
Seth Meyers: Hysterical Trump Faces Jail Time After Guilty Verdict, Fox News Predicts “Revolution”

2Semper Fi
2 minutes ago
For some reason Fox News predicting Revolution sounds good to me. I take it as just threatening words attempting to influence the judge. Trump IMO needs to sit in the slammer at least a year and include a hefty dollar ...

High Energy Jam From Cory Wong and Band: “Lunchtime”

just now
re: #66 Charles Johnson Conservatives should be proud of Hunter Biden. He was getting nice 'n' toasted on good drugs and booze, banging hot women with his giant hog, cheated on his taxes, and kept illegal firearms, all important conservative ...

Video: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Psychotic Ranting at Dr. Anthony Fauci

4 hours ago
re: #111 Orange Impostor "Our government is based in the people sharing power with the government, right?" "Yes." "And how do people share that power?" "By voting." "And so people obviously have to be able to vote to share that ...