Tea Party Organizer: ‘No Place’ for Racist Behavior

Wingnuts • Views: 3,502

On CNN’s American Morning, Jenny Beth Martin of Tea Party Patriots (who has evidently been coached to use the phrase “core values” as much as possible) says the tea parties don’t tolerate racist behavior.

FLV Video

Very few of the commenters at CNN are buying this; reactions to Martin’s statement range from fairly polite disagreement to open mockery.

And then we have this comment, posted by tea partier “Betty,” who seems a bit unclear on the right way to spin this one:

The tea partiers, DO NOT USE RACIST REMARKS!! However, you will see that the majority of racists remarks are made by the BLACKS themselves. Why? They just can not stand to see the tea partiers are without a doubt the least racist person in our nation. I am still waiting for the liar that said the tea partiers used several racist remarks during the rally in washington (Apr. 15th) I know that a million bucks has been offered for the video of the remarks, it will never appear because it is JUST NOT OUT THERE.. Shame on the blacks for being so racist. I know they (the blacks) are having a lot to swallow now that their black (Mulatto) president has turned out to be anything but a decent black man, I know they must really resent what the president has done, but, have no fear, we will vote him out along with some more lying democrats. Betty


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1 Kragar  Mon, May 3, 2010 12:53:14pm

And when we say no place, we mean its already been reserved by those nice people over at the Stormfront booth.

2 allegro  Mon, May 3, 2010 12:53:39pm

Whoa, no racism there. Nope, not even a hint of it./////

3 Dark_Falcon  Mon, May 3, 2010 12:54:06pm

Actually, Betty was very clear. Clearly a racist, that is.

4 garhighway  Mon, May 3, 2010 12:54:38pm

Veronica could not be reached for comment.

5 Ojoe  Mon, May 3, 2010 12:56:44pm

Politics is squalid any way you cut it.

6 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, May 3, 2010 12:57:23pm

Betty needs to STFU and STFD.

7 brennant  Mon, May 3, 2010 12:58:35pm

The stupid still burns.

8 darthstar  Mon, May 3, 2010 12:58:35pm

Oh, Betty...

9 allegro  Mon, May 3, 2010 12:58:48pm

Actually, I think ol' Betty there truly believes she isn't a racist. She wouldn't go out for a lynching, no doubt, and probably never uses the "n" word, so in her book that qualifies her as the "least racist person in our nation." That's why these conversations are good ultimately, as exasperating as they are, since they call out this kind of rhetoric for the ugliness that it is.

10 bluecheese  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:00:06pm

Well, at least she is talking about *voting* with regard to her political views.

I give her props for that. lol

11 Spare O'Lake  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:00:57pm

Clarifying her position by throwing in the term "mulatto" is what won me over.

12 Kragar  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:01:51pm

re: #10 bluecheese

Well, at least she is talking about *voting* with regard to her political views.

I give her props for that. lol

Of course, if you told Betty she should vote to end Women's suffrage, she probably would because no one should suffer, especially women.

13 darthstar  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:02:12pm

And what would the Teabaggers have to say about this?

According to a flier received by ABC15, the National Socialist Movement is calling May 5th, "Report An Illegal Day".
14 windsword  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:02:24pm
Very few of the commenters at CNN are buying this; reactions to Martin’s statement range from fairly polite disagreement to open mockery.

This says more about CNN than it does the Tea Party to me.

15 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:03:15pm

re: #11 Spare O'Lake

3 syllable racists are still racists.

16 webevintage  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:03:53pm

Oh Betty thank you for that comedy gold.
You are even funnier in LOL:


17 Sheila Broflovski  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:05:20pm

re: #11 Spare O'Lake

Clarifying her position by throwing in the term "mulatto" is what won me over.

My mother is elderly and very liberal, but she had no idea that "mulatto" is not an appropriate term to use. She asked me "well, what else do you call someone who is half black and half white?" I said, "biracial."

18 Kragar  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:05:38pm

re: #11 Spare O'Lake

Clarifying her position by throwing in the term "mulatto" is what won me over.

I can picture her, nibbling her lower lip trying to decide which term would best get her point across.

19 webevintage  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:05:39pm

re: #9 allegro

Actually, I think ol' Betty there truly believes she isn't a racist. She wouldn't go out for a lynching, no doubt, and probably never uses the "n" word, so in her book that qualifies her as the "least racist person in our nation." That's why these conversations are good ultimately, as exasperating as they are, since they call out this kind of rhetoric for the ugliness that it is.

She might even have a black friend that she would even let use her bathroom.....

20 brennant  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:06:12pm

re: #19 webevintage

That made me chortle.

21 Jeff In Ohio  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:06:43pm

HAHAHAHA that's classic.

"I'm not racist, it's those blacks calling each other ni&&er who are the racists ones. Taking our jobs, using affirmative action to keep us out of the good schools, wanting the reparations and ogling our women."

Oh my, I can't hardly contain my glee!

22 Kragar  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:06:52pm

re: #19 webevintage

She might even have a black friend that she would even let use her bathroom...

Well, not the good one obviously.

23 sattv4u2  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:06:54pm

re: #16 webevintage

umm,,, what accent or dialect are you going for there??

24 eastsider  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:07:20pm
Shame on the blacks for being so racist. I know they (the blacks) are having a lot to swallow now that their black (Mulatto) president has turned out to be anything but a decent black man, I know they must really resent what the president has done, but, have no fear, we will vote him out along with some more lying democrats. Betty

Is anyone else hoping that this is really well camouflaged snark?

Otherwise Betty is breaking irony meters all across the country.

25 Kragar  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:07:34pm

re: #23 sattv4u2

umm,,, what accent or dialect are you going for there??

Web denizen.

26 webevintage  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:07:54pm

re: #23 sattv4u2

umm,,, what accent or dialect are you going for there??

That's LOLcat, the language of the Gods Ceiling Cat.....

27 Kragar  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:07:55pm

re: #24 eastsider

Is anyone else hoping that this is really well camouflaged snark?

Otherwise Betty is breaking irony meters all across the country.

She's taking it to 11.

28 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:08:02pm

re: #16 webevintage

That's funny. I got an email on facebook from someone I worked with fifteen years ago. The email used a lot of LOL speak.

She was the company's "Grammar Police" back then (she drove me nuts but was right every time)... so I didn't even recognize her name. We worked together for over 8 years and I knew her well.

She was very upset that I had forgotten who she was, until I dropped the LOL speak bomb on her.

The rest of her "how're you doing?" emails appeared to have been written by Emily Post.

29 Spare O'Lake  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:08:45pm

re: #15 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

3 syllable racists are still racists.

Hahaha. I hadn't heard "mulatto" in many years...such a NICE word...so much more GENTEEL than CRUDE terms like "mixed-race" or "multiracial".

30 sattv4u2  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:08:59pm

re: #26 webevintage

That's LOLcat, the language of the Gods Ceiling Cat...

K , thanks

31 eastsider  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:10:29pm

re: #27 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

She's taking it to 11.

But she can't see/hear it in herself.

It occurs to me that the best thing for these teapartiers would be a big metaphorical mirror and some good glasses.

32 allegro  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:11:25pm

re: #17 Alouette

She asked me "well, what else do you call someone who is half black and half white?" I said, "biracial."

Reminds me of when I got my black and white King Charles Spaniel 7 years ago. One of the names I thought of for him was "Oreo." Then someone suggested I might want to rethink that and told me why. oops

33 webevintage  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:11:43pm

Racist and religious fundi rants are always more batshit crazy in LOLcat.
Here try it yourself:
[Link: speaklolcat.com...]

34 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:12:18pm

I posted earlier about a plane that had to be diverted from Salt Lake, wondering if the guy was drunk or something. I was off..

Update: Unruly Passenger Claimed to be an Alien, Wanted to Fly the Plane

[Link: www.kpvi.com...]

35 sattv4u2  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:13:39pm

re: #15 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

re: #29 Spare O'Lake

There's a guy from Brazil that does some maintenance work on our diesel generators at work who describes himself as a mulatto

Other than him, I hadn't heard that term used in more than 25 years

36 Renaissance_Man  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:14:29pm

re: #32 allegro

Reminds me of when I got my black and white King Charles Spaniel 7 years ago. One of the names I thought of for him was "Oreo." Then someone suggested I might want to rethink that and told me why. oops

Oh, good lord. It's a dog. It's not like you were going to call the dog 'N..er' or 'Gook'. Oreo is an ordinary brand name, applied to cookies that happen to be very tasty. Nobody except a complete lunatic would look at you naming a black and white dog 'Oreo' and think it showed your inner racism.

37 sattv4u2  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:15:40pm

re: #36 Renaissance_Man

Oh, good lord. It's a dog. It's not like you were going to call the dog 'N..er' or 'Gook'. Oreo is an ordinary brand name, applied to cookies that happen to be very tasty. Nobody except a complete lunatic would look at you naming a black and white dog 'Oreo' and think it showed your inner racism.

You don't interact with people out there much, do you !!!

38 webevintage  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:15:42pm

re: #32 allegro

Reminds me of when I got my black and white King Charles Spaniel 7 years ago. One of the names I thought of for him was "Oreo." Then someone suggested I might want to rethink that and told me why. oops

Could have named it Ebony and Ivory in honor of Paul McCartney and Micheal Jackson's craptastic song.

39 allegro  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:16:21pm

re: #36 Renaissance_Man

Nobody except a complete lunatic would look at you naming a black and white dog 'Oreo' and think it showed your inner racism.

That's no doubt very true. However, once I knew that this was a word that was used to disparage, it didn't sound so cute anymore so I rejected it as a possibility.

40 Dark_Falcon  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:16:21pm

re: #13 darthstar

And what would the Teabaggers have to say about this?

They'll shy away from it, since they don't want to be seen with Nazis. They don't really disapprove, but even wingnuts are not going to heed the call of those openly calling themselves National Socialists.

41 Kragar  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:16:38pm

re: #31 eastsider

But she can't see/hear it in herself.

It occurs to me that the best thing for these teapartiers would be a big metaphorical mirror and some good glasses.

We dont take kindly to that kind of talk. You can just pack up yer metaphors, and allegories and allusions and just ride yourself out of town.


42 sattv4u2  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:16:59pm

re: #38 webevintage

Could have named it Ebony and Ivory in honor of Paul McCartney and Micheal Jackson's craptastic song.

I never understood why an English White Guy and an American White Girl penned that song!!


43 eastsider  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:17:19pm

re: #35 sattv4u2

re: #29 Spare O'Lake

There's a guy from Brazil that does some maintenance work on our diesel generators at work who describes himself as a mulatto

Other than him, I hadn't heard that term used in more than 25 years

Dear God man!

You mean to say they've got a time machine?! Why this picture confirms it:

[Link: littlegreenfootballs.com...]

There's no stopping them now! They'll send a Tea-1000 back to the 1950s, travel to Kenya, and stop Obama from ever being born! We're dooooomed!

44 Sinistershade  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:17:45pm

"May I take this opportunity of emphasizing that there is no cannibalism in the British Navy. Absolutely none, and when I say none, I mean there is a certain amount, more than we are prepared to admit, but all new ratings are warned that if they wake up in the morning and find any toothmarks at all anywhere on their bodies, they're to tell me immediately so that I can immediately take every measure to hush the whole thing up. And, finally, necrophilia is right out."

45 Kragar  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:18:39pm

re: #42 sattv4u2

I never understood why an English White Guy and an American White Girl penned that song!!


I still prefer the Piscapo as Sinatra and Murphy as Stevie Wonder version.

"I am black and you are white."
"You're as blind as a bat and I've got sight."

46 Mad Al-Jaffee  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:19:07pm

re: #38 webevintage

Could have named it Ebony and Ivory in honor of Paul McCartney and Micheal Jackson's craptastic song.

I love the SNL parody of that, with Frank Sinatra and Stevie Wonder.

Stevie Wonder: "I am dark, and you are light."

Frank Sinatra: "You are blind as a bat, and I have sight!
Side by side, you are my amigo,
Negro, let's not fiiiiiiiight!"

47 Obdicut  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:19:37pm

re: #46 Mad Al-Jaffee

You lose. Kragar wins. Pay up.

48 wrenchwench  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:19:43pm

Yeah, there's no room at Tea Party Patriots for racism, except at the bottom of the "About" and "Mission Statement" pages on their website, where they link to M. Malkin, and RedState, which I know are racist, and Parcbench and RegularFolksUnited, which I'm still checking out, and from which I am getting a strong whiff:

From Parcbench:

From SB1070 to J.D. Hayworth’s Book on Illegal Immigration, “Whatever It Takes”

From RFU:

...Islam is the type of religion the NWO can use to advance its agenda. Islam creates fear and chaos and those are the devices employed by the god of this world to seize power. Christianity is useless to the NWO because Christianity's goals have nothing whatsoever to do with worldliness.

Muhammad is embraced by the world because he was just like us, vengeful, he liked the ladies and he shared the wealth of his raids with his followers. The Lord Jesus Christ, not so much. He admonishes us to look towards heaven. Him you have to get to know. And once you do, people stop liking you too...

49 Mad Al-Jaffee  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:19:56pm

re: #45 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)


50 Kragar  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:20:11pm

re: #47 Obdicut

You lose. Kragar wins. Pay up.


51 Spare O'Lake  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:20:14pm

re: #17 Alouette

My mother is elderly and very liberal, but she had no idea that "mulatto" is not an appropriate term to use. She asked me "well, what else do you call someone who is half black and half white?" I said, "biracial."

Heh. I have yet to see a person who is actually half black or half white.

52 darthstar  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:21:16pm
53 sattv4u2  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:21:27pm

re: #51 Spare O'Lake

Heh. I have yet to see a person who is actually half black or half white.

There was a planet full of em on Star Trek!
Image: TOS_69_2.jpg

54 RogueOne  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:21:41pm

re: #13 darthstar

And what would the Teabaggers have to say about this?

You missed the important link on that page:

Sheriff Joe Arpaio says he won't run for Arizona governor
[Link: www.abc15.com...]

PHOENIX – Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio will not run for Arizona governor this year.

In a news release issued Monday afternoon, the Sheriff said his decision was based on wanting to continue to serve as the county’s top law enforcement officer.

“I am humbled by the encouragement and outpouring of support for me to run for Governor," Arpaio said in the release.

"However, at the same time, so many have supported my campaign for re-election that I do not want to betray them by running for another office."

The 77-year-old Republican would have had to resign as sheriff to run for the top office in the state.

He's 77 so there's hope that he won't be in office that much longer. If the residents of phoenix aren't smart enough to vote him out we can at least wait it out.

55 Kragar  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:21:44pm

re: #51 Spare O'Lake

Heh. I have yet to see a person who is actually half black or half white.

Well, there is Bele

56 eastsider  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:22:14pm

re: #50 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)


You forgot your tag, I fixed it for you.

57 Dark_Falcon  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:22:47pm

re: #54 RogueOne

He's 77 so there's hope that he won't be in office that much longer. If the residents of phoenix aren't smart enough to vote him out we can at least wait it out.

You really don't like him, do you?

58 Liberal Classic  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:22:48pm

re: #51 Spare O'Lake

Heh. I have yet to see a person who is actually half black or half white.

Image: STLastBattle.jpg

59 sattv4u2  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:22:51pm

re: #55 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

Well, there is Bele

I want your winnings from before (my #53 beat ya!)

60 Liberal Classic  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:23:31pm

re: #55 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

I am too slow.

61 RogueOne  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:23:33pm

re: #57 Dark_Falcon

You really don't like him, do you?

I was just laughing to myself because all the sudden I'm in a good mood.

62 Jeff In Ohio  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:23:39pm

re: #24 eastsider

Is anyone else hoping that this is really well camouflaged snark?

Otherwise Betty is breaking irony meters all across the country.

THe irony, it is oppressive!

63 Kragar  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:24:02pm

re: #56 eastsider

You forgot your tag, I fixed it for you.

It was implied.

My favorite bit was when he complimented Trebek on his suit, going over how nice it was and where we could find one like it and then at the end asked, "Do they make them for men?"

64 Kragar  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:25:18pm

re: #59 sattv4u2

I want your winnings from before (my #53 beat ya!)

No context, I call on the judges to make a ruling.

65 sattv4u2  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:26:32pm

re: #64 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

No context, I call on the judges to make a ruling.

Context Scmontext

It started when Spare posted Heh. I have yet to see a person who is actually half black or half white.
I pointed out there was a whole PLANET of em!!

66 Mad Al-Jaffee  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:26:45pm

re: #63 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

It was implied.

My favorite bit was when he complimented Trebek on his suit, going over how nice it was and where we could find one like it and then at the end asked, "Do they make them for men?"

I'll take Penis Mightier for $100.

67 sattv4u2  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:26:45pm

re: #64 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

re: #65 sattv4u2

Context Scmontext

It started when Spare posted Heh. I have yet to see a person who is actually half black or half white.
I pointed out there was a whole PLANET of em!!

Sore loser!

68 Darth Vader Gargoyle  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:26:54pm

re: #46 Mad Al-Jaffee

I love the SNL parody of that, with Frank Sinatra and Stevie Wonder.

Stevie Wonder: "I am dark, and you are light."

Frank Sinatra: "You are blind as a bat, and I have sight!
Side by side, you are my amigo,
Negro, let's not fiiight!"

Life's an eskimo pie, let's take a bite

69 Liberal Classic  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:27:26pm

re: #65 sattv4u2

Context Scmontext

It started when Spare posted Heh. I have yet to see a person who is actually half black or half white.
I pointed out there was a whole PLANET of em!!

I should have posted the picture of the guy who was half white and half black instead.

70 AK-47%  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:28:49pm

re: #54 RogueOne

He's 77 so there's hope that he won't be in office that much longer. If the residents of phoenix aren't smart enough to vote him out we can at least wait it out.

Arizonans want Law and Order and they want low taxes. Sherrif Joe and his tent cities are what you get when you vote that combination.

And the immigration bill.

Even theohterwise conservative Arizona Republic came out with a front-page editorial and said that the immigration bill targets Latinos while doing nothing to curb illegal immigration.

I was gobsmacked. There is hope for my former home state.

71 sattv4u2  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:29:07pm

re: #69 Liberal Classic

I should have posted the picture of the guy who was half white and half black instead.


Image: bele_and_lokai_star_trek.jpg

(on the right)

72 Dark_Falcon  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:30:33pm

re: #61 RogueOne

I was just laughing to myself because all the sudden I'm in a good mood.

I can't laugh today. I go into a coughing fit if I do. I also can't go home and help my dad with something he wanted done. I'm sick and can't risk infecting my mother.

73 sattv4u2  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:31:09pm


The dogs are starting to nibble at my leg. Dinner Time!

74 Walter L. Newton  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:31:10pm

re: #70 ralphieboy

Arizonans want Law and Order and they want low taxes. Sherrif Joe and his tent cities are what you get when you vote that combination.

And the immigration bill.

Even theohterwise conservative Arizona Republic came out with a front-page editorial and said that the immigration bill targets Latinos while doing nothing to curb illegal immigration.

I was gobsmacked. There is hope for my former home state.

Clarify your comment for me... there's something wrong with voting for law and order, low taxes and immigration control?

75 Kragar  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:31:12pm

re: #65 sattv4u2

Context Scmontext

It started when Spare posted Heh. I have yet to see a person who is actually half black or half white.
I pointed out there was a whole PLANET of em!!

I challenge you to a fresh water fish slapping at dawn!

76 sattv4u2  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:31:41pm

re: #75 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

I challenge you to a fresh water fish slapping at dawn!

Cod, not that!

77 Sheila Broflovski  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:31:45pm

re: #38 webevintage

Could have named it Ebony and Ivory in honor of Paul McCartney and Micheal Jackson's craptastic song.

Stevie Wonder, not Michael Jackson.

78 darthstar  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:31:55pm

Family values...Florida style

Sen. Mike Bennett caught viewing a pornographic image during session. Claims it was an unexpected email from trusted source

No one will argue that sitting on the Senate floor during session can get a little boring, but looking at porn is probably not the best way to pass the time.

On Thursday morning, Sunshine State News captured exclusive video of Sen. Mike Bennett, R-Bradenton, looking at pornographic material on his state-issued computer on the Senate floor.

Ironically, as Bennett is viewing the material, you can hear a senator's voice in the background debating a controversial abortion bill.

"I'm against this bill," said the voice, "because it disrespects too many women in the state of Florida."

Bennett defended his actions, telling Sunshine State News it was an email sent to him by a woman "who happens to be a former court administrator."

Of course, that doesn't explain his looking at a video of a nekkid dog on a beach.

79 darthstar  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:32:25pm

re: #78 darthstar

Oops..top link goes to Youtube as well...this is the story link:
[Link: www.sunshinestatenews.com...]

80 darthstar  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:33:26pm

re: #77 Alouette

Stevie Wonder, not Michael Jackson.

Yep...Michael and Paul did that other craptastic song/video...can't remember the name of it now, but MTV played it way too many times.

81 ArchangelMichael  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:33:28pm

re: #71 sattv4u2


Image: bele_and_lokai_star_trek.jpg

(on the right)

So when Alouette's mother asked what you call someone half-black and half-white the answer should have been "Cheronian" or "Cheronite" or "Native of Cheron"?

82 AK-47%  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:33:36pm

re: #74 Walter L. Newton

Clarify your comment for me... there's something wrong with voting for law and order, low taxes and immigration control?

Law and Order is grand, but enforcing it costs money. That is not consistent with low taxes. They got Sherrif Joe housing inmates in tent cities out in the desert. They got an immigration bill that all but mandates racial profiling. And they got a state budget that is bankrupt.

83 DaddyG  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:34:13pm

Wow! its a tough day here on LGF when you can have a +1 post and still make the bottom 10 list.

84 Kragar  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:35:48pm

re: #83 DaddyG

Wow! its a tough day here on LGF when you can have a +1 post and still make the bottom 10 list.

OK, time to rustle some feathers then.

Stuffing > Potatoes

85 AK-47%  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:35:50pm

re: #80 darthstar

Yep...Michael and Paul did that other craptastic song/video...can't remember the name of it now, but MTV played it way too many times.

"Say, Say, Say" or the like, yeah, heavy rotation in the mid 80's...

86 DaddyG  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:36:36pm

re: #78 darthstar

That wasn't porn. It was supplemental materials on a bill he was sponsoring on requiring minors to use sun tan lotion. //

87 Aceofwhat?  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:36:45pm

re: #32 allegro

Reminds me of when I got my black and white King Charles Spaniel 7 years ago. One of the names I thought of for him was "Oreo." Then someone suggested I might want to rethink that and told me why. oops

see, i think that's silly. a mexican bowler named "Jesus" isn't offensive. surely the world is big enough for a spaniel named "Oreo"...

88 brookly red  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:37:03pm

re: #84 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

OK, time to rustle some feathers then.

Stuffing > Potatoes

stuffed potatoes, yum.

89 sattv4u2  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:37:23pm

re: #81 ArchangelMichael

So when Alouette's mother asked what you call someone half-black and half-white the answer should have been "Cheronian" or "Cheronite" or "Native of Cheron"?

Gazundheit. Need a tissue?

90 Aceofwhat?  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:37:31pm

re: #36 Renaissance_Man

Oh, good lord. It's a dog. It's not like you were going to call the dog 'N..er' or 'Gook'. Oreo is an ordinary brand name, applied to cookies that happen to be very tasty. Nobody except a complete lunatic would look at you naming a black and white dog 'Oreo' and think it showed your inner racism.


91 b_sharp  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:37:33pm

re: #17 Alouette

My mother is elderly and very liberal, but she had no idea that "mulatto" is not an appropriate term to use. She asked me "well, what else do you call someone who is half black and half white?" I said, "biracial."

You can always call them human.

92 Varek Raith  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:37:41pm

re: #84 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

OK, time to rustle some feathers then.

Stuffing > Potatoes

Pineapple is great on pizza!

93 freetoken  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:37:43pm

re: #83 DaddyG

Wow! its a tough day here on LGF when you can have a +1 post and still make the bottom 10 list.

Pure survival-of-the-most-dinged. Lizard evolution in action.

94 Walter L. Newton  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:39:16pm

re: #82 ralphieboy

Law and Order is grand, but enforcing it costs money. That is not consistent with low taxes. They got Sherrif Joe housing inmates in tent cities out in the desert. They got an immigration bill that all but mandates racial profiling. And they got a state budget that is bankrupt.

So... what is your possible answers for maintaining a safe level of law enforcement, keeping taxes affordable and what would be your model immigration enforcement?

95 darthstar  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:39:43pm

re: #92 Varek Raith

Pineapple is great on pizza!

I had a slice of Canadian bacon and pineapple pizza on Friday...it was quite lovely.

96 DaddyG  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:40:02pm

re: #94 Walter L. Newton

So... what is your possible answers for maintaining a safe level of law enforcement, keeping taxes affordable and what would be your model immigration enforcement?

I'd say involuntary microchipping but we just outlawed that in Georgia. //

97 RogueOne  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:40:26pm

re: #79 darthstar

Oops..top link goes to Youtube as well...this is the story link:
[Link: www.sunshinestatenews.com...]

Women in bikini's is considered porn?

98 sattv4u2  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:40:32pm

re: #82 ralphieboy

Law and Order is grand, but enforcing it costs money. That is not consistent with low taxes. They got Sherrif Joe housing inmates in tent cities out in the desert. They got an immigration bill that all but mandates racial profiling. And they got a state budget that is bankrupt.

Sounds like a money saver to me!

as far as "racial profiling". If someone told the cops that a purple man with a horn sticking out of his forehead robbed the bank, should the cops start looking at all NON purple men with a horn sticking out of their foreheads? Sounds like a waste of resources. The feds know that the great majority of illegal immigrants are Hispanic. I say,, LOOK FOR THE IRISH RED HEADED GUYS!!
,, {sigh}

99 ArchangelMichael  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:40:34pm

re: #89 sattv4u2

Gazundheit. Need a tissue?

You break out Bele and Lokai and don't remember the name of their planet? That's a geekfail.

100 DaddyG  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:40:38pm

re: #95 darthstar

I had a slice of Canadian bacon and pineapple pizza on Friday...it was quite lovely.

Another sign that California is contributing to the decline of civilization. I'm just sayin'

101 DaddyG  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:41:04pm

re: #97 RogueOne

Women in bikini's is considered porn?

That black line was not a bikini top for four.

102 Dark_Falcon  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:41:21pm

re: #74 Walter L. Newton

Clarify your comment for me... there's something wrong with voting for law and order, low taxes and immigration control?

Call not Walter to blogwar, for he may answer.

103 brookly red  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:41:29pm

re: #95 darthstar

I had a slice of Canadian bacon and pineapple pizza on Friday...it was quite lovely.

/Friday huh? the bacon may send you to hell but the pineapple will keep you there :)

104 avanti  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:43:13pm

Pay your taxes in Pennsylvania. "We know where you are"

105 Aceofwhat?  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:43:24pm

re: #92 Varek Raith

Pineapple is great on pizza!


106 RogueOne  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:43:29pm

re: #101 DaddyG

That black line was not a bikini top for four.

You had to look close but you can see they all have tops on. I glad the good congressman is standing up for women in string bikini's.

107 AK-47%  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:44:01pm

Arizona had incredibly low taxes, which had its advantages as a resident, but it finally caught up with them.

If you wlant a sherrif who is going to bust everybody for every violation of astatute, then you need to build prisons for them. And you need to provide a school system that turns out people who can actually work for a living.

I must agree with the Bush model of immigration reform: tighten the border patrols, allow only those immigrants who come with work permits, register and track their places of residence.

But that costs money and flies in the face of established interests who profit greatly from cheap, easily exploited labor and porous borders...

108 sattv4u2  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:44:07pm

re: #92 Varek Raith

Pineapple is great on pizza!

Sure is

(as long as you don't plan on eating it!)

109 DaddyG  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:44:18pm

re: #98 sattv4u2
Yeah- but them Canadian illegals are harder to spot. You have to ask them what time it is. If they answer "I think it's aboot 3 eh?" ....then you nab their Molson drinking butts and send 'em back to Windsor.

110 Varek Raith  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:44:32pm

re: #105 Aceofwhat?



111 webevintage  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:44:46pm

I like reading Ta-Nehisi Coates The Atlantic's site.
(actually I read everyone there...even Megan)
This post is just spot on about the real concerns people who will be effected by the law have.
It is in response to this post from Frum.

Put differently, it was always a crime to carry an illegal gun in New York, but it was not always a (state) crime in Arizona for legal immigrants to leave their proof of residency at home. Now it is. Moreover, from what I can tell, this actually understates the law. Essentially, Arizona has made it a crime for anyone in the state to not have proof of citizenship on them at all times. Defenders of the law will say that police still have to stop you for something, and they still have to "suspect" that you did something.

Forgive, but I don't find that comforting. Amadou Diallo is dead because the police "suspected" he was drawing a gun. Oscar Grant is dead because the police "suspected" he needed to be tased. My old friend, Prince Jones, Howard University student and father of a baby girl, was murdered by the police in front of his daughter's home because police "suspected" he was a drug-dealer. (The cop was not kicked off the force.) Only a year ago, I was stopped in Chelsea, coming from an interview with NPR, because police "suspected" I was the Latino male who'd recently robbed someone.

112 Jadespring  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:44:54pm

re: #95 darthstar

I had a slice of Canadian bacon and pineapple pizza on Friday...it was quite lovely.

That's one of my favorite pizzas. Other favourites are perogy pizzas and pesto sauce pizzas.

113 b_sharp  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:45:32pm

re: #98 sattv4u2

Sounds like a money saver to me!

as far as "racial profiling". If someone told the cops that a purple man with a horn sticking out of his forehead robbed the bank, should the cops start looking at all NON purple men with a horn sticking out of their foreheads? Sounds like a waste of resources. The feds know that the great majority of illegal immigrants are Hispanic. I say,, LOOK FOR THE IRISH RED HEADED GUYS!!
,, {sigh}

Considering there is only one purple horned man to look for it makes sense, but there are a few more than one man with brownish skin. Your analogy sucks.

114 Walter L. Newton  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:46:25pm

re: #107 ralphieboy

Arizona had incredibly low taxes, which had its advantages as a resident, but it finally caught up with them.

If you wlant a sherrif who is going to bust everybody for every violation of astatute, then you need to build prisons for them. And you need to provide a school system that turns out people who can actually work for a living.

I must agree with the Bush model of immigration reform: tighten the border patrols, allow only those immigrants who come with work permits, register and track their places of residence.

But that costs money and flies in the face of established interests who profit greatly from cheap, easily exploited labor and porous borders...

Ok... I'm not talking about that sherif, I'm not talking about Bush, I'm not talking about the new law (which is not law yet), I'm talking about existing enforceable law...

Then, in your opinion, shouldn't the current Federal laws in relation to immigration and border controls be enforced to their fullest extent?

115 brookly red  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:47:27pm

re: #112 Jadespring

That's one of my favorite pizzas. Other favourites are perogy pizzas and pesto sauce pizzas.

pesto is OK. Pirogies... could spark an international incident.

116 Varek Raith  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:48:12pm

re: #92 Varek Raith

Pineapple is great on pizza!

Damn, wasn't successful at rustling some feathers.


117 Jadespring  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:48:22pm

re: #115 brookly red

pesto is OK. Pirogies... could spark an international incident.

It doesn't have actual perogies on it.

118 BlackFedora  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:48:26pm


"The blacks." No matter what the context is you will sound like an ignorant knuckle dragger referring to the "the blacks."

119 sattv4u2  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:48:41pm

re: #113 b_sharp

Considering there is only one purple horned man to look for it makes sense, but there are a few more than one man with brownish skin. Your analogy sucks.

Yeah,, you're right. In that we know that most of the illegal immigrants in a place like Texas or Arizona are Hispanic, I agree. We should look at ALL redheaded Irish, ALL Blond Scandavians, and most important, all lil ole grandmothers, like we do in airport screenings!

120 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:49:11pm

Ahh yes the new Tea Party mantra...

This is for the "liberal" teabaggers who aren't comfortable with their true racist selves yet and just can't admit it...

Distilling their comments goes something like...

I am NOT a racist. How can those black people think I am a racist. It's like it's a crime to be a white person anymore. I am only reacting to the fact that they hate me. It is not my fault that they live like that. If they only worked harder, they would not have any cause to complain, but they expect decent white folks like me who have never done anything to them to give them handouts. Well I don't give handouts. And it is their fault with their rap and their laziness and their ghetto culture that hates us that this country has gotten so bad as it is. What did we ever do to them?

And everything has to be SO PC that people can't understand satire. I am sorry Obama is selling witch doctor health care. There is no need to be so touchy. And Michelle does look like a wookie. What is racist about simply saying that? It's like you can't criticize or question that communist witch doctor and his wookie wife without getting attacked by the thought police!

They all think that their indecent black president is a good man and they vote for him just because he's black, even though he has divided loyalties, is a communist and isn't even American. But that's OK, he's black... But you call me a racist? If there were decent black candidates and not socialist New world order types like Obama or traitors like Powell to vote for, I would consider voting for him. But there aren't any blacks like that. And you call me racist?

And lets look at it, you have things like ACORN out there getting the lowest of the low to come out of the woodwork to support this communist all based on some sort of racial loyalty and you call me racist? Well maybe white people who love America should have some racial loyalty! And that is NOT any more racist to say than to say the simple truth that most Mexicans are illegals and criminals and that is why we need strong measures to hunt them down.

I suppose I can stand the Buchannan and Paulian and out and out FAIR types a little more because they are at least honest about who they are. The typical teabagger though has to wallow in a well of self pity and assure itself that it is not racist even though of course it is.

121 AK-47%  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:49:21pm

re: #114 Walter L. Newton

Ok... I'm not talking about that sherif, I'm not talking about Bush, I'm not talking about the new law (which is not law yet), I'm talking about existing enforceable law...

Then, in your opinion, shouldn't the current Federal laws in relation to immigration and border controls be enforced to their fullest extent?

Yes, the laws shouled be enforced. But that means physically closing the border and patrolling it aggressively, which costs money. Registering and tracking immigrants will also greatly expand government bureaucracy and cost money.

There are a lot of folks who are opposed to more government on principle. And a lot of cynical bastards who have a lot of interest in maintaining the status quo who are happy to exploit their principles.

122 DaddyG  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:49:57pm

re: #118 BlackFedora


"The blacks." No matter what the context is you will sound like an ignorant knuckle dragger referring to the "the blacks."

Unless of course you are referring to the Ghana national soccer team, "The Black Stars". ;-p

123 sattv4u2  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:50:23pm

The headline says it all

Putin Welcomes Gift Leopard From Iran

[Link: blogs.abcnews.com...]

124 darthstar  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:50:35pm

re: #122 DaddyG

Unless of course you are referring to the Ghana national soccer team, "The Black Stars". ;-p

Or New Zealand's national rugby team, the All-blacks.

125 darthstar  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:51:26pm

re: #123 sattv4u2

The headline says it all

Putin Welcomes Gift Leopard From Iran

[Link: blogs.abcnews.com...]

You just need to look a little deeper into his soul.

126 pingjockey  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:51:46pm

re: #124 darthstar

The NZ rugby team kicks ass.

127 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:52:07pm

re: #121 ralphieboy

Yes, the laws shouled be enforced. But that means physically closing the border and patrolling it aggressively, which costs money. Registering and tracking immigrants will also greatly expand government bureaucracy and cost money.

There are a lot of folks who are opposed to more government on principle. And a lot of cynical bastards who have a lot of interest in maintaining the status quo who are happy to exploit their principles.

Or you can simply go after the businesses that employ these laborers and dry up the money at the source.

128 sattv4u2  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:52:13pm

re: #125 darthstar

You just need to look a little deeper into his soul.

Putins ,, or the leopards!?!?

129 darthstar  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:52:15pm

re: #126 pingjockey

The NZ rugby team kicks ass.

Yep...got to see them play the Fijians in 1980...

130 Dark_Falcon  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:52:34pm

re: #111 webevintage

I like reading Ta-Nehisi Coates The Atlantic's site.
(actually I read everyone there...even Megan)
This post is just spot on about the real concerns people who will be effected by the law have.
It is in response to this post from Frum.

Put differently, it was always a crime to carry an illegal gun in New York, but it was not always a (state) crime in Arizona for legal immigrants to leave their proof of residency at home. Now it is. Moreover, from what I can tell, this actually understates the law. Essentially, Arizona has made it a crime for anyone in the state to not have proof of citizenship on them at all times. Defenders of the law will say that police still have to stop you for something, and they still have to "suspect" that you did something.

Forgive, but I don't find that comforting. Amadou Diallo is dead because the police "suspected" he was drawing a gun. Oscar Grant is dead because the police "suspected" he needed to be tased. My old friend, Prince Jones, Howard University student and father of a baby girl, was murdered by the police in front of his daughter's home because police "suspected" he was a drug-dealer. (The cop was not kicked off the force.) Only a year ago, I was stopped in Chelsea, coming from an interview with NPR, because police "suspected" I was the Latino male who'd recently robbed someone.

I'm not inclined to listen to a man who uses that sort of loaded language about a police shooting that did not result in criminal charges.

131 darthstar  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:52:52pm

re: #128 sattv4u2

Putins ,, or the leopards!?!?

Putin's...the leopard will be a rug in a few months.

132 sattv4u2  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:53:50pm

re: #131 darthstar

Putin's...the leopard will be a rug in a few months.

or Putin becomes leopard pellets!

133 darthstar  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:54:09pm

re: #132 sattv4u2

or Putin becomes leopard pellets!

A far better outcome, in my book.

134 sattv4u2  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:54:28pm

[Link: thehill.com...]

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad should be arrested and tried with war crimes while he's in the United States, Rep. Steve Israel (D-N.Y.) said Monday.

135 Tiny Alien Kitties are Watching You  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:54:39pm
Shame on the blacks for being so racist. I know they (the blacks) are having a lot to swallow now that their black (Mulatto) president has turned out to be anything but a decent black man, I know they must really resent what the president has done, but, have no fear, we will vote him out along with some more lying democrats. Betty


Way to go Betty, you really proved to everyone that your not in the least racist, nosireebob. You honestly don't have a clue do you?

136 sattv4u2  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:54:42pm

re: #133 darthstar

A far better outcome, in my book.


137 AK-47%  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:54:53pm

re: #127 ludwigvanquixote

Or you can simply go after the businesses that employ these laborers and dry up the money at the source.

And those are the very vested interests in maintaining the status quo, along with the human trafficers and drug dealers. And they have a lot of political clout.

138 Walter L. Newton  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:55:05pm

re: #121 ralphieboy

Yes, the laws shouled be enforced. But that means physically closing the border and patrolling it aggressively, which costs money. Registering and tracking immigrants will also greatly expand government bureaucracy and cost money.

There are a lot of folks who are opposed to more government on principle. And a lot of cynical bastards who have a lot of interest in maintaining the status quo who are happy to exploit their principles.

You are comparing apples to oranges. From the most honestly concerned people I know to the most racist people I know, both who want immigration control, I have not ONCE heard any complaints about the cost that may be incurred to maintain these control.

Nor have I heard any of the people suggesting that government is too big in regards to boarder and immigration control.

Border control, a strong military, a well-oil police force, these are areas that big government works best, and I rarely hear anyone complaining about those costs.

You are setting up a strawman that doesn't exist.

139 pingjockey  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:55:14pm

re: #129 darthstar

Cool. I went up a few notches in my wifes book when she saw my rugby pictures from San Diego back in the 80s. She's from Wales, and real footballers don't need pads!

140 Dark_Falcon  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:55:37pm

re: #128 sattv4u2

Putins ,, or the leopards!?!?

Either one will pounce on you if they think it in their interests. The only difference is that the big cat is less treacherous.

141 RogueOne  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:55:55pm

re: #130 Dark_Falcon

I'm not inclined to listen to a man who uses that sort of loaded language about a police shooting that did not result in criminal charges.

Police who mistakenly shoot civilians are rarely charged with a crime.

142 wrenchwench  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:56:12pm

re: #130 Dark_Falcon

I'm not inclined to listen to a man who uses that sort of loaded language about a police shooting that did not result in criminal charges.

Come on, it was a friend of his that died. Which was the loaded language, "murdered"?

143 brookly red  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:56:29pm

re: #134 sattv4u2

[Link: thehill.com...]

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad should be arrested and tried with war crimes while he's in the United States, Rep. Steve Israel (D-N.Y.) said Monday.

I would prefer just to screw up his exit papers & make him stay in Newark for a few weeks till it get's sorted out.

144 Cheechako  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:56:45pm

Here's the requirements to obtain an Arizona DL and ID card. Seems to me that you need strong evidence that you must be a legal resident of the US and/or AZ to obtain either one. And, if you can't afford the $12 for the ID card, you can get one for free.

Arizona DL and ID card Requirements

BUT, BE AWARE! If you're from Hawaii, Illinois, New Mexico, Utah, and Washington, your Drivers License does not count as a valid identification as being legally in the US. These states do not verify your lawful presence in the United States to obtain a drivers license.

145 sattv4u2  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:57:00pm

re: #121 ralphieboy

There are a lot of folks who are opposed to more government on principle

Fed Gov't is was too big in many other places,, but THE job of the feds is to secure our borders. There is no cost that is too much

146 Walter L. Newton  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:57:13pm

re: #127 ludwigvanquixote

Or you can simply go after the businesses that employ these laborers and dry up the money at the source.

I think that should be job one... first and foremost.

147 Aceofwhat?  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:57:37pm

re: #112 Jadespring

That's one of my favorite pizzas. Other favourites are perogy pizzas and pesto sauce pizzas.

seriously, pineapple pizza?


you think you know someone/

148 AK-47%  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:57:52pm

re: #138 Walter L. Newton

You are comparing apples to oranges. From the most honestly concerned people I know to the most racist people I know, both who want immigration control, I have not ONCE heard any complaints about the cost that may be incurred to maintain these control.

Nor have I heard any of the people suggesting that government is too big in regards to boarder and immigration control.

Border control, a strong military, a well-oil police force, these are areas that big government works best, and I rarely hear anyone complaining about those costs.

You are setting up a strawman that doesn't exist.

Why was it that even Bush could not find a consesus within his own party? But I think it is more the vested interests, those who employ and exploit illegal immigrant labor, those who traffic in illegals and the drug cartels that have this issue deadlocked.

149 DaddyG  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:57:54pm

re: #127 ludwigvanquixote

Or you can simply go after the businesses that employ these laborers and dry up the money at the source.

I was employed by a company in the late 90's that used a lot of Hispanic and Latino contractors. All legal. All documented. We even put a few in business for themselves because they were great sub-contractors and we needed specialists in concrete or roofing. It irritated us to no end that our competition was using undocumented labor as very cheap rates. We still beat them on price due to our better processes but it did harm the image of our industry when they used people like that.

I would be all for making work visas easier to get as long as there is a demand for labor. Work here, pay taxes here... If you love it here then apply for citizenship and if you have been a great guest we'll expidite it for you. However, if you are a drug dealer or convict looking to score on our side of the border your butt will be sent packing in a crate.

There is a huge difference between the guys I knew working manual labor to send money home to their families in order to make a better life, and the low life scum sucking drug traffic and coyotes preying on their own neighbors. Our immigration policy needs to keep that in mind.

150 RogueOne  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:58:17pm

re: #147 Aceofwhat?

seriously, pineapple pizza?


you think you know someone/

I'm pretty sure she's a fereigner.

151 Aceofwhat?  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:58:47pm

re: #116 Varek Raith

Damn, wasn't successful at rustling some feathers.


oh, i'm pissed. i'm just behaving well. i can't keep it up long, though;)

152 brookly red  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:59:23pm

re: #151 Aceofwhat?

oh, i'm pissed. i'm just behaving well. i can't keep it up long, though;)

here try one of these yellow pills...

153 AK-47%  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:59:30pm

re: #149 DaddyG

And those folks coming over to do manual labour are not the ones responsible for the wave of crime that has been troubling the border states: that is the work of the drug cartels.

154 DaddyG  Mon, May 3, 2010 1:59:43pm

re: #138 Walter L. Newton
Walter- perhaps well oiled police force isn't a phrase you want to be tossing out around our Gulf State lizards today. //

155 sattv4u2  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:00:28pm

re: #127 ludwigvanquixote

re: #146 Walter L. Newton

I think that should be job one... first and foremost.

And NOT just fines, which will be passed on to the end consumer

REAL jail time for the business owner and/ or personel manager

156 pingjockey  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:00:35pm

re: #141 RogueOne

I don't know where you live, but here abouts a cop who mistakenly shoots someone is busted.

157 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:00:36pm

re: #149 DaddyG

I was employed by a company in the late 90's that used a lot of Hispanic and Latino contractors. All legal. All documented. We even put a few in business for themselves because they were great sub-contractors and we needed specialists in concrete or roofing. It irritated us to no end that our competition was using undocumented labor as very cheap rates. We still beat them on price due to our better processes but it did harm the image of our industry when they used people like that.

I would be all for making work visas easier to get as long as there is a demand for labor. Work here, pay taxes here... If you love it here then apply for citizenship and if you have been a great guest we'll expidite it for you. However, if you are a drug dealer or convict looking to score on our side of the border your butt will be sent packing in a crate.

There is a huge difference between the guys I knew working manual labor to send money home to their families in order to make a better life, and the low life scum sucking drug traffic and coyotes preying on their own neighbors. Our immigration policy needs to keep that in mind.

I think that is a very good comment. The one mantra I simply can not stand is the argument you hear about this and sweatshops that you are somehow doing these people a favor by exploiting them. It is nothing more than a cheap and callous rationalization for profit.

158 Dark_Falcon  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:01:17pm

re: #138 Walter L. Newton

You are comparing apples to oranges. From the most honestly concerned people I know to the most racist people I know, both who want immigration control, I have not ONCE heard any complaints about the cost that may be incurred to maintain these control.

Nor have I heard any of the people suggesting that government is too big in regards to boarder and immigration control.

Border control, a strong military, a well-oil police force, these are areas that big government works best, and I rarely hear anyone complaining about those costs.

You are setting up a strawman that doesn't exist.

Quite Concur. Law enforcement spending doesn't bust state budgets (save for pensions and bad work rules). Bloated state payroll, union giveaways, and social spending are the problem.

159 Walter L. Newton  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:01:35pm

re: #148 ralphieboy

Why was it that even Bush could not find a consesus within his own party? But I think it is more the vested interests, those who employ and exploit illegal immigrant labor, those who traffic in illegals and the drug cartels that have this issue deadlocked.

Then what is it? You said it was cost... now you're saying it's special interest... all I said was I know of no conservative, or liberal, including those who are hold totally racist opinions on border controls, who don't think that government should be taking care of the problem.

160 webevintage  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:01:42pm

re: #131 darthstar

Putin's...the leopard will be a rug in a few months.

Hell no, Putin is gonna put "freaking" "lasers" on that kitty....

161 Dark_Falcon  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:01:45pm

re: #142 wrenchwench

Come on, it was a friend of his that died. Which was the loaded language, "murdered"?

Yes that was the one.

162 brookly red  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:01:58pm

re: #156 pingjockey

I don't know where you live, but here abouts a cop who mistakenly shoots someone is busted.

/and then there is NYC...

163 pingjockey  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:02:34pm

re: #157 LudwigVanQuixote
Here in eastern WA, ICE has started taking a very hard look at the larger ochards. One outfit got busted and 500 workers were illegal. However the damn documentation they had would fool most everyone except a document expert!

164 sattv4u2  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:03:06pm

re: #148 ralphieboy

Why was it that even Bush could not find a consesus within his own party? But I think it is more the vested interests, those who employ and exploit illegal immigrant labor, those who traffic in illegals and the drug cartels that have this issue deadlocked.

Ralphie ,,, it's 2010 ,, Bush isn't President anymore,, hasn't been for a year and three months,, get over it

People are getting killed in border towns/ states TODAY

165 Kragar  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:03:12pm

Mammoths had 'anti-freeze blood', gene study finds

The team found that mammoths possessed a genetic adaptation allowing their haemoglobin to release oxygen into the body even at low temperatures.

The ability of haemoglobin to release oxygen to the body's tissues is generally inhibited by the cold.

The researchers sequenced haemoglobin genes from the DNA of three Siberian mammoths, tens of thousands of years old, which were preserved in the permafrost.

The mammoth DNA sequences were converted into RNA (a molecule similar to DNA which is central to the production of proteins) and inserted into E. coli bacteria.

The bacteria faithfully manufactured the mammoth protein.

"The resulting haemoglobin molecules are no different than 'going back in time' and taking a blood sample from a real mammoth," said co-author Kevin Campbell, from the University of Manitoba in Canada.

166 DaddyG  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:03:35pm

re: #145 sattv4u2

There are a lot of folks who are opposed to more government on principle

Fed Gov't is was too big in many other places,, but THE job of the feds is to secure our borders. There is no cost that is too much

I guess we should have budgeted in a bit more to defend against the Visigoths. - Honorius

167 jamesfirecat  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:03:38pm

I know I'm late to the fun (finals right around the corner) but lets try and dive right in!

Well first of all I'd like to apologize for the behaviour of certain of my colleagues you may have seen earlier, but they are from broken homes, circus families and so on and they are in no way representative of the new modern improved Tea Party. They are a small vociferous minority; and may I take this opportunity of emphasizing that there is no racism in the Tea Party. Absolutely none, and when I say none, I mean there is a certain amount, more than we are prepared to admit, but all new members are warned that if they are at a demonstration and called a (BLEEP) they're to tell me immediately so that I can immediately take every measure to hush the whole thing up. And, finally, violence is right out. Now, this expedition is primarily to investigate reports of racism and violence in... this expedition is primarily to investigate reports concerning our President's Birth Certificate.

168 sattv4u2  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:04:22pm

re: #166 DaddyG

I guess we should have budgeted in a bit more to defend against the Visigoths. - Honorius

"DAmn ,,, where did all these Romans come from?"


169 Walter L. Newton  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:04:31pm

re: #163 pingjockey

Here in eastern WA, ICE has started taking a very hard look at the larger ochards. One outfit got busted and 500 workers were illegal. However the damn documentation they had would fool most everyone except a document expert!

But what did ICE or the government do to the employer? Probably next to nothing. Fines become part of the cost of doing business.

Really, these employers should start to be treated just like any other criminal. Most of us don't get jack-shit considerations if we are caught breaking the law.

170 RogueOne  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:04:35pm

re: #156 pingjockey

I don't know where you live, but here abouts a cop who mistakenly shoots someone is busted.

Cops are rarely charged with shooting civilians especially if it happens while on duty. The ones who are charged are usually not convicted. OTOH, if you mistakenly shoot a cop, you're going to prison. Here's one review done in Houston but it's the same everywhere.

[Link: www.chron.com...]

171 pingjockey  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:05:32pm

re: #169 Walter L. Newton
Yep. I think it was fines and maybe probation, that was it. I'm all for going after the employers. Damn straight.

172 wrenchwench  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:05:32pm

re: #161 Dark_Falcon

Yes that was the one.

I don't know the details of the case, but if a friend of mine was wrongfully killed, I'd have a hard time saying "allegedly manslaughtered" or some alternative to "murdered". Not a good enough reason to ignore an intelligent point of view, IMHO.

173 AK-47%  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:05:48pm

re: #164 sattv4u2

Ralphie ,,, it's 2010 ,, Bush isn't President anymore,, hasn't been for a year and three months,, get over it

People are getting killed in border towns/ states TODAY

Immigration reform was one aspect of Bush's politics that could support and agree with, but it got nowhere. It still has gone nowhere.

I am for enforcing the border and registering immigrants.

But I see a combination of vested interests blocking it and I also see a lot of people not really wanting the level of bureaucracy that will be needed to make it work.

174 pingjockey  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:06:07pm

re: #170 RogueOne
I'm glad I don't live in the big city!

175 Sheila Broflovski  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:06:21pm

re: #109 DaddyG

Yeah- but them Canadian illegals are harder to spot. You have to ask them what time it is. If they answer "I think it's aboot 3 eh?" ...then you nab their Molson drinking butts and send 'em back to Windsor.

You can always spot them with their split heads and beady eyes.

176 sattv4u2  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:06:52pm

BBL ,, gotta go prep dinner

Chicken Marsala
Pasta with a garlic basil sauce
Fresh Green Beans
Spinach Salad
Hot Garlic bread

177 jamesfirecat  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:07:03pm

re: #172 wrenchwench

I don't know the details of the case, but if a friend of mine was wrongfully killed, I'd have a hard time saying "allegedly manslaughtered" or some alternative to "murdered". Not a good enough reason to ignore an intelligent point of view, IMHO.

Noble words, you wouldn't believe the flack I once caught for using the phrase "constructive homicide".

178 Aceofwhat?  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:07:04pm

re: #163 pingjockey

Here in eastern WA, ICE has started taking a very hard look at the larger ochards. One outfit got busted and 500 workers were illegal. However the damn documentation they had would fool most everyone except a document expert!

that's the rub. it's not a company's job to make sure they're hiring the proper PERSON. it's the company's job to ask for the proper DOCUMENTS.

whether the documents are valid is the Government's job.

179 RogueOne  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:07:13pm

re: #174 pingjockey

I'm glad I don't live in the big city!

Small town cops are the bigger pricks but at least they don't just shoot you.//

180 wrenchwench  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:07:31pm

re: #167 jamesfirecat

Nicely revised, but you were beaten to the concept at #44.

181 Kragar  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:08:25pm

re: #166 DaddyG

I guess we should have budgeted in a bit more to defend against the Visigoths. - Honorius

Well, if we wait long enough, they'll just turn into a punch of pale emo kids.

But I kid the Goths.

182 Aceofwhat?  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:08:38pm

re: #169 Walter L. Newton

But what did ICE or the government do to the employer? Probably next to nothing. Fines become part of the cost of doing business.

Really, these employers should start to be treated just like any other criminal. Most of us don't get jack-shit considerations if we are caught breaking the law.

if the workers had documents? how would the employer know the documents were forged? the employers all need to be FBI-certified??

183 wrenchwench  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:09:09pm

re: #177 jamesfirecat

Noble words, you wouldn't believe the flack I once caught for using the phrase "constructive homicide".

Having seen some of your (possibly hastily written) posts, I would indeed believe.

You're OK anyway....

184 Walter L. Newton  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:09:29pm

re: #167 jamesfirecat

I know I'm late to the fun (finals right around the corner) but lets try and dive right in!

Well first of all I'd like to apologize for the behaviour of certain of my colleagues you may have seen earlier, but they are from broken homes, circus families and so on and they are in no way representative of the new modern improved Tea Party. They are a small vociferous minority; and may I take this opportunity of emphasizing that there is no racism in the Tea Party. Absolutely none, and when I say none, I mean there is a certain amount, more than we are prepared to admit, but all new members are warned that if they are at a demonstration and called a (BLEEP) they're to tell me immediately so that I can immediately take every measure to hush the whole thing up. And, finally, violence is right out. Now, this expedition is primarily to investigate reports of racism and violence in... this expedition is primarily to investigate reports concerning our President's Birth Certificate.

I really don't appreciate your references to "circus families." As a person who was off and on involved in the outdoor amusement business for almost 15 years, from the time I was 17 years old, I know circus people, carny people and other related outdoor workers and entertainers, and they are not the fucking low-life that jerks like you like to portray.

Most of these people are businessmen and woman, with long family traditions in the outdoor amusement business, and they work damn hard at what they do.

Maybe a Cirque De Soleil performer should get all clowny all over your ass...

185 pingjockey  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:09:39pm

re: #179 RogueOne
I can't remember the last time we had an officer involved shooting in WA state that wasn't in Spokane or the I-5 corridor. We did have a deputy sheriff killed by an illegal alien 5 years ago. The illegal was wanted for felony hit and run (homicide) Deputy Gallegos was shot and killed.

186 garhighway  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:09:49pm

re: #179 RogueOne

Small town cops are the bigger pricks but at least they don't just shoot you.//

Where I grew up everyone knew that is you got charged with Resisting Arrest it meant the cops kicked the shit out of you.

187 AK-47%  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:10:38pm

re: #182 Aceofwhat?

if the workers had documents? how would the employer know the documents were forged? the employers all need to be FBI-certified??

You are getting at the point of how truly expensive this can all get, with checking-re-checking and certifying everything in sight.

I live with a system like that as a resident alien in Germany, heck, they even sent me a freindly reminder that my US passport was about to expire and it was illegal for me to be in the country without one. heck, I would've forgotten all about it and could've had problems trying to travel on my expired docuement...

188 freetoken  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:11:15pm

Political fallout spill-over:

Schwarzenegger pulls support for plan to expand oil drilling off Calif coast, cites Gulf spill

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is withdrawing his support of a plan to expand oil drilling off the California coast, citing the environmental tragedy in the Gulf of Mexico.

Speaking during a news conference Monday, Schwarzenegger said television images of the oil spill in the Gulf have changed his mind about the safety of ocean-based oil platforms.

The Republican governor had proposed expanding oil drilling off the coast of Santa Barbara to help close the state's $20 billion budget deficit, so withdrawing his support essentially kills the idea since he would have to include it in his May budget revision.

C'est la vie, drilling industry...

189 Mocking Jay  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:11:26pm

Just popping in real quick to offer my best wishes to all of our Tennessee Lizards. I saw the flooding in Nashville on CNN and hope everyone manages to be safe.


190 DaddyG  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:11:27pm

re: #184 Walter L. Newton

Maybe a Cirque De Soleil performer should get all clowny all over your ass...

Sic the elephants on him.

191 brookly red  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:11:35pm

re: #187 ralphieboy

You are getting at the point of how truly expensive this can all get, with checking-re-checking and certifying everything in sight.

I live with a system like that as a resident alien in Germany, heck, they even sent me a freindly reminder that my US passport was about to expire and it was illegal for me to be in the country without one. heck, I would've forgotten all about it and could've had problems trying to travel on my expired docuement...

no one can do paper work like the Germans...

192 AK-47%  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:11:57pm

re: #191 brookly red

no one can do paper work like the Germans...

They live for it, yes...

193 pingjockey  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:12:04pm

Just got back from getting a CT scan. We are having a spring storm. Winds to 60mph, a foot of snow expected in the Cascades and it is raining like a cow pissing on a flat rock down here below 2000 feet.

194 jamesfirecat  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:12:22pm

re: #184 Walter L. Newton

I really don't appreciate your references to "circus families." As a person who was off and on involved in the outdoor amusement business for almost 15 years, from the time I was 17 years old, I know circus people, carny people and other related outdoor workers and entertainers, and they are not the fucking low-life that jerks like you like to portray.

Most of these people are businessmen and woman, with long family traditions in the outdoor amusement business, and they work damn hard at what they do.

Maybe a Cirque De Soleil performer should get all clowny all over your ass...

Dude I'm just quoting Monty Python and revising slightly for comedic effect. If it bothers you that much I'll make sure to change that part of the "sketch" next time I feel the need to post those lines again in the future.

195 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:12:31pm

re: #170 RogueOne

Cops are rarely charged with shooting civilians especially if it happens while on duty. The ones who are charged are usually not convicted. OTOH, if you mistakenly shoot a cop, you're going to prison. Here's one review done in Houston but it's the same everywhere.

[Link: www.chron.com...]

Oh god, what a story.

196 Liberal Classic  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:13:47pm

re: #184 Walter L. Newton

Carnies scare me.

197 Mad Al-Jaffee  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:14:26pm

re: #194 jamesfirecat

Austin Powers: Only two things scare me and one of them is nuclear war.
Basil Exposition: What's the other?
Austin Powers: Excuse me?
Basil Exposition: What's the other thing that scares you?
Austin Powers: Carnies. Circus folk. Nomads, you know. Smell like cabbage. Small hands.

198 Aceofwhat?  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:14:36pm

re: #187 ralphieboy

You are getting at the point of how truly expensive this can all get, with checking-re-checking and certifying everything in sight.

I live with a system like that as a resident alien in Germany, heck, they even sent me a freindly reminder that my US passport was about to expire and it was illegal for me to be in the country without one. heck, I would've forgotten all about it and could've had problems trying to travel on my expired docuement...

indeed it can. but it's already expensive...how many taxes go unpaid because we aren't tracking folks...how many illegals take advantage of schools, ER rooms, etc but don't pay back into the system?

the employers need to ask for proof. they need a quick hotline or website to verify said proof. hiring an illegal because their papers were forged is a failure at the government level.

of course, so is our entire immigration policy...it's a shame that good people have to go to such lengths to help the rest of us form a more perfect union...

199 Sheila Broflovski  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:14:59pm

re: #182 Aceofwhat?

if the workers had documents? how would the employer know the documents were forged? the employers all need to be FBI-certified??

If forged documents are presented, the employer has no way of verifying that the documents are not authentic, and to challenge the documents is a violation of the workers' civil rights.

200 jamesfirecat  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:15:02pm

re: #191 brookly red

no one can do paper work like the Germans...

I'm British I know how to cue!

201 avanti  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:15:04pm

Beck explains today that that Hispanic protests this weekend were organized and inspired by Communists/Unions, not racism. Too bad J Edgar Hoover is dead, he did a great job on trying to out MLK as a Commie./

202 AK-47%  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:15:17pm

re: #195 Stanley Sea

Oh god, what a story.

Another aspect of the costs of maintaining Law and Order: you can hire more poliecemen, but unless you are going to put a lot of effort in to training them in propoer procedures, you are going to have "incidents".

And there is the LAPD syndrome: a few bad cops can undo the work of dozens of good ones.

203 Aceofwhat?  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:15:43pm

re: #193 pingjockey

Just got back from getting a CT scan. We are having a spring storm. Winds to 60mph, a foot of snow expected in the Cascades and it is raining like a cow pissing on a flat rock down here below 2000 feet.

you ok? (don't answer if that's too intrusive)

204 teleskiguy  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:16:19pm

"Betty's" comment represents a somewhat disturbing meme being propagated by Tea Party folk and even prominent right-wingers. Reverse-racism, I believe is what some call it. Blacks have racist attitudes towards whites.


Well, even Thomas Sowell very recently implied a reverse-racism paradigm in our culture, stating

The message that is pounded home again and again is that white people enslaved black people.

and that

Those who mine history for sins are not searching for truth but for opportunities to denigrate their own society, or for grievances that can be cashed in today, at the expense of people who were not even born when the sins of the past were committed.

I say to Dr. Sowell to look at your own side and the Tea Parties, see all the historical revisionism going on. No racists at the Tea Parties, huh? What about this fucking guy?

205 freetoken  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:16:24pm

re: #201 avanti



206 Aceofwhat?  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:16:42pm

re: #199 Alouette

If forged documents are presented, the employer has no way of verifying that the documents are not authentic, and to challenge the documents is a violation of the workers' civil rights.


I'm just trying to keep the whole "burn the employers!!11!" to a dull roar...

207 pingjockey  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:17:16pm

re: #203 Aceofwhat?
Won't know until Wed. This is the follow up to the surgery I had in Feb. We are going to see if we got all the damn cancerous lymph nodes out of my neck. The chemo and radiation killed the tumor over my voice box.

208 Walter L. Newton  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:17:37pm

re: #194 jamesfirecat

Dude I'm just quoting Monty Python and revising slightly for comedic effect. If it bothers you that much I'll make sure to change that part of the "sketch" next time I feel the need to post those lines again in the future.

You could be a little more mindful of your audience. Before you start making snide-assed stupid remarks about whole groups of people, change the words to "black" or "hispanic" or "mexican" and see how correct it sounds. Then maybe you have enough fucking brain cells ignited to make a rational decision not to dump on a whole group of undeserving people.

209 William Barnett-Lewis  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:17:40pm

OT I'm afraid.

A few years back my nephew (by marriage) went to Iraq with the Wisconsin National Guard and with his Engineer Battalion rebuilt bridges, schools & the like for a year. IIRC, there was no one lost or even seriously injured during their deployment. On the unit's return we held a welcome home party but he never made it there. Instead he was in an auto accident that left him quadrapelgic. Today the complications of the accident caught up with him.

If you would pray as appropriate to your beliefs for John Freuh, his step-mother, my sister Elisabeth & his father Rick, I'd appreciate it.



210 Kragar  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:17:49pm

Now THIS is quite a shopping list.

Carrots/Celery/Cucumber (XL)

211 pingjockey  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:18:04pm

re: #205 freetoken
Buy Gold!

212 Walter L. Newton  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:18:08pm

re: #197 Mad Al-Jaffee

Austin Powers: Only two things scare me and one of them is nuclear war.
Basil Exposition: What's the other?
Austin Powers: Excuse me?
Basil Exposition: What's the other thing that scares you?
Austin Powers: Carnies. Circus folk. Nomads, you know. Smell like cabbage. Small hands.

Not funny dude.

213 Aceofwhat?  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:19:17pm

re: #209 wlewisiii

my sincerest condolences-

214 brookly red  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:19:28pm

re: #209 wlewisiii

will do, sorry to hear that.

215 pingjockey  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:19:30pm

re: #210 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)
Oh my!

216 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:19:45pm

OT, but I saw this in the science links and it is worth putting up as an example of really bad science reporting (in this case on relativity principles) from Fox. To be fair to Fox, many news outlets are terrible at this sort of thing, but this is the most craptacular gem I've seen in a long time.

Time Travel Is Possible, Says Stephen Hawking

[Link: www.foxnews.com...]

Famed astrophysicist Stephen Hawking believes humans are capable of time travel -- and he's not afraid to let everyone know.

Really? Notice the fear terms - A lone genius is about to go all anti-establishment! Hawking is of course a genius. but look at the packaging.

Claiming he is not as concerned about being labelled crazy as he once was, Hawking has publicly aired his second startling theory in two weeks, after last week claiming it was "entirely reasonable" to assume aliens existed.

Wow man this guy is really open minded and a brave thinker, not like those scientific establishment types! Of course he is brilliant, but he is also part of the establishment in reality.

Preparing for the debut of his Discovery documentary, Stephen Hawking's Universe, which screens next week, Hawking said he believed humans could travel millions of years into the future and repopulate their devastated planet.

Ruhro... Did Fox stop to wonder why Hawking would think such a thing is necessary? Of course not!

Hawking said once spaceships were built that could fly faster than the speed of light,

NOTHING GOES FASTER THAN LIGHT IN NORMAL SPACETIME. NOTHING. There is no way Hawking said that. If you tortured him after giving him a head injury he would not say that.

a day on board would be equivalent to a year on Earth. That's because -- according to Einstein -- as objects accelerate through space, time slows down around them.

OK let's just say it's relativistic speeds. Sure. This is well known - since 1905.

Which also means that Hawking's theory only applies to moving forwards through time.

It's Einsteins theory.

“Time travel was once considered scientific heresy, and I used to avoid talking about it for fear of being labelled a crank," he said in Stephen Hawking's Universe.

Once again the brave meme of the lone scientist bucking the establishment... with an established theory that has been proven true in countless ways since 1905.

I wonder if Fox will get back to what worries Hawking enough that he thinks sending such a mission to go out and then repopulate the Earth would be a good thing? Of course, Hawking would be the first to tell you we don't have anything near the technology to do that yet.

217 AK-47%  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:20:16pm

re: #200 jamesfirecat

I'm British I know how to cue!

I once witnessed an incredible standoff between a British colleague and the German Post Office: he had sent off to the British Consulate in Düsseldorf to get his passport renewed and received it back by registered mail.

The fellow at the German post Office was not about to hand out his mail until the recipient produced a piece of valid ID, namely a passport, which was there in the envelope he had just received from the British Consulate.

My British colleague tried to explain that the contents of that envelope were the property of the Crown and the German Post office had no authority to stand between him and it.

We had to call up through several levels of management to get someone to instruct the little postal clerk to just open it and verify the contents...

218 pingjockey  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:20:16pm

re: #209 wlewisiii
Thoughts and prayers to you and yours.

219 Mad Al-Jaffee  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:20:23pm

re: #212 Walter L. Newton

Not funny dude.

I guess you didn't like that Simpsons episode where Bart and Homer have to work at a carnival.

220 Aceofwhat?  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:20:24pm

re: #212 Walter L. Newton

Not funny dude.

really? employment-based jokes aren't nice?

221 DaddyG  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:20:34pm

re: #210 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

Now THIS is quite a shopping list.

Carrots/Celery/Cucumber (XL)

...butt plugs for Walter?!

222 Ojoe  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:21:19pm

You shouldn't label yourself. When you pull the label off, it rips out a lot of hairs.

223 AK-47%  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:21:45pm

re: #222 Ojoe

You shouldn't label yourself. When you pull the label off, it rips out a lot of hairs.

This is why we implant chips

224 Dark_Falcon  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:22:23pm

re: #209 wlewisiii

OT I'm afraid.

A few years back my nephew (by marriage) went to Iraq with the Wisconsin National Guard and with his Engineer Battalion rebuilt bridges, schools & the like for a year. IIRC, there was no one lost or even seriously injured during their deployment. On the unit's return we held a welcome home party but he never made it there. Instead he was in an auto accident that left him quadrapelgic. Today the complications of the accident caught up with him.

If you would pray as appropriate to your beliefs for John Freuh, his step-mother, my sister Elisabeth & his father Rick, I'd appreciate it.



He'll be in my prayers. Make sure you ask HoosierHoops to add him to the Prayer List.

225 Tiny Alien Kitties are Watching You  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:23:24pm

Geez, I might even be surprised at the ignorance shown in that post by "Betty" if I didn't read comments like this or worse at Rapture Ready and a couple of other sites every day. The level of confirmation bias is simply astounding, off the charts completely, they really do believe this stuff. The Mods help to keep the "group think" going by instantly banning and then deleting posts by anyone who even attempts to say anything that might try to inject some rationality to slow or reign in the insanity.

/(sekret rapture ready promotional mole in your midst.)

226 pingjockey  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:23:29pm

re: #223 ralphieboy
That was in a sci-fi book by David Brin, 'Sundiver'. If you had done anything wrong to run afoul of the law, you got a chip in your butt.

227 DaddyG  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:23:32pm

re: #216 LudwigVanQuixote

I've seen both of those shows with my kids. Hawking talks about it being theoretically possible to travel forward in time based on the behavior of particles at the quantum level but doubts we could travel back in time due to feedback issues and paradoxes.

He even talked about a party he threw for future time travellers where no guests showed up.

The shows are very well done and based on solid science and mathematics.

228 jamesfirecat  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:23:35pm

re: #208 Walter L. Newton

You could be a little more mindful of your audience. Before you start making snide-assed stupid remarks about whole groups of people, change the words to "black" or "hispanic" or "mexican" and see how correct it sounds. Then maybe you have enough fucking brain cells ignited to make a rational decision not to dump on a whole group of undeserving people.

You've got a point I never really be more mindful of how it was a very different time when Monty Python wrote their work.

(Would I be down dinged to oblivion if I liked to "never be rude to an Arab" sketch/song?)

229 freetoken  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:23:49pm

re: #216 LudwigVanQuixote

I wonder if Fox will get back to what worries Hawking enough that he thinks sending such a mission to go out and then repopulate the Earth would be a good thing?

No, they won't.

Trust you saw my comment at that link.

Yeah, Fox News is trying to really put a spin on Hawkings. His reason for such a speech is exactly as you pointed out - we might need such an escape route. That Fox then tries to trump >105 year old physics (which they got wrong) as something new is just to add a smoke screen.

230 Aceofwhat?  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:24:05pm

re: #222 Ojoe

You shouldn't label yourself. When you pull the label off, it rips out a lot of hairs.

i am grateful not to have to label my back/

231 brookly red  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:24:06pm

re: #226 pingjockey

That was in a sci-fi book by David Brin, 'Sundiver'. If you had done anything wrong to run afoul of the law, you got a chip in your butt.

here it's a cap in yo ass...

232 garhighway  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:25:00pm

re: #228 jamesfirecat

You've got a point I never really be more mindful of how it was a very different time when Monty Python wrote their work.

(Would I be down dinged to oblivion if I liked to "never be rude to an Arab" sketch/song?)

I would vote in favor of granting a blanket exemption from charges of bigotry for all Monty Python quotes.

233 Liberal Classic  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:25:02pm

re: #226 pingjockey

Updinged for mentioning David Brin's uplift series. :)

234 Aceofwhat?  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:25:36pm

re: #228 jamesfirecat

You've got a point I never really be more mindful of how it was a very different time when Monty Python wrote their work.

(Would I be down dinged to oblivion if I liked to "never be rude to an Arab" sketch/song?)

i'd upding. i revere classic irreverence...

235 pingjockey  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:25:36pm

re: #229 freetoken
I miss the science guys the big 3 had during the 60s and 70s for the Gemini and Apollo programs. Those guys knew their business.

236 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:25:47pm

re: #233 Liberal Classic

Updinged for mentioning David Brin's uplift series. :)

Great fucking books, those. Startide Rising especially :D

237 Walter L. Newton  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:25:52pm

re: #228 jamesfirecat

You've got a point I never really be more mindful of how it was a very different time when Monty Python wrote their work.

(Would I be down dinged to oblivion if I liked to "never be rude to an Arab" sketch/song?)

It's too fucking easy... political correctness, 'can't we all get along," Kumbaya... my goodness... it makes pushing buttons easier than a television commercial...

James... chill out.

238 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:26:06pm

Ohhh and one other funny part from that GEM of science "reporting" at Fox.

Manchester University professor Brian Cox told The Times that Hawking's theory had already found some basis in experiments carried out by the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva.

"When we accelerate tiny particles to 99.99 per cent of the sped of light in the Large Hadron Collider at Cern in Geneva, the time they experience passes at one-seventhousandth of the rate it does for us," Prof Cox said.

The bolding is mine... Again, it is Einstein's theory and some basis is insane since every particle accelerator ever built and every particle experiment ever done relies on knowing this principle. Again, the Establishment of physics has been pimping this since 1905.

The point is that they are making non-news into "news" by false mispackaging. The only hopeful thing I can see about this is that if Fox is just now starting to accept physics as it was known in 1905, then perhaps evolution as understood in 1870 will not be far behind :)

239 Kragar  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:26:20pm

re: #233 Liberal Classic

Updinged for mentioning David Brin's uplift series. :)

I like the "Uplift War" best out of the series.

240 DaddyG  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:26:34pm

re: #226 pingjockey

That was in a sci-fi book by David Brin, 'Sundiver'. If you had done anything wrong to run afoul of the law, you got a chip in your butt.

Fiction - meet reality -meet fiction... Delusions the legislature and an implanted microchip

“Ma’am, did you say you have a microchip?” asked state Rep. Tom Weldon (R-Ringgold).

“Yes, I do. This microchip was put in my vaginal-rectum area,” she replied. Setzler, the sponsoring lawmaker, sat next to the witness – his head bowed.

241 Aceofwhat?  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:26:40pm

re: #232 garhighway

I would vote in favor of granting a blanket exemption from charges of bigotry for all Monty Python quotes.

iii like Chineeese...iii like Chineeese...

242 jaunte  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:27:03pm

Hello folks, this is your afternoon LGF Cookbook promotional interruption, featuring an illustration from the "Starters" section in Cookbook 2.
Mother's Day is on the way, and a bouquet of a dozen cookbooks could be just the thing. LGF and Soldiers' angels split the $5 profit from each book. Editions 1 and 2 are now available:
Reine.de.tout regally requests you to buy now!

243 Mad Al-Jaffee  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:27:14pm

He's not just some guy, Marge. He's a Carny and part of a noble tradition.
Carnies built this country-the carnival part of it anyway -- and though
they may be rat-like in appearance, they are truly kings among men.

-Homer Simpson

244 pingjockey  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:27:14pm

re: #233 Liberal Classic
Why thank you. I liked the chimp, he's gonna get vaporized and still writes about if the guys in the jungle could see him now. The dolphins with their dirty limericks are pretty cool too.

245 jamesfirecat  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:27:33pm

re: #239 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

I like the "Uplift War" best out of the series.

Me to.

Though I'm not sure if I love or hate how much they jerk around Richard On Eagle and his Timbremi (sp?) "girlfriend" with "will they or won't they" stuff.

246 Liberal Classic  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:27:34pm

re: #227 DaddyG

Carl Sagan's Cosmos touches on the same subject. With technology not much more advanced than today, humans could be exploring other star systems within a single human life span subjective time. However, they would not return to the same world they left, because of time dilation.

Science reporting is notoriously poor, Fox science reporting doubly so.

247 Kragar  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:27:36pm

re: #241 Aceofwhat?

iii like Chineeese...iii like Chineeese...

They only come up to your knees, but they're cute and they're cuddly and they're eager to please.

248 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:27:50pm

re: #209 wlewisiii

Thoughts and prayers to you and your family. I'm really sorry to hear this.

249 jamesfirecat  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:27:54pm

re: #237 Walter L. Newton

It's too fucking easy... political correctness, 'can't we all get along," Kumbaya... my goodness... it makes pushing buttons easier than a television commercial...

James... chill out.

250 AK-47%  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:28:50pm

re: #241 Aceofwhat?

iii like Chineeese...iii like Chineeese...

Let's pile it on the Belgians:

251 DaddyG  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:29:02pm

re: #232 garhighway

I would vote in favor of granting a blanket exemption from charges of bigotry for all Monty Python quotes.

Just don't start in on SPAM. The Hawaiians would be offended. //

252 pingjockey  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:29:10pm

re: #240 DaddyG

253 darthstar  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:30:01pm

One less advocate for drill, baby, drill.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Monday withdrew his support of a plan to expand oil drilling off the California coast, citing the massive oil spill that resulted from a drilling rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico.

The announcement assures that no new drilling will take place off the state's coastline in the foreseeable future because Schwarzenegger would have to include the drilling proposal in his May revision of the state budget.

Good for you, Arnold.

254 DaddyG  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:30:18pm

re: #246 Liberal Classic

Science reporting is notoriously poor, Fox science reporting doubly so.

Fear the Alar!

255 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:30:28pm

re: #227 DaddyG

I've seen both of those shows with my kids. Hawking talks about it being theoretically possible to travel forward in time based on the behavior of particles at the quantum level but doubts we could travel back in time due to feedback issues and paradoxes.

He even talked about a party he threw for future time travellers where no guests showed up.

The shows are very well done and based on solid science and mathematics.

I am certain they are. Hawking is wonderful. It is the silliness of Fox I am giving richly deserved grief to.

N.B. one need not invoke quantum mechanics to discuss going forward in time at a faster rate (which is the same thing as slowing down how time passes for you). You get that directly from special relativity.

The transformation is not even hard for a middle schooler to calculate - it's just algebraic.

256 Kragar  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:30:43pm

re: #246 Liberal Classic

Carl Sagan's Cosmos touches on the same subject. With technology not much more advanced than today, humans could be exploring other star systems within a single human life span subjective time. However, they would not return to the same world they left, because of time dilation.

Science reporting is notoriously poor, Fox science reporting doubly so.

Read Fallen Angles, by Niven. Reporters are issuing news reports saying beware of 2 escaped astronauts because they possess super-human strength, showing footage of them moving steel girders bare handed in zero gravity as proof.

257 Aceofwhat?  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:31:55pm

re: #250 ralphieboy

LOVE that one...

258 Kragar  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:33:02pm

re: #250 ralphieboy

Let's pile it on the Belgians:


Finland Finland Finland,
The country where I want to be

259 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:34:02pm

re: #229 freetoken

No, they won't.

Trust you saw my comment at that link.

Yeah, Fox News is trying to really put a spin on Hawkings. His reason for such a speech is exactly as you pointed out - we might need such an escape route. That Fox then tries to trump >105 year old physics (which they got wrong) as something new is just to add a smoke screen.

I just saw your comment at the link. Well said. I like this comment even better.

Science is entertaining, but it is not entertainment and it is not politics. In essence, Fox lies yet again.

260 pingjockey  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:34:18pm

re: #256 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)
They were also stealing air!

261 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:34:41pm

Pathfinder sold for cash in CT on Craigslist

The car was apparently sold for cash but investigators say they tracked email, phone and other records to find this lead and to want to question the buyer.

[Link: www.nbcnewyork.com...]

262 compound idaho  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:36:18pm

re: #199 Alouette

If forged documents are presented, the employer has no way of verifying that the documents are not authentic, and to challenge the documents is a violation of the workers' civil rights.

and don't forget that day-care and nursery school records are acceptable documents. Its all total BS. There is no way for the employer to know what is real and what is fake. Its the feds job. It has only become the employers responsibility because the government cannot or will not do it.

Come on forged day-care records. uugh!

263 webevintage  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:37:13pm

re: #253 darthstar

One less advocate for drill, baby, drill.

Good for you, Arnold.

Arnold also was more then happy to take the Federal Gov't up on their offer of a pool for high-risk health insurance.

[Link: thinkprogress.org...]

264 DaddyG  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:37:28pm

re: #262 compound idaho
Alright.... but what does the Jimmy Carter video have to do with the subjet at hand? /

265 Dark_Falcon  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:37:42pm

re: #255 LudwigVanQuixote

I am certain they are. Hawking is wonderful. It is the silliness of Fox I am giving richly deserved grief to.

N.B. one need not invoke quantum mechanics to discuss going forward in time at a faster rate (which is the same thing as slowing down how time passes for you). You get that directly from special relativity.

The transformation is not even hard for a middle schooler to calculate - it's just algebraic.

It's just normal media science idiocy. In this, Fox is not unique.

266 Kragar  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:38:52pm

Government Lab to create mini-Star

Scientists at a government lab here are trying to use the world's largest laser -- it's the size of three football fields -- to set off a nuclear reaction so intense that it will make a star bloom on the surface of the Earth.

The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's formula for cooking up a sun on the ground may sound like it's stolen from the plot of an "Austin Powers" movie. But it's no Hollywood fantasy: The ambitious experiment will be tried for real, and for the first time, late this summer.

If they're successful, the scientists hope to solve the global energy crisis by harnessing the energy generated by the mini-star.

As long as the research lead doesn't tap 4 AI tentacles directly into his nervous system, we should be OK.

267 freetoken  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:39:30pm

re: #265 Dark_Falcon

It's just normal media science idiocy. In this, Fox is not unique.

Hmmm... looks to me to be a Fox-special, not the run of the mill MSM science ignorance. They had to intentionally ignore his main thrust, then they threw in the bad physics as a freebie.

268 pingjockey  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:40:39pm


269 Kragar  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:41:18pm

re: #267 freetoken

Hmmm... looks to me to be a Fox-special, not the run of the mill MSM science ignorance. They had to intentionally ignore his main thrust, then they threw in the bad physics as a freebie.

Science is easy when you impose your agenda over the facts!

270 freetoken  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:41:34pm

Weather Pr0n!!

Tonight's Forecast: raining viagra with a touch of latent homosexuality...

271 webevintage  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:41:40pm

[Link: www.google.com...]

Court won't hear appeal on Boy Scouts land rental:

The Supreme Court on Monday decided to let stand a ruling saying the Boy Scouts cannot lease city-owned parkland in San Diego because the group is a religious organization.

The high court refused to hear an appeal from San Diego-area Boy Scouts who have traditionally leased Balboa Park camp space.

U.S. District Judge Napoleon Jones Jr. ruled in 2003 that San Diego acted improperly when it leased 18 acres of camp space to the Scouts because the group is a religious organization. The judge said the lease violated federal law that prohibits the government promotion of religion.

272 Dark_Falcon  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:42:30pm

re: #266 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

Government Lab to create mini-Star

As long as the research lead doesn't tap 4 AI tentacles directly into his nervous system, we should be OK.

Fascinating. If that sort of fusion power could be made to work, then coal and other fossil fuel power plants would be replaceable. It would cut our carbon output drastically.

273 DaddyG  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:43:04pm

re: #266 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

Government Lab to create mini-Star

As long as the research lead doesn't tap 4 AI tentacles directly into his nervous system, we should be OK.

Well- there is always this...

274 compound idaho  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:44:45pm

re: #264 DaddyG

Alright... but what does the Jimmy Carter video have to do with the subjet at hand? /

Absolutely nothing. oops!

I-9 form
[Link: careers.state.gov...]

275 kirkspencer  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:45:47pm

re: #198 Aceofwhat?

indeed it can. but it's already expensive...how many taxes go unpaid because we aren't tracking folks...how many illegals take advantage of schools, ER rooms, etc but don't pay back into the system?(snip).

I've always rather liked this argument as it's got so much error to be set aside.

Now, it applies completely for day-workers, but it does so whether they're illegals or legals. But if they're working for a company, the company pays its share of social security and such, and it deducts the same from the worker's paycheck. Oh, and the company had to make a W2 for each employee it "thought" was legal, which meant deductions went into the system. Oh, neat, that's money that went in which the illegal will not be collecting - revenues in instead of out.

Let's see. Illegals can't skip sales taxes. If they're renting they're indirectly supporting the rental's property taxes, and if they're buying, well, that gets paid as well.

Bottom line, "they don't pay taxes" is mostly incorrect. It's only somewhat true where the employer knowingly employs illegals and fails to report them as workers at all, or where the paperwork can be skipped - day workers.

276 Walter L. Newton  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:46:51pm

re: #266 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

Government Lab to create mini-Star

As long as the research lead doesn't tap 4 AI tentacles directly into his nervous system, we should be OK.

And I read a Newsweek article a while back where a number of scientist say this is bunk...

"But other scientists warn me that this is all just a high-tech fantasy. They say Moses is full of a certain kind of non-nuclear fuel, and that I should not believe anything he and his colleagues tell me. "They're snake-oil salesmen," says Thomas Cochran, senior scientist with the Natural Resources Defense Council, which has tracked the NIF project from its inception in 1997."

But other scientists warn me that this is all just a high-tech fantasy. They say Moses is full of a certain kind of non-nuclear fuel, and that I should not believe anything he and his colleagues tell me. "They're snake-oil salesmen," says Thomas Cochran, senior scientist with the Natural Resources Defense Council, which has tracked the NIF project from its inception in 1997.

277 Walter L. Newton  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:47:25pm

re: #276 Walter L. Newton

Link... (sorry about double quote)

[Link: www.newsweek.com...]

278 DaddyG  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:47:34pm

It's easier for me to buy a few Illegals that slipped through a company's background check than a whole crew of 500. Somehow, somewhere you wouldthink the company would be culpable of sloppy record keeping at best.

279 brookly red  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:49:11pm

re: #266 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

Government Lab to create mini-Star

As long as the research lead doesn't tap 4 AI tentacles directly into his nervous system, we should be OK.

/OK that's cool, now turn it off... whadduah you mean it won't turn off?

280 Tiny Alien Kitties are Watching You  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:50:05pm

re: #246 Liberal Classic

Carl Sagan's Cosmos touches on the same subject. With technology not much more advanced than today, humans could be exploring other star systems within a single human life span subjective time. However, they would not return to the same world they left, because of time dilation.

Science reporting is notoriously poor, Fox science reporting doubly so.

In case it hasn't been mentioned yet, the entire 'Cosmos' series is now available on HULU, I have been watching it again. It kinda proves Sagan's genius that even after so much time has passed he still pretty much nails every subject squarely on it's head. Usually you watch decades old predictions about the future and just laugh at how wrong they were, that is not true of 'Cosmos.'

It is still very much worth watching again, and if you havn't seen it yet then you really should think about watching it. You might not have much time left, it might be behind the new "paywall" at Hulu come May 24th. :(

281 Aceofwhat?  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:50:24pm

re: #275 kirkspencer

I've always rather liked this argument as it's got so much error to be set aside.

Now, it applies completely for day-workers, but it does so whether they're illegals or legals. But if they're working for a company, the company pays its share of social security and such, and it deducts the same from the worker's paycheck. Oh, and the company had to make a W2 for each employee it "thought" was legal, which meant deductions went into the system. Oh, neat, that's money that went in which the illegal will not be collecting - revenues in instead of out.

Let's see. Illegals can't skip sales taxes. If they're renting they're indirectly supporting the rental's property taxes, and if they're buying, well, that gets paid as well.

Bottom line, "they don't pay taxes" is mostly incorrect. It's only somewhat true where the employer knowingly employs illegals and fails to report them as workers at all, or where the paperwork can be skipped - day workers.

all very good points. and to add to your points and subtract further from mine, they're unlikely to be in an income bracket which pays any more tax in excess of what you've already listed above.

yet i still believe one of the most basic roles of our government is to allow themselves and the rest of us to simply, quickly, and accurately identify ourselves as citizens. If i have to rustle up my documents in the next few years and go be fingerprinted for a new social security or ID card, i'm in support.

282 b_sharp  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:51:37pm

re: #119 sattv4u2

Yeah,, you're right. In that we know that most of the illegal immigrants in a place like Texas or Arizona are Hispanic, I agree. We should look at ALL redheaded Irish, ALL Blond Scandavians, and most important, all lil ole grandmothers, like we do in airport screenings!

I have a better idea. Since the vast majority of serial killers are white males, how about we stop every white male we see and demand to see his last psych evaluation?

283 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:52:56pm

re: #282 b_sharp

I have a better idea. Since the vast majority of serial killers are white males, how about we stop every white male we see and demand to see his last psych evaluation?

You stop me and I'll go off!!!
/wait, what?

284 compound idaho  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:53:13pm

re: #278 DaddyG

It's easier for me to buy a few Illegals that slipped through a company's background check than a whole crew of 500. Somehow, somewhere you wouldthink the company would be culpable of sloppy record keeping at best.

The point I was trying to make early when I messed up the links is that the I-9 form compels the employer to accept 29 different forms of documentation verifying eligibility to work, some only in combination with others, including day-care or nursury school records. However 500 is a rather large number.

285 jvic  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:54:51pm

Climate skeptic Steve McIntyre recently tsk-tsked that AGW blogs "spend much of their energy persecuting infidels, agnostics and perceived heretics on even minor creeds, the latter attracting particular venom."

Immediately thereafter, many of McIntyre's readers reflexively jumped on him when he condemned VA AG Cuccinelli's McCarthyist witch hunt against Michael Mann.

Unhappy though I am with Obama, I worry that a restored Republican Congress would look for any pretext to stage a sequel to the Clinton impeachment.

286 Walter L. Newton  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:58:23pm

re: #285 jvic

Climate skeptic Steve McIntyre recently tsk-tsked that AGW blogs "spend much of their energy persecuting infidels, agnostics and perceived heretics on even minor creeds, the latter attracting particular venom."

Immediately thereafter, many of McIntyre's readers reflexively jumped on him when he condemned VA AG Cuccinelli's McCarthyist witch hunt against Michael Mann.

Unhappy though I am with Obama, I worry that a restored Republican Congress would look for any pretext to stage a sequel to the Clinton impeachment.

I don't blame you... it's been the talk all over Capital Hill. I also heard that most of the Republicans in the House have been seriously considering a bill to make public hanging on the Ellipse legal again... and the Masons still have that large data center under the Capital.

287 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Mon, May 3, 2010 2:59:24pm

re: #284 compound idaho

The point I was trying to make early when I messed up the links is that the I-9 form compels the employer to accept 29 different forms of documentation verifying eligibility to work, some only in combination with others, including day-care or nursury school records. However 500 is a rather large number.

There is something the employer receives every year called the "no match" letter. It is if the social security # the employee submitted does not match a ss# in the system. The employer is then required to talk to the employee & send correct info to the IRS. My old company would get this every year - at most 5 people listed. They never did anything about it.

I'm wondering if the company who had 500 illegal people ever received these notices, and if they did, never responded.

288 Dark_Falcon  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:01:06pm

re: #286 Walter L. Newton

I don't blame you... it's been the talk all over Capital Hill. I also heard that most of the Republicans in the House have been seriously considering a bill to make public hanging on the Ellipse legal again... and the Masons still have that large data center under the Capital.

Walter, you truly have a gift for sarcasm.


289 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:01:32pm

re: #287 Stanley Sea

For some reason I thought a place I worked got them every quarter. Then the illegal would just give another number and continue the cycle.

290 Jeff In Ohio  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:02:48pm

Ahhh, the first corn of the season, fresh asparagus and greens from the garden and a line on a '63 Vibrolux. Ain't life grand?

291 Bob Dillon  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:03:16pm

re: mlgblg
Quote of the Day
5/02/2010 4:26:14 pm PDT

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292 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:04:30pm

re: #289 Cannadian Club Akbar

This was a few years ago, we were smallish, so maybe we qualified for the yearly, not the quarterly. But we never returned them!! And nothing came out of it while I was there.

293 Jeff In Ohio  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:04:38pm

re: #286 Walter L. Newton

I don't blame you... it's been the talk all over Capital Hill. I also heard that most of the Republicans in the House have been seriously considering a bill to make public hanging on the Ellipse legal again... and the Masons still have that large data center under the Capital.

I like a good hanging. You can really move some hotdogs and cokes when there's death in the air.

294 Walter L. Newton  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:04:46pm

re: #290 Jeff In Ohio

Ahhh, the first corn of the season, fresh asparagus and greens from the garden and a line on a '63 Vibrolux. Ain't life grand?

The first corn of the season is not looking that good, in my opinion. The stuff that has been coming across my register looks like someone used it to beat a dead horse with. We were selling it for 25 cents a piece, and I wouldn't take 25 cents if someone paid ME.

295 Donna Ballard  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:06:32pm

Um, is anybody besides me having a hard time updinging?

296 Walter L. Newton  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:06:46pm

re: #293 Jeff In Ohio

I like a good hanging. You can really move some hotdogs and cokes when there's death in the air.

No kidding... and those "Put Your Picture on a Button with the Accused" concessions make a killing.

297 Jeff In Ohio  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:07:09pm

re: #294 Walter L. Newton

The first corn of the season is not looking that good, in my opinion. The stuff that has been coming across my register looks like someone used it to beat a dead horse with. We were selling it for 25 cents a piece, and I wouldn't take 25 cents if someone paid ME.

Looking good here, though taste will tell! THe market had the price in the scanner wrong, so when I plugged in the produce number, it gave me 3 ears for $.24. Alas, the 'as many mangos as you can carry for a $1 deal is over.' I guess the finally reprogrammed the thing.

298 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:07:45pm

re: #294 Walter L. Newton

I bought corn today. $3 for 5 ears. But looks really yummy.

299 Jeff In Ohio  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:07:46pm

re: #296 Walter L. Newton

No kidding... and those "Put Your Picture on a Button with the Accused" concessions make a killing.

That's a 'killer' idea.

300 Walter L. Newton  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:08:07pm

re: #297 Jeff In Ohio

Looking good here, though taste will tell! THe market had the price in the scanner wrong, so when I plugged in the produce number, it gave me 3 ears for $.24. Alas, the 'as many mangos as you can carry for a $1 deal is over.' I guess the finally reprogrammed the thing.


301 kirkspencer  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:08:17pm

re: #281 Aceofwhat?

all very good points. and to add to your points and subtract further from mine, they're unlikely to be in an income bracket which pays any more tax in excess of what you've already listed above.

yet i still believe one of the most basic roles of our government is to allow themselves and the rest of us to simply, quickly, and accurately identify ourselves as citizens. If i have to rustle up my documents in the next few years and go be fingerprinted for a new social security or ID card, i'm in support.

Liberal that I (mostly) am, I largely agree. But then, I've an ulterior motive.

I would like to see a national ID card, one that's difficult to counterfeit, but which is given (yes, that's the word I used) to every citizen who provides satisfactory documentation.

And then I'd like to see that used for voter ID -- be that in the polls or absentee. Not to stop "false voters" but rather on the basis of "if this person has a card they should be voting SOMEWHERE." Sure, set part aside if they're out of their district, but with the onus being to get the ballot (and the applicable votes) to the correct district. A Georgia resident who lives in Atlanta but casts a vote in Savannah should still get their state-wide vote counted. You have an ID, you are allowed to vote, and the ONLY delay is to make sure you aren't voting in more than one precinct.

Just a minor thing, doncha know.

302 Donna Ballard  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:08:27pm

From #290 on down is normal but every post under 289 if grayed out and I can't upding them. This is just too weird. maybe I should logoff and reboot?

303 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:08:53pm

re: #300 Walter L. Newton


Mangos or corn?

304 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:09:09pm

re: #302 Dragon_Lady

From #290 on down is normal but every post under 289 if grayed out and I can't upding them. This is just too weird. maybe I should logoff and reboot?


305 brookly red  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:09:13pm

re: #300 Walter L. Newton


I gonna go play that number... bbl

306 Jeff In Ohio  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:09:23pm

re: #300 Walter L. Newton


I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered! My life is my own.

307 Kragar  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:09:48pm

re: #303 Cannadian Club Akbar

Mangos or corn?

Mangos, the fruit of fate?

308 Walter L. Newton  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:09:50pm

re: #299 Jeff In Ohio

That's a 'killer' idea.

My first two seasons with a carnival (when I was 17 and 18), I ran a "Put Your Picture on a Button" concession for a dude out of Greenwich Village...

309 Kragar  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:10:15pm

re: #306 Jeff In Ohio

I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered! My life is my own.


310 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:10:44pm

re: #309 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)


I love Iron Maiden!!

311 Walter L. Newton  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:10:46pm

re: #303 Cannadian Club Akbar

Mangos or corn?

Corn on the cob.

312 Donna Ballard  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:10:47pm

re: #304 Cannadian Club Akbar


Okay, here goes nothing! See you all later! Keep Laughing while I'm gone!

313 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:13:04pm

re: #311 Walter L. Newton

Corn on the cob.

The way I see it, in a year or so I'll know all the numbers and can use that to get a job.:)

314 Walter L. Newton  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:14:49pm

re: #306 Jeff In Ohio

I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered! My life is my own.

You know... some people would be bitched, going from 30 years as a computer programmer into grocery retail, but not me. I've run with carnivals, worked outdoor amusement venues, designed printed circuit boards, wrote and published plays, programmed, acted on stage and a few movie parts, done this and done that, and what makes the doing fun, what makes the doing all worth while... is yourself... they way you respect yourself for what you are doing, or the fact that you keep doing and don't let the world tell you what should make you feel good... you'll know good when it happens.

315 jvic  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:16:15pm

re: #271 webevintage

[Link: www.google.com...]

Court won't hear appeal on Boy Scouts land rental:

The Supreme Court on Monday decided to let stand a ruling saying the Boy Scouts cannot lease city-owned parkland in San Diego because the group is a religious organization.

The high court refused to hear an appeal from San Diego-area Boy Scouts who have traditionally leased Balboa Park camp space.

U.S. District Judge Napoleon Jones Jr. ruled in 2003 that San Diego acted improperly when it leased 18 acres of camp space to the Scouts because the group is a religious organization. The judge said the lease violated federal law that prohibits the government promotion of religion.

I've bolded what I view as the crucial word in that quotation.

Bravo for the ACLU and U.S. District Judge Napoleon Jones Jr., who have designed a detector with unprecedented sensitivity to the very faintest of penumbras and emanations of the Constitution. Progress marches on. /

Jeebus. Leave. Well. Enough. Alone.

I've said repeatedly, and am repeating, that what ails us is systemic, and not confined to one side of the political spectrum.

316 SpaceJesus  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:17:10pm

Really cool NPR audio of Pulitzer Prize winner talking about the corrupt drug war in Philly right now.

[Link: www.npr.org...]

cops stealing, raping, and breaking the law in general because of the failed war on drugs. disgusting.

317 windsagio  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:17:58pm

re: #316 SpaceJesus

Their victims were probably guilty of something and deserved it anyways!

Sometimes you've gotta bend a few rules to get the bad guys...

318 windsagio  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:18:36pm

re: #315 jvic

lol equivalence.

319 SpaceJesus  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:18:56pm

re: #317 windsagio

Their victims were probably guilty of something and deserved it anyways!

Sometimes you've gotta bend a few rules to get the bad guys...

320 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:19:35pm

re: #267 freetoken

Hmmm... looks to me to be a Fox-special, not the run of the mill MSM science ignorance. They had to intentionally ignore his main thrust, then they threw in the bad physics as a freebie.

Which is exactly the point.

The main thrust is the possibility - at least theoretically of saving humanity after a global collapse.

321 windsagio  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:19:40pm

re: #319 SpaceJesus

See yeah, exactly.

322 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:19:48pm

re: #295 Dragon_Lady

Um, is anybody besides me having a hard time updinging?

refresh the page.

323 reine.de.tout  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:19:51pm

re: #287 Stanley Sea

There is something the employer receives every year called the "no match" letter. It is if the social security # the employee submitted does not match a ss# in the system. The employer is then required to talk to the employee & send correct info to the IRS. My old company would get this every year - at most 5 people listed. They never did anything about it.

I'm wondering if the company who had 500 illegal people ever received these notices, and if they did, never responded.

I remember getting those, too. We corrected every one of them, and then, in fact, our policy was that we told people when we signed them up that the name on their work and payroll records MUST match their name on their SS card exactly, so after the first year, we didn't get those no-match letters anymore.

324 windsagio  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:20:27pm

re: #322 LudwigVanQuixote

or click on the number of hte post in question. You can usually ding it in a seperate window.

325 reine.de.tout  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:20:48pm

re: #295 Dragon_Lady

Um, is anybody besides me having a hard time updinging?

It happens sometimes. Maybe you just to refresh, or log out then back in again.

326 Decatur Deb  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:21:06pm

re: #316 SpaceJesus

Really cool NPR audio of Pulitzer Prize winner talking about the corrupt drug war in Philly right now.

[Link: www.npr.org...]

cops stealing, raping, and breaking the law in general because of the failed war on drugs. disgusting.

How bad to things have to get before we recognize that a lot of problems get solvable when we legalize drugs? Treat medical problems medically. (Required PS: Got no love for libertarians.)

327 tradewind  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:21:12pm

Someone with expertise please tell me this one was photoshopped..
[Link: www.kfiam640.com...]
more photos and article here....
[Link: www.kfiam640.com...]

328 reine.de.tout  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:21:21pm

re: #298 Cannadian Club Akbar

I bought corn today. $3 for 5 ears. But looks really yummy.

What's the code for corn?

We know the code for bananas is 4011.

330 Alaska Kim  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:21:41pm

Howdy doody guys, It's been a while!!

331 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:21:43pm

re: #265 Dark_Falcon

It's just normal media science idiocy. In this, Fox is not unique.

NO this is worse than usual. They are deliberately avoiding his main thrust - and dressing it up with nonsense.

332 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:22:12pm

re: #328 reine.de.tout

What's the code for corn?

We know the code for bananas is 4011.


333 SteveC  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:22:59pm

re: #328 reine.de.tout

What's the code for corn?

We know the code for bananas is 4011.

I thought that we had no 4011 today!

334 windsagio  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:23:11pm

re: #328 reine.de.tout

Navel oranges: 4012

335 reine.de.tout  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:23:48pm

re: #333 SteveC

I thought that we had no 4011 today!

Only boneless.

(if you didn't see it, I posted once about a local ad, for BONELESS BANANAS! Naturally, we called the store to ask about these)

336 reine.de.tout  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:24:17pm

re: #332 Cannadian Club Akbar


We're gonna be able to work at a grocery store soon!

337 Decatur Deb  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:24:23pm

re: #332 Cannadian Club Akbar

re: #333 SteveC

re: #334 windsagio

There wasn't supposed to be any math.

338 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:24:56pm

re: #335 reine.de.tout

Only boneless.

(if you didn't see it, I posted once about a local ad, for BONELESS BANANAS! Naturally, we called the store to ask about these)

Far Side: Boneless Chicken Ranch. Priceless.

339 SteveC  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:25:11pm

re: #334 windsagio

Navel oranges: 4012

Army Oranges?

Air Force Oranges?

Coast Guard Oranges?

Uncle Sam's Misbehaving Citrus?

340 Killgore Trout  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:25:15pm

re: #327 tradewind

Someone with expertise please tell me this one was photoshopped..
[Link: www.kfiam640.com...]
more photos and article here...
[Link: www.kfiam640.com...]

Hmmm... It might be real but I don't trust the source. Those guys have been organizing tea parties with Truthers, hanging politicians in effigy, decapitating dummies on stage, etc. I wouldn't trust them.

341 jvic  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:25:18pm

re: #326 Decatur Deb

How bad to things have to get before we recognize that a lot of problems get solvable when we legalize drugs? Treat medical problems medically. (Required PS: Got no love for libertarians.)

This libertarian updinged you anyway.

342 windsagio  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:26:04pm

re: #327 tradewind

There are some 'messed up' images on that site, and I don't mean mayday.

Seriously, you should pay me 5$ pain and suffering for tricking me into looking at those guys.

343 Digital Display  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:26:20pm

re: #330 Alaska Kim

Howdy doody guys, It's been a while!!

Howdy Kim! How are things?

344 windsagio  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:26:45pm

re: #339 SteveC

yeah yeah die :p

345 Jeff In Ohio  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:27:20pm

re: #314 Walter L. Newton

You know... some people would be bitched, going from 30 years as a computer programmer into grocery retail, but not me. I've run with carnivals, worked outdoor amusement venues, designed printed circuit boards, wrote and published plays, programmed, acted on stage and a few movie parts, done this and done that, and what makes the doing fun, what makes the doing all worth while... is yourself... they way you respect yourself for what you are doing, or the fact that you keep doing and don't let the world tell you what should make you feel good... you'll know good when it happens.

Word to that.

346 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:27:22pm

re: #343 HoosierHoops

Howdy Kim! How are things?

Hoops there's a post about bad Fox science reporting on this thread you might like. This time they botch SR.

347 windsagio  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:27:32pm

re: #337 Decatur Deb

Cool cooking challenge:

Get the checker to look up 3 random codes in the little codebook, buy a pound of each (no matter what), and make it into a meal!

348 Walter L. Newton  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:27:45pm

re: #336 reine.de.tout

We're gonna be able to work at a grocery store soon!

Sorry... 4078 for corn on the cob (I just started using this code this past week, we hadn't had fresh corn since I started working there)... 4178 is user-assigned for grapes.

349 tradewind  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:27:57pm

re: #340 Killgore Trout
You mean you don't trust the radio station, or the sign bearers?

350 SteveC  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:28:14pm

re: #344 windsagio

yeah yeah die :p

HOO-AH, Master Sunkist!

351 Decatur Deb  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:28:28pm

re: #340 Killgore Trout

Hmmm... It might be real but I don't trust the source. Those guys have been organizing tea parties with Truthers, hanging politicians in effigy, decapitating dummies on stage, etc. I wouldn't trust them.

Damn newby protestors just can't learn to use sarc tags.

352 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:28:30pm

re: #348 Walter L. Newton

Sorry... 4078 for corn on the cob (I just started using this code this past week, we hadn't had fresh corn since I started working there)... 4178 is user-assigned for grapes.

Moving the goalpost?

353 Digital Display  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:29:37pm

re: #346 LudwigVanQuixote

Hoops there's a post about bad Fox science reporting on this thread you might like. This time they botch SR.

Fox reporting bad science? LOL...Boy that's a new one!
I need to go back and read..

354 Walter L. Newton  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:29:52pm

re: #352 Cannadian Club Akbar

Moving the goalpost?

[Link: www.innvista.com...]

355 Decatur Deb  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:30:09pm

re: #347 windsagio

Cool cooking challenge:

Get the checker to look up 3 random codes in the little codebook, buy a pound of each (no matter what), and make it into a meal!

Friskies Alfredo.

356 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:30:43pm

re: #354 Walter L. Newton

[Link: www.innvista.com...]

you said 4278, then 4078. Which is it!!!

357 Walter L. Newton  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:31:32pm

re: #356 Cannadian Club Akbar

you said 4278, then 4078. Which is it!!!

Sweet Corn, baby (4589), bi-color (4590), white (4077), yellow (4078)

358 SteveC  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:31:35pm

re: #355 Decatur Deb

Friskies Alfredo.

... and that's just the way we roll 'round here!

359 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:32:36pm

re: #357 Walter L. Newton

Got it.

360 Walter L. Newton  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:33:09pm

re: #347 windsagio

Cool cooking challenge:

Get the checker to look up 3 random codes in the little codebook, buy a pound of each (no matter what), and make it into a meal!

Cactus Leaves / Nopales / Cactus Pads (4558)
Cabbage Green (4069)
Black Raspberries (4244)

361 brookly red  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:33:19pm

re: #347 windsagio

Cool cooking challenge:

Get the checker to look up 3 random codes in the little codebook, buy a pound of each (no matter what), and make it into a meal!

can we use mayo?

362 windsagio  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:34:02pm

re: #361 brookly red

the truly hardcore wouldn't use condiments, but sure >>

363 darthstar  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:34:47pm

No racism?

Don Black is a Florida-based white supremacist who is deemed so dangerous he's banned from the UK for inciting hatred. Arizona State Senate Majority leader Chuck Gray—a proponent of the recent immigration bill—follows him on Twitter.

linky goodness

364 Walter L. Newton  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:34:48pm

re: #362 windsagio

the truly hardcore wouldn't use condiments, but sure >>

If you're from New York, condiments are a food group.

365 brookly red  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:35:52pm

re: #364 Walter L. Newton

If you're from New York, condiments are a food group.

shit + mayo = shit-salad

366 Jeff In Ohio  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:36:35pm

re: #362 windsagio

the truly hardcore wouldn't use condiments, but sure >>

When I am King all condiments will be banned.

367 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:36:58pm

re: #365 brookly red

shit + mayo = shit-salad

Add anchovies and parm cheese, Shit Caesar salad.

368 Jeff In Ohio  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:37:52pm

re: #363 darthstar

No racism?

linky goodness

Maybe he's just following the Presidents advice and getting input from all sides. It's called m u l t i - d i m e n s i o n a l . It's just not for druggies anymore.

369 Decatur Deb  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:37:58pm

During Katrina cleanup our group did some work in a FEMA warehouse in Mobile. It was run by shifts of Seventh Day Adventists who have taken on disaster logistics as their "routine" volunteer ministry. They ran the whole place, which was repacking and forwarding all types of donations, on the Universal Product Code system. The untrained volunteers like our youth group ran around packing all kinds of donations into 2cu ft boxes that were labelled 4077, 2011, 7080 or whatever.

370 brookly red  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:39:09pm

re: #366 Jeff In Ohio

When I am King all condiments will be banned.

I have enough soy/duck sauce packetts to hold out for years...

371 Daniel Ballard  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:40:26pm

re: #216 LudwigVanQuixote

Forgive my inability to pull this number off google-But how fast would a craft have to go to have subjective time 100x real time? Plus I would guess it would have to slow down each few millennium real time to see if they are needed on earth.

Sure would be a bitch-Fly a big crew 50,000 years into the future, only to have what amounts to ancient primitives returning to earth. And find themselves behind 50,000 years of culture, language and I suppose a bit of evolution.

They would play "cavemen" in future insurance ads. :) Geico!

372 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:40:47pm

re: #342 windsagio

There are some 'messed up' images on that site, and I don't mean mayday.

Seriously, you should pay me 5$ pain and suffering for tricking me into looking at those guys.


373 SteveC  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:42:40pm

re: #366 Jeff In Ohio

When I am King all condiments will be banned.

"Mr Speaker, if the King continues to insist on these policies we will soon face a condiment deficit the likes of which this country has never seen before!"

374 ArchangelMichael  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:45:09pm

re: #371 Rightwingconspirator

99.9499875 % of the speed of light.

375 SteveC  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:46:46pm

re: #374 ArchangelMichael

99.9499875 % of the speed of light.

Wear your seatbelt, because if you aren't holding onto something when you hit the brakes at that speed, you gonna eat up the dashboard.

376 darthstar  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:46:47pm

re: #368 Jeff In Ohio

Maybe he's just following the Presidents advice and getting input from all sides. It's called m u l t i - d i m e n s i o n a l . It's just not for druggies anymore.

Stormfront White Pride Worldwide? There are some dimensions one is best advised to avoid.

377 Ericus58  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:47:49pm

Hunt is on for missing Conn. man who bought car bomb Nissan just 2 weeks ago on Craigslist

[Link: www.nydailynews.com...]

"Investigators aren't certain whether he is the same man who drove the rolling bomb to the Crossroads of the World, but he has not been seen by his girlfriend - and has not shown up at his home or job - since the frightening incident on Saturday night.

The revelation came as:

- The News learned from sources that forensic evidence found in the Pathfinder points to the possibility that whoever prepared the car bomb has links to foreign terrorists.

- The White House uttered the T-word for the first time in connection with the failed plot that sent a scare through the city. "I would say that was intended to terrorize, and I would say that whomever did that would be categorized as a terrorist," White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said."

378 darthstar  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:48:03pm

re: #375 SteveC

Wear your seatbelt, because if you aren't holding onto something when you hit the brakes at that speed, you gonna eat up the dashboard.

The dashboard will be the last thing on your mind...wait...no, the dashboard will be the first thing on your mind. Your asshole will be the last thing on your mind.

379 Daniel Ballard  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:48:06pm

re: #374 ArchangelMichael

Let me guess 99.93 only gets you 10x real time....

380 Decatur Deb  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:49:31pm

re: #375 SteveC

Wear your seatbelt, because if you aren't holding onto something when you hit the brakes at that speed, you gonna eat up the dashboard.

Is there enough stray dust and gas out there to make streamlining valuable for your timeship at those speeds? I'm getting tired of spaceships that look like clunky gantry cranes.

381 ArchangelMichael  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:50:12pm

re: #379 Rightwingconspirator

Let me guess 99.93 only gets you 10x real time...

Well it would be whatever you would get from putting .9993 as v in 1 / sqrt(1 - (v2/c2))

382 Daniel Ballard  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:50:30pm

re: #378 darthstar

What is the last thing to go through a bugs mind when he hit your windshield? His ass.

Apocryphal NTSB entrance exam question-
Who is first to arrive at the scene of the crash?

The pilot & copilot.

383 William Barnett-Lewis  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:50:38pm

HoosierHoops, please see my 209 for the prayer list.



384 SteveC  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:51:08pm

re: #380 Decatur Deb

Is there enough stray dust and gas out there to make streamlining valuable for your timeship at those speeds? I'm getting tired of spaceships that look like clunky gantry cranes.

.... and have running lights. Why running lights when there is no one else out there?!?!

385 ArchangelMichael  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:51:32pm

re: #381 ArchangelMichael

Correction: 0.9993c

386 Ericus58  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:52:20pm

Listening to NPR on the way home... a spokeperson ( can't remember exactly who) said that they have ruled-out it was not a "Right-wing Extremists".

Here's another link:

[Link: www.washingtonpost.com...]

"An FBI-led terrorism task force has taken over the investigation of the failed car bombing in Times Square because of indications it was connected to international terrorism, a senior law enforcement source said Monday.

The probe had been overseen by the New York Police Department. Responsibility for it shifted to a Joint Terrorism Task Force as Obama administration officials said the incident increasingly appears to have been coordinated by more than one person in a plot with international links. "

387 ArchangelMichael  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:53:18pm

re: #381 ArchangelMichael

Well it would be whatever you would get from putting .9993 as v in 1 / sqrt(1 - (v2/c2))

And to answer that... it would work out to about 26.73x "earth time" relative to ship time.

388 Decatur Deb  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:53:52pm

re: #384 SteveC

... and have running lights. Why running lights when there is no one else out there?!?!

Do you know how hard it is to revise a Federal Aviation Reg?

389 SteveC  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:55:40pm

re: #388 Decatur Deb

Do you know how hard it is to revise a Federal Aviation Reg?

"Aye, Cap'n, I'm an engineer, not a miracle worker. I dinna think we can pull dat one off."

390 Digital Display  Mon, May 3, 2010 3:56:04pm

re: #383 wlewisiii

HoosierHoops, please see my 209 for the prayer list.



How tragic...I have added him to the prayer list..
Kind Regards William

391 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Mon, May 3, 2010 4:09:35pm

re: #371 Rightwingconspirator

Forgive my inability to pull this number off google-But how fast would a craft have to go to have subjective time 100x real time? Plus I would guess it would have to slow down each few millennium real time to see if they are needed on earth.

Sure would be a bitch-Fly a big crew 50,000 years into the future, only to have what amounts to ancient primitives returning to earth. And find themselves behind 50,000 years of culture, language and I suppose a bit of evolution.

They would play "cavemen" in future insurance ads. :) Geico!

Ok, not taking accelerations and turnaround times into account,

(delta)t' = (delta)t/sqrt(1-(v^2)/c^2))

So plug in say one year for delta t, the subjective time for the crew. plug in 50000 years for t', the time passed on the earth. Solve for v. V is how fast you would need to go.

Assuming I punched that into the calculator from Microsoft correctly, you need to go:

.999999997 c

As to what sort of world would await the travelers is the subject of how much sci-fi you read and how badly you think civilization would collapse in the wake of an eco-collapse.

392 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Mon, May 3, 2010 4:11:51pm

re: #374 ArchangelMichael

99.9499875 % of the speed of light.

Yes that is correct. I gave him 50,000 times after I misread him.

I get 0.9999499 c as well for 100 times.

393 JRCMYP  Mon, May 3, 2010 4:12:17pm

I need to get out more.

394 darthstar  Mon, May 3, 2010 4:14:28pm

re: #393 JRCMYP

I need to get out more.

There's an app for that.

395 JRCMYP  Mon, May 3, 2010 4:21:19pm

Mulatto--is that a Starbucks drink?

396 JRCMYP  Mon, May 3, 2010 4:22:07pm

re: #394 darthstar

There's an app for that.

Fourcorners, perhaps? ;)

397 Varek Raith  Mon, May 3, 2010 4:24:27pm

re: #371 Rightwingconspirator

Fly as close to the speed of light as you can near the accretion disc of a black hole.

398 JRCMYP  Mon, May 3, 2010 4:24:57pm

re: #81 ArchangelMichael

So when Alouette's mother asked what you call someone half-black and half-white the answer should have been "Cheronian" or "Cheronite" or "Native of Cheron"?

How about "person"?

399 ArchangelMichael  Mon, May 3, 2010 4:29:19pm

re: #398 JRCMYP

How about "person"?

That would a be serious and realistic response, out of place when applied to a Star Trek joke unless one has zero sense of humor.

400 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Mon, May 3, 2010 4:30:13pm

One other important note about relativistic space travel:

You do need to take the mass of your fuel into account as well as relativistic energy and momentum.

I remember doing a calculation as an undergrad to see how much fuel you would need to make such a trip.

We assumed our ship was the mass of three aircraft carriers - and if you think about it, three aircraft carriers is awful small for an ark ship carrying everything colonists would need to set up a new life somewhere and we required that the ship get out to 20 or 30 ly in less than5 years human subjective time.

It turned out that you needed fuel on the scale of a planetary mass to do it - even assuming that you converted all of that mass into energy directly.

401 SanFranciscoZionist  Mon, May 3, 2010 4:39:02pm

re: #19 webevintage

She might even have a black friend that she would even let use her bathroom...

I'm envisioning the black friend sitting in the bathroom thinking, "Betty is a good woman. She always helps out so much as church. I will not slug her just because she called the president a 'mulatto'.

402 Cato the Elder  Mon, May 3, 2010 4:40:14pm

There's a group on Facebook that prays for the death of President Obama.

And there's a counter-group (approaching 800,000 members, last I checked) praying for Facebook to ban the first group.

Some of the nastiest right-wing language I've ever seen is from people who join the second group to rag on teh libruls who don't think praying for the death of a president is a cool thing.

403 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Mon, May 3, 2010 4:41:26pm

re: #402 Cato the Elder

There's a group on Facebook that prays for the death of President Obama.

And there's a counter-group (approaching 800,000 members, last I checked) praying for Facebook to ban the first group.

Some of the nastiest right-wing language I've ever seen is from people who join the second group to rag on teh libruls who don't think praying for the death of a president is a cool thing.

It's very Christian to pray for the deaths of people you hate for no reason.

404 Cato the Elder  Mon, May 3, 2010 4:42:07pm

Why, by the way, is Jenny Beth Martin wearing an orange jumpsuit? And do you think she was christened "Jennifer Elizabeth", or his she just from the South and her brother's full name is Billy Bob?

405 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Mon, May 3, 2010 4:42:45pm

re: #401 SanFranciscoZionist

I'm envisioning the black friend sitting in the bathroom thinking, "Betty is a good woman. She always helps out so much as church. I will not slug her just because she called the president a 'mulatto'.

I am picturing that black woman's black friends sitting in the bathroom thinking, what is wrong with her that she hangs out with that woman?

406 SanFranciscoZionist  Mon, May 3, 2010 4:43:31pm

re: #404 Cato the Elder

Why, by the way, is Jenny Beth Martin wearing an orange jumpsuit? And do you think she was christened "Jennifer Elizabeth", or his she just from the South and her brother's full name is Billy Bob?

I think that's a v-neck sweater, but it's also possible that you're correct and she came straight to the studio from county lock-up.

407 Cato the Elder  Mon, May 3, 2010 4:43:52pm

re: #403 LudwigVanQuixote

It's very Christian to pray for the deaths of people you hate for no reason.

Yep. Just like it's very Jewish to set up a chillul haShem site like Pam's.

408 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Mon, May 3, 2010 4:44:39pm

re: #407 Cato the Elder

Yep. Just like it's very Jewish to set up a chillul haShem site like Pam's.

Applause for properly using Chillul Hashem and I could not agree more.

409 SanFranciscoZionist  Mon, May 3, 2010 4:44:42pm

re: #405 LudwigVanQuixote

I am picturing that black woman's black friends sitting in the bathroom thinking, what is wrong with her that she hangs out with that woman?

Many Americans sitting in the bathroom, thinking about the important things in life...

410 William Barnett-Lewis  Mon, May 3, 2010 4:45:08pm

re: #390 HoosierHoops

Thank you.


411 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Mon, May 3, 2010 4:45:12pm

re: #409 SanFranciscoZionist

Many Americans sitting in the bathroom, thinking about the important things in life...

speaking of which... :)

No really I am joking.

412 Cato the Elder  Mon, May 3, 2010 4:45:30pm

re: #409 SanFranciscoZionist

Many Americans sitting in the bathroom, thinking about the important things in life...

Think about how many Americans are sitting in the bathroom at any given time.

What a great country!

413 Liberal Classic  Mon, May 3, 2010 4:48:19pm

re: #341 jvic

This libertarian updinged you anyway.

This libertarian updinged that post, too.

414 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Mon, May 3, 2010 4:52:04pm

re: #412 Cato the Elder

Think about how many Americans are sitting in the bathroom at any given time.

What a great country!

Well there are 300,000,000 Americans and let's assume that the average American spend 15 minutes a day doing business in the bathroom...

So (0.25 / 24) * 300,000,000 = 3,125,000 people taking a crap in any given moment in this country.

415 Liberal Classic  Mon, May 3, 2010 4:53:24pm

re: #414 LudwigVanQuixote

Just think how many people are making whoopee right now!

416 Decatur Deb  Mon, May 3, 2010 4:53:33pm

re: #413 Liberal Classic

This libertarian updinged that post, too.

I've run into a definition of "Left Libertarian" which seemed OK. (It seemed like the product of a Splitter, though.) It's the Ayn Rand stuff that sends me away.

417 Liberal Classic  Mon, May 3, 2010 4:55:18pm

re: #416 Decatur Deb

I'm a nice enough guy so long as you don't try to take away my guns, drugs, porn or sci-fi novels.

418 Decatur Deb  Mon, May 3, 2010 4:56:26pm

re: #417 Liberal Classic

Wouldn't cross my mind.

419 swamprat  Mon, May 3, 2010 4:59:43pm

Here is a video of a racist being hounded and objected to, at a teaparty.

I hope this meets the criteria of those who want the people at teaparties to object to racism.

420 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Mon, May 3, 2010 4:59:53pm

re: #415 Liberal Classic

Just think how many people are making whoopee right now!

Well this nation was founded by puritans and there are a lot of folks too old or too young to be doing that. So let's assume that the average American spends 15 minutes a week getting laid. Remember, for player out there, there are 20 folks who haven't gotten any in a month.

That gives just over 400,000 boinking right now. However, those numbers have got to be time dependent. So it is more likely to drop by at least a factor of ten during working hours and by nine times greater during the evening.

421 lostlakehiker  Mon, May 3, 2010 5:02:21pm

re: #400 LudwigVanQuixote

One other important note about relativistic space travel:

You do need to take the mass of your fuel into account as well as relativistic energy and momentum.

I remember doing a calculation as an undergrad to see how much fuel you would need to make such a trip.

We assumed our ship was the mass of three aircraft carriers - and if you think about it, three aircraft carriers is awful small for an ark ship carrying everything colonists would need to set up a new life somewhere and we required that the ship get out to 20 or 30 ly in less than5 years human subjective time.

It turned out that you needed fuel on the scale of a planetary mass to do it - even assuming that you converted all of that mass into energy directly.

Maybe it's just as well that interstellar space travel is difficult. What are the odds that we're the first intelligent species ever to exist? And given our own track record, what are the odds that all the others are benevolent?

422 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Mon, May 3, 2010 5:05:12pm

re: #421 lostlakehiker

Maybe it's just as well that interstellar space travel is difficult. What are the odds that we're the first intelligent species ever to exist? And given our own track record, what are the odds that all the others are benevolent?

Honestly, I think any other species would have had to have evolved from the same brutal natural selective processes we did.

That doesn't mean that ET must come packing with bad intent, but it is unlikely he would not be packing.

423 Decatur Deb  Mon, May 3, 2010 5:05:50pm

re: #420 LudwigVanQuixote

Well this nation was founded by puritans and there are a lot of folks too old or too young to be doing that. So let's assume that the average American spends 15 minutes a week getting laid. Remember, for player out there, there are 20 folks who haven't gotten any in a month.

That gives just over 400,000 boinking right now. However, those numbers have got to be time dependent. So it is more likely to drop by at least a factor of ten during working hours and by nine times greater during the evening.

You'll need to include an adjustment for congressional recesses.

424 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Mon, May 3, 2010 5:07:48pm

re: #423 Decatur Deb

You'll need to include an adjustment for congressional recesses.

Lol... I already included an adjustment for anytime either Paris Hilton or Lindsy Lohan is out of rehab...

But taking the congress critters into account is difficult because it depends on how you define the verb to "screw" and how many they are screwing at any given time.

425 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, May 3, 2010 5:08:10pm

re: #82 ralphieboy

Hey Ralphie! How you gonna write a law for illegal immigration without targeting Latinos?

426 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, May 3, 2010 5:09:00pm

re: #420 LudwigVanQuixote

Once I heard that the Mayflower stopped at Plymouth Rock because they ran out of beer.

Please don't correct me if that's wrong!

427 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, May 3, 2010 5:10:01pm

re: #424 LudwigVanQuixote

Hey Ludie! Did you see "Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking"?

I thought it was great. Even I could follow it.

428 lostlakehiker  Mon, May 3, 2010 5:15:18pm

re: #282 b_sharp

I have a better idea. Since the vast majority of serial killers are white males, how about we stop every white male we see and demand to see his last psych evaluation?

The reason for that is that it's easier to gull the next victim into thinking you're not dangerous when you fit the profile of "safe". In a country with many whites where the daily crime news is dominated by stories featuring other races, whites fall easily into the mindset of thinking that that's where the dangers lie. And it is, to a point.

Now comes this charming Ted Bundy with an invitation to a party. You hop in the car, and that's that. And nobody noticed anything suspicious either, for the same reason. It's just ever so much easier to not get caught when you don't get a screaming lunging fight from the victim right away.

This compounds the way compound interest compounds. The chances of racking up a really big score drop precipitously when you don't fit the "oh he looks safe enough" profile.

Pyramid schemes are the work of serial killer-style sociopaths who get their kicks from wrecking peoples' life savings rather than outright killing them. They too feed off a tendency of marks to place trust in people who look like them and talk like them.

The moral of this story is that some situations are inherently dangerous no matter how many nice manners and "part of my group" signals accompany the invitation to visit the spider in her web.

429 SanFranciscoZionist  Mon, May 3, 2010 5:16:59pm

re: #426 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Once I heard that the Mayflower stopped at Plymouth Rock because they ran out of beer.

Please don't correct me if that's wrong!

Close enough.

430 Cato the Elder  Mon, May 3, 2010 5:21:40pm

re: #426 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Once I heard that the Mayflower stopped at Plymouth Rock because they ran out of beer.

Please don't correct me if that's wrong!

Well, the damn voyage took 66 days.

"And John Crackstone did smite ye Rock, and ye Rock did split asunder with a Crack, and Beer and Ale and Honey and Water and Blood and Wine and Gin and Whiskey and Mead did spill forth, each from its several Place, and there was much Merrymaking that Night, and nine Months later there was great Increase among the People and Dogs."

431 lostlakehiker  Mon, May 3, 2010 5:26:50pm

re: #430 Cato the Elder

Well, the damn voyage took 66 days.

"And John Crackstone did smite ye Rock, and ye Rock did split asunder with a Crack, and Beer and Ale and Honey and Water and Blood and Wine and Gin and Whiskey and Mead did spill forth, each from its several Place, and there was much Merrymaking that Night, and nine Months later there was great Increase among the People and Dogs."

That must have been some sumbitch of a party.

432 swamprat  Mon, May 3, 2010 5:36:08pm

re: #430 Cato the Elder

Here'a a bit of American history about the quiet folk we call Early Americans;

The U.S.S. Constitution (Old Ironsides) carried 48,600 gallons of fresh water for her crew of 475 officers and men. This was sufficient to last six months of sustained operations at sea. She carried no evaporators (i.e. fresh water distillers!).

According to her log, "On July 27, 1798, the U.S.S. Constitution sailed from Boston with a full complement of 475 officers and men, 48,600 gallons of fresh water, 7,400 cannon shot, 11,600 pounds of black powder and 79,400 gallons of rum." Her mission: "To destroy and harass English shipping."

Making Jamaica on 6 October, she took on 826 pounds of flour and 68,300 gallons of rum. Then she headed for the Azores, arriving there 12 November. She provisioned with 550 pounds of beef and 64,300 gallons of Portuguese wine. On 18 November, she set sail for England. In the ensuing days she defeated five British men-of-war and captured and scuttled 12 English merchantmen, salvaging only the rum aboard each.
By 26 January, her powder and shot were exhausted. Although unarmed she made a night raid up the Firth of Clyde in Scotland. Her landing party captured a whisky distillery, and, by dawn, had transferred 40,000 gallons of single malt Scotch aboard before heading home. The U.S.S. Constitution arrived in Boston on 20 February, 1799, with no cannon shot, no food, no powder, no rum, no wine, no whisky, and 38,600 gallons of stagnant water.

433 Mark Pennington  Mon, May 3, 2010 5:46:27pm

re: #287 Stanley Sea

There is something the employer receives every year called the "no match" letter. It is if the social security # the employee submitted does not match a ss# in the system. The employer is then required to talk to the employee & send correct info to the IRS. My old company would get this every year - at most 5 people listed. They never did anything about it.

I'm wondering if the company who had 500 illegal people ever received these notices, and if they did, never responded.

My mom works for Duke Energy Nuclear Station and is in charge of Workforce Inprocessing. She deals with contractors and according to her, many of these contractors not only know about their illegal people...they are responsible for supplying them with the fake documents. Not a day goes by that she refuses clearance for them.

434 JRCMYP  Mon, May 3, 2010 5:56:40pm

re: #399 ArchangelMichael

That would a be serious and realistic response, out of place when applied to a Star Trek joke unless one has zero sense of humor.

Doh. Missed that one. {{blush}}

435 JRCMYP  Mon, May 3, 2010 5:58:53pm

re: #432 swamprat

Here'a a bit of American history about the quiet folk we call Early Americans;

The U.S.S. Constitution (Old Ironsides) carried 48,600 gallons of fresh water for her crew of 475 officers and men. This was sufficient to last six months of sustained operations at sea. She carried no evaporators (i.e. fresh water distillers!).

According to her log, "On July 27, 1798, the U.S.S. Constitution sailed from Boston with a full complement of 475 officers and men, 48,600 gallons of fresh water, 7,400 cannon shot, 11,600 pounds of black powder and 79,400 gallons of rum." Her mission: "To destroy and harass English shipping."

Making Jamaica on 6 October, she took on 826 pounds of flour and 68,300 gallons of rum. Then she headed for the Azores, arriving there 12 November. She provisioned with 550 pounds of beef and 64,300 gallons of Portuguese wine. On 18 November, she set sail for England. In the ensuing days she defeated five British men-of-war and captured and scuttled 12 English merchantmen, salvaging only the rum aboard each.
By 26 January, her powder and shot were exhausted. Although unarmed she made a night raid up the Firth of Clyde in Scotland. Her landing party captured a whisky distillery, and, by dawn, had transferred 40,000 gallons of single malt Scotch aboard before heading home. The U.S.S. Constitution arrived in Boston on 20 February, 1799, with no cannon shot, no food, no powder, no rum, no wine, no whisky, and 38,600 gallons of stagnant water.

Well...alcoholic beverages were less "risky" than water..not as many parasites. I think...

436 Cato the Elder  Mon, May 3, 2010 7:17:05pm

re: #432 swamprat

And Winston Churchill powered his way through WWII on whiskey and cigars.

Hitler, on the other hand, was a teetotaler and a vegetarian.

You could write a book on how war is powered by alcohol. I'm pretty sure the Germans were running low on schnapps along with everything else when they finally started to crumble.

437 Cato the Elder  Mon, May 3, 2010 7:52:23pm

re: #432 swamprat

Here'a a bit of American history about the quiet folk we call Early Americans;

The U.S.S. Constitution (Old Ironsides) carried 48,600 gallons of fresh water for her crew of 475 officers and men. This was sufficient to last six months of sustained operations at sea. She carried no evaporators (i.e. fresh water distillers!).

According to her log, "On July 27, 1798, the U.S.S. Constitution sailed from Boston with a full complement of 475 officers and men, 48,600 gallons of fresh water, 7,400 cannon shot, 11,600 pounds of black powder and 79,400 gallons of rum." Her mission: "To destroy and harass English shipping."

Making Jamaica on 6 October, she took on 826 pounds of flour and 68,300 gallons of rum. Then she headed for the Azores, arriving there 12 November. She provisioned with 550 pounds of beef and 64,300 gallons of Portuguese wine. On 18 November, she set sail for England. In the ensuing days she defeated five British men-of-war and captured and scuttled 12 English merchantmen, salvaging only the rum aboard each.
By 26 January, her powder and shot were exhausted. Although unarmed she made a night raid up the Firth of Clyde in Scotland. Her landing party captured a whisky distillery, and, by dawn, had transferred 40,000 gallons of single malt Scotch aboard before heading home. The U.S.S. Constitution arrived in Boston on 20 February, 1799, with no cannon shot, no food, no powder, no rum, no wine, no whisky, and 38,600 gallons of stagnant water.

Swampy, I hate to spoil a good legend, but:

I start with the math on the rum alone. Assuming the salvaged rum from the 17 captured vessels came to a mere 60,000 gallons (a conservative estimate given what our one ship was carrying), and a voyage of 180 days, this means that 207,700 gallons of rum were drunk during the entire voyage. That is, the per diem consumption of rum alone by the 475-strong crew during the voyage would have been 2.42 gallons of rum for each man. That's per day.

The wine was taken on board in mid November. So, in slightly more than 90 days, the same 475 men would have drunk and additional 1.5 gallons of wine per man/day.

40,000 gallons of whisky taken on January 26 for a run ending February 20 (25 days) works out to 3.36 gallons of whiskey for every man, every day.

The rum consumption alone would have killed every man jack on deck or below.

Not. Medically. Possible.

Figures used:

79,400 gallons rum
+68,300 gallons additional rum
+unknown amount of salvaged rum from 17 captured ships, but say 60,000 gallons total (conservative estimate)
= 207,700 gallons over 180 days
64,300 gallons Portuguese wine over 90 days
40,000 gallons whisky over 25 days

475 men

Nice story, but can't be true.

438 mich-again  Mon, May 3, 2010 7:57:44pm

If Ronald McDonald was walking down a crowded street, he'd probably get noticed by lots of people, way more than just any average joe would get noticed. Thats the deal with tea parties. Everyone notices a clown in the crowd. When someone asks, what kind of people were in that crowd, you'd probably mention the one guy who was dressed like a clown. Except the tea parties are like a parade with not one but hundreds of clowns so it pretty much just looks like a clown parade.

439 mich-again  Mon, May 3, 2010 8:06:50pm

re: #437 Cato the Elder

Nice story, but can't be true.

Maybe they used the rum to get the Cracken hammered to the bejesus.

440 Querent  Mon, May 3, 2010 8:58:51pm

re: #216 LudwigVanQuixote


Haven't since a Fisking so fine since... um... er... an awfully long time ago!

441 Lidane  Mon, May 3, 2010 9:34:20pm

Arizona Republican Leader Follows White Supremacists (Updated)

Don Black is a Florida-based white supremacist who is banned from the UK for inciting hatred. Arizona State Senate Majority leader Chuck Gray—a proponent of the recent immigration bill—follows him, and another white power feed, on Twitter.

StormfrontWPWW (White Pride Worldwide) is the Twitter account for Stormfront, a racist organization that is the latest project of uber-racist Stephen Donald Black, better known as Don Black. He was a Grand Wizard in the KKK and a member of the American Nazi Party. In 1981 he was convicted and jailed for trying to invade Dominica with a boatload of weapons, in order to set up some kind of utopian state. Stormfront.org, the website he set up on his release from jail, is a hate-filled racist forum.

Its Twitter account, and another neo-Nazi feed linked to it, are among 4,819 that Arizona State Senate Majority Leader Chuck Gray follows. Stormfront does not reciprocate, however—the group follows no one. Which means that Gray, or whoever is responsible for his Twitter account, sought out the racist organization specifically and decided its tweets were essential reading.

442 Tigger2005  Mon, May 3, 2010 9:58:53pm

re: #227 DaddyG

I've seen both of those shows with my kids. Hawking talks about it being theoretically possible to travel forward in time based on the behavior of particles at the quantum level but doubts we could travel back in time due to feedback issues and paradoxes.

He even talked about a party he threw for future time travellers where no guests showed up.

The shows are very well done and based on solid science and mathematics.

They're sort of like an updated version of the Cosmos series by Carl Sagan. Dunno if "Into the Universe" will be the timeless classic Cosmos is, though. The music of that show alone...beautiful, wondering, haunting.

443 Sacred Plants  Tue, May 4, 2010 1:53:56am

re: #135 ausador


Way to go Betty, you really proved to everyone that your not in the least racist, nosireebob. You honestly don't have a clue do you?

Apparently the anarchist she holds in clandestine confinement within her mind has taken the liberty spell hook, line and sinker.

/puts up Hillaresque fake grin

444 eneri  Tue, May 4, 2010 5:24:50am

Idiots, but frightening ones as people believe they are not racists; just good Christian patriots.

445 SteveB4  Wed, May 5, 2010 7:12:11am

For the sake of argument, let's say that 50% of "tea baggers" are racists. This has no bearing on whether the other 50%, the ones who oppose federal bloat, have a legitimate argument.

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