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1 Shiplord Kirel  Thu, Mar 25, 2010 11:23:54pm

SoCal teacher arrested in alleged drunken teaching

THERMAL, Calif. – A Southern California school teacher has been arrested for allegedly teaching while drunk.

Toro Canyon Middle School teacher Tonya Neff was taken to the Indio jail Tuesday afternoon and booked for investigation of felony child endangerment.

Administrators at Thermal's Toro Canyon Middle School told the Riverside County Sheriff's Department that the 47-year-old teacher was apparently intoxicated on campus.

Sheriff's Sgt. Mike Tapp says Neff had taken prescription drugs and alcohol and an alcoholic beverage was found inside a container.

Coachella Valley school district Superintendent Ricardo Medina says there was never a threat to Neff's seventh-grade students. Neff has been placed on leave.

Check out the booking photo.
My high school current events teacher was addicted to valium. She would show movies every day and nod off to sleep while they were running. The administrators apparently feel that this was dangerous although it wasn't conducive to a good learning environment to say the least.

2 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Thu, Mar 25, 2010 11:27:22pm

Just some more Tori ;)

3 Mark Pennington  Thu, Mar 25, 2010 11:32:15pm

Goodnight, Lizards.

4 albusteve  Thu, Mar 25, 2010 11:33:44pm

re: #2 LudwigVanQuixote

Just some more Tori ;)


after about ten links...I get you are a fan
must be a record

5 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Thu, Mar 25, 2010 11:34:56pm

re: #4 albusteve

after about ten links...I get you are a fan
must be a record

yes yes, always a good word from you stevo...

6 Cato the Elder  Thu, Mar 25, 2010 11:37:34pm

Goodnight, nocturnal hunters.

Good morning, Mandy. Congratulations on Saint Rose's love note to you after your love note to her. I know the Lady of the House of Wounded Feelings and her gallant swain, Defenseman, Lord of the Dead Blog, are grateful.

7 albusteve  Thu, Mar 25, 2010 11:39:15pm

well if Cato's punching out...
I'm out like a curly lightbulb

8 Cato the Elder  Thu, Mar 25, 2010 11:39:26pm

re: #1 Shiplord Kirel

SoCal teacher arrested in alleged drunken teaching

Check out the booking photo.
My high school current events teacher was addicted to valium. She would show movies every day and nod off to sleep while they were running. The administrators apparently feel that this was dangerous although it wasn't conducive to a good learning environment to say the least.

She looks like Cindy Sheehan's slightly less hideous younger sister.

9 freetoken  Thu, Mar 25, 2010 11:40:05pm

Loaded up the spin-offs with plenty of eco-links and sexual health links... ought to convince the Fox News viewer checking out LGF that this is a hotbed of communism.

10 Only The Lurker Knows  Thu, Mar 25, 2010 11:47:02pm

Repost from the DT.

He was talking about TV back then. But the media is now the Internet. Regardless, the message is still germane

Good Night/Day Lizards. And may the Deity of your choice smile down upon you.

/Wether that smile is benevolent or not is between the two of you.


11 goddamnedfrank  Thu, Mar 25, 2010 11:49:11pm

I'm going to keep hammering on this point, Dominionist Christians are two-faced sacks of trash:

"The god of Judaism is the devil. The Jew will not be recognized by God as one of His chosen people until he abandons his demonic religion and returns to the faith of his fathers--the faith which embraces Jesus Christ and His Gospel."

-David Chilton, Christian Reconstructionist.

Don't be fooled amigos, when Ann Coulter says she wants Jews to be perfected, the implication is "or else." The Federal Express reference really isn't about the comparative ease of Christianity vs. Judaism, but about her God drop shipping their unrepentant asses straight into a lake of fire.

12 Tigger2005  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 12:00:06am

re: #11 goddamnedfrank

I'm going to keep hammering on this point, Dominionist Christians are two-faced sacks of trash:

Don't be fooled amigos, when Ann Coulter says she wants Jews to be perfected, the implication is "or else." The Federal Express reference really isn't about the comparative ease of Christianity vs. Judaism, but about her God drop shipping their unrepentant asses straight into a lake of fire.

I'm glad this country was founded in part by radical intellectual non-Christians who rejected this sort of nonsense out of hand.

13 freetoken  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 12:00:44am

re: #11 goddamnedfrank

Well, I've actually read Chilton's The Days of Vengeance, and pretty much concluded that, while it might seem strange to some modern American conceptualization of Christianity, historically speaking Chilton's positions weren't uncommon in the past.

There really is no logical reconciliation between classic Christian soteriology and non-Christian beliefs. Some modern practitioners of Catholicism try, I think, and the "mainline" Protestant churches have developed a much more loose interpretation of "salvation". Yet it is true that for 13 centuries, from Augustine through Calvin, the major Christian teachers were quiet adamant about the exclusivity of the claims of Christianity.

14 Mocking Jay  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 12:01:47am

re: #11 goddamnedfrank

I'm going to keep hammering on this point, Dominionist Christians are two-faced sacks of trash:

Don't be fooled amigos, when Ann Coulter says she wants Jews to be perfected, the implication is "or else." The Federal Express reference really isn't about the comparative ease of Christianity vs. Judaism, but about her God drop shipping their unrepentant asses straight into a lake of fire.

I love it when she says all Americans should be Christian. That's... that's something all right.

15 goddamnedfrank  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 12:03:17am

re: #12 Tigger2005

I'm glad this country was founded in part by radical intellectual non-Christians who rejected this sort of nonsense out of hand.

Me too:

As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion,—as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen,—and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.

-Treaty of Tripoli

16 Mocking Jay  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 12:05:32am

re: #11 goddamnedfrank

I'm going to keep hammering on this point, Dominionist Christians are two-faced sacks of trash:

Don't be fooled amigos, when Ann Coulter says she wants Jews to be perfected, the implication is "or else." The Federal Express reference really isn't about the comparative ease of Christianity vs. Judaism, but about her God drop shipping their unrepentant asses straight into a lake of fire.

Hold on a sec...
If I believe in all that stuff that was cut out of the Bible when the church "edited it" would that make me more perfect than Christians? Hmm.

17 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 12:08:06am

OK Hot Air has come to quoting actual Nazi scum

This from their comments on Quotes of the day

LewRockwell.com -

Americans have every right to be angry at almost everything the feds do, and passions on both sides were strained as this epochal battle over health care reached the final vote. I look at the video linked in Cashill’s article, and I definitely do see anger. But no evidence of racism. What – were they supposed to stop their protesting and just smile and wave “hello” to these congressmen because they were black? That’s racism itself.

By the way, can anyone explain why the members of the Black Caucus were walking through the crowd? Where were they coming from? Since I didn’t watch the live coverage, I have no idea why they were there.

Congressmen usually take the underground Capitol Hill subway when going from their Senate and House office buildings (if that’s where they were coming from) to the Capitol for a vote. And if they are arriving by car, the car usually pulls right up to an entrance of the Capitol, so in that case they wouldn’t be walking a gauntlet through the crowd. Call me Mr. Suspicious, but it sort of looks to me like they wanted to provoke a reaction – not such a stretch for members of the Black Caucus. Call me Mr. Conspiracist, but I think I smell a set-up.

So, show me the videotape or recording evidence – not of vehemence, but of actual racism. If you produce it, I’m ready to condemn it. Short of that, I condemn the people who smear their opposition – without evidence – with such labels. That sort of group-smear may be politics as usual, but that’s why most Americans hate politics as usual.

A note to my liberal friends:

If you are uncomfortable with the vehemence of the protests, all I can say is, get used to it. It’s only going to get worse in the years ahead, on both the Left and the Right. As the nation heads toward bankruptcy, “entitlements” will be drastically cut and taxes will be drastically raised. There are going to be a lot of pissed-off people.

KentAllard on March 26, 2010 at 1:53 AM

18 goddamnedfrank  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 12:09:32am

re: #16 JasonA

Hold on a sec...
If I believe in all that stuff that was cut out of the Bible when the church "edited it" would that make me more perfect than Christians? Hmm.

I'm not a good judge of perfection, but thatwould leave one with a much better impression of Judas.

19 Lidane  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 12:13:35am

Send lawyers, guns, and money-- the shit has hit the fan:

Pope Was Told Pedophile Priest Would Get Transfer

MUNICH — The future Pope Benedict XVI was kept more closely apprised of a sexual abuse case in Germany than previous church statements have suggested, raising fresh questions about his handling of a scandal unfolding under his direct supervision before he rose to the top of the church’s hierarchy.

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the future pope and archbishop in Munich at the time, was copied on a memo that informed him that a priest, whom he had approved sending to therapy in 1980 to overcome pedophilia, would be returned to pastoral work within days of beginning psychiatric treatment. The priest was later convicted of molesting boys in another parish.

An initial statement on the matter issued earlier this month by the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising placed full responsibility for the decision to allow the priest to resume his duties on Cardinal Ratzinger’s deputy, the Rev. Gerhard Gruber. But the memo, whose existence was confirmed by two church officials, shows that the future pope not only led a meeting on Jan. 15, 1980, approving the transfer of the priest, but was also kept informed about the priest’s reassignment.

What part he played in the decision making, and how much interest he showed in the case of the troubled priest, who had molested multiple boys in his previous job, remains unclear. But the personnel chief who handled the matter from the beginning, the Rev. Friedrich Fahr, “always remained personally, exceptionally connected” to Cardinal Ratzinger, the church said.

The case of the German priest, the Rev. Peter Hullermann, has acquired fresh relevance because it unfolded at a time when Cardinal Ratzinger, who was later put in charge of handling thousands of abuse cases on behalf of the Vatican, was in a position to refer the priest for prosecution, or at least to stop him from coming into contact with children. The German Archdiocese has acknowledged that “bad mistakes” were made in the handling of Father Hullermann, though it attributed those mistakes to people reporting to Cardinal Ratzinger rather than to the cardinal himself.

Church officials defend Benedict by saying the memo was routine and was “unlikely to have landed on the archbishop’s desk,” according to the Rev. Lorenz Wolf, judicial vicar at the Munich Archdiocese. But Father Wolf said he could not rule out that Cardinal Ratzinger had read it.

20 Tigger2005  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 12:20:22am

re: #13 freetoken

Well, I've actually read Chilton's The Days of Vengeance, and pretty much concluded that, while it might seem strange to some modern American conceptualization of Christianity, historically speaking Chilton's positions weren't uncommon in the past.

There really is no logical reconciliation between classic Christian soteriology and non-Christian beliefs. Some modern practitioners of Catholicism try, I think, and the "mainline" Protestant churches have developed a much more loose interpretation of "salvation". Yet it is true that for 13 centuries, from Augustine through Calvin, the major Christian teachers were quiet adamant about the exclusivity of the claims of Christianity.

Which is why Thomas Jefferson believed that the deification of Jesus was a part of a historical power grab by the Christian Church. He regarded Jesus as a great teacher of universal ethics, and rewrote the Gospels to remove Jesus' miracles and claims of divinity.

He may have been somewhat correct, although it's more likely there was no historical Jesus at all...the Gospels are probably allegorical tales that people eventually came to regard as history, especially since they contained a couple of historical figures and are placed in identifiable locales. Christianity probably coalesced out of a bewildering variety of sects that had in common a belief in some kind of intermediary between God and man, who "saved" either by imparting spiritual knowledge or by "descending" through the heavens to a point close to Earth, taking on the likeness of flesh, and undergoing a death and resurrection. (Similar beliefs were held by the mystery cults that were popular at the same time Christianity was emerging.)

Christianity owes a great deal to the meeting of mystical Judaism with neo-Platonist philosophy.

21 AK-47%  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 12:20:31am

re: #16 JasonA

Funny, because Islam sees itself as the "perfection" and "refinement" of the Christian belief and are preapred to accept jesus Christ as a phophet of God, just not The Prophet.

And Mormonism also sees itself as a further efinement of Christianity, revealing lost Scriptures.

So let this become a religious hymn for all those whose faith is short of achieving the Divine:

22 Mocking Jay  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 12:23:39am

re: #19 Lidane

Send lawyers, guns, and money-- the shit has hit the fan:

Pope Was Told Pedophile Priest Would Get Transfer

Why bother? He's a head of state. Nothing to be done, apparently.
I have a better idea: stop giving people authority because they know the bible better than you do.

(Not you personally, of course.)

23 Mocking Jay  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 12:25:28am

re: #21 ralphieboy

Funny, because Islam sees itself as the "perfection" and "refinement" of the Christian belief and are preapred to accept jesus Christ as a phophet of God, just not The Prophet.

And Mormonism also sees itself as a further efinement of Christianity, revealing lost Scriptures.

So let this become a religious hymn for all those whose faith is short of achieving the Divine:


*shrugs* I'm a heathen. It would seem I have a whole bunch of hells waiting for me.

24 windhorse  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 12:34:13am

in dreams, I walk with you..........

In dreams.....

25 SixDegrees  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 12:35:29am

re: #12 Tigger2005

I'm glad this country was founded in part by radical intellectual non-Christians who rejected this sort of nonsense out of hand.

Well, regardless of what their personal beliefs were, they made a real breakthrough in relegating them to the status of 'personal,' and taking pains to arrange that the state would stay out of it's citizen's personal business to the largest degree possible and allow them to pursue whatever each individual's beliefs happened to be.

Of course, they were inspired to do so in part by direct experience with an intrusive theocracy, something few in the West have any first-hand contact with today.

26 Lidane  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 12:37:18am

re: #22 JasonA

I have a better idea: stop giving people authority because they know the bible better than you do.

(Not you personally, of course.)

Heh. I know what you meant.

To be honest, I gave the Church authority over that for 18 years, since I was raised Catholic. Walked away from it for a whole set of reasons that had nothing to do with all these molestation scandals, too. Basically, I just didn't believe in it anymore. I like the rituals of the Mass, I just don't buy into any of it, so I walked away. Haven't set foot in a church except for weddings, funerals or the occasional service when I visit my Mom in almost 20 years. These days, I'm an atheist.

The scope and breadth of all these scandals is mind-blowing, especially their direct connection to the Pope. I mean, a policy like shuffling these priests around had to start at the top, but having it all presented in such stark terms is what has so many people shocked by the story.

27 Mocking Jay  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 12:40:22am

re: #26 Lidane

Andrew Sullivan had a nice post on this today.

[Link: andrewsullivan.theatlantic.com...]

These men are too objectively disordered to run a church. They bask in self-denial, while they wage a culture war against gay men who have actually dealt with their sexuality, who have owned it, and celebrated it and even found ways to channel it into adult relationships and even civil marriage.
28 stayfrosty  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 12:45:29am

Times Online: Binyamin Netanyahu humiliated after Barack Obama 'dumped him for dinner'

For a head of government to visit the White House and not pose for photographers is rare. For a key ally to be left to his own devices while the President withdraws to have dinner in private was, until this week, unheard of. Yet that is how Binyamin Netanyahu was treated by President Obama on Tuesday night, according to Israeli reports on a trip viewed in Jerusalem as a humiliation.

After failing to extract a written promise of concessions on settlements, Mr Obama walked out of his meeting with Mr Netanyahu but invited him to stay at the White House, consult with advisers and “let me know if there is anything new”, a US congressman, who spoke to the Prime Minister, said.

“It was awful,” the congressman said. One Israeli newspaper called the meeting “a hazing in stages”, poisoned by such mistrust that the Israeli delegation eventually left rather than risk being eavesdropped on a White House telephone line. Another said that the Prime Minister had received “the treatment reserved for the President of Equatorial Guinea”.


29 Lidane  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 12:45:32am

re: #27 JasonA

Andrew Sullivan had a nice post on this today.

[Link: andrewsullivan.theatlantic.com...]

Yeah, I just read that.

I feel for Sully. He goes off the reservation sometimes, like all his weird conspiracies about Sarah Palin, but at heart I think he's a good guy. This scandal has to be playing hell on him, just because he legitimately wants to stay Catholic, as he considers it the best reflection of his religious beliefs.

I couldn't imagine being a devout Catholic and seeing all this unfolding right now. In a way, I'm actually happier that I walked away when I did when I read about these scandals.

30 Mocking Jay  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 12:51:58am

re: #29 Lidane

Yeah, his Palin stuff is out there, especially since I don't see the point. Even if he's right about it what has he gained?

I was raised in Catholic schools, too. Leaving it was very gradual and happened in bits and pieces. It's hard for me to imagine it, too. To get into that frame of mind again. Can't say I miss it.

Time for me to get some sleep. Have a pleasant night.

31 Lidane  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 1:06:10am

re: #30 JasonA

I was raised in Catholic schools, too. Leaving it was very gradual and happened in bits and pieces. It's hard for me to imagine it, too. To get into that frame of mind again. Can't say I miss it.

Yeah, can't say I miss it either. It's weird-- I just can't get into that frame of mind for any religion. I've tried, too. I just keep going back to my skepticism about all faiths and about any concept of a personal deity. I guess being an atheist is just my default setting. Heh.

Time for me to get some sleep. Have a pleasant night.

You too. In fact, sleep sounds like a great idea. G'night Lizards! :)

32 Cato the Elder  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 1:07:53am

re: #21 ralphieboy

Funny, because Islam sees itself as the "perfection" and "refinement" of the Christian belief and are [sic] preapred [sic] to accept jesus [sic] Christ as a phophet [sic] of God, just not The Prophet.

Allowing for the plain fact that you were drunk when you typed this nonsense, it remains nonsense.

Islam sees itself as the original, pure religion of Adam and Noah, and Judaism and Christianity as the willful perversions of same.

Come back when you're sober and have read something on the subject. I suggest Bernard Lewis as a starting point.

33 goddamnedfrank  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 1:37:40am

re: #32 Cato the Elder

Islam sees itself as the original, pure religion of Adam and Noah, and Judaism and Christianity as the willful perversions of same.

Yet as a matter of faith Muslims believe that Jesus was born of a virgin Mary. The Koran takes great pains not to question one of the most obviously questionable aspects of the New Testament. Why bother doing this if the stress is on an original primacy of religious tradition?

Islam, may present itself as the pure religion of Adam and Noah, but it is also fully cognizant of the entire historical evolution of the various Abrahamic faiths, placing itself within and characterizing itself as the last, final, and only correct iteration thereof.

34 Taqyia2Me  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 2:55:31am

[Link: corner.nationalreview.com...]

"...Like it or not, between 2001 and 2008, the “progressive” community redefined what is acceptable and not acceptable in political and public discourse about their elected officials. Slurs like “Nazi” and “fascist” and “I hate” were no longer the old street-theater derangement of the 1960s, but were elevated to high-society novels, films, political journalism, and vein-bulging outbursts of our elites. If one were to take the word "Bush" and replace it with "Obama" in the work of a Nicholson Baker, or director Gabriel Range, or Garrison Keillor or Jonathan Chait, or in the rhetoic of a Gore or Moore, we would be presently in a national crisis, witnessing summits on the epidemic of "hate speech."

So here we are with the age-old problem that once one destroys decorum for the sake of short-term expediency, it is very hard to restore it in any credible fashion on grounds of principle when the proverbial shoe is on the other foot. A modest suggestion: If the liberal community wishes to be more credible in its concern about contemporary extremist anti-administration rhetoric, then they might try the following: “Please, let us avoid extremism and do not fall into the same trap as Baker, Chait, Keillor, Gore, Moore, or Range when they either expressed open hatred toward their president, or speculated about the assassination of their president, or compared their president to a fascist. We must disown such extremism, past and present."

35 AK-47%  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 3:16:17am

re: #32 Cato the Elder

not drunk, Cato, just pre-caffienated and getting out the door to work here in Old Europe.

The Koran even contains verses on the virgin birth, and is prepared to let Christians retain a lot of their faith as long as they accept Mohammed as the One and Only Pfrophet (sic, eh?)

36 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 3:17:46am

re: #14 JasonA

I love it when she says all Americans should be Christian. That's... that's something all right.

There was a time that I supported Ann's "We should invade their countries... convert..." meme.

Posted it here (in my nascent lizardom), Charles deleted it. Was my first deleted comment at LGF...

Thought it thoroughly through (which is something that I wish that all fringies would do) and came up with this little brainstorm.


37 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 3:21:16am

re: #36 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I love people who toss bombs like that, left and right. Funny is funny.

Morning all!

38 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 3:25:43am

re: #36 Fat Bastard Vegetarian


ummm ,,, lemme guess

a vegetarian
a bastard!


39 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 3:28:00am

David Frum:

Plumline: David Frum: AEI Says They Didn’t Axe Me For Slamming GOP
[Link: theplumline.whorunsgov.com...]

and Bruce Bartlett's take:
[Link: capitalgainsandgames.com...]

Since, he is no longer affiliated with AEI, I feel free to say publicly something he told me in private a few months ago. He asked if I had noticed any comments by AEI "scholars" on the subject of health care reform. I said no and he said that was because they had been ordered not to speak to the media because they agreed with too much of what Obama was trying to do.
40 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 3:32:33am

re: #34 Taqyia2Me

8 years of reagan the left acted like assholes. 8 years of clinton the right acted like assholes. 8 years of bush and the left acted like assholes. It's obama's turn. I'll take them all seriously right around....never.

"Why do they have to be so meeaan". Boo-Freaking-Hoo.

41 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 3:40:34am

A civil rights injunction was obtained Wednesday against a white supremacist and his girlfriend, who threatened a Jewish man and prevented him from returning to his car at a Wareham supermarket.

The order prohibits Michael Watkins, of Greenfield, and Emily Putney, of Royalston, from violating the civil rights of any person in the state based on actual or perceived race, national origin or religion.

Violation of the injunction is a criminal offense punishable by a fine of up to $5,000 and up to two and a half years in prison or $10,000 and up to 10 years in prison if physical injury results.


Putney led police on a half-mile chase, during which Watkins threw a loaded large capacity shotgun from the passenger seat window, before pulling over. Watkins then charged at police, who were able to subdue and arrest Watkins only after administering a Taser on him twice.

Watkins pleaded guilty in Wareham District Court to criminal charges of civil rights violations, firearm violations and resisting arrest in connection with the incident. Watkins is currently serving an 18-month sentence for an unrelated incident in Athol and will serve additional committed time in jail for the firearm, resisting arrest and civil rights violations.

42 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 3:42:15am

Someone Finally Takes Sean Penn's Advice
[Link: reason.com...]

So what does a squalid little autocracy do when faced with an increasingly angry opposition, irritated that a country of such massive oil wealth cannot keep the power on or the shelves stocked with meat or sugar? Well, don’t tell Sean Penn (he'll get a big head), but the Chavez regime has taken his advice; cracking down on free speech and the pesky, disorganized political opposition. First, it was anti-Chavez politician Oswaldo Alvarez Paz, who recently told a television interviewer that the well-documented charges emanating from Spain connecting the Miraflores gang to FARC and ETA could not be easily dismissed. The country’s reptilian Justice Minister Tareck El Aissami responded by throwing Paz in jail (on charges of “spreading false information”) and commenting: "Someone cannot stand up to defame, to lie, to manipulate in the media here and not have anything happen." It’s eerily reminiscent of Sandinista censor Nelba Blandon’s classic vulgarity, when asked why the government shuttered an opposition newspaper: "They accused us of suppressing freedom of expression. This was a lie and we could not let them publish it."

43 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 3:47:10am

re: #41 MandyManners

A civil rights injunction was obtained Wednesday against a white supremacist and his girlfriend, who threatened a Jewish man and prevented him from returning to his car at a Wareham supermarket.

In the parking lot, Watkins shouted an onslaught of hateful speech at the Jewish customer, calling him a "white (n-word)" and saying, "we will kill you all" and "(n-word) will die, not whites." Out of fear, the customer returned to the supermarket, where employees called police. Watkins was accompanied by Putney during the incident, who also drove Watkins away from the scene.
Watkins pleaded guilty in Wareham District Court to criminal charges of civil rights violations, firearm violations and resisting arrest in connection with the incident.

So, if he had threatened to kill him because he didn't like the shirt he was wearing that would have been ok?

44 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 3:48:44am

re: #42 RogueOne

Someone Finally Takes Sean Penn's Advice
[Link: reason.com...]

Man, I really hate the fact that Sean Penn is an incredibly influential radio talk show host who reaches millions of homes each day and rakes in like a quarter of a billion dollar contract oh wait

45 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 3:50:44am

re: #44 WindUpBird

Man, I really hate the fact that Sean Penn is an incredibly influential radio talk show host who reaches millions of homes each day and rakes in like a quarter of a billion dollar contract oh wait

Yeah ,,,excuse bad behavior by pointing to other bad behavior

That's the way I would have gone also!

46 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 3:51:04am

re: #43 RogueOne

So, if he had threatened to kill him because he didn't like the shirt he was wearing that would have been ok?


47 Spare O'Lake  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 3:51:35am

re: #41 MandyManners

A civil rights injunction was obtained Wednesday against a white supremacist and his girlfriend, who threatened a Jewish man and prevented him from returning to his car at a Wareham supermarket.

In the parking lot, Watkins shouted an onslaught of hateful speech at the Jewish customer, calling him a "white (n-word)" and saying, "we will kill you all" and "(n-word) will die, not whites." Out of fear, the customer returned to the supermarket, where employees called police.

The death threat, stalking and intimidation would presumably be grounds for criminal code charges. If so, I think I would have preferred that to the use of civil rights legislation.

48 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 3:51:53am

re: #40 RogueOne

8 years of reagan the left acted like assholes. 8 years of clinton the right acted like assholes. 8 years of bush and the left acted like assholes. It's obama's turn. I'll take them all seriously right around...never.

"Why do they have to be so meeaan". Boo-Freaking-Hoo.

I don't ever remember the "left" during Reagan spitting on and threatening the lives of congressmen, screaming at disabled people, threatening to secede because a vote didn't go their way but maybe I just forgot my upbringng :(

Asshole (doesnotequal) wacko

49 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 3:53:42am

re: #45 sattv4u2

Yeah ,,,excuse bad behavior by pointing to other bad behavior

That's the way I would have gone also!


Carry on :)

50 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 3:54:37am

re: #48 WindUpBird

I remember lefties cheering when Reagan was shot.

You probably don't remember that.

51 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 3:55:18am

re: #42 RogueOne

Someone Finally Takes Sean Penn's Advice
[Link: reason.com...]

The owner of a Venezuelan TV channel that takes a hard line against President Hugo Chavez has been arrested for remarks authorities deemed offensive, sending a powerful signal to government opponents that they should watch their words.


pposition leaders and human rights groups condemned Thursday's arrest of Guillermo Zuloaga, the owner of Globovision, who was detained on a warrant by military intelligence agents and released hours later after appearing in court. Critics called the case a major setback for freedom of speech, saying it shows the government is growing increasingly intolerant and authoritarian as its popular support has slipped.

Zuloaga was detained while authorities investigate his "offensive" remarks against the president at an Inter American Press Association meeting in Aruba, Attorney General Luisa Ortega said. Zuloaga had joined other media executives at the forum last weekend in criticizing Chavez's government for limiting free speech and cracking down on critics.

The Attorney General's Office said in a statement that prosecutors are investigating Zuloaga for violating a law prohibiting Venezuelans from spreading "false information through any medium," including newspapers, radio, television, e-mails or leaflets, "that cause public panic."


52 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 3:55:28am

re: #44 WindUpBird

Man, I really hate the fact that Sean Penn is an incredibly influential radio talk show host who reaches millions of homes each day and rakes in like a quarter of a billion dollar contract oh wait

Yeah. Otherwise who would care that he believes journalists should be jailed for not saying the correct things or that he supports an obvious thug/dictator-wanna-be.

53 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 3:55:39am

re: #48 WindUpBird

Asshole (doesnotequal) wacko

But, often they go hand in hand...

54 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 3:56:30am

re: #49 WindUpBird

re: #50 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I remember lefties cheering when Reagan was shot.

You probably don't remember that.


55 Taqyia2Me  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 3:57:27am

re: #50 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I remember lefties cheering when Reagan was shot.

You probably don't remember that.

I bet I could go to a lefty site right now and, to this day, see someone still celebrating Reagan's death.

56 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 3:57:30am

re: #48 WindUpBird

I don't ever remember the "left" during Reagan spitting on and threatening the lives of congressmen, screaming at disabled people, threatening to secede because a vote didn't go their way but maybe I just forgot my upbringng :(

Asshole (doesnotequal) wacko

Maybe you weren't around for the "reagan wants to destroy the world" good times, I was. I notice you didn't mention anything about the clinton years, would you carry your thought on to excuse the outrageous behavior during his terms?

57 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 3:58:01am

I'm not running the "they did it too, meme". Just saying selective memory is dishonest.

58 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 3:58:53am

re: #42 RogueOne

About Tareck El Aissami.

Mr. El – Aissami is a Venezuelan national of Syrian descent who, before becoming Minster of Interior and Justice, occupied the position of Deputy Interior Minister for Public Security. His father, Carlos Aissami, is the head of the Venezuelan branch of the Iraqi Baath political party. Before the invasion of Iraq, he held a press conference in which he described himself as a Taliban and called Osama Bin Laden, "the great Mujahedeen, Sheik Osama bin Laden." Tarek's great-uncle Shibli el-Aissami was a prominent ideologist and assistant to the party's secretary general in Baghdad during the Saddam Hussein regime.[1]

Venezuelan investigative journalist, Patricia Poleo, who escaped Venezuela and currently lives in Miami says that Mr. Aissami together with others affiliated with Hezbollah, such as Lebanon-born Gahzi Nasserddine, currently the Business Liaison at the Venezuelan embassy in Damascus, and his brother, Ghasan Atef Salameh Nasserddi, are in charge of recruiting young Venezuelan Arabs affiliated with the 'Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela' or PSUV (Chavez's Socialist Party), to be sent to South Lebanon for combat training in Hezbollah camps preparing them for 'asymmetrical war' against the United States. Once back in Venezuela, they are greeted by radical members of the Venezuelan Socialist Party affiliated with UNEFA (the university run by the Armed Forces) and the Universidad Bolivariana de Venezuela (Venezuelan Bolivarian University) and continue with their training in firearms, explosives and munitions. The training camps are located in the states of Monagas, Miranda, el Páramo, Falcon, Yaracuy, Yumare, and Trujillo and the districts of Maturin, Los Teques, El Jari, Churuguara and Sierra de San Luis. These groups and individuals are supervised by the Hezbollah Organization in Venezuela, along with al-Qaeda Iraqis currently living in the country and by the Palestinian Democratic Front, headed by Salid Ahmed Rahman, whose office is located in Caracas's Central Park.[4]

Since Chavez assumed the Presidency, Hezbollah, Hamas and al-Qaeda have used Venezuela as their bridge to other Latin American countries. There is information that a group of Iraqi activists belonging to al-Qaeda are currently in Caracas. Their names are: Mohammed Adnan Yasin, Falah Amin Taha and Muhi Alwan Mohammed Al Qaisi. They all arrived in Caracas with temporary visas granted and approved by the heads of Onidex (Cabezas and Aissami) and are believed to be very dangerous. They oversee the activities of these terrorist organizations in the tri – border region, and in Nicaragua and Argentina.[5]


59 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 3:59:29am

re: #57 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I'm not running the "they did it too, meme". Just saying selective memory is dishonest.

I keep saying this but no one ever pays attention....this has been going on since Washington. Washington was the one and only president we've had where the people gave him the utmost respect. Since then we've behaved like people behave, we're assholes.

60 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 3:59:35am

re: #57 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I'm not running the "they did it too, meme". Just saying selective memory is dishonest.

My original point in #45 that WUB found so objectionable

61 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:00:29am

re: #58 MandyManners

You still twirlin'?

re: #60 sattv4u2

My original point in #45 that WUB found so objectionable

I probably made the point better.

62 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:00:58am

re: #43 RogueOne

So, if he had threatened to kill him because he didn't like the shirt he was wearing that would have been ok?

I"m not fond of hate-crime laws but, they do have their uses.

63 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:01:20am

Wille on Morning Joe has put together a piece "Bidens Top 10 Moments". Hilarious!

64 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:01:59am

re: #47 Spare O'Lake

The death threat, stalking and intimidation would presumably be grounds for criminal code charges. If so, I think I would have preferred that to the use of civil rights legislation.

I'm trying to figure out how the bastard knew that the victim was a Jew.

65 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:02:01am

re: #59 RogueOne

I keep saying this but no one ever pays attention...this has been going on since Washington. (1) Washington was the one and only president we've had where the people gave him the utmost respect. Since then we've behaved like people behave, (2) we're assholes.

Not sure I agree with #1, but #2, now ,, YUP

Back to #1,,, I wonder if it's because he was in unchartered territory. Nobody knew what a POTUS should be!

66 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:02:38am

re: #50 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I remember lefties cheering when Reagan was shot.

You probably don't remember that.

Only right-wingers can cheer violence, siwwy boy.

67 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:02:49am

re: #61 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

You still twirlin'?

re: #60 sattv4u2

I probably made the point better.

good point ,,, and if you wear a hat, nobody notices!

68 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:02:55am

re: #64 MandyManners

I'm trying to figure out how the bastard knew that the victim was a Jew.

Maybe the "I'm a Jew!" t-shirt?

69 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:04:18am

re: #65 sattv4u2

Not sure I agree with #1, but #2, now ,, YUP

Back to #1,,, I wonder if it's because he was in unchartered territory. Nobody knew what a POTUS should be!

That's probably part of the reason Washington got a pass. Once congress, the public, and the press got their feet under them it was all beating people with canes and shooting each other in duels. Good times, Good times.

70 Spare O'Lake  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:04:41am

re: #57 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I'm not running the "they did it too, meme". Just saying selective memory is dishonest.

Reagan was also regularly mocked by lefties for being a senile old fogie.

71 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:04:45am

re: #61 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

You still twirlin'?

re: #60 sattv4u2

I probably made the point better.

Sure am!


72 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:05:03am

re: #68 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Maybe the "I'm a Jew!" t-shirt?

Oh, you.

73 laZardo  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:06:46am
74 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:07:17am

Cantor and Weiner look close enough alike to be brothers. Separated at birth?

75 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:07:44am

re: #70 Spare O'Lake

Reagan was also regularly mocked by lefties for being a senile old fogie.

I used to love that. I responded by saying "so your party got it's ass handed to them by a senile old fogie, huh?"

((used a slightly altered version when the Bush is an idiot crowd emerged))

"So you party lost not once, but TWICE to a complete idiot,,fascinating!!""

76 AK-47%  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:08:13am

re: #55 Taqyia2Me

I bet I could go to a lefty site right now and, to this day, see someone still celebrating Reagan's death.

The cheering was cut off suddenly when Al Haig announced "I'm in control here!"

77 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:10:23am

re: #76 ralphieboy

The cheering was cut off suddenly when Al Haig announced "I'm in control here!"

Same reason us on the right wish absolutely NO ill will towards Obama

Biden stands at the ready, and if not him, Nana P.!

78 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:10:50am

More on the Chavez vs. the press crackdown:

[Link: www.latimes.com...]

Stepping up what opponents call a smack-down of opposition voices, the Venezuelan attorney general said Thursday that authorities had arrested the owner of the Globovision TV channel, one of the few remaining broadcasters critical of President Hugo Chavez.

Guillermo Zuloaga was arrested at an airport in western Venezuela as he was preparing to fly his private airplane to Bonaire, a Caribbean vacation destination, for Easter week. Venezuelan Atty. Gen. Luisa Ortega Diaz said Zuloaga was detained because he was considered a flight risk.
Chavez has lashed out at journalists as he has come under increasing criticism from opposition figures for the high inflation rate, violent crime and what foreign diplomats and law enforcement describe as rampant drug trafficking.

In May 2007, Chavez denied the renewal of a broadcast license to RCTV, then the most popular network in Venezuela and also a staunch critic of the president.

Chavez has also forced the closure of 33 independent radio stations and clamped down on regional newspapers.

How much longer are people on the far-left going to continue to make excuses for this asshole?

79 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:11:09am

Questionable Obsessions

In November, Jim Bartek, 49, of Maple Heights, Ohio, announced he was ending his streak of 524 consecutive days in which he listened to the album "Nostradamus" by the heavy-metal group Judas Priest. [Plain Dealer (Cleveland), 11-21-09]

80 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:11:30am

re: #70 Spare O'Lake

Reagan was also regularly mocked by lefties for being a senile old fogie.

The real Reagan...

81 Taqyia2Me  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:11:40am

re: #77 sattv4u2

Same reason us on the right wish absolutely NO ill will towards Obama

Biden stands at the ready, and if not him, Nana P.!

Amen! Many times, every single day!

82 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:11:55am

Ron Paul is on Morning Joe. I wish he weren't such a whack-o.

83 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:13:43am

re: #80 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

The real Reagan...

I remember that bit. Funny!

84 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:14:40am

Morning infidels.

85 Spare O'Lake  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:14:58am

re: #68 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Maybe the "I'm a Jew!" t-shirt?

Or maybe it was the "Israel Is Real" bumper sticker.

86 Taqyia2Me  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:15:06am

re: #80 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

The real Reagan...

I so miss Phil Hartman too...

87 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:17:21am

re: #78 RogueOne

More on the Chavez vs. the press crackdown:

[Link: www.latimes.com...]

How much longer are people on the far-left going to continue to make excuses for this asshole?


88 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:18:10am

re: #84 Cannadian Club Akbar

Morning infidels.

Did you decapitate those poor, widdle blades of grass yesterday?

89 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:18:52am

re: #84 Cannadian Club Akbar

re: #88 MandyManners

Did you decapitate those poor, widdle blades of grass yesterday?

All I know is that he didn't come over to my house like he was supposed to!

90 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:19:13am

re: #88 MandyManners

Did you decapitate those poor, widdle blades of grass yesterday?

No. I had to work. Had an associate do it for me. Bwhahahaha!!!

91 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:20:32am

Cuba's Ladies in White, marching to the famed Malecón in Havana atthe same time as the masses in Miami, were harassed without violence by a mob of pro-government civilians, participants said.

Another group of the activists was reported to have marched in Matanzas, east of Havana, and a dissident charged that government supporters armed with sticks and steel bars attacked his home at the same time.

``We wanted to be on the streets simultaneously with all those [Miami] people who identify with our pain, and show that in a not too-distant day we will all be together,'' said Berta Soler Fernandez, a Havana member of the Ladies in White.

The women activists, all relatives of jailed dissidents, marched carrying flowers and Cuban flags to the Malecón near the Hotel Nacional and released a flock of white doves, Soler added.

A small group of pro-government university students harassed the women with chants of ``Viva Fidel!,'' and a larger group of security agents and civilians joined the counter-demonstration later but there was no violence, she reported.


I reckon the government and its thugs figured the world was paying attention this time.

92 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:23:09am

re: #86 Taqyia2Me

I so miss Phil Hartman too...

The greatest (not arguably, THE GREATEST) SNL Cast member ever.

93 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:23:45am

My new electric bill is $23.00. But, that will change soon. About to get hot in a month or so.:(

94 laZardo  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:24:01am

re: #87 MandyManners

From that news-parody site you showed us a few threads back...

Kidnap victim Maria Angelica Guerrero got her kidnapper arrested by making him commit a "crime of opinion."

"It's the second time I was kidnapped and as the police never do anything in these cases, I thought that if the guy spoke ill of the president or some of his ministers perhaps they could finally get him," the victim said.

/deciphering google translate

95 Spare O'Lake  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:26:09am

re: #92 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

The greatest (not arguably, THE GREATEST) SNL Cast member ever.

John Belushi
Gilda Radner

96 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:26:15am

re: #91 MandyManners

Tens of thousands of Cuban exiles wearing white, and carrying gladioluses and flags marched for blocks along Calle Ocho with singer Gloria Estefan in support of Cuba's Damas de Blanco, Ladies in White, the peaceful dissidents who last week were attacked by government security forces in Havana.


Gloria Estefan's famous husband, Emilio Estefan, agreed.

``We truly are in a new era and it's the young generation with blooming technology in an age of camera phones and Twitter,'' he said. ``There is no escaping the truth anymore. We have finally reached a turning point for Cuba, Miami, the movement. This is a turning point in history.''


Pelaez took a quote from Orlando Zapata Tamayo's mother, a Dama de Blanco, and made it her Facebook status:

` ``They dragged me, I am all bruised. They beat me. They called me a n-----. They will know this mother's pain. When I get to my home town of Banes in my home province of Holguín they will have to bury me with my son. But my people will remember me. They will remember me. . . . The Castro brothers cannot be forgiven. They cannot be forgiven.'' No wonder Fidel is afraid.'


97 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:27:31am

re: #92 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

re: #95 Spare O'Lake

John Belushi
Gilda Radner

Eddie Murphy,

98 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:27:55am

re: #94 laZardo

From that news-parody site you showed us a few threads back...

/deciphering google translate

Maybe Chavez will arrest her, instead.

99 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:32:21am

India’s Supreme Court ruled yesterday that unmarried couples have the right to live together after hearing a case involving a Tamil actress accused of corrupting young minds by promoting premarital sex.

The judges pointed out that even the Hindu gods, Lord Krishna and Radha, were co-habiting lovers rather than man and wife. “When two adult people want to live together, what is the offence?” they said. “Living together is not an offence. Living together is a right to life.”

The ruling marks a legal milestone in India’s sexual revolution as younger members of the urban professional classes slowly but steadily break down traditional taboos.

It is unlikely, however, to change habits among most Indians, who rarely indulge in premarital sex, let alone cohabit with lovers, and usually have their spouses chosen by their parents.


100 Spare O'Lake  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:33:29am

re: #97 sattv4u2

Dan Ackroyd, Jane Curtin, Garrett Morris
The original cast was awesome.

101 laZardo  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:33:53am

re: #99 MandyManners

[Kamasutra joke here]

102 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:37:02am

re: #95 Spare O'Lake

John Belushi
Gilda Radner

Nope. But, thanks for playing.

103 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:37:42am

May as well start throwing the verbal bombs early, wake up people.

Zealots come out against HC mandate because the government shouldn't punish people who can't afford insurance:


104 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:37:59am

re: #100 Spare O'Lake

Dan Ackroyd, Jane Curtin, Garrett Morris
The original cast was awesome.

We've romanticized the original cast. SNL was very hit and miss in the beginning. Phil was never hit and miss. He was "hit".

105 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:40:57am

THE number of serious head and neck cancers linked to a virus spread by oral sex is rising rapidly and suggests boys as well as girls should be offered protection through vaccination, doctors say.

Despite an overall slight decline in most head and neck cancers in recent years, cases of a particular form called oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) have increased sharply, particularly in the developed world.

This growth seems to be linked to cancers caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), the scientists said in a report in the British Medical Journal.


106 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:41:53am

re: #103 RogueOne

A guy I work with has been in the hospital since Sunday. He has a virus in his heart. The doctors won't release him. We have no insurance through my job. Weird.

107 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:43:07am
108 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:45:01am

re: #106 Cannadian Club Akbar

A guy I work with has been in the hospital since Sunday. He has a virus in his heart. The doctors won't release him. We have no insurance through my job. Weird.

My aunt has been in the hospital in Cincinnati for a month without insurance. They're trying to get her healthy enough for a liver transplant. They were supposed to do it over a week ago but ran into complications when they opened her up. She'll have to declare medical bankruptcy but at least she's getting very good care.

109 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:45:21am

re: #107 thedopefishlives

B-b-b-but it's not really sex, Mandy, so how can I get an STD from it?/

I blame Bill Clinton.

110 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:46:30am

re: #109 MandyManners

I blame Bill Clinton.

Y'know, as much as I despise the man, this is one guilt trip I really can't lay on him. I think his casual attitude toward sexual acts was more a reflection of the trend than a cause of it.

111 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:47:11am

re: #109 MandyManners

I blame Bill Clinton.

I worked with a guy who said Clinton should have been charged with "obstruction of Monica's throat." Heh.

112 Jetpilot1101  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:47:33am

re: #109 MandyManners

I blame Bill Clinton.

Good morning. I wish Bill CLinton was president again. At least he attempted to balance the budget.

113 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:48:20am

Palin takes off to AZ to help McCain:

[Link: www.huffingtonpost.com...]

PHOENIX — John McCain helped Sarah Palin launch her national political career two years ago. Now, she's trying to help McCain save his. The former running mates will campaign together Friday for the first time since losing the presidential race in 2008.

Palin was a first-term governor of Alaska when McCain plucked her from relative obscurity to be his running mate. She went on to become a conservative rock star and a key Republican critic of President Barack Obama and the Democrats in Congress.

McCain is fighting for his political life. Fending off a primary challenge from the right, the four-term Arizona senator is facing the toughest re-election campaign of his Senate career.

114 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:48:29am

re: #110 thedopefishlives

Y'know, as much as I despise the man, this is one guilt trip I really can't lay on him. I think his casual attitude toward sexual acts was more a reflection of the trend than a cause of it.

I think what Mandy is referring to is at the time the argument was that oral sex isn't really "sex"

115 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:49:00am

re: #112 Jetpilot1101

Good morning. I wish Bill CLinton was president again. At least he attempted to balance the budget.

I wish Newt were still speaker of the house for the same reason!

116 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:49:27am

re: #114 sattv4u2

I think what Mandy is referring to is at the time the argument was that oral sex isn't really "sex"

Which ties into what I said below, if you think about it.

117 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:49:59am

BTW, I cannot wait for the Palin show on TLC. It's going to be a weekly head explosion for the haters. It's going to be fun to watch.

118 laZardo  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:50:27am

re: #112 Jetpilot1101

I miss 90s-Republicans.

119 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:50:50am

New York City police believe that drug-gang hit man Hector Quinones, 44, shot three men to death in a high-rise apartment in December, but allowed a woman in the apartment to escape when he tripped on his own baggy pants while chasing her. As police arrived, Quinones climbed out onto the fire escape but accidentally fell off and broke his neck. [New York Daily News, 12-19-09]

well ,,,at least he was stylin' !!

120 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:51:10am

re: #118 laZardo

I miss 90s-Republicans.

I miss the (early) 60's Dems !!

121 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:51:54am

re: #119 sattv4u2

He should have been dressed for his age. Fashion no-no's are deadly.

122 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:51:56am

re: #116 thedopefishlives

Which ties into what I said below, if you think about it.

Not really,,, He was more the horse, not the cart

123 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:52:43am

re: #110 thedopefishlives

Y'know, as much as I despise the man, this is one guilt trip I really can't lay on him. I think his casual attitude toward sexual acts was more a reflection of the trend than a cause of it.

His statement that he didn't have sex with that woman certainly enshrined that notion.

124 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:53:02am

re: #111 Cannadian Club Akbar


125 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:53:19am

A 36-year-old man drowned in Denville, N.J., in January during a friendly swimming competition with a pal, as they raced underneath a 30-yard long ice patch on partially frozen Indian Lake. [WINS Radio-AP, 1-4-10]

Darwin Award nominee

126 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:54:00am

re: #112 Jetpilot1101

Good morning. I wish Bill CLinton was president again. At least he attempted to balance the budget.

Thank the Contract for America for that.

127 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:54:30am

re: #117 RogueOne

BTW, I cannot wait for the Palin show on TLC. It's going to be a weekly head explosion for the haters. It's going to be fun to watch.


128 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:55:40am

re: #123 MandyManners

His statement that he didn't have sex with that woman certainly enshrined that notion.

No disagreement there, for certain.

129 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:55:49am

re: #127 MandyManners


She's going to have a reality show on TLC that starts later this year. Something about life in Alaska.

130 Jetpilot1101  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:56:33am

re: #126 MandyManners

Thank the Contract for America for that.

Good point. Do you suppose we might be able to get another one in November and have the politicians actually stick with it this time? As we drift closer to an entitlement state, my fear is that those wo suck off the government teat will continue to turn out in force and vote against any sensible politician who tries to balance the budget by cutting entitlements. Case in point: Sarkozy in France.

131 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:56:41am

re: #129 RogueOne

She's going to have a reality show on TLC that starts later this year. Something about life in Alaska.

Will it be titled "How to kill Moose and Squirrel?"

132 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:57:29am

Jesse James and the tattoo'd whore part 2:

[Link: www.huffingtonpost.com...]

Jesse James' ex-wife just gave an interview claiming he is a chronic cheater, and now another alleged mistress tells Star magazine that she and Jesse had a two-year relationship while he and Sandra Bullock were married.

Like Michelle McGee, the second mistress, Melissa Smith, is a stripper covered in tattoos and she met Jesse online and ended up having lots of unprotected and crazy sex with him. She was also jailed last year for beating up a cop and arrested for DUI.

133 laZardo  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:57:39am

re: #131 Cannadian Club Akbar

Will it be titled "How to kill Moose and Squirrel?"

On this week's episode, Sarah shows a greenhorn how to jump from a helicopter for a HALO knife attack on an unsuspecting pack of wolves.

134 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:58:20am

re: #131 Cannadian Club Akbar

Will it be titled "How to kill Moose and Squirrel?"

No but you should send them an email to submit that title. It would definitely add to the humor level.

135 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 4:59:33am

re: #128 thedopefishlives

No disagreement there, for certain.

One could say he erected a monument to oral sex not being sex.

136 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:00:09am

re: #129 RogueOne

She's going to have a reality show on TLC that starts later this year. Something about life in Alaska.

Will she kill and dress something?

137 Jetpilot1101  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:00:25am

Look Mr. President, one of the worlds last surviving dinosaur communists with a really great medical system is your biggest fan. The Studebaker has been used as an ambulane for years

138 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:00:33am

re: #130 Jetpilot1101

We have become a "Where's mine?" populous.

139 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:00:43am

re: #130 Jetpilot1101

Good point. Do you suppose we might be able to get another one in November and have the politicians actually stick with it this time? As we drift closer to an entitlement state, my fear is that those wo suck off the government teat will continue to turn out in force and vote against any sensible politician who tries to balance the budget by cutting entitlements. Case in point: Sarkozy in France.

We need to get some FisCon Republicans in there.

140 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:01:13am

re: #132 RogueOne

Jesse James and the tattoo'd whore part 2:

[Link: www.huffingtonpost.com...]

Why isn't James the "whore"?

141 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:01:16am

re: #138 Cannadian Club Akbar

We have become a "Where's mine?" populous.

Do you know where mine is?

142 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:01:30am

re: #135 MandyManners

One could say he erected a monument to oral sex not being sex.


143 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:01:50am

re: #141 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Do you know where mine is?

I'm betting in the fridge.

144 Jetpilot1101  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:02:11am

re: #139 MandyManners

We need to get some FisCon Republicans in there.

Ms. Mandy, I would settle for FisCon democrats but I'm unsure if any actually exist.

145 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:02:21am

re: #143 Cannadian Club Akbar

Not a bad guess..

146 AK-47%  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:02:27am

re: #99 MandyManners

Was just listening to a BBC report on Hindu moral policemen who regularly harass and threaten interreligious couples, especially Musdlim males with Hindu girlfriends, accusing the men of stealing the women away from Hinduism by using the "love Jihad"

Love Jihad? Does that involve doing it five times a day while facing Mecca?

147 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:02:43am

re: #140 MandyManners

Why isn't James the "whore"?

He's a man, it's implied.

148 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:02:45am

re: #131 Cannadian Club Akbar

Will it be titled "How to kill Moose and Squirrel?"

Run, Bullwinkle! Run, Rocky!

149 laZardo  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:02:55am

re: #137 Jetpilot1101

On the one hand, Cuba was ranked 39th in the same repeatedly-quoted World Health Organization survey where the US ranked 37th.

On the other hand, I hope the embargo does get lifted so the classic car collector commandos can drop in and liberate all those poor 1950s gems that are somehow still running.

150 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:03:04am

re: #140 MandyManners

He's the asshole.

151 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:03:13am

re: #137 Jetpilot1101

Look Mr. President, one of the worlds last surviving dinosaur communists with a really great medical system is your biggest fan. The Studebaker has been used as an ambulane for years


152 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:03:45am

re: #142 thedopefishlives


Doesn't that knock it down?

153 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:04:06am

re: #149 laZardo

Just hard for me to swallow the 37th in the world stuff. I'm sorry. Just can't swallow it.

154 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:04:13am

re: #144 Jetpilot1101

Ms. Mandy, I would settle for FisCon democrats but I'm unsure if any actually exist.

They're probably scared by San Fran Nan.

155 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:04:54am

re: #146 ralphieboy

Was just listening to a BBC report on Hindu moral policemen who regularly harass and threaten interreligious couples, especially Musdlim males with Hindu girlfriends, accusing the men of stealing the women away from Hinduism by using the "love Jihad"

Love Jihad? Does that involve doing it five times a day while facing Mecca?

Or, a splodey-dope hoping for his 72 virgins.

156 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:05:10am

re: #153 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Just hard for me to swallow the 37th in the world stuff. I'm sorry. Just can't swallow it.

Please don't talk about swallowing when Mandy's going on with the oral sex puns.

157 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:05:18am

re: #149 laZardo

On the one hand, Cuba was ranked 39th in the same repeatedly-quoted World Health Organization survey where the US ranked 37th.

On the other hand, I hope the embargo does get lifted so the classic car collector commandos can drop in and liberate all those poor 1950s gems that are somehow still running.

NO WAY ,,, as long as they are confined to that island, my 57' Chevy Bel Air is worth more here! You release theirs and all of a sudden mines not as rare!!!

158 AK-47%  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:06:09am

re: #157 sattv4u2

NO WAY ,,, as long as they are confined to that island, my 57' Chevy Bel Air is worth more here! You release theirs and all of a sudden mines not as rare!!!

Now we know who is agaist ending the Cuban embargo: classic car collectors!

159 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:06:10am

re: #153 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Just hard for me to swallow the 37th in the world stuff. I'm sorry. Just can't swallow it.


*paging Dr. Freud*

160 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:06:43am

re: #156 thedopefishlives

Please don't talk about swallowing when Mandy's going on with the oral sex puns.



161 Jetpilot1101  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:07:28am

I love mornings on LGF!

162 AK-47%  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:07:31am

re: #159 MandyManners

I was waiting for Bill to get up with a diagram of a baseball diamond and explain in specific detail just what is meant by first, second and third base, respectively, and how although he rounded third, he never slid in at home base, and therefore it was still just "heavy petting", which is not the same as S-e-x.

163 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:08:10am

re: #158 ralphieboy

Now we know who is agaist ending the Cuban embargo: classic car collectors!

Damn right!

(although, we do appreciate the occasional car hood that washes ashore passengers and all,, Good hard working wanna be citizens who escaped the asylum ,, ,,, and spare parts, ya know)

164 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:08:19am
165 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:08:42am

re: #161 Jetpilot1101

I love mornings on LGF!

Most had a good nights sleep, so we are less cranky.:)

166 SteveC  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:08:48am

Good, morning LGF!

First things first, Congratulations to my friend Anthony! He received a heart transplant one year ago today! (1 year ago last night, actually)


*Throws confetti*

167 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:08:48am

re: #164 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Speaking of Oral sex...

168 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:10:03am

re: #160 MandyManners



My cousin, in our youth, approaching girls at a club

"wanna dance?"
"no, thank you"
"then I guess a BJ is out of the question"

169 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:10:04am

re: #166 SteveC

Good for him!! Now settle down. Don't get him riled up!!

170 AK-47%  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:10:18am

re: #163 sattv4u2

They don't just wash up, this guy converted at 1947 buick into a boat-car...

171 laZardo  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:10:29am

re: #157 sattv4u2


/I have heard though that the Cubans have also somehow managed to keep them running by giving them transplants from the Soviet cars that often made its way to that island.

172 AK-47%  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:10:39am

Sorry, here the link to the boat-car:

[Link: alongthemalecon.blogspot.com...]

173 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:10:39am

Gotta' git.

174 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:10:53am

re: #168 sattv4u2

The balls on that one. Most of the girls I know would've just kicked him in the unmentionables.

175 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:11:02am

re: #165 Cannadian Club Akbar

Most had a good nights sleep, so we are less cranky.:)

Not me,,,, been at work since 9 last night (it's 8 a.m here now) and I still have two more hours to go !!


176 SteveC  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:11:24am

re: #162 ralphieboy

I was waiting for Bill to get up with a diagram of a baseball diamond and explain in specific detail just what is meant by first, second and third base, respectively, and how although he rounded third, he never slid in at home base, and therefore it was still just "heavy petting", which is not the same as S-e-x.

Rounding third
and heading for home
it's a brown eyed handsome man
It's gone and you can tell that one goodbye!
Put me in coach!
I'm ready to play!

177 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:11:42am

re: #174 thedopefishlives

The balls on that one. Most of the girls I know would've just kicked him in the unmentionables.

heh ,, he got a lot of face slaps,, but I must say, he also got a lot of bj's!

178 laZardo  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:12:17am

re: #173 MandyManners


179 laZardo  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:13:28am

re: #153 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Just hard for me to swallow the 37th in the world stuff. I'm sorry. Just can't swallow it.

It's okay to spit it out. Many of the countries in the top 10-20 are actually quite small.

180 garhighway  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:13:44am

re: #40 RogueOne

8 years of reagan the left acted like assholes. 8 years of clinton the right acted like assholes. 8 years of bush and the left acted like assholes. It's obama's turn. I'll take them all seriously right around...never.

"Why do they have to be so meeaan". Boo-Freaking-Hoo.

False equivalence

181 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:14:35am

re: #179 laZardo

It's okay to spit it out. Many of the countries in the top 10-20 are actually quite small.

I trust the WHO about as much as I trust the UN.

182 Jetpilot1101  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:16:16am

re: #170 ralphieboy

They don't just wash up, this guy converted at 1947 buick into a boat-car...

The man who built the boat car should be a US citizen by now. Even though he never made it feet dry, we didn't send him back to Cuba because the wonderful government there was going to throw him in jail for a long time. There was a deal worked out wherein he was able to live in a South American country until his citizenship was finalized. He was flown to the Bahamas and then to the country. I was the pilot.

183 Spare O'Lake  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:16:42am

re: #181 Cannadian Club Akbar

I trust the WHO about as much as I trust the UN.

No way! Pete is a stand-up guy, and so is Roger.

184 SteveC  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:18:04am

re: #181 Cannadian Club Akbar

I trust the WHO about as much as I trust the UN.

Not to wish Ill on anyone - even the UN - but the UN Drug agency in Brasilia Has shut down

The office of the UN Drugs and Crime agency in Brasilia has had to suspend operations today because of dengue. Six of its 20 officials have shown symptoms of the illness over the last ten days.

185 Spare O'Lake  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:18:27am

Gotta go aggravate some real world peeps.
Laters Gators.

186 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:20:10am

re: #182 Jetpilot1101

Thai is cool.:)

187 SteveC  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:20:13am

re: #183 Spare O'Lake

No way! Pete is a stand-up guy, and so is Roger.

If we don't trust them, all the versions of CSI will go off the air!

188 laZardo  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:22:36am

re: #187 SteveC

If we don't trust them, all the versions of CSI will go off the air!

And that's what I would call...


...case closed.

189 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:24:13am

Jimmy Carter is a Dbag.
[Link: www.israelnationalnews.com...]

190 Jetpilot1101  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:25:31am

re: #189 Cannadian Club Akbar

Jimmy Carter is a Dbag.
[Link: www.israelnationalnews.com...]

I would really like to see Charles make that a featured story but I won't hold my breath.

191 laZardo  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:26:11am

re: #189 Cannadian Club Akbar

He looks really pissy in that photo.

192 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:26:45am

re: #180 garhighway

False equivalence

How do you figure? What's "false" about the party out of power acts like buttholes? Do you have any evidence to the contrary?

193 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:27:42am

re: #189 Cannadian Club Akbar

Jimmy Carter is a Dbag.
[Link: www.israelnationalnews.com...]

He (Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh)urged Carter to pressure Israel to lift the security blockade which was imposed on Gaza’s border crossings to prevent weapons smuggling.

because ,, like , you know ,,,, we need the weapons that aren't getting smuggled in through

194 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:30:41am

Jimmy Carter is a Dbag.
[Link: www.koreatimes.co.kr...]

195 garhighway  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:31:08am

OT Good News: Silverstein and the Port Authority have made a deal, so we'll see some more buildings go up at the WTC site.

[Link: www.nytimes.com...]

196 laZardo  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:32:19am

re: #195 garhighway

Thanks to the money they received by planning the inside job insurance fraud!

///read in Alex Jones' accent. Always makes me chuckle.

197 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:32:27am

re: #194 Cannadian Club Akbar

Jimmy Carter is a Dbag.
[Link: www.koreatimes.co.kr...]


198 Jetpilot1101  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:32:52am

re: #194 Cannadian Club Akbar

Jimmy Carter is a Dbag.
[Link: www.koreatimes.co.kr...]

He has always been an inept dbag. I bump him into my dnozzle catagory.

199 stayfrosty  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:33:13am

OfA fundraises off threats

The Democrats continue to take political advantage of reports of Republican vandalism and threats, with the head of the Obama campaign organization, Mitch Stewart, referring to the incident at Tom Perriello's brother's house in a fundraising appeal.

He writes:

"A conservative blogger posted the home address of Congressman Tom Perriello, urging tea partiers to "drop by." Other members have had death threats. Democratic offices have been vandalized.

Please chip in $5 or more to defend health reform -- and those in Congress who fought to make it possible."


The threats are real, so no problem here, right?

200 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:34:14am

re: #199 stayfrosty

OfA fundraises off threats

The threats are real, so no problem here, right?

Who here has supported any threats?

201 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:34:22am

re: #196 laZardo

Thanks to the money they received by planning the inside job insurance fraud!

///read in Alex Jones' accent. Always makes me chuckle.

I love conspiracy theorists sometimes. They're almost always good for a laugh, especially when you get them all flustered because you've managed to prove them wrong on every point, and yet they KNOW they're right and there's got to be SOME flaw with your logic. (Here's a hint: There isn't.)

202 badger1  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:34:59am

re: #195 garhighway

About time.

203 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:35:11am

re: #201 thedopefishlives

I love conspiracy theorists sometimes. They're almost always good for a laugh, especially when you get them all flustered because you've managed to prove them wrong on every point, and yet they KNOW they're right and there's got to be SOME flaw with your logic. (Here's a hint: There isn't.)

Like the guys who made Loose Change vs. Popular Mechanics.

204 stayfrosty  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:35:31am

re: #200 Cannadian Club Akbar

Who here has supported any threats?

I'm referring to the fundraising, not the threats..

205 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:35:44am

re: #198 Jetpilot1101

He has always been an inept dbag. I bump him into my dnozzle catagory.

Actually, I do give him props for the Israeli/ Egypt deal

That stated, he has to come to the realization that the Palis are way different than the Egyptians

206 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:36:06am

re: #203 Cannadian Club Akbar

Like the guys who made Loose Change vs. Popular Mechanics.

The fun thing about conspiracy nuts is, after you've thoroughly debunked every talking point they've got, they go right back to the beginning as if you'd never debunked any of it. It's like riding a giant merry-go-round, really.

207 laZardo  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:36:09am

re: #201 thedopefishlives

I found Ron Paul an amusing sideshow when regular politics got boring.

Then he went mainstream.

/ >:%P%

208 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:36:18am

re: #204 stayfrosty

I'm referring to the fundraising, not the threats..

There were 2 ways to take the statement. I realized that after I posted.

209 Jetpilot1101  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:36:28am

re: #200 Cannadian Club Akbar

Who here has supported any threats?

No one regardless of party.

210 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:37:06am

re: #180 garhighway

False equivalence

I'm still waiting for you to explain how my statement equates to a false equivalence. The reason I ask is I keep seeing you use that phrase but I don't think it means what you think it means. It isn't part of the skeptics guide:
[Link: www.theskepticsguide.org...]
so maybe you have a different view of reality than I do, which is certainly possible.

211 cliffster  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:37:07am


212 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:37:18am

re: #204 stayfrosty

I'm referring to the fundraising, not the threats..

Well then, I don't support fund raising for dems!!


213 cliffster  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:37:42am

re: #195 garhighway

OT Good News: Silverstein and the Port Authority have made a deal, so we'll see some more buildings go up at the WTC site.

[Link: www.nytimes.com...]

Yeah, but I want to see a 580 story skyscraper there. When are they building that?

214 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:39:06am

re: #213 cliffster

Yeah, but I want to see a 580 story skyscraper there. When are they building that?

In this economy no one is building a skyscraper. The biggest buildings going up are Taco Bells.

215 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:40:09am

re: #214 RogueOne

In this economy no one is building a skyscraper. The biggest buildings going up are Taco Bells.

Now you're making me hungry. >.>

216 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:40:19am

re: #214 RogueOne

In this economy no one is building a skyscraper. The biggest buildings going up are Taco Bells.

heh ,,,, come to Atlanta ,,

The CDC is finishing up yet another building here

217 Our Precious Bodily Fluids  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:40:37am

re: #24 windhorse

in dreams, I walk with you...

In dreams...

218 SteveC  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:41:06am

re: #214 RogueOne

In this economy no one is building a skyscraper. The biggest buildings going up are Taco Bells.

"We're going to Taco Bell?"

"Taco Bell won the Franchise Wars, John Spartan. Now all restaurants are Taco Bell."

219 cliffster  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:42:14am

re: #214 RogueOne

In this economy no one is building a skyscraper. The biggest buildings going up are Taco Bells.

You want a double decker supreme? That's on the 35th floor.

220 laZardo  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:42:14am

re: #214 RogueOne

In this economy no one is building a skyscraper. The biggest buildings going up are Taco Bells.

Funny thing is, they just introduced Taco Bell over here. I suspect the meat quality might actually be better than the ones in the States.

221 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:42:46am

re: #220 laZardo

Funny thing is, they just introduced Taco Bell over here. I suspect the meat quality might actually be better than the ones in the States.

Whoa!! They use actual meat?

222 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:42:53am

re: #218 SteveC

"We're going to Taco Bell?"

"Taco Bell won the Franchise Wars, John Spartan. Now all restaurants are Taco Bell."

Updinged for the reference to one of my favorite Sylvester Stallone movies.

223 Our Precious Bodily Fluids  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:43:54am

re: #220 laZardo

Funny thing is, they just introduced Taco Bell over here. I suspect the meat quality might actually be better than the ones in the States.

Taco Bell introduces the ContraceptiMelt

224 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:44:08am

re: #222 thedopefishlives

Updinged for the reference to one of my favorite Sylvester Stallone movies.

There was only one worthy Sly movie ,, and that was in larger part thanks to Burgess Meredith!

225 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:44:43am

re: #140 MandyManners

Why isn't James the "whore"?

Ha! I just noticed you down-dinged me for that comment like I was saying something bad about sluts. I'd never say anything bad about loose women. Any man who doesn't like sluts hasn't thought it through.

226 SteveC  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:44:57am

re: #222 thedopefishlives

Updinged for the reference to one of my favorite Sylvester Stallone movies.

You just like Sandra Bullock in tights!

//No problem with that, so do I!

227 Walter L. Newton  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:46:07am

Snow again... later today, tonight and tomorrow, 6-8 inches, on top of the 14 inches we have, snow, snow, snow...

228 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:46:43am

re: #227 Walter L. Newton

Snow again... later today, tonight and tomorrow, 6-8 inches, on top of the 14 inches we have, snow, snow, snow...

Morning Walter

Did you get your supermarket call yesterday?

229 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:46:57am

re: #226 SteveC

You just like Sandra Bullock in tights!

//No problem with that, so do I!

Don't say that too loud, the Mrs. Fish will hear.

/Hey, she has a crush on Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, she can let me have my fantasies too

230 Decatur Deb  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:47:51am

re: #209 Jetpilot1101

No one regardless of party.

Just walked in on this exchange. In my lurker year, I saw many LGF arguments that had nothing to do with politics, just the ambiguous nature of English. The "here" could easily be meant or taken as "in this situation" or "on LGF". Some of the battles got nasty.

Morning all. Is the rat still dead?

231 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:48:11am

re: #229 thedopefishlives

Don't say that too loud, the Mrs. Fish will hear.

/Hey, she has a crush on Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, she can let me have my fantasies too

(((old married couple after a round of sex))

"That was great,,, who were YOU thinking of !?!?!"

232 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:48:56am

re: #230 Decatur Deb

Just walked in on this exchange. In my lurker year, I saw many LGF arguments that had nothing to do with politics, just the ambiguous nature of English. The "here" could easily be meant or taken as "in this situation" or "on LGF". Some of the battles got nasty.

Morning all. Is the rat still dead?

I think it was run over with a car. So, I'm betting yes.

233 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:49:59am

Is the site "Classical Values" on the ok list? I ask because they have a good post on sheriff Joe that was linked to from another site that I'd like the self-professed republicans to read.

234 Walter L. Newton  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:50:21am

re: #228 sattv4u2

Morning Walter

Did you get your supermarket call yesterday?

I made the call. So, next Wed. and Thurs. I go in for two days of computer based training, and then the week after, they assign me to someone to shadow. Yes, I got the cashier job. Twenty hours a week minimum, more than 2 dollars over minimum wage, it will financially take care of my obligations for now, probably won't be saving much for any trips to Europe. And I probably will not see a first paycheck for a month.

235 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:51:01am

re: #234 Walter L. Newton

Congratulations! That's wonderful news.

236 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:51:14am

re: #230 Decatur Deb

Just walked in on this exchange. In my lurker year, I saw many LGF arguments that had nothing to do with politics, just the ambiguous nature of English. The "here" could easily be meant or taken as "in this situation" or "on LGF". Some of the battles got nasty.

Morning all. Is the rat still dead?

I always love it when the typo/ spelling police are out.

Like if I fat finger a word, that negates my ENTIRE argument

"you're wrong because you put a "E" at the end of potato"

237 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:51:15am

re: #231 sattv4u2

(((old married couple after a round of sex))

"That was great,,, who were YOU thinking of !?!?!"

A woman gets up from her chair, walks over and slaps her husband. He says, "What was that for?" She says, "For 20 years of bad sex." She sits down and the husband walks over and slaps her. She says, "What was that for?" He said, "For knowing the difference!"

238 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:52:13am

re: #234 Walter L. Newton

I made the call. So, next Wed. and Thurs. I go in for two days of computer based training, and then the week after, they assign me to someone to shadow. Yes, I got the cashier job. Twenty hours a week minimum, more than 2 dollars over minimum wage, it will financially take care of my obligations for now, probably won't be saving much for any trips to Europe. And I probably will not see a first paycheck for a month.

It's a step,, and as you stated, it will afford you enough time to keep looking while at the same time bringing in a few bucks

239 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:53:42am

re: #230 Decatur Deb

Morning all. Is the rat still dead?

You'll have to be more specific ,, WHICH rat !?!?!


240 Walter L. Newton  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:54:05am

re: #235 thedopefishlives

Congratulations! That's wonderful news.

Thanks... I'm still going to continue (like I have been doing for 5 years) looking for a full time (or long term contract) programming job. Programming is what I do best, I literally get "high" when I'm into a really complex and challenging programming project.

241 Decatur Deb  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:55:07am

re: #239 sattv4u2

Morning all. Is the rat still dead?

You'll have to be more specific ,, WHICH rat !?!?!


We were talking about fascism and the Generalissimo, right?

242 Walter L. Newton  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:55:22am

re: #238 sattv4u2

It's a step,, and as you stated, it will afford you enough time to keep looking while at the same time bringing in a few bucks

Right... and I can hone my "stand up cashier" routines.

243 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:55:50am

re: #242 Walter L. Newton

Right... and I can hone my "stand up cashier" routines.

You're a horney stand up cashier!?!?

244 Walter L. Newton  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:56:32am

re: #243 sattv4u2

You're a horney stand up cashier!?!?

Ba dum bump

245 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:57:53am

re: #234 Walter L. Newton

I made the call. So, next Wed. and Thurs. I go in for two days of computer based training, and then the week after, they assign me to someone to shadow. Yes, I got the cashier job. .....

Congrats Walter.

246 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:58:12am

re: #240 Walter L. Newton

Thanks... I'm still going to continue (like I have been doing for 5 years) looking for a full time (or long term contract) programming job. Programming is what I do best, I literally get "high" when I'm into a really complex and challenging programming project.

I'm a lot like that myself. I'm one of those types that is motivated by the thrill of the challenge, I'm very competitive and very driven by difficult solutions. It's actually become somewhat of a problem here at work, because 99% of my job is mindless drudgery pseudo-programming, and I have a bad tendency to be lackadaisical when I'm not engaged in the project at hand.

247 Decatur Deb  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:59:52am

re: #234 Walter L. Newton

Sounds like a step up from the thrift store, since the cost of the commute are less, IIRC.

248 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 5:59:53am

re: #246 thedopefishlives

I have a bad tendency to be lackadaisical when I'm not engaged in the project at hand.

We're talking work, right? Not self ,, umm,,,, errr ,, nevahmind!!

249 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:02:47am

re: #247 Decatur Deb

Sounds like a step up from the thrift store, since the cost of the commute are less, IIRC.

Plus scanning a can of peas is a lot less physical than schlepping (Walters description) large pieces of furniture

250 cliffster  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:02:57am

re: #234 Walter L. Newton

congrats, walter

251 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:03:15am

My radio just said the gubment is gonna start converting bank mortgages to FHA loans. 14 billion dollars worth. Hmm.

252 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:03:52am

re: #251 Cannadian Club Akbar

My radio just said the gubment is gonna start converting bank mortgages to FHA loans. 14 billion dollars worth. Hmm.

Your radio is smart. It knows EVERYTHING.

253 Dante41  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:04:31am

re: #236 sattv4u2

I always love it when the typo/ spelling police are out.

Like if I fat finger a word, that negates my ENTIRE argument

"you're wrong because you put a "E" at the end of potato"

"I see you have made three spelling mistakes."

/first one of ya who get that gets a cookie

Also: Mornin' lizards.

254 McSpiff  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:04:37am

re: #75 sattv4u2

I used to love that. I responded by saying "so your party got it's ass handed to them by a senile old fogie, huh?"

((used a slightly altered version when the Bush is an idiot crowd emerged))

"So you party lost not once, but TWICE to a complete idiot,,fascinating!!""

I'm a leftie and I still get a kick out of the whole "Bush was the world's stupidest evil genius" meme. Hint to people on both (all?) sides of the aisle: You don't coast your way to becoming POTUS, it takes brains.

I'm just glad we've moved beyond the whole 'the VP is the puppet master' thing.

255 cliffster  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:04:53am

re: #249 sattv4u2

Plus scanning a can of peas is a lot less physical than schlepping (Walters description) large pieces of furniture

Yeah but people buy stuff like deer corn and water softener salt. That stuff is heavy

256 Walter L. Newton  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:04:56am

re: #246 thedopefishlives

I'm a lot like that myself. I'm one of those types that is motivated by the thrill of the challenge, I'm very competitive and very driven by difficult solutions. It's actually become somewhat of a problem here at work, because 99% of my job is mindless drudgery pseudo-programming, and I have a bad tendency to be lackadaisical when I'm not engaged in the project at hand.

I've mentioned this before, I do have one small off and on programming project for Kaiser. Well, I should say I work for a person who works for a consulting firm that does work for Kaiser.

Two years ago I designed a application that takes patient visits at a Kaiser location and selects certain patients for a survey. Different departments, different surveys, different doctors, different quotas of surveys for different departments, certain rules for who does/doesn't get surveys and so on.

So, off and on I do maintenance on the system, or make modifications, just did about 6 hours work this week, so, that drops an occasional penny in my bank.

I'm not bragging, but I'm really good at what I know how to do, and I can't understand why I can't pop a full time job programming? I have over 50 resumes out just this year. No one single reply, not even a "not interested."

257 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:05:49am

re: #234 Walter L. Newton


258 cliffster  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:06:36am

re: #254 McSpiff

I'm just glad we've moved beyond the whole 'the VP is the puppet master' thing.

That ended, totally and completely, during the Bush #1 admin.

259 Decatur Deb  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:06:45am

re: #251 Cannadian Club Akbar

My radio just said the gubment is gonna start converting bank mortgages to FHA loans. 14 billion dollars worth. Hmm.

Was this the good radio, that said this will give some people time to get their heads above water, or was it the bad radio, that says it's just another plunge into the depths of government takeover of 1/327th of the economy?

260 Dante41  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:06:52am

re: #255 cliffster

Yeah but people buy stuff like deer corn and water softener salt. That stuff is heavy

True. That is why the hand scanner is so useful.

And because I forgot about in the first pos:, congrats Walter. Always good to have a way to put food on the table when the passion isn't in high demand.

261 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:06:56am

re: #254 McSpiff

I'm just glad we've moved beyond the whole 'the VP is the puppet master' thing.

I appreciate your candor, but no we haven't. To this day I still hear how Cheney/ Rove really ran things and Bush was just a silver spoon born/ party boy moron

262 SteveC  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:07:37am

re: #243 sattv4u2

You're a horney stand up cashier!?!?

re: #244 Walter L. Newton

Ba dum bump

Instant Rimshot

263 Walter L. Newton  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:08:11am

re: #247 Decatur Deb

Sounds like a step up from the thrift store, since the cost of the commute are less, IIRC.

re: #250 cliffster

congrats, walter


Yes, the commute is under 4 miles from here, and even in a snow storm, it's not that hard to get to (won't have to worry about snow too much longer). And it's not a mom and pop, it's one of the Kroger family of stores.

I'll have fun, I like to work, I like people and I always find it interesting to be doing something new, I love new, it's like a drug, I'm not afraid of new.

264 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:08:12am

re: #255 cliffster

Yeah but people buy stuff like deer corn and water softener salt. That stuff is heavy

I buy deer corn and they usually just leave it in the shopping cart and use a portable scanner

265 Decatur Deb  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:08:13am

re: #254 McSpiff

I'm just glad we've moved beyond the whole 'the VP is the puppet master' thing.

I think VP Biden put that to rest.

266 Walter L. Newton  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:08:22am

re: #257 Fat Bastard Vegetarian



267 McSpiff  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:08:35am

re: #261 sattv4u2

I'm just glad we've moved beyond the whole 'the VP is the puppet master' thing.

I appreciate your candor, but no we haven't. To this day I still hear how Cheney/ Rove really ran things and Bush was just a silver spoon born/ party boy moron

re: #258 cliffster

That ended, totally and completely, during the Bush #1 admin.

Sorry if I wasn't clear. I more meant I'm really glad I don't need to listen to 'Biden is teh evil genius!' this time. I really, really don't think I could handle that... At least Cheney had the brains for it!

268 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:08:38am

re: #259 Decatur Deb

Was this the good radio, that said this will give some people time to get their heads above water, or was it the bad radio, that says it's just another plunge into the depths of government takeover of 1/327th of the economy?

Not sure yet. I need to consult my lamp.

269 laZardo  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:08:50am

re: #265 Decatur Deb

I think VP Biden put that to rest.

Though Bidenisms just aren't as funny as Bushisms.

/and at least Bush could laugh at his own "misunderestimations."

270 cliffster  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:09:15am

re: #264 sattv4u2

I buy deer corn and they usually just leave it in the shopping cart and use a portable scanner

Portable scanners - wow technology has come a long ways since I was doing that.

271 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:09:38am

re: #267 McSpiff

Sorry if I wasn't clear. I more meant I'm really glad I don't need to listen to 'Biden is teh evil genius!' this time. I really, really don't think I could handle that... At least Cheney had the brains for it!

K ,, thanks for the clarification

272 SteveC  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:09:52am

re: #265 Decatur Deb

I think VP Biden put that to rest.

That was a big F'n deal!

273 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:10:16am

re: #269 laZardo

Though Bidenisms just aren't as funny as Bushisms.

/and at least Bush could laugh at his own "misunderestimations."

You missed the Morning Joe's top 10 biden gaffe list this morning. It was pretty funny.

274 laZardo  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:10:20am

re: #267 McSpiff

At least Cheney had the brains aim for it!

/or lack thereof. :D

275 cliffster  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:11:41am

re: #263 Walter L. Newton

I'll have fun, I like to work, I like people and I always find it interesting to be doing something new, I love new, it's like a drug, I'm not afraid of new.

I used to do that. It's a fun job, especially if you like people. I actually got regulars. They'd go to my stand instead of others with a shorter line. I'm less of an asshole in real life.

276 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:11:42am

re: #274 laZardo

/or lack thereof. :D

whaddya mean, "lack"

he got the guy square in the face! BULLSEYE!

277 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:12:19am

re: #256 Walter L. Newton

Maybe one reason is that people for years have been telling the smart kids to eschew medical school and law school with a preference for learning the "Arts of Nerdship".

There are a trillion (really. no exaggeration) keyboard carrying Wyatt Earps out there with PHDs.

Just a guess on my part. I know a brilliant kid who went to Ga Tech... got his masters in "Nerd-dom". Manages a Kroger now, IIRC.

278 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:12:29am

re: #275 cliffster

I used to do that. It's a fun job, especially if you like people. I actually got regulars. They'd go to my stand instead of others with a shorter line. I'm less of an asshole in real life.

Thats not what you wife told us!
(sorry ,, you threw the softball!!))

279 cliffster  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:12:46am

re: #274 laZardo

ahhhh.. those "someone getting shot in the face" jokes. Always a riot ;)

280 cliffster  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:13:42am

re: #278 sattv4u2

Hanging curveball...

281 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:14:26am

re: #280 cliffster

Hanging curveball...

Well we are only in spring training. I'm sure you'll bring the heater when the regular season starts

282 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:14:52am

heh. A Mighty Wind.


283 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:15:31am

re: #282 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

heh. A Mighty Wind.


oh ,, at 1st I thought you had beans for breakfast

284 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:15:41am

re: #213 cliffster

Yeah, but I want to see a 580 story skyscraper there. When are they building that?

I heard that Target wanted to sponsor the new building, but got turned down.

285 Decatur Deb  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:16:37am

re: #282 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

heh. A Mighty Wind.


Great little movie--it failed to be nasty.

286 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:16:44am

re: #284 oaktree

I heard that Target wanted to sponsor the new building, but got turned down.

I gave you both an upding AND a downding for that ,, (and i'm starting to regret the upper!)

287 laZardo  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:16:51am

re: #282 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

heh. A Mighty Wind.

re: #283 sattv4u2

oh ,, at 1st I thought you had beans for breakfast


288 cliffster  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:17:24am

re: #284 oaktree

I heard that Target wanted to sponsor the new building, but got turned down.

That was baaaaad

289 The Sanity Inspector  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:17:25am

re: #277 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Maybe one reason is that people for years have been telling the smart kids to eschew medical school and law school with a preference for learning the "Arts of Nerdship".

There are a trillion (really. no exaggeration) keyboard carrying Wyatt Earps out there with PHDs.

Just a guess on my part. I know a brilliant kid who went to Ga Tech... got his masters in "Nerd-dom". Manages a Kroger now, IIRC.

There's a bitter spoof somewhere on the web about the metabolism of graduate school. Candidates (and their money) are admitted as raw material. They are converted into low-paid graduate assistants, helping run the system. They are then excreted as unemployable PhDs.

290 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:17:32am

re: #285 Decatur Deb


291 laZardo  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:19:07am

re: #289 The Sanity Inspector

Makes me thankful I'm graduating into "Snarky Liberal Art Hipsterdom" rather than "General Nerddom." q;

292 Dante41  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:19:31am

re: #289 The Sanity Inspector

There's a bitter spoof somewhere on the web about the metabolism of graduate school. Candidates (and their money) are admitted as raw material. They are converted into low-paid graduate assistants, helping run the system. They are then excreted as unemployable PhDs.

Ah, but that is why you get a day job. Hopefully I'll go for a PhD in history, but if I do, my Mate's license will provide an secure avenue for income.

293 Walter L. Newton  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:19:33am

re: #277 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Maybe one reason is that people for years have been telling the smart kids to eschew medical school and law school with a preference for learning the "Arts of Nerdship".

There are a trillion (really. no exaggeration) keyboard carrying Wyatt Earps out there with PHDs.

Just a guess on my part. I know a brilliant kid who went to Ga Tech... got his masters in "Nerd-dom". Manages a Kroger now, IIRC.

That's certainly part of it. When I started programming, I didn't take any classes, I'm just a high school graduate. I started working at the headquarters of Beneficial Finance in Morristown NJ two days after I graduated high school. I was an office boy, just like in the old 30's movies.

And from there, I learned all about how business operates, and in the late 70's, I was designing printed circuit boards (state of Texas got me that apprenticeship, company trained me) and we designed the first IBM 8088 mother board for IBM.

Got some PC's in house from IBM, and I started learning right from that point on. It wasn't long that I was able to program and design business applications. There was not a lot of us at that time.

But you're right, there are keyboard jockey's all over the place now, they are as disposable as ashtrays. I'm not saying they aren't any good, but what was "mystical profession" is now an everyday thing.

It's a new world, and if you're 57, it's a younger world.

294 SteveC  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:20:25am

re: #281 sattv4u2

Well we are only in spring training. I'm sure you'll bring the heater when the regular season starts

"Come on, ump, that was a strike!"
"Son, if Mr. (Ted) Williams didn't swing at it, then it was not a strike."

295 Walter L. Newton  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:20:25am

re: #282 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

heh. A Mighty Wind.


One of my favorites in that genre is "Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story"

296 cliffster  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:21:14am

re: #293 Walter L. Newton

Self-taught programmers are the best, by far. They know how to get shit done.

297 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:22:56am

re: #295 Walter L. Newton

One of my favorites in that genre is "Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story"

I still haven't seen "Shakes the Clown".

298 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:22:56am

Good morning Lizards. (And I've gotten the bad/poor taste joke of the day out of my system.)

Rain and cold here in "always sunny" Philadelphia. However, working indoors makes it sort of trivial. Hot coffee and a piece of apple cream pie starts the day out well.

And now back to fire-fighting the morning's various IT issues. Plus starting to pack out the cubicle contents for the office move on Monday. (Changing floors in the same building.)

299 TDG2112  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:23:26am

re: #39 RogueOne

Yep, and here is an article in Washington Post how he lost is post at AEI for being critical of GOP:

[Link: www.washingtonpost.com...]

BTW, this is the guy who coined the phrase "Axis of Evil" he is no yellow bellied anti-American liberal surrender monkey.

300 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:23:35am

re: #297 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I still haven't seen "Shakes the Clown".

Good stuff.

301 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:24:25am

re: #292 Dante41

Ah, but that is why you get a day job. Hopefully I'll go for a PhD in history, but if I do, my Mate's license will provide an secure avenue for income.

My son has a BA in European History.

Works in a deli, in a heavy metal band.

Every fucking student loan payment I make pisses me off.

302 Walter L. Newton  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:25:12am

re: #296 cliffster

Self-taught programmers are the best, by far. They know how to get shit done.

I knew "agile" before they had a word for it. I've solved almost every business "need" there will ever be. Any "new" is just an old problem in a new wrapper, and I've already solved it.

303 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:25:29am

re: #301 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

My son has a BA in European History.

Works in a deli, in a heavy metal band.

Every fucking student loan payment I make pisses me off.

They have heavy metal bands at delis? Cool.

304 Walter L. Newton  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:25:53am

re: #297 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I still haven't seen "Shakes the Clown".

Get it... and then keep everyone out of the room and don't let anyone you know find out you watched it.

305 Decatur Deb  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:26:17am

re: #292 Dante41

Ah, but that is why you get a day job. Hopefully I'll go for a PhD in history, but if I do, my Mate's license will provide an secure avenue for income.

Don't sweat it too much. Life changes fast, and the rate of change seems to be increasing. I'm an antro grad, archeo dropout. Yet I spent a good career working with a guy who had been one of the country's greatest vacuum-tube electronic engineers.

306 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:26:43am

re: #303 Cannadian Club Akbar

They have heavy metal bands at delis? Cool.

don't bite into the pastrami!

307 Walter L. Newton  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:26:59am

re: #298 oaktree

Good morning Lizards. (And I've gotten the bad/poor taste joke of the day out of my system.)

Rain and cold here in "always sunny" Philadelphia. However, working indoors makes it sort of trivial. Hot coffee and a piece of apple cream pie starts the day out well.

And now back to fire-fighting the morning's various IT issues. Plus starting to pack out the cubicle contents for the office move on Monday. (Changing floors in the same building.)

I worked for the D.O.E for 13 years. A favorite activity of government agencies is "moves."

308 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:27:13am

Is there any ruling on the site "classical values"? I flipped through the site and it seems to be a right/libertarianish blog. They have about a thousand linked sites and the only ones that showed a visit from me is LGF, volokh, althouse, Insty, and Balko. It's a great post calling out republicans for their support of Sheriff Joe that I want to share with my republican friends here just in case any of them feel any affinity to the bad sheriff.

309 Semper Fi  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:27:16am

Good morning, Lizards
So glad it's friday. Next couple weeks w/family will be nice. Would like to slow the time for that period.

310 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:27:22am

re: #301 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

My son has a BA in European History.

Works in a deli, in a heavy metal band.

Every fucking student loan payment I make pisses me off.

If he's working , why isn't HE paying it off !?!?

311 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:27:45am

re: #297 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I still haven't seen "Shakes the Clown".

I just gave my DVD of Shakes to my brother to watch. He loved it.

312 cliffster  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:28:40am

re: #301 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

My son has a BA in European History.

Works in a deli, in a heavy metal band.

Every fucking student loan payment I make pisses me off.

Do they not teach you how to write a check in European History?

313 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:29:13am

re: #303 Cannadian Club Akbar

His band is touring like hell... for little money... for "The Art".

He's a great metal guitarist (I'm his dad, give it to me), but I can't believe I went through what I went through to get him through college.

Love the boy to death, but he needs a girlfriend to "serious him up" a bit.

314 Dante41  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:29:36am

re: #301 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

My son has a BA in European History.

Works in a deli, in a heavy metal band.

Every fucking student loan payment I make pisses me off.

Heh. Look on the bright side: he could be working in a Hipster alt-rock band instead.

But seriously, as much as my history prof wants me to be a full-time historian, my dream has always been to sail the ocean blue. Ain't nothing gonna change that.

re: #305 Decatur Deb

Don't sweat it too much. Life changes fast, and the rate of change seems to be increasing. I'm an antro grad, archeo dropout. Yet I spent a good career working with a guy who had been one of the country's greatest vacuum-tube electronic engineers.

I'm not. The Mate's License would be the primary source of income because it is what I really want to do. The PhD in history has always been considered the backburner piece.

315 SteveC  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:30:32am

re: #301 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

My son has a BA in European History.

Works in a deli, in a heavy metal band.

Every fucking student loan payment I make pisses me off.

PoliSci/History double major. Hated math with a White hot passion.
Now I keep the books for a hunting store!

316 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:30:41am

re: #310 sattv4u2

re: #312 cliffster

Wasn't the deal.

317 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:31:06am

re: #299 TDG2112

Yep, and here is an article in Washington Post how he lost is post at AEI for being critical of GOP:

[Link: www.washingtonpost.com...]

BTW, this is the guy who coined the phrase "Axis of Evil" he is no yellow bellied anti-American liberal surrender monkey.

According to frum in your link:

In a brief interview, Frum said "there was no suggestion by AEI" that his sharp criticism of the GOP's health-care strategy was the reason for his dismissal. He declined to say what Brooks told him.

I don't know one way or the other, that's why I posted 2 links. One of which was pro "he got fired for not towing the line" and the other one a "con" version of the same argument.

318 ryannon  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:31:07am

re: #1 Shiplord Kirel

SoCal teacher arrested in alleged drunken teaching

Check out the booking photo.
My high school current events teacher was addicted to valium. She would show movies every day and nod off to sleep while they were running. The administrators apparently feel that this was dangerous although it wasn't conducive to a good learning environment to say the least.

Back in grammar school in Chicago when I was a kid, we had a science teacher who used to make it through the day by brown-bagging bottles of paregoric. The poor woman finally cracked up in class and since she was near retirement.... Anyway, we never saw her again. The general atmosphere in and out of school (weapons circulating from hand to hand, rackets and gang wars) was far more dangerous than this sad and harmless science teacher who had clearly reached the end of her rope in a 'Blackboard Jungle' environment. Poor woman.

319 laZardo  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:31:21am

re: #313 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Love the boy to death, but he needs a girlfriend to "serious him up" a bit. roadies.

/The Metal needs fuel.

320 Decatur Deb  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:31:28am

re: #316 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

re: #312 cliffster

Wasn't the deal.

So he obviously has good negotiating skills.

321 cliffster  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:31:46am

re: #316 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

re: #312 cliffster

Wasn't the deal.

You're a good man

322 SteveC  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:32:08am

re: #313 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

His band is touring like hell... for little money... for "The Art".

He's a great metal guitarist (I'm his dad, give it to me), but I can't believe I went through what I went through to get him through college.

Love the boy to death, but he needs a girlfriend to "serious him up" a bit.

A man looking to get his son laid! Why aren't we related?!?!

323 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:33:07am

re: #316 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

re: #312 cliffster

Wasn't the deal.

Gotchya ,,,just was curious

324 Dante41  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:33:14am

re: #317 RogueOne

I don't know one way or the other, that's why I posted 2 links. One of which was pro "he got fired for not towing the line" and the other one a "con" version of the same argument.

The one I heard was that he was invited to continue work for them, for free. Methinks that a respected speech writer doesn't get a missive like that for nothing.

325 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:35:27am

re: #320 Decatur Deb

re: #321 cliffster

Keep up your grades through college. Don't become a druggie. Behave your damn self.

Car, College, Respect.

He got/gets all three.

Deserved/earned all three.

My parents weren't able to do those financial things for me. I was determined to do so.

326 Obdicut  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:35:50am

re: #313 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Both of my brothers and I didn't really find what we loved and excelled at until our late twenties. College wasn't that useful to me-- or rather, I wasn't smart or mature enough back in college to properly take advantage of it. But after a few years of noodling around, I was able to start building a really good career for myself.

One of my brothers, now that I think of it, was a history major. He went back to school to learn animal wildlife management, and now he does cool stuff like crawling into the dens of mother bears to traquilize them and gather data. He's publishing like mad and happy as a clam.

My other brother did philosophy, I think, and then in his late twenties went back to school, got a teaching certificate, and became an awesome third-and-fourth grade teacher.

We all feel kind of dumb for wasting so much time, but I think for some people that's how it's got to be. We were pretty naive, and needed to knock around in the world a bit before we could become serious people.

I hope your son finds something serious he can get excited about. He's lucky to have a dad that cares, like you.

327 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:35:55am

re: #307 Walter L. Newton

I've worked for two companies over the last twenty years. In the first ten years I had three different offices/cubicles; and one move was the entire company HQ changing buildings.

For the next six I had three different offices due to small shifts in the same building in Pittsburgh, plus the initial shift to that building when my current employer bought my previous employer and closed down the HQ.

In the 3.5 years I've been in Philly I've had six different cubicles due to various shifts and re-organizations. Including a "boomerang" move where I got moved from one building to another, and then moved back three months later (to a different cubicle on the same floor I'd left).

One benefit is that I have a small moving footprint (4-5 boxes). I have purged paper relentlessly with each move and simply don't keep a lot of files at this point beyond the minimum necessary. (And after the last shift I actually did not bother to unpack two boxes. All I am going to do is slap new labels on them - 1/3 of the way packed.)

Oh, and I do consider myself quite fortunate. Reading here of the various employment issues other Lizards have, and I have friends in Pittsburgh as well who work IT and have issues finding jobs there.

328 The Sanity Inspector  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:37:30am

re: #301 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

My son has a BA in European History.

Works in a deli, in a heavy metal band.

Every fucking student loan payment I make pisses me off.

My BA turned out to be useless, too. Fortunately, I fell into a line of work which turned out to be roughly equivalent, pay and social status-wise.

329 The Sanity Inspector  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:38:28am
330 Obdicut  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:38:32am

re: #327 oaktree

Heh. My company has been through about six rounds of layoffs in the past four years, and I've managed to keep the same desk I had at the start throughout all the reorgs and business group splits. A small personal victory.

331 laZardo  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:38:46am

re: #326 Obdicut

I kind of have the opposite quandary. I'm actually quite good at math and it was always the one field of schoolwork that I could be guaranteed never to get distracted from.

At the same time I could never imagine taking up something math-related (e.g. accounting) as a career, because it didn't seem "entertaining" enough.

332 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:38:58am

re: #328 The Sanity Inspector

My BA turned out to be useless, too. Fortunately, I fell into a line of work which turned out to be roughly equivalent, pay and social status-wise.

I dated a girl with a degree in Art History and one that had a BA in Humanities. Both were bartenders.

333 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:39:21am

re: #324 Dante41

The one I heard was that he was invited to continue work for them, for free. Methinks that a respected speech writer doesn't get a missive like that for nothing.

Someone this morning on MSNBC said he was basically told he wasn't getting any "real" work done and they couldn't afford to pay him his 6 figure salary to write articles.

I was a little confused reading the Bartlett piece. His argument is he was let go for not towing the AEI line on health care but then he says the AEI stance on the HCR issue was basic agreement with the president. If that's the case then why would they let him go for his "waterloo" piece?

334 Dante41  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:39:34am

re: #328 The Sanity Inspector

My BA turned out to be useless, too. Fortunately, I fell into a line of work which turned out to be roughly equivalent, pay and social status-wise.

You know, I am thankful now that I get a BS with the license.

335 Decatur Deb  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:40:41am

re: #332 Cannadian Club Akbar

I dated a girl with a degree in Art History and one that had a BA in Humanities. Both were bartenders.

Would you rather sit at a bar chatting up a History major or an Accounting major?

336 SteveC  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:41:05am

My wish has come true!

ANN ARBOR, Mich.—Tiny generators developed at the University of Michigan could produce enough electricity from random, ambient vibrations to power a wristwatch, pacemaker or wireless sensor.

My pacemaker is tuned so finely that the battery wears down every 2-3 years. This will be great!

337 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:42:10am

re: #326 Obdicut

Oh, he'll be fine.

Just needs a reason for focus. I'm thinking a girl... (oh dear god, please a girl).

338 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:42:12am

re: #325 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

re: #321 cliffster

Keep up your grades through college. Don't become a druggie. Behave your damn self.

Car, College, Respect.

He got/gets all three.

Deserved/earned all three.

My parents weren't able to do those financial things for me. I was determined to do so.

I'm heading down the same path with my son (15 years old ,, sophomore in H.S.)

He's made National Honor Society both years in H.S. and he goes for his drivers permit next month
CAR ,,,, CHECK (while he has the permit, he'll drive one of our cars ,,, when he gets his license in 6 months he'll be getting his 'own' car if all stays okay)!!
He's auditing a course at Georgia Tech this summer with eyes on going there (and looking at two or three others)
By all accounts (adults who interact with him) he knows how to behave himself and treat people

339 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:42:52am

re: #335 Decatur Deb

Would you rather sit at a bar chatting up a History major or an Accounting major?

Which one has the nicest rack?

340 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:43:04am

re: #338 sattv4u2


341 sattv4u2  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:43:06am

re: #325 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

re: #338 sattv4u2

I'm heading down the same path with my son (15 years old ,, sophomore in H.S.)

He's made National Honor Society both years in H.S. and he goes for his drivers permit next month
CAR ,,, CHECK (while he has the permit, he'll drive one of our cars ,,, when he gets his license in 6 months he'll be getting his 'own' car if all stays okay)!!
He's auditing a course at Georgia Tech this summer with eyes on going there (and looking at two or three others)
By all accounts (adults who interact with him) he knows how to behave himself and treat people

AND ,, same went for my parents re: they couldn't "give" me things

342 Dante41  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:43:16am

re: #333 RogueOne

Someone this morning on MSNBC said he was basically told he wasn't getting any "real" work done and they couldn't afford to pay him his 6 figure salary to write articles.

I was a little confused reading the Bartlett piece. His argument is he was let go for not towing the AEI line on health care but then he says the AEI stance on the HCR issue was basic agreement with the president. If that's the case then why would they let him go for his "waterloo" piece?

Best guess: They had to go with the party line. We've seen what happens to people that don't over the past year and a half. They didn't want to loose everything, so they got rid of the "offending" individual.

343 Spider Mensch  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:50:19am

re: #330 Obdicut

Heh. My company has been through about six rounds of layoffs in the past four years, and I've managed to keep the same desk I had at the start throughout all the reorgs and business group splits. A small personal victory.

Yeah..mmmmmm...O'kay...well you see that was a glitch in payroll...yeah..hmmmm...you were actually laid off 3 years ago, just nobody told you, and thru the glitch you kept getting paid...yeahhhh...so we'll need you to go ahead there and box up your things, o'kay and move on down to the basement..hmmm...yeah...and I'll just take that red swingline stapler there..Okay?? you won't be needing that...O'kay??? Oh, and I'll need you to come in this Saturday..O'kay???

344 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:50:50am

re: #328 The Sanity Inspector

One of the best IT analysts I worked with has his degree in Biology. He also did contract work for the USAF before working where I did. I got the impression that the testing and hoop-jumping we had to go through was small potatoes compared to his experience. He also transferred to the Audit Department eventually and did computer applications audits.

My brother "whacks rocks for a living" (his own words) and enjoys the heck out of it. Gets paid to do something he likes to do, what more can you ask for. The more interesting stories he tells are about university internal politics (vicious mix of incompetence and ambition) and the escapades of undergraduate students (youthful exuberance and naivete vs. the subtlety and experience of the old).

I started as an engineering student and wrecked on the twin rocks of organic chemistry and integral calculus (plus a poor work ethic since I'd been able to essentially cruise through high school and get A's without much effort.) Switched over to computer science since I figured that working in a technical field with a B.S. degree would generate a sufficient living as compared to who-knows-what if I had done otherwise. That worked out, and I enjoyed the heck out of programming. (Lovely combination of design and puzzle-solving logic -- and then the end-users screw it all up! ;) )

345 Ericus58  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:51:16am

I've been very happy and proud of my son - turning out to be a fine man in his own right:

12 years of competitive hockey (goalie)
Eagle Scout
Spent his H.S. years of Christmas break in Mexico building homes
Junior Year of University (USF)
Army ROTC - went to Ft. Bragg last summer for Jump School
Spent a week in Nicaragua two months ago as part of his Business class, assisting in economic development for a twon there
Has a great GF who is presently in Paris for a semester of studies
Loves my wife (who is not his Mother)

I'm not sure how I got so lucky...

/brag off

346 Walter L. Newton  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:51:18am

re: #327 oaktree

IT in Denver has tanked, at least as far I I'm concerned. A lot of it moved north and south, north to Boulder/Longmont and south to Colorado Springs. Both those area are considered more "rural" more country-like, and that is the attraction.

In the last almost 6 years, I had one full time job, for two years (2008-2009) at the live theatre, and of course, that was a fallback career for me. I don't consider my acting, production skills and playwriting as my primary career.

All my other jobs were sort term contract programming jobs. And except for holding on to the Kaiser work, I haven't been able to pop any short term contracting stuff.

Three, four years ago, an email from Monster or Dice would have 15-20 jobs a day listed, now, I get one or two a week, and there is usually 1-2 jobs listed, and not even well matched for my skill set.

Things change, always do, I'm know this is nothing new, just new for us. Our parent and ancestors have had to deal with the changing world in the past, we'll all make it too.

347 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:52:04am

re: #343 Spider Mensch

I love that movie!! Ding!

348 Decatur Deb  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:52:17am

Sorry, all. Had to reboot. Anyone w/ hamster problems?

349 Daniel Ballard  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:52:35am

I lost LGF for a minute or two, all else loading just fine. Somebody send the hamsters breakfast!

350 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:53:31am

re: #348 Decatur Deb

Sorry, all. Had to reboot. Anyone w/ hamster problems?

re: #349 Rightwingconspirator

I lost LGF for a minute or two, all else loading just fine. Somebody send the hamsters breakfast!

No problems here.

351 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:53:58am

re: #348 Decatur Deb

Sorry, all. Had to reboot. Anyone w/ hamster problems?

Yes. Locked up for a few minutes there.

352 Dante41  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:54:02am

Alas, fellow Lizards, I must leave now. I have stability class soon. See y'all later.

353 Walter L. Newton  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:56:04am

re: #352 Dante41

Alas, fellow Lizards, I must leave now. I have stability class soon. See y'all later.

So... that's the new word for intensive psychotherapy :)

354 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:56:24am

re: #339 Cannadian Club Akbar

Which one has the nicest rack?

Hysterical. Best joke I think you've ever made. And you have made some good ones.

355 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:56:40am

re: #349 Rightwingconspirator

Me too!

356 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:56:57am

re: #342 Dante41

yeah, who knows though. Just for reference my largest dog is named Dante after the 8th circle of hell. I wanted to name him Jihad but my wife wouldn't let me. She didn't get the irony.

357 Decatur Deb  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:57:44am

Must be Nature telling me to do some work. Today it's time to go over the mower and do the first yard pass of the year. BBL

358 MrSilverDragon  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:57:53am

re: #352 Dante41

Alas, fellow Lizards, I must leave now. I have stability class soon. See y'all later.

I've tried stability. It's boring. I much prefer instability, and unpredictability. It's so much more fitting for this ADHD mind I've got.

And, of course, Good morning, folks!

359 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 6:59:15am

re: #346 Walter L. Newton

I've seen that in a few places. Chicago's IT market tanked when Lucent wrecked, tons of IT workers and no jobs.

Pittsburgh market is simply goofy, four universities that produce IT majors (CMU, Pitt, Duquesne, Robert Morris) and not a lot of jobs for them. I think most of them end up in D.C. or northern VA, since when I worked there for two years 75% of the IT contractors I worked with were from western PA or eastern OH.

What sort of development is filling in between downtown Denver and the new Stapleton? I get to Denver every three years or so and I noted that the area looked like it was going to be geared towards office development and possibly some light industry. (Pena Blvd IIRC)

360 Mad Al-Jaffee  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:00:54am

God morning everyone, and a warning sign for you:

Image: sign.jpg

361 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:01:12am

So I got a letter saying my census form is on the way. Then I got the form. Then I got a postcard asking if I filled out the form yet. Jeez.

362 MrSilverDragon  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:01:31am

re: #344 oaktree

Switched over to computer science since I figured that working in a technical field with a B.S. degree would generate a sufficient living as compared to who-knows-what if I had done otherwise. That worked out, and I enjoyed the heck out of programming. (Lovely combination of design and puzzle-solving logic -- and then the end-users screw it all up! ;) )

As a network engineer/programmer, I live by the creed "It's not a bug, it's a feature!"

363 Walter L. Newton  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:01:43am

re: #359 oaktree

I've seen that in a few places. Chicago's IT market tanked when Lucent wrecked, tons of IT workers and no jobs.

Pittsburgh market is simply goofy, four universities that produce IT majors (CMU, Pitt, Duquesne, Robert Morris) and not a lot of jobs for them. I think most of them end up in D.C. or northern VA, since when I worked there for two years 75% of the IT contractors I worked with were from western PA or eastern OH.

What sort of development is filling in between downtown Denver and the new Stapleton? I get to Denver every three years or so and I noted that the area looked like it was going to be geared towards office development and possibly some light industry. (Pena Blvd IIRC)

I don't see any IT in that area. I can only go by the locations mentioned in ads, and I see little IT for the Stapleton area.

Even the Denver Technical Center (DTC) has scaled back in jobs, a lot of the office space is vacant, and the long-term business have hunkered down.

364 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:02:05am

re: #362 MrSilverDragon

As a network engineer/programmer, I live by the creed "It's not a bug, it's a feature!"


I'm a software tester at the moment, and I live to hate that phrase. And as a programmer, I do my best not to say it, either.

365 laZardo  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:03:20am

re: #362 MrSilverDragon

As a network engineer/programmer, I live by the creed "It's not a bug, it's a feature!"

That's probably the auto industry's creed these days.

366 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:03:47am

Anyone read the story last week about the dog ripping off a police car bumper? The video started going around yesterday:

Cnn Story with video:
[Link: www.cnn.com...]

Dash-cam video:

367 badger1970  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:04:03am

re: #361 Cannadian Club Akbar

My daughter's school all got t-shirts saying "Census 2010: Make it count", the staff got polo shirts with the school's logo and Census 2010 stitched on the left sleeve. I'm still up in the air deciding if it was a good use of moola.

368 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:05:35am

re: #367 badger1970

My daughter's school all got t-shirts saying "Census 2010: Make it count", the staff got polo shirts with the school's logo and Census 2010 stitched on the left sleeve. I'm still up in the air deciding if it was a good use of moola.

We had a local skool that made shirts for the millennium turn. They spelled millennium wrong. Heh.

369 Walter L. Newton  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:06:08am

re: #364 thedopefishlives


I'm a software tester at the moment, and I live to hate that phrase. And as a programmer, I do my best not to say it, either.

I've applied for software QA jobs, don't even get a bite. When I worked at the DOE National Renewable Energy Lab, I was responsible for writing testing and QA plans for the custom applications we had written in Oracle, training the end users in executing the testing and then auditing the results.

And ALL the small business' I've worked for, I've done everything from analyst, design, programming, testing, training and documentation. You would think that would be enough skills for a software QA job... but nope... not a bite.

370 laZardo  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:06:50am

Gonna get a drink to numb the inevitable death from my OTHER little brother's birthday party's tobacco smoke rising up to my computer area. ;_;

371 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:08:02am

re: #369 Walter L. Newton

Honestly, it's not exactly the line of work I want, but in the situation I'm in, it's a good fit. It gives a different view of the software development cycle and an appreciation for properly testing one's code. Also, since the position is for automated test development, I get to play with code, which keeps my programmer resume current for the possibility of finagling my way into a real programming position.

372 badger1970  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:08:13am

re: #366 RogueOne

Bad-dog! No biscuit.

373 Semper Fi  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:08:21am

re: #348 Decatur Deb

Sorry, all. Had to reboot. Anyone w/ hamster problems?

Same here. Reboot and now OK.

374 The Sanity Inspector  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:09:03am

re: #338 sattv4u2

I'm heading down the same path with my son (15 years old ,, sophomore in H.S.)

He's made National Honor Society both years in H.S. and he goes for his drivers permit next month
CAR ,,, CHECK (while he has the permit, he'll drive one of our cars ,,, when he gets his license in 6 months he'll be getting his 'own' car if all stays okay)!!
He's auditing a course at Georgia Tech this summer with eyes on going there (and looking at two or three others)
By all accounts (adults who interact with him) he knows how to behave himself and treat people

Ow, you dinged my eye with those buttons bursting off of your chest!

375 MrSilverDragon  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:10:43am

re: #364 thedopefishlives


I'm a software tester at the moment, and I live to hate that phrase. And as a programmer, I do my best not to say it, either.

I have to say it every day. If I didn't, I'd probably end up smacking our software development team with the nearest available bat-like item. I don't know how many times I've had to dive into their code to fix their mistakes.

376 The Sanity Inspector  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:11:06am

re: #368 Cannadian Club Akbar

We had a local skool that made shirts for the millennium turn. They spelled millennium wrong. Heh.

I once saw a continuing education pamphlet stating their mission to fight adult literacy. They meant illiteracy, of course.

377 Obdicut  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:11:12am

Heh. A friend of a friend found this historical tidbit:

In July, 1798, Congress passed, and President John Adams signed into law “An Act for the Relief of Sick and Disabled Seamen,” authorizing the creation of a marine hospital service, and mandating privately employed sailors to purchase healthcare insurance.

This legislation also created America’s first payroll tax, as a ship’s owner was required to deduct 20 cents from each sailor’s monthly pay and forward those receipts to the service, which in turn provided injured sailors hospital care. Failure to pay or account properly was discouraged by requiring a law violating owner or ship's captain to pay a 100 dollar fine.

[Link: open.salon.com...]

John Adams: what a socialist.

378 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:11:22am

re: #375 MrSilverDragon

I have to say it every day. If I didn't, I'd probably end up smacking our software development team with the nearest available bat-like item. I don't know how many times I've had to dive into their code to fix their mistakes.

Here, you can borrow my cluebat. Well, actually, I'll need that for this morning's daily team meeting, but you can borrow it when I get back.

379 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:13:02am

re: #372 badger1970

Bad-dog! No biscuit.

That's a good dog, he knows the enemy.

380 Walter L. Newton  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:14:05am

re: #371 thedopefishlives

Honestly, it's not exactly the line of work I want, but in the situation I'm in, it's a good fit. It gives a different view of the software development cycle and an appreciation for properly testing one's code. Also, since the position is for automated test development, I get to play with code, which keeps my programmer resume current for the possibility of finagling my way into a real programming position.

So do you "poke" test code into the application that does the automatic QA or do you use some add in product that does that for you?

A few of my small business jobs in the past were for companies that sell speciality applications. I use to build demos of the actual product that would "self run" with little text boxes popping up to explain functionality, forms filling themselves out, all that stuff.

I've also seen some third party products that "plug in" to applications that do that too. I used a product for Oracle forms that could do that.

381 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:14:06am

re: #361 Cannadian Club Akbar

Filled mine out the day I got it. If I'm going to read "The Census is Coming" or "Have you filled out your census card" there is a great chance I would've just opened up my fucking census form and filled it out.

Really. I do not trust them to run health care very effectively.

Didn't trust George Bush to be able to do it either.

382 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:14:47am

re: #367 badger1970

My daughter's school all got t-shirts saying "Census 2010: Make it count", the staff got polo shirts with the school's logo and Census 2010 stitched on the left sleeve. I'm still up in the air deciding if it was a good use of moola.

You're still up in the air? Really? Am I detecting sarcasm?

383 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:15:51am

re: #363 Walter L. Newton

That seems to be what is going on in a lot of places. Companies are hunkering down to ride things out and have cut back in functions like IT to bare minimums.

By the way, I generally occur with your opinion about what a degree is worth in IT work. I think that the importance is that the programmer/analyst understands the methodologies and logic needed to solve the issues - and beyond that it mainly is experience with having seen problems and carried out the solutions previously. Beyond a few design issues all that might change is syntax (e.g. coding a solution in any 3GL will be the same beyond one language possibly having a "trick" or two another doesn't.*)

My take is that an IT degree means something up until 1-2 years of experience. After that point it's what you've learned to implement and how well you adapt to changing challenges.**

* - In my "youth" I once coded a recursive function in COBOL. That produced a very interesting crash. That's what you get for being taught Pascal initially in school (where recursion will work.)

** - I also saw an interesting split between IT employees based on where/how they were schooled. Pitt and CMU produced a sort of "technical" IT programmer - very good on the methodology and logic, not that experienced with the business issues - which produced communications issues at times. Duquesne and Robert Morris had a duel business/comp sci program that produced "business" programmers. Since they had the accounting and business classes they understood issues and communicated with the end-users well. On the flip-side they were not as saavy on the technical side, at least initially. Mix them and you did get some good teams though.

384 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:16:30am

re: #377 Obdicut

Heh. A friend of a friend found this historical tidbit:

[Link: open.salon.com...]

John Adams: what a socialist federalist.

FTFY but it's really the same thing I guess.

385 The Sanity Inspector  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:16:41am

re: #358 MrSilverDragon

I've tried stability. It's boring. I much prefer instability, and unpredictability. It's so much more fitting for this ADHD mind I've got.

And, of course, Good morning, folks!


386 Walter L. Newton  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:16:50am

re: #381 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Filled mine out the day I got it. If I'm going to read "The Census is Coming" or "Have you filled out your census card" there is a great chance I would've just opened up my fucking census form and filled it out.

Really. I do not trust them to run health care very effectively.

Didn't trust George Bush to be able to do it either.

I got...

1) A census in the mail
2) A census worker visited my house (I live in the mountains) and dropped on off.
3) A note in the mail last week reminding me to fill out the census form.

I sent in the form weeks ago. This is over kill and a WASTE of money.

387 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:17:04am

re: #380 Walter L. Newton

So do you "poke" test code into the application that does the automatic QA or do you use some add in product that does that for you?

A few of my small business jobs in the past were for companies that sell speciality applications. I use to build demos of the actual product that would "self run" with little text boxes popping up to explain functionality, forms filling themselves out, all that stuff.

I've also seen some third party products that "plug in" to applications that do that too. I used a product for Oracle forms that could do that.

The automatic QA on our product is actually driven by our build script. The tests are run "behind the scenes", on the code libraries that are called by the application's UI elements. We use a third-party test framework and fill in the code pieces needed to hook our API up to the test framework.

388 MrSilverDragon  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:17:24am

re: #378 thedopefishlives

Here, you can borrow my cluebat. Well, actually, I'll need that for this morning's daily team meeting, but you can borrow it when I get back.

Ah yes, the cluebat.

I used to have a 3 foot pipe sitting next to my desk with the word clue etched into it. There were days I had to show full restraint to the sales dept, management, and most of all... the marketing dept.

389 Obdicut  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:17:29am

re: #384 RogueOne

FTFY but it's really the same thing I guess.

The sad part is a lot of people really do think federalists and socialists are quite similar.

More and more, any form of distinction in politics is blurred.

390 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:18:13am

re: #389 Obdicut

The sad part is a lot of people really do think federalists and socialists are quite similar.

More and more, any form of distinction in politics is blurred.

They're either for me or against me//

391 Walter L. Newton  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:18:32am

re: #383 oaktree

I'm a simple high school graduate. Everything I learned was done myself or peers, mainly myself, since there wasn't to many peers in 1978 when I started all this.

392 The Sanity Inspector  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:19:12am

re: #377 Obdicut

Heh. A friend of a friend found this historical tidbit:

[Link: open.salon.com...]

John Adams: what a socialist.

Meanwhile, I doubt this will calm the national mood:

"Too often, much of late, the last couple three years the mal-distribution of income in America is gone up way too much, the wealthy are getting way, way too wealthy, and the middle income class is left behind. Wages have not kept up with increased income of the highest income in America. This legislation will have the effect of addressing that mal-distribution of income in America."

393 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:19:27am

re: #388 MrSilverDragon

Ah yes, the cluebat.

I used to have a 3 foot pipe sitting next to my desk with the word clue etched into it. There were days I had to show full restraint to the sales dept, management, and most of all... the marketing dept.

That is so awesome. I should bring in my wife's custom-made bo staff and just leave it leaning in a corner of my cube. Tell people it's the beating stick for when people break the build.

394 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:20:12am

Mornin' all. My wife got me a new sign for our swimming pool.
"Any child left unattended will be sold to the circus"
I have 2 boys still here at home and in the summer my back yard often resembles Y camp.

395 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:20:30am

re: #369 Walter L. Newton

We have a library of QA scripts for the current application configuration. Any sort of "broad" update, including a service pack update to the backbone software (SAP) requires getting a set of end-users and manually running through the scripts to confirm that everything still works correctly.

There are automated tools for that sort of thing of course. But I've never worked for a company yet that is willing to spend the resources on installing and properly upkeeping the datasets necessary to run one.

Then again, I'm working for an oil company, not a software design company.

396 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:20:38am

If it could be done here, Holder would be leading the pack.

Antoine Zacharias is facing criminal charges despite the £90 million pay and pension deal being approved by his company’s directors.

He is accused of misusing funds by accepting the money to run Vinci, the world’s biggest construction company.

The sum was set by a remuneration committee chaired by Quentin Davies, Britain’s junior Defence Minister.

Mr Zacharias, 71, is the first French industry captain to face criminal charges over earnings and faces up to five years in prison and a fine of £336,000.

French bosses are anxiously awaiting the outcome of the two-day trial at the court in Nanterre outside Paris, as a guilty verdict could lead to a wave of prosecutions in France over executive pay.

France is notoriously mistrustful of its patrons, and the country was hit by a wave of “boss-nappings” last year in the wake of the financial crisis.

Under French law, company bosses can be prosecuted for misusing funds. However, this is the first time a case has been brought against someone who appeared to have acted within company rules on pay.

Hailed as France’s boss of the decade by the Harvard Business Review, Mr Zacharias transformed Vinci into a construction powerhouse, raising profits by more than 300 per cent and turnover by 81 per cent in six years.

But in 2006 he was ousted by his number two, and successor, who accused him of corporate greed.

Xavier Huillard sent administrators a letter in which he listed his “excesses”, such as exorbitant bonuses and the allegedly lavish renovation of the chairman’s luxury town house. He is also an obsessive collector of Hermes jackets.


397 MrSilverDragon  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:21:54am

re: #394 pingjockey

Mornin' all. My wife got me a new sign for our swimming pool.
"Any child left unattended will be sold to the circus"
I have 2 boys still here at home and in the summer my back yard often resembles Y camp.

I was always partial to the coffee-house signs which said, "Any child left unattended will be given a double espresso and a puppy."

Let the hilarity ensue!

398 badger1970  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:22:09am

re: #382 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Well, she did get a "free" t-shirt. //

399 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:22:57am

re: #397 MrSilverDragon
Heh! Kinda like the grandparents sugaring the kids up and then bringing them home.

400 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:24:06am

The Hamas government has decided to execute a number of Palestinians who were found guilty of “collaboration” with Israel despite protests by human rights and legal organizations, Hamas’s Minister of Interior, Fathi Hammad, announced Wednesday.

Meanwhile, Hamas leader Mahmoud Zahar was quoted as strongly criticizing those who have been firing rockets at Israel in the past few days.

Zahar’s remarks were made during an interview with an Iranian TV station.

Zahar hinted in the interview that those who were firing the rockets were trying to drag Hamas and Israel into a new round of fighting. He described the rocket-launchers as “suspicious” elements – a term often used in the Palestinian territories denounce those accused of being Israeli agents.


Da Juice sure is busy.

401 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:24:21am

re: #399 pingjockey

Heh! Kinda like the grandparents sugaring the kids up and then bringing them home.

Whenever my cousins bring their rambunctious little tykes over to my mom and dad's house, they have absolutely no qualms about breaking out the sugary lemonade, cookies/brownies, etc. Quoth my mother after one such event, "Hey, I'm not the one that has to deal with 'em when they get home!"

402 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:25:07am

Cali is going to have a issue on the ballot in Nov. Legalizing pot. Less than an ounce and you can grow your own too.

403 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:25:47am

re: #400 MandyManners

The Hamas government has decided to execute a number of Palestinians who were found guilty of “collaboration” with Israel despite protests by human rights and legal organizations, Hamas’s Minister of Interior, Fathi Hammad, announced Wednesday.


Da Juice sure is busy.

So let me get this straight. The eeebil Joos are firing rockets at, and killing ... themselves ... in order to drag ... themselves ... into a war against the people commonly referred to as Palestinians. Yeah, and 9/11 was an inside job.

404 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:26:03am

re: #389 Obdicut

The sad part is a lot of people really do think federalists and socialists are quite similar.

More and more, any form of distinction in politics is blurred.

Did you happen to watch the whole Adams mini-series on HBO? I enjoyed it, It was very well done.

405 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:27:10am

The UN Human Rights Council on Thursday narrowly passed a resolution condemning Islamaphobic behaviour, including Switzerland’s minaret building ban, despite some states’ major reservations.

The resolution, which was criticised by the United States as “an instrument of division”, “strongly condemns... the ban on the construction of minarets of mosques and other recent discriminatory measures” passed in November. These measures “are manifestations of Islamophobia that stand in sharp contradiction to international human rights obligations concerning freedoms of religions,” said the resolution.


The resolution also “expresses deep concern ... that Islam is frequently and wrongly associated with human rights violations and terrorism.”


Fucking Baptist gotta' stop the bombings.

406 The Sanity Inspector  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:27:24am

The problem's all inside your code she said to me;
Recursion is easy if you take it logically.
I'm here to help you if you're struggling to learn C,
There must be fifty ways to hose your code.

She said it's really not my habit to #include,
And I hope my files won't be lost or misconstrued;
But I'll recompile at the risk of getting screwed,
There must be fifty ways to hose your code.

Just blow up the stack Jack,
Make a bad call Paul,
Just hit the wrong key Lee,
And set your pointers free.

Just mess up the bus Gus,
You don't need to recurse much,
You just listen to me.

She said it greives me to see you compile again.
I wish there were some hardware that wasn't such a pain.
I said I appreciate that and could you please explain,
About the fifty ways.

She said why don't we both just work on it tonight,
And I'm sure in the morning it'll be working just right.
Then she hosed me and I realized she probably was right,
There must be fifty ways to hose your code.

Just lose the address Les,
Clear the wrong Int Clint,
Traverse the wrong tree Lee,
And set your list free.

Just mess up the bus Gus,
You don't need to recurse much,
You just program in C.

407 Spare O'Lake  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:27:53am

re: #389 Obdicut

The sad part is a lot of people really do think federalists and socialists are quite similar.

More and more, any form of distinction in politics is blurred.

One of the things about US politics that I find most interesting is that so many folks seem to be in denial about the fact that America is very much a mixed economy. Regulated capitalism with a socialist safety net is the name of the game, yet the usual political rhetoric presents as if the nation is locked in death struggle between unbridled capitalism vs communism.

408 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:27:57am

re: #403 thedopefishlives

So let me get this straight. The eeebil Joos are firing rockets at, and killing ... themselves ... in order to drag ... themselves ... into a war against the people commonly referred to as Palestinians. Yeah, and 9/11 was an inside job.

You got the line down correctly.

409 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:28:08am

re: #391 Walter L. Newton

I'm a simple high school graduate. Everything I learned was done myself or peers, mainly myself, since there wasn't to many peers in 1978 when I started all this.

Things are a lot looser on the frontier. ;)

The first contractor I worked for in DC/NVA was transitioning from using HS grads/associate degree to bachelor degree employees when I went to work for them in 1987. They had to do it simply to keep up with the competition in trying to get government contracts for IT personnel.

I went through college right when the PC revolution was starting. Punch cards, FORTRAN and PDP-11s when I started. PCs and C+ when I left. Was trained in a bunch of stuff that was already obsolete, and was past the basics when they started teaching object-oriented stuff for real. The details in the university education are fleeting, it's whether or not you've learned how to think through the solutions to the problems.

I took a no-credit COBOL course for a lark over a summer in my senior year to add an additional programming language to my resume. That, and some ability with SQL coding and relational databases then proceeded to pay the rent for over a decade. (Following a 18-month stint making vacuum cleaner parts right after college.)

410 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:28:38am

Be back in a bit, time to break out the cluebat.

411 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:28:50am

re: #401 thedopefishlives
Yep. I didn't get married until I retired from the navy and she had 2 boys I adopted, then we had one of "ours". Anyway, I remember being at my parents and the boys were doing boy things and dad was letting them get away with it and I said something and got jumped on my mom and dad(grandma and grampa) And is said something like "they'd of never let me do that" and wife(who's very smart) says "they're not your parents anymore, they're grandparents" Took me a while to figure out what she meant!

412 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:28:58am

re: #402 pingjockey

Cali is going to have a issue on the ballot in Nov. Legalizing pot. Less than an ounce and you can grow your own too.

Reason has been covering the issue. They re-posted a commercial this morning.

Buy American!

413 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:29:18am

re: #403 thedopefishlives

414 MrSilverDragon  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:31:04am

re: #402 pingjockey

Cali is going to have a issue on the ballot in Nov. Legalizing pot. Less than an ounce and you can grow your own too.

Oh dear, if they make pot legal, people will be running mad in the streets!.. if they can get up off the couch... or if they finish feeding their munchie craving... what were we talking about?

415 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:31:20am

The United Nations Human Rights Council today, echoing the General Assembly, called on the Israeli Government and the Palestinian side to carry out independent and credible investigations into the deadly conflict in the Gaza Strip that ended early last year.

Those inquiries, the Council said in Geneva, must look into the serious violations of international humanitarian and human rights law reported by the fact-finding mission into the Operation Cast Lead, the three-week Israeli military offensive starting at the end of 2008 that had the stated aim of ending rocket attacks by militants operating in the area.

The fighting left more than 1,400 people dead, injured 5,000 others and reduced homes, schools, hospitals and marketplaces to rubble.

The Goldstone Report, as it has become known, found that both Israeli forces and Palestinian militants were guilty of serious human rights violations and breaches of humanitarian law during the Gaza conflict, which began in late December 2008. The General Assembly has endorsed the mission’s findings.

The four-member fact-finding team headed by former UN war crimes prosecutor Justice Richard Goldstone, set up at the request of the Human Rights Council, called on the two sides to carry out independent investigations into their actions during the conflict.

The Human Rights Council today also called on the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, to look into setting up an escrow fund to provide reparations to Palestinians who suffered losses as a result of unlawful Israeli actions during the conflict.

It also decided to establish a committee of independent experts to monitor the independence, effective and genuineness of the investigations and their conformity with international standards.


No compensation for the expenses incurred by Israelis from the years of rocket attacks on civilians?

416 drcordell  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:31:54am

What's the latest on the whole Obama/Netanyahu situation? Have any other reports come out regarding what actually happened at the meeting?

417 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:31:55am

re: #412 RogueOne
I had occasion to get some pot while going through chemo and the potency difference from the late 70s when I quit smoking the stuff was amazing. BTW, pot should be a prescrition drug when going through chemo, IMO.

418 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:32:25am

re: #416 drcordell

What's the latest on the whole Obama/Netanyahu situation? Have any other reports come out regarding what actually happened at the meeting?

[Link: www.timesonline.co.uk...]

419 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:32:27am

re: #414 MrSilverDragon
Turtles, we were talking about turtles.

420 Mad Al-Jaffee  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:32:58am

re: #414 MrSilverDragon

Oh dear, if they make pot legal, people will be running mad in the streets!.. if they can get up off the couch... or if they finish feeding their munchie craving... what were we talking about?

I'm going to invest in snack food companies and tv networks that air cartoons.

421 drcordell  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:33:09am

re: #418 Cannadian Club Akbar

[Link: www.timesonline.co.uk...]

I read that yesterday, nothing else has come out since then? That article seemed to be at odds with other reports that didn't describe such a contentious ending to the meeting.

422 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:33:17am

re: #419 pingjockey

Turtles, we were talking about turtles.

Look, the water was really cold, OK!

423 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:33:42am

The Arab Foreign Ministers have decided to supply aid for a total of 500 million USD to the Palestinians in Jerusalem. The agreement was reached in a preparatory meeting for the Arab League summit that will be held this weekend in Sirte, Libya, according to the Secretary-General of the pan-Arab organisation.


The Palestinian National Authority (PNA) had asked the Arab League for 500 million dollars to help the Palestinians resist the enlargement of Israeli settlements, which is pushing them outside East Jerusalem, the Arab part of the city.

424 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:33:49am

re: #421 drcordell

I read that yesterday, nothing else has come out since then? That article seemed to be at odds with other reports that didn't describe such a contentious ending to the meeting.

That's all I've seen.

425 MrSilverDragon  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:34:06am

re: #422 Cannadian Club Akbar

Look, the water was really cold, OK!

+1 for coffee spittake.

426 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:34:15am

re: #422 Cannadian Club Akbar
Hehe! Anybody cath the double OT b'ball game last night? Great game.

427 Jadespring  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:34:17am

re: #326 Obdicut

Both of my brothers and I didn't really find what we loved and excelled at until our late twenties. College wasn't that useful to me-- or rather, I wasn't smart or mature enough back in college to properly take advantage of it. But after a few years of noodling around, I was able to start building a really good career for myself.

One of my brothers, now that I think of it, was a history major. He went back to school to learn animal wildlife management, and now he does cool stuff like crawling into the dens of mother bears to traquilize them and gather data. He's publishing like mad and happy as a clam.

My other brother did philosophy, I think, and then in his late twenties went back to school, got a teaching certificate, and became an awesome third-and-fourth grade teacher.

We all feel kind of dumb for wasting so much time, but I think for some people that's how it's got to be. We were pretty naive, and needed to knock around in the world a bit before we could become serious people.

I hope your son finds something serious he can get excited about. He's lucky to have a dad that cares, like you.

That sounds similar to me. I went to Uni right after to highschool like I was supposed too. Did alright but nothing was really clicking. After two years in an opportunity presented itself and I dropped out. Long story short I ended up full filling a dream of mine and did some really interesting things along the way. I got a couple of diplomas and certificates in few different things such a paliative care and worked in a variety of fields. I started two small businesses which I ended up selling and just generally led an eclectic life during my twenties. As thirty approach I was offered a cool full time job which would have set me up really well. I turned that down because I decided that now I was ready to go back to school because now I really knew what I wanted to study. The difference between Uni at 18 and 30 was night and day. I was more a partner in my education rather then a passive participant that sat there regurgitating information for marks.

I don't consider myself dumb for wasting time. My life would have been quite different if I had stayed in Uni and finished in my early twenties but I wouldn't have gotten as much out of as I did when older. It really would have just been a piece of paper with little relevance to what I'm doing now. I'm glad I trusted my gut enough to follow a more round about route. I'm still in contact with a few people from HS who did follow the 4 year degree and a masters path. Only one is really happy. The other say that by the time they figured out what they really wanted to do it was too late in terms of time and investment in there degrees to turn back so they just sucked it up and completed them.

428 darthstar  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:34:17am

re: #395 oaktree

We have a library of QA scripts for the current application configuration. Any sort of "broad" update, including a service pack update to the backbone software (SAP) requires getting a set of end-users and manually running through the scripts to confirm that everything still works correctly.

There are automated tools for that sort of thing of course. But I've never worked for a company yet that is willing to spend the resources on installing and properly upkeeping the datasets necessary to run one.

Then again, I'm working for an oil company, not a software design company.

I've been in QA automation for 12 years myself.

429 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:36:51am

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s trip to the United States to patch up relations ended in “humiliation” as Washington dressed down its close ally over settlements, Israeli media said on Thursday.

Leading newspapers said Netanyahu now has his “back to the wall,” with US President Barack Obama demanding major steps to revive the peace process that threaten the premier’s mostly right-wing coalition. Netanyahu insisted ahead of his departure that the two sides had made “progress” in resolving a row over continued construction in annexed Arab east Jerusalem which has hindered US efforts to revive the peace process.

But Israeli army radio said the visit had done little to repair relations and was at best a “disappointment” and at worst a “resounding failure.” Israel’s Haaretz newspaper said Netanyahu had left Washington “disgraced and isolated” after a flurry of meetings that unusually included no public statement or joint photo opportunity.


430 The Sanity Inspector  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:38:26am

re: #416 drcordell

What's the latest on the whole Obama/Netanyahu situation? Have any other reports come out regarding what actually happened at the meeting?

New York Magazine is reporting it as a snub.

The WaPo omits the alleged dinner snub, but says the meting was quite frosty.

431 darthstar  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:39:53am

Mornin' everyone...

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...can you feel the love? I sure as fuck can't.

Duren had just picked up his 10-year-old daughter from school and had her in the car with him.

"He pointed at the back of my car," Duren said, "the bumper, flipped me off, one finger salute."

But it didn't end there.

Duren told News 2 that Weisiger honked his horn at him for awhile, as Duren stopped at a stop sign.

Once he started driving again, down Blair Boulevard, towards his home, he said, "I looked in the rear view mirror again, and this same SUV was speeding, flying up behind me, bumped me."

432 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:41:54am

re: #431 darthstar

What a Dbag.

433 drcordell  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:42:16am

re: #430 The Sanity Inspector

New York Magazine is reporting it as a snub.

The WaPo omits the alleged dinner snub, but says the meting was quite frosty.

Can't say I'm surprised. After what happened to Biden we had to send a message that shit wasn't going to fly.

434 MrSilverDragon  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:43:07am

re: #431 darthstar

Mornin' everyone...

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...can you feel the love? I sure as fuck can't.

That's just... charming. :P

435 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:45:03am

re: #431 darthstar
Idjits. I have an NRA sticker and a terrorist hunting permit on my pickup and other than some "looks" while in Seattle, never had anyone do something that stupid. I do have a commies aren't cool shirt with the picture of Che' the kids like to wear and have kids ask me about it. They didn't know Che' was a buddy of Castro. Sheesh, don't we teach history anymore?

436 The Sanity Inspector  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:45:12am

re: #433 drcordell

Can't say I'm surprised. After what happened to Biden we had to send a message that shit wasn't going to fly.

Now that both sides have made their points, I hope the protocol wonks can help them climb down now.

437 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:46:16am

The United States has stepped back from a series of harsh measures against Iran and softened proposed UN sanctions to win the backing of China and Russia, the Wall Street Journal reported Thursday.

The newspaper said proposals that would have effectively closed international airspace and waters to Iranian state-owned air cargo and shipping lines had been scrapped.

The proposed package of sanctions had also been stripped of plans targeting insurance for certain Iranian companies and the sale of Iranian bonds.

The United States is working to develop consensus among the five veto-wielding permanent members of the United Nations Security Council on sanctions punishing Tehran for its nuclear program.


438 badger1970  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:46:51am

re: #431 darthstar

This wasn't the first time that a bumper sticker caused a road rage incident nor will it be the last. Nuts are nuts.

439 Mad Al-Jaffee  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:47:07am
440 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:47:33am

re: #437 MandyManners
Yep. Stand by for another strongly worded letter. Do Russia and China do a lot of business with Iran?

441 drcordell  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:47:36am

re: #436 The Sanity Inspector

Now that both sides have made their points, I hope the protocol wonks can help them climb down now.

I hope so too. I would imagine that the public pressure is going to mount on Bibi to mend the rift in relations, but you never know. He effectively campaigned for office on a platform of expansion in East Jerusalem so it's not like anyone should be surprised. Not really sure where it's going to go from here, but it seems like they perhaps underestimated Obama a little bit. Figured that he had other fish to fry and wouldn't push back against the expansion?

442 Oh no...Sand People!  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:48:15am

ahh. Good to see some honesty and at least telling us what is on his mind.

443 drcordell  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:48:21am

re: #440 pingjockey

Yep. Stand by for another strongly worded letter. Do Russia and China do a lot of business with Iran?

Tons of business. That's why we have to ensure that they are on board for any sanctions with the UN or they will effectively be pointless.

444 lawhawk  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:48:23am

MSNBC is reporting that a South Korean navy ship is sinking near the maritime border with North Korea. The North has regularly complained that the South violates the border - and it isn't clear what caused the sinking. Reuters reports the ship is carrying 100 sailors and that the North was bolstering its defenses after the South Koreans and US held joint drills earlier in the month.

That comes on the heels of a statement warning that the North would use its nuclear capabilities after learning of a report on the South Koreans and US preparing for possible instability following the demise of the North Korean regime.

"Those who seek to bring down the system in the (North), whether they play a main role or a passive role, will fall victim to the unprecedented nuclear strikes of the invincible army," North Korea's military said in comments carried by the official Korean Central News Agency.

As they say, developing...

445 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:49:06am

re: #441 drcordell
Does Israel have a housing shortage? I don't know how many people they had to resettle after giving Gaza to the Palis.

446 Ericus58  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:49:29am

WWII-era Navy plane found crashed in remote Oregon forest

[Link: www.komonews.com...]

"TILLAMOOK, Ore. -- A World War II-era U.S. Navy aircraft has been discovered by a logging company in a remote Oregon forest.

The Curtiss SB2C Helldiver was located near Rockaway Beach on March 18, officials said, and initial responders report there may be human remains at the site."

447 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:50:13am

re: #443 drcordell
Thanks. I also wonder if Russia might be concerned about the islamic revolution spreading into all those -stan republics.

448 Oh no...Sand People!  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:50:42am

re: #444 lawhawk

MSNBC is reporting that a South Korean navy ship is sinking near the maritime border with North Korea. The North has regularly complained that the South violates the border - and it isn't clear what caused the sinking. Reuters reports the ship is carrying 100 sailors and that the North was bolstering its defenses after the South Koreans and US held joint drills earlier in the month.

That comes on the heels of a statement warning that the North would use its nuclear capabilities after learning of a report on the South Koreans and US preparing for possible instability following the demise of the North Korean regime.

As they say, developing...

ooo...*breaks out popcorn*.

449 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:51:02am

re: #427 Jadespring

When I did fraternity volunteer work we'd occasionally visit chapters that had managed to pledge/initiate someone who'd gotten "life experience" (usually in the military) before going back to (or into) college. 90% of the time these guys were fantastic to have in chapters. They were a mature and stabilizing influence on the younger men, and were simply trusted more than the alumni since they were *there* and going through the same classes as the other undergraduates.

I think college is a fantastic experience in terms of exposure to a wide variety of ideas, viewpoints, and opportunities. But it's not the only way to get there, and it's not the right path for everyone to take.

450 The Sanity Inspector  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:51:10am

re: #440 pingjockey

Yep. Stand by for another strongly worded letter. Do Russia and China do a lot of business with Iran?

There was a bit on NPR yesterday about Russia's close trade ties with Iran.

451 Semper Fi  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:51:22am

Thanks. Don't really those types of stories but crazy exists and one must stay tuned, unfortunately.

452 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:51:50am

re: #450 The Sanity Inspector
Thank you.

453 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:52:13am

re: #435 pingjockey

If Thomas Jefferson is no longer of historical significance in Texas, what makes you think anything will be taught about Castro, much less Che'?

454 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:52:20am

re: #440 pingjockey

Yep. Stand by for another strongly worded letter. Do Russia and China do a lot of business with Iran?


455 The Sanity Inspector  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:52:43am

re: #446 Ericus58

WWII-era Navy plane found crashed in remote Oregon forest

[Link: www.komonews.com...]

"TILLAMOOK, Ore. -- A World War II-era U.S. Navy aircraft has been discovered by a logging company in a remote Oregon forest.

The Curtiss SB2C Helldiver was located near Rockaway Beach on March 18, officials said, and initial responders report there may be human remains at the site."


456 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:52:56am

Looks like we're gonna sign the latest START treaty, good. We're down to less than 2k warheads on a side.

457 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:53:28am

re: #456 pingjockey

Looks like we're gonna sign the latest START treaty, good. We're down to less than 2k warheads on a side.

Chopping off balls.

458 Oh no...Sand People!  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:53:39am

re: #456 pingjockey

Looks like we're gonna sign the latest START treaty, good. We're down to less than 2k warheads on a side.

You really think that Russia will disarm?

I got a bridge for sale on ebay for you.

459 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:53:46am

re: #453 oaktree
What? Why don't they teach Jefferson? That's nuts.

460 drcordell  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:53:59am

re: #445 pingjockey

Does Israel have a housing shortage? I don't know how many people they had to resettle after giving Gaza to the Palis.

The building in East Jerusalem isn't because there is nowhere left to build. It's to solidify Israel's control over East Jerusalem and effectively preclude the possibility of it becoming the Palestinian capitol.

461 Ericus58  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:54:22am

re: #455 The Sanity Inspector


Pretty darn good plane.. Curtis made some of the only planes that we had to deploy at the start of WWII - who could forget the P-40?

462 drcordell  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:55:20am

re: #457 MandyManners

Chopping off balls.

How many times over does the world need to be destroyed? 50, 100, 200? We don't need that many warheads, and Russia can't afford to keep that many warheads. Signing a treaty to have them decommissioned makes sure they don't end up in the hands of terrorists.

463 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:56:23am

re: #457 MandyManners

re: #458 Oh no...Sand People!

Calm down. When I was in the navy us and the Commies had over 10,000 warheads. Less is good. Easier to verify, and nukes, especially missles and sub launched are maintence intensive. The Russian nuclear arsenal after the cold war ended was of huge concern. Accidents, thefts, no Command and control links were a huge concern.

464 The Sanity Inspector  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:56:52am
465 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:57:10am

re: #460 drcordell
Ah. Thanks. I'm not as savy about that as I should be.

466 Semper Fi  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:57:50am

re: #431 darthstar

Mornin' everyone...

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...can you feel the love? I sure as fuck can't.

Sorry, my bad. My #451 was a comment to your post.

467 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:58:05am

re: #459 pingjockey


This has been discussed a few days back.

468 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:58:18am

Somebody send a waaahmmmbulance to Maddow.

Liberal TV lioness Rachel Maddow is demanding an apology from GOP U.S. Sen. Scott Brown for raising campaign dough on scuttlebutt she’s planning to run against him in 2012 - a false rumor that was actually trumped up by Bay State Democrats.

“The idea that the Democrats are to blame for this doesn’t even make sense. It’s ridiculous,” Maddow told the Herald yesterday. “Scott Brown made this up in order to make money off my name and likeness and I think he should stop. And I think he should apologize.”

Maddow, who lives in western Massachusetts, called Brown a “creep” in a planned MSNBC newspaper ad scheduled to run today and slammed him for sending out a nationwide fund-raising letter this week “smearing me to raise money for himself.”

However, the rumor sprang from a Facebook page launched by a liberal Northhampton radio host, was fueled by a mysterious tweet from the state Democratic party chairman and got pumped up as recently as Wednesday by the state’s Democratic governor.


As for Brown, his spokesman Eric Fehrnstrom said: “It was an open secret that the Democrats were trying to recruit Rachel Maddow to run against Scott Brown in 2012. Now that she’s said no, I’m sure they’ll scurry around looking for someone else. Maybe Keith Olbermann’s available.”

469 Ericus58  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:58:31am

re: #463 pingjockey

re: #458 Oh no...Sand People!

Calm down. When I was in the navy us and the Commies had over 10,000 warheads. Less is good. Easier to verify, and nukes, especially missles and sub launched are maintence intensive. The Russian nuclear arsenal after the cold war ended was of huge concern. Accidents, thefts, no Command and control links were a huge concern.

"Trust... but Verify"

470 Ericus58  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:59:18am


471 drcordell  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:59:22am

re: #463 pingjockey

re: #458 Oh no...Sand People!

Calm down. When I was in the navy us and the Commies had over 10,000 warheads. Less is good. Easier to verify, and nukes, especially missles and sub launched are maintence intensive. The Russian nuclear arsenal after the cold war ended was of huge concern. Accidents, thefts, no Command and control links were a huge concern.

Yeah that's what worries me. Underpaid Russian soldiers safeguarding deteriorating nuclear warheads with inadequate fail-safe devices. I see nothing beneficial coming out of that situation.

472 lawhawk  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 7:59:37am

re: #463 pingjockey

The nuclear weapons that are decommissioned are actually turned into energy stocks - diluting the enriched uranium is easier and cheaper than enriching naturally occurring uranium. Much of the current supply of nuclear fuel for nuclear reactors is coming from deactivated nuclear weapons.

A problem, however, with reducing the number of nuclear weapons is that once you fall below a certain point, it becomes possible that a county would see an advantage to taking out the other because you'd be able to eliminate the second strike capability - eliminating or vastly reducing the MAD quotient.

It also makes the situation more difficult when dealing with rogue nations.

473 Oh no...Sand People!  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:00:08am

re: #462 drcordell

How many times over does the world need to be destroyed? 50, 100, 200? We don't need that many warheads, and Russia can't afford to keep that many warheads. Signing a treaty to have them decommissioned makes sure they don't end up in the hands of terrorists.

Good grief. There are already so many loose nukes out in the world via Russia. When I lived in Bulgaria I could have bought my very own RPG just for fun, *za kef*!, just through some black market connections. I could have even outfitted an entire group. I am sure if I wanted to kick it up a notch who knows what else I could have gotten my hands on.

This is pure, "now the world loves us...right?" shenanigans.

474 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:00:34am

re: #459 pingjockey

Previous thread on LGF

475 Sheila Broflovski  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:00:38am

re: #460 drcordell

The building in East Jerusalem isn't because there is nowhere left to build. It's to solidify Israel's control over East Jerusalem and effectively preclude the possibility of it becoming the Palestinian capitol.

How many times does it have to be pointed out that Ramat Shlomo is not even in East Jerusalem.

476 drcordell  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:00:41am

re: #468 MandyManners

Somebody send a waaahmmmbulance to Maddow.

Liberal TV lioness Rachel Maddow is demanding an apology from GOP U.S. Sen. Scott Brown for raising campaign dough on scuttlebutt she’s planning to run against him in 2012 - a false rumor that was actually trumped up by Bay State Democrats.

Uh, sounds like somebody needs to send the waaaambulance to Scott Brown. He's so pathetic he has to scare up campaign cash by using a lesbian bogeyman? Really?

477 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:00:55am

re: #467 oaktree
I am speechless.

478 drcordell  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:01:34am

re: #473 Oh no...Sand People!

Good grief. There are already so many loose nukes out in the world via Russia. When I lived in Bulgaria I could have bought my very own RPG just for fun, *za kef*!, just through some black market connections. I could have even outfitted an entire group. I am sure if I wanted to kick it up a notch who knows what else I could have gotten my hands on.

This is pure, "now the world loves us...right?" shenanigans.

Yeah Obama is trying to reduce the world's nuclear weapons stockpiles just like that huge pacifist pussy Ronald Reagan.

479 Walter L. Newton  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:02:23am

re: #475 Alouette

How many times does it have to be pointed out that Ramat Shlomo is not even in East Jerusalem.

It doesn't matter, it doesn't fit Dr. Cordells meme.

480 lawhawk  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:02:39am

re: #460 drcordell

The building in East Jerusalem isn't because there is nowhere left to build. It's to solidify Israel's control over East Jerusalem and effectively preclude the possibility of it becoming the Palestinian capitol.

The construction being proposed isn't in East Jerusalem, but in Northern Jerusalem, which was behind the Green Line.

And, as I've repeatedly pointed out, housing isn't the impediment to peace - it's the steadfast refusal by the Palestinians to accept Israel's very existence in any border configuration. They complain bitterly about Israel exercising its rights within its own borders, restoring Jewish sites destroyed by the Jordanians in the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem, etc.

481 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:02:56am

re: #469 Ericus58
I miss RWR. I had to put up with Jimmah Carter for my first CinC, the RWR, then GWHB, then WJC. Only Jimmy really gets my loathing.

482 Oh no...Sand People!  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:03:13am

re: #476 drcordell

Uh, sounds like somebody needs to send the waaambulance to Scott Brown. He's so pathetic he has to scare up campaign cash by using a lesbian bogeyman? Really?

Like this?
[Link: www.politico.com...]

483 drcordell  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:03:47am

re: #475 Alouette

How many times does it have to be pointed out that Ramat Shlomo is not even in East Jerusalem.

Where did I mention Ramat Shlomo? Nowhere. I'm referring overall to the status of negotiations between Obama and Netanyahu. And those discussions are explicitly hinging on building in East Jerusalem.

[Link: haaretz.com...]

Instead of leaving the Palestinian issue aside and focusing on Iran, as he would like, Netanyahu now finds himself fighting for the legitimacy of Israeli control over East Jerusalem.

484 Oh no...Sand People!  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:04:31am

re: #483 drcordell

Dr 'The goalposts move at all costs' Cordell.

485 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:04:41am

Anything the Palis are for, I'm against.

486 drcordell  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:04:50am

re: #480 lawhawk

The construction being proposed isn't in East Jerusalem, but in Northern Jerusalem, which was behind the Green Line.

And, as I've repeatedly pointed out, housing isn't the impediment to peace - it's the steadfast refusal by the Palestinians to accept Israel's very existence in any border configuration. They complain bitterly about Israel exercising its rights within its own borders, restoring Jewish sites destroyed by the Jordanians in the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem, etc.

I'm just going by what I have read in the Times of London, the Washington Post and Haaretz. Every article specifically mentions that the point of contention is settlement in East Jerusalem. This isn't some "meme" that I have made up.

487 lawhawk  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:05:07am

re: #483 drcordell

And the reason that it's in question is because the media doesn't bother looking at a map to see where the housing projects are proposed, or that housing isn't even the issue - it's the Palestinians who continue to refuse to allow for Israel's existence.

488 Oh no...Sand People!  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:05:32am

re: #486 drcordell

I'm just going by what I have read in the Times of London, the Washington Post and Haaretz. Every article specifically mentions that the point of contention is settlement in East Jerusalem. This isn't some "meme" that I have made up.

Since they aren't Fox is must be true then huh?

489 lawhawk  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:05:45am

re: #486 drcordell

No, it's a meme you've bought into by a media that is lazy and doesn't bother reading a map to see where the housing is being proposed.

490 darthstar  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:05:45am

Update on the Cantor lie:
1. The building the office is in isn't in Cantor's district.
2. The office isn't even listed on Cantor's website.
3. The office had nothing identifying it as Cantor's.
4. The office is in a building with other offices.
5. The window the bullet went through wasn't one of the windows on Cantor's office.

Summary: A random bullet hitting an office not Eric Cantor's in a building not in Eric Cantor's district, but where he has an office not listed that contains no identifying political signage constitutes an attack on Eric Cantor and demands a press conference minimizing threats against Democrats because a window not his was broken by a bullet that came from somewhere.

491 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:06:05am

re: #462 drcordell

How many times over does the world need to be destroyed? 50, 100, 200? We don't need that many warheads, and Russia can't afford to keep that many warheads. Signing a treaty to have them decommissioned makes sure they don't end up in the hands of terrorists.

Signing a treaty does no such thing. I guess if you think either side will play fair and abide by their treaty obligations but we don't have much evidence of that now do we?

492 drcordell  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:06:25am

re: #484 Oh no...Sand People!

Dr 'The goalposts move at all costs' Cordell.

Where have I moved the goalposts? I'm specifically referring to what I have read in all of the articles describing Obamas meeting with Bibi. And every single article describes the point of contention as settlements in "East Jerusalem." Now whether or not that's referring to the settlements you are speaking of, I don't know.

493 Dante41  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:06:28am

Back. Man, free surface calculations are interesting.

re: #467 oaktree


This has been discussed a few days back.

Yep. Thank Goodhair again. Fortunately, Bill White seized on this immediately.

494 Oh no...Sand People!  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:06:54am

re: #478 drcordell

Yeah Obama is trying to reduce the world's nuclear weapons stockpiles just like that huge pacifist pussy Ronald Reagan.


495 Walter L. Newton  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:06:55am

re: #489 lawhawk

No, it's a meme you've bought into by a media that is lazy and doesn't bother reading a map to see where the housing is being proposed.

No kidding, and now he's trying to deny it.

496 laZardo  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:07:48am

re: #492 drcordell

The problem is that the boundaries of "East Jerusalem" and its surrounding zones tend to fluctuate depending on who you ask.

497 drcordell  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:07:51am

re: #491 RogueOne

Signing a treaty does no such thing. I guess if you think either side will play fair and abide by their treaty obligations but we don't have much evidence of that now do we?

Yeah. Only Communist lovers like Ronald Reagan sign missile reduction treaties. Just give it up already. It's a perfectly legitimate goal to seek the reduction of nuclear warheads. And there are many ways of verifying treaty compliance.

498 darthstar  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:08:05am

re: #476 drcordell

Uh, sounds like somebody needs to send the waaambulance to Scott Brown. He's so pathetic he has to scare up campaign cash by using a HOT, INTELLIGENT lesbian bogeyman? Really?


499 lawhawk  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:08:12am

Update on the Korean situation. Some reports are claiming that torpedoes were fired. 24 hour rule in effect as the circumstances are definitely fuzzy.

500 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:08:13am

re: #490 darthstar

Update on the Cantor lie:
1. The building the office is in isn't in Cantor's district.
2. The office isn't even listed on Cantor's website.
3. The office had nothing identifying it as Cantor's.
4. The office is in a building with other offices.
5. The window the bullet went through wasn't one of the windows on Cantor's office.

Summary: A random bullet hitting an office not Eric Cantor's in a building not in Eric Cantor's district, but where he has an office not listed that contains no identifying political signage constitutes an attack on Eric Cantor and demands a press conference minimizing threats against Democrats because a window not his was broken by a bullet that came from somewhere.

I still say they shot it because it was the "reagan" building. PROVE ME WRONG!//

501 Walter L. Newton  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:08:20am

re: #492 drcordell

Where have I moved the goalposts? I'm specifically referring to what I have read in all of the articles describing Obamas meeting with Bibi. And every single article describes the point of contention as settlements in "East Jerusalem." Now whether or not that's referring to the settlements you are speaking of, I don't know.

Well, you need to learn a little, instead of just spouting off. The current dust up is ALL BAOUT Ramat Shlomo. That's what started the current round of controversy.

502 Dante41  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:08:40am

re: #403 thedopefishlives

So let me get this straight. The eeebil Joos are firing rockets at, and killing ... themselves ... in order to drag ... themselves ... into a war against the people commonly referred to as Palestinians. Yeah, and 9/11 was an inside job.

Yeah. When it comes to conspiracy theorists, you can't logic them out a point that they didn't logic themselves into. Trust me, I have dealt with this shit before.

503 Jadespring  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:09:11am

re: #491 RogueOne

Signing a treaty does no such thing. I guess if you think either side will play fair and abide by their treaty obligations but we don't have much evidence of that now do we?

If that's the case then it really doesn't matter whether the treaty is signed or not, so no real need to get squinchy about it. It's just a political show.

504 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:09:55am

I didn't find this in the news release from the U.N. in No. 415.

Israel should pay Palestinians reparations for loss and damages suffered during last year’s war in the Gaza Strip, the UN Human Rights Council said Thursday.

The 47-nation body didn’t call for similar payments by Palestinians to Israelis. The resolution was opposed by the United States and five European countries.

Israeli Ambassador Aharon Leshno-Yaar said the resolution was biased and defamatory, and would do nothing to bring Palestinians and Israelis closer together.


The council, which has been criticized for excessively focusing on Israel in the past, approved four other resolutions condemning the Jewish state on Wednesday.


505 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:10:09am

re: #502 Dante41

"Logic? The man's talking about Logic! You green blooded, inhuman...We're talking about universal armeggedon"!

506 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:10:46am

re: #472 lawhawk

The nuclear weapons that are decommissioned are actually turned into energy stocks - diluting the enriched uranium is easier and cheaper than enriching naturally occurring uranium. Much of the current supply of nuclear fuel for nuclear reactors is coming from deactivated nuclear weapons.

A problem, however, with reducing the number of nuclear weapons is that once you fall below a certain point, it becomes possible that a county would see an advantage to taking out the other because you'd be able to eliminate the second strike capability - eliminating or vastly reducing the MAD quotient.

It also makes the situation more difficult when dealing with rogue nations.


507 Killgore Trout  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:10:59am

David Frum, AEI SPLIT: Conservative's Position 'Terminated' By Major Think Tank

Frum tells Mike Allen that "donor pressure" related to his "Waterloo" post was indeed responsible for his termination. Frum claims "the core of the story is the kind of economic pressure that intellectual conservatives are under" -- meaning AEI couldn't risk displeasing its base by keeping Frum on after he criticized the Republican Party. "[T]he elite isn't leading anymore," said Frum. "It's trapped."

I guess that's populism in action.

508 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:11:11am

re: #504 MandyManners
Ah yes the Useless Nitwits of Turtle Bay. Goddamn assholes.

509 Oh no...Sand People!  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:11:17am

re: #492 drcordell

Where have I moved the goalposts? I'm specifically referring to what I have read in all of the articles describing Obamas meeting with Bibi. And every single article describes the point of contention as settlements in "East Jerusalem." Now whether or not that's referring to the settlements you are speaking of, I don't know.

For the sake of argument, feeling magnanimous today, I will recant the 'goalpost' comment. The greatest underlying theme for all us lizards to take from this dialogue is the 'since Fox News is officially the bad guy and we are all 'Hopey Changin' all the rest of the media is now 'truth' and gets a pass'.

Pro tip: All media sucks and has an agenda. Be wary. Fact check.

510 Spare O'Lake  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:11:26am

Did some moronic twirp post a comment here yesterday denying that Obama had snubbed Netanyahu during his recent visit to D.C.?

511 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:12:06am

re: #497 drcordell

Yeah. Only Communist lovers like Ronald Reagan sign missile reduction treaties. Just give it up already. It's a perfectly legitimate goal to seek the reduction of nuclear warheads. And there are many ways of verifying treaty compliance.

I was only making fun of your Pollyanna view that paying the Russians to reduce their stockpile will keep weapons from falling into the wrong hands. If you had the cash in your pocket you could leave on a trip today and leave Russia with whatever weaponry you could imagine.

512 Dante41  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:12:09am

re: #506 MandyManners


However, it is a long way before that point.

513 Sheila Broflovski  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:12:28am

re: #486 drcordell

I'm just going by what I have read in the Times of London, the Washington Post and Haaretz. Every article specifically mentions that the point of contention is settlement in East Jerusalem. This isn't some "meme" that I have made up.

I posted a map at my blog showing exactly where the "contentious settlement" is located. If the "Times of London" "Washington Post" and "Am Haaretz" don't know how to read directions on a map, that's their problem.

514 laZardo  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:12:59am

re: #499 lawhawk

Update on the Korean situation. Some reports are claiming that torpedoes were fired. 24 hour rule in effect as the circumstances are definitely fuzzy.

Fuzzy, you say?

515 Oh no...Sand People!  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:12:59am

re: #497 drcordell

Yeah. Only Communist lovers like Ronald Reagan sign missile reduction treaties. Just give it up already. It's a perfectly legitimate goal to seek the reduction of nuclear warheads. And there are many ways of verifying treaty compliance.

Yeah...just like all the hard scrabble fact checking on building in East Jerusalem, no?

516 darthstar  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:13:29am

re: #507 Killgore Trout

David Frum, AEI SPLIT: Conservative's Position 'Terminated' By Major Think Tank

I guess that's populism in action.

The inmates are in charge of the asylum now.

517 laZardo  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:13:33am

re: #513 Alouette

But Wikipedia says...


518 Oh no...Sand People!  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:13:34am

re: #511 RogueOne

I was only making fun of your Pollyanna view that paying the Russians to reduce their stockpile will keep weapons from falling into the wrong hands. If you had the cash in your pocket you could leave on a trip today and leave Russia with whatever weaponry you could imagine.

"Red Scare" is now a myth donchaknow? Never happened and is no longer a threat...

519 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:13:55am

re: #513 Alouette
Great name and thanks for the map!

520 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:14:01am

re: #476 drcordell

Uh, sounds like somebody needs to send the waaambulance to Scott Brown. He's so pathetic he has to scare up campaign cash by using a lesbian bogeyman? Really?

She's just pissed 'cause her own people did this to her.

BTW, she's a lesbian? Who cares?

521 Walter L. Newton  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:15:07am

re: #520 MandyManners

She's just pissed 'cause her own people did this to her.

BTW, she's a lesbian? Who cares?

When the left can make social points by pointing sexual preference out, the same as they use race.

522 drcordell  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:15:23am

re: #520 MandyManners

She's just pissed 'cause her own people did this to her.

BTW, she's a lesbian? Who cares?

Who cares she's a lesbian? The mouth-breathing teabaggers that comprise Scott Brown's base. Duh.

523 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:16:03am

re: #518 Oh no...Sand People!

You can buy anything you want from the russian military. All they're missing is a big box store and a catalog with glossy pictures. If you're desperate for pictures you can always pick up a copy of Janes.

524 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:16:06am

re: #515 Oh no...Sand People!

Yeah...just like all the hard scrabble fact checking on building in East Jerusalem, no?


525 drcordell  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:16:21am

re: #511 RogueOne

I was only making fun of your Pollyanna view that paying the Russians to reduce their stockpile will keep weapons from falling into the wrong hands. If you had the cash in your pocket you could leave on a trip today and leave Russia with whatever weaponry you could imagine.

It certainly can't make the situation worse by attempting to have the Russians dismantle as many nukes as possible. Even if only one missile is successfully decommissioned, that's still one less missile that could be sold.

526 laZardo  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:16:21am

re: #513 Alouette

Serious question though. I noticed a dotted line running from the upper left to the lower middle of the map, along with another 'enclosing' an area just to the upper right. Is that the Green Line?

527 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:16:44am

re: #522 drcordell
Isn't Brown from Massachussetts? Didn't realize the right wing loons had a huge following in the northeast.

528 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:16:55am

re: #525 drcordell

It certainly can't make the situation worse by attempting to have the Russians dismantle as many nukes as possible. Even if only one missile is successfully decommissioned, that's still one less missile that could be sold.

I gave you a thumbs-up for that, keep hope alive.

529 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:17:10am

re: #522 drcordell

Who cares she's a lesbian? The mouth-breathing teabaggers that comprise Scott Brown's base. Duh.

A Tea Party organization gave Brown about $200,000.00. SEIU gave Coakely $740,000.00.

530 drcordell  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:18:28am

re: #509 Oh no...Sand People!

For the sake of argument, feeling magnanimous today, I will recant the 'goalpost' comment. The greatest underlying theme for all us lizards to take from this dialogue is the 'since Fox News is officially the bad guy and we are all 'Hopey Changin' all the rest of the media is now 'truth' and gets a pass'.

Pro tip: All media sucks and has an agenda. Be wary. Fact check.

Look man, I don't know what else to tell you. You're telling me that the Jpost and Haaretz are both incorrectly labeling the dispute as over "East Jerusalem"? As well as the Washington Post?

It's all fucking semantics either way. Call it North Jerusalem, West Jerusalem, whatever the fuck you want to call it. The point is, increased Jewish-only settlements in EastWestNorth Jerusalem are the point of contention between the U.S. and Israel.

531 Jadespring  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:18:55am

re: #506 MandyManners


There is absolutely no threat that any of these treaties (whether they're followed or not) are going to reduce the numbers of nukes (even if it's just paper numbers) below any sort of MAD quotient. In reality you need very few nukes (relative to the numbers that exist now) to fulfill MAD or any sort of second strike capability. Once you reach a certain number the rest is just overkill (pun intended) and if you want to get 'fiscal', a waste of taxpayer money.

532 Oh no...Sand People!  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:20:35am

re: #530 drcordell

Look man, I don't know what else to tell you. You're telling me that the Jpost and Haaretz are both incorrectly labeling the dispute as over "East Jerusalem"? As well as the Washington Post?

It's all fucking semantics either way. Call it North Jerusalem, West Jerusalem, whatever the fuck you want to call it. The point is, increased Jewish-only settlements in EastWestNorth Jerusalem are the point of contention between the U.S. and Israel.

East, North, West, and South are interchangeable now?

But fine. New topic.

533 Walter L. Newton  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:20:49am

re: #530 drcordell

Look man, I don't know what else to tell you. You're telling me that the Jpost and Haaretz are both incorrectly labeling the dispute as over "East Jerusalem"? As well as the Washington Post?

It's all fucking semantics either way. Call it North Jerusalem, West Jerusalem, whatever the fuck you want to call it. The point is, increased Jewish-only settlements in EastWestNorth Jerusalem are the point of contention between the U.S. and Israel.

You don't understand, do you. North Jerusalem is not even disputed territory. It would be like China telling you you couldn't build a tree fort in your back yard.

534 drcordell  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:21:07am

re: #526 laZardo

Serious question though. I noticed a dotted line running from the upper left to the lower middle of the map, along with another 'enclosing' an area just to the upper right. Is that the Green Line?

Yes. That is the Green Line. And Ramat Shlomo is East of that line. Hence the reason why it is described as "East Jerusalem."

535 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:21:24am

re: #532 Oh no...Sand People!

536 drcordell  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:22:28am

re: #533 Walter L. Newton

You don't understand, do you. North Jerusalem is not even disputed territory. It would be like China telling you you couldn't build a tree fort in your back yard.

Uh. No. Ramat Shlomo is most certainly East of the 1967 Green Line. Whether or not Israel believes it is entitled to build East of the Green Line is a separate issue altogether. But for semantics sake, when somebody refers to "East Jerusalem" they are referring to any part of the city East of the Green Line.

537 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:23:34am

Bailout 3.0:

Unions want Washington's help with pension funds
[Link: www.washingtontimes.com...]

Anger mounting over tax increases to pay for California public pensions
[Link: www.californiapensionreform.com...]

Trillion-Dollar Pension Crisis Looms Large Over America
[Link: www.iimagazine.com...]

538 drcordell  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:24:46am

re: #529 MandyManners

A Tea Party organization gave Brown about $200,000.00. SEIU gave Coakely $740,000.00.

And this has what to do with Brown raising money off of Maddow's sexual orientation?

539 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:26:00am

re: #537 RogueOne
I want mine! Waaah! We're probably going to have to file bankruptcy due to medical bills and me being out of work with no pay and some of those pensions are over 70% of their salary at retirement. A pox on 'em.

540 windsword  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:26:01am

USA and Russia reach new arms control agreement

Good news, just when many thought relations with Russia were imploding.

541 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:26:32am

re: #538 drcordell
IIRC, didn't the dems float the idea first?

542 drcordell  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:26:38am

re: #537 RogueOne

Bailout 3.0:

Unions want Washington's help with pension funds
[Link: www.washingtontimes.com...]

Anger mounting over tax increases to pay for California public pensions
[Link: www.californiapensionreform.com...]

Trillion-Dollar Pension Crisis Looms Large Over America
[Link: www.iimagazine.com...]

They need to spend some money clawing back commissions and bonuses paid to the crooks who made millions of dollars "managing" these pensions that have since imploded. The NYC apartment complex I live in just went into receivership after the $5+ billion dollar deal to purchase it a few years ago imploded. And of course one of the big California pension funds lost $250 million dollars as part of the fiasco.

543 Soap_Man  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:27:54am

re: #520 MandyManners

She's just pissed 'cause her own people did this to her.

I don't get that. The only people I have heard saying "Maddow will run against Scott Brown" has been Brown and his people. It seems like he started it, not her or the Mass. Democratic Party.

I'm not doubting you, I've just only heard this coming from the Brown camp. Feel free to prove me wrong.

544 Semper Fi  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:28:04am

A very busy 'remainder of the day' is on tap for me... Have a beautiful and safe weekend, Lizards.
Thanks again.

545 drcordell  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:28:22am

re: #541 pingjockey

IIRC, didn't the dems float the idea first?

Apparently there was a single "tweet" sent out by some MA Democratic Party official that was apparently soliciting her to "call" them. How that turns into "Rachel Maddow is running for Senate" I'm not sure.

546 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:28:56am
547 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:29:28am

re: #545 drcordell

To borrow from Clausewitz....The fog of tweets or something like that.

548 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:30:04am

re: #537 RogueOne

The Obama administration announced programs to help U.S. homeowners avoid foreclosure, including subsidies for borrowers who owe more than their home is worth.

The plan expands Treasury Department and Federal Housing Administration efforts and uses funds from the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program. The administration faced a week of criticism from lawmakers and watchdog groups who say the government hasn’t helped enough homeowners stave off foreclosures.


549 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:30:28am

re: #538 drcordell

And this has what to do with Brown raising money off of Maddow's sexual orientation?

Could you please point to a story about Brown doing just that?

550 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:31:09am

re: #541 pingjockey

IIRC, didn't the dems float the idea first?

No. 468.

551 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:31:27am

re: #504 MandyManners

I didn't find this in the news release from the U.N. in No. 415.

Israel should pay Palestinians reparations for loss and damages suffered during last year’s war in the Gaza Strip, the UN Human Rights Council said Thursday.


More Israel bashing and Jew-hate from the league leaders.

552 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:31:41am

I din't know Maddow was gay! Don't care either.

553 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:32:00am

re: #543 Soap_Man

I don't get that. The only people I have heard saying "Maddow will run against Scott Brown" has been Brown and his people. It seems like he started it, not her or the Mass. Democratic Party.

I'm not doubting you, I've just only heard this coming from the Brown camp. Feel free to prove me wrong.

Feel free to e-mail the Boston Herald reporter in the story linked to in No. 468.

554 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:32:07am

re: #550 MandyManners
Yep. Thanks.

555 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:32:48am

re: #548 MandyManners

The Obama administration announced programs to help U.S. homeowners avoid foreclosure, including subsidies for borrowers who owe more than their home is worth.


So people who have no business buying homes are STILL getting handouts from the government. I'm sorry, maybe I'm just old-fashioned, but whatever happened to personal responsibility and spending within your means? I saved for FIVE FUCKING YEARS to buy the house I just moved into, and it was at the limit of my budget even then.

556 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:32:52am

re: #546 Dark_Falcon

Scott Brown is a good egg. If he was just using rumors the Dems started, that's all in the game.

But, he's a Republican. He must be lying.

557 Soap_Man  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:33:44am

re: #546 Dark_Falcon

Scott Brown is a good egg. If he was just using rumors the Dems started, that's all in the game.

People float names a lot, which is usually funny. The person isn't involved at all, but it gains so much media traction that they have to hold a press conference to debunk something they had nothing to do with.

A perfect example happened right here in Illinois. Remember after Ryan dropped out and the GOP was panicking that Obama would cruise to victory? So they started floating these rumors that Ditka was going to run against Obama. Ditka was oblivious to the whole thing, but it got to the point where the lead story on every local broadcast was "Will Da Coach take on Obama?"

So then he had a press conference debunking something he had nothing to do with. And as a side note, he never once referred to Obama by name. He kept calling him "the other guy." I don't think this was meant to be insulting at all; I'm willing to bet Ditka didn't even know his name (or maybe he knew his name, but was concerned about mispronouncing it and looking foolish.)

558 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:33:50am

re: #551 Dark_Falcon

More Israel bashing and Jew-hate from the league leaders.

The Arab League is gonna' give the PA $500,000,000.00 per an article I linked above.

559 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:34:04am

If the Jewish state disappeared tomorrow, what would change? Not a damn thing, except the islamists would have a clearer field to slaughter more of their co-religionists...see Pakistan.

560 laZardo  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:34:07am

Mmkay. I went on Google Maps where Alouette sourced her article, and yes I am going to brace for a swift bashing.

Apparently there are a number of suburbs north and west of Jerusalem (not necessarily IN Jerusalem) that are on the Palestinian side of the Green Line, including Givat Ze'ev, the specific settlement mentioned in the article.

The dotted line represents the Green Line, but it also splits off to the left of the map at the "1949 Armistice Line."

There, I said it. Take it as you will.

561 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:34:16am

re: #505 pingjockey

"Logic? The man's talking about Logic! We're talking about universal Armageddon! You green blooded, inhuman..."

Quote corrected for order of sentences. You had McCoy's statement from the scene in Star Trek II correct but the last two were in the wrong order. When I was a kid, I saw that movie so many times that that scene is one of several I memorized.

562 drcordell  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:34:21am

re: #549 MandyManners

Could you please point to a story about Brown doing just that?

The fundraising email he sent out seeking funds to defeat Maddow as his challenger. It didn't say "ZOMG SHES A DYKE" on it, but it's common knowledge that Maddow is a homosexual. Considering she's not even running, why else would he use her "threat" as a fundraising tool?

563 Oh no...Sand People!  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:34:35am

re: #551 Dark_Falcon

More Israel bashing and Jew-hate from the league leaders.

I think the Jordanians should have to pay the Palis for reparations for 'Black September'.

Estimates of the number of the people killed in the ten days of Black September range from three thousand to more than five thousand, although exact numbers are unknown. The Palestinian death toll in 11 days of fighting was estimated by Jordan at 3,400, while Palestinian sources often cite the number 10,000 mainly civilians killed. Arafat at some point claimed that 20,000 had been killed.[20] The Western reporters were concentrated at the Intercontinental Hotel, away from the action.[citation needed] Nasser's state-controlled Voice of the Arabs from Cairo reported genocide.

Wikipedia under Black September.

But, no, it's always the JOOOOUUUIIIIICE!

564 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:34:41am

re: #555 thedopefishlives

So people who have no business buying homes are STILL getting handouts from the government. I'm sorry, maybe I'm just old-fashioned, but whatever happened to personal responsibility and spending within your means? I saved for FIVE FUCKING YEARS to buy the house I just moved into, and it was at the limit of my budget even then.

You don't like stepping into the looking glass?

565 Oh no...Sand People!  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:35:14am

re: #555 thedopefishlives

So people who have no business buying homes are STILL getting handouts from the government. I'm sorry, maybe I'm just old-fashioned, but whatever happened to personal responsibility and spending within your means? I saved for FIVE FUCKING YEARS to buy the house I just moved into, and it was at the limit of my budget even then.


566 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:35:43am

re: #561 Dark_Falcon
Thanks. I guess. Heh.

567 drcordell  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:35:52am

re: #555 thedopefishlives

So people who have no business buying homes are STILL getting handouts from the government. I'm sorry, maybe I'm just old-fashioned, but whatever happened to personal responsibility and spending within your means? I saved for FIVE FUCKING YEARS to buy the house I just moved into, and it was at the limit of my budget even then.

Because when you have saved for five years to buy your home, and then every other person on your block loses their house to foreclosure, your house becomes worthless. So if you were to try and move, you would either be underwater on your mortgage, or be forced to stay in it until housing prices appreciated again. This is all an effort to staunch the bleeding and keep housing prices up.

568 Sheila Broflovski  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:36:30am

re: #526 laZardo

Serious question though. I noticed a dotted line running from the upper left to the lower middle of the map, along with another 'enclosing' an area just to the upper right. Is that the Green Line?

I lived in Jerusalem in the early '70's in the Matersdorf neighborhood, which is just west of Kiryat Zanz on the far left side of the map. All that area where Ramat Shlomo was an uninhabited "no man's land." In no way can it be considered part of "traditionally Arab (since 1936)" "East Jerusalem"

569 albusteve  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:36:34am

re: #537 RogueOne

Bailout 3.0:

Unions want Washington's help with pension funds
[Link: www.washingtontimes.com...]

Anger mounting over tax increases to pay for California public pensions
[Link: www.californiapensionreform.com...]

Trillion-Dollar Pension Crisis Looms Large Over America
[Link: www.iimagazine.com...]

here it comes, and it's streamrolling right toward your pocket book...you will get to help bail out CA fatcats

570 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:36:46am

re: #562 drcordell

The fundraising email he sent out seeking funds to defeat Maddow as his challenger. It didn't say "ZOMG SHES A DYKE" on it, but it's common knowledge that Maddow is a homosexual. Considering she's not even running, why else would he use her "threat" as a fundraising tool?

So, responding to rumors put out by Democrats makes one a hater of homosexuality?

Fucking idiocy.

571 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:36:49am

re: #561 Dark_Falcon
Also, IMO the best Star Trek movie. Great villian, great shoot 'em up, etc.

572 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:37:06am

re: #557 Soap_Man

People float names a lot, which is usually funny. The person isn't involved at all, but it gains so much media traction that they have to hold a press conference to debunk something they had nothing to do with.

A perfect example happened right here in Illinois. Remember after Ryan dropped out and the GOP was panicking that Obama would cruise to victory? So they started floating these rumors that Ditka was going to run against Obama. Ditka was oblivious to the whole thing, but it got to the point where the lead story on every local broadcast was "Will Da Coach take on Obama?"

So then he had a press conference debunking something he had nothing to do with. And as a side note, he never once referred to Obama by name. He kept calling him "the other guy." I don't think this was meant to be insulting at all; I'm willing to bet Ditka didn't even know his name (or maybe he knew his name, but was concerned about mispronouncing it and looking foolish.)

That's going on with Petreus now, he had to come out again yesterday and say "no way, never, not gonna run" again.

573 MrSilverDragon  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:37:11am

re: #558 MandyManners

The Arab League is gonna' give the PA $500,000,000.00 per an article I linked above.

...and the Palestinian people are going to see none of it, I'm betting.

574 Mad Al-Jaffee  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:37:39am

re: #570 MandyManners

So, responding to rumors put out by Democrats makes one a hater of homosexuality?

Yes, and criticizing the president makes you a racist!

575 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:37:41am

So, the mere mention of someone's name means one hates homosexuality?

576 drcordell  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:37:44am

re: #570 MandyManners

So, responding to rumors put out by Democrats makes one a hater of homosexuality?

Fucking idiocy.

Right. The "rumor" that nobody had heard of or repeated until Scott Brown decided to fundraise off it.

577 Soap_Man  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:38:11am

re: #572 RogueOne

That's going on with Petreus now, he had to come out again yesterday and say "no way, never, not gonna run" again.

The sad thing for the GOP is that Petreus would be a kick-ass presidential candidate.

578 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:38:13am

re: #573 MrSilverDragon

...and the Palestinian people are going to see none of it, I'm betting.

Did they even get a new, red folder?

579 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:38:59am

re: #567 drcordell

Because when you have saved for five years to buy your home, and then every other person on your block loses their house to foreclosure, your house becomes worthless. So if you were to try and move, you would either be underwater on your mortgage, or be forced to stay in it until housing prices appreciated again. This is all an effort to staunch the bleeding and keep housing prices up.

As far as I'm concerned, let the housing market crash if that's what it takes. Propping up irresponsibility is not the right way to handle this situation. Bad lending and bad borrowing should not be rewarded by government handouts, even if it would have ramifications for people who legitimately borrowed within their means. "Too big to fail", anyone?

580 drcordell  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:39:12am

re: #575 MandyManners

So, the mere mention of someone's name means one hates homosexuality?

Never said he hates homosexuals. I said he's attempting to fundraise of his base's dislike of homosexuals. And don't try and spin me some bullshit about how the GOP base feels about gays. It's more than clear that they feel homosexuals should not be treated as equals in society.

581 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:39:28am

re: #578 MandyManners
Nope. That got buried with arafish.

582 Sheila Broflovski  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:39:32am

re: #530 drcordell

Look man, I don't know what else to tell you. You're telling me that the Jpost and Haaretz are both incorrectly labeling the dispute as over "East Jerusalem"? As well as the Washington Post?

Yes, that is exactly what I am telling you, because they are all too fucking lazy to look at a map.

583 laZardo  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:39:41am

re: #577 Soap_Man

The sad thing for the GOP is that Petreus would be a kick-ass presidential candidate.

Not quite up to the same degree as Eisenhower (i.e. all of Western Europe compared to one Middle Eastern country), but close.

584 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:39:47am

re: #557 Soap_Man

People float names a lot, which is usually funny. The person isn't involved at all, but it gains so much media traction that they have to hold a press conference to debunk something they had nothing to do with.

A perfect example happened right here in Illinois. Remember after Ryan dropped out and the GOP was panicking that Obama would cruise to victory? So they started floating these rumors that Ditka was going to run against Obama. Ditka was oblivious to the whole thing, but it got to the point where the lead story on every local broadcast was "Will Da Coach take on Obama?"

So then he had a press conference debunking something he had nothing to do with. And as a side note, he never once referred to Obama by name. He kept calling him "the other guy." I don't think this was meant to be insulting at all; I'm willing to bet Ditka didn't even know his name (or maybe he knew his name, but was concerned about mispronouncing it and looking foolish.)

Good memory. Well, dropping candidate names is a time-honored tradition of both sides. Its sometimes wrong-headed, but its not actually sleazy.

585 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:39:50am

re: #577 Soap_Man

The sad thing for the GOP is that Petreus would be a kick-ass presidential candidate.

I go back and forth on generals as politicians. I know this will go against the meme but generals are some of the biggest pacifists we have to offer.

586 Oh no...Sand People!  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:40:02am

re: #567 drcordell

Because when you have saved for five years to buy your home, and then every other person on your block loses their house to foreclosure, your house becomes worthless. So if you were to try and move, you would either be underwater on your mortgage, or be forced to stay in it until housing prices appreciated again. This is all an effort to staunch the bleeding and keep housing prices up.

I don't even know where to begin with my hacksaw. So I won't...I'll just bold it.

587 The Sanity Inspector  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:40:17am

re: #523 RogueOne

You can buy anything you want from the russian military. All they're missing is a big box store and a catalog with glossy pictures. If you're desperate for pictures you can always pick up a copy of Janes.

How humiliating must it be to have your once-proud air force be turned into a carnival ride?

588 drcordell  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:40:19am

re: #568 Alouette

I lived in Jerusalem in the early '70's in the Matersdorf neighborhood, which is just west of Kiryat Zanz on the far left side of the map. All that area where Ramat Shlomo was an uninhabited "no man's land." In no way can it be considered part of "traditionally Arab (since 1936)" "East Jerusalem"

That is your definition. And I have no doubt that many people feel that way. But that doesn't change the fact that Ramat Shlomo is East of the 1967 Green Line. That's why it's referred to as East Jerusalem.

589 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:40:20am

re: #580 drcordell
You have no idea about how I feel about gays.

590 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:40:47am

re: #571 pingjockey

Also, IMO the best Star Trek movie. Great villian, great shoot 'em up, etc.

Quite Concur.

591 laZardo  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:40:53am

I'm guessing that when it comes to Scott Brown, it doesn't matter if he personally hates gays or not, the fact that he's sharing the same party affiliation with the teabaggers means he'll inevitably be tangled up in their campaign/support efforts.

592 Killgore Trout  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:40:59am

David Frum and the Closing of the Conservative Mind

by Bruce Bartlett

Since, he is no longer affiliated with AEI, I feel free to say publicly something he told me in private a few months ago. He asked if I had noticed any comments by AEI "scholars" on the subject of health care reform. I said no and he said that was because they had been ordered not to speak to the media because they agreed with too much of what Obama was trying to do.

It saddened me to hear this. I have always hoped that my experience was unique. But now I see that I was just the first to suffer from a closing of the conservative mind. Rigid conformity is being enforced, no dissent is allowed, and the conservative brain will slowly shrivel into dementia if it hasn't already.

593 drcordell  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:41:17am

re: #586 Oh no...Sand People!

I don't even know where to begin with my hacksaw. So I won't...I'll just bold it.

You are challenging the assertion that foreclosures drive down the property values of homeowners in the same neighborhood?

594 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:41:18am

re: #576 drcordell

Right. The "rumor" that nobody had heard of or repeated until Scott Brown decided to fundraise off it.

From No. 469,

Earlier this month, radio yakker Bill Dwight and another man created a Facebook page titled “Rachel Maddow for U.S. Senator from Massachusetts in 2012.”

A few days later, John Walsh, chairman of the state Democratic Party, sent a curious “tweet” to his Twitter followers that included his contact information and read, “Some are talking about you running vs Scott Brown in ’12.”

Walsh has said he won’t disclose who the “tweet” was meant for until he gets 1,000 Twitter followers, but he never tamped down rampant speculation it was Maddow.

Walsh refused to clear the air last night, saying he’s never spoken to Maddow.

“Rachel Maddow can handle her own battles,” he told the Herald. “The goofy speculation on my tweet is a pretty thin excuse for a fund-raising letter.”

Enter Gov. Deval Patrick, who told reporters Wednesday that he found a possible Maddow-Brown showdown “very intriguing” - and the host herself “fabulous.”


Are you calling Dwight, Walsh and Patrck liars?

595 lawhawk  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:41:55am

re: #567 drcordell

Keep housing prices up? You mean keep them unaffordable and preventing the market from correcting to actual market conditions because in some parts of the country the real estate market got so overheated from speculators and the flow of easy credit that prices appreciated far more than anyone should have expected.

The foreclosures are necessary to bring the real estate markets into alignment with current market values and programs that delay that process actually make the situation worse since it shifts the risk of loss from those transactions on to the taxpayers rather than the banks and the borrowers who were directly involved in those transactions.

596 Killgore Trout  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:42:09am
597 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:42:10am

re: #580 drcordell

Never said he hates homosexuals. I said he's attempting to fundraise of his base's dislike of homosexuals. And don't try and spin me some bullshit about how the GOP base feels about gays. It's more than clear that they feel homosexuals should not be treated as equals in society.

The "L" word he used to raise money was liberal, not lesbian. Do you think the 70% of independents in his district that voted for him give a crap about Maddow being gay?

598 albusteve  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:42:29am

re: #586 Oh no...Sand People!

I don't even know where to begin with my hacksaw. So I won't...I'll just bold it.

some people are relentless victims, complete with a record...they want their situation ideal and they want the feds to provide it for them...one step at a time

599 Oh no...Sand People!  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:42:32am

re: #593 drcordell

You are challenging the assertion that foreclosures drive down the property values of homeowners in the same neighborhood?

You think that EVERY person on the block is in foreclosure?

600 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:42:34am

re: #583 laZardo

Not quite up to the same degree as Eisenhower (i.e. all of Western Europe compared to one Middle Eastern country), but close.

I would actually argue Petreus is a better general than Ike. He's been in combat, and Ike never actually fought.

601 MJ  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:42:40am

We Will Decapitate the Jews and Rip Their Hearts from Their Bodies

On March 20, 2010, the Gaza-based Salafi-jihadi group Jama'at Al-Tawhid wa'l-Jihad (JTJ) issued a communiqué on the recent confrontations at the Al-Aqsa Mosque and on the Israeli declaration of holy places in Hebron and Bethlehem as national heritage sites. The communiqué focuses its fire primarily on the Arab regimes, "the 'ulama of evil," and Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, all of whom the JTJ attacks for having betrayed the cause. Following are excerpts:

…"The lowliest of Allah's creation, the Jews, are making the pilgrimage to the first qibla [i.e. Jerusalem], borne on corrupt evangelical belief and delusions, after having had the audacity to include Al-Haram Al-Ibrahimi [i.e. the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron] and the Bilal [Ibn Rabah] Mosque [i.e. Rachel's Tomb in Bethlehem] in the so-called 'Jewish heritage.' This is occurring at a time when the armies of the Muslims number in the millions, and their heavy and light weapons are rusting by the day in their silos – or else we see them turned to wage war on the mujahideen or to repress [their] peoples....
..."As for the descendants of apes and pigs [i.e. the Jews], we bring them the tidings that the wave of jihad is inexorably coming, and they, Allah willing, will taste the bitterness of the blows of the sincere and the harsh imprint of the monotheists [i.e. the Salafi-jihadis] on their lives and their property.

[Link: www.memrijttm.org...]

602 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:42:41am

re: #580 drcordell

Never said he hates homosexuals. I said he's attempting to fundraise of his base's dislike of homosexuals. And don't try and spin me some bullshit about how the GOP base feels about gays. It's more than clear that they feel homosexuals should not be treated as equals in society.

Massachusetts is filled with SoCons? Really?

603 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:42:44am

re: #594 MandyManners
We have a Winnah!

604 drcordell  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:43:09am

re: #594 MandyManners

From No. 469,

Earlier this month, radio yakker Bill Dwight and another man created a Facebook page titled “Rachel Maddow for U.S. Senator from Massachusetts in 2012.”

A few days later, John Walsh, chairman of the state Democratic Party, sent a curious “tweet” to his Twitter followers that included his contact information and read, “Some are talking about you running vs Scott Brown in ’12.”

Walsh has said he won’t disclose who the “tweet” was meant for until he gets 1,000 Twitter followers, but he never tamped down rampant speculation it was Maddow.

Walsh refused to clear the air last night, saying he’s never spoken to Maddow.

“Rachel Maddow can handle her own battles,” he told the Herald. “The goofy speculation on my tweet is a pretty thin excuse for a fund-raising letter.”

Enter Gov. Deval Patrick, who told reporters Wednesday that he found a possible Maddow-Brown showdown “very intriguing” - and the host herself “fabulous.”


Are you calling Dwight, Walsh and Patrck liars?

So now all it takes is a facebook page to consider someone a legitimate candidate for office? If I set up a page "DrCordell for NY Senate 2012" you think Chuck Schumer is going to send out an e-mail blast about my candidacy?

605 Sheila Broflovski  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:43:13am

re: #560 laZardo

Mmkay. I went on Google Maps where Alouette sourced her article, and yes I am going to brace for a swift bashing.

Apparently there are a number of suburbs north and west of Jerusalem (not necessarily IN Jerusalem) that are on the Palestinian side of the Green Line, including Givat Ze'ev, the specific settlement mentioned in the article.

The dotted line represents the Green Line, but it also splits off to the left of the map at the "1949 Armistice Line."

There, I said it. Take it as you will.

The 1949 armistice line represents the point at which Israel and the Jordanian Army agreed to a cease fire. It is not a cast in stone international border and it does not represent a delineation of "Palestinian owned land" since no Palestinians own that land.

606 Joo-LiZ  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:43:13am

re: #445 pingjockey

Does Israel have a housing shortage? I don't know how many people they had to resettle after giving Gaza to the Palis.

They removed somewhere between 8000-10000 Jews from Gaza, and the majority (I'd say over 6,000) are still living in temporary camps in Israel.

The government did a SHIT job relocating them. I've seen people comment that it was a BIG mistake on the part of the left. If they wanted Israelis to be amenable to more evacuation of settlements, they should have made sure those removed from Gaza were dealt with efficiently and well, instead they have been left to their own devices.

Yesterday, I was somewhat defensive of Obama against the view that he "left Netanyahu sitting". I think regardless of the specifics of the WH meeting, there are clearly major differences between Obama and Israel.

It has been reported that Obama wants Israel to withdraw to the positions held in the West Bank as of 2000, before the Second Intifada, and Israel has until Saturday to respond so that Obama can take it to the Arab League in Libya.

It's really scary/absurd times (*as an aside: not just in terms of Israel but also with the domestic crazies*). As much as I want to give Obama the benefit of the doubt re: Israel -- simply that he is harder on the Israelis than previous Presidents, but ultimately still backs them -- I'm having more and more trouble as the events of the past weeks unfold. I think Obama really thinks his demands are in the best interest of Israel, but I just can't shake the feeling Obama is going to get royally screwed by the Arab world, and take Netanyahu with him.

I fear what unilateral concessions Bibi will give in trying to convince Obama Israel wants peace. Netanyahu instinctively recognizes the Palestinians/Arabs/Iranians as his enemies and conversely thinks of the US instinctively as Israel's friend. It is much harder to know where to the draw line when the demands of your enemies are being made through your friends.

To those who doubt the veracity of the stories of Bibi's treatment in the WH from sources like YNet and the Times. I fully respect that. I'm also sceptical, but regardless of the details, the overall atmosphere is highly negative, and the US has done nothing to disspell that except to repeatedly utter the platitudes of "unbreakable bonds" and "close allies". Undoubtedly, some will point out that there has not yet been a removal of military aid and arms sales, the US voted against several UNHRC resolutions, all that sort of thing. I am not saying the US-Israel alliance is breaking. What I do see, however, is that the friendship is being strained by the administration.

To those who said that you'd believe stories of his mistreatment when you hear it from Bibi... I just want to point out Bibi will not publicly complain. He is far to diplomatic for that.

I really don't envy Bibi's position at the moment.

607 laZardo  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:43:32am

re: #595 lawhawk

Keep housing prices up? You mean keep them unaffordable and preventing the market from correcting to actual market conditions because in some parts of the country the real estate market got so overheated from speculators and the flow of easy credit that prices appreciated far more than anyone should have expected.

The foreclosures are necessary to bring the real estate markets into alignment with current market values and programs that delay that process actually make the situation worse since it shifts the risk of loss from those transactions on to the taxpayers rather than the banks and the borrowers who were directly involved in those transactions.

Plus it makes houses cheaper if and when me and my family decide to come back to the States. :D

As for the lack of neighbors, well... >_>;

608 The Sanity Inspector  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:43:36am

re: #555 thedopefishlives

So people who have no business buying homes are STILL getting handouts from the government. I'm sorry, maybe I'm just old-fashioned, but whatever happened to personal responsibility and spending within your means? I saved for FIVE FUCKING YEARS to buy the house I just moved into, and it was at the limit of my budget even then.


609 drcordell  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:43:41am

re: #599 Oh no...Sand People!

You think that EVERY person on the block is in foreclosure?

In some neighborhoods, hell yes.

610 Obdicut  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:43:44am

re: #594 MandyManners

Wow, that's some very thin reasoning.

Why didn't Brown call Maddow and ask if she was running?

Wouldn't that have been at the least, polite?

611 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:44:09am

Is any criticism of a Liberal gonna' be labelled as a dog whistle regarding homosexuality?

612 Oh no...Sand People!  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:44:13am

re: #595 lawhawk

Keep housing prices up? You mean keep them unaffordable and preventing the market from correcting to actual market conditions because in some parts of the country the real estate market got so overheated from speculators and the flow of easy credit that prices appreciated far more than anyone should have expected.

The foreclosures are necessary to bring the real estate markets into alignment with current market values and programs that delay that process actually make the situation worse since it shifts the risk of loss from those transactions on to the taxpayers rather than the banks and the borrowers who were directly involved in those transactions.

*Dons econ 101 tinfoil hat*: These economic policies are directly aimed at *effing* the economy.

613 Killgore Trout  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:44:36am

Some nice morning music....
homem pássaro no chiado

614 lawhawk  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:44:47am

re: #587 The Sanity Inspector

Well, we do have something similar - and we have the boneyards to prove it...

615 Spare O'Lake  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:44:55am

re: #555 thedopefishlives

So people who have no business buying homes are STILL getting handouts from the government. I'm sorry, maybe I'm just old-fashioned, but whatever happened to personal responsibility and spending within your means? I saved for FIVE FUCKING YEARS to buy the house I just moved into, and it was at the limit of my budget even then.

For a dollar down you can buy a car...

616 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:44:57am

re: #606 Joo-LiZ
Thanks very much.

617 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:45:01am

re: #593 drcordell

You are challenging the assertion that foreclosures drive down the property values of homeowners in the same neighborhood?

Not just foreclosures. When units in your building don't sell, you values go down. I'd say more but I don't want to talk about where I live these days. Suffice it to say, I hope I can benefit from this particular Obama program.

618 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:45:28am

re: #608 The Sanity Inspector


Yes, I'm sure my dad's saying right now, "If only I'd raised my son to be a spoiled-rotten slacker, he could have a free house on the government dime rather than paying his own mortgage and being a responsible citizen."/

619 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:46:00am

re: #604 drcordell

So now all it takes is a facebook page to consider someone a legitimate candidate for office? If I set up a page "DrCordell for NY Senate 2012" you think Chuck Schumer is going to send out an e-mail blast about my candidacy?

Why ask me? Why not ask Dwight? Walsh? Patrick?

Face it. You were WRONG.

620 drcordell  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:46:06am

re: #605 Alouette

The 1949 armistice line represents the point at which Israel and the Jordanian Army agreed to a cease fire. It is not a cast in stone international border and it does not represent a delineation of "Palestinian owned land" since no Palestinians own that land.

Nobody is saying the borders are cast in stone or legal. The point is, the border between "East" and "West" Jerusalem is the Green Line. When the term "East Jerusalem" is used, it means East of the Green line. Use of the term does not speak to the legitimacy or illegitimacy of Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem.

621 The Sanity Inspector  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:46:29am

re: #569 albusteve

here it comes, and it's streamrolling right toward your pocket book...you will get to help bail out CA fatcats

They need your money, they don't need your vote...recipe for plunder...

622 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:46:44am

re: #610 Obdicut
Since when does either side call the opposition and ask who they are running?

623 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:46:44am

re: #592 Killgore Trout

David Frum and the Closing of the Conservative Mind

by Bruce Bartlett

I posted that earlier and admitted it confused me. If Frum were tossed because he wasn't towing the AEI line this story doesn't make any sense. If the secret AEI position was they were for the HCR and Frum wrote a piece in support of Republican concessions in order to get partial credit for HCR how did he not tow the line?

624 Oh no...Sand People!  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:47:19am

re: #606 Joo-LiZ

They removed somewhere between 8000-10000 Jews from Gaza, and the majority (I'd say over 6,000) are still living in temporary camps in Israel.


That act alone gives Israel the right to tell the world, including the U.S.of A, to STFU, and STFD.

If I were Bibi, "We will build how, where, when, and whatever we see fit. You feeling froggy? Jump."

625 Soap_Man  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:47:20am

re: #584 Dark_Falcon

Good memory. Well, dropping candidate names is a time-honored tradition of both sides. Its sometimes wrong-headed, but its not actually sleazy.

I don't blame the Illinois GOP for that. They were scrambling, looking for anyone who can come in last-minute and have enough popularity and name recognition to pull out a victory.

But they failed pretty bad. Just look at the jackass they ended up running.

626 laZardo  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:47:22am

It's midnight, been up since 6AM ish, gonna try to neutralize my sleep deficit. Nighty.

627 Spare O'Lake  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:47:29am

re: #559 pingjockey

If the Jewish state disappeared tomorrow, what would change? Not a damn thing, except the islamists would have a clearer field to slaughter more of their co-religionists...see Pakistan.

It would be the end of the world as we know it.

628 drcordell  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:47:53am

re: #619 MandyManners

Why ask me? Why not ask Dwight? Walsh? Patrick?

Face it. You were WRONG.

I'm not the one who blasts out an e-mail to all of my supporters based on a Facebook page and a single unsourced tweet. If I were a U.S. Senator I would check my facts before embarrassing myself nationally.

629 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:48:41am

re: #627 Spare O'Lake
How so?

630 Obdicut  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:48:46am

re: #622 pingjockey

Since when does either side call the opposition and ask who they are running?

I'd think that would happen quite often, really. Who is running is always one of the most important political questions in our particular arrangement.

Let me rephrase: Why didn't Brown do something to attempt to confirm the rumor, instead of immediately using a rumor as a way to raise campaign funds?

Is it really so challenging to just stick to things that are actually known to be true?

631 drcordell  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:49:25am

re: #624 Oh no...Sand People!

That act alone gives Israel the right to tell the world, including the U.S.of A, to STFU, and STFD.

If I were Bibi, "We will build how, where, when, and whatever we see fit. You feeling froggy? Jump."

He certainly is entitled to tell the U.S. whatever he wants. But telling your single strongest ally and benefactor to the tune of $2 billion dollars a year to "fuck themselves" is pretty stupid. Israeli history is full of Prime Ministers who lost their coalitions because they didn't properly manage the U.S. - Israel relationship.

632 Obdicut  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:49:33am

re: #623 RogueOne

The staff and the funders have different positions, is the implication.

633 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:49:46am

re: #611 MandyManners

Is any criticism of a Liberal gonna' be labelled as a dog whistle regarding homosexuality?

By certain liberals, yes. Not by Charles, but by those who want to paint sane people like you and me as crackpots.

634 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:50:05am

If we're going to get worked up because politicians raise money we're never going to have another topic to discuss ever. This is what they do from the moment they're elected, raise money for the next election.

635 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:50:09am

re: #628 drcordell

I'm not the one who blasts out an e-mail to all of my supporters based on a Facebook page and a single unsourced tweet. If I were a U.S. Senator I would check my facts before embarrassing myself nationally.


However, the rumor sprang from a Facebook page launched by a liberal Northhampton radio host, was fueled by a mysterious tweet from the state Democratic party chairman and got pumped up as recently as Wednesday by the state’s Democratic governor.

636 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:50:17am

re: #630 Obdicut

Why? What is the life blood of politics? Money, if this helps his war chest why call Maddow?

637 Spare O'Lake  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:50:44am

re: #620 drcordell

Nobody is saying the borders are cast in stone or legal. The point is, the border between "East" and "West" Jerusalem is the Green Line. When the term "East Jerusalem" is used, it means East of the Green line. Use of the term does not speak to the legitimacy or illegitimacy of Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem.

There are no settlements in East Jerusalem.

638 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:50:52am

re: #460 drcordell


639 Killgore Trout  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:51:05am

re: #623 RogueOne

I posted that earlier and admitted it confused me. If Frum were tossed because he wasn't towing the AEI line this story doesn't make any sense. If the secret AEI position was they were for the HCR and Frum wrote a piece in support of Republican concessions in order to get partial credit for HCR how did he not tow the line?

The problem is that the hired brains knew that Obama's plan was probably pretty good but the management (and donors ) wanted a different result so the just told the hired brains to keep their mouths shut. Frum broke the rule. This kind of stuff happens. About 2 years ago Ayaan Hirsi Ali was hired by the Heritage Foundation and we haven't heard a peep out of her since. Probably because she's not on board with the American religious right agenda.

640 bratwurst  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:51:36am

re: #576 drcordell

Right. The "rumor" that nobody had heard of or repeated until Scott Brown decided to fundraise off it.

Starting a Facebook page stating that a third person should run for office is somehow now a reliable source of info to some folks it seems.

641 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:51:36am

re: #632 Obdicut

The staff and the funders have different positions, is the implication.

Using him as a fall guy is possible I guess. Unless he's willing to burn his bridges I don't think we'll get the whole story.

642 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:51:50am

I won't pursue any more moved goal posts. I've dropped the rope. Now, go piss up it.

643 drcordell  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:51:52am

re: #635 MandyManners


However, the rumor sprang from a Facebook page launched by a liberal Northhampton radio host, was fueled by a mysterious tweet from the state Democratic party chairman and got pumped up as recently as Wednesday by the state’s Democratic governor.

Read your own post.

"A Facebook page"
"A mysterious tweet"

That's all the confirmation you would want before blasting out an email to hundreds of thousands of people? Facebook and a mysterious tweet.

644 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:51:59am

re: #625 Soap_Man

I don't blame the Illinois GOP for that. They were scrambling, looking for anyone who can come in last-minute and have enough popularity and name recognition to pull out a victory.

But they failed pretty bad. Just look at the jackass they ended up running.

Yeah, Alan Keyes. I'm ashamed to admit I voted for him. Looking back on it, that time I should have voted for Obama. Barack Obama is simply a better human being than Alan Keyes. There, I said it.

645 Obdicut  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:52:12am

re: #636 pingjockey

Why? What is the life blood of politics? Money, if this helps his war chest why call Maddow?

Exactly. So he's purposefully not caring about the truth of the rumor because he can use it to get money.

That's all I'm saying. It's just a way for him to get people to give him money, he didn't give a shit if it was true or not.

646 Killgore Trout  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:52:15am

Debunking the Fox News/Wingnut "government land grab" conspiracy.....
7 Things Glenn Beck Doesn’t Know About US Public Lands Policy

647 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:52:31am

re: #642 MandyManners

I won't pursue any more moved goal posts. I've dropped the rope. Now, go piss up it.

Let's just hope the soap wasn't on that rope.

648 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:52:43am

re: #640 bratwurst

Starting a Facebook page stating that a third person should run for office is somehow now a reliable source of info to some folks it seems.

One more time, the state chair of the party and the governor of Massachusetts joined in.

649 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:53:04am

re: #647 thedopefishlives

Let's just hope the soap wasn't on that rope.

Or, the pope.

650 Obdicut  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:53:09am

re: #648 MandyManners

One more time, the state chair of the party and the governor of Massachusetts joined in.

What was the nature of them 'joining in', Mandy?

651 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:53:17am

re: #649 MandyManners

Or, the pope.

That'd be tough to cope.

652 Joo-LiZ  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:53:28am

re: #631 drcordell

He certainly is entitled to tell the U.S. whatever he wants. But telling your single strongest ally and benefactor to the tune of $2 billion dollars a year to "fuck themselves" is pretty stupid. Israeli history is full of Prime Ministers who lost their coalitions because they didn't properly manage the U.S. - Israel relationship.

Yes. But history has a dearth of US Presidents who have put Israeli PMs in a position anywhere near as complicated that Netanyahu now finds himself in.

Accept Obama's demands -- huge consequences.
Reject Obama's demands -- huge consequences.

This is not a simple time.

653 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:53:42am

re: #645 Obdicut
And the left has never, ever done anything like this. Right.

654 drcordell  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:53:58am

re: #645 Obdicut

Exactly. So he's purposefully not caring about the truth of the rumor because he can use it to get money.

That's all I'm saying. It's just a way for him to get people to give him money, he didn't give a shit if it was true or not.

Yeah that is ultimately the point I was failing to get at with my posts. I could give a shit what he emails out. Clearly he's just trying to scare up as much cash as he can to get his warchest full for the 2012 elections. I just think he ended up making himself look pretty stupid by blasting out an email full of falsehoods that easily could have been verified.

655 Oh no...Sand People!  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:54:45am

re: #652 Joo-LiZ

Yes. But history has a dearth of US Presidents who have put Israeli PMs in a position anywhere near as complicated that Netanyahu now finds himself in.

Accept Obama's demands -- huge consequences.
Reject Obama's demands -- huge consequences.

This is not a simple time.

Hell, Israel better accept that they are going to be on their own very very shortly.

656 drcordell  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:55:21am

re: #637 Spare O'Lake

There are no settlements in East Jerusalem.

Depends on your definition of East Jerusalem. East of the Green Line, yes.

657 Oh no...Sand People!  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:55:50am

re: #653 pingjockey

And the left has never, ever done anything like this. Right.

The left is already fundraising off of, "The dangerous wingnuts are wingnuts and dangerous! Donate XX.XX"

658 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:55:55am

re: #655 Oh no...Sand People!

Hell, Israel better accept that they are going to be on their own very very shortly.

In some ways, I wonder if that wouldn't work out better for the Israelis. Free from the pressure to satisfy foreign relations with anyone, they could be as aggressive as they feel is necessary to ensure their security without giving a damn about alienating their nonexistent allies.

659 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:56:05am

The Roman Catholic Church’s account of Pope Benedict XVI’s handing of a serial paedophile was called into question today when new documents emerged suggesting that his office was kept informed of the offender’s rapid return to working with children.

Contrary to statements released by the Church in Germany, a memorandum uncovered by The New York Times suggests that Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was told that a priest had gone back to pastoral duties in Munich a few days after he started psychiatric treatment. The priest went on to commit further offences.

The latest child abuse scandal to hit the Catholic Church involves a German priest, Father Peter Hullermann, who was convicted of molesting boys in 1986. Victims have complained that repeated warnings were ignored by the Church over decades of abuse.

In 1980, the Pope was the Archbishop of Munich overseeing the archdiocese in which Father Hullermann was given a few days of treatment after sexual abuse allegations and then told he could return to work.


660 Obdicut  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:56:09am

re: #651 thedopefishlives

So don't be a dope, keep your pope firmly tied to the soap-rope, even when having a grope while you elope with some girl you hope knows how to cope with the fact that you're a lycanthrope.

661 Joo-LiZ  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:56:12am

re: #620 drcordell

Nobody is saying the borders are cast in stone or legal. The point is, the border between "East" and "West" Jerusalem is the Green Line. When the term "East Jerusalem" is used, it means East of the Green line. Use of the term does not speak to the legitimacy or illegitimacy of Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem.

The problem with this is that the Green Line separates North, East, and South Jerusalem, as well as the Old City.

You are absolutely right in that this is how "East Jerusalem" gets used -- to mean the "other side of the Green Line" but it is very misleading as well.

662 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:56:26am

re: #651 thedopefishlives

That'd be tough to cope.

One would be a dope.

663 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:56:29am

re: #660 Obdicut

So don't be a dope, keep your pope firmly tied to the soap-rope, even when having a grope while you elope with some girl you hope knows how to cope with the fact that you're a lycanthrope.

If all that happened, I think I'd mope.

664 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:56:30am

Can someone point out where Brown lied? If he lied then you can get upset, if not then for gods sakes give it a rest. Is there really nothing more to argue about other than "politicians raise money!"?

[Link: www.boston.com...]


It's only been a couple of months since I've been in office, and before I've even settled into my new job, the political machine in Massachusetts is looking for someone to run against me. And you're not going to believe who they are supposedly trying to recruit -- liberal MSNBC anchor Rachel Maddow.

Rachel lives in western Massachusetts, and recently it was reported that the chairman of the state Democratic Party had apparently tried to reach out to her in an attempt to coax her into a race against me. You can read about it here.

The political season never ends, which is why I need your continued support. While my opponents strategize on how to defeat me in 2012, I'm going to continue to speak out against higher taxes, more spending and greater government control in our lives.

I relish being an independent voice in Washington, one that doesn't march in lockstep with the rest of the Washington crowd. The Democratic Party bosses in Massachusetts disagree. They want a rubberstamp who will vote for their plans to expand government, increase debt and raise taxes. Someone like Rachel Maddow. I'm sure she's a nice person -- I just don't think America can afford her liberal politics.

Rachel Maddow has a nightly platform to push her far-left agenda. What about you? I'd like to encourage ordinary American citizens concerned about the future of their country to get more involved in our government. I hope you were encouraged by my victory to become more politically active, maybe even become a candidate for office yourself. We can continue to push our movement forward by running for office, joining in rallies and petitions that challenge President Obama and Nancy Pelosi's healthcare legislation, supporting campaigns against the tax-and-spenders or by donating time and money to office-holders and candidates who will restore the principles of our founders.

I'm grateful you are with me. Thanks again for whatever support you can provide me, and I look forward to joining in further victories with you down the line.


Scott Brown

United States Senator

665 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:56:49am

re: #650 Obdicut

What was the nature of them 'joining in', Mandy?

How about reading No. 469?

666 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:57:35am

Rope dropped.

667 Joo-LiZ  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:58:04am

re: #658 thedopefishlives

In some ways, I wonder if that wouldn't work out better for the Israelis. Free from the pressure to satisfy foreign relations with anyone, they could be as aggressive as they feel is necessary to ensure their security without giving a damn about alienating their nonexistent allies.

As much as I want to agree with that statement, the thing I am afraid of is that Israel really does depend a good deal on not being TOTALLY internationally isolated. We like to think of Israel as strong and unstoppable, but throughout it's history, it has always been in a very tenuous position. It isn't smart to take Israel's strength for granted and have them "go it alone".

668 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:58:09am

re: #657 Oh no...Sand People!
Why the left would never do such a thing. That would be "politics". And we all know the left is as pure as the wind driven snow.

669 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:58:11am

re: #666 MandyManners

Rope dropped.

Satans rope.

670 Spare O'Lake  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:58:46am

re: #629 pingjockey

How so?

For one thing, there would be no more Israeli scapegoat to blame for anti-Western Islamofascist Jihadism.

671 Obdicut  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:58:47am

re: #653 pingjockey

And the left has never, ever done anything like this. Right.

What are you talking about? First of all, I haven't made that claim. Second of all, if you think that there is an incident like this on the left that deserves attention, call it out. I'll happily say the same thing. I think the Democrats get a lot of funding by saying things that are untrue or at least misleading about gun crimes and gun deaths-- that's one of their perennial misbehaviors.

However, that doesn't mean that therefore, Brown can't be criticized for being an ass, too.

672 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:58:55am
673 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:59:13am

re: #669 RogueOne

Satans rope.

Eeeks! Is it barbed, like his tail?

674 drcordell  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:59:19am

re: #661 Joo-LiZ

The problem with this is that the Green Line separates North, East, and South Jerusalem, as well as the Old City.

You are absolutely right in that this is how "East Jerusalem" gets used -- to mean the "other side of the Green Line" but it is very misleading as well.

Exactly. That is all I am saying. I used the term "East Jerusalem" to refer to the controversy over increased Israeli settlements. Just as the term is used by all of the journalists who cover the diplomatic relations between Israel in the U.S. And by the U.S. Dept. of State. And by Netanyahu's staff itself.

675 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:59:35am

re: #670 Spare O'Lake
Sheesh, how'd I forget that one?!

676 Daniel Ballard  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 8:59:49am

re: #640 bratwurst

As a personal assumption-There is no reliable information to be found on the internet only.

677 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:00:06am

re: #672 Dark_Falcon

this story reminds me of Watergate, and I think Pope Benedict may be headed for Nixon's fate: Forced out after his cover-up was revealed.

This is far worse.

678 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:00:06am

re: #667 Joo-LiZ

As much as I want to agree with that statement, the thing I am afraid of is that Israel really does depend a good deal on not being TOTALLY internationally isolated. We like to think of Israel as strong and unstoppable, but throughout it's history, it has always been in a very tenuous position. It isn't smart to take Israel's strength for granted and have them "go it alone".

I do agree. It was a hypothetical, really. Israel would be free to act as she feels the need, but the action would be short-lived without Western resupply of her modern weapons systems.

679 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:00:16am

re: #671 Obdicut

680 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:01:27am

re: #672 Dark_Falcon

This was actually in yesterdays paper out here in the boonies. It's just horrible.

681 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:01:53am

re: #671 Obdicut

What are you talking about? First of all, I haven't made that claim. Second of all, if you think that there is an incident like this on the left that deserves attention, call it out. I'll happily say the same thing. I think the Democrats get a lot of funding by saying things that are untrue or at least misleading about gun crimes and gun deaths-- that's one of their perennial misbehaviors.

However, that doesn't mean that therefore, Brown can't be criticized for being an ass, too.

Arguing that he's a tool of special interests or he's trying to work around fundraising laws, etc., are all reasonable criticisms. Flipping out that he's using a rumor about a possible candidate is silly.

682 Oh no...Sand People!  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:01:55am

re: #668 pingjockey

Why the left would never do such a thing. That would be "politics". And we all know the left is as pure as the wind driven snow.

No claim at purity, that would leave the oh so evil chance at 'hypocrisy', so no 'values based anything' nope they just have better intentioned snow.

683 cliffster  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:03:29am

WellPoint, Inc stock trend

Parent company of Blue Cross Blue Shield. Interesting, right at January 19th, when Scott Brown won the special election, the stock price shot downwards. Suddenly, it looked like the Republicans were going to be able to block the Dem's giant payoff to their health insurance exec buddies. Then, towards the end of February, when it became clear that the dems were going to continue their fight to make insurance executives rich with taxpayer money, the price started going up again. Good for them.

684 Daniel Ballard  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:04:23am

re: #659 MandyManners

This is going to be much bigger than this Pope.

685 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:04:29am

An Iranian cleric said on Friday that the Islamic Republic intends to rescue the American people from of the two parties that have ruled the country for the past.

"We should focus our efforts on freeing Americans from under the yoke of the two ruling parties (Democratic and Republican) in the United States. We want to save the West and spread morality in the world," Tehran's interim Friday Prayers leader Hojjatoleslam Kazem Seddiqi said.



686 bratwurst  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:04:48am

re: #676 Rightwingconspirator

As a personal assumption-There is no reliable information to be found on the internet only.

Now that the "Bert is Evil" site is gone, I have to agree.

687 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:05:07am

re: #684 Rightwingconspirator

This is going to be much bigger than this Pope.


Maybe he should practice some humility and resign now.

688 Joo-LiZ  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:05:57am

re: #674 drcordell

Exactly. That is all I am saying. I used the term "East Jerusalem" to refer to the controversy over increased Israeli settlements. Just as the term is used by all of the journalists who cover the diplomatic relations between Israel in the U.S. And by the U.S. Dept. of State. And by Netanyahu's staff itself.

I looked back upthread to see where the whole controversy arose.

I see why the media reports it like that. I also see why you chose to do the same.

But I also think it is fundamentally misleading (when referring to the recent Ramat Shlomo thing) to call it "East Jerusalem".

Part of the "settlements" problem is that the media completely avoids nuances.

Anywhere in Jerusalem beyond the Green Line is a "settlement". Anywhere in the West Bank whether in a major settlement bloc or a hilltop outpost is a "settlement". When you avoid dealing with any of the nuances, inherent there, it causes a LOT of people to misunderstand.

689 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:06:16am

re: #685 MandyManners
Bwahaha! Those guys have great writers. Over the top rhetoric, stilted language, etc...

690 Soap_Man  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:07:31am

re: #672 Dark_Falcon

this story reminds me of Watergate, and I think Pope Benedict may be headed for Nixon's fate: Forced out after his cover-up was revealed.

Often the cover-up is worse than the crime. Not this time though...

691 webevintage  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:07:39am

ODS on the road:
[Link: www.wkrn.com...]

692 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:07:51am
693 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:07:52am

You folks don't know how hard it's been to keep myself from making pope jokes. There is so much territory in this current popes past I could go on for days, but I'd probably get a severe time-out.

I'm allowed to make fun of atheists since they're my people even though I already know some of you are pretty thin-skinned about your atheist-cred. I'll leave the pope bashing to the catholics. Get on it people.

694 Kragar  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:08:06am

S.Korean navy ship sinking, North suspected

Several South Korean sailors were killed and one of its naval ships with more than 100 aboard was sinking on Friday after possibly being hit by a North Korean torpedo, South Korean media reported.

A South Korean vessel fired at an unidentified vessel towards the north and the South's presidential Blue House was holding an emergency security meeting, Yonhap news agency said.

South Korea's YTN TV network said the government was investigating whether the sinking was due to a torpedo attack by the North.

The network also quoted a government source saying it was unclear yet whether the incident was related to North Korea.

"We are currently focusing on rescuing people," the source said.

The incident took place near a disputed Yellow Sea maritime border off the west coast of the peninsula that was the scene of two deadly naval fights between the rival Koreas in the past decade.

695 Soap_Man  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:08:45am

re: #694 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

S.Korean navy ship sinking, North suspected

Saw that earlier. Looks like some serious shit.

696 Daniel Ballard  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:08:46am

The political violence is scary enough, but then we have this-A mountain community Police Department under attack by domestic terror groups, drug gangs. I'll be watching this closely. Booby trapped guns, pipe bombs on police cars... Yeow!

[Link: www.latimes.com...]

697 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:09:05am

Cue-Ball* speaks out.

When I was a child, Ireland was a Catholic theocracy. If a bishop came walking down the street, people would move to make a path for him. If a bishop attended a national sporting event, the team would kneel to kiss his ring. If someone made a mistake, instead of saying, "Nobody's perfect," we said, "Ah sure, it could happen to a bishop."

The expression was more accurate than we knew. This month, Pope Benedict XVI wrote a pastoral letter of apology -- of sorts -- to Ireland to atone for decades of sexual abuse of minors by priests whom those children were supposed to trust. To many people in my homeland, the pope's letter is an insult not only to our intelligence, but to our faith and to our country. To understand why, one must realize that we Irish endured a brutal brand of Catholicism that revolved around the humiliation of children.


*Hat-tip to "Sinatra" on SNL.

698 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:09:18am

re: #696 Rightwingconspirator

The political violence is scary enough, but then we have this-A mountain community Police Department under attack by domestic terror groups, drug gangs. I'll be watching this closely. Booby trapped guns, pipe bombs on police cars... Yeow!

[Link: www.latimes.com...]

I read that. Someone's pissed.

699 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:10:10am

re: #690 Soap_Man

Often the cover-up is worse than the crime. Not this time though...

No indeed. But for Pope Benedict and Richard Nixon the situation is analogous: They did not commit or authorize the initial crime. If they had blown the whistle and punished the culprits, the matter would have ended then and there. But instead they both elected to cover it up and thus made themselves parties to the crime.

700 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:10:15am

re: #689 pingjockey

Bwahaha! Those guys have great writers. Over the top rhetoric, stilted language, etc...

Yeah, reading his drivel brought a smile to my face.

701 Oh no...Sand People!  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:10:24am

re: #693 RogueOne

You folks don't know how hard it's been to keep myself from making pope jokes. There is so much territory in this current popes past I could go on for days, but I'd probably get a severe time-out.

I'm allowed to make fun of atheists since they're my people even though I already know some of you are pretty thin-skinned about your atheist-cred. I'll leave the pope bashing to the catholics. Get on it people.

Isn't the Pope 'Infallible'? I am not hip to Catholic theology, but I just assumed that means he can do no wrong. Am I wrong?

If I am not wrong, what ramifications does this have on the Catholic Church as a whole?

702 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:10:47am

re: #692 Dark_Falcon

That definitely goes under the "extreme chutzpa" catagory.

I wonder how one says "chutzpah" in Farsi.

703 Daniel Ballard  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:10:53am

re: #698 RogueOne

Once we remove the media ratings rabbits, and their election season spinning-The real serious violent threats are where we understood them to be for quite some time. Gangs and Jihadis. By my measure of blood and explosions, gangs are it.

704 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:10:55am

re: #696 Rightwingconspirator
Saw that last night. A buddy of mine was from Hemet. Off of I-15 to Riverside. Out in the desert, lotsa room for meth labs and if the cops have been doing a good job shutting them down I can see the gangs going to this extreme. Hemet isn't that big.

705 Soap_Man  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:11:06am

re: #644 Dark_Falcon

Yeah, Alan Keyes. I'm ashamed to admit I voted for him. Looking back on it, that time I should have voted for Obama. Barack Obama is simply a better human being than Alan Keyes. There, I said it.

That's not hard to do. ;)

706 Soap_Man  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:12:03am

re: #701 Oh no...Sand People!

Isn't the Pope 'Infallible'? I am not hip to Catholic theology, but I just assumed that means he can do no wrong. Am I wrong?

No, you're right. The pope is God's rep on Earth and is therefore infallible.

707 Lateralis  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:12:48am

re: #701 Oh no...Sand People!

Isn't the Pope 'Infallible'? I am not hip to Catholic theology, but I just assumed that means he can do no wrong. Am I wrong?

If I am not wrong, what ramifications does this have on the Catholic Church as a whole?

You are wrong. I believe Popes have only invoked infallibility twice.

708 Daniel Ballard  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:12:58am

re: #704 pingjockey

Very bad combination-Growing community and a shrinking PD. May other cities large and small take careful note.

709 The Sanity Inspector  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:13:08am

re: #639 Killgore Trout

The problem is that the hired brains knew that Obama's plan was probably pretty good but the management (and donors ) wanted a different result so the just told the hired brains to keep their mouths shut. Frum broke the rule. This kind of stuff happens. About 2 years ago Ayaan Hirsi Ali was hired by the Heritage Foundation and we haven't heard a peep out of her since. Probably because she's not on board with the American religious right agenda.

She's still around, though. I look forward to reading this book, especially:

In The Flight of the Intellectuals, Berman contrasts the way intellectuals have treated Hirsi Ali—with ostensible support, in the abstract, but condescension, disdain, and nitpicking criticism in all the best intellectual venues—with the way they and others rallied unequivocally to the support of Salman Rushdie in 1989 over the Satanic Verses fatwa. [...]

It would almost be as if a Rushdie supporter back then had said, "Sure, I'm for his not having his life threatened and all, but I'm tired of all this magic realism stuff, and he seemed arrogant when I saw him interviewed on TV. Maybe he was too contemptuous of the culture of the people who want to murder him."

710 Obdicut  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:13:12am

re: #681 RogueOne

Arguing that he's a tool of special interests or he's trying to work around fundraising laws, etc., are all reasonable criticisms. Flipping out that he's using a rumor about a possible candidate is silly.

I'm saying it's treating the electorate with contempt. Which, yes, is relatively standard among politicians. That doesn't mean saying that it sucks and he's an ass for doing it is 'flipping out'.

711 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:13:14am

re: #700 MandyManners
They talk like the bad guys on Stargate. Really over the top baddies.

712 Soap_Man  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:14:14am

re: #706 Soap_Man

No, you're right. The pope is God's rep on Earth and is therefore infallible.

re: #707 Lateralis

You are wrong. I believe Popes have only invoked infallibility twice.

My bad. You're right. It's been a long time since CCD.

From wiki:

This dogma, however, does not state either that the Pope cannot sin in his own personal life or that he is necessarily free of error, even when speaking in his official capacity, outside the specific contexts in which the dogma applies.

713 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:14:30am

re: #708 Rightwingconspirator
Yah. The local PD here was in denial for years that there was a Mexican gang problem, couple of murders and the light bulb went off.

714 Oh no...Sand People!  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:15:02am

re: #706 Soap_Man

No, you're right. The pope is God's rep on Earth and is therefore infallible.

See, this is what I don't get, St. Peter was Jesus' 'Rock' and he denied Jesus three times. I guess I can see how someone can speak for 'God', but not have 'perfection' as a requirement. So this 'infallibility' thing doesn't make sense to me. We, people, are put here to mess things up...because we are ever so good at it.

715 cliffster  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:15:05am

re: #693 RogueOne

You folks don't know how hard it's been to keep myself from making pope jokes. There is so much territory in this current popes past I could go on for days, but I'd probably get a severe time-out.

I'm allowed to make fun of atheists since they're my people even though I already know some of you are pretty thin-skinned about your atheist-cred. I'll leave the pope bashing to the catholics. Get on it people.

Well, atheists are condemned to eternal damnation. That's not very funny, so it's in poor taste to make atheist jokes. Catholics, on the other hand, have at worst a little while in purgatory. Have at it.

716 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:15:19am

re: #701 Oh no...Sand People!

Isn't the Pope 'Infallible'? I am not hip to Catholic theology, but I just assumed that means he can do no wrong. Am I wrong?

If I am not wrong, what ramifications does this have on the Catholic Church as a whole?

Some people have claimed the pope is chosen by the hand of god. I don't think that's accurate theology since they have a secret ballot vote. Unless they all toss in blank pieces of paper and god writes it in for them I'd say it's te cardinals responsibility. They should have picked a hispanic pope the last time around, wonder if they'll do it this time.

717 Kragar  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:15:20am

More Frum Fallout

This morning Frum told Politico’s Mike Allen that he left amid “donor pressure”: “AEI represents the best of the conservative world. [A.E.I. President] Arthur Brooks is a brilliant man, and his books are fantastic. But the elite isn’t leading anymore. It’s trapped. Partly because of the desperate economic situation in the country, what were once the leading institutions of conservatism are constrained. I think Arthur took no pleasure in this. I think he was embarrassed. I think he would have avoided it if he possibly could, but he couldn't,” Frum said.

718 Oh no...Sand People!  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:15:53am

re: #707 Lateralis

You are wrong. I believe Popes have only invoked infallibility twice.

What does that mean, 'invoked infallibility'?

719 pingjockey  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:16:15am

Going up!

720 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:16:17am

re: #710 Obdicut

I'm saying it's treating the electorate with contempt. Which, yes, is relatively standard among politicians. That doesn't mean saying that it sucks and he's an ass for doing it is 'flipping out'.

You weren't the one flipping out, that much is true./

721 Lateralis  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:16:49am

re: #701 Oh no...Sand People!

[Link: www.catholic.com...]

722 albusteve  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:17:01am

re: #708 Rightwingconspirator

Very bad combination-Growing community and a shrinking PD. May other cities large and small take careful note.

especially in CA...something like 11% of their budget goes into the prison system...they have huge problems out there...play nice with gangs and they will kick your ass

723 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:17:19am

re: #715 cliffster

Well, atheists are condemned to eternal damnation. That's not very funny, so it's in poor taste to make atheist jokes. Catholics, on the other hand, have at worst a little while in purgatory. Have at it.

Shhh, now you're in the atheist dog house. It's kinda like purgatory only spelled backwards.

724 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:20:21am

re: #711 pingjockey

They talk like the bad guys on Stargate. Really over the top baddies.

I'm here to fucking amuse you?

725 Oh no...Sand People!  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:20:46am

re: #721 Lateralis

[Link: www.catholic.com...]

Thanks, a bit of a read, but I'll see what I can figure out.

726 cliffster  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:22:04am

re: #723 RogueOne

Shhh, now you're in the atheist dog house. It's kinda like purgatory only spelled backwards.

What is the atheist number of the beast? 2.7182818284?

727 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:22:09am

re: #714 Oh no...Sand People!

See, this is what I don't get, St. Peter was Jesus' 'Rock' and he denied Jesus three times. I guess I can see how someone can speak for 'God', but not have 'perfection' as a requirement. So this 'infallibility' thing doesn't make sense to me. We, people, are put here to mess things up...because we are ever so good at it.

Many believe that Peter's confession that Christ is the son of God was the foundation, not Peter the man.

728 The Sanity Inspector  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:22:24am

Georgia governor Sonny Perdue wants to file suit to stop Obamacare. The state AG, after a review of the particulars, says that the state would be unlikely to win, can't afford the suit anyway, and declines to proceed. So now Perdue is going lawyer shopping, to file the suit on his own.

729 Lateralis  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:22:47am

re: #725 Oh no...Sand People!

It is a bit of a read. There usually is not a simple answer in the Catholic Church.

730 Daniel Ballard  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:22:50am

re: #722 albusteve

D_L & I both rate the gangs or their robbery crews as the #1 most likely reason we would ever need a gun for defense.

731 Joo-LiZ  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:24:29am

Hmm... Noah Pollack sees 3 options for Netanyahu

By my reading, Bibi is in a very bad place right now. His options are either 1) total public humiliation and agreement to demands that could topple his government, followed by a diplomatic process that would force potentially lethal concessions on Israel, or 2) the U.S. preventing him from attacking Iran and removing the diplomatic shield that protects Israel from the deranged anti-Semitism of Europe and the Middle East (two increasingly indistinguishable regions).

There is a third scenario: Israel completely reshuffles the deck by attacking Iran.

Now, that would be something! Not that it will happen.

732 reine.de.tout  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:25:13am

re: #635 MandyManners


However, the rumor sprang from a Facebook page launched by a liberal Northhampton radio host, was fueled by a mysterious tweet from the state Democratic party chairman and got pumped up as recently as Wednesday by the state’s Democratic governor.

I would think one would be able to assume the truth of something that came from the State Democratic party chairman, without then calling the State Democratic party chairman to confirm whether or not what he said was accurate.

good grief.

733 Ericus58  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:26:11am

re: #606 Joo-LiZ

"I fear what unilateral concessions Bibi will give in trying to convince Obama Israel wants peace. Netanyahu instinctively recognizes the Palestinians/Arabs/Iranians as his enemies and conversely thinks of the US instinctively as Israel's friend. It is much harder to know where to the draw line when the demands of your enemies are being made through your friends."


734 Sheila Broflovski  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:26:16am

re: #688 Joo-LiZ

I looked back upthread to see where the whole controversy arose.

I see why the media reports it like that. I also see why you chose to do the same.

But I also think it is fundamentally misleading (when referring to the recent Ramat Shlomo thing) to call it "East Jerusalem".

Part of the "settlements" problem is that the media completely avoids nuances.

Anywhere in Jerusalem beyond the Green Line is a "settlement". Anywhere in the West Bank whether in a major settlement bloc or a hilltop outpost is a "settlement". When you avoid dealing with any of the nuances, inherent there, it causes a LOT of people to misunderstand.

Jerusalem is a city like all other cities, with an expanding popularion, so what are the city planners supposed to do when families increase, when their children get married and want to start their own households? They do what city planners in other cities all over the world do, which is build housing developments on the outskirts of the city.

735 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:26:22am

re: #585 RogueOne

I go back and forth on generals as politicians. I know this will go against the meme but generals are some of the biggest pacifists we have to offer.

I'm not sure they necessarily make good politicians since military organizations are generally rigid hierarchies in terms of decision trees. Beyond a point there needs to be an ability to work with groups and make decisions where something cannot simply be ordered so.

I think one reason Eisenhower worked out so well is that he had the experience over in Europe in SHAEF during WW2 where he had to keep a coalition functioning while also dealing with FDR, Marshall, Churchill, Montgomery, DeGaulle, etc. Who often had their own secondary agendas beyond simply defeating Germany.

736 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:26:37am

re: #732 reine.de.tout

I would think one would be able to assume the truth of something that came from the State Democratic party chairman, without then calling the State Democratic party chairman to confirm whether or not what he said was accurate.

good grief.

I got tired of chasing the mad dr's moving goal-posts.

737 reine.de.tout  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:27:11am

re: #701 Oh no...Sand People!

Isn't the Pope 'Infallible'? I am not hip to Catholic theology, but I just assumed that means he can do no wrong. Am I wrong?

If I am not wrong, what ramifications does this have on the Catholic Church as a whole?

The pope is only "infallible" when speaking of official Church doctrine.
Otherwise, he's as big a sinner as the rest of us.

738 webevintage  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:28:08am

re: #701 Oh no...Sand People!

Isn't the Pope 'Infallible'? I am not hip to Catholic theology, but I just assumed that means he can do no wrong. Am I wrong?

As a human the Pope is just as prone to sin and to make mistakes as the next man, it is when speaking on things the Church has always taught or in "Ex Cathedra" which has to do with doctrine of the faith.
Vatican ll:
"The infallibility, however, with which the divine redeemer wished to endow his Church in defining doctrine pertaining to faith and morals, is co-extensive with the deposit of revelation, which must be religiously guarded and loyally and courageously expounded. The Roman Pontiff, head of the college of bishops, enjoys this infallibility in virtue of his office, when, as supreme pastor and teacher of all the faithful -- who confirms his brethren in the faith (cf. Lk. 22:32) -- he proclaims in an absolute decision a doctrine pertaining to faith and morals" (Vol. 1, p.380).

"We believe in the infallibility enjoyed by the Successor of Peter when he speaks ex cathedra as shepherd and teacher of all the faithful, an infallibility which the whole Episcopate also enjoys when it exercises with him the supreme magisterium" (Vol. 2, p.392).

"This loyal submission of the will and intellect must be given, in a special way, to the authentic teaching authority of the Roman Pontiff, even when he does not speak ex cathedra in such wise, indeed, that his supreme teaching authority be acknowledged with respect, and that one sincerely adhere to decisions made by him conformably with his manifest mind and intention ..." (Vol. 1, p.379)."

739 webevintage  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:28:34am

re: #737 reine.de.tout

The pope is only "infallible" when speaking of official Church doctrine.
Otherwise, he's as big a sinner as the rest of us.


740 Obdicut  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:31:14am

re: #732 reine.de.tout

The Chairman never said Maddow was running.

741 reine.de.tout  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:32:17am

re: #740 Obdicut

The Chairman never said Maddow was running.

There was a "tweet" from his twitter account.

742 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:32:17am

re: #728 The Sanity Inspector

If he wants to waste his own money rather than Georgia's isn't that his prerogative. Same as if he spent it on a campaign commercial since I'd bet that this is aimed at generating the same result.

743 Obdicut  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:35:31am

re: #741 reine.de.tout

There was a "tweet" from his twitter account.

What did that tweet say, Reine?

744 Joo-LiZ  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:36:41am

DEBKA reports it was a Hamas cross-border attack that caused 2 Israeli casualties -- DEBKA should be taken with a grain of salt.

Muqata (which I have come to trust on these sorts of things) reports that retaliatory airstrikes are ongoing in Gaza, but the original incidentis still under military censorship. Which is why I say SOMETHING is happening.

745 Joo-LiZ  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:37:25am

re: #744 Joo-LiZ

Oops, lost the first line somehow --

Seems like something is happening in Gaza right now.

DEBKA reports it was a Hamas cross-border attack that caused 2 Israeli casualties -- DEBKA should be taken with a grain of salt.

Muqata (which I have come to trust on these sorts of things) reports that retaliatory airstrikes are ongoing in Gaza, but the original incidentis still under military censorship. Which is why I say SOMETHING is happening.

746 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:39:45am

re: #735 oaktree

I'm not sure they necessarily make good politicians since military organizations are generally rigid hierarchies in terms of decision trees. Beyond a point there needs to be an ability to work with groups and make decisions where something cannot simply be ordered so.

I think one reason Eisenhower worked out so well is that he had the experience over in Europe in SHAEF during WW2 where he had to keep a coalition functioning while also dealing with FDR, Marshall, Churchill, Montgomery, DeGaulle, etc. Who often had their own secondary agendas beyond simply defeating Germany.

I'm not sure I agree with that assessment. The hierarchy is rigid but the decision making is not. Additionally, by the time a military officer hits Colonel he's been playing politics for at least a decade and well equipped for political appointment.

My problem with Generals being politicians is they are very slow to commit forces. They'll do whatever they have to to keep from putting boots on the ground. A lot of the time that's good but sometimes we have to make a show of force and having someone continually delay that decision just drags out the inevitable.

747 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:40:03am

re: #740 Obdicut

The Chairman never said Maddow was running.

re: #743 Obdicut

What did that tweet say, Reine?

How about reading the link in No. 468 for yourself.

748 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:40:05am

re: #740 Obdicut

The Chairman never said Maddow was running.

Neither did Brown.

749 Joo-LiZ  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:40:09am

re: #745 Joo-LiZ
JPost reporting it was an ambush of IDF troops on the Gaza border. 2 Palestinians killed.

Hamas is taking public responsibility along with another group. First time Hamas has publicly acknowledged involvement of this kind since Cast Lead.

750 reine.de.tout  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:41:21am

re: #743 Obdicut

What did that tweet say, Reine?

From the article:

However, the rumor sprang from a Facebook page launched by a liberal Northhampton radio host, was fueled by a mysterious tweet from the state Democratic party chairman and got pumped up as recently as Wednesday by the state’s Democratic governor.

Earlier this month, radio yakker Bill Dwight and another man created a Facebook page titled “Rachel Maddow for U.S. Senator from Massachusetts in 2012.”

A few days later, John Walsh, chairman of the state Democratic Party, sent a curious “tweet” to his Twitter followers that included his contact information and read, “Some are talking about you running vs Scott Brown in ’12.”

Walsh has said he won’t disclose who the “tweet” was meant for until he gets 1,000 Twitter followers, but he never tamped down rampant speculation it was Maddow.

Walsh refused to clear the air last night, saying he’s never spoken to Maddow.

A few days after the FB page was set up, Walsh sent a tweet which doesn't mention anyone, but he refuses to say who he meant, but he has not done anything to reduce the speculation that he meant Maddow.

Thin? Perhaps.
But definitely fuel for the speculation; and the speculation did not begin with Brown.

751 reine.de.tout  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:44:20am

re: #750 reine.de.tout

A few days after the FB page was set up, Walsh sent a tweet which doesn't mention anyone, but he refuses to say who he meant, but he has not done anything to reduce the speculation that he meant Maddow.

Thin? Perhaps.
But definitely fuel for the speculation; and the speculation did not begin with Brown.

And honestly, I can't help but believe the Mass Dems are getting a huge laugh out of how this has played out, with Brown getting stuck with the "blame". And I don't blame them, if it had happened the other way, I'm sure the R's would be laughing.

752 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:44:43am

re: #750 reine.de.tout

A few days after the FB page was set up, Walsh sent a tweet which doesn't mention anyone, but he refuses to say who he meant, but he has not done anything to reduce the speculation that he meant Maddow.

Thin? Perhaps.
But definitely fuel for the speculation; and the speculation did not begin with Brown.

And, Deval Patrick furthered it.

753 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:45:16am

re: #751 reine.de.tout

And honestly, I can't help but believe the Mass Dems are getting a huge laugh out of how this has played out, with Brown getting stuck with the "blame". And I don't blame them, if it had happened the other way, I'm sure the R's would be laughing.

It sure has pissed off Maddow.

754 RogueOne  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:50:54am

re: #753 MandyManners

It sure has pissed off Maddow.

I think it's fake outrage. What is there to be angry about?

755 reine.de.tout  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:52:50am

re: #753 MandyManners

It sure has pissed off Maddow.

Political shenanigans can get weird.

I worked for an elected official who had a lot of enemies (as they all do).

Every election cycle was weird.

One year, one of his political enemies found someone with the same last name as 'my' guy.

They got to the Secty of State's office early, and registered their campaign under the SAME NAME that my guy had been using for all 20 years of his political life.

My guy got there and had the option of using a different name than he'd ever used before. The result of that, of course, was that voters could be confused and end up voting for his opponent when they intended to vote for him. He ended up coming back to the office to figure out what they were going to do, and it was eventually resolved but sheesh - it just caused no end of aggravation and concern. People will do anything to hurt the other side.

756 Taqyia2Me  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 9:53:37am
757 Obdicut  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 10:06:39am

re: #755 reine.de.tout

The fact that he's attacking one of his constituents makes it rather odious to me. Especially since Maddow has one of the more responsible shows on television.

758 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 10:09:24am

re: #754 RogueOne

I think it's fake outrage. What is there to be angry about?

Maybe it's misplaced outrage since her own people started the rumors.

759 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 10:10:10am

re: #755 reine.de.tout

Political shenanigans can get weird.

I worked for an elected official who had a lot of enemies (as they all do).

Every election cycle was weird.

One year, one of his political enemies found someone with the same last name as 'my' guy.

They got to the Secty of State's office early, and registered their campaign under the SAME NAME that my guy had been using for all 20 years of his political life.

My guy got there and had the option of using a different name than he'd ever used before. The result of that, of course, was that voters could be confused and end up voting for his opponent when they intended to vote for him. He ended up coming back to the office to figure out what they were going to do, and it was eventually resolved but sheesh - it just caused no end of aggravation and concern. People will do anything to hurt the other side.

Sooo high school.

760 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 10:10:31am

re: #756 Taqyia2Me

Keith Olberman 4 SeNUT!
Too funny!!
{wipes down computer screen}

Cracked me up, too.

761 MandyManners  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 10:11:03am

re: #757 Obdicut

The fact that he's attacking one of his constituents makes it rather odious to me. Especially since Maddow has one of the more responsible shows on television.


762 Obdicut  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 10:12:32am

re: #761 MandyManners

Mandy, caps lock doesn't actually impress me very much. It's also considered rude, in internet etiquette.

I am not accusing Brown of starting this. I am accusing Brown of using a rumor as fundraising material. This is what he has, in fact, done.

763 reine.de.tout  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 10:29:59am

re: #757 Obdicut

The fact that he's attacking one of his constituents makes it rather odious to me. Especially since Maddow has one of the more responsible shows on television.

He raised money based on the rumor, promoted in part by the office of the State Dem chairman. There's plenty of blame to go around here.

I didn't see where he "attacked" her in any way, called her any names, etc.

And bottom line - anyone from his state who runs against him will necessarily be one of his "constituents".

764 Lidane  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 10:31:39am

re: #761 MandyManners


She isn't either. Some fans created a Facebook page to encourage a run. Some goofball from the Massachusetts Democratic party tweeted about it. Scott Brown and his people decided to freak out about it and turn it into a fundraiser.

All it would have taken is a simple phone call to Maddow to ask if it was true, and Brown and his people couldn't even manage that. It's ridiculous.

765 reine.de.tout  Fri, Mar 26, 2010 10:33:31am

re: #763 reine.de.tout

He raised money based on the rumor, promoted in part by the office of the State Dem chairman. There's plenty of blame to go around here.

I didn't see where he "attacked" her in any way, called her any names, etc.

And bottom line - anyone from his state who runs against him will necessarily be one of his "constituents".

I guess the bottom line for me here is that people are called out, and rightly so, for trying to excuse Rep party nuttiness.

It's my opinion, based on my personal experience working for a politician, that the Mass Dem party grabbed onto this and has used it, effectively apparently, to harm Brown's credibility, and they should be called on it, just as we would call out the Rep party for similar shenanigans.

Political stuff is ugly and mean and it happens on all sides. If we are expected to call out the R's when it happens on that side, then I think we can be expected to call it out on the D side when we see it.

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