Some More News: Why Spotify Is Bad for Music [VIDEO]

Music • Views: 22,242


Anyone who’s ever attempted to make a living by playing music can identify with this one, as Cody goes into quite a bit of depth about the essential crappiness of Spotify in particular and the music industry in general.

Hi. In today’s episode about Spotify, we talk about how the current state of the music industry and streaming completely screws over artists, unlike the previous non-streaming music industry, which was notoriously good for artists.

Source List:

0:00 - Introduction
1:09 - This Episode Isn’t About Joe Rogan
12:52 - Spotify Pays Shockingly Little To Artists
25:18 - Taylor Swift Vs Spotify
32:00 - The Music Union Fights Back
35:47 - It’s Time To Delete Spotify

#Spotify #SomeMoreNews

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stpaulbear  Mar 6, 2022 • 4:46:23pm

This guy has interesting takes on musical stuff. I’ve never heard of his music though.

Youtube Video

gocart mozart  Mar 6, 2022 • 4:53:42pm
TedStriker  Mar 6, 2022 • 4:56:12pm

re: #2 gocart mozart

Yeah, y’all keep telling yourselves that, as you hit the Beltway on a Sunday and the “convoy” quickly fell apart….

EstebanTornado1963  Mar 6, 2022 • 4:58:29pm

Re:Tesla charging. I don’t do the schedule thing because in my condo I only have a 100v outlet, and I don’t daily drive enough. But if I had had a high charging capability, I would definitely do scheduled charging.
Plus on our trip we were too lazy to charge after 10pm when rates are cut in half, so we could’ve cut costs in half.
Ps. I don’t know how to quote a post into a new thread.

darthstar  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:02:24pm

Great shot of a Komodo dragon…yeah, that would freak the fuck out of me too.

darthstar  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:03:50pm

re: #2 gocart mozart

Who are they crucifying for entertainment?

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n 😷 Trips  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:05:35pm

Ummm… maybe don’t turn the volume to far up

William Lewis  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:05:44pm

re: #5 darthstar

Great shot of a Komodo dragon…yeah, that would freak the fuck out of me too.

[Embedded content]

Given how nasty the are, that’s gotta be a seriously long telephoto lens.

darthstar  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:07:07pm

re: #4 EstebanTornado1963

I started doing scheduled charging after I got the solar panels put in. Trying to use as little grid-juice as I can…it’s driving my wife crazy. I’ll tip the bartenders $100 for breakfast at our local without a second thought, but I’m all, “I can save $2.35 cents if I charge your car at midnight!”

As my boss used to say when I worked bees as a young man, “Watch your nickels and dimes and the dollars will take care of themselves.”

darthstar  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:08:11pm

re: #8 William Lewis

Given how nasty the are, that’s gotta be a seriously long telephoto lens.

Or the photographer is holding a small pig in the other hand to throw to the dragon.

darthstar  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:08:57pm

re: #8 William Lewis

Given how nasty the are, that’s gotta be a seriously long telephoto lens.

Looks like there’s water on the lens. Would love to know the backstory.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:10:09pm
darthstar  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:13:37pm

DON’T FUCKING TELL ANY OF OUR REPUBLICANS…They’ll tweet that shit out immediately.

electrotek  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:14:04pm

I hear it is already happening in the UK. Thread:

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:15:46pm
No Malarkey!  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:16:38pm

An investment firm says that since there is only a 10% chance of a civilization ending nuclear apocalypse, its bullish on stocks!

John Hughes  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:17:10pm

re: #4 EstebanTornado1963

Ps. I don’t know how to quote a post into a new thread.

quote it in the old thread, copy the text with all the “<em>re: <a href=”/co…” nonsense, then make a comment the new thread and paste in the old comment

DodgerFan1988  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:19:10pm
Charles Johnson  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:20:07pm
John Hughes  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:22:51pm

re: #19 Charles Johnson

Just rewrite it all in Rust and you don’t have to worry.

That’s what all my fellow youths are telling me.

The Pie Overlord!  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:22:58pm

Rare Sighting of the Rural Democrat!

stpaulbear  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:24:09pm

re: #7 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n 😷 Trips

Ummm… maybe don’t turn the volume to far up

Dangerman  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:26:32pm
Netflix is shutting its operations in Russia, one of the largest media companies to pull out of the market following the attack on Ukraine, Bloomberg reports.

Now things are serious!

electrotek  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:27:07pm

re: #23 Dangerman

Now things are serious!

Are all of the Russian programming removed on Netflix? I hope not.

darthstar  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:27:42pm

gocart mozart  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:28:12pm
darthstar  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:29:08pm

re: #19 Charles Johnson

And are the service workers fairly compensated? Do they get benefits? What kind of re-engagement support do the service workers get when they are no longer needed?

stpaulbear  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:30:06pm

re: #13 darthstar

DON’T FUCKING TELL ANY OF OUR REPUBLICANS…They’ll tweet that shit out immediately.

At a UN press conference yesterday, one of the reporters asked for specific details about how we are getting weapons into Ukraine, what routes were open and what countries the weapons were coming from.

Then someone in the comments complained about how none of the press conference questions were getting answered with anything other than boilerplate responses. I think the guy deleted his comment because of all the sarcastic replies he was getting.

Dangerman  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:30:17pm

re: #24 electrotek

Are all of the Russian programming removed on Netflix? I hope not.

No new customers will be able to sign up and it’s unclear what will happen with existing accounts, the company said. The service has more than 1 million customers in Russia.

Dangerman  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:31:00pm

re: #26 gocart mozart

[Embedded content]

See, who needs netflix

TedStriker  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:31:07pm

re: #22 stpaulbear

The pickup isn’t bro’ed out enough…needs lightbars and a huge lift and huge tires.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n 😷 Trips  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:32:04pm
No Malarkey!  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:32:15pm
Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:34:48pm

re: #23 Dangerman

Now things are serious!

Kind of an empty gesture if putin disconnects Russia from the WWW.

Ming5000  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:35:35pm

re: #33 No Malarkey!

If UA can stop the Russians, I suppose next will be an offense….. A whole new game and tougher.

darthstar  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:37:13pm

re: #34 Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire

Kind of an empty gesture if putin disconnects Russia from the WWW.

Also something that won’t go over well with his oligarchs, generals, their families, etc. At some point he’s going to go full Trump and shout, “WHO WILL PROTECT ME!?” and that’s when he will catch sudden onset lead poisoning.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:37:27pm
Charles Johnson  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:37:45pm

re: #27 darthstar

And are the service workers fairly compensated? Do they get benefits? What kind of re-engagement support do the service workers get when they are no longer needed?

It’s pretty bad. They get called in to work the instant they’re needed, then they’re thrown out the instant they finish. And they’re expected to just wait around until they get called again. It’s a brutal existence.

Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:38:29pm

re: #36 darthstar

I’d rather see him get tossed out a window, purely for the poetic justice.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:39:36pm
Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:41:03pm

re: #7 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n 😷 Trips

Ummm… maybe don’t turn the volume to far up


That was hysterical.

darthstar  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:41:51pm

re: #35 Ming5000

If UA can stop the Russians, I suppose next will be an offense….. A whole new game and tougher.

Domestic offense. Destroy any remaining threats within their borders. Cause mass surrender and send Russians back across the border with a couple days’ food and water rations, no weapons, and leave it at that.

Do not cross into Russia or bomb Russian targets. If Putin is taken out, whoever replaces him will stand down their assault and be lauded as a national hero. Then negotiate a permanent cease fire that includes the withdrawal of troops from Crimea and other areas. Separatists who want to remain separate are free to leave the country.

In a year, bridges will have been repaired, buildings reconstructed, and a whole new Ukrainian economy will be in its infancy. And there will be lots of cheap labor from Russia coming down to help rebuild.

gocart mozart  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:43:00pm
Dangerman  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:43:39pm

re: #40 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

An OJ chase?

stpaulbear  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:43:58pm

re: #37 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

I used to have regular dreams that I would walk through my house and wind up on paths leading to huge spaces, except they weren’t as beautiful as that theater. They were mostly vast and scary.

A Mom Anon  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:45:47pm

re: #37 Backwoods_Sleuth

That’s amazing.

No Malarkey!  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:46:01pm

re: #39 Eclectic Cyborg

I’d rather see him get tossed out a window, purely for the poetic justice.

As long as it hurts. And even if it doesn’t. Putin has got to go.

Dopamine Fish  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:46:29pm

re: #39 Eclectic Cyborg

I’d rather see him get tossed out a window, purely for the poetic justice.

“And how many times did he… fall out the window?”
“I lost count.”

Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:47:19pm

re: #36 darthstar

Also something that won’t go over well with his oligarchs, generals, their families, etc. At some point he’s going to go full Trump and shout, “WHO WILL PROTECT ME!?” and that’s when he will catch sudden onset lead poisoning.

The sooner the better.

No Malarkey!  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:48:24pm

re: #43 gocart mozart

Captain Ron  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:49:56pm
FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n 😷 Trips  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:52:46pm

re: #41 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Youtube Video

No Malarkey!  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:54:55pm
A Cranky One  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:56:43pm

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:56:56pm
Belafon  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:57:18pm

re: #51 Dread Pirate Ron

Captain Ron  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:59:27pm
Belafon  Mar 6, 2022 • 5:59:31pm

Putin hasn’t arrested everyone yet:

Belafon  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:01:40pm


No Malarkey!  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:01:55pm

re: #58 Belafon

Putin hasn’t arrested everyone yet:

The Pie Overlord!  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:02:45pm

re: #45 stpaulbear

I used to have regular dreams that I would walk through my house and wind up on paths leading to huge spaces, except they weren’t as beautiful as that theater. They were mostly vast and scary.

I have dreams that my house has these huge “hidden” spaces that are mostly ruins.

Belafon  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:03:46pm
EstebanTornado1963  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:03:49pm

re: #17 John Hughes

quote it in the old thread, copy the text with all the “re:


Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:05:31pm
jaunte  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:06:13pm

re: #60 No Malarkey!

That exchange sounds just like a Republican here, lying while being confronted by their constituents.

Belafon  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:09:22pm

re: #50 No Malarkey!

Ming5000  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:10:55pm

The Sunday evening LGF gang is pretty cool! Diverse info and funny!
Enough exclamation points!

HRH Stanley Sea  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:11:38pm

re: #55 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]


Hecuba's daughter  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:12:49pm

My activities today…


steve_davis  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:13:10pm

re: #42 darthstar

Domestic offense. Destroy any remaining threats within their borders. Cause mass surrender and send Russians back across the border with a couple days’ food and water rations, no weapons, and leave it at that.

Do not cross into Russia or bomb Russian targets. If Putin is taken out, whoever replaces him will stand down their assault and be lauded as a national hero. Then negotiate a permanent cease fire that includes the withdrawal of troops from Crimea and other areas. Separatists who want to remain separate are free to leave the country.

In a year, bridges will have been repaired, buildings reconstructed, and a whole new Ukrainian economy will be in its infancy. And there will be lots of cheap labor from Russia coming down to help rebuild.

And there will be a brand new American air base and 20 coalition divisions permanently parked there. Ukraine will build a modest air craft carrier for the Black Sea with an excellent complement of fighter jets and attack helicopters, just to ensure they have some resistance to getting overrun.

Captain Ron  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:13:17pm

Ming5000  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:13:24pm


Ming5000  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:17:39pm


I Would Prefer Not To  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:19:48pm

Is LGF Wonky. It says there are new comments, but no.

Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:22:06pm
Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:22:43pm

re: #74 I Would Prefer Not To

Is LGF Wonky. It says there are new comments, but no.

The YouTube video I just shared didn’t come up either.

Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:22:58pm

Tonight’s food pron. BBQ baby back ribs and cheddar/broccoli rice.

jaunte  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:23:13pm

Thanks, “Freedom Convoy”

I Would Prefer Not To  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:23:38pm

re: #11 Eclectic Cyborg

The YouTube video I just shared didn’t come up either.

Same thing happened to me. Should we complain to the manager or just blame Biden?

jaunte  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:23:38pm
A Mom Anon  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:24:36pm

re: #55 Backwoods_Sleuth

OMG. That little girl deserves a much better world than this. I just can’t understand humans anymore.

jaunte  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:24:50pm

Stochastic attack achieved.

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:24:56pm

re: #74 I Would Prefer Not To

Is LGF Wonky. It says there are new comments, but no.

This morning, pages kept crashing for me, because LGF apparently didn’t know how many posts were on a given page. (I pulled up one individual post twice, and it had two different numbers (number within one page, not its eight-digit ID number). Then it seemed to heal itself, so I dunno what’s happening (except that spell check thinks “dunno” is a real word). Be careful out there…

Patricia Kayden  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:25:06pm
I Would Prefer Not To  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:25:51pm

It seems to “think” there are 65 comments to load.

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:27:33pm

re: #76 Eclectic Cyborg

The YouTube video I just shared didn’t come up either.

I have a black page and a notification that it can’t be played except on youtube. The link works.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:27:43pm

re: #67 Ming5000

The Sunday evening LGF gang is pretty cool! Diverse info and funny!
Enough exclamation points!

Are there ever enough? Really!!!!!!!!

Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:29:16pm

re: #84 Patricia Kayden

Is that a real screenshot?

Belafon  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:29:21pm

re: #87 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

My best friend in high school declared that more than three is pointless.

HRH Stanley Sea  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:29:51pm

Didn’t Charles mention Javascript or something

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n 😷 Trips  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:30:48pm

re: #84 Patricia Kayden

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:31:09pm

re: #77 Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire

Tonight’s food pron. BBQ baby back ribs and cheddar/broccoli rice.

[Embedded content]

Those ribs look great! And that broccoli cheddar rice is just how I like it… No broccoli. Perfection. 🤣

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:32:30pm

re: #78 jaunte

What’s JBA?

jaunte  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:32:48pm

re: #93 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Joint Base Andrews.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n 😷 Trips  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:34:08pm
jaunte  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:35:01pm

VP Harris is away on Marine 2.

jaunte  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:35:30pm
Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:37:34pm

re: #19 Charles Johnson

(((Archangel1)))  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:39:28pm
Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:41:50pm

re: #92 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Those ribs look great! And that broccoli cheddar rice is just how I like it… No broccoli. Perfection. 🤣

*BURP!* Excuse me. They were. And if I had had it, I would have added some.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:44:42pm
Sherlock Hound  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:51:36pm

re: #98 Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion

I think the JavaScript Workers, Local 500, is taking a strike vote now.

Belafon  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:51:45pm

re: #97 jaunte

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:53:53pm
electrotek  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:57:02pm

Who the fuck is this idiot?

jaunte  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:59:24pm

re: #105 electrotek

Scott Ritter paroled in online sex case

jaunte  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:59:40pm

It’s Poor Choices Man!

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Mar 6, 2022 • 6:59:41pm

re: #105 electrotek

Who the fuck is this idiot?

Member of the dictator apologist club.

France and England forced Hitler to start WW2 in Europe.

FDR forced Japan to attack Pearl Harbor and start western/USA direct involvement in the Asia-Pacific part of WW2. (Japan and China had been at it since 1937.)

A Mom Anon  Mar 6, 2022 • 7:00:25pm

re: #103 Belafon

Oh great. I’m so glad VP Harris wasn’t there, but I am worried about everyone else. So tired and over this. You know, for a country who has a share of citizens who think signs from God are everywhere, we sure ignore the same damned scenarios over and over where guns in the hands of assholes and fools have the same awful results. Over and over and over. I kinda think a whole lot of so called christians are ignoring some rather blatant signs. Daily. It’s why we can’t have nice things.

The Pie Overlord!  Mar 6, 2022 • 7:00:35pm
Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Mar 6, 2022 • 7:01:43pm

re: #105 electrotek

These kind of things are also found all over Youtube. Not a small band of either locals-with-gripes combined with some foggy-headed-wannabe-leftists who are stuck on the idea that they have to blame the US to be credible (if only in their own minds)… all of those kinds are posting messages like this.

Are they being prompted by Russian propaganda machines? Perhaps in part.

electrotek  Mar 6, 2022 • 7:01:58pm

re: #106 jaunte

Scott Ritter paroled in online sex case


Jay C  Mar 6, 2022 • 7:02:11pm

re: #105 electrotek

Who the fuck is this idiot?

Scott Ritter?
If it’s the blast-from-the-past I think, wasn’t he an arms inspector for Iraq pre-Bush’s invasion?
ISTR that he’d turned nuts, it this is whackadoodle by any standard

electrotek  Mar 6, 2022 • 7:02:16pm

re: #108 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

Member of the dictator apologist club.

France and England forced Hitler to start WW2 in Europe.

FDR forced Japan to attack Pearl Harbor and start western/USA direct involvement in the Asia-Pacific part of WW2. (Japan and China had been at it since 1937.)

He’s another Pat Buchnanan clone.

jaunte  Mar 6, 2022 • 7:07:16pm
Hecuba's daughter  Mar 6, 2022 • 7:09:13pm

re: #113 Jay C

Scott Ritter?
If it’s the blast-from-the-past I think, wasn’t he an arms inspector for Iraq pre-Bush’s invasion?
ISTR that he’d turned nuts, it this is whackadoodle by any standard

He was an inspector in the 1990’s; in 2002, he was vehemently against the notion that Saddam had any WMDs. From Wiki:

Writing in The New York Times, Matt Bal said that Ritter was proved right about WMD’s being an excuse for going to war in Iraq and that the aftermath of the war could be calamitous. Bal described Ritter as the “most determined dissenter and the one with the most on-the-ground intelligence” of the situation in Iraq prior to the war. He wrote that Ritter’s refusal to be “taken in” by the fabricated intelligence related to Iraqi WMD would “discomfort” those who “insisted on Hussein’s lethality” and then used the fabricated intelligence as an excuse for why they were wrong

Seymour Hersh, who became close to Ritter in the 1990s and appeared as a character witness at his April 2011 trial, said that Ritter “understands the Arab world in a way that few Westerners I know do. You have no idea how smart he is”.

However, he clearly went over the deep end at some time and ended up writing for RT.

Captain Ron  Mar 6, 2022 • 7:14:58pm
Hecuba's daughter  Mar 6, 2022 • 7:16:25pm

re: #114 electrotek

He’s another Pat Buchnanan clone.

I don’t recall anything that would suggest that; indeed I don’t recall that Ritter ever commented on European history. My impression is that his views were based on current behavior of various nations and that he turned against the United States because of our actions in the Mid East.

sagehen  Mar 6, 2022 • 7:16:43pm

re: #84 Patricia Kayden

[Embedded content]

Leonard Nimoy
Sholem Alecheim

sagehen  Mar 6, 2022 • 7:25:26pm

so I watched episode 1 of “Winning Time: Rise of the Lakers Dynasty”.

It’s such a great story, it’ll be difficult for the writers/showrunners to fuck it up… but I think they might..


according to this episode, Jack Kent Cooke is an asshole. Jerry West is an asshole. Norm Nixon is an asshole. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is an asshole. Almost everybody except Magic, his family, and Dr Buss are assholes.

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion  Mar 6, 2022 • 7:27:39pm

re: #116 Hecuba’s daughter

Basically he’s mayor of Horse-shoe land right now. He’s wrong squared.

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion  Mar 6, 2022 • 7:32:06pm

It’s not the kleptocratic dictator that’s been building up to this for 20 years, it’s the defensive alliance of mostly liberal democracies.

Sure pal.

jaunte  Mar 6, 2022 • 7:37:55pm
sagehen  Mar 6, 2022 • 7:42:00pm
Captain Ron  Mar 6, 2022 • 7:48:21pm

I did not know they were in a band.

Hecuba's daughter  Mar 6, 2022 • 7:49:13pm

re: #122 Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion

It’s not the kleptocratic dictator that’s been building up to this for 20 years, it’s the defensive alliance of mostly liberal democracies.

Sure pal.

Putin is evil, a sociopath like our TFG, but the liberal democracies have not been innocent in their relationships over the decades either. Our catastrophic adventures in Iraq and Vietnam have certainly shown that as does our involvement in the overthrow of democratically elected leaders like Iran’s Mosaddegh in 1953 and Chile’s Allende in 1973. The hope is that over time we learn from our errors and try to become a better nation, but then our nation elects Trump as president and other demagogues in various offices, and it appears that we have learned nothing.

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of Big Bird, Bert, and Ernie  Mar 6, 2022 • 7:54:42pm

I’ve had enough. At this point, anyone who claims to be oppressed by occupational vaxx and mask mandates should be conscripted and sent to the front in Ukraine. I realize they would be useless for fighting but there are still many useful tasks they could perform: Cleaning up rubble, repairing fieldworks, clearing unexploded ordnance etc. Many of them have the requisite experience to help manage and maintain captured vehicles, such as washing, windshield repair, and oil changes.

Captain Ron  Mar 6, 2022 • 7:56:26pm

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion  Mar 6, 2022 • 7:57:32pm

re: #126 Hecuba’s daughter

This is known, but bringing any of it up in relation to this right now is just classic Russian whataboutism.

jaunte  Mar 6, 2022 • 8:03:21pm

re: #127 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of Big Bird, Bert, and Ernie

I don’t think the Ukrainians would have the patience for herding those whiners at this point.

Dangerman  Mar 6, 2022 • 8:13:14pm
A four-year-old boy from Jerusalem, who has not been vaccinated against Polio, was diagnosed with the virus, marking the first case in Israel since 1988,” Haaretz reports.

It’s just like the flu //

Belafon  Mar 6, 2022 • 8:15:25pm

Thread from a former Russian foreign minister:

The last two:

Patricia Kayden  Mar 6, 2022 • 8:16:41pm

re: #5 darthstar

Great shot of a Komodo dragon…yeah, that would freak the fuck out of me too.

[Embedded content]

They’re dangerous so yes, I’d go ahead and just drown.

ckkatz  Mar 6, 2022 • 8:20:06pm

re: #141 No Malarkey!

By the way, the music she is playing is a Ukrainian folk song “Ніч яка місячна”
(“The night is so moonlit”). (Although this singer has a different take on the title. )

Here is a complete version of it:

Kvitka Cysik Нiч така,Господи

Youtube Video

jaunte  Mar 6, 2022 • 8:25:09pm
Hecuba's daughter  Mar 6, 2022 • 8:27:47pm

re: #129 Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion

This is known, but bringing any of it up in relation to this right now is just classic Russian whataboutism.

Very true. The wrongs that others have done in the past does not excuse the evil that is being done today by different actors. And the Soviet Union and then Russia under Putin are egregiously bad actors.

I Would Prefer Not To  Mar 6, 2022 • 8:28:34pm

I restarted Chrome and LGF seems to be less wonky, but gas is still very expensive in the middle of nowhere.

I Would Prefer Not To  Mar 6, 2022 • 8:32:09pm

This is what I was pissed about earlier. Can not verify.

austin_blue  Mar 6, 2022 • 8:35:58pm

Every day that the Russians are brutalizing civilians in Ukraine is another day that they are lying to their own citizens. It cannot be hidden forever.

The entire world must agree to kill the Russian Military. The entire world, without using nukes. Once that starts happening, the Russians will pull back to the status quo ante.

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion  Mar 6, 2022 • 8:39:48pm

re: #138 I Would Prefer Not To

That guy just ended his political career. He does realize he’s in New York City and not somewhere in South Dakota right?

ckkatz  Mar 6, 2022 • 8:39:49pm

re: #133 Patricia Kayden

That picture reminds me of the 5 divers in Indonesia who at the end of their diving realized that their boat was no longer there.

In shark infested waters.

After floating in the water for hours they were able to make it to a small island.

And that island was one of the last spots of land between them and the Antarctic thousands of miles away.

As they were recovering on the island, they realized that there were other inhabitants on the island. Komodo dragons.

The divers spent the next day or so throwing rocks to keep the Komodo dragons away until they were rescued.

ckkatz  Mar 6, 2022 • 8:52:48pm

re: #138 I Would Prefer Not To

That used to be called a ‘clm’ aka “career limiting move”.

ckkatz  Mar 6, 2022 • 9:01:23pm

Quick question to the folks who have electric cars…

How long does it take to recharge an electric car?

From a 110-120v 15-20Amp line or from a 30-40AMP charger line?

From what folks here are saying, electric is cheaper than gas, particularly right now.

I was curious about how long is the wait while the car is charging up.

Captain Ron  Mar 6, 2022 • 9:04:24pm
Belafon  Mar 6, 2022 • 9:07:14pm
Captain Ron  Mar 6, 2022 • 9:14:31pm
Hecuba's daughter  Mar 6, 2022 • 9:16:35pm

re: #144 Dread Pirate Ron

The number of Texas women obtaining abortions following its new law fell by far less — around 10% — than believed because many traveled to a clinic in a nearby state or ordered abortion pills online. ⁦

Today we had our weekly conversation with our brother. He is confident that there is no way that abortion will be outlawed and that, instead, it will be the Roberts’ compromise of 15 weeks. We brought up the 6 week ban and he defended the court’s handling, claiming that SCOTUS didn’t have an alternative because they needed a real case to address the issue, one that worked its way through the lower courts. None of us is a lawyer, so our arguments are not based on knowledge of the rules, though we disagreed with his assertion.

Belafon  Mar 6, 2022 • 9:16:42pm

I had the back door open with the screen door letting the air in because it’s in the 40s, so the house could get a little cooler. And then I started hearing rain:

ckkatz  Mar 6, 2022 • 9:22:28pm

re: #148 Belafon

About 8pm (EST) I was curious about the forecast for Monday. I went online and noticed that the radar showed a little bit of rain on the edge of the screen. Perhaps 10 miles from me and directly West. Basically heading directly my way.

Curious, I expanded the radar screen and started following the rain front. Through Virginia, then West Virginia, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and down to about you in Texas.

All pointed directly at my house.

JC1  Mar 6, 2022 • 9:27:14pm

re: #146 Dread Pirate Ron

[Embedded content]

If this continues, it will cause some serious whiplash among their viewers who are used to Putin fluffing coverage. Wonder if they’ll retcon their love for Flynn+co.

Mattand  Mar 6, 2022 • 9:35:17pm

re: #143 ckkatz

Quick question to the folks who have electric cars…

How long does it take to recharge an electric car?

From a 110-120v 15-20Amp line or from a 30-40AMP charger line?

From what folks here are saying, electric is cheaper than gas, particularly right now.

I was curious about how long is the wait while the car is charging up.

I’ve been driving an OG 2017 Chevy Bolt for almost 4.5 years now.

I’ll get this out of the way now, because someone’s bound to mention it later: last year, about 20 of the approximately 140,000 or so Bolts sold caught fire due to faulty battery cells, which were made by LG Chem. There was some bad property damage in some cases, but fortunately no injuries.

Chevy is in the process of swapping every battery pack on every Bolt ever made and has a software patch available that eliminates the fire hazard until your pack gets swapped.

Now that that’s out of the way:

I had an electrician upgrade our circuit breaker and install a Siemens US2 VersiCharge 30 amp car charger. This what’s known a Level 2 charger and adds approximately 20-25 miles of distance per hour back to the battery.

The Bolt’s battery pack is approximately 60 kWh in capacity for roughly 238 miles. If my car were running on “fumes”, as it were, it would take about 9 hours to go from empty to full.

My car did, and most cars I think do, come with a 110-120v household outlet charger that’s known as a Level 1. That will add approximately 3-5 miles per hour back to the battery pack.

Using my Bolt as the example again, if it were completely empty, the Level 1 would take three days to fill the pack up. If you can, you’ll want to spring for the Level 2. It’s just faster and will pay for itself eventually.

As for price of gas vs. electric: I created a spreadsheet to calculate that, based on my old Honda’s gas usage (10 gallon tank that got 30 miles to the gallon) and my current electric rate (18¢ per kWh). Short story is with current gas prices, the Bolt is 60% cheaper to run than my Civic, which was a manual and no slouch in the MPG department.

Weird someone should ask this, because I just happened to stumble over some very informative articles on today about EV charging. I’ll post those right after this.

Just my experiences. Human Torch cosplaying aside, in my forty years on the road, the Bolt is the only car I’ve cared about. Even with the battery drama, I’d still recommend people seriously look at them.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion  Mar 6, 2022 • 9:45:15pm

re: #52 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n 😷 Trips

Part of me feels exactly like this. We were just starting to get shit back to normal due to COVID and the Clownshow. The Biden boom was about to really take off. There was a chance for another Roaring 20s. Then this fucking backwards clown in Russia had to fuck it all up.

“And then there’s this asshole…”

ckkatz  Mar 6, 2022 • 9:46:46pm

re: #151 Mattand

I really appreciate the details that you provide!

And thanks for the links, I will check the out.

You answered one of the questions that I had, which was effective range. It sounds like the Bolt has an effective range of 200-230 miles per day.

Since I live in a suburban/urban environment, that would fit in with most of my driving except the occasional ‘road trip’ where I would looking looking to 12-16 hours of driving per day for 2-3 days at a time.

I am not currently interested in getting rid of my 4 year old Camry. But I am definitely keeping an eye on electric cars and hybrids for the future.

ckkatz  Mar 6, 2022 • 9:48:38pm

re: #150 JC1

If this continues, it will cause some serious whiplash among their viewers who are used to Putin fluffing coverage. Wonder if they’ll retcon their love for Flynn+co.

Dave Troy has some dark thoughts on Flynn and his motivations.

JC1  Mar 6, 2022 • 9:56:50pm

5/6 today.

Wordle 261 5/6


Mattand  Mar 6, 2022 • 9:59:55pm

re: #154 ckkatz

I really appreciate the details that you provide!

And thanks for the links, I will check the out.

You answered one of the questions that I had, which was effective range. It sounds like the Bolt has an effective range of 200-230 miles per day.

Since I live in a suburban/urban environment, that would fit in with most of my driving except the occasional ‘road trip’ where I would looking looking to 12-16 hours of driving per day for 2-3 days at a time.

I am not currently interested in getting rid of my 4 year old Camry. But I am definitely keeping an eye on electric cars and hybrids for the future.

No problem, hope I was able to help.

You’re one of the few people who are being genuinely honest about their driving habits. The few conversation I’ve had with people about that regarding EVs usually winds up along the lines of “Yeah, I only really drive 30 miles a day tops, but uhh…. sometimes I have to drive to Antarctica for work 20 times a days, so I can never own an electric car”, or some bullshit like that.

If a person really, honestly, genuinely regularly drives long distances, they should look at a Tesla. The company’s brilliance was setting up a true nationwide charging network for their cars. That said, more and more non-Tesla DC fast charging stations are coming online every week. Range anxiety is slowly becoming a thing of the past.

JC1  Mar 6, 2022 • 10:04:37pm

re: #155 ckkatz

Dave Troy has some dark thoughts on Flynn and his motivations.

[Embedded content]

That’s interesting. Hope he slips up and ends up in jail. He won’t be getting another pardon.

Hecuba's daughter  Mar 6, 2022 • 10:04:39pm

re: #156 JC1

Worldle comment


Cheechako  Mar 6, 2022 • 10:11:56pm

How true this is…

GlutenFreeJesus  Mar 6, 2022 • 10:15:18pm

re: #157 Mattand

One thing I tell people who ask about my Model 3 and taking trips: “How long does it take you to fully charge?”… Well. You only charge just enough to get you from one charging station to another. 15-20 minute breaks, which you should take anyways. It’s when you’re at your destination that you charge overnight while you’re sleeping. Running “empty” really isn’t a concern anymore.

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion  Mar 6, 2022 • 10:16:46pm

re: #159 Hecuba’s daughter

Wordle first for me…


Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion  Mar 6, 2022 • 10:54:27pm

re: #161 GlutenFreeJesus

One thing I tell people who ask about my Model 3 and taking trips: “How long does it take you to fully charge?”… Well. You only charge just enough to get you from one charging station to another. 15-20 minute breaks, which you should take anyways. It’s when you’re at your destination that you charge overnight while you’re sleeping. Running “empty” really isn’t a concern anymore.

This video I found recently gives a pretty good idea of what a road trip with an EV is like (at least in the colder parts of the country in February).

Youtube Video

sagehen  Mar 6, 2022 • 11:27:07pm

re: #155 ckkatz

Dave Troy has some dark thoughts on Flynn and his motivations.

[Embedded content]

Maybe the Pentagon and other agencies should issue scooters and e-bikes to all essential personnel…

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Mar 6, 2022 • 11:37:58pm

The concept of Spotify is amazing: any artist in the world can immediately gain worldwide distribution. Just like anyone in America can become a millionaire through honest hard work…

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Mar 6, 2022 • 11:39:58pm

re: #143 ckkatz

Whatever happened to the plan to have cars install standard batteries which you can simply stop and swap out at a recharging station, leaving the old battery and just paying a charging fee? That would take no longer than filling a tank with gasoline.

Sherlock Hound  Mar 7, 2022 • 12:07:44am

re: #166 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Whatever happened to the plan to have cars install standard batteries which you can simply stop and swap out at a recharging station, leaving the old battery and just paying a charging fee? That would take no longer than filling a tank with gasoline.

The batteries are molded into the bottom of the chassis for each car. It’s true that each car’s battery is made up of many smaller cells, but it isn’t feasible to change them individually or in groups. It’ll never be as easy as a fill-up or a quick charge.

This probably isn’t pursued because capacity and charging circuits are being rapidly improved so that it isn’t worth the extra infrastructure costs that swappable batteries would incur.

wrenchwench  Mar 7, 2022 • 12:20:28am

re: #162 Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion

Wordle first for me…

[Embedded content]

My 23rd 3/6.


Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Mar 7, 2022 • 1:19:00am

In Finland, most parking spots, even in apartment complexes, come with an electric outlet to run a car heater for overnight. This would make overnight charging a simple and easy process.

Patricia Kayden  Mar 7, 2022 • 1:32:41am
John Hughes  Mar 7, 2022 • 1:51:12am

re: #166 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Whatever happened to the plan to have cars install standard batteries which you can simply stop and swap out at a recharging station, leaving the old battery and just paying a charging fee? That would take no longer than filling a tank with gasoline.

Tesla built the model S so that was possible but it turned out nobody wanted to do it.

The battery is a large part of the cost of the car and people used to over estimate how quickly they degraded so people didn’t want to swap their nice new one out for some other guys cruddy old one.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Mar 7, 2022 • 2:21:49am

re: #170 Patricia Kayden

Is it borscht belt-fed?

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Mar 7, 2022 • 2:22:54am

re: #171 John Hughes

Tesla built the model S so that was possible but it turned out nobody wanted to do it.

The battery is a large part of the cost of the car and people used to over estimate how quickly they degraded so people didn’t want to swap their nice new one out for some other guys cruddy old one.

such a system would require a degree of central planning that we don’t generally do in the west because Free Enterprise, etc…

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Mar 7, 2022 • 2:24:41am
No Malarkey!  Mar 7, 2022 • 2:33:46am

A heartening thread that supports my belief that Russia is fucked. It seems likely most of the military equipment they have pushed into Ukraine is never coming back out, unless sold by Ukrainians as scrap metal.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Mar 7, 2022 • 2:40:48am

re: #175 No Malarkey!

A heartening thread that supports my belief that Russia is fucked. It seems likely most of the military equipment they have pushed into Ukraine is never coming back out, unless sold by Ukrainians as scrap metal.

I hope these reports are true. I was expecting that if the Russians could encircle and finally take Kyiv, they could then depose Zelensky and install a Moscow-friendly government that would permanently ban NATO and recognize the breakaway republics.

No Malarkey!  Mar 7, 2022 • 2:48:04am

re: #176 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

I hope these reports are true. I was expecting that if the Russians could encircle and finally take Kyiv, they could then depose Zelensky and install a Moscow-friendly government that would permanently ban NATO and recognize the breakaway republics.

Even if they can get units to Kyiv, supply them, and surround the city, Russia will pay a very heavy price in blood to take it. I don’t think its possible. What Russia can do, unfortunately, is engage in indiscriminate bombing and shelling, causing horrific amounts of death and destruction just for the sake of it.

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion  Mar 7, 2022 • 2:49:38am

re: #167 Sherlock Hound

The batteries are molded into the bottom of the chassis for each car. It’s true that each car’s battery is made up of many smaller cells, but it isn’t feasible to change them individually or in groups. It’ll never be as easy as a fill-up or a quick charge.

This probably isn’t pursued because capacity and charging circuits are being rapidly improved so that it isn’t worth the extra infrastructure costs that swappable batteries would incur.

I’m pretty sure this is why. Things are changing so much that something like this will require the battery tech to “stabilize”. Where changes and upgrades get to be smaller and more incremental rather than revolutionary every few years.

I’m reasonably sure that, as long as the world survives to 2030, that by that time we will have a solid-state/carbon nanotube based batteries that have 10-20x the energy density of current Lithium Ion batteries. When you can get 1000 miles from a battery of similar size to a small gas tank in current vehicles, at that point something like this might be doable.

No Malarkey!  Mar 7, 2022 • 2:58:40am

Interesting thread. A former Russian foreign minister believes that Putin is not irrational, but only deluded by his own propaganda and ideology, much like Cheney and Rumsfeld in 2003.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Mar 7, 2022 • 3:01:59am

re: #177 No Malarkey!

Even if they can get units to Kyiv, supply them, and surround the city, Russia will pay a very heavy price in blood to take it. I don’t think its possible. What Russia can do, unfortunately, is engage in indiscriminate bombing and shelling, causing horrific amounts of death and destruction just for the sake of it.

They want to get Zelensky to flee or surrender so they can declare him “deposed” and install a Moscow-friendly regime.

Dangerman  Mar 7, 2022 • 3:02:49am
Donald Trump praised North Korea’s brutal leader while addressing GOP donors marveling at how Kim Jong Un’s generals and aides “cowered” when the dictator spoke to them, the Washington Post reports.

Said Trump: “Total control. His people were sitting at attention.”

He added: “I looked at my people and said I want my people to act like that.”

We’re not your people.

We came so close.
We’re so lucky Biden won.

No Malarkey!  Mar 7, 2022 • 3:14:30am

re: #180 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

They want to get Zelensky to flee or surrender so they can declare him “deposed” and install a Moscow-friendly regime.

Zelenskyy is not going to do either. And any puppet installed by Moscow better have his life insurance policy fully paid up, because as soon as his Russian masters are gone he’ll be strung up from the nearest lamp post if he doesn’t flee with them.

Ming5000  Mar 7, 2022 • 3:39:16am

Despite Putin’s increasing efforts, there was a lot of push back to the war with Ukraine.
There is no going back for these prominent people. Some have fled the country.

darthstar  Mar 7, 2022 • 3:44:38am

re: #143 ckkatz

Quick question to the folks who have electric cars…

How long does it take to recharge an electric car?

From a 110-120v 15-20Amp line or from a 30-40AMP charger line?

From what folks here are saying, electric is cheaper than gas, particularly right now.

I was curious about how long is the wait while the car is charging up.

Our 40 Amp charger at home takes about 4-5 hours usually…35-40 miles of charge added per hour. I refill when we get down to under 100 miles.

The 75Amp and 150Amp superchargers are faster off the block - adding 100 miles in about 10 minutes, but as the car nears full charge it slows. On long drives it’s cool because you plug in, go grab a soda and take a squirt and come back in 25 minutes then leave again.

110v outlets and an extension cord add 4 miles per hour. So two days to put 200 miles back on…not practical.

darthstar  Mar 7, 2022 • 3:47:26am
darthstar  Mar 7, 2022 • 3:50:03am

Okay…future man’s hint wasn’t a hint after all.
Wordle 261 4/6


darthstar  Mar 7, 2022 • 3:55:00am
Greup  Mar 7, 2022 • 3:55:33am

re: #185 darthstar

Horrible losses.
I wonder why it still only show 60 Fuel trucks? All other numbers go up but not that one.

steve_davis  Mar 7, 2022 • 3:59:21am

re: #180 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

They want to get Zelensky to flee or surrender so they can declare him “deposed” and install a Moscow-friendly regime.

The problem for them is that zelensky has been invited by the French to set up shop in their embassy, and shelling a French embassy will have nato aircraft fucking them in no time.

Ming5000  Mar 7, 2022 • 4:00:13am

re: #188 Greup

Horrible losses.
I wonder why it still only show 60 Fuel trucks? All other numbers go up but not that one.

Maybe since fuel trucks are THE target the UA forces knocked out all of them in the theater, UA accessible. Good question.

Also, just one more armored personnel carrier for an even 1000.

The troop numbers have inched to a really shocking number

steve_davis  Mar 7, 2022 • 4:03:37am

re: #188 Greup

Horrible losses.
I wonder why it still only show 60 Fuel trucks? All other numbers go up but not that one.

Because just at the moment there are no more fuel trucks? I want to know the actual number of disabled trucks. Are they counting those with cars? Cars seems an unlikely category for an invasion category.

Weaselone  Mar 7, 2022 • 4:18:57am

re: #179 No Malarkey!

Interesting thread. A former Russian foreign minister believes that Putin is not irrational, but only deluded by his own propaganda and ideology, much like Cheney and Rumsfeld in 2003.

Are the consequences and outcome in any way impacted by that distinction? It sounds a lot like saying that Qnuts and rabid antivaxers aren’t crazy, they just believe they’re own BS.

Ming5000  Mar 7, 2022 • 4:23:29am

re: #192 Weaselone

Yeah, irrational doesn’t seem to mean anything anymore. I am trying to think of the last time I have been on the same side of an issue as the right wing. They are so smugly embracing of their nutty beliefs. They have a joy about it. Look at the truck saboteurs driving around DC. They LOVE what they are doing.

jeffreyw  Mar 7, 2022 • 4:26:43am

The colors on the finches are starting to pop.

Good morning!

John Hughes  Mar 7, 2022 • 4:26:53am

re: #191 steve_davis

Cars seems an unlikely category for an invasion category.

Cars like this:

No Malarkey!  Mar 7, 2022 • 4:28:43am

re: #192 Weaselone

Are the consequences and outcome in any way impacted by that distinction? It sounds a lot like saying that Qnuts and rabid antivaxers aren’t crazy, they just believe they’re own BS.

He argued that Putin’s nuclear sabre rattling is just a bluff; a rational calculation by Putin that he can get the West to back down in its support of Ukraine, because nuclear weapons the only card he has left to play.

No Malarkey!  Mar 7, 2022 • 4:30:08am
Decatur Deb  Mar 7, 2022 • 4:32:17am

re: #191 steve_davis

Because just at the moment there are no more fuel trucks? I want to know the actual number of disabled trucks. Are they counting those with cars? Cars seems an unlikely category for an invasion category.

Probably a translation/terminology issue. My Land Rover commo truck was identified as a “car” or “1/2 tonne truck” depending on how it was employed by the Belgians. So the killed cars are probably light vehicles like jeeps, HMMWV, or other utility vehicles.

steve_davis  Mar 7, 2022 • 4:46:24am

re: #195 John Hughes

Cars like this:

makes sense. sort of light vehicles. i thought maybe they were down to using those vehicles that were in that train video from the other day.

steve_davis  Mar 7, 2022 • 4:50:38am

re: #197 No Malarkey!

not good with math. does that mean that it takes 1000 rubles to get to 7.38 dollars? I don’t know exactly how to convert what I’m seeing there in to something I understand.

Dopamine Fish  Mar 7, 2022 • 4:54:10am

re: #200 steve_davis

not good with math. does that mean that it takes 1000 rubles to get to 7.38 dollars? I don’t know exactly how to convert what I’m seeing there in to something I understand.

Yes, that’s correct. 1000 rubles is currently equivalent to $7.38, according to that chart. Before the invasion, 1000 rubles would come out to something a little north of $13, so in a week and a half, Russians found themselves with nearly 50% less buying power.

Barefoot Grin  Mar 7, 2022 • 4:58:14am

Depressing thread—

lawhawk  Mar 7, 2022 • 5:00:20am

re: #25 darthstar

In real like, the Russian marines aren’t so much like USMC Marines, but rather goons in uniforms designed to be glorified riot control. They are picked because of their imposing size and physiques, and they do those crazy stunts precisely because they want people to think of them as imposing.

But they don’t know from weapons and tactics against mechanized forces or even organized military forces. They’re riot police, and it showed when the Ukrainians rebuffed them rather easily.

The rest of the Russian military is full of mostly conscripts. They don’t want to be there, but they’ll be cannon fodder for Putin’s imperalist ambitions - just as it has always been for Russians who are poor and unconnected. Dying for someone else’s dreams of empire.

Fuck Putin.

lawhawk  Mar 7, 2022 • 5:02:51am

re: #202 Barefoot Grin

Not so much depressing as the *same exact crap as the Tea Party* just more extreme and more white and nationalist.

They’re fully fascist, and that’s their unifying and driving force. The mandates were an excuse, and once the mandates were dropped because covid cases were dropping, there was nothing for them to protest other than their own white nationalist demands.

This is the decades long economic insecurity nonsense we hear from the genteel class of right wingers and pundits who ignore that these fascists are the core of the GOP and have sent the GOP off a fucking cliff as they support Putinist policies and seek to overthrow the government to keep criminals in power.

lawhawk  Mar 7, 2022 • 5:06:39am

re: #200 steve_davis

Handy dandy calculator.

Yeah, you have it exactly right. At current conversion rates, if you had 1000 rubles, it would be worth $7.43 USD. It’s about half the value that it was a month ago, and it looks like it’s set to drop further.

Patricia Kayden  Mar 7, 2022 • 5:07:16am

re: #183 Ming5000

John Hughes  Mar 7, 2022 • 5:08:25am

re: #203 lawhawk

In real like, the Russian marines aren’t so much like USMC Marines, but rather goons in uniforms designed to be glorified riot control.

are you confusing the VDV (Russian airborne/paratroops) with marines?

That tweet thread that claimed that they were “glorified anti riot police” was mostly bullshit.

(Yes, airborne troops, like marines, are less heavily armed than normal infantry — that’s true in every Army. In fact the one unusual thing about the VDV is that they are much *more* heavily armed that most other airborne formations).

Florida Panhandler  Mar 7, 2022 • 5:12:56am

re: #185 darthstar

Ukraine really needs to try and take out much more AA systems. Russian Tor and BUK variants are no joke and can really cause problems for any aircraft.

Weaselone  Mar 7, 2022 • 5:19:50am

re: #196 No Malarkey!

He argued that Putin’s nuclear sabre rattling is just a bluff; a rational calculation by Putin that he can get the West to back down in its support of Ukraine, because nuclear weapons the only card he has left to play.

I get that there is an actual distinction in that Putin himself is not nuttier than a shithouse rat, but rather it’s the beliefs, assumptions and “facts” guiding his decisions which are cuckoo for Coca Puffs. If we know what he actually believes and he is rational we should be able to predict his behavior.

The problem is how much and which parts of the lunacy being churned out by Russia he actually believes. If we don’t know that, we can’t predict his behavior and he might as well be irrational from our perspective. In addition, if he believes the most extreme stuff like the US manufacturing advanced bioweapons on the Russian borders and attempting to release it into Russia, using nuclear weapons in the event of a conventional failure becomes rational.

steve_davis  Mar 7, 2022 • 5:21:35am

re: #209 Weaselone

I get that there is an actual distinction in that Putin himself is not nuttier than a shithouse rat, but rather it’s the beliefs, assumptions and “facts” guiding his decisions which are cuckoo for Coca Puffs. If we know what he actually believes and he is rational we should be able to predict his behavior.

The problem is how much and which parts of the lunacy being churned out by Russia he actually believes. If we don’t know that, we can’t predict his behavior and he might as well be irrational from our perspective. In addition, if he believes the most extreme stuff like the US manufacturing advanced bioweapons on the Russian borders and attempting to release it into Russia, using nuclear weapons in the event of a conventional failure becomes rational.

and if he is indeed irrational, then we might as well do whatever we wish to do, because nothing we do is a guarantee against him doing whatever he may wish to do, either because we did something, or because we didn’t do something.

Captain Magic  Mar 7, 2022 • 5:22:11am
Decatur Deb  Mar 7, 2022 • 5:28:15am

re: #207 John Hughes

are you confusing the VDV (Russian airborne/paratroops) with marines?

That tweet thread that claimed that they were “glorified anti riot police” was mostly bullshit.

(Yes, airborne troops, like marines, are less heavily armed than normal infantry — that’s true in every Army. In fact the one unusual thing about the VDV is that they are much *more* heavily armed that most other airborne formations).

Red Force/Blue Force propagandists are using all the classic themes. I just hope the UKR side is a good bit more real.

William Lewis  Mar 7, 2022 • 5:29:43am

This is still my favorite propaganda from this war.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Mar 7, 2022 • 5:32:07am

re: #183 Ming5000

Despite Putin’s increasing efforts, there was a lot of push back to the war with Ukraine.
There is no going back for these prominent people. Some have fled the country.

“Ivan Urgant say! Ivan Urgant say, Please to be getting out on street!”

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Mar 7, 2022 • 5:33:23am

re: #189 steve_davis

The problem for them is that zelensky has been invited by the French to set up shop in their embassy, and shelling a French embassy will have nato aircraft fucking them in no time.

They will have to literally hold a knife to the throat of the Ukrainian people to get him to stop to end the bloodshed.

No Malarkey!  Mar 7, 2022 • 5:33:51am

Thread that uses a dumb movie to make a serious point about the Russian Air Force.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Mar 7, 2022 • 5:35:11am

re: #198 Decatur Deb

Probably a translation/terminology issue. My Land Rover commo truck was identified as a “car” or “1/2 tonne truck” depending on how it was employed by the Belgians. So the killed cars are probably light vehicles like jeeps, HMMWV, or other utility vehicles.

Remember when Subaru was importing light trucks with a pair of cheap plastic seats bolted to the bed to get around import quotas, which did not apply to cars, the latter being defined as “having four or more seats”?

Ming5000  Mar 7, 2022 • 5:38:43am

re: #197 No Malarkey!

Today’s ruble exchange rate decline is about as big as when the Russian invasion started.

Eventual Carrion  Mar 7, 2022 • 5:39:27am

re: #156 JC1

5/6 today.

[Embedded content]

Getting those 2 letters on the first guess really helped me.

Wordle 261 3/6


Mattand  Mar 7, 2022 • 5:41:41am

re: #161 GlutenFreeJesus

One thing I tell people who ask about my Model 3 and taking trips: “How long does it take you to fully charge?”… Well. You only charge just enough to get you from one charging station to another. 15-20 minute breaks, which you should take anyways. It’s when you’re at your destination that you charge overnight while you’re sleeping. Running “empty” really isn’t a concern anymore.

The Model 3 was still in that quasi-vaporware state of “We swear, it’s coming soon!” when I bought the Bolt. If the 3 had been in production, I most likely would have gotten that.

No Malarkey!  Mar 7, 2022 • 5:46:22am

re: #218 Ming5000

Today’s ruble exchange rate decline is about as big as when the Russian invasion started.

Russians are going to be suffering a lot due to Mr. Putin’s war. Not as much as Ukrainians, though.

Ming5000  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:03:13am

re: #221 No Malarkey!

I have been calling the invasion Putin’s invasion. I feel sympathy for the Russian dead and POWs.
However, I read a thread yesterday about the Ukrainian feelings about the Russian people. They have zero sympathy for the Russian people or the troops. Putin is a symptom of the Russian people.
I am not sure if it was posted to LGF. Will search.

It mimics how I feel about MAGA and the few anti-vax who a just woo-woo. Eff em.

Mattand  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:05:43am

re: #166 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Whatever happened to the plan to have cars install standard batteries which you can simply stop and swap out at a recharging station, leaving the old battery and just paying a charging fee? That would take no longer than filling a tank with gasoline.

Geez, I thought I was pretty well versed in EV knowledge, but that’s the first I’m hearing of that one. On it’s surface, it seems kinda cumbersome. Need to look that up.

Decatur Deb  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:07:06am

re: #222 Ming5000

I have been calling the invasion Putin’s invasion. I feel sympathy for the Russian dead and POWs.
However, I read a thread yesterday about the Ukrainian feelings about the Russian people. They have zero sympathy for the Russian people or the troops. Putin is a symptom of the Russian people.
I am not sure if it was posted to LGF. Will search.

It mimics how I feel about MAGA and the few anti-vax who a just woo-woo. Eff em.

People and their children are responsible for the government they tolerate. That’s not a moral principle, just a historical trend the US would do well to remember.

Dopamine Fish  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:09:39am

re: #224 Decatur Deb

People and their children are responsible for the government they tolerate. That’s not a moral principle, just a historical trend the US would do well to remember.

It’s important to remember that point about toleration. I saw a thread last week about Belarus; people are starting to shun Belarusians because of Lukashenko being a Putin puppet, but many Americans - myself included - don’t realize that Belarus tried to get rid of him, and failed. So it’s not that the people of Belarus are really in favor of Lukashenko; they aren’t tolerating him at all, they’re just unable to get him out at the moment.

Decatur Deb  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:13:45am

re: #225 Dopamine Fish

Yet they will be made to respond if this shit goes south. I’m thinking as much about people who don’t turn up at our polls as those who don’t turn up at the barricades.

Ming5000  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:17:31am

re: #225 Dopamine Fish

The Russian Lt Col POW asked for consideration for surrendering RU soldiers and the wounded. Which is fine. Regarding the people in Russia who do not support Putin, they are a small fraction. The only means that we (alliance for UA) have to avoid direct armed conflict is economic, which will hurt the Russian people. but is still better than bombs.

No Malarkey!  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:17:40am

Total ban on trade with Russia.

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:18:19am

Anyone else a fan? This word game is either really fun or really humbling, I can’t decide which

William Lewis  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:19:05am

re: #226 Decatur Deb

Yet they will be made to respond if this shit goes south. I’m thinking as much about people who don’t turn up at our polls as those who don’t turn up at the barricades.

Like these? Many parents are angry over COVID policies. They could be key to GOP 2022 gains

darthstar  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:22:11am

re: #190 Ming5000

Maybe since fuel trucks are THE target the UA forces knocked out all of them in the theater, UA accessible. Good question.

Also, just one more armored personnel carrier for an even 1000.

The troop numbers have inched to a really shocking number

Almost 1,000 troops a day.

lawhawk  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:23:24am

re: #230 William Lewis

States are rolling back covid policies.

NJ just ended statewide masking rules for day care workers and students, and for schools and their students. Still think that it is a big mistake, but people will continue masking as their own risk tolerances provide.

Other states have already given up on mandates as well, and that’s despite fact that covid continues killing roughly 1,000 a day. We’re closing in on 1 million Americans dead from covid in just over 2 years, and people are acting as though this is a live-action episode of

Decatur Deb  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:24:23am

re: #230 William Lewis

Like these? Many parents are angry over COVID policies. They could be key to GOP 2022 gains

People who vote against the Dems piss me off less than the Dems who sit it out.

darthstar  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:24:52am

re: #223 Mattand

Geez, I thought I was pretty well versed in EV knowledge, but that’s the first I’m hearing of that one. On it’s surface, it seems kinda cumbersome. Need to look that up.

I thought that was a hydrogen fuel cell option that got floated.

Dangerman  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:26:35am
darthstar  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:28:17am

re: #218 Ming5000

Today’s ruble exchange rate decline is about as big as when the Russian invasion started.

It can go lower. I wondered if it would hit the .0070s…didn’t expect it to flirt with .006x today.

PhillyPretzel  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:30:06am

re: #235 Dangerman

That what it sounds like to me. That would make a nice Sword of Damocles for Meadows.

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:31:18am

re: #232 lawhawk

We will see a spike in infection, we will see more deaths, and then we will see new variants pop up. This virus is not going away and if it’s a training session for the next novrl one, which we will fuck up the response to,as well.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:31:56am

So this article (I only found it in German) indicates Putin is keeping a step ahead of the West and impounding oligarchs’ accounts himself:

Putin allows seizing rich Russian’s accounts

“Russian President Vladimir Putin told State TV that he has signed a law allowing the seizure of money from government agencies under certain conditions. The criteria are to be based on whether the accounts exceed officially declared income over the past three years and whether the money has been legally acquired”

darthstar  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:32:19am

Russia’s already moving their goalposts…

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:33:16am

re: #240 darthstar

I hate to say it but I think the West would rather accept that than go to war.

Teukka  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:33:37am


darthstar  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:34:28am

re: #239 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

So this article (I only found it in German) indicates Putin is keeping a step ahead of the West and impounding oligarchs’ accounts himself:

Putin allows seizing rich Russian’s accounts

“Russian President Vladimir Putin told State TV that he has signed a law allowing the seizure of money from government agencies under certain conditions. The criteria are to be based on whether the accounts exceed officially declared income over the past three years and whether the money has been legally acquired”

I don’t know that the oligarchs are going to be all too happy about that. And what about Putin’s fortune? Can the government use this law to seize that? He’s going to be in for a surprise if he gets ousted…no comfortable dacha by Sochi.

Teukka  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:34:41am
Greup  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:35:16am

re: #240 darthstar

It has been assumed that russian logistics could keep up for ten days. Now its day 12 so a negotiation, and a pause in the fighting is probably just a ruse to get their logistis working again. Russians havent kept any promises so far.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:35:46am

re: #244 Teukka

Doesn’t that belong to Hunter Biden?

darthstar  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:35:58am

re: #241 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

I hate to say it but I think the West would rather accept that than go to war.

Keep pounding the shit out of his troops and their economy. He doesn’t get to make such demands.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:36:49am

re: #243 darthstar

I don’t know that the oligarchs are going to be all too happy about that. And what about Putin’s fortune? Can the government use this law to seize that? He’s going to be in for a surprise if he gets ousted…no comfortable dacha by Sochi.

Better for the Oligarchs to have the money seized by Russia (with a chance of getting some of it back some day) than by the West, where it is do svidaniasville

wrenchwench  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:37:41am

re: #219 Eventual Carrion

Getting those 2 letters on the first guess really helped me.

Wordle 261 3/6



Wordle 261 3/6


BlueSpotinAL  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:37:43am

The Ukrainian counterproposal: GTFO and GFY.

wrenchwench  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:41:33am

re: #223 Mattand

Geez, I thought I was pretty well versed in EV knowledge, but that’s the first I’m hearing of that one. On it’s surface, it seems kinda cumbersome. Need to look that up.

Youtube Video

No Malarkey!  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:42:05am

re: #236 darthstar

It can go lower. I wondered if it would hit the .0070s…didn’t expect it to flirt with .006x today.

[Embedded content]

What I wonder is, who the hell would buy Roubles now?

Decatur Deb  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:43:08am

re: #252 No Malarkey!

What I wonder is, who the hell would buy Roubles now?

Buy The Dip.

No Malarkey!  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:44:40am

re: #241 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

I hate to say it but I think the West would rather accept that than go to war.

Its not up to the West to accept or reject it, its up to Ukraine. My counteroffer would be that the Russian army leave every inch of Ukraine now, before they die there.

Dopamine Fish  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:45:14am

re: #254 No Malarkey!

Its not up to the West to accept or reject it, its up to Ukraine. My counteroffer would be that the Russian army leave every inch of Ukraine now, before they die there.

“To the Russian commander: NUTS! Signed, President Zelensky.”

The Pie Overlord!  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:46:22am



darthstar  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:47:19am

It would appear those anti-tank weapons President Biden sent are being used on more than tanks…

No Malarkey!  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:49:27am

re: #257 darthstar

It would appear those anti-tank weapons President Biden sent are being used on more than tanks…

I’m guessing almost every vehicle on wheels Russia has pushed into Ukraine is going to stay there, until the Ukrainians convert it to scrap metal. It’s going to take years for the Russian army to rebuild after this debacle.

jeffreyw  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:49:38am

I have a pot of chili working, it’ll be for lunch today, chili dogs tomorrow. If I have buns..

HRH Stanley Sea  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:51:34am


Wordle 261 5/6


Barefoot Grin  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:51:48am

Speaking of EVs, I read yesterday that Sony and Honda are joining to create a new EV company. Seems a bit late. There are already dozens in China.

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:52:49am

re: #194 jeffreyw

[Embedded content]

Good morning!

Western good morning!

Flower plumage
lawhawk  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:52:58am

re: #252 No Malarkey!

What I wonder is, who the hell would buy Roubles now?


Seize the assets on the cheap, and when he survives this mess, he can watch the ruble appreciate and he becomes even more filthy rich.

Ming5000  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:55:08am

re: #236 darthstar

It can go lower. I wondered if it would hit the .0070s…didn’t expect it to flirt with .006x today.

[Embedded content]

It is times like this that I miss Dr Lizardo’s “MORE!”

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Mar 7, 2022 • 6:59:34am

Wordle 261 4/6


lawhawk  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:01:11am
Belafon  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:01:19am

re: #179 No Malarkey!

GMTA: #132

Patricia Kayden  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:08:43am
steve_davis  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:15:17am

re: #258 No Malarkey!

I’m guessing almost every vehicle on wheels Russia has pushed into Ukraine is going to stay there, until the Ukrainians convert it to scrap metal. It’s going to take years for the Russian army to rebuild after this debacle.

I’m very much hoping that the “negotiations” are just a psychological ploy by the Ukrainians to gauge the actual sentiments of Putin. I’d actually be irritated if they came close to agreeing to any of this stuff. Even Crimea, which really was Russian, got stolen back, so that should go back to Ukraine.

Teukka  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:16:19am

So, I has a half-boiled idea… What about beginning to refer to the pro-Kremlin (current Kremlin) faction, their collaborators and enables as Z’s. Plain Z.

Rationale is:
o simply distinguishing them from ordinary Russian people;
o playing on the fears of the alleged FSB analyst document, that the Z will become as hated as the swastika.


o “Better dead than Z.”

Pic posted earlier, modding the Z:

Teukka  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:21:51am
Dopamine Fish  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:22:59am

re: #271 Teukka

But wait a minute, I thought Ukraine was a part of Russia and wasn’t an independent country.

Greup  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:25:43am

“The Z flag has special meaning in Japan (as well as in naval history generally) due to its connection with and symbolizing of the Japanese victory at the Battle of Tsushima.

At the Battle of Tsushima on May 27, 1905, Admiral Tōgō raised a Z flag on his flagship Mikasa.[3] By prearrangement, this flag flown alone meant, “The fate of the Empire rests on the outcome of this battle. Let each man do his utmost.” The Battle of Tsushima was one of the most important naval battles of history and this signal is, along with Nelson’s signal “England expects that every man will do his duty” at the Battle of Trafalgar, one of the two most famous naval flag signals; the battle is of especial importance in Japanese national mythology.”

Who lost badly at Tsushima?….Russia.

darthstar  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:26:33am

re: #271 Teukka

Seems like a pretty good group to be a part of.

GlutenFreeJesus  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:26:45am

re: #266 lawhawk


No Malarkey!  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:27:42am

re: #269 steve_davis

I’m very much hoping that the “negotiations” are just a psychological ploy by the Ukrainians to gauge the actual sentiments of Putin. I’d actually be irritated if they came close to agreeing to any of this stuff. Even Crimea, which really was Russian, got stolen back, so that should go back to Ukraine.

I obviously don’t know, but I would think that Ukraine’s position would be for an immediate ceasefire and a withdrawal of the Russian army from the territory it invaded February 24, and all other issues can be subject to negotiation.

Teukka  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:29:24am

re: #271 Teukka

Jay C  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:29:53am

re: #266 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

Just to fuck with the Russians, if I were on the UKR side in these “negotiations”, I’d agree to that first term only pending an internationally-supervised election/referendum, to make sure that the Ukrainian people had a say in any agreement.*
No need to speculate on how Zelenskyy would fare in a free election at this point….
On a more-practical level, I think it IS going to be the fate of the Crimea and the Donbas “republics” which is going to be the sticking-point: I am of the unfortunate feeling that Ukraine is going to have to give up any claim to either one or the other to finally end the war**.

* Yeah, letting people have any say in how they’re governed is anathema to Putin (or most Russians), but like I said: “just to fuck with them”…

** THIS phase of it, anyway.

b.d  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:31:12am

re: #272 Dopamine Fish

But wait a minute, I thought Ukraine was a part of Russia and wasn’t an independent country.

Them recognizing Taiwan as a country probably isn’t going to make their last friend happy either.

darthstar  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:31:25am

re: #275 GlutenFreeJesus


Wait a couple of days and see how Russia tries to rephrase it so it means the same thing but sounds like they’re being more sincere.

1.00 Russian Ruble =

0.0069404975 US Dollars

1 USD = 144.082 RUB

The Pie Overlord!  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:32:41am

This is giving off Leni Riefenstahl vibes.

b.d  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:33:56am

re: #277 Teukka

[Embedded content]

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:35:00am

re: #282 b.d

surprised the Duchy of Fenwick isn’t included…

Barefoot Grin  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:36:32am

re: #283 Backwoods_Sleuth

surprised the Duchy of Fenwick isn’t included…

Don’t want to lose access to that fine Pinot.

Jay C  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:36:47am

re: #273 Greup

Updinged for the Russo-Japanese War reference. I’ve been thinking, since the start of the Ukraine conflict, that this invasion might be Putin’s 1904: a conflict started* against a nominally inferior enemy, which turned into a debacle for Russian arms; leading to a significant political uprising against a government/governmental system suddenly revealed as corrupt/oppressive/incompetent, etc., with major changes occurring as a result.

*Yes, I know, AFACBD, Japan started the war in 1904: my point still stands.

ETA: Anybody else noticing random italiciziation of some of the headings on the site?

sizzzzlerz  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:37:49am

Seriously lucky 2nd guess

Wordle 261 3/6


Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:38:45am

The Russian leadership isn’t stupid enough to think that once this is over, the world financial markets and such are just going to welcome them back with open arms…are they?

Jay C  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:39:24am

re: #287 Eclectic Cyborg

The Russian leadership isn’t stupid enough to think that once this is over, the world financial markets and such are just going to welcome them back with open arms…are they?

They’ll be in touch after Putin’s funeral.

darthstar  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:40:13am

Dopamine Fish  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:40:53am

re: #279 b.d

Them recognizing Taiwan as a country probably isn’t going to make their last friend happy either.

Ooooh, good catch. That’s not terribly smart.

darthstar  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:41:08am

re: #288 Jay C

They’ll be in touch after Putin’s funeral.

Honestly, if Russia got that message it could happen.

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:43:00am

re: #277 Teukka

[Embedded content]

Lichtenstein, Monaco, Montenegro and San Marino? Aren’t they forgetting Malta and Andorra?

Teukka  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:43:50am

re: #281 The Pie Overlord!

This is giving off Leni Riefenstahl vibes.

And that’s the mildest. Russian social media are cheering, too. There’s a viral video: recording of Ukrainian cities being bombed, of Ukrainians killed by Russian shells, combined with an audio of church sermon, singing anathema. Russia’s launching an Orthodox crusade and massacring Ukrainians… Like, it’s like some of the videos of rightio mass shooters, only this is on a state level…
⚠️ CW/TW: Dead Bodies, Ideologically Inflammatory ⚠️

⚠️ CW/TW: Dead Bodies, Ideologically Inflammatory ⚠️

⚠️ CW/TW: Dead Bodies, Ideologically Inflammatory ⚠️

I Would Prefer Not To  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:43:57am

re: #292 A hollow voice says Vaccinate the world!

Lichtenstein, Monaco, Montenegro and San Marino? Aren’t they forgetting Malta and Andorra?

Vatican city

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:44:34am
Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:46:05am
No Malarkey!  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:47:06am

re: #278 Jay C

Just to fuck with the Russians, if I were on the UKR side in these “negotiations”, I’d agree to that first term only pending an internationally-supervised election/referendum, to make sure that the Ukrainian people had a say in any agreement.*
No need to speculate on how Zelenskyy would fare in a free election at this point….
On a more-practical level, I think it IS going to be the fate of the Crimea and the Donbas “republics” which is going to be the sticking-point: I am of the unfortunate feeling that Ukraine is going to have to give up any claim to either one or the other to finally end the war**.

* Yeah, letting people have any say in how they’re governed is anathema to Putin (or most Russians), but like I said: “just to fuck with them”…

** THIS phase of it, anyway.

I don’t think Ukraine will, because I don’t think Russia can sustain its war effort for long. It’s army is bogged down and running out of supplies, and its economy is collapsing. I would understand if Zelenskyy caved to such demands immediately to end the bloodshed and destruction, but he isn’t, and the longer this war goes on, the closer we come to what feels like will be Russia’s inevitable defeat.

No Malarkey!  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:50:00am

re: #287 Eclectic Cyborg

The Russian leadership isn’t stupid enough to think that once this is over, the world financial markets and such are just going to welcome them back with open arms…are they?

Never underestimate the greed of capitalists.

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:50:33am

re: #294 I Would Prefer Not To

Vatican city

Nah, the Patriarch of all Russia doesn’t recognize it as a country, just a schismatic sect of the True Church.

Rightwingconspirator  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:51:00am

There it is. A bounce.

A majority of Americans (52%) approve of how President Biden is handling the situation in Ukraine, up from 34% last week. 44% disapprove, down from 50% last time. Only 4% are unsure, down from 16%. A plurality of Americans (46%) says Biden’s approach to the conflict in Ukraine is on the mark. 43% say he is being too cautious, and only 6% think he is being too aggressive.

lawhawk  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:51:10am

Ukraine’s getting fresh shipments of weapons - Javelins, stingers, and all kinds of gear that eliminates tanks, aircraft, etc.

Russia’s replenishment is coming from where? They initiated a war thinking they’d win easily, and their supply chain looks like it’s fubar, and where are they replenishing the gear that’s lost?

The longer this goes on, the more desperate Putin is to try and secure what he thinks is a win, and the more Ukraine may be able to hold out.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:51:13am
Dopamine Fish  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:53:01am

re: #301 lawhawk

Ukraine’s getting fresh shipments of weapons - Javelins, stingers, and all kinds of gear that eliminates tanks, aircraft, etc.

Russia’s replenishment is coming from where? They initiated a war thinking they’d win easily, and their supply chain looks like it’s fubar, and where are they replenishing the gear that’s lost?

The longer this goes on, the more desperate Putin is to try and secure what he thinks is a win, and the more Ukraine may be able to hold out.

I’m just wondering where in the pipeline the failure occurred. Did Putin even know that his armed forces were in a shockingly poor state, or did his advisers and financiers lie to him about the state of the Russian military so they could keep their own coffers full?

darthstar  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:53:06am

re: #295 Backwoods_Sleuth

Aw…he made it sweetly personal with his sharpie.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:53:32am
A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:54:11am

re: #302 Backwoods_Sleuth

They interviewed him on NPR too, in connection with his “memoir.” I turned it off.

Belafon  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:54:53am

Gas prices jumped 30 cents overnight here in Rockwall. It’s $3.89.

Jay C  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:55:01am

re: #297 No Malarkey!

I don’t think Ukraine will, because I don’t think Russia can sustain its war effort for long. It’s army is bogged down and running out of supplies, and its economy is collapsing. I would understand if Zelenskyy caved to such demands immediately to end the bllodshed and destruction, but he isn’t, and the longer this war goes on, the closer we come to what feels like will be Russia’s inevitable defeat.

Yeah, I hear you: but facts on the ground are another thing: and there’s a lot of nominally “Ukrainian” ground hosting a lot of Russian boots.
Personally, I think the Crimea is lost to them; the more salient “post-war” issues are likely to be 1) reparations for damage done, and 2) the disposition of the Donetsk and Luhansk “republics”: which, AFAIK, are still populated mostly by “Russians”, and where the authority of the Kyiv government hasn’t run in years.

GlutenFreeJesus  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:55:18am

Greup  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:56:00am

re: #301 lawhawk

I think there is around 15 000 (Sweden and Denmark gave around 8000) verrry capable western Anti tank/vehicle and AA weapons being sent to Ukraine. Properly used in cutting roads off, i would be surprised if any Russian vehicles return to Russia.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:56:32am
No Malarkey!  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:56:39am

re: #303 Dopamine Fish

I’m just wondering where in the pipeline the failure occurred. Did Putin even know that his armed forces were in a shockingly poor state, or did his advisers and financiers lie to him about the state of the Russian military so they could keep their own coffers full?

I can’t imagine Putin would’ve launched the largest war in Europe since 1945 if he had realized just how bad the Russian army is. How do you tell the boss that the army is a shambles because you have been stealing so much?

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:57:52am

re: #308 Jay C

Yeah, I hear you: but facts on the ground are another thing: and there’s a lot of nominally “Ukrainian” ground hosting a lot of Russian boots.
Personally, I think the Crimea is lost to them; the more salient “post-war” issues are likely to be 1) reparations for damage done, and 2) the disposition of the Donetsk and Luhansk “republics”: which, AFAIK, are still populated mostly by “Russians”, and where the authority of the Kyiv government hasn’t run in years.

Nothing like an army marching through your territory to turn you into a partisan for the other side. And the Russians aren’t known for respecting civilian populations, whether friend or foe.

Dopamine Fish  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:58:04am

re: #312 No Malarkey!

I can’t imagine Putin would’ve launched the largest war in Europe since 1945 if he had realized just how bad the Russian army is. How do you tell the boss that the army is a shambles because you have been stealing so much?

Especially a boss who is known around the world for “disappearing” people who dare to disagree with him. I sure as hell wouldn’t want to be that guy. And if I was that guy, I sure as hell would lie my ass off to save my skin.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:58:59am
darthstar  Mar 7, 2022 • 7:58:59am

re: #307 Belafon

Gas prices jumped 30 cents overnight here in Rockwall. It’s $3.89.

$5.89 here for regular.

No Malarkey!  Mar 7, 2022 • 8:01:43am

re: #308 Jay C

Yeah, I hear you: but facts on the ground are another thing: and there’s a lot of nominally “Ukrainian” ground hosting a lot of Russian boots.
Personally, I think the Crimea is lost to them; the more salient “post-war” issues are likely to be 1) reparations for damage done, and 2) the disposition of the Donetsk and Luhansk “republics”: which, AFAIK, are still populated mostly by “Russians”, and where the authority of the Kyiv government hasn’t run in years.

All I meant was, if Ukraine won’t agree to recognize the loss of Crimea and the “republics” now, there will be no reason for it to do so later when the Russian army effectively disintegrates and the Russian state is on its knees. Heck, in a few months there may not be a Russian army left to stop Ukraine from walking into Crimea.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 7, 2022 • 8:02:01am


Teukka  Mar 7, 2022 • 8:02:33am

re: #315 Backwoods_Sleuth

And people don’t think there is a strong link between trucker convoys / magats / etc. and Z’s ?

Dopamine Fish  Mar 7, 2022 • 8:02:55am

re: #319 Teukka

And people don’t think there is a strong link between trucker convoys / magats / etc. and Z’s ?

The Qs and the Zs. What is it with that end of the alphabet?///

GlutenFreeJesus  Mar 7, 2022 • 8:04:02am

re: #320 Dopamine Fish

The Qs and the Zs. What is it with that end of the alphabet?///

Think school grades…

Teukka  Mar 7, 2022 • 8:05:03am

re: #321 GlutenFreeJesus

Think school grades…

“Beyond F’ed”? I see what you did there…

Ming5000  Mar 7, 2022 • 8:07:54am

re: #301 lawhawk

Ukraine’s getting fresh shipments of weapons - Javelins, stingers, and all kinds of gear that eliminates tanks, aircraft, etc.

Russia’s replenishment is coming from where? They initiated a war thinking they’d win easily, and their supply chain looks like it’s fubar, and where are they replenishing the gear that’s lost?

The longer this goes on, the more desperate Putin is to try and secure what he thinks is a win, and the more Ukraine may be able to hold out.

I don’t have anything solid to point to, but there seem to be a number of international fighters going to UA to help. They were invited by UA. I have no idea how many or skill level. This may (?) also have an actual effect on the outcome.

edit: Side note, the Ukrainian that opened the valves on the super yacht is back in UA and is a in a queue for a weapon.

steve_davis  Mar 7, 2022 • 8:10:46am

re: #301 lawhawk

Ukraine’s getting fresh shipments of weapons - Javelins, stingers, and all kinds of gear that eliminates tanks, aircraft, etc.

Russia’s replenishment is coming from where? They initiated a war thinking they’d win easily, and their supply chain looks like it’s fubar, and where are they replenishing the gear that’s lost?

The longer this goes on, the more desperate Putin is to try and secure what he thinks is a win, and the more Ukraine may be able to hold out.

Foot Locker. Bed Bath & Beyond. There’s a rumour Putin squirreled away some free oil change coupons for just this possibility, but that’s it.

Dangerman  Mar 7, 2022 • 8:11:33am

re: #304 darthstar

Aw…he made it sweetly personal with his sharpie.

[Embedded content] . He was slow, lethargic, and I realized early on that he never had what it takes to make a great Attorney General.”

but i never replaced him…

Ming5000  Mar 7, 2022 • 8:11:37am

Now, THIS looks useful.

lawhawk  Mar 7, 2022 • 8:12:57am

re: #312 No Malarkey!

I can’t imagine Putin would’ve launched the largest war in Europe since 1945 if he had realized just how bad the Russian army is. How do you tell the boss that the army is a shambles because you have been stealing so much?

You go to war with the army you have, not the army you wish it to be? /

Rightwingconspirator  Mar 7, 2022 • 8:13:22am

re: #315 Backwoods_Sleuth

Qanon Shaman has a soul mate!

Jay C  Mar 7, 2022 • 8:15:46am

re: #302 Backwoods_Sleuth

BTW, did Savannah Guthrie ever follow up on her question, and ask that sleazeball Barr exactly WHAT part of that “progressive agenda” is that “greatest threat” to the country?

I mean, I think we know: just IMO more media weaseling to avoid getting an opinion….

Hecuba's daughter  Mar 7, 2022 • 8:16:15am

re: #182 No Malarkey!

Zelenskyy is not going to do either. And any puppet installed by Moscow better have his life insurance policy fully paid up, because as soon as his Russian masters are gone he’ll be strung up from the nearest lamp post if he doesn’t flee with them.

What makes you think they will ever leave? After all, we still have forces in Germany and Japan and it’s over 76 years since that war ended.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Mar 7, 2022 • 8:17:40am

re: #254 No Malarkey!

Its not up to the West to accept or reject it, its up to Ukraine. My counteroffer would be that the Russian army leave every inch of Ukraine now, before they die there.

It is up to the West whether to intervene militarily or not (directly or indirectly), and in the economic sense, how far to go with sanctions and for how long. Those have a great bearing on what the Ukraine can do

steve_davis  Mar 7, 2022 • 8:18:47am

re: #330 Hecuba’s daughter

What makes you think they will ever leave? After all, we still have forces in Germany and Japan and it’s over 76 years since that war ended.

Yes, but we were a thriving democracy, actually popular for defending Germany against an existential threat.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Mar 7, 2022 • 8:20:04am

re: #275 GlutenFreeJesus



Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Mar 7, 2022 • 8:21:09am

re: #287 Eclectic Cyborg

The Russian leadership isn’t stupid enough to think that once this is over, the world financial markets and such are just going to welcome them back with open arms…are they?

uh, yes. they have no shame and bottomless greed

Belafon  Mar 7, 2022 • 8:24:09am

re: #216 No Malarkey!

Make sure you read through this subthread:

Hecuba's daughter  Mar 7, 2022 • 8:24:39am

re: #204 lawhawk

This is the decades long economic insecurity nonsense we hear from the genteel class of right wingers and pundits who ignore that these fascists are the core of the GOP and have sent the GOP off a fucking cliff as they support Putinist policies and seek to overthrow the government to keep criminals in power.

This genteel class aren’t ignoring that — they themselves are fascist and support these efforts to overturn our democracy. To them Putin is a model to be admired and not a despot to be deposed.

stpaulbear  Mar 7, 2022 • 8:25:49am

Ugh. I attempted to get some Ukraine updates by sampling some Morning Joe clips this morning. Mika has her outrage meter turned up to 100,000 and Joe just wants to shout at everyone trying to tell the story. When they get a chance to interview someone in Ukraine they’re asking the stupidest questions about how they’re inconvenienced by having their home blown up. Are your children affected? I switched over to FRANCE24English.

Dopamine Fish  Mar 7, 2022 • 8:27:41am

This is the point I keep coming back to. What is it that’s so threatening to the health and safety of all Americans about inclusiveness and fair treatment for all? Or is it only threatening to your narrowly defined way of life that is built on intolerance and hatred?

Florida Panhandler  Mar 7, 2022 • 8:29:01am

re: #300 Rightwingconspirator

There it is. A bounce.

Biden’s quick Afghanistan withdrawal now stands as a genius move avoiding Russian arms flooding there now in order to kill more US Military personnel in that eternal hellhole.

Dave In Austin  Mar 7, 2022 • 8:31:54am
Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Mar 7, 2022 • 8:34:19am

re: #338 Dopamine Fish

Seriously, is universal mandatory drag queen story hour and CRT evolution class, or whatever the hell the conservative bete noire has evolved into, gonna idk invade the Capitol and try to get rid of Democracy?

They’re gonna remove all the signs from the restroom doors…

lawhawk  Mar 7, 2022 • 8:36:53am

For the prog rock fans…

Steve Hackett in concert at Royal Albert Hall:

Youtube Video

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 7, 2022 • 8:37:48am

re: #340 Dave In Austin

that thread is fun!
Scary but fun

Florida Panhandler  Mar 7, 2022 • 8:38:29am

re: #336 Hecuba’s daughter

This genteel class aren’t ignoring that — they themselves are fascist and support these efforts to overturn our democracy. To them Putin is a model to be admired and not a despot to be deposed.

The rich fascists like William F. Buckley were in reality just like any other fascist except classist as well in not wanting to mix with the rabble.

The American Conservative movement since it’s inception in the 1930’s has always been a vector towards fascism and never really a rigid policy-based system. It basically operates as “whatever policies guide us towards white supremacism will work.”

Belafon  Mar 7, 2022 • 8:40:14am

re: #278 Jay C

Just to fuck with the Russians, if I were on the UKR side in these “negotiations”, I’d agree to that first term only pending an internationally-supervised election/referendum, to make sure that the Ukrainian people had a say in any agreement.*
No need to speculate on how Zelenskyy would fare in a free election at this point….
On a more-practical level, I think it IS going to be the fate of the Crimea and the Donbas “republics” which is going to be the sticking-point: I am of the unfortunate feeling that Ukraine is going to have to give up any claim to either one or the other to finally end the war**.

* Yeah, letting people have any say in how they’re governed is anathema to Putin (or most Russians), but like I said: “just to fuck with them”…

** THIS phase of it, anyway.

Why? Those regions are singing the Ukrainian national anthem, not the Russian one.

Decatur Deb  Mar 7, 2022 • 8:40:33am

re: #283 Backwoods_Sleuth

surprised the Duchy of Fenwick isn’t included…

They’re untouchable as long as they have the Q bomb.

lawhawk  Mar 7, 2022 • 8:41:06am
Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 7, 2022 • 8:41:13am

re: #343 Backwoods_Sleuth

that thread is fun!
Scary but fun

It’s been more than an hour since the cops got called and they still aren’t there.


Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Mar 7, 2022 • 8:41:43am

re: #344 Florida Panhandler

Putin is an authoritarian, oligarchic, militaristic, homophobic theocrat.

In other words, the Man of their Dreams, save that they would swap out Fundamentalist Protestant theocrat over Russian Orthodox.

gocart mozart  Mar 7, 2022 • 8:43:16am
Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 7, 2022 • 8:46:06am
The Pie Overlord!  Mar 7, 2022 • 8:48:23am

re: #292 A hollow voice says Vaccinate the world!

Lichtenstein, Monaco, Montenegro and San Marino? Aren’t they forgetting Malta and Andorra?


lawhawk  Mar 7, 2022 • 8:48:45am

Russia threw its military into a meat grinder.

Putin thought he could just roll in and achieve his goals of restoring a Russian empire.

Instead, his military turns out to be a hollowed out shell that can’t get the basics done, and it’s having catastrophic consequences. All the while, Ukrainians are suffering because Putin refuses to accept Ukrainian independence.

The Russian people continue to be lied to, and Putin’s more than happy to keep selling the lies, because that’s all he has left.

stpaulbear  Mar 7, 2022 • 8:56:40am

re: #326 Ming5000

Now, THIS looks useful.

[Embedded content]

We need a squad of tractors in DC to “appropriate” the truck convoy.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 7, 2022 • 8:58:20am
Hecuba's daughter  Mar 7, 2022 • 9:01:24am

re: #238 Colère Tueur de Lapin

We will see a spike in infection, we will see more deaths, and then we will see new variants pop up. This virus is not going away and if it’s a training session for the next novrl one, which we will fuck up the response to,as well.

Denmark’s overall death rate is less than 30% of ours, but at least 40 percent of these deaths came from omicron. They removed all mandates/requirements in early February and then began experiencing ravages from the BA2 variant; however, that does now appear to be on a rapid decline there. I don’t know if BA2 has become as prevalent here. There is evidence that it may be more lethal than the initial Omicron strain, as well as more transmissible; I’m not sure how much having BA1 protects you against BA2.

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Mar 7, 2022 • 9:04:32am

re: #352 The Pie Overlord!


Well, but Israel is a superpower compared to those three.

ericblair  Mar 7, 2022 • 9:05:58am
PhillyPretzel  Mar 7, 2022 • 9:06:38am

re: #358 ericblair

lol. That is a good one.

Rightwingconspirator  Mar 7, 2022 • 9:08:42am

re: #358 ericblair

For some reason, I get a “Ukrainian Amish” vibe there.

Belafon  Mar 7, 2022 • 9:21:57am

My youngest just got all of his wisdom teeth removed. He’s a bit woozy. Three of them were below the gum line, and the doctor had to break up the bottom two to get them out.

Teukka  Mar 7, 2022 • 9:24:44am

Transcript of (possibly another) interrogation:

Hecuba's daughter  Mar 7, 2022 • 9:25:46am

re: #334 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

uh, yes. they have no shame and bottomless greed

Certainly applies to both Russia and the world financial markets.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n 😷 Trips  Mar 7, 2022 • 9:27:49am
Teddy's Person  Mar 7, 2022 • 9:32:24am

Speaking of no shame and bottomless greed.

Dopamine Fish  Mar 7, 2022 • 9:34:38am

re: #365 Teddy’s Person

Speaking of no shame and bottomless greed.

“War and rumors of war” is a quote from the Bible. She’s invoking imagery of the Biblical apocalypse in this tweet, implying that “the globalists” are part of the forces of the Antichrist.

Dopamine Fish  Mar 7, 2022 • 9:35:22am
Teukka  Mar 7, 2022 • 9:36:30am


darthstar  Mar 7, 2022 • 9:38:23am

re: #367 Dopamine Fish

I, for one, am grateful for an 80% shrinkage in military funding in Russia due to corruption. Imagine if those numbers were reversed. They’d be driving on Michelins and have encrypted digital comms…and a lot more firepower.

darthstar  Mar 7, 2022 • 9:39:44am

re: #368 Teukka


[Embedded content]

Anonymous officials should be ignored. If Secretary Blinken says there is evidence Russia is planning to engage NATO entities in an effort to expand the war, then I’ll worry about it.

Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 7, 2022 • 9:40:00am

re: #368 Teukka

How reliable is this information?

PhillyPretzel  Mar 7, 2022 • 9:40:06am

re: #368 Teukka

Shit. Now does Putin have the actual munitions to do this or is he rattling his saber again.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n 😷 Trips  Mar 7, 2022 • 9:40:14am

On Feb 22 a Ruble was worth 1.3 Cents, now worth 0.65 Cents

Dopamine Fish  Mar 7, 2022 • 9:40:23am

re: #368 Teukka


I’d be surprised if they open that can of worms. Given the amount of difficulty they’re having with Ukraine, opening fire on NATO forces seems like the fast way to getting your ass kicked all the way back to Sochi. Now, there’s always the possibility that they aim for Ukraine and miss, which is a whole other kettle of fish.

Belafon  Mar 7, 2022 • 9:42:39am
Hecuba's daughter  Mar 7, 2022 • 9:42:58am

re: #368 Teukka


[Embedded content]

I do not believe that at all. But then I am going with “Putin is a corrupt oligarch who wants to keep his wealth” theory rather than “Putin is certifiably insane and willing to destroy the world and kill everyone rather than lose power” theory.

darthstar  Mar 7, 2022 • 9:43:29am

Hard to tell if the tank was abandoned or not, but nice shot through the trees.

Belafon  Mar 7, 2022 • 9:45:56am

re: #368 Teukka


[Embedded content]

He does that, Biden will lay waste to what’s left of Russian forces in Ukraine so fast Putin won’t have time to react.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Mar 7, 2022 • 9:47:36am

re: #378 Belafon

He does that, Biden will lay waste to what’s left of Russian forces in Ukraine Putin won’t have time to react.

we don’t want this to escalate.

Belafon  Mar 7, 2022 • 9:49:09am

re: #379 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

we don’t want this to escalate.

We don’t get to choose if Putin attacks a NATO country. Or would you like to see Biden prove that NATO is meaningless?

Dopamine Fish  Mar 7, 2022 • 9:50:05am

re: #379 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

we don’t want this to escalate.

No, we don’t, but I don’t know how much of a choice there is. Putin shouldn’t just get to lob bombs at whomever he wants just because he might be crazy enough to nuke somebody. (If his nukes will even fly, which, at the moment, is not the given we all thought it was two weeks ago.)

Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 7, 2022 • 9:54:43am
Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Mar 7, 2022 • 9:55:40am

re: #380 Belafon

We don’t get to choose if Putin attacks a NATO country. Or would you like to see Biden prove that NATO is meaningless?

how about we don’t want putin to attack in the first place? this is all just unverified reports

darthstar  Mar 7, 2022 • 9:56:21am
Patricia Kayden  Mar 7, 2022 • 9:58:21am

Hecuba's daughter  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:07:21am

re: #383 Eclectic Cyborg

This sounds vaguely familiar…

Looks like many (most?) cops are the same everywhere, especially when they have the encouragement of authoritarian leaders like Putin (or Trump or DeSantis or ….)

No Malarkey!  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:08:13am

re: #368 Teukka


If Putin starts a major war with NATO while he is already losing a major war with Ukraine, then he is insane, and we can only hope someone in the Russian chain of command will block a nuclear launch order if Putin gives one. As discussed in previous days, its best to assume Putin is rational so that we can make reality based decisions. If he is insane, its up to the Russians to stop him before he destroys the world.

gocart mozart  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:11:18am
PhillyPretzel  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:12:35am

re: #389 gocart mozart

Oy Vey. MTG better put a cork in it before she loses her seat.

Barefoot Grin  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:12:47am

re: #353 lawhawk

Russia threw its military into a meat grinder.

[Embedded content]

Putin thought he could just roll in and achieve his goals of restoring a Russian empire.

Instead, his military turns out to be a hollowed out shell that can’t get the basics done, and it’s having catastrophic consequences. All the while, Ukrainians are suffering because Putin refuses to accept Ukrainian independence.

The Russian people continue to be lied to, and Putin’s more than happy to keep selling the lies, because that’s all he has left.

They lost 14,000 in the 9 years of the Afghanistan war. Jeebus.

Belafon  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:13:51am

re: #384 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

how about we don’t want putin to attack in the first place? this is all just unverified reports

No, we don’t want to this to escalate, but a report, confirmed or not, is not, in and of itself, not escalating. That’s on Putin.

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:15:03am

re: #388 No Malarkey!

If Putin starts a major war with NATO while he is already losing a major war with Ukraine, then he is insane, and we can only hope someone in the Russian chain of command will block a nuclear launch order if Putin gives one. As discussed in previous days, its best to assume Putin is rational so that we can make reality based decisions. If he is insane, its up to the Russians to stop him before he destroys the world.

What if he’s doing it to give himself cover for the Ukrainian disaster? (“How could Russia prevail with NATO and its allies on all sides fighting against us?”) That would mean a few brief battles followed by a negotiated end.) I don’t know if that’s Putin’s style, though.

jaunte  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:16:16am
No Malarkey!  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:17:52am

re: #331 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

It is up to the West whether to intervene militarily or not (directly or indirectly), and in the economic sense, how far to go with sanctions and for how long. Those have a great bearing on what the Ukraine can do

It is unimaginable to me that President Biden would demand that Ukraine surrender its sovereignty. And we aren’t going to intervene militarily in Ukraine; but we will continue to help Ukraine defend itself.

Captain Ron  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:19:21am
Citizen K  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:20:13am

The Times yet again can’t seem to help itself in normalizing right wing grievance mongering and giving it the ‘voice from nowhere’ treatment. But as they continue to tell it, they’re just helpless in the face of the zeitgeist, and anyone complaining about their work just simply hates ‘real journalism’ or some thin-skinned bullshit like that.

No Malarkey!  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:20:22am

re: #393 A hollow voice says Vaccinate the world!

What if he’s doing it to give himself cover for the Ukrainian disaster? (“How could Russia prevail with NATO and its allies on all sides fighting against us?”) That would mean a few brief battles followed by a negotiated end.) I don’t know if that’s Putin’s style, though.

“I will start a war with NATO to deliberately get what’s left of my military obliterated” is a bold strategy, Cotton. Insane, but bold.

jaunte  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:20:36am
Patricia Kayden  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:21:32am

re: #389 gocart mozart

Citizen K  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:23:04am

re: #400 Patricia Kayden

Pardoned and Feted by the orange gremlin himself no less.

Teukka  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:23:23am

They went from denazifying to decommunising

N.B.: @ASBMilitary is a Z (pro-putie) source.

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:24:57am

re: #398 No Malarkey!

“I will start a war with NATO to deliberately get what’s left of my military obliterated” is a bold strategy, Cotton. Insane, but bold.

I had in mind his negotiating the cease-fire before they were obliterated. Then announcing to all of Russia (no-one else would believe it) that they were doing well until NATO intervened, and what can our country do against the entire world.

(((Archangel1)))  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:25:49am

Putin actually released a list of countries that are mean to his poor little feelings. And included San Marino, Liechtenstein and Monaco, countries whose combined populations you seat in Michigan Stadium with ample room to spare.

No Malarkey!  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:27:33am

re: #403 A hollow voice says Vaccinate the world!

I had in mind his negotiating the cease-fire before they were obliterated. Then announcing to all of Russia (no-one else would believe it) that they were doing well until NATO intervened, and what can our country do against the entire world.

After he attacks NATO, he better negotiate that ceasefire damn fast, because the Russian Air Force won’t last more than a few hours, at best.

Florida Panhandler  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:27:47am

re: #404 (((Archangel1)))

Putin actually released a list of countries that are mean to his poor little feelings. And included San Marino, Liechtenstein and Monaco, countries whose combined populations you seat in Michigan Stadium with ample room to spare.

It seems, according to Trump, the “non-Shithole” countries are against Russia.

I wonder what that means concerning the countries that are with them?

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:27:50am

re: #285 Jay C

I’m now seeing italics here and there too.

jaunte  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:28:32am
HRH Stanley Sea  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:29:27am

re: #368 Teukka


[Embedded content]

Maybe that tweeter has an agenda?

PhillyPretzel  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:30:07am

re: #409 HRH Stanley Sea

That is a possibility.

Crush White Nationalism  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:30:40am

re: #38 Charles Johnson

It’s pretty bad. They get called in to work the instant they’re needed, then they’re thrown out the instant they finish. And they’re expected to just wait around until they get called again. It’s a brutal existence.

We should have stayed with using daemons to do our work. No one fought for daemon rights.

No Malarkey!  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:30:42am

Rouble is in free fall.

The Pie Overlord!  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:30:57am
darthstar  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:31:49am

re: #390 PhillyPretzel

Oy Vey. MTG better put a cork in it before she loses her seat.

She should have been expelled last year.

Crush White Nationalism  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:32:38am

I suspect that this article may not be entirely accurate.

A ‘UFO’ swooped in to save Ukrainian troops from approaching Russian tanks in a ‘miracle lightning attack’, according to a correspondent.

Even more bizarrely, the mystery strike from the sky was supposedly an act of God as the families of Ukrainian forces prayed for help.

CBN News’ Ukraine Director Kostyantine Lytvynenko made the claim speaking on the channel’s The Global Lane programme.

Lytvynenko explained that one of his countrymen rang his father in the dead of night from the frontline, terrified as Vladimir Putin’s forces approached.

The father then prayed for help with members of his church - help which eventually came from out of this world.

‘UFO’ unleashes ‘lightning attack’ on Russian tanks after Ukrainians pray to God (Daily Star)

darthstar  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:34:10am

re: #412 No Malarkey!

Rouble is in free fall.

[Embedded content]

It can go lower.

Florida Panhandler  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:34:16am

re: #414 darthstar

She should have been expelled last year.

One would hope that most of America would realize by now that most Republican politicians these days are pretty much full-on Nazis or in some way more sympathetic to the cause than to democracy.

But that’s just hope. The ugly reality the past 8 years or so has been pretty fucking disgusting.

William Lewis  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:34:59am

Off Topic :D

I was naughty. I had promised myself that I wasn’t going to buy any lenses this year but that resolution just went out the window with a won auction for this:

A 7Artisans 50mm f/1.1 (!) lens for less than $200 including shipping. This is a Chinese made super high-speed lens that is quite well reviewed. Not in the same class as the Leica Noctilux, it’s also not $12,000 either ;) and for the price it normally goes for new it is a great deal. This price is very good indeed. I’m looking forward to playing with available darkness :D

PhillyPretzel  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:36:08am

re: #418 William Lewis

That looks very nice. I hope you enjoy using it. :)

jaunte  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:37:43am
Jay C  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:38:28am

re: #404 (((Archangel1)))

Putin actually released a list of countries that are mean to his poor little feelings. And included San Marino, Liechtenstein and Monaco, countries whose combined populations you seat in Michigan Stadium with ample room to spare.

[Embedded content]

Yeah, it sounds silly, but those mini-countries are likely to be major tax havens: I’m sure that, despite their low population, if you factor in “hidden-foreign-assets-per-capita” they’re richer than Croesus….

I’ve actually been to San Marino: many years ago, I rented a car and drove there from Ravenna: it’s a weird place: a typical Italian “hill town” built on top of a serious mountain, As I recall, its main industry seemed to be philately: all the stores on the main piazza featured postcards pre-posted with large numbers of brightly colored, low-valued stamps: with almost no space left on the back for addresses or messages.

darthstar  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:39:07am

The New York Times put the picture of that murdered Ukrainian mother and her two children on the front page - above the fold…and no ‘balancing’ Dems in disarray or Hillary’s emails story either…

No Malarkey!  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:40:53am

re: #420 jaunte

I read something like 140,000 volunteers were arriving, most of them Ukrainians who had been working in the EU, and Ukraine is turning some away, there are so many.

PhillyPretzel  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:41:05am

re: #420 jaunte

No Gurkhas? Pity.

Dangerman  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:42:17am
Teukka  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:43:07am
Dangerman  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:44:37am

re: #424 PhillyPretzel

No Gurkhas? Pity.

There was that lady who took down the drone with the gherkins
(ok, cucumbers)

Rightwingconspirator  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:46:10am

I seem to have hit a tech glitch. I’m trying to reset my Twitter link in my account here to @SubwayRiderGuy. But I got an error from the LGF system in my account settings. Maybe it’s a setting in that Twitter account?

Florida Panhandler  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:47:00am

It is becoming increasingly important that the narrative surrounding Putin should be that he is Militarily Incompetent, not that he is somehow “insane”.

Nazis around the world love insane. They will not stand for Military Incompetence. It hurts the brand.

jaunte  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:48:21am

The Pentagon now assesses that nearly 100 percent of the Russian combat power prestaged at the Ukrainian border are now committed to the fight, a senior U.S. defense official says.

PhillyPretzel  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:49:40am

re: #430 jaunte

Now how much of it is working?

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:49:46am

re: #427 Dangerman

There was that lady who took down the drone with the gherkins
(ok, cucumbers)

oguréts in Russian, although I supposed our term gherkin comes from the Yiddish
(Gurke in German)

Jay C  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:50:16am

re: #430 jaunte

The Pentagon now assesses that nearly 100 percent of the Russian combat power prestaged at the Ukrainian border are now committed to the fight, a senior U.S. defense official says.

So basically, no reserves to throw in?
(except those tanks from Kazakhstan, when/if they can get there?)

jaunte  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:51:17am

re: #433 Jay C

And look what happened when Russia was looking west:

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n 😷 Trips  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:51:25am

re: #420 jaunte

All armed with FN FNCs (in 5.56X45) donated by Belgium.

Hecuba's daughter  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:51:28am

re: #425 Dangerman

Typical fare for the braindead members of the Trump cult, who, in unison, chant that Biden is the worst president ever and has no respect among foreign leaders.

darthstar  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:51:38am

re: #429 Florida Panhandler

It is becoming increasingly important that the narrative surrounding Putin should be that he is Militarily Incompetent, not that he is somehow “insane”.

Nazis around the world love insane. They will not stand for Military Incompetence. It hurts the brand.

I started saying that over the weekend - China is more than happy to let Russia flail and fail now that Putin has demonstrated that they are not a viable global threat like he pretends they are. Their military has fallen into disrepair due to internal corruption over the last twenty years as Putin and his buddies stole billions of dollars from their own people and used the military budget as their personal ATM.

Now the fruits of that labor are ripe (actually, rotten) and he can’t hide this fact from the world.

No Malarkey!  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:52:28am

re: #433 Jay C

So basically, no reserves to throw in?
(except those tanks from Kazakhstan, when/if they can get there?)

100% of the units Russia had staged at the border by February 24. I have no idea what reserves the Russian army has left, though I recall they had an elite armored division based near Moscow which I doubt Putin will send to Ukraine.

Targetpractice  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:55:11am

re: #438 No Malarkey!

100% of the units Russia had staged at the border by February 24. I have no idea what reserves the Russian army has left, though I recall they had an elite armored division based near Moscow which I doubt Putin will send to Ukraine.

Yeah, it’s not that Russia has no reserves, it’s just that anything they want to bring to the front has to be mobilized, organized, and transported to the front. You’re talking days to weeks of work while what you already have committed is being mauled or breaking down due to lack of fuel/ammunition/parts.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:57:53am

re: #434 jaunte

Japan has declared today that the southern Kurils is their sovereign territory.
The Prime Minister of Japan Fumio Kishida announced it during his speech in the parliament on March 7,-JIJI reports

Time for the Germans to reclaim the Kaliningrad (Königsberg) exclave…

aatharuv  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:58:07am

re: #434 jaunte

And look what happened when Russia was looking west:

Japan has always claimed them as it’s sovereign territory, even though the state of war formally ended in 1956. Unless Japan is planning on sending in the Self Defence Forces, there’s nothing new here.

jaunte  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:58:10am

One more case of a newshound Republican committed to demonstrating that government doesn’t work:

“I started a human trafficking unit my first year in office. And I did it because — largely because of the border,” Paxton told Trump in January 2019. “We have the second-highest human trafficking rate in the country. Over 300,000 people are victims of that crime every year. That’s the research. Houston is the worst city in America. And so we’re addressing that.”

Over the next two state budget cycles, the second-term Republican convinced state lawmakers to more than quadruple the human trafficking unit’s annual funding, which went from about $740,000 in 2019 to more than $3 million by 2022.

Dopamine Fish  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:58:31am

re: #438 No Malarkey!

100% of the units Russia had staged at the border by February 24. I have no idea what reserves the Russian army has left, though I recall they had an elite armored division based near Moscow which I doubt Putin will send to Ukraine.

On paper, Russia undoubtedly has considerable reserves; the questions are, where are they now, what condition are they in, and does Putin really feel like feeding more men and materiel into the meat grinder at this point?

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:59:37am

re: #442 aatharuv

Japan has always claimed them as it’s sovereign territory, even though the state of war formally ended in 1956. Unless Japan is planning on sending in the Self Defence Forces, there’s nothing new here.

It’s just a quaint way of telling Putin how spurious his claims are.

Targetpractice  Mar 7, 2022 • 10:59:43am

re: #444 Dopamine Fish

On paper, Russia undoubtedly has considerable reserves; the questions are, where are they now, what condition are they in, and does Putin really feel like feeding more men and materiel into the meat grinder at this point?

Answers are like “Back in Russia,” “Poor to middling,” and “He thinks he’s winning, so yes.”

steve_davis  Mar 7, 2022 • 11:00:58am

re: #376 Hecuba’s daughter

I do not believe that at all. But then I am going with “Putin is a corrupt oligarch who wants to keep his wealth” theory rather than “Putin is certifiably insane and willing to destroy the world and kill everyone rather than lose power” theory.

pretty confident that means “targets in the western area of Ukraine,” not “targets in east poland.”

Sherlock Hound  Mar 7, 2022 • 11:03:23am

re: #445 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

It’s just a quaint way of telling Putin how spurious his claims are.

It’s an easy, no consequence, way for Japan to tell Russia to fuck themselves.

steve_davis  Mar 7, 2022 • 11:03:25am

re: #438 No Malarkey!

100% of the units Russia had staged at the border by February 24. I have no idea what reserves the Russian army has left, though I recall they had an elite armored division based near Moscow which I doubt Putin will send to Ukraine.

an “elite” armored division. i.e., one that has a full tank of gas, and clif bars in the glove compartment.

No Malarkey!  Mar 7, 2022 • 11:05:02am

re: #449 steve_davis

an “elite” armored division. i.e., one that has a full tank of gas, and clif bars in the glove compartment.

One that looks pretty parading through Red Square on May Day.

Rightwingconspirator  Mar 7, 2022 • 11:05:23am

re: #444 Dopamine Fish

On paper, Russia undoubtedly has considerable reserves; the questions are, where are they now, what condition are they in, and does Putin really feel like feeding more men and materiel into the meat grinder at this point?

IMHO he is doubling down. We see this in the shelling of civilian areas and by way of the sheer mass of the forces sent. The demands.

Targetpractice  Mar 7, 2022 • 11:05:46am

The big problem for Russia is that they’ve lost momentum everywhere except in the S/SE region of Ukraine. Their efforts to take Kyiv have effectively stalled, and so long as the city remains defiant any hope of pressing Zelensky to accept whatever new terms Russia can dream up remains non-existent. Bringing more troops/armour to the front may make a difference, but it might also arrive in time to do little more than prevent the Ukrainian Army from pushing back the front lines.

darthstar  Mar 7, 2022 • 11:06:07am

Just saw this…it’s already out of date by 4,000 Russians and 5 days.

Florida Panhandler  Mar 7, 2022 • 11:06:57am

re: #449 steve_davis

With this new Russian “near 100% deployed” info I wonder if Ukraine is somehow planning an offensive at this point, or if this is a good strategy at all.

I am no military strategist, but keeping the current meat grinder going instead of trying to gain lost ground at this point may be better than a costly mistake.

Targetpractice  Mar 7, 2022 • 11:07:05am

re: #451 Rightwingconspirator

IMHO he is doubling down. We see this in the shelling of civilian areas and by way of the sheer mass of the forces sent. The demands.

The demands have changed, though not by much. That he’s talking about allowing Zelensky to remain in power when the demands pre-war and at the first talks was for the entire government to go indicates he realizes his position is much weaker than it was even a week ago.

A Cranky One  Mar 7, 2022 • 11:08:18am

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Mar 7, 2022 • 11:08:29am

re: #455 Targetpractice

The demands have changed, though not by much. That he’s talking about allowing Zelensky to remain in power when the demands pre-war and at the first talks was for the entire government to go indicates he realizes his position is much weaker than it was even a week ago.

He would settle for recognition of Crimea, the breakaway promises and a promise for Ukraine not to join NATO (while then watching Finland and Sweden join up)

Targetpractice  Mar 7, 2022 • 11:10:17am

re: #458 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

He would settle for recognition of Crimea, the breakaway promises and a promise for Ukraine not to join NATO (while then watching Finland and Sweden join up)

That is probably the lynchpin right there, the idea of Russia having a veto over Ukraine’s future at all. The rest of the world pretty much seems to have accepting Crimea’s “annexation” as legit and seemed ready to accept the “republics” as legit as well, but Putin going to war over Ukraine’s foreign policy seems to have been the bridge too far.

cat-tikvah  Mar 7, 2022 • 11:10:39am

re: #413 The Pie Overlord!

MTG is a:
полезный идиот/poleznyy idiot (Russian)
корисний ідіот/korysnyy idiot (Ukrainian)

Pie Overlord, what would you call her in Yiddish? : )

No Malarkey!  Mar 7, 2022 • 11:11:08am

re: #454 Florida Panhandler

With this new Russian “near 100% deployed” info I wonder if Ukraine is somehow planning an offensive at this point, or if this is a good strategy at all.

I am no military strategist, but keeping the current meat grinder going instead of trying to gain lost ground at this point may be better than a costly mistake.

The elite Ukrainian tractor corps seems to be meeting little Russian resistance.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Mar 7, 2022 • 11:11:15am

re: #457 Dangerman

Sting posts video of himself singing his 1985 song ‘Russians’ amid war in Ukraine

Mr Putin said “we will annex you”, I really think his head ain’t screwed
on tight as we all watch the news
Just what does he really want to prove?
Do the Russians watch Tucker Carlson, too?

lawhawk  Mar 7, 2022 • 11:14:30am

GOP treasonweasels at it again.

darthstar  Mar 7, 2022 • 11:14:44am

re: #454 Florida Panhandler

With this new Russian “near 100% deployed” info I wonder if Ukraine is somehow planning an offensive at this point, or if this is a good strategy at all.

I am no military strategist, but keeping the current meat grinder going instead of trying to gain lost ground at this point may be better than a costly mistake.

I don’t think an offensive is in order, outside of reclaiming property Russians may have obtained initially. Also, whenever I read something like the following, I wonder how many Russian tanks, helicopters, and howitzers are lost in the process…and soldiers.

The fact that we’re still running about 1,000 Russian soldier deaths per day tells you this is a cannon fodder attack. Putin is sacrificing as many lives as he can for his personal gain.

Targetpractice  Mar 7, 2022 • 11:14:50am

As bad as it is to say, I think if Putin gets down to just territorial concessions in exchange for an immediate ceasefire, Zelensky’s gonna face a lot of pressure from other leaders to take that deal. Perhaps with the promise of fast-tracked NATO/EU membership and/or reconstruction aid if it brings a quick end to the fighting so the rest of the world can have an excuse to let up off the sanctions.

Grunthos the Flatulent  Mar 7, 2022 • 11:15:30am

Tomorrow sends its regards by registered Wordle.

Wordle 262 4/6


A lucky first word, an unlucky third.

lawhawk  Mar 7, 2022 • 11:16:36am

Too good to fact check?

No Malarkey!  Mar 7, 2022 • 11:17:18am

re: #464 darthstar

I don’t think an offensive is in order, outside of reclaiming property Russians may have obtained initially. Also, whenever I read something like the following, I wonder how many Russian tanks, helicopters, and howitzers are lost in the process…and soldiers.

The fact that we’re still running about 1,000 Russian soldier deaths per day tells you this is a cannon fodder attack. Putin is sacrificing as many lives as he can for his personal gain.

The “offensive” will be accepting the surrender of demoralized, starving Russian soldiers.

darthstar  Mar 7, 2022 • 11:17:27am

re: #438 No Malarkey!

100% of the units Russia had staged at the border by February 24. I have no idea what reserves the Russian army has left, though I recall they had an elite armored division based near Moscow which I doubt Putin will send to Ukraine.

Looks like the well may be a bit drier than we thought…

PhillyPretzel  Mar 7, 2022 • 11:17:47am

re: #467 lawhawk

rofl. I do not think we have to go to Snopes for that one.

darthstar  Mar 7, 2022 • 11:18:37am

re: #468 No Malarkey!

The “offensive” will be accepting the surrender of demoralized, starving Russian soldiers.

Guns for Piroshkis.

aatharuv  Mar 7, 2022 • 11:18:42am

re: #458 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

He would settle for recognition of Crimea, the breakaway promises and a promise for Ukraine not to join NATO (while then watching Finland and Sweden join up)

So basically, accepting the definlandization of Finland, while making finlandizing Ukraine.

Even if Ukraine isn’t going to join NATO, they’re going to be doing a massive military buildup, probably introducing national service/conscription, and buying weapons from NATO countries, like Finland still does.

Decatur Deb  Mar 7, 2022 • 11:18:53am

re: #421 Jay C

Yeah, it sounds silly, but those mini-countries are likely to be major tax havens: I’m sure that, despite their low population, if you factor in “hidden-foreign-assets-per-capita” they’re richer than Croesus….

I’ve actually been to San Marino: many years ago, I rented a car and drove there from Ravenna: it’s a weird place: a typical Italian “hill town” built on top of a serious mountain, As I recall, its main industry seemed to be philately: all the stores on the main piazza featured postcards pre-posted with large numbers of brightly colored, low-valued stamps: with almost no space left on the back for addresses or messages.

Napoleon got to the foot of that mountain, assessed the risks, and said “Fuck it.”

No Malarkey!  Mar 7, 2022 • 11:20:45am

re: #465 Targetpractice

As bad as it is to say, I think if Putin gets down to just territorial concessions in exchange for an immediate ceasefire, Zelensky’s gonna face a lot of pressure from other leaders to take that deal. Perhaps with the promise of fast-tracked NATO/EU membership and/or reconstruction aid if it brings a quick end to the fighting so the rest of the world can have an excuse to let up off the sanctions.

I respectfully disagree. Biden knows Putin can’t be rewarded with official recognition of the Crimea annexation and the separatist “republics.” That just invites more Russian aggression. The only deal Russia should be offered in return for a ceasefire and immediate withdrawal of the invasion force is the lifting of some of the sanctions.

darthstar  Mar 7, 2022 • 11:21:31am

Found a stick this morning…everyone got a turn.

Hecuba's daughter  Mar 7, 2022 • 11:23:24am

re: #466 Grunthos the Flatulent

Tomorrow sends its regards by registered Wordle.

[Embedded content]


No Malarkey!  Mar 7, 2022 • 11:24:16am
Targetpractice  Mar 7, 2022 • 11:25:56am

re: #474 No Malarkey!

I respectfully disagree. Biden knows Putin can’t be rewarded with official recognition of the Crimea annexation and the separatist “republics.” That just invites more Russian aggression. The only deal Russia should be offered in return for a ceasefire and immediate withdrawal of the invasion force is the lifting of some of the sanctions.

Unfortunately, we pretty much know by this point that it’s Europe (specifically Germany) who’s really calling the shots on the sanctions imposed. We held back on NS2 until Germany announced they were withholding approval, and Russia wasn’t kicked from SWIFT until the EU took the first steps. I’m not sure Biden is prepared to junk all the progress he’s made in the past year undoing much of the damage Cheetolini did just to stand firm against any concessions by Zelensky. Especially if the EU starts talking membership or bankrolling reconstruction efforts in Ukraine.

aatharuv  Mar 7, 2022 • 11:29:36am

re: #457 Dangerman

Sting posts video of himself singing his 1985 song ‘Russians’ amid war in Ukraine

Here’s another URL with am embedded instagram video for those of you who don’t have instagram accounts.

No Malarkey!  Mar 7, 2022 • 11:35:56am

re: #478 Targetpractice

Unfortunately, we pretty much know by this point that it’s Europe (specifically Germany) who’s really calling the shots on the sanctions imposed. We held back on NS2 until Germany announced they were withholding approval, and Russia wasn’t kicked from SWIFT until the EU took the first steps. I’m not sure Biden is prepared to junk all the progress he’s made in the past year undoing much of the damage Cheetolini did just to stand firm against any concessions by Zelensky. Especially if the EU starts talking membership or bankrolling reconstruction efforts in Ukraine.

Its one thing if Zelenskyy voluntarily makes such concessions, but if he were going to do that, he would do it now to prevent more bloodshed and destruction. There is no way he will grant official recognition to the dismemberment of his country once the Russian army is disintegrating. I am sure that Biden will not pressure Zelenskyy to surrender Ukrainian sovereignty. First, Biden has character, and second, appeasing a dictator at the expense of a heroic ally is extremely bad optics; it would provoke a storm of outrage. I would bet my bottom dollar there will be no NATO pressure on Zelenskyy to grant official territorial concessions to Russia to end the war.

John Hughes  Mar 7, 2022 • 11:38:48am

re: #292 A hollow voice says Vaccinate the world!

Lichtenstein, Monaco, Montenegro and San Marino? Aren’t they forgetting Malta and Andorra?

Malta is there — #3 on the list.

danarchy  Mar 7, 2022 • 11:41:36am

re: #453 darthstar

Just saw this…it’s already out of date by 4,000 Russians and 5 days.

[Embedded content]

I would take Russian casualty numbers coming from Ukrainian military sources with a grain of salt, almost as much salt as figures coming from Russia itself.

John Hughes  Mar 7, 2022 • 11:42:39am

re: #316 darthstar

$5.89 here for regular.

2 Euros in France.

Per litre.

piratedan  Mar 7, 2022 • 11:43:34am

re: #482 danarchy

was waiting to see if Wakanda made the list…..

darthstar  Mar 7, 2022 • 11:48:04am

re: #466 Grunthos the Flatulent

This morning’s clue wasn’t a clue at all, btw…you and your tidal hints.

The Pie Overlord!  Mar 7, 2022 • 11:48:34am

re: #460 cat-tikvah

MTG is a:
полезный идиот/poleznyy idiot (Russian)
корисний ідіот/korysnyy idiot (Ukrainian)

Pie Overlord, what would you call her in Yiddish? : )

שייס אנשטאט שכל/Scheiss anshtot seykhel (Shit instead of sense)

sagehen  Mar 7, 2022 • 11:53:55am

re: #421 Jay C

I’ve actually been to San Marino: many years ago, I rented a car and drove there from Ravenna: it’s a weird place: a typical Italian “hill town” built on top of a serious mountain, As I recall, its main industry seemed to be philately: all the stores on the main piazza featured postcards pre-posted with large numbers of brightly colored, low-valued stamps: with almost no space left on the back for addresses or messages.

I’m sure I’ve read some Agatha Christie or some such where stamps were how the bad guy hid his stolen wealth… apparently diamonds aren’t so cozy.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 7, 2022 • 11:56:44am

re: #285 Jay C

ETA: Anybody else noticing random italiciziation of some of the headings on the site?

something that happened in comment #63

Belafon  Mar 7, 2022 • 11:56:58am

re: #465 Targetpractice

As bad as it is to say, I think if Putin gets down to just territorial concessions in exchange for an immediate ceasefire, Zelensky’s gonna face a lot of pressure from other leaders to take that deal. Perhaps with the promise of fast-tracked NATO/EU membership and/or reconstruction aid if it brings a quick end to the fighting so the rest of the world can have an excuse to let up off the sanctions.

Seems rather premature to assume something like this. I think plenty of western governments, especially Biden, recognize that if we don’t end Russia’s grab of Ukrainian territory, that we will just be doing this again in a few years. And the citizens in Donbas don’t seem to be wanting to join Russia, especially after what Putin’s doing to his own people.

sagehen  Mar 7, 2022 • 12:08:20pm

re: #475 darthstar

Found a stick this morning…everyone got a turn.

[Embedded content]

is that film or digital? You’ve got an astonishing range of blues in those pics.

John Hughes  Mar 7, 2022 • 12:46:43pm

re: #420 jaunte

What are they carrying?
Is the photo swapped left for right?

Captain Magic  Mar 7, 2022 • 12:52:35pm

re: #380 Belafon

We don’t get to choose if Putin attacks a NATO country. Or would you like to see Biden prove that NATO is meaningless?

Putin attacking any NATO position is an instant Article 5 violation.

Captain Magic  Mar 7, 2022 • 12:59:51pm

re: #414 darthstar

She needs to find a fencepost that cares.

John Hughes  Mar 7, 2022 • 1:22:41pm

re: #435 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n 😷 Trips

All armed with FN FNCs (in 5.56X45) donated by Belgium.

I kept thinking that they were FNCs but couldn’t quite believe it. In 5.56X45? Didn’t even know that existed.

John Hughes  Mar 7, 2022 • 1:41:45pm

re: #494 John Hughes

Me so dumb, read “5.56X45” as 5.45x39.

austin_blue  Mar 7, 2022 • 4:49:52pm

re: #438 No Malarkey!

100% of the units Russia had staged at the border by February 24. I have no idea what reserves the Russian army has left, though I recall they had an elite armored division based near Moscow which I doubt Putin will send to Ukraine.

Oh, hell no, The Chechens got destroyed.

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