1 Dancing along the light of day  Tue, Nov 17, 2009 11:13:14pm

That bird's in front of a tube, dude!

2 freetoken  Tue, Nov 17, 2009 11:14:30pm

Run! Fly! Imminent danger... the wave is not your friend!

Ah, but that doesn't mean you don't have any friends...

3 Dancing along the light of day  Tue, Nov 17, 2009 11:16:27pm

Break out the Ventures!
Surf guitar, in white shoes!

4 Dark_Falcon  Tue, Nov 17, 2009 11:17:00pm

re: #1 Floral Giraffe

That bird's in front of a tube, dude!

Another night, another curlew.

5 Dancing along the light of day  Tue, Nov 17, 2009 11:17:29pm

re: #4 Dark_Falcon

Nicely played!

6 Dark_Falcon  Tue, Nov 17, 2009 11:17:32pm

re: #4 Dark_Falcon

Another night, another curlew.

Not that there's anything wrong with that. Its a good photo.

7 Dancing along the light of day  Tue, Nov 17, 2009 11:18:53pm

Nice "Pipeline" with Stevie Ray

8 freetoken  Tue, Nov 17, 2009 11:21:06pm

re: #3 Floral Giraffe

Ahhh... The Ventures:

(* Yes, we only have 36 more shopping days left!!! *)

9 ghazidor  Tue, Nov 17, 2009 11:28:14pm

Great shot of the Giant Emu (I thought they were extinct?) and the Tsunami wave coming ashore.


10 Dancing along the light of day  Tue, Nov 17, 2009 11:29:08pm

re: #8 freetoken


Please, I retired from a senior-ish management job in retail 3 years ago.
You know what?
I don't give a Flying F how the retailers do anymore.
It was VERY important to me, for most of my working career.
Now, ask me if I miss the freighting strategies of best sellers & how to get more into "my" stores in the next 45 days.
Am I even going into a store in the next 45 days?
Well, a grocery store.
The rest?
Well, let me give you shopppers a HINT in this economy.
What ever you want is gonna be40% off after Thanksgiving, unless it;s selling really well. And ALL OF IT is gonna be 50% off after Christmas. 'Cause this year is gonna be bad. So save your energy & pennies. Shop in January. Yes, there will still be a size selection that is good.

Yes, you gotta love a seasonal business!
(Crab mode, is now off!)

11 Dancing along the light of day  Tue, Nov 17, 2009 11:30:52pm

Spellcheck woulda been my friend...
Had I but asked...

12 freetoken  Tue, Nov 17, 2009 11:32:52pm

re: #10 Floral Giraffe

For the crabby... more Ventures!

13 Dark_Falcon  Tue, Nov 17, 2009 11:44:08pm

re: #10 Floral Giraffe

Except for cell phones. If you need or want a phone, get one from Sprint this Christmas Season. We've got some great new phones and our new 4G Wireless Aircards are the fastest mobile internet around by a long margin.

/end employer promo

14 Dancing along the light of day  Tue, Nov 17, 2009 11:44:56pm

re: #12 freetoken

No, I can't EVEN do a Ventures Christmas.

Thank you for trying.

Here's a fun negotiation, if you stop & think about the size and pricing power of the parties involved...

[Link: finance.yahoo.com...]

15 Dancing along the light of day  Tue, Nov 17, 2009 11:45:47pm

re: #13 Dark_Falcon

If I needed or heck, even wanted a phone.
You'd be my first call!
May your season be profitable!

16 Dancing along the light of day  Tue, Nov 17, 2009 11:52:14pm

As Killgore would say...

Good Night, Dear Lizards!
May the blessings of all of this world, be upon you!

17 freetoken  Tue, Nov 17, 2009 11:52:31pm

re: #14 Floral Giraffe

No, I can't EVEN do a Ventures Christmas.

The beatings will continue until morale improves:

As for the trouble in retail... yeah, the local Safeway brand (Von's) now is advertising triple coupon redemption (up to $1 value.) The very same store is one of the largest in the area, and yet they have fewer people all the time.

18 freetoken  Tue, Nov 17, 2009 11:54:07pm

re: #16 Floral Giraffe

Goodnight long-necked fauna-floral hyrid:

19 Gus  Tue, Nov 17, 2009 11:55:10pm

Good night.

Whatever you do don't go to the Recovery dot gov website. It's depressing.

20 Cheechako  Tue, Nov 17, 2009 11:56:13pm

re: #13 Dark_Falcon

Except for cell phones. If you need or want a phone, get one from Sprint this Christmas Season. We've got some great new phones and our new 4G Wireless Aircards are the fastest mobile internet around by a long margin.

/end employer promo

Yeah, tell me all about AT&T's WiMax (4G Service). For some strange reason Alaska was the test area for WiMax. They were installing it in Anchorage, Juneau, and Fairbanks. They were offering an WiMax unit for $20/month. Of course to get that price you also had to purchase local and long-distance service. Thought it sounded like a pretty good service as I could take the receiver with me when I traveled. But, when I visited the distributer of the WiMax units I found out they were way behind in building the necessary tower infrastructure. The service only works in portions in each city. My house was in a dead zone.

21 Raryn  Tue, Nov 17, 2009 11:58:19pm

re: #19 Gus 802

Good night.

Whatever you do don't go to the Recovery dot gov website. It's depressing.

Did you notice the stimulus jobs "created or saved" in Arizona's 15th, Arizona's 86th, Connecticut's 42nd, and about a dozen other districts that happen to not exist?

22 Dancing along the light of day  Tue, Nov 17, 2009 11:59:41pm

re: #20 Cheechako

Your house is ALWAYS in a dead zone.
That is my experience in California.
We're along the coast, so they blame the canyons & valleys of our area.
I hope you got a decent solution?

23 Cheechako  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 12:01:24am

re: #22 Floral Giraffe

I hope you got a decent solution?

I get DSL from my phone company but I don't have a long enough cord to take it on the road.

24 sngnsgt  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 12:02:08am
Cause I'm as free as a bird now,
And this bird you'll never change.
And this bird you can not change.
Lord knows, I can't change.
Lord help me, I can't change.
25 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 12:06:22am

re: #20 Cheechako

Yeah, tell me all about AT&T's WiMax (4G Service). For some strange reason Alaska was the test area for WiMax. They were installing it in Anchorage, Juneau, and Fairbanks. They were offering an WiMax unit for $20/month. Of course to get that price you also had to purchase local and long-distance service. Thought it sounded like a pretty good service as I could take the receiver with me when I traveled. But, when I visited the distributer of the WiMax units I found out they were way behind in building the necessary tower infrastructure. The service only works in portions in each city. My house was in a dead zone.

We already have our WiMax built out here in Chicago. But then again, Sprint already had more 3G coverage than AT&T, so there's no reason why we should not have more and better 4G coverage as well.

26 Raryn  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 12:06:54am

re: #25 Dark_Falcon

We already have our WiMax built out here in Chicago. But then again, Sprint already had more 3G coverage than AT&T, so there's no reason why we should not have more and better 4G coverage as well.

I love the Verizon commercials with the 3G maps.

AT&T really can't argue with something like that

27 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 12:08:01am

re: #21 Raryn

Did you notice the stimulus jobs "created or saved" in Arizona's 15th, Arizona's 86th, Connecticut's 42nd, and about a dozen other districts that happen to not exist?

YEp, a lot of people noticed it today. And the Chicago Tribune noticed the statistical shenanigans weeks ago. bBama is shilling bullshit and its not even hidden.

28 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 12:09:52am

re: #26 Raryn

I love the Verizon commercials with the 3G maps.

AT&T really can't argue with something like that

I love 'em too. It's nice to know I work for a company with a better network than AT&T and we have better plans to boot. AT&T sucks, except for the iPhone (though that is a very large exception).

29 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 12:10:14am

re: #27 Dark_Falcon

YEp, a lot of people noticed it today. And the Chicago Tribune noticed the statistical shenanigans weeks ago. Obama is shilling bullshit and its not even hidden.


30 Bagua  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 12:12:35am

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

The free bird leaps
on the back of the win
and floats downstream
till the current ends
and dips his wings
in the orange sun rays
and dares to claim the sky.

But a bird that stalks
down his narrow cage
can seldom see through
his bars of rage
his wings are clipped and
his feet are tied
so he opens his throat to sing.

The caged bird sings
with fearful trill
of the things unknown
but longed for still
and is tune is heard
on the distant hillfor the caged bird
sings of freedom

The free bird thinks of another breeze
an the trade winds soft through the sighing trees
and the fat worms waiting on a dawn-bright lawn
and he names the sky his own.

But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams
his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream
his wings are clipped and his feet are tied
so he opens his throat to sing

The caged bird sings
with a fearful trill
of things unknown
but longed for still
and his tune is heard
on the distant hill
for the caged bird
sings of freedom.

-Maya Angelou

31 Cheechako  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 12:15:35am

re: #25 Dark_Falcon

As far as I know, AT&T is the only company to be offering WiMax service in Alaska. The major phone company, Alaska Communication Systems (ACS) has some kind of arrangement with AT&T for long distance in Alaska but it will not include the WiMax service. For WiMax you have to sign up for AT&T local and long distance to get the cheep WiMax rate. Overall, the total cost for local, long distance, and a high speed internet connection are very comparable. Within a few bucks depending on how many minutes of long distance service (both in-state and out of state) you wanted.

32 Raryn  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 12:26:24am

re: #31 Cheechako

As far as I know, AT&T is the only company to be offering WiMax service in Alaska. The major phone company, Alaska Communication Systems (ACS) has some kind of arrangement with AT&T for long distance in Alaska but it will not include the WiMax service. For WiMax you have to sign up for AT&T local and long distance to get the cheep WiMax rate. Overall, the total cost for local, long distance, and a high speed internet connection are very comparable. Within a few bucks depending on how many minutes of long distance service (both in-state and out of state) you wanted.

If you got high speed internet through somewhere else, could you get a VoIP service for phone service? Or would that not be cheaper.

33 ghazidor  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 12:28:03am

re: #31 Cheechako

I remember when it was ATU (anchorage telephone utility) before ACS bought it. I also remeber back before we got the undersea cables to the lower 48 and everything went over satellite. You would talk into the phone and then hear your own voice as an echo a second later, followed three seconds later by the other persons reply. No internet up there in those dark days...

34 ghazidor  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 12:29:47am

re: #32 Raryn

If you got high speed internet through somewhere else, could you get a VoIP service for phone service? Or would that not be cheaper.

No competition up there...one phone company, one cable company it is either one or the other and they both charge too much.

35 Bagua  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 12:31:12am


A poor Christmas retail season, unemployment at dangerous and unusual highs not seen in 26 years, a FED rate of 0.25% (effectively zero), government spending accelerating at alarming rates and the printing presses keep churning out dollars.

Even Bernanke [the jovial], warns that economic "headwinds" will restrain the pace of the U.S. recovery.

Yet the markets continue their weird bull rise since March, and crude oil keeps knocking at the $80 a barrel level.

Whatever is next?

36 ghazidor  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 12:36:13am

re: #35 Bagua


37 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 12:37:31am

re: #36 ausador



38 freetoken  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 12:40:13am

re: #36 ausador

re: #37 Dark_Falcon


39 Bagua  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 12:41:29am

The H1N1 vaccine proves safe as houses with 6.6 million vaccinations in Canada.

With adverse reactions right about as predicted and predominantly mild. Only 1 death attributed to the vaccine, contrast and compare with the more than 198 deaths due to the H1N1 flu so far.

Looks like another win for modern medicine and the pharmaceutical industry.

40 Cheechako  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 12:44:06am

re: #32 Raryn

If you got high speed internet through somewhere else, could you get a VoIP service for phone service? Or would that not be cheaper.

Actually I can get phone and internet service from 2 companies. ACS, the communication company, and GCI, my cable tv supplier. When you can figure out the various packages (and they are very confusing) the cost for a comparable package is very close to each other. Throwing in the various cable tv offers makes it very mixed upre: #33 ausador

I remember when it was ATU (anchorage telephone utility) before ACS bought it. I also remeber back before we got the undersea cables to the lower 48 and everything went over satellite. You would talk into the phone and then hear your own voice as an echo a second later, followed three seconds later by the other persons reply. No internet up there in those dark days...

Just about every small village in Alaska has phone and internet service these days. Cell phones are a very valuable addition to the communication networks in the villages as they don't require a hard line.

Every now and then I still get hooked up through a satellite connection in a call to the lower 48. That 3 second delay drives me and the person i called nuts.

41 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 12:44:07am

re: #39 Bagua

The H1N1 vaccine proves safe as houses with 6.6 million vaccinations in Canada.

With adverse reactions right about as predicted and predominantly mild. Only 1 death attributed to the vaccine, contrast and compare with the more than 198 deaths due to the H1N1 flu so far.

Looks like another win for modern medicine and the pharmaceutical industry.

And hopefully a shattering loss for the anti-vaxer nuts.

42 TheMatrix31  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 12:45:46am

Boy, I wish the AP sent a shitload of people to fact check Sarah Palin's book. I guess they were too busy fact checking the stimulus bill, the health bills, cap and trade, the KSM trial setup, Obama's associations, et al

43 ghazidor  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 12:47:39am

re: #31 Cheechako

As far as I know, AT&T is the only company to be offering WiMax service in Alaska. The major phone company, Alaska Communication Systems (ACS) has some kind of arrangement with AT&T for long distance in Alaska but it will not include the WiMax service. For WiMax you have to sign up for AT&T local and long distance to get the cheep WiMax rate. Overall, the total cost for local, long distance, and a high speed internet connection are very comparable. Within a few bucks depending on how many minutes of long distance service (both in-state and out of state) you wanted.

I'd be leery of AT&T they pulled out of Alaska once before, my ex-wife worked for them in Anchorage for about 18 months when they set up a wireless highspeed (local dish) internet service as a test market back around 1999-2000. They oversold the capacity of the system without adding to the infrastructure and then when people started complaining and dropping the service they canned the whole thing.

44 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 12:51:05am

re: #42 TheMatrix31

Boy, I wish the AP sent a shitload of people to fact check Sarah Palin's book! I guess they were too busy fact checking the stimulus bill, the health bills, cap and trade, the KSM trial setup, Obama's associations, et al

Get with the program! Everything The One says must be taken as gospel. Sarah Palin however, is an evil conservative who the AP must stop before she activate her sekrit evil conservative plan.


45 Cheechako  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 12:52:15am

re: #43 ausador

I live in the Mendenall valley. AT&T just received permission to install two 120 foot towers for the WiMax service in the valley. One of the towers will be about 1/2 mile from my house. I should be able to see it from my back porch.
The towers were delayed 9 months by the local NIMBY's.

46 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 12:53:48am

I've got get to bed. Goodnight, all.

47 ghazidor  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 12:54:44am

re: #45 Cheechako

I live in the Mendenall valley. AT&T just received permission to install two 120 foot towers for the WiMax service in the valley. One of the towers will be about 1/2 mile from my house. I should be able to see it from my back porch.
The towers were delayed 9 months by the local NIMBY's.

Hopefully they have vastly improved their business practices since then, I hope it works well for you.

48 ghazidor  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 12:55:06am

re: #46 Dark_Falcon

Goodnite DF

49 Cheechako  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 12:55:55am

Nice to chat with everyone but I've got to hit the sack too.

50 ghazidor  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 12:56:38am

re: #49 Cheechako

Goodnite to you too.

51 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 2:53:31am

re: #44 Dark_Falcon

Get with the program! Everything The One says must be taken as gospel. Sarah Palin however, is an evil conservative who the AP must stop before she activate her sekrit evil conservative plan.


Sarah Palin is funny and strange and attractive to many, many people. And that is why the media is magnetized to her. She sells magazines. She sells books. She sells cable news air time. I don't even understand why everyone on LGF does not understand this. She is a gold mine for all forms of media, the ultimate reality show.

Stimulus bills and health care legislation do not get up, walk around and say plucky weird things on Oprah. They do not look good in red and wear designer eyeglasses. The media is not a football game where one side is red and one side is blue. It's more like those plastic ball pits that children play in at a county fair. Red, blue, green, flourescent orange, and so on. It is way more random and craven, and it is never ever ever fair.

"And did we tell you the name of the game, boy?
We call it Riding the Gravy Train."

/a man named Pink said that

52 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 3:06:03am

re: #42 TheMatrix31

Boy, I wish the AP sent a shitload of people to fact check Sarah Palin's book. I guess they were too busy fact checking the stimulus bill, the health bills, cap and trade, the KSM trial setup, Obama's associations, et al

Probably a bit easier to factcheck Palin's book when her running mate (you know, that senator guy, he was in the navy and stuff) says she's lying and his campaign apparatus is cooperating with the media. Probably don't need a bunch of AP sleuths in that case.

Open your eyes and read the news! It tells stories, sometimes.

/sarcasm is totally awesome

53 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 3:10:39am

re: #35 Bagua


A poor Christmas retail season, unemployment at dangerous and unusual highs not seen in 26 years, a FED rate of 0.25% (effectively zero), government spending accelerating at alarming rates and the printing presses keep churning out dollars.

Even Bernanke [the jovial], warns that economic "headwinds" will restrain the pace of the U.S. recovery.

Yet the markets continue their weird bull rise since March, and crude oil keeps knocking at the $80 a barrel level.

Whatever is next?

BHO himself is saying there could be a double dip recession.

54 lazardo  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 3:17:48am

re: #53 MandyManners

BHO himself is saying there could be a double dip recession.

Followed by a rocky road to recovery.

55 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 3:21:13am

re: #54 lazardo

Followed by a rocky road to recovery.

They'll just print more money at the mint.

56 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 3:30:36am

re: #9 ausador

Great shot of the Giant Emu (I thought they were extinct?) and the Tsunami wave coming ashore.


Heh. It's all about scale.

57 Darth Vader Gargoyle  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 3:31:46am

re: #42 TheMatrix31

Boy, I wish the AP sent a shitload of people to fact check Sarah Palin's book. I guess they were too busy fact checking the stimulus bill, the health bills, cap and trade, the KSM trial setup, Obama's associations, et al

Morning Lizards. Quick response and then I've got to work,

James Taranto had a copy thoughts on the "facts":

It's said that Sarah Palin had help writing her new book, "Going Rogue." Not nearly as much help, though, as the Associated Press's Calvin Woodward had reading it. Woodward's byline appears on a Friday dispatch titled "FACT CHECK: Palin's Book Goes Rogue on Some Facts," but at the bottom we find the following:

AP writers Matt Apuzzo, Sharon Theimer, Tom Raum, Rita Beamish, Beth Fouhy, H. Josef Hebert, Justin D. Pritchard, Garance Burke, Dan Joling and Lewis Shaine contributed to this report.

Woodward, Apuzzo, Theimer, Raum, Beamish, Fouhy, Hebert, Pritchard, Burke, Joling and Shaine manage to find a grand total of six "errors," but some of them aren't errors at all. Example:

PALIN: Says she made frugality a point when traveling on state business as Alaska governor, asking "only" for reasonably priced rooms and not "often" going for the "high-end, robe-and-slippers" hotels.

THE FACTS: Although she usually opted for less-pricey hotels while governor, Palin and daughter Bristol stayed five days and four nights at the $707.29-per-night Essex House luxury hotel (robes and slippers come standard) for a five-hour women's leadership conference in New York in October 2007. With air fare, the cost to Alaska was well over $3,000.

So they begin by conceding the point that "she usually opted for less-pricey hotels," then come up with exactly one example to the contrary--which would have contradicted an assertion that she "never" stays in pricey hotels but is entirely consistent with the claim that she didn't do so "often."

Here's another example of Woodward, Apuzzo, Theimer, Raum, Beamish, Fouhy, Hebert, Pritchard, Burke, Joling and Shaine's work:

PALIN: Welcomes last year's Supreme Court decision deciding punitive damages for victims of the nation's largest oil spill tragedy, the Exxon Valdez disaster, stating it had taken 20 years to achieve victory. As governor, she says, she'd had the state argue in favor of the victims, and she says the court's ruling went "in favor of the people."

THE FACTS: That response is at odds with her reaction at the time to the ruling, which resolved the case by reducing punitive damages for victims to $500 million from $2.5 billion. Palin said then she was "extremely disappointed" and it was "tragic" so many fishermen and families put their lives on hold waiting for the decision.

Again, what's the contradiction? She was pleased that the decision finally came and that the plaintiffs got some relief but unhappy that it took so long and that the award wasn't greater.

The only case in which Woodward, Apuzzo, Theimer, Raum, Beamish, Fouhy, Hebert, Pritchard, Burke, Joling and Shaine's version of "THE FACTS" facially contradicts Palin's is the one in which she claimed to have "ended all such arrangements between lobbyists for an oil-pipeline deal and the governor's office," when according to Woodward, Apuzzo, Theimer, Raum, Beamish, Fouhy, Hebert, Pritchard, Burke, Joling and Shaine, "the leader of her own pipeline team was a former lobbyist for a subsidiary of TransCanada, the company that ended up winning the rights to build the pipeline."

58 Darth Vader Gargoyle  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 3:32:47am

One more:

Our favorite, though, is this one:

PALIN: "Was it ambition? I didn't think so. Ambition drives; purpose beckons." Throughout the book, Palin cites altruistic reasons for running for office, and for leaving early as Alaska governor.

THE FACTS: Few politicians own up to wanting high office for the power and prestige of it, and in this respect, Palin fits the conventional mold. But "Going Rogue" has all the characteristics of a pre-campaign manifesto, the requisite autobiography of the future candidate.

To be sure, the suspicion that Palin is more ambitious than she admits is an entirely reasonable one. But it's only a suspicion, not a FACT, unless the AP sent its reporters inside Palin's brain. And if Palin's brain is big enough to house Woodward, Apuzzo, Theimer, Raum, Beamish, Fouhy, Hebert, Pritchard, Burke, Joling and Shaine, she's a lot smarter than anyone knew.

For a less partisan take on Palin's book, see Melanie Kirkpatrick's review in The Wall Street Journal.

Your text to link...

59 soxfan4life  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 3:36:20am

re: #53 MandyManners

BHO himself is saying there could be a double dip recession.

He's not the only one. This article says we can look forward to European style unemployment as well.

[Link: www.dailyfinance.com...]

60 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 3:41:12am

re: #59 soxfan4life

He's not the only one. This article says we can look forward to European style unemployment as well.

[Link: www.dailyfinance.com...]


61 lazardo  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 3:43:14am

re: #59 soxfan4life

He's not the only one. This article says we can look forward to European style unemployment as well.

[Link: www.dailyfinance.com...]

When they said America should be more like Europe, this wasn't exactly what they expected, was it.

62 soxfan4life  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 3:45:10am

re: #61 lazardo

Maybe that and having us shower less was exactly what they are after.

63 Varek Raith  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 3:45:43am

Maersk Alabama attacked again.

NAIROBI, Kenya – Somali pirates attacked the Maersk Alabama for the second time in seven months on Wednesday, but guards on board the U.S.-flagged cargo ship repelled the takeover attempt, the EU's naval force said.

64 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 3:49:00am

re: #62 soxfan4life

Maybe that and having us shower less was exactly what they are after.

Cradle to grave.

65 soxfan4life  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 3:50:59am

re: #64 MandyManners

Cradle to grave.

All those patriots who founded this nation and placed their own lives in jeopardy signing the Declaration of Independence would cringe to see how much like Europe we are becoming.

66 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 3:51:30am

NJDhockeyfan posted this last night.

Jane Fonda: Obama Funder Jodie Evans Met With Taliban; Code Pink Gives Terrorists Direct Line to Obama

Top Obama donor and fundraiser Jodie Evans met with the Taliban in Afghanistan on a recent trip there, according to a report by Jane Fonda of a discussion she had with Evans last month. The meeting with the Taliban took place just weeks before Evans was videotaped directly handing to President Barack Obama a package of information about her trip to Afghanistan at a high dollar fundraiser in San Francisco.

The meeting with the Taliban was kept secret by Evans and her group Code Pink in reports she and the group posted from Kabul and in interviews with the media and bloggers about the trip. Fonda, a close friend of Evans, let the secret meeting slip in an account of her dinner with Evans at a fundraiser for the Armand Hammer Museum in Los Angeles:

Last Saturday, My dear friends Jodie Evans and Max Palevsky, invited Richard and me to join them at their table at a fundraiser at the Armand Hammer Museum in Westwood. It was a good evening for lots of reasons. I had never been to the museum and definitely want to go back. Clearly it is a courageous place, very cutting edge. Then, too, I saw lots of friends I hadn’t seen in a long time and I sat next to Jodie who told me a little about her recent trip to Afghanistan with an American delegation that included a retired colonel, and member the State Department (Army Reserves Col. (Ret.) and ex-diplomat Ann Wright). While there, she met with people ranging from the brother of President Karzai, Afghan members of Parliament, activists, to warlords and members of the Taliban (emphasis added.) Jodie is co-founder of the peace organization, Code Pink, and always willing to go to any lengths to try and find out what’s really going on. Bottom line: everyone she met with wants the U.S. Military out of their country. They feel our presence there has brought more violence rather than security. Please read a short article she wrote about the trip which is on the Women’s Media Center website.


67 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 3:52:11am

re: #65 soxfan4life

All those patriots who founded this nation and placed their own lives in jeopardy signing the Declaration of Independence would cringe to see how much like Europe we are becoming.

Spinning in their graves, they are.

68 lazardo  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 3:54:52am

re: #65 soxfan4life

re: #67 MandyManners



69 soxfan4life  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 3:56:08am

re: #66 MandyManners

Fucking disgusting.

70 soxfan4life  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 3:56:46am

re: #68 lazardo

*sniffle, sob*

71 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 3:57:48am

I'm watching the surveillance video from the Mumbai attacks. One of the terrorists is wearing his baseball cap backwards and, except for his gun, he looks like a Bubba from around here.

72 lazardo  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 3:57:49am

re: #70 soxfan4life


73 lazardo  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 3:58:56am

re: #71 MandyManners

I used to like joking about how my driver's license and passport photos would have made me first in line for waterboarding.

74 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 3:59:37am

re: #69 soxfan4life

Fucking disgusting.

BHO gave her a big hug.

There is no way he didn't know what she and her comrades were doing.

I wonder if his apologists will try to spin this to make criticism seem like a Beckian plot.

75 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:00:36am

re: #73 lazardo

I used to like joking about how my driver's license and passport photos would have made me first in line for waterboarding.

The image just struck home for me the fact that evil doesn't wear a flahing neon sign.

76 Varek Raith  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:02:43am

re: #66 MandyManners

Top Obama donor and fundraiser Jodie Evans met with the Taliban in Afghanistan on a recent trip there, according to a report by Jane Fonda of a discussion she had with Evans last month.

Any more sources on this other than from Fonda?

77 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:03:20am

re: #76 Varek Raith

Any more sources on this other than from Fonda?

Did you read the linked article?

78 soxfan4life  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:03:37am

re: #74 MandyManners

BHO gave her a big hug.

There is no way he didn't know what she and her comrades were doing.

I wonder if his apologists will try to spin this to make criticism seem like a Beckian plot.

They will just call racist or some other bullshit. Seems as though the Obama Administration is built on quite a foundation of bullshit. Overinflated numbers on uninsured, Recovery.gov, and open displays of acceptance of groups like this to name a few.

79 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:06:28am

re: #78 soxfan4life

They will just call racist or some other bullshit. Seems as though the Obama Administration is built on quite a foundation of bullshit. Overinflated numbers on uninsured, Recovery.gov, and open displays of acceptance of groups like this to name a few.

I don't think it's bullshit. I think it's deliberate.

80 laZardo  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:09:20am

re: #75 MandyManners

Ah. Banal.

81 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:10:51am

re: #80 laZardo

Ah. Banal.

It'd be nice if evil people looked like the monstrosity that is their heart.

82 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:14:45am

Morning kids... Woo Hoo!

83 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:15:37am

re: #82 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Morning kids... Woo Hoo!

Twinkie for breakfast?

84 sattv4u2  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:17:28am

re: #83 MandyManners

washed down with a Yoo Hoo!

85 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:18:56am

re: #83 MandyManners

Twinkie for breakfast?

"...a Twinkie thirty-five feet long, weighing approximately six hundred pounds..."

86 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:19:28am

re: #84 sattv4u2

washed down with a Yoo Hoo!

FBV found out last night that his beloved Twinkie has beef fat in it.

87 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:19:52am

re: #85 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

"...a Twinkie thirty-five feet long, weighing approximately six hundred pounds..."

What's the shelf life for that thing?

88 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:20:06am

re: #86 MandyManners


89 bloodnok  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:20:24am

re: #85 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

"...a Twinkie thirty-five feet long, weighing approximately six hundred pounds..."

"That's a lot of whipped beef fat." (Sorry to remind you)

90 sattv4u2  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:21:04am

re: #78 soxfan4life

They will just call racist or some other bullshit. Seems as though the Obama Administration is built on quite a foundation of bullshit. Overinflated numbers on uninsured, Recovery.gov, and open displays of acceptance of groups like this to name a few.

Failures of the past administration

(can't I just eat my waffle)

91 sattv4u2  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:22:47am

re: #87 MandyManners

What's the shelf life for that thing?

Not sure, but I do know that the night the Titanic sank a passenger was just about to have on and put it down on a deck rail

It was discovered there when the Disciovery Channel went to look at the wreckage a couple of years ago!

92 soxfan4life  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:23:04am

re: #86 MandyManners

FBV found out last night that his beloved Twinkie has beef fat in it.

I used to work with a vegan, and I would ask that question all the time."What would you do if you found out Twinkies had animal fat in them?" pissed her off big time.

93 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:23:34am

re: #91 sattv4u2

Not sure, but I do know that the night the Titanic sank a passenger was just about to have on and put it down on a deck rail

It was discovered there when the Disciovery Channel went to look at the wreckage a couple of years ago!

There were Twinkies back then?

94 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:23:56am

re: #92 soxfan4life

I used to work with a vegan, and I would ask that question all the time."What would you do if you found out Twinkies had animal fat in them?" pissed her off big time.

I'd be tempted to call her up.

95 sattv4u2  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:24:40am

re: #93 MandyManners

There were Twinkies back then?

I think they prefered to be called gay!

96 soxfan4life  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:25:11am

re: #90 sattv4u2

He reminds me of Joliet Jake Blues, when he says "It wasn't my fault"

97 Varek Raith  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:25:46am

re: #77 MandyManners

Did you read the linked article?

Yes, and my question still stands. I like multiple, independent confirmation on stories such as this, especially considering its source.

98 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:26:20am

re: #97 Varek Raith

Yes, and my question still stands. I like multiple, independent confirmation on stories such as this, especially considering its source.

Why would Fonda lie about her friend?

99 Varek Raith  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:26:30am

re: #86 MandyManners

FBV found out last night that his beloved Twinkie has beef fat in it.

...Really?! {{{FBV}}} :(

100 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:30:57am

re: #97 Varek Raith

Yes, and my question still stands. I like multiple, independent confirmation on stories such as this, especially considering its source.

What was in the package that Evans gave Obama at the San Francisco fundraiser? She describes what she gave Obama in an article at the Huffington Post:

…we were careful to make the package very user and security friendly. It was filled with photos, quotes, thousands of signatures (on a petition against more troops for Afghanistan), a copy of Rethink Afghanistan and our 25-minute interview with Afghan MP Dr. Roshanak Wardak from Wardak Province, who is adamant that the U.S. should not send new troops and rather, must leave.

101 laZardo  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:32:44am

re: #100 MandyManners

and our 25-minute interview with Afghan MP Dr. Roshanak Wardak from Wardak Province, who is adamant that the U.S. should not send new troops and rather, must leave.

Clearly they picked a man of great political integrity to do their interview with.


102 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:33:36am

re: #101 laZardo

Clearly they picked a man of great political integrity to do their interview with.


I wonder which Taliban met with them.

103 Cannadian Club Akbar  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:34:20am

re: #100 MandyManners

Well if Code Pink doesn't want us to send more troops, then I guess it's settled.
/I fucking hate them

104 laZardo  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:34:47am

re: #102 MandyManners

Maybe they met Osama, who promised to stop his jihad against the West once the last American soldiers leave Afghan soil.


105 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:35:20am

re: #103 Cannadian Club Akbar

Well if Code Pink doesn't want us to send more troops, then I guess it's settled.
/I fucking hate them

The whole article is nauseating. And, infuriating.

106 Cannadian Club Akbar  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:35:23am

re: #102 MandyManners

I wonder which Taliban met with them.

The Taliban are very concerned about women's opinions.
/need I?

107 sattv4u2  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:35:41am

re: #104 laZardo

Maybe they met Osama, who promised to stop his jihad against the West once we sent him Jane Fonda in her Barbarella outfit the last American soldiers leave Afghan soil.



108 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:35:50am

re: #104 laZardo

Maybe they met Osama, who promised to stop his jihad against the West once the last American soldiers leave Afghan soil.


I doubt he would condescend to meet them. If he's even alive, that is.

109 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:36:13am

re: #106 Cannadian Club Akbar

The Taliban are very concerned about women's opinions.
/need I?

I've a feeling some would do it in order to spread lies.

110 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:36:59am

re: #99 Varek Raith

(Honestly, I've always been a "Little Debbie" guy. See #95)

111 sattv4u2  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:37:58am

re: #110 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

(Honestly, I've always been a "Little Debbie" guy. See #95)

I saw that movie

Little Debbie Does FVB!

112 Cannadian Club Akbar  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:39:15am

re: #109 MandyManners

I've a feeling some would do it in order to spread lies.

Do ya think Code Pink has ever seen "Beneath the Veil", a documentary by Sariah Shah? (name probably spelled wrong)

113 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:40:31am

re: #112 Cannadian Club Akbar

Is it about a deep-seated hatred against George Bush? If not, I'm guessing no.

114 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:40:43am

Or is that seeded?

115 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:41:48am

Whew. Was right the first time.

116 laZardo  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:42:14am

re: #112 Cannadian Club Akbar

Do ya think Code Pink has ever seen "Beneath the Veil", a documentary by Sariah Shah? (name probably spelled wrong)

Saira Shah, who also worked on Death In Gaza.

117 Cannadian Club Akbar  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:42:55am

re: #113 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I love how feminist are so fucking worried about women's rights and freedoms and how it stops at our borders. Fuck. Well, my blood got flowing pretty quick this morning.

118 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:44:33am

re: #112 Cannadian Club Akbar

Do ya think Code Pink has ever seen "Beneath the Veil", a documentary by Sariah Shah? (name probably spelled wrong)

No but, if they did, they might rationalize it as a "choice" and a multi-culti issue. And, some might applaud it as a way to keep those nasty men-folk from ogling women.

119 sattv4u2  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:45:23am

re: #117 Cannadian Club Akbar

I love how feminist are so fucking worried about women's rights and freedoms and how it stops at our borders. Fuck. Well, my blood got flowing pretty quick this morning.

"America has to cure it's own evils and wrongdoings before we start imposing our will on other peoples cultures"

//Code Pink Mode

120 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:47:29am

re: #117 Cannadian Club Akbar

I love how feminist are so fucking worried about women's rights and freedoms and how it stops at our borders. Fuck. Well, my blood got flowing pretty quick this morning.

I'm a feminist.

Not all feminists are alike. I rue the day that word became an epithet.

121 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:48:04am

Pirates tried to hijack the Maersk again.

122 Varek Raith  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:48:16am

re: #98 MandyManners

Why would Fonda lie about her friend?

Look, I never take people like Fonda or politicians at their word. If this happened just a she said, then so be it (I couldn't possibly think any lower of her or CodePink). I'd just like more to go on. I'm very cautious, overly some would say, with trusting any story that has politics about it.
/cynic mode.

123 Cannadian Club Akbar  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:48:30am

re: #119 sattv4u2

"America has to cure it's own evils and wrongdoings before we start imposing our will on other peoples cultures"

//Code Pink Mode

I guess. Maybe one day women will be able to vote, drive, hold jobs as leaders of industry.

124 laZardo  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:48:46am

re: #119 sattv4u2

"America has to cure it's own evils and wrongdoings before we start imposing our will on other peoples cultures"

//Code Pink Mode

For some reason that could actually be rationalized to justify attacking the Taliban through the line that "the CIA created them to fight the Soviets."

/goes to look up 'circular logic'

125 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:48:56am

re: #117 Cannadian Club Akbar

Can't think of the "Pinkers" and militant feminists without thinking of this exchange from the movie "PCU".

Jock #1: [at a party] What's up, babes?
Womynist #1: Pack up your rape culture and take a hike!
Jock #1: [holds up a beer] You want a brewdog?
Womynist #1: We're not interested in your penis!
Womynist #2: Wait, wait, I think he's offering us a beer.
[turns to jock, speaks slowly]
Womynist #2: Um... Yes. We, would like, a beer.
Jock #1: Okay!
[turns around to get a beer]
Womynist #1: So it's like, if you're nice to them, they *bring* you things?
Womynist #2: Exactly.

126 sattv4u2  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:49:05am

re: #120 MandyManners

I'm a feminist.

Not all feminists are alike. I rue the day that word became an epithet.

Hell,,, I'M a feminist

127 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:49:38am

re: #120 MandyManners

So am I Mandy.

Or is that like a Racist?

128 Cannadian Club Akbar  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:49:40am

re: #120 MandyManners

I'm a feminist.

Not all feminists are alike. I rue the day that word became an epithet.

I'll use a different word or 2.
Extemist feminist.

129 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:49:53am

re: #122 Varek Raith

Look, I never take people like Fonda or politicians at their word. If this happened just a she said, then so be it (I couldn't possibly think any lower of her or CodePink). I'd just like more to go on. I'm very cautious, overly some would say, with trusting any story that has politics about it.
/cynic mode.

From Huff-Po

What was in the package that Evans gave Obama at the San Francisco fundraiser? She describes what she gave Obama in an article at the Huffington Post:

…we were careful to make the package very user and security friendly. It was filled with photos, quotes, thousands of signatures (on a petition against more troops for Afghanistan), a copy of Rethink Afghanistan and our 25-minute interview with Afghan MP Dr. Roshanak Wardak from Wardak Province, who is adamant that the U.S. should not send new troops and rather, must leave.

130 Varek Raith  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:50:02am

re: #121 MandyManners

Pirates tried to hijack the Maersk again.

Link to article below,

re: #63 Varek Raith

Maersk Alabama attacked again.

131 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:51:03am

re: #122 Varek Raith

It's not my job to convince you so, I'll drop the rope.

132 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:52:58am
133 laZardo  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:52:59am

re: #127 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

So am I Mandy.

Or is that like a Racist?

I think it's closer to Homophobe.


134 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:54:30am
BEIJING, Nov 18 (Reuters) - President Barack Obama gave his sternest warning yet about the need to contain rising U.S. deficits, saying on Wednesday that if government debt were to pile up too much, it could lead to a double-dip recession.

Wish he would've asked me before the election.

135 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:54:56am

re: #133 laZardo

I think it's closer to Homophobe.


That like two words that sound alike but mean something different?

136 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:55:14am

re: #134 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

And now he's talking about ANOTHER stimulus package, labelled as a job package.

137 sattv4u2  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:55:31am

re: #133 laZardo

I think it's closer to Homophobe.


Well of course

You're conservative, so you MUST be a
regard women as chattel
anti any governmnet
(feel free to add to the meme)

138 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:55:51am

re: #135 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

That like two words that sound alike but mean something different?

More like a made-up word that means one is scared of one's own kind.

139 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:56:20am

re: #136 MandyManners

Think I should give him a call?

140 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:57:20am

re: #139 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Think I should give him a call?

While you're at it, tell him that my unicorn just pooped in my living room.

141 sattv4u2  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:57:31am

re: #139 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Think I should give him a call?

I've already called him some things!

142 Cannadian Club Akbar  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:58:28am

re: #136 MandyManners

And now he's talking about ANOTHER stimulus package, labelled as a job package.

The stimulus he put forward was supposed to keep unemployment at 8%. Guess his was a bit off. Oh, wait, things were much worse than we thought.

143 Varek Raith  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:58:58am

re: #131 MandyManners

It's not my job to convince you so, I'll drop the rope.

So be it, then.

144 laZardo  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:59:12am

re: #137 sattv4u2

Well of course

You're conservative, so you MUST be a
regard women as chattel
anti any governmnet
(feel free to add to the meme)

Imperialist, Glenn Beck-worshiper, neo-Fascist, Birther...

145 bloodnok  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 4:59:37am

re: #139 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Think I should give him a call?

He'd be fine with that.

146 sattv4u2  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:02:50am

later kiddies

The daytime guy is here. Driving home and going beddy by !

147 laZardo  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:03:06am

re: #146 sattv4u2


148 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:03:08am

Morning Lizards.

149 Cannadian Club Akbar  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:04:07am

The place I will be soon working at got a write up in the local paper's buisness section today. Funny, last week I told the honcos at my new job to call my local paper and let them know the place would be opening soon. Weird how that works.

150 laZardo  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:04:08am

re: #148 thedopefishlives

Morning dope.

151 laZardo  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:04:19am

re: #150 laZardo

Morning dope.

not intended as an insult btw.

152 Varek Raith  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:04:59am

re: #150 laZardo

Morning dope.

Sure, I'll pass some along...wait, what?

153 laZardo  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:06:48am

re: #152 Varek Raith

Sure, I'll pass some along...wait, what?

154 seamonkey  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:10:35am

Hillary Clinton arrives in Kabul to try and legitimize our pathetic puppet regime.

The U.S. will look back on Karzai continuing in office at this critical point with shame and regret.

155 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:12:48am

Walter's probably been busy with his show and all, but I like it when he's here.

156 Cannadian Club Akbar  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:13:44am

re: #155 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Walter's probably been busy with his show and all, but I like it when he's here.

He could be fighting armed bears as we speak.

157 _RememberTonyC  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:14:32am

re: #136 MandyManners

And now he's talking about ANOTHER stimulus package, labelled as a job package.

I call it a reelection package

158 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:15:07am

re: #157 _RememberTonyC


159 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:15:13am

re: #157 _RememberTonyC

I call it a reelection package

I call it a "Keep the Democrats in power for the next 50 years" package. Not that they have to work terribly hard at that, given how eager the other side has been to simply give it to them.

160 RogueOne  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:15:37am

Good morning comrades

161 Irish Rose  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:18:10am

Good morning, lizardia.

162 Cannadian Club Akbar  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:18:21am

re: #157 _RememberTonyC

I call it a reelection package

I'm gonna created my own district and get me some money for jobs I will create that aren't real.

163 Ojoe  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:19:16am

If someone's face is portrayed in the media too much I get sick of it.

164 Spare O'Lake  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:19:28am
Charitable Project - Gaza Style
A Gaza charity linked to Hamas is offering $1.4 million to anybody who captures an Israeli soldier.
The Waad group sent an e-mail on Wednesday calling on people living in Israel to try take soldiers hostage.

[Link: www.jpost.com...]

What a stinking Waad.

165 _RememberTonyC  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:20:00am

I watched the Sarah palin interview with Oprah on the DVR last night. My opinion of her remains the same.

Nice Lady
Well Intentioned
Not stupid, but not polished
Has potential as a regional force in the GOP
No shot at being elected POTUS ... ever

I was surprised that Oprah did not as a single question about Tina Fey and how much her "dead on" Palin impression damaged Palin's image as a serious candidate. I felt Fey's performances were at least as costly as the Couric interview.

166 Cannadian Club Akbar  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:20:14am

re: #163 Ojoe

If someone's face is portrayed in the media too much I get sick of it.

Got someone in mind?

167 Ojoe  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:20:41am

re: #166 Cannadian Club Akbar

Ms. Palin & BHO.

168 Spare O'Lake  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:23:18am

re: #167 Ojoe

Ms. Palin & BHO.

Was it my imagination or did his ears flap when he bowed?

169 Walter L. Newton  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:23:19am

re: #155 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Walter's probably been busy with his show and all, but I like it when he's here.

Hi, thanks. No, in a sense, I'm on a mini-vacation, since the Xmas show opened this past Friday, so, now that we are up and running, most of the craziness is over. I don't have to worry about the theatre until this Friday. We are doing 3 shows a week until the first week in December, and then we up it to four shows a week (Thursday-Sun).

And then we go dark for 3 weeks, new season starts in the middle of Jan. 2010.

170 Cannadian Club Akbar  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:23:34am

re: #167 Ojoe

Ms. Palin & BHO.

I kinda figured that. I watch as little TV as possible. But then again, Fringe is on tomorrow night.

171 _RememberTonyC  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:23:57am

re: #159 thedopefishlives

I call it a "Keep the Democrats in power for the next 50 years" package. Not that they have to work terribly hard at that, given how eager the other side has been to simply give it to them.

at some point, the GOP will wake up. the problem is that they have yet to realize they're sleeping.

172 laZardo  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:25:00am

re: #171 _RememberTonyC

Nothing will galvanize the GOP like some good ol' fashioned apocalypse.

173 _RememberTonyC  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:27:40am

re: #158 Fat Bastard Vegetarian


Obama is in permanent campaign mode. He does it domestically by blaming Bush and pushing this disasterous health care program that will be an economy busting enterprise but will buy him votes. And he does it internationally by sucking up to bad guys and apologizing for this great country and it's "mistakes."

174 _RememberTonyC  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:30:00am

re: #172 laZardo

Nothing will galvanize the GOP like some good ol' fashioned apocalypse.

wow ... Coulter and Rush procreating ... I just hope their kid doesn't turn out like Ronnie Reagan, Jr.

175 laZardo  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:31:31am

re: #173 _RememberTonyC

You won't believe how much of an audience that can get him domestically.

On the other hand, this is the same audience known for their internet-grade apathy.

176 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:32:22am

Good morning lizards.

I had a mouse in the kitchen for a few days. The cats failed to do their job so I fired them and got glue traps. This morning the cats were in the middle of the dining room standing over the mouse who was stuck in the glue. Problem solved.

177 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:36:00am

personally I think too many people here are drinking the demise of the GOP kool aid...but if that is indeed true, then the entire federal govt is on the ropes...BO is slowly but surly tanking, the question is who's gonna go down with the ship?...

[Link: www.washingtonexaminer.com...]

[Link: blogs.suntimes.com...]

178 _RememberTonyC  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:36:49am

re: #175 laZardo

You won't believe how much of an audience that can get him domestically.

On the other hand, this is the same audience known for their internet-grade apathy.

true. the biggest "down side" to telling all those lemmings that the govt can solve all their problems is that they will come to depend on the handouts from Uncle Sam's treasury. They will lose any motivation they may have had because there is little incentive to pursue excellence and achieve anything above mediocrity. And once that mentality takes hold in the minds of enough people, we are utterly screwed. The expression "The road to hell is paved with good intentions" comes to mind.

179 Cannadian Club Akbar  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:37:33am

re: #176 NJDhockeyfan

Good morning lizards.

I had a mouse in the kitchen for a few days. The cats failed to do their job so I fired them and got glue traps. This morning the cats were in the middle of the dining room standing over the mouse who was stuck in the glue. Problem solved.

I got transfered to a brand new restaurant in the early 90's and a mouse snuck in. I had to kill it with a mop handle. I felt bad.

180 Walter L. Newton  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:37:54am

Lovely... this is the administration admitting that they are screwing up and wasting Medicare and Medicaid funds, and what is their solution?



Improper payments by the U.S. government to people, firms and contractors rose sharply to $98 billion in fiscal 2009 and President Barack Obama plans new rules to clamp down, the White House said Tuesday.

Over half the mistakes were made in the Medicare and Medicaid programs, and although some of the deterioration reflected stricter measurement, it also showed the need for healthcare reform, Office of Management and Budget Director Peter Orszag told reporters.


[Link: www.cnbc.com...]

181 _RememberTonyC  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:38:17am

re: #179 Cannadian Club Akbar

I got transfered to a brand new restaurant in the early 90's and a mouse snuck in. I had to kill it with a mop handle. I felt bad.

not as bad as the mouse ...

182 laZardo  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:39:22am

re: #180 Walter L. Newton

"Most of the waste is caused by greedy lawyers and their insurance company masters. Eliminate them, eliminate most of the waste!"

/wait for it...

183 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:39:27am

re: #169 Walter L. Newton

Well, Howdy.

184 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:39:37am

govt has no problem feedings it's own...at your expense, and the pensions are enough to kill for...

[Link: www.washingtonexaminer.com...]

185 laZardo  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:40:37am

re: #177 albusteve

Moreover, who'll be the new captain? And what's not to say people will try to find someone even more radical for the helm?

186 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:41:22am

re: #179 Cannadian Club Akbar

I got transfered to a brand new restaurant in the early 90's and a mouse snuck in. I had to kill it with a mop handle. I felt bad.

I used to work in a restaurant in Charlottesville. We had a rat living underneath the dumpster right outside the back door. It kept snapping mousetraps and taking the bait. I had to get one of those large mousetraps with sharp teeth to finally kill the damn thing.

187 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:42:50am

re: #185 laZardo

Moreover, who'll be the new captain? And what's not to say people will try to find someone even more radical for the helm?

so you admit that BO is radical...within the confines of checks and balances I don't see much of a chance to hire anybody even more radical than BO...but anything can happen I guess

188 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:42:58am

Speaking of rats, Jane Fonda & Jodie Evans suck.

189 Cannadian Club Akbar  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:43:40am

re: #188 NJDhockeyfan

Speaking of rats, Jane Fonda & Jodie Evans suck.

We're gonna need a bigger trap.

190 prairiefire  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:43:43am

re: #176 NJDhockeyfan

They said "We got it under control, Dad!"

Morning, lizards! Off to the hospital to wait out a bit of my good friend's husband's 14 hour surgery. Requesting any prayers and positive thoughts for John today. Thanks a million tiny green Geckos!

191 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:44:54am

Obama says Israeli settlement building 'dangerous'

WASHINGTON, Nov 18 (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama put fresh pressure on Israel on Wednesday to curb its settlement projects, saying continued building could lead to a dangerous situation with embittered Palestinians.

"I think that additional settlement building does not contribute to Israel's security, I think it makes it harder for them to make peace with their neighbors," Obama told Fox News.

"I think it embitters the Palestinians in a way that could end up being very dangerous."

192 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:48:25am

Clinton arrives in Kabul for Karzai inauguration

KABUL, Afghanistan — US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrived in Kabul under a hail of machine gun fire & exploding mortars on Wednesday to attend the inauguration of Afghan President Hamid Karzai, a US embassy official told AFP.

The visit is Clinton's first to Afghanistan as secretary of state and comes with the capital locked down under tight security to prevent Taliban attacks marring the inauguration ceremony scheduled for 11:00 am (0630 GMT) Thursday.

193 Irish Rose  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:50:57am

Debbie Schlussel is going on about banning single moms from serving in the U.S. Military.

Some of her commenters are taking it a step further, suggesting that we need to turn back the clock and ban ALL women from serving.

Some of the comments are unbelievably misogynistic.

I'm thinking about my future daughter in law this morning a single Navy gal who is on her third deployment on the USS Nimitz. She's an outstanding sailor who does dangerous and difficult work to support our pilots 24/7... she's sets an outstanding example for her co-workers and as far as I'm concerned, she's a tremendous credit to the United States Navy.

Debbie Schlussel is an idiot.

194 Cannadian Club Akbar  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:53:22am

re: #193 Irish Rose

Leave her a comment that women shouldn't be allowed to have their own blogs. That might trigger a response or 2. Heh.

195 _RememberTonyC  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:55:07am

re: #191 NJDhockeyfan

Obama says Israeli settlement building 'dangerous'

the palestinians have contributed so much on behalf of world peace that it's hard to see how they could be any more dangerous than they already are. and their biggest shortcoming is not realizing how they have been used by their arab brothers. the arab world really has no interest in a peaceful existence for the palestinians because it would remove the universal bogeyman (Israel). and once that happens, the fraudulent rulers across the arab/muslim world would have to answer to their own people. if Obama or any US President ever had the balls to make a speech on THAT topic, it truly would be an historic moment.

196 FrogMarch  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:56:02am

Honesty and transparency. Where is it?

Jobs 'Saved or Created' in Congressional Districts That Don't Exist

Here's a stimulus success story: In Arizona's 15th congressional district, 30 jobs have been saved or created with just $761,420 in federal stimulus spending. At least that's what the Web site set up by the Obama administration to track the $787 billion stimulus says.
Discrepancies on government web site call into question stimulus spending.

There's one problem, though: There is no 15th congressional district in Arizona; the state has only eight districts.

oh wait- no big deal. Gotta get back to fact-checking Sarah Palin's book.

197 Jeff In Ohio  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:57:09am

re: #187 albusteve

so you admit that BO is radical...within the confines of checks and balances I don't see much of a chance to hire anybody even more radical than BO...but anything can happen I guess

BO's a radical? I've hung with radicals, use to be a radical, done some pretty radical things, BO ain't no radical. You may not like his policies, style or substance, but in the context of American politics from Jefferson to Reagan, he's fairly middle of the road, and disappointingly so.

198 freetoken  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:57:34am

Just did a Wordle on lgf... interesting assortment of words:

[Link: www.wordle.net...]

199 _RememberTonyC  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:57:37am

i'm off to take a long walk on a chilly (40 degrees) new england morning ... catch y'all later

200 laZardo  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:58:05am

re: #187 albusteve

so you admit that BO is radical...within the confines of checks and balances I don't see much of a chance to hire anybody even more radical than BO...but anything can happen I guess

A radical departure from what America's used to anyway. Of course, that could be taken either way.

201 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:58:12am

re: #195 _RememberTonyC

I cannot listen to anything BO says with a straight face...I'm completely fed up with his buffoonery...and his apologists are just as bad

202 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:58:44am

re: #193 Irish Rose

Debbie Schlussel is an idiot.

You could've just said that right there, {Rose}, and been perfectly safe. I remember Iceweasel's comment from yesterday about the catfight she had with the shrieking harpy.

203 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:58:56am

re: #197 Jeff In Ohio

BO's a radical? I've hung with radicals, use to be a radical, done some pretty radical things, BO ain't no radical. You may not like his policies, style or substance, but in the context of American politics from Jefferson to Reagan, he's fairly middle of the road, and disappointingly so.

Which road are you talking about?

204 laZardo  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:59:14am

re: #198 freetoken

Just did a Wordle on lgf... interesting assortment of words:

[Link: www.wordle.net...]

Greenland's American!? EAT THAT, DENMARK!

/ :B

205 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 5:59:27am

re: #197 Jeff In Ohio

BO's a radical? I've hung with radicals, use to be a radical, done some pretty radical things, BO ain't no radical. You may not like his policies, style or substance, but in the context of American politics from Jefferson to Reagan, he's fairly middle of the road, and disappointingly so.

yeah sure, whatever you say...let's have a thread on the definition of 'radical'

206 Walter L. Newton  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:01:12am

re: #196 FrogMarch

Honesty and transparency. Where is it?

Jobs 'Saved or Created' in Congressional Districts That Don't Exist

oh wait- no big deal. Gotta get back to fact-checking Sarah Palin's book.

And the spin I am hearing about all these faulty stats and figures is that it's a problem on the local level, not the administration. Of course, the administration is allowing the figures to be posted on their website, they are using the figures publicly to support heir claims to increased job creation, but as soon as they come up against a kink in the figures, they throw it back down to the local level and deny that it's a administration problem.

What happened to "the buck stops here?"

207 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:01:44am

Dan Gross: Hillary-Fabian: A love link

SOUTH PHILLY-BORN crooner Fabian Forte says it was "f--- incredible" that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said during a speech Friday in the Philippines that she'd had a crush on him.

According to NYMag.com, Clinton was asked, "If you had a crush, aside from Bill Clinton, who would it be?" She replied that "Many, many, many, many years ago, when I was young, there was a singer in the United States whose name was Fabian," and that she had been president of the Fabian Fan Club.

"I thought it was beautiful," Fabian told New York magazine's Dan Amira yesterday while cutting trees at his home in western Pennsylvania. "Being a politician, she got herself out of that one pretty good."

Fabian, who still performs regularly with Frankie Avalon and Bobby Rydell, must not have been offended by Clinton's statement that he was a singer, and says he's a fan of hers, too.

"The reason why I'm really a fan of hers is that with all she has been through, she comes out great . . . I mean, she's an incredible woman. You know, she's got bigger balls than most men out there," said the former teen idol.

208 Jeff In Ohio  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:02:03am

re: #203 NJDhockeyfan

Which road are you talking about?

A metaphor for political centrism.

209 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:02:05am

re: #203 NJDhockeyfan

The one that leads to Waynesboro, where I have to go AGAIN today...

210 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:02:41am

re: #206 Walter L. Newton

What happened to "the buck stops here?"

It's been replaced with 'It's not my fault."

211 laZardo  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:03:08am

re: #203 NJDhockeyfan

Which road are you talking about?

One of the roads that a man walks down...

212 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:03:19am

re: #209 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

The one that leads to Waynesboro, where I have to go AGAIN today...

Try the pizza at Scottos. It's fantastic!

213 Walter L. Newton  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:03:28am

re: #197 Jeff In Ohio

BO's a radical? I've hung with radicals, use to be a radical, done some pretty radical things, BO ain't no radical. You may not like his policies, style or substance, but in the context of American politics from Jefferson to Reagan, he's fairly middle of the road, and disappointingly so.

What kind of "radical" were you? Just an everyday radical, or something special? Details?

214 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:03:36am

re: #210 NJDhockeyfan

It's been replaced with 'It's not my fault."

We won!, but it's not our fault!

215 Cannadian Club Akbar  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:03:49am

re: #210 NJDhockeyfan

It's been replaced with 'It's not my fault."

Or "the previous administration."

216 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:04:07am

re: #208 Jeff In Ohio

A metaphor for political centrism.

If Obama is a centrist than I'm a Chinese astronaut.

217 Jeff In Ohio  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:04:14am

re: #206 Walter L. Newton

And the spin I am hearing about all these faulty stats and figures is that it's a problem on the local level, not the administration. Of course, the administration is allowing the figures to be posted on their website, they are using the figures publicly to support heir claims to increased job creation, but as soon as they come up against a kink in the figures, they throw it back down to the local level and deny that it's a administration problem.

What happened to "the buck stops here?"

It's a stupid move on the admins part, but on the flip side, it seems like the stab at transparency that recvery.org represents is working. People are discovering the bullshit and holding their government accountable for it.

218 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:04:57am

re: #213 Walter L. Newton

What kind of "radical" were you? Just an everyday radical, or something special? Details?

I was a radical...I smoked pot and had long hair...totally rad

219 CommonCents  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:05:00am

I saw this headline, Six arrested over woman left to die in London street, and thought, "who could do such a thing?". So I clicked...

I got to the end of the first sentence in the story and it was clear.

Six men have been arrested over the killing of a woman who was found dying in a London street with one of her hands cut off.

Any guesses? Anyone?

Welcome to Londonistan.

220 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:05:42am

re: #212 NJDhockeyfan


221 FrogMarch  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:05:44am

re: #206 Walter L. Newton

And the spin I am hearing about all these faulty stats and figures is that it's a problem on the local level, not the administration. Of course, the administration is allowing the figures to be posted on their website, they are using the figures publicly to support heir claims to increased job creation, but as soon as they come up against a kink in the figures, they throw it back down to the local level and deny that it's a administration problem.

What happened to "the buck stops here?"

"The buck stops here" is so --- who needs it? /
If the administration fucks up - there's alwasy some lackey down stream who is willing to take the blame. Even Holder is now saying that the decision to bring KSM to NY was all his. Yeah - right.

222 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:06:57am

re: #221 FrogMarch

"The buck stops here" is so --- who needs it? /
If the administration fucks up - there's alwasy some lackey down stream who is willing to take the blame. Even Holder is now saying that the decision to bring KSM to NY was all his. Yeah - right.

I think it was KSMs decision

223 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:07:00am

re: #216 NJDhockeyfan

He is governing more centrist than I expected...

224 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:07:06am

re: #219 CommonCents

I saw this headline, Six arrested over woman left to die in London street, and thought, "who could do such a thing?". So I clicked...

I got to the end of the first sentence in the story and it was clear.

Any guesses? Anyone?

Welcome to Londonistan.

Hare Krishnas?

225 Irish Rose  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:07:46am

re: #202 thedopefishlives

You could've just said that right there, {Rose}, and been perfectly safe. I remember Iceweasel's comment from yesterday about the catfight she had with the shrieking harpy.

I've got a post running about that on the blog.
Geller and Schlussel are both ego-driven, opportunistic prima donnas. Spencer made the mistake of defending the harpy on Schlussels' blog... Schlussel called them both out, and accused Spencer of being Pammies' lapdog.

I love a good catfight.

226 CommonCents  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:08:48am

re: #224 NJDhockeyfan

Hare Krishnas?

Wow! First try.

227 Jeff In Ohio  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:09:08am

re: #213 Walter L. Newton

What kind of "radical" were you? Just an everyday radical, or something special? Details?

Age - Involvement
17 - Socialist Workers Party
19 -War Resistors League/Mobilization For Survival
20 - Earth First
22 - Yippees (hey, those guys could party!)
24 - worked with Liberation Theology nuns in NC
25 - disgusted and homeless

from there on I played music on the streets till I started in the clubs at 28 and jettisoned any interest in radical or 'middle of the road' politics.

49 - worked on the Obama campaign...oh, right, I said he's no radical.

228 FrogMarch  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:09:09am

btw - Regarding the civilian trial of KSM: Some lefty gal-hack on Huffington Post admitted that bringing the trial to NY is all about political payback for the Bush administration's Iraq war and their "torture" policies. So glad the people on the left are thrilled that they are politicizing 9/11 and the deaths of thousands of US citizens. Just sick.

229 sngnsgt  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:09:56am

re: #176 NJDhockeyfan

Good morning lizards.

I had a mouse in the kitchen for a few days. The cats failed to do their job so I fired them and got glue traps. This morning the cats were in the middle of the dining room standing over the mouse who was stuck in the glue. Problem solved.


230 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:10:38am

re: #225 Irish Rose

I've got a post running about that on the blog.
Geller and Schlussel are both ego-driven, opportunistic prima donnas. Spencer made the mistake of defending the harpy on Schlussels' blog... Schlussel called them both out, and accused Spencer of being Pammies' lapdog.

I love a good catfight.

Indeed. Although it is pretty accurate to call Spencer a lapdog, since he and Pam are riding the same crazy train and seem to have the same "Us vs. the world" mentality.

231 laZardo  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:12:44am

re: #227 Jeff In Ohio

Pffft. I'm 22 and have been browsing 4chan for 2 years now.

/ ^-^

232 FrogMarch  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:12:50am

re: #227 Jeff In Ohio

Age - Involvement
17 - Socialist Workers Party
19 -War Resistors League/Mobilization For Survival
20 - Earth First
22 - Yippees (hey, those guys could party!)
24 - worked with Liberation Theology nuns in NC
25 - disgusted and homeless

from there on I played music on the streets till I started in the clubs at 28 and jettisoned any interest in radical or 'middle of the road' politics.

49 - worked on the Obama campaign...oh, right, I said he's no radical.

You voted for Obama? hard to fathom.//

233 carefulnow  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:12:58am

re: #219 CommonCents

She was a Sikh.

234 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:14:26am

re: #227 Jeff In Ohio

Age - Involvement
17 - Socialist Workers Party
19 -War Resistors League/Mobilization For Survival
20 - Earth First
22 - Yippees (hey, those guys could party!)
24 - worked with Liberation Theology nuns in NC
25 - disgusted and homeless

from there on I played music on the streets till I started in the clubs at 28 and jettisoned any interest in radical or 'middle of the road' politics.

49 - worked on the Obama campaign...oh, right, I said he's no radical.

Well that explains why you think he's a centrist.

235 carefulnow  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:14:40am

re: #224 NJDhockeyfan

She was a Sikh.

236 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:15:05am

re: #233 carefulnow

She was a Sikh.

I've seen hundreds of Sikh men in my life. Don't recall seeing a Sikh woman. Or are they less easy to spot than Sikh men?

237 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:15:13am

re: #223 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

He is governing more centrist than I expected...

he is a centrist only in his own mind and that of his left wing minions

238 Walter L. Newton  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:15:39am

re: #217 Jeff In Ohio

It's a stupid move on the admins part, but on the flip side, it seems like the stab at transparency that recvery.org represents is working. People are discovering the bullshit and holding their government accountable for it.

Really. I don't see them holding anyone accountable. We have had the administration post job "creation/saved/made up out of whole cloth" statistics on the administration website, and as soon as they find out that they have fraudulent figures, they blame the locals.

They're transparent all right... I can see right through them.

239 Jeff In Ohio  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:16:09am

re: #234 NJDhockeyfan

Well that explains why you think he's a centrist.

Yeah, especially since I'd voted Libertarian the previous 4 election cycles. Go figure, it was an inspring campaign, and I was proud to be a part of it.

240 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:16:43am

re: #239 Jeff In Ohio

Yeah, especially since I'd voted Libertarian the previous 4 election cycles. Go figure, it was an inspring campaign, and I was proud to be a part of it.

two words

241 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:17:10am

re: #239 Jeff In Ohio

Seriously? Inspiring?

Gullible is not in the dictionary.

242 Walter L. Newton  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:17:18am

re: #227 Jeff In Ohio

Age - Involvement
17 - Socialist Workers Party
19 -War Resistors League/Mobilization For Survival
20 - Earth First
22 - Yippees (hey, those guys could party!)
24 - worked with Liberation Theology nuns in NC
25 - disgusted and homeless

from there on I played music on the streets till I started in the clubs at 28 and jettisoned any interest in radical or 'middle of the road' politics.

49 - worked on the Obama campaign...oh, right, I said he's no radical.

And you voted for Obama? What's the matter, you couldn't write Hugo Chavez in on the ballot?

243 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:17:36am

re: #220 Fat Bastard Vegetarian


It's a family run Italian restaurant. Everything is wonderful and inexpensive. Don't forget a cannoli for dessert.

244 carefulnow  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:17:37am

re: #236 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Really? The link I posted above has her picture and a description of the bangle Sikh women wear as a reminder of their faith.

245 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:18:12am

re: #237 albusteve

he is a centrist only in his own mind and that of his left wing minions

Operative word there was "more" centrist than I expected.

246 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:18:30am

re: #242 Walter L. Newton

And you voted for Obama? What's the matter, you couldn't write Hugo Chavez in on the ballot?


247 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:19:06am

re: #240 albusteve

sorry, I shouldn't make fun of what inspires you...Peter Pan has the same effect on me

248 carefulnow  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:20:53am


249 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:21:37am

re: #242 Walter L. Newton

And you voted for Obama? What's the matter, you couldn't write Hugo Chavez in on the ballot?

Walter, I think this is one of the most awesome things I've ever heard you say.

250 CommonCents  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:23:24am

re: #235 carefulnow

She was a Sikh.

Thanks for the link. That gives much more detail than the story I read.

Sihks come from the Greater Punjab which is part Pakistan and part India now, so my Londonistan is still applicable. Just not in the way I originally intended it.

251 Walter L. Newton  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:23:28am

re: #249 thedopefishlives

Walter, I think this is one of the most awesome things I've ever heard you say.

Thanks. And I really meant it, not as humor. After that glowing list that Jim gave us, it wasn't really hard to peg him right to the point.

252 Mad Al-Jaffee  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:24:29am

Good morning scaly creatures.

I have never read or seen Twilight, but this parody of the movie trailer is pretty funny. Especially if you're a fan of Dwight Schrute or Parks and Recreation.

[Link: www.collegehumor.com...]

253 Cannadian Club Akbar  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:25:02am

I worked for W in '04 as a "get out the vote" van driver in the AM and a poll observer in the evening. I also recieved a letter from the DNC telling me how much trouble I could get in legally if I didn't report any problems with voters or the workers at the polling place.

254 CommonCents  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:25:52am

re: #253 Cannadian Club Akbar

I worked for W in '04 as a "get out the vote" van driver in the AM and a poll observer in the evening. I also recieved a letter from the DNC telling me how much trouble I could get in legally if I didn't report any problems with voters or the workers at the polling place.

Did you dress in fatigues and carry a baton?

255 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:25:55am

re: #227 Jeff In Ohio

Age - Involvement
17 - Socialist Workers Party
19 -War Resistors League/Mobilization For Survival
20 - Earth First
22 - Yippees (hey, those guys could party!)
24 - worked with Liberation Theology nuns in NC
25 - disgusted and homeless

from there on I played music on the streets till I started in the clubs at 28 and jettisoned any interest in radical or 'middle of the road' politics.

49 - worked on the Obama campaign...oh, right, I said he's no radical.

if you don't consider BO radical, then none of this stuff is either imo...now if you were a member of Rev Wrights church for 20 years, it would probably tip the balance...I don't think you understand what radical means

256 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:26:17am

Barak: IDF to up Arrow interceptor production

The Defense Ministry plans to significantly increase production of Arrow missile interceptors, capable of intercepting incoming Iranian and Syrian Shihab and Scud missiles, Defense Minister Ehud Barak said on Tuesday.

257 Mad Al-Jaffee  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:28:11am

re: #211 laZardo

One of the roads that a man walks down...

And there's 42 of them.

258 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:28:37am

re: #254 CommonCents

Did you dress in fatigues and carry a baton?

Holder never did thoroughly explain that one...wtf?...radical man

259 laZardo  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:28:49am

re: #252 Mad Al-Jaffee

Some extremely good remixing, and you'll never notice that there's actually some Harry Potter footage in there too.

260 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:29:24am

Whoa, Media Matters slams Newsweek over their Palin cover and accuses them of sexism. Flying pig moment?

261 Mad Al-Jaffee  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:30:46am

re: #259 laZardo

Some extremely good remixing, and you'll never notice that there's actually some Harry Potter footage in there too.

I can't watch it (at work.) And I've never read or seen any Harry Potter. But I once had a friend's teenage duaghter tell me I look like a grown up Harry Potter.

262 Irish Rose  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:32:09am

re: #260 NJDhockeyfan

Whoa, Media Matters slams Newsweek over their Palin cover and accuses them of sexism. Flying pig moment?

Mountain, molehill.

263 lawhawk  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:32:25am

Greets and saluts from the NYC metro area. I see that the AP is glossing over the many problems with the Moussaoui trial, claiming that the KSM trial will not be nearly the circus that opponents claim.

Let's start with the basics; it took years before the trial even saw the inside of the courtroom. Moussaoui also repeatedly played games with entering and withdrawing pleas.

So, while some of the evidenciary issues were not as bad as feared, the fact is that we don't know that had more evidence been allowed, the jury would have been unanimous in a death sentence for the 20th hijacker. Instead, a lone juror didn't believe the death sentence was appropriate and Moussaoui will spend the rest of his life in Supermax.

264 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:32:34am

Obama the centrist?

Today's topic: Congressional Democrats have insisted on passing the $819-billion stimulus package despite Republicans' objections, even though Obama has called for bipartisanship on this issue. Can Obama really govern from the center if fulfilling one of his major promises means alienating the GOP right from the start?

[Link: www.latimes.com...]

BO wants to appear centrist, not govern from there

265 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:33:10am

re: #261 Mad Al-Jaffee

The Potter books are great. Whimsical for adults; Whimsical and scary for youths, and there is more Morality in them than in all of the "Left Behind" books.

266 MrSilverDragon  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:33:58am

Good morning, folks. It's another glorious day of customer complaints and ridiculous requests. In other words, it's Wednesday!

267 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:34:23am

re: #262 Irish Rose

Mountain, molehill.

Not really. Have they done an Obama "beefcake a the beach" cover?

268 laZardo  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:34:59am

re: #261 Mad Al-Jaffee

I can't watch it (at work.) And I've never read or seen any Harry Potter. But I once had a friend's teenage duaghter tell me I look like a grown up Harry Potter.

Ah. It's basically what would happen if instead of whats-her-face-called, Edward tried flirting with Buffy.

269 FrogMarch  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:35:49am

re: #260 NJDhockeyfan

Whoa, Media Matters slams Newsweek over their Palin cover and accuses them of sexism. Flying pig moment?

Newsweek cover say:
"She's Bad News for the GOP - and for Everyone Else, too."

Geez - Newsweek - tell us how you really feel. PDS has over-taken BDS and ODS. Itz on yer Newsweak.

270 laZardo  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:37:10am

re: #269 FrogMarch

Newsweek cover say:
"She's Bad News for the GOP - and for Everyone Else, too."

Geez - Newsweek - tell us how you really feel. PDS has over-taken BDS and ODS. Itz on yer Newsweak.

Was browsing the magazine rack back when Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize...

"Why He Doesn't Deserve It by Christopher Hitchens" on the front cover.

/must be the international edition.

271 lawhawk  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:37:23am

re: #265 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

But... but ... they're witches!!! /burn them!!! ///

Seriously, I agree with you about the morality tale that wraps through the entire Potter series; the consequences of actions, good versus evil, allowing evil to fester in the face of inaction, and the need to confront evil. It took some time for me to get around to reading the Potter books, but once I did, it was an engaging tale.

272 Mad Al-Jaffee  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:37:46am

re: #265 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I'm not really into any kind of fantasy books or movies. I haven't even read Lord of the Rings, but I liked the movies.

273 Mad Al-Jaffee  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:38:56am

re: #268 laZardo

Ah. It's basically what would happen if instead of whats-her-face-called, Edward tried flirting with Buffy.

I've never seen Buffy either.

274 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:39:02am

re: #272 Mad Al-Jaffee

Try them when you get a spare 100 hours or so.

275 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:39:19am

re: #273 Mad Al-Jaffee

I've never seen Buffy either.

"Kill him a lot."

276 RogueOne  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:39:58am

re: #273 Mad Al-Jaffee

I've never seen Buffy either.


277 FrogMarch  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:41:09am

re: #270 laZardo

Was browsing the magazine rack back when Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize...

"Why He Doesn't Deserve It by Christopher Hitchens" on the front cover.

/must be the international edition.


278 RogueOne  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:41:23am

Anyone paying attention to the Cory Maye case in Mississippi? Iceweasel?

279 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:41:58am

re: #278 RogueOne

Okay, I'll bite. Who?

280 Mad Al-Jaffee  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:42:23am

re: #274 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Try them when you get a spare 100 hours or so.

Which - Harry Potter or Tolkein? I did read The Hobbit, over 20 years ago.

281 SixDegrees  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:42:46am

re: #272 Mad Al-Jaffee

I'm not really into any kind of fantasy books or movies. I haven't even read Lord of the Rings, but I liked the movies.

They're an easy if somewhat tedious read. Not exactly great literature. The Hobbit is better, in that it isn't so pretentious.

Has anyone heard whether Jackson will be doing a movie version of that? There were rumors a couple of years ago.

282 Daniel Ballard  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:43:21am

Well hell. Gold blew past $1150 on the NY market. May be a tough day at work.

283 Mad Al-Jaffee  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:44:39am

re: #281 SixDegrees

They're an easy if somewhat tedious read. Not exactly great literature. The Hobbit is better, in that it isn't so pretentious.

Has anyone heard whether Jackson will be doing a movie version of that? There were rumors a couple of years ago.

Last I heard, the director who made the Hellboy movies (and the brilliant Pan's Laybrinth) is directing it.

284 MrSilverDragon  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:45:18am

re: #281 SixDegrees

They're an easy if somewhat tedious read. Not exactly great literature. The Hobbit is better, in that it isn't so pretentious.

Has anyone heard whether Jackson will be doing a movie version of that? There were rumors a couple of years ago.

From last I heard, Peter Jackson will not be directing the new version of "The Hobbit", but he did work on the screenplay. Guillermo del Toro (director of Pan's Labyrinth & Hellboy) is slated to do it. I'm eager to see what he does with it.

285 Mad Al-Jaffee  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:45:39am
286 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:45:51am

has this been posted yet?...

[Link: www.nytimes.com...]

The report comes just two days after President Obama, on a trip to Asia, said “we are running out of time” for Iran to sign on to a deal to ship part of its nuclear fuel out of the country. He said he would begin to plan for far more stringent economic sanctions against Tehran.

"begin to plan"...bwahahaha!...what a scary dude!

287 freetoken  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:45:54am

Uh oh... those globalist maoist evil-doers are at it again:

UN: Fight climate change with free condoms

The battle against global warming could be helped if the world slowed population growth by making free condoms and family planning advice more widely available, the U.N. Population Fund said Wednesday.

288 RogueOne  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:46:35am

re: #279 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Okay, I'll bite. Who?

Here's the wiki page on Cory:
[Link: en.wikipedia.org...]

He mistakenly shot a cop who came in through his back door. They think the officer thought was going into another unit in a duplex and went into cory's place by mistake. They tried to put a needle in his arm.

Yesterday, the court of appeals handed down a decision saying he should get a new trial:
[Link: volokh.com...]

Volokh gives a hattip to Instapundit but I didn't notice it on his site.

289 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:46:58am

re: #280 Mad Al-Jaffee

Potter's like 10 books each book over 500 pages.

290 SixDegrees  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:47:08am

re: #284 MrSilverDragon

From last I heard, Peter Jackson will not be directing the new version of "The Hobbit", but he did work on the screenplay. Guillermo del Toro (director of Pan's Labyrinth & Hellboy) is slated to do it. I'm eager to see what he does with it.

That's good to hear. I like del Toro a lot, although I wonder if his darker touch will be appropriate for what really is a children't tale, much more lighthearted than LOTR.

291 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:47:13am

re: #281 SixDegrees

They're an easy if somewhat tedious read. Not exactly great literature. The Hobbit is better, in that it isn't so pretentious.

Has anyone heard whether Jackson will be doing a movie version of that? There were rumors a couple of years ago.

I heartily disagree on both counts...in fact I've never hear a critique like yours

292 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:47:56am

re: #191 NJDhockeyfan

Obama says Israeli settlement building 'dangerous'

"I think it embitters the Palestinians in a way that could end up being very dangerous."

That's right, asshole. Blame everyone for Jordyptian angst other than themselves.

293 Mad Al-Jaffee  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:49:32am

From the local liberal free paper:

Sarah Palin’s Entire Existence Is Sexist

294 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:49:42am

PETA Vs. Al Gore!!

Just ahead of Al Gore’s stop this week in Portland, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has challenged the former vice president to back his green talk by giving up meat.

At Gore’s book discussion Wednesday night at Keller Auditorium, PETA warns that the former vice president will be faced down by a “nearly naked ‘Mother Earth‘ ” and PETA supporters holding signs that say “Meat’s Not Green.”

“More and more, we are hearing about the damage that meat production does to our water supply, the forests and the global climate,” PETA says in a news release. “In light of these reports, we are asking Mr. Gore simply to try going vegetarian for 30 days. If he were to stick with it for a year, he could save more than 100 animals’ lives — and maybe even his own.”


295 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:50:18am

re: #294 NJDhockeyfan

PETA Vs. Al Gore!!


A "nearly naked 'Mother Earth'"? Oh dear.

296 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:50:27am

re: #293 Mad Al-Jaffee

So? It's okay.

297 Mad Al-Jaffee  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:50:50am

re: #294 NJDhockeyfan

Meat CAN be green, but it's not a good idea to eat it if it is.

And if you eat blue meat, you may have a very pissed off Sharmuta to deal with. :)

298 freetoken  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:51:02am

Pregnant women rejecting swine flu vaccine over safety fears

Pregnant women are rejecting GPs’ attempts to persuade them to have the swine flu vaccine in their droves.

GPs across the country have reported that mothers-to-be are saying no to the vaccine because of concerns about the vaccine’s safety.


Dr Chris Udenze, a GP in Nottingham, said there was widespread scepticism about the vaccine among his pregnant patients.

‘In all the pregnant women we’ve offered it to, I think only about one in 20 has agreed,’ he said.

Where will this end?

299 laZardo  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:51:28am

re: #297 Mad Al-Jaffee

Meat CAN be green, but it's not a good idea to eat it if it is.

SOYLENT GREEN IS...ah, you know the rest.

300 MrSilverDragon  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:51:49am

re: #298 freetoken

Pregnant women rejecting swine flu vaccine over safety fears

Where will this end?

When natural selection does its job, it'll end.

301 Mad Al-Jaffee  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:52:16am

re: #299 laZardo

SOYLENT GREEN IS...ah, you know the rest.

In the book it was actually just soy and lentils. :)

302 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:52:31am

re: #288 RogueOne


303 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:52:54am

re: #300 MrSilverDragon

When natural selection does its job, it'll end.

yup...it's no big deal to me, and none of my business

304 freetoken  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:54:07am

re: #294 NJDhockeyfan

Speaking of PETA:

Etheridge: PETA pork protest won't spread swine flu

A North Carolina congressman says police got their facts wrong when they denied a messy Capitol Hill protest against corporate hog farms out of concern about spreading swine flu.

The News & Observer of Raleigh reported today that U.S. Rep. Bob Etheridge scolded the reasoning of U.S. Capitol Police after they blocked the protest by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

PETA wanted to fill thousands of buckets with pig waste to give politicians a whiff of what it's like near sprawling hog operations. When police said the protest could spread swine flu, Etheridge squealed.

"Squealed"? Who says reporters don't have a sense of humor?

305 Irish Rose  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:54:15am

All of the other Newsweek covers with Palin have passed muster.

And she IS bad news for the GOP... The fundamentalist right-wing has nearly destroyed the GOP. Our last GOP candidate was a moderate - an inexcusible sin to the GOP's purist, right-wing ideological hardliners who did everything in their power to prevent his election to the Presidency. Palin is soundly in their camp and deliberately trying to drive the party back to the hard right.

Moderate and non-religious Republicans are sick and tired of having their party hijacked by hardliners, they're sick of being called RINOS liberals and leftists by their fellow Republicans, and they're fed up with being lumped in with right-wing extremists and theocrats who want to push their SoCon religious agenda onto every single American man, woman and child.

Palin is working 24/7 to put politicians from the religious right into powerful seats, because she and others like her think that they're "doing Gods' will... they're absoluteley convinced that they know whats' best and right for all Americans regardless of race, creed, ethnicity and sexual orientation.

In doing so, she's going to help insure that the GOP stays in the minority for at least the next two election cycles, perhaps even longer.

306 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:55:19am

re: #294 NJDhockeyfan

PETA has a point. But, "Lear Jet Liberals" don't change their lives, they just wanna change ours.

307 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:56:15am

re: #305 Irish Rose

Doesn't change the fact that the cover was inappropriate, in my opinion.

308 lawhawk  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:56:34am

re: #292 MandyManners

Obama's ignorance and/or purposefully choosing sides is going to be very dangerous. Housing has never been an obstacle to peace; Palestinian refusal to accept a Jewish state of Israel in any border format is the obstacle to peace.

They've refused to accept pre-67 borders. They refused the 1948 borders. They refuse the Balfour Declaration, and whereas every other nation on earth whose borders have been formed in war and are generally indisputable, Israel's borders are apparently negotiable and subject to the whims of American pressure.

Mind you, the Palestinians never had a country of their own at any time in the history of the region; the Ottomans considered the region a backwater, and their defeat gave the British dominion. That resulted in the breakup of the Ottoman Empire and the creation of the modern Middle East borders; countries like Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, are mere years older than that of Israel, and yet Israel is the castigated one.

309 zephirus  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:57:09am

From the Onion:

"Area Man Passionate Defender of What he Imagines Constitution to be"

[Link: www.theonion.com...]

310 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 6:58:04am

re: #307 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Doesn't change the fact that the cover was inappropriate, in my opinion.

with all the serious problems this country faces, it seems to me that any interest in a mag cover seems inappropriate, or at least a bit dense

311 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:00:18am

re: #308 lawhawk

Obama's ignorance and/or purposefully choosing sides is going to be very dangerous. Housing has never been an obstacle to peace; Palestinian refusal to accept a Jewish state of Israel in any border format is the obstacle to peace.

They've refused to accept pre-67 borders. They refused the 1948 borders. They refuse the Balfour Declaration, and whereas every other nation on earth whose borders have been formed in war and are generally indisputable, Israel's borders are apparently negotiable and subject to the whims of American pressure.

Mind you, the Palestinians never had a country of their own at any time in the history of the region; the Ottomans considered the region a backwater, and their defeat gave the British dominion. That resulted in the breakup of the Ottoman Empire and the creation of the modern Middle East borders; countries like Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, are mere years older than that of Israel, and yet Israel is the castigated one.

I linked an article from the NYT yesterday in which the reporter wrote that Israel WON that land in 1967. How that sentence made it past the editor is beyond me.

312 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:01:15am

re: #311 MandyManners

I linked an article from the NYT yesterday in which the reporter wrote that Israel WON that land in 1967. How that sentence made it past the editor is beyond me.

STOP THE PRESSES! The truth just leaked out, we can't have that.

313 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:01:26am

re: #308 lawhawk

BO sez...

"The situation in the Middle East is very difficult, and I've said repeatedly and I'll say again, Israel's security is a vital national interest to the United States, and we will make sure they are secure,"

trust him...he has a plan to have it both way

314 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:01:42am

Dems alarmed as independents bolt

Mounting evidence that independent voters have soured on the Democrats is prompting a debate among party officials about what rhetorical and substantive changes are needed to halt the damage.

Following serious setbacks with independents in off-year elections earlier this month, White House officials attributed the defeats to local factors and said President Barack Obama sees no need to reposition his own image or the Democratic message.

Since then, however, a flurry of new polls makes clear that Democrats are facing deeper problems with independents—the swing voters who swung dramatically toward the party in 2006 and 2008 but who now are registering deep unease with the amount of spending and debt called for under Obama's agenda in an era of one-party rule in Washington.

A Gallup Poll released last week offered a disturbing glimpse about the state of play: just 14 percent of independents approve of the job Congress is doing, the lowest figure all year. In just the past few days alone, surveys have shown Democratic incumbents trailing Republicans among independent voters by double-digit margins in competitive statewide contests in places as varied as Connecticut, Ohio and Iowa.

Obama’s own popularity among independents has fallen significantly, too. A CBS News poll Tuesday showed the president’s approval rating among unaligned voters falling to 45 percent — down from 63 percent in April.

Hope & Change has become hopeless change.

315 RogueOne  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:03:19am

re: #302 Fat Bastard Vegetarian


Yeah. They mistakenly kick in the wrong door, One cop gets shot 3 times and they pinned it on a guy with no prior record with the argument that he must be a dealer. All they found was a gram of weed (a roach) in an ashtray.

One cop dead, One on death row (not anymore) and they managed to find a whole gram of weed.

316 Walter L. Newton  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:03:32am

re: #314 NJDhockeyfan

Dems alarmed as independents bolt

Hope & Change has become hopeless change.

Can't trust these polls. Only valid polls are ones that Nate Silver supervises.

317 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:04:05am

re: #314 NJDhockeyfan

Dems alarmed as independents bolt

Hope & Change has become hopeless change.

Obama sees no need to reposition his own image or the Democratic message.

duh!...he takes responsibility for nothing...the man simply cannot be trusted

318 Irish Rose  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:04:10am

re: #307 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Doesn't change the fact that the cover was inappropriate, in my opinion.

What do you think was inappropriate about it, exactly?
The fact that they used a photograph that exposes her legs?

If so, what's the difference between exposing your legs under a pair of athletic shorts, and exposing your legs under a pair of athletic shorts?

She did this cover voluntarily for another publication and IMO it's a very nice photograph. Like her hunting photos, it displays yet another element of her character... a woman who appreciates the concept of physical fitness. I think it casts her in a positive light, not a negative one.

I just don't see the problem, sorry.

319 filetandrelease  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:04:32am

re: #314 NJDhockeyfan
I was just going to post that article.

All the fanfare about the whacky right scaring the independents to the left has proved, well, false. At least so far.

320 laZardo  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:05:01am

Will now attempt to sleep before midnight. Cheers.

321 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:05:12am

re: #315 RogueOne

Yeah. They mistakenly kick in the wrong door, One cop gets shot 3 times and they pinned it on a guy with no prior record with the argument that he must be a dealer. All they found was a gram of weed (a roach) in an ashtray.

One cop dead, One on death row (not anymore) and they managed to find a whole gram of weed.

Evil Weed leads to death and destruction

322 RogueOne  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:06:03am

re: #314 NJDhockeyfan

I went to the politico link and on the sidebar was this pic and story:
[Link: www.politico.com...]

No bow at Korean air base

Struck me funny.

323 MrSilverDragon  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:06:54am

re: #321 albusteve

Evil Weed leads to death and destruction

But I heard that everything goes better with a bag of weed...

324 Irish Rose  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:07:03am

re: #314 NJDhockeyfan

Americans are rushing to the center, and they're coming from both the left and the right.

About damned time.

325 Mad Al-Jaffee  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:07:13am

re: #321 albusteve

Evil Weed leads to death and destruction

[Link: entertainment.webshots.com...]

326 SixDegrees  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:07:37am

re: #318 Irish Rose

What do you think was inappropriate about it, exactly?
The fact that they used a photograph that exposes her legs?

If so, what's the difference between exposing your legs under a pair of athletic shorts, and exposing your legs under a pair of athletic shorts?

She did this cover voluntarily for another publication and IMO it's a very nice photograph. Like her hunting photos, it displays yet another element of her character... a woman who appreciates the concept of physical fitness. I think it casts her in a positive light, not a negative one.

I just don't see the problem, sorry.

I tend to agree. Just last week, I walked past my drugstore's magazine rack, and couldn't help but notice that it is literally a wall of flesh, all vying for attention. The Newsweek cover isn't at all shocking. Palin's objection to it, obviously, is the stated conclusion it reaches - that she is a detriment to the GOP, rather than an asset.

Had the accompanying article been fawning and utterly free of criticism, she wouldn't have said a word about it. And her focus on the photographs, rather than the content, strikes me as both evasive and shallow, and right in line with her ongoing string of events at which the press and even unscreened audience members are not allowed.

327 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:07:44am

re: #318 Irish Rose

Okay. That's why this is opinion.

No one said we have to agree about everything.

Yet... *purrr*

328 RogueOne  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:07:55am

re: #321 albusteve

Evil Weed leads to death and destruction

I mentioned yesterday in the ADL thread that if people really want something tangible to be afraid of, go hang out in your local county courthouse.

329 filetandrelease  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:08:04am

re: #307 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Doesn't change the fact that the cover was inappropriate, in my opinion.

I agree completely, a cheap shot at best, and if you combine the picture with words under it, I will paraphrase "Not good for the GOP, not good for the country" you don't need to dig any deeper to understand their slant.

330 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:08:39am

re: #319 filetandrelease

I was just going to post that article.

All the fanfare about the whacky right scaring the independents to the left has proved, well, false. At least so far.

that meme has been made up out of whole cloth...right here by alarmists

331 Irish Rose  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:08:47am

re: #318 Irish Rose

If so, what's the difference between exposing your legs under a pair of athletic shorts, and exposing your legs under a pair of athletic shorts SKIRT?


332 lawhawk  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:09:14am

Obama: KSM Will Be Convicted....

And moments after realizing that he just prejudiced the potential jury pool clarified and extended his remarks to say that he's not prejudicing the jury and that it's his hope he's convicted.

This is the word of a constitutional law scholar?

The Administration is tying itself in knots trying to explain away its decision to try KSM in court while other terrorists get the tribunal treatment. And as others have already pointed out upthread, the left is crowing not because of the trials, but because of the political fallout against the Bush Administration and this is seen as a rebuke of Bush policies.

You know what other Bush policies are under attack these days, those Bush tax cuts that went into effect in 2001 and 2003. Obama's economic team is looking at letting them all expire because the feds need the money more than you do.

333 gregb  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:09:15am

re: #1 Floral Giraffe

That bird's in front of a tube, dude!

FTFY, using the best offshore Iranian Adobe Photoshop users I could find.

Image: onight-bird-tube.jpg

334 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:09:33am

Oops! Look at the time... gotta go sell something or diiieee!

335 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:10:00am

re: #318 Irish Rose

What do you think was inappropriate about it, exactly?
The fact that they used a photograph that exposes her legs?

If so, what's the difference between exposing your legs under a pair of athletic shorts, and exposing your legs under a pair of athletic shorts?

She did this cover voluntarily for another publication and IMO it's a very nice photograph. Like her hunting photos, it displays yet another element of her character... a woman who appreciates the concept of physical fitness. I think it casts her in a positive light, not a negative one.

I just don't see the problem, sorry.

My issue is with the context. The other magazine was a sport magazine. Newsweek is a news magazine. Would they show BHO or any other male politician in running gear on the cover?

336 filetandrelease  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:10:11am

re: #330 albusteve

that meme has been made up out of whole cloth...right here by alarmists

Even after last months elections that meme was upheld. It cracked me up.

337 Irish Rose  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:10:21am

re: #327 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Okay. That's why this is opinion.

No one said we have to agree about everything.

Yet... *purrr*

Sorry, I really don't mean to come off as harsh or accusatory.
I'm trying to do too much at once here... perhaps I need to shut a few things off and concentrate on the conversation at hand.

338 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:10:40am

re: #312 thedopefishlives

STOP THE PRESSES! The truth just leaked out, we can't have that.

I re-read it a few times to make sure my eyes weren't playing tricks on me.

339 SixDegrees  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:11:03am

re: #335 MandyManners

My issue is with the context. The other magazine was a sport magazine. Newsweek is a news magazine. Would they show BHO or any other male politician in running gear on the cover?

They absolutely would.

340 RogueOne  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:11:10am

Anyone else pick up "Left4Dead2" yesterday?
[Link: whatever.scalzi.com...]

I love this game already and L4D1 was a great game too.

341 CommonCents  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:11:46am

re: #292 MandyManners

"I think it embitters the Palestinians in a way that could end up being very dangerous."

That's right, asshole. Blame everyone for Jordyptian angst other than themselves.

He's not blaming everyone. Just the Israelis.

342 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:11:52am

re: #335 MandyManners

My issue is with the context. The other magazine was a sport magazine. Newsweek is a news magazine. Would they show BHO or any other male politician in running gear on the cover?

Equivalent for a male would be "wrestling" garb... spandex... etc...

(spandex is a privilege, not a right)

343 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:12:02am

re: #339 SixDegrees

They absolutely would.

Especially if said politician is a fit specimen of the male gender. Newsweek is hardly unlike any other magazine in that they will publish on their cover what their customers want to see, and let's face it - humans are, as a whole, an attractive species.

344 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:12:52am

re: #336 filetandrelease

Even after last months elections that meme was upheld. It cracked me up.

and people were gonna die at the Town Halls etc etc...good grief

345 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:12:54am

re: #343 thedopefishlives

I need to come where you are...

346 SixDegrees  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:13:03am

re: #343 thedopefishlives

Especially if said politician is a fit specimen of the male gender. Newsweek is hardly unlike any other magazine in that they will publish on their cover what their customers want to see, and let's face it - humans are, as a whole, an attractive species.

See my post above - a trip past the magazine rack these days is a trip past a veritable wall of flesh.

347 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:13:24am

re: #332 lawhawk

You know what other Bush policies are under attack these days, those Bush tax cuts that went into effect in 2001 and 2003. Obama's economic team is looking at letting them all expire because the feds need the money more than you do.

They need it to pay for free health care.

348 SixDegrees  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:15:33am

re: #347 NJDhockeyfan

They need it to pay for free health care.

Even without the addition of health care costs to the budget, the Feds are running deficits that make all the deficits of the past look paltry in comparison, and are projected to so do indefinitely, with each year adding several times the next-largest deficits of previous Administrations.

349 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:15:56am

Think this may be a wee bit over the top?

“Hit the Bitch!” Danish Domestic Violence Awareness Campaign

People, sometimes I don’t even know. I don’t even know. And this is one of those times. Both Katie C. and our tech genius, Jon, sent us a link to a post at AdFreak about Hit the Bitch!, a domestic violence awareness campaign thought up by a Dutch Danish advocacy group. The website allows you, in the guise of an apparently male hand, to beat the crap out of a woman, either by using a mouse or your own hands if you have a webcam:

The woman gets increasingly bruised and bloodied as you hit her. I forced myself to try the site and hit her twice, and it was honestly sickening to watch her head jerk backward or to the side and hear the sound of the slap and her reacting. At the top, a counter keeps track; you start out as 100% Pussy, 0% Gangsta, but your Gangsta rating goes up every time you hit her:

Apparently, though, when you get up to where you’d be at 100% Gangsta, it instead says 100% Idiot, as though this is a real put-down that is going to make you think really seriously about domestic violence.

350 freetoken  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:15:56am

The man definitely has an opinion:


Veteran filmmaker CLINT EASTWOOD has taken aim at the politically apathetic youth in his native U.S. - insisting the nation is filled with "teenage twits".

351 Irish Rose  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:18:26am

re: #349 NJDhockeyfan

That's a trigger, folks.
Don't click it if you're sensitive about domestic violence.

I'm a domestic violence survivor. I saw this yesterday and it made me physically sick... went to the head and did a tossup.

Vile, evil, disgusting.

352 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:18:28am

re: #348 SixDegrees

Even without the addition of health care costs to the budget, the Feds are running deficits that make all the deficits of the past look paltry in comparison, and are projected to so do indefinitely, with each year adding several times the next-largest deficits of previous Administrations.

With the national debt now at $12 trillion how could they even think about spending more money? The interest alone has to be astronomical.

353 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:18:39am

re: #347 NJDhockeyfan

They need it to pay for free health care.

ideology/power trumps common sense every time...democrats don't give a shit about our jobs or earnings...to them it's just a giant pool of money to raid as they see fit...how educated people can believe a more liberal govt is better is beyond me...

354 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:19:59am

re: #339 SixDegrees

They absolutely would.


355 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:20:21am

re: #348 SixDegrees

Even without the addition of health care costs to the budget, the Feds are running deficits that make all the deficits of the past look paltry in comparison, and are projected to so do indefinitely, with each year adding several times the next-largest deficits of previous Administrations.

and out of the other side of his mouth come this drivle...
[Link: www.foxnews.com...]


356 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:21:01am

re: #342 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Equivalent for a male would be "wrestling" garb... spandex... etc...

(spandex is a privilege, not a right)

Can you imagine Newsweek putting BHO or any other male politician on the cover wearing that garb?

357 Liberal Classic  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:21:31am

re: #227 Jeff In Ohio

Age - Involvement
17 - Socialist Workers Party
19 -War Resistors League/Mobilization For Survival
20 - Earth First
22 - Yippees (hey, those guys could party!)
24 - worked with Liberation Theology nuns in NC
25 - disgusted and homeless

from there on I played music on the streets till I started in the clubs at 28 and jettisoned any interest in radical or 'middle of the road' politics.

49 - worked on the Obama campaign...oh, right, I said he's no radical.

Wow. I've worked nearly every day of my life since I was 14. Is this because I am a heartless capitalist, or is it the other way around?

358 Timmeh  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:22:13am

Poker Faces by Half Mast/Hat (Lady Gaga vs. Christopher Walken vs. Cartman)

359 Jeff In Ohio  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:23:45am

re: #251 Walter L. Newton

Thanks. And I really meant it, not as humor. After that glowing list that Jim gave us, it wasn't really hard to peg him right to the point.

Pot, meet kettle. And it's Jeff.

360 Jeff In Ohio  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:24:35am

re: #357 Liberal Classic

Wow. I've worked nearly every day of my life since I was 14. Is this because I am a heartless capitalist, or is it the other way around?

Not following. Are you say I've never worked? I've been working since I was 16.

361 Walter L. Newton  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:24:59am

re: #359 Jeff In Ohio

Pot, meet kettle. And it's Jeff.

Yawn. Drive by poster.

362 Walter L. Newton  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:25:48am

re: #360 Jeff In Ohio

Not following. Are you say I've never worked? I've been working since I was 16.

Mining? Apparently working at undermining.

363 freetoken  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:26:23am

Hey all you file sharers out there, be warned, the Queen is coming to get you:

Queen's speech includes plan to cut of illegal file-sharers

Today's speech by the Queen outlined a bill by the UK government to deal with persistent file sharers.

As reported by Macworld in October, the bill involves a measure to cut the internet connection of persistent file-sharers. Internet users accused of sharing files illegally will be initially sent warning letters, but powers to cut off the Internet connection of persistent file sharers will be introduced in the spring of 2011.

364 Jeff In Ohio  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:26:43am

re: #255 albusteve

if you don't consider BO radical, then none of this stuff is either imo...now if you were a member of Rev Wrights church for 20 years, it would probably tip the balance...I don't think you understand what radical means

Please enlighten me. I'm trying to understand.

365 Jeff In Ohio  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:27:44am

re: #362 Walter L. Newton

Mining? Apparently working at undermining.

I'm sorry, do you have a point in there, are just dribbling out insults?

366 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:28:19am

re: #349 NJDhockeyfan


367 Pepper Fox  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:29:05am

I finally turned my heater on for the first time this season. My smoke alarm celebrated by going off at 2am.

368 SteveC  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:29:46am

re: #363 freetoken

Queen's speech includes plan to cut of illegal file-sharers

Another one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust
And another one gone
And another one gone
Another one bites the dust
Hey, I'm gonna get you too
Another one bites the dust

369 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:30:35am

In case you missed NJDhockeyfan's post last night and my reposting it this morning:

Top Obama donor and fundraiser Jodie Evans met with the Taliban in Afghanistan on a recent trip there, according to a report by Jane Fonda of a discussion she had with Evans last month. The meeting with the Taliban took place just weeks before Evans was videotaped directly handing to President Barack Obama a package of information about her trip to Afghanistan at a high dollar fundraiser in San Francisco.

The meeting with the Taliban was kept secret by Evans and her group Code Pink in reports she and the group posted from Kabul and in interviews with the media and bloggers about the trip. Fonda, a close friend of Evans, let the secret meeting slip in an account of her dinner with Evans at a fundraiser for the Armand Hammer Museum in Los Angeles:

Last Saturday, My dear friends Jodie Evans and Max Palevsky, invited Richard and me to join them at their table at a fundraiser at the Armand Hammer Museum in Westwood. It was a good evening for lots of reasons. I had never been to the museum and definitely want to go back. Clearly it is a courageous place, very cutting edge. Then, too, I saw lots of friends I hadn’t seen in a long time and I sat next to Jodie who told me a little about her recent trip to Afghanistan with an American delegation that included a retired colonel, and member the State Department (Army Reserves Col. (Ret.) and ex-diplomat Ann Wright). While there, she met with people ranging from the brother of President Karzai, Afghan members of Parliament, activists, to warlords and members of the Taliban (emphasis added.) Jodie is co-founder of the peace organization, Code Pink, and always willing to go to any lengths to try and find out what’s really going on. Bottom line: everyone she met with wants the U.S. Military out of their country. They feel our presence there has brought more violence rather than security. Please read a short article she wrote about the trip which is on the Women’s Media Center website.


370 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:30:54am

re: #364 Jeff In Ohio

Please enlighten me. I'm trying to understand.

no, it's clear enough

371 SteveC  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:31:31am

re: #367 Pepper Fox

I finally turned my heater on for the first time this season. My smoke alarm celebrated by going off at 2am.

My smoke alarm always tells me the batteries are getting weak at 2:00 AM. I think it is a trait of the species.

372 BARACK THE VOTE  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:31:41am

Hello from the civil liberties front!

As expected, Obama admits Gitmo won't close by Jan.

Buried in that WaPo article is the real news:

Administration officials say they expect that as many as 40 of the 215 detainees at Guantanamo will be tried in federal court or military commissions. About 90 others have been cleared for repatriation or resettlement in a third country, and about 75 more have been deemed too dangerous to release but cannot be prosecuted because of evidentiary issues and limits on the use of classified material.

This is the so-called 5th category of detention Obama outlined in his speech in May. Too dangerous to release, can't be prosecuted. Where are they going to be held? ackerman at the WI says:

A possible clue comes in a recent and widely discussed report from Ken Gude of the well-connected Center for American Progress. As my colleague Daphne Eviatar reported, Gude proposed simply sending the detainees to Bagram Air Field in Afghanistan — which would, in effect, create Neo-Guantanamo. There has been a lot of discussion over whether Gude was floating a trial balloon for the administration. We may soon see.

Here's that article about CAP and the Bagram trial balloon.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

373 FrogMarch  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:32:16am

re: #314 NJDhockeyfan

Dems alarmed as independents bolt

Hope & Change has become hopeless change.

Mounting evidence that independent voters have soured on the Democrats is prompting a debate among party officials about what rhetorical and substantive changes are needed to halt the damage.

Fixed. Who are they kidding with "substance". All they need is more deceptive rhetoric.
How can this be? Come on independents - If you don't like massive amounts of government programs/intrusions/mandates/regulations and high tax rates - you are by default an evil anti-government moron - brain washed by the Beck/Palin/Jones cabal.

374 Pepper Fox  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:32:18am

re: #371 SteveC

My smoke alarm always tells me the batteries are getting weak at 2:00 AM. I think it is a trait of the species.

At least it doesn't go off when I make garlic bread in the oven anymore.

375 Irish Rose  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:33:35am

Another sexist Newsweek cover... where's the outrage, ladies?

376 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:33:41am

re: #372 iceweasel

Hey, Ice. As I tried to tell our President before the election...

"That chair ain't nearly as comfortable as it looks."

377 Jeff In Ohio  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:33:48am

re: #370 albusteve

no, it's clear enough

No it's not. You said I don't understand what radical means. I think I do. To understand what it is your trying to put across, you'll need to define what radical means to you.

378 filetandrelease  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:34:17am

re: #371 SteveC

My smoke alarm always tells me the batteries are getting weak at 2:00 AM. I think it is a trait of the species.

I put one of those in my moms kitchen so she would know when dinner was ready.

379 Pepper Fox  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:34:18am

re: #373 FrogMarch

Mounting evidence that independent voters have soured on the Democrats is prompting a debate among party officials about what rhetorical and substantive changes are needed to halt the damage.

Fixed. Who are they kidding with "substance". All they need is more deceptive rhetoric.
How can this be? Come on independents - If you don't like massive amounts of government programs/intrusions/mandates/regulations and high tax rates - you are by default an evil anti-government moron - brain washed by the Beck/Palin/Jones cabal.

Republicans have gone batshit insane, Democrats are being pussies, everyone is out for their own personal gain and will step on anyone and whore themselves out to any company to get to the top. Welcome to my pessimistic world of politics!

380 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:34:21am

re: #375 Irish Rose

What's the runner's name?

381 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:35:21am

re: #379 Pepper Fox

Republicans have gone batshit insane, Democrats are being pussies, everyone is out for their own personal gain and will step on anyone and whore themselves out to any company to get to the top. Welcome to my pessimistic true to life, realisitic world of politics!

Fixed that for ya, big guy.

382 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:35:21am

re: #377 Jeff In Ohio

No it's not. You said I don't understand what radical means. I think I do. To understand what it is your trying to put across, you'll need to define what radical means to you.

You might want to take a gander at my No. 369 for one definition of "radical".

383 Irish Rose  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:35:28am

re: #380 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

What's the runner's name?

Why does that matter?

384 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:35:45am

re: #383 Irish Rose

Palin's name was on her cover.

385 Pepper Fox  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:36:22am

re: #381 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Fixed that for ya, big guy.

One of my teachers put it well, the cup is half full but there is a hole in the bottom of the cup.

386 Mad Al-Jaffee  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:36:43am
387 SteveC  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:37:59am

What special interests get for selling us down the creek

AARP: As many as 8.5 million seniors will lose their Medicare Advantage coverage and be forced to buy Medigap insurance instead. AARP (which has morphed into an insurance company) is one of the main sellers of Medigap.

SteveC: You guys need to watch out, the AARP is *not* your friend.

DaddyC: The AARP stands for the American Association of Retired Persons, you moron. They aren't gonna tick off their base.

//You wanna discuss this further, dad?

388 BARACK THE VOTE  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:38:16am

re: #376 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Hey, Ice. As I tried to tell our President before the election...

hey FBV!
I'm not especially surprised that Obama is shit on the civil liberties front. I expected it long before the election due to his vote on FISA in April 2008. I'd been following this under Bush and I expected that Obama would continue Bush policies.

What really annoys me are the Dems in Congress who screamed about the issue when it was a convenient stick to beat Bush with, but are silent now. feh! I have a list of them somewhere or other I'll post when I can. How are you today?

389 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:38:54am

re: #382 MandyManners

You might want to take a gander at my No. 369 for one definition of "radical".

They are just peace protesters visiting a few freedom fighters in another country.


390 freetoken  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:39:02am

re: #386 Mad Al-Jaffee

Yet more vain attempts to stop what is inevitable. Apple has shown how to Wal-mart-ize music by offering songs/performances for only $.99. Sure, people will still copy, but when priced at mass market levels many people will also buy exactly what they want, which is usually just a song or two on any given album.

391 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:39:13am

re: #377 Jeff In Ohio

No it's not. You said I don't understand what radical means. I think I do. To understand what it is your trying to put across, you'll need to define what radical means to you.

3 a : marked by a considerable departure from the usual or traditional : extreme b : tending or disposed to make extreme changes in existing views, habits, conditions, or institutions c : of, relating to, or constituting a political group associated with views, practices, and policies of extreme change d : advocating extreme measures to retain or restore a political state of affairs

pretty simple

392 Mad Al-Jaffee  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:39:39am

re: #388 iceweasel

hey FBV!
I'm not especially surprised that Obama is shit on the civil liberties front. I expected it long before the election due to his vote on FISA in April 2008.

He didn't vote "Present"?

393 Pepper Fox  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:39:43am

re: #387 SteveC

What special interests get for selling us down the creek

AARP: As many as 8.5 million seniors will lose their Medicare Advantage coverage and be forced to buy Medigap insurance instead. AARP (which has morphed into an insurance company) is one of the main sellers of Medigap.

SteveC: You guys need to watch out, the AARP is *not* your friend.

DaddyC: The AARP stands for the American Association of Retired Persons, you moron. They aren't gonna tick off their base.

//You wanna discuss this further, dad?

Since I was 18 (I'm 21 now) I've been getting membership applications addressed to my name from them. Maybe they have gone senile /

394 Cannadian Club Akbar  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:40:55am

re: #393 Pepper Fox

Since I was 18 (I'm 21 now) I've been getting membership applications addressed to my name from them. Maybe they have gone senile /

Or you are senile and actually 72.

395 Irish Rose  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:41:55am

So it's perfectly fine to show a photo of a Chinese athletes' legs - a photo that just barely conceals his package... but not ok to show a respectful photo of Sarah Palins' lower legs in a pair of athletic shorts?

Are we seriously saying that her legs deserve some kind of special consideration because she's a prominent politician, instead of a lowly athlete?

Yes, I know I'm playing devils advocate here.
But I think the brouhaha over this cover is ridiculous, and just another stupid distraction.

396 Pepper Fox  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:42:05am

re: #394 Cannadian Club Akbar

Or you are senile and actually 72.

Just because I wear flannel, call the cops on kids playing loud bass "music", and am bitter and pessimistic doesn't make me old.

397 lawhawk  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:42:06am

re: #372 iceweasel

And that once again highlights that the problem isn't Gitmo in and of itself, but that Gitmo is a representation of the Bush Administration, and the Obama Administration is contorting itself into pretzels to show that it is doing something differently than the Bush Administration on the issue, even if the end result is potentially disastrous (such as holding trials for some, tribunals for others, which could undermine both processes and mire the whole detainee program in a legal mess that will continue to drag on for years). As the Obama Administration keeps saying, there's some guys who will never be released, and yet we're to believe that KSM can get a fair trial in NY federal court, even after Obama thinks he's going to be convicted? Sorry, but the Obama logic fails miserably (and he is a con law expert?) .

398 SteveC  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:42:59am

re: #394 Cannadian Club Akbar

Or you are senile and actually 72.

Well, I'm 301 in dog years...!

399 Mad Al-Jaffee  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:43:01am

re: #394 Cannadian Club Akbar

Or you are senile and actually 72.

An old man goes to the doctor for some test results. The doctor says, "I have some really bad news. You have cancer and Alzheimer's."

The man replies, "Well at least I don't have cancer!"

400 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:43:20am

re: #388 iceweasel

Better, but having to leave for the working.

401 BARACK THE VOTE  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:45:33am

re: #397 lawhawk

And that once again highlights that the problem isn't Gitmo in and of itself, but that Gitmo is a representation of the Bush Administration

The problem isn't Gitmo-- holding them in legal limbo at Bagram will create a new Gitmo. The problem is all these detainees in legal limbo. I'm not a fan of the tiered justice system, but something has to be done with these people. Obama inherited a mess from the Bush admin. The decisions he's been making are in line with Bush policies for the most part, btw.

402 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:45:58am

re: #397 lawhawk

And that once again highlights that the problem isn't Gitmo in and of itself, but that Gitmo is a representation of the Bush Administration, and the Obama Administration is contorting itself into pretzels to show that it is doing something differently than the Bush Administration on the issue, even if the end result is potentially disastrous (such as holding trials for some, tribunals for others, which could undermine both processes and mire the whole detainee program in a legal mess that will continue to drag on for years). As the Obama Administration keeps saying, there's some guys who will never be released, and yet we're to believe that KSM can get a fair trial in NY federal court, even after Obama thinks he's going to be convicted? Sorry, but the Obama logic fails miserably (and he is a con law expert?) .

just another plank in his "fundamental transformation" platform he campaigned on...the guys is playing with fire, a teenage twit

403 lawhawk  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:46:37am

re: #395 Irish Rose

What do those legs have to do with her political ambition? An athlete's physique is critical to their performance. Newsweek could be seen as objectifying women based on their physical characteristics, rather than on their performance and achievements.

Palin's a very attractive woman physically, but her politics are decidedly not all that attractive to me. Newsweek decided to sell magazines based on her physical traits by putting that photo on the cover. Would they do the same to a male candidate or potential candidate? Would they show Obama or any other high profile candidate for higher office on the cover in such a fashion when discussing their politics? That's a key question and depending on how that question is answers informs as to whether Newsweek is sexist or just merely hawking magazines at a sagging news outlet.

404 Jeff In Ohio  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:46:55am

re: #382 MandyManners

You might want to take a gander at my No. 369 for one definition of "radical".

Yes, that is troubling. American citizens have no reason to be meeting with Afghan Taliban. But I'm not making the jump to providing terrorists with a direct line to Obama.

405 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:47:15am

re: #401 iceweasel

The problem isn't Gitmo-- holding them in legal limbo at Bagram will create a new Gitmo. The problem is all these detainees in legal limbo. I'm not a fan of the tiered justice system, but something has to be done with these people. Obama inherited a mess from the Bush admin. The decisions he's been making are in line with Bush policies for the most part, btw.

what mess?...the tribunals were cleaned up and ready to...BO has created his own mess here

406 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:47:25am

re: #390 freetoken

Sure, people will still copy, but when priced at mass market levels many people will also buy exactly what they want, which is usually just a song or two on any given album.

I have heard many of my favorite songs off of albums that I bought for one or two songs. And my favorite song off of an album never seems to be the one I bought the album for.

That's my problem with that system.

Don't Give Up - So.
Black Country Woman - Physical Graffiti
Wow - The Whole Story

I could go on and on...

407 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:47:32am

re: #404 Jeff In Ohio

Yes, that is troubling. American citizens have no reason to be meeting with Afghan Taliban. But I'm not making the jump to providing terrorists with a direct line to Obama.

Of course you're not.

408 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:48:14am

re: #405 albusteve

what mess?...the tribunals were cleaned up and ready to...BO has created his own mess here

Heck fire, BHO stopped KSM's trial, and that of the alleged Cole bomber.

409 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:48:25am

BDS, ODS... now we have PDS.

Catch y'all later.

410 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:48:35am

re: #404 Jeff In Ohio

Yes, that is troubling. American citizens have no reason to be meeting with Afghan Taliban. But I'm not making the jump to providing terrorists with a direct line to Obama.

of course you won't...so explain their purpose over there

411 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:49:15am

re: #409 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

BDS, ODS... now we have PDS.

Catch y'all later.

Say "hi" to Little Debbie for me!

412 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:49:18am

re: #409 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

BDS, ODS... now we have PDS.

Catch y'all later.

Be safe.

413 Irish Rose  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:51:07am

re: #409 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

BDS, ODS... now we have PDS.

Catch y'all later.

Sorry, didn't mean to drive you off.
I'll shut up now.

414 lawhawk  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:51:27am

re: #401 iceweasel

The solution was available all along but for the civil libertarians who think that KSM and others should have federal court access and trials. The tiered justice system is a joke, primarily thanks to Obama, Holder, and all the others who agitated for just that.

The military tribunals would have worked to deal with all the detainees, and it would have addressed people being held who are enemy combatants who aren't soldiers - and therefore aren't protected by the Geneva Conventions - and aren't civilians since they were captured under arms and/or are actively fighting jihad against the US - and evidence gathered in those cases isn't as in a standard law enforcement case, but in the course of prosecuting a war against the al Qaeda and Taliban fighting a war against the US.

All the Gitmo closure would do is shift bodies around from one detention facility to another, and sticking them in Bagram actually reduces the safety risk for all involved since Bagram could quite easily come under Taliban/al Qaeda attack - as witnessed by mass casualty attacks against other high profile institutions in Kabul and elsewhere in Afghanistan despite heavy security presence. Gitmo is the safest place for them to be.

415 BARACK THE VOTE  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:52:06am

re: #397 lawhawk

A yet we're to believe that KSM can get a fair trial in NY federal court,

Yes. 145 federal prosecutions of terrorists have already successfully taken place. Here is Rudy on the trials of the 93 bombers:

-– “‘It should show that our legal system is the most mature legal system in the history of the world,’ he [Giuliani] said, ‘that it works well, that that is the place to seek vindication if you feel your rights have been violated.’” [The New York Times, 3/5/94]

-– “[M]any who were bruised by the traumatic event were certain that no verdict by a jury or punishment by a judge will exorcise the pain and terror that remain. … Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani declared that the verdict ‘demonstrates that New Yorkers won’t meet violence with violence, but with a far greater weapon — the law.’” [The New York Times, 3/5/94]

-– “I think it shows you put terrorism on one side, you put our legal system on the other, and our legal system comes out ahead,” said Giuliani. [CBS Evening News, 3/5/94]

Even in the weeks after Sept. 11, Giuliani “framed the attacks in the language of crime, describing the hijackers as ‘insane murderers’ and calling for restoration of the ‘rule of law.’”

416 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:52:57am

California targets TVs to lower electricity demand

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – The most power-hungry television sets could soon be banned from store shelves in California as state energy regulators on Wednesday consider a first-in-the nation mandate intended to lower electricity demand.

If adopted, the regulations will require televisions sold in California to be more energy efficient beginning in 2011. The requirement would be tougher in 2013, with only one-quarter of the TVs on the market currently meeting that standard.

Energy commissioners say TVs account for about 10 percent of a home's electricity use. The concern is that the energy draw will rise by as much as 8 percent a year as consumers buy larger televisions, add more to their homes and watch them longer.

Some manufacturers say implementing a power standard will cripple innovation, limit consumer choice and harm California retailers because consumers could simply buy TVs out of state or order them online.

417 badger1970  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:54:34am

re: #416 NJDhockeyfan

I get a kick out of the lawn mowers that have "NOT TO BE SOLD IN CALIFORNIA" on their label; Now I guess the future of TV will be label as such.

418 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:54:39am

re: #416 NJDhockeyfan

California targets TVs to lower electricity demand

a TV TAX!...what's next? (looking for targets)

419 FrogMarch  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:56:03am

re: #395 Irish Rose

So it's perfectly fine to show a photo of a Chinese athletes' legs - a photo that just barely conceals his package... but not ok to show a respectful photo of Sarah Palins' lower legs in a pair of athletic shorts?

Are we seriously saying that her legs deserve some kind of special consideration because she's a prominent politician, instead of a lowly athlete?

Yes, I know I'm playing devils advocate here.
But I think the brouhaha over this cover is ridiculous, and just another stupid distraction.

NO. It's apples and oranges. She's a politician. He's an athlete.
In any case - Media Matters seems to care. Me? I don't really care. It's just one more lame Newsweek cover revealing agenda over substance.

420 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:56:21am

re: #415 iceweasel

Yes. 145 federal prosecutions of terrorists have already successfully taken place. Here is Rudy on the trials of the 93 bombers:

-– “‘It should show that our legal system is the most mature legal system in the history of the world,’ he [Giuliani] said, ‘that it works well, that that is the place to seek vindication if you feel your rights have been violated.’” [The New York Times, 3/5/94]

-– “[M]any who were bruised by the traumatic event were certain that no verdict by a jury or punishment by a judge will exorcise the pain and terror that remain. … Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani declared that the verdict ‘demonstrates that New Yorkers won’t meet violence with violence, but with a far greater weapon — the law.’” [The New York Times, 3/5/94]

-– “I think it shows you put terrorism on one side, you put our legal system on the other, and our legal system comes out ahead,” said Giuliani. [CBS Evening News, 3/5/94]

Even in the weeks after Sept. 11, Giuliani “framed the attacks in the language of crime, describing the hijackers as ‘insane murderers’ and calling for restoration of the ‘rule of law.’”

all that is past history...it's a new world now...Gitmo is there, ready to go

421 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:57:47am

re: #419 FrogMarch

NO. It's apples and oranges. She's a politician. He's an athlete.
In any case - Media Matters seems to care. Me? I don't really care. It's just one more lame Newsweek cover revealing agenda over substance.

a ridiculous nontrovercy...what's it have to do with Iranian nukes?...people get sucked into this AmIdol stuff

422 Irish Rose  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:58:16am

re: #419 FrogMarch

The intellectual dishonesty surrounding this non-story is troubling.

But feel free to ignore my opinion, clearly I'm just another deranged sufferer of PDS.

423 FrogMarch  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:58:22am

re: #421 albusteve

a ridiculous nontrovercy...what's it have to do with Iranian nukes?...people get sucked into this AmIdol stuff

Tell me about it.

424 BARACK THE VOTE  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:58:41am

re: #414 lawhawk

We're going to disagree on the military tribunal issue for all of them. We can agree that the closing of Gitmo, especially when it involves still indefinitely holding 75 people elsewhere (Bagram, I bet) is essentially a symbolic gesture. It lets Obama check off a box on a list of promises although he's keeping it in a purely semantic sense.

And we even agree that the tiered justice system is a joke-- except you want to blame Obama and Holder entirely to blame for that, whereas the need for it is the result of bungled evidence gathering and procedures by the Bush administration.

What's essentially happening here is criminal trials only for those we know in advance we can convict under those standards of evidence, military tribunals where we can't meet that standard of evidence, and indefinite detention and legal limbo for still others. A huge clusterfuck-- and not one for which only one admin gets the blame.

425 Killgore Trout  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 7:59:09am

Large Hadron Collider ready to restart

Scientists have repaired the world's largest atom smasher and plan by this weekend to restart the fault-ridden Large Hadron Collider.
426 Racer X  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:00:02am

re: #418 albusteve

a TV TAX!...what's next? (looking for targets)

What next?

Heck, what are they NOT looking to tax.

They wanna raise taxes on soft drinks, beer and gas. Now they even want to tax my weed! Bastards!

427 Irish Rose  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:00:17am

re: #425 Killgore Trout

Large Hadron Collider ready to restart


428 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:00:21am

re: #416 NJDhockeyfan

California targets TVs to lower electricity demand

Just like the ban on python shoes or purses, Californians will figure out a way around that ban.

429 gregb  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:01:54am

re: #336 filetandrelease

Even after last months elections that meme was upheld. It cracked me up.

It's funny. Whenever the GOP loses an election, they throw the baby out with the bathwater and try to change their policies wholesale.

Whenever the DNC thinks they might lose an election, they hold summits to try to change their marketing message (even to the point of trying to change the language) on how they sell their same policies. "We're just not splaining it to the people using the right words."

430 Irish Rose  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:02:18am

re: #428 MandyManners

Just like the ban on python shoes or purses, Californians will figure out a way around that ban.

We're talking FASHION HERE, the endangered species act is irrelevant.

431 FrogMarch  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:02:43am

re: #422 Irish Rose

The intellectual dishonesty surrounding this non-story is troubling.

But feel free to ignore my opinion, clearly I'm just another deranged sufferer of PDS.

The intellectual dishonesty is troubling, indeed.
Your posting a cover of an athlete as some sort of proof of something didn't make any sense to me.
Again - this all started with a post about Media Matters.

432 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:03:40am

re: #430 Irish Rose

We're talking FASHION HERE, the endangered species act is irrelevant.

Python is endangered? If so, why isn't the sale of it banned in every state?

433 vxbush  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:04:46am


Regarding Palin's photo on Newsweek: Remember when everyone was going ga-ga over that photo of Obama at the beach in his swim trunks late last year? Would Newsweek put that picture on the cover?

434 gregb  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:04:55am

re: #340 RogueOne

Anyone else pick up "Left4Dead2" yesterday?
[Link: whatever.scalzi.com...]

I love this game already and L4D1 was a great game too.

Played it on Steam. They released it an hour late. It wouldn't have been such a problem except that they made such a fanfare about exactly what time they were unlocking it. I had it pre-downloaded a week earlier, but it still took 20 minutes on a highest end gaming machine to decrypt them all.

Finished the first two campaigns so far. Number three up today. Work will have to wait.

435 Cannadian Club Akbar  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:05:07am

re: #432 MandyManners

Python is endangered? If so, why isn't the sale of it banned in every state?

I hear there are some extra snakes in the Everglades.

436 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:05:45am

re: #433 vxbush


Regarding Palin's photo on Newsweek: Remember when everyone was going ga-ga over that photo of Obama at the beach in his swim trunks late last year? Would Newsweek put that picture on the cover?

You beat me to it.

437 Irish Rose  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:06:16am

re: #432 MandyManners

Python is endangered? If so, why isn't the sale of it banned in every state?

From [Link: www.endangeredspecieshandbook.org...]

Pythons are among the most popular snakes for shoes and handbags, and one subspecies of Indian Python (Python molurus molurus) is listed on CITES Appendix I, while other subspecies enter trade. This listing is totally ineffectual because of confusion with other subspecies of this snake. All pythons (Python spp.) are listed on Appendix II, but this has done little to slow the trade in their skins. The massive take of wild pythons in Asia for shoes, handbags, and even clothing has resulted in infestations of rats, which spread disease to humans and damage crops. Peter Brazaitis, a herpetologist and former curator of animals at the Central Park Wildlife Center in New York City, commented: “I think we have to ask ourselves, what is the value of a python? Is it as a pair of expensive pants? Or is it as a means to check exploding rat populations in nations where communicable diseases are rampant? (Chivera 2000).

Likewise, Argentine Boa Constrictors (Boa constrictor occidentalis) are listed on CITES Appendix I, and other subspecies on Appendix II. Once made into reptile products, races of Boa Constrictor resemble one another, making the CITES listing meaningless. The largest Boa Constrictors, which are the oldest, have been a prime target for skin hunters in South America, and the enormous snakes of this species, once commonly seen in tropical forests, have disappeared as a result of this trade. Many are also taken for the pet trade. Retail prices indicate the popularity of snakeskin for luxury leather goods. A python handbags sell for $300 or more, and a python belt costs $120.

438 BARACK THE VOTE  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:06:32am

re: #433 vxbush


Regarding Palin's photo on Newsweek: Remember when everyone was going ga-ga over that photo of Obama at the beach in his swim trunks late last year? Would Newsweek put that picture on the cover?

The Washingtonian used it as a cover image, and even photoshopped the colour of the trunks from black to red to make for a better cover.

439 Racer X  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:06:48am

re: #435 Cannadian Club Akbar

I hear there are some extra snakes in the Everglades Washington.


440 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:07:18am

re: #437 Irish Rose

Three hundred for a purse? That's cheap.

441 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:07:36am

re: #426 Racer X

What next?

Heck, what are they NOT looking to tax.

They wanna raise taxes on soft drinks, beer and gas. Now they even want to tax my weed! Bastards!

expect a Zig Zag tax, pipe screens etc

442 Spare O'Lake  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:08:48am

re: #425 Killgore Trout

Large Hadron Collider ready to restart

Does anyone really think that the Large Hardon Collider will accomplish anything?

443 lawhawk  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:08:55am

re: #415 iceweasel

Yes, 145 other prosecutions have taken place here, but President Obama is on the record as saying he's going to be convicted (prejudicial, don't you think?) The NY Post cover was "Welcome to NY: Now Die!" (prejudicial again). Tainting the jury pool in both instances. That also allows his defense team to raise objections to venue and to call into question the impartiality of the jury and allows the case to drag on for even longer.

As for your insistence that the "bungled evidence gathering and procedures by the Bush administration", may I remind you that this is a war, and not a law enforcement action. Many of those detained were captured on the battlefield, and are members of a terrorist group engaged in a war against the US. Evidence isn't exactly the first thing soldiers are thinking about when someone is shooting at them.

The repercussions of trying to tack a law enforcement model onto military operations will hamstring the military operations and put our soldiers at greater risk.

Moreover, those 93 bombers were captured in the US directly by the FBI. They weren't captured overseas. As for the prosecutions themselves, the fact that their defense attorney, Lynne Stewart was convicted, sentenced (and the conviction upheld while the sentence was reversed and remanded to impose a harsher sentence) for her aiding and abetting Rahman communicate with his terror minions overseas highlights problems with the law enforcement model. That Moussaoui wasn't issued a death sentence also highlights the problems, as evidence was omitted and curtailed so as to not reveal national security secrets - and such evidence had it been carried through in tribunals could have resulted in death sentences.

444 wrenchwench  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:09:30am

re: #425 Killgore Trout

Large Hadron Collider ready to restart

From your link:

The Superconducting Super Collider being built in Texas would have been bigger than the LHC, but in 1993 the U.S. Congress canceled it after costs soared and questions were raised about its scientific value.

That still bugs me. And now I see it as a precursor to recent anti-science political activity in Texas. It better not hit NM, we have a lot riding on National Laboratories.

445 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:09:37am

re: #438 iceweasel

The Washingtonian used it as a cover image, and even photoshopped the colour of the trunks from black to red to make for a better cover.


446 wrenchwench  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:11:10am

re: #442 Spare O'Lake

Does anyone really think that the Large Hardon Collider will accomplish anything?

Yes, these paragraphs follow the one I quoted above:

Despite the problems thousands of physicists around the world insist the LHC will work and that it is crucial to mankind's understanding of the universe.

"These state-of-the-art accelerator projects are one-of-a-kind devices that push the envelope," said Catherine Westfall, an American collider historian. "I do not for a second think the LHC is too complicated to work, that it won't work, or that it is not worth the investment.

"It will open new frontiers and bring us new knowledge _ there is absolutely no doubt about that."

Emphasis added, I couldn't help it.

447 filetandrelease  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:11:49am

re: #429 gregb

It's funny. Whenever the GOP loses an election, they throw the baby out with the bathwater and try to change their policies wholesale.

Whenever the DNC thinks they might lose an election, they hold summits to try to change their marketing message (even to the point of trying to change the language) on how they sell their same policies. "We're just not splaining it to the people using the right words."

I am getting real warm and fuzzy regarding elections a year from now. What will be most interesting is when the freaks on the far left start coming out of the wood work in shear panic mode making the tea baggers etc... look like school picnics, will be the non reaction by all those who so vehemently condemned the far rights antics.

448 SixDegrees  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:12:18am

re: #442 Spare O'Lake

Does anyone really think that the Large Hardon Collider will accomplish anything?

It's designed to investigate the unknown, in particular to look for physical evidence supporting mathematical predictions put forward by various theories of how matter is constructed.

So the short answer is: it's impossible to say.

449 MrSilverDragon  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:13:08am

re: #442 Spare O'Lake

Does anyone really think that the Large Hardon Collider will accomplish anything?

Actually, yes. I do think it will accomplish something. And no, I don't believe it will cause a black hole that swallows the Earth. People don't seem to know that the Earth is getting hit by cosmic rays that are significantly more powerful than what the LHC will be able to produce.

450 filetandrelease  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:13:47am

re: #442 Spare O'Lake

Does anyone really think that the Large Hardon Collider will accomplish anything?


451 BARACK THE VOTE  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:14:09am

re: #443 lawhawk

As for your insistence that the "bungled evidence gathering and procedures by the Bush administration", may I remind you that this is a war, and not a law enforcement action. Many of those detained were captured on the battlefield, and are members of a terrorist group engaged in a war against the US. Evidence isn't exactly the first thing soldiers are thinking about when someone is shooting at them.

Ah yes, the usual excuse given for the massive bungling by the Bush admin. Those people didn't wind up at Gitmo because they were shooting at someone-- they're there for other reasons, for terrorism (allegedly). Why do you suppose they've been held so long? Do you think Bush just 'forgot' to have military tribunals or dispose of their cases?

From your posts, it seems you believe there is no problem with the evidence against them, and no problem having military tribunals for all of them. So why do you think it didn't happen under the Bush admin?

452 wrenchwench  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:14:13am

re: #448 SixDegrees

So the short answer is: it's impossible to say.

Nonsense. We've been getting data from weaker versions of this technology for decades. Why would we expect to get nothing from a more powerful instrument?

453 badger1970  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:14:19am

re: #449 MrSilverDragon

Stop giving away the plot of "2012" ;) /

454 gregb  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:14:50am

re: #73 lazardo

I used to like joking about how my driver's license and passport photos would have made me first in line for waterboarding.

Anyone who's played water polo or big wave surfed has probably had the equivalent of being waterboarded (having the crap beat out of you while sucking in gallons of water)...two practices a day, 2 or 3 times per practice times 8 years comes out to about 14,000 times, or about 145 times per month.

I guess that's 21% less than KSM had in the month of March 2005.

455 Killgore Trout  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:15:39am

re: #442 Spare O'Lake

Does anyone really think that the Large Hardon Collider will accomplish anything?

Oh, yeah. It'll do what it's supposed to. Exactly what they'll discover is unknown. They'll find something.

456 gregb  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:16:07am

re: #453 badger1970

Stop giving away the plot of "2012" ;) /

Everybody dies in the end? Or is that the Nic Cage movie?


457 SixDegrees  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:16:33am

re: #452 wrenchwench

Nonsense. We've been getting data from weaker versions of this technology for decades. Why would we expect to get nothing from a more powerful instrument?

Predicting accomplishments, however, assumes that some particular outcome is known or desired. All I'm saying is that what the collider will or won't produce is a question mark, making such questions meaningless.

458 Spare O'Lake  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:17:05am

re: #452 wrenchwench

Nonsense. We've been getting data from weaker versions of this technology for decades. Why would we expect to get nothing from a more powerful instrument?

So your saying that in the case of the large hardon, size does matter?

459 Ojoe  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:17:55am

re: #443 lawhawk

One would think that a death sentence implemented by father time at the same old location in Gitmo would be the best all around best solution, and not assailable by any political argument as long as hostility exists between radical islam and the USA.

Obama is a moron for straying from this already in place solution.

460 Killgore Trout  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:18:10am

re: #444 wrenchwench

That still bugs me. And now I see it as a precursor to recent anti-science political activity in Texas. It better not hit NM, we have a lot riding on National Laboratories.

The problem is that people don't understand what this stuff is good for. Since they don't see a marketable product resulting they think it's a waste of time.

461 Ojoe  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:18:55am

re: #459 Ojoe

Omit one "best."


462 wrenchwench  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:19:55am

re: #458 Spare O'Lake

So your saying that in the case of the large hardon, size does matter?

Ironic that it takes something so big to find something so small.

463 RogueOne  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:20:12am

re: #434 gregb


Finished the first two campaigns so far. Number three up today. Work will have to wait.

good to see you have your priorities straight.

464 wrenchwench  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:22:01am

re: #457 SixDegrees

Predicting accomplishments, however, assumes that some particular outcome is known or desired. All I'm saying is that what the collider will or won't produce is a question mark, making such questions meaningless more tantalizing .

Fiddled with that for you.

465 Spare O'Lake  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:22:23am

re: #455 Killgore Trout

Oh, yeah. It'll do what it's supposed to. Exactly what they'll discover is unknown. They'll find something.

Yeah, who knows?
Funny too, when I used to read about the cost being 10 billion dollars plus, I thought it was an awful lot of money.
But now for some reason it seems like peanuts.

466 SixDegrees  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:25:31am

re: #444 wrenchwench

That still bugs me. And now I see it as a precursor to recent anti-science political activity in Texas. It better not hit NM, we have a lot riding on National Laboratories.

A huge problem that the SSC faced was the discovery, just after construction had begun, of "high temperature" superconductors. Superconducting magnets were an enormous part of the SSC's cost, rhetoric was soaring over the new class of superconductors and what they might provide in the near future, and this collided with the political nature of the funding process in a bad way. Those who wanted to see the project axed, for whatever reason, were quick to point to the wild-eyed promises being made for high-temp superconductors, and were successful in bringing development to a standstill. At that point, cost projections naturally began their inexorable rise, due to inflation and retraining costs, and the whole project circled the drain pretty quickly.

The nation also lost a chance to establish yet another premiere, world-class physics research institute and community, but it was at least partly due to this bad timing along with other opposition.

As it turned out, high-temp superconductors never panned out the way many people at the time were claiming, certainly not in the area of high-current electromagnets. Which makes the hype and resulting loss of the project seem even worse, in retrospect.

467 BARACK THE VOTE  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:25:46am

Army Data Show Constraints on Troop Increase Potential
Escalation in Afghanistan Could Leave Few Brigades in Reserve

The shortage of available combat brigades means that an escalation of between 30,000 and 40,000 troops is “not realistic,” said Lawrence Korb, a former senior Pentagon official in the Reagan administration who now studies defense issues for the liberal Center for American Progress. To send practically all available soldiers into one of the two wars would leave the U.S. with “no reserve in case you had a problem in Korea.”

Interesting article with details about where troops could come from, etc.

468 badger1970  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:26:46am

Gibson Factory in Fed Hot Water; Rare Wood Used?

469 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:27:38am

Obama Enjoys A Choreographed Moment at China’s Great Wall

Beijing (AP) - President Barack Obama absorbed history's expanse Wednesday from atop the Great Wall of China, a manmade wonder of such enormity that Obama found himself putting daily life in perspective.

...Dressed in a winter jacket against a biting wind at the Great Wall, Obama led a knot of people for a half-hour jaunt up the crenelated wall toward a watchtower, a restored section originally built 500 years ago.

Obama walked down the last ramp by himself in a choreographed moment for photographers. White House aides were exultant afterward that "the shot" they had planned turned out perfectly.

470 Ojoe  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:28:21am

re: #467 iceweasel

England in the Battle of Britain at times had ALL of her fighter planes in the air.

No reserves.

471 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:28:35am

re: #469 NJDhockeyfan

Obama Enjoys A Choreographed Moment at China’s Great Wall

Don't you dare call him a narcissist.

472 Racer X  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:29:48am

re: #469 NJDhockeyfan

Obama Enjoys A Choreographed Moment at China’s Great Wall

I thought that last 18 months of his life have been choreographed?

473 Ojoe  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:29:50am

re: #469 NJDhockeyfan

I would like a more natural presidency.

Choreographed ? WTF.

474 Cannadian Club Akbar  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:30:25am

re: #469 NJDhockeyfan

Obama Enjoys A Choreographed Moment at China’s Great Wall

Didn't Bill and Hillary have pics of them dancing on the beach shortly after the Monica thing?

475 Sharmuta  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:31:10am

re: #474 Cannadian Club Akbar

Didn't Bill and Hillary have pics of them dancing on the beach shortly after the Monica thing?

Yes. And it was "so romantic" according to the press.

476 J.S.  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:31:20am

re: #443 lawhawk

One of most severe problems is that of the overseas aspect. I'm also wondering about some of the other cases (again, people living in, say, Saudi Arabia, never once set foot in the U.S.) how they got to Gitmo. What's (obviously) going to be "prosecuted" (by the terrorists' defense team) will be "Secret Renditions", along with the "I was Tortured!" -- this is bound to delay the trials by at least 6 months, if not longer, as The evil, the cimrinal, the dastardly Bush Administration is put on trial. Wow, I bet everyone outside the U.S. is drooling at the opportunity to see those Harvard and Yale Grads flexing their legal muscles against the United States and standing up for the terrorists! We can hardly wait! Let the circus begin! lol

477 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:31:38am

re: #474 Cannadian Club Akbar

Didn't Bill and Hillary have pics of them dancing on the beach shortly after the Monica thing?

They tried to play that off as a natural moment. Nobody was fooled.

478 lawhawk  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:31:58am

re: #451 iceweasel

Hmmm... I can think of years of litigation on behalf of a number of the detainees seeking access to US courts, resulting in Hamdi, Hamdan, Boumediene, and other similar cases, opening up access to the US federal courts in ways never before construed under US law.

Prior to the GWOT, there was never a reading of the Geneva Conventions that required court access for terrorists - or even reading the Conventions to extend protections above that of mere soldiers to terrorists. Yet, that's precisely what's happened.

479 badger1970  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:32:33am

re: #469 NJDhockeyfan

I'm beyond sarcasm for legacy imagery since Clinton's D-day cross of stones on a fine, sandy beach.

480 Racer X  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:33:04am

re: #473 Ojoe

I would like a more natural presidency.

Choreographed ? WTF.

I have no problem with a choreographed moment for Obama. He is, after all, a talking head. I have problems with his policies. Or should I say, the policies of Nancy and Harry et al.

481 badger1970  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:33:22am

re: #474 Cannadian Club Akbar

They had to airbrush Bill's black eye. /

482 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:33:40am

Meanwhile here are some unchoreographed poll numbers.

Obama's Job Approval Rating Falls Below 50% in Quinnipiac Poll

Nov. 18 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama’s approval rating has fallen below 50 percent for the first time in polling by Quinnipiac University as U.S. voter discontent grows over the war in Afghanistan.

Obama’s job approval rating fell to 48 percent in the Nov. 9-16 survey of registered voters nationwide by the Hamden, Connecticut-based university, with 42 percent polled saying they disapproved of the job he is doing.

“In politics, symbols matter, and this is not a good symbol for the White House,” Peter Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute, said in a statement.

Obama’s approval rating was 59 percent in a Quinnipiac survey conducted Feb. 25 to March 2.

483 Irish Rose  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:33:48am

C'mon Mandy, ALL Presidents have their photographs staged... even more so when they're overseas. Candids are a rarity in the mainstream media.

Is this supposed to reflect poorly on his character or something?

484 Ojoe  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:35:25am

re: #483 Irish Rose

It reflects poorly

There you

There I

There all of are choreographed.

*Massive, thick lugie*

485 J.S.  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:35:36am

re: #478 lawhawk

And, can you imagine (as is done here in Canada) all the civil suits (given just one screw-up)? The millions upon millions of dollars potentially awarded to Gitmo detainees, suing the U.S. for unlawful detainment, torture, etc. etc. The alleged terrorists will become multi-millionnaires at taxypeyers expense.

486 lawhawk  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:35:50am

What economic recovery? Obama is now warning of a double dip recession.

Well, that can play two ways.

One, preparing for the real possibility that the economy remains in the crapper.

Or, the way that Obama wishes it will play out - that the economy rebounds and improves above and beyond the economists and expectations, without the double dip. He's hoping that the double dip doesn't happen since that would seriously harm Democrat political aspirations for 2010.

487 Spare O'Lake  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:36:02am

re: #473 Ojoe

I would like a more natural presidency.

Choreographed ? WTF.

I'll see your "WTF" and raise you a "Well I'll Be Photo-Opped".

488 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:36:14am

re: #460 Killgore Trout

The problem is that people don't understand what this stuff is good for. Since they don't see a marketable product resulting they think it's a waste of time.

quarks are useless...what can you do with them?

489 RogueOne  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:36:28am

re: #467 iceweasel

Army Data Show Constraints on Troop Increase Potential
Escalation in Afghanistan Could Leave Few Brigades in Reserve

Interesting article with details about where troops could come from, etc.

They should come from Korea. There is no longer any point to have that many combat soldiers in country.

490 Mad Al-Jaffee  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:36:59am

re: #458 Spare O'Lake

So your saying that in the case of the large hardon, size does matter?

Is that a "hump day" pun?

491 Ojoe  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:37:40am

re: #487 Spare O'Lake

Someone said in the early days of photography that everyone went to have their photos made, "narcissists to a man."


492 lawhawk  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:38:29am

re: #488 albusteve

Who else is going to have a need for gold pressed latinum? /

493 Sharmuta  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:38:46am

re: #488 albusteve

quarks are useless...what can you do with them?

Study them.

494 Ojoe  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:38:56am

Rough bagpipe music.

Politics break. Turn up the volume.


495 Irish Rose  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:39:59am

re: #494 Ojoe

Don't try to sweet talk me, it's not going to work!

496 BARACK THE VOTE  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:41:03am

Whoa. Emails released from the McCain/Palin campaign. If true, Palin was a nightmare to work with.

By late October, Palin and headquarters staff were communicating through intermediates.

On October 26, after a long day of stumping in North Carolina, Palin issued an edict to her traveling staff.

Wrote a senior Palin adviser, in an e-mail to senior headquarters staffers:

We were informed today that she no longer wishes to do talk radio interviews in the car. It's too distracting.

We were informed today that she no longer wishes to do TV or print interviews post-rally. She's drained.

We were informed of her displeasure that her host and US Senator Richard Burr was allowed to ride the [Straight Talk Express II] with her.

I don't know what else to tell you.

(apologies if this has already been posted)

497 Killgore Trout  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:41:18am

re: #468 badger1970

Gibson Factory in Fed Hot Water; Rare Wood Used?

Yeah, that's always a problem in the industry. Wood is a better investment than stocks.

498 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:41:20am

White House reports billions of improper payments in 2009

Washington (CNN) -- The federal government made $98 billion in improper payments in fiscal 2009, and President Obama will issue an executive order in coming days to combat the problem, his budget director announced Tuesday.

The 2009 total for improper payments -- from outright fraud to misdirected reimbursements due to factors such as an illegible doctor's signature -- was a 37.5 percent increase over the $72 billion in 2008, according to figures provided by Peter Orszag, director of the White House Office of Management and Budget.

In an evening media briefing, Orszag was unable to provide an overall figure for what percentage of the bad payments was due to fraud. He also lacked a breakdown on how much of the total improper payments involved spending on Obama's $787 billion economic recovery package passed in February.

499 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:41:44am

re: #492 lawhawk

Who else is going to have a need for gold pressed latinum? /

they used to take latinum for toothaches in the old days...we've moved way beyond that...I didn't know it came gold pressed, probably some commemorative thing

500 Sharmuta  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:42:19am

Israel, Hamas wary on talk prisoner swap imminent

Israel and Hamas reacted cautiously on Wednesday to reports a deal to exchange hundreds of Palestinian prisoners for an Israeli soldier held in the Gaza Strip might be concluded by the end of this month.

Sources on both sides told Reuters there were hopes that a deal, which would commence a process of exchange lasting some weeks, might be struck by the end of next week, when the Muslim festival of Eid al-Adha begins.

But they cautioned there was no certainty the complex bargain would be finalised.

The U.S.-funded Arabic television channel Al-Hurra quoted unidentified sources as saying a German and Egyptian-mediated agreement to exchange captive Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit for Palestinians held in Israeli jails would be clinched by Eid.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office put out a statement following the report which said negotiators were working "through all channels" to recover Shalit, who was captured in a raid on an Israeli post near the border in 2006.

I just want Gilad back in Israel at this point.

501 Irish Rose  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:43:20am

re: #494 Ojoe

Rough bagpipe music.

Politics break. Turn up the volume.


Bagpipe wars!

The Highland pipes are for wimps.

502 Fenway_Nation  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:43:35am

re: #498 NJDhockeyfan

Does this include stimulus money sent to non-existent congressional districts?

503 lawhawk  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:44:41am

re: #501 Irish Rose

It's a long way to the top.

504 Spare O'Lake  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:44:42am

re: #488 albusteve

quarks are useless...what can you do with them?

Are you implying that quarks are just quirks or that the scientists are just quacks?

505 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:45:06am

re: #497 Killgore Trout

Yeah, that's always a problem in the industry. Wood is a better investment than stocks.

get ready for guitars made out of sawdust and ground up acorns

506 J.S.  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:46:16am

re: #494 Ojoe

Reminds me of the Turkish Ottoman...

507 badger1970  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:46:33am

re: #497 Killgore Trout

I did that know that.

508 Ojoe  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:46:38am

re: #501 Irish Rose

Fine video, thnaks.

509 Killgore Trout  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:46:41am

re: #488 albusteve

quarks are useless...what can you do with them?

I don't think we've ever discovered anything useless. Somebody always figures out something to do with it. I'm pretty sure we couldn't have neuclear power plants if we didn't understand quarks.

510 Spare O'Lake  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:48:11am

re: #505 albusteve

get ready for guitars made out of sawdust and ground up acorns

That would be the Obama Strat?

511 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:48:51am

re: #507 badger1970

I did that know that.

premium hardwoods for guitars, and other instruments are priceless...the have become more rare and hard to obtain over the decades...makers stock up on that stuff, under lock and key

512 Irish Rose  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:49:03am

re: #503 lawhawk

It takes a real man to play the Uilleans.

513 Killgore Trout  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:49:20am

re: #505 albusteve

There are a lot of substitute woods that can be used for some applications but the tropical hardwoods are tough to replace. Some synthetics have been tried but they haven't figured it out yet.

514 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:49:25am

re: #510 Spare O'Lake

That would be the Obama Strat?

hah...his signature axe

515 Spare O'Lake  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:49:46am

re: #490 Mad Al-Jaffee

Is that a "hump day" pun?

Some folks got a hardon for the Hadron.

516 Sharmuta  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:50:03am

re: #486 lawhawk

What economic recovery? Obama is now warning of a double dip recession.

Well, that can play two ways.

One, preparing for the real possibility that the economy remains in the crapper.

Or, the way that Obama wishes it will play out - that the economy rebounds and improves above and beyond the economists and expectations, without the double dip. He's hoping that the double dip doesn't happen since that would seriously harm Democrat political aspirations for 2010.

So- too much government debt will create a double dip? Are democrats actually going to have to control their spending habits? Does this mean we might see a return of that endangered species known as a balanced budget?

517 Irish Rose  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:50:29am

re: #512 Irish Rose

It takes a real man to play the Uilleans Uilleanns.

518 Cato the Elder  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:50:43am

My overnight birds were shooting stars. Meteors whizzing past Perseus and Lacerta, the Lizard. What a show!

519 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:51:55am

Barack Obama meets half-brother in China only for five minutes

Mr Obama had the brief meeting with Mark Okoth Obama Ndesandjo, who had the same, late, father as the US President, on Monday evening in Beijing, a White House official said.

Mr Ndesandjo has kept a low public profile since reports surfaced last year that he was living and working in the southern Chinese capitalist and manufacturing haven of Shenzhen.

He made a rare public appearance earlier this month in the southern city of Guangzhou to launch a novel he said drew on his painful childhood under an abusive father.

In an interview with CNN, President Obama said he did not know his half-brother very well, but he did not feel Mr Ndesandjo was betraying private family details in his book.

"It's no secret that my father was a troubled person. Anybody who's read my first book Dreams of My Father knows that, you know, he had an alcoholism problem and that he didn't treat his families very well," said Mr Obama.

"And, you know, so, obviously, that's just a sad part of my history and my background. But it's not something that I ... I spend a lot of time brooding over."

520 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:52:25am

re: #518 Cato the Elder

My overnight birds were shooting stars. Meteors whizzing past Perseus and Lacerta, the Lizard. What a show!

I'll have what he's having, bartender.

521 Walter L. Newton  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:52:37am

re: #518 Cato the Elder

My overnight birds were shooting stars. Meteors whizzing past Perseus and Lacerta, the Lizard. What a show!

I think one is headed your way. I just got back from the launch... it's in the hands of the Obama administration... incoming.

522 J.S.  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:53:23am

re: #516 Sharmuta

CNN had on people who are now talking about another (much needed) stimulus package...(I guess it's for that much needed Terrorists R Us Defence Fund)..

523 SanFranciscoZionist  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:53:54am

re: #454 gregb

Anyone who's played water polo or big wave surfed has probably had the equivalent of being waterboarded (having the crap beat out of you while sucking in gallons of water)...two practices a day, 2 or 3 times per practice times 8 years comes out to about 14,000 times, or about 145 times per month.

I guess that's 21% less than KSM had in the month of March 2005.

Right, so why don't they just sent the lads in SERE training to play water polo? Wouldn't that be nice?


524 Sharmuta  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:53:54am

Liberal Groups Say Stimulus Didn't Work

Conservatives are not the only ones that think the president's stimulus package was a colossal failure.

Believe it or not, the NAACP, the AFL-CIO and La Raza are complaining that the stimulus has not worked, telling the president that he must do more to fight unemployment. With unemployment among African-Americans above 20 percent in several states, senior NAACP official Hillary Shelton told The New York Times, "It's time for us to really stoke this issue up."

525 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:55:25am

re: #513 Killgore Trout

There are a lot of substitute woods that can be used for some applications but the tropical hardwoods are tough to replace. Some synthetics have been tried but they haven't figured it out yet.

my sister worked for Gibson...my best friends older brother built them...he told about minor flaws, pulling all the hardware off, and bandsawing the guitar into chunks and burned...over the years he collected necks and soundboards, and all kinds of pieces parts that ultimately were worth a ton of money...my older sis has several phone conversations with Phil Everly and others...and always met the stars that came to town to look at their guitars being made or whatever...Kalamazoo was all about Gibson back in the day...the old original little factory right off the downtown...the lobby and office areas were stuffed with priceless mandolins and guitars, like a museum

526 Killgore Trout  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:56:31am

re: #524 Sharmuta
They're working on something...
Democrats promise jobs bill

527 Mad Al-Jaffee  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:56:34am

re: #525 albusteve

The last time I was in Memphis I visited the Gibson factory. I didn't take the tour though, I went to Sun Studios instead.

528 Cato the Elder  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:56:36am

re: #518 Cato the Elder

PIMF: "Pegasus"

529 MandyManners  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:57:00am

re: #524 Sharmuta

Liberal Groups Say Stimulus Didn't Work

Same link:

And you won't believe what Carter had to say about that: "Obviously if I had rescued the hostages, or they had not been taken, I would have been re-elected."

And if a frog had wings, it wouldn't bump its butt.

530 Spare O'Lake  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:57:32am

re: #524 Sharmuta

Liberal Groups Say Stimulus Didn't Work

Don't worry, it's nothing another 10 trillion won't fix.

531 Sharmuta  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:57:47am

Iraq January Election on Hold

A lengthy debate to amend Iraq's electoral law would almost certainly postpone parliamentary elections beyond January, raising the specter of a political vacuum, and possible violence, after their terms in office expire.

Such a scenario could adversely affect the U.S. military's planned draw down of combat forces from Iraq, which is due to begin 60 days after the elections.

532 Cannadian Club Akbar  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:58:04am

re: #529 MandyManners

Same link:

And you won't believe what Carter had to say about that: "Obviously if I had rescued the hostages, or they had not been taken, I would have been re-elected."

And if a frog had wings, it wouldn't bump its butt.

And if my aunt had a penis she would be my uncle.

533 Cato the Elder  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:58:04am
534 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:58:34am

re: #526 Killgore Trout

They're working on something...
Democrats promise jobs bill

So we're basically looking at continuing to pay people not to work, is that right?


535 Cato the Elder  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:58:47am

re: #532 Cannadian Club Akbar

And if my aunt had a penis she would be my uncle.

And if Carter had a soul, he'd stop dumping on Israel.

536 RogueOne  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:59:24am

re: #533 Cato the Elder

And your point is?

You don't think it's an interesting story?

537 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 8:59:24am

re: #526 Killgore Trout

They're working on something...
Democrats promise jobs bill

is this a joke?...should we take these guys seriously?...bills do not create jobs unless it's govt work...pumping private money back in will...artificial remedies are a loser, it's just more intervention

538 Sharmuta  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 9:00:08am

Iran FM rejects sending away uranium

Iran's foreign minister has ruled out sending enriched uranium out of the country, rejecting the U.N.'s plan to resolve the crisis.

The U.N. offered a deal last month to Iran to take its enriched uranium out of the country and return it as refined fuel rods to solve the impasse over its nuclear program.

"We will definitely not send our 5.3-percent enriched uranium out of the country," Manochehr Mottaki told the semiofficial ISNA news agency Wednesday.

He offered instead a simultaneous swap of uranium for fuel inside Iran.

539 Cato the Elder  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 9:00:18am

re: #536 RogueOne

You don't think it's an interesting story?

I do. Maybe I try to read too much into things.

540 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 9:00:20am

re: #527 Mad Al-Jaffee

The last time I was in Memphis I visited the Gibson factory. I didn't take the tour though, I went to Sun Studios instead.

it's something I'd like to do...I love that stuff...the bat factory in Louisville is really cool

541 Cato the Elder  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 9:00:54am

re: #540 albusteve

it's something I'd like to do...I love that stuff...the bat factory in Louisville is really cool

I thought bats were born, not made.

Oh, wait...

542 Mad Al-Jaffee  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 9:01:21am

re: #540 albusteve

it's something I'd like to do...I love that stuff...the bat factory in Louisville is really cool

The STAX Museum is another must-see in Memphis.

543 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 9:02:35am

re: #538 Sharmuta

He offered instead a simultaneous swap of uranium for fuel inside Iran.

Is it just me, or does this look like an ideal way to double the stockpiles for no effective cost?

544 Daniel Ballard  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 9:02:57am

Love Open Topic!
California / Los Angeles governance
A year or two ago the state AG (famous ex gov Jerry Brown) issued a set of legal guidelines for the state marijuana dispensaries, law enforcement and medical marijuana patients to go by.
Recently Steve Cooley the Los Angeles DA, has decided to go his own "zero tolerance" way. As he reads it the law does not allow over the counter sales at all, only cultivation. The Los Angeles City council has passed an ordinance allowing such sales under certain circumstances which by no coincidence fall in the guidelines as issued.

So our DA, who is said to be running for gov, has decided to pick a very public fight with the city council and the state AG.

California-Putting the "dis" in dysfunctional.

545 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 9:03:04am

re: #541 Cato the Elder

I thought bats were born, not made.

Oh, wait...

sometimes they just pop up inside your head...

546 BARACK THE VOTE  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 9:03:11am

OK, who is stockpiling and hoarding Eggos? Is this another sign of impending socialism?

547 Walter L. Newton  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 9:04:05am

re: #536 RogueOne

You don't think it's an interesting story?

Nope, it's not about Palin.

548 KingKenrod  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 9:04:09am

re: #524 Sharmuta

Liberal Groups Say Stimulus Didn't Work

Keeping the pressure on. For these groups, govt spending will NEVER be high enough.

549 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 9:04:22am

re: #542 Mad Al-Jaffee

The STAX Museum is another must-see in Memphis.

I toodled around Memphis a bit, dithered along Beale St and left the next morning...gotta go back...STAX would be fun, thanks for the tip

550 Cato the Elder  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 9:04:30am

re: #545 albusteve

sometimes they just pop up inside your head...

You mean my belfry?

551 Sharmuta  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 9:04:56am

What wonderful "partners in peace"!

Hamas-linked group offers cash for Israeli capture

A Gaza charity headed by the interior minister of the militant Hamas group on Wednesday offered $1.4 million to any Arab citizen of Israel who abducts a soldier.

Palestinians have frequently called on Israeli Arabs to abduct Israeli soldiers, but this is the first time that money has been offered.

The Waad group from Gaza offered the bounty for Israeli soldiers in an e-mail sent to Palestinian media. The organization, which supports Palestinian prisoners held by Israel, is headed by Hamas' Interior Minister Fathi Hamad. The minister did not return messages seeking comment.

Maybe they should use that 1.4 million to build some infrastructure for their people or something. And just where did this 1.4 million come from anyways? Will those counties who send money to Gaza reconsider what it is their really funding, or am I wasting my time typing such a question?

552 Daniel Ballard  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 9:06:19am

re: #551 Sharmuta

Not a waste at all, it well worth pointing out how foolish they have been. At best.

553 Cato the Elder  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 9:06:35am

re: #551 Sharmuta

What wonderful "partners in peace"!

Hamas-linked group offers cash for Israeli capture

Maybe they should use that 1.4 million to build some infrastructure for their people or something. And just where did this 1.4 million come from anyways? Will those counties who send money to Gaza reconsider what it is their really funding, or am I wasting my time typing such a question?

You're wasting your time, and those countries will continue funding terrorism until the cows come home.

554 Mad Al-Jaffee  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 9:06:44am

re: #546 iceweasel

OK, who is stockpiling and hoarding Eggos? Is this another sign of impending socialism?

They better leggo of them!

555 RogueOne  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 9:07:25am

re: #546 iceweasel

OK, who is stockpiling and hoarding Eggos? Is this another sign of impending socialism?

High unemployment, a shitty economy, and now an Eggo shortage. Between that and the Pumpkin Pie shortage, life is quickly going to hell.//

[Link: www.ktla.com...]

556 Cato the Elder  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 9:08:37am

re: #546 iceweasel

OK, who is stockpiling and hoarding Eggos? Is this another sign of impending socialism?

Après moi le French toast.

557 Spare O'Lake  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 9:08:41am

re: #546 iceweasel

OK, who is stockpiling and hoarding Eggos? Is this another sign of impending socialism?

Dah tavarich, especially when we have to line up around the block for two hours just to get a package or two...

558 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 9:08:45am

re: #551 Sharmuta

What wonderful "partners in peace"!

Hamas-linked group offers cash for Israeli capture

Maybe they should use that 1.4 million to build some infrastructure for their people or something. And just where did this 1.4 million come from anyways? Will those counties who send money to Gaza reconsider what it is their really funding, or am I wasting my time typing such a question?

this time, yes, I think so

559 SanFranciscoZionist  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 9:08:55am

re: #551 Sharmuta

What wonderful "partners in peace"!

Hamas-linked group offers cash for Israeli capture

Maybe they should use that 1.4 million to build some infrastructure for their people or something. And just where did this 1.4 million come from anyways? Will those counties who send money to Gaza reconsider what it is their really funding, or am I wasting my time typing such a question?

You are wasting your time typing such a question.

560 RogueOne  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 9:09:57am

re: #547 Walter L. Newton

Nope, it's not about Palin.

They should have fleshed the story out a bit. I'd like to know how the half-brother ended up in Shenzhen of all places.

561 Stanghazi  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 9:10:59am

re: #546 iceweasel

OK, who is stockpiling and hoarding Eggos? Is this another sign of impending socialism?

Uh, guilty here.

562 SanFranciscoZionist  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 9:11:18am

re: #560 RogueOne

They should have fleshed the story out a bit. I'd like to know how the half-brother ended up in Shenzhen of all places.

I really think Michelle's family is more interesting.

563 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 9:11:23am

re: #560 RogueOne

They should have fleshed the story out a bit. I'd like to know how the half-brother ended up in Shenzhen of all places.

or why BO is there at all...another victory lap?

564 Mad Al-Jaffee  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 9:11:24am

re: #549 albusteve

I toodled around Memphis a bit, dithered along Beale St and left the next morning...gotta go back...STAX would be fun, thanks for the tip

Beale St. is very touristy, but it can be fun. Especially during the International Blues Challenge.

565 Sharmuta  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 9:11:50am

re: #551 Sharmuta

What wonderful "partners in peace"!

Hamas-linked group offers cash for Israeli capture

Here's the kicker:

Waad's director, Usama Kahlout, said the bounty was in response to an Israeli group's offer to pay Gaza residents for information on the whereabouts of Sgt. Gilad Schalit, an Israeli soldier captured more than three years ago by Hamas-allied militants.

So offering a reward to recover someone who was kidnapped means hamas should offer a reward for more kidnappings. The logic is stunning.

566 Irish Rose  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 9:13:53am

Time to go harass my kids on Facebook.
Later, lizards ;).

567 BARACK THE VOTE  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 9:15:14am

re: #561 Stanley Sea

Uh, guilty here.

It's part of some socialist plot, isn't it?

568 albusteve  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 9:15:49am

re: #564 Mad Al-Jaffee

Beale St. is very touristy, but it can be fun. Especially during the International Blues Challenge.

I try do that sort of thing everywhere I visit with time constraints

569 abolitionist  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 10:38:12am

re: #509 Killgore Trout

I don't think we've ever discovered anything useless. Somebody always figures out something to do with it. I'm pretty sure we couldn't have neuclear power plants if we didn't understand quarks.

Murray Gell-Mann (1964)
George Zweig (1964)
Discovered: SLAC (~1968)

Oak Ridge

Working under assumed names, in 1943 Enrico Fermi and his colleagues developed the X-10 Graphite Reactor, the world's first production nuclear reactor, to demonstrate the production of plutonium. This built on work done by Fermi and his colleagues at the University of Chicago in 1942 which created the world's first experimental nuclear reactor Chicago Pile-1 and the first sustained nuclear reaction on December 2, 1942.
570 bosforus  Wed, Nov 18, 2009 11:41:37am

And the bird? It's a sandpiper. No one's mentioned that yet.

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