
Seth Meyers: Majority of Independents Want Trump to Drop Out After Guilty Verdict, MTG Melts Down

2 minutes ago
NYS Gov Hochul panders to suburban drivers by putting the NYC congestion pricing scheme on indefinite hold. Instead of letting this go into effect, which would reduce traffic into Manhattan below 63d Street, and raise billions for mass transit improvements ...

High Energy Jam From Cory Wong and Band: “Lunchtime”

157Eventual Carrion
2 days ago
re: #144 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus My oldest son and his wife live in San Antonio. He said Saturday it was already in the 100s. Said he was sweating like mad while cutting the lawn.

Video: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Psychotic Ranting at Dr. Anthony Fauci

2 days ago
re: #111 Orange Impostor "Our government is based in the people sharing power with the government, right?" "Yes." "And how do people share that power?" "By voting." "And so people obviously have to be able to vote to share that ...