Fox News Audience Spews Racial Slurs at Morgan Freeman

Racism is one of the pillars of the Tea Party movement
Opinion • Views: 64,163

In a CNN interview with Piers Morgan, actor Morgan Freeman made a statement with which I wholeheartedly agree: Morgan Freeman: Tea party is racist.

During an interview that airs Friday, CNN’s Piers Morgan asked the actor, “Has Obama helped the process of eradicating racism or has it, in a strange way, made it worse?”

“Made it worse. Made it worse,” Freeman replied. “The tea partiers who are controlling the Republican party … their stated policy, publicly stated, is to do whatever it takes to see to it that Obama only serves one term. What underlines that? Screw the country. We’re going to do whatever we can to get this black man out of here.”

On the strength of the tea party, he said: “It just shows the weak, dark, underside of America. We’re supposed to be better than that. We really are.”

The Tea Party is an atavistic, deeply destructive force in American politics, a primal reaction to the election of a black President. Racist elements are everywhere in Tea Party groups, and their leaders are often the worst offenders of all.

We’ve had so many posts at LGF on racist signs at Tea Party rallies and outrageously bigoted statements by Tea Party members and leaders that it’s not possible to deny any more that racism is a driving force in the Tea Party movement — if not the driving force.

Of course, that doesn’t mean they won’t deny it anyway, and accuse Morgan Freeman of being the “true” racist. For example, in this thread at Fox Nation, where the Fox audience responds to Freeman’s charge by whining that Freeman is the racist — then spewing racial slurs at him.



I understand how a defective gene pool can put you at a serious disadvantage dealing with a 21st century society. And maybe that’s why their unemployment rate is very much higher than the rest of society.


Didn’t your boy get elected president? But no, that’s not what the bl@ ck community is after. Not until you have pilfered the product of other’s hard work and we are all living in ghetto squaller will you be happy.


Will another bl ac k liberal please stand up and call the right racist… If it weren’t for conservatives the b la ck man would still be a slave or worse find himself hanging from a tree at the hand of a liberal wh it e guy. Remember the K K K were white liberals not conservatives. Somebody needs to teach these guys some history.


I am sick of bl/cks calling people names

If you tell the truth about them your racist

The liberal hatemonger hate game f-them


Morgan Freeman…quit nagging us about race. In other words, shut up nagger !


The haIfbreed musIim is a racist no mater what he is


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1 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:24:27pm

How to react to charges of racism? Hurling racist insults at the accuser.

What kind of playbook is this?

2 SpaceJesus  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:25:01pm

"Will another bl ac k liberal please stand up and call the right racist… If it weren’t for conservatives the b la ck man would still be a slave or worse find himself hanging from a tree at the hand of a liberal wh it e guy. Remember the K K K were white liberals not conservatives. Somebody needs to teach these guys some history."


3 Gus  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:27:47pm

The KKK were liberals? Yet again. More garbage from the alcoholic commentators at Fox News.

4 allegro  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:28:03pm

Beyond the shocking ugliness and hatefulness of it... it really is pretty hilarious.

We are not racists you, you, lazy n****r!

5 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:29:33pm

re: #3 Gus 802

The KKK were liberals? Yet again. More garbage from the alcoholic commentators at Fox News.

To conservative extremists, every non-conservative is a liberal. This includes ahderents of outspokenly anti-liberal ideologies like communism as well as other conservatives who are deemed to be too moderate.

6 SpaceJesus  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:30:26pm

guys, the kkk were just a bunch of hippies who went too far

7 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:31:56pm

re: #5 000G

To conservative extremists, every non-conservative is a liberal. This includes ahderents of outspokenly anti-liberal ideologies like communism as well as other conservatives who are deemed to be too moderate.

I forgot to mention historical failures: Historical failures, like the KKK, even though conservative extremists themselves, are in hindsight liberals. Because they failed.

8 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:32:24pm

Slight repost:

We should be shocked. We should not be lulled into a view of "what did you expect." We should be angry. Do Americans believe that all men are created equal?

Obviously not the propagandists at Fox who tweak racial tensions or the racists who follow them, get legitimacy from them and drool and shout poison.

Fox has almost single handedly made such open, disgusting, evil acceptable for public discorse. They have lent lrgitimacy to festering racism that had been burried by decades of civil rights and once again made it something that bigots can be brave enough to openly embrace.

Like all extreme propaganda it started small. "Some people say..." after a few hundred repeats and references to it, it becomes "Obama hates white culture on prime time." The black communist Muslim man will kill your granny! And then it becomes "truth" through repetition of the big lies.

Racism must be carefully taught. Fox teaches it with abandon.

For this disgusting feat alone, Fox should be reviled for being purely evil.

9 makeitstop  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:34:03pm

re: #7 000G

I forgot to mention historical failures: Historical failures, like the KKK, even though conservative extremists themselves, are in hindsight liberals. Because they failed.

See Bush, G.W. Not that he was an extremist, but he was the conservatives' darling until the war went south and he did a few things that weren't 'conservative' enough.

Another victim of the idea that conservatism cannot fail - it can only be failed.

10 Killgore Trout  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:35:15pm

re: #6 SpaceJesus

guys, the kkk were just a bunch of hippies who went too far

Tune in, turn on and segregate!

11 uncah91  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:35:54pm

re: #7 000G

I forgot to mention historical failures: Historical failures, like the KKK, even though conservative extremists themselves, are in hindsight liberals. Because they failed.

I'm thinking this is probably confusing membership in the Democratic party with liberalism, and vice versa as far as Republicans go...

12 Gus  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:36:21pm

re: #6 SpaceJesus

guys, the kkk were just a bunch of hippies who went too far

Yep. Clearly the KKK was also a product of the sexual revolution. They also experimented with LSD and collaborated with Timothy Leary.

13 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:36:48pm

re: #11 uncah91

I'm thinking this is probably confusing membership in the Democratic party with liberalism, and vice versa as far as Republicans go...

That is one favorite obfuscation tool, yes: The fact that the parties ultimatively switched sides over civil rights issues in the South.

14 Lidane  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:37:30pm

re: #3 Gus 802

The KKK were liberals?

Sure. If you ignore history, or the fact that the civil rights movement shifted the racist/redneck asshole reactionaries that opposed civil rights to the GOP (Hello, Southern Strategy!) and the moderates/supporters of civil rights to the Dems.

15 Donna Ballard  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:38:17pm

In my opinion Morgan Freeman is without a doubt one of the best actors ever born in this "Great" country of ours. The true racists cannot stand to be called what they are because that means they've been caught in the act. And when the get caught they back peddle furiously then blame the person who caught them in that act for their own short comings and narrow mindedness. It's the only way they can justify their behavior and feel morally superior. Its a form of delusion of which a multitude of people in this country of ours suffer from.

16 uncah91  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:38:51pm

re: #13 000G

That is one favorite obfuscation tool, yes: The fact that the parties ultimatively switched sides over civil rights issues in the South.

Well, in the case of random wingnut commentors, they may have been obfuscated, and now they just believe it, partially because they don't really know or care what words mean.

Liberal = Evil in their dictionary.

17 Gus  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:39:25pm

re: #14 Lidane

Sure. If you ignore history, or the fact that the civil rights movement shifted the racist/redneck asshole reactionaries that opposed civil rights to the GOP (Hello, Southern Strategy!) and the moderates/supporters of civil rights to the Dems.

Why history is like, like... Why it's like that them there liberal science! I ain't needs no history lessun.

18 erik_t  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:39:35pm

If you need to throw special misspellings into your thoughts in order to bypass even the most basic horror-filter, you're probably doing it wrong.

19 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:41:59pm

re: #8 LudwigVanQuixote

Slight repost:

We should be shocked. We should not be lulled into a view of "what did you expect." We should be angry. Do Americans believe that all men are created equal?

Obviously not the propagandists at Fox who tweak racial tensions or the racists who follow them, get legitimacy from them and drool and shout poison.

Fox has almost single handedly made such open, disgusting, evil acceptable for public discorse. They have lent lrgitimacy to festering racism that had been burried by decades of civil rights and once again made it something that bigots can be brave enough to openly embrace.

Like all extreme propaganda it started small. "Some people say..." after a few hundred repeats and references to it, it becomes "Obama hates white culture on prime time." The black communist Muslim man will kill your granny! And then it becomes "truth" through repetition of the big lies.

Racism must be carefully taught. Fox teaches it with abandon.

For this disgusting feat alone, Fox should be reviled for being purely evil.

Yeah, but it won't be. Not in the post-Civil Rights era of Butthurt Backlash.

There's too much of a market for it, which means too much money for some enterprising Australians and Saudis to be made from it. /

20 iossarian  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:42:12pm

re: #6 SpaceJesus

guys, the kkk were just a bunch of hippies who went too far

Ms. Coulter, it's time for your 5pm treatment.

21 darthstar  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:42:22pm

Hey Fox Nation, this pasty-white Irish guy thinks you're a bunch of fucking racist douchebags. (note: Your "blacks complaining about racism is racist" response won't work with me.)

On a more positive note:
I started down a slippery slope of my own yesterday. God only knows when I'll stop. I love buying pumpkins.

22 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:44:45pm

A serious prayer for the new year.

May GOP neo-fascists, their propagandists in the media, and all other creators of a latter day, Americanized Nazism, have a full measure of justice visited to them in this coming year.

When that justice comes, may it not sweep the righteous with them.

When that justice comes, may America be stronger for it and intact.

Let us be a part of bringing that justice.

Let that justice come before it is too late - and please show compassion to those who wanted to act, but could not find a way.

Let that justice be a watchword for future generations.

23 shutdown  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:44:45pm

Fellow lizards, I am in an awful, dark, terrible mood. I feel the way I did when I was a young boy, growing up in Switzerland and I would come home after school, having fought my way through the school day, with my fists, because I was a Jew. Having battled back home worrying if that group of boys was going to show up again, grab my yarmulke form my head, and play keepaway with it. Having turned on the TV to news of invading Arabs armies threatening to extinguish the one hope I held in my heart throughout all these fights and battles. The hope of Israel, clinging to a sliver of shitty beach and a few hills and proclaiming itself a safe haven to Jews, like me, the world over.

Now another mob has gathered, this time at the UN, who are red-eyed and baying at the chance of inflicting, finally, a mortal blow to that ridiculously small country in the middle of fucking nowhere that kept me going my whole life, simply because it was there.

24 laZardo  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:45:15pm

re: #21 darthstar

On a more positive note:
I started down a slippery slope of my own yesterday. God only knows when I'll stop. I love buying pumpkins.

If you find yourself curled up in a pumpkin patch with a lucky blanket waiting for one of them to give you presents, then intervention is needed.

25 Donna Ballard  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:45:45pm

re: #21 darthstar

Hey Fox Nation, this pasty-white Irish guy thinks you're a bunch of fucking racist douchebags. (note: Your "blacks complaining about racism is racist" response won't work with me.)

On a more positive note:
I started down a slippery slope of my own yesterday. God only knows when I'll stop. I love buying pumpkins.

I agree with your statement about Fox, I just wish my elderly parents would stop watching them.

On your lighter note, I have yet to get our pumpkin. The aren't in our stores yet but when they are I'm gonna get several! Were gonna have a All Hallows Eve Party this year and boy are we gonna do up the decorations! ;-)

26 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:46:11pm

re: #23 imp_62

Fellow lizards, I am in an awful, dark, terrible mood. I feel the way I did when I was a young boy, growing up in Switzerland and I would come home after school, having fought my way through the school day, with my fists, because I was a Jew. Having battled back home worrying if that group of boys was going to show up again, grab my yarmulke form my head, and play keepaway with it. Having turned on the TV to news of invading Arabs armies threatening to extinguish the one hope I held in my heart throughout all these fights and battles. The hope of Israel, clinging to a sliver of shitty beach and a few hills and proclaiming itself a safe haven to Jews, like me, the world over.

Now another mob has gathered, this time at the UN, who are red-eyed and baying at the chance of inflicting, finally, a mortal blow to that ridiculously small country in the middle of fucking nowhere that kept me going my whole life, simply because it was there.

I hear you. Amen.

Take comfort though. We have more bullets than they have fanatics.

27 uncah91  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:46:26pm

I honestly don't think racism is the root source of the hatred. It's more a of an "otherism."

They hate and are scared by and lash out at anything that threatens to push at their little bubble of insecurities. Urban progressives, well-educated college professors, the French, Mexicans, South Americans.

Racism goes hand in hand with this, so they tend to be racists and spout racists views, but they would be just as hateful to pretty much any Democratic president. They would just pick different ways of being hateful.

28 darthstar  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:46:37pm

Saudis giving (not lending) $200,000,000 to the Palestinian Authority to help bolster their economic stability. Well, given that we tried to choke them out for democratically voting for Hamas a few years ago, it only makes sense someone else will support them financially.

29 Bulworth  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:46:54pm
If it weren’t for conservatives the b la ck man would still be a slave or worse find himself hanging from a tree at the hand of a liberal wh it e guy.

Yeah, I hated when the white liberal race-mixers were hanging former slaves in the South. //

30 Killgore Trout  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:47:22pm

re: #23 imp_62

Now another mob has gathered, this time at the UN, who are red-eyed and baying at the chance of inflicting, finally, a mortal blow to that ridiculously small country in the middle of fucking nowhere that kept me going my whole life, simply because it was there.

Try not to let this trouble you too much. The UN has always been anti-Israel. Nothing has changed including their own impotence.

31 Donna Ballard  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:48:22pm

Gonna log out now, see you all later. Have a great day Lizards, Keep on Smiling!

32 darthstar  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:48:22pm

re: #25 Dragon_Lady

I agree with your statement about Fox, I just wish my elderly parents would stop watching them.

On your lighter note, I have yet to get our pumpkin. The aren't in our stores yet but when they are I'm gonna get several! Were gonna have a All Hallows Eve Party this year and boy are we gonna do up the decorations! ;-)

I drive by about a half-dozen pumpkin farms on my way home from work every day...I finally broke down yesterday and stopped (of course, "finally breaking down and stopping" simply means they finally opened for business).

33 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:49:08pm

re: #15 Dragon_Lady

In my opinion Morgan Freeman is without a doubt one of the best actors ever born in this "Great" country of ours. The true racists cannot stand to be called what they are because that means they've been caught in the act. And when the get caught they back peddle furiously then blame the person who caught them in that act for their own short comings and narrow mindedness. It's the only way they can justify their behavior and feel morally superior. Its a form of delusion of which a multitude of people in this country of ours suffer from.

TBH, it's not all that different than when Maxine Waters or Alsharptonjessejackson or any other non-conservative Black person of prominence says something. I mean, like, anything. lol

Unless we are all shining their shoes and singing "Ol Man River", they feel they have been deprived of their natural right to RULE. Sadly, that mentality not limited to Fox Nation, Breitbart, Derp Hoft, Dan Riehl, Hot Air, etc.

34 RadicalModerate  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:50:11pm

You know, it's really ironic how many times I see these FoxNation commenters bemoaning how guys like Morgan Freeman and Obama are such racists, then posting links that are supposed to support their position. Links to places like National Vanguard, VDare, and Stormfront.

35 celticdragon  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:51:06pm

re: #3 Gus 802

The KKK were liberals? Yet again. More garbage from the alcoholic commentators at Fox News.

I have heard Nazi's now being defined as liberals, as well as the thugs under Idi Amin and the fascist black shirts of Pinochet and Franco.

There is a serious propaganda effort underway to completely redefine political history, and it is working.

36 shutdown  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:51:36pm

re: #30 Killgore Trout

Try not to let this trouble you too much. The UN has always been anti-Israel. Nothing has changed including their own impotence.

No. This has a different flavour. The mood is one of self-righteous hate, the hate people feel for the truly disgusting, the truly dangerous, the utterly undeserving. It is the burning hatred of the Nazi mob, being carefully nurtured and directed by shrewd, calculating powers who have been biding their time, waiting for the correct moment to start a final push to attempt to extinguish Israel, and Jewish hope with her.

37 allegro  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:54:09pm

re: #21 darthstar

Hey Fox Nation, this pasty-white Irish guy thinks you're a bunch of fucking racist douchebags. (note: Your "blacks complaining about racism is racist" response won't work with me.)

On a more positive note:
I started down a slippery slope of my own yesterday. God only knows when I'll stop. I love buying pumpkins.

The tough job is finding pumpkins that are about only 5 lbs that fit in the oven. A bunch of years ago I found a recipe for custard filled baked pumpkin that is too yummy for description. It's better than pumpkin pie and really a fun thing to have on the table since it's served whole and the custard-pumpkin is scooped out.

38 wrenchwench  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:54:46pm

re: #27 uncah91

I honestly don't think racism is the root source of the hatred. It's more a of an "otherism."

They hate and are scared by and lash out at anything that threatens to push at their little bubble of insecurities. Urban progressives, well-educated college professors, the French, Mexicans, South Americans.

Racism goes hand in hand with this, so they tend to be racists and spout racists views, but they would be just as hateful to pretty much any Democratic president. They would just pick different ways of being hateful.

I disagree. There is a qualitative difference in the way they talk about Obama, compared to the way they talked about Clinton, for example, either Bill Or Hillary. When it comes to Hillary, though, the misogyny is there the way the racism is for Obama.

39 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:55:46pm

re: #29 Bulworth

Yeah, I hated when the white liberal race-mixers were hanging former slaves in the South. //

I agree! I also hated it when liberal kkk communist inflitrators burned Freedom Ride buses!

I did love it, though, when white conservatives waving Confederate flags came to their aid and fought back those liberal new black panther racists! Who do you think were the ones putting up those "Colored Only" signs!

40 engineer cat  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:56:49pm

K K K were white liberals

the only good thing i can derive from this is that at least they feel enough shame to try and deny their complicity

41 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:57:13pm

re: #21 darthstar

Hey Fox Nation, this pasty-white Irish guy thinks you're a bunch of fucking racist douchebags. (note: Your "blacks complaining about racism is racist" response won't work with me.)

On a more positive note:
I started down a slippery slope of my own yesterday. God only knows when I'll stop. I love buying pumpkins.

Pumpkin Stuffed With Everything Good

Makes 2 very generous servings

1 pumpkin - about 3 lbs
Black Pepper - freshly ground
1/4 lb Stale Bread, thinly sliced and cut in 1/2" chunks
1/4 lb cheese - gruyere, Emmenthal, cheddar (or a combination) - cut in 1/2" cubes
2-4 cloves garlic - coarsely chopped
4 strips bacon - cooked until crisp, drained, chopped
1/4 cup fresh chives or scallions; sliced/snipped
1 tbsp fresh thyme - minced
1/3 cup heavy cream
pinch of freshly grated nutmeg

1. Center rack in oven and preheat to 350 F.
Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, or find a Dutch Oven with a diameter a bit larger than the pumpkin. If you bake the pumpkin in a casserole dish it will keep its shape, but stick to the dish. Using a sheet brings risk due to maneuvering a softened pumpkin, but makes for a more interesting presentation.

2. Using a sturdy knife carefully cut a cap out of the top of the pumpkin at a 45 degree angle. You want enough off the top to be able to work within the pumpkin. Clear away the strings and seeds from the cap and inside the pumpkin.

3. Season the inside of the pumpkin generously with salt and pepper and place it on the baking sheet or in the pot.

4. Toss the bread, cheese, garlic, bacon and herbs together in a bowl. Season with pepper (there's probably enough salt from the bacon and cheese) but taste to be sure.

5. Pack the mixture into the pumpkin. It should be well filled, having a little too much is not bad.

6. Stir the cream and nutmeg together and pour it into the pumpkin. The ingredients shouldn't swim in cream, but they should be nicely moistened.

7. Put the cap on the pumpkin and bake for ~120 minutes. Everything inside the pumpkin should be bubbling and the flesh of the pumpkin tender enough to be pierced easily with the tip of a knife. Check at 90 minutes, and remove the cap at this time to allow excess liquid to bake away and the top of the stuffing to brown a little.

8. Transfer to a platter and serve. Be careful since the pumpkin will be heavy, hot, and wobbly.

Serve as wedges of pumpkin and filling, spoon out portions of filling, or pull pumpkin meat into the filling and mix together.

42 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:57:40pm

re: #40 engineer dog

K K K were white liberals

the only good thing i can derive from this is that at least they feel enough shame to try and deny their complicity

Won't work. I've got pictures.

43 RadicalModerate  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:57:54pm

So, according to these people the southern racist "Council of Conservative Citizens" should really be named "Council of Liberal Citizens"?

44 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 1:59:55pm

re: #35 celticdragon

I have heard Nazi's now being defined as liberals, as well as the thugs under Idi Amin and the fascist black shirts of Pinochet and Franco.

There is a serious propaganda effort underway to completely redefine political history, and it is working.

There has to be some education drives into those communities. We've done all we can; it has to be native to those communities. Otherwise, it will just continue.

45 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:00:41pm

re: #36 imp_62

Jewish hope will never be extinguished.

I mean this with compassion.

Is today worse then when the Romans destroyed the Bais HaMikdash?


Did we give up that terrible day two millennia ago? Did we pack it in? Did we turn to other gods and decide that maybe they were right? Did we forget our home? Did we forget Zion. Our right hands never withered.


We outlasted the Roman and the Greek. Egypt once so mighty, and our oppressor, is nothing but ruins under the sands. They are all dust and we are still here, vital as ever, and as always, on center stage despite having numbers that should barely be noticed by the nations. We went through fires that few other nations can comprehend. And we came home. Home will always be ours and ours alone, but it is actually in our hands now.

We will not loose the homeland to little foes like these. And even if, may He forbid, we did, should it take another two thousand years, we would still take back our land again.

We are not a race of quitters. Hope never dies for us.

46 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:01:19pm

re: #33 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

Unless we are all shining their shoes and singing "Ol Man River", they feel they have been deprived of their natural right to RULE.

That reminds me:

47 CuriousLurker  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:01:43pm

re: #23 imp_62

Fellow lizards, I am in an awful, dark, terrible mood. I feel the way I did when I was a young boy, growing up in Switzerland and I would come home after school, having fought my way through the school day, with my fists, because I was a Jew. Having battled back home worrying if that group of boys was going to show up again, grab my yarmulke form my head, and play keepaway with it. Having turned on the TV to news of invading Arabs armies threatening to extinguish the one hope I held in my heart throughout all these fights and battles. The hope of Israel, clinging to a sliver of shitty beach and a few hills and proclaiming itself a safe haven to Jews, like me, the world over.

Now another mob has gathered, this time at the UN, who are red-eyed and baying at the chance of inflicting, finally, a mortal blow to that ridiculously small country in the middle of fucking nowhere that kept me going my whole life, simply because it was there.

Just dropping in to say this speaks to me more than anything I've heard or read to date about what Israel means to Jews. I'm sorry for what you went through in your youth and for what you're feeling now.

Don't lose hope. {{{imp_62}}}

48 celticdragon  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:01:47pm

re: #36 imp_62

No. This has a different flavour. The mood is one of self-righteous hate, the hate people feel for the truly disgusting, the truly dangerous, the utterly undeserving. It is the burning hatred of the Nazi mob, being carefully nurtured and directed by shrewd, calculating powers who have been biding their time, waiting for the correct moment to start a final push to attempt to extinguish Israel, and Jewish hope with her.


I have watched the usual shennanigans at the UN since the early 1980's with respect to Israel. Much is said, and there is shouting and insults from the usual suspects in the Arab world. Later, serious people with serious expressions on their faces say serious things. Nothing changes.

What has you so down today? Israel is a big girl now, and she can pretty well take care of herself.

49 engineer cat  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:03:35pm

re: #35 celticdragon

I have heard Nazi's now being defined as liberals, as well as the thugs under Idi Amin and the fascist black shirts of Pinochet and Franco.

There is a serious propaganda effort underway to completely redefine political history, and it is working.

the dictionary is being murdered and there seems to be little we can do to stop it

orwell was never more relevant than today

50 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:04:44pm

One of the weird parts about the Tea Party? If you should happen to be wearing colonial-era dress for non-political reasons (I am teaching a class on the Revolutionary War), people assume you're making a statement.

(The statement is: Kids like it when their teachers get into the subject matter. Makes it more interesting.)

51 Atlas Fails  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:05:19pm


52 CuriousLurker  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:05:49pm

re: #31 Dragon_Lady

Hi D_L, you're rightwingconspirator's wife, right? I'm trying to get an email to him and I'm not sure I'm using the right address. I tried the one that's in his LGF profile, but he said he didn't receive it. He said to try gmail, but it wasn't clear if he meant using hi nic here or using the same as in his profile. Help?

53 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:06:23pm

re: #43 RadicalModerate

So, according to these people the southern racist "Council of Conservative Citizens" should really be named "Council of Liberal Citizens"?

Hey! The White Citizens Councils* were NOT liberals KKK, Haley Barbour even said so! They were only trying to protect our heritage! And liberty! What is wrong with that!!!

*CCC 1.0

54 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:06:56pm

re: #21 darthstar

Hey Fox Nation, this pasty-white Irish guy thinks you're a bunch of fucking racist douchebags. (note: Your "blacks complaining about racism is racist" response won't work with me.)

On a more positive note:
I started down a slippery slope of my own yesterday. God only knows when I'll stop. I love buying pumpkins.

My Halloween slippery slope involves candy. I now have an iron rule that I do not buy candy until the last possible moment.

55 Atlas Fails  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:07:13pm

How dare you call me a racist, you Mau Mau darkie chimp!!!1!11ty

56 celticdragon  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:07:27pm

re: #50 EmmmieG

One of the weird parts about the Tea Party? If you should happen to be wearing colonial-era dress for non-political reasons (I am teaching a class on the Revolutionary War), people assume you're making a statement.

(The statement is: Kids like it when their teachers get into the subject matter. Makes it more interesting.)

I'm a Revolutionary War re-enactor. I have nothing to do with those faux polyesther patriots.

57 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:07:28pm

re: #38 wrenchwench

I disagree. There is a qualitative difference in the way they talk about Obama, compared to the way they talked about Clinton, for example, either Bill Or Hillary. When it comes to Hillary, though, the misogyny is there the way the racism is for Obama.

And there's quite a bit of both re: their regards for Michelle.

58 albusteve  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:07:55pm

Israel will maul any country that fucks with it, if it come to that....if it's a nasty pile-on then we'll just have to dive in the melee won't we?

59 shutdown  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:09:13pm

re: #48 celticdragon

re: #47 CuriousLurker

re: #45 LudwigVanQuixote

It is home, spiritually to all Jews and physically to my parents, sister and much of my family. This house has always been in a tough neoghbourhood, and the residents of the house grew up tough, as a result.

But the mob outside has grown, they are carrying jerrycans and torches, and the friends we used to have are bored of our troubles.

Ludwig, you wrote well, and I agree with your historical perspective. But as much as they will appear as nothing in 2,000 years, the flames of today are very bright, very real, and very close.

60 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:09:22pm

re: #56 celticdragon

I'm a Revolutionary War re-enactor. I have nothing to do with those faux polyesther patriots.

I bet the women wear buttons on their shortgowns! I bet they use elastic!

(Okay, I did use elastic on the mob cap. I was out of patience after actually pleating the skirt rather than gathering it.)

61 HappyWarrior  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:11:09pm

The KKK were liberals hahahahaha. Morons the whole lot of them. And I love how their defense against Mr. Freeman's allegation that the TP is racist is to insult him with racial slurs. I agree with Morgan too. I've seen oto many signs and heard too much rhetoric by the Tea Party to prove otherwise.

62 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:11:48pm

re: #59 imp_62

And if it comes to it, we will fight and we will win. As to fires, if G-d forbid it came to it, we don't grow potatoes at Dimona.

63 albusteve  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:12:51pm

re: #59 imp_62

re: #47 CuriousLurker

re: #45 LudwigVanQuixote

It is home, spiritually to all Jews and physically to my parents, sister and much of my family. This house has always been in a tough neoghbourhood, and the residents of the house grew up tough, as a result.

But the mob outside has grown, they are carrying jerrycans and torches, and the friends we used to have are bored of our troubles.

Ludwig, you wrote well, and I agree with your historical perspective. But as much as they will appear as nothing in 2,000 years, the flames of today are very bright, very real, and very close.

same crowd, just noisier than usual...if Israel ever unloads their haymaker, their enemies will have a heart attack...I wouldn't worry about it too much

64 Amory Blaine  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:12:53pm

re: #35 celticdragon

I have heard Nazi's now being defined as liberals, as well as the thugs under Idi Amin and the fascist black shirts of Pinochet and Franco.

There is a serious propaganda effort underway to completely redefine political history, and it is working.

Double the unemployment rate we have now and watch the scapegoating flourish before your eyes.

65 SanFranciscoZionist  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:14:10pm

re: #3 Gus 802

The KKK were liberals? Yet again. More garbage from the alcoholic commentators at Fox News.

Of course they were liberals. They voted Democratic.

/Categories are starting to slide, as we reorganize the furniture of history without taking anything of the drawers.

66 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:14:10pm

re: #23 imp_62

Fellow lizards, I am in an awful, dark, terrible mood. I feel the way I did when I was a young boy, growing up in Switzerland and I would come home after school, having fought my way through the school day, with my fists, because I was a Jew. Having battled back home worrying if that group of boys was going to show up again, grab my yarmulke form my head, and play keepaway with it. Having turned on the TV to news of invading Arabs armies threatening to extinguish the one hope I held in my heart throughout all these fights and battles. The hope of Israel, clinging to a sliver of shitty beach and a few hills and proclaiming itself a safe haven to Jews, like me, the world over.

Now another mob has gathered, this time at the UN, who are red-eyed and baying at the chance of inflicting, finally, a mortal blow to that ridiculously small country in the middle of fucking nowhere that kept me going my whole life, simply because it was there.

They will bay, that is for sure. I can relate to a parallel extent - today's racial environment that Charles exposes daily on LGF is the same to me as it was growing up in very hostile white suburbs as a kid...and that's coming from someone living in the most liberal city in the country.

But like Ludwig said, the bigots can't extinguish Jewish hope, any more than they can extinguish Black hope.

It's why they despise us, so. There are plenty of bigots, but Israel and Israelis have got a lot of people pulling for them, too. They can't explain that.

67 Donna Ballard  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:14:20pm

re: #45 LudwigVanQuixote

Jewish hope will never be extinguished.

I mean this with compassion.

Is today worse then when the Romans destroyed the Bais HaMikdash?


Did we give up that terrible day two millennia ago? Did we pack it in? Did we turn to other gods and decide that maybe they were right? Did we forget our home? Did we forget Zion. Our right hands never withered.


We outlasted the Roman and the Greek. Egypt once so mighty, and our oppressor, is nothing but ruins under the sands. They are all dust and we are still here, vital as ever, and as always, on center stage despite having numbers that should barely be noticed by the nations. We went through fires that few other nations can comprehend. And we came home. Home will always be ours and ours alone, but it is actually in our hands now.

We will not loose the homeland to little foes like these. And even if, may He forbid, we did, should it take another two thousand years, we would still take back our land again.

We are not a race of quitters. Hope never dies for us.


68 shutdown  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:15:18pm

re: #62 LudwigVanQuixote

I fear that the next victory will come at great cost. And the one after that. And the next following one. The enemy do not care if they lose, because we cannot afford to keep winning. It is as with any bully. The next blow must leave them with a scar that will remind them for a very, very long time.

69 CuriousLurker  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:16:53pm

re: #59 imp_62

I know you're terrified & furious right now, and I'm sure I can't fully appreciate just how much, but please try to be steadfast. I don't know if you're observant, but I'll say it anyway: Trust the one who brought you here, the one who has been taking care of you & your people all these years.

70 Donna Ballard  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:17:07pm

re: #52 CuriousLurker

Hi D_L, you're rightwingconspirator's wife, right? I'm trying to get an email to him and I'm not sure I'm using the right address. I tried the one that's in his LGF profile, but he said he didn't receive it. He said to try gmail, but it wasn't clear if he meant using hi nic here or using the same as in his profile. Help?

Hi, I'm back. Yeah, he's my Hubby Bubby alright! I'll open up my email address for you and I'll send his address to you via reply, ok?

71 SanFranciscoZionist  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:17:14pm

re: #15 Dragon_Lady

In my opinion Morgan Freeman is without a doubt one of the best actors ever born in this "Great" country of ours. The true racists cannot stand to be called what they are because that means they've been caught in the act. And when the get caught they back peddle furiously then blame the person who caught them in that act for their own short comings and narrow mindedness. It's the only way they can justify their behavior and feel morally superior. Its a form of delusion of which a multitude of people in this country of ours suffer from.

Freeman is one hell of an actor, and a good guy. I'm not sure I agree with what I take to be his implied statement that the Tea Party would not be saying 'Screw country first, let's take this guy down' if Obama were not black. I'm pretty sure they'd be doing very similar to any Democrat in the seat.

The Tea Party contains racists, does not discourage racists in any way, and uses racism toward its own ends...but I don't think racism is its raison d'etre.

72 celticdragon  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:17:43pm

re: #60 EmmmieG

I bet the women wear buttons on their shortgowns! I bet they use elastic!

(Okay, I did use elastic on the mob cap. I was out of patience after actually pleating the skirt rather than gathering it.)


Hooks and eyes or pins (not those farby straight pins from the sewing notion corner either! Real silver pins!)

No bra either. You have to have a chemise and real stays on under your pinner gown or polonaise.

73 HappyWarrior  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:17:55pm

I have seen people on the right try to argue that Fred Phelps is left wing ideologically since he's a registered Democrat. It's a dreadfully stupid argument and i think that's what the Fox News commentators are doing here. These are people who claim the KKK are liberals but then act like Abe Lincoln was a tyrant and the CSA was misunderstood. And then say racist shit about blacks and other minorities.

74 CuriousLurker  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:19:09pm

re: #70 Dragon_Lady

Hi, I'm back. Yeah, he's my Hubby Bubby alright! I'll open up my email address for you and I'll send his address to you via reply, ok?

Getting ready to email you now, thanks!

75 SanFranciscoZionist  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:19:17pm

re: #23 imp_62

Fellow lizards, I am in an awful, dark, terrible mood. I feel the way I did when I was a young boy, growing up in Switzerland and I would come home after school, having fought my way through the school day, with my fists, because I was a Jew. Having battled back home worrying if that group of boys was going to show up again, grab my yarmulke form my head, and play keepaway with it. Having turned on the TV to news of invading Arabs armies threatening to extinguish the one hope I held in my heart throughout all these fights and battles. The hope of Israel, clinging to a sliver of shitty beach and a few hills and proclaiming itself a safe haven to Jews, like me, the world over.

Now another mob has gathered, this time at the UN, who are red-eyed and baying at the chance of inflicting, finally, a mortal blow to that ridiculously small country in the middle of fucking nowhere that kept me going my whole life, simply because it was there.

Big hug. Unless you are shomer negiah, in which case--oh hell, it's the Internet. Big hug anyway.

This is a scary, scary week. All that's left to do is take deep breaths, pray, and get ready for whatever's next. Try to be good to yourself.

76 William Barnett-Lewis  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:19:19pm

re: #22 LudwigVanQuixote

Amen, LVQ,

77 wrenchwench  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:19:41pm

re: #57 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

And there's quite a bit of both re: their regards for Michelle.

That bothers me more than the harassment of actual politicians.

78 SanFranciscoZionist  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:19:53pm

re: #29 Bulworth

Yeah, I hated when the white liberal race-mixers were hanging former slaves in the South. //

Confused, they were, but vicious.

79 engineer cat  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:20:58pm

re: #72 celticdragon


Hooks and eyes or pins (not those farby straight pins from the sewing notion corner either! Real silver pins!)

No bra either. You have to have a chemise and real stays on under your pinner gown or polonaise.

is it warm in here or is it just me?

80 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:21:05pm

re: #68 imp_62

I fear that the next victory will come at great cost. And the one after that. And the next following one. The enemy do not care if they lose, because we cannot afford to keep winning. It is as with any bully. The next blow must leave them with a scar that will remind them for a very, very long time.

That is why they whine so pitiably when we give them even a restrained response. It is propaganda to prevent the heavy blow when called for.

That is why those who lie about Israel somehow not being restrained are really just being anti-semitic whether they acknowledge it or not.

But, thank Hashem, we have Bibi in the hot seat right now, and not Olmert or another bedwetter like him. If it comes to it, we will hit hard and strike deep. It will remind them that they will not beat us down or win by attrition. It will remind them that peace is much more profitable than war.

Never give up hope. Never be scared of a bully.

81 shutdown  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:21:17pm

re: #75 SanFranciscoZionist

Thank you. It's hard work these days, faith and hope.

82 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:21:46pm

re: #72 celticdragon


Hooks and eyes or pins (not those farby straight pins from the sewing notion corner either! Real silver pins!)

No bra either. You have to have a chemise and real stays on under your pinner gown or polonaise.

I was wearing the pins from the notion corner. Made for an exciting morning. I'll have to look for the real deal.

However, I'm not wearing stays. I like breathing. It's been one of my favorite hobbies for some time now. Yes, I realize this gives me an inaccurate silhouette.

83 celticdragon  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:22:04pm

re: #79 engineer dog

is it warm in here or is it just me?


It gets pretty warm in several layers of this stuff though...

84 SanFranciscoZionist  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:22:14pm

re: #38 wrenchwench

I disagree. There is a qualitative difference in the way they talk about Obama, compared to the way they talked about Clinton, for example, either Bill Or Hillary. When it comes to Hillary, though, the misogyny is there the way the racism is for Obama.

There is a difference, and that difference is race-based--but it could be gender, or it could be military record, or it could be sexual--it could be anything.

The screaming fury is against the Democrat, the filthy goddamn liberal who won the White House, and fucked up their dream that they would never again have to deal with a country in which people they didn't personally like and approve of got elected to office.

85 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:22:36pm

re: #73 HappyWarrior

I have seen people on the right try to argue that Fred Phelps is left wing ideologically since he's a registered Democrat. It's a dreadfully stupid argument and i think that's what the Fox News commentators are doing here. These are people who claim the KKK are liberals but then act like Abe Lincoln was a tyrant and the CSA was misunderstood. And then say racist shit about blacks and other minorities.

Dumb cons, dumber than a bag of hammers.

86 shutdown  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:22:48pm

re: #80 LudwigVanQuixote

I never thought I could yearn this hard for Dayan. Regardless of his failures in !973.

87 SanFranciscoZionist  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:23:31pm

re: #43 RadicalModerate

So, according to these people the southern racist "Council of Conservative Citizens" should really be named "Council of Liberal Citizens"?

Either that, or it isn't racist at all, because, conservatives!!

88 darthstar  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:24:28pm

re: #37 allegro

The tough job is finding pumpkins that are about only 5 lbs that fit in the oven. A bunch of years ago I found a recipe for custard filled baked pumpkin that is too yummy for description. It's better than pumpkin pie and really a fun thing to have on the table since it's served whole and the custard-pumpkin is scooped out.

That's interesting...I was thinking of recipes for cooking inside of a pumpkin...
I'll look up that custard recipe...might be good for Thanksgiving.

89 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:24:34pm

re: #86 imp_62

I never thought I could yearn this hard for Dayan. Regardless of his failures in !973.

Me too.

90 HappyWarrior  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:24:49pm

re: #85 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

Dumb cons, dumber than a bag of hammers.

Yep. The same people who screamed Obama's "czars" meant the second coming of Bolshevism :). It amuses me deeply.

91 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:25:18pm

Alouette, pls see 45.

92 SanFranciscoZionist  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:25:45pm

re: #65 SanFranciscoZionist

Of course they were liberals. They voted Democratic.

/Categories are starting to slide, as we reorganize the furniture of history without taking anything of the drawers.

Without taking anything OUT of the drawers.

93 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:26:15pm

re: #90 HappyWarrior

Yep. The same people who screamed Obama's "czars" meant the second coming of Bolshevism :). It amuses me deeply.

rotfl more from the annals of Great Moments in Conservative Failure.

It's like, um...basic history, much?

94 darthstar  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:26:30pm

re: #37 allegro

Found it.


95 celticdragon  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:26:38pm

re: #82 EmmmieG

I was wearing the pins from the notion corner. Made for an exciting morning. I'll have to look for the real deal.

However, I'm not wearing stays. I like breathing. It's been one of my favorite hobbies for some time now. Yes, I realize this gives me an inaccurate silhouette.

Accurate pins are fairly cheap at Townsend and Sons at the link I gave above. It helps to have another person pin your gown. I pin my wifes gown when she gets dressed. The stays are a real bitch, I confess, but you really need them to look correct in some of the outfits. You can get away without them in a shortgown, but you have to have them to wear a polonaise gown.

96 shutdown  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:26:57pm

re: #69 CuriousLurker

I know you're terrified & furious right now, and I'm sure I can't fully appreciate just how much, but please try to be steadfast. I don't know if you're observant, but I'll say it anyway: Trust the one who brought you here, the one who has been taking care of you & your people all these years.

whatever those huggy paren things are: YOU

97 HappyWarrior  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:27:59pm

re: #93 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

rotfl more from the annals of Great Moments in Conservative Failure.

It's like, um...basic history, much?

Yeah the same people who needed a conservative wiki because they thought the original wikipedia was too liberally biased. You just gotta laugh.

98 MittDoesNotCompute  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:28:10pm

re: #85 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

Dumb cons, dumber than a bag of hammers.

Dumber than a bag of wet mice...

99 SanFranciscoZionist  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:28:21pm

re: #82 EmmmieG

I was wearing the pins from the notion corner. Made for an exciting morning. I'll have to look for the real deal.

However, I'm not wearing stays. I like breathing. It's been one of my favorite hobbies for some time now. Yes, I realize this gives me an inaccurate silhouette.

Never worn stays, but Elizbethan and fourteenth-century underpinnings give me more back support than a bra.

100 CuriousLurker  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:28:33pm

re: #81 imp_62

Thank you. It's hard work these days, faith and hope.

It's most important when it's difficult. I'm pretty sure it counts more then too.

re: #96 imp_62

whatever those huggy paren things are: YOU


Gonna butt out now and go back to what I was doing. Later, lizards.

101 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:29:03pm

re: #95 celticdragon

Accurate pins are fairly cheap at Townsend and Sons at the link I gave above. It helps to have another person pin your gown. I pin my wifes gown when she getrs dressed. The stays are a real bitch, I confess, but you really need them to look correct in some of the outfits. You can get away without them in a shortgown, but you have to have them to wear a polonaise gown.

Next up for the class: I'm going to make them learn the country dance "Jack's Health," and we're also going to learn some of Von Steuben's drills.

These are 12-13 year olds. Many of these boys are not up to touching a girl at all, so we'll see how this goes.

102 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:29:38pm

re: #99 SanFranciscoZionist

Never worn stays, but Elizbethan and fourteenth-century underpinnings give me more back support than a bra.

That's a nice way to say you don't bend in the middle. ;)

103 I Am Kreniigh!  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:29:58pm

re: #48 celticdragon


What has you so down today? Israel is a big girl now, and she can pretty well take care of herself.

I'm an idiot, or I've been reading the wrong headlines today (including the ones here). What is this imminent threat?

104 theheat  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:30:37pm

I think Morgan Freeman should be nominated for another Academy Award, for framing this argument in such a thoughtful and concise way. He totally nailed it, and in very few words.

The GOP and teabaggers hate intelligent, well spoken people of color. Drives 'em nuts. Makes the white guys in suits (aka "job creators") look like mouth breathing, knee jerk, racist hillbillies (which they pretty much are).

105 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:30:39pm

re: #73 HappyWarrior

I have seen people on the right try to argue that Fred Phelps is left wing ideologically since he's a registered Democrat. It's a dreadfully stupid argument and i think that's what the Fox News commentators are doing here. These are people who claim the KKK are liberals but then act like Abe Lincoln was a tyrant and the CSA was misunderstood. And then say racist shit about blacks and other minorities.



106 Donna Ballard  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:30:40pm

re: #71 SanFranciscoZionist

Freeman is one hell of an actor, and a good guy. I'm not sure I agree with what I take to be his implied statement that the Tea Party would not be saying 'Screw country first, let's take this guy down' if Obama were not black. I'm pretty sure they'd be doing very similar to any Democrat in the seat.

The Tea Party contains racists, does not discourage racists in any way, and uses racism toward its own ends...but I don't think racism is its raison d'etre.

No its a smoke screen for hatred for the democratic process and our president. Period. But I honestly think the TEA Party has been hi-jacked by the religious zealots that will do anything to get one of their extremist wackos in office, and if that means flushing the economy down the toilet or playing the race game so be it. I see it time and again how the conservatives are screaming against the president about the things they were pushing for just a few years ago but now that the president is agreeing with them they go the opposite way. Such hippocracy makes me sick to my stomach, especially seeing as I was a Republican right up until a few months ago. Those Tea Partiers don't represent me or my views at all, they never will and I for one wouldn't vote Republican for all the money on the planet! I was raised that it doesn't matter if you didn't vote for the sitting president in office, you still respected the fact that he is the president and you respect the office. What their doing is partisan politics to the point of ridiculousness and they don't care if it ruins the country because they can blame it all on him. Point your finger politics. Ugh!

107 celticdragon  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:30:41pm

re: #99 SanFranciscoZionist

Never worn stays, but Elizbethan and fourteenth-century underpinnings give me more back support than a bra.

Stays give excellent back support, and they really do help when lifting buckets and firewood around camp (yes, we camp out during re-enactments. I dress out as a male soldier, since shooting and fighting in the battles is more fun IMO)

108 SanFranciscoZionist  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:30:50pm

re: #101 EmmmieG

Next up for the class: I'm going to make them learn the country dance "Jack's Health," and we're also going to learn some of Von Steuben's drills.

These are 12-13 year olds. Many of these boys are not up to touching a girl at all, so we'll see how this goes.

Well, if they don't want to dance with girls, they'll have to dance with each other.

They may find that either comforting, or even more threatening.

109 shutdown  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:33:23pm

re: #103 Kreniigh

Legitimization of murderous hatred.

110 SanFranciscoZionist  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:33:33pm

re: #107 celticdragon

Stays give excellent back support, and they really do help when lifting buckets and firewood around camp (yes, we camp out during re-enactments. I dress out as a male soldier, since shooting and fighting in the battles is more fun IMO)

Yeah, I do SCA, and we do some camping, albeit our level of correctness about camping is low, and varies greatly.

My father, before he got sick, was developing an interest in a WWII reenactment group down in San Bernardino, who have a Soviet unit. Apparently they have their own tank.

111 Charles Johnson  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:34:05pm

I understand where you folks are coming from, with the drama going on at the UN, but I honestly don't believe Israel is in any greater existential danger at this moment in time than at any other moment of the last six decades.

In many ways, in fact, the level of menace toward Israel is actually less now than at other times in history. And I have to believe that events in the Arab world (protests and overthrow of dictators) have to bode well for the region in the long run.

One of the main reasons for the animosity toward Israel is the cynical disinformation fed to the masses by despots, to keep the population's anger directed away from the despots themselves.

When people start to awaken and throw off the rule of these cowards and psychopaths, they're on the road to casting off the brainwashing and propaganda they've been fed, as well. They can't go back to ignorance -- that road only goes one way.

112 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:35:15pm

re: #111 Charles

They can't go back to ignorance -- that road only goes one way.

Well said.

113 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:35:20pm

re: #110 SanFranciscoZionist

Yeah, I do SCA, and we do some camping, albeit our level of correctness about camping is low, and varies greatly.

My father, before he got sick, was developing an interest in a WWII reenactment group down in San Bernardino, who have a Soviet unit. Apparently they have their own tank.

Accurate medieval or Renaissance camping would involve lice and possibly spoiled food.

Just saying.

114 allegro  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:35:30pm

re: #88 darthstar

That's interesting...I was thinking of recipes for cooking inside of a pumpkin...
I'll look up that custard recipe...might be good for Thanksgiving.

Just for you I fetched the family cookbook...

Baked Whole Pumpkin

1 pumpkin, 5-7 lbs
6 whole eggs (cage free please)
2 cups whipping cream
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 TBS molasses
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp dry ginger
2 TBS butter

Cut the "lid" off the pumpkin and clean out the seeds and stuff. Mix the rest of the stuff together except for the butter. Pour it into the pumpkin and dot the top with the butter. Set it into a baking pan. Bake at 350 degrees for about 1-1/2 hours til the mixture is set to custard.

Serve it from the pumpkin, scooping out a bit of pumpkin meat with the custard.

115 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:36:18pm

re: #98 talon_262

Dumber than a bag of wet mice...

Not the brightest bulbs on the tree

116 William Barnett-Lewis  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:36:23pm

re: #101 EmmmieG

Next up for the class: I'm going to make them learn the country dance "Jack's Health," and we're also going to learn some of Von Steuben's drills.

These are 12-13 year olds. Many of these boys are not up to touching a girl at all, so we'll see how this goes.

Von Steuben's drill book :D That would be a hoot to watch. How far into the drill do you expect to go? I'll have to go get my flintlock out and run through it again myself, now :lol:

117 shutdown  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:36:57pm

re: #111 Charles

I understand where you folks are coming from, with the drama going on at the UN, but I honestly don't believe Israel is in any greater existential danger at this moment in time than at any other moment of the last six decades.

In many ways, in fact, the level of menace toward Israel is actually less now than at other times in history. And I have to believe that events in the Arab world (protests and overthrow of dictators) has to bode well for the region in the long run. One of the main reasons for the animosity toward Israel is the cynical disinformation fed to the masses by despots, to keep the population's anger directed away from the despots themselves.

When people start to awaken and throw off the rule of these cowards and psychopaths, they're on the road to casting off the brainwashing and propaganda they've been fed, as well. They can't go back to ignorance -- that road only goes one way.

I appreciate the sentiment and you may very well be correct, as to the overall threat level. But the animosity felt by the Arab street, I fear, is the result of many hundreds of years of carefully held grudges and tribal hatred. The events in Egypt make this point, I believe.

118 Decatur Deb  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:37:36pm

re: #12 Gus 802

Yep. Clearly the KKK was also a product of the sexual revolution. They also experimented with LSD and collaborated with Timothy Leary.

Maybe so--I don't know Ken Kesey's middle name.

119 celticdragon  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:37:55pm

re: #110 SanFranciscoZionist

Yeah, I do SCA, and we do some camping, albeit our level of correctness about camping is low, and varies greatly.

My father, before he got sick, was developing an interest in a WWII reenactment group down in San Bernardino, who have a Soviet unit. Apparently they have their own tank.

I heard about a Soviet outfit in Indiana with a T-34 tank that had a bad fire and some serious injuries. Yikes!

I am thinking of training to be on a 6 pounder gun crew, and that can be dangerous as hell also. A professional figure sculpter for Games Workshop (Allan Perry I think) was blown 20 feet through the air and lost one arm when he was caught in a cannon mishap during a Napoleonic Wars reenactment in Europe.

120 Achilles Tang  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:38:15pm

re: #111 Charles

They can't go back to ignorance -- that road only goes one way.

Are you really commenting on the Middle East or slyly the USA?

121 allegro  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:38:17pm

re: #94 darthstar

Found it.


Wow, that's exactly the same. I found the recipe I've used in a little club newsletter many years ago. It was said to be authentic and one of George Washington's favorite dishes. It's gotten around!

122 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:38:35pm

re: #116 wlewisiii

Von Steuben's drill book :D That would be a hoot to watch. How far into the drill do you expect to go? I'll have to go get my flintlock out and run through it again myself, now :lol:

If we can even get through loading our "guns" (I'm planning on PVC pipes for "muskets") I will be happy.

By any chance, do you know how long your flintlock is?

123 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:40:02pm

re: #122 EmmmieG

If we can even get through loading our "guns" (I'm planning on PVC pipes for "muskets") I will be happy.

By any chance, do you know how long your flintlock is?

Or is that too personal of a question?


124 celticdragon  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:40:53pm

re: #113 EmmmieG

Accurate medieval or Renaissance camping would involve lice and possibly spoiled food.

Just saying.

When it goes after 5:00, we go back to the present and open a bottle of beer. We also do have coolers, but we keep them well hidden during the day. We aren't "stitch nazis" or "hard cores", but we don't want to look like total farbs either.

125 Decatur Deb  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:41:00pm

re: #113 EmmmieG

Accurate medieval or Renaissance camping would involve lice and possibly spoiled food.

Just saying.

And a lot of praying and a lot of rutting.

126 CuriousLurker  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:41:11pm

re: #111 Charles

Interesting observation. Perhaps what we're seeing in the ME is a magnified version of what we're seeing here in the U.S.—the "old guard" desperately kicking, clawing, and spewing venom because it sees its impending doom on the horizon.

Okay, now I'm really going back to work.

127 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:42:12pm

re: #111 Charles

When people start to awaken and throw off the rule of these cowards and psychopaths, they're on the road to casting off the brainwashing and propaganda they've been fed, as well. They can't go back to ignorance -- that road only goes one way.

I disagree. Dictators are just the top figures. Underneath them they have fostered an entire system of corrupt rule. Untangling it takes a lot and can successfully be sabotaged by former players or new ones taking over their playbook along the way.

128 shutdown  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:42:20pm

re: #126 CuriousLurker


Okay, now I'm really going back to work.

No you're not.

129 celticdragon  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:43:41pm

re: #122 EmmmieG

If we can even get through loading our "guns" (I'm planning on PVC pipes for "muskets") I will be happy.

By any chance, do you know how long your flintlock is?


I actually do need to clean my Brown Bess. I may do that tommorrow.

130 William Barnett-Lewis  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:44:20pm

re: #122 EmmmieG

If we can even get through loading our "guns" (I'm planning on PVC pipes for "muskets") I will be happy.

By any chance, do you know how long your flintlock is?

Mine is a shorter rifle - 26". Only .50 cal too. Almost a carbine, really. But it is a whole lot of fun. Though that length would be easier for your kids than the traditional 42" barrel of the long land pattern.

131 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:45:06pm

re: #111 Charles

I understand where you folks are coming from, with the drama going on at the UN, but I honestly don't believe Israel is in any greater existential danger at this moment in time than at any other moment of the last six decades.

In many ways, in fact, the level of menace toward Israel is actually less now than at other times in history. And I have to believe that events in the Arab world (protests and overthrow of dictators) has to bode well for the region in the long run. One of the main reasons for the animosity toward Israel is the cynical disinformation fed to the masses by despots, to keep the population's anger directed away from the despots themselves.

When people start to awaken and throw off the rule of these cowards and psychopaths, they're on the road to casting off the brainwashing and propaganda they've been fed, as well. They can't go back to ignorance -- that road only goes one way.

True. But it also at turbulent times like these that those seeking power in a vacuum, turn to the age old hatreds to rile their ignorant and hate filled base. It is not so different than the tactics used by the teabags against blacks. There is a significant risk and a lot of opportunistic players acting. We will have to see. I certainly pray that the road taken is the civilized one.

You should know that I pray for peace three times a day. I don't want bloodshed one bit. But if it comes to it, then I will hope to see to it that my people's blood is not the blood being spilled.

Peace will happen the second the Arabs actually want peace.
Do they want peace? Of course not.

For that to happen, one must acknowledge that the other party even has the right to exist. Such an acknowledgement is not forthcoming from even the "moderate" Arab or Muslim nations. For that to happen rockets and attacks would not rain down on innocent civilians and people would not be held hostage for years.

Gilad Shalit is almost certainly dead by now. But who, other than the Jews care? Were he an American soldier, the Army would have made Hamas think twice about kidnapping and murder long ago. Yet the democratically elected government of Hamas with a charter of genocide brazenly holds him with impunity and launches attack after attack.

Peace is only possible when both sides want peace. This does not obtain and as always - it is a powder keg.

I pray you are right. Believe me I do. But then again, hope is eternal.

132 darthstar  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:45:32pm

re: #121 allegro

Wow, that's exactly the same. I found the recipe I've used in a little club newsletter many years ago. It was said to be authentic and one of George Washington's favorite dishes. It's gotten around!

I'll start with that one for parties at friends' houses since it's simple as hell and will look nice on the table. I still want to invent my own dish though...some kind of Moroccan meat dish baked in a pumkin maybe...lots of cinnamon, maybe a pastry top on it for effect...

133 SanFranciscoZionist  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:45:42pm

re: #111 Charles

I understand where you folks are coming from, with the drama going on at the UN, but I honestly don't believe Israel is in any greater existential danger at this moment in time than at any other moment of the last six decades.

In many ways, in fact, the level of menace toward Israel is actually less now than at other times in history. And I have to believe that events in the Arab world (protests and overthrow of dictators) have to bode well for the region in the long run.

One of the main reasons for the animosity toward Israel is the cynical disinformation fed to the masses by despots, to keep the population's anger directed away from the despots themselves.

When people start to awaken and throw off the rule of these cowards and psychopaths, they're on the road to casting off the brainwashing and propaganda they've been fed, as well. They can't go back to ignorance -- that road only goes one way.

I see absolutely no reason to believe that regimes are rising in the Middle East that will have any motivation to end the scapegoating of Israel and the Jews.

If it happens, I'll be ecstatic, but right now I do not see the slightest sign of it.

134 Charles Johnson  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:46:02pm

re: #117 imp_62

I appreciate the sentiment and you may very well be correct, as to the overall threat level. But the animosity felt by the Arab street, I fear, is the result of many hundreds of years of carefully held grudges and tribal hatred. The events in Egypt make this point, I believe.

It's not gonna be peace in our time right away. Tribal hatreds and long-held grudges also play a part.

But if someone had told you just a few years ago that one Arab country after another would rise up and peacefully protest in huge numbers against their leaders, you probably wouldn't have believed it possible.

135 Donna Ballard  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:47:00pm

re: #134 Charles

It's not gonna be peace in our time right away. Tribal hatreds and long-held grudges also play a part.

But if someone had told you just a few years ago that one Arab country after another would rise up and peacefully protest in huge numbers against their leaders, you probably wouldn't have believed it possible.

So very, very true!

136 SanFranciscoZionist  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:47:02pm

re: #113 EmmmieG

Accurate medieval or Renaissance camping would involve lice and possibly spoiled food.

Just saying.

We had a SCA member once who caught bubonic plague. It was an accident, (worked with animals, or in some sort of wilderness management, I think) and she got treatment promptly, but she did get major props for HARDCORE authenticity.

137 Decatur Deb  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:48:54pm

re: #136 SanFranciscoZionist

We had a SCA member once who caught bubonic plague. It was an accident, (worked with animals, or in some sort of wilderness management, I think) and she got treatment promptly, but she did get major props for HARDCORE authenticity.

I'd be impressed if she was cured by the king's evil.

138 allegro  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:49:01pm

re: #132 darthstar

I'll start with that one for parties at friends' houses since it's simple as hell and will look nice on the table. I still want to invent my own dish though...some kind of Moroccan meat dish baked in a pumkin maybe...lots of cinnamon, maybe a pastry top on it for effect...

I forgot to add... bake it with the top off so the custard will bake and set. Just place the top next to it for about half of the baking time for it to cook through and fit back on the pumpkin to serve.

139 sattv4u2  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:49:40pm

re: #136 SanFranciscoZionist

It was an accident,

Good thing you told us

For a moment there, I thought it may have been on purpose!!!

HEY , some people will do ANYTHING to get out of doing chores!!

140 SanFranciscoZionist  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:50:13pm

re: #125 Decatur Deb

And a lot of praying and a lot of rutting.

SCA events have a lot of rutting.

Praying--probably no more or less than the average bunch.

Although I do have a friend who plays a twelfth-century Spanish widow of a certain rank. She introduced her boyfriend, when he started the SCA, as her 'spiritual advisor', and said that if we came by her tent, and heard her saying "Oh God, Oh God," we should be advised that she was closeted with him, discussing the state of her soul, and go away.

141 Donna Ballard  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:50:49pm

re: #114 allegro

Just for you I fetched the family cookbook...

Baked Whole Pumpkin

1 pumpkin, 5-7 lbs
6 whole eggs (cage free please)
2 cups whipping cream
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 TBS molasses
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp dry ginger
2 TBS butter

Cut the "lid" off the pumpkin and clean out the seeds and stuff. Mix the rest of the stuff together except for the butter. Pour it into the pumpkin and dot the top with the butter. Set it into a baking pan. Bake at 350 degrees for about 1-1/2 hours til the mixture is set to custard.

Serve it from the pumpkin, scooping out a bit of pumpkin meat with the custard.

Remind me to post my recipe for pumpkin cookies one day soon! They're so popular around here I can't bake them fast enough! For now I gotta get a few things done. Take care everyone! Keep Smiling!

142 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:51:46pm

And with that, I wish you all a good weekend and all tribe members a good Shabbos.

Please remember that your tongue is not stuck to your palette and that your right arms are still strong.

143 SanFranciscoZionist  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:52:27pm

re: #134 Charles

It's not gonna be peace in our time right away. Tribal hatreds and long-held grudges also play a part.

But if someone had told you just a few years ago that one Arab country after another would rise up and peacefully protest in huge numbers against their leaders, you probably wouldn't have believed it possible.

Let's just say I like your projection better than that of the asshole JVP kid who informed me (in my role as Zionist agitator) that the ousting of Mubarak meant that the people of Egypt were now free to hate me.

144 Sionainn  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:52:30pm

re: #140 SanFranciscoZionist

SCA events have a lot of rutting.

Praying--probably no more or less than the average bunch.

Although I do have a friend who plays a twelfth-century Spanish widow of a certain rank. She introduced her boyfriend, when he started the SCA, as her 'spiritual advisor', and said that if we came by her tent, and heard her saying "Oh God, Oh God," we should be advised that she was closeted with him, discussing the state of her soul, and go away.

My aunt and uncle are big in the SCA here in Las Vegas. I had fun going to SCA events with them when I was a teenager a long time ago.

145 darthstar  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:52:38pm
146 sattv4u2  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:53:42pm

re: #142 LudwigVanQuixote

Please remember that your tongue is not stuck to your palette

You're wrong

I just had a peanut butter sammich!

147 SanFranciscoZionist  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:54:09pm

re: #144 Sionainn

Are you in the SCA? My aunt and uncle are big in it here in Las Vegas.

I'm really not active at all these days, although I've kept up a little with research on the various things that interest me. (Mostly medieval Jewish communities, and their clothes.)

148 shutdown  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:55:44pm

re: #145 darthstar

Image: 321554_10150310613693723_705433722_8294880_1891179 21_n.jpg

Update: got it. had to open in new tab.

149 Decatur Deb  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:56:27pm

re: #140 SanFranciscoZionist

SCA events have a lot of rutting.

Praying--probably no more or less than the average bunch.

Although I do have a friend who plays a twelfth-century Spanish widow of a certain rank. She introduced her boyfriend, when he started the SCA, as her 'spiritual advisor', and said that if we came by her tent, and heard her saying "Oh God, Oh God," we should be advised that she was closeted with him, discussing the state of her soul, and go away.

Heh. My kid did it for a while, in the 'Duct-Tape Warrior' mode. The group couldn't handle the dynamics of cross-dynastic rutting.

150 shutdown  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:58:10pm

I, too, am off. Threats of extinction and dinner are inextricably linked in Jewish tradition...

151 Decatur Deb  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:58:33pm

re: #147 SanFranciscoZionist

I'm really not active at all these days, although I've kept up a little with research on the various things that interest me. (Mostly medieval Jewish communities, and their clothes.)

The large permanent Faire at Tuxedo, NY used to feature a group of ladies doing Jewish polyphonic acapella.

152 darthstar  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:59:01pm

re: #148 imp_62



153 sattv4u2  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 2:59:20pm

re: #145 darthstar

Image: 321554_10150310613693723_705433722_8294880_1891179 21_n.jpg

Reminds me of the VW commercial from a few years ago

Two friends, drive by a chair left on the curb, get the chair in the car,, then start sniffing with a disgusted look on their faces

Except for the very end (the announcer), there was no dialog ,, just the facial expressions (from happy to disgusted) and the music "Da Da Da,,,

154 sattv4u2  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:00:22pm

re: #145 darthstar

re: #153 sattv4u2

Reminds me of the VW commercial from a few years ago

Two friends, drive by a chair left on the curb, get the chair in the car,, then start sniffing with a disgusted look on their faces

Except for the very end (the announcer), there was no dialog ,, just the facial expressions (from happy to disgusted) and the music "Da Da Da,,,

155 albusteve  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:01:13pm

just came back from the market, and at an intersection I looked over a saw a cop bust two guys in a car in a small parking smaller guy fled out the passenger door while the other was pulled out of the drivers seat....the cop pulled out his pistol from a back holster and held it up and away and the two started brawling right there between the two vehicles and then the bad guy had a small all over the intersection and nobody moved...the cop had the guys wrist and they struggled for a couple of seconds....meanwhile the guy that fled turned around to rescue the other one and suddenly the cop was two on one....before the second guy even got back...two dudes jumped out of a plumbing or electric van and ran over, dragged the smaller guy away...the cop kneed the guy over and over and he finally started to crumple and the cop hit him on the back of the head and down he went...I sat there the whole time 20yards away with a perfect view...I'm still shaking...wowzer

156 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:01:33pm

re: #153 sattv4u2

Reminds me of the VW commercial from a few years ago

Two friends, drive by a chair left on the curb, get the chair in the car,, then start sniffing with a disgusted look on their faces

Except for the very end (the announcer), there was no dialog ,, just the facial expressions (from happy to disgusted) and the music "Da Da Da,,,

I remember that comm'l. And the original song, too.

I should post it for Your Low-Drama 80s Keyboards Clip of the Day:

157 Killgore Trout  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:01:40pm

re: #111 Charles

They can't go back to ignorance -- that road only goes one way.

I'm not so sure about that.

158 Sheila Broflovski  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:01:51pm

re: #86 imp_62

I never thought I could yearn this hard for Dayan. Regardless of his failures in !973.

He gave the Temple Mount "back" to the Wakf. FAIL.

159 sattv4u2  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:04:04pm

re: #155 albusteve

Have a shot of your favorite hard liquor

160 Decatur Deb  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:04:36pm

re: #155 albusteve

just came back from the market, and at an intersection I looked over a saw a cop bust two guys in a car in a small parking smaller guy fled out the passenger door while the other was pulled out of the drivers seat...the cop pulled out his pistol from a back holster and held it up and away and the two started brawling right there between the two vehicles and then the bad guy had a small all over the intersection and nobody moved...the cop had the guys wrist and they struggled for a couple of seconds...meanwhile the guy that fled turned around to rescue the other one and suddenly the cop was two on one...before the second guy even got back...two dudes jumped out of a plumbing or electric van and ran over, dragged the smaller guy away...the cop kneed the guy over and over and he finally started to crumple and the cop hit him on the back of the head and down he went...I sat there the whole time 20yards away with a perfect view...I'm still shaking...wowzer

Were you the wiseass singing "Bad boys, bad boys..."?

161 Michael McBacon  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:05:08pm

But...but... Michael Warns told me the Tea Party love black people!!

162 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:05:24pm

re: #111 Charles

Well said. But I'm a tad pessimistic about that. As well as fearful a bit. They've thrown away one yoke, and I hope they won't voluntarily wear another one, that of radical Islamism.

163 andres  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:05:41pm

The Tea Party dared to call God a racist? 0_o Is there anything too low for them?


164 albusteve  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:06:20pm

re: #159 sattv4u2

Have a shot of your favorite hard liquor

I'm...that was first I thought it was a tv show

165 darthstar  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:08:05pm

Okay...going to watch a flick...please remember...

166 albusteve  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:08:25pm

re: #160 Decatur Deb

Were you the wiseass singing "Bad boys, bad boys..."?

no, frankly I was a worried and kept my head down watching over the dash

167 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:08:57pm

re: #166 albusteve

no, frankly I was a worried and kept my head down watching over the dash

Very sensible. Anyone dumb enough to have a fight with a cop is dumb enough to shoot randomly.

168 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:09:25pm

re: #161 UNIXon

But...but... Michael Warns told me the Tea Party love black people!!

Yeah, they do love ones who don't want to be black, or espouse confederate views.

They love all 17 of those. //

169 Decatur Deb  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:09:33pm

re: #166 albusteve

no, frankly I was a worried and kept my head down watching over the dash

Good instincts.

170 SanFranciscoZionist  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:09:38pm

re: #155 albusteve

just came back from the market, and at an intersection I looked over a saw a cop bust two guys in a car in a small parking smaller guy fled out the passenger door while the other was pulled out of the drivers seat...the cop pulled out his pistol from a back holster and held it up and away and the two started brawling right there between the two vehicles and then the bad guy had a small all over the intersection and nobody moved...the cop had the guys wrist and they struggled for a couple of seconds...meanwhile the guy that fled turned around to rescue the other one and suddenly the cop was two on one...before the second guy even got back...two dudes jumped out of a plumbing or electric van and ran over, dragged the smaller guy away...the cop kneed the guy over and over and he finally started to crumple and the cop hit him on the back of the head and down he went...I sat there the whole time 20yards away with a perfect view...I'm still shaking...wowzer


171 shutdown  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:10:43pm

re: #158 Alouette

He gave the Temple Mount "back" to the Wakf. FAIL.

No. He knew what he could hold and he held it. He was a warrior, not a rabbi or a politician. All the rabbis have ever done is wail, and all the politicians have ever done is wring their hands.

172 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:10:52pm

re: #155 albusteve

just came back from the market, and at an intersection I looked over a saw a cop bust two guys in a car in a small parking smaller guy fled out the passenger door while the other was pulled out of the drivers seat...the cop pulled out his pistol from a back holster and held it up and away and the two started brawling right there between the two vehicles and then the bad guy had a small all over the intersection and nobody moved...the cop had the guys wrist and they struggled for a couple of seconds...meanwhile the guy that fled turned around to rescue the other one and suddenly the cop was two on one...before the second guy even got back...two dudes jumped out of a plumbing or electric van and ran over, dragged the smaller guy away...the cop kneed the guy over and over and he finally started to crumple and the cop hit him on the back of the head and down he went...I sat there the whole time 20yards away with a perfect view...I'm still shaking...wowzer

Hope you're not too shaken up. Witnessing those kinds of things can have an effect on someone who has been through trauma of their own.

173 albusteve  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:11:07pm

re: #169 Decatur Deb

Good instincts.

I could hear the drivers across the intersection yelling...he's got a gun! which was clearly in my view....whatever....I love this town

174 albusteve  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:13:15pm

re: #172 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

Hope you're not too shaken up. Witnessing those kinds of things can have an effect on someone who has been through trauma of their own.

I've had a few guns in my face....they didn't go off tho....I could not believe how bold those two plumbers were

175 sattv4u2  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:16:44pm

re: #166 albusteve

no, frankly I was a worried and kept my head down watching over the dash

Seriously my friend

Don't know of you imbibe, but if you do, now would be as good a time as any to have a stiff drink!

176 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:17:31pm

re: #174 albusteve

I've had a few guns in my face...they didn't go off tho...I could not believe how bold those two plumbers were

What did you try to flush?

177 albusteve  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:18:00pm

re: #175 sattv4u2

Seriously my friend

Don't know of you imbibe, but if you do, now would be as good a time as any to have a stiff drink!

I'm fine...maybe a small nip
heh...that was exciting

178 albusteve  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:18:53pm

people that run to danger impress the hell out of me....think about it

179 sattv4u2  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:19:00pm

Nothing compared to what Steve went through, but right now there are two hummingbirds jockeying for position right outside my window (have 2 feeders there)

180 sattv4u2  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:19:34pm

re: #176 EmmmieG

What did you try to flush?

"Dave's not here, man"

181 Decatur Deb  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:20:10pm

re: #179 sattv4u2

Nothing compared to what Steve went through, but right now there are two hummingbirds jockeying for position right outside my window (have 2 feeders there)

Watch it, the ruby-throats can be a mofo.

182 sattv4u2  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:21:20pm

re: #181 Decatur Deb

Watch it, the ruby-throats can be a mofo.


When one is at one of the feeders, if another one comes anywhere near that or the other feeder,, IT'S ON!!!!!

183 albusteve  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:22:43pm

re: #181 Decatur Deb

Watch it, the ruby-throats can be a mofo.

I think you can feed just the smaller ones and cut the big ones out...some certain water recipe the big ones don't like....that's what they say in NM anyway

184 Decatur Deb  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:24:17pm

re: #183 albusteve

I think you can feed just the smaller ones and cut the big ones out...some certain water recipe the big ones don't like...that's what they say in NM anyway

Our feeder has about 6 ports--never see more than one RT feed at a time.
In fact, it's about time to put it up again for the Fall.

185 albusteve  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:24:34pm

hummingbirds are sorta cute, but really hard to dress and clean...upside, you can cook one with a Zippo

186 zora  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:24:56pm

re: #168 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

herman cain 2012. 999.

187 sattv4u2  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:25:11pm

re: #183 albusteve

I think you can feed just the smaller ones and cut the big ones out...some certain water recipe the big ones don't like...that's what they say in NM anyway

I used to make my own (boil water ,, add sugar,,, stir ,,, cool). They like it, but for $3 I now get a bottle of the concentrate that makes just under 3 gallons AND they seem to be more attracted to the color (red as opposed to clear)

188 sattv4u2  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:25:59pm

re: #184 Decatur Deb

Our feeder has about 6 ports--never see more than one RT feed at a time.
In fact, it's about time to put it up again for the Fall.

heh,, ours have been coming around since the end of July

189 albusteve  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:26:15pm

re: #187 sattv4u2

I used to make my own (boil water ,, add sugar,,, stir ,,, cool). They like it, but for $3 I now get a bottle of the concentrate that makes just under 3 gallons AND they seem to be more attracted to the color (red as opposed to clear)

red is a key factor to attract them

190 sattv4u2  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:26:35pm

re: #185 albusteve

hummingbirds are sorta cute, but really hard to dress and clean...upside, you can cook one with a Zippo

Thats why they sell them by the dozen, so you can have one decent meal!!!

191 sattv4u2  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:27:03pm

re: #189 albusteve

red is a key factor to attract them

The feeders are red, so I thought the sugar/water (clear) would be okay

192 albusteve  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:29:55pm

re: #191 sattv4u2

The feeders are red, so I thought the sugar/water (clear) would be okay

that many hummingbirds were a novelty when I moved here but it wore off....roadrunners still impress me tho....natural born killers, those guys...they don't take no shit from anybody...if they weighed 50 pounds you'd have to arm yourself...bad ass

193 sattv4u2  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:32:09pm

re: #192 albusteve

that many hummingbirds were a novelty when I moved here but it wore off...roadrunners still impress me tho...natural born killers, those guys...they don't take no shit from anybody...if they weighed 50 pounds you'd have to arm yourself...bad ass

Show how tough you REALLY are

Hang a feeder outside for them, like I do for the birds and the deer!!!!!!

194 wrenchwench  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:33:49pm

re: #193 sattv4u2

Show how tough you REALLY are

Hang a feeder outside for them, like I do for the birds and the deer!!!

You know what they eat?


He'd be hanging himself out there...

195 albusteve  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:35:35pm

re: #193 sattv4u2

Show how tough you REALLY are

Hang a feeder outside for them, like I do for the birds and the deer!!!

they don't fly...ground bound, altho they can flap themselves up on a wall or fence like a chicken will

196 sattv4u2  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:36:05pm

re: #195 albusteve

they don't fly...ground bound, altho they can flap themselves up on a wall or fence like a chicken will

Neither do the deer I feed!!!

197 albusteve  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:41:38pm

re: #194 wrenchwench

You know what they eat?


He'd be hanging himself out there...

was at my ex's place sitting on the patio....we built this little river that winds across the place with a couple of small fountain ponds, rocks, know the a RR comes dashing into view, stops at a pond thing and grabs a small toad, throws it down, picks it up throws it down again....little toad legs moving so it stabs the thing over and over....bam bam bam, cocks it's head, then bama bam bam with it's beak...I was shocked at the brutality...then it picks up the dead toad and walks away with it

198 surlymarv  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:47:16pm

It's hard to believe people are so stupid but that guy thinks the KKK was liberal because he doesn't understand how the Democratic and Republican parties have shifted ideologically over the past 150 years. Apparently he missed the whole Southern Democrat paradox that led to the South being dominated by Republicans. It was the party identifications that shifted, it was never about liberals and conservatives.

199 albusteve  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:48:48pm

Christie is considering going back on his word to run for president...
like a tv show...AmIdol politics, yodeling and tap dancing their way to fame...

200 bratwurst  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:50:37pm

re: #199 albusteve

Christie is considering going back on his word to run for president...
like a tv show...AmIdol politics, yodeling and tap dancing their way to fame...

Aside from being a very nasty website, it also attempted to install software...kill that link.

201 albusteve  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:50:47pm

re: #198 surlymarv

It's hard to believe people are so stupid but that guy thinks the KKK was liberal because he doesn't understand how the Democratic and Republican parties have shifted ideologically over the past 150 years. Apparently he missed the whole Southern Democrat paradox that led to the South being dominated by Republicans. It was the party identifications that shifted, it was never about liberals and conservatives.

what's hard about it?...people say and do whatever they want...the truth is merely a nuisance

202 sattv4u2  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:50:57pm

re: #197 albusteve

so a RR comes dashing into view, stops at a pond thing and grabs a small toad, throws it down, picks it up throws it down again...little toad legs moving so it stabs the thing over and over...bam bam bam, cocks it's head, then bama bam bam with it's beak..

I guess the RR didn't have a carry permit!

203 Decatur Deb  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:51:41pm

re: #199 albusteve

Christie is considering going back on his word to run for president...
like a tv show...AmIdol politics, yodeling and tap dancing their way to fame...

A few months back you insisted on a GOP dark horse. I'd give you the prize for Perry, but Christie would double your chances.

204 Gus  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:52:47pm

re: #186 zora

herman cain 2012. 999.

And of course if you rotate 999 clockwise 180 degrees it's 666!


205 sattv4u2  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:53:27pm

re: #198 surlymarv

It's hard to believe people are so stupid

The older you get, the easier it is to believe they are!

206 albusteve  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:53:31pm

re: #203 Decatur Deb

A few months back you insisted on a GOP dark horse. I'd give you the prize for Perry, but Christie would double your chances.

I still have hopes that maybe a less nutty candidate will emerge

207 Decatur Deb  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:54:08pm


208 sattv4u2  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:54:17pm

re: #204 Gus 802

And of course if you rotate 999 clockwise 180 degrees it's 666!


And if you're on the other side of the equator, counter-clockwise!

209 sattv4u2  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:54:25pm

re: #207 Decatur Deb



210 garhighway  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:54:35pm

re: #193 sattv4u2

Show how tough you REALLY are

Hang a feeder outside for them, like I do for the birds and the deer!!!

Or a honey badger feeder.

They just don't give a shit.

211 Gus  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:56:35pm

DOJ: Rick Perry's Texas Redistricting Plan Purposefully Discriminated Against Minorities

The Justice Department said late Friday that based on their preliminary investigation, a congressional redistricting map signed into law by Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry appears to have been "adopted, at least in part, for the purpose of diminishing the ability of citizens of the United States, on account of race, color, or membership in a language minority group, to elect their preferred candidates of choice to Congress."

DOJ's Civil Rights Division is specifically contesting the changes made to Texas Districts 23 and 27, which they say would not provide Hispanic citizens with the ability to elect candidates of their choice.

212 sattv4u2  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:57:54pm

re: #210 garhighway

Or a honey badger feeder.

They just don't give a shit.

A Wisconsin Badger??

213 allegro  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:58:49pm

re: #211 Gus 802

DOJ: Rick Perry's Texas Redistricting Plan Purposefully Discriminated Against Minorities


Pleased to see the DOJ doing it's righteous thing though.

214 Gus  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 3:59:40pm

re: #213 allegro


Pleased to see the DOJ doing it's righteous thing though.

I don't know if Perry's finished yet but he's getting it from all sides now.

215 albusteve  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 4:00:10pm

re: #213 allegro


Pleased to see the DOJ doing it's righteous thing though.

now if it would stop dodging Fast and Furious

216 allegro  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 4:00:12pm

re: #214 Gus 802

I don't know if Perry's finished yet but he's getting it from all sides now.

And that just tickles me no end. :D

217 allegro  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 4:01:16pm

re: #215 albusteve

now if it would stop dodging Fast and Furious

Considering how long it's taken for the gerrymandering thing, it could be some time before that one gets any attention.

218 albusteve  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 4:01:35pm

re: #214 Gus 802

I don't know if Perry's finished yet but he's getting it from all sides now.

the MSM will decide his fate

219 albusteve  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 4:02:11pm

re: #217 allegro

Considering how long it's taken for the gerrymandering thing, it could be some time before that one gets any attention.

like never?...just a small misunderstanding, right?

220 allegro  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 4:03:10pm

re: #218 albusteve

the MSM will decide his fate

From what I saw of his performance last night, I think his fate with regard to the presidential election will be coming in the pretty near future.

221 Killgore Trout  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 4:03:49pm

Gay Soldiers
Image: ct8KP.jpg

222 albusteve  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 4:05:08pm

re: #221 Killgore Trout

Gay Soldiers
Image: ct8KP.jpg

despicable...I'm gonna remember that one for a long time

223 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 4:06:34pm

I really have to go soon, but in light of the recent conversation I thought I would post the text of Prime Minister Netanyahu's recent UN address:

It really says it all in my opinion

Netanyahu's full address to the UN

I hope everyone here reads it. Thanks a lot!

Have a great weekend.

224 Killgore Trout  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 4:10:19pm

re: #222 albusteve

despicable...I'm gonna remember that one for a long time

Just wait, they'll do something more awful next week and we'll forget all about it.

225 Gus  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 4:10:56pm

re: #218 albusteve

the MSM will decide his fate

Wingnut bloggers have been driving their bus over Perry ever since last night's performance. Also, the anti-immigration groups are voicing their displeasure with him.

226 albusteve  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 4:12:48pm

re: #225 Gus 802

Wingnut bloggers have been driving their bus over Perry ever since last night's performance. Also, the anti-immigration groups are voicing their displeasure with him.

still, the advantage goes to Fox News 10-1

227 albusteve  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 4:16:38pm

I think we are starting to see the GOP fracture, test each others pettiness, and play the outrage card for it's last effect...possibly the beginning of the end for the TP....but then again, maybe not

228 Gus  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 4:22:08pm

Time to mess with some work stuff. Later.

229 Killgore Trout  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 4:25:17pm

re: #227 albusteve

I think we are starting to see the GOP fracture, test each others pettiness, and play the outrage card for it's last effect...possibly the beginning of the end for the TP...but then again, maybe not

The Tea Party has been over for a while now. Even a Palin appearance will only draw a few hundred. I don't think we're seeing a GOP fracture. I think what we're seeing is incompetence and random flailing. They wingnuts will instantly rally around any buffoon (Trump, Palin, Bachmann, Perry) that Fox news pushes. Eventually they figure out that the chosen idiot is unelectable and has a past of endorsing previously "conservative" ideas like Romney's healthcare plan, fixing social security, or even global warming.
It's all just rudderless flailing.

230 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 4:25:38pm



CALLER 2: No, it's not, and what's really funny is, they never talk to real soldiers. They like to pull these soldiers that come up out of the blue and talk to the media.

LIMBAUGH: The phony soldiers.

CALLER 2: The phony soldiers. If you talk to a real soldier, they are proud to serve. They want to be over in Iraq. They understand their sacrifice, and they're willing to sacrifice for their country.

232 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 4:55:34pm
233 albusteve  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 4:59:18pm

re: #229 Killgore Trout

The Tea Party has been over for a while now. Even a Palin appearance will only draw a few hundred. I don't think we're seeing a GOP fracture. I think what we're seeing is incompetence and random flailing. They wingnuts will instantly rally around any buffoon (Trump, Palin, Bachmann, Perry) that Fox news pushes. Eventually they figure out that the chosen idiot is unelectable and has a past of endorsing previously "conservative" ideas like Romney's healthcare plan, fixing social security, or even global warming.
It's all just rudderless flailing.

probably true....but I would like to see more of a nudge to push them off the table...if the donks won't do it, then maybe the MSM will

234 lostlakehiker  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 5:00:34pm

re: #23 imp_62

Fellow lizards, I am in an awful, dark, terrible mood. I feel the way I did when I was a young boy, growing up in Switzerland and I would come home after school, having fought my way through the school day, with my fists, because I was a Jew. Having battled back home worrying if that group of boys was going to show up again, grab my yarmulke form my head, and play keepaway with it. Having turned on the TV to news of invading Arabs armies threatening to extinguish the one hope I held in my heart throughout all these fights and battles. The hope of Israel, clinging to a sliver of shitty beach and a few hills and proclaiming itself a safe haven to Jews, like me, the world over.

Now another mob has gathered, this time at the UN, who are red-eyed and baying at the chance of inflicting, finally, a mortal blow to that ridiculously small country in the middle of fucking nowhere that kept me going my whole life, simply because it was there.

Pakistan has nukes, but it confines itself to small acts of hostility such as the Mumbai raid, a simmering war up in the glaciers of Kashmir, and support from the ISI for the Haqqani network. They play both sides of the street, and cooperate just a meager little with the U.S. effort in Afghanistan, because it seems to them to pay nicely and it would maybe be dangerous to declare themselves openly for al Qaeda. North Korea has nukes and confines itself to sinking a destroyer here and shelling an island there.

When China got nukes, a propaganda theme that had played in the PRC press for years suddenly fell silent. All talk of how "we have tunnels under Beijing and your nukes don't scare us" disappeared.

India quietly got nukes and bought an insurance policy against China. But was China really going to try its luck at a land war in Asia, with supply lines running over the Himalayas?

Iran is working hard on getting nukes. But if they do get them, will they throw away everything for one such chance? Every nation that has ever tested nukes has experienced that oh shit moment, that bowel-loosening moment when the ground shakes even though you put the bomb a fucking mile deep into the ground and dear God it can't be that powerful can it?

Nuclear weapons are way serious and this fact seems to impress itself on those who hold the red button. Some not at all nice, but somewhat cautious, societies have dropped the whole idea. For instance, South Africa. Perhaps Iran would like to join THAT club? On the record of NK and Pakistan, nukes don't really do much for ya.

I have a friend and colleague who grew up in the Arab world and he reports that there is a wider gulf between rhetoric and action in that society than in most. Now Iran isn't Arab, but those cheering, mostly, are. And they don't, themselves, have any nukes and don't have any near term prospect of getting them. Odds are nobody will dare to nuke anybody, and in particular, nobody will dare to nuke Israel, and in most particular, Iran wouldn't dare.

235 HappyWarrior  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 5:03:39pm

re: #230 Sergey Romanov



Oh I remember that one. Really the nerve of that dude who got out of serving because of a pimple on his fat ass to call any soldier phony is pathetic. But that's exactly what Rush Limbaugh and those who worship him are, pathetic.

236 engineer cat  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 5:04:44pm

re: #229 Killgore Trout

The Tea Party has been over for a while now. Even a Palin appearance will only draw a few hundred. I don't think we're seeing a GOP fracture. I think what we're seeing is incompetence and random flailing. They wingnuts will instantly rally around any buffoon (Trump, Palin, Bachmann, Perry) that Fox news pushes. Eventually they figure out that the chosen idiot is unelectable and has a past of endorsing previously "conservative" ideas like Romney's healthcare plan, fixing social security, or even global warming.
It's all just rudderless flailing.

now that the perrygasm has gone floppy, i hear revived rumors of the jersey snarler

237 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 5:04:52pm

re: #235 HappyWarrior

The most interesting part was how rwnjs tried to claim that Rush was really taken out of context (even though Media Matters gave full context).

238 HappyWarrior  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 5:07:45pm

re: #237 Sergey Romanov

The most interesting part was how rwnjs tried to claim that Rush was really taken out of context (even though Media Matters gave full context).

Yep pretty much, it was oh my god Media Matters left wing blah blah. As far as I am concerned Rush Limbaugh has no right at all to call any soldier phony. He has every right to disagree with their opinions but calling them phony shows how pathetic he is and how little regard he has for people who don't share his fucked up worldview.

239 Decatur Deb  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 5:08:43pm

re: #237 Sergey Romanov

The most interesting part was how rwnjs tried to claim that Rush was really taken out of context (even though Media Matters gave full context).

For Rush to be in context, he would have to be on a Sand Sailer, with a buxom prisoner in a tin bikini chained at his feet, and a sycophantic wraith twittering about.

240 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 5:11:42pm

BTW, I must thank OhCrap for rwnjs. Rolls off the keyboard, really. ;)

241 albusteve  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 5:15:03pm

re: #238 HappyWarrior

Yep pretty much, it was oh my god Media Matters left wing blah blah. As far as I am concerned Rush Limbaugh has no right at all to call any soldier phony. He has every right to disagree with their opinions but calling them phony shows how pathetic he is and how little regard he has for people who don't share his fucked up worldview.

every morning Rush saddles up...M4, extra ammo, plenty of water, grenades, extra rockets, batteries for his NVG...then he fights his way to the studio, kills alot of people, hand to hand in the lobby, but Rushbo is just too mean, too smart and will not be denied the coffee maker in the hall...tough guy...Rush the Magnificent

242 Kronocide  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 5:15:40pm

I posted the link to the 'Fox News Headline vs Regular headline' on my Facebook wall. RWNJ Friend bit, 25 posts later I think I got deFriended.

243 Decatur Deb  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 5:16:16pm

re: #241 albusteve

See, you have a talent for this.

244 HappyWarrior  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 5:16:59pm

re: #241 albusteve

every morning Rush saddles up...M4, extra ammo, plenty of water, grenades, extra rockets, batteries for his NVG...then he fights his way to the studio, kills alot of people, hand to hand in the lobby, but Rushbo is just too mean, too smart and will not be denied the coffee maker in the hall...tough guy...Rush the Magnificent

Yeah it's tough going being a microphone warrior. :)

245 albusteve  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 5:23:02pm

re: #244 HappyWarrior

Yeah it's tough going being a microphone warrior. :)

I have this bad habit of wanting to harm people that diss our's the Highlander in me...not particularly civilized

246 Kronocide  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 5:24:57pm

re: #245 albusteve

I have this bad habit of wanting to harm people that diss our's the Highlander in me...not particularly civilized

The worst thing you could do to him is take his microphone away.

247 jamesfirecat  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 5:25:35pm

re: #245 albusteve

I have this bad habit of wanting to harm people that diss our's the Highlander in me...not particularly civilized


248 albusteve  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 5:30:59pm

Rush is a lardass pig that makes millions puking his rhetoric in his $1k Italian shoes...probably lives in the Hamptons, choppers to work, eats a lot of expensive snails then beds down with his Penthouse to yank Mr Happy...he's a famous, rich punk that has no business commenting at all on our military people

249 MittDoesNotCompute  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 5:34:15pm

re: #244 HappyWarrior

Yeah it's tough going being a microphone warrior. :)

It's a hard-knock life...

250 Decatur Deb  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 5:35:18pm

Featured on Memorandum

Bill Kristol has a bad day:

"The e-mails flooding into our inbox during the evening were less guarded. Early on, we received this missive from a bright young conservative: “I'm watching my first GOP debate...and WE SOUND LIKE CRAZY PEOPLE!!!!” As the evening went on, the craziness receded, and the demoralized comments we received stressed the mediocrity of the field rather than its wackiness. "

And the solution? Christie.


251 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 5:38:07pm

re: #250 Decatur Deb

Yeah, because Kristol had nothing whatsoever to do with cultivating the orgy of crazy that we see now.

252 HappyWarrior  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 5:39:26pm

re: #250 Decatur Deb

Featured on Memorandum

Bill Kristol has a bad day:

"The e-mails flooding into our inbox during the evening were less guarded. Early on, we received this missive from a bright young conservative: “I'm watching my first GOP debate...and WE SOUND LIKE CRAZY PEOPLE!!!” As the evening went on, the craziness receded, and the demoralized comments we received stressed the mediocrity of the field rather than its wackiness. "

And the solution? Christie.
Heh the guy who promoted Palin like crazy is worried that his party is sounding well crazy. You reap what you sow Mr. Kristol.

253 Decatur Deb  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 5:40:21pm

re: #251 Sergey Romanov

Yeah, because Kristol had nothing whatsoever to do with cultivating the orgy of crazy that we see now.

They Called it Puppy Love

254 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 5:47:08pm

re: #250 Decatur Deb

Featured on Memorandum

Bill Kristol has a bad day:

"The e-mails flooding into our inbox during the evening were less guarded. Early on, we received this missive from a bright young conservative: “I'm watching my first GOP debate...and WE SOUND LIKE CRAZY PEOPLE!!!” As the evening went on, the craziness receded, and the demoralized comments we received stressed the mediocrity of the field rather than its wackiness. "

And the solution? Christie.


Did you see this? (was on Drudge)

Evening Honcos.

255 austin_blue  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 5:49:01pm

re: #250 Decatur Deb

Featured on Memorandum

Bill Kristol has a bad day:

"The e-mails flooding into our inbox during the evening were less guarded. Early on, we received this missive from a bright young conservative: “I'm watching my first GOP debate...and WE SOUND LIKE CRAZY PEOPLE!!!” As the evening went on, the craziness receded, and the demoralized comments we received stressed the mediocrity of the field rather than its wackiness. "

And the solution? Christie.


Fat Man vs. Little Boy?

256 Decatur Deb  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 5:51:30pm

re: #254 Cannadian Club Akbar

Did you see this? (was on Drudge)

Evening Honcos.

Lost control of my Google cache button--will check when I can sneak up on the site.

257 wrenchwench  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 5:52:08pm

Did you know there is more than one Republican Party?

But several other presidential candidates told ABC News that they did hear the boos ring through the Orange County Convention Center...


Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson said he was embarrassed.

“That’s not the Republican Party that I belong to,” said Johnson. “I’m embarrassed by someone who serves in the military and can’t express their sexuality. I am representing the Republican Party that is tolerant. And to me that shows an intolerance that I’m not a part of in any way whatsoever. ”

This is the guy who voted for Chuck Baldwin for President in 2008. Lacks credibility, to say the least.

258 HappyWarrior  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 5:53:54pm

re: #257 wrenchwench

Did you know there is more than one Republican Party?

This is the guy who voted for Chuck Baldwin for President in 2008. Lacks credibility, to say the least.

Yeah Johnson can't call out homophobia when he supported Chuck Baldwin for president. I am glad he called it out but he's got no room to talk when he supported Baldwin and the Constitution Party.

259 austin_blue  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 5:53:58pm

re: #255 austin_blue

Fat Man vs. Little Boy?


It's a visual!

260 Killgore Trout  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 5:54:03pm

re: #250 Decatur Deb

As the evening went on, the craziness receded, and the demoralized comments we received stressed the mediocrity of the field rather than its wackiness. "

...and that's why the wingnuts are going to continue on their present course. The mediocrity isn't the core problem, it's the wackiness. Until wingnuts realize that nothing's going to change.

261 bratwurst  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 5:54:10pm

If you like a site that promotes birtherism AND hooks you up with sweet malware, Newsmax is for you. I would advise everyone else not to click that link.

262 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 5:55:12pm

re: #261 bratwurst

If you like a site that promotes birtherism AND hooks you up with sweet malware, Newsmax is for you. I would advise everyone else not to click that link.

Didn't know either. Was just piggy backing a story.

263 austin_blue  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 5:55:40pm

re: #261 bratwurst

If you like a site that promotes birtherism AND hooks you up with sweet malware, Newsmax is for you. I would advise everyone else not to click that link.

S'okay. I gotta Mac w/ Motorola chips. (Old but still scrappy!)

264 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 6:03:12pm
265 Decatur Deb  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 6:04:20pm

re: #259 austin_blue


It's a visual!

My old organization made the sophisticated explosives for the pistol and the implosion sphere.

266 laZardo  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 6:09:59pm

re: #263 austin_blue

S'okay. I gotta Mac w/ Motorola chips. (Old but still scrappy!)

I miss the LC 575s we used back in my elementary school. Far as I remember, I was the only one I knew that caught Carmen Sandiego.

267 Killgore Trout  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 6:11:46pm

My theory: Brits like curry because cilantro tastes like watercress.

268 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 6:14:12pm

"Women, minorities and RINOs at the back of the bus."

Image: GOP_Tea_Party_Debate.jpg


269 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 6:16:51pm

re: #268 Sergey Romanov

Red ties are supposed to say power and leadership.
Blue ones say compassion.
The other 2, I have no idea.
Michele is short.

270 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 6:22:27pm

re: #269 Cannadian Club Akbar

Red ties are supposed to say power and leadership.
Blue ones say compassion.
The other 2, I have no idea.
Michele is short.

Yes, but we shouldn't be guided by height. George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson were tall.

John Adams and James Madison not so much.

I really really wish one of them were running for office.

271 Achilles Tang  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 6:27:55pm

re: #267 Killgore Trout

My theory: Brits like curry because cilantro tastes like watercress.

Like no watercress I've ever tasted, and real British watercress is as hot as peppers.

(where the hell did this topic pop up from anyway?)

272 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 6:31:20pm

re: #271 Naso Tang

Like no watercress I've ever tasted, and real British watercress is as hot as peppers.

(where the hell did this topic pop up from anyway?)

I've used curry paste. Pretty spicy. And I hate cilantro because people don't use it properly.
(And I have no idea)

273 Donna Ballard  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 6:35:00pm

Hi Kids, I'm Baaack! Guess what I'm watching right now?

The Morgan Freeman interview and DAMN he's as good as I knew he was! I really admire that man!

274 allegro  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 6:36:45pm

re: #273 Dragon_Lady

Hi Kids, I'm Baaack! Guess what I'm watching right now?

The Morgan Freeman interview and DAMN he's as good as I knew he was! I really admire that man!

I'm more horny for him. Have been for years. :)

275 MittDoesNotCompute  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 6:36:51pm

re: #270 EmmmieG

Yes, but we shouldn't be guided by height. George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson were tall.

John Adams and James Madison not so much.

I really really wish one of them were running for office.

The modern TPGOP wants the legend of what the Founders were and what they stood for (a twisted, untruthful legend at that), not who and what the Founders really were.

The TPGOP has devolved somewhat into a bunch of more virulent and ignorant Archie Bunkers; think about that while you listen to the All in the Family opening theme:

276 engineer cat  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 6:37:36pm

okre: #270 EmmmieG

Yes, but we shouldn't be guided by height. George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson were tall.

John Adams and James Madison not so much.

I really really wish one of them were running for office.

the equivalent of the tea party in the year 1800 was dead set against jefferson. he was much too friendly toward the french revolutionary "republicans" ('republican' in 1800 sounded exactly like 'socialist' does today). they passed around stories warning people to hide their bibles because jefferson, that notorious denier of the divinity of christ, would burn them all if he was elected

277 Donna Ballard  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 6:39:04pm

re: #274 allegro

I'm more horny for him. Have been for years. :)

He's a little old for my taste, he's only 10 or so years younger than my parents. That's 24 years older than I am, well seasoned but a bit old for my tastes. Sorry!

278 Donna Ballard  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 6:40:11pm

re: #272 Cannadian Club Akbar

I've used curry paste. Pretty spicy. And I hate cilantro because people don't use it properly.
(And I have no idea)

Fresh cilantro is the best, I love it on a nice chicken salad. Mmmm!

279 engineer cat  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 6:41:07pm


sounds viscous

280 MittDoesNotCompute  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 6:41:24pm

re: #276 engineer dog


the equivalent of the tea party in the year 1800 was dead set against jefferson. he was much too friendly toward the french revolutionary "republicans" ('republican' in 1800 sounded exactly like 'socialist' does today). they passed around stories warning people to hide their bibles because jefferson, that notorious denier of the divinity of christ, would burn them all if he was elected

What is old is new again, when it comes to American politics.

281 allegro  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 6:41:39pm

re: #276 engineer dog


the equivalent of the tea party in the year 1800 was dead set against jefferson. he was much too friendly toward the french revolutionary "republicans" ('republican' in 1800 sounded exactly like 'socialist' does today). they passed around stories warning people to hide their bibles because jefferson, that notorious denier of the divinity of christ, would burn them all if he was elected

That's why Jefferson is always high up on my list of someone from history it would be cool to hang with for an afternoon. Einstein, Thoreau, John Lennon, Mae West... they're up there too.

282 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 6:42:01pm

re: #278 Dragon_Lady

Fresh cilantro is the best, I love it on a nice chicken salad. Mmmm!

But people see it's a pretty green color and overdue it.

283 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 6:43:50pm

re: #282 Cannadian Club Akbar

Overdo, whatever.

284 allegro  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 6:43:52pm

re: #277 Dragon_Lady

He's a little old for my taste, he's only 10 or so years younger than my parents. That's 24 years older than I am, well seasoned but a bit old for my tastes. Sorry!

I don't know his age. Don't matter, he's a cutie to a woman who is 58. Or at least this woman. His voice and mannerisms are subtly sexy as hell.

285 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 6:44:52pm

Hello Lizardia! I haven't been posting because my laptop is toast & I'm too poor to just go out & replace (soon, soon) but rest assured I'm reading & dinging from my iPhone.

Tonight is one of those gift of knowledge nights! Talking to my 74 yr old landlord. He's Phillipeno. His wife, during the Reagan yrs was an aid to this Senator. (google if my link failed)

286 engineer cat  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 6:45:24pm

what?? what's this political ad coming up at the top of this page?

Le Mieux - It's French For Crist

Don't Elect Another Crist


287 allegro  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 6:45:58pm

re: #282 Cannadian Club Akbar

But people see it's a pretty green color and overdue it.

Cilantro is pretty pungent stuff. I came to love it in pico de gallo, especially as used for garnish with chili. Yum. Now I can't get enough of the stuff but respect it when serving other palates.

288 Donna Ballard  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 6:46:36pm

re: #282 Cannadian Club Akbar

But people see it's a pretty green color and overdue it.

Yeah, that's true. But here in good old sunny So Cal the spicier the food the more they like it. Freshly chopped up and sauteed before adding it to the dish is the way I like to use it, it helps mellow the spiciness and take away some of the bitterness if you use too much. Dried cilantro is a lot stronger, I use it sparingly because I learned the hard way how nasty too much can be.

289 Gretchen G.Tiger  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 6:48:53pm

Xenophobia is now defined as = Tea Party.

What a travesty --really. The original Tea Party was a symbol for resistance against tyranny.

Now it's a symbol of the worst of humankind.

How is everyone this evening?

290 Donna Ballard  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 6:49:06pm

re: #284 allegro

I don't know his age. Don't matter, he's a cutie to a woman who is 58. Or at least this woman. His voice and mannerisms are subtly sexy as hell.

He's 73, and I turned 49 over the summer so he's a bit over the age I find attractive. But you go girl, enjoy! He's single again so if you can track him down go for it! (Unless you're not?)

291 Gretchen G.Tiger  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 6:49:33pm

re: #285 Stanley Sea

Hello Lizardia! I haven't been posting because my laptop is toast & I'm too poor to just go out & replace (soon, soon) but rest assured I'm reading & dinging from my iPhone.

Tonight is one of those gift of knowledge nights! Talking to my 74 yr old landlord. He's Phillipeno. His wife, during the Reagan yrs was an aid to this Senator. (google if my link failed)

Still Playing Words with Friends and Strangers?

292 allegro  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 6:49:42pm

re: #288 Dragon_Lady

Dried cilantro is a lot stronger, I use it sparingly because I learned the hard way how nasty too much can be.

I've never thought that dried cilantro tasted anything like fresh. Unlike a lot of herbs that can be really good and true to the flavor, cilantro isn't one of them, to my taste buds anyway.

293 Gretchen G.Tiger  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 6:51:08pm

re: #273 Dragon_Lady

Hi Kids, I'm Baaack! Guess what I'm watching right now?

The Morgan Freeman interview and DAMN he's as good as I knew he was! I really admire that man!

I liked the idea of Morgan Freeman as G-d.

He was a good G-d.

294 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 6:52:05pm

re: #292 allegro

Chili's used to use dried cilantro when I was there. I hated their pico.

295 Gretchen G.Tiger  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 6:53:12pm

re: #294 Cannadian Club Akbar

Chili's used to use dried cilantro when I was there. I hated their pico.

Chili's = bleh!

296 Donna Ballard  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 6:53:26pm

re: #292 allegro

I've never thought that dried cilantro tasted anything like fresh. Unlike a lot of herbs that can be really good and true to the flavor, cilantro isn't one of them, to my taste buds anyway.

It doesn't taste anything like fresh, you're right! Fresh cilantro has a more pungent bouquet, the dried stuff has a more spicy taste. I love it either way!

297 Donna Ballard  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 6:55:31pm

re: #293 ggt

I liked the idea of Morgan Freeman as G-d.

He was a good G-d.

Yeah, I thought so too. He's the way I picture HIM in my mind/heart.

298 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 6:56:03pm

re: #295 ggt

Chili's = bleh!

Their fajita onions kick ass. But I haven't eaten there in 8-10 years. It's just fast food.

299 allegro  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 6:57:30pm

re: #290 Dragon_Lady

He's 73, and I turned 49 over the summer so he's a bit over the age I find attractive. But you go girl, enjoy! He's single again so if you can track him down go for it! (Unless you're not?)

Wow that's really creepy. LOL Knowing his age, it made me think about my late husband who would be 71 now. It made me think about how I just got back from visiting my best friend of 30 years who is 76.

Damn, That is a weird feeling! We're all still young, rowdy adults in my head the way I experience us - well except for my husband who is yanno, dead. Putting a number to it and seeing what that number is is freaking me out.

300 Gus  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 7:01:26pm

You know those inhalers that contain CFCs that are about to be banned at the end of December? Well, of course people are trying to blame the Obama administration even though the final decision and date was made during the Bush White House years at the FDA. Well. Guess who signed off on laying the groundwork for this? Ronald Reagan!

Montreal Protocol - Confirmation

As of September 16, 2009, all countries in the United Nations, the Cook Islands, Holy See, Niue and the supranational European Union have ratified the original Montreal Protocol[10] (see external link below), Timor-Leste being the last country to ratify the agreement, bringing the total to 196. Fewer countries have ratified each consecutive amendment. Only 167 countries have ratified the Beijing Amendment.[3]

In the United States, the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (P.L. 101-549) contain provisions for implementing the Montreal Protocol, as well as explicit, separate authority for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency‎ to regulate ozone depleting chemicals.

Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher signed the protocol in 1987.

Letter from Ronald Reagan to the U.S. Senate:

"THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release December 21, 1987

To the Senate of the United States:

I transmit herewith, for the advice and consent of the Senate to ratification, the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, done at Montreal on September 16, 1987. The report of the Department of State is also enclosed for the information of the Senate.

The Montreal Protocol provides for internationally coordinated control of ozone-depleting substances in order to protect public health and the environment from potential adverse effects of depletion of stratospheric ozone. The Protocol was negotiated under the auspices of the United Nations Environment Program, pursuant to the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, which was ratified by the United States in August 1986.

In this historic agreement, the international community undertakes cooperative measures to protect a vital global resource. The United States played a leading role in the negotiation of the Protocol. United States ratification is necessary for entry into force and effective implementation of the Protocol. Early ratification by the United States will encourage similar action by other nations whose participation is also essential.

I recommend that the Senate give early and favorable consideration to the Protocol and give its advice and consent to ratification.

Ronald Reagan The White House December 21, 1987"

Source - [Link:]

301 Stephen T.  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 7:02:11pm

re: #54 EmmmieG

My Halloween slippery slope involves candy. I now have an iron rule that I do not buy candy until the last possible moment.

Mine too. Halloween is so much more fun now that I have a 7-year-old daughter who love Halloween as much as I. We've agreed to an arrangement that I get to control the candy she brings home after trick-or-treating. I hope she never catches on that she eats less than half of what she brings home.

302 Gus  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 7:02:12pm

Quack, quack.


303 Donna Ballard  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 7:03:15pm

re: #299 allegro

Wow that's really creepy. LOL Knowing his age, it made me think about my late husband who would be 71 now. It made me think about how I just got back from visiting my best friend of 30 years who is 76.

Damn, That is a weird feeling! We're all still young, rowdy adults in my head the way I experience us - well except for my husband who is yanno, dead. Putting a number to it and seeing what that number is is freaking me out.

Ooops, sorry! I did not mean to do that... Poor (((Allegro)))
I'm sorry your Hubby Bubby's no longer with you. Getting old sucks! I just got put on Synthroid cause the treatment they gave me as a kid for my over-active thyroid has now backfired and its gone hypo-active so now I'm on a pill a day for the rest of my life. Just another indicator that I'm getting older.

304 Bear  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 7:09:24pm

Had a bad scare today. This morning my 96 year old neighbor came over and told me he thought he was loosing eye sight in his only good eye and wondered if i would drive him to a doctor. Of course I said yes. After several calls he found a doctor that would work him into the schedule at 1PM. Problem was the doctor was about 90 miles away down the winding mountain road. So full speed ahead. After the doctor examined it turned out there was nothing wrong.

So the bad news of this morning turned into very good news this afternoon.

305 Bear  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 7:11:09pm

Sorry abt the double. Finger slipped I guess.

306 Gretchen G.Tiger  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 7:12:44pm

re: #304 Bear

Had a bad scare today. This morning my 96 year old neighbor came over and told me he thought he was loosing eye sight in his only good eye and wondered if i would drive him to a doctor. Of course I said yes. After several calls he found a doctor that would work him into the schedule at 1PM. Problem was the doctor was about 90 miles away down the winding mountain road. So full speed ahead. After the doctor examined it turned out there was nothing wrong.

So the bad news of this morning turned into very good news this afternoon.

Why didn't you just go to the ER?

Very cool you did all that work for your neighbor! And Glad all is well.

307 Cannadian Club Akbar  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 7:12:50pm

Alrighty. Bowl of Special K Red Berries, then nighty time. See ya'll in the morning.:)

308 Donna Ballard  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 7:13:51pm

re: #307 Cannadian Club Akbar

Alrighty. Bowl of Special K Red Berries, then nighty time. See ya'll in the morning.:)

Munch happily! Sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite.

309 Our Precious Bodily Fluids  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 7:17:53pm

Freemanic paracusia
Image: freemanic_paracusia.png
It's amazing what it does for Youtube comments.

310 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 7:18:17pm

re: #293 ggt

I liked the idea of Morgan Freeman as G-d.

He was a good G-d.

If an Asteroid is about to hit earth? I want him as president.

311 Donna Ballard  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 7:19:35pm

re: #309 negativ

Freemanic paracusia
Image: freemanic_paracusia.png
It's amazing what it does for Youtube comments.


312 Donna Ballard  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 7:20:45pm

re: #310 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

If an Asteroid is about to hit earth? I want him as president.

I saw that movie, at least most of it. I fell asleep towards the end of it so I missed the ending.

313 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 7:25:35pm

It wasn't a great movie. But, he was such a calming force.

314 Donna Ballard  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 7:25:49pm

I'm tired, gonna crash for da night. Nitey nite all! Keep Laughing!

315 Gretchen G.Tiger  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 7:28:09pm

re: #313 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

It wasn't a great movie. But, he was such a calming force.

It had a Aerosmith Song in it.

316 allegro  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 7:30:18pm

re: #303 Dragon_Lady

Ooops, sorry! I did not mean to do that... Poor (((Allegro)))
I'm sorry your Hubby Bubby's no longer with you. Getting old sucks! I just got put on Synthroid cause the treatment they gave me as a kid for my over-active thyroid has now backfired and its gone hypo-active so now I'm on a pill a day for the rest of my life. Just another indicator that I'm getting older.

Oh heck I didn't mean it like that! LOL I'm laughing about it - think it's pretty hilarious even, in a "you're only as old as you feel" kinda way. Just a couple of hours ago I was just sitting with my best friend at his place listening to jazz and smoking a fattie that was lubricated by a lovely rum punch he made for us. I felt the same as I ever felt at 28 when we did... all those things...

317 HappyWarrior  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 7:35:32pm

re: #300 Gus 802

You know those inhalers that contain CFCs that are about to be banned at the end of December? Well, of course people are trying to blame the Obama administration even though the final decision and date was made during the Bush White House years at the FDA. Well. Guess who signed off on laying the groundwork for this? Ronald Reagan!

Wow you really researched that well. Of course, that won't stop the usual suspects from insisting that this is all Obama's fault.

318 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 7:36:06pm

re: #315 ggt

That is one of the Aerosmith songs that makes me wish an asteroid would come down and smash us.

319 Gretchen G.Tiger  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 7:42:27pm

re: #318 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

That is one of the Aerosmith songs that makes me wish an asteroid would come down and smash us.

Why? I love the emotion Steve Tyler can put into a song.

So much better than anything by Steve Perry and Journey :)

320 Kragar  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 7:45:10pm

re: #315 ggt

It had a Aerosmith Song in it.

You're thinking of the other one.

321 allegro  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 7:45:12pm

re: #319 ggt

Why? I love the emotion Steve Tyler can put into a song.

I like that song a lot. It is, however from Armageddon and not the Morgan Freeman-as-President movie Deep Impact.

Wasn't it Deep Impact?

322 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 7:45:13pm

re: #319 ggt

Dream On? Great song.

Don't wanna miss a thang? meh.

323 Kragar  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 7:46:33pm

re: #321 allegro

I like that song a lot. It is, however from Armageddon and not the Morgan Freeman-as-President movie Deep Impact.

Wasn't it Deep Impact?

It was Deep Impact.

324 allegro  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 7:47:28pm

re: #323 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

It was Deep Impact.

I thought so. Really disturbing move.

325 Gus  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 7:52:43pm

re: #317 HappyWarrior

Wow you really researched that well. Of course, that won't stop the usual suspects from insisting that this is all Obama's fault.

Thanks. Here, I paged it. Mostly in my own words.

Debunking the Right-Wing Obama/CFC/Inhaler Ban Nontroversy

326 Gretchen G.Tiger  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 7:54:33pm

re: #322 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Dream On? Great song.

Don't wanna miss a thang? meh.

I didn't say it was a great song --just an Aerosmith song. Which puts it in another category from other songs. . . .

Sweet Emotion is a Great Song.

327 Gus  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 8:02:47pm


328 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Fri, Sep 23, 2011 8:48:04pm

re: #291 ggt

Still Playing Words with Friends and Strangers?

Ive been away will check back with you! Start a new game!

329 eneri  Sat, Sep 24, 2011 5:25:34am

I used to call them teabaggers but no longer, I refuse to insult gays.

330 Wayne A. Schneider  Sat, Sep 24, 2011 5:54:41pm

Whenever RWers are accused of being racist, they like to point to times in our country's history when Democrats did racist things. What they forget is that for a long time, the Republican Party was the one that was home to Liberals and the Democratic party was the party of many of the Conservatives. Dr martin Luther King, Jr, may have been a republican, but at a time when Liberals were welcome in the republican Party. It's hard to intelligently argue that he would be Republican today. The KKK was more prominently linked to the Democratic Party during its earlier years, but that was because the Democrats were more conservative than liberal. Ignorant RWers (no, that's not necessarily an oxymoron) seem to think that the two parties were always ideologically the same as they are today.

If the KKK was really Liberal, then why is Sen Jeff Sessions a Republican?

331 tshinkle  Sat, Sep 24, 2011 10:51:52pm

Modus Tollens:

Black President spends too much money
Tea Partiers don't like spending too much money
Tea Partiers don't like black people

What a joke

332 Obdicut  Sun, Sep 25, 2011 6:58:14am

re: #331 tshinkle

Yeah, that's not actually how the logic works. You fucked it up.

Why didn't the tea partiers disapprove of Reagan and Bush spending that much money?

333 tshinkle  Sun, Sep 25, 2011 2:57:34pm

re: #332 Obdicut

Yeah, that's not actually how the logic works. You fucked it up.

Why didn't the tea partiers disapprove of Reagan and Bush spending that much money?

Simple....cuz they didn't. It's really tiresome to have discussions when facts don't mean anything.

334 Obdicut  Sun, Sep 25, 2011 3:00:43pm

re: #333 tshinkle

It's really tiresome to have discussions when facts don't mean anything.

I'm sorry, are you describing your own behavior, or what?

335 True Watchman  Wed, Sep 28, 2011 2:19:10pm

re: #331 tshinkle

That is the gist of it, isn't it?

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