liquidate, and it gives timelines.

Sears can liquidate their inventory to try and settle up with suppliers, using the online portal as a means to expedite. Once they have cleared sufficient inventory they can shut down the online presence.

Liquidation can also include selling assets, like the name, to others since there’s value associated with the name (name recognition counts for a lot and someone might take a chance on buying the name to start a new business as sears going forward. You’d have to measure the damage Lampert did to the brand to the name recognition.

We’ll probably start seeing notices about how the sears.com site will work in coming days and weeks.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:40:41am

re: #327 Anymouse 🌹

Kmart is open as well, and also running a sale.


Sears is offering financing for high-priced items on their Website as well, along with normal returns and guarantees.

I apparently do not understand what chapter 7 bankruptcy or liquidation means.

jaunte  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:41:01am
Dr Lizardo  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:42:24am

re: #328 lawhawk

Someone bought up the Montgomery Wards name and it’s now an online shop.


Anymouse 🌹  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:42:37am

re: #329 MsJ

I apparently do not understand what chapter 7 bankruptcy or liquidation means.

The Kmart at Monument Mall in Scottsbluff was closed, and replaced by a Hobby Lobby.

I think we traded down.

HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:44:28am

re: #330 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Leadership. Thank you Beto.

Anymouse 🌹  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:44:36am

re: #331 Dr Lizardo

Someone bought up the Montgomery Wards name and it’s now an online shop.


When I was in the Navy, Sears was the go-to catalogue purchase, because they would ship by US Mail (UPS and FedEx cannot do DPO, APO, or FPO addresses).

jaunte  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:45:39am
Unshaken Defiance  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:46:27am

Remember that story about the attempted kidnapper that pursued his victim into a karate studio? Even better.
Polyana Viana: Why you should never pick on a UFC fighter

Anymouse 🌹  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:49:48am

re: #335 jaunte

Well, it’s obvious then: We need to shut all the legal ports of entry as well.

Maybe build a dome over the USA.

jaunte  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:50:42am

re: #337 Anymouse 🌹

They’ve all gone insane.

makeitstop  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:51:28am

re: #239 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

Stephen Miller is writing the speech, also references the wall in Israel. Get ready for a shit load of crazy

I gotta check the URLs and remember not to go to Raw Story. I was on that site long enough to read two paragraphs and it froze my laptop.

jaunte  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:52:04am
MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:52:30am
Anymouse 🌹  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:53:18am


Belafon  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:54:41am

re: #330 jaunte

What’s the picture?

lawhawk  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:54:49am

re: #335 jaunte

And it turns out fentanyl is a bigger cash cow. You can send 3 ounces by mail without any legal ramifications and that 3 ounces can be cut into 100s of doses worth tens of thousands of dollars. Much of the fentanyl coming in is via mail. No wall stops that.

The opioid crisis exploded thanks to legal prescriptions of highly addictive drugs that pharmaceuticals claimed weren’t addictive and yet turned out to be even more addictive than the drugs the were replacing.

The crisis grew as people sought to get a fix any way they could, and street drugs were cut with other chemicals and even more addictive so that a single hit could kill since you had deadly drugs mixed in or the guy cutting the drugs got the mix wrong (or didn’t know what he was mixing with or dosed too strong, etc.).

jaunte  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:55:28am

re: #343 Belafon

It’s a series of images, illustrating some basic facts about the border and immigration.

dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:55:42am

re: #339 makeitstop

I gotta check the URLs and remember not to go to Raw Story. I was on that site long enough to read two paragraphs and it froze my laptop.

never heard it called that before

dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:56:55am

re: #342 Anymouse 🌹


She bragged to a man on a dating app about poaching deer. He was a game warden

honest, i was talking about how to cook it

Anymouse 🌹  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:57:09am

re: #339 makeitstop

I gotta check the URLs and remember not to go to Raw Story. I was on that site long enough to read two paragraphs and it froze my laptop.

They are citing this CNN video:

MP4 Video

wrenchwench  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:57:47am

re: #330 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Why the Border Crisis Is a Myth

TO hear the national news media tell the story, you would think my city, El Paso, and others along the Texas-Mexico border were being overrun by children — tens of thousands of them, some with their mothers, arriving from Central America in recent months, exploiting an immigration loophole to avoid deportation and putting a fatal strain on border state resources.

There’s no denying the impact of this latest immigration wave or the need for more resources. But there’s no crisis. Local communities like mine have done an amazing job of assisting these migrants.


That’s an oped written by the woman who has been elected to Beto’s congressional seat. On July 25, 2014, back when she was a judge.

Varek Raith  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:57:51am

Yes, I too discuss criminal acts on dating sites.

jaunte  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:59:10am
wrenchwench  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:59:16am

re: #343 Belafon

What’s the picture?

Makes Texas look great.

Fake news.


The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Jan 8, 2019 • 9:59:35am

re: #307 MsJ

There are no antenna receptions any longer…I don’t think so, unless they backed off the requirements. They transferred analog to boxes years ago.

Analog transmission ended years ago. All broadcast is digital. Our local stations are about half-and-half 1080i and 720p. It’s the only way to get High-def TV that isn’t heavily compressed like cable does. If you’re watching broadcast TV with an antenna, no one can know what you’re watching, unless some of these “smart TVs” are phoning home, that is.

PhillyPretzel  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:01:31am

re: #351 jaunte

What brand of airplane glue is he sniffing? I will avoid it.

Marsupial  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:01:38am

re: #331 Dr Lizardo

Someone bought up the Montgomery Wards name and it’s now an online shop.


Hey, the name can be the most valuable part of a business. I think it would take a bunch of warehouses full of merchandise to equal the value of the name Sears. (Some Chinese online gray-market retailer is going to have to pony up some big bucks for that name!)

Anymouse 🌹  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:04:35am

re: #353 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Analog transmission ended years ago. All broadcast is digital. Our local stations are about half-and-half 1080i and 720p. It’s the only way to get High-def TV that isn’t heavily compressed like cable does. If you’re watching broadcast TV with an antenna, no one can know what you’re watching, unless some of these “smart TVs” are phoning home, that is.

We are out-of-range of broadcast television stations in the area, and have no cable service available here.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:04:41am

re: #324 Belafon

You can still buy digital antenna. They still broadcast over those.

“Digital” antenna is just a marketing term. A TV antenna is a TV antenna. Now it’s true that with digital broadcasting directionality is less important than it was when alternate signals produced ghosts in the picture and multipath distortion in the (FM) sound.

jaunte  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:05:09am

re: #354 PhillyPretzel

Con man’s son-in-law insists snake oil cured his real estate investment problems.

Sir John Barron  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:05:10am

re: #340 jaunte

I seem to recall another budget border dispute like this a year ago or so. I don’t remember the amount of money involved for the Great Beautiful Wall, but I do remember some dust up about it and how Donnie would shutdown the gov unless Mexico I mean Congress paid for his wall. Then he punted for some reason and signed whatever document they put in front of him.

Amory Blaine  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:05:14am

re: #341 MsJ

The snozzberries taste like snozzberries!

Varek Raith  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:05:59am

re: #331 Dr Lizardo

Someone bought up the Montgomery Wards name and it’s now an online shop.


If anyone’s interested,

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:06:02am

I hate the internet sometimes.

William Lewis  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:06:19am

re: #277 Decatur Deb

Memories of being a 19-yr-old in the early ’60s, in the garment district, stuffing 8x10 Ektachrome E2 into a Deardorff so you could dream of the healthy models from Iowa.

Some serious lights then, given my memories of somwhat newer Ektachrome. I always preferred b&w negative anyway :D

Still, what I’d give to have a nice Deardorff now, a Cooke Series XVa convertible and the money for a big pile of FP-4 & a good contact printing paper. That remains my favorite photographic wish list.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:07:08am

re: #343 Belafon

What’s the picture?

I’m assuming it’s her, face blocked out, holding up a dead dears head in a trophy picture.

Dr Lizardo  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:07:33am

)re: #355 Marsupial

Hey, the name can be the most valuable part of a business. I think it would take a bunch of warehouses full of merchandise to equal the value of the name Sears. (Some Chinese online gray-market retailer is going to have to pony up some big bucks for that name!)

I’d agree; the Sears name is still a valuable asset. Face it, Sears is an icon of not only retailing, but Americana as well. Sears is largely responsible for creating - and fulfilling - the dreams and aspirations of the middle class. They were, through their real estate holdings in the 1950’s and 60s, one of the drivers of the suburban shopping mall.

In the year I was born (1969), they were the largest retailer in the world, with well over 300,000 employees. They constructed Sears Tower (now Willis Tower, though I’m sure most Chicagoans still call it “Sears Tower”) which itself is an iconic American building.

PhillyPretzel  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:07:38am

re: #358 jaunte

Snake oil cures everything. ///….

Anymouse 🌹  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:07:56am

re: #362 MsJ

I hate the internet sometimes.

Spanish rice is made by (or with) Spaniards. /s

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:08:22am

re: #347 dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve

honest, i was talking about how to cook it

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:08:33am

re: #341 MsJ

[Embedded content]

I recognize that entryway—that’s Charlie Harper’s place.

makeitstop  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:09:28am

re: #293 Dr Lizardo

I wonder what’s going to happen to Sears’ internet presence? Will it continue, will it be sold off, or what’ll happen to it?

If it’s anything like what happened with Radio Shack, they’ll use the site to help with the liquidation.

I bought a couple of boxes of stuff off of Radio Shack’s site after my local store closed.

jaunte  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:10:06am
MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:10:23am

re: #369 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

I recognize that entryway—that’s Charlie Harper’s place.

Uhm, who?

Dr Lizardo  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:10:46am

re: #370 makeitstop

If it’s anything like what happened with Radio Shack, they’ll use the site to help with the liquidation.

I bought a couple of boxes of stuff off of Radio Shack’s site after my local store closed.

Heh, I remember getting a crystal radio kit one year for my birthday (I think I was about five or six). It was from Radio Shack.

PhillyPretzel  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:11:04am

re: #370 makeitstop

And they are still online.

Anymouse 🌹  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:11:33am

re: #370 makeitstop

If it’s anything like what happened with Radio Shack, they’ll use the site to help with the liquidation.

I bought a couple of boxes of stuff off of Radio Shack’s site after my local store closed.

We still have a Radio Shack here in Sidney. I’m not sure how they stay open after RS went bankrupt, but they are still well-supplied.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:12:46am

To all.

I’m apparently full of shit today (see antennas and bankruptcy/liquidation), so please ignore anything I say.

I have no clue what I’m doing.



Dave In Austin  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:12:59am

Thread: Veselnitskaya just indicted for money laundering.

lawhawk  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:13:17am

re: #365 Dr Lizardo

Sears used to sell home plans - you could have a home built based on a Sears catalog.

Sears sold everything for the home, including the home plans itself.

They had a distribution network that Amazon and Walmart and Target have spent years trying to replicate.

Where Sears failed was in capitalizing on the Internet in a way that made sense.

They tried doing it with Prodigy back in the day, but never got it. Lampert didn’t care about a determined net approach until it was too late, and by then he was already trying to break apart the company to get maximum value to himself and sell off the carcass.

Dr Lizardo  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:14:51am

re: #375 Anymouse 🌹

We still have a Radio Shack here in Sidney. I’m not sure how they stay open after RS went bankrupt, but they are still well-supplied.

Maybe it was an independent franchise store. As I recall, there’s actually still one Blockbuster Video still open - it’s in Bend, OR.

Dave In Austin  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:15:22am


Sir John Barron  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:16:24am

re: #371 jaunte

Imagine if a President Hillary had done this to continue funding Obamacare, etc.

Amory Blaine  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:16:50am

Florida man denies syringes found in rectum are his

A Florida man claimed ignorance when jail officials found syringes in his rectum during an early morning strip search.

Wesley Scott, 40, was arrested Friday in Pinellas County on an outstanding warrant charging him with drug possession, reports The Smoking Gun.

When Scott was searched at the jail, officers found three syringes inside his rectum.

However, Scott claimed he had found the syringes and they were not his, although he did not explain how they wound up in his buttocks.

Marsupial  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:16:51am

re: #365 Dr Lizardo


I’d agree; the Sears name is still a valuable asset. Face it, Sears is an icon of not only retailing, but Americana as well. Sears is largely responsible for creating - and fulfilling - the dreams and aspirations of the middle class. They were, through their real estate holdings in the 1950’s and 60s, one of the drivers of the suburban shopping mall.

In the year I was born (1969), they were the largest retailer in the world, with well over 300,000 employees. They constructed Sears Tower (now Willis Tower, though I’m sure most Chicagoans still call it “Sears Tower”) which itself is an iconic American building.

In the late-1990s, when I was working in commercial real estate acquisitions for TrizecHahn, I was part of the team that did the due diligence on the Sears Tower sale. Spent about a month in Chicago (where I was born, actually), got to see all of the cool behind-the-scenes stuff, got to go up on the outside roof (scary), but I REFUSED to go up the antenna spires, although looking back now I realize that I missed a pretty neat opportunity.

My point is, yeah, it will be Sears Tower until everyone from my generation (GenX), at least, dies off.

Belafon  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:17:09am

Here’s the hard thing about what Trump’s about to try to do: Everyone needs to talk about it, but I’m not hearing about it at work (they don’t talk much politics here anyway). People have to start talking about it somehow.

dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:18:04am

re: #371 jaunte

It’s looking increasingly likely that the President of the United States is going to declare a fake “emergency” to enact a political program that he is unable to pass through Congress. That’s not just a stunt, it’s a sledgehammer to the Constitution and centuries of US law.

he is telling congress, and especially the R’s that they and their jobs are irrelevant

as i understand it, congress can vote to override this
if they don’t, then they themselves are saying they are irrelevant

lawhawk  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:18:44am

re: #382 Amory Blaine

Rectum? Darn near killed ‘em. /thanks and be sure to tip the waitress.

retired cynic  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:18:56am

re: #215 Anymouse 🌹

I had a second case of chicenpox in 1993 (off work from the Navy for three weeks) and a second case of mumps in 2012 (thanks to an antivax parent’s Christmas carolling child) which nearly killed me with a 105°F fever and bits swollen up like oranges.

My mother suffers from post-polio syndrome, and my wife’s mother died from it after spending her life in a wheelchair. One of my great-grandmothers had shingles lifelong until she died in 1993.

I would dearly love to shove a cactus sideways up their anti-science BS ports.

Take a walk through an old enough cemetery and you see what life was like for children before vaccines.

My mother had measles and scarlet fever and chickenpox multiple times, and her father had shingles twice, the second lasting til the end of his life at 92. I remember being horribly sick with measles as a small child, being shut in a dark room for many days, but never had the mumps, thank dog. My husband had mumps in his bits, and it affected our lives for sure. When I got my first teaching job, I ran out and got the mumps vaccine, which was a new thing. Too bad they weren’t doing flu vaccines then, because that first year I caught every wave of it. The immune system is a funny old thing! Go Team Vaccines!

dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:19:33am

re: #376 MsJ

To all.

I’m apparently full of shit today (see antennas and bankruptcy/liquidation), so please ignore anything I say.

I have no clue what I’m doing.



do we ignore this too?
and if we do then?
have to….cant….

GlutenFreeJesus  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:20:43am

re: #342 Anymouse 🌹

jaunte  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:20:57am
Danack  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:22:23am

re: #351 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Also, Steiner’s assault from the North will relieve the pressure of the Red Army advancing on the centre of Berlin.

Belafon  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:23:07am

re: #385 dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve

he is telling congress, and especially the R’s that they and their jobs are irrelevant

as i understand it, congress can vote to override this
if they don’t, then they themselves are saying they are irrelevant

The GOP is definitely proving they are.

plansbandc  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:23:40am

re: #387 retired cynic

My grandma had chicken pox twice. I think it’s interesting the myth that people only get it once still exists.

I’ve never had it, and haven’t had the vaccine.

Unshaken Defiance  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:24:24am

re: #362 MsJ

I cheat. White or brown rice, add salsa to pot for “spanish” flavor in it.

dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:24:34am

re: #390 jaunte

Cable and broadcast networks, having agree to turn their airwaves over to Trump to promote his phony border “crisis” are headed to the White House this afternoon for an OFF-THE-RECORD lunch w/Trump

How does any of this serve the public interest?

How does it help inform people?

bill clinton met loretta lynch at an airport

jaunte  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:25:03am

re: #393 plansbandc

I recommend you get the vaccine. I caught it as an adult and was horribly sick for two weeks.

Marsupial  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:25:39am

re: #387 retired cynic

My mother had measles and scarlet fever and chickenpox multiple times, and her father had shingles twice, the second lasting til the end of his life at 92. I remember being horribly sick with measles as a small child, being shut in a dark room for many days, but never had the mumps, thank dog. My husband had mumps in his bits, and it affected our lives for sure. When I got my first teaching job, I ran out and got the mumps vaccine, which was a new thing. Too bad they weren’t doing flu vaccines then, because that first year I caught every wave of it. The immune system is a funny old thing! Go Team Vaccines!

And here is the problem with “optional” advances in public safety. 95+% of children (and adults) were immunized, herd immunity took hold, and lots of disease were essentially wiped out. So, people get complacent, discover misleading research, and start not vaccinating. Nothing happens at first (herd immunity!), but as the anti-vax crowd grows, herd immunity falls away, and suddenly the parents who were screaming that “Measles is just like the flu!” start losing children as epidemics of those “essentially wiped out” diseases start making the rounds. Lots of people don’t think that anything that happened before their lifetime matters.

lawhawk  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:25:44am

re: #393 plansbandc

If you’ve got a weakened immune system you could get it again. It’s uncommon.

Far more common is if you had chicken pox and then get shingles.

Depending on your age, I’d suggest getting either the chicken pox or shingles vaccine. Talk to a doc about what’s right for you (am I starting to sound like a drug ad? and the fine print warnings?)

Hecuba's daughter  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:26:05am

re: #390 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Maybe Trump is revealing the kompromat Putin has on all the executives and that if they don’t fall in line, they will be destroyed.// (half anyway)

Or maybe he will have them all arrested? // (half again)

makeitstop  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:26:25am

re: #378 lawhawk

Sears used to sell home plans - you could have a home built based on a Sears catalog.

Sears sold everything for the home, including the home plans itself.

Their jingle for many years was ‘Sears has everything.’

You’ll find this hard to believe (heh), but I was always interested in their guitars. They’d get re-branded copies of Kay and Danelectro guitars and sell them under the ‘Silvertone’ name. I once had a Silvertone guitar with a small amp built into the case.

It’s really surprising how in demand those guitars have become over the years. Jack White had a lot to do with that, having played Silvertone amps in the White Stripes.

dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:28:36am

re: #393 plansbandc

My grandma had chicken pox twice. I think it’s interesting the myth that people only get it once still exists.

I’ve never had it, and haven’t had the vaccine.

it very rarely happens twice though it can and does

i think it’s not so much a myth as a kind of shorthand we adopt about a lot of things. otherwise almost everything anyone said would be asterisked

*when used as directed
*for most of us
*under normanl circumstances
*except tuesdays
*in moderation
*when a sane person is the president


plansbandc  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:28:54am

re: #396 jaunte

I’m concerned that I will get it from the vaccine. (This does happen) And, with my breathing problems, it would could kill me.

Have been exposed before, so there’s some thought I have natural immunity.

Hecuba's daughter  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:29:19am

re: #398 lawhawk

If you’ve got a weakened immune system you could get it again. It’s uncommon.

Far more common is if you had chicken pox and then get shingles.

Depending on your age, I’d suggest getting either the chicken pox or shingles vaccine. Talk to a doc about what’s right for you (am I starting to sound like a drug ad? and the fine print warnings?)

I took the shingles vaccine several years ago and got shingles 2 months later :-( . I don’t know if the formulation has improved since then. You don’t die from shingles but you are made miserable.

EPR-radar  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:29:37am

re: #318 Sir John Barron

Can’t believe how spooked AOC has gotten conservatives. And of course by devoting all this attention to her they’re helping guarantee she gets more attention than they want.

It’s easy enough to understand. Talk of taxing the rich scares the shit out of the US ruling class.

Marsupial  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:30:11am

re: #393 plansbandc

I got chicken pox (from my wife’s shingles) six years ago. Found my first spot on NYE 2012. I was born just a little too early to be in the target range for the vaccine, so I never got it, and coming up with an adult varicella vaccine on short notice (only 72 hours from time of exposure until it’s too late) is next to impossible. That was a horrible, horrible month. Fortunately, our daughter is/was vaccinated against everything!

dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:30:34am

re: #397 Marsupial

And here is the problem with “optional” advances in public safety. 95+% of children (and adults) were immunized, herd immunity took hold, and lots of disease were essentially wiped out. So, people get complacent, discover misleading research, and start not vaccinating. Nothing happens at first (herd immunity!), but as the anti-vax crowd grows, herd immunity falls away, and suddenly the parents who were screaming that “Measles is just like the flu!” start losing children as epidemics of those “essentially wiped out” diseases start making the rounds. Lots of people don’t think that anything that happened before their lifetime matters.

its a comfort trap:
- why bother vaccinating? no one ever gets XXXX
- we vaccinate to ensure no one ever gets XXXX

they never get to step 2

dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:31:41am

re: #403 Hecuba’s daughter

I took the shingles vaccine several years ago and got shingles 2 months later :-( . I don’t know if the formulation has improved since then. You don’t die from shingles but you are made miserable.

clothes are the enemy

jaunte  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:32:29am

Waist deep in the big muddy,
And the big fool says to push on.

plansbandc  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:33:34am

re: #407 dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve

My brother, sister, and father all got shingles a few years ago. Pure misery.

Single-handed sailor  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:34:48am

re: #293 Dr Lizardo

I wonder what’s going to happen to Sears’ internet presence? Will it continue, will it be sold off, or what’ll happen to it?

Belafon  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:35:32am

re: #409 jaunte

Waist deep in the big muddy,
And the big fool says to push on.

“We’ve dug this hole and can’t get out.”
“I know, keep digging.”

William Lewis  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:36:09am

re: #408 lawhawk

[Embedded content]


I am so looking forward to that movie.

lawhawk  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:37:30am

re: #413 William Lewis

I also appreciate the fact that she’s wearing a nin t-shirt. Yeah, she had me at that.

Nine Inch Nails - Head Like A Hole - 8/13/1994 - Woodstock 94 (Official)

dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:38:16am

re: #404 EPR-radar

It’s easy enough to understand. Talk of taxing the rich scares the shit out of the US ruling class.

it’s a truism
as long as the tax rate is below 100%, for every dollar you make, you keep some
so the goal is to increase your income, not reduce your taxes

person 1: tax rate 30%, makes 10 grand, ahead 7000
person 2: tax rate 70%, makes 10 grand, ahead 3000
person 3: tax rate 70% makes zero cause the tax rate is too high - is ahead zero.

how is person 3 ever better off?
you want more, earn more.

yes we’re talking high marginal rates
and yes there’s a point of diminishing (or even negative) returns that only a tiny group will ever see

overall, their argument is ‘we just want more without working for it’

Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:39:25am

Are there plans for marches tomorrow if Trump declares a National Emergency tonight?

Scottish Dragon  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:39:52am

re: #362 MsJ

I hate the internet sometimes.

[Embedded content]

No oregano.

dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:40:30am

re: #412 Belafon

“We’ve dug this hole and can’t get out.”
“I know, keep digging.”

i love this scene, though not exactly on topic


Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:40:53am

re: #412 Belafon

“We’ve dug this hole and can’t get out.”
“I know, keep digging.”

We’ll Dig Our Way Out (Simpsons Clip)

PhillyPretzel  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:41:13am

re: #416 Eclectic Cyborg

WaPo says he will make a case for it. It is supposed to be 8 minutes long. I have a wait and see attitude about this matter.

Charles Johnson  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:41:37am
Anymouse 🌹  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:41:55am

Wow, this is a giant series of coincidences, or something.

What Does Leonardo Da Vinci Have To Do With Trump And Russia? A HOLY SH*T Investigation Into WHAT THE F*CK! (Wonkette, reporting on a deep-diving investigative journalist’s findings about a maybe-real Leonardo da Vinci painting of Jesus sold to Saudi Prince Bonesaw for hundreds of millions of dollars over market value, and all the Russians associated with this [and Jared Kushner], now with added snark.)

Anymouse 🌹  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:43:03am

re: #409 jaunte

Waist deep in the big muddy,
And the big fool says to push on.

They may very well be going for the dictatorship the GOP has been angling after for decades. If this gets enough support, this might be their all or nothing bet.

lawhawk  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:43:18am

re: #422 Anymouse 🌹

I’m wary of confirmation bias in that angle, but if we get more solid reporting on who bought that art, where it is now, what what the fuck is going on, then I’d say we have a whole new avenue of investigation for Mueller and the SDNY.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:43:36am

re: #394 Unshaken Defiance

I cheat. White or brown rice, add salsa to pot for “spanish” flavor in it.

I don’t do rice, so I just need the seasonings. This will be ground beef, onions, tri-colored peppers, and riced cauliflower, which is why the seasonings are so important.

Otherwise it’s just taco meat.

dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:45:31am

re: #420 PhillyPretzel

WaPo says he will make a case for it. It is supposed to be 8 minutes long. I have a wait and see attitude about this matter.

if that’s all he does the dem response should be short and sweet

no wall
its immoral
it’s not who we are

if they start rebutting, it becomes a legitimate, debatable thing.
it isnt.

jaunte  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:45:59am

Texas legislative news:

Dan Patrick called in to assure DJT that Texas landowners will be happy to turn over their acreage to the Feds.

makeitstop  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:46:11am

re: #414 lawhawk

I also appreciate the fact that she’s wearing a nin t-shirt. Yeah, she had me at that.

[Embedded content]

I didn’t notice that! But Elastica in the soundtrack sold me.

Elastica - Connection [Uncensored] (HD)(720p_H.264-AAC).mp4

I still have the most massive crush on Justine.

(Beware of nude dudes in video. Slightly NSFW.)

PhillyPretzel  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:46:19am

re: #425 MsJ

Check Cooks Illustrated. They are my go-to source for almost any recipe.

Sir John Barron  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:47:32am

re: #409 jaunte

SHUTDOWN LATEST: Support for Trump’s potential emergency declaration to build the wall is growing w/Hill GOP. They see it as a way to save face & get them out of a fight they cannot win

Here’s my surprised face. They’re a pretty easy to persuade bunch, these principled conservators of limited government, strict construction Constitutionalists.


Anymouse 🌹  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:48:09am

re: #424 lawhawk

I’m wary of confirmation bias in that angle, but if we get more solid reporting on who bought that art, where it is now, what what the fuck is going on, then I’d say we have a whole new avenue of investigation for Mueller and the SDNY.

Everyone on the right seems to be criming too fast for Robert Mueller to keep up.

William Lewis  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:50:16am

re: #414 lawhawk

I also appreciate the fact that she’s wearing a nin t-shirt. Yeah, she had me at that.

[Embedded content]

Heh. Not so big a NIN fan but I can dig it. Now if it had been a Ramones or Clash shirt? ;)

lawhawk  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:52:32am

re: #432 William Lewis

I’ve been a huge NIN fan since their first release (and I was at Woodstock 94 so I saw their epic mudbound performance first hand).

Charles Johnson  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:54:39am
Anymouse 🌹  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:54:48am

re: #402 plansbandc

I’m concerned that I will get it from the vaccine. (This does happen) And, with my breathing problems, it would could kill me.

Have been exposed before, so there’s some thought I have natural immunity.

It is a live virus vaccine. The CDC says who should not get it (I’m on the list because of tuberculosis).

Some people should not get this vaccine

Tell your vaccine provider if the person getting the vaccine:

Has any severe, life-threatening allergies. A person who has ever had a life-threatening allergic reaction after a dose of chickenpox vaccine, or has a severe allergy to any part of this vaccine, may be advised not to be vaccinated. Ask your health care provider if you want information about vaccine components.
Is pregnant, or thinks she might be pregnant. Pregnant women should wait to get chickenpox vaccine until after they are no longer pregnant. Women should avoid getting pregnant for at least 1 month after getting chickenpox vaccine.
Has a weakened immune system due to disease (such as cancer or HIV/AIDS) or medical treatments (such as radiation, immunotherapy, steroids, or chemotherapy).
Has a parent, brother, or sister with a history of immune system problems.
Is taking salicylates (such as aspirin). People should avoid using salicylates for 6 weeks after getting varicella vaccine.
Has recently had a blood transfusion or received other blood products. You might be advised to postpone chickenpox vaccination for 3 months or more.
Has tuberculosis.
Has gotten any other vaccines in the past 4 weeks. Live vaccines given too close together might not work as well.
Is not feeling well. A mild illness, such as a cold, is usually not a reason to postpone a vaccination. Someone who is moderately or severely ill should probably wait. Your doctor can advise you.

Adults who do not fit those categories and have not had chickenpox (or a sub-clinical version of chickenpox) should get the two shots twenty-eight days apart.

Charles Johnson  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:57:05am

I was mistaken - the filings are from Manafort’s team, and it definitely IS like these clowns to make an amateurish mistake.

Anymouse 🌹  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:57:08am

re: #416 Eclectic Cyborg

Are there plans for marches tomorrow if Trump declares a National Emergency tonight?

I can’t find any, but I’m not on social media so if they’re being planned there I can’t see them.

Dr Lizardo  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:58:17am

It’s like a zombie that won’t die.

A bankruptcy judge is giving Sears Chairman Eddie Lampert another chance to buy the department store chain out of bankruptcy and save roughly 55,000 jobs.

Sears on Tuesday had planned to tell the bankruptcy court it had rejected Lampert’s $4.4 billion offer to buy the retailer, after it fell short of covering its bankruptcy expenses. Lampert, though, protested the decision, highlighting the extensive costs of Sears’ bankruptcy advisors, a person familiar with the situation told CNBC.

Ultimately, a bankruptcy judge is giving Lampert more time. Lampert’s hedge fund, ESL Investments, will now be required to pay a $120 million deposit by 4:00 p.m. Wednesday. Sears will allow Lampert to participate in a previously scheduled auction Jan. 14, when it will compare ESL’s offer to others by liquidators. But it’s unclear where he will get the funds to back his offer. A person familiar with the situation told CNBC Lampert has been working to get the financing.


Decatur Deb  Jan 8, 2019 • 10:58:36am

re: #363 William Lewis

Some serious lights then, given my memories of somwhat newer Ektachrome. I always preferred b&w negative anyway :D

Still, what I’d give to have a nice Deardorff now, a Cooke Series XVa convertible and the money for a big pile of FP-4 & a good contact printing paper. That remains my favorite photographic wish list.

The condenser banks for our Ascor strobes weighed close to a ton, sounded like a huge door slamming when they fired. We varied them by plugging in extra cans with inch-thick rubberized cables. A hit from one would send you across the gallery.

makeitstop  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:00:46am

re: #433 lawhawk

I’ve been a huge NIN fan since their first release (and I was at Woodstock 94 so I saw their epic mudbound performance first hand).

When Pretty Hate Machine came out, I was working for a syndicated radio show called Rock Over London. I saw an ad for the album in Billboard and called the label. I talked to a woman named Sue Zimmerman (AKA Souix Z), who loaded me up with the album and all the remixes.

Sue later went on to become Trent’s publicist. Haven’t spoken to her in quite a while.

Sir John Barron  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:01:13am

re: #413 William Lewis

I am so looking forward to that movie.

Yeah Brie Larson is pretty awesome in my book.

jaunte  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:01:59am
Scottish Dragon  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:02:39am

re: #438 Dr Lizardo

Lampert destroyed Sears.

goddamnedfrank  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:02:49am
unproven innocence  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:03:18am

re: #252 calochortus

Not if you are getting it from an antenna. How would anyone know?

Only in (formerly) Great Britain.

Belafon  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:03:21am

re: #426 dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve

if that’s all he does the dem response should be short and sweet

no wall
its immoral
it’s not who we are

if they start rebutting, it becomes a legitimate, debatable thing.
it isnt.

What you listed is a rebuttal. The fact that they’re on TV is a rebuttal. People are already going to do a he said-they said.

Scottish Dragon  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:04:45am

We always take our car to Sears automotive. We still buy stuff at Sears. They have done right by us. I hate to see them go.

Sir John Barron  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:06:45am

re: #442 jaunte

These failed redactions show Manafort had a meeting with Kilimnik in Madrid, gave him campaign polling data, and discussed a Ukrainian peace plan with him - then lied about all of it. Very normal contacts between a US presidential campaign manager & a Russian intelligence asset.
— Matthew Miller

Certainly. /

Was Manafort the campaign manager at the time?

Charles Johnson  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:07:00am
plansbandc  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:09:06am

The hate I feel…

Charles Johnson  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:09:33am
The Vicious Babushka  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:10:20am

re: #451 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

I hope the indictment drops 5 minutes before POS45 goes live on air.

PhillyPretzel  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:10:34am

re: #451 Charles Johnson

After his father’s speech tonight or before?

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:10:44am

re: #429 PhillyPretzel

Check Cooks Illustrated. They are my go-to source for almost any recipe.

Thanks. They don’t have any recipes for Spanish Rice and while there was one recipe kinda sorta close, it required a subscription.

Belafon  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:11:42am

re: #452 The Vicious Babushka

I hope the indictment drops 5 minutes before POS45 goes live on air.

Now that would be fun. And that would let everyone know exactly what the GOP stands for if they stay silent.

PhillyPretzel  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:11:50am

re: #454 MsJ

There is Trial Subscription for 14 days. It might be worth it.

gwangung  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:12:39am


jaunte  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:13:50am

re: #457 gwangung

“So much data, so many Russians, who can remember what you share with whom?”

Unshaken Defiance  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:15:18am

re: #457 gwangung


♫ Oops I did it again ♫

Anymouse 🌹  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:16:21am

Remember that story about a Florida prison where inmates were supposedly teasing guards over being fed better and the guards’ lack of pay?

About that, an Atlantic journalist looked into the story, rather than just accepting the press narratives feeding off each other in a circle of derp:

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:16:38am

re: #452 The Vicious Babushka

I hope the indictment drops 5 minutes before POS45 goes live on air.

That wouldn’t bother Donny. Now the daughter he’d like to fuck, that’s a whole different ballgame.

Charles Johnson  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:16:39am
retired cynic  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:18:44am

re: #356 Anymouse 🌹

We are out-of-range of broadcast television stations in the area, and have no cable service available here.


Belafon  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:19:57am

re: #462 Charles Johnson

“Trump aides have been repeatedly challenged on the numbers they’re using to argue for a wall.”

“I think we should say 4000 terrorists crossed over.”
“Hey, wait a minute. That’s not right. You’re not going to scare them with 4000. Say 40,000.”

Teukka  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:20:41am

[tinfoil]Just a scary thought… You know, with all this blatant GOP “mistakes”, lying, cheating etc. they get caught with more and more, could it be that it’s not as much them being so terribly inept, but that they know that it won’t matter soon enough to have any real impact on them?[/tinfoil]

Also, is tinfoil good, or do I need to whip up a new batch?

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:21:25am

re: #455 Belafon

Now that would be fun. And that would let everyone know exactly what the GOP stands for if they stay silent.

the whole point of the Mueller investigation is to present an airtight case that the GOP can no longer ignore without being complicit themselves.

and losing the House majority has seriously weakened their ability to just ignore, downplay or attempt to discredit the Mueller findings

DodgerFan1988  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:21:59am
jaunte  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:22:14am

re: #466 Teukka

it’s not as much them being so terribly inept, but that they know that it won’t matter soon enough to have any real impact on them?

That’s their gamble.

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:22:15am

re: #442 jaunte

So, basically working Acrobat (or, something similar) and didn’t complete the redaction process by flattening the layers. JFC, Acrobat asks you a billion times if you want to complete your redacting. How the fuck did that get through?

plansbandc  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:23:00am

re: #466 Teukka

I’ve thought this since the so called president took office. R’s no longer care about consequences. There’s a reason.

HappyWarrior  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:23:14am

re: #468 DodgerFan1988

[Embedded content]

They got their tax cuts and deregulation

jaunte  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:23:53am

re: #470 Colère Tueur de Lapin

It might be one of those errors that creeps in when the documents are so critically important that the big guys have to do their own work instead of leaving it to the assistants (experts).

Charles Johnson  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:24:13am
Colère Tueur de Lapin  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:26:27am

re: #473 jaunte

Point. The bigwigs don’t know how to operate software.

Hecuba's daughter  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:26:56am

re: #409 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Waist deep in the big muddy,
And the big fool says to push on.

Trump is a genius at persuading the GOP — he personally saved the Kavanaugh nomination and possibly the Senate for Republicans. He has a form of charisma that sweeps away logic among those who follow him. Unfortunately, neither Schumer nor Pelosi have those skills or any level of charisma. Followers worship the charismatic leader regardless of his arguments, even though a non-charismatic speaker may have more effective (in terms of reason) arguments. People respond to their emotions rather than their logic.

In general, I prefer to read a speech, instead of listening, because it makes it easier to evaluate arguments instead of being carried away by emotions.

A friend sent this link nautil.us. Beware of charisma.

ObserverArt  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:27:09am

re: #324 Belafon

You can still buy digital antenna. They still broadcast over those.

I use a digital antenna for all the local channels and even a few of the other channels that are broadcast over the air in digital signal. I think I get about 14 or so over the air.

That way I keep my ATT stream usage down. I stream all of the things like MSNBC, Investigative Discovery and all the sports stuff I watch to my LG TV through an Amazon Fire TV connection through WiFi.

The over the air digital broadcasts are very hi-res. Though at times I do have to adjust the antenna because weather or something seems to make it easy to interfere with the signal if I walk by it.

Belafon  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:28:12am

re: #466 Teukka

[tinfoil]Just a scary thought… You know, with all this blatant GOP “mistakes”, lying, cheating etc. they get caught with more and more, could it be that it’s not as much them being so terribly inept, but that they know that it won’t matter soon enough to have any real impact on them?[/tinfoil]

Also, is tinfoil good, or do I need to whip up a new batch?

“I forgot a robbed a man” isn’t a defense.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:29:09am

re: #476 Hecuba’s daughter

Trump is a genius at persuading the GOP — he personally saved the Kavanaugh nomination and possibly the Senate for Republicans.

He also “saved” the Government Shutdown, which is more of what this speech is about than The Wall.

But yes, we should not misunderestimate his savvy at manipulating opinion.

retired cynic  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:29:48am

re: #398 lawhawk

If you’ve got a weakened immune system you could get it again. It’s uncommon.

Far more common is if you had chicken pox and then get shingles.

Depending on your age, I’d suggest getting either the chicken pox or shingles vaccine. Talk to a doc about what’s right for you (am I starting to sound like a drug ad? and the fine print warnings?)

I sure got my husband and I vaccinated for shingles as soon as I could afford it (actually, sooner). It was the last thing we needed.

jaunte  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:29:53am

re: #476 Hecuba’s daughter

He has a form of charisma that sweeps away logic among those who follow him.

Some of us are deaf and blind to this mystery.

Anymouse 🌹  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:30:03am

re: #464 The Vicious Babushka

Do you have a pie for an avatar so you are armed and ready for a pie fight here, Ms. Babushka?

ObserverArt  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:31:03am

re: #339 makeitstop

I gotta check the URLs and remember not to go to Raw Story. I was on that site long enough to read two paragraphs and it froze my laptop.

I always check. I freaking hate that site. And since they are just a recycler of others content, I will take the headline then go to Google and see if I can find the original or another link.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:31:22am

Oh, per the previous discussion, here’s a pretty good tool for locating your local broadcast TV stations, what direction they are from you, what their signal strength should be at your location, and what physical channels they’re broadcasting on. (Very few went back to their original VHF channels like they were supposed to when analog broadcasting ended—none to low-band VHF.)

Joe Bacon 🌹  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:31:58am

re: #362 MsJ

I hate the internet sometimes.

[Embedded content]

Mom would make her Spanish rice with julienne slices of onions and red/green peppers, add salsa and sometimes top it with grated jack cheese.

sagehen  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:32:26am

re: #476 Hecuba’s daughter

In general, I prefer to read a speech, instead of listening, because it makes it easier to evaluate arguments instead of being carried away by emotions.

A friend sent this link nautil.us. Beware of charisma.

1960 candidates debate:

People who listened to it on the radio thought Nixon won, by a lot.
People who watched it on TV thought Kennedy won, by a lot.

jaunte  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:33:38am
ObserverArt  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:34:23am

re: #354 PhillyPretzel

What brand of airplane glue is he sniffing? I will avoid it.

Rule of thumb.

Is the person being quoted part of the Trump administration or a known Trump supporting politician?

Then they are lying.

100% Guarantee.

Skip Intro  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:35:20am

re: #450 plansbandc

Another ignorant white fat fuck.

dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:35:31am

re: #446 Belafon

What you listed is a rebuttal. The fact that they’re on TV is a rebuttal. People are already going to do a he said-they said.

we may get into some deep weeds discussing the difference between a response and a rebuttal

call it what you will
they should not accept the premise as legitimate
its how you deal with crackpots

lawhawk  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:35:43am

re: #431 Anymouse 🌹

Everyone on the right seems to be criming too fast for Robert Mueller to keep up.

He’s keeping up. He’s just not tweeting every five minutes about it. He’s checking all the angles, and spinning off investigation after investigation, which is how Cohen got nailed by the SDNY and Veselnitskaya got indicted today.

MsJ  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:35:57am

re: #485 Joe Bacon 🌹

Mom would make her Spanish rice with julienne slices of onions and red/green peppers, add salsa and sometimes top it with grated jack cheese.

No spices?

Cumin, chili powder, other?

jaunte  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:36:43am
lawhawk  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:37:07am

re: #487 jaunte


Right wingers caterwaul when Obama uses EO. They’re silent when Trump invoked national emergency powers for a nonexistent crisis.

The range of reaction from the right stands in stark contrast to reality. They don’t care so long as they have power.

jaunte  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:38:17am

re: #494 lawhawk

I’m trying to imagine the screeching if a Democratic President called a national emergency after a mass shooting.

dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:39:09am

re: #470 Colère Tueur de Lapin

So, basically working Acrobat (or, something similar) and didn’t complete the redaction process by flattening the layers. JFC, Acrobat asks you a billion times if you want to complete your redacting. How the fuck did that get through?

ask that guy over there how to do this - i think he did it once before
“alls you gotta do is….”

Anymouse 🌹  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:39:47am

re: #324 Belafon

You can still buy digital antenna. They still broadcast over those.

“Digital” antennas are just a marketing term for antennas made out of fingers.
(h/t my wife)

PhillyPretzel  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:41:33am

re: #497 Anymouse 🌹

Hmm. Amazon sells a lot of them.

lawhawk  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:42:01am

Holy shitsnacks (thanks to Manafort’s legal team screwing the pooch):

Anymouse 🌹  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:43:27am

re: #447 Scottish Dragon

We always take our car to Sears automotive. We still buy stuff at Sears. They have done right by us. I hate to see them go.

The nearest Sears to us is in Chadron (ninety miles away).

Belafon  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:44:44am

re: #490 dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve

we may get into some deep weeds discussing the difference between a response and a rebuttal

call it what you will
they should not accept the premise as legitimate
its how you deal with crackpots

I agree on that, though the fact that they went on TV automatically “created” Democratic legitimacy. But, I don’t think they had any other choice. He’s sitting in the White House. That offers him power he wouldn’t have otherwise that has to be reponsed to. They’re response needs to be the made-for-tv version of Tlaib’s statement.

goddamnedfrank  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:45:06am
NO SMOCKING GUN!  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:46:27am

re: #457 gwangung

[Embedded content]


This is like blockbuster news clearly showing collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russia, right? I’m not missing anything, am I?

dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:47:02am

re: #499 lawhawk

Holy shitsnacks (thanks to Manafort’s legal team screwing the pooch):

[Embedded content]

right now manafort is channeling my cousin vinny:

“I want that guy”

lawhawk  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:47:08am

re: #502 goddamnedfrank

It’s a class 2 misdemeanor to set falsely set off a fire alarm in NC.

Book ‘em Dano.

goddamnedfrank  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:47:18am

re: #499 lawhawk

Anymouse 🌹  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:47:30am

re: #498 PhillyPretzel

Hmm. Amazon sells a lot of them.

They’re still just antennas. “Digital” is sort of like “new and improved” where they change the package design.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:48:02am

re: #498 PhillyPretzel

Hmm. Amazon sells a lot of them.

What AM meant is that “digital” is a marketing term. Antennas don’t care what what kind of info if any is encoded in the signals they pick up. One real difference is that there are no more low-band VHF channels left, so antennas can be a lot smaller than they were in the old days.

lawhawk  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:48:20am

re: #504 dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve

Thing is that Manafort’s lawyers have a good argument that it’s hard to keep track of all the bad deeds done in the past, and omissions can happen that aren’t willfull.

The problem is that the prosecutors have proof of willful lies and omissions.

Skip Intro  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:49:32am


This is like blockbuster news clearly showing collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russia, right? I’m not missing anything, am I?

That means it will be totally forgotten by tomorrow.

Anymouse 🌹  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:49:45am

re: #508 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

What AM meant is that “digital” is a marketing term. Antennas don’t care what what kind of info if any is encoded in the signals they pick up. One real difference is that there are no more low-band VHF channels left, so antennas can be a lot smaller than they were in the old days.

No, I meant they were made out of fingers. /s

PhillyPretzel  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:49:48am

re: #507 Anymouse 🌹

re: #508 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

I agree. I use one of those flat antennas in my house to get my local PBS station. It works very well.

Hecuba's daughter  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:50:27am

re: #493 jaunte

[Embedded content]

And many of us were concerned that Florida Republicans would delay implementation for years — so maybe our dire predictions will not hold water.

If Trump is forced to use facts in his speech, it will be so weasel-worded that it wouldn’t be sufficient to justify anything. Of course, he has been known to go off script on a regular basis. Maybe he will just say that he will end the shutdown and sit in negotiations to find a workable solution? //

lawhawk  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:51:00am
ObserverArt  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:51:18am

re: #434 Charles Johnson

I’m wondering if these “redactions” were planned. Not like the Mueller team to make such an amateurish mistake.

— Charles Johnson (@Green_Footballs) January 8, 2019

Charles, you have me confused.

I thought the tweet in #421 said it was Manafort’s lawyers that did not redact the info properly???

ipsos  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:52:09am

re: #508 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

What AM meant is that “digital” is a marketing term. Antennas don’t care what what kind of info if any is encoded in the signals they pick up. One real difference is that there are no more low-band VHF channels left, so antennas can be a lot smaller than they were in the old days.

Except there *are* still some stations using low-band VHF, and there will be more in the next few years as the FCC “repacks” the TV spectrum. Channel 6 in Philadelphia, for instance, is on actual VHF channel 6.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:52:11am

re: #511 Anymouse 🌹

No, I meant they were made out of fingers. /s

Covering my fingers in foil and holding my hands up in the air is just about the only thing I haven’t tried over the years.

PhillyPretzel  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:52:24am

re: #514 lawhawk

Rats fleeing a sinking ship? I think so.

ObserverArt  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:52:44am

re: #436 Charles Johnson

I was mistaken - the filings are from Manafort’s team, and it definitely IS like these clowns to make an amateurish mistake.

Ahhh! There it is.

It’s a bitch working and trying to keep up on day’s when something big is about to, or is happening.

Belafon  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:58:02am

re: #508 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

What AM meant is that “digital” is a marketing term. Antennas don’t care what what kind of info if any is encoded in the signals they pick up. One real difference is that there are no more low-band VHF channels left, so antennas can be a lot smaller than they were in the old days.

Yeah, the only thing “digital” means is the correct size to pick up these particular signals.

NO SMOCKING GUN!  Jan 8, 2019 • 11:59:47am

re: #515 ObserverArt

Charles, you have me confused.

I thought the tweet in #421 said it was Manafort’s lawyers that did not redact the info properly???

Charles acknowledged his error in his next post.

Anymouse 🌹  Jan 8, 2019 • 12:02:37pm

The son of the convicted rapist who started trump (dot) dating is now running a $200,000 grift to run a new conservative dating site called Trump Town.

Robin Pennacchia opened an account at Trump Town to see what is going on there. Turns out, not much.

Trump (dot) dating got in hot water when they used a retired Air Force general’s photo without permission, claiming he was available. He’s been happily married for many years.

The Trump (dot) dating site was promoted in the usual wingnut circle-of-derp which passes for media: Daily Caller, the FOX.

The son is now complaining that a venture capital site he sought money from for his new grift Website is full of crypt-liberals who want to shut down conservative Freeze Peach.

Caution for coarse language: wonkette.com

Anymouse 🌹  Jan 8, 2019 • 12:04:03pm

re: #514 lawhawk

They could build a wall out of Rachel Maddow’s resignation list.

The Vicious Babushka  Jan 8, 2019 • 1:03:51pm

re: #482 Anymouse 🌹

Do you have a pie for an avatar so you are armed and ready for a pie fight here, Ms. Babushka?

Observer Art very kindly and generously made the pie avatar for me so I use it here instead of my Twitter avi, which is a matrioshka doll with an angry face.

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