Seth Meyers Attic Sessions: Trump Repeats Coronavirus Failures in Reckless Rush to “Reopen” Economy

Politics • Views: 23,614


Seth takes a closer look at President Trump pushing to prematurely reopen the economy.

Late Night with Seth Meyers is supporting City Harvest to help those in need during the COVID-19 pandemic. City Harvest is New York City’s largest food rescue organization, working to end hunger throughout its communities by rescuing 66 million pounds of food each year and delivering it, free of charge, to hundreds of food pantries, soup kitchens and other community partners across five boroughs. Click the button on the above/below to donate or visit

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I Would Prefer Not To  Apr 16, 2020 • 10:24:02am

31,000 dead in the USA and idiots are screaming to reopen the country. Fuck.

Charles Johnson  Apr 16, 2020 • 10:24:48am
jaunte  Apr 16, 2020 • 10:25:48am
NO SMOCKING GUN!  Apr 16, 2020 • 10:27:10am

re: #1 I Would Prefer Not To

31,000 dead in the USA and idiots are screaming to reopen the country. Fuck.

My wife works at the Ky State Capitol. She said the idiots are coming back for another mass protest this afternoon to try to disrupt Governor Beshear’s news conference at 5pm again.

Disloyal Archangel  Apr 16, 2020 • 10:27:57am

This guy needs to be fired.
Out of a cannon.

Omar Comin’ Yo  Apr 16, 2020 • 10:29:59am

It’s my Birthday.
How did I get this far?

Pokey LaFarge - “Fuck Me Up” [Official Video]

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Apr 16, 2020 • 10:31:13am

Chester Couny COVID-19 data updates around 1pm I think.

For April 15th:
Positive Cases: 722 (+47)
Tests Done: 4705 (+614)
Deaths: 26 (+3)

Doubling rate seems to be about 8 days still.

9 of the deaths in one township. (Which contains a veterans center as I mentioned yesterday.) 8 townships or boroughs with no reported cases, as compared to 10 the day before.

Disloyal Archangel  Apr 16, 2020 • 10:34:47am

That kid will go far…

Belafon  Apr 16, 2020 • 10:35:52am

We will know it’s safe to do regular things when Wall Street does an entire week of on the floor trading without masks.

Eclectic Cyborg  Apr 16, 2020 • 10:38:20am

re: #8 Disloyal Archangel

I’m not even mad. I’m impressed.

I Don’t Take Responsibility At All (dangerman)  Apr 16, 2020 • 10:40:18am

re: #8 Disloyal Archangel

That kid will go far…

[Embedded content]

that’s how they break into banks in the movies, right?

lawhawk  Apr 16, 2020 • 10:41:16am

re: #1 I Would Prefer Not To

Worldometer has updated to over 33,000 Americans killed due to covid19. They’ve changed the methodology as they explain here.

Excess mortality is the best indicator of the death toll, because but for covid19, the death toll, per capita death rates, and other metrics would be comparable to past years. Been pointing that out for a while now; that we’d see just how bad it is from the excess mortality statistics.

Take last 5 years of death data for a given location, average it to smooth out annual differences and compared to this year (from January 2020 onwards) and see how covid19 added to the toll.

Belafon  Apr 16, 2020 • 10:42:22am

This is why Republicans are going to be spending in North Carolina:

In the Senate race Cal Cunningham leads Thom Tillis 47-40, little changed from PPP’s last poll of the race in February when Cunningham led Tillis 46-41. Cunningham’s advantage with critical independent voters is 17 points at 49/32.

lawhawk  Apr 16, 2020 • 10:42:27am

re: #9 Belafon

Wall Street may never go back to floor traders. That’s a cost they don’t need to carry. It’s a legacy of the history of the exchange, but it can all be done electronically.

nicdanger  Apr 16, 2020 • 10:42:49am

re: #6 Omar Comin’ Yo

Happy Birthday, and thanks for that video.

lawhawk  Apr 16, 2020 • 10:43:31am
jaunte  Apr 16, 2020 • 10:44:23am

re: #8 Disloyal Archangel

PhillyPretzel  Apr 16, 2020 • 10:45:20am

re: #16 lawhawk

RIP Mr Dennehy.

Omar Comin’ Yo  Apr 16, 2020 • 10:46:36am

re: #15 nicdanger

Happy Birthday, and thanks for that video.

Stumbled across him. He has some other stuff out there just as tasty. Love that piano bass line.

PhillyPretzel  Apr 16, 2020 • 10:47:30am

Ironically I am watching Downton Abbey the end of the second season where the Spanish Flu comes and leaves its mark.

I Don’t Take Responsibility At All (dangerman)  Apr 16, 2020 • 10:48:08am

I Don’t Take Responsibility At All (dangerman)  Apr 16, 2020 • 10:48:17am

Eric The Fruit Bat  Apr 16, 2020 • 10:48:21am

re: #14 lawhawk

Wall Street may never go back to floor traders. That’s a cost they don’t need to carry. It’s a legacy of the history of the exchange, but it can all be done electronically.

The whole reason to go into offices may see commercial real estate take a huge hit as corporations re-think their long-term expenses - like rent….

lawhawk  Apr 16, 2020 • 10:50:57am

re: #23 Eric The Fruit Bat

There are legit reasons for offices, because collaboration does work better with organic meetings - the unscheduled conversations that spark ideas and bring product improvements.

But companies will be better positioned for work from home and have bulked up business continuity plans after this (I know we did after 9/11).

Barefoot Grin  Apr 16, 2020 • 10:51:05am

re: #11 I Don’t Take Responsibility At All (dangerman)

that’s how they break into banks in the movies, right?

[Embedded content]

Or fool vengeful ex-cops who plant bombs on busses.

lawhawk  Apr 16, 2020 • 10:51:06am
Shiplord Kirel, Friend of Moose and Squirrel  Apr 16, 2020 • 10:51:23am

re: #5 Disloyal Archangel

This guy needs to be fired.
Out of a cannon.

[Embedded content]

Real, honest-to-God Julius Streicher stuff. Follow his path, share his fate.

Belafon  Apr 16, 2020 • 10:51:31am

re: #14 lawhawk

Wall Street may never go back to floor traders. That’s a cost they don’t need to carry. It’s a legacy of the history of the exchange, but it can all be done electronically.

It will be interesting to see. My company has set up temporary work from home and will kill it the moment they can.

lawhawk  Apr 16, 2020 • 10:53:26am

re: #28 Belafon

It is going to be interesting to see how colleges and the education system handle this too.

Khal Wimpo (not drinking damn fish tank cleaner)  Apr 16, 2020 • 10:55:40am

re: #5 Disloyal Archangel

This guy needs to be fired.
Out of a cannon.

Just asked this on Twitter, but maybe Lawhawk can chime in here: what is the practical threshhold for charging someone with the crime of Depraved Indifference?

I mean, this is the textbook definition, but in the real world, how is this prosecuted?

the prosecution generally must show that the defendant caused a death by knowingly engaging in conduct that created a grave risk of death. A person acts with depraved indifference when he or she shows such utter disregard for human life that it is apparent he or she was completely indifferent about creating a risk of death to another human being. This standard focuses on the risk that the defendant’s conduct created and his or her lack of concern related to that risk.

Some jurisdictions also use the depraved indifference standard to enhance what would otherwise be a manslaughter charge to murder. Manslaughter often requires only a showing of recklessness. Although malice aforethought or premeditation are common hallmarks of a murder charge, in cases where the defendant acted with depraved indifference, he or she might be charged with murder despite the fact that the death was unintentional. An example of a situation where depraved indifference could be used to enhance what would otherwise be a manslaughter charge to murder is a death caused by a drunk driver. The driver might not have set out to kill someone nor had malice in his or her heart when he or she acted, but by driving while intoxicated, he or she might have had such utter disregard for human life that his or her actions produced a grave risk of harm — ultimately resulting in another person’s death.

I Don’t Take Responsibility At All (dangerman)  Apr 16, 2020 • 10:56:11am

re: #26 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

lets remember something else about testing:
it’s not just about getting everyone tested

- its about testing
- and then periodically retesting all the negatives
- then contact tracing and isolating the new positives

without all three, it’s just more political theater - an exercise in jerking us off

Charles Johnson  Apr 16, 2020 • 10:57:18am
Targetpractice  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:00:07am

re: #32 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

Well, to be fair, he’s talking to an audience that thinks tens of thousands of kids shot to death every year is “the price of freedom.”

What’s 2-3 million in the name of a second Trump term?/////

lawhawk  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:01:51am

re: #30 Khal Wimpo (not drinking damn fish tank cleaner)

Depraved indifference isn’t a crime itself - it’s a characterization relating to certain kinds of criminal charges. It goes to the mens rea (the belief of the person carrying out the charge). Depraved indifference goes to recklessness.

Homicide is a general charge, but homicide with depraved indifference may have different elements to be found guilty.

Jay C  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:02:13am

re: #26 lawhawk

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Today is April 16th: May 1st is just two weeks away: no matter how hard they scramble, they’re not (not “White House aides, not anybody!) going to be physically able to produce and distribute enough testing materiel to make the major difference in test capacity that is necessary to get a handle on the spread of this virus. I.e., “reopening” level. And it’s extraordinarily depressing to think that, three months into a global pandemic, the word “scramble” has to even be thought about being used in describing the US’s response to a dangerous infection like COVID-19.

June 1? With luck, just maybe
May 1? No friggin way….

lawhawk  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:04:32am

re: #35 Jay C

Today is April 16th: May 1st is just two weeks away: no matter how hard they scramble, they’re not (not “White House aides, not anybody!) going to be physically able to produce and distribute enough testing materiel to make the major difference in test capacity that is necessary to get a handle on the spread of this virus. I.e., “reopening” level. And it’s extraordinarily depressing to think that, three months into a global pandemic, the word “scramble” has to even be thought about being used in describing the US’s response to a dangerous infection like COVID-19.

June 1? With luck, just maybe
May 1? No friggin way….

There you go with the maths.

Belafon  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:07:11am

re: #36 lawhawk

There you go with the maths.

Everyone who understood the problem said there would be math, but there was no way Trump was going to accept that.

Targetpractice  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:07:24am

re: #35 Jay C

Today is April 16th: May 1st is just two weeks away: no matter how hard they scramble, they’re not (not “White House aides, not anybody!) going to be physically able to produce and distribute enough testing materiel to make the major difference in test capacity that is necessary to get a handle on the spread of this virus. I.e., “reopening” level. And it’s extraordinarily depressing to think that, three months into a global pandemic, the word “scramble” has to even be thought about being used in describing the US’s response to a dangerous infection like COVID-19.

June 1? With luck, just maybe
May 1? No friggin way….

Which is why it’s going to be a total shitshow either way. Either the WH goes forward with their attempt to “reopen,” which leads to widespread confusion as states and locals fight to deal with the sudden influx of people looking for tests. Or the date gets pushed back again, leading to yet another around of face-saving BS, whether it’s blaming the governors, blaming the press, or blaming Dems.

Dr Lizardo  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:08:41am

re: #35 Jay C

Today is April 16th: May 1st is just two weeks away: no matter how hard they scramble, they’re not (not “White House aides, not anybody!) going to be physically able to produce and distribute enough testing materiel to make the major difference in test capacity that is necessary to get a handle on the spread of this virus. I.e., “reopening” level. And it’s extraordinarily depressing to think that, three months into a global pandemic, the word “scramble” has to even be thought about being used in describing the US’s response to a dangerous infection like COVID-19.

June 1? With luck, just maybe
May 1? No friggin way….

Yeah - I mean, look here at Czech Republic. Population of 10.5 million: 146,004 tested, 6359 confirmed infected, 972 recovered and 169 dead. And as per the government’s current timetable, things should be re-opened by 8 June, but with some restrictions still in place such as mask usage, 2 meter space in stores, etc. And even there, they’re still planning on some capacity restrictions for pubs, indoor restaurants, and the like.

June 8th. In a small country that’s been relatively lucky when compared to some of its European neighbors.

jeffreyw  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:09:00am

Appetizing Opportunity

mmmirele  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:13:57am

re: #9 Belafon

We will know it’s safe to do regular things when Wall Street does an entire week of on the floor trading without masks.

TBH, I don’t think they’re ever going back to the trading floor.

Joe Bacon 🌹  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:14:40am

re: #5 Disloyal Archangel

This guy needs to be fired.
Out of a cannon.

[Embedded content]

Hold Hannity and THE OZZHOLE liable for the medical bills triggered by their asinine advocacy. I ought to include Oprah in that as well since she’s the one who brought that QUACK into notoriety!

Dr Lizardo  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:14:58am

re: #41 mmmirele

TBH, I don’t think they’re ever going back to the trading floor.

There’s no need for them to. It’s just a relic of a bygone era.

sagehen  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:16:15am

re: #30 Khal Wimpo (not drinking damn fish tank cleaner)

Just asked this on Twitter, but maybe Lawhawk can chime in here: what is the practical threshhold for charging someone with the crime of Depraved Indifference?

I mean, this is the textbook definition, but in the real world, how is this prosecuted?

If you expect the jury to be full of people who would have known better, who would have realized the “obvious” risk of the action/inaction.

sagehen  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:22:54am

re: #34 lawhawk

Depraved indifference isn’t a crime itself - it’s a characterization relating to certain kinds of criminal charges. It goes to the mens rea (the belief of the person carrying out the charge). Depraved indifference goes to recklessness.

Homicide is a general charge, but homicide with depraved indifference may have different elements to be found guilty.

The two times I remember L&O’s Jack McCoy prosecuting for depraved indifference were a guy who watered down chemo drugs to be able to sell 3x as much as he bought, and a guy who watered/diluted the cement mix in a bridge construction.

mmmirele  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:24:55am

re: #28 Belafon

It will be interesting to see. My company has set up temporary work from home and will kill it the moment they can.

My company had gone all in with consolidating locations and moving people into the office. I was hired into my present position with the expectation that I’d work out of the data center. A lot of people were being told that their sites were shutting down and they had until April 15 (yesterday!) to decide whether they would pick up and move to another location, which might mean moving states. The whole thing was that the synergies were supposed to be better with everyone at the same site. For my area, that’s complete and utter nonsense, since we’ve always worked with remote people in addition to our three main sites.

And then the third week of March happened, the Bay Area started a shelter in place, and the bank was seriously affected. The shelter in place also affected New York, which is where the vast majority of suits now live and work. Something had to give, especially when it became clear that not all of the bank’s operations were going to be covered as “essential.”

So thousands upon thousands of people have been given laptops and sent home to work. More are being sent home every day. There seems to be no let up. I really don’t think people are coming back into the offices any time soon unless they absolutely have to. Nobody wants to be Smithfield Farms, which now has three locations shut or shutting down because they cared more about people working than dealing with coronavirus.

Khal Wimpo (not drinking damn fish tank cleaner)  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:26:43am

re: #34 lawhawk

Depraved indifference isn’t a crime itself - it’s a characterization relating to certain kinds of criminal charges. It goes to the mens rea (the belief of the person carrying out the charge). Depraved indifference goes to recklessness.

Homicide is a general charge, but homicide with depraved indifference may have different elements to be found guilty.

Thanks for the clarification; I guess it’s the mental condition that differentiates between the “I was just cleaning the gun and it went off” and “I was shit-faced drunk, people warned me to put the damn gun down and instead I pointed it at Cindy Lu, but I swear I didn’t mean it”

steve_davis  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:27:41am

re: #11 I Don’t Take Responsibility At All (dangerman)

that’s how they break into banks in the movies, right?

[Embedded content]

this is even funnier because i’m pretty sure one of my coworkers did this on a conference call. he got asked a question by the host, and then there were an awkward couple of minutes while we all looked at his motionless image on the screen. I’d thought he’d just fallen asleep (he’s a senior citizen. even more senior than I), but this makes way more sense. he was probably off taking a crap and completely missed the whole moment.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:27:49am

re: #35 Jay C

Today is April 16th: May 1st is just two weeks away: no matter how hard they scramble, they’re not (not “White House aides, not anybody!) going to be physically able to produce and distribute enough testing materiel to make the major difference in test capacity that is necessary to get a handle on the spread of this virus. I.e., “reopening” level. And it’s extraordinarily depressing to think that, three months into a global pandemic, the word “scramble” has to even be thought about being used in describing the US’s response to a dangerous infection like COVID-19.

June 1? With luck, just maybe
May 1? No friggin way….

I just don’t see it until

1) antibody testing is widely available and

2) a vaccine is available.

1, to me, is critical to reopening things because that will give people the mental security to go out and do stuff. People who don’t know their own status aren’t going to readily return to going out and spending money.

I Don’t Take Responsibility At All (dangerman)  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:28:57am

Missing Sarah yet?

Khal Wimpo (not drinking damn fish tank cleaner)  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:30:19am

re: #45 sagehen

The two times I remember L&O’s Jack McCoy prosecuting for depraved indifference were a guy who watered down chemo drugs to be able to sell 3x as much as he bought, and a guy who watered/diluted the cement mix in a bridge construction.

“You knew, or reasonably SHOULD have known, that your actions would result in the deaths of innocent people … ” is an argument that could be made with Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, etc.

Maybe if liberal pundits were to start making noises about this, they would fucking pipe down about “standing up for yer rights and ‘Murrica! U-S-A! U-S-A!” quite so much.

retired cynic  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:30:58am

Charles Johnson  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:31:49am
Targetpractice  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:33:40am

re: #53 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

It’s not even that, it’s (maybe) 5 minutes of explanation, followed by yet another 2 1/2 hr quasi-rally.

Rightwingconspirator  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:33:58am

re: #32 Charles Johnson

b.d. (Follow science, survive and vote!)  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:35:02am

re: #53 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

We’re gonna need a good slogan for America’s Grand Re-Opening:

PhillyPretzel  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:36:06am

re: #56 b.d. (Follow science, survive and vote!)

Yes. That could be one.

Belafon  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:37:55am

re: #53 Charles Johnson

Make America Grotty Again

(I had to go look for a synonym)

Dr. Matt  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:40:30am

The Matrix is fucking broken:

makeitstop  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:40:39am

stpaulbear  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:40:50am

re: #56 b.d. (Follow science, survive and vote!)

Charles Johnson  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:42:07am
Dr. Matt  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:42:22am

Targetpractice  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:42:30am

re: #59 Dr. Matt

The Matrix is fucking broken:

[Embedded content]

“Let them eat brioche!”

Eclectic Cyborg  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:42:40am

re: #59 Dr. Matt

And imagine having to be the poor sap of a tech who would have to help DeVos if her internet service ever stopped working.

I can guarantee you she’s a Karen of the worst kind.

steve_davis  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:42:52am

re: #35 Jay C

Today is April 16th: May 1st is just two weeks away: no matter how hard they scramble, they’re not (not “White House aides, not anybody!) going to be physically able to produce and distribute enough testing materiel to make the major difference in test capacity that is necessary to get a handle on the spread of this virus. I.e., “reopening” level. And it’s extraordinarily depressing to think that, three months into a global pandemic, the word “scramble” has to even be thought about being used in describing the US’s response to a dangerous infection like COVID-19.

June 1? With luck, just maybe
May 1? No friggin way….

a facebook friend pointed out that 38 years ago today I was standing in front of a packed theater with a group, singing Paranoid, while the theater owner ran the opening shuttle scene from Heavy Metal on the screen behind us, without sound. Man, would I love to get those years back. I would have maybe gone to L.A. and wound up homeless and living under a bridge with all the other really good singers who discovered too late that the world is awash with really good singers, but that a really good sessions bassist can stay alive in pretty much any economy.

Dr. Matt  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:44:01am
Targetpractice  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:44:29am

re: #65 Eclectic Cyborg

And imagine having to be the poor sap of a tech who would have to help DeVos if her internet service ever stopped working.

I can guarantee you she’s a Karen of the worst kind.

“I thought you said this would only take a few minutes? It’s been 10 minutes, I have some very important work to do! Why can’t you work faster?! If you don’t have this fixed in another 5 minutes, I will be calling your supervisor to get another tech out here!”

Joe Bacon 🌹  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:44:40am

re: #50 I Don’t Take Responsibility At All (dangerman)

Missing Sarah yet?

[Embedded content]

Targetpractice  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:45:19am

re: #67 Dr. Matt

[Embedded content]

Because in a national crisis, the most important thing is that rent-seekers get that rent.


Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:46:29am

re: #67 Dr. Matt

Dr. Matt  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:47:51am

re: #50 I Don’t Take Responsibility At All (dangerman)

Missing Sarah yet?

[Embedded content]

“We”. My hospital was begging research labs for reagents so our clinical lab could develop an in-house test. They spent a week cobbling together the supplies and several more weeks developing the SOP. C*ntbag, fuckface dipshit loser donnie had nothing to do that.

Dr. Matt  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:48:32am

re: #71 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

[Embedded content]

wow. Great news. Very glad to hear that. Hopefully it’s returned as quickly as it was stolen.

Eclectic Cyborg  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:49:37am

re: #71 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Yeah, I knew that would happen pretty quick once the shit hit the fan.

I Don’t Take Responsibility At All (dangerman)  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:51:43am

re: #67 Dr. Matt

[Embedded content]

If they didn’t notify everyone first they are doing this, they knew it was wrong

steve_davis  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:51:45am

Looking all sixteen and worldly and shit.
Omar Comin’ Yo  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:54:23am


Eclectic Cyborg  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:55:05am

re: #75 I Don’t Take Responsibility At All (dangerman)

If they didn’t notify everyone first they are doing this, they knew it was wrong

My guess is their systems were automatically designed to do this. I.E. you get a large deposit (say a tax refund) when you owe them money, they take what you owe off the top. There’s probably some legalese buried in their customer agreement that no one every reads that states this, hence customers are technically “notified”.

In this case, due to the circumstances, the actions from the system came off as incredibly heartless.

Mike Lamb  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:56:03am

re: #53 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

Fuck his guidelines. He has fuck all for authority over the states in this regard.

(Although he is, of course, sociopathic enough to withhold federal aid to states that refuse to open).

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:57:29am

Two more points down. If he keeps talking (or rather ranting daily), he’ll be down to 10% in November. And that’s of he doesn’t kill a bunch of cons and their kids.

William Lewis  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:57:44am

re: #71 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

USAA loves to pretend they care about the military and vets.

Yeah. Like a coyote cares about a newborn lamb.

mmmirele  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:59:17am

re: #67 Dr. Matt

At least my evil too big to fail employer is doing the right thing for once. Go get your money out if you’re in this position.

Jim Seitz, a spokesperson from Wells Fargo, gave this statement to the Prospect: “To do our part to provide our customers access to the stimulus payment funds, Wells Fargo is pausing for 30 days the collection of negative balances existing at the time when stimulus payments are deposited.” This protects the payment for a period of time, but presumably the payment would have to be spent or transferred out of the account within a month to avoid Wells Fargo taking it to cover a debt thereafter. JPMorgan Chase and Bank of America announced a similar policy on Wednesday.

stpaulbear  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:59:39am

re: #66 steve_davis

a facebook friend pointed out that 38 years ago today I was standing in front of a packed theater with a group, singing Paranoid, while the theater owner ran the opening shuttle scene from Heavy Metal on the screen behind us, without sound. Man, would I love to get those years back. I would have maybe gone to L.A. and wound up homeless and living under a bridge with all the other really good singers who discovered too late that the world is awash with really good singers, but that a really good sessions bassist can stay alive in pretty much any economy.

My too-late discovery from 38 years ago that playing drums in a loud rock band was a tremendous way to wreck your hearing.

I Don’t Take Responsibility At All (dangerman)  Apr 16, 2020 • 11:59:40am
Dr Lizardo  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:00:36pm

re: #83 stpaulbear

My too-late discovery from 38 years ago that playing drums in a loud rock band was a tremendous way to wreck your hearing.

Or being only about 20 feet away from the stage at an Iron Maiden concert.

b.d. (Follow science, survive and vote!)  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:02:27pm

re: #61 stpaulbear

[Embedded content]

makeitstop  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:02:36pm

re: #85 Dr Lizardo

Or being only about 20 feet away from the stage at an Iron Maiden concert.

Or standing in front of a 50 watt Marshall, turned most of the way up.

stpaulbear  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:05:53pm

re: #84 I Don’t Take Responsibility At All (dangerman)

Maryland police remind residents to wear pants to mailbox: ‘This is your final warning’

Do pajama pants count? Every time I’ve ventured outside in the last week has been in pajama pants.

edit: I haven’t gone to the store.

Joe Bacon 🌹  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:07:02pm

Oh make up your mind you ignorant asshole!

sagehen  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:07:04pm

re: #80 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Two more points down. If he keeps talking (or rather ranting daily), he’ll be down to 10% in November. And that’s of he doesn’t kill a bunch of cons and their kids.

[Embedded content]

GWB had a 23% approval rating by the time his successor was elected.

Belafon  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:10:21pm

re: #89 Joe Bacon 🌹

Oh make up your mind you ignorant asshole!

[Embedded content]

He doesn’t see that as contradictory: It’s not his fault if he fails.

PhillyPretzel  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:10:49pm

re: #90 sagehen

The only thing that I have going right now is that PA is part of a group of governors who actually read and who understand what Dr Fauci has said in the past and they have banded together to help each other. That and Mayor Kenney is no idiot and he too understands that if we open too early this virus will explode.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:11:04pm

re: #90 sagehen

GWB had a 23% approval rating by the time his successor was elected.

I do wonder how low he can go.

Interesting Times  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:11:41pm

re: #90 sagehen

GWB had a 23% approval rating by the time his successor was elected.

NetworkKed  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:13:06pm

Ugh, I missed the front of the IN Gov press conference, and it’s implied that they are extending stay-at-home, but the local news coverage is too primitive to bother to update a chyron.

Frigging Rs - it’s Thursday, and they’re just - maybe - announcing that it’ll still be in place on Monday. I’ll bet that if we didn’t hit a new high in positive tests today they would have held fire until tomorrow.

sagehen  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:13:13pm

re: #82 mmmirele

At least my evil too big to fail employer is doing the right thing for once. Go get your money out if you’re in this position.

Your evil too big to fail employer probably still has the crisis PR team on retainer, they’ve learned a thing or two about quick action and announcements.

Jay C  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:13:14pm

re: #80 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Two more points down. If he keeps talking (or rather ranting daily), he’ll be down to 10% in November. And that’s of he doesn’t kill a bunch of cons and their kids.

[Embedded content]

Well, so much for the “rally ‘round the flag” effect: though with Trump, it really was never a matter of “if” he’d blow his approval rating, but “when” (though this, unsurprisingly, is soon even for The Donald).

But I’m guessing that his overall “Approval” rating is really unlikely to ever fall much below 40% in any case: there are still an enormous number of our fellow-citizens out there who are, hopelessly, toxically infected (with simpleminded RW ideology, not Coronavirus*), and for whom the manifest revelations of Trump’s and Republicans’ incompetence and venality is only going to make them MORE likely to vote Trump/(R): if only because the alternative is unpalatable: since they have had it drummed into their psyches for decades that “Democrat” is just a shorthand term for “Socialistical Satanist/atheist baby-killer flag-burner America-hater”. And so there.

*The big difference being that Coronavirus is a lot easier to recover from….

NetworkKed  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:14:33pm

For Gallup, that’s real movement. But yeah, hardcore braindead base.

Is Gallup still landline-only?

Eclectic Cyborg  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:18:46pm

I just realized something: Trump is Schrodingers Asshole.

Mind bogglingly stupid yet a stable genius at the same time.


Hecuba's daughter  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:19:09pm

re: #5 Disloyal Archangel

This guy needs to be fired.
Out of a cannon.

[Embedded content]

Didn’t someone downstairs make the point that was not what Dr. Oz was saying — that he had misinterpreted a study but the point more that the mortality rate would rise 2% (not that 2% of children would die); having not read the original report, wasn’t it also that any effect on mortality would probably be on the adults caring for these children, and not the children themselves. Or am I mistaken here?

Interesting Times  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:19:28pm

re: #97 Jay C

But I’m guessing that his overall “Approval” rating is really unlikely to ever fall much below 40% in any case: there are still an enormous number of our fellow-citizens out there who are, hopelessly, toxically infected (with simpleminded RW ideology, not Coronavirus*)

Targetpractice  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:20:42pm

re: #101 Interesting Times

[Embedded content]

“Braiiinnnsss! We need braiiinnnsss!!!”

Belafon  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:23:57pm

re: #100 Hecuba’s daughter

Didn’t someone downstairs make the point that was not what Dr. Oz was saying — that he had misinterpreted a study but the point more that the mortality rate would rise 2% (not that 2% of children would die); having not read the original report, wasn’t it also that any effect on mortality would probably be on the adults caring for these children, and not the children themselves. Or am I mistaken here?

The first part is correct, but not the second part. We know it hits kids.

jaunte  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:27:19pm

Good luck, everyone.

Hecuba's daughter  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:27:37pm

re: #103 Belafon

The first part is correct, but not the second part. We know it hits kids.

Yes — it does affect children too. But wasn’t the study talking about overall mortality — and not specifically children? i.e. that this would have a 2% effect on mortality — which would apply to the entire population. I took it to mean that children might be affected but also the adults who came into contact with them.

PhillyPretzel  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:29:34pm

re: #104 jaunte

I hope it works. As with PA and the group they belong to I hope it works. We have to band together and fight DT.

jaunte  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:30:35pm

re: #100 Hecuba’s daughter

The study suggested that closing schools didn’t have a huge effect on overall mortality because the schools served as child care for healthcare workers, who would presumably absent themselves from the work force in order to care for their children, leading to greater strains on hospital care, and increased overall mortality.

Targetpractice  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:32:07pm

re: #104 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Good luck, everyone.

The WH is still talking “reopening” on May 1st while the very governors he effectively abandoned are setting themselves up to tell him where he can shove his “plan.”

EPR-radar  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:33:26pm

re: #106 PhillyPretzel

I hope it works. As with PA and the group they belong to I hope it works. We have to band together and fight DT.

Wouldn’t it be funny if enough state governors started coordinating like this that they ended up needing an executive coordinator for their joint response. That coordinator could even be called a ‘president’. If the Mango Menace in the Blight House will not do his fucking job, then someone else can do it.

JC1  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:34:13pm

re: #103 Belafon

The first part is correct, but not the second part. We know it hits kids.

Not defending Oz at all; I think that he’s a charlatan out to fleace the rubes of money, but covid19 has a negligible mortality rate for those under 40 provided that adequate care exists. South Korea hasn’t had a single death in under 30 year olds despite over 3500 confirmed cases. They’ve only had 1 death in the 30-39 age range despite around 1100 cases. They’ve only had 3 death of those aged 40-49 despite around 1400 cases. The mortality rate gets serious for those over 50.

PhillyPretzel  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:34:48pm

re: #109 EPR-radar

G-d be willing.

jaunte  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:35:23pm
Belafon  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:35:43pm

re: #104 jaunte

Only 20% of Americans say they would be game to resume normal activities “immediately” once the government lifts social distancing requirements on schools and businesses, according to a new Gallup survey. The rest of America is poised to wait it out, with 71% saying they would “wait and see” what happens and another 10% saying they would continue to curtail their daily activities “indefinitely.”

Donald Trump continues to fixate on May 1 (a couple short weeks from now) as the date when he plans to jumpstart the economy, but virtually no one agrees with him—not the governors of the states that form the economic heart of America, not the public health experts, not even his own business council for reopening the country, and not the American people. (links to things like the Gallop poll there)

Jay C  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:38:50pm

re: #104 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Good luck, everyone.

Interesting: two of the seven are Republicans (DeWine, OH, Holcomb, IN): I guess they can figure out what side of the quarantine their electoral chances (and their constituents’ lives) are on: the Proud Boys can feel free to go FOAD….

Targetpractice  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:38:54pm

re: #113 Belafon (links to things like the Gallop poll there)

That’s the reality of “reopening” America: Most folks are in the “wait and see” camp, so when infection rates spike again, the response will not be “Oh well, I’m gonna get sick anyway” but instead “See! We were right to be cautious! Fuck this ‘reopen’ noise!”

stpaulbear  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:39:38pm

re: #104 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Good luck, everyone.

I notice there’s only one MN neighbor on that list. I wonder if the ND, SD, and IA Governors will unite in their own coalition to make sure everyone gets sick?

Belafon  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:40:00pm

re: #110 JC1

Not defending Oz at all; I think that he’s a charlatan out to fleace the rubes of money, but covid19 has a negligible mortality rate for those under 40 provided that adequate care exists. South Korea hasn’t had a single death in under 30 year olds despite over 3500 confirmed cases. They’ve only had 1 death in the 30-39 age range despite around 1100 cases. They’ve only had 3 death of those aged 40-49 despite around 1400 cases. The mortality rate gets serious for those over 50.

More proof that we suck at healthcare. We’ve had 23 die under the age of 24: They aren’t as susceptible, but we’ve also got them on lockdown (my 15 year old hasn’t gone anywhere since school went online).

Dr Lizardo  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:40:34pm

re: #110 JC1

Not defending Oz at all; I think that he’s a charlatan out to fleace the rubes of money, but covid19 has a negligible mortality rate for those under 40 provided that adequate care exists. South Korea hasn’t had a single death in under 30 year olds despite over 3500 confirmed cases. They’ve only had 1 death in the 30-39 age range despite around 1100 cases. They’ve only had 3 death of those aged 40-49 despite around 1400 cases. The mortality rate gets serious for those over 50.

Czech Republic has only had two deaths under 60 - a 48-year-old male with advanced cancer (Stage IV) and a 37-year-old female with a congenital heart defect. But then again, and it needs to be emphasized, we’ve been damn lucky so far.

Shiplord Kirel, Friend of Moose and Squirrel  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:41:22pm

re: #71 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

[Embedded content]

Fuckers heard the guillotine blades being sharpened.

Mike Lamb  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:43:10pm

re: #104 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Good luck, everyone.

So we have the West Coast states, the NE states, and most of the Midwest states cooperating on a sane approach to re-opening those areas. You might get the mid-Atlantic states—Virginia, NC, and Maryland jump to mind—to cooperate on a similar coalition. The TX, LA, MS, AL, GA, SC, and FL might coordinate, but that will be just be a Mad Max hellscape of a laboratory for Trump’s ideas.

This is just going to be a completely disjointed fuckshow.

stpaulbear  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:44:55pm

re: #114 Jay C

Interesting: two of the seven are Republicans (DeWine, OH, Holcomb, IN): I guess they can figure out what side of the quarantine their electoral chances (and their constituents’ lives) are on: the Proud Boys can feel free to go FOAD….

I think DeWine was way out in front when it came to shutting things down. He saw what was coming.

Dread Pirate  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:46:11pm
Teddy's Person  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:46:41pm

So, the story about Jarvanka traveling to Jersey for Passover is making the rounds. TPM

For a group of people obsessed with PR, they sure are bad at it.

gocart mozart  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:47:50pm

re: #1 I Would Prefer Not To

34,227 dead

PhillyPretzel  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:49:35pm

re: #122 Dread Pirate

And beautifully done too. No accident or injuries. A very good thing. :)

Jay C  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:50:15pm

re: #121 stpaulbear

I think DeWine was way out in front when it came to shutting things down. He saw what was coming.

Yeah, true: I read a thread on Daily Kos this morning: even people who would normally (and rightly) loathe DeWine have had to admit that he has quite correctly stepped up to the plate for the Coronavirus crisis and Done The Right Thing. Props where due…

Citizen K  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:52:13pm

This goddamn motherfucker. He simultaneously wants to blame Dems for not doing anything around the time he was denying there was even a problem to begin with, AND blame Chinese people as a whole, judging by his implication that the very presence of a Chinatown is what made it spread in the US. Forget that SF is one of the largest metro areas in the US to have this shit relatively under control.

And nearly half of America will still buy this shit.

retired cynic  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:52:57pm

Greg Palast has some stats on what can happen if we go vote-by-mail without proper safeguards! Bad news for minorities, especially.

Jay C  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:53:41pm

re: #125 PhillyPretzel

And beautifully done too. No accident or injuries. A very good thing. :)

And the pilot pulled over to let through traffic by: those polite Canadians!!

(TBH, I had to watch it twice to see that the plane was going WITH the traffic flow)

Citizen K  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:54:52pm

Sweet god, I want to scream.

NO SMOCKING GUN!  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:57:31pm

The “pro-life” party.

Joe Bacon 🌹  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:58:07pm

re: #130 Citizen K

BlueGrl21  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:58:52pm

re: #120 Mike Lamb

So we have the West Coast states, the NE states, and most of the Midwest states cooperating on a sane approach to re-opening those areas. You might get the mid-Atlantic states—Virginia, NC, and Maryland jump to mind—to cooperate on a similar coalition. The TX, LA, MS, AL, GA, SC, and FL might coordinate, but that will be just be a Mad Max hellscape of a laboratory for Trump’s ideas.

This is just going to be a completely disjointed fuckshow.

No way Texas coordinates with anyone else. Independent to a fault.

Dread Pirate  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:59:19pm
Patricia Kayden  Apr 16, 2020 • 12:59:21pm

re: #6 Omar Comin’ Yo

Happy B’Day!!

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:01:41pm

re: #78 Eclectic Cyborg

My guess is their systems were automatically designed to do this. I.E. you get a large deposit (say a tax refund) when you owe them money, they take what you owe off the top. There’s probably some legalese buried in their customer agreement that no one every reads that states this, hence customers are technically “notified”.

In this case, due to the circumstances, the actions from the system came off as incredibly heartless.

In Germany, the world for “debt” is the same as the world for “guilt” (Schuld)

Which sums up the situation, they were guilty of being in debt.

Targetpractice  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:02:26pm


The “pro-life” party.

[Embedded content]

In related news, Flavor-Aid stocks have begun to skyrocket.


Eclectic Cyborg  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:02:51pm

re: #134 BlueGrl21

No way Texas coordinates with anyone else. Independent to a fault.

It would be nice for TX, LA, MS, AL and possibly a few other states to form a Southern coalition (gee, this seems familiar…) but I don’t know how many GOP governors (and down here, with the exception of KY and LA, they are ALL GOP Governors) would go for it. I guarantee you DeSantis wouldn’t buy in.

Eclectic Cyborg  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:03:17pm

re: #138 Targetpractice

Upding for properly calling it Flavor-aid.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:06:22pm

re: #131 gocart mozart

[Embedded content]


these guys are growing on me…

goddamnedfrank  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:10:02pm

re: #139 Eclectic Cyborg

It would be nice for TX, LA, MS, AL and possibly a few other states to form a Southern coalition (gee, this seems familiar…) but I don’t know how many GOP governors (and down here, with the exception of KY and LA, they are ALL GOP Governors) would go for it. I guarantee you DeSantis wouldn’t buy in.

The problem is that coalitions rule by consensus, and most of those governors’ cognition leans towards reckless depravity.

lizardofid  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:11:05pm

re: #134 BlueGrl21

No way Texas coordinates with anyone else. Independent to a fault.

One star, get it, ONE. F’ING. STAR.

// ; )

Citizen K  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:13:33pm

No surprise that most of the replies are folks wanting to hang her mother in effigy for not wanting to wipe out Chinatown with a bomb a la Raccoon City.

b.d. (Follow science, survive and vote!)  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:15:30pm

re: #134 BlueGrl21

No way Texas coordinates with anyone else. Independent to a fault.

The only places they’ll coordinate with are the Louisiana and Oklahoma casinos.

KGxvi  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:18:20pm

re: #120 Mike Lamb

So we have the West Coast states, the NE states, and most of the Midwest states cooperating on a sane approach to re-opening those areas. You might get the mid-Atlantic states—Virginia, NC, and Maryland jump to mind—to cooperate on a similar coalition. The TX, LA, MS, AL, GA, SC, and FL might coordinate, but that will be just be a Mad Max hellscape of a laboratory for Trump’s ideas.

This is just going to be a completely disjointed fuckshow.

The last time those states tried coordinating on a big idea, it didn’t work out too well for the rest of the country.

gocart mozart  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:21:04pm

Who is Wilko Johnson? Blues/punk guitarist more famous in UK than US. Also was on Game of Thrones:

For his acting debut, Johnson was cast in the role of mute executioner Ser Ilyn Payne, in both the first and second season of the HBO fantasy series Game of Thrones,[26][27] after the producers had seen him in Oil City Confidential. He related that “‘They said they wanted somebody really sinister who went around looking daggers at people before killing them. That made it easy. Looking daggers at people is what I do all the time, it’s like second nature to me’.”


NO SMOCKING GUN!  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:21:48pm
Targetpractice  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:24:48pm


[Embedded content]


Literally everybody else: “Nah, man, we’re good. But we could use a few more rolls of TP.”

PhillyPretzel  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:25:33pm


Most people want to wait and see. That is good. Now one has to convince DT that waiting is good. (I personally think that DT wants to open now because he misses his rallies and reporters asking him questions of any sort is not the same.)

Flying Squirrel Girl  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:25:59pm

Hi everyone! Been mostly away the last few days, mostly struggling. I’m lucky and still have a job, which can be done remotely from home. But it’s lonely.

This thread, however, is my new favorite thing and made me laugh out loud:

stpaulbear  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:27:11pm

The guy I called to do some landscape repair where a new sewer line installed just came over to visit the site. There were two guys in the truck that didn’t socially distance from each other very well. I kept at least 6’ away and upwind. They’ll be sending an estimate by email but I was surprised at how nervous I was about the interaction. Couldn’t wait for them to leave.

Targetpractice  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:27:37pm

Perhaps the reason that not everybody is up for “reopening” the country is because we all know somebody who hasn’t been furloughed/fired since the shutdowns began and see what employers act like when they know they got their employees by the short and curlies. And the picture is not a pleasant one.

PhillyPretzel  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:29:42pm

re: #153 stpaulbear

Yes. This morning I went to the local Acme and there was one older woman there without a mask and gloves. She was coming toward me so I backed up and went down another isle. And I did find some Lysol.

Patricia Kayden  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:33:17pm
Dave In Austin  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:33:20pm

re: #155 PhillyPretzel

Grateful to live in the country. The gate is our barrier from the outside world.

gocart mozart  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:33:34pm

Was going to help a friend fill out an SBA loan application today: she’s self employed/independent contacter. Too late

SBA is unable to accept new applications at this time for the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL)-COVID-19 related assistance program (including EIDL Advances) based on available appropriations funding.

Applicants who have already submitted their applications will continue to be processed on a first-come, first-served basis.

cat-tikvah  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:33:54pm

re: #8 Disloyal Archangel

While in high school my daughter recorded herself playing the violin and then played the recording when she was ostensibly practicing.

Targetpractice  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:35:19pm

re: #156 Patricia Kayden

[Embedded content]

Berners can fuck off with this “earn my vote” shit. They were all “Vote Blue No Matter Who” when they thought 21 delegates meant the nomination was practically his.

Patricia Kayden  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:39:19pm
Kilroy was here  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:39:38pm


NO SMOCKING GUN!  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:39:44pm
makeitstop  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:40:09pm

re: #148 gocart mozart

Who is Wilko Johnson? Blues/punk guitarist more famous in UK than US. Also was on Game of Thrones:

[Embedded content]

What a stage move he had. :)

Still has it in the Daltrey video.

Targetpractice  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:40:39pm

re: #162 Kilroy was here

[Embedded content]


Translation: Donny is (again) trying to shift the blame for his total lack of leadership to the governors.

William Lewis  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:41:49pm

So I got my mask in the mail


KGxvi  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:44:01pm

re: #161 Patricia Kayden

The primary vs general election bit is sort of silly. Trump came in third in the 2016 Utah primary, but won the state in the general by almost 20 points (even with a favored son winning 21% of the vote).

That said, Sanders would have been a terrible nominee for about three thousand other reasons.

Teddy's Person  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:45:17pm

re: #165 Targetpractice

Translation: Donny is (again) trying to shift the blame for his total lack of leadership to the governors.

Plan: See my authoritah!!

Implementation: I’m not responsible!

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:45:41pm

re: #166 William Lewis

The masks I ordered are still awaiting shipment. Sigh…

Belafon  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:46:12pm

re: #162 Kilroy was here


Plan: Reopen, but don’t blame the president.

KGxvi  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:46:49pm

re: #168 Teddy’s Person

Plan: See my authoritah!!

Implementation: I’m not responsible!

More like:


Implementation - WHY AREN’T YOU LOOKING AT ME?

Targetpractice  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:47:14pm

re: #167 KGxvi

The primary vs general election bit is sort of silly. Trump came in third in the 2016 Utah primary, but won the state in the general by almost 20 points (even with a favored son winning 21% of the vote).

That said, Sanders would have been a terrible nominee for about three thousand other reasons.

That was pretty much what Berners were banking on if he managed to win the nomination, that he’d benefit from the same “rally ‘round the flag” effect Trump did in 2016. Hence why they never made any attempt whatsoever to broad their appeal beyond their tiny base, the assumption that the rest of us would just bite our tongues and vote for him.

The reality that they’re now howling over the very same attitudes that they exhibited only a month ago is not lost on anyone.

stpaulbear  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:48:01pm

re: #162 Kilroy was here

WaPo got hold of a copy of the guidelines.

I Don’t Take Responsibility At All (dangerman)  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:49:15pm

re: #122 Dread Pirate

[Embedded content]

did the pilot signal the lane change?

Kilroy was here  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:50:32pm

re: #174 I Don’t Take Responsibility At All (dangerman)

did the pilot signal the lane change?

No… he was winging it…

Patricia Kayden  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:50:38pm

stpaulbear  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:51:01pm

re: #169 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

The masks I ordered are still awaiting shipment. Sigh…

Yep. I ordered about the same time as you did and I haven’t seen any notification of shipment yet.

Patricia Kayden  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:52:03pm
Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:52:03pm

Louisiana today reported 143 additional deaths. This is above the two sigma value at the IHME model, which for today projected a range of 3-100 (which itself as a very wide range and thus an indicator of great uncertainty.)

The cost of an unconstrained Mardi Gras is making itself manifest.

KGxvi  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:52:04pm

re: #172 Targetpractice

That was pretty much what Berners were banking on if he managed to win the nomination, that he’d benefit from the same “rally ‘round the flag” effect Trump did in 2016. Hence why they never made any attempt whatsoever to broad their appeal beyond their tiny base, the assumption that the rest of us would just bite our tongues and vote for him.

The reality that they’re now howling over the very same attitudes that they exhibited only a month ago is not lost on anyone.

The fact is, most Democratic voters are going to vote for whomever the Democratic nominee is; same for Republican voters, most will vote for whomever the party nominates. There’s a smaller percentage of voters that are typically up for grabs - in a “normal” election, I’d guess it’s somewhere around 7-10% (I figure usually the major party nominees are going to get around 45% no matter what and there will be 2-3% that vote third party).

Which is why, Clinton losing the Washington primary in 2016 didn’t put the state in play in the general. And why Biden not winning California this year isn’t going to suddenly put it in play either.

I Don’t Take Responsibility At All (dangerman)  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:52:18pm


The “pro-life” party.

[Embedded content]

no matter how many times you say it, 22 million people are NOT going back to work

a shit ton of those 22 million jobs are gone
certainly for the foreseeable future
if not forever

there is no going back to ‘3 months ago’

makeitstop  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:53:03pm

re: #173 stpaulbear

WaPo got hold of a copy of the guidelines.

Well, that’s a steaming pile of nothing.

Targetpractice  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:53:16pm

re: #173 stpaulbear

WaPo got hold of a copy of the guidelines.

“We’re reopening America…eventually.”

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:54:01pm

re: #178 Patricia Kayden

Mohler has been increasingly supportive of the fascistic nature of Trump.

As I have repeated until I am blue in the face… modern day American fundamentalism is in crisis due to the collapse of their worldview. Ancient magic doesn’t hold up in the modern world, but they don’t want to let it go. So now they are desperate to strike out against the society which is leaving them behind.

KGxvi  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:54:54pm

re: #176 Patricia Kayden

Vince won’t allow the economy to get hit with a piledriver… fun fact: with the exception of the Undertaker’s tombstone piledriver (which isn’t a traditional piledriver), the move has been banned in the WWE for over 20 years.

I think the last time it was used was when Owen Hart broke Steve Austin’s neck in the late 90s.

Omar Comin’ Yo  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:55:16pm

Local Target today 11:30AM

Jay C  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:55:22pm

re: #166 William Lewis

So I got my mask in the mail

[Embedded content]


LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:56:07pm

re: #172 Targetpractice

That was pretty much what Berners were banking on if he managed to win the nomination, that he’d benefit from the same “rally ‘round the flag” effect Trump did in 2016. Hence why they never made any attempt whatsoever to broad their appeal beyond their tiny base, the assumption that the rest of us would just bite our tongues and vote for him.

The reality that they’re now howling over the very same attitudes that they exhibited only a month ago is not lost on anyone.

The Berners not being Democrats I think hurt them here. We didn’t want a Democratic Trump and that’s how Bernie came off to many.

PhillyPretzel  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:56:20pm

re: #182 makeitstop

Yes. It is. All I can say is that Governor Wolf and Mayor Kenney have a lot more sense and that PA is part of a regional group that includes NY. From what I saw DT is leaving it up to the Governors of the States (I am sure that Mayors will be included too.)

Targetpractice  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:56:21pm

Now we all get to experience whiplash as the endless of days of “The economy can’t recover if we don’t reopen NOW!” become “Hey, let’s not rush into things, we need to take this carefully.”

KGxvi  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:56:35pm

re: #173 stpaulbear

WaPo got hold of a copy of the guidelines.

Just looked at it really quickly… it looks like they just cribbed Newsom’s notes, doesn’t it?

Eclectic Cyborg  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:56:41pm

re: #173 stpaulbear

WaPo got hold of a copy of the guidelines.

So basically: “We’re going to try actually doing all the shit we should have been doing anyway and see where that gets us”.

Targetpractice  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:58:45pm

Faux talking heads furiously rewriting tonight’s scripts from praising Donny for forcing the country to “reopen” on May 1st to praising him for saying we need to meet guidelines that could take weeks or longer to reach.

plansbandc  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:58:59pm
I Don’t Take Responsibility At All (dangerman)  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:59:07pm

re: #177 stpaulbear

Yep. I ordered about the same time as you did and I haven’t seen any notification of shipment yet.

found 4 masks in the barn sitting under the safety glasses
elastic is shot but can easily be replaced so they’ll do
plus bandana and tshirt and other mask options and we’ll survive
and i only go out once every 10 days or so

Eclectic Cyborg  Apr 16, 2020 • 1:59:07pm

re: #191 KGxvi

Just looked at it really quickly… it looks like they just cribbed Newsom’s notes, doesn’t it?

You really expect original thinking from this bunch?


LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:00:03pm

re: #193 Targetpractice

Faux talking heads furiously rewriting tonight’s scripts from praising Donny for forcing the country to “reopen” on May 1st to praising him for saying we need to meet guidelines that could take weeks or longer to reach.

They really are nothing but Trump’s cheering section.

plansbandc  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:00:38pm

So my fb trumpsters are all in on “The virus escaped the lab in China”.

I Don’t Take Responsibility At All (dangerman)  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:01:02pm

re: #166 William Lewis

So I got my mask in the mail

[Embedded content]

i thought you were taller
er, wider

Targetpractice  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:01:08pm

Who’s looking forward to getting gaslit to Hell and back about how the WH was always in favor of guidelines and goalposts and nobody ever suggested they were just going to ignore the experts and “reopen” on May 1st?

Mike Lamb  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:01:43pm


[Embedded content]

So, Mnuchin says the “total package” could last 10 weeks. Is there something other than the stimulus check floating around out there that he could have been referencing?

Belafon  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:02:05pm

re: #198 plansbandc

So my fb trumpsters are all in on “The virus escaped the lab in China”.

“And yet Trump did nothing to protect us until it was too late…all the while the Administration was trying to get masks so they could protect themselves.”

A hollow Gandalfian voice says, VOTE, you fools!  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:02:11pm

In more cheerful news, spring is here, and yesterday was an orange flower day.

I Don’t Take Responsibility At All (dangerman)  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:02:26pm

re: #192 Eclectic Cyborg

So basically: “We’re going to try actually doing all the shit we should have been doing anyway and see where that gets us”.

….and then taking credit for all of it as our ideas in the first place…(unless it fails)

A hollow Gandalfian voice says, VOTE, you fools!  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:02:46pm

Two more:

William Lewis  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:03:08pm

re: #187 Jay C

[Embedded content]


I Don’t Take Responsibility At All (dangerman)  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:03:35pm

re: #196 Eclectic Cyborg

You really expect original thinking from this bunch?


deep throat:

Forget the myths that the media has created about the White House.
The truth is, these are not very bright guys…

Teddy's Person  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:03:50pm

What’s the over/under that something like this falls out of Trump’s mouth during today’s yak-fest.

If I were a governor, I’d open up. A great big beautiful grand re-opening. Ivanka can cut a ribbon with those big scissors.

PhillyPretzel  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:03:54pm

re: #203 A hollow Gandalfian voice says, VOTE, you fools!

Freeze Warning for the Greater Delaware Valley.

William Lewis  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:04:29pm

re: #208 Teddy’s Person

What’s the over/under that something like this falls out of Trump’s mouth during today’s yak-fest.

Only invite wingnuts?

I Don’t Take Responsibility At All (dangerman)  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:05:07pm

re: #198 plansbandc

So my fb trumpsters are all in on “The virus escaped the lab in China”.

sp why didnt our intelligence community know and see it coming?
was it….gutted by any chance?
or did they warn the prez who doesnt read the pdb - or anything else?

A hollow Gandalfian voice says, VOTE, you fools!  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:05:19pm

On photos that upload sideways on my iphone.

I have found that flipping the photo, flipping it back, and saving will cure the problem. No incantation required.

Targetpractice  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:05:28pm

Reading between the lines, the WH has dropped all that “We can order them to reopen” BS and fallen back (again) on the idea that it’s up to the states to make shit happen. That if your state is still saying schools and businesses should remain closed, then it’s a failing on their part because “the guidelines” say both could be open if things are getting “better.”

I Don’t Take Responsibility At All (dangerman)  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:05:29pm

re: #203 A hollow Gandalfian voice says, VOTE, you fools!

In more cheerful news, spring is here, and yesterday was an orange flower day.

[Embedded content]

i don’t have a pic but wow the jasmine’s in bloom here

gwangung  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:06:11pm

re: #201 Mike Lamb

So, Mnuchin says the “total package” could last 10 weeks. Is there something other than the stimulus check floating around out there that he could have been referencing?

Unemployment boosts, I think…

A hollow Gandalfian voice says, VOTE, you fools!  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:07:15pm

re: #214 I Don’t Take Responsibility At All (dangerman)

i don’t have a pic but wow the jasmine’s in bloom here

Probably here too, then, but I haven’t been over where it lives for a while now.

I Don’t Take Responsibility At All (dangerman)  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:07:31pm

re: #214 I Don’t Take Responsibility At All (dangerman)

i don’t have a pic but wow the jasmine’s in bloom here

oh wait, mrs dm does

Targetpractice  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:08:46pm

re: #201 Mike Lamb

So, Mnuchin says the “total package” could last 10 weeks. Is there something other than the stimulus check floating around out there that he could have been referencing?

Supposedly he meant the entire package should cover American families for 10 weeks.

Meanwhile, the small business loans portion is already out of money and turning away new applications.

Steve’s not even on speaking terms with reality at this point.

stpaulbear  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:09:12pm

re: #209 PhillyPretzel

Freeze Warning for the Greater Delaware Valley.

I’m looking out my window at a hillside covered in snow, It’s on the north side of a building so it’s the last to go, but it still felt a lot cooler than 45 when I stepped outside an hour ago. The snow is from last Sunday but it’s been in the 20’s all week here so it hasn’t melted yet.

NO SMOCKING GUN!  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:09:15pm

re: #201 Mike Lamb

So, Mnuchin says the “total package” could last 10 weeks. Is there something other than the stimulus check floating around out there that he could have been referencing?

The extra $600/wk in UI benefits?

Renaissance_Man  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:10:09pm


[Embedded content]

Must disagree with Rachel. I think it’s very easy to gaslight Americans into endangering themselves. The pressure is only just ratcheting up - wingnut media has only been demanding a reopen for less than a week, and CNN has only just started publishing articles suggesting that Democrat governors ‘may’ have tyrannically overreached by taking action. Check those numbers in a week or two.

Targetpractice  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:11:34pm

It’s been my theory for awhile that the Senate Repub bill was structured under a belief that this whole outbreak would be “over” within a few weeks and there was no need for anything further out than May. Hence the one-time payment, the paltry small business loan funding, and the bulk of the bill geared towards bailing out their buddies in the corporate sector.

PhillyPretzel  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:12:31pm

re: #222 Targetpractice

Yes. That is exactly what it is.

Targetpractice  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:13:32pm

re: #221 Renaissance_Man

Must disagree with Rachel. I think it’s very easy to gaslight Americans into endangering themselves. The pressure is only just ratcheting up - wingnut media has only been demanding a reopen for less than a week, and CNN has only just started publishing articles suggesting that Democrat governors ‘may’ have tyrannically overreached by taking action. Check those numbers in a week or two.

Yeah, no, it’s been longer than that. They started that “reopen” BS weeks ago, back when Donny was telling them he had this wonderful idea of having the country “open for business” by Easter. And word is he only dropped that because someone finally got him to look at the polls that showed how badly such a move would go over.

Kilroy was here  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:13:35pm

I have lived in the same neighborhood for over 15 years and walked all our dogs every other day. In the last few weeks I’ve spoken to more of my neighbors than I have in the rest of those 15 years combined during the walks.
Everyone is always polite and concerned. Several offered help if it was needed.
It is rather refreshing.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:14:21pm

IRS still tells me

“According to information that we have on file, we cannot determine your eligibility for a payment at this time.”


I will electronically file this weekend for TY2019. Hopefully that will resolve the problem. Even though I filed for 2018, and the IRS has my bank info, still they say they can’t determine my eligibility. Maybe because I get 1099R statements instead of W2s?

Belafon  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:15:00pm

re: #221 Renaissance_Man

Must disagree with Rachel. I think it’s very easy to gaslight Americans into endangering themselves. The pressure is only just ratcheting up - wingnut media has only been demanding a reopen for less than a week, and CNN has only just started publishing articles suggesting that Democrat governors ‘may’ have tyrannically overreached by taking action. Check those numbers in a week or two.

It will be interesting, but my conservative area started shutting down well before we’d had our first case. The two biggest churches went first, then businesses started closing, and then the city started making proclamations. The one thing we got lucky on was that the schools were on Spring Break, so they didn’t have to suddenly close them. I don’t see them giving into pressure to reopen.

PhillyPretzel  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:15:58pm

re: #226 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

Probably. They like standard type forms W-2, interest statements, etc.

Mattand  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:16:14pm

re: #221 Renaissance_Man

Must disagree with Rachel. I think it’s very easy to gaslight Americans into endangering themselves. The pressure is only just ratcheting up - wingnut media has only been demanding a reopen for less than a week, and CNN has only just started publishing articles suggesting that Democrat governors ‘may’ have tyrannically overreached by taking action. Check those numbers in a week or two.

Not sure if CNN is to blame, but as I mentioned the other day, I ran into the bolded on Tuesday with a conservative acquaintance. He kept complaining about how MI was out of control. I described what was going in Jersey and talked about how reasonable that was.

After our conversation, I actually bothered to look up what MI (and by implication, the horrible woman Democratic governor) had done, and it wasn’t really that different from what was going on here.

Even the supposedly “reasonable” conservatives cannot bring themselves to admit how much Trump has fucked up without invoking both sides.

Dave In Austin  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:17:52pm

There’s a wingnut working the hashtag #YouGoFirst that’s quiet angry that us cowards don’t want to open America up and we’d prefer to hide under our beds until Thanksgiving.

BlueSpotinAL  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:19:18pm

re: #229 Mattand

Not sure if CNN is to blame, but as I mentioned the other day, I ran into the bolded on Tuesday with a conservative acquaintance. He kept complaining about how MI was out of control. I described what was going in Jersey and talked about how reasonable that was.

After our conversation, I actually bothered to look up what MI (and by implication, the horrible woman Democratic governor) had done, and it wasn’t really that different from what was going on here.

Even the supposedly “reasonable” conservatives cannot bring themselves to admit how much Trump has fucked up without invoking both sides.

Use Ohio and the R-governor as your example.

makeitstop  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:21:11pm

Best Rube Goldberg yet. I can’t believe they got all this to actually work.

Pass The Pepper: Social Distancing is Nothing to Sneeze At

Targetpractice  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:22:54pm

Most sports leagues have either canceled their seasons for the year or (for those that start in the fall) said restarting will depend upon ready access to thousands of testing supplies.

The summer movie season has basically been canceled this year, with most of the big releases either pushed out to later in the year or just shuffled straight to streaming services.

Concerts have been canceled or postponed indefinitely, with all the big names hinging their schedules past the summer on the safety of reopening the planned venues. Same thing goes for big social gatherings, with a lot of planners basically saying they don’t foresee things going as originally scheduled.

And a lot of the usual tourist destinations are closed up til the middle of next month, if not into June or longer. Economies built around packing the most people into the smallest space possible simply can’t remain profitable while also meeting social distancing guidelines.

So yeah, the idea that we plebes can go “back to normal” anytime soon is a laugh.

A hollow Gandalfian voice says, VOTE, you fools!  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:23:12pm

Cats. Give them an inch…

PhillyPretzel  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:26:20pm

re: #232 makeitstop

long one too. :)

makeitstop  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:29:36pm

re: #235 PhillyPretzel

long one too. :)

Some of it just seems like it’s working by complete chance. Wild.

Jay C  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:30:38pm

re: #234 A hollow Gandalfian voice says, VOTE, you fools!

Cats. Give them an inch…

[Embedded content]

Dark-surfaced road = warm. Cats like warm.
And, I suppose: the bigger the cat, the more warm they like.
And naturally, the bigger the cat, the less-likely a human is going to come along and move them.
IOW, let sleeping lions lie……

BeachDem  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:30:41pm

re: #126 Jay C

Yeah, true: I read a thread on Daily Kos this morning: even people who would normally (and rightly) loathe DeWine have had to admit that he has quite correctly stepped up to the plate for the Coronavirus crisis and Done The Right Thing. Props where due…

Friends in Ohio attribute the smart moves to Amy Acton, director of the Ohio Department of Health, but props to DeWine (ew, that’s so hard to say) for hiring her and listening to her.

Vote Cthulhu - No longer the greater evil!  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:31:44pm

re: #226 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

IRS still tells me


I will electronically file this weekend for TY2019. Hopefully that will resolve the problem. Even though I filed for 2018, and the IRS has my bank info, still they say they can’t determine my eligibility. Maybe because I get 1099R statements instead of W2s?

I gotta check whether pretax deductions (401k/healthcare premiums/etc) from my paycheck reduce my actual reported income for 2019, because I’m right on the border otherwise. Can’t use last year’s returns as reference because I was FAR below the threshold back then and was barely getting by without being to afford almost all of those benefits.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:33:33pm

re: #239 Vote Cthulhu - No longer the greater evil!

Yes, with non-W2 income there is always the possibility of large year to year differences in incomes. But still, my 1099R is pretty stead and according to my filed 2018 tax return I am eligible, so I don’t know why the IRS says it can’t determine my eligibility.

A hollow Gandalfian voice says, VOTE, you fools!  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:36:05pm

re: #239 Vote Cthulhu - No longer the greater evil!

I gotta check whether pretax deductions (401k/healthcare premiums/etc) from my paycheck reduce my actual reported income for 2019, because I’m right on the border otherwise. Can’t use last year’s returns as reference because I was FAR below the threshold back then and was barely getting by without being to afford almost all of those benefits.

If you’re just a bit over, your check gets reduced by just a bit, so I wouldn’t worry too much.

(I still haven’t seen mine, but I don’t have any direct deposit set up with the IRS. I’m hoping to see it with my social security check. In the meantime, I don’t want to take the time people who really need the money could be using to straighten their payments out,)

Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:36:43pm

Todays Bob Cesca podcast is up.

Screaming Thumbs — [Explicit Content] Jody Hamilton and TRex David Ferguson are here; Dr. Oz and Sean Hannity are okay with killing up to 1.7 million children in order to re-open the economy; The confused Red Hat protesters in Ohio and Michigan; Tiny Trump doesn’t believe the coronavirus numbers; Trump threatens to adjourn Congress to appoint his minion; Trump tries to de-fund the WHO; Confederate Flags in Michigan; Kellyanne Conway is a flaming idiot; Trump’s crazy talk show idea; The Keynesian elephant in the room; With music by Gin, Chocolate & Bottle Rockets and Terri Morris; and more!

A hollow Gandalfian voice says, VOTE, you fools!  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:38:18pm

re: #240 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

Yes, with non-W2 income there is always the possibility of large year to year differences in incomes. But still, my 1099R is pretty stead and according to my filed 2018 tax return I am eligible, so I don’t know why the IRS says it can’t determine my eligibility.

It might be something as simple as 2018 return. I would think with such a huge number of payments they’d dump out all the easy ones at once, then work on everything else.

stpaulbear  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:39:44pm

re: #237 Jay C

Dark-surfaced road = warm. Cats like warm.
And, I suppose: the bigger the cat, the more warm they like.
And naturally, the bigger the cat, the less-likely a human is going to come along and move them.
IOW, let sleeping lions lie……

You know who else likes nice warm asphalt bike trails when it’s cool outside? Snakes! You have to watch the trail pretty carefully when riding in the spring.

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:40:51pm

re: #244 stpaulbear

You know who else likes nice warm asphalt bike trails when it’s cool outside? Snakes! You have to watch the trail pretty carefully when riding in the spring.

I see lots of lizards out on my daily run.

makeitstop  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:43:10pm
unproven innocence  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:43:21pm

re: #221 Renaissance_Man

Must disagree with Rachel. I think it’s very easy to gaslight Americans into endangering themselves. The pressure is only just ratcheting up - wingnut media has only been demanding a reopen for less than a week, and CNN has only just started publishing articles suggesting that Democrat governors ‘may’ have tyrannically overreached by taking action. Check those numbers in a week or two.

I’ve not even been able to convince either of my adult daughters to watch a movie titled Gaslight. If it’s not in color, there’s zero interest.

I Don’t Take Responsibility At All (dangerman)  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:43:32pm

re: #232 makeitstop

Best Rube Goldberg yet. I can’t believe they got all this to actually work.

[Embedded content]


toilet paper was not harmed in the making of this video

edited to fix the obvious error

NO SMOCKING GUN!  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:43:52pm

Mass protests blocked from the Capitol grounds today.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:43:53pm

Earlier today, the UK announced that their shutdown will continue for now. And Raab was very explicit that opening too early would actually hurt the economy more in the long run than keeping a shutdown in place for now:

Coronavirus: UK lockdown extended for at least 3 weeks 🔴 @BBC News - BBC

Disloyal Archangel  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:44:27pm

Every time I think that Yair Netanyahu, (commonly nicknamed “Mad Prince Joffrey Netanyahu” in Israel) can’t sink any lower, the scumbag pulls out a shovel, starts digging and makes his old man look that much better by comparison…

NO SMOCKING GUN!  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:45:52pm

Ky had 159 new cases and 7 deaths today.

gocart mozart  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:46:00pm
Charles Johnson  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:46:21pm
I Don’t Take Responsibility At All (dangerman)  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:49:04pm

re: #254 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

what we are as a nation is ignorant.
we rely on government to track certain things, monitor certain things, prepare for certain things
we need to be told what is true, what isnt, what to do.

because each of us is no goddamned expert
(and neither are you)

plansbandc  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:49:51pm

re: #254 Charles Johnson

He gives SMOTI a run for his money.

NetworkKed  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:51:15pm

So an near as I can tell, the IN Gov today signed into this 7-state agreement to work on phasing in reopening. That’s fine, there are enough Dem govs in that list who will be happy to let the group know if they think he’s being an idiot.

…except he’s already being an idiot, since while he’s talking about needing to keep the state closed and do a phased reopening “in early May”, he’s ALSO not actually extending the stay-at-home order that’s going to expire on Monday yet.

Every day that counts down on that clock forces the emergency team at my workplace to push readiness for dealing with our clients who (some of them being run by fucking idiots) will be back at full speed the moment they think they can get away with it. So all this maybe-I-won’t shit from the governor is increasing our business burn rate and all of our employees stress levels.

So goddamn frustrated.

(and as mentioned earlier, today was the most new cases ever reported in IN, so reopening in even 2 weeks seems… foolish)

Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:56:28pm

re: #257 NetworkKed

The governor of MN is on that list - I saw this today, from a high school friend of mine who also lives in MN. I don’t know if the Democratic governors’ presence in that agreement will be enough to temper the stupidheads in the group, but I can certainly guarantee that the reverse will not be true.

Evening Lizardim from the cold but sunny wild north country. New numbers: 1433 tested, up to 41675; 103 new cases, up to 1912 total; 7 dead, up to 94. How go things among the lizardfolk on this quiet cold spring day?

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:57:01pm

To no one’s surprise, Bolsonaro fired his health Minister:

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro fired his health minister on Thursday after butting heads over how to confront the new coronavirus, and a person familiar with the matter said the president would appoint oncologist Nelson Teich in his place.

mmmirele  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:58:28pm

re: #184 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

Mohler has been increasingly supportive of the fascistic nature of Trump.

As I have repeated until I am blue in the face… modern day American fundamentalism is in crisis due to the collapse of their worldview. Ancient magic doesn’t hold up in the modern world, but they don’t want to let it go. So now they are desperate to strike out against the society which is leaving them behind.

I’m glad he came out and said what we know is true. I make a point of taunting that asshat on Twitter. Remember, this is the same jerk who trashed single adults not that long ago:

As far as I am concerned, Albert Mohler can get fucked.

KGxvi  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:59:15pm

A much needed laugh… behind the spoiler tag because it is apparently NSFW (my standards are much, much lower than the typical community standards but still)

NetworkKed  Apr 16, 2020 • 2:59:45pm

In much less meaningful news, the US blew past 666,666 documented cases this afternoon. I wonder who the lucky winner was.

Sometime I need to learn how to do colors in this markup system.

NO SMOCKING GUN!  Apr 16, 2020 • 3:05:17pm
Barefoot Grin  Apr 16, 2020 • 3:06:37pm

re: #160 Targetpractice

Berners can fuck off with this “earn my vote” shit. They were all “Vote Blue No Matter Who” when they thought 21 delegates meant the nomination was practically his.

I want breakfast in bed.

steve_davis  Apr 16, 2020 • 3:06:38pm

re: #83 stpaulbear

My too-late discovery from 38 years ago that playing drums in a loud rock band was a tremendous way to wreck your hearing.

yeah, my brother’s now mostly deaf from doing just that.

Joe Bacon 🌹  Apr 16, 2020 • 3:06:42pm

re: #262 NetworkKed

In much less meaningful news, the US blew past 666,666 documented cases this afternoon. I wonder who the lucky winner was.

Sometime I need to learn how to do colors in this markup system.

Click the green circled Question Mark for tips.

The Color command is: [color name]Some text here…[/color]

if you want a red color then put color red in the bracket sample above, type some text between the brackets then close and you get:

Example: example

Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Apr 16, 2020 • 3:07:50pm

In addition to joining the Midwest Anti-coronavirus Governor’s Association, the state of Minnesota may be preparing to serve as a model for reopening. Governor Walz has previously declared that we need to move from 1500 tested per day to 5000 in order for him and the experts he has consulted to feel comfortable with beginning to open things. The University of Minnesota asked the state government yesterday for $20 million to facilitate testing for 10,000 live virus tests and 10,000 antibody tests per day. Not only is that a significant bump on live virus tests, but the antibody tests are what we really need to determine how widespread the virus is, how immunity works, and who is safe(r) to be allowed out and back to work.

Dave In Austin  Apr 16, 2020 • 3:09:00pm

I think my stomach just rolled.

calochortus  Apr 16, 2020 • 3:10:21pm

Do I understand correctly that when certain criteria are met, Trump wants people to return to work, but kids not to go back to school? “Vulnerable people” need to remain isolated and if you have a vulnerable person in your household, you need to go back to work and isolate that person even further (lock them in the bedroom or attic?) How is this going to work? Oh wait. It’s not.

Citizen K  Apr 16, 2020 • 3:12:25pm

Lord save me from the assholes.

NetworkKed  Apr 16, 2020 • 3:12:32pm

[color Crimson] 666,666. [/Crimson]
…I’ll figure it out later

It’s not a subscriber-only deal, is it?

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Apr 16, 2020 • 3:16:19pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 16, 2020 • 3:31:33pm

re: #98 NetworkKed

For Gallup, that’s real movement. But yeah, hardcore braindead base.

Is Gallup still landline-only?

I’m Gallup online

Jay C  Apr 16, 2020 • 3:38:01pm

re: #267 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.

Wait a second….

In addition to joining the Midwest Anti-coronavirus Governor’s Association, the state of Minnesota may be preparing to serve as a model for reopening. Governor Walz has previously declared that we need to move from 1500 tested per day to 5000 in order for him and the experts he has consulted to feel comfortable with beginning to open things. The University of Minnesota asked the state government yesterday for $20 million to facilitate testing for 10,000 live virus tests and 10,000 antibody tests per day. Not only is that a significant bump on live virus tests, but the antibody tests are what we really need to determine how widespread the virus is, how immunity works, and who is safe(r) to be allowed out and back to work.

So, MAGA???

This on purpose????

Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Apr 16, 2020 • 3:39:08pm

re: #274 Jay C

Wait a second….

So, MAGA???

This on purpose????

HAHA, somebody finally spotted it. Yes, the acronym was mine, and it was an in-joke on this clown fiesta of an administration.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Apr 16, 2020 • 3:44:54pm

Beans came out of the slower cooker for dinner. Tender, but not mushy with some nice flavor. Ate them on top of some instant mashed potatoes. The black beans in the mix colored everything quite dark.

Kilroy was here  Apr 16, 2020 • 3:47:35pm

Ha Ha…

Charles Johnson  Apr 16, 2020 • 3:49:19pm

re: #271 NetworkKed

[color Crimson] 666,666. [/Crimson]
…I’ll figure it out later

It’s not a subscriber-only deal, is it?

The problem is the closing tag - it should be “/color”, not “/crimson”.

calochortus  Apr 16, 2020 • 3:49:34pm

Looks like Freepers aren’t entirely thrilled with Trump’s performance here. They wanted him to wave a magic wand and make everything as it was before.

Trump just flushed the economy and the election. What a bunch of pansies. I am so sick of Birx and Fauci and the “new normal” bullshit. Trump completely rolled over and gave the green light to governors to keep everything locked down to permanently tank the economy.

THis is not leadership, this is cowardice. I am so pissed

373 posted on 4/16/2020, 3:45:49 PM by ClandestineGuy
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Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Apr 16, 2020 • 3:50:30pm

re: #279 calochortus

Looks like Freepers aren’t entirely thrilled with Trump’s performance here. They wanted him to wave a magic wand and make everything as it was before.

Strict free-market capitalism has killed more people than communism. Prove me wrong.

Rightwingconspirator  Apr 16, 2020 • 3:53:15pm

Damn cat is grumpy today. Ever since I kept her from leaping through the screen at a squirrel last night. Angry tweet cat.

gocart mozart  Apr 16, 2020 • 3:54:45pm
FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Apr 16, 2020 • 3:55:44pm

re: #281 Rightwingconspirator

Damn cat is grumpy today. Ever since I kept her from leaping through the screen at a squirrel last night. Angry tweet cat.

[Embedded content]

Tweeter does not understand catitude. While canned mouse would be nice, having *staff* provide for exotic foods like salmon, tuna, and ***BACON*** is what it is about and shows feline superiority.

calochortus  Apr 16, 2020 • 3:56:16pm

re: #281 Rightwingconspirator

Damn cat is grumpy today. Ever since I kept her from leaping through the screen at a squirrel last night. Angry tweet cat.

[Embedded content]

Yeah, I’ve always wondered why “ocean fish” or whatever was considered a cat’s natural food. Shouldn’t it be “mouse” or “tweety bird?”

Rightwingconspirator  Apr 16, 2020 • 3:57:09pm

re: #283 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

Tweeter does not understand catitude. While canned mouse would be nice, having *staff* provide for exotic foods like salmon, tuna, and ***BACON*** is what it is about and shows feline superiority.

I think Pepper my Maine Coon is the luxe party girl, Cinnamon the cold hard predator in waiting.

I Don’t Take Responsibility At All (dangerman)  Apr 16, 2020 • 3:57:35pm
FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Apr 16, 2020 • 3:57:50pm

re: #284 calochortus

Yeah, I’ve always wondered why “ocean fish” or whatever was considered a cat’s natural food. Shouldn’t it be “mouse” or “tweety bird?”

Easier to produce is my guess.

I’ve seen rabbit as cat food, but not mouse or small bird yet to my recall.

Eric The Fruit Bat  Apr 16, 2020 • 3:59:57pm

re: #281 Rightwingconspirator

Zoos may reach the point that if they can’t get food for their animals those very same animals will become good for the remaining animals until the top of the food chain remains.

William Lewis  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:01:46pm

re: #281 Rightwingconspirator

Damn cat is grumpy today. Ever since I kept her from leaping through the screen at a squirrel last night. Angry tweet cat.

[Embedded content]

Heh. My feline overlord prefers chicken based foods. I’m betting that if you asked her she’d say that birds and mice taste “just like chicken ” 😎

calochortus  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:02:48pm

re: #287 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

Easier to produce is my guess.

I’ve seen rabbit as cat food, but not mouse or small bird yet to my recall.

No doubt easier. Also back in the day more cats roamed free and could acquire their very own rodents and micro-poultry. That said, my daughter’s cat loves turkey above all things. Not something he could access on his own.

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:03:08pm

re: #282 gocart mozart

Bad GoCart, bad.

Rightwingconspirator  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:04:06pm

re: #287 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

Easier to produce is my guess.

I’ve seen rabbit as cat food, but not mouse or small bird yet to my recall.

Funny story. Years ago I took a cat to the vet with a bad tooth. So vet says get some antibiotic liquid on the way out. Okay refrigerated antibiotic and eye dropper to dispense. Appointment to pull the tooth later in the week. Clerk at counter asks what flavor liquid do I want? So I say “mouse or fish”. Lady starts laughing. “Cherry or bubblegum” she says. “Wait a minute” I ask, who makes antibiotic for cats and dogs in bubblegum flavor? Clerk looks at me and explained that vet meds are from childrens medicine stock to get the right dosage. LOL at myself.

A hollow Gandalfian voice says, VOTE, you fools!  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:07:38pm

re: #287 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

Easier to produce is my guess.

I’ve seen rabbit as cat food, but not mouse or small bird yet to my recall.

I saw a study years ago that said cats don’t really prefer mice, they eat them because can to catch them. They’d much prefer a nice juicy steak, but hunting down and killing a cow is not in their power.

I Don’t Take Responsibility At All (dangerman)  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:08:45pm

Re trump backtracking to where we started.leaving the governors alone

Rando commenter:

The guys over at Electoral Vote summed it up perfectly: Donald Trump has a black belt in blinking.

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:09:02pm

re: #290 calochortus

No doubt easier. Also back in the day more cats roamed free and could acquire their very own rodents and micro-poultry. That said, my daughter’s cat loves turkey above all things. Not something he could access on his own.

Lionel AKA Problem Child adores deli turkey. ADORES. Goes nuts whenever the fridge drawer that it is stored in is opened. Scarfs a whole piece down in approximately 2 seconds. Is super-aggressive about stealing it from the other cats whereas he is otherwise the most passive cat when it comes to food.

jaunte  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:09:15pm
Grunthos the Flatulent  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:09:28pm

re: #164 makeitstop

What a stage move he had. :)

Still has it in the Daltrey video.

When he recorded the album with Roger Daltrey, it was to be a farewell to the world. Wilko had pancreatic cancer, and at the end the tumour made him look pregnant. But it wasn’t the end. A fan who was a doctor wondered why he wasn’t dead and referred him to a leading specialist. The diagnosis was that it was an uncommon form of cancer that was growing on the pancreas, not in it, and that it was operable - though not without significant risk.
They removed a ten pound growth, and he fully recovered.
In Q&A videos and the like, he comes across as both manic and self-deprecating. Here’s one where he gives a wry tutorial on playing one of his Dr Feelgood standards:

Wilko Johnson She Does It Right A Lesson from the Master

“And that’s how it’s done.”

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:09:53pm

re: #292 Rightwingconspirator

Funny story. Years ago I took a cat to the vet with a bad tooth. So vet says get some antibiotic liquid on the way out. Okay refrigerated antibiotic and eye dropper to dispense. Appointment to pull the tooth later in the week. Clerk at counter asks what flavor liquid do I want? So I say “mouse or fish”. Lady starts laughing. “Cherry or bubblegum” she says. “Wait a minute” I ask, who makes antibiotic for cats and dogs in bubblegum flavor? Clerk looks at me and explained that vet meds are from childrens medicine stock to get the right dosage. LOL at myself.

I was getting prescriptions filled for one of my cats at the local CVS. Pharmacists usually took a bit of explaining to understand that “Thomas Cat XXXX” was not going to show up and sign for the citrine or prednisone pills since he wasn’t allowed in the store.

His prednisone dose was 1/4 of a pretty small pill. So I had to feed them into a pill cutter and then hide them in tuna fish to get him to eat them.

Dread Pirate  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:11:32pm
FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:11:46pm

re: #293 A hollow Gandalfian voice says, VOTE, you fools!

I saw a study years ago that said cats don’t really prefer mice, they eat them because can to catch them. They’d much prefer a nice juicy steak, but hunting down and killing a cow is not in their power.

One of my cats way back when found a mouse nest while I was cleaning the garage. I guess he felt about baby mice what some people feel about prime veal.

Charles Johnson  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:11:55pm
calochortus  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:13:19pm

re: #301 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

Why do I not find that reassuring?

calochortus  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:14:20pm

re: #300 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

One of my cats way back when found a mouse nest while I was cleaning the garage. I guess he felt about baby mice what some people feel about prime veal.

I’ve been told that cats tend to prefer either birds or rodents, not both.

HRH Stanley Sea  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:14:43pm

re: #285 Rightwingconspirator

I bet dragon lady is missing them intensely.

I Don’t Take Responsibility At All (dangerman)  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:15:36pm

re: #295 klys (maker of Silmarils)

Lionel AKA Problem Child adores deli turkey. ADORES. Goes nuts whenever the fridge drawer that it is stored in is opened. Scarfs a whole piece down in approximately 2 seconds. Is super-aggressive about stealing it from the other cats whereas he is otherwise the most passive cat when it comes to food.

Ours love salmon ..especially ginger scallion or tamari marinade..they are on the dinner table

And chicken..when I ahem bone a chicken they come running

In fact when I cut up anything with fork and knife they think it’s chicken.
Ever try explaining to a cat that it’s a zucchini and not chicken?

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:15:39pm

re: #303 calochortus

I’ve been told that cats tend to prefer either birds or rodents, not both.

Hunting wise I think that’s true from watching my and my brother’s cats. Some prefer hanging out around/about the bird feeder while others slunk around meadow edges and ditches.

jaunte  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:16:37pm
Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:16:46pm

re: #306 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

Hunting wise I think that’s true from watching my and my brother’s cats. Some prefer hanging out around/about the bird feeder while others slunk around meadow edges and ditches.

Our outdoor cat really doesn’t do much with birds. She has virtually eliminated the local vole population, though, which my neighbors thank her for immensely.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:16:58pm

re: #305 I Don’t Take Responsibility At All (dangerman)

Ours love salmon ..especially ginger scallion or tamari marinade..they are on the dinner table

And chicken..when I ahem bone a chicken they come running

In fact when I cut up anything with fork and knife they think it’s chicken.
Ever try explaining to a cat that it’s a zucchini and not chicken?

They’ve learned that zucchini is an imitator and not actually the feared cucumber?

Anymouse 🌹🏡  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:17:07pm

Dr. Oz is now getting dragged for his nonpology, which doesn’t really address what he said and didn’t make it on FOX anyway.

(video, 0:38)

Eventual Carrion  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:18:51pm

re: #71 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

[Embedded content]

Shorter statement: FUCK, WE GOT CAUGHT!

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:19:18pm

re: #299 Dread Pirate

[Embedded content]

Very interesting.

jaunte  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:19:28pm
I Don’t Take Responsibility At All (dangerman)  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:19:57pm

re: #309 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

They’ve learned that zucchini is an imitator and not actually the feared cucumber?

It’s the sound of knife on fork ;-)
They don’t understand tomatoes either

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:21:58pm

re: #313 jaunte

Not quite the right question, since Azad had repeatedly stated they have the tests. The issue isn’t test kits, it’s the reagents and capacity to process the testing kits in a timely manner.

Rightwingconspirator  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:22:53pm

re: #304 HRH Stanley Sea

I bet dragon lady is missing them intensely.

Oh yes, was not gonna say but… Yeah. Hell we miss one another terribly but this damn plague upon us. Feels like two. Trump and COVID.

Charles Johnson  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:23:18pm
FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:23:25pm

I Don’t Take Responsibility At All (dangerman)  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:23:32pm
A 78-year-old man who attended a church that has bucked Louisiana stay-at-home restrictions has died from the illness tied to the novel coronavirus, the Baton Rouge Advocate reports.

The Rev. Tony Spell, the church’s pastor, disputed that the man’s death was due to the virus, despite the coroner’s determination.

Said Spell: “That is a lie.”

What is wrong with these people?
They even deny death happens

Anymouse 🌹🏡  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:23:36pm

re: #310 Anymouse 🌹🏡

In the category of “there’s always a tweet”:

Axolotl  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:23:47pm

re: #110 JC1

Not defending Oz at all; I think that he’s a charlatan out to fleace the rubes of money, but covid19 has a negligible mortality rate for those under 40 provided that adequate care exists. South Korea hasn’t had a single death in under 30 year olds despite over 3500 confirmed cases. They’ve only had 1 death in the 30-39 age range despite around 1100 cases. They’ve only had 3 death of those aged 40-49 despite around 1400 cases. The mortality rate gets serious for those over 50.

Do we really have to point how kids would bring spread the disease with each other and their parents? This would effectively end social distancing.

jaunte  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:23:54pm

re: #315 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

Sure, but I think the audience would understand “test” as the capacity to complete the test and determine a result.

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:24:54pm

So we now have more COVID-19 deaths than Hillary had emails.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:25:38pm

re: #322 jaunte

Sure, but I think the audience would understand “test” as the capacity to complete the test and determine a result.

Right, which means Trump (as Azar did) can lie on the face of the statement when the actuality is they can’t really carry out what the questioner is assuming.

GlutenFreeJesus  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:25:40pm

re: #323 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

I lost count after 2,000 Benghazis.

Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:25:44pm

re: #319 I Don’t Take Responsibility At All (dangerman)

What is wrong with these people?
They even deny death happens

In fairness, the pastor is denying that COVID is what killed him - which is still outright bonkers, because this isn’t a shady dictatorship (YET) and there’s no legitimate reason to dispute a coroner’s findings. If he has an alternate theory of the death, let him prove it - but he’s just a covidiot and refuses to believe that the disease is real.

calochortus  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:25:53pm

I’d better get started on dinner. Mr. C. has some sort of video conference at 6:00 so we need to eat before that.

Anymouse 🌹🏡  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:25:57pm

re: #319 I Don’t Take Responsibility At All (dangerman)

What is wrong with these people?
They even deny death happens

Same as the Florida town police chief who was suspended yesterday who said in an unhinged rant with his officers that a police officer who died was due to his “homosexual lifestyle” (despite the coroner determining coronavirus and the fact he was not a gay man).

Religious faith must dispute facts which oppose religious faith.

I Don’t Take Responsibility At All (dangerman)  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:26:34pm

re: #317 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

Opening up America again?
Who opened up America the first time?

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:27:27pm

re: #327 calochortus

Eat ostentatiously during the video conference.

jaunte  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:27:33pm
BigPapa  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:27:52pm

I’m getting webinar’d to death.

‘I’m not going to name all the Big Boys, but…’

(names all the Big Boys)

jaunte  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:28:44pm
I Don’t Take Responsibility At All (dangerman)  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:29:37pm

re: #326 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.

In fairness, the pastor is denying that COVID is what killed him - which is still outright bonkers, because this isn’t a shady dictatorship (YET) and there’s no legitimate reason to dispute a coroner’s findings. If he has an alternate theory of the death, let him prove it - but he’s just a covidiot and refuses to believe that the disease is real.

Yah but I didn’t mean it that way

I meant whether he did die from it or not the guy himself didn’t think he could die from the virus..hence going to church

dell*nix  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:30:25pm

Taken with Nikon D-90 and 2.8 55mm Micro Nikkor lens.

Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:30:53pm

re: #334 I Don’t Take Responsibility At All (dangerman)

Yah but I didn’t mean it that way

I meant whether he didn’t not the guy himself didn’t think he could die from the virus..hence going to church

Might have to take this downstairs, but yeah. I have a feeling that the pastor probably thinks the cause of death determination was a government conspiracy against his religious freedumbs.

Eventual Carrion  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:37:28pm

re: #109 EPR-radar

Wouldn’t it be funny if enough state governors started coordinating like this that they ended up needing an executive coordinator for their joint response. That coordinator could even be called a ‘president’. If the Mango Menace in the Blight House will not do his fucking job, then someone else can do it.

And they make Hillary Clinton that coordinator.

Eventual Carrion  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:39:17pm

re: #114 Jay C

Interesting: two of the seven are Republicans (DeWine, OH, Holcomb, IN): I guess they can figure out what side of the quarantine their electoral chances (and their constituents’ lives) are on: the Proud Boys can feel free to go FOAD….

DeWine has been acting fairly responsibly during this shit.

GlutenFreeJesus  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:42:52pm

re: #318 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)


Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Apr 16, 2020 • 4:58:21pm

re: #310 Anymouse 🌹🏡

Dr. Oz is now getting dragged for his nonpology, which doesn’t really address what he said and didn’t make it on FOX anyway.

(video, 0:38)

[Embedded content]

Eventual Carrion  Apr 16, 2020 • 6:11:50pm

re: #279 calochortus

Looks like Freepers aren’t entirely thrilled with Trump’s performance here. They wanted him to wave a magic wand and make everything as it was before.

How can these STATES think they have the RIGHTS to do this to tRump?

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