1 freetoken  Wed, Feb 10, 2010 10:41:13pm
2 lostlakehiker  Wed, Feb 10, 2010 10:48:33pm

Hausdorff dimension looks to be about 1.3.

3 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Feb 10, 2010 10:56:27pm

Seems like the photo was taken at sunrise.

4 Stuart Leviton  Wed, Feb 10, 2010 11:00:21pm

What is big, soft, comfy and converges in every complete space?

A Couchy sequence.

5 TheMatrix31  Wed, Feb 10, 2010 11:00:53pm

John Mayer a racist too?

So much for seeing his songs on LGF.

6 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Wed, Feb 10, 2010 11:05:22pm

re: #5 TheMatrix31

Good luck with the parsing.

7 TheMatrix31  Wed, Feb 10, 2010 11:06:52pm

re: #6 Slumbering Behemoth


8 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Feb 10, 2010 11:07:05pm

re: #5 TheMatrix31

John Mayer a racist too?

So much for seeing his songs on LGF.

I'm not sure what he really thinks, but I do know he just made an ass of himself.

9 TheMatrix31  Wed, Feb 10, 2010 11:08:48pm

re: #8 Dark_Falcon

Yeah really. What a freakin' dumbass. I never even gave the guy a shot but kept seeing the music here. One night, I clicked "play" and liked what I heard.

Too bad he's a giant douchenozzle, apparently.

10 jamesfirecat  Wed, Feb 10, 2010 11:09:07pm

re: #3 Dark_Falcon

Seems like the photo was taken at sunrise.

That can't be right, I thought Charles only shot over night photos!

/Recalling a certain Youtube video he posted here a while back....

11 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Feb 10, 2010 11:11:52pm

re: #9 TheMatrix31

Yeah really. What a freakin' dumbass. I never even gave the guy a shot but kept seeing the music here. One night, I clicked "play" and liked what I heard.

Too bad he's a giant douchenozzle, apparently.

His music may well be back here again, but not very soon. Mayer will fall out of sign for a short time, I predict. His really spoke poorly, and Playboy gave him enough rope to hang himself.

12 TheMatrix31  Wed, Feb 10, 2010 11:14:35pm

re: #11 Dark_Falcon

I guess if I cut out every musician I disagreed with or was disgusted with....my musical collection would be VERY small.

13 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Feb 10, 2010 11:16:26pm

re: #12 TheMatrix31

I guess if I cut out every musician I disagreed with or was disgusted with...my musical collection would be VERY small.

That's about the size of it. I figure he'll be back soon enough, but he is going to lie low for a couple weeks.

14 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Wed, Feb 10, 2010 11:17:45pm

re: #7 TheMatrix31

MAYER: Someone asked me the other day, "What does it feel like now to have a hood pass?" And by the way, it's sort of a contradiction in terms, because if you really had a hood pass, you could call it a n****r pass. Why are you pulling a punch and calling it a hood pass if you really have a hood pass? But I said, "I can't really have a hood pass. I've never walked into a restaurant, asked for a table and been told, 'We're full.'"

MAYER: What is being black? It's making the most of your life, not taking a single moment for granted. Taking something that's seen as a struggle and making it work for you, or you'll die inside. Not to say that my struggle is like the collective struggle of black America. But maybe my struggle is similar to one black dude's.

MAYER: I don't think I open myself to it. My dick is sort of like a white supremacist. I've got a Benetton heart and a fuckin' David Duke cock. I'm going to start dating separately from my dick.

It's a mass of incoherent stupid. Especially that last bit. Parsing it seems fruitless to me.

15 Tiny Alien Kitties are Watching You  Wed, Feb 10, 2010 11:22:14pm

re: #5 TheMatrix31

John Mayer a racist too?

So much for seeing his songs on LGF.

Thats just stupid, how can his dick be possessed by David Duke when he isn't even dead yet?

/(super secret grand dragon powers?)

16 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Wed, Feb 10, 2010 11:22:16pm

re: #12 TheMatrix31

I guess if I cut out every musician I disagreed with or was disgusted with...my musical collection would be VERY small.

My collection would consist of me, alone, beating on a drum. Made from a discarded waste basket.

17 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Feb 10, 2010 11:24:05pm

Time for me to get to bed. Goodnight, all.

18 Tiny Alien Kitties are Watching You  Wed, Feb 10, 2010 11:25:31pm

re: #16 Slumbering Behemoth

My collection would consist of me, alone, beating on a drum. Made from a discarded waste basket.

"Music from the Circular File" by Slumber Biggie?

19 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Wed, Feb 10, 2010 11:26:22pm

re: #17 Dark_Falcon

Quite concur.

/I tease.

20 Bagua  Wed, Feb 10, 2010 11:28:15pm

re: #17 Dark_Falcon

Time for me to get to bed. Goodnight, all.


21 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Wed, Feb 10, 2010 11:30:39pm

re: #20 Bagua


Thanks to RacerX, I am stuck on Goodnite.

22 Summersong  Wed, Feb 10, 2010 11:32:49pm

re: #13 Dark_Falcon

That's about the size of it. I figure he'll be back soon enough, but he is going to lie low for a couple weeks.

Nah, he twitters all the time.

"Re: using the 'N word' in an interview: I am sorry that I used the word. And it's such a shame that I did because the point I was trying to make was in the exact opposite spirit of the word itself. It was arrogant of me to think I could intellectualize using it, because I realize that there's no intellectualizing a word that is so emotionally charged. And while I'm using today for looking at myself under harsh light, I think it's time to stop trying to be so raw in interviews...It started as an attempt to not let the waves of criticism get to me, but it's gotten out of hand and I've created somewhat of a monster. I wanted to be a blues guitar player. And a singer. And a songwriter. Not a shock jock. I don't have the stomach for it.
Again, because I don't want anyone to think I'm equivocating: I should have never said the word and I will never say it again."

[Link: twitter.com...]

23 Bagua  Wed, Feb 10, 2010 11:34:57pm

re: #21 Slumbering Behemoth

Thanks to RacerX, I am stuck on Goodnite.

Darn, I kept clicking and forgot that I left my sound thingie at the office.

If there were an award for link mastery my vote would go to RacerX. My theory is that he has an entire team scouring the internet.

24 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Wed, Feb 10, 2010 11:38:42pm

re: #23 Bagua

One of the first things I remember RacerX dropping on me? This!

25 jamesfirecat  Wed, Feb 10, 2010 11:39:10pm

re: #22 Summersong

Nah, he twitters all the time.

"Re: using the 'N word' in an interview: I am sorry that I used the word. And it's such a shame that I did because the point I was trying to make was in the exact opposite spirit of the word itself. It was arrogant of me to think I could intellectualize using it, because I realize that there's no intellectualizing a word that is so emotionally charged. And while I'm using today for looking at myself under harsh light, I think it's time to stop trying to be so raw in interviews...It started as an attempt to not let the waves of criticism get to me, but it's gotten out of hand and I've created somewhat of a monster. I wanted to be a blues guitar player. And a singer. And a songwriter. Not a shock jock. I don't have the stomach for it.
Again, because I don't want anyone to think I'm equivocating: I should have never said the word and I will never say it again."

[Link: twitter.com...]

Can we create a celebrity apology mad lib?

26 Bagua  Wed, Feb 10, 2010 11:41:39pm

re: #24 Slumbering Behemoth

One of the first things I remember RacerX dropping on me? This!

Yikes! Even without sound there is a sort of perverse fascination...

27 jamesfirecat  Wed, Feb 10, 2010 11:43:29pm

By the way I've got an etiquette question since as everyone probably already knows, I'm new to LGF.

What is the proper way to respond when you go back at a thread and notice that someone who hasn't posted anything at all in the thread seems to be serially down dinging you for thus no reason that you can comprehend?

I went with a quick "you know you can come on out I don't bite" bit of sarcasm which I figure was probably the second best course of action, the best being to just ignore it, but I wonder what other people hear have to say on the issue....

28 Summersong  Wed, Feb 10, 2010 11:43:35pm

re: #25 jamesfirecat

Can we create a celebrity apology mad lib?

HA! I loved "Mad Libs". Almost as much as I loved, "Choose your own adventure".

29 Tiny Alien Kitties are Watching You  Wed, Feb 10, 2010 11:45:23pm

re: #24 Slumbering Behemoth

One of the first things I remember RacerX dropping on me? This!

Why are there squids on her shoulders?

Nevermind, I probably don't want to know.


30 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Wed, Feb 10, 2010 11:45:29pm

re: #27 jamesfirecat

What is the proper way to respond when you go back at a thread and notice that someone who hasn't posted anything at all in the thread seems to be serially down dinging you for thus no reason that you can comprehend?


31 jamesfirecat  Wed, Feb 10, 2010 11:46:09pm

re: #30 Slumbering Behemoth


As in ignore it and go play the game, or down ding their posts?

32 windsagio  Wed, Feb 10, 2010 11:46:23pm

re: #27 jamesfirecat

theres nothing you can do, people taunt them sometimes, but they very rarely come out. Its just one of those super-bizarre LGF things.

33 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Wed, Feb 10, 2010 11:47:07pm

re: #29 ausador

Shinee Cut-thulu Noms Ur Clavicles!

34 jamesfirecat  Wed, Feb 10, 2010 11:48:05pm

re: #32 windsagio

theres nothing you can do, people taunt them sometimes, but they very rarely come out. Its just one of those super-bizarre LGF things.

And to the left of the Stripped Biloogist Taunter you can see the rare Downdingious Maximus....

35 jamesfirecat  Wed, Feb 10, 2010 11:48:24pm

re: #34 jamesfirecat

And to the left of the Stripped Biloogist Taunter you can see the rare Downdingious Maximus...

Biologist Taunter...

36 windsagio  Wed, Feb 10, 2010 11:49:00pm

re: #34 jamesfirecat

lol totally, thats about the long and the short of it.

They're under the illusion that dings mean something >>

37 windsagio  Wed, Feb 10, 2010 11:49:31pm

also (lolspam) you usually can't retaliate because most of them never actually post. They just ding. :p

38 jamesfirecat  Wed, Feb 10, 2010 11:51:32pm

re: #37 windsagio

also (lolspam) you usually can't retaliate because most of them never actually post. They just ding. :p

Well given that I was getting down dinged for stuff dealing with Global Warming as opposed to the stuff that I look back at and say "wow I really put both feet my foot in my mouth then...." I'm not surprised that he/she/it doesn't post much...

39 Tiny Alien Kitties are Watching You  Wed, Feb 10, 2010 11:53:37pm

re: #27 jamesfirecat

By the way I've got an etiquette question since as everyone probably already knows, I'm new to LGF.

What is the proper way to respond when you go back at a thread and notice that someone who hasn't posted anything at all in the thread seems to be serially down dinging you for thus no reason that you can comprehend?

I went with a quick "you know you can come on out I don't bite" bit of sarcasm which I figure was probably the second best course of action, the best being to just ignore it, but I wonder what other people hear have to say on the issue...

Responding to serial downdingers is about the same as responding to trolls, they win, you lose. Some folks just aren't going to like you and if it isn't someone who is willing to even post their views in the thread there isn't much you can do to change their opinion is there?

Of course then again maybe some of what was said honestly deserved to get digned...from that persons point of view. The best policy is never to comment on it at all, unless it is really persistant and follows multiple threads.

40 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Wed, Feb 10, 2010 11:54:02pm

re: #31 jamesfirecat

As in ignore it and go play the game, or down ding their posts?

Well, you could spend some time down dinging their comments without posting a response, and see what they have to say about it. And as you have mentioned this anonymous person is doing, go back to older threads do the same.

Doubt it would result in anything significant, but it might be a fun experiment if you're feeling bored.

41 jamesfirecat  Wed, Feb 10, 2010 11:56:18pm

re: #40 Slumbering Behemoth

Well, you could spend some time down dinging their comments without posting a response, and see what they have to say about it. And as you have mentioned this anonymous person is doing, go back to older threads do the same.

Doubt it would result in anything significant, but it might be a fun experiment if you're feeling bored.

Well in this case I can't recall ever seeing a post by the person who down dinged me.

42 Dancing along the light of day  Wed, Feb 10, 2010 11:57:57pm

re: #26 Bagua

Thanks for the support, earlier tonight.
Hope all is well for you, and STAYS that way!

43 Tiny Alien Kitties are Watching You  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 12:02:23am

re: #41 jamesfirecat

Well in this case I can't recall ever seeing a post by the person who down dinged me.

Well no worries, you still have a positive karma to post ratio, you don't get to start complaining until you get to space jesus territory... ;)

44 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 12:09:48am

re: #41 jamesfirecat

Well in this case I can't recall ever seeing a post by the person who down dinged me.

It ain't nothing today. There was a time when enormous herds of free range creationists roamed the plains of LGF They would anonymously, copiously, and without comment, downding every single post that displayed a measure of reason or scientific understanding that conflicted with their fictional dogmas.

It was a difficult time, with many casualties. The majority of those casualties being stupid sheep.

45 windsagio  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 12:12:21am

re: #44 Slumbering Behemoth

I like your description, its like talking about 'history back'

46 Tiny Alien Kitties are Watching You  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 12:20:01am

Aww crap...its started...Iran forces clash with protesters.

Let us just hope that not too many heads get broken today.

47 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 12:41:39am

re: #45 windsagio

It's a new'un today. The bandy dogmatists, and their fictional fantasies, flushed from the Lizardverse like the intellectual effluvium they are. Gone and forgotten. Flotsam and jetsam floating about in the Sea of No Knowing. Wastrels among the waste.

Sometimes we remember them, sometimes we pity them. But most times...

Most times we count them as the single minded foolies they are. Sun focused without direction.

48 ArchangelMichael  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 12:51:52am

re: #45 windsagio

We kept it straight! Everything marked, everything 'membered!

49 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 12:58:20am

Curse you, RacerX!

50 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 1:37:56am

"What do you get for lettin' me win so ease-lee,
Put up your dukes bay-bay, what are you made of?"

I'll get you RacerX, and your little linky too!

51 redc1c4  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 1:41:15am

re: #44 Slumbering Behemoth

It ain't nothing today. There was a time when enormous herds of free range creationists roamed the plains of LGF They would anonymously, copiously, and without comment, downding every single post that displayed a measure of reason or scientific understanding that conflicted with their fictional dogmas.

It was a difficult time, with many casualties. The majority of those casualties being stupid sheep.

and, occasionally, the casualties was among the fruitcup......

52 redc1c4  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 1:44:22am

so, how the hell have y'all been? i've been unemployed, signed up with the senseless, but they've evidently got a limit on middle aged white males...

53 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 1:52:04am

re: #51 redc1c4

No one wants to tell me that fairy tale. Not even the equine's orifice.

re: #52 redc1c4

Also on the unemployed side, but not signed up with any faction. Kinda just treading water in waterless climes.

54 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 2:23:15am
55 RogueOne  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 2:38:27am

Morning folks

56 Cannadian Club Akbar  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 2:41:28am

I fucking hate AOL.

57 RogueOne  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 2:46:08am

re: #56 Cannadian Club Akbar

I didn't realize they were still around.

58 Cannadian Club Akbar  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 2:47:57am

re: #57 RogueOne

I just use them for email. Have had my same name for 13 years. This AM, try to get to my mail, says password invalid.

59 Spare O'Lake  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 3:00:09am

Good Morning LGF.

60 RogueOne  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 3:13:06am

I missed this yesterday, anyone else see this? The Challenger astronauts were alive after the explosion and during the fall back to earth. That's just a horrific thought.

They learned that at the instant of ignition of the main fuel tank, when a sheet of flame swept up past the window of pilot Mike Smith, there could be no question Smith knew — even in that single moment — that disaster had engulfed them. Something awful, something that had never before happened to a shuttle, was upon them like a great beast.

Mike Smith uttered his final words for history, preserved on a crew cabin recorder.


An ultimate epitaph.

Immediately after, all communications between the shuttle and the ground were lost. At first, many people watching the blast, and others in mission control, believed the astronauts had died instantly — a blessing in its own right.

But they were wrong.

61 Cannadian Club Akbar  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 3:27:40am

[Link: www.reuters.com...]

Oh, goodie, talk of taxing smokes another dollar. And a majority of Americans support it. Go ahead. Once the gubment starts getting revenue, they want more. So all these people who want to single out one group will be next on the list in some way.

62 RogueOne  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 3:35:26am

Dog saves family from fire that cat started

[Link: www.wlbz2.com...]

LAKE WORTH, Fla. (NBC) -- A Florida family's Golden Retriever is being called a canine hero, while the family's cat should probably be sent to the "dog house."
Bubba's loud barks are being credited with waking everyone up and getting them out of the burning house.

They believe if not for him they would have died in the fire.

The occupants believe the fire may have started when the family cat knocked over a burning candle.

Your cats are trying to kill you.

63 RogueOne  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 3:35:44am


64 Cannadian Club Akbar  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 3:46:44am

[Link: southtampa2.tbo.com...]

Eventually, though, the company couldn't cope with a steep drop in consumer demand, brought on by the recession and a large new tax on tobacco products, McKenzie said.

Keep on taxing. Only 500 people lost jobs at this one plant that had been around since 1902.

65 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 4:00:29am

re: #64 Cannadian Club Akbar

There are anti-smoking activists who are simply giddy over this news. This doesn't hurt their feelings a bit.

66 shutdown  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 4:03:22am

re: #62 RogueOne

Dog saves family from fire that cat started

[Link: www.wlbz2.com...]

Your cats are trying to kill you.

No. The cat was trying to assassinate the dog. The humans were merely collateral damage.

67 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 4:03:50am

re: #61 Cannadian Club Akbar

Ever noticed that the people who say, "To make an omelet you must break a few eggs." are the ones who get to eat the omelet.

68 shutdown  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 4:04:46am

re: #67 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Ever noticed that the people who say, "To make an omelet you must break a few eggs." are the ones who get to eat the omelet.

Some people just enjoy breaking eggs. These are the ones to worry about.

69 Cannadian Club Akbar  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 4:04:51am

re: #67 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

If taxes are so important spread it to everyone. Fucking liars.

70 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 4:08:39am

re: #69 Cannadian Club Akbar

Keep in mind that the people who wanted to do that are a bunch of anti-smoking groups. I don't think the politicians are gonna do much else to the industry, or to the constituency.

71 Cannadian Club Akbar  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 4:15:06am

I'll stop being in a bad mood. On a good note, I have a job interview today and I'm 80% sure I'll get it.

72 Taqyia2Me  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 4:16:29am

The taxman be insatiable.

73 RogueOne  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 4:21:23am

re: #71 Cannadian Club Akbar

Job interview? A good one?

74 Cannadian Club Akbar  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 4:23:21am

re: #73 RogueOne

Job interview? A good one?

Pay could be pretty good. I've learned to squeeze a nickel and make it a dime so whatever is offered I will add $2 an hour to it.:)

75 shutdown  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 4:27:25am

re: #74 Cannadian Club Akbar

Pay could be pretty good. I've learned to squeeze a nickel and make it a dime so whatever is offered I will add $2 an hour to it.:)

What kind of job? If it is okay to ask.

76 Cannadian Club Akbar  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 4:29:11am

re: #75 imp_62

What kind of job? If it is okay to ask.

I'm going back into the restaurant industry after a 5 year break. Although, this isn't a management position.

77 reine.de.tout  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 4:35:49am

Good morning, everyone!

Here's something interesting:

Ancient Greenland gene map has a surprise

78 Capitalist Tool  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 4:37:03am

This is the 4th consecutive day that the Federal Government has been "shut down" by the storms.... missed it yet?

79 Capitalist Tool  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 4:38:49am

re: #71 Cannadian Club Akbar

I'll stop being in a bad mood. On a good note, I have a job interview today and I'm 80% sure I'll get it.

That's the ticket! Great news- good show.

80 RogueOne  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 4:40:16am

re: #76 Cannadian Club Akbar

With the economy the way it is, a job is a job.

81 Cannadian Club Akbar  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 4:40:50am

re: #80 RogueOne

With the economy the way it is, a job is a job.

My thoughts exactly.

82 shutdown  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 4:41:15am

re: #76 Cannadian Club Akbar

I'm going back into the restaurant industry after a 5 year break. Although, this isn't a management position.

These days, it's good to get any kind of foothold and work from there. Good luck.

83 Cannadian Club Akbar  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 4:43:40am

Thanks guys.

84 SixDegrees  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 4:44:29am

re: #78 Capitalist Tool

This is the 4th consecutive day that the Federal Government has been "shut down" by the storms... missed it yet?

I figure that's saved at least $40 billion. Send more storms.

85 Cannadian Club Akbar  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 4:45:34am

re: #84 SixDegrees

I figure that's saved at least $40 billion. Send more storms.

Aren't they expecting more this weekend?

86 shutdown  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 4:48:45am

re: #84 SixDegrees

I figure that's saved at least $40 billion. Send more storms.

I read that it costs $100mm a day for the government to be shut down. They get you coming and going snowing...

87 SixDegrees  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 4:51:44am

re: #85 Cannadian Club Akbar

Aren't they expecting more this weekend?

I hadn't heard. Works for me.

88 SixDegrees  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 4:52:20am

re: #86 imp_62

I read that it costs $100mm a day for the government to be shut down. They get you coming and going snowing...

It's still a net gain.

89 SteveC  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 5:00:20am

Good morning, LGF!

Possibility of some snow flurries in the southern part of South Carolina tomorrow - shouldn't be much more than that, but being Southerners, we are obligated to *freak out* and shut down the entire state, and run to the nearest store and stock up on bread and milk. Personally I'd rather have beer and pizza, but it's a Southern tradition, so don't argue.

I'm flying to Florida tomorrow, where it is supposed to be a real mess. Cold and rainy. Hopefully the snow panic won't begin until after my flight has taken off.

*sings* There's no panic like snow panic...

90 Cannadian Club Akbar  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 5:01:57am

re: #89 SteveC

Where ya flying into? If I may ask.

91 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 5:02:31am

re: #89 SteveC

Dang, Ethel! That was loud!

92 badger1  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 5:06:01am

More snow in the Northeast predicted for next week!

93 SteveC  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 5:06:29am

re: #90 Cannadian Club Akbar

Where ya flying into? If I may ask.


Last three weeks, I've been telling myself, "It's just for a weekend conference, but it will be warm!"


94 SteveC  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 5:07:28am

re: #91 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Dang, Ethel! That was loud!

Oh shoot!

*Bangs on Wall and shouts* SORRY! WE'LL HOLD IT DOWN!

95 Cannadian Club Akbar  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 5:09:25am

re: #93 SteveC


Last three weeks, I've been telling myself, "It's just for a weekend conference, but it will be warm!"


Buy yourself a Gators shirt and wear it proud!!!!

96 SteveC  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 5:12:01am

re: #95 Cannadian Club Akbar

Buy yourself a Gators shirt and wear it proud!!!

M Cousin is a grad AND owns a T-shirt shop. I bet she can set me up! :)

97 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 5:15:49am

I saw the tips of a daffodil peeking up through the dirt yesterday.

98 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 5:16:06am


99 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 5:16:17am


100 SteveC  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 5:18:25am

re: #98 MandyManners


re: #99 MandyManners



101 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 5:20:59am


102 SteveC  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 5:23:28am

Oh, no....


10. Your annual breast exam is scheduled at Hooters.

9. Directions to your doctor instruct you to take a left after you enter the trailer park.

8. The tongue depressors your doctor uses taste faintly like Fudgesicles.

7. The only proctologist available in your new plan is Gus, moonlighting from Roto-Rooter.

6. The only item under preventative care in the handbook begins "An apple a day..."

5. Your primary care physician is wearing the pants you donated to Goodwill last month.

4. The line "Patient is responsible for 200% of out-of-network charges" is not a typographical error.

3. The only expense covered 100% is embalming.

2. Your Prozac comes in different colors with little 'M's printed on them.

1. You asked for Viagra. They gave you a Popsicle stick and some duct tape.

103 Cannadian Club Akbar  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 5:25:30am

[Link: www.dailymail.co.uk...]

This just popped up on Drudge. Wonder if this is "The Punch."

104 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 5:25:32am

re: #66 imp_62

Or the cat didn't want stupid staff that went to bed while leaving a candle burning. In a spot that apparently it was easy for a cat to knock over without setting itself on fire.

105 srb1976  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 5:28:30am


106 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 5:29:00am

Good morning Lizards!

Clear and just below freezing in sunny (and snowed in) Philadelphia. Streets are a mess and I got into work to discover the e-mail declaring the office would be closed today as well. D'oh! So I have the place and a fresh pot of coffee to myself it seems.

Dire Straits on the laptop speakers and away we go!

107 SteveC  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 5:36:34am

re: #106 oaktree

Dire Straits on the laptop speakers and away we go!

All Hail Dire Straits! (When Sultans of Swing begins to play, turn it up!)

108 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 5:37:56am

Morning lizards. Cold and clear here, dawning at -11 degrees F (-24 degrees C) with no wind at all. Made the outdoors very lovely and crisp, although it was definitely no fun to be out in for very long. Were there any repercussions to the troll droppings from yesterday morning/afternoon?

109 Cannadian Club Akbar  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 5:38:42am

re: #108 thedopefishlives

Who dropped?

110 RogueOne  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 5:40:55am

gotta run, cya people. Good Luck today CC.

111 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 5:42:27am

re: #109 Cannadian Club Akbar

Who dropped?

We had a big fight with drcordell at the end of yesterday's overnight thread, bleeding into the Huckabee thread.

112 Cannadian Club Akbar  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 5:44:07am

re: #111 thedopefishlives

We had a big fight with drcordell at the end of yesterday's overnight thread, bleeding into the Huckabee thread.

Ah, I remember. I just sat and lurked. To bad it was so early. That was worth drinking beer while watching.

113 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 5:45:53am

re: #111 thedopefishlives

He's been around for a while. Don't think I've ever agreed with him on anything substantive.

But, I don't think he's a troll.

Just someone with a completely different outlook (read HE'S WRONG!) than I have on the world.

114 Cannadian Club Akbar  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 5:47:02am

re: #113 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I checked the bottom 10 yesterday afternoon. He had a strong showing.

115 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 5:47:05am

re: #113 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

He's been around for a while. Don't think I've ever agreed with him on anything substantive.

But, I don't think he's a troll.

Just someone with a completely different outlook (read HE'S WRONG!) than I have on the world.

He's kinda like Gordon, really, from what little I remember of him. I came in at the end of his career. He does have his moments where he's deliberately trolling, like he did toward the end of the argument in the open thread.

116 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 5:47:59am

re: #114 Cannadian Club Akbar

He's consistently in the bottom ten. He could say "Good Morning" and get down-dinged.

117 Cannadian Club Akbar  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 5:48:52am

Alright kiddies. Gotta go shower and shave. See ya'll in a bit.

118 RadicalModerate  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 5:49:35am

Well, I think I'm gonna be sitting inside today. Snowing like crazy right now and there's already 2-3 inches on the ground, and depending on which model the weatherman follows, another 3 inches possible.

This is in Dallas, BTW.

119 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 5:49:53am

re: #116 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Given some of the pile-ons I've seen since I started lurking here it wouldn't be that hard to make Bottom 10 with a "Hello World" post if you riled folks up a bit first.

120 Ericus58  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 5:51:08am

"Hello World"!!!

121 Ericus58  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 5:51:56am

oh, I got the sequence backwards ;)

122 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 5:52:01am

I am not in the mood to go back for context, but Sandbox had the hell downdinged out of him/her yesterday.

Asked some questions, and got ding-slammed.

Maybe was a jerk earlier.

123 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 5:58:04am
124 Pawn of the Oppressor  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:02:36am

re: #60 RogueOne

I missed this yesterday, anyone else see this? The Challenger astronauts were alive after the explosion and during the fall back to earth. That's just a horrific thought.

[Link: www.msnbc.msn.com...]

It's not news, and hasn't been news for decades. They drag these stories out every year around the anniversary time.

This guy over-dramatizes a bit too... It wasn't an explosion, it was a disintegration. The bottom end of the external tank fell off at speed after being blowtorched by the SRB, and then the tank basically collapsed nose-to-tail under aerodynamic pressure. One booster rolled upwards, knocked the wing off, then the shuttle turned sideways in the cloud and kind of popped apart... It was a high-speed fly-apart scenario, not a "boom", although there were explosive effects.

Cause of death was hitting the ocean at 200+mph. There's no point in beating around the bush.

At least they didn't republish that fake tabloid "cockpit recorder transcript" which had everyone screaming and crying.

125 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:03:58am

re: #124 Pawn of the Oppressor

I remember that day like it was yesterday.

126 Obdicut  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:06:05am

re: #124 Pawn of the Oppressor

The excellent book "Darwin's Blade" contains a respectful and emotional retelling of the events as well.

127 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:07:56am

re: #124 Pawn of the Oppressor

The "explosion" that everyone saw was the hydrogen and oxygen in the disintegrating external tank combining to form a big steam cloud. This is why most people think it blew up, when in reality, the explosive decompression of the tank's contents probably did very little to the orbiter, which had already been thrown to the violent upper-atmosphere winds by that point.

128 SasyMomaCat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:13:11am

Good morning, Lizards -

I'm a little bummed today - my kitty of 17 years has gone blind. She has been missing jumps and bumping into things for a while now, but could still see. Last night, we confirmed that she can't see anything now except maybe some light and shadows.

Was it dopefish or oaktree that was telling me a few days ago of having a blind kitty? Any care advice would be appreciated. We already know not to rearrange anything, but anything beyond that would be helpful. Thanks!

129 Obdicut  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:16:20am

re: #128 SasyMomaCat

I had a cat that was blind for several years, and the thing we noticed most about her was that she really appreciated routine. She got really anxious around feeding time, and if we gave her food at exactly the same time every day, it helped a lot.

Also, she started to really, really hate the smell of smoke-- I guess when you're blind and smoke comes along, it's like one of your last ways of 'seeing' the world gets blown away. Don't know if that was just her, though.

Best of luck.

130 srb1976  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:16:36am

re: #128 SasyMomaCat

Sorry to hear about your cat....that can be hard. Don't have any real advice, but cats are amazingly adaptable creatures.....Good Luck

131 srb1976  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:18:30am

Poor Little Man, he actually wants to go to daycare today (Valentine's Party) helped me make cookies, helped with his valentines cards....woke up this morning with a terrible cough and his eyes crusted shut....No school for him!

132 SasyMomaCat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:18:54am

re: #129 Obdicut

Thanks - yes, we do keep a pretty strict routine. I've noticed in the past two weeks that if I'm late cleaning out the litter box she'll use the shower mat. I thought she was just making a statement, but maybe not.

133 SasyMomaCat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:19:26am

re: #130 srb1976

thanks - I appreciate the well wishes

134 SasyMomaCat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:20:30am

re: #131 srb1976

Aww, I hate to hear that - both that he's under the weather and that he's in for a disappointment. ((((srb 1976))))

135 reine.de.tout  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:21:25am

re: #128 SasyMomaCat

Good morning, Lizards -

I'm a little bummed today - my kitty of 17 years has gone blind. She has been missing jumps and bumping into things for a while now, but could still see. Last night, we confirmed that she can't see anything now except maybe some light and shadows.

Was it dopefish or oaktree that was telling me a few days ago of having a blind kitty? Any care advice would be appreciated. We already know not to rearrange anything, but anything beyond that would be helpful. Thanks!

Caring for a blind cat

136 SasyMomaCat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:23:14am

re: #135 reine.de.tout

Thanks, Reine - that will be helpful

137 reine.de.tout  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:24:35am

re: #136 SasyMomaCat

Thanks, Reine - that will be helpful

A positive note:

A caring owner can think of other ways in which to help a disabled feline companion, but beware of being overprotective. A disabled cat still requires some semblance of independence to allow it to fulfill that inner 'catness' that we love in our feline friends. Most seem unaware of their disabilities and they do not expect life to make allowances, but a helping hand and some adjustments to their lifestyle and perhaps your own lifestyle will ensure a disabled cat has a healthy, happy and safe life.

This does not have to be the end of the world for your cat!

138 srb1976  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:25:21am

re: #134 SasyMomaCat

Thanks...I'm still taking the cookies to his class (we promised) but I will keep his share here......it will be alright I think....

139 PhillyPretzel  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:26:07am

re: #106 oaktree

Just finished shoveling my walk and my neighbors. At least 15 to 20 inches of snow where I live. I am going to spend the rest of the day resting on the internet.

140 SasyMomaCat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:26:39am

re: #137 reine.de.tout

Thanks - we are making some minor adjustments, like speaking to her as we approach to be sure she knows who is coming toward her and I thought about making a ramp for her to walk up to get on the bed, but she probably wouldn't use it, knowing how fiercely independent she has always been.

141 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:26:53am

re: #128 SasyMomaCat

Sorry to hear that. I don't have a blind cat, but a deaf one. So I can't be of any help. However, I'm seeing the vet today and I'll ask her about blind cats just as an informational thing, and then pass on anything I hear.

I would presume the cat wouldn't want the furniture rearranged much.

142 Obdicut  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:29:17am

re: #137 reine.de.tout

Yeah, I'd add our blind cat was perfectly happy with her life, too. She still liked the warmth of sun on her face and liked to hear people talking. It just slowed her down a little, but she was getting old anyway.

I miss that cat.

Here's a cute/sad story about her:

She was really my older brother John's cat. John is a tough, tough guy-- he's an animal wildlife biologist who does things like crawling into the dens of mother bears and their cubs to set up video recording and/or simply tranq the mom and gather data on everyone. He's been bitten by a jaguar and chased by a polar bear. He is an intense, level-headed, unflappable guy who rarely shows his emotions.

When the cat-- Spencer-- died, we buried her on our property underneath this enormous pine tree. We spent some time digging a deep, deep hole for her, and then put her poor stiff body down at the bottom of the hole. John wedged a piece of stone above her to help prevent animals digging her up, and then turned to me, and said, simply, like a kid "Do you think she'll be comfortable down there?"

It was the sweetest thing.

And of course I said yes.

143 reine.de.tout  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:31:02am

re: #140 SasyMomaCat

Thanks - we are making some minor adjustments, like speaking to her as we approach to be sure she knows who is coming toward her and I thought about making a ramp for her to walk up to get on the bed, but she probably wouldn't use it, knowing how fiercely independent she has always been.

Our dog has seizures.
Pets are amazing, especially one you've had for that long.
Our oldest cat is 19, and much weaker than she used to be, and I think she gets confused sometimes. She had lost weight and we switched her from dry food to soft food, thinking that perhaps the dry food was hard for her to digest. She has put weight back on. We just make whatever allowances we have to; all our pets bring so much into our life.

144 SasyMomaCat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:31:34am

re: #141 oaktree

That's what it was - we were talking about how the cats hover in the kitchen when we're cooking chicken, etc. -

Thanks for putting in the inquiry.

145 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:31:35am

re: #142 Obdicut

Aw, geez...

146 SasyMomaCat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:32:59am

re: #142 Obdicut

aww - that made me mist up. Makes me think of Patches, as she's getting old. I'm fairly sure the blindness is age related.

147 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:33:17am

re: #117 Cannadian Club Akbar

*whack* *whack* *whack*


oooh. My hands are warmer from all that *whack* action.

148 Obdicut  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:33:18am

re: #143 reine.de.tout

The blackest of my depressions can be erased by the weight of one of my purring monsters on my chest.

149 SasyMomaCat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:33:53am

re: #143 reine.de.tout

Yes, they certainly do enrich our lives. We had to switch patches to wet food a couple of years ago because she was having trouble with a completely dry diet.

150 SasyMomaCat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:34:31am

re: #146 SasyMomaCat

And, my condolences to you and your brother - even though it's probably been a while, they're always missed.

151 Only The Lurker Knows  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:34:36am

Morning Lizards. A balmy 31 degrees this morning here in Twinkie Flats. With the added plus of no snow.

152 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:35:08am

[Link: www.1015themusicplace.com...]

Great radio station, y'all. Plays a very eclectic mix of music... streams online...

Bish'll hate it... Don't think I've ever heard them play Stones.

Nope! Don't work for them, or know anyone there...

153 SasyMomaCat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:35:14am

re: #148 Obdicut

ain't it the truth? And they have an uncanny knack for knowing just when it's needed.

154 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:35:39am

re: #147 MandyManners

*whack* *whack* *whack*


oooh. My hands are warmer from all that *whack* action.

See? It is warmer down here///

155 Achilles Tang  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:35:42am

Back to the larger picture

Blame China for Iran's Nukes

Of course mentioning Russia too, would be good.

156 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:35:44am

re: #140 SasyMomaCat

I built "steps" for my one cat to use for a while when he was "sick" due to hyperthyroidism. He lost a lot of rear leg muscle mass due to that, and having a bad reaction to the thyroid medicine he was initially on.

For a while he essentially could not jump. He'd rear up to try it, and just keel over onto his back. So I took shoe boxes and other things to allow him to work up to couch or bed level by steps. And once there he could get around the two main rooms by hopping from piece of furniture to piece of furniture and using the window sills.

In the last year of so he has recovered the ability to get up onto surfaces a foot or two high, but he still prefers box to cooler to bed in the one room.

157 reine.de.tout  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:37:20am

re: #142 Obdicut

Yeah, I'd add our blind cat was perfectly happy with her life, too. She still liked the warmth of sun on her face and liked to hear people talking. It just slowed her down a little, but she was getting old anyway.

I miss that cat.

Here's a cute/sad story about her:

She was really my older brother John's cat. John is a tough, tough guy-- he's an animal wildlife biologist who does things like crawling into the dens of mother bears and their cubs to set up video recording and/or simply tranq the mom and gather data on everyone. He's been bitten by a jaguar and chased by a polar bear. He is an intense, level-headed, unflappable guy who rarely shows his emotions.

When the cat-- Spencer-- died, we buried her on our property underneath this enormous pine tree. We spent some time digging a deep, deep hole for her, and then put her poor stiff body down at the bottom of the hole. John wedged a piece of stone above her to help prevent animals digging her up, and then turned to me, and said, simply, like a kid "Do you think she'll be comfortable down there?"

It was the sweetest thing.

And of course I said yes.

OMG that's a great story!
I'm about to cry *sniff*.
We have one corner of our yard reserved for our pet cemetary.
We had a feral mama cat die when her kittens were 3 weeks old - we raised those kittens - I would run home at lunch time to feed them with a bottle - had to put 2 in another room while I fed 2, then switch 'em. We bathed 'em. They grew up to be really great cats.
We've had to rescue two litters from the drainage pipe where another mama cat had put 'em - when it rained, the ditch would flood, and we'd be out there paddling the water to get them out of the pipe into the open ditch, then brought them in and wrapped them up in warm towels that had been in the dryer. We couldn't give them back to the mama cat because she kept bringing them into the ditch, so we put them by our back door and she would stand at the door and watch them (she was feral, wouldn't come in).
So many stories . . .

158 Daniel Ballard  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:37:41am

Celebrity Gaffes. Sure to draw the hypersensitives and ratings rabbits.
Mayer will be back soon enough. I look forward to a link here as his music & CJ's whim calls for it. He made a full candid apology, on the record. I respect that. Anyway he clearly had no angry or negative intent against black people. To me that makes all the difference.

Somebody should open a gaffe rehab center. Call it Kinder Grammar or something.

159 reine.de.tout  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:38:00am

re: #148 Obdicut

The blackest of my depressions can be erased by the weight of one of my purring monsters on my chest.

There's nothing quite like the feel and sound of a cat that's really happy.

160 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:39:07am

re: #155 Naso Tang

Back to the larger picture

Blame China for Iran's Nukes

Of course mentioning Russia too, would be good.

Yep. At least we're wrestling with our consciences about fossil fuel dependence...China is selling their souls for it.

161 PhillyPretzel  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:39:27am

For all of the cat lovers at LGF, there is a book about a cat who makes rounds with doctors in a nursing home. "Making Rounds with Oscar."

162 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:40:33am

re: #158 Rightwingconspirator

Celebrity Gaffes. Sure to draw the hypersensitives and ratings rabbits.
Mayer will be back soon enough. I look forward to a link here as his music & CJ's whim calls for it. He made a full candid apology, on the record. I respect that. Anyway he clearly had no angry or negative intent against black people. To me that makes all the difference.

Somebody should open a gaffe rehab center. Call it Kinder Grammar or something.

That interview stank more of dumb than racism, IMHO. Stupid people + good Scotch = inevitable foot dinner

163 SasyMomaCat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:41:16am

re: #161 PhillyPretzel

I'll have to check that out

164 PhillyPretzel  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:42:01am

re: #163 SasyMomaCat

I know Barnes and Noble has it.

165 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:42:11am

Keep the Iranian people in your thoughts and prayers, Lizards.

166 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:42:22am

re: #165 MandyManners

Keep the Iranian people in your thoughts and prayers, Lizards.

Always do.

167 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:42:30am

re: #155 Naso Tang

Back to the larger picture

Blame China for Iran's Nukes

Of course mentioning Russia too, would be good.

In the same paper, there's an interesting article on the divergent views of "corporations" that we commoners hold and how the two sides each apparently have a champion in Justices Scalia and Stevens.

[Link: online.wsj.com...]

168 SasyMomaCat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:42:35am

re: #164 PhillyPretzel

I'll check the library, first - pinching pennies

169 PhillyPretzel  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:43:08am

re: #165 MandyManners

They are in my prayers.

170 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:43:55am

re: #149 SasyMomaCat

When I adopted Cat II (also named "Patches" by the way) she was getting wet food for the first time after being under an almost total dry food diet with the original owners. She actually lost weight initially, along with a few other issues. (She has been diagnosed with hyperthyroid as well.) Turns out that the wet food has fewer calories than the dry for the most part. (And I was feeding more wet food since that is preferred for Cat I due to his age.)

Things have improved recently since I adjusted feeding patterns and have gotten both cats eating more dry food (specialized Hills Science Diet stuff for older cats for the most part.) Both cats have put on weight and Patches has put a pound back on since November. Still under 8 lbs though, and time to see if an alternate thyroid medication theory will work on her.

Cat I (Sherman) goes to the vet today for his checkup and rabies shot. Will have to see how the vet thinks he is doing. I have the impression that the thyroid will be fine, and his kidneys will be holding up well enough.

Aside: I've noticed something that might just apply to Siamese (whose fur color is related to body temp at that area of their body.) If they get sick and start losing fat and muscle mass, their coat color lightens as they have less insulation.

171 PhillyPretzel  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:44:32am

re: #168 SasyMomaCat

Most bookstores will let you read the book in the store. Just find a nice cozy little corner and sit down and read it.

172 Daniel Ballard  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:44:39am

I just got down to the kitty stories this morning. Awww. My respects to any and every animal/cat rescuer.

We had one of those Angora white cats. Deaf as a stump. We would pound the ground with a foot to call her for dinner. Her favorite place was on old big speakers for my stereo. If I put music on she hopped right up. Cats adapt very well to things. Takes a bit of time. But they do incredibly well.

173 SasyMomaCat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:45:36am

re: #171 PhillyPretzel

That's good to know - is it a quick read?

174 lazardo  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:45:39am

re: #165 MandyManners

Keep the Iranian people in your thoughts and prayers, Lizards.

Viva la (nuevo) Revolucion!

175 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:45:57am

re: #172 Rightwingconspirator

Cats adapt very well to things. Takes a bit of time. But they do incredibly well.

They are amazingly adaptive animals. I worry about how my cats are going to take the transition from my current house to my new house, but truthfully, they'll be just fine in a matter of weeks, if not less.

176 SteveC  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:46:53am

Important Safety Tip:

When you are confronted by a group of Abraham Lincoln impersonators and every one of them has an ax, there could be trouble.

177 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:47:43am

re: #174 lazardo

Viva la (nuevo) Revolucion!

وعاشت قيادة !!

178 SasyMomaCat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:47:58am

re: #170 oaktree

glad to hear that your feeding/weight/adjustment issues seem to have smoothed out. It's always a challenge introducing a new kitty to the family. Sounds like Sherman and Patches have adapted well.

Our Patches actually started eating better after we introduced Shadow to the family (and eventually her four kittens, of which only Mr. Nibbles remains with us). I think she felt a little more pressure to eat because she thought they would get it if she didn't.

That bit about a Siamese cat's fur changing color is interesting. That I did not know.

179 PhillyPretzel  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:48:13am

re: #173 SasyMomaCat

It is 240 pages. I don't know if that is quick but it is written by a doctor.

180 Ericus58  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:48:14am

re: #142 Obdicut

Upding for the story... and for any cat named Spencer.

181 NJDhockeyfan  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:49:02am

Good morning lizards! It's cold, windy, and sunny here in central Virginia. How goes it today?

182 reine.de.tout  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:49:26am

re: #148 Obdicut

I took this photo just this morning.
Our dog and 2 of our cats (including the 19-year-old).
Are they spoiled, or what?

183 SasyMomaCat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:49:47am

re: #175 thedopefishlives

They do adjust pretty well to moving, assuming no other issues exist (like blindness). We had been talking of selling the house and getting an apartment to keep down the cost of upkeep, but with this latest development, I don't think we will for a bit yet.

184 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:50:23am

re: #172 Rightwingconspirator

The cat hospital I use in Philly (VCA) also has a lot of people coming in there who rescue strays and do trap/neuter/release on the city's feral cat population. I believe the vets do check-ups and other necessary work on these animals pro bono (or with some subsidy from the city maybe.) One reason my pet bills here are higher, but I'm willing to pay for that reason.

The pet store a block from there also does cat adoptions. Always 3-4 cats in their window display there that are available. I stop in there on the way home from the vet pretty often. By a treat for the cat(s) just at the vet, pet the "store cat" (who is friendly is obviously in charge of the place), and talk ice hockey with the owner for a few minutes. ;)

185 SasyMomaCat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:50:55am

re: #179 PhillyPretzel

Assuming it's not in his handwriting, that is a very quick read for me. (I read the Hobbit & LOTR in less than two weeks between working and caring for my family)

186 Daniel Ballard  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:51:17am

re: #165 MandyManners

All day long Mandy. Hey, I wonder if any of us Lizards are tapped into the net is a way that they could get a graph of the 'net flow out of Iran. Like the hit trackers web masters use... Any ideas anyone?

187 SasyMomaCat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:51:38am

re: #182 reine.de.tout

They look precious!

188 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:51:44am

re: #181 NJDhockeyfan

Good morning lizards! It's cold, windy, and sunny here in central Virginia. How goes it today?

Cold, windy, and sunny in North Florida, too.

It's cold on the atlantic front for more than one reason, though...

EU to USA: Drop Dead.

thanks for being team players, allies. sheesh.

189 NJDhockeyfan  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:51:47am

President Obama now says he's 'agnostic' on possible taxe hikes for households below $250K a year

WASHINGTON - President Obama says he is now "agnostic" about raising taxes on households making under $250,000 a year to help cut budget deficits, signaling a possible retreat from a campaign pledge.

In an interview with Bloomberg BusinessWeek on newsstands Friday, Obama said a presidential budget commission needs to look at all options for deficit reduction - including tax increases and cuts in spending on such programs as Social Security and Medicare.

"The whole point of it is to make sure that all ideas are on the table," Obama said. "So what I want to do is to be completely agnostic, in terms of solutions."

Obama repeatedly vowed during the 2008 campaign to spare households earning less than $250,000 a year from tax increases.


190 Daniel Ballard  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:52:12am

re: #182 reine.de.tout

Good Morning! Good to see yur friends!

191 PhillyPretzel  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:52:58am

re: #185 SasyMomaCat

I read some of the reviews on line and most of reviewers said it was an easy read. If you have an ebook reader it costs $9 to download and read it.

192 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:53:05am

re: #182 reine.de.tout

I took this photo just this morning.
Our dog and 2 of our cats (including the 19-year-old).
Are they spoiled, or what?

Ha! Now that's a trio of happy.

193 SasyMomaCat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:53:58am

re: #191 PhillyPretzel

Thanks, but I'm still in the dark ages of paper and ink. Would love to have an e-reader, though. Kindle is on my wish list.

194 PhillyPretzel  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:54:48am

re: #193 SasyMomaCat

I prefer old fashioned books myself.

195 Obdicut  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:54:49am

re: #182 reine.de.tout

Aw. They're lovely. And they look utterly content. I miss having a dog; I had my childhood dog, and I really can't replace him until I have kids myself.

Once I fix my damned camera I'll take pictures of our furry little weirdos.

196 SteveC  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:55:22am

re: #193 SasyMomaCat

Thanks, but I'm still in the dark ages of paper and ink. Would love to have an e-reader, though. Kindle is on my wish list.

Same here! I was waiting to see what Apple came out with, but the iPad doesn't appeal to me, so I'm back to the Kindle.

197 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:55:38am

re: #189 NJDhockeyfan

so if the government cops a feel while its hands are groping around in search of my wallet, is that harassment or just a free prostate exam under Obamacare?

198 SasyMomaCat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:55:57am

re: #194 PhillyPretzel

Personally, I do, too - there's nothing that can replace curling up with a good page turner. But, when traveling, etc., the e-book reader could certainly be handy.

199 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:55:59am

re: #178 SasyMomaCat

That bit about a Siamese cat's fur changing color is interesting. That I did not know.

I'm not 100% sure it's true. But Sherman's brother Thomas definitely lightened out in the last few years of his life. Both of them "greyed" a bit around the face (which are generally solid black in Siamese*), and I thought that Thomas was just doing that in general. However, as his kidneys failed he lost a lot of mass and fat, so I think that might be an alternate explanation for the color change. Another question for the vet I guess.

* - Sherman and Thomas were Siamese/Tabby cross I think. Siamese length with Tabby width. Nice sleek 11-12 lb cats in their prime. Sounded like a 10-year-old girl screaming when they got into fights.

200 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:57:14am

re: #189 NJDhockeyfan

Not surprised at all.

Gosh, are you surprised?

201 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:57:48am

re: #197 Aceofwhat?


202 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 6:58:53am

re: #201 Fat Bastard Vegetarian


mooon riiiverrr...

203 SixDegrees  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:00:12am

re: #137 reine.de.tout

This does not have to be the end of the world for your cat!

I agree. I've never had a blind cat myself, but have met several over the years, and they seem quite content. Obviously, they need to be protected, but as long as everything is within easy reach (no jumping required) they seem to get along just fine with hearing, smell and touch.

I've noticed that they tend to hug the walls when moving, probably so they can use their whiskers as guides. And they'll jump up on things if they can stand up and reach, say, the chair seat before leaping.

We seem to react much more strongly to their lack of sight than they do.

204 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:00:39am

Wife got me a bar of exfoliating peppermint soap and some peppermint oil lotion because it is obviously my molting season...

I smell like a gigantic, fat candy cane....

My skin is tingly....

(that burning sensation means, it's working)

205 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:02:05am

And since I'm posting cat stories this morning -- avatar change.

That's a year-old picture of Cat I (Sherman). In full-on Cat Lord mode, "it amuses me to let you take my picture..."

206 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:03:02am

re: #205 oaktree

And since I'm posting cat stories this morning -- avatar change.

That's a year-old picture of Cat I (Sherman). In full-on Cat Lord mode, "it amuses me to let you take my picture..."

I agree - that's a pure look of royal indifference. Well done.

207 PhillyPretzel  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:03:12am

re: #205 oaktree

Hmm. Is he lord of the manor?

208 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:05:35am

Not a cat person.

I love all animals and love cats, just don't want one of my own (and really, do you ever really own a cat?).

Cats look sneaky and I'm gullible.

209 NJDhockeyfan  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:05:37am

I had a blind cat once. She had been hit by a motorcycle. The cat was partially blind in one eye and fully blind in the other one. We saw her sitting under a tree one day. There was a bird nest in the tree and a bird was diving toward the cat. She just sat there motionless as the bird kept flying closer to her. Finally the bird got too close and she jumped up and with one claw snatched that bird from the air. It was an amazing thing to watch.

210 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:06:35am

re: #209 NJDhockeyfan

That's exactly what I mean!

211 PhillyPretzel  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:07:10am

re: #208 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

And they would sense that and take full advantage.

212 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:07:29am

re: #208 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I love all animals and love cats, just don't want one of my own (and really, do you ever really own a cat?).

Of course not. In Soviet Russia, you own cat. Everybody else knows that the cat is lord/lady of the house.

213 lazardo  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:07:58am

re: #209 NJDhockeyfan

I had a blind cat once. She had been hit by a motorcycle. The cat was partially blind in one eye and fully blind in the other one. We saw her sitting under a tree one day. There was a bird nest in the tree and a bird was diving toward the cat. She just sat there motionless as the bird kept flying closer to her. Finally the bird got too close and she jumped up and with one claw snatched that bird from the air. It was an amazing thing to watch.


214 NJDhockeyfan  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:08:48am

Chilling aerial photos of 9/11 attack released

NEW YORK – A trove of aerial photographs of the collapsing World Trade Center was widely released this week, offering a rare and chilling view from the heavens of the burning twin towers and the apocalyptic shroud of smoke and dust that settled over the city.

The images were taken from a police helicopter — the only photographers allowed in the airspace near the skyscrapers on Sept. 11, 2001. They were obtained by ABC after it filed a Freedom of Information Act request last year with the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the federal agency that investigated the collapse.

The chief curator of the planned Sept. 11 museum pronounced the pictures "a phenomenal body of work."

The photos are "absolutely core to understanding the visual phenomena of what was happening," said Jan Ramirez of the National September 11 Memorial & Museum. They are "some of the most exceptional images in the world, I think, of this event."

In some of the pictures, the tops of the nearby Woolworth Building and other skyscrapers can just be seen above the enormous cloud of debris, gray against a clear blue sky. Gray clouds billow through the streets of the financial district and shroud the 16 acres where the towers had stood just moments before.

Buildings can hardly be seen at all in one image — just dust clouds hanging over the Hudson River at the southern tip of Manhattan.

One close-up shows orange flames and black smoke pouring from the upper floors of the north tower, the first hit by a hijacked plane.

"I almost didn't realize what I was seeing that day," Greg Semendinger, the former New York Police Department detective who took the 12 pictures posted on ABC's site, told The Associated Press. "Looking at it now it's amazing I took those pictures. The images are ... stunning."


215 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:08:55am

re: #207 PhillyPretzel

He's the boss and he knows it.

He is also achieving a Howard Hughes level of reclusivity. Once he notices anyone other than me in the apartment he's under the bed until the coast is clear. Given his deafness, that can sometimes be a while. And if he's too comfortable (he sleeps on a chair that is warmed with a low setting hot pad) he sort of lie there and watch people until they approach too close, or he just decides to bail out.

The forays into the hall of the apartment building are interesting since both cats will scramble for home if anyone arrives on the elevator or leave their own apartments. (Forays are supervised, I'm generally out in the hall myself, or simply running garbage/recycling to the proper place.)

216 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:10:16am

re: #215 oaktree

As long as he's not bottling his own pee, it sounds manageable...

217 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:12:05am

re: #214 NJDhockeyfan

GRRR (fucking) GRRR

218 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:12:50am

re: #208 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I like both cats and dogs, but have cats and no dogs primarily due to the fairly low maintenance requirements for cats. Or, more accurately, the ability to leave cats on their own for 2-3 days without the requirement for boarding or have someone in the feed/walk them everyday.

There's also a difference between having a 9 lb cat climb on the bed telling you it's time to get up as compared to having a 125 lb German Shepherd do it. (My friends in northern NJ have the latter...)

219 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:13:01am

re: #213 lazardo


The first house i bought was occasionally infiltrated by a disoriented bat. Solution? Throw norwegian forest cat into the room, close door, wait two minutes. The NFC had inevitably snatched the bat out of midair and begun to sniff a small mammal that was in stasis after having received the shock of its life...

Pick up the bat with a glove, and set it down outside. Problem solved, cat ninja status affirmed.

220 Killgore Trout  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:14:41am

Dubai court annuls marriage to 'bearded lady'

An Arab country's ambassador to Dubai has had his marriage contract annulled after discovering the bride was cross-eyed and had facial hair.

The woman had worn an Islamic veil, known as the niqab, on the few occasions the couple had met.

The envoy, who has not been identified, told a Sharia court her mother had tricked him by showing him pictures of the bride's sister, Gulf News reported.

He only discovered the deception when he lifted the woman's veil to kiss her.


221 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:16:35am

re: #219 Aceofwhat?

Is it really Ninjacat, or are ninja simply trying to achieve cat-ness? It's obvious that cats have Buddha nature, isn't it? Just watch one as it achieves meatloaf mode.

222 Donna Ballard  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:17:12am

Good Morning and Happy Thursday Lizards! I trust everyone is well this beautiful day?

223 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:17:22am

re: #220 Killgore Trout

Dubai court annuls marriage to 'bearded lady'


Seeeriously. Modesty is only admirable to a certain point. Call me shallow, but i want a peek at the mug before i drink the coffee...

224 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:17:55am

re: #221 oaktree

Is it really Ninjacat, or are ninja simply trying to achieve cat-ness? It's obvious that cats have Buddha nature, isn't it? Just watch one as it achieves meatloaf mode.

Well done. You have it right-

225 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:18:18am

re: #220 Killgore Trout


To make things worse, it turns out that her mother showed him pictures of Jenna Jameson.


226 PhillyPretzel  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:18:43am

re: #222 Dragon_Lady

Laughing at some of the cute cat stories.

227 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:18:56am

re: #208 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

You don't own the cat. You have simply been selected to serve as staff. Now the dogs, you can own them. The fish, hamsters, and other small rodents are simply the game reserve and emergency cat food supplies.

228 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:18:59am

re: #220 Killgore Trout

Dubai court annuls marriage to 'bearded lady'


"Dude, you just got punk'd. Wave for the camera."

229 Sheila Broflovski  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:19:00am

Zedushka's credit card has been compromised. I just got a call from Nieman Marcus asking about a purchase made with his card.

I just knew he would not splurge like that on my Valentine's Day present. He is more of a Wal-Mart type of guy.

230 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:19:35am

re: #218 oaktree

My dog weighs 5 and a half pounds...

231 Donna Ballard  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:19:39am

re: #220 Killgore Trout

Dubai court annuls marriage to 'bearded lady'


I feel sorry for the poor girl that her mother had to resort to that kind of subterfuge to get her married. The poor thing must have no self esteem or sense of self worth at all.

232 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:20:10am

so the idiots might be getting out sooner rather than later after all...

U.S. Missionaries' Case Gets a Boost

The children's relatives told Bernard Saint-Vil, the magistrate conducting the probe, that they handed over their children to Laura Silsby and the nine other American missionaries, according to a transcript of court hearings seen by The Wall Street Journal.

On Wednesday, one father who gave a 10-month-old baby to the group waited to testify before the magistrate. "She said she would help me, she has no reason to be in jail," said Johnny Antoine, referring to Laura Silsby, the group's leader.

233 Sheila Broflovski  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:20:23am

re: #231 Dragon_Lady

I feel sorry for the poor girl that her mother had to resort to that kind of subterfuge to get her married. The poor thing must have no self esteem or sense of self worth at all.

How do we know it is a girl and not a guy?

234 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:20:28am

re: #231 Dragon_Lady

You think so?

235 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:21:28am

re: #232 Aceofwhat?

The relatives' intentions are somewhat irrelevant here. These tools were operating without proper clearance from the government. However well-intentioned things were on both sides, they were dumb and they are paying the price for it. Projects like this need proper planning.

236 srb1976  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:21:48am

re: #230 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

My dog weighs 5 and a half pounds...

In the small dog department, I am a pug fan (we have 2 right now) closer to 20 pounds than 5 though....shed like crazy and snore like a freight train wouldn't trade them though = )

237 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:21:49am

re: #230 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Does it try to act like a cat?

I had friends with a toy poodle that they said acted like it was a cat. They jokingly referred to it as the "cog".

238 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:22:25am

re: #235 thedopefishlives

The relatives' intentions are somewhat irrelevant here. These tools were operating without proper clearance from the government. However well-intentioned things were on both sides, they were dumb and they are paying the price for it. Projects like this need proper planning.

Oh, i'm not arguing. whatever time they've spent in the Hatian pokey is well-earned. Just providing an update, since i hadn't seen anyone post a related link yet this morning.

239 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:23:17am

re: #237 oaktree

Our vet said Rocky is a "cat in a dog suit".

Rocky was pissed.

240 Donna Ballard  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:23:26am

re: #226 PhillyPretzel

Laughing at some of the cute cat stories.

I could have you laughing yourself silly at a few of the antics our furrbies we have! Our Maine Coon is the smartest cat I've ever had, she sits, stays rolls over and begs just like a dog. In other words we have a dog that purrs and has razor sharp claws that meows.

241 SasyMomaCat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:23:27am

re: #208 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

No, the cat chooses you. There is definitely no owning a cat! :)

242 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:24:06am

re: #236 srb1976

In the small dog department, I am a pug fan (we have 2 right now) closer to 20 pounds than 5 though...shed like crazy and snore like a freight train wouldn't trade them though = )

Pugs are awesome. We had one but gave it to a friend who we thought was quasi-suicidal a few years ago. Have a toy chihuahua now. Have held off on getting a cat because we're pretty sure it would end up eating the dog at some point.

243 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:24:30am

re: #236 srb1976

Maltese/Powder-Puff Chinese Crested mix.

Lead-free. We had him checked.

244 lazardo  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:24:45am

re: #241 SasyMomaCat

No, the cat chooses you. There is definitely no owning a cat! :)

I have a cat-obsessed fangirl stalking me on my art site. That seems to explain it quite well.

245 Donna Ballard  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:26:04am

re: #234 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

You think so?

Absolutely. Girls that homely are treated like garbage and told they're not worth the food they eat in many cultures. Many are killed or cast out of the family so that others won't know that that kind of genetics are in the family. Sad, so sad. It not as if they choose to look that way.

246 srb1976  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:27:20am

re: #242 Aceofwhat?

Pugs are awesome. We had one but gave it to a friend who we thought was quasi-suicidal a few years ago. Have a toy chihuahua now. Have held off on getting a cat because we're pretty sure it would end up eating the dog at some point.

Our older one (11 now) is the best pet ever....he absolutely lives to curl up in your lap or at your feet it's kind of sad that he is getting so old though, we're starting to see him having arthritis issues in his his....baby aspirin really seems to help though

247 NJDhockeyfan  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:27:41am

No Valentine's: Saudi religious police see red

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia – The Saudi religious police launched Thursday a nationwide crackdown on stores selling items that are red or in any other way allude to the banned celebrations of Valentine's Day, a Saudi official said.

Members of the feared religious police were inspecting shops for red roses, heart-shaped products or gifts wrapped in red, and ordering storeowners to get rid of them, the official said. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to reporters.

Red-colored or heart-shaped items are legal at other times of the year, but as Feb. 14 nears they become contraband in Saudi Arabia. The kingdom bans celebration of Western holidays such as Valentine's Day, named after a Christian saint said to have been martyred by the Romans in the 3rd Century.

Most shops in Riyadh's upscale neighborhoods have removed all red items from their shelves. A statement by the religious police, informally known as the muttawa, was published in Saudi newspapers, warning shop owners against any violations.

"Those who don't comply will be punished," the statement said, without spelling out what measures would befall the offenders.

248 Varek Raith  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:28:13am

"What's up, Wastelanders?"
-Three Dog.

249 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:28:27am

re: #245 Dragon_Lady

Uh... sarcasm... sorry. It is a terrible, primitive culture.

250 SasyMomaCat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:28:46am

re: #229 Alouette

Ack - what a bummer! (the compromised part, of course). Wishing you well on getting that straightened out.

251 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:29:04am

re: #240 Dragon_Lady

Our family cat when I was growing up didn't really beg. She just preferred that a chair be pulled out slightly at the table. You look down to the end and there'd be two ears and a pair of eyes at table level watching the goings on. And she'd beat you to the kitchen when you took the plates in since that was when she got scraps. And if you were slow doing that and no one was in the room you could catch her stealing chicken bones off of plates. Those rasp-like cat tongues are very good at working off those last few scraps of yummy meat.

252 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:29:58am

re: #247 NJDhockeyfan

No Valentine's: Saudi religious police see red

Now that is a theocracy. Idiots.

253 PhillyPretzel  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:30:56am

re: #252 Aceofwhat?

That is how they are. Our way or our way.

254 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:31:09am

re: #251 oaktree

You mean that their tongues were intelligently designed to clean meat off of bones///

(i keeed, i keeed)

255 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:31:48am

re: #253 PhillyPretzel

That is how they are. Our way or our way.

Our way or "i keeel you!"

256 Donna Ballard  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:31:58am

re: #241 SasyMomaCat

No, the cat chooses you. There is definitely no owning a cat! :)

As chief of staff and entertainment for our three cats I can verify that! Our smallest one, Peanut, just announced that she wants to use the box and wants an escort, she's still afraid of Pepper our 13 lb Maine Coon who likes to ambush her on a regular basis. :-)
*Sigh* another day of furry escort duty has started.

257 darthstar  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:34:01am

Good morning, everyone.

258 Guanxi88  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:35:22am

Ahoy, ahoy, there, my scaly amigos!

259 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:35:34am

Week after week, I have been ostracized as a climate change denier, simply because I refuse to let good science be harmed by certain scientist who are more concerned with power, profit and prestige, and not interested in honest science.

Every time I bring up the subject of the questionable antics of Dr. Phil Jones at the Climate Research Unit at East Anglia University I get called all sort of foul names from so called "scientists." Every time I link to a new article or report on the problems with the process, procedures and protocols of the IPCC and how they have compile their data I am told that I am calling climate change a "hoax."

Well, one of the High Priests of the Climate Change Temple has finally admitted that there are problems with the process and calling for drastic changes in how future United Nations climate reports are done.

"A lot of stuff in there was just not very good," said Kevin Trenberth, head of climate analysis at the National Center for Atmospheric Research and a lead author of the first report. "A chronic problem is that on the whole area of impacts, getting into the realm of social science, it is a softer science. The facts are not as good."

This article is from AP, posted on MSMBC's website and the lead scientist in the article is Kevin Trenberth. If anyone on LGF wants to imply that these sources and person mentioned are some conservative water carriers, go for it.

As far as I am concerned, this article exonerates me from all the snide-assed comments made to me from a good number of commenters on LGF.

Hopefully honest scientist will stayed concerned with the charlatans in their scientific community and start cleaning house, before it's to late.

260 lazardo  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:36:12am

re: #247 NJDhockeyfan

No Valentine's: Saudi religious police see red

One of the few things I agree with the Saudis on, if only for different reasons.

/yeah. Didn't get many cards growing up. ):

261 SasyMomaCat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:38:05am

re: #258 Guanxi88


262 subsailor68  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:38:57am

Morning all! Well, isn't this just peachy:

Polk school district to give iPods to some parents

What's the idea? Well:

The school district is using the device to reward parents of children with disabilities who fill out a 10-minute online survey. The district wants to know how well it's connecting with the parents and how to get parents involved in their children's education.

What's wrong with that? Well:

The district is spending about $350,000 in federal stimulus money for the iPods.

That's what's wrong with that.

263 Donna Ballard  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:39:17am

re: #251 oaktree

Our family cat when I was growing up didn't really beg. She just preferred that a chair be pulled out slightly at the table. You look down to the end and there'd be two ears and a pair of eyes at table level watching the goings on. And she'd beat you to the kitchen when you took the plates in since that was when she got scraps. And if you were slow doing that and no one was in the room you could catch her stealing chicken bones off of plates. Those rasp-like cat tongues are very good at working off those last few scraps of yummy meat.

Yeah they're good at cleaning plates. My parents cat is a 20 lb Maine Coon mix and he just sits and looks at you when he wants something. Nothing quite like having a pair of hopeful eyes staring at you for what seems like hours. He knows a sucker when he sees on. I walk through the door and he immediately latches onto me and lets me know that I'm to be his servant for the time that I'm there. One very quite meow and I'm up out of my chair and following him to see what he wants. My parents laugh at me and tell me that my cats have me well trained. *Sigh* so true.

264 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:39:31am

re: #259 Walter L. Newton

I will continue to defend the assertion that the science relating to the predicted future effects and consequences of AGW is somewhere between tenuous and a joke. I maintain that is a different question than the science relating to the phenomenon of AGW, which I believe is well-documented and beyond question.

I think that is close to your position as well, Walter, and I'm not apologizing for either of us. We conflate our ability to diagnose our impact on the atmosphere with an ability to diagnose nebulous future consequences. They're not the same thing at all.

265 SasyMomaCat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:40:09am

re: #262 subsailor68

I'm dumbfounded

266 Guanxi88  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:40:45am

I see that cats are on the menu, conversation-wise. Well, I've got a feral cat - a furry little demon to those outside our family - who has been the best cat I've ever had/ Sweet and affectionate, demanding and insistent - oh, and she "milks" her paws when she's sitting on your lap and getting really comfy.

Our dog is a Japanese Chin - a cat-dog if ever there was one. Nice little dogs - very laid-back, very mellow, very cat-like.

267 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:40:58am

re: #257 darthstar

Good morning, everyone.

Good morning, sultan of powder.

268 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:41:40am

re: #262 subsailor68

Pretty bad when you need to resort to incentives like that simply in an attempt to get people to act like concerned parents.

269 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:42:43am

re: #265 SasyMomaCat

I'm dumbfounded

I wish i was. Spending is shockingly unrelated to educational outcomes, but all you'll hear is that we aren't spending enough on education.

This is what happens when you spend "more" on education without stringent guidelines about what you expect the additional funds to achieve...

270 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:43:38am

re: #268 oaktree

Pretty bad when you need to resort to incentives like that simply in an attempt to get people to act like concerned parents.

It could just as easily be that the parents would have responded to the survey anyway, but the district needed to spend the money or lose it.

271 Donna Ballard  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:44:24am

re: #249 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Uh... sarcasm... sorry. It is a terrible, primitive culture.

Sorry, typing like this is a cold medium and I sometimes have a hard time discerning the sarcasm from serious comments. No harm done my friend! :-)

272 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:44:28am

re: #264 Aceofwhat?

I will continue to defend the assertion that the science relating to the predicted future effects and consequences of AGW is somewhere between tenuous and a joke. I maintain that is a different question than the science relating to the phenomenon of AGW, which I believe is well-documented and beyond question.

I think that is close to your position as well, Walter, and I'm not apologizing for either of us. We conflate our ability to diagnose our impact on the atmosphere with an ability to diagnose nebulous future consequences. They're not the same thing at all.

You are stating my position exactly... but, here is the kind of comments I get for taking this position...

re: #283 Charles

That's ridiculous, Walter. Please don't put words in my mouth. I said using any one of these trumped up incidents to try to show global warming is a "hoax" is below you -- not that specific article. And you know it.

The four articles in questions above were written by one of the most vocal climate change advocates in Britain, Fred Pearce of the Guardian... hell, he certainly wasn't trying to say climate change is a hoax.

But he was questioning the process, procedures and policies of a number of people and organizations... the same way Kevin Trenberth does in the AP/MSMBC article I linked to above.

273 PhillyPretzel  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:44:57am

re: #269 Aceofwhat?

I would like to see more money spent on Education. For those who teach and tutor it would be great. I do not like it when money is spent on "toys."

274 NJDhockeyfan  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:45:26am

Here is a CNN genius giving some advice to Obama...

Time for Obama to go 'gangsta' on GOP

...Obama's critics keep blasting him for Chicago-style politics. So, fine. Channel your inner Al Capone and go gangsta against your foes. Let 'em know that if they aren't with you, they are against you, and will pay the price.

This is journalism?

275 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:45:39am

A U.K. appeals court on Wednesday forced the British government to disclose U.S. intelligence related to the alleged torture of a former Guantanamo Bay detainee, a move the U.K. had argued could jeopardize future intelligence sharing.

The paragraphs detail how Mr. Mohamed was subjected to "cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment by the United States authorities" such as sleep deprivation, threats and shackling. The redacted paragraphs indicated that U.K. officials at the time would view such treatment, if administered on behalf of Britain, as a breach of the country's international treaty commitments banning torture.

Sleep deprivation, threats, and shackling? Oh, the humanity...

Churchill is rolling in is grave right now. Where did all of the real Brits go?

276 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:46:01am

re: #270 Aceofwhat?

That's one of the bad issues with how many places handle budgeting. "Use it or lose it" mode leads to a lot of boondoggling and inefficiencies. And then you start seeing the dysfunctions like efficient departments getting their budgets cut since they don't spend it all.

277 PhillyPretzel  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:46:26am

re: #274 NJDhockeyfan

Not journalism. Harrassment.

278 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:47:22am

re: #274 NJDhockeyfan

Here is a CNN genius giving some advice to Obama...

Time for Obama to go 'gangsta' on GOP

This is journalism?

No, he is an opinion journalist, he does this all the time for CNN.

279 Donna Ballard  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:47:23am

re: #266 Guanxi88

I see that cats are on the menu, conversation-wise. Well, I've got a feral cat - a furry little demon to those outside our family - who has been the best cat I've ever had/ Sweet and affectionate, demanding and insistent - oh, and she "milks" her paws when she's sitting on your lap and getting really comfy.

Our dog is a Japanese Chin - a cat-dog if ever there was one. Nice little dogs - very laid-back, very mellow, very cat-like.

I'd love to get a dog but were not allowed to have them in our apartment building. Maybe someday when we move into a house I'll be able to have a dog. Our Pepper Cat will love having a dog to torment and chase around the yard I'm sure. I almost feel sorry for the dog...

280 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:47:39am

re: #274 NJDhockeyfan

Here is a CNN genius giving some advice to Obama...

Time for Obama to go 'gangsta' on GOP

This is journalism?

What's wrong with it?

281 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:47:42am

And a "let's be careful out there" note for those in snowy cities today. I'm sitting here in an office building with snow/ice on it that is getting some wind and direct sunlight right now. And listening to the rattle as chunks of ice and snow bounce off the sides of the building as they head for the sidewalks below...

282 SasyMomaCat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:48:11am

re: #269 Aceofwhat?

in the public sector, the outcomes ARE the bottom line. I know you can't measure government, NGO, and non-profit by dollars and sense, but you can measure it by how well it is achieving its stated goals. And outcomes are the only measurement that makes sense. Drives me nuts that so many think that it's okay to NOT adjust to maximize outcomes.

283 PhillyPretzel  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:48:43am

re: #281 oaktree

Falling ice is very dangerous.

284 SixDegrees  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:48:44am

re: #274 NJDhockeyfan

Here is a CNN genius giving some advice to Obama...

Time for Obama to go 'gangsta' on GOP

This is journalism?

No, it's opinion, according to the banner at the top of the page.

285 Donna Ballard  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:49:27am

re: #281 oaktree

And a "let's be careful out there" note for those in snowy cities today. I'm sitting here in an office building with snow/ice on it that is getting some wind and direct sunlight right now. And listening to the rattle as chunks of ice and snow bounce off the sides of the building as they head for the sidewalks below...

As much as I like to look at snow and ice I can't stand to be out in it, I tend to suffer greatly when I indulge in my love of icy winter landscapes. I try to only enjoy them from afar.

286 PhillyPretzel  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:50:57am

Ice. Photographer's dream shots. Driver's and pedestrian's nightmares.

287 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:50:58am

re: #272 Walter L. Newton

I don't always have the energy to hang in those threads, but the emotions are high enough on this subject that we need to strive for absolute clarity. My response to Charles would be that I am fully converted to the Church of AGW. It is no hoax.

Full conversion, however, does not require mindless adherence to nebulous social and ecological predictions that are wholly unrelated to the hard evidence supporting the phenomenon of AGW.

To make an analogy, i am a Christian. Being a Christian does not require mindless adherence to nebulous prophecies about some crazy armageddon/end times scenario that is wholly unrelated to the simple message of love and peace that is the foundation of my belief.

That's the point that needs to be driven home, unemotionally and with exceeding clarity.

288 SasyMomaCat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:51:18am

re: #270 Aceofwhat?

Agreed - the school (and the govt, by instituting a structure that encourages and promotes this sort of spending at the expense of other worthwhile efforts) are at fault here. Parents of children with disabilities tend to be extremely active in being involved and advocating for their children.

289 filetandrelease  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:51:28am
290 NJDhockeyfan  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:51:32am

re: #280 Walter L. Newton

What's wrong with it?

Kinda racist maybe?

291 Sloppy  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:51:36am

One of my daughter's outside cats is deaf. She stays close to the house and everyone is very careful of her. Being deaf doesn't seem to bother her much. But how do we know?

292 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:52:06am

re: #287 Aceofwhat?

I don't always have the energy to hang in those threads, but the emotions are high enough on this subject that we need to strive for absolute clarity. My response to Charles would be that I am fully converted to the Church of AGW. It is no hoax.

Full conversion, however, does not require mindless adherence to nebulous social and ecological predictions that are wholly unrelated to the hard evidence supporting the phenomenon of AGW.

To make an analogy, i am a Christian. Being a Christian does not require mindless adherence to nebulous prophecies about some crazy armageddon/end times scenario that is wholly unrelated to the simple message of love and peace that is the foundation of my belief.

That's the point that needs to be driven home, unemotionally and with exceeding clarity.

Apparently it does.

293 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:53:01am

re: #273 PhillyPretzel

I would like to see more money spent on Education. For those who teach and tutor it would be great. I do not like it when money is spent on "toys."

I would like to see defined exactly how much money is required to provide the basic tools for a good education and then i would like to stick to it. Driving home the rigors of analytical, historical, and linguistic excellence is not an exercise in profligate spending, IMHO.

294 SasyMomaCat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:53:46am

re: #283 PhillyPretzel

"They've been known to kill people!"

295 Killgore Trout  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:54:20am

re: #231 Dragon_Lady

I feel sorry for the poor girl that her mother had to resort to that kind of subterfuge to get her married. The poor thing must have no self esteem or sense of self worth at all.

Agreed. It sounds like it was traumatic for everyone involved.

296 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:54:48am

re: #290 NJDhockeyfan

Kinda racist maybe?

It can't be racist, Roland Martin is a black opinion writer. Really, you need to get back to the education camp and get some adjustments made. Maybe a clean wipe and a new imprint.

297 SasyMomaCat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:55:10am

re: #287 Aceofwhat?

I would upding that 10,000 times if I could.

298 Daniel Ballard  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:55:34am

re: #279 Dragon_Lady

This deserves a link. Our Pepper cat when annoyed. Basement cat would run and hide. Remember when she did the PETA post?

299 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:55:42am

re: #292 Walter L. Newton

Apparently it does.

i'm looking forward to demonstrating otherwise!

300 Varek Raith  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:55:48am

re: #296 Walter L. Newton

It can't be racist, Roland Martin is a black opinion writer. Really, you need to get back to the education camp and get some adjustments made. Maybe a clean wipe and a new imprint.

Hmmm, in this case, I'd suggest an unwanted thought inhibitor chip.

301 NJDhockeyfan  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:56:01am

Great....the wind has blown part of my flashing off the top of the house. It's banging against the side of the house and my roof is a sheet of ice. How am I supposed to remove it?

302 lazardo  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:56:10am

re: #294 SasyMomaCat

re: #274 NJDhockeyfan

And on that note I shall bizarrely converge the two topics with this lovely biting satire on hip-hop from a rather controversially popular video game from a few years back.

303 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:56:36am

re: #297 SasyMomaCat

You're a sweetheart

304 Varek Raith  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:56:45am

re: #301 NJDhockeyfan

Great...the wind has blown part of my flashing off the top of the house. It's banging against the side of the house and my roof is a sheet of ice. How am I supposed to remove it?

Grappling hook...?

305 SasyMomaCat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:56:56am

re: #303 Aceofwhat?


306 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:57:03am

re: #301 NJDhockeyfan

why remove what you can duct tape///

307 NJDhockeyfan  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:57:14am

Suicide vests recovered from a dispensary

PESHAWAR: Law enforcement agencies raided a dispensary in Jamal Ghari area on outskirts of the Mardan District and recovered two suicide vests from there on Wednesday.

Police sources said that the owner of the village clinic Nasir Khan was a Taliban supporter and had been supporting the militants there.

The house and the dispensary of the alleged suspect was raided after the police received a tip-off and during the search operation, two suicide vests were recovered.

The accused Nasir Khan is at large and police is searching for the accused.

308 Sheila Broflovski  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:57:23am

re: #250 SasyMomaCat

Ack - what a bummer! (the compromised part, of course). Wishing you well on getting that straightened out.

It would have been much better if the card was not compromised and he just used it to buy my Valentine's Day present. But, one can dream.

309 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:57:42am

re: #301 NJDhockeyfan

Great...the wind has blown part of my flashing off the top of the house. It's banging against the side of the house and my roof is a sheet of ice. How am I supposed to remove it?

First... get a six pack of Mickey's Wide Mouths... drink three... watch some TV... drink the other three... top it off with a pint of Southern Comfort... pass out... flashing no longer makes noise.

310 jaunte  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:58:13am

re: #274 NJDhockeyfan

Here is a CNN genius giving some advice to Obama...

Time for Obama to go 'gangsta' on GOP

This is journalism?

That's a lot of filler to say "make them all recess appointments, and move on."

311 SasyMomaCat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:59:05am

re: #308 Alouette

ah, yes - see, if mine bought me a gift from Needless Markup, I'd be a little ticked that he spent that much money on me - but, I'm a simple girl and don't go in for fancy or expensive too much. I'm always afraid I"ll damage or lose it. :)

312 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 7:59:37am

re: #309 Walter L. Newton

First... get a six pack of Mickey's Wide Mouths... drink three... watch some TV... drink the other three... top it off with a pint of Southern Comfort... pass out... flashing no longer makes noise.

I updinged because it was funny...but as an aside...Mickey's is disgusting. Just so we're clear//

313 filetandrelease  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:00:14am

re: #310 jaunte

That's a lot of filler to say "make them all recess appointments, and move on."

Is there a president in recent history that hasn't used recess appointments?

This seems to be a nontroversy.

314 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:00:50am

re: #274 NJDhockeyfan

Here is a CNN genius giving some advice to Obama...

Time for Obama to go 'gangsta' on GOP

This is journalism?

The easy answer to that is to let Obama know how he will be perceived if he does that. How his image of being the good guy will evaporate. And let him know that the GOP is prepared to suffer to stop his bad policies.

315 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:01:09am

re: #312 Aceofwhat?

I updinged because it was funny...but as an aside...Mickey's is disgusting. Just so we're clear//

It was my "drinking at home" beverage of choice when I was drinking. Cheap and a real quick buzz... as long as I topped it off with Southern.

316 Varek Raith  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:01:12am

re: #310 jaunte

That's a lot of filler to say "make them all recess appointments, and move on."

I can see it now... Obama engineered the SNOWPOCALYPSE in order to recess appoint his fellow COMMIESOROSDESTROYERSOFAMERICA cronies...

317 Mosh  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:01:25am

Good morning y'all!

318 Guanxi88  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:02:14am

re: #311 SasyMomaCat

ah, yes - see, if mine bought me a gift from Needless Markup, I'd be a little ticked that he spent that much money on me - but, I'm a simple girl and don't go in for fancy or expensive too much. I'm always afraid I"ll damage or lose it. :)

Dunno about the Needless Markup quip - though I've used it in the past myself. Case in point - went there one time looking for a tie. Had the great good fortune to meet a floor clerk whose sense of taste and style were streets ahead of my own, and yet, for all that, he respected the underlying tone I set with my wardrobe. After an hour of back and forth, we'd found the perfect tie - it was everything that my wardrobe would require, fully in accord with all sartorial precedent, but was about one-half beat ahead of the others, if that makes any sense.

Yeah, they mark up, but it's for the service; people are afraid to go and seek out the opinions of these folk - they're not Walmart greeters - they know their stuff.

319 Mosh  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:02:20am

re: #316 Varek Raith

No, the Snowapocalypse is God telling us that AGW is a hoax. //

320 SasyMomaCat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:02:26am

re: #318 Guanxi88


321 Spare O'Lake  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:02:35am

re: #307 NJDhockeyfan

Suicide vests recovered from a dispensary

A prescription for disaster?

322 jaunte  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:02:41am

re: #313 filetandrelease
I remember a lot of complaints about Bush using the recess appointment technique, but it seems to be part of the process.

323 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:02:49am

re: #300 Varek Raith

Hmmm, in this case, I'd suggest an unwanted thought inhibitor chip.

Not possible Varek. That's a Level 6 enhancement and your rank only allows cybernetics up to Level 4.

/Battletech geekage, slightly modified

324 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:03:22am

re: #315 Walter L. Newton

It was my "drinking at home" beverage of choice when I was drinking. Cheap and a real quick buzz... as long as I topped it off with Southern.

Pabst with two fingers of lemonade. You heard it here first. One of my best friends bartends in Lincoln Park and added it to their menu.

325 Guanxi88  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:03:38am

re: #321 Spare O'Lake

A prescription for disaster?

Reminds me Monty Python and the therapeutic use of dynamite in the treatment of athlete's foot.

326 Only The Lurker Knows  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:03:43am

re: #311 SasyMomaCat

Then you would probably love this.

But the biggest hit was the Ted E. Bear cell phone bear, singing a duet of "Unforgettable" over the phone.

Got him for the wife. It's really cute.

327 Varek Raith  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:03:43am

re: #323 Dark_Falcon

Not possible Varek. That's a Level 6 enhancement and your rank only allows cybernetics up to Level 4.

/Battletech geekage, slightly modified

Heh, Star Wars D20 has similar restrictions on cybernetic implants...

328 SasyMomaCat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:03:53am

re: #318 Guanxi88

This is true - if you are looking for service, you won't get it in most less expensive locations. Customer service definitely costs and, at times, is worth what you pay for it.

329 Achilles Tang  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:04:04am

re: #262 subsailor68

That's incredible. I know much of Polk county is out there in the boonies, but I didn't think in the stupids.

Honestly, I'm inclined to go for a stupid reporter.

330 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:04:24am

re: #325 Guanxi88

You should let them teach you how not to be seen!

331 Daniel Ballard  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:04:40am

Here we go. Iran could get ugly today.


332 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:04:41am

BBIAB... morning levee... today and tomorrow are my second shift days at the thrift store...

333 Mosh  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:04:45am

re: #322 jaunte

I remember a lot of complaints about Bush using the recess appointment technique, but it seems to be part of the process.

Very true. In my humble opinion, the blocking of appointments and complaining about the filibuster when it does not suit a party's needs really highlights how gridlocked and partisan our system is.

334 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:04:52am

re: #321 Spare O'Lake

A prescription for disaster?

Nope, just a bang up cure for everything that ails you.

335 filetandrelease  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:05:08am

re: #322 jaunte
Sometimes you just have to get things done.

336 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:05:11am

re: #327 Varek Raith

Heh, Star Wars D20 has similar restrictions on cybernetic implants...

Are you looking forward to the new MMO, or cringing, while we're on the subject?

337 lazardo  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:05:24am

re: #323 Dark_Falcon

Not possible Varek. That's a Level 6 enhancement and your rank only allows cybernetics up to Level 4.

There's still the option of attaining Japanese citizenship. This way you can get everything but your brain replaced with a powerful cybernetic body.

On the other hand, only sexy female models are available, though you can choose any hair color from the visible light spectrum.

/mmm, Ghost in the Shell.

338 SasyMomaCat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:05:27am

re: #326 Bubblehead II

Aww, how cute! Yes, I do love it -

339 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:05:47am

re: #332 Walter L. Newton

BBIAB... morning levee... today and tomorrow are my second shift days at the thrift store...

i'll hold down the fort

340 Mosh  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:05:47am

re: #331 Rightwingconspirator

If we are lucky something like the Romanian Revolution will occur.

The totalitarian govt calls a large rally and the people revolt.

341 filetandrelease  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:06:31am

re: #331 Rightwingconspirator

Here we go. Iran could get ugly today.


Is this the big poke in eye to the West that dinnerjacket has been harping about?

342 Varek Raith  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:06:31am

re: #336 Aceofwhat?

Are you looking forward to the new MMO, or cringing, while we're on the subject?

Hmm, I'd have to say cringing. MMOs aren't my thing. That and do they allow everyone to be a Force user?

343 jamesfirecat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:06:43am

re: #72 Taqyia2Me

The taxman be insatiable.

If you get to cold I'll tax the heat
If you drive a car I'll tax the street
If you try to walk I'll tax your feet
Cause I'm the tax man!

(To the best of my memory)

344 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:06:45am

re: #334 Dark_Falcon

Nope, just a bang up cure for everything that ails you.

better take it with food...i hear it can turn your stomach inside out...

345 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:07:54am

re: #340 Mosh

If we are lucky something like the Romanian Revolution will occur.

The totalitarian govt calls a large rally and the people revolt.

Sadly, not likely in Iran. Too much of the rural populous still supports the regime. Any overthrow would require a military coup.

346 Mosh  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:08:12am

re: #341 filetandrelease

Drudge posted a headline where Dinnerjacket isDrudge Link claiming Iran is a "nuclear state"

347 SasyMomaCat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:08:13am

bbl, guys - gotta jet for a bit :)

(maybe when I come back I won't end up posting on a recently deceased overnight thread like I did yesterday - started the post before the new thread went up, but the one I was on had been deserted by the time I finished the post)

348 NJDhockeyfan  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:08:21am

PROMISES, PROMISES: Jobs bill won't add many jobs

WASHINGTON – It's a bipartisan jobs bill that would hand President Barack Obama a badly needed political victory and placate Republicans with tax cuts at the same time. But it has a problem: It won't create many jobs.

Even the Obama administration acknowledges the legislation's centerpiece — a tax cut for businesses that hire unemployed workers — would work only on the margins.

As for the bill's effectiveness, tax experts and business leaders said companies are unlikely to hire workers just to receive a tax break. Before businesses start hiring, they need increased demand for their products, more work for their employees and more revenue to pay those workers.

"We're skeptical that it's going to be a big job creator," said Bill Rys, tax counsel for the National Federation of Independent Business. "There's certainly nothing wrong with giving a tax break to a business that's hired a new worker, especially in these tough times. But in terms of being an incentive to hire a lot of workers, we're skeptical."

349 PhillyPretzel  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:08:22am

re: #341 filetandrelease

The Wall Street Journal has an article. [Link: online.wsj.com...]

350 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:08:36am

re: #342 Varek Raith

Hmm, I'd have to say cringing. MMOs aren't my thing. That and do they allow everyone to be a Force user?

yes, but it doesn't seem that everyone will. MMO's aren't really my thing, either, because the 4 hours per month i get to spend gaming don't allow me to dominate anything but single-player games.

however, this one looks like it might provide a slightly more individual experience. the focus is on exceptional dialogue quality and depth when interacting with NPC's, IIRC.

351 Petero1818  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:09:23am

re: #296 Walter L. Newton

It can't be racist, Roland Martin is a black opinion writer. Really, you need to get back to the education camp and get some adjustments made. Maybe a clean wipe and a new imprint.

Furthermore, if anyone bothered to read the article, the "gangsta" he was referring to was Al Capone.

352 Mosh  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:09:30am

re: #345 Dark_Falcon

Unfortunately, Dinnerjacket and Khamenai have the military and the Revolutionary Guard on their side. :(

No revolution will work if we don't have the military on our side.

353 jamesfirecat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:09:34am

re: #348 NJDhockeyfan

PROMISES, PROMISES: Jobs bill won't add many jobs

So you're saying tax cuts don't work?

354 Guanxi88  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:09:55am

re: #341 filetandrelease

Is this the big poke in eye to the West that dinnerjacket has been harping about?

Fingers crossed, it's just ANOTHER uranium enrichment announcement from the regime. The Romanian Revolution scenario might be an interesting one, but I'd be surprised if it got there yet in Iran. The folk are suffering something fierce, but there's not yet widespread poverty and hunger and power shortages and such. Let an embargo go on for gasoline, though, and the place could heat up quickly.

355 Varek Raith  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:09:57am

re: #350 Aceofwhat?

yes, but it doesn't seem that everyone will. MMO's aren't really my thing, either, because the 4 hours per month i get to spend gaming don't allow me to dominate anything but single-player games.

however, this one looks like it might provide a slightly more individual experience. the focus is on exceptional dialogue quality and depth when interacting with NPC's, IIRC.

Hopefully, that's what it'll be. I just don't want what happened to Galaxies to happen to this one.

356 Donna Ballard  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:10:00am

re: #291 Sloppy

One of my daughter's outside cats is deaf. She stays close to the house and everyone is very careful of her. Being deaf doesn't seem to bother her much. But how do we know?

I had a Turkish Angora a long time ago, Crystal aka Chrissy, that was deaf as a stump. RWC gave me to me as a one year together anniversary present, much to my parents dismay and anger. She was one of the most loving and funniest cats I've ever had. She loved to sleep on our stereo speakers when we were playing music, the vibrations would lull her to sleep every time. The only way we could get her attention was to stomp our feet hard and wave a hand at her to come. Dumb as a post, sweet as could be. Its because of her my neighbors and I can all have our furry friends. When we got her from my parents, who had kept her for us after we got married as we weren't allowed to have cats in our building. One day I had let the sweetie out in the court yard so she could lay in the sun, which she loved to do, and unbeknownst to me our landlord stopped by to check up on the building. Irving was an elderly man with a big heart and he sat down with our apartment managers for a chat when I heard "Oh, who's lovely kitty is this?" I cringed! I knew immediately that it was Chrissy. Turns out that she had jumped into Irvings lap for a cuddle and he instantly fell in love with her. I winced at the sight, sighed and went over and confessed that she was ours. I apologized and said I'd contact my parents and take her back to them. "What? Get ride of a sweet little kitty like this? No! You can keep her, just pay a deposit." After that we were allowed to have cats and my neighbors were thrilled. She lived to be thirteen years old and I still miss her.

357 Spare O'Lake  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:10:52am

re: #347 SasyMomaCat

bbl, guys - gotta jet for a bit :)

(maybe when I come back I won't end up posting on a recently deceased overnight thread like I did yesterday - started the post before the new thread went up, but the one I was on had been deserted by the time I finished the post)

I hate when that happens.

358 jaunte  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:10:52am

re: #353 jamesfirecat

So you're saying tax cuts don't work?

Read the article first.

359 Only The Lurker Knows  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:11:06am

re: #338 SasyMomaCat

They have quite the selection and they are reasonably priced.

Chantilly Lane Singing Bears.

360 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:11:06am

re: #355 Varek Raith

Hopefully, that's what it'll be. I just don't want what happened to Galaxies to happen to this one.

Ha! I think that's the most frequent comment on the topic. If LucasArts doesn't get the hint now, they never will.

361 Mosh  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:11:20am

re: #353 jamesfirecat

I think they're complaining about the spending. Yes, I know the majority of the package is tax cuts.

362 lazardo  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:11:45am

World of Warcraft.

And that's all I'll say about MMOs. :I

363 filetandrelease  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:11:46am

re: #346 Mosh

Drudge posted a headline where Dinnerjacket isDrudge Link claiming Iran is a "nuclear state"

A few days back dinnerjacket said that Iran was going to do something, I think today, to humble the west or something like that.

Just curious if this announcement is it. If so, anti climatic as predicted.

364 Donna Ballard  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:12:06am

re: #298 Rightwingconspirator

This deserves a link. Our Pepper cat when annoyed. Basement cat would run and hide. Remember when she did the PETA post?

Yawn! Literally! I know she was but it certainly doesn't look like it!

365 jamesfirecat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:12:36am

re: #358 jaunte

Read the article first.

I did, to me it said that cutting taxes for business isn't going to work when there's no demand for the things those businesses create.

What did it say to you?

366 Varek Raith  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:12:44am

re: #362 lazardo

World of Warcraft.

And that's all I'll say about MMOs. :I

In a good or bad way? I don't like WoW. ;)

Eve is the best MMO, hands down. :)

367 filetandrelease  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:13:03am

re: #354 Guanxi88
Now that is an embargo with teeth.

368 jamesfirecat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:13:06am

re: #361 Mosh

I think they're complaining about the spending. Yes, I know the majority of the package is tax cuts.

I guess you just can't make a righty happy.


369 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:13:39am

re: #368 jamesfirecat

I guess you just can't make a righty happy.


Not all tax cuts are created equal...you heard it here first!

370 Guanxi88  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:13:56am

re: #367 filetandrelease

Now that is an embargo with teeth.

Yup, you wanna screw with a country and de-stabilize it? Cut off motor fuel and, if you can, cut the power.

Instant anarchy.

371 Mosh  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:14:21am

re: #363 filetandrelease

Still, Iran's enrichment of uranium, even at the 20 per cent level is a violation of proliferation laws and resolutions.

I don't understand why we haven't considered bombing Qom.

Bombing Iraq in Operation Desert Fox and North and South Watch worked pretty well at crippling their ability to pose a threat.

372 Petero1818  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:14:22am

re: #345 Dark_Falcon

Sadly, not likely in Iran. Too much of the rural populous still supports the regime. Any overthrow would require a military coup.

Agreed., Any any military involvement would require things to get ugly before they get better. It seemed to me that in the last go round, there were isolated incidents of military and police that were starting to question things. The Iranian regime's response has apparently been to recruit to the security forces, large numbers of unemployed believer thugs from the countryside to come to the city and kick some reformer butt. It is actually a very dangerous situation there as I understand it, as these guys have limited if any training.

373 lazardo  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:14:33am

re: #366 Varek Raith

In a good or bad way? I don't like WoW. ;)

Eve is the best MMO, hands down. :)

Very bad way. It changes people. D:

374 jaunte  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:14:41am

re: #365 jamesfirecat

It doesn't say that tax cuts don't work, which is what you implied when you said:

So you're saying tax cuts don't work?

It said that there is

skepticism in both parties that it will produce an abundance of jobs.
375 jamesfirecat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:15:06am

re: #370 Guanxi88

Yup, you wanna screw with a country and de-stabilize it? Cut off motor fuel and, if you can, cut the power.

Instant anarchy.

Isn't Iran like sitting on some huge oil fields?

Or do they lack the equipment they'd need to turn that oil into gasoline?

376 Mosh  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:15:09am

re: #369 Aceofwhat?

Not all tax cuts are created equal...you heard it here first!

Thank God, I have found someone who is economically literate. :)

377 Varek Raith  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:15:19am

re: #373 lazardo

Very bad way. It changes people. D:

Whew, you worried me there for a second...

378 filetandrelease  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:15:33am

re: #371 Mosh

Or a crippleing embargo along the lines Guanxi88 is talking about.

379 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:15:51am

re: #137 reine.de.tout

This does not have to be the end of the world for your cat!

I lived upstairs from some people who had a dog go blind. They thought about putting her to sleep, but the vet told them that dogs generally adapt better to blindness than humans do, given their reliance on smell and hearing.

The one warning was that moving furniture was a bad idea. Not sure a cat would have the same problem, given whiskers.

She spent some time bumping gently into things and looking aggravated, but was soon running around quite happily.

It was a little rough on the family, but not a tragedy for anyone.

380 jamesfirecat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:15:53am

re: #374 jaunte

It doesn't say that tax cuts don't work, which is what you implied when you said:

So in this case, both parties are skeptical that tax cuts would do any good?

381 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:15:58am

re: #351 Petero1818

Furthermore, if anyone bothered to read the article, the "gangsta" he was referring to was Al Capone.

And he misreads history too. When Al Capone made peace with the North Side Gang during Vincent "Schemer" Drucci, he promised to keep his booze out of the North Sider's territory in exchange for peace. Obama has offered the GOP nothing of substance.

382 filetandrelease  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:16:11am

re: #375 jamesfirecat

Isn't Iran like sitting on some huge oil fields?

Or do they lack the equipment they'd need to turn that oil into gasoline?

Yep, they import gas.

383 Stonemason  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:16:18am

re: #353 jamesfirecat

The tax incentive only kicks in if there is a new hire, that is not a cut, that is an incentive.
very different

384 Daniel Ballard  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:16:26am

re: #341 filetandrelease

Announcing the ability to make weapons grade material is a well telegraphed punch. What sanctions will this bring? Another angry letter and another bleak warning from Israel. Should work as well this time as it did the last time.

re: #371 Mosh
The non proliferation game was up as soon as it was obvious NK would not be attacked after it tested its warheads.

385 The Sanity Inspector  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:16:42am

re: #12 TheMatrix31

I guess if I cut out every musician I disagreed with or was disgusted with...my musical collection would be VERY small.

That's right. When it comes to art, it helps to heed Raymond Chandler's advice: "If you liked a book, don't meet the author."

And yes, it's unfair that artists can get away with these things, while we swish our virtuous skirts aside from less-than-admirable lumpenproles. But, there's no one to complain to about it. There's always been a different set of rules for aristocrats, and entertainers are our society's aristocracy.

386 jaunte  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:16:50am

re: #380 jamesfirecat

There headline says

Jobs bill won't add many jobs

They're talking about this specific bill.

387 Mosh  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:17:25am

re: #375 jamesfirecat

You are correct. Iran has the second largest natural gas deposits and the third largest oil reserves in the world.

Economic sanctions prohibit Iran from selling its natural resources to markets in the US and Europe.
Iran's Oil Reserves

388 jamesfirecat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:17:34am

re: #386 jaunte

There headline says

They're talking about this specific bill.

But I thought Tax Cuts were the magical solution to every economic problem!


389 Guanxi88  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:17:36am

re: #375 jamesfirecat

Isn't Iran like sitting on some huge oil fields?

Or do they lack the equipment they'd need to turn that oil into gasoline?

Plenty of petroleum, but limited refining capacity - they are an importer of refined products.

A certain irony to the thing, I think.

390 filetandrelease  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:17:54am

re: #384 Rightwingconspirator

The mullahs probably take Israels bleak warnings more serious then the U.S.s angry letters.

391 jaunte  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:18:07am

re: #388 jamesfirecat

But I thought Tax Cuts were the magical solution to every economic problem!


No you didn't.

392 Achilles Tang  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:18:08am

re: #365 jamesfirecat

I did, to me it said that cutting taxes for business isn't going to work when there's no demand for the things those businesses create.

What did it say to you?

I read that, up to this point.

if it hired an unemployed worker after the bill is enacted and paid that worker at least $106,800

Is that a reporter boo boo?

393 jamesfirecat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:18:09am

re: #383 Stonemason

The tax incentive only kicks in if there is a new hire, that is not a cut, that is an incentive.
very different

Tis a fair cop.

394 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:18:10am

re: #380 jamesfirecat

So in this case, both parties are skeptical that tax cuts would do any good?

I read it as "skeptical that these tax cuts, in isolation, will provide more than a minor stimulus to small-business hiring". It's a sentiment that I share.

395 Ojoe  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:18:44am

Early morning light and new snow on the San Gabriel Mountains of California. The Towercam, Pacific time zone.

& one less day remaining of the incompetent presidency, compared to yesterday, as well.

Good morning all.

396 jamesfirecat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:18:57am

re: #392 Naso Tang

Is that a reporter boo boo?

Didn't they do a Family Guy Episode about that?

397 The Sanity Inspector  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:19:01am

re: #356 Dragon_Lady

My sister had a cat who was the most condescending little critter I ever met. I'd come over for a visit: "Here, Smokey!" She'd amble over, if she felt like it, sniff my finger, make a "Oh, it's you" face, and amble off.

398 Petero1818  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:19:25am

re: #371 Mosh

Actually I believe Israel's 1981 bombing of Iraq took care of the threat to begin with. But on another point, it is believed that IRan learned a great deal from Israel's bombing of their nuclear program. Iran has established a very decentralized program housed entirely underground in multiple locations. It is not well established that these places could be effectively targeted even if we knew where they all were. With so many troops still in the neighbourhood, it is not without enormous risk.

399 lazardo  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:19:26am

re: #387 Mosh

You are correct. Iran has the second largest natural gas deposits and the third largest oil reserves in the world.

Economic sanctions prohibit Iran from selling its natural resources to markets in the US and Europe.
Iran's Oil Reserves

Most of China's oil comes from Iran though, so you can toss that embargo idea out. ):

400 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:19:38am

re: #372 Petero1818

Agreed., Any any military involvement would require things to get ugly before they get better. It seemed to me that in the last go round, there were isolated incidents of military and police that were starting to question things. The Iranian regime's response has apparently been to recruit to the security forces, large numbers of unemployed believer thugs from the countryside to come to the city and kick some reformer butt. It is actually a very dangerous situation there as I understand it, as these guys have limited if any training.

You're correct. Their main qualification is that they think they're on a Mission For God. As such they cannot be appealed to in the name of mercy or justice, as they are already certain they have those things on their side since they fight for Allah.

401 jamesfirecat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:19:50am

re: #391 jaunte

No you didn't.

Hence my wink.

402 Mosh  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:19:50am
403 lazardo  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:20:12am

re: #399 lazardo

Most or a lot, anyway. Still trying to clarify that.

404 NJDhockeyfan  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:20:20am

Just because it seems relevant today...

Calvin and Hobbes Snow Art Gallery

405 lawhawk  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:20:34am

Greets and saluts from the NYC metro area. We're still digging out from around these parts, but it looks like Sarah Palin got buried in a WaPo/ABC news poll, which finds high unfavorables - both overall and even from GOPers. Most Americans don't view her as President material. That includes a majority of GOPers polled.

One problem I have with the poll though is that it lacks a breakout of party affiliations to see whether they got a representative sample, but among those GOPers who they did poll, 52% didn't think she was president material. That's pretty significant.

The Tea Party movement also didn't fare particularly well either.

Meanwhile, VP Biden went on Larry King to tout Obama Administration's achievements in Iraq. Curious. Very curious. What achievements could he possibly be talking about other than troop drawdowns? Practically everything else about Obama's Iraq policy as President is a continuation of the Bush Administration's policy, which after fits and starts and some dreadful mistakes finally got it right with the surge that finally brought stability and a consensual elected government. After all, Obama and Biden were both pushing for an exit strategy and decried the surge when it was proposed.

But, since the situation is stable under the Obama Administration, they'll take credit for it.

Of course, it is one area where Obama's foreign policy interests haven't run headlong into reality and led to rebukes or other setbacks.

406 Petero1818  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:20:39am

re: #375 jamesfirecat

Isn't Iran like sitting on some huge oil fields?

Or do they lack the equipment they'd need to turn that oil into gasoline?

Yes - limited ability to refine.

407 Guanxi88  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:20:50am

re: #399 lazardo

Most of China's oil comes from Iran though, so you can toss that embargo idea out. ):

Easy enough, though - Iranian petroleum can go out - but by gadfrey, NO gasoline will come in.

The Lord Humongus has spoken!

408 subsailor68  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:20:52am

re: #392 Naso Tang

Is that a reporter boo boo?

No. The point was that this cut is based on the employer not having to pay the 6.2 percent Social Security tax, and the MAXIMUM saving to the employer would be $6,621 - if the employee was hired at $106,800. Employees hired at lower salaries would mean smaller savings on the SS tax.

409 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:20:58am

re: #388 jamesfirecat

But I thought Tax Cuts were the magical solution to every economic problem!


Close. they're the magical answer to "hey, who could use this money more wisely...the government or ___?"


410 Daniel Ballard  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:21:32am

re: #380 jamesfirecat

So in this case, both parties are skeptical that tax cuts would do any good?

Another way to look at that is $8 an hour full time is about $16,600. If the gov kicks in $5000, that is a quarter of the cost or more of having that employee. 25% is nothing to sneeze at. My math includes the employer social security contribution. Otherwise it's more like a third off the cost.

411 Varek Raith  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:22:02am

Question on Iran. Didn't the Chinese sell them some effective anti-ship missiles (silkworms?), recently? Would Iran use them in the event of a Coalition blockade?

412 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:22:22am

re: #398 Petero1818

Actually I believe Israel's 1981 bombing of Iraq took care of the threat to begin with. But on another point, it is believed that IRan learned a great deal from Israel's bombing of their nuclear program. Iran has established a very decentralized program housed entirely underground in multiple locations. It is not well established that these places could be effectively targeted even if we knew where they all were. With so many troops still in the neighbourhood, it is not without enormous risk.

They'd have a hard time attacking us directly. However, if they decided to attack our ships, we'd probably lose a destroyer before we crushed them.

413 Mosh  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:22:34am

re: #388 jamesfirecat

That's a strawman argument. No one ever said tax cuts solve everything. Tax cuts allow people to keep more of their earnings so that they can expand their businesses and provide jobs.

Government involvement in the price system has also inhibited economic growth (i.e. 1970s oil crisis, airlines up until the 1990s, extensive drug regulations now).

414 Achilles Tang  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:23:38am

re: #396 jamesfirecat

Didn't they do a Family Guy Episode about that?

Don't know, but on rereading a few times I realize it is a clumsily phrased sentence, but technically correct.

415 jamesfirecat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:23:53am

re: #411 Varek Raith

Question on Iran. Didn't the Chinese sell them some effective anti-ship missiles (silkworms?), recently? Would Iran use them in the event of a Coalition blockade?


That's what they named their missile?

(Checks google)

They did.

I thought missiles were suppose to have cool threatening names like Sidewinder, or Progress!

What happened to you China, you used to be cool!

416 The Sanity Inspector  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:24:19am

re: #372 Petero1818

Agreed., Any any military involvement would require things to get ugly before they get better. It seemed to me that in the last go round, there were isolated incidents of military and police that were starting to question things. The Iranian regime's response has apparently been to recruit to the security forces, large numbers of unemployed believer thugs from the countryside to come to the city and kick some reformer butt. It is actually a very dangerous situation there as I understand it, as these guys have limited if any training.

Sadly, the Iranian public is more than just its disaffected student street protestors. I believe the Islamic Revolution in Iran was evil, but it was nevertheless genuine and broadly supported, and won't be overturned easily or soon.

417 Guanxi88  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:24:34am

re: #411 Varek Raith

Question on Iran. Didn't the Chinese sell them some effective anti-ship missiles (silkworms?), recently? Would Iran use them in the event of a Coalition blockade?

Not sure if they're a newer generation or not, or whether Iran's trying top produce them domestically. An embargo on their gasoline, though, wouldn't require we get anywhere near their installations unless we wanted to. Slap sanctions on the firms carrying it to them - once they realize there's no profit to it, they'll knock it off double-quick.

Oh, and I stand by the proposal to cut the power as well. The motor fuel embargo alone would make things unpleasant, but let the lights go out, too, and the regime - unable to muster or even contact the peasantry in the countryside - would find themselves in deep, deep kimchi.

418 Varek Raith  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:24:56am

re: #415 jamesfirecat


That's what they named their missile?

(Checks google)

They did.

I thought missiles were suppose to have cool threatening names like Sidewinder, or Progress!

What happened to you China, you used to be cool!

Well, that's what we codenamed them, I think. I believe the Chinese name for them translates to 'Sea Eagle'.

419 jamesfirecat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:25:04am

re: #413 Mosh

That's a strawman argument. No one ever said tax cuts solve everything. Tax cuts allow people to keep more of their earnings so that they can expand their businesses and provide jobs.

Government involvement in the price system has also inhibited economic growth (i.e. 1970s oil crisis, airlines up until the 1990s, extensive drug regulations now).

Tell that the Republicans in Congress, weren't they the ones who said that Obama's first stimulus bill needed to be all tax cuts?

If they don't believe tax cuts can solve everything it sure looks like they haven't found the situation that can't be solved by them yet...

420 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:25:07am

re: #411 Varek Raith

Question on Iran. Didn't the Chinese sell them some effective anti-ship missiles (silkworms?), recently? Would Iran use them in the event of a Coalition blockade?

Good question. IMHO, a blockade is different than a missile shot, in that the former is not necessarily an internationally excused reason for the latter, whereas the latter is a clear invitation to retaliation. If the brinksmanship leads Iran to fire a missile at a US ship, they lose, i think.

421 Spare O'Lake  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:25:28am

re: #390 filetandrelease

The mullahs probably take Israels bleak warnings more serious then the U.S.s angry letters.

Sad but true.
So long as the US military is overextended and the economy is fragile, American foreign policy will lack credibility.

422 Daniel Ballard  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:25:35am

re: #411 Varek Raith

Once. Briefly.

423 jamesfirecat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:25:56am

re: #418 Varek Raith

Well, that's what we codenamed them, I think. I believe the Chinese name for them translates to 'Sea Eagle'.

Oh yeah it also says that on Google if I had bothered to read more than the title page.

My bad.

You're still cool China.

424 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:25:58am

What happened?

425 Achilles Tang  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:25:58am

re: #415 jamesfirecat


That's what they named their missile?

(Checks google)

They did.

I thought missiles were suppose to have cool threatening names like Sidewinder, or Progress!

What happened to you China, you used to be cool!

I'm not sure, but I suspect the name may be Nato assigned. They probably call it "Death to the West, Worm"

426 Ojoe  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:26:19am

re: #415 jamesfirecat

I think there's been no impressive mega fauna left in China for a long time & they just don't have examples of threatening animals after which to name things.

They could use "dragon" however.

427 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:26:29am

re: #247 NJDhockeyfan

No Valentine's: Saudi religious police see red

This little battle goes on every year. Valentine's Day is popular in the Arab world. Goes with the sticky romantic streak in the culture. Assorted governments do everything they can to convince people that heart-shaped boxes of chocolate are un-Islamic.

428 Ben Hur  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:27:04am

It's because they know it's SAINT Valentine's Day.

429 Daniel Ballard  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:27:10am

re: #418 Varek Raith

The Navy has its own term. Splashed Target.

430 sattv4u2  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:27:43am

re: #424 Walter L. Newton

What happened?

Global Warming


George Bushs' fault!

(2 ready default answers to that question)

431 [deleted]  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:27:48am
432 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:28:06am

re: #427 SanFranciscoZionist

This little battle goes on every year. Valentine's Day is popular in the Arab world. Goes with the sticky romantic streak in the culture. Assorted governments do everything they can to convince people that heart-shaped boxes of chocolate are un-Islamic.

If there's a benefit to their repression, it's the perspective it lends to the otherwise inane discussion about whether we have been teetering on the brink of a theocracy here in the good ol' USA...in other words, "no"!

433 Varek Raith  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:28:15am

re: #417 Guanxi88

re: #420 Aceofwhat?


434 subsailor68  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:28:36am

It seems to me that the problem with this particular jobs bill is that it combines additional spending with a tax incentive that doesn't address the problem employers are facing, which is that, at this point, simply hiring an additional worker doesn't help much if that worker isn't needed.

If I make widgets, and at this point I only need two workers to make the number of widgets I can reasonable expect to sell, the fact that the government will waive the 6.2 percent SS tax (through the end of the year) doesn't change the fact that I don't need that worker, and that my overall cost of labor per widget will still go up, and will needed to be added to the price of the widget if I hope to stay profitable.

435 Varek Raith  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:29:04am

re: #431 Bubblehead II

And thank you, as well!

436 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:29:06am

re: #430 sattv4u2

Global Warming


George Bushs' fault!

(2 ready default answers to that question)

Did you see my long comment and link up thread about the IPCC and what some top scientist are finally admitting?

re: #259 Walter L. Newton

Check it out.

437 Achilles Tang  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:29:45am

re: #434 subsailor68

If I make widgets, and at this point I only need two workers to make the number of widgets I can reasonable expect to sell, the fact that the government will waive the 6.2 percent SS tax (through the end of the year) doesn't change the fact that I don't need that worker, and that my overall cost of labor per widget will still go up, and will needed to be added to the price of the widget if I hope to stay profitable.

You could fire two workers, then rehire two others...//

438 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:29:54am

re: #429 Rightwingconspirator

The Navy has its own term. Splashed Target.

Thanks to the new Rolling Airframe Missile package they've been rolling out across their task forces, replacing the old gun-based Phalanx close in weapons system. Combines the short acquisition time and accuracy of the Phalanx and the intercept speed and tracking of a missile, the best of both worlds.

439 lazardo  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:29:59am

re: #431 Bubblehead II

Can't vouch for the accuracy of this page, but it looks like it has the info you are looking for.

...Jeff Rense?

440 Petero1818  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:30:23am

re: #412 Dark_Falcon

I have no doubt that the US could destroy Iran, my fear is that it actually would have to. As much as many Iranians hate their regime, they are a fiercely loyal group with a long and proud history. They would rally if it ever came to a prolonged type of conflict. Attacking the nuclear installations on bombing runs would result in thousands of civillian deaths and the regime would have all the domestic support it wanted to justify retaliatory strikes.

441 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:30:23am

re: #411 Varek Raith

Question on Iran. Didn't the Chinese sell them some effective anti-ship missiles (silkworms?), recently? Would Iran use them in the event of a Coalition blockade?

Silkworms are older missiles. Iran's newer Chinese missile is called the C-802 Eagle Strike. It smaller, faster, and is hard to detect. Fired en masse, it could cost us a warship or two. However, if Iran did that we'd turn their missile batteries into scrap metal in short order. The greatest danger is from submarines. Iran has three Russian Kilo-class subs.

442 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:30:30am

re: #434 subsailor68

I agree. It will only lower the number of additional widgets you need to sell before it becomes profitable to hire the additional employee. So it's better described as a supplemental incentive rather than a cut per se (credit to Stonemason for making that point first)

443 reine.de.tout  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:30:51am

re: #306 Aceofwhat?

why remove what you can duct tape///

Duct tape fixes everything.
The Roi does not believe a piece of machinery is fully broken in and worth using until half of it is held together with duct tape.
/only partial sarc.

444 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:30:55am

re: #437 Naso Tang

You could fire two workers, then rehire two others...//

Not in all states...

445 Daniel Ballard  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:31:03am

re: #438 thedopefishlives

Thats a new one on me. Glad to hear of it. I'll google that.

446 sattv4u2  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:31:21am

re: #436 Walter L. Newton

Did you see my long comment and link up thread about the IPCC and what some top scientist are finally admitting?

re: #259 Walter L. Newton

Check it out.

Thanks , I will (just got here)

How's by you, BTW!?

447 Varek Raith  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:31:23am

re: #441 Dark_Falcon

Silkworms are older missiles. Iran's newer Chinese missile is called the C-802 Eagle Strike. It smaller, faster, and is hard to detect. Fired en masse, it could cost us a warship or two. However, if Iran did that we'd turn their missile batteries into scrap metal in short order. The greatest danger is from submarines. Iran has three Russian Kilo-class subs.

Thanks, my knowledge of current armaments is sorely out of date.

448 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:31:35am

re: #443 reine.de.tout

Duct tape fixes everything.
The Roi does not believe a piece of machinery is fully broken in and worth using until half of it is held together with duct tape.
/only partial sarc.

Sounds like you married right!

449 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:31:45am

re: #445 Rightwingconspirator

Thats a new one on me. Glad to hear of it. I'll google that.

Don't google. Wiki. I read up on military tech when I'm extraordinarily bored at work.

450 reine.de.tout  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:31:56am

re: #448 Aceofwhat?

Sounds like you married right!

I did indeed!

451 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:32:47am

re: #446 sattv4u2

Thanks , I will (just got here)

How's by you, BTW!?

Fine... next two days is my second shift at the store...

452 Only The Lurker Knows  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:33:46am

re: #439 lazardo

OOPS. Charles, clean up on isle 431 please.

453 filetandrelease  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:34:28am

re: #437 Naso Tang

You only get the deduction for more hires above what you had.

454 Ojoe  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:34:35am

re: #443 reine.de.tout

Duct tape and vice-grip pliers are a formidable combination.

I once made an un-drivable Fiat completely drivable with only only one vice grip pliers.


455 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:34:52am

re: #452 Bubblehead II

Hey, i'm not up to date with more than half of the sources we shouldn't be quoting, so i feel ya-

456 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:35:35am

re: #439 lazardo

...Jeff Rense?

Good catch, lazardo.

457 Varek Raith  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:35:48am

re: #452 Bubblehead II

OOPS. Charles, clean up on isle 431 please.

Oh, bugger, I didn't even notice that... Sigh.

458 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:36:20am

re: #447 Varek Raith

Thanks, my knowledge of current armaments is sorely out of date.

Isn't that a tautology? :D

459 NJDhockeyfan  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:36:22am

re: #353 jamesfirecat

So you're saying tax cuts don't work?

How does this work?

The bipartisan Senate plan would exempt businesses from paying a 6.2 percent Social Security tax on the wages of new employees, as long as the workers have been unemployed at least 60 days. The tax break would run through the end of the year.

A company could save a maximum of $6,621 if it hired an unemployed worker after the bill is enacted and paid that worker at least $106,800 — the maximum amount of wages subject to Social Security taxes — by the end of the year. The company could get an additional $1,000 on its 2011 tax return if it kept the new worker for at least a full year.

Do the businesses get a tax credit every year or just once? Does it seem likely that a business will spend $100,000 to save $6600? Does that make sense to you?

460 lawhawk  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:36:46am

A much more reliable accounting of Iranian military strength and capabilities.

Iran is also known to have skval torpedos, which while have extraordinary speed, are not particularly accurate. It's good for disrupting shipping through the Strait of Hormuz and the Persian Gulf - and to attack tankers, but not really sufficient to stop the US Navy, which has more than sufficient capabilities to take out the Iranian navy.

461 lazardo  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:36:49am

You're welcome, no biggie. q: I actually almost linked to the Democratic Underground with my China-Iran oil thing up there, so.

462 Soap_Man  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:36:58am

Morning all. Here's an interesting story (although I find polls about the 2012 election this far ahead to be fairly useless.

GOP battle wide open

Eleven percent of those questioned said they'd like former Alaska Gov. and 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin as their party's candidate in 2012, with 7 percent backing Sen. John McCain of Arizona, the 2008 GOP presidential nominee, 4 percent supporting the newest member of the Senate, Scott Brown of Massachusetts, and 3 percent pulling for former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and for former Arkansas Gov. and 2008 Republican White House hopeful Mike Huckabee. Everyone else registered at 2 percent or less.

Really?!?! The guy will be 76 by then....

463 Varek Raith  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:37:05am

re: #458 Dark_Falcon

Isn't that a tautology? :D

Why, yes, yes it is.

464 Mosh  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:37:12am

re: #419 jamesfirecat

Read the Republican's Alternative Stimulus Plan

It's smaller, more targeted, and includes not only tax cuts but infrastructure projects as well.

465 Soap_Man  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:37:50am

re: #464 Mosh

Read the Republican's Alternative Stimulus Plan

It's smaller, more targeted, and includes not only tax cuts but infrastructure projects as well.

Is it four pages long with no numbers? (HCR joke)

466 Achilles Tang  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:37:59am

re: #444 Aceofwhat?

Not in all states...

There were sarcs, and I have no doubt there will be written provisions against something so obvious, but the cost of policing compliance will, I suspect, be at least as much as the giveaway, but it won't show on the same books.

467 jamesfirecat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:38:06am

re: #459 NJDhockeyfan

Do the businesses get a tax credit every year or just once? Does it seem likely that a business will spend $100,000 to save $6600? Does that make sense to you?

You're right that is a pretty stupid idea....

(Non sarcastic)

468 Mosh  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:39:06am

re: #465 Soap_Man

Haha! :)

469 Only The Lurker Knows  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:39:40am

re: #457 Varek Raith

Neither did I. Just did a quick Google search and linked to the first one that looked like it had applicable information. Thanks Lazardo for pointing my gaff out and Thanks Charles for removing it.

First deletion I have ever had

470 sattv4u2  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:39:49am

re: #451 Walter L. Newton

Fine... next two days is my second shift at the store...

Good post and link, (259) and btw,, some here have had your back all along. Like you, if I questioned soemthing i was called a denier. The best is when they throw in your face that 'weather isn't climate" while at the same time pointing to shifts in weather as 'proof' of GW (see TIME mag article explaining that the snow that is blanketing 1/3rd of the country is due to GW)

The point they make IS accurate (that if it's 36 degrees outside instead of 20 degrees, it's more likely to snow because 20 degrees doesn't sustain moisture as well as 36) (( growing up in Boston I recall hearing all the time ACCURATLEY that it's "too cold to snow")

But they want to have it both ways

471 Mosh  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:40:26am

re: #460 lawhawk

Would this be Iran's solution to countering a naval blockade?

472 Soap_Man  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:40:38am

re: #462 Soap_Man

I missed a part of that. It says Romney is in the lead with 14 percent.

473 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:40:52am

re: #464 Mosh

Read the Republican's Alternative Stimulus Plan

It's smaller, more targeted, and includes not only tax cuts but infrastructure projects as well.

The GOP needs to get behind their plan and see what elements they can get incorporated into the final bill. The final bill will more resemble Obama's bill, but we can likely get some things in if we play our cards right. That will however, involve Republicans voting for an Obama bill in order to secure concessions.

474 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:40:53am

re: #469 Bubblehead II


(now i'm just piling on)

475 sattv4u2  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:40:53am

re: #464 Mosh

Read the Republican's Alternative Stimulus Plan

It's smaller, more targeted, and includes not only tax cuts but infrastructure projects as well.

but ,, But ,,, BUT ,,, The repubs have no ideas or plans ,, they're just the party of "NO"!!!!


476 subsailor68  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:41:18am

re: #459 NJDhockeyfan

Do the businesses get a tax credit every year or just once? Does it seem likely that a business will spend $100,000 to save $6600? Does that make sense to you?

Hi NJDhockeyfan! According to the article, the cut only runs through the end of the year anyway:

The bipartisan Senate plan would exempt businesses from paying a 6.2 percent Social Security tax on the wages of new employees, as long as the workers have been unemployed at least 60 days. The tax break would run through the end of the year.

477 jamesfirecat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:41:31am

re: #464 Mosh

Read the Republican's Alternative Stimulus Plan

It's smaller, more targeted, and includes not only tax cuts but infrastructure projects as well.

Could I have a link that tells me exactly how the spending breaks down?

478 lazardo  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:41:46am

re: #464 Mosh

Read the Republican's Alternative Stimulus Plan

It's smaller, more targeted, and includes not only tax cuts but infrastructure projects as well.

Took them long enough. q:

479 NJDhockeyfan  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:41:56am

Israeli planes 'strike Gaza's disused airport'

Israeli warplanes have hit southern Gaza with missiles in response to rocket fire from Palestinian militants, the military said.

The airstrikes reportedly hit Gaza's disused Yasser Arafat airport near the border town of Rafah, but no injuries have been reported.

480 Stonemason  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:42:40am

re: #459 NJDhockeyfan

And, it is not an income tax break, it is a social security 'tax' incentive. That means less money for Al Gore's lock box, not less money to the Federal coffers; in other words, no services need be cut because the projected income from taxes remains the same.

Smoke and mirrors

481 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:42:57am

re: #479 NJDhockeyfan

Israeli planes 'strike Gaza's disused airport'

awaiting the inevitable condemnation of Israel's response///

482 jamesfirecat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:43:01am

re: #473 Dark_Falcon

The GOP needs to get behind their plan and see what elements they can get incorporated into the final bill. The final bill will more resemble Obama's bill, but we can likely get some things in if we play our cards right. That will however, involve Republicans voting for an Obama bill in order to secure concessions.

Bear in mind if I read the date right this was posted over a year ago, it's the GOPs counter stimulus plan, I haven't seen their counter "jobs bill" plan yet for this year.

483 NJDhockeyfan  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:43:14am

re: #476 subsailor68

Hi NJDhockeyfan! According to the article, the cut only runs through the end of the year anyway:

The bipartisan Senate plan would exempt businesses from paying a 6.2 percent Social Security tax on the wages of new employees, as long as the workers have been unemployed at least 60 days. The tax break would run through the end of the year.

Well that just proves tax cuts don't work!


484 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:43:45am

re: #479 NJDhockeyfan

Israeli planes 'strike Gaza's disused airport'

From the article:

but no injuries have been reported.

Just give them time, they'll make something up to report to the mainstream media in the next couple of days or so.

485 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:44:09am

re: #482 jamesfirecat

Bear in mind if I read the date right this was posted over a year ago, it's the GOPs counter stimulus plan, I haven't seen their counter "jobs bill" plan yet for this year.

Counter 'jobs bill plan': Get the government the F@#$ out of the way and let the rest of us fix this.

486 jamesfirecat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:44:37am

re: #485 Aceofwhat?

Counter 'jobs bill plan': Get the government the F@#$ out of the way and let the rest of us fix this.

Because that worked so well for Hover.

487 Mosh  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:44:46am

re: #473 Dark_Falcon

In my humble opinion this is what a real Stimulus package would look like

- Passage of the FairTax (H.R. 25)
- Cutting the budget 20% in all sectors (even the military, the Drug War must end)
- Money for high speed trains, nuclear power plants, alternative energy (no ethanol)

488 Varek Raith  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:44:57am

Hey, DF, do you have any links/books to the weapons systems/military you know so much about? I'd like to really catch up on it.

489 Mosh  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:45:18am

re: #482 jamesfirecat

Jobs Bill is code word for Stimulus Two.

490 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:45:21am

re: #486 jamesfirecat

Because that worked so well for Hover.

Right, because more collectivism is the cure for what ails us.

491 NJDhockeyfan  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:45:29am

re: #484 thedopefishlives

Just give them time, they'll make something up to report to the mainstream media in the next couple of days or so.

They are looking for a stuffed animal to place on top of the rubble for the Reuters photographer.

492 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:46:08am

re: #491 NJDhockeyfan

They are looking for a stuffed animal to place on top of the rubble for the Reuters photographer.

hilarious. well done.

493 Charles Johnson  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:46:11am

re: #272 Walter L. Newton

The four articles in questions above were written by one of the most vocal climate change advocates in Britain, Fred Pearce of the Guardian... hell, he certainly wasn't trying to say climate change is a hoax.

But he was questioning the process, procedures and policies of a number of people and organizations... the same way Kevin Trenberth does in the AP/MSMBC article I linked to above.

And I stand by every word I wrote in my post to you, Walter. I have no absolutely no interest in playing back-and-forth games about this, but anyone who wants to go back and read the exchange in context will see that I had good reasons for writing that.

There has been a constant effort here by some people to smear the entire work of the IPCC and climatologists in general with the trumped up, ridiculously exaggerated CRU "scandal," and I will continue to point this out when I see it.

494 Ojoe  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:46:24am

re: #489 Mosh

If your stimulus last longer than 4 years you're in trouble.

495 subsailor68  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:46:39am

re: #480 Stonemason

And, it is not an income tax break, it is a social security 'tax' incentive. That means less money for Al Gore's lock box, not less money to the Federal coffers; in other words, no services need be cut because the projected income from taxes remains the same.

Smoke and mirrors

Hi Stonemason! Yep. And on top of that, it doesn't waive the employee's share of the SS tax, just the employer's share.

496 Soap_Man  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:46:51am

re: #473 Dark_Falcon

The GOP needs to get behind their plan and see what elements they can get incorporated into the final bill. The final bill will more resemble Obama's bill, but we can likely get some things in if we play our cards right. That will however, involve Republicans voting for an Obama bill in order to secure concessions.

They need to show that they will actually vote for it if concessions are included. They also need to accept the fact that the American electorate elected a Democratic president and 58 Democrats in the Senate (not including Specter, as he was voted in as a Republican.) Democratic bills are going to pass. They need to accept that and work to soften the bills, or say "Hey, I'll vote for this if you vote for this thing we want."

To summerize, they need to knock it off with the automatic opposition if they want to get some of their stuff passed.

497 albusteve  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:47:42am

re: #488 Varek Raith

Hey, DF, do you have any links/books to the weapons systems/military you know so much about? I'd like to really catch up on it.

he's an encyclopedia...and faster than a speeding bullet...I suspect he sits at a desk surrounded by reference books

498 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:48:13am

re: #488 Varek Raith

Hey, DF, do you have any links/books to the weapons systems/military you know so much about? I'd like to really catch up on it.

Here's a link for the Russian stuff: warfare.ru

More tonight, since I have to leave soon.

499 Varek Raith  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:48:16am

re: #497 albusteve

he's an encyclopedia...and faster than a speeding bullet...I suspect he sits at a desk surrounded by reference books


500 Varek Raith  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:48:37am

re: #498 Dark_Falcon

Here's a link for the Russian stuff: warfare.ru

More tonight, since I have to leave soon.

Thanks, I'd appreciate it.

501 Daniel Ballard  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:48:49am

re: #485 Aceofwhat?

I have a proposal to bring jobs home. We actually put in reciprocal duties and regulations. We actually ban products from companies that defraud for 5 years. And we end offshore tax incentives.

502 Mosh  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:49:07am

re: #486 jamesfirecat

Memorize this "Hoover raised taxes and raised spending".

503 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:50:01am

re: #496 Soap_Man

They need to show that they will actually vote for it if concessions are included. They also need to accept the fact that the American electorate elected a Democratic president and 58 Democrats in the Senate (not including Specter, as he was voted in as a Republican.) Democratic bills are going to pass. They need to accept that and work to soften the bills, or say "Hey, I'll vote for this if you vote for this thing we want."

To summarize, they need to knock it off with the automatic opposition if they want to get some of their stuff passed.

Quite Concur! That's exactly the way they need to look at it. I don't think they will, sadly.


504 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:51:05am

re: #493 Charles

I share your sentiment. I don't want to speak for Walter, but I am continuing to try to find a way to disagree with nebulous ecological predictions without appearing to smear the work of climatologists. In other words, we can just say that things probably won't get better as a result of AGW and that we need to stop questioning the phenomena and start discussing solutions...but we don't have to make predictions that our science isn't ready to support.

For instance, we really have no solid, concrete idea about how the climate in North Africa will be changed in 100 years. Speculating on it casts an unnecessary pall on the good work that the climatologists have already assembled.

505 Daniel Ballard  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:51:11am

re: #494 Ojoe

LOL & favorite

506 lazardo  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:51:13am

re: #486 jamesfirecat

Because that worked so well for Hoover.

Fixed, though I think you mean Coolidge?

The Depression was IIRC exacerbated by Hoover's signing of the protectionist Tariff Act. And there was the Revenue Act of 1932, though that did follow a rather drastic series of tax cuts shortly before.

507 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:51:15am

re: #493 Charles

And I stand by every word I wrote in my post to you, Walter. I have no absolutely no interest in playing back-and-forth games about this, but anyone who wants to go back and read the exchange in context will see that I had good reasons for writing that.

There has been a constant effort here by some people to smear the entire work of the IPCC and climatologists in general with the trumped up, ridiculously exaggerated CRU "scandal," and I will continue to point this out when I see it.

And am I one of those "some people?" I have never tried to smear the entire work of the IPCC, I have linked to and pointed out material that questions the way some of these scientist have accomplished their work.

Kevin Trenberth was one of those scientist at the core of the "exaggerated CRU "scandal" and he himself has now come out and VERIFIED what many have been saying, including myself.

"A lot of stuff in there was just not very good," said Kevin Trenberth, head of climate analysis at the National Center for Atmospheric Research and a lead author of the first report. "A chronic problem is that on the whole area of impacts, getting into the realm of social science, it is a softer science. The facts are not as good."

508 Mosh  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:51:27am

re: #494 Ojoe

If your stimulus last longer than 4 years you're in trouble.


509 Varek Raith  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:53:12am

re: #508 Mosh


I think that would mean your economy hasn't recovered one bit...

510 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:53:19am

re: #501 Rightwingconspirator

I have a proposal to bring jobs home. We actually put in reciprocal duties and regulations. We actually ban products from companies that defraud for 5 years. And we end offshore tax incentives.

IIRC, offshore tax incentives exist to offset the disadvantage that our current tax code provides to companies who wish to expand internationally. I'm all for ending them by fixing the reason they exist in the first place...

511 Daniel Ballard  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:53:54am

re: #508 Mosh

re: #509 Varek Raith

Look up. I think a joke just flew over... :)

512 jamesfirecat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:54:19am

re: #502 Mosh

Memorize this "Hoover raised taxes and raised spending".

Hoover is widely blamed for worsening the economy by signing the Smoot-Hawley law. But that was a tariff; Hoover's record on taxes is more complicated. He did sign the Revenue Act of 1932, which more than doubled the top income tax rate and probably worsened the nation's already dire economic situation. But that law came three years after the Depression began, so for the first three years of his tenure, the economic outlook worsened without any assistance from a tax hike. Indeed, the tax laws then in force were initiated by steep tax cuts urged by long-serving Republican Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon and enacted under Hoover's predecessors, Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge — not necessarily a winning argument in favor of low taxation. Finally, Hoover did in one instance reduce taxes rather than raise them: He signed a joint congressional resolution that cut taxes by 1 percentage point on Dec. 16, 1929, shortly after the stock market crash of 1929.


Even if tax cuts happened to coincide with recoveries and tax hikes tended to coincide with recessions, it doesn't necessarily mean that one causes the other. For instance, tax cuts and deregulation likely aided the Reagan recovery (as did Volcker's inflation-fighting efforts) but historians say that higher defense spending, another Reagan priority, also helped bring the United States out of recession, as did historically lower oil prices. Meanwhile, Kennedy, in addition to cutting taxes, supported major increases in public works spending, not least the space program. The implementation of so many policies at the same time makes it hard to credit just one or two with launching a recovery.

Seem to be the key takeways for me.

What ended the Great Depression if it was FDR's New Deal?

513 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:54:29am

re: #511 Rightwingconspirator

re: #509 Varek Raith

Look up. I think a joke just flew over... :)

sometimes we're just one big cuckoo's nest, aren't we.../

514 Mosh  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:54:44am

re: #509 Varek Raith

I think that passage of the FairTax and investments in transportation and alternative energy would usher in a new age of cheaper living and prosperity.

515 albusteve  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:54:56am

Arizona will no longer participate in a groundbreaking attempt to limit greenhouse-gas emissions across the West, a change in policy by Gov. Jan Brewer that will include a review of all the state's efforts to combat climate change.

[Link: www.azcentral.com...]

516 Varek Raith  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:55:08am

re: #511 Rightwingconspirator

re: #509 Varek Raith

Look up. I think a joke just flew over... :)

Is that what that was?! I thought it was a UFO!
:) Slooowww today, I am.

517 sattv4u2  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:55:34am


heading out for an 'all hands" staff meeting

here comes 45 minutes of my life I'll never get back!


518 subsailor68  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:55:51am

re: #486 jamesfirecat

Because that worked so well for Hover.

Umm, I think you may be a bit confused about Hoover. Far from letting the market correct naturally, he actually began the government intervention that was later accelerated by Roosevelt. (Smoot-Hawley, directing business to keep wages artificially high, etc.)

519 Mosh  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:56:46am

re: #512 jamesfirecat

After the war, Americans wanted the luxuries that they could not obtain during the war. Americans wanted to buy new cars, homes, steaks, appliances.

American greed ended the Depression.

Unemployment was still at above 21% in 1940.

520 Killgore Trout  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:56:53am

Mental illness or Glenn Beck viewer?
Police: MA Man Stockpiled Weapons, Feared 'Armageddon'

A Massachusetts technology consultant who feared martial law was imminent and was preparing for "Armageddon," according to police, has been charged with stockpiling weapons, and having explosive devices including tear gas and pepper ball canisters.

Gregory Girard of Manchester was arrested Tuesday night after a friend of his wife tipped off the Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms Bureau to Girard's alleged weapons stash, reports the Gloucester Daily Times. ATF then notified local police.

Police said Girard also had military camouflage clothing, knives, handcuffs, bulletproof vests and helmets, night vision goggles, medicine, and six months' worth of food supplies. "We don't think he was preparing to attack the community, he was preparing for domestic and political turmoil," the police chief told the paper.

Possibly both.

521 lazardo  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:57:03am

re: #512 jamesfirecat

What ended the Great Depression if it was FDR's New Deal?

You apparently just answered your own question.

/i think. >_>

522 lazardo  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:58:08am

re: #520 Killgore Trout

There was a time when the discovery of a paranoid armed-to-the-teeth militia type dude was actually funny. %P%:

523 baier  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:58:22am

re: #512 jamesfirecat

Are you going to link that or try to pass that off as something you wrote(which I doubt you read)?

524 filetandrelease  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:58:40am

re: #507 Walter L. Newton

And am I one of those "some people?" I have never tried to smear the entire work of the IPCC, I have linked to and pointed out material that questions the way some of these scientist have accomplished their work.

Kevin Trenberth was one of those scientist at the core of the "exaggerated CRU "scandal" and he himself has now come out and VERIFIED what many have been saying, including myself.

"A lot of stuff in there was just not very good," said Kevin Trenberth, head of climate analysis at the National Center for Atmospheric Research and a lead author of the first report. "A chronic problem is that on the whole area of impacts, getting into the realm of social science, it is a softer science. The facts are not as good."

Any my concern with the report is that when "mistakes" are in a report you can count on other "mistakes" to be in the report as well. That is proving accurate. And most likely we still have not seen the end of it.

AGW may prove to require world changing policy shifts. That is not something a bunch of scientist get to decide behind closed doors. Scientists need to get their facts straight and understand that it is the public through their representatives, not them, who make the policies.

525 Mosh  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:59:18am

re: #512 jamesfirecat

No joke, you sound like this guy I knew from University of Maryland.

526 jaunte  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:59:26am

re: #523 baier

Mosh linked it. Jamesfirecat is quoting.

527 albusteve  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:59:31am

Economically sensible states including Texas, Louisiana, and Pennsylvania are developing their enormous, non-traditional, "tight" natural gas reserves. In the process, they are transforming America's energy profile for the next half-century in the face of a federal government indifferent at best to this energy revolution.

Claude Sandroff at American thinker....read it

528 The Left  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:59:57am

re: #520 Killgore Trout

Mental illness or Glenn Beck viewer?
Police: MA Man Stockpiled Weapons, Feared 'Armageddon'

Possibly both.


At Girard's arraignment -- where he pleaded not guilty to the multiple weapons charge -- prosecutors said that Girard's wife, a psychiatrist, had told police that her husband had lately grown increasingly paranoid. She said her husband had recently told her: "Don't talk to people, shoot them instead," and "It's fine to shoot people in the head because traitors deserve it."

He may not have been a danger to the community when they nabbed him, but that kind of thinking suggests he was on his way.

529 baier  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 8:59:57am

re: #526 jaunte

Mosh linked it. Jamesfirecat is quoting.

My mistake, but you never know with james.

530 sattv4u2  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:00:02am

re: #520 Killgore Trout

Mental illness or Glenn Beck viewer?
Police: MA Man Stockpiled Weapons, Feared 'Armageddon'

Possibly both.

Probably ate hamburgers also. If only he were a vegetarian he wouldn't have done it

I think I also read that he wears pants! You know how those "pants wearers" are !!

531 filetandrelease  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:00:34am

re: #527 albusteve

I did, interesting. And sad.

532 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:00:34am

re: #512 jamesfirecat

You need to brush up on your Prescott.

Prescott studied work hours in various countries. His reasoning was that because workers would respond to wages net of marginal tax rates, he could see how responsive hours were by studying countries with large differences in marginal tax rates.

Canada, the United States, and Japan, he noted, have marginal tax rates of about 40 percent, whereas France, Germany, and Italy have marginal tax rates of about 60 percent. He showed that a labor supply elasticity of three would predict that Western Europeans would work about one-third less than North Americans and Japanese. The evidence confirmed his prediction.

Moreover, his posited labor supply elasticity is consistent with the fact that hours worked per person were much higher in France and Germany in the early 1970s when marginal tax rates were substantially lower.

Econ 101, baby.

533 jamesfirecat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:00:55am

re: #518 subsailor68

Umm, I think you may be a bit confused about Hoover. Far from letting the market correct naturally, he actually began the government intervention that was later accelerated by Roosevelt. (Smoot-Hawley, directing business to keep wages artificially high, etc.)

He spent three years doing nothing before he finally realized it wasn't working and started to increase government spending.

Yes I am being a bit unfair to him because nobody had ever seen anything like the Great Depression before so how was he to know what to do?

I do however have little patience for the people who refuse to learn from Hover's mistakes.

534 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:01:11am

re: #518 subsailor68

Umm, I think you may be a bit confused about Hoover. Far from letting the market correct naturally, he actually began the government intervention that was later accelerated by Roosevelt. (Smoot-Hawley, directing business to keep wages artificially high, etc.)

Well said. I will repeat myself, at the risk of repeating myself. My jobs plan: Get the government the F@#$ out of the way.

535 albusteve  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:01:18am

re: #520 Killgore Trout

Mental illness or Glenn Beck viewer?
Police: MA Man Stockpiled Weapons, Feared 'Armageddon'

Possibly both.

there are millions of these people and always have been...long before Glenn Beck ever popped up

536 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:01:39am

re: #518 subsailor68

Umm, I think you may be a bit confused about Hoover. Far from letting the market correct naturally, he actually began the government intervention that was later accelerated by Roosevelt. (Smoot-Hawley, directing business to keep wages artificially high, etc.)

Why didn't he just slash taxes and watch the economy ROAR back to life?

/Sorry, making fun of tea-party madness. Will stop now.

537 jamesfirecat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:01:53am

re: #523 baier

Are you going to link that or try to pass that off as something you wrote(which I doubt you read)?

Those quotes are in the link itself that I was given.

538 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:02:06am

re: #507 Walter L. Newton

And Iceweasel... down dinging me is not going to change one whit what Kevin Trenberth has said about certain sections of the IPCC AR4 report.

"Dr. Kevin E. Trenberth is Head of the Climate Analysis Section at the National Center for Atmospheric Research. From New Zealand, he obtained his Sc. D. in meteorology in 1972 from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was a lead author of the 1995, 2001 and 2007 Scientific Assessment of Climate Change reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize which went to the IPCC. He served from 1999 to 2006 on the Joint Scientific Committee of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) and he chairs the WCRP Observation and Assimilation Panel. He has also served on many national committees. He is a fellow of the American Meteorological Society (AMS), the American Association for Advancement of Science, the American Geophysical Union, and an honorary fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand. In 2000 he received the Jule G. Charney award from the AMS and in 2003 he was given the NCAR Distinguished Achievement Award. He edited a 788 page book Climate System Modeling, published in 1992 by Cambridge University Press. He has published over 430 scientific articles or papers, including 45 books or book chapters, and over 185 refereed journal articles and has given many invited scientific talks as well as appearing in a number of television, radio programs and newspaper articles. He is listed among the top 20 authors in highest citations in all of geophysics."

539 subsailor68  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:02:18am

re: #533 jamesfirecat

He spent three years doing nothing before he finally realized it wasn't working and started to increase government spending.

Yes I am being a bit unfair to him because nobody had ever seen anything like the Great Depression before so how was he to know what to do?

I do however have little patience for the people who refuse to learn from Hover's mistakes.

You mean like Roosevelt?


540 filetandrelease  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:02:23am

re: #536 SanFranciscoZionist

Why didn't he just slash taxes and watch the economy ROAR back to life?

/Sorry, making fun of tea-party madness. Will stop now.

Yeah, like Reagan.

541 jamesfirecat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:02:40am

re: #521 lazardo

You apparently just answered your own question.

/i think. >_>

Damn it my Liberal is showing.

I meant to say "What ended the Great Depression if it WASN'T FDR's New Deal"

542 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:03:16am

re: #520 Killgore Trout

Heh. did you see last week's SNL skit about Fox News? outstanding stuff.

543 jamesfirecat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:03:18am

re: #519 Mosh

After the war, Americans wanted the luxuries that they could not obtain during the war. Americans wanted to buy new cars, homes, steaks, appliances.

American greed ended the Depression.

Unemployment was still at above 21% in 1940.

So people just wanting stuff suddenly means they have the money to buy it?

544 lazardo  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:03:20am

1 AM and I'm gonna head to bed. Nighty!

545 filetandrelease  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:03:24am

re: #541 jamesfirecat


546 NJDhockeyfan  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:03:30am

The Truth About 9 Anti-Vaccine Studies

Now that the infamous 1998 Lancet study implicating vaccines for causing autism has been retracted, does the anti-vaccination movement have any scientific legs left to stand on? Here, we investigate the scientific merit of some of the other lightning-rod studies from over the last decade that anti-vaccination advocates say back up their claims.

547 Mosh  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:03:33am

re: #533 jamesfirecat

He spent three years doing nothing before he finally realized it wasn't working and started to increase government spending.

Yes I am being a bit unfair to him because nobody had ever seen anything like the Great Depression before so how was he to know what to do?

I do however have little patience for the people who refuse to learn from Hover's mistakes.

Hoover's mistake was raising taxes, tariffs, and spending. Hoover allocated millions out of the private sector to create jobs with government money.

Using taxation and spending to create jobs is like trying to fill a swimming pool by taking water out of the deep end.

548 Soap_Man  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:03:44am

re: #535 albusteve

there are millions of these people and always have been...long before Glenn Beck ever popped up

Yup, but he is convincing seemingly normal people to be just as paranoid. My cousin, bless her heart, is one of the most soft-spoken people I know. She is now a big Glenn Beck fan and the last time I saw her she was spouting off some of the craziest shit. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. (Not to say she is stockpiling weapons, but she has always been very normal. Now she is being fitted with a tin foil hat.)

549 The Left  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:04:13am

re: #538 Walter L. Newton

He's talking about the section of the report relying on social sciences, Walter. Which necessarily aren't working with the same standards as hard science. Which is why he said what he did.

You posting only selected excerpts doesn't change that, and I do intend to continue to downding you.

550 albusteve  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:04:13am

re: #541 jamesfirecat

Damn it my Liberal is showing.

I meant to say "What ended the Great Depression if it WASN'T FDR's New Deal"

world war...that's common knowledge

551 filetandrelease  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:04:29am

re: #547 Mosh

Hoover's mistake was raising taxes, tariffs, and spending. Hoover allocated millions out of the private sector to create jobs with government money.

Using taxation and spending to create jobs is like trying to fill a swimming pool by taking water out of the deep end.

LOL, perfect.

552 Mosh  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:04:53am

re: #541 jamesfirecat

I answered your question in #519.

553 windsword  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:05:08am

re: #520 Killgore Trout

When I hear about a mentally ill person, I ALSO just assume they held political views opposite my own! After all, why wait for the evidence? I mean a crazy person stocking weapons because they believe in an impending apocalypse? Surely THAT hasn't happened before Glenn Beck.

554 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:05:26am

re: #538 Walter L. Newton

Ice - I'd love your thoughts on #287 if you have the energy...

555 baier  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:05:28am

re: #550 albusteve

world war...that's common knowledge

Uh oh, watch out, James took a class about this and now he knows everything!

556 Mosh  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:05:31am

re: #550 albusteve

If WWII ended the Depression than that proves the theory of Military Keynesianism.

557 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:06:16am

re: #549 iceweasel

He's talking about the section of the report relying on social sciences, Walter. Which necessarily aren't working with the same standards as hard science. Which is why he said what he did.

You posting only selected excerpts doesn't change that, and I do intend to continue to downding you.

And I said "certain sections" and posted a link to the complete article. And the quote from Kevin himself IS TALKING about the social science parts "a chronic problem is that on the whole area of impacts, getting into the realm of social science, it is a softer science."

So... what did I leave out... major fail on your part.

558 lawhawk  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:06:21am

re: #471 Mosh

It would be part - along with using a few of their minisubs to go after soft targets - making it more expensive to transit the Gulf and to increase the price of oil due to the tensions in the region that would allow the Iranians (who are already highly dependent on oil sales for revenues as they have few other items to export of value).

Many of their past war games have attempted to showcase these weapons and test their capabilities. Some have been laughable, but some of the weapons can cause significant damage should they hit their target.

For example, a shkval hitting an fully loaded oil tanker would be catastrophic to the tanker and cause significant environmental damage to boot.

559 jamesfirecat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:06:22am

re: #532 Aceofwhat?

You need to brush up on your Prescott.

Econ 101, baby.

So lets spend on infrastructure and cut taxes at the same time. It doesn't have to be either or.

This of course brings up the issue of "where is the money gonna come from from" but can do can we agree to move on to that topic?

560 albusteve  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:06:55am

re: #556 Mosh

If WWII ended the Depression than that proves the theory of Military Keynesianism.

INVADE!....problem solved!

561 windsword  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:07:00am

Coolest thing about Herbert Hoover?

The Man invented his own sport.

562 jamesfirecat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:07:08am

re: #539 subsailor68

You mean like Roosevelt?


What fixed the Great Depression if not FDR's New Deal?

563 The Left  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:07:32am

re: #548 Soap_Man

Yup, but he is convincing seemingly normal people to be just as paranoid. My cousin, bless her heart, is one of the most soft-spoken people I know. She is now a big Glenn Beck fan and the last time I saw her she was spouting off some of the craziest shit. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. (Not to say she is stockpiling weapons, but she has always been very normal. Now she is being fitted with a tin foil hat.)

It's also not as if Killgore yanked the Beck allusion out of thin air. There's been at least one other heavily armed Beck fan freaked out about FEMA camps and arrested for trespassing at an air base.

564 Charles Johnson  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:07:49am

re: #507 Walter L. Newton

And am I one of those "some people?" I have never tried to smear the entire work of the IPCC, I have linked to and pointed out material that questions the way some of these scientist have accomplished their work.

Kevin Trenberth was one of those scientist at the core of the "exaggerated CRU "scandal" and he himself has now come out and VERIFIED what many have been saying, including myself.

"A lot of stuff in there was just not very good," said Kevin Trenberth, head of climate analysis at the National Center for Atmospheric Research and a lead author of the first report. "A chronic problem is that on the whole area of impacts, getting into the realm of social science, it is a softer science. The facts are not as good."

I'm wondering how many times you think you need to post that link?

Yes, Trenberth says the IPCC needs to improve their work on social impacts of climate change. So what? This is obviously true, and no one has ever denied that. I don't know why you're trumpeting this minor news as if it was some giant revelation.

The point I'm going to continue to make is that NONE of the so-called "scandals" -- which, by the way, are being trumped up by people with denialist agendas -- even come close to refuting or disproving the vast amount of evidence that is not in question.

565 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:08:22am

re: #554 Aceofwhat?

Ice - I'd love your thoughts on #287 if you have the energy...

This is the typical pile on starting and deflection for the core of my statements and the core of the article. Before you even notice, we will be talking about "butthurt" and "retards."

566 jamesfirecat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:08:58am

re: #550 albusteve

world war...that's common knowledge

So in other words

MASSIVE GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT because we were drafting an army and we had to pay those soldiers.


MASSIVE GOVERNMENT SPENDING because we had to make it worth those companies while to build us the tanks, planes, ships and guns we needed to fight a war.

567 Donna Ballard  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:09:04am

BBL Have a great day and Keep Laughing my friends!

568 Shiplord Kirel  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:09:33am

re: #541 jamesfirecat

Damn it my Liberal is showing.

I meant to say "What ended the Great Depression if it WASN'T FDR's New Deal"

According to some wingnuts, it hasn't ended. The great international banker/lib conspiracy simply diverted everyone by launching WW2 and then by pumping up the economy with borrowed money and imaginary credit, sort of a gigantic long-running Ponzi scheme. According to them, this house of cards is about to collapse and all assets will disappear; with the exception of gold, which they will gladly sell to you in return for some of that electronic/paper fiat money you're holding.

569 Spare O'Lake  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:09:38am

re: #514 Mosh

I think that passage of the FairTax and investments in transportation and alternative energy would usher in a new age of cheaper living and prosperity.

I wonder how many jobs will be created in the USA importing, selling and installing imported Asian solar panels and windmills?

570 jamesfirecat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:10:00am

re: #552 Mosh

I answered your question in #519.

Where did the money the Americans suddenly have to spend come from?

571 Mosh  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:10:05am

re: #558 lawhawk

Sounds like a good plan.

I also think we should be teaming up with Russian intelligence and Mossad to target and destroy Iran's nuclear facilities. I think Obama scrapped the missile defense shield to court the Russians for a joint-strike on Iran.

Russia would benefit from economic relations with the US more than Iran.

572 PhillyPretzel  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:10:16am

re: #567 Dragon_Lady

Bye Dragon Lady

573 filetandrelease  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:10:18am

re: #562 jamesfirecat

574 Killgore Trout  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:10:40am

re: #530 sattv4u2

Probably ate hamburgers also. If only he were a vegetarian he wouldn't have done it

I think I also read that he wears pants! You know how those "pants wearers" are !!

Just wait. When/if one of these guys commits an act of terrorism connected to Glenn Beck and Tea Party conspiracies it's all over with. A scenario like that is one of the few things that could actually lead to the permanent destruction of the Republican party. Imagine if Timothy Mcvey was inspired by Republican sponsored paranoia. The continued denial by folks like you only increases the possibility of something like that happening.

575 jamesfirecat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:10:45am

re: #556 Mosh

If WWII ended the Depression than that proves the theory of Military Keynesianism.

Okay then, why does Military Keynesianism work but not domestic Keynesianism?

576 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:10:46am

re: #559 jamesfirecat

So lets spend on infrastructure and cut taxes at the same time. It doesn't have to be either or.

This of course brings up the issue of "where is the money gonna come from from" but can do can we agree to move on to that topic?

Sure. I've said repeatedly that spending money to achieve a noteworthy but lofty goal is much more attractive to me than spending to achieve "infrastructure".

So i'd be all in favor of, say, overhauling our power grid so that we don't lose nearly as much energy through transmission. That's spending which not only creates jobs, but leaves something more beneficial than three extra bridges in its wake. Short-term benefits + long-term awesomeness = a good jobs creation spending idea.

Make sense? I don't want to build more roads. I want to build something that we private citizens aren't yet ready to build on our own, but would benefit immensely by the effort.

577 Soap_Man  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:10:52am

re: #563 iceweasel

It's also not as if Killgore yanked the Beck allusion out of thin air. There's been at least one other heavily armed Beck fan freaked out about FEMA camps and arrested for trespassing at an air base.

One thing I do have to admit is that with many people, it is a chicken-and-egg argument. Does Beck make 'em crazy or were they crazy to begin with and he is just giving them an outlet? For my cousin it is the former, but I bet most are the latter.

578 The Left  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:11:05am

re: #557 Walter L. Newton

And I said "certain sections" and posted a link to the complete article. And the quote from Kevin himself IS TALKING about the social science parts "a chronic problem is that on the whole area of impacts, getting into the realm of social science, it is a softer science."

So... what did I leave out... major fail on your part.

You alleged that these comments about the social science aspects of the report somehow vindicated your general, earlier objections to the IPCC, which have been all over the map; many of your objections have been to the hard science.
Far from being vindicated, this pretty much shows that either 1) you don't quite understand the differences between the hard and soft sciences, and especially don't understand hard science, or 2) you do understand those differences, and prefer to make sweeping statements out of your general contrarianism and orneriness.

In either case, I'm not especially in the mood to play today; but I will look forward to your eventual evisceration by Ludwig!

579 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:11:33am

re: #564 Charles

I'm wondering how many times you think you need to post that link?

Yes, Trenberth says the IPCC needs to improve their work on social impacts of climate change. So what? This is obviously true, and no one has ever denied that. I don't know why you're trumpeting this minor news as if it was some giant revelation.

The point I'm going to continue to make is that NONE of the so-called "scandals" -- which, by the way, are being trumped up by people with denialist agendas -- even come close to refuting or disproving the vast amount of evidence that is not in question.

On the frequency of posting, I'm talking the lead from our resident climate scientist who has the same links over and over to the same AGW articles over and over.

If you want me to stop doing this, it's your blog, just tell me.

And I asked you again, am I one of those people with denialist agendas?

580 Mosh  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:11:46am

re: #570 jamesfirecat

Interest on government bonds and payments for factory and military service during the war.

581 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:12:19am

re: #574 Killgore Trout

Just wait. When/if one of these guys commits an act of terrorism connected to Glenn Beck and Tea Party conspiracies it's all over with. A scenario like that is one of the few things that could actually lead to the permanent destruction of the Republican party. Imagine if Timothy Mcvey was inspired by Republican sponsored paranoia. The continued denial by folks like you only increases the possibility of something like that happening.

Another excellent reason for the Republicans to NOT merge with the Tea Party people.

582 jamesfirecat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:12:50am

re: #576 Aceofwhat?

Sure. I've said repeatedly that spending money to achieve a noteworthy but lofty goal is much more attractive to me than spending to achieve "infrastructure".

So i'd be all in favor of, say, overhauling our power grid so that we don't lose nearly as much energy through transmission. That's spending which not only creates jobs, but leaves something more beneficial than three extra bridges in its wake. Short-term benefits + long-term awesomeness = a good jobs creation spending idea.

Make sense? I don't want to build more roads. I want to build something that we private citizens aren't yet ready to build on our own, but would benefit immensely by the effort.

So like a hydroelectric damn which would generate more power?

(Non sarcastic)

583 The Left  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:13:20am

re: #554 Aceofwhat?

Ice - I'd love your thoughts on #287 if you have the energy...

Already given above. Walter wants to pretend that this statement about the social science aspects of teh report somehow vindicates him, or somehow calls the hard science into question. It doesn't.

584 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:13:23am

re: #565 Walter L. Newton

This is the typical pile on starting and deflection for the core of my statements and the core of the article. Before you even notice, we will be talking about "butthurt" and "retards."

Well...yeah...but what Charles says in #567 is right on, IMHO. So this is where I am going to try to be very careful about how I communicate my opinions, because I see your point but I also agree with #567 wholeheartedly. And I've been known to disagree with Charles on occasion, so I'm confident that I'm not just suckling at the teat of power.


585 SixDegrees  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:13:47am

re: #557 Walter L. Newton

Trenberth is obviously an apostate.

Oh, wait. He isn't.

Then, you must be an apostate!

Oh, wait. You're not one, either.

Dammit. There's heresy afoot here somewhere, and that means someone needs to get burnt.

But don't you dare suggest that it might be the IPCC or the CRU that's deserving of criticism of any kind.

(Leaving off the sarc tag, because it isn't entirely sarcastic so much as a statement of fact concerning how some people are behaving.)

586 jamesfirecat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:13:56am

re: #580 Mosh

Interest on government bonds and payments for factory and military service during the war.

Okay then, so why does Military Keynesianism work but not domestic Keynesianism?

587 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:14:33am

re: #577 Soap_Man

One thing I do have to admit is that with many people, it is a chicken-and-egg argument. Does Beck make 'em crazy or were they crazy to begin with and he is just giving them an outlet? For my cousin it is the former, but I bet most are the latter.

I suspect that many people are susceptible to such thinking, but hearing it coming from someone on TV, with charts and graphics, makes it seem more real, and channels their general fear and paranoia toward Beck's specific talking points.

588 sattv4u2  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:14:46am

re: #574 Killgore Trout


Hurry ,,,, get under the desk!!!

COULD a whack job cite Beck (et al) as a trigger/ Of course (please show me where I have ever 'denied" that)

The thing YOU miss out on is that that person was a WHACK JOB going IN!
What triggered McViegh (seeing that you brought him up)? I'm sure if he did his deed TODAy you could (and would) have blamed Beck!

589 Mosh  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:14:59am

re: #575 jamesfirecat

Neither theory works because Keynesianism ignores the price system, calls for central planning, and price controls. That is a recipe for misallocation of resources. I never stated that Military Keynesianism worked. I only stated that if you believe WWII ended the Depression then you have to accept Military Keynesianism as gospel.

Military Keynesianism obviously doesn't work because we spend 20% of our annual budget and billions on military technology and we have had an employment lag for the last decade.

590 filetandrelease  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:15:00am

Or how about a high speed mag lev train system criss crossing the country powered by a nuclear grid.

591 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:15:23am

re: #582 jamesfirecat

So like a hydroelectric damn which would generate more power?

(Non sarcastic)

No. Like a massive research project on solar power to take it to the next generation. Like replacing energy transmission lines to radically improve transmission efficiency because none of the utilities have enough of a vested interest in doing so.

A clearly defined goal, with massive social benefit. As opposed to road grading, that is.

592 jaunte  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:15:25am

re: #586 jamesfirecat

In WW2 most of the European economy shut down. US business benefited as a result.

593 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:15:29am

re: #585 SixDegrees

Trenberth is obviously an apostate.

Oh, wait. He isn't.

Then, you must be an apostate!

Oh, wait. You're not one, either.

Dammit. There's heresy afoot here somewhere, and that means someone needs to get burnt.

But don't you dare suggest that it might be the IPCC or the CRU that's deserving of criticism of any kind.

(Leaving off the sarc tag, because it isn't entirely sarcastic so much as a statement of fact concerning how some people are behaving.)

And that behavior is totally transparent, that is what is almost laughable about the whole thing.

594 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:16:37am

re: #585 SixDegrees

Trenberth is obviously an apostate.

Oh, wait. He isn't.

Then, you must be an apostate!

Oh, wait. You're not one, either.

Dammit. There's heresy afoot here somewhere, and that means someone needs to get burnt.

But don't you dare suggest that it might be the IPCC or the CRU that's deserving of criticism of any kind.

(Leaving off the sarc tag, because it isn't entirely sarcastic so much as a statement of fact concerning how some people are behaving.)

I liked it better when we ganged up on the anti-evolution crowd.

595 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:16:38am

re: #583 iceweasel

Already given above. Walter wants to pretend that this statement about the social science aspects of teh report somehow vindicates him, or somehow calls the hard science into question. It doesn't.

Perhaps I am catching him on the wrong days, in that case. I have heard him say repeatedly that he has no problem with and does not question the hard science. I'm confused about why we can't take that statement at face value when someone offers it over and over and over again.

596 lawhawk  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:16:43am

re: #546 NJDhockeyfan

I had read somewhere that the DSM-IV is currently being revised for the new DSM-V, and the revision may merge the definitions for autism and Aspergers.

But overall the manual's biggest changes eliminate diagnoses that it contends are essentially subtypes of broader illnesses — and urge doctors to concentrate more on the severity of their patients' symptoms. Thus the draft sets "autism spectrum disorders" as the diagnosis that encompasses a full range of autistic brain conditions — from mild social impairment to more severe autism's lack of eye contact, repetitive behavior and poor communication — instead of differentiating between the terms autism, Asperger's or "pervasive developmental disorder" as doctors do today.

The psychiatric group expects that overarching change could actually lower the numbers of people thought to suffer from mental disorders.

Except in the case of autism, it could end up increasing the number of kids diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder and further tax limited resources. I'd also expect that altering the definition would result in a higher incidence as other diagnoses are lumped together in the new disorder terminology.

597 NJDhockeyfan  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:16:44am

Candid camera sex scandal shocks Palestinians

RAMALLAH, West Bank (AFP) – Palestinians were shocked on Thursday after Israeli TV aired a graphic video showing a senior official caught on a hidden camera soliciting sex from a job applicant.

The video, parts of which aired on Israel's Channel 10 earlier this week, was shot by former Palestinian intelligence officer Fahmi Shabaneh, who has accused the Western-backed Palestinian Authority of widespread corruption.

In the video, Rafiq al-Husseini, president Mahmud Abbas's chief of staff, is shown flirting with a woman Shabaneh said was seeking a job in the Authority before entering a bedroom, taking off his clothes and crawling into bed.

"How does this work? Should I turn off the lights or will you," he chuckles from inside the room to someone off-screen in the video, now widely available on youtube.

Moments later Shabaneh and several other security men walk into the room, surprising a naked Husseini, who holds British citizenship, and confronting him with the allegations.


598 tradewind  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:16:55am

/slapping face/.... I do pray that he is correct, but Joe......just hush...
[Link: www.cnn.com...]

599 The Left  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:17:23am

re: #587 SanFranciscoZionist

I suspect that many people are susceptible to such thinking, but hearing it coming from someone on TV, with charts and graphics, makes it seem more real, and channels their general fear and paranoia toward Beck's specific talking points.

That's what I think too. They think because he's on Fox, a 'news channel', that he can't also be a rodeo clown.
There's a lot of deep anxiety out there right now for lots of reasons, the economy being one. There's also always a certain amount of crazy in the national psyche (as there is in every nat'l psyche, no doubt). Beck is tapping into all that.

600 Mosh  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:17:25am

re: #591 Aceofwhat?

No. Like a massive research project on solar power to take it to the next generation. Like replacing energy transmission lines to radically improve transmission efficiency because none of the utilities have enough of a vested interest in doing so.

A clearly defined goal, with massive social benefit. As opposed to road grading, that is.

The recent Snowapocalypse really demonstrates how antiquated America's power grid is. I lost power 3 times due to downed power lines. Underground power lines and smart grids would tackle this problem

Road reinvestment is very important.

601 sattv4u2  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:17:32am

re: #594 SanFranciscoZionist

I liked it better when we ganged up on the anti-evolution crowd.

I like it better when we have a BOOB thread!

602 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:18:09am

re: #586 jamesfirecat

Okay then, so why does Military Keynesianism work but not domestic Keynesianism?

It's difficult to tease out the public benefits of the new industries that the period generated vs. the simple spending. We certainly exited the period with a much more advanced understanding of engineering and materials sciences. there are lots of factors unrelated to simple Keynesianism.

Read your Prescott.

603 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:18:27am

re: #588 sattv4u2


Hurry ,,, get under the desk!!!

COULD a whack job cite Beck (et al) as a trigger/ Of course (please show me where I have ever 'denied" that)

The thing YOU miss out on is that that person was a WHACK JOB going IN!
What triggered McViegh (seeing that you brought him up)? I'm sure if he did his deed TODAy you could (and would) have blamed Beck!

In McVeigh's day, you had to send away by mail for some of the stuff Beck is spewing for free on a national news network.

Just a comment.

604 The Left  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:18:53am

re: #596 lawhawk

I had read somewhere that the DSM-IV is currently being revised for the new DSM-V, and the revision may merge the definitions for autism and Aspergers.

Except in the case of autism, it could end up increasing the number of kids diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder and further tax limited resources. I'd also expect that altering the definition would result in a higher incidence as other diagnoses are lumped together in the new disorder terminology.

The proposed changes for the DSM V are here-- people can go to this link, sign up, and participate in the discussions.

Lots of changes proposed!
[Link: www.dsm5.org...]

605 Stonemason  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:19:04am

re: #549 iceweasel

But the darn desire of the whole thing is to change the sociology of the entire human race. It seems to me that if the science that calls for those changes is flawed, something should be said about it, and if qualified scientists are saying it, we should listen to them

Are we now supposed to pick and choose the science we trust from scientists we trust?

606 jamesfirecat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:19:13am

re: #589 Mosh

Neither theory works because Keynesianism ignores the price system, calls for central planning, and price controls. That is a recipe for misallocation of resources. I never stated that Military Keynesianism worked. I only stated that if you believe WWII ended the Depression then you have to accept Military Keynesianism as gospel.

Military Keynesianism obviously doesn't work because we spend 20% of our annual budget and billions on military technology and we have had an employment lag for the last decade.

If it didn't work then why did we go into WW2 with 20% unemployment and come out of it with a fixed economy?

607 SixDegrees  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:19:23am

re: #564 Charles

I'm wondering how many times you think you need to post that link?

Yes, Trenberth says the IPCC needs to improve their work on social impacts of climate change. So what? This is obviously true, and no one has ever denied that. I don't know why you're trumpeting this minor news as if it was some giant revelation.

The point I'm going to continue to make is that NONE of the so-called "scandals" -- which, by the way, are being trumped up by people with denialist agendas -- even come close to refuting or disproving the vast amount of evidence that is not in question.

As far as I know, Walter has never made any claim that the various foibles of the IPCC or the CRU constitute any sort of evidence disproving AGW.

But both organizations need to overhaul their processes. Which appear to suck on a number of levels. And that suckiness aids critics by providing them with bushels of low-hanging fruit.

It would be a lot easier if the IPCC and CRU weren't running a fruit stand to begin with.

608 filetandrelease  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:19:39am

re: #605 Stonemason


609 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:20:17am

re: #600 Mosh

The recent Snowapocalypse really demonstrates how antiquated America's power grid is. I lost power 3 times due to downed power lines. Underground power lines and smart grids would tackle this problem

Road reinvestment is very important.

Power grid reinvestment would benefit us all. Your roads, your taxes. Local problem. Local solutions.

610 jaunte  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:20:43am

re: #606 jamesfirecat

A continent rich in (expensive) resources and no significant competition from the rest of the warring world had a lot to do with it.

611 sattv4u2  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:21:21am

re: #607 SixDegrees

As far as I know, Walter has never made any claim that the various foibles of the IPCC or the CRU constitute any sort of evidence disproving AGW.

You are correct

612 The Left  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:21:39am

re: #595 Aceofwhat?

Perhaps I am catching him on the wrong days, in that case. I have heard him say repeatedly that he has no problem with and does not question the hard science. I'm confused about why we can't take that statement at face value when someone offers it over and over and over again.

Because he also offers, over and over again, disingenuous objections and arguments like the one he made today. I suspect Walter is smart enough to know what he's doing. His motivations remain mysterious to me, although I tend to suspect it's his contrarianism and orneriness, generally.
NTTAWWT, but on this topic it does tend to bother me.

613 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:21:47am

re: #603 SanFranciscoZionist

In McVeigh's day, you had to send away by mail for some of the stuff Beck is spewing for free on a national news network.

Just a comment.

Really? All you had to do is walk into most any large independent book store in any good sized city and go to the Palladin Press rack. All you would have to do is walk into a John Birch reading room and get free material. All you would have to do is go to any "covenant" church on any given Sunday and get this, both in sermon form and many other books usually for sale at the church.

This Beck junk is far from new.

614 jamesfirecat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:22:46am

re: #610 jaunte

A continent rich in (expensive) resources and no significant competition from the rest of the warring world had a lot to do with it.

So what happened exactly? Could you lay it out in a step by step process for me?

615 Mosh  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:22:49am

re: #606 jamesfirecat

Citing 20% unemployment at the start of the war disproves your claim that the New Deal ended the Great Depression.

It was based on a bubble. There wasn't massive unemployment after the war because workers where rehired by auto and appliance manufacturers in order to convert their factories back to civilian purposes.

I highly recommend that you read "The Worldly Philosophers" and Thomas Sowell's "Basic Economics 3rd Edition"

616 The Left  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:22:51am

re: #605 Stonemason

But the darn desire of the whole thing is to change the sociology of the entire human race

Where on earth do you get that? And what on earth do you mean by that?

617 Killgore Trout  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:22:55am

re: #588 sattv4u2

What triggered McViegh (seeing that you brought him up)? I'm sure if he did his deed TODAy you could (and would) have blamed Beck!

I have little doubt that if Tim Mcvey was free today he'd be active in the Tea Party movement and a regular Fox News viewer.

618 jaunte  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:23:21am

re: #614 jamesfirecat

No, I can't.

619 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:23:39am

re: #613 Walter L. Newton

Really? All you had to do is walk into most any large independent book store in any good sized city and go to the Palladin Press rack. All you would have to do is walk into a John Birch reading room and get free material. All you would have to do is go to any "covenant" church on any given Sunday and get this, both in sermon form and many other books usually for sale at the church.

This Beck junk is far from new.

Would you agree that broadcasting it on a major news network is perhaps a step forward in accessibility?

620 Spare O'Lake  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:23:50am

re: #568 Shiplord Kirel

According to some wingnuts, it hasn't ended. The great international banker/lib conspiracy simply diverted everyone by launching WW2 and then by pumping up the economy with borrowed money and imaginary credit, sort of a gigantic long-running Ponzi scheme. According to them, this house of cards is about to collapse and all assets will disappear; with the exception of gold, which they will gladly sell to you in return for some of that electronic/paper fiat money you're holding.

WWII ended the depression.

621 Baier  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:24:08am

re: #614 jamesfirecat

So what happened exactly? Could you lay it out in a step by step process for me?

Why don't you do the research yourself and counter.

622 sattv4u2  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:24:14am

re: #612 iceweasel

Because he also offers, over and over again, disingenuous objections and arguments like the one he made today. I suspect Walter is smart enough to know what he's doing. His motivations remain mysterious to me, although I tend to suspect it's his contrarianism and orneriness, generally.NTTAWWT, but on this topic it does tend to bother me.

Why can't someone have a differing opinion as you do without personal shots?

623 Mosh  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:25:01am

re: #609 Aceofwhat?

Roads are national issue. Federal highways are crumbling. They are a federal problem because of the interstate commerce clause. Transportation promotes interstate commerce and can be considered a Federal issue.

The Federal tax code is perverse with loops holes that politicians use to benefit their campaign donors. Tax reform should be a top priority.

624 reine.de.tout  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:25:06am

re: #617 Killgore Trout

I have little doubt that if Tim Mcvey was free today he'd be active in the Tea Party movement and a regular Fox News viewer.

Gawd Killgore -
I generally do not like to make assumptions, but McVeigh was really wacko, I mean even further out there than the Tea-partiers and Fox News viewers.

He probably would have been overjoyed to see these things happening, but I think his activism would still have been even further out there.

625 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:25:08am

re: #612 iceweasel

Because he also offers, over and over again, disingenuous objections and arguments like the one he made today. I suspect Walter is smart enough to know what he's doing. His motivations remain mysterious to me, although I tend to suspect it's his contrarianism and orneriness, generally.
NTTAWWT, but on this topic it does tend to bother me.

Ok. Then let's substitute my post on the topic for his, since he subscribed fully to what I wrote. Perhaps that will help us lessen the rancor on the subject?

626 jamesfirecat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:25:24am

re: #621 Baier

Why don't you do the research yourself and counter.

I can, and twice have laid out my understanding of how government spending helps pull us out of a depression in a step by step process.

I may be wrong, but is it too much to ask for my opponents to do the same for their plans?

627 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:25:28am

re: #612 iceweasel

Because he also offers, over and over again, disingenuous objections and arguments like the one he made today. I suspect Walter is smart enough to know what he's doing. His motivations remain mysterious to me, although I tend to suspect it's his contrarianism and orneriness, generally.
NTTAWWT, but on this topic it does tend to bother me.

I'm going to lay this on the line for you, in clear, precise language "I do not deny AGW and climate change science but I am bothered by certain organizations and scientists who apparently are more concerned with power, profit and prestige than than sticking to honest science."

Bookmark this statement and refer to it when needed.

628 sattv4u2  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:25:33am

re: #617 Killgore Trout

I have little doubt that if Tim Mcvey was free today he'd be active in the Tea Party movement and a regular Fox News viewer.

Good answer, however it wasn't to the question I asked!

629 Baier  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:25:52am

re: #617 Killgore Trout

I have little doubt that if Tim Mcvey was free today he'd be active in the Tea Party movement and a regular Fox News viewer contributor.

630 subsailor68  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:26:34am

re: #615 Mosh

Citing 20% unemployment at the start of the war disproves your claim that the New Deal ended the Great Depression.

It was based on a bubble. There wasn't massive unemployment after the war because workers where rehired by auto and appliance manufacturers in order to convert their factories back to civilian purposes.

I highly recommend that you read "The Worldly Philosophers" and Thomas Sowell's "Basic Economics 3rd Edition"

Hi Mosh! Love those books. In addition, IIRC, one purpose of the G.I. Bill was to keep at least a percentage of returning G.I.'s out of the workforce trying to readjust as you note by getting them into college (which was a pretty good deal for those G.I.'s!).

631 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:26:59am

re: #619 SanFranciscoZionist

Would you agree that broadcasting it on a major news network is perhaps a step forward in accessibility?

Yea, my comment was more on the realization that this stuff that beck spews is really so old and retreaded.

632 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:27:09am

re: #626 jamesfirecat

I can, and twice have laid out my understanding of how government spending helps pull us out of a depression in a step by step process.

I may be wrong, but is it too much to ask for my opponents to do the same for their plans?


I win.

633 Charles Johnson  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:27:23am

re: #607 SixDegrees

As far as I know, Walter has never made any claim that the various foibles of the IPCC or the CRU constitute any sort of evidence disproving AGW.

But both organizations need to overhaul their processes. Which appear to suck on a number of levels. And that suckiness aids critics by providing them with bushels of low-hanging fruit.

It's not possible for an organization run by human beings to be perfect. There are always going to be mistakes. And the climatology community has very clearly admitted as such, and clearly said they need to improve these areas.

But what's really going on here is that these "critics" are scouring through every sentence written by climatologists, looking for anything at all that they can spin, distort, or exaggerate into a huge scandal. It wouldn't matter whether the IPCC reports were 99.99999% perfect, these people would still find fodder for their scandal-making -- it's what the denial community does.

And yes, there IS a denial community, well-funded and politically powerful. They use dishonest tactics to do their work, smear excellent scientists, and harass people like the CRU scientists with constant frivolous demands for data through FOIA requests.

634 Mosh  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:27:35am

re: #629 Baier

Baier, I've been following your exchange with James and I was very interested in your torture debate last night.

Its good to see that there is another right-leaning person on this site with some common sense.

I think we are going to get along well.

635 jamesfirecat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:28:38am

re: #632 Aceofwhat?


I win.

Prescott argues for decreasing taxes, I get that part and I won't argue with you.

Does Prescott also argue against government spending?

636 Mosh  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:29:09am

re: #635 jamesfirecat


637 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:29:14am

re: #635 jamesfirecat

Prescott argues for decreasing taxes, I get that part and I won't argue with you.

Does Prescott also argue against government spending?

He spent a lot of his work disproving Keynesian theories in general, if that helps.

638 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:29:26am

re: #633 Charles

It's not possible for an organization run by human beings to be perfect. There are always going to be mistakes. And the climatology community has very clearly admitted as such, and clearly said they need to improve these areas.

But what's really going on here is that these "critics" are scouring through every sentence written by climatologists, looking for anything at all that they can spin, distort, or exaggerate into a huge scandal. It wouldn't matter whether the IPCC reports were 99.99999% perfect, these people would still find fodder for their scandal-making -- it's what the denial community does.

And yes, there IS a denial community, well-funded and politically powerful. They use dishonest tactics to do their work, smear excellent scientists, and harass people like the CRU scientists with constant frivolous demands for data through FIOA requests.

Then we are in agreement.

639 jamesfirecat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:30:04am

re: #637 Aceofwhat?

He spent a lot of his work disproving Keynesian theories in general, if that helps.

Can I see some of his quotes relevant to why government spending is a bad idea?

640 Mosh  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:30:54am

I have been reading a lot about Judge Robert Bork's failed confirmation hearings.
Does anyone here have any thoughts on Bork?

641 filetandrelease  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:31:12am

re: #622 sattv4u2

Why can't someone have a differing opinion as you do without personal shots?

Not in this area. Trust me.

642 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:31:35am

re: #639 jamesfirecat

Can I see some of his quotes relevant to why government spending is a bad idea?

In 1982 Prescott and Kydland wrote a paper that fundamentally challenged the Keynesian view that changes in aggregate demand for goods and services drive the business cycle. Prescott’s and Kydland’s article was squarely in the rational-expectations tradition of robert lucas, who had demonstrated that a fundamental problem of standard Keynesian and monetarist models was that their posited relations between aggregate variables (say, consumption and income) were assumed to hold regardless of government policy.

Prescott and Kydland speculated that changes in technology could generate many of the fluctuations in employment and output that had been noted in the past, and that changes in aggregate demand were not necessary to explain such fluctuations. In particular, they showed that if the elasticity of supply of labor is three, and if various “shocks” (i.e., unanticipated changes) in total factor productivity (TFP) are persistent and of the right magnitude, their model could account for 70 percent of the fluctuation in output in the postwar United States.

643 Killgore Trout  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:31:43am

re: #624 reine.de.tout

re: #628 sattv4u2

Tea Party 'Hero' Arrested For Rape, Stolen Grenade Launcher Discovered
This guy was also a member of an anti-government militia. The conspiracy theories from the Tea Parties and Fox news are designed specifically to appeal to anti0government paranoia. We have cataloged countless examples.

644 Spare O'Lake  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:31:56am

re: #612 iceweasel

Because he also offers, over and over again, disingenuous objections and arguments like the one he made today. I suspect Walter is smart enough to know what he's doing. His motivations remain mysterious to me, although I tend to suspect it's his contrarianism and orneriness, generally.
NTTAWWT, but on this topic it does tend to bother me.

Where does it hurt?

645 SixDegrees  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:32:09am

re: #594 SanFranciscoZionist

I liked it better when we ganged up on the anti-evolution crowd.

There's a key difference between these arguments. The Creationists have tried (and failed) to put their arguments within the realm of science, and have implicitly acknowledged that by doing so they accept the critical examination of their postulates. Unlike many AGW defenders, Creationists don't claim that criticism is completely off limits, or that it amounts to heresy. The Creationists, for what it's worth, still allow rational discussion to take place, no matter how irrational their own speculations may be.

I side completely with Walter here; criticism of the IPCC and CRU over their processes is not, in itself, criticism of AGW, yet the reaction here is nearly unanimously hostile towards such criticism and bases it's hostility in the completely wrong assumption that it is, in fact, such an attack.

Walter is also correct that the sloppy citations, source code commenting and other unprofessional practices provide ample fodder for those seeking to undermine other results published by both organizations. Suggesting that those in charge clean up their acts and begin to conduct themselves in a professional manner - in order to avoid such appearances in the future - are not, in themselves, hostile toward AGW, despite what some may think.

It's odd that the Creationists - who one would think would be fundamentally close-minded, irrational and the first to invoke cries of heresy in defense of their position - are the ones more apt to behave in a reasoned manner. This makes the possibility of discussion and even persuasion worthwhile and real.

I don't recall any Creationist here ever telling me I was going to burn in Hell for my beliefs - or that I should be shipped off to North Korea for them.

646 Baier  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:32:13am

re: #634 Mosh

Baier, I've been following your exchange with James and I was very interested in your torture debate last night.

Its good to see that there is another right-leaning person on this site with some common sense.

I think we are going to get along well.

I think james is an ideologue. he knows a few things and if he doesn't he asks others to fill in the gaps of his knowledge. He takes what people say out of context regularly and often refuses to answer direct questions What sealed the deal for me about him was when he insinuated that the state of Israel was reparations for the Holocaust.

647 The Left  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:32:59am

re: #622 sattv4u2

Why can't someone have a differing opinion as you do without personal shots?

That's my analysis of the situation. Is it genuinely going to be disputed that Walter is both smart and loves to be contrary? Or are you genuinely planning on clutching your pearls and pretending that was some terrible, awful statement on my part?

Try not to choke on your monocle. We don't have HCR yet!

648 sattv4u2  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:33:21am

re: #641 filetandrelease

Not in this area. Trust me.

It's not limited to "this area"

649 Mosh  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:33:40am

re: #642 Aceofwhat?

But we have had a tech-boom this year, yet unemployment remains high.

650 The Left  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:34:51am

re: #646 Baier

I think james is an ideologue. he knows a few things and if he doesn't he asks others to fill in the gaps of his knowledge. He takes what people say out of context regularly and often refuses to answer direct questions What sealed the deal for me about him was when he insinuated that the state of Israel was reparations for the Holocaust.

See, now this is an example of personal attacks, and unfair ones too.


651 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:35:03am

re: #647 iceweasel

That's my analysis of the situation. Is it genuinely going to be disputed that Walter is both smart and loves to be contrary? Or are you genuinely planning on clutching your pearls and pretending that was some terrible, awful statement on my part?

Try not to choke on your monocle. We don't have HCR yet!

My pearls wouldn't match my pumps today///

652 Baier  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:35:53am

re: #650 iceweasel

See, now this is an example of personal attacks, and unfair ones too.


Give me a break.

653 sattv4u2  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:35:58am

re: #647 iceweasel

That's my analysis of the situation. Is it genuinely going to be disputed that Walter is both smart and loves to be contrary? Or are you genuinely planning on clutching your pearls and pretending that was some terrible, awful statement on my part?

Try not to choke on your monocle. We don't have HCR yet!

Are you genuinely going to dispute that you inject name calling as part of your "analysis'"

and no, before you even go there, I have no butthurt

654 filetandrelease  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:36:04am

re: #648 sattv4u2

It's not limited to "this area"

I am sure that is true, but "this area" seems to be open season.

655 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:36:54am

re: #650 iceweasel

See, now this is an example of personal attacks, and unfair ones too.


you think? if i believe that someone often takes my statements out of context, can't I say so?

i should add that I think it's eminently fair to call Walter ornery, so i'm with you on that one. there's less evidence for AGW than for Walter's ornery nature!

656 Stonemason  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:37:05am

re: #616 iceweasel

I get that (the desire to change human behavior) from almost every scientific report on climate change. If we do not change our behavior X will happen. That is calling for change (and sometimes using scare tactics).

I mean by my post that when items are cherry picked from any side of any argument, the ensuing arguments are flawed.

If one of the main authors of the IPCC report is telling us that the science behind the social aspects of the report is flawed, it is worthy of discussion, not derision. Deriding that is picking and choosing what to listen to and what to ignore from a single scientist.

657 filetandrelease  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:37:08am

re: #653 sattv4u2

Are you genuinely going to dispute that you inject name calling as part of your "analysis'"

and no, before you even go there, I have no butthurt

LOL, yep, that one came my way recently.

658 simoom  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:37:24am

re: #274 NJDhockeyfan

Here is a CNN genius giving some advice to Obama...

Time for Obama to go 'gangsta' on GOP

This is journalism?

No, it's Drudge-bait.

There's a couple of surefire ways for a columnist to get a Drudge link, and the massive influx in traffic that comes with it. A title that racializes the president, especially using a negative ethnic stereotype, is one of the easier ways.

659 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:38:19am

re: #658 simoom

No, it's Drudge-bait.

There's a couple of surefire ways for a columnist to get a Drudge link, and the massive influx in traffic that comes with it. A title that racializes the president, especially using a negative ethnic stereotype, is one of the easier ways.

good call, there. i didn't think of the link-worthiness angle.

660 The Left  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:38:30am

re: #653 sattv4u2

Are you genuinely going to dispute that you inject name calling as part of your "analysis'"

and no, before you even go there, I have no butthurt

In this case, yes. I did not call Walter any names.

By the way, have you expressed outrage yet over the actual name calling in this thread, namely jamesfirecat being called an 'ideologue' and worse?
You reserve your 'outrage' for people and positions you don't like.

661 Spare O'Lake  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:39:15am

re: #650 iceweasel

See, now this is an example of personal attacks, and unfair ones too.


Your crickets are butthurt too.

662 The Left  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:39:37am

re: #659 Aceofwhat?

good call, there. i didn't think of the link-worthiness angle.

Politico is famous for posting Drudge-bait. simoon is absolutely correct.

663 jamesfirecat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:40:13am

re: #642 Aceofwhat?

In 1982 Prescott and Kydland wrote a paper that fundamentally challenged the Keynesian view that changes in aggregate demand for goods and services drive the business cycle. Prescott’s and Kydland’s article was squarely in the rational-expectations tradition of robert lucas, who had demonstrated that a fundamental problem of standard Keynesian and monetarist models was that their posited relations between aggregate variables (say, consumption and income) were assumed to hold regardless of government policy.

Prescott and Kydland speculated that changes in technology could generate many of the fluctuations in employment and output that had been noted in the past, and that changes in aggregate demand were not necessary to explain such fluctuations. In particular, they showed that if the elasticity of supply of labor is three, and if various “shocks” (i.e., unanticipated changes) in total factor productivity (TFP) are persistent and of the right magnitude, their model could account for 70 percent of the fluctuation in output in the postwar United States.

Interesting stuff.

So the secret to fixing a depression is finding the right technoligy?

(Non sarcastic)

664 SixDegrees  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:40:31am

re: #633 Charles

It's not possible for an organization run by human beings to be perfect. There are always going to be mistakes. And the climatology community has very clearly admitted as such, and clearly said they need to improve these areas.

But what's really going on here is that these "critics" are scouring through every sentence written by climatologists, looking for anything at all that they can spin, distort, or exaggerate into a huge scandal. It wouldn't matter whether the IPCC reports were 99.99999% perfect, these people would still find fodder for their scandal-making -- it's what the denial community does.

And yes, there IS a denial community, well-funded and politically powerful. They use dishonest tactics to do their work, smear excellent scientists, and harass people like the CRU scientists with constant frivolous demands for data through FOIA requests.

And Walter's point - and mine - has been that the CRU and IPCC seem to be blissfully ignorant of any such activities, and continue to pursue loosely organized policies and allow unprofessional conduct that actively feeds them. Any college sophomore is capable of producing professional citations in a self-produced research paper; it's a fundamental skill, and demanding the same of the IPCC isn't setting the bar very high at all. As a software developer, I simply will not allow comments of the sort found in the ICU code - and if those comments hadn't been there, neither would the controversy which followed, since the code itself is perfectly innocent as far as I can see.

Both organization richly deserve criticism for such behavior, not defense. They need to put a stop to it. If they don't, I have little sympathy for them when their critics beat them over the head with clubs they provided themselves.

665 subsailor68  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:40:40am

re: #640 Mosh

I have been reading a lot about Judge Robert Bork's failed confirmation hearings.
Does anyone here have any thoughts on Bork?

I always thought Judge Bork was a good nominee for the SC, because I agree with his views on the Constitution and the originalism concept in approaching it. I was amazed at the depths to which the opposition sank during the nomination process - particularly Ted Kennedy's appalling speech on the floor.

666 The Left  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:41:43am

re: #644 Spare O'Lake

I see you have nothing of value to contribute. Again.

667 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:41:48am

re: #660 iceweasel

In this case, yes. I did not call Walter any names.

By the way, have you expressed outrage yet over the actual name calling in this thread, namely jamesfirecat being called an 'ideologue' and worse?
You reserve your 'outrage' for people and positions you don't like.

Wow... 'ideologue' will reduce me to a defeat bundled of worthless human being every time :)

668 sattv4u2  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:41:48am

re: #660 iceweasel


Every single one of us is an "ideologue" to a degree, so I don't see that as an insult

I haven't been paying attention to the discussion James is in, so if he HAS been called names (what were the names he was called?) I denounce the poster who did

669 jamesfirecat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:42:12am

re: #646 Baier

I think james is an ideologue. he knows a few things and if he doesn't he asks others to fill in the gaps of his knowledge. He takes what people say out of context regularly and often refuses to answer direct questions What sealed the deal for me about him was when he insinuated that the state of Israel was reparations for the Holocaust.

A mistake (your last bone to pick with me) I have been corrected on and will never bring up again.

670 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:42:48am

re: #663 jamesfirecat

Interesting stuff.

So the secret to fixing a depression is finding the right technoligy?

(Non sarcastic)

Well...i'll quote Prescott directly for you.
"We learned that business cycle fluctuations are the optimal response to real shocks. The cost of a bad shock cannot be avoided, and policies that attempt to do so will be counterproductive, particularly if they reduce production efficiency.

During the 1981 and current oil crises, I was pleased that policies were not instituted that adversely affected the economy by reducing production efficiency. This is in sharp contrast to the oil crisis in 1974 when, rather than letting the economy respond optimally to a bad shock so as to minimize its cost, policies were instituted that adversely affected production efficiency and depressed the economy much more than it would otherwise have been.

Basically, the secret to fixing a depression is to do what i said earlier...get the government the F@#$ out of the way, assuming of course that your private sector was and can reasonably expected to be a robust economic engine.

671 SixDegrees  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:43:04am

re: #640 Mosh

I have been reading a lot about Judge Robert Bork's failed confirmation hearings.
Does anyone here have any thoughts on Bork?

It's impossible to have a rational discussion about Bork. He's been too thoroughly Borked.

672 NJDhockeyfan  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:43:39am

re: #658 simoom

No, it's Drudge-bait.

There's a couple of surefire ways for a columnist to get a Drudge link, and the massive influx in traffic that comes with it. A title that racializes the president, especially using a negative ethnic stereotype, is one of the easier ways.

So Roland Martin wrote that article just to get on Drudge? Really?

673 Mosh  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:43:42am

re: #665 subsailor68

Couldn't agree more. Bork should have sued Teddy for slander. Bork never defended poll taxes personally or advocated late night police searches.

Plus, I really like his beard. I want a beard like that.

674 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:44:17am

re: #666 iceweasel

I see you have nothing of value to contribute. Again.

Gasp - the post of eeevil! i KNEW you were the devil!

(heavy sarcasm + friendly joke...congrats on landing post 666)

675 Mosh  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:44:33am

re: #671 SixDegrees


676 jamesfirecat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:44:37am

re: #671 SixDegrees

It's impossible to have a rational discussion about Bork. He's been too thoroughly Borked.

This is as close as I can come on the subject....

677 simoom  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:44:41am

re: #672 NJDhockeyfan

So Roland Martin wrote that article just to get on Drudge? Really?

I don't know what Martin was thinking, but I imagine his editors at CNN were mentally turning cartwheels when they saw that title.

678 tradewind  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:45:12am

re: #666 iceweasel

That post # .... coincidence, or karma./

679 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:45:36am

re: #663 jamesfirecat

Interesting stuff.

So the secret to fixing a depression is finding the right technoligy?

(Non sarcastic)

see, we righties aren't so bad...some of us are a lot like lefties, but with better mathematical skills...


680 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:46:21am

re: #672 NJDhockeyfan

So Roland Martin wrote that article just to get on Drudge? Really?

I think it's fair to say that that particular line, at the very least, was penned with an eye towards internet distribution...wouldn't you?

681 subsailor68  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:46:54am

re: #673 Mosh

Couldn't agree more. Bork should have sued Teddy for slander. Bork never defended poll taxes personally or advocated late night police searches.

Plus, I really like his beard. I want a beard like that.

LOL! Okay, I can agree with everything you said.....well, maybe except the beard part!!


682 sattv4u2  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:47:06am

re: #679 Aceofwhat?

see, we righties aren't so bad...some of us are a lot like lefties, but with better mathematical skills...


but our wardrobes are boring!

683 Baier  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:47:06am

re: #669 jamesfirecat

A mistake (your last bone to pick with me) I have been corrected on and will never bring up again.

It was a mistake bringing it up, or a mistake believing that Israel was created out of European guilt?

684 jamesfirecat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:47:07am

re: #670 Aceofwhat?

Well...i'll quote Prescott directly for you.
"We learned that business cycle fluctuations are the optimal response to real shocks. The cost of a bad shock cannot be avoided, and policies that attempt to do so will be counterproductive, particularly if they reduce production efficiency.

During the 1981 and current oil crises, I was pleased that policies were not instituted that adversely affected the economy by reducing production efficiency. This is in sharp contrast to the oil crisis in 1974 when, rather than letting the economy respond optimally to a bad shock so as to minimize its cost, policies were instituted that adversely affected production efficiency and depressed the economy much more than it would otherwise have been.

Basically, the secret to fixing a depression is to do what i said earlier...get the government the F@#$ out of the way, assuming of course that your private sector was and can reasonably expected to be a robust economic engine.

Okay then, I suppose this in turn brings up the question of, who is the "mechanic" we should hire to make sure that our private sector is a "robust economic engine"?

Because if its a dud, then might we just end up sitting around waiting for a natural recovery that will never come?

(Not trying to play "why is the sky blue?" just trying to make sure we've got all the possible angles covered)

685 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:47:43am

re: #682 sattv4u2

but our wardrobes are boring!

speak for yourself...i look faaabulous today...and i don't even like boys...

686 Mosh  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:47:55am

re: #681 subsailor68

LOL! Okay, I can agree with everything you said...well, maybe except the beard part!!


Chicks dig the beard. Its a fact.

687 NJDhockeyfan  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:48:17am

re: #677 simoom

I don't know what Martin was thinking, but I imagine his editors at CNN were mentally turning cartwheels when they saw that title.

I see, the editors are responsible. Hmmmmm...

And CNN is doing cartwheels because one of their journalists is getting his story on Drudge.

CNN must be pretty hard up for ratings to depend on Drudge for traffic.

688 The Left  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:49:17am

re: #674 Aceofwhat?

Gasp - the post of eeevil! i KNEW you were the devil!

(heavy sarcasm + friendly joke...congrats on landing post 666)

Holy crap, I think I got the devil's post yesterday too!

689 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:49:26am

re: #684 jamesfirecat

Okay then, I suppose this in turn brings up the question of, who is the "mechanic" we should hire to make sure that our private sector is a "robust economic engine"?

Because if its a dud, then might we just end up sitting around waiting for a natural recovery that will never come?

(Not trying to play "why is the sky blue?" just trying to make sure we've got all the possible angles covered)

It's a very fair question, but it's a different one. I was just trying to be precise (i.e. not an "ideologue"...heh) and admit that what works for our economy may not be the right prescription for, say, Benin.

I think that Eastern Europe offers a very interesting example of one way to successfully tune your previously crappy economy into a higher-peformance machine.

Lots of flat taxes over there...

690 Mosh  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:49:31am

re: #683 Baier

Everyone who does some serious research on Israel's creation knows that the idea of a Jewish state in Palestine was first conceived by the British in the 1930s as a response to the rapid influx of Jewish immigrants from Germany.

691 subsailor68  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:50:02am

re: #686 Mosh

Chicks dig the beard. Its a fact.

Ah! Hey, wait a sec! If it's Halle Berry you're talkin' about I'm good with that.

On the other hand, if it's Rosie O'Donnell....


692 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:50:05am

re: #688 iceweasel

Holy crap, I think I got the devil's post yesterday too!

I promise not to pray for your death, despite my Christianity ;)

693 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:51:09am

re: #691 subsailor68

Ah! Hey, wait a sec! If it's Halle Berry you're talkin' about I'm good with that.

On the other hand, if it's Rosie O'Donnell...


IIRC, you don't have anything that Rosie digs//

694 jamesfirecat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:51:16am

re: #683 Baier

It was a mistake bringing it up, or a mistake believing that Israel was created out of European guilt?

It was a mistake to believe that it was created out of European guilt.

It was "not" a mistake to bring it up for a given definition of the word "mistake" in that I ended up learning something very important weighed against the fact that it was upon reflection an extremely insulting, insensitive and foolish question, and it was which is an equation I leave to the philosophers, though I personally believe that it's better to open your mouth and be thought an idiot and come away with some wisdom from the experience than to simply be a foolish person thought wise for not saying anything.

695 Mosh  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:51:36am

re: #689 Aceofwhat?

It's a very fair question, but it's a different one. I was just trying to be precise (i.e. not an "ideologue"...heh) and admit that what works for our economy may not be the right prescription for, say, Benin.

I think that Eastern Europe offers a very interesting example of one way to successfully tune your previously crappy economy into a higher-peformance machine.

Lots of flat taxes over there...

The flat tax still allows for perverse corporate loop holes, just like our current code. I've read both Steve Forbes' "Flat Tax Revolution" and Boortz and Linder's "FairTax Book".

I'm on the FairTax side 100%.

696 The Left  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:51:53am

re: #687 NJDhockeyfan

I see, the editors are responsible. Hmmm...

And CNN is doing cartwheels because one of their journalists is getting his story on Drudge.

CNN must be pretty hard up for ratings to depend on Drudge for traffic.

It's been official since 2006. Drudge rules their world.

Mark Halperin and John Harris write "Matt Drudge rules our world." They say, "With the exception of the ASSOCIATED PRESS, there is no outlet other than the DRUDGE REPORT whose dispatches instantly can command the attention and energies of the most established newspapers and television newscasts."

697 sattv4u2  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:52:21am

re: #695 Mosh

I'm on the FairTax side 100%.


698 Taqyia2Me  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:53:03am

re: #189 NJDhockeyfan

President Obama now says he's 'agnostic' on possible taxe hikes for households below $250K a year


Only those nuanced into a coma couldn't see this coming.

699 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:53:34am

re: #695 Mosh

The flat tax still allows for perverse corporate loop holes, just like our current code. I've read both Steve Forbes' "Flat Tax Revolution" and Boortz and Linder's "FairTax Book".

I'm on the FairTax side 100%.

Again, to be precise, i'm holding them up as an example of how to fire up an economic engine as opposed to an example of the current best collection of macroeconomic policies.

700 Mosh  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:54:40am

re: #699 Aceofwhat?

The end of central planning, price controls, and free trade could be factors in Eastern Europe's economic growth.

701 jamesfirecat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:55:00am

re: #689 Aceofwhat?

It's a very fair question, but it's a different one. I was just trying to be precise (i.e. not an "ideologue"...heh) and admit that what works for our economy may not be the right prescription for, say, Benin.

I think that Eastern Europe offers a very interesting example of one way to successfully tune your previously crappy economy into a higher-peformance machine.

Lots of flat taxes over there...

I do not consider myself an expert on the entire flat tax, progressive tax thing but this goes back to a previous idea that was brought up about how the US is just flat out loosing certain jobs that aren't likely to come back.

Do you think a flat/progressive tax lends itself better to certain economies that are designed to produced certain goods?

(IE if you're making textiles you should have a progressive tax but if you're making computer chips you should have a flat tax)

If so obviously this leads to what I said before, where at the moment it seems like America isn't even sure what we make anymore or what kinds of goods our country is suited to producing...

702 Charles Johnson  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:55:40am

re: #664 SixDegrees

And Walter's point - and mine - has been that the CRU and IPCC seem to be blissfully ignorant of any such activities, and continue to pursue loosely organized policies and allow unprofessional conduct that actively feeds them.

I do not agree. From what I see in the scientific community, nobody denies errors and problems. When they are discovered or pointed out, the response is ALWAYS to immediately address any genuine problems. Always.

But scientists are human beings too, and when they are constantly harassed by the deniers, and see their work being distorted and misrepresented, it's not hard to understand why this could lead to some ill feelings.

There is a massive amount of distortion and dishonesty coming from the denial community, and I've documented quite a bit of it in these threads about climate change, but somehow they never seem to be held to the same standards of responsibility.

They get a pass, and even after being shown to be liars and exaggerators, the next time they start screaming about a phony scandal people fall right in line and repeat their accusations.

703 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:55:51am

re: #700 Mosh

The end of central planning, price controls, and free trade could be factors in Eastern Europe's economic growth.

No question. Lower taxation rates are probably also a major factor.

704 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:57:01am

re: #702 Charles

Weird. Did you mean to format it that way?

705 Mosh  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:58:19am

re: #697 sattv4u2

I'm on the FairTax side 100%.


To give you an idea of how much I love the FairTax, I voted for Mike Huckabee in the primaries. Originally I supported Fred Thompson, then McCain.

706 Spare O'Lake  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:58:26am

re: #666 iceweasel

The IPCC is a UN agency.
The UN is universally condemned by all fair-minded people for their political bias, their corruption, their inefficiency and their general anti-Western slant...not to mention their virulent anti-Zionism.
In this context, the IPCC richly deserves all the scrutiny and skepticism in the world.
The sooner that climate science uncouples itself from the UN trainwreck the better.

707 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:59:48am

re: #701 jamesfirecat

I do not consider myself an expert on the entire flat tax, progressive tax thing but this goes back to a previous idea that was brought up about how the US is just flat out loosing certain jobs that aren't likely to come back.

Do you think a flat/progressive tax lends itself better to certain economies that are designed to produced certain goods?

(IE if you're making textiles you should have a progressive tax but if you're making computer chips you should have a flat tax)

If so obviously this leads to what I said before, where at the moment it seems like America isn't even sure what we make anymore or what kinds of goods our country is suited to producing...

that's a good question, too complex for now because i need to get some lunch. i'll only say that insofar as the "all tax cuts are good" discussion goes, there is powerful evidence that lower marginal tax rates do contribute to net responsive working hours in an economy like ours.

gotta get some lunch. thanks, all for the fun so far.

708 The Sanity Inspector  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 9:59:52am

re: #646 Baier

I think james is an ideologue. he knows a few things and if he doesn't he asks others to fill in the gaps of his knowledge. He takes what people say out of context regularly and often refuses to answer direct questions What sealed the deal for me about him was when he insinuated that the state of Israel was reparations for the Holocaust.

The kid will live and learn
As he watches his bridges burn...

709 Charles Johnson  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 10:00:27am

P.S. I disagree with you about the code. This was not intended to be production code for general use, it was in-house code developed on the fly to address immediate problems. I have also worked in the programming biz for many years, and there's a huge difference between code intended for public release and code used by scientists to get a job done. The people who create these ad hoc programs are not trained in corporate style code documentation, and you can't apply those kinds of standards to them.

It's called quick and dirty programming, and the Internet (and much of the software you use every single day) was built on it. It says nothing at all about the accuracy or the efficacy of the code.

710 Baier  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 10:00:53am

re: #694 jamesfirecat

It also helps to listen.

711 Mosh  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 10:01:09am

re: #708 The Sanity Inspector

James is a kid?

712 simoom  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 10:04:29am

re: #687 NJDhockeyfan

I see, the editors are responsible. Hmmm...

Ultimately, yes, as they are supposed to be the filters that keep irresponsible things from being published.

And CNN is doing cartwheels because one of their journalists is getting his story on Drudge.

CNN must be pretty hard up for ratings to depend on Drudge for traffic.

I wouldn't be surprised if a Drudge-link increased the traffic to that particular column many fold. In fact I bet there were far more conservatives clicking over to it than liberals/progressives (as while Roland Martin often fills a liberal slot on CNN discussion panels, he isn't a prominent voice on the left, with a sizable built-in following).

713 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 10:05:18am

re: #709 Charles

P.S. I disagree with you about the code. This was not intended to be production code for general use, it was in-house code developed on the fly to address immediate problems. I have also worked in the programming biz for many years, and there's a huge difference between code intended for public release and code used by scientists to get a job done. The people who create these ad hoc programs are not trained in corporate style code documentation, and you can't apply those kinds of standards to them.

It's called quick and dirty programming, and the Internet (and much of the software you use every single day) was built on it. It says nothing at all about the accuracy or the efficacy of the code.

I say it does... and many others have said it does. I've got the code... it has inaccuracies and inefficiencies in it.

And I'm not sure what you mean by "on the fly." Much of the code was the code that was used for the actual modeling that ended up in reports and papers.

Since you didn't want any of the hacked email or code or other documents posted here, it's a little hard to simply have statements made that neither of us can back up at this point.

But I know what I am looking at... do you?

714 jamesfirecat  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 10:05:25am

re: #710 Baier

It also helps to listen.

I thought that was inherent in "and come away with some wisdom from the experience"

But if it makes you feel better I really meant "and come away with some wisdom from the experience by listening to what the people who call you a fool have to say"

715 The Sanity Inspector  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 10:06:19am

re: #711 Mosh

James is a kid?

Compared to me, he is. It's all I can do to keep from being all patronizing and condescendingly avuncular to him. I hated it when geezers did that to me when I was 21.

716 Charles Johnson  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 10:08:22am

re: #713 Walter L. Newton

I say it does... and many others have said it does. I've got the code... it has inaccuracies and inefficiencies in it.

And I'm not sure what you mean by "on the fly." Much of the code was the code that was used for the actual modeling that ended up in reports and papers.

Since you didn't want any of the hacked email or code or other documents posted here, it's a little hard to simply have statements made that neither of us can back up at this point.

But I know what I am looking at... do you?

Yes, Walter, I do know what I'm looking at. You're posting comments here at LGF using software I wrote.

And I challenge you to quote one section of any part of the code that shows an actual inaccuracy.

717 NJDhockeyfan  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 10:08:42am

re: #712 simoom

I wouldn't be surprised if a Drudge-link increased the traffic to that particular column many fold. In fact I bet there were far more conservatives clicking over to it than liberals/progressives (as while Roland Martin often fills a liberal slot on CNN discussion panels, he isn't a prominent voice on the left, with a sizable built-in following).

You've done it, you have figured it out! Is Drudge on the payroll? They must be working together to both get rich. CNN posts an over-the-top headline and Drudge links to it. Both benefit. Brilliant! You've cracked the code, dude!

718 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 10:12:53am

re: #716 Charles

Yes, Walter, I do know what I'm looking at. You're posting comments here at LGF using software I wrote.

And I challenge you to quote one section of any part of the code that shows an actual inaccuracy.

If you are actually giving me permission to post hacked CRU code, then I will address some functions and procedures that are problematic.

I will do this over the weekend, when I have three days off.

But first, I would like to have a comment from you giving me permission to post hacked code, hacked comments and other text related to the Fortran and IDL code.


719 Charles Johnson  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 10:14:36am

re: #718 Walter L. Newton

If you are actually giving me permission to post hacked CRU code, then I will address some functions and procedures that are problematic.

I will do this over the weekend, when I have three days off.

But first, I would like to have a comment from you giving me permission to post hacked code, hacked comments and other text related to the Fortran and IDL code.


I said, post "one" section of code that shows an inaccuracy. Not post the whole thing.

720 pragmatist  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 10:14:39am


One on the defenders of the Goldstone smear of the IDF is a Colonel
Desmond Travers of the Irish Defense Forces.

As far as I can tell from searching the web, this guy has always
been a REMF and not a warrior.

Can anyone shed any light on this guy? If he has never been
in combat would he be a reliable source for expertise on Israeli
military actions?


721 simoom  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 10:17:58am

re: #717 NJDhockeyfan

CNN posts an over-the-top headline and Drudge links to it. Both benefit. Brilliant! You've cracked the code, dude!

Aren't you anecdotal evidence of their success? Would you ordinarily read a Roland Martin column and repost it (directing further traffic CNN's way)?

I apologize in advance if you did in fact reach Martin's column by browsing CNN's opinion section (it doesn't have a controversial title there though - "Time for Obama to get tough", you only see it once you click through), instead of arriving there from Drudge (or another conservative site linking over).

722 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 10:19:10am

re: #719 Charles

I said, post "one" section of code that shows an inaccuracy. Not post the whole thing.

Well Charles, any one section of code may have calls to other procedures or functions that may or may not reflect on what is happening with any set of data.

I have in mind a section of code that takes input from a flat file and parses it... badly... with no checks for invalid data coming in, no "scrubbing," nothing to prevent invalid records from being created. But that procedure calls other functions.

You just made your challenge almost impossible. As a programmer, you know that much code is dependent on many other "parts" of the code.

723 Charles Johnson  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 10:21:25am

re: #722 Walter L. Newton

Well Charles, any one section of code may have calls to other procedures or functions that may or may not reflect on what is happening with any set of data.

I have in mind a section of code that takes input from a flat file and parses it... badly... with no checks for invalid data coming in, no "scrubbing," nothing to prevent invalid records from being created. But that procedure calls other functions.

You just made your challenge almost impossible. As a programmer, you know that much code is dependent on many other "parts" of the code.

OK, then go ahead and post whatever you think makes your case. I seriously doubt that you're going to be able to show an "inaccuracy," which is what you claimed. And quibbling over quick and dirty methods used to parse a flat file is not the same thing as demonstrating that the code produced inaccurate results.

724 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 10:26:46am

re: #723 Charles

OK, then go ahead and post whatever you think makes your case. I seriously doubt that you're going to be able to show an "inaccuracy," which is what you claimed. And quibbling over quick and dirty methods used to parse a flat file is not the same thing as demonstrating that the code produced inaccurate results.

We shall see, won't we... as I said above, I will do this over the weekend, on a appropriate thread (an open one I suspect) and we can talk about it.

Thank you.

725 simoom  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 10:28:21am

re: #189 NJDhockeyfan

President Obama now says he's 'agnostic' on possible taxe hikes for households below $250K a year


The convolutions that were necessary for NY Daily News to reach that title/attribution are pretty impressive.

Obama says he wants any potential presidential budget commission to report back to him all options for deficit reduction, and wants "to be completely agnostic, in terms of solutions" they're free to explore, and that's all it took for the Daily News to construct that headline. Again, impressive.

726 Spare O'Lake  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 10:28:35am

Climate change is very real.
The ice is melting, the glaciers are receding and desertification is increasing.
With increases in population and industrialization, human activities have and continue to be an increasingly important cause of changes to the global climate.
At the same time the IPCC, like every other United Nations agency, has recently been shown to be troubled by sloppiness, bias and poor management oversight.
And why any honest nation would want to give the UN a pass on anything is beyond me.

727 NJDhockeyfan  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 10:29:06am

re: #721 simoom

Aren't you anecdotal evidence of their success? Would you ordinarily read a Roland Martin column and repost it (directing further traffic CNN's way)?

I apologize in advance if you did in fact reach Martin's column by browsing CNN's opinion section (it doesn't have a controversial title there though - "Time for Obama to get tough", you only see it once you click through), instead of arriving there from Drudge (or another conservative site linking over).

Well actually I found it from searching for something else on Google. I have not looked at Drudge in months. I have a slow internet and Drudge refreshes too much.

728 simoom  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 10:31:19am

re: #727 NJDhockeyfan

Well actually I found it from searching for something else on Google. I have not looked at Drudge in months. I have a slow internet and Drudge refreshes too much.

OK, apologies then :).

Do you really disagree that Drudge drives massive amounts of traffic though?

729 NJDhockeyfan  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 10:32:39am

re: #725 simoom

The convolutions that were necessary for NY Daily News to reach that title/attribution are pretty impressive.

Obama says he wants any potential presidential budget commission to report back to him all options for deficit reduction, and wants "to be completely agnostic, in terms of solutions" they're free to explore, and that's all it took for the Daily News to construct that headline. Again, impressive.

Obviously Matt Drudge had an editor from CNN write that headline for the Daily News.


730 simoom  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 10:32:42am

re: #728 simoom

OK, apologies then :).

Oops, that should read: OK, my apologies then :).

731 Charles Johnson  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 10:33:55am

re: #724 Walter L. Newton

We shall see, won't we... as I said above, I will do this over the weekend, on a appropriate thread (an open one I suspect) and we can talk about it.

Thank you.

And for your part, you have to prove that a section of code actually produced inaccurate or mistaken results. Not simply that it could have done so.

Because that's what you claimed.

732 sattv4u2  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 10:34:19am

re: #730 simoom

Oops, that should read: OK, my apologies then :).

Why ,,,, whose other apologies could you have given !?!?!


733 NJDhockeyfan  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 10:34:20am

re: #728 simoom

OK, apologies then :).

Do you really disagree that Drudge drives massive amounts of traffic though?

I don't pay attention to Drudge, really. I have no idea which news blog is more popular than others. If I see an interesting article written somewhere I post it here. There is nothing more to it.

734 Silvergirl  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 10:34:44am

re: #725 simoom

The convolutions that were necessary for NY Daily News to reach that title/attribution are pretty impressive.

Obama says he wants any potential presidential budget commission to report back to him all options for deficit reduction, and wants "to be completely agnostic, in terms of solutions" they're free to explore, and that's all it took for the Daily News to construct that headline. Again, impressive.

Simoom, I saw this over to the right of the King interview with Biden, and it does show the gangsta title there under the NewsPulse heading.

735 albusteve  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 10:36:11am

and in this corner...from Shipshiwanna!...

736 simoom  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 10:36:24am

re: #734 Silvergirl

Simoom, I saw this over to the right of the King interview with Biden, and it does show the gangsta title there under the NewsPulse heading.

Wow, according to that, it's currently, by far, the most popular story at CNN.

737 Obdicut  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 10:37:18am

re: #736 simoom

Dear lord, that's fucking stupid.

738 Silvergirl  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 10:38:08am

re: #736 simoom

Wow, according to that, it's currently, by far, the most popular story at CNN.

Yes, I noticed that.

739 What, me worry?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 10:44:09am

re: #274 NJDhockeyfan

Here is a CNN genius giving some advice to Obama...

Time for Obama to go 'gangsta' on GOP

This is journalism?

I read the opinion pieces at CNN and Roland Martin is a jerk. I've never once agreed with his analysis on anything. I'm pretty damn liberal so it isn't that. He just has never come off as very bright to me.

740 NJDhockeyfan  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 10:44:58am

re: #736 simoom

Wow, according to that, it's currently, by far, the most popular story at CNN.

By a large margin too. I assume 'popular' means number of page hits, not agreement with the substance of the article.

741 simoom  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 10:57:52am

re: #739 marjoriemoon

I read the opinion pieces at CNN and Roland Martin is a jerk. I've never once agreed with his analysis on anything. I'm pretty damn liberal so it isn't that. He just has never come off as very bright to me.

He first started regularly appearing on CNN during the height of the Reverend Wright controversy, as a religion expert discussing predominantly African-American churches. At some point they moved him over to their political discussion panels, where he fills a liberal slot and often seems out of his depth.

742 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 11:23:50am

re: #723 Charles

I appreciate your allowing this. I'm interested to watch the discussion, although I will contribute little...

743 tradewind  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 1:04:55pm

re: #738 Silvergirl
OMG. Rearrange that and imagine the headline had said
' McCain advised to go skinhead on Dem Congress '
[Link: www.cnn.com...]
They'd spike that motha for sure.

744 tradewind  Thu, Feb 11, 2010 1:09:49pm

re: #728 simoom

If someone can really go months without glancing at Drudge, more power to 'em, but that is something every major newspaper and network checks before anything else. They admit it.
Makes it hard to keep up, sometimes.

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