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1 Sharmuta  Sun, Feb 15, 2009 11:40:07pm

Can't say it much better than that.

2 pat  Sun, Feb 15, 2009 11:41:54pm

Thurber is troublesome.

3 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sun, Feb 15, 2009 11:42:42pm

So, what did all you Lizards do this weekend?

I went to a retreat organized by the Humanist Cult. You know, the cult that is destroying the Moral Fabric of This NationTM, and corrupting America's ChildrenTM. Anyway, it was held to celebrate the birth of the Great Prophet Darwin (Punctuated Equilibrium Be Upon Him), and it was a blast.

Upon arrival all attendees had to register at the Cathedral Indoctrinaria, and receive a pseudonym from the High Priestess to protect our secret identities. She said that because I was slow and methodical in my approach to our faith, I was to be dubbed "Master Turtle" (IN YOUR FACE Stackists!) She also mentioned something about me being crunchy on the outside and chewy on the inside, but (miracle of miracles) I got distracted by an event of spontaneous speciation, and tuned her out. Praise Be To Science!

The first day was pretty serious. We spent most of it brainstorming and debating different tactics on how to indoctrinate and brainwash America's ChildrenTM into our cult. A lot of great ideas were tossed around, as were a lot of stupid ones. Much discussion was spent on using Heavy Metal music or marijuana, but we scrapped those because they were already being used by satanists and al-qaeda, respectively. We settled on using Nutter Butters. Seriously, who can resist those?

The second day there was a lot of activities and events, like bobbing for fossils, pin the whale tail on the evolving land mammal, and Tik-Taalak-Toe. The Primordial Soup Stand was a popular hot spot for hungry attendees. We ended the day in a sweaty orgy dedicated to the Reason and Logic of Science. Actually, it was just a social mixer with cake and punch, but it sounds way cooler when you call it an orgy. I'm telling all my friends it was an orgy.

On the final day we constructed massive altars to Her Holiness Secularis, the Goddess of Irony. We spent the rest of the evening offering blood sacrifices to those altars. When I say "blood" I mean pizza and beer, and when I say "altars", I mean our mouths. I got hammered and spent the wee hours praying to the Porcelain God. Please don't tell my co-religionists I made that vomit joke, they can be pretty humorless about heathen faiths, and might brand me a heretic even though I was just poking fun. Excommunication involves lighter fluid, duct tape, and hour after hour of Ben Stein books on tape. Trust me; it's not as fun as it sounds.

So anyway, what did you guys do this weekend?

4 gmsc  Sun, Feb 15, 2009 11:43:03pm

All day long, I've been laughing at the "0bama coins" scam.

Worth far more than even real commemorative coins are the comments about this scam on Tim Blair's blog!

5 BatGuano  Sun, Feb 15, 2009 11:43:09pm

Sounds sexist to me. Even though a man is saying it, which makes me wonder what is sexism?

6 x-wing  Sun, Feb 15, 2009 11:43:13pm

How do you think that would work as a pick-up line?

7 sattv4u2  Sun, Feb 15, 2009 11:43:39pm

re: #3 Slumbering Behemoth

So, what did all you Lizards do this weekend?

I went to a retreat organized by the Humanist Cult. You know, the cult that is destroying the Moral Fabric of This NationTM, and corrupting America's ChildrenTM. Anyway, it was held to celebrate the birth of the Great Prophet Darwin (Punctuated Equilibrium Be Upon Him), and it was a blast.

Upon arrival all attendees had to register at the Cathedral Indoctrinaria, and receive a pseudonym from the High Priestess to protect our secret identities. She said that because I was slow and methodical in my approach to our faith, I was to be dubbed "Master Turtle" (IN YOUR FACE Stackists!) She also mentioned something about me being crunchy on the outside and chewy on the inside, but (miracle of miracles) I got distracted by an event of spontaneous speciation, and tuned her out. Praise Be To Science!

The first day was pretty serious. We spent most of it brainstorming and debating different tactics on how to indoctrinate and brainwash America's ChildrenTM into our cult. A lot of great ideas were tossed around, as were a lot of stupid ones. Much discussion was spent on using Heavy Metal music or marijuana, but we scrapped those because they were already being used by satanists and al-qaeda, respectively. We settled on using Nutter Butters. Seriously, who can resist those?

The second day there was a lot of activities and events, like bobbing for fossils, pin the whale tail on the evolving land mammal, and Tik-Taalak-Toe. The Primordial Soup Stand was a popular hot spot for hungry attendees. We ended the day in a sweaty orgy dedicated to the Reason and Logic of Science. Actually, it was just a social mixer with cake and punch, but it sounds way cooler when you call it an orgy. I'm telling all my friends it was an orgy.

On the final day we constructed massive altars to Her Holiness Secularis, the Goddess of Irony. We spent the rest of the evening offering blood sacrifices to those altars. When I say "blood" I mean pizza and beer, and when I say "altars", I mean our mouths. I got hammered and spent the wee hours praying to the Porcelain God. Please don't tell my co-religionists I made that vomit joke, they can be pretty humorless about heathen faiths, and might brand me a heretic even though I was just poking fun. Excommunication involves lighter fluid, duct tape, and hour after hour of Ben Stein books on tape. Trust me; it's not as fun as it sounds.

So anyway, what did you guys do this weekend?

Most of my time was spent reading your post!


8 BlueCanuck  Sun, Feb 15, 2009 11:44:04pm

In refrence to tonights quote, hell. I knew that a long time ago. Spent too much of my adult life dealing with my fellow man. At one point I was beginning to think I was an asshole. Then I realized nope, everyone I had problems with were just plain stupid. :p

9 Fenway_Nation  Sun, Feb 15, 2009 11:44:13pm

I was thinking of starting a tongue-in-cheek online petition to change President's Day to 'Savior's Day' in honor of president Hussein 0bama, since Lincoln, Washington, Kennedy, Jackson and both Roosevelts were overrrated anyways. Wonder how many of 0bama's true believers would earnestly support that.....

/online petitions aren't worth the paper that isn't used to post them, but it would be an interesting lithmus test

10 Gus  Sun, Feb 15, 2009 11:45:13pm

re: #3 Slumbering Behemoth

Crazy Train

11 Rustler  Sun, Feb 15, 2009 11:46:52pm

re: #3 Slumbering Behemoth
The punishment sounded good til the ben stein tapes. Its not considered a good weekend unless we go thru 3 rolls of duct tape 2 bottles of lighter fluid and have at least 3 Diturbing hte peace citations.

12 BatGuano  Sun, Feb 15, 2009 11:47:51pm

And , "The proper study of mankind is man". Alexander Pope.

13 freetoken  Sun, Feb 15, 2009 11:48:38pm

re: #3
[...] pin the whale tail on the evolving land mammal, and Tik-Taalak-Toe. The Primordial Soup Stand [...]


14 Gus  Sun, Feb 15, 2009 11:48:46pm

As we delve into misanthropy.

15 BatGuano  Sun, Feb 15, 2009 11:50:06pm

re: #10 Gus 802

Mmmm.. Gravey train

16 Killgore Trout  Sun, Feb 15, 2009 11:50:14pm

I'm fed up with godless obsessions, anti-religious bigotry, refusal to knowledge the divinity of the Nirth Certifikat and the obvious exclusion of the Trurtle Stack for the Constitution. I will therefore resign my membership from LGF until such time as I wake up tomorrow. If I start a stalker blog in my sleep it's not my fault if I post naked pictures of all you guys on the internet.
/Namaste, y'all

17 gmsc  Sun, Feb 15, 2009 11:50:49pm

Speaking of Ben Stein, how come Clear Eyes hasn't gotten any flak for using him as a spokesman? I'd think, especially with society the way it is today, someone would've come along and said, "Uh, Clear Eyes, are you really sure you want a creationist as your spokesperson? I'd think a product you put in your eyes would want to at least appear to be on more solid scientific ground."

18 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sun, Feb 15, 2009 11:51:35pm

re: #7 sattv4u2

Yikes! You need to get out more. Come with me next year, I hear that Dawkins is gonna punch a baby dingo.

19 Edouard  Sun, Feb 15, 2009 11:51:38pm

This weekend ... I've been thinking of global cities I'd like to visit.

Where should I plan a trip? I'd like to try a place very remote from the U.S. Just to really open up the world for myself a little more.

Some possibilities:

Tel Aviv
Cape Town
Buenos Aires
Avarua (Cook Islands)

.... (?) suggestions?

20 gmsc  Sun, Feb 15, 2009 11:51:45pm


21 Sharmuta  Sun, Feb 15, 2009 11:52:32pm

Just an FYI- a tantrum was thrown downstairs.

22 Fenway_Nation  Sun, Feb 15, 2009 11:52:38pm
Man has gone long enough, or even too long, without being man enough to face the simple truth that the trouble with Man is Man.

-James Thurber

"Ape has killed ape!"

-Battle For the Planet of the Apes

23 Pvt Bin Jammin  Sun, Feb 15, 2009 11:53:40pm

re: #21 Sharmuta

Just an FYI- a tantrum was thrown downstairs.

Thanks. I know I should be posting but I'm in lurking mode. LOL

24 Killian Bundy  Sun, Feb 15, 2009 11:54:17pm

re: #16 Killgore Trout

I'm fed up with godless obsessions, anti-religious bigotry, refusal to knowledge the divinity of the Nirth Certifikat and the obvious exclusion of the Trurtle Stack for the Constitution. I will therefore resign my membership from LGF until such time as I wake up tomorrow. If I start a stalker blog in my sleep it's not my fault if I post naked pictures of all you guys on the internet.
/Namaste, y'all

/don't forget to lick yourself before sleepy time

25 woodsman  Sun, Feb 15, 2009 11:54:18pm

re: #16 Killgore Trout

Good night sir (or madam). May your dreams be blogless and happy.

26 Sharmuta  Sun, Feb 15, 2009 11:54:34pm

Sleepy B- you kill me.

27 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sun, Feb 15, 2009 11:55:03pm

re: #16 Killgore Trout

If I start a stalker blog in my sleep it's not my fault if I post naked pictures of all you guys on the internet.

Go ahead, but I demand to get paid. I may be cheap, but I ain't free.

28 gmsc  Sun, Feb 15, 2009 11:55:20pm
Man has gone long enough, or even too long, without being man enough to face the simple truth that the trouble with Man is Man.

— James Thurber

More from James Thurber:

The Last Flower:

The Unicorn in the Garden:

29 BlueCanuck  Sun, Feb 15, 2009 11:55:52pm

re: #21 Sharmuta

Oh? Who is it this time?

/should we go witness the stick?

30 capitalist piglet  Sun, Feb 15, 2009 11:57:11pm

re: #4 gmsc

That is awesome. I was so annoyed when I first started seeing ads for that stuff (BEFORE the election)...ahahahahaha...YCMTSU.

31 gmsc  Sun, Feb 15, 2009 11:57:28pm

re: #29 BlueCanuck

Oh? Who is it this time?

/should we go witness the stick?

Looks like nigella.

32 Fenway_Nation  Sun, Feb 15, 2009 11:57:35pm

re: #19 Edouard

For just a weekend? Most of those sound halfway across the world and would take most of a weekend just to get there....

I've only been to one- Buenos Aires- which I wasn't that impressed with, but I have good things to say about other parts of Argentina.

33 Rustler  Sun, Feb 15, 2009 11:57:51pm

Is Syrah still around? I had told her about hte Borders response to Obama in religion earlier and didn't have the link handy but do now?

Borders corporate spokeswoman Ann Roman told WND there was no intention on the part of the staff to associate books about the Obamas with religion.

"We are a completely politically neutral organization," she said. "As you can imagine we carry every political perspective, authors from both parties.

"What happened here is those books were for kids and they were put under an overarching sign. Our team did not mean to imply an inappropriate classification," she said.

From here.

34 Sharmuta  Sun, Feb 15, 2009 11:57:57pm

re: #29 BlueCanuck

You'll see if you go look.

35 woodsman  Sun, Feb 15, 2009 11:58:01pm

This has been a weird night.



Best Regards to all,

-Old Woodsman

36 Pvt Bin Jammin  Sun, Feb 15, 2009 11:58:06pm

re: #21 Sharmuta

Dang. I always kinda liked that poster. This has really been a crazy day. It must be a full moon somewhere. LOL

37 gmsc  Sun, Feb 15, 2009 11:58:09pm

re: #30 capitalist piglet

That is awesome. I was so annoyed when I first started seeing ads for that stuff (BEFORE the election)...ahahahahaha...YCMTSU.

See the news report on it at #20. It's even funnier!

38 BatGuano  Sun, Feb 15, 2009 11:58:18pm

re: #19 Edouard

Zimbabwe.Motto; Unity, freedom. work.

39 Killian Bundy  Sun, Feb 15, 2009 11:58:36pm
FWIW… One of the promises he made during the campaign, part of the transparency thing, was that every law he signed, he would post it on the internet for 5 days before signing. It went online at 1 am Friday.

I only know about the promise, because some other ODS sufferer’s blogging to complain that Obama’s broken it by signing 1/2 day too early.

Do you guys realize how ridiculous you make conservatism look, with this stuff?

/I've got a fan!

40 gmsc  Sun, Feb 15, 2009 11:59:34pm

re: #30 capitalist piglet

That is awesome. I was so annoyed when I first started seeing ads for that stuff (BEFORE the election)...ahahahahaha...YCMTSU.

They wanted change - they got change!

Boy, were they surprised when all they got was a 2-dimensional facade that made coins even cheaper than they were originally!

/But enough about the election . . .

41 Rustler  Sun, Feb 15, 2009 11:59:57pm

re: #33 Rustler
Sounds like the Border's representative is ripe for an Obama cabinet nomination. ///It was an accident we didn't realize we weren't supposed to put books on Obama under religion.

42 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:01:13am

re: #26 Sharmuta

Aw, thanks. I only aspire to the heights of great wit that many Lizards display here. I still got some climbing to do.

43 Edouard  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:01:53am

re: #32 Fenway_Nation

For just a weekend? Most of those sound halfway across the world and would take most of a weekend just to get there....

I've only been to one- Buenos Aires- which I wasn't that impressed with, but I have good things to say about other parts of Argentina.

No no, 10 days or 2 weeks -- maybe to 2 or 3 cities.

But Slumbering Behemoth asked what we did this weekend -- snooping around to cities I'd like to see, is what I did this weekend.

Where did you like to go better than Buenos Aires, by the way, and why?

44 gmsc  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:02:05am

Catttt's post from the previous thread really deserves to be repeated here:

[Link: www.aintnowaytogo.com...]

SAN FRANCISCO, CA — A nude, screaming dancer found trapped under a man's crushed body on a trick piano that became pinned against a nightclub ceiling was too drunk to remember how she got there, police said.

Authorities on Thursday said they were awaiting the results of an autopsy on James (Jimmy the Beard) Ferrozzo, 40.

His body was 2 or 3 inches of cushion that kept her from being crushed. His fully-clothed body was found on top of Teresa Hill, 23, a dancer at the Condor Club where Ferrozzo was an assistant manager. Detectives would not speculate on the circumstances of the death.

Ferrozzo probably saved the woman's life with a last-second kick that cut the switch on the motorized piano hoist, said fire Lt. Jim Lyons, whose rescue crew was called to the club. The body provided two or three inches of cushion that kept the woman from being crushed, he said.

The baby grand piano had been used for almost 20 years by entertainer Carol Doda, who made her entrance by reclining across the instrument while it was lowered by cable to the stage of the topless club.

"If I were to speculate on the cause of death, it would be asphyxiation as a result of being crushed," Detective Guinther Whitey said.

Police discovered shards of glass and blood spattered in the club. A little blood was found by the bar, but Detective Guinther Whitey said he couldn't be sure where it came from. "The young lady had a couple of cuts on her hand," he said.

The dancer said she had been dating Ferrozzo since her arrival in San Francisco two weeks ago.

No one is certain what caused the piano to rise toward the 12-foot-high ceiling, but something or someone may have bumped the switch, on the wall near the piano, Detective Marvin Dean said.

"I don't see how this could possibly have happened," said a young woman who identified herself as Desiree, a dancer at the club.

"When you get on the piano, it goes up so slow, they should have noticed it," she said. "They could have jumped off."

Hill was rescued after someone heard her shouts for help.

"She was so intoxicated she doesn't even remember getting on the piano," Whitey said. "She just remembers waking up and being pinned on the piano."

Hill was treated for bruises at a hospital.

Copyright © Associated Press, Nov 25, 1983

45 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:02:09am

re: #39 Killian Bundy
Umm the 1087 page document had alraedy been voted on in the House before it was posted No Senators were gonna be able to read it before they voted. This is hte reason Conservatives posted this. Did you mention these things to your fan?

46 BatGuano  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:02:34am

re: #37 gmsc

GMSC: Tell me about that Youtube thing. How you do that you tube that you do so well? I copy and paste and it doesn't work.

47 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:02:59am

re: #44 gmsc
Yes yes it does. Hell it needs to be made into a movie or at least a Short.

48 Edouard  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:03:08am

re: #38 BatGuano

Zimbabwe.Motto; Unity, freedom. work.

Avoiding Zimbabwe for now :) Probably for a long time, too.

49 [deleted]  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:03:12am
50 Gus  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:03:20am

re: #39 Killian Bundy

Actually, we probably could find far "worse" examples of "conservatism" come to think of it. But we can't share those secrets with Obama cultists.

People in the Obama cult remind of when you get a new job in some office. They introduce your cubicle and your look around and wonder to yourself "what did I get myself into?" And everyone is talking animated and agreeing with each other while the supervisor is yelling at someone.

But we're all happy. And the coffee is burning and someone put the thermostat up to 90.

51 BlueCanuck  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:03:29am

re: #34 Sharmuta

*sigh* It's so tragic sometimes when people meltdown.

52 Sharmuta  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:04:20am

Seems to me that Mr. Thurber was of the constrained mindset.

53 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:04:45am

re: #45 Rustler

Umm the 1087 page document had alraedy been voted on in the House before it was posted No Senators were gonna be able to read it before they voted. This is hte reason Conservatives posted this. Did you mention these things to your fan?

Yeah, although you apparently can't use HTML in the comments.

Just on Tuesday (2/10), the House voted unanimously to recommend that lawmakers and the public have at least 48 hours to read the legislation before a vote.

/guess the Democrats lied, who’s ridiculous?

/baby steps

54 BatGuano  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:05:07am

re: #48 Edouard

Good idea.

55 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:05:21am

re: #43 Edouard

Iguazu Falls, some of the Jesuit missions in the Northern provinces (such as Misiones, appropraitely). San Ignacio Mini's probably the most convenient one.

To the south and west, I liked the La Trochita narrow-gauge train and the scenery around Bariloche.

56 capitalist piglet  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:05:51am

re: #37 gmsc

See the news report on it at #20. It's even funnier!

I could not anchor a story like that. I would start laughing. There is no way I could do the fake concern thing.

57 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:06:35am

re: #49 nigella

O.K. Because I disagreed with something Charles said, I threw a "tantrum." Just go back and read what I wrote. If that is a tantrum, I guess no one is allowed to say anything here. I know how privileged we are to be able to come here and express our ideas. If that is throwing a tantrum then I guess I don't understand the whole idea of this blog .I thought it was supposed to be a place to find and discuss ideas other than the MSM feeds us. I guess I was wrong.

/seriously, sleep on it

58 Gus  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:07:01am

re: #55 Fenway_Nation

My folks did their honeymoon in Catamarca.

59 capitalist piglet  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:08:05am

Someone is actually arguing on Ace's site that since the "White Pride" t-shirts were a commercial enterprise, that it somehow made it acceptable for the ad to be on the website.


60 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:08:53am

re: #38 BatGuano

Zimbabwe.Motto; Unity, freedom. work.

Is that Zimbabwean for Arbiet Macht Frei?

61 Edouard  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:09:12am

re: #55 Fenway_Nation

Iguazu Falls, some of the Jesuit missions in the Northern provinces (such as Misiones, appropraitely). San Ignacio Mini's probably the most convenient one.

To the south and west, I liked the La Trochita narrow-gauge train and the scenery around Bariloche.

I'm intrigued by these and will look them up. Patagonia definitely piques my interest...

62 Gus  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:09:18am

re: #59 capitalist piglet

Right, White Pride t-shirts. No problem. You know. I've lived in New Jersey, California, Colorado, Brooklyn... you want to know what it means to wear a "White Pride" t-shirt.

63 Gus  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:10:02am

Preemptive post. Was still working on that one.

64 Pvt Bin Jammin  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:10:47am

re: #59 capitalist piglet

Someone is actually arguing on Ace's site that since the "White Pride" t-shirts were a commercial enterprise, that it somehow made it acceptable for the ad to be on the website.


I just refreshed that site. Haven't made it past the "Thai Tranny Hooker" post. WTF?

65 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:10:57am

re: #59 capitalist piglet

Someone is actually arguing on Ace's site that since the "White Pride" t-shirts were a commercial enterprise, that it somehow made it acceptable for the ad to be on the website.


It's not good.

/but it's my understanding that the individual website doesn't get to pick what the ad server serves, aside from choosing the ad server that serves the ads

66 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:11:31am

re: #62 Gus 802 Only time I've ever seen a White Pride shirt it was being worn by someone with a shaved head usually heckling me for my olive skin.

67 [deleted]  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:11:38am
68 witchynurse  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:11:48am

Lots of concern trolls at Ace's tonight, but now they're just descending into nastiness.

69 BatGuano  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:11:58am

re: #20 gmsc

A lot of people are fucking idiots!

70 capitalist piglet  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:12:26am

re: #49 nigella

O.K. Because I disagreed with something Charles said, I threw a "tantrum." Just go back and read what I wrote. If that is a tantrum, I guess no one is allowed to say anything here. I know how privileged we are to be able to come here and express our ideas. If that is throwing a tantrum then I guess I don't understand the whole idea of this blog .I thought it was supposed to be a place to find and discuss ideas other than the MSM feeds us. I guess I was wrong.

I don't understand why adults have so much difficulty with pulled posts.

I'm here with the understanding that anything I say - no matter how acceptable I might think it is - could be removed by the owner, and that is his right.

If I were you, I'd accept that as I have, be thankful you're still here after as much complaining about it as you've done, and let it go.

71 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:13:14am

re: #67 nigella

I retire my privileges here.

That's what they all say.

/fifteen minutes later . . .

72 zombie  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:13:18am

re: #19 Edouard

This weekend ... I've been thinking of global cities I'd like to visit.

Where should I plan a trip? I'd like to try a place very remote from the U.S. Just to really open up the world for myself a little more.

Some possibilities:

Tel Aviv
Cape Town
Buenos Aires
Avarua (Cook Islands)

.... (?) suggestions?

My first suggestion is to stay away from large cities altogether, which would include many on your list. Major urban agglomerations tend to all look alike, wherever they are.

Smaller and even mid-size towns often keep their local character better. So: open your mind to the smaller places.

However, a downside to that is that all the smaller places that are prototypical in some way are overrun with tourists, wherever you go on earth these days. Cute now equals overpriced.

Anyway, as for specific suggestions...hmmm...

A friend of mine went to Tasmania recently and loved it.

Here are a few recommendations from me, either of places I've been to and liked, or have always wanted to visit but never gotten to yet:

Hong Kong
Cape Town

73 BatGuano  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:13:19am

re: #60 Fenway_Nation

Ja! Work makes you free.

74 calcajun  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:13:44am

re: #44 gmsc

Dare I say it?

I'll dare.

She rose on his piano, while he had tulips on his organ.

OK-time for bed.

75 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:13:56am

re: #67 nigella
You could still fit in If you don't like the thread that is active at teh time it's best to wait for one more to your liking. You wouldn't like me coming into your house telling you how to arrange the furniture, hang the drapes, and cook for dinner. So why should Charles let you tell him how to run his "house".

76 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:14:04am

re: #67 nigella

I don't need to sleep on it. I am a grown woman with many friends and political outlets to rely on,..I really like most of you and enjoy what you have to say. This is not one of those times.To avoid being melodramatic,I retire my privileges here. I truly wish the best for you all, but I guess I don't fit here anymore. Charles with all due respect I ask you to revoke my membership

/stop commenting is the answer

77 capitalist piglet  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:14:35am

re: #65 Killian Bundy

It's not good.

/but it's my understanding that the individual website doesn't get to pick what the ad server serves, aside from choosing the ad server that serves the ads

Couldn't they at least file a complaint? If the ads are targeted to display on certain types of websites, I suppose that confirms Charles' impression of the site, in any case.

78 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:14:42am

re: #71 Killian Bundy
Bah a retread of last thread.

79 Gus  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:14:56am

re: #66 Rustler

Only time I've ever seen a White Pride shirt it was being worn by someone with a shaved head usually heckling me for my olive skin.

Right. That sucks. My folks came to this country when I was about 1. They have thick Spanish accents so I kind of grew seeing the BS that comes from idiots like that. Nothing that tragic but it was there and the worst we saw was eggs and some rock throwing.

80 Colonel Panik  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:14:59am

re: #55 Fenway_Nation

Iguazu Falls, some of the Jesuit missions in the Northern provinces (such as Misiones, appropraitely). San Ignacio Mini's probably the most convenient one.

To the south and west, I liked the La Trochita narrow-gauge train and the scenery around Bariloche.

I hear there are so many, ahem, "German Immigrants" (who just happened to show up between 1945-47) there that many Argentines jokingly refer to it as "Bavarialoche".

81 BatGuano  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:15:38am

re: #60 Fenway_Nation

Also, arbeit macht das leben suss. (correct spelling)

82 gmsc  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:15:42am

re: #46 BatGuano

GMSC: Tell me about that Youtube thing. How you do that you tube that you do so well? I copy and paste and it doesn't work.

Step 1: When you find a video you wish to post, make sure that it's embeddable. Look in the "Embed" box. As long as it doesn't say "Embedding diabled by request" or something similar, you'll probably be OK in the next steps. This video will embed, and this one won't (look at the embed boxes of both)

Step 2: If you're getting your link from a video on another site, it will probably have a lot of extraneous garbage on it. For example, here's a video I copied verbatim from another site - check out the web address and how long it is!

When posting to LGF, trim these long addresses by getting rid of the first "&", and everything after it in the address! Here's the same link I just referred to, but trimmed and ready for LGF. Look at the address bar, and notice how much unneeded stuff was removed.

Step 3: Preview! Preview! Preview!

I've noticed when posting LGF videos, when placed in the middle of text, they tend to show up just as links, instead of the videos themselves. Use preview to find out how your video is going to look, and whether it will work. If it shows up as just the link, move it to the bottom or top, and see if it turns into the video there.

83 zombie  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:15:51am

re: #44 gmsc

Catttt's post from the previous thread really deserves to be repeated here:

That incident is very famous in the SF Bay Area. Kinda old hat at this stage! For the first few years after it happened, I would sometimes try to tell people the story, but in every single case the person already knew it. So I came to the conclusion that the "crushed during sex on the trick piano" tale was universally known.

84 gmsc  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:16:55am

re: #74 calcajun

Dare I say it?

I'll dare.

She rose on his piano, while he had tulips on his organ.

OK-time for bed.

Updinged (mainly for the daring)!

85 Edouard  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:17:44am

re: #67 nigella

I don't need to sleep on it. I am a grown woman with many friends and political outlets to rely on,..I really like most of you and enjoy what you have to say. This is not one of those times.To avoid being melodramatic,I retire my privileges here. I truly wish the best for you all, but I guess I don't fit here anymore. Charles with all due respect I ask you to revoke my membership

I'm curious what point you hope to make with these last couple of posts? Pardon me but this seems a bit of grandstanding in this particular post. It's not your site, it's his. Why take it so personally? He doesn't know you, I presume. Also, you were not banned -- here you still are. Friends disagree, sometimes strenuously, and even get their hackles up with each other. That's the way it is for me with at least a couple of my friends.

86 calcajun  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:19:22am

re: #75 Rustler

You wouldn't like me coming into your house telling you how to arrange the furniture, hang the drapes, and cook for dinner.

Depends. Do you have good taste? ;)

87 redc1c4  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:19:37am

"The trouble with people is people"

If we could climb the highest steeple,
and shoot all those people not wholly good,
as we as noble shooters should.

Then there would be an only question thus:
Who would be left to bury us?

Walt Kelly
(from memory: sue me if i missed a word. %-)

88 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:20:07am

re: #67 nigella And for being a Grown woman you sure have a Juvenille way of dealing with negative responces. Arbitrarily downdinging other for downdinging your post in which you claim to have been banned when you were only deleted for the content of your post isn't something most well adjusted adults would do. It is more representative of teenagers having "Rep" wars on some older message groups I used to sit in.

89 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:21:01am

re: #86 calcajun
Black couch black cabinets thick black curtains on the wall my room is a cave. Then again I work nights and sleep days so the dark colors help darken the room to assist in my sleeping.

90 gmsc  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:21:53am

re: #82 gmsc

Step 1: When you find a video you wish to post, make sure that it's embeddable. Look in the "Embed" box. As long as it doesn't say "Embedding diabled by request" or something similar, you'll probably be OK in the next steps. This video will embed, and this one won't (look at the embed boxes of both)

Step 2: If you're getting your link from a video on another site, it will probably have a lot of extraneous garbage on it. For example, here's a video I copied verbatim from another site - check out the web address and how long it is!

When posting to LGF, trim these long addresses by getting rid of the first "&", and everything after it in the address! Here's the same link I just referred to, but trimmed and ready for LGF. Look at the address bar, and notice how much unneeded stuff was removed.

Step 3: Preview! Preview! Preview!

I've noticed when posting LGF videos, when placed in the middle of text, they tend to show up just as links, instead of the videos themselves. Use preview to find out how your video is going to look, and whether it will work. If it shows up as just the link, move it to the bottom or top, and see if it turns into the video there.

A few other tips:

• Make sure you have the whole address, from "http:" stuff to the "?v=" code.

• Try hitting return once or twice after any text, so that the video code is on it's own line.

91 capitalist piglet  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:22:34am

re: #86 calcajun

Depends. Do you have good taste? ;)

That reminds me of a joke.

I'd better get out of here before I tell it, otherwise people might think ill of me (or more ill of me than they do already). : )

Good night, lizards.

92 BatGuano  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:22:51am

re: #82 gmsc

Thanks. i'm going to give'r a try.

93 gmsc  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:23:20am

re: #92 BatGuano

Thanks. i'm going to give'r a try.

You're welcome.

94 gmsc  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:23:37am

re: #91 capitalist piglet

That reminds me of a joke.

I'd better get out of here before I tell it, otherwise people might think ill of me (or more ill of me than they do already). : )

Good night, lizards.

Good night, cp!

95 Pvt Bin Jammin  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:24:11am

re: #90 gmsc

I guess I am going to have to "heart" your comment because I sure won't remember it otherwise. LOL Dinging you up, too.

96 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:25:56am

re: #80 Colonel Panik

I hear there are so many, ahem, "German Immigrants" (who just happened to show up between 1945-47) there that many Argentines jokingly refer to it as "Bavarialoche".

That's a possibility, altho' if the 'German Immigrants' who just happened to show up in the late 1940s aren't enough, you could avail yourself of a 'BariloCHE' t-shirt with an image of the Patron Saint of Douchebags.

/Definitely saw a late '40's German immigrant get into a vintage Mercedes up in the Northwest part of the country...altho' to be fair, the Germans had been migrating to Argentina and Brazil for generations prior to that

97 Sharmuta  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:26:22am

Edouard- you want to go some place small, and un-American?

How about Vermont? ;p

98 gmsc  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:27:15am

re: #95 Pvt Bin Jammin

I guess I am going to have to "heart" your comment because I sure won't remember it otherwise. LOL Dinging you up, too.

Thanks! I'm glad to be of help.

99 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:27:26am

re: #97 Sharmuta

100 calcajun  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:27:54am

re: #89 Rustler

Black couch black cabinets thick black curtains on the wall my room is a cave. Then again I work nights and sleep days so the dark colors help darken the room to assist in my sleeping.

Lemme guess. Your bed is an obling box, you have a pipe organ in the house--or lots of CDs by E. Power Biggs--and you hate garlic. Tell me I'm wrong.

Wife giving come hither look. Must dash.

Be back in ten minutes...

101 BatGuano  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:27:55am

re: #95 Pvt Bin Jammin

GMSC be ding worthy.I hearted him also.

102 Edouard  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:28:01am

re: #72 zombie

My first suggestion is to stay away from large cities altogether, which would include many on your list. Major urban agglomerations tend to all look alike, wherever they are.

Smaller and even mid-size towns often keep their local character better. So: open your mind to the smaller places.

However, a downside to that is that all the smaller places that are prototypical in some way are overrun with tourists, wherever you go on earth these days. Cute now equals overpriced.

Anyway, as for specific suggestions...hmmm...

A friend of mine went to Tasmania recently and loved it.

Here are a few recommendations from me, either of places I've been to and liked, or have always wanted to visit but never gotten to yet:

Hong Kong
Cape Town

Thank you -- I love a post like this. Cape Town is on both of our short lists, so that makes me go "hmmm..."

You're quite right about the tendency of big cities to look like each other, especially when taken broadly. It's definitely important to seek out the local character in big cities. When I went to London, I did this. I sought out neighborhoods that actually functioned like small to medium-sized towns and had a great time. I rented an apartment on a residential street, rather than staying in some cookie-cutter chain hotel. Let's just say I wasn't into the Piccadilly Circus aspect of London. (Speakers Corner on Sunday in Hyde Park, with all of the ex-Pakistanis standing on stepstools ranting and arguing with Christians -- now THAT was a trip...

I notice also that Hong Kong is on your list -- of course, that is the most densely populated city in the world (although I've never been there), so I suppose the suggestion is in this case, that some big cities can be so intense that they transcend the prescription not to visit big cities... (?) Singapore and perhaps Bangkok also hold that kind of "dense city" appeal...

103 Pvt Bin Jammin  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:28:30am

re: #98 gmsc

LOL I am having Martinis. Have to save the info.

104 Sharmuta  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:29:59am

re: #102 Edouard

My feeling is if I were to travel outside the US, I would want to make sure I went somewhere pro-American. For me, that would be a short list but would include Israel, Japan, and Australia. Also Kosovo.

105 BlueCanuck  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:30:07am

re: #89 Rustler

I hear you. That stuff helps a bit. Now if I could only do something about the kids running around upstairs all hours of the night.

106 redc1c4  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:30:54am

re: #103 Pvt Bin Jammin

LOL I am having Martinis. Have to save the info.


107 redc1c4  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:31:57am

re: #105 BlueCanuck

I hear you. That stuff helps a bit. Now if I could only do something about the kids running around upstairs all hours of the night.


108 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:32:18am

We’re in a hole . . .

/the Bonkeys are down there with a tunnel boring machine on steroids, grinding up your grandchildren

109 MittDoesNotCompute  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:32:39am

re: #70 capitalist piglet

I don't understand why adults have so much difficulty with pulled posts.

I'm here with the understanding that anything I say - no matter how acceptable I might think it is - could be removed by the owner, and that is his right.

If I were you, I'd accept that as I have, be thankful you're still here after as much complaining about it as you've done, and let it go.

Bingo! It's Charles' place, we just lounge here... ;-P

Note to nigella: Unless you really are working on getting the stick and collecting your martyr points to show all the LGF haters how unfairly and shabbily you've been treated here, I'd suggest just letting the deleted post go (because it, at one point or another, it's happened to most of us) and sleep on it...don't say something you'll regret later.

Otherwise, I don't have any use for drama queens...

110 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:33:10am

re: #100 calcajun
No bed I hang from a 3 inch diameter rod crossing the room. And the pipe organ didn't fit so I just play records. The Garlic thing is a myth its really one of our favorite foods we just hate going out to purchase it.

111 gmsc  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:34:56am

re: #103 Pvt Bin Jammin

LOL I am having Martinis. Have to save the info.

re: #106 redc1c4


OK, it's at posts #82 and #90!

Oh, you meant the martinis.


112 Pvt Bin Jammin  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:35:07am

re: #106 redc1c4


Okay. I sent the bottle to Little Old Lady. Fruitcups ++++++

Not a holiday for me but maybe the holiday people will like it.

I'd better be leaving soon.

113 Edouard  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:35:29am

re: #104 Sharmuta

My feeling is if I were to travel outside the US, I would want to make sure I went somewhere pro-American. For me, that would be a short list but would include Israel, Japan, and Australia. Also Kosovo.

Yes, such thoughts have definitely crossed my mind, which is why I included Tel Aviv & Melbourne on my list. Tel Aviv in particular, I have wanted to visit for many, many years.

Copenhagen, too, I've been looking at for awhile, ever since the "Buy Danish" heyday not long ago, when the Danes were disparaged for publishing the Mohammad cartoons. Let's just say that it appeals to me more than places such as Stockholm or Amsterdam.

114 TheMatrix31  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:36:11am

re: #104 Sharmuta

My feeling is if I were to travel outside the US, I would want to make sure I went somewhere pro-American. For me, that would be a short list but would include Israel, Japan, and Australia. Also Kosovo.

Luckily for me, the only places I'd give a damn to go to would be Japan, Australia, and Germany.

115 redc1c4  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:36:31am

re: #108 Killian Bundy

We’re in a hole . . .

/the Bonkeys are down there with a tunnel boring machine on steroids, grinding up your grandchildren

no grandchildren, so no worries.

116 Pvt Bin Jammin  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:36:39am

re: #111 gmsc

Nevada folks are just bad.

117 MittDoesNotCompute  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:37:37am

re: #108 Killian Bundy

We’re in a hole . . .

/the Bonkeys are down there with a tunnel boring machine on steroids, grinding up your grandchildren

No, we're in the hole while Buffalo Bill (played by the Dems) are telling us to "rub the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again"...


118 redc1c4  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:37:57am

re: #114 TheMatrix31

Luckily for me, the only places I'd give a damn to go to would be Japan, Australia, and Germany.

i wanna see the US & Canada first......

119 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:38:07am

re: #114 TheMatrix31
If you go to Japan I really recommend visiting as much of the Country side as you can. The big Cities aren't worth much except headaches unless you enjoy Video Arcades in which case they have some awesome ones. Most of the Rural palaces are far more enjoyable to visit than the ones in and near big urban centers.

120 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:39:16am

re: #113 Edouard
///Hell maybe visit Sarah Palin's house "so you can see Russia".

121 redc1c4  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:39:55am

re: #117 talon_262

No, we're in the hole while Buffalo Bill (played by the Dems WAB) are telling us to "rub the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again"...



122 Gus  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:40:13am

Some countries will let you become a citizen if you can prove that your grandparents were born there. I think Spain and Italy do that.

123 gmsc  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:40:17am

I used to work with hexadecimal numbers. However, a recent survey of American university and college computer courses found that only 57,005 computer students understood hexadecimal numbers well enough to use them when programming.

I guess, even among these few computer users, it's considered DEAD.

124 MittDoesNotCompute  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:40:35am

re: #121 redc1c4



125 gmsc  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:40:44am

re: #116 Pvt Bin Jammin

Nevada folks are just bad.

We have to be. Otherwise, we get kicked out of the state!

126 Sharmuta  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:41:34am

re: #113 Edouard

I don't know if I'd deal well with much of europe these days, though I had a friend visit Budapest a few years back, and I hear it's beautiful. I would consider eastern europe too.

127 Mel Lono  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:42:05am

First, we kill all the lawyers (w/o attribution)/>

In international law firm Fulbright & Jaworski’s latest litigation trends survey, 43% of corporate counsel surveyed said they expected an upswing in lawsuits, largely spurred by the economic crises.

Stephen C. Dillard, who heads the firm’s global litigation practice, said the survey’s findings represented a belief that the world is in “a period of economic challenge that is likely to fuel litigation over who is to blame and who should pay for the consequences.”

Michael B. Dorff, associate dean and law professor at Southwestern Law School in Los Angeles, sees little prospect of success in most of the litigation, although he agrees that a gusher of lawsuits is likely to occur nonetheless. He sounds a more cautionary note about the financial future for law firms, noting that lawyers, like everyone else, may be facing tougher times.

“If you look industrywide, the recession is going to hurt lawyers more than any kind of benefit they would derive from the legal work,” he said.

As a recovering lawyer, I find this all comical fascinating.

LA Times A common story around here.

128 Sharmuta  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:43:45am

re: #120 Rustler

Alaska would be awesome as a vacation. I know a gentleman who visits yearly to see his son and grandkids. Last year he got to meet Sarah because she was at the same grocery store in the town his son lives in. Anyways- he loves Alaska, says it's beautiful up there.

129 gmsc  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:45:51am

re: #108 Killian Bundy

We’re in a hole . . .

/the Bonkeys are down there with a tunnel boring machine on steroids, grinding up your grandchildren

Don't worry! 0bama has a solution! (See video at bottom of post)

re: #115 redc1c4

no grandchildren, so no worries.

That seems to be the plan at large - pass all the expenses onto the next generation and then, don't get married and don't produce another generation!

130 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:46:01am

re: #127 Mel Lono

In international law firm Fulbright & Jaworski’s latest litigation trends survey, 43% of corporate counsel surveyed said they expected an upswing in lawsuits, largely spurred by the economic crises.

/it's no secret that the Bonkeys are the patron saint of the plaintiff's litigation Bar

131 Mel Lono  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:47:01am

re: #130 Killian Bundy

That would come under the category of Duh!/

132 Pvt Bin Jammin  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:47:05am

re: #125 gmsc

We have to be. Otherwise, we get kicked out of the state!

;) You've got that right. LOL I feel more like a Nevadan than a Californian, even though I was born here and came back.

133 Edouard  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:49:06am

re: #120 Rustler

///Hell maybe visit Sarah Palin's house "so you can see Russia".

Can't see Russia from her house, of course. However, let's not forget that Little Diomede Island (Alaska) and Big Diomede Island (Russia) are only a couple miles apart and each is clearly visible from the other...

Photo taken from the North: the island on your left is in the United States, and the island on the right is in Russia

134 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:49:39am

re: #128 Sharmuta
It is truely beutiful country. The recommendation to visit is real the sarc was the See Russia portion. Alaska is all the more great a place to visit if you enjoy clean air and the outdoors. Just don't visit ANWR most of it makes the moon look vibrant and full of life.

135 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:51:49am

re: #133 Edouard
Yep I'm away of the nearness. That's why I threw in the Sarc tag.

136 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:52:34am

re: #134 Rustler

How about Pedro Bay, AK?

137 Edouard  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:52:36am

re: #126 Sharmuta

I don't know if I'd deal well with much of europe these days, though I had a friend visit Budapest a few years back, and I hear it's beautiful. I would consider eastern europe too.

Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland ... surprising amount of pro-American sentiment in these as opposed to other European countries.

138 J.D.  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:53:42am

This from Newsweak:

...It is in the nature of politicians to make promises; it is what they do. Some do so without the least intention of delivering on their promises. Some fully intend to deliver, but find the world obdurate, unwilling to go along with their fine intentions. Barack Obama now finds himself among the latter. With loony jihadists threatening from without, a crumbling economy terrorizing its citizens from within, Obama knew he needed straightaway to demonstrate utmost competence to stem fear and instill confidence. The reason for his wanting to assemble an able cabinet more quickly than any other administration in recent history was to show that, though the nation had major problems, they were under study and would soon be attacked by the most capable minds of our time. He needed to calm the country down, and show, in a measured but forceful way, that a strong hand was at the wheel.

This he has thus far failed abysmally to do. Very disappointing, to the country at large, and not least, I have no doubt, to Barack Obama himself. Viewed from Chicago, up whose greasy political pole the president has himself climbed, the jolt is a lot less jarring. "Them guys in the black suits and narrow ties, them Ivy League types, them goo-goos," the Chicago alderman Mathias (Paddy) Bauler long ago said, "they think the whole thing is on the square." Old Paddy, of unblessed memory, also said that "Chicago ain't ready for reform." Were he alive today to witness the sad early beginnings of the Obama presidency, he might add: "And maybe the rest of the country ain't either."

Promises, Promises

Soaring expectations collide with harsh political realities. How Barack Obama looks from Chicagoland.

139 abaleh  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:53:49am

re: #102 Edouard

A trip in Northern Italy is great.
There are lots of camp sites there, or you could rent rooms in houses for the night (zimmers).
Of course a lot of the towns are overtoured, but they're still nice, and just driving around the countryside is gorgeous.
The south is a lot less touristic, but I think that's for good reason, though not having been there I shouldn't say so.

140 gmsc  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:56:44am

re: #132 Pvt Bin Jammin

;) You've got that right. LOL I feel more like a Nevadan than a Californian, even though I was born here and came back.

Have you seen the new ads about California?

The begin with the title "In the state capital . . .", you see the back of what is obviously a governor's chair. You can't the governor in question, but there are numerous advisors and planners obviously talking to the governor.

They're all proposing things that would be disastrous. One says, "Governor, I think California needs a higher sales tax". Another says, "I think more revenues would be generated for California if it was more expensive to get a business license in the state." All the suggestions are focused around getting more money for California by squeezing more money out of large and small businesses there, all of which would obviously be really bad for the economy.

Finally, there's a shot of the person in the governor's chair, but it's not Gov. Schwarzenegger. The person is probably unfamiliar to most people in California. This person says, "Gentlemen, I think you're right. It can only help more people see how great a place Colorado is for doing business in!"

A title then comes up that says, "Bill Ritter, Governor of Colorado".

The ad then fades to black with only the following web address on it: http://colovesca.com/

I love it!

141 BatGuano  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:57:01am

GMSC, Giving it a try

142 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:57:08am

re: #137 Edouard

Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland ... surprising amount of pro-American sentiment in these as opposed to other European countries.

I bet the Dalmatian coast would be nice....

/I fecitiously mentioned that as a possible place to exile myself during an 0bama Administration (altho' I've only left the country once since he was elected)

143 ArchangelMichael  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:57:46am

re: #123 gmsc

I'm probably the only one here that got that.

144 Pvt Bin Jammin  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 12:59:43am

Nite, lizards. Take care.

Pvt Ben Jammin, Californian, Nevadan, Slovenian, Irish, English, Welsh American. LOL

145 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:01:31am
146 BatGuano  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:03:35am

re: #82 gmsc

Hey, GMsc. I tried and it didn't work(my fault). What do I do with the embed thing? I tried copy and paste and it didn't work.

147 J.D.  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:04:01am

re: #145 Killian Bundy

Sign of the Times: Michelle Takes Home Restaurant Doggie Bag

/they don't have no doggie

Still? I thought they were auditioning pets...

148 Mel Lono  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:04:23am

re: #145 Killian Bundy The House Steward may be so pissed that he short-sheeted her bed tonight.

149 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:04:39am

re: #142 Fenway_Nation I'm afraid to leave the country with Obama in charge what if they don't let me back in.

150 Edouard  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:05:10am

re: #139 abaleh

A trip in Northern Italy is great.
There are lots of camp sites there, or you could rent rooms in houses for the night (zimmers).
Of course a lot of the towns are overtoured, but they're still nice, and just driving around the countryside is gorgeous.
The south is a lot less touristic, but I think that's for good reason, though not having been there I shouldn't say so.

The lakes there are of course spectacular. Como, Maggiore, and the rest. What a holiday that would be.

151 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:06:15am

re: #143 ArchangelMichael
Nah I used to use Hex. I also still have some old Basic and Fortran programming guides somewhere I think.

152 gmsc  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:07:18am

re: #144 Pvt Bin Jammin

Nite, lizards. Take care.

Pvt Ben Jammin, Californian, Nevadan, Slovenian, Irish, English, Welsh American. LOL

Good night, PBJ!

I know one guy at work whose parents emigrated from Slovenia. He's mentioned it a few times, and he often gets a reaction like, "Did they leave before or after it broke up into 2 countries?"

The first few times he was puzzled by this remark, because it used to be part of Yugoslavia, which broke up into much more than 2 countries.

Finally, he figured out that people were thinking of Slovakia, which used to be part of Czechoslovakia!

His favorite response now is, "They left back when it was still Czechoslovenia."

153 Edouard  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:07:41am

re: #142 Fenway_Nation

I bet the Dalmatian coast would be nice....

/I fecitiously mentioned that as a possible place to exile myself during an 0bama Administration (altho' I've only left the country once since he was elected)

Yes indeed, I've heard great things in particular about Split (in Croatia) on the Dalmatian Coast.

154 abaleh  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:07:43am

re: #150 Edouard

The lakes there are of course spectacular. Como, Maggiore, and the rest. What a holiday that would be.

and the food....

155 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:08:02am

re: #149 Rustler

I'm afraid to leave the country with Obama in charge what if they don't let me back in.

"Oh yeah! Well I wouldn't want to live in a country that would allow me in!"

/As I'm being escorted back on the plane to Zagreb or Santiago

156 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:08:13am

Obama to appoint panel for auto recovery

It will take more than one "car czar" to help get the embattled U.S. auto industry back on track, President Barack Obama has decided.

Instead, his administration is establishing a presidential task force to direct the restructuring of General Motors Corp. and Chrysler LLC, a senior administration official said Sunday night.

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and National Economic Council Director Lawrence Summers will oversee the across-the-government panel, the official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity because no announcement has been made.

Cripes sakes, how much is this going to cost?

/just let GM declare Chapter 11, that's what the bankruptcy laws are there for

157 gmsc  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:08:23am

re: #146 BatGuano

Hey, GMsc. I tried and it didn't work(my fault). What do I do with the embed thing? I tried copy and paste and it didn't work.

Just paste it in the reply box, as if it were text you were copying and pasting from a response.

Make sure it's on its own line, as well!

158 redc1c4  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:08:59am

re: #147 J.D.

Still? I thought they were auditioning pets...

her having a pet would be cruelty to animals.....

159 redc1c4  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:10:28am

re: #156 Killian Bundy

Obama to appoint panel for auto recovery

Cripes sakes, how much is this going to cost?

/just let GM declare Chapter 11, that's what the bankruptcy laws are there for

but they're too big to fail!


160 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:10:32am

re: #158 redc1c4 I htought they had finally decided that with the allergy issue they were just going to adopt a Rino and the debate was now whether it would be McCain, Snowe, Collins, or Spectre.

161 BatGuano  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:11:02am

re: #157 gmsc

162 stevieray  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:11:41am

Some good news out of England...

UK to shift anti-terror strategy

The UK government is preparing a major shift in its counter-terrorism strategy to combat radicalisation, the BBC's Panorama programme has learned.

Conservative Muslims who teach that Islam is incompatible with Western democracy will be challenged as part of a new approach, Panorama has been told.

A senior Whitehall source said that Muslim leaders who urge separation will be isolated and publicly rejected.

Turning a corner, perhaps?

163 J.D.  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:11:55am
Towards the end of an American tour last week to promote my new book Welcome to Obamaland: I've Seen Your Future and It Doesn't Work, I began to feel ever so slightly guilty. Partly it was all those people I met still wearing their "Vote Obama" badges like religious talismans, still quite obviously brimming with audacious hope for their country's bright future under the new Obamessiah. Who was I to come from the other side of the pond and rain on their parade?

Mainly, though, it was because I'd never expected the Obama project to go pear-shaped quite so soon. Sure, it was nothing I hadn't predicted in the book: the cronyism, the corruption, the naivety, the incompetence, the wasting of taxpayers' money on pet, left-liberal causes. Even so, by the time I left Washington DC, I was feeling almost sorry for the guy. Couldn't he at least have had a honeymoon before the divorce papers came through?

It's still early days, of course, with plenty of "time for change". But, after only three weeks, Obama's presidency has begun more closely to resemble the shambles at the end of the John Major administration than the golden dawn we might have expected for this Tony Blair Mk II.

Tom Daschle, the trusted comrade who was going to mastermind the new Obama universal healthcare plan, was forced to resign over tax irregularities. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, the alleged financial whiz who was supposed to sort out the US economy, somehow managed to survive a similar scandal – only to preside over a "stimulus" package so vague, ill-thought-out and wasteful that Wall Street share prices have been plummeting even faster than Obama's approval ratings.

"It will create millions of jobs," declared House speaker Nancy Pelosi, optimistically, of the $789 billion (shaved down, after much opposition protest, from over $850 billion) "stimulus". Conservatives have re-christened it "Porculus", noting that about half of it has rather less to do with boosting the economy than it does with pork-barrelling favoured constituents on the liberal left and expanding the welfare state.

Obama's new "heal the world" foreign policy is faring little better. All those liberal democracies who rejoiced at his plans to close Guantanamo have gone strangely quiet now that they're being asked to give homes to some of the deadly terrorists once incarcerated there. (As P J O'Rourke once said: "Everyone wants to save the world; no one wants to help Mom do the dishes.") India is up in arms over his attempts to meddle in Kashmir. No one seriously believes that the Great Satanic hand of friendship he is offering to Iran will have any more effect on its ongoing "Nuke Israel" programme than did Dubya's Great Satanic two fingers of contempt. And economies the world over are positively terrified by Obama's moves towards protectionism. Have none of his economic gurus told him that protectionism was precisely what made the last Great Depression so deep and so prolonged?...

Sorry, America, I'm the bearer of bad news
I predicted it all: the corruption, naivety, incompetence and wasting of tax dollars, says James Delingpole.

164 mardukhai  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:12:51am

I'm a big Thurber fan, but I'm not sure I like this quote. Try turning it around:

"The trouble with Woman is Woman."

On the other hand, maybe he's got something there.

165 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:12:59am

re: #159 redc1c4

but they're too big to fail!

That was the frightening scare tactic conventional wisdom at the time, three months ago.

/it was all bull[expletive deleted], a bluff

166 gmsc  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:14:32am

re: #146 BatGuano

Hey, GMsc. I tried and it didn't work(my fault). What do I do with the embed thing? I tried copy and paste and it didn't work.

Oh! wait - I just figured out what is going wrong!

DO NOT use the Embed code! (That's the stuff with the around it).

Use the stuff from the URL box (the code with the address which looks like your address bar), or the address bar itself (trimming as described above, if needed).

167 BatGuano  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:14:38am

re: #157 gmsc

Didn't work again. It's not you.it's me. I'll keep trying.

168 gmsc  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:15:05am

re: #161 BatGuano

Sorry - see #166, above.

169 redc1c4  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:16:18am

re: #165 Killian Bundy

That was the frightening scare tactic conventional wisdom at the time, three months ago.

/it was all bull[expletive deleted], a bluff

and i really don't know why you're so worried about the cost: we can always print more money if we need it.


170 claspur  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:16:28am

Just popped-in to see if anyone was yabb'in about that UK and French sub that ran into each other, around the 7th?

From what I gathered, they were both running so silent, they didn't see each other...that's crazy....lol

171 J.D.  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:16:59am
172 Pvt Bin Jammin  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:17:56am

re: #152 gmsc

LOL. I think my grandpa sneaked in on a boat from Yugoslavia (they were trying to put him in the Kaiser's Army). Grandma came legally. I am not a Checkoslovenian.

Thank God for America.

173 BatGuano  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:18:50am

Ok trying that

174 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:19:24am

re: #169 redc1c4

and i really don't know why you're so worried about the cost: we can always print more money if we need it.

/damn right, right up until the Chinese say, "I don't think so"

175 Throbert McGee  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:20:33am

re: #123 gmsc

I used to work with hexadecimal numbers. However, a recent survey of American university and college computer courses found that only 57,005 computer students understood hexadecimal numbers well enough to use them when programming.

I guess, even among these few computer users, it's considered DEAD.

And did you know that at any given moment, an average of 43,962 people around the world are listening to ABBA songs?

P.S. Math is fun!

176 abaleh  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:20:47am

re: #170 claspur

Just popped-in to see if anyone was yabb'in about that UK and French sub that ran into each other, around the 7th?

From what I gathered, they were both running so silent, they didn't see each other...that's crazy....lol


177 BatGuano  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:21:20am

Another try

//www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2TyF1CbsDsYour text to link...

178 J.D.  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:21:39am

re: #169 redc1c4

and i really don't know why you're so worried about the cost: we can always print more money if we need it.


Fire up the presses!

179 BatGuano  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:22:53am

re: #177 BatGuano
Dammit Bat!

180 redc1c4  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:23:30am

that's it: i'm for bed.

hasta, y'all...........


181 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:23:44am

re: #169 redc1c4

and i really don't know why you're so worried about the cost: we can always print more money if we need it.


Worked wonders for Weimar Germany, Zimbabwe and 1975-1991 Argentina

182 claspur  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:23:55am

re: #176 abaleh

Article off Drudge

183 ArchangelMichael  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:23:57am

re: #177 BatGuano

Dont put it in a link... just type the URL in the comment box

184 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:24:16am

re: #164 mardukhai But really the Trouble with Women is men. So if the trouble with men is men and the trouble with women is men. Then are men the Problem? /// Nope every problem men cause with men is for Vagina.

Just to bring back some of one of the earlier themes:P

185 gmsc  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:24:18am

re: #177 BatGuano

Another try

//www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2TyF1CbsDsYour text to link...

You're getting closer. It looks like you're trying to put it in the link box. Don't put it there. Just paste the code in the reply box.

Also, make sure to include the "http:" at the beginning.

Oh, when trying out the link itself, I noticed that it says "This video is no longer available."

That one definitely won't work!

186 abaleh  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:24:44am

re: #182 claspur

Article off Drudge


187 gmsc  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:25:43am

Here's a similar link, BatGuano. Is that what you were trying to post?

188 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:25:52am

re: #177 BatGuano
Try just using the text in the Adress bar.

189 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:26:18am

re: #177 BatGuano

Another try

//www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2TyF1CbsDsYour text to link...

Hey, open your YouTube link, copy the browser URL (NOT the embed URL), paste it into the LGF comment box. That's it.

/like magic

190 BatGuano  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:26:45am

Lets' try this.

191 BatGuano  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:27:32am

re: #190 BatGuano

Click on it damnit!

192 gmsc  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:27:32am

re: #190 BatGuano

Lets' try this.


By jove, I think he's got it!

193 claspur  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:27:43am

The accident isn't fuuny....it's that both subs were running so quiet they didn't see each other.... *sigh

194 gmsc  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:28:08am

re: #190 BatGuano

Lets' try this.


Congratulations! You've done it!

195 BatGuano  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:28:26am

re: #187 gmsc

Yuppers. Thanks!

196 ArchangelMichael  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:29:21am

I love this guy's rants. Needs to try some decaf but he's usually right on.

197 gmsc  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:29:50am

re: #195 BatGuano

Yuppers. Thanks!

You're welcome. Good video choice, too!

198 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:29:59am

re: #190 BatGuano Yay congratulations.

199 BatGuano  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:30:18am

re: #194 gmsc

No applause please. I'm over adored as it is! Thanks y'all!

200 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:30:49am

Looks like Natgeotv is playing serpent handlers tonight so I'm gonna go plant myself on the lobby couch while I do my paperwork. I need a good laugh today.

201 abaleh  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:31:39am

re: #193 claspur

The accident isn't fuuny....it's that both subs were running so quiet they didn't see each other.... *sigh

unless it was a head on collision, the sonar operators should have heard something as they were getting closer. And the closer they were getting, the faster that something would have changed bearing, so I think evasive action could have been taken.

202 gmsc  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:32:16am

re: #199 BatGuano

No applause please. I'm over adored as it is! Thanks y'all!

Over-adored? If it will help, we can ding you down.

203 claspur  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:34:07am

re: #200 Rustler

Looks like Natgeotv is playing serpent handlers tonight so I'm gonna go plant myself on the lobby couch while I do my paperwork. I need a good laugh today.

re: #201 abaleh

I agree.....it's odd?

204 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:34:17am

Man, I'm so glad I laded in the extra 1.75 liters of JD ahead of the Federal holiday, U.S. stock markets closed.

/damn plastic seals

205 claspur  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:34:59am

them subs run aweful quiet tho....

206 abaleh  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:35:09am

The odds of this happening are so small, it's amazing it did happen.

207 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:35:10am

Bah nm it's just taboo religions snake handling parts is over and I have no wish to see someone crucified and beaten with a scourge so changing it now.

208 BatGuano  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:37:16am

re: #202 gmsc

No down dingeys please; It was a jest, a joke, a flight of fancy a..a..,whatever.

209 claspur  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:38:01am

re: #206 abaleh

It's happened before...now these subs are so quiet, it's bound to happen..

210 gmsc  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:38:15am

re: #208 BatGuano

No down dingeys please; It was a jest, a joke, a flight of fancy a..a..,whatever.

So was my response. Don't worry!

211 BatGuano  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:38:34am

re: #202 gmsc

Thanks for the help.

212 claspur  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:40:18am

Stream: "WXRTfm" :o)

213 abaleh  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:41:57am

re: #209 claspur

It's happened before...now these subs are so quiet, it's bound to happen..

According to the article it happened in the Atlantic.
The odds of two submarines being in the same place at the exact same depth are small.
Unless of course they weren't there by random chance, but were rather doing something like tracking another ship or sub.

214 J.D.  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:41:58am

Barack Obama sends bust of Winston Churchill on its way back to Britain
Barack Obama has sent Sir Winston Churchill packing and pulse rates soaring among anxious British diplomats.

A bust of the former prime minister once voted the greatest Briton in history, which was loaned to George W Bush from the Government's art collection after the September 11 attacks, has now been formally handed back.

The bronze by Sir Jacob Epstein, worth hundreds of thousands of pounds if it were ever sold on the open market, enjoyed pride of place in the Oval Office during President Bush's tenure.

But when British officials offered to let Mr Obama to hang onto the bust for a further four years, the White House said: "Thanks, but no thanks."

Diplomats were at first reluctant to discuss the whereabouts of the Churchill bronze, after its ejection from the seat of American power. But the British Embassy in Washington has now confirmed that it sits in the palatial residence of ambassador Sir Nigel Sheinwald, just down the road from Vice President Joe Biden's official residence. It is not clear whether the ambassador plans to keep it in Washington or send it back to London.

American politicians have made quoting Churchill, whose mother was American, something of an art form, but not Mr Obama, who prefers to cite the words and works of his hero Abraham Lincoln. Indeed a bust of Mr Lincoln now sits in the Oval Office where Epstein's Churchill once ruled the roost.

Churchill has less happy connotations for Mr Obama than those American politicians who celebrate his wartime leadership. It was during Churchill's second premiership that Britain suppressed Kenya's Mau Mau rebellion. Among Kenyans allegedly tortured by the colonial regime included one Hussein Onyango Obama, the President's grandfather.

The rejection of the bust has left some British officials nervously reading the runes to see how much influence the UK can wield with the new regime in Washington. ...

215 claspur  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:44:25am

re: #213 abaleh

According to the article it happened in the Atlantic.
The odds of two submarines being in the same place at the exact same depth are small.
Unless of course they weren't there by random chance, but were rather doing something like tracking another ship or sub.

Yeah, no....taking that all into account, they were both running so quiet, they didn't see each other.

216 gmsc  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:46:03am

re: #211 BatGuano

Thanks for the help.

You're welcome.

217 claspur  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:47:02am

WXRTfm ;o)

218 gmsc  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:47:09am
219 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:49:07am

Any Chicago Lizards in house atm? Wtf is up with giving Walmart a hard time about opening a new story in the city? Walamrt is home to bargain goods one of the few stores not likely to be hurt by this recession, the provide decent wages and benefits to employees so why turn them away?

220 claspur  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:51:06am

re: #219 Rustler

WXRT Lizzy :o)

221 J.D.  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:51:32am

re: #218 gmsc

It probably didn't help any when he requested a bust of Neville Chamberlain as a replacement.

Didn't you read the article? He did, and it's on the way!

222 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:53:02am


223 BatGuano  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:53:22am

Getting back to the thread

224 gmsc  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:53:28am

re: #220 claspur

WXRT Lizzy :o)

What? Are you trying to give everyone Saturday Morning Flashbacks?

225 J.D.  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:53:38am

re: #219 Rustler

Walmart hasn't padded their pockets enough, yet, would be my guess.

226 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:54:32am

re: #225 J.D.
That's the only thing I can think it is. The discussion about it on Fox news someone tryed calling walmart the Anticrist.

227 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:54:59am

re: #219 Rustler

Any Chicago Lizards in house atm? Wtf is up with giving Walmart a hard time about opening a new story in the city? Walamrt is home to bargain goods one of the few stores not likely to be hurt by this recession, the provide decent wages and benefits to employees so why turn them away?

/they can't even keep track of their radioactive exit signs!

228 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:56:21am

re: #226 Rustler

That's the only thing I can think it is. The discussion about it on Fox news someone tryed calling walmart the Anticrist.

I thought Fox news was the Antichrist....

/losing track of antichrists

229 claspur  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:57:01am

re: #224 gmsc

What? Are you trying to give everyone Saturday Morning Flashbacks?

That's a problem. Do you need to be reported for harrassment?
I have said nothing, ever, in here to be treated like this, to anyone.

Get off my butt.

230 gmsc  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:57:17am

re: #226 Rustler

That's the only thing I can think it is. The discussion about it on Fox news someone tryed calling walmart the Anticrist.

In Chicago, not padding a politician's pockets is about the only thing it could be.

Seriously, here's a good mix of pro- and anti- Wal-Mart links, so you can look into both sides for yourself, to help understand the issues in question.

231 J.D.  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:58:16am

Headless body in gutless press [Mark Steyn]
Old news, but I just saw this.

232 BatGuano  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:59:26am

I'll try this again


233 ArchangelMichael  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 1:59:52am

re: #218 gmsc

It probably didn't help any when he requested a bust of Neville Chamberlain as a replacement.

I heard he also wanted one of Æthelred the Unready.

234 littleoldlady  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:00:09am

Good morning, afternoon, evening *everyone*!™

Fruitcup is on the buffet ------------------->
Help yourselves!

235 claspur  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:00:44am

re: #230 gmsc

Still likes watching that "Big Box Mart" vid, on Jib-Jab... too funny.

236 gmsc  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:00:52am

re: #229 claspur

That's a problem. Do you need to be reported for harrassment?
I have said nothing, ever, in here to be treated like this, to anyone.

Get off my butt.

WOW! Um, my post was just a small joke.

You kept mentioning WXRT. One of the things they're best known for is their program Saturday Morning Flashback. I was just playing off that.

237 J.D.  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:01:08am

re: #232 BatGuano
Third time's the charm!

238 BatGuano  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:01:25am

re: #234 littleoldlady

Thank you littleoldlady.

239 gmsc  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:01:41am

re: #232 BatGuano

I'll try this again



You seem to be cutting off the "http:". It need to be in there, too.

240 littleoldlady  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:01:56am

BatGuano! :-)

241 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:02:32am

re: #223 BatGuano


You're trying to paste the embed link again. Relax, take a deep breath and just copy/paste the browser URL.
It's deceptively simple.

/don't tell me Cream's a better power trio

242 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:02:54am

re: #234 littleoldlady

Thanks, lol....I shall avail myself even though I just had some 'Melon Medley'

243 gmsc  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:03:02am

re: #234 littleoldlady

Good morning, afternoon, evening *everyone*!™

Fruitcup is on the buffet ------------------->
Help yourselves!

Thanks! I almost missed it until BatGuano tapped me on the shoulder.

244 BlueCanuck  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:03:11am

Thanks littleoldlady. Your fruitcup goes well as a chaser for all the gamy buttocks we have been feasting on.

245 littleoldlady  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:03:18am


J.D.?! Are you the real J.D.? The J.D. I remember from days past at LGF?

246 J.D.  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:03:44am

re: #234 littleoldlady

Good morning, afternoon, evening *everyone*!™

Fruitcup is on the buffet ------------------->
Help yourselves!

Hey, there! Just looked at the time...sheesh!
I knew it had to be late early when lol arrived with the fruitcup.
I haven't had fruitcup in months!

247 littleoldlady  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:04:00am

Fenway! :-)

gmsc! :-)

BlueCanuck! :-)

248 BatGuano  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:04:13am

re: #239 gmsc

Yeah, I noticed that. I just didn't know what it meant.

249 claspur  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:04:14am

re: #234 littleoldlady

Good morning, afternoon, evening *everyone*!™

Fruitcup is on the buffet ------------------->
Help yourselves!

re: #236 gmsc

Settle down, GM....it's still Winter here, and still semi-bug free....*sigh

250 littleoldlady  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:04:34am


Hi! :-)

251 J.D.  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:06:08am

re: #250 littleoldlady


How have you been?

252 Erik The Red  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:06:16am

re: #234 littleoldlady

Good morning, afternoon, evening *everyone*!™

Fruitcup is on the buffet ------------------->
Help yourselves!

{lol} thanks for fruitcup

253 claspur  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:06:28am

time for a 'moke and a pull.... *yawn

254 littleoldlady  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:07:05am

re: #251 J.D.

I'm okay, thanks! WHERE have you been?


255 littleoldlady  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:07:21am

Erik! :-)

256 BatGuano  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:08:36am

re: #241 Killian Bundy

I must tell you that Cream was better. Ginger Baker, Eric Clapton, Jack Bruce.

257 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:08:48am

re: #248 BatGuano
Http:// means Hypertext transfer protocol kinda like putting the C: or D: to look in the computer it tells the computer is webbased pretty much then following that is the location on the web(the address).

258 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:09:32am

re: #256 BatGuano

I must tell you that Cream was better. Ginger Baker, Eric Clapton, Jack Bruce.


259 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:09:45am

re: #253 claspur
Hopefully you mean something different by a pull than the first Impression I got when I read it.

260 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:12:13am

re: #255 littleoldlady


/has your postage due college student figured it all out yet?

261 BatGuano  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:12:26am

re: #241 Killian Bundy

Yeah, the James Gang was good, but the best power trio was Cream

262 claspur  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:12:33am

re: #259 Rustler

You got that hopeful assumption correct, Russ....*Burp.

263 Erik The Red  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:12:36am

When Tom first noticed that his penis was growing larger and staying erect
longer, he was delighted, as was his girlfriend.

But after several weeks, his penis had grown to nearly twenty inches.

Tom became quite concerned. He was having problems dressing, and even
walking. So he and his girlfriend went to see a prominent urologist.

After an initial examination, the doctor explained to the couple that,
though rare, Tom's condition could be fixed through corrective surgery.

'How long will Tom be on crutches?' the girlfriend asked anxiously.

'Crutches? Why would he need crutches?' responded the surprised doctor.

'Well,' said the girlfriend coldly, you're gonna lengthen his legs, aren't

264 littleoldlady  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:13:12am

Killian! :-)

Which part?

IMO college is all about growing up anyway.

265 gmsc  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:14:37am

re: #249 claspur

re: #236 gmsc

Settle down, GM....it's still Winter here, and still semi-bug free....*sigh

You're the one going around threatening other posters and claiming harrassment, so I'd say you're the one who needs to calm down.

266 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:15:46am

re: #261 BatGuano

Yeah, the James Gang was good, but the best power trio was Cream

/what the [expletive deleted] do you know, you can't even post a Cream video because they suck that bad

267 BatGuano  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:15:49am

re: #257 Rustler

Thank you. I'm kinda ignorant on that stuff.

268 J.D.  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:16:48am

re: #254 littleoldlady

Well, I was out of commission and in physical therapy 2 hours each MWF for about a year and a half with neck/back/shoulder problems and I couldn't do much...but here I am! In Florida! It's good to see you!

269 Erik The Red  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:16:52am

re: #265 gmsc

You're the one going around threatening other posters and claiming harrassment, so I'd say you're the one who needs to calm down.

Morning Lizards of the Night.
Someone should keep track of how many Lizards claspur pisses off.

270 gmsc  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:17:17am

re: #219 Rustler

Any Chicago Lizards in house atm? Wtf is up with giving Walmart a hard time about opening a new story in the city? Walamrt is home to bargain goods one of the few stores not likely to be hurt by this recession, the provide decent wages and benefits to employees so why turn them away?

Chicago and Wal-Mart are an old story. Here's a 2006 story about Chicago and Wal-Mart that doesn't seem to be out of date yet.

271 claspur  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:17:36am

Earlier, yesterday(Sunday) I got on a tear to go looking at some Tome Petty vids, and Chrissie Hynde ones.... those two really can look like Bro ansd Sis, can't they? I love Chrissie....she's a cool babe.. :o)

272 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:17:45am

re: #264 littleoldlady

Killian! :-)

Which part?

IMO college is all about growing up anyway.

/okay, have you, the taxpayer figured it all out yet?

273 littleoldlady  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:18:31am

re: #268 J.D.

OH MY! I'm sorry to hear that :-( but VERY happy to have you back here! :-)

/missed you!

274 claspur  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:19:30am

I'm bored....have a good day guys....

275 J.D.  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:19:51am

re: #273 littleoldlady

Well thanks!
So the daughter went away to school?

276 BatGuano  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:20:26am

Killian,here is cream

277 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:20:39am

re: #271 claspur

Earlier, yesterday(Sunday) I got on a tear to go looking at some Tome Petty vids, and Chrissie Hynde ones.... those two really can look like Bro ansd Sis, can't they? I love Chrissie....she's a cool babe.. :o)

/nevermind that she's nuts

278 Erik The Red  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:22:15am

re: #274 claspur

I'm bored....have a good day guys....

Then go and entertain yourself. We are not here for your pleasure.

279 littleoldlady  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:22:23am

re: #272 Killian Bundy

I still don't know what you're talking about. :-/

If you mean that college is a waste of time these days because our economy is going to collapse and she'll never get a job anyway...yeah, I figured that out. :-( What's the alternative?

She switched majors - AGAIN - but this time my hair didn't fall out.

/marketing; it's more marketable

280 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:24:27am

re: #279 littleoldlady

She switched majors - AGAIN - but this time my hair didn't fall out.

/marketing; it's more marketable

You're getting the hang of it.

/one more year

281 littleoldlady  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:24:59am

re: #275 J.D.

She's started at Hofstra in the Fall of 2007. Neither of us liked it. Lasted a semester. Came home, finished up the year at community college, and transferred to Philadelphia University (which was where she was GOING to go before she got into Hofstra).

She's on campus but that's only about 1/2 hour a away. We see her a lot because she comes here to catch up on sleep! ;-)

282 littleoldlady  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:25:53am

re: #280 Killian Bundy

TWO more years. And she's talking LAW SCHOOL, too.

/that won't happen, unless lightning strikes and she becomes a STUDENT.

283 littleoldlady  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:27:27am

Typos 'R Us™


284 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:28:26am

re: #276 BatGuano

Killian,here is cream

White Room, one of their three or four songs.

/ZZ Top

285 BatGuano  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:28:37am

Cream is the best.

286 J.D.  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:28:58am

re: #281 littleoldlady

Good you got all that straightened out! Nice that you're so close! I'm going to LA in March to find out where mine will be for the next 4 years...hoping for Virginia...

287 gmsc  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:28:58am

re: #282 littleoldlady

TWO more years. And she's talking LAW SCHOOL, too.

/that won't happen, unless lightning strikes and she becomes a STUDENT.

288 gmsc  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:30:59am

re: #282 littleoldlady

TWO more years. And she's talking LAW SCHOOL, too.

/that won't happen, unless lightning strikes and she becomes a STUDENT.

Do law schools really take that many people with marketing degrees? Or multiple majors?

289 Render  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:31:17am

re: #283 littleoldlady

My cousin went to medical school. Not to become a doctor. To find a good doctor to marry. She hit the jackpot, he's a great guy, and they have an incredible and very cool baby boy.

I'm pretty certain her father, my uncle, is quite satisfied with the investment.


290 J.D.  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:31:57am

re: #289 Render

Happy endings!

Good story.

291 Sheepdogess  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:32:41am

re: #4 gmsc

The comments were great!

292 gmsc  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:34:37am

re: #291 Sheepdogess

The comments were great!


Did you see the news report at re: #20? It's even funnier to see and hear these people directly.

293 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:34:43am

re: #282 littleoldlady

TWO more years. And she's talking LAW SCHOOL, too.

/that won't happen, unless lightning strikes and she becomes a STUDENT.

Doesn't hurt to take the LSAT and find out if you're worthy.

1L -- they scare you to death
2L -- they work you to death
3L -- they bore you to death

/you can't be expected to pay for law school, if MNT has the confidence to be a lawyer, she can take out loans

294 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:35:36am

Damn......I knew there was a couple of good reasons I wanted the Canadians to stay in Afghanistan.

Later in 2002, Perry was accused of discreditable conduct by the Canadian Armed Forces. Forces personnel investigated allegations that he had desecrated a combatant's corpse by removing a finger, putting a cigarette in its mouth, and placing a sign reading "Fuck Terrorism" on its chest. Military police also suspected that Perry had defecated on another corpse. After a ten month investigation it was determined that there was not enough evidence to lay criminal charges

295 BatGuano  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:37:23am

re: #284 Killian Bundy

I love zz top! But Cream was the best power trio of all time.

296 littleoldlady  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:38:10am

re: #289 Render


I could live with that! ;-)

re: #288 gmsc

Is there actually a "Pre Law" curriculum? (Other than possibly poli sci and history?) A business degree is fine, usually. But the real deal is the LSATs.

/and my kid is a horrible test-taker! :-(


It's so good to have her close by. I don't feel so bereft.

Is your kid going to grad school?

297 BatGuano  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:39:00am

re: #284 Killian Bundy

Also Clapton was only 23 years old.

298 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:39:00am

re: #288 gmsc

Do law schools really take that many people with marketing degrees? Or multiple majors?

/it's a balance of grades, life experience, and the LSAT score, extremely competitive

299 soxfan4life  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:39:04am

re: #270 gmsc

Chicago and Wal-Mart are an old story. Here's a 2006 story about Chicago and Wal-Mart that doesn't seem to be out of date yet.

We just had one open here in central MA, and a lot of people tried to stop it. The big complaint was they had very few full time positions that paid benefits. When the people with petitions approached me, I refused to sign and said the better argument would be to go after them for more full time positions and hire a certain percentage of local residents. Argument fell on deaf ears and Wal-Mart opened despite the petition drive.

300 gmsc  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:39:31am

re: #276 BatGuano

Killian,here is cream


Sad to say, that's the first time I've ever heard that song outside of this context:

301 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:41:36am

re: #299 soxfan4life

We almost had one in the nearest 'big town' in Western Mass. The Mayor was all in favor for it, but the town council and a bunch of activists were determined to put a stop to it and as far as I know, the land still sits vacant.

302 gmsc  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:43:02am

re: #299 soxfan4life

We just had one open here in central MA, and a lot of people tried to stop it. The big complaint was they had very few full time positions that paid benefits. When the people with petitions approached me, I refused to sign and said the better argument would be to go after them for more full time positions and hire a certain percentage of local residents. Argument fell on deaf ears and Wal-Mart opened despite the petition drive.

It's nice to hear of the occasional victory!

Wal-Mart made a smart move by basically not being afraid to fight. In Chicago, I understand they keep trying to get in, and even though they know the odds are against them, they'll keep trying.

303 J.D.  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:43:30am

re: #296 littleoldlady

He's in med school. We're expecting he'll be doing a residency somewhere...he's spanned the continent a few times doing a Lot of interviews.

The students rank the schools, the schools rank the students, it all goes into a computer, and on March Day voila!
There you are.

304 gmsc  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:44:32am

I'm starting to get sleepy.

Good night, all!

305 J.D.  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:45:30am

Nite gmsc. If my NyQuil would kick in, I'd turn in as well. *sigh*

306 Erik The Red  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:46:50am

re: #304 gmsc

I'm starting to get sleepy.

Good night, all!

Night gmsc

307 BatGuano  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:46:55am

re: #276 BatGuano
It's o. I was thirteen when it was popular

308 BatGuano  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:48:57am

re: #304 gmsc
G.night GMSC

309 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:49:10am

re: #278 Erik The Red Thats the 3rd or 4th time he's promised us he's leaving :P.

310 J.D.  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:49:52am

A multilevel disaster
Stimulus bill's contents, handling could not be more disheartening

... But the problems with the 1,000-plus-page bill are legion. The most basic flaw is that many of its projects costing tens of billions of dollars cannot be started for several years, meaning they will yield no short-term stimulus. It is outrageous to pass the tab for these projects on to our children and grandchildren.

Another unforgivable flaw is how the bill makes huge changes on major national policies without any significant debate. One provision guts the 1996 welfare reform law, which reduced caseloads by 70 percent. Instead, individuals will again be entitled to unlimited lifetime benefits without work requirements and, amazingly, states will have financial incentives to increase caseloads.

Other provisions appear to sharply increase the federal government's role in health care by establishing a national database of Americans' medical records and by monitoring every hospital's treatment standards on cost-containment grounds. ...

Check out the cartoon.

311 littleoldlady  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:50:51am

'Night, gmsc! :-)


OHHH! Med school! :-)

Well I hope he's closer to you than CA, but you probably won't get to see much of him either way.

/residency = slave labor

NyQuil? Just looking at the BOTTLE knocks me out. ;-)

312 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:51:45am

LSAT Mini Tests

An awesome score on the LSAT can overcome mediocre grades. Practice, practice, practice.

/it's a timed test

313 Marvo76  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:54:01am

good morning it appears Chavez is now thug for life....
[Link: news.yahoo.com...]

314 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:57:29am

re: #313 Marvo76

Ordinarily, I'd probably say something along the lines of 'Well, at least this increases my chances of landing a Venezuelan bueaty-queen as a wife', but with 0bama in the White House, what possible reason would she have to want to come up to the USA now? Socialism is socialism....

315 J.D.  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:58:20am

re: #311 littleoldlady

No, I won't see much of him either way, closer might help. After all his travels over the last few months, the weather in southern Cal seems like more of a plus to him. Now if global warming would really kick in, he'd be set no matter where he goes!

316 littleoldlady  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:58:26am

re: #312 Killian Bundy

The only good news is that it's a way different kind of test than the SATs.

/the kid has a CHANCE.

"My son" has been studying for the LSATs for months now. He's got stellar grades from Haverford College (scholar/athlete) and he's a high achiever anyway.

/it's good to be able to live vicariously... ;-)

317 BatGuano  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:59:38am

Must turn in now. Goodnight all.

318 littleoldlady  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 2:59:45am

re: #312 Killian Bundy

Oh boy! That test looks like FUN!

/there goes work today...


319 littleoldlady  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:00:08am

'Night, BatGuano! :-)

320 Marvo76  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:00:25am

and our allies the French and the british seem to have stealth down well enough to run into each other in the Atlantic with subs...
[Link: www.thesun.co.uk...]

321 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:01:18am

re: #317 BatGuano

Ciao, guano!

322 J.D.  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:03:40am

re: #320 Marvo76

So we've heard.
It seems pretty bizarre. Wonder what took both of them there right at the same time?

323 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:05:24am

re: #316 littleoldlady

The only good news is that it's a way different kind of test than the SATs.

/the kid has a CHANCE.

It's not a test to be taken lightly, the score is almost everything unless you're a 4.0+ second coming of Mother Teresa.

/just like the Bar exam (a whole different multi-day critter), if you don't practice the LSAT until you're confident, you're an idiot

324 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:07:36am

re: #317 BatGuano

Must turn in now. Goodnight all.

/goodnight BatGuano, if that really is your name

325 J.D.  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:10:20am

re: #324 Killian Bundy

Is that really your name?

/I think not

326 Marvo76  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:12:37am

just lucky I guess, but shipping routes and ocean channels are probably set routes and they just happened to be converging in the best spot to be...although something clandestine might indeed be the case...just don't have enough info to call...

327 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:13:12am

re: #325 J.D.

Is that really your name?

/I think not

/two long dead cats

328 J.D.  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:14:28am

My NyQuil "expired" in 2004 but I think it's kicking in. Maybe watching Denis O'Leary did help.

329 littleoldlady  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:16:36am

re: #328 J.D.

"Green death flavor"!


330 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:16:59am

re: #326 Marvo76

although something clandestine might indeed be the case...just don't have enough info to call...

/then shut up, Feinstein's already queered enough national security for last week and the next month

331 littleoldlady  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:18:04am

My parents named me littleoldlady.

/deal with it
//I've certainly had to!

332 Marvo76  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:19:10am

re: #330 Killian Bundy

LOL I don't think I would be able to do them as much as DF has, she speaks from sure knowledge, I was speculating

333 J.D.  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:19:35am

re: #327 Killian Bundy

/two long dead cats

How long?

Oh. You mean long ago.

You still miss them.

Last month, I had my last one laid to rest. It's the first time I've ever had to do that. Still miss her every day...she was so sweet...

334 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:21:10am

re: #326 Marvo76 Subs especially Ballistic Missile boats don't tend to stick to shipping lanes. They also don't usually stick to straight planned paths. Any Ballistic sub at sea is at a higher security status than any other ship in the navy unless in active war time. These boat every time they go out work on training the crews to move steathily and avoid detection the brits could have had their own sub hunting game going on while the frenchies were doing something similar with regards to training. There is no real need to tell each other what is going on there are millions of square miles of ocean to play in. Plus If you know an allies Ballistic is in the area it is amazing training for hunter subs to use it as a training exercise to help their crews find the black hole. Oftentimes the best way to identify a Missile sub is not thru its Sonar signature but rather thru the ways it creates a void in the sonar.

335 goddessoftheclassroom  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:21:41am

Good morning, Lizards.

336 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:22:02am

re: #335 goddessoftheclassroom
Morning goddess.

337 Crux Australis  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:23:36am

I see that Democrat Party strategists are in Australia giving advice to the Australian Labor Party.

Should I read anything in to this? What really could they add that the Labor Party doesn't already know? Could they really add anything relevant to Australian politics?

338 J.D.  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:23:41am

re: #329 littleoldlady

Luckily, I had the capsules!
/and a fruitcup chaser

339 BlueCanuck  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:24:27am

Good morning {goddess}.

340 littleoldlady  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:24:38am

goddess! :-)


Ah, time released! ;-)

341 J.D.  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:25:55am

re: #334 Rustler

a void in the sonar...interesting...

342 Erik The Red  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:25:58am

re: #335 goddessoftheclassroom

Good morning, Lizards.

Morning {goddess}

343 summergurl  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:27:04am

Good Morning Lizards ----

344 summergurl  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:28:06am

Waiting for the confetti to drop....

345 littleoldlady  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:28:10am

summergurl! :-)

346 BlueCanuck  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:28:28am

re: #341 J.D.

a void in the sonar...interesting...

The way I heard it is that some of these new boats are so quiet that they actually absorb some of the regular background noise. Effectively creating a "hole" in the surrounding area. Still difficult to pick up on, that's why a boats sonar tech is worth his weight in gold.

347 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:28:58am

So, what do we do now?

348 littleoldlady  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:29:27am
349 BlueCanuck  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:29:36am

re: #344 summergurl

Waiting for the confetti to drop....

Confetti to drop? Am I missing something in that statement?

/clueless in Canuckistan.

350 Marvo76  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:30:56am

re: #341 J.D.

would that be a lack of the echo? I wold think they would be using magnetic signatures such as the boom on the back of a P-3 orion, or have some ort of sano bouy (sp?) for passive listening for screw signatures

351 littleoldlady  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:31:51am

I gotta get going to do...whatever waste of time it is that I do :-/


GREAT seeing you, although I'm sorry it's because you have a cold! Take care!

Good day, ALL!™

352 summergurl  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:32:21am

re: #349 BlueCanuck

Just made my 1,000th comment..lol

353 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:32:42am

re: #346 BlueCanuck Yep thats exactly it Good sonar operators know that they shouldn't just look for sonar hits but voids as well.

354 summergurl  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:33:03am

C'ya lol

355 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:34:37am

Hey everybody. I don't have to be anywhere today until 6pm. My wife had to get up early, and was kind enough to go ahead and get me up too.

356 goddessoftheclassroom  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:34:41am


Have a great day!

357 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:34:52am

re: #350 Marvo76
Magnetic sigs are problematic as there is a ceramic and rubber insultation on the external hull. The void is more than just a lack of echo like a black hole in space it actaully sucks in and absorbs surrounding noise. The Screws tend to be shrouded to muffle cavitation sounds as well.

358 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:36:02am

re: #328 J.D.

Isn't expired NyQuil the way to make Meth?

359 abaleh  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:36:03am

re: #334 Rustler

Subs especially Ballistic Missile boats don't tend to stick to shipping lanes. They also don't usually stick to straight planned paths. Any Ballistic sub at sea is at a higher security status than any other ship in the navy unless in active war time. These boat every time they go out work on training the crews to move steathily and avoid detection the brits could have had their own sub hunting game going on while the frenchies were doing something similar with regards to training. There is no real need to tell each other what is going on there are millions of square miles of ocean to play in. Plus If you know an allies Ballistic is in the area it is amazing training for hunter subs to use it as a training exercise to help their crews find the black hole. Oftentimes the best way to identify a Missile sub is not thru its Sonar signature but rather thru the ways it creates a void in the sonar.

The amazing thing is that not only do the two subs need to be in the same location, they have to be at the same depth.
Regarding the noise level, I would think that at a distance of at least a hundred yards they should still hear something; but I'm not a sonar tech, so what do I know.

360 J.D.  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:36:22am

re: #346 BlueCanuck

Yes, I can see where he would be pretty important...

361 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:36:38am

re: #356 goddessoftheclassroom

Goddess! Hiya! No school today for President's Day?

362 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:37:07am

re: #357 Rustler This is why even multiple Orions have problems locating our Ohio class subs during training exercises and the Orions know the general location of the Ohio's because exercises tend to take place in limited environments to make the Sub crews work harder to avoid detection.

363 J.D.  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:38:41am

re: #350 Marvo76

Whoa Marvo 76!
No comprende! lol

364 goddessoftheclassroom  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:38:49am

re: #358 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Isn't expired NyQuil the way to make Meth?

Funny you should say that...

Nyqil is still sold otc. I was sick in bed yesterday (nasty cold), and my Baby Lizard walked to the store for me (just around the corner) to get me some capsules.

They refused to sell it to him because he was under 18.

Now, what would stop a determined druggie from STEALING it? If it's so dangerous, keep it behind the counter along with the Sudafed and other similar medicines.

365 goddessoftheclassroom  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:39:03am

re: #361 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Goddess! Hiya! No school today for President's Day?

No we have school to make up for a snow day.

366 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:39:41am

re: #359 abaleh Our current newest classes of Subs beyond the military benefit have actually benefitted science. They move quietly enough in the water that even whales have had problems spotting them and have collided with subs running quiet. The scientific benefit provided is in hte hundreds of hours of sonar logs the navy has been nice enough to provide for whale researchers.

367 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:39:48am

re: #365 goddessoftheclassroom

Awwwww. Thought we'd get to hang out for a while.

368 BlueCanuck  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:39:52am

Bye littleoldlady, see you tomorrow morning.

369 goddessoftheclassroom  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:40:24am

re: #367 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Awwwww. Thought we'd get to hang out for a while.

You're so sweet!

370 J.D.  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:40:28am

bye littleoldlady goodtoseeyoutoo!

371 Render  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:40:49am

About those subs...


372 abaleh  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:41:30am

re: #357 Rustler

Magnetic sigs are problematic as there is a ceramic and rubber insultation on the external hull. The void is more than just a lack of echo like a black hole in space it actaully sucks in and absorbs surrounding noise. The Screws tend to be shrouded to muffle cavitation sounds as well.

Cavitation occurs only above a certain speed, so if they were running slowly they wouldn't hear the screws.

373 Render  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:41:52am

re: #359 abaleh

A hundred yards is inside the turning radius of both subs.


374 Marvo76  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:42:57am

JD that is Navy terminology which I had a few years of way back in 77-81. I was in the aviation end of the field, but dealt with close air support of amphibs, I did have some friends who were in ASW, but they methods weren't discussed much...

375 J.D.  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:43:20am

re: #358 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Isn't expired NyQuil the way to make Meth?

Why, FBV, how could I know?

Better question: How would you know?


I think Sudafed is used which is why you have to buy it behind the counter...probably one of the same ingredients as in NyQuil...or at least the old NyQuil...and Draino is in there, iirc...and...

376 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:43:30am

For some reason this morning I sense a calm in the Force.

Pelosi is out of the country?

377 Marvo76  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:44:16am

re: #371 Render

much worse! ala thresher

378 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:44:38am

re: #376 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

For some reason this morning I sense a calm in the Force.

Pelosi is out of the country?

Yes ,, but they're tuning up her broom and the squadron of flying monkeys is resting for the return trip

379 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:44:42am

re: #333 J.D.

How long?

Oh. You mean long ago.

You still miss them.

Last month, I had my last one laid to rest. It's the first time I've ever had to do that. Still miss her every day...she was so sweet...

I'd have to go back and look at the vet records. Both had to be affirmatively put down in old age for medical conditions. Half brothers, both purebred white coat exotics, like Bob (see avatar). And then there was show cat Champion Premier Kadiska's Not So Raggedy Andy. He died at home, peacefully, of natural causes in old age.

/and now there's Bill, he's only 3/4 Exotic because there was a breech of security and his grandfather jumped the fence

380 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:44:48am

re: #375 J.D.

John Pinette (hugely funny guy) calls NyQuil...
"The Stuffy Sneezy Coughy wakeuponthekitchenfloorthreedayslater medicine."

381 Marvo76  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:46:43am

re: #372 abaleh

they can even somewhat mask that with a type of air injection if I remember my publications from way back when...

382 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:48:17am

re: #372 abaleh
Yes but Marvo had asked specifically about listening for the screws so I mentioned it.

383 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:50:09am

They're already making excuses, and it hasn't even been signed into law yet!

[Link: www.boston.com...]
Speedy recovery is called unlikely
Aides to Obama say stimulus needs time

384 J.D.  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:51:21am

re: #379 Killian Bundy

They were beautiful. My cat vet had a white one that was so friendly.

/and now there's Bill, he's only 3/4 Exotic because there was a breech of security and his grandfather jumped the fence

It happens.

I still see my cats walking around the corner sometimes.
Maybe I'm a little nuts, but it seems I get just a glimpse...

385 J.D.  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:52:15am

re: #374 Marvo76

Clearly you have a leg up on me there! It's fascinating, though, I think.

386 J.D.  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:55:44am

re: #380 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

John Pinette (hugely funny guy) calls NyQuil...
"The Stuffy Sneezy Coughy wakeuponthekitchenfloorthreedayslater medicine."

If only!
Maybe I should have taken 4 instead of 2 since they were old...

Did you see Denis Leary?

387 abaleh  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:56:39am

The fact that the French were coming back from a 70 day deployment might be a factor in this. On the way home crews might be a little less vigilant.

388 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:57:20am

re: #386 J.D.

Yeah. Dennis is funny.

389 Dar ul Harbarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:59:27am

Trouble brewing

Feb. 16 (Bloomberg) -- Pakistan agreed to impose Islamic law in the Swat Valley after reaching a peace accord with local Taliban who pledged, in return, to end fighting in the area. This is the second peace accord in less than 12 months.

“We have agreed to end all non-Islamic laws in the region,” Ameer Haider Khan Hoti, chief minister of the North West Frontier Province, which governs the valley, said in a televised news conference from Peshawar, the provincial capital. “The new laws will be implemented as soon as the government’s writ is established.”

390 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 3:59:43am

re: #381 Marvo76 Doubt it's Air injection that is used to halt Cavitation. Cavitation is caused by the collapsed of airbubbles created as a result of pressure differentials created in the prob forcing water. More air injected would increase friction increasing the pressure differential and causing increased cavitation(the collapsing of the cavities in the water created by the thermodynamic reaction to pressure on one side droping below the waters vaporization point.) Best way to limit cavitation is to inject more water on the lower pressure side and having blades which have very low friction.

391 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:00:30am

re: #387 abaleh
Also happened very early in the morning or late at night dependong on how you want to call it.

392 goddessoftheclassroom  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:00:49am

Got to get going--have a great day!

393 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:01:28am

re: #390 Rustler

See? I've been telling people that for years.

(I have no idea what you are talking about, but it sounds really smart.)

394 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:02:00am

[Link: en.wikipedia.org...] Wiki page on cavitation probably better at explaining it than me.

395 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:02:32am

re: #393 Fat Bastard Vegetarian
Lol You just like using the big words don't you.

396 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:02:34am

What should I do if a stock I was looking at gets downgraded by Citibank?

/I mean.....look at that 52-week chart. Has Citibank downgraded it's own stock yet?

397 BlueCanuck  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:03:10am

Bye goddess, have a good day at school.

398 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:03:56am

Bye Goddess take teh yard stick today it's looking like it may be one of those weeks.

399 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:04:45am

re: #396 Fenway_Nation
Buy more than you had planned on buying? It's not like the way Citibank has been running itself shows they have and financial knowledge.

400 soxfan4life  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:04:51am

re: #383 sattv4u2

They're already making excuses, and it hasn't even been signed into law yet!

[Link: www.boston.com...]
Speedy recovery is called unlikely
Aides to Obama say stimulus needs time

"Doing nothing will only make things worse"
"This stimulus won't work overnight"
And yet liberals defend this turd. And call us uneducated.

401 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:04:57am

Happy Presidents Day, President Bush

Thank you, and hope your "retirement" is a happy one
You're missed!

402 Marvo76  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:06:19am

re: #394 Rustler

Interesting read thanks

403 soxfan4life  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:07:20am

re: #401 sattv4u2

Happy Presidents Day, President Bush

Thank you, and hope your "retirement" is a happy one
You're missed!

The current President makes me want to wish President Carter a happy Presidents Day as well.By the time this dufus gets done his worshippers will want today to be known as Obama Day.

404 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:07:24am

re: #399 Rustler

Buy more than you had planned on buying? It's not like the way Citibank has been running itself shows they have and financial knowledge.

Amen! The way Citibank's been performing lately, I'd almost consider it an endorsement.

405 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:07:27am

As bad as that plane crash in Buffalo was, I am very sad for the family of the pilot. Have a feeling he is going to be crucified posthumously.

406 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:07:31am

re: #400 soxfan4life

"Doing nothing will only make things worse"
"This stimulus won't work overnight"
And yet liberals defend this turd. And call us uneducated.

words fail me.

I have sent a letter to a few select Senators and congerssmen. Basically, it says

"In that a very small portion of this bill won't kick in till 2010 and 2011, if the economy rebounds on it's own by 4th Quarter 2009, can we cancel the rest of the bill?"

407 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:08:25am

re: #403 soxfan4life

The current President makes me want to wish President Carter a happy Presidents Day as well.By the time this dufus gets done his worshippers will want today to be known as Obama Day.

lets not go overboard now !

408 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:09:17am

re: #396 Fenway_Nation

What should I do if a stock I was looking at gets downgraded by Citibank?

/I mean.....look at that 52-week chart. Has Citibank downgraded it's own stock yet?

Subscription IBD says really bad stock. Pick something else.

/look at that 52-week chart, racing for the exits

409 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:09:57am

re: #403 soxfan4life

I rather snarkily addressed that in my
#9 ...

410 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:10:17am

re: #405 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

As bad as that plane crash in Buffalo was, I am very sad for the family of the pilot. Have a feeling he is going to be crucified posthumously.

I know. When in this country did we forget what the word ACCIDENT means? People suing (and winning money) McDonalds because that person spilled HOT COFFEE in HER OWN LAP.

411 abaleh  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:11:16am

re: #391 Rustler

Also happened very early in the morning or late at night dependong on how you want to call it.

Then it was probably junior officers as OODs.

/ and the sonar techs were probably telling jokes on the internal comms instead of listening for outside noises.

412 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:11:37am

re: #408 Killian Bundy

Citibank or Harvest Energy Trust?

Or both?

/might as well stick to utilities at this rate...

413 3 wood  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:12:15am

Good morning.

Look for the market to open lower as the futures are pointing down, and the Hang Seng and Nikkei were down as well.

The auto companies are now looking for more billions of taxpayer handouts to keep them afloat, while their union walks away from the table refusing to make more cuts.

Given that the Democrats control everything, I think the union is making a pretty shrewd decision.

And the economy continues to contract.....

414 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:13:43am

MYGN, got in ten points ago, overextended for you.

/solid stocks like this

415 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:13:49am

re: #413 3 wood

Look for the market to open lower

Why ,, is Geithner, Shumer or Frank speaking !?!?!


416 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:14:22am

re: #411 abaleh
Bingo. Late night quiet time is for training Newbies and letting that Lt jg get hand at handling command.

417 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:14:38am

re: #413 3 wood

The auto companies are now looking for more billions of taxpayer handouts to keep them afloat, while their union walks away from the table refusing to make more cuts.

Silly question, but will this uncertainty with the automakers once again push down the price of Platinum like it did back in the fall?

418 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:15:17am

re: #413 3 wood

Look for the market to open lower as the futures are pointing down, and the Hang Seng and Nikkei were down as well

/I was told it's a U.S. market holiday

419 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:15:55am

re: #410 sattv4u2
All ready starting have CNN on Hotel policy for the breakfast hours(I'm about 45 minutes early with it). Cnn is interviewing folks upset about the use of the autopilot since the investigation has indicated plane was on auto at the time of the crash.

420 soxfan4life  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:16:25am

re: #407 sattv4u2

lets not go overboard now !

We went overboard on Nov 4, 2008.

421 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:17:01am

re: #420 soxfan4life

We went overboard on Nov 4, 2008.

and through the looking glass

422 WhiteRasta  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:17:18am

re: #419 Rustler

What the hell do CNN and the general public know about auto-pilots?

Effin eeeejits....

423 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:18:21am

re: #422 WhiteRasta

What the hell do CNN and the general public know about auto-pilots?

Effin eeeejits....

but don't you see, it SOUNDS negligent. All part of victimology!

424 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:18:22am

re: #420 soxfan4life

We went overboard on Nov 4, 2008.

I thought we went down the drain.....or was it up shit creek without a paddle?

425 soxfan4life  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:18:29am

re: #415 sattv4u2

Look for the market to open lower

Why ,, is Geithner, Shumer or Frank speaking !?!?!


Don't the big three inspire confidence in you?

426 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:18:43am

re: #421 sattv4u2
I can't get thru the looking glass to the world I see on the other side with Unicorns prancing around and Gumdrop autos with gingerbread houses. I'm getting really hungry looking at it too just ask the 43 Sea Kittens I've eatten while staring thru.

427 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:19:32am

re: #425 soxfan4life

Don't the big three inspire confidence in you?

Quikest way to get hurt,, , stand between Shumer and a TV camera

428 soxfan4life  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:20:29am

re: #427 sattv4u2

Quikest way to get hurt,, , stand between Shumer and a TV camera

Or Barney Frank and free food.

429 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:21:23am

re: #418 Killian Bundy

/I was told it's a U.S. market holiday

/or I would have been asleep for several hours and not sitting here still drinking

430 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:21:28am

re: #428 soxfan4life

Or Barney Frank and free food young males.

431 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:21:53am

re: #425 soxfan4life

Ford Still looking good or did they finally join in and ask for money with round 2? Last I heard they were proud that they made it without the first and still didn't need to go back to ask for seconds. This whole bailout is reminding me of Oliver Twist walking up asking "Please sir may I have some more."

432 gregg  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:22:55am

re: #400 soxfan4life

"Doing nothing will only make things worse"
"This stimulus won't work overnight"

I keep hearing "this bill sucks, but it's better than doing nothing". Many of the bill's opponents were not proposing doing nothing, but once again Obama and the MSM get away deception. This bill sucks because a large portion of it is not stimulus, it kicks in too late, and when it does kick in it may be the exact opposite of what needs to be done (a couple of years out inflation may be our biggest problem and the stimulus will exacerbate the problem).

Somehow the Republicans need to get their message out, and it can't just be that they oppose Obama.

433 yesandno  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:23:02am

re: #405 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

As bad as that plane crash in Buffalo was, I am very sad for the family of the pilot. Have a feeling he is going to be crucified posthumously.

The pilot was a "she" I believe....

And you are correct.

434 Ford_Prefect  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:23:26am

Good Morning Lizards!

It is a seasonably cold day here in CT. Expected to get up to about 35. But it should be a nice day over all. I hope today finds everyone happy and well.

435 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:23:41am

re: #430 sattv4u2
I'm still pissed about the media's failure to talk about Frank's getting Fanny from someone sitting on the executive board of Fannie Mae.

436 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:24:07am

LONDON, Feb 15 (Reuters) - A widely available blood pressure pill could one day help people erase bad memories

[Link: www.zimbio.com...]

That will come in handy 4 years from now!

437 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:24:14am

CNBC is running crap programming.

/no U.S. markets today

438 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:25:13am

re: #436 sattv4u2
Can I get enough to make me forget the next 4 years now and take em as it happens.

439 Marvo76  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:25:22am

re: #424 Fenway_Nation

in a shit storm with out an umbrella

440 soxfan4life  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:25:26am

re: #431 Rustler

Ford Still looking good or did they finally join in and ask for money with round 2? Last I heard they were proud that they made it without the first and still didn't need to go back to ask for seconds. This whole bailout is reminding me of Oliver Twist walking up asking "Please sir may I have some more."

I was referring to Geithner,Schumer, and Frank as the big three.

441 Ford_Prefect  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:25:44am

re: #403 soxfan4life

The current President makes me want to wish President Carter a happy Presidents Day as well.By the time this dufus gets done his worshippers will want today to be known as Obama Day.

I think we can pretty much guarantee that one day there will be a Barack Obama day. Whatever we think about the man and his ability to lead, he is the first black President and will be honored for that.

442 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:25:52am

re: #440 soxfan4life
Ahh those 3.

443 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:25:53am

re: #437 Killian Bundy

CNBC is running crap programming.

/no U.S. markets today

NBC has an "exclusive one on one with Bill Clinton"

Didn't Monica think she had the same thing!?!?!

444 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:26:40am

re: #433 yesandno

Sorry...was watching news (on mute) saw a picture of what I assumed was the male pilot.

445 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:26:43am

re: #443 sattv4u2
Ok you can send the new keyboard to me with your stimulus check.

446 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:27:00am

re: #435 Rustler

I'm still pissed about the media's failure to talk about Frank's getting Fanny from someone sitting on the executive board of Fannie Mae.

Didn't 0bama get some money from Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac even though he hadn't even served a full term?

447 Ford_Prefect  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:27:29am

re: #440 soxfan4life

re: #424 Fenway_Nation

Position players report today! Take a deep breath. Smells like baseball season, doesn't it?

448 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:27:53am

re: #447 Ford_Prefect

re: #424 Fenway_Nation

Position players report today! Take a deep breath. Smells like baseball season, doesn't it?

Cubs in last place yet?

449 gregg  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:28:00am

re: #437 Killian Bundy

CNBC is running crap programming.

/no U.S. markets today

That would mean the U.S. markets would never open. ;-)

From InPlay: U.S. markets will be closed on Monday, Feb 16 in observation of Presidents Day :

450 3 wood  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:28:01am

The Chicago Way continues.

Apparently Roland Burris was contacted at least 3 times by Rod Blagojevich's brother about possibly paying for the Senate appointment, and then lied about it when he testified to the State legislature.

The FBI apparently was taping the conversations, and they have reached out and contacted Burris' lawyers to talk to them. Burris is now denying that he lied, and is trying to get out in front of this story. There is some talk of a perjury investigation against Burris.

If this was a Republican, it would be leading the news every hour.

And Obama, who came out of the same political sewer, is still viewed by the MSM as a god.

451 soxfan4life  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:29:06am

re: #432 gregg

I keep hearing "this bill sucks, but it's better than doing nothing". Many of the bill's opponents were not proposing doing nothing, but once again Obama and the MSM get away deception. This bill sucks because a large portion of it is not stimulus, it kicks in too late, and when it does kick in it may be the exact opposite of what needs to be done (a couple of years out inflation may be our biggest problem and the stimulus will exacerbate the problem).

Somehow the Republicans need to get their message out, and it can't just be that they oppose Obama.

Seems like all this bill is doing, besides saddling us with huge debt, is buying the midterm elections for the Dems by making the bottom feeders happy. The GOP needs to have a strong economic guy like Romney delivering their message and an alternative plan so it appears they know what they are doing and not just being obstructionists.

452 Ford_Prefect  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:29:14am

re: #448 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Cubs in last place yet?

Tied. Also tied for first, though that won't last long.

453 WhiteRasta  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:29:20am

re: #423 sattv4u2

Pretty much all airliners are on autopilot from right after takeoff until short final. That's perfectly normal.

454 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:29:24am

re: #446 Fenway_Nation Both I think but not sure. I was refering to the fact that one of Fannie's board members was for a period of time Frank's Partner. Not sure who was pitching and who was Pitching and who was recieving at home. But Franks was pitching a bunch or yesses in fannie/freddies direction while he was personally involved with the man.

455 Marvo76  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:29:45am

re: #447 Ford_Prefect

just heard on the radio bud selig is gonna reinstate Hank Arron as HRK, and put an asterick by Barry bond's name...

456 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:29:51am

re: #448 Fat Bastard Vegetarian
Has the first game been played yet? If so then yep :P

457 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:31:14am

re: #450 3 wood
So far there are 3 seperate sworn affadavits all contradictary from Burris from what I heard.

458 Ford_Prefect  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:31:18am

re: #450 3 wood

The Chicago Way continues.

Apparently Roland Burris was contacted at least 3 times by Rod Blagojevich's brother about possibly paying for the Senate appointment, and then lied about it when he testified to the State legislature.

The FBI apparently was taping the conversations, and they have reached out and contacted Burris' lawyers to talk to them. Burris is now denying that he lied, and is trying to get out in front of this story. There is some talk of a perjury investigation against Burris.

If this was a Republican, it would be leading the news every hour.

And Obama, who came out of the same political sewer, is still viewed by the MSM as a god.

Surprise Surprise Surprise

459 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:31:21am

re: #450 3 wood

I'm predicting a Blago "accident". Forgot what movie it was from, and I am sure I am paraphrasing...

..."he fell down an empty elevator shaft onto a bunch of bullets."

460 3 wood  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:31:56am

re: #417 Fenway_Nation

It might. Overall it will have a further downward effect on the market overall.

The biggest cost problem they have is labor and legacy costs. The union is refusing to do much adjusting, cause they have a legitimate contract and they evaluate that the Democrats will not turn on a union. They are playing a game of chicken, betting that the Democrats will not force the auto companies into bankruptcy.

461 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:32:16am

re: #457 Rustler

So far there are 3 seperate sworn affadavits all contradictary from Burris from what I heard.

That way, no matter what the truth turns out to be, he's covered!

462 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:32:24am

re: #455 Marvo76

just heard on the radio bud selig is gonna reinstate Hank Arron as HRK, and put an asterick by Barry bond's name...


Morning, Lizards!

463 Ford_Prefect  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:32:50am

re: #455 Marvo76

just heard on the radio bud selig is gonna reinstate Hank Arron as HRK, and put an asterick by Barry bond's name...

Sweet! Now if we can just keep A-Roid out of the hall.

464 soxfan4life  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:33:12am

re: #441 Ford_Prefect

I think we can pretty much guarantee that one day there will be a Barack Obama day. Whatever we think about the man and his ability to lead, he is the first black President and will be honored for that.

He is the 44th POTUS and as such is honored on Presidents Day already.

465 3 wood  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:34:05am

re: #437 Killian Bundy

CNBC is running crap programming.

/no U.S. markets today

Yes, you are right, no US market today.

Probably that is a good thing.

Maybe Geithner can come back from his world travels and spend a few minutes in the office putting together a coherent plan to deal with the bank melt down.

466 freetoken  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:34:09am

re: #455 Marvo76

just heard on the radio bud selig is gonna reinstate Hank Arron as HRK, and put an asterick by Barry bond's name...

To which I object. Even if Bonds spent some time using steroids to help him add muscle, that did not make him hit home runs. I doubt if any other person who has taken/ is taking steroids could hit home runs in the profusion that Bonds did.

The obsession with nanny-statism in sports, especially one like baseball in which injuries are usually not a big problem, is due to a misbegotten belief that everyone has to have a "fair" playing field.

But life is not fair, and to deny any athlete from their due acclaim because society did not approve of a part of the method is wrong.

467 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:34:37am

I was so hoping that we would get a little time before the next pretty little white girl got disappeared.

But, hell...what else was Greta gonna talk about?

Seriously. How does the media decide which missing child to pay attention to?

468 summergurl  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:34:59am

re: #450 3 wood

The Chicago Way continues.

Apparently Roland Burris was contacted at least 3 times by Rod Blagojevich's brother about possibly paying for the Senate appointment, and then lied about it when he testified to the State legislature.

The FBI apparently was taping the conversations, and they have reached out and contacted Burris' lawyers to talk to them. Burris is now denying that he lied, and is trying to get out in front of this story. There is some talk of a perjury investigation against Burris.

If this was a Republican, it would be leading the news every hour.

And Obama, who came out of the same political sewer, is still viewed by the MSM as a god.

I was wondering what prompted Burris to disclose this info---taped huh?

469 3 wood  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:35:22am

re: #459 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I'm predicting a Blago "accident". Forgot what movie it was from, and I am sure I am paraphrasing...

That's from Shawshank Redemption

470 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:35:22am

re: #455 Marvo76

just heard on the radio bud selig is gonna reinstate Hank Arron as HRK, and put an asterick by Barry bond's name...

Thats a mixed blessing. good for Arron,, BUT ,,, in light of Roger Clemens and Andy Petitte, will Selig make the Yankees give back the World Championship the Yankees won (with Clemens and Pettite winning games in the classic)?

471 Ford_Prefect  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:35:31am

re: #464 soxfan4life

He is the 44th POTUS and as such is honored on Presidents Day already.

Yes, but so is every other President. I am saying that he will get his own day someday. I am not saying I like that, I am just saying that it will happen.

472 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:35:49am

re: #469 3 wood

You sure?

473 soxfan4life  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:35:55am

re: #450 3 wood

The Chicago Way continues.

Apparently Roland Burris was contacted at least 3 times by Rod Blagojevich's brother about possibly paying for the Senate appointment, and then lied about it when he testified to the State legislature.

The FBI apparently was taping the conversations, and they have reached out and contacted Burris' lawyers to talk to them. Burris is now denying that he lied, and is trying to get out in front of this story. There is some talk of a perjury investigation against Burris.

If this was a Republican, it would be leading the news every hour.

And Obama, who came out of the same political sewer, is still viewed by the MSM as a god.

And in 2016 the Dems campaign slogan will be Burris/Blago the way to go.

474 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:35:59am

re: #462 Wyatt Earp

You're here.

/catch your cop killer yet?

475 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:36:31am

re: #467 Fat Bastard Vegetarian Blonde hair? check Blue Eyes? check White sounding name? check Oh wait her name is Maria Consuela cancel that story.

476 [deleted]  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:36:40am
477 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:36:43am

re: #447 Ford_Prefect

As much as I'm looking forward to it, I still find myself fascinated by our first-place NHL team at the moment. Screwed the pooch against San Jose last week, but I'd rather they do that in Febuary than May or June.....

/And WTF is up, Al Gore? I thought Global warming meant an 11-month baseball season, but nooooo.....it's still not baseball weather in Boston in Febuary and the whole organization has to truck or fly down to Ft. Meyers this time of year....

478 3 wood  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:36:59am

re: #448 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Cubs in last place yet?

I will go out on a limb and predict that the Cubs will not win the World Series this year.

479 Marvo76  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:37:08am

re: #463 Ford_Prefect

well they kept out charlie hustle...

480 summergurl  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:37:08am

re: #459 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I'm predicting a Blago "accident". Forgot what movie it was from, and I am sure I am paraphrasing...

..."he fell down an empty elevator shaft onto a bunch of bullets."

Notice how quiet he's been the last few days...someone must have explained the consequences to him.

481 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:37:22am

re: #475 Rustler


482 soxfan4life  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:37:46am

re: #471 Ford_Prefect

Yes, but so is every other President. I am saying that he will get his own day someday. I am not saying I like that, I am just saying that it will happen.

If they want to do that they should take away MLK Day as Obama pretty much stands 180 degrees from MLK anyhow.

483 Ford_Prefect  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:37:47am

re: #465 3 wood

Yes, you are right, no US market today.

The White House will doubtless issue a release later today claiming that, thanks to the passage of the Stimulus bill, the market saw a rebound in the form of a steady day of trading.


484 Marvo76  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:38:11am

re: #470 sattv4u2

not enough of a baseball fan to even speculate..

485 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:38:18am

re: #480 summergurl

Notice how quiet he's been the last few days...someone must have explained the consequences to him.

He had to bring his hair in for an estimate and a tune up

486 summergurl  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:39:26am

re: #485 sattv4u2

He had to bring his hair in for an estimate and a tune up

And change the oil

487 3 wood  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:40:38am

re: #468 summergurl

I was wondering what prompted Burris to disclose this info---taped huh?

Yep. Apparently the FBI has contacted his attorney with that little piece of news, so now Burris is in full bore denial mode. Funny thing is, he's not sure yet what they have on tape.

488 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:40:55am

re: #465 3 wood

Probably that is a good thing.

GM is going to declare Chapter 11 because the UAW won't play ball.

/we’ve already wasted enough tens of billions of dollars on this three ring auto bailout circus, when GM comes begging at the taxpayer trough again next Tuesday, just say no, let GM declare Chapter 11 bankruptcy and reorganize, like they should have done in the first place last Fall, that’s what the bankruptcy laws are for

489 soxfan4life  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:41:06am

re: #477 Fenway_Nation

As much as I'm looking forward to it, I still find myself fascinated by our first-place NHL team at the moment. Screwed the pooch against San Jose last week, but I'd rather they do that in Febuary than May or June.....

/And WTF is up, Al Gore? I thought Global warming meant an 11-month baseball season, but nooooo.....it's still not baseball weather in Boston in Febuary and the whole organization has to truck or fly down to Ft. Meyers this time of year....

Unfortunately for us I think it will take another year to get over the job Dave Lewis did as coach.

490 3 wood  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:41:13am

Got to get ready for work. Later.

491 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:41:47am

re: #481 Fat Bastard Vegetarian
It's an Imperfect family guy quote.

492 summergurl  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:42:49am

re: #487 3 wood

Yep. Apparently the FBI has contacted his attorney with that little piece of news, so now Burris is in full bore denial mode. Funny thing is, he's not sure yet what they have on tape.

So we may be hearing.." Money was paid without my knowledge or consent." ?

493 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:42:49am

re: #490 3 wood
Later wood have a good one.

494 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:42:55am

re: #476 taxfreekiller

I won't taunt you with a link.

/but your nemesis is headed to Syria an "happy to talk"

495 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:44:35am

re: #494 Killian Bundy

I won't taunt you with a link.

/but your nemesis is headed to Syria an "happy to talk"

He's always been "happy to talk'. Problem is, once he starts, people are sad to listen!

496 Ford_Prefect  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:44:43am

re: #466 freetoken

Couldn't disagree more. It is in no way a coinsadence that after 37 years of no one coming even close to Maris' record, suddenly you see it dobe 6 times in 4 seasons. A player's strength absolutely affects his ability to hit the ball a long way. Steroids also affect their ability to stay healthy and that helps add to their career stats.

497 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:44:52am

re: #474 Killian Bundy

You're here.

/catch your cop killer yet?

He was caught that night . . . with 5 slugs in him. Unfortunately, the prick is still alive.

498 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:45:05am

re: #492 summergurl Nah it will be oh so that's where that 500,000 dollars went. I couldn't remember where I had left it. Or maybe oh that was just a mistake. Mr Blagojevich had lent me 500 dollars the other day and when i made the transfer the 0 key must have gotten stuck.(Numbers are arbitrary not real figures.)

499 albusteve  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:45:08am

new VDH...another bulls eye perspective on current state of affairs

[Link: pajamasmedia.com...]

500 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:45:25am

re: #460 3 wood

It might. Overall it will have a further downward effect on the market overall.

I'm kinda hoping that's the case, since Platinum's pushing $1100 an ounce right now. Had NO money back in October when spot price for Gold was less than $700 an ounce and Platinum was under $800 an ounce....

Now that I actually have some dollars, the Dems seem bound and determined to make our currency behave like Weimar Deuteschmarks, Argentine Pesos or Zimbabwe dollars...

/But now that everyone's looking into precious metals as a safe haven, what's the point?

501 Spare O'Lake  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:45:44am

Good Morning LGF

Some of us are racist,
And some not so much,
Then there are folks,
Who use race as a crutch.

Racing to the top,
Racing to the bottom,
For every one you hope to stop,
Another went and taught 'em.

Race sells the books,
Race sells the paper,
More money for the crooks,
For whom race is a caper.

502 freetoken  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:45:47am

re: #488 Killian Bundy

GM is going to declare Chapter 11 because the UAW won't play ball.

3wood already posted a link to the story... which has been developing for some time.

GM is trying to blackmail the taxpayer, Congress, and Pres. Obama. Furthermore, the management knows quite well that the unions are their friends here, given that the Democrats will have a hard time saying no to the unions.

503 soxfan4life  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:46:17am

re: #492 summergurl

So we may be hearing.." Money was paid without my knowledge or consent." ?

Much like one of John Edwards' staffers was the father of that baby, some staffer will take the fall for exchanging money and we will all just have to believe Burris had no knowledge of it. After all he is a Democrat, only evil Republicans do things like that.

504 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:46:21am

re: #497 Wyatt Earp So the vest only fully stopped 2 rounds? or the other 5 rounds were to non vested areas of the perp?

505 Marvo76  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:46:44am

re: #488 Killian Bundy

From some of the things in our local paper, this was considered a bad move due to the peripheral businesses that supply GM

506 summergurl  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:46:47am

Suits like this really get my dander up--- and the guy has been back to the store several times to shop...

traumatized my ass..

Snake Bit

507 freetoken  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:46:53am

re: #496 Ford_Prefect

Bonds hit home runs before he got big.

Even after using roids, he hit more than others.

Other people taking roids haven't hit his level.

By all accounts, Bonds is a great HR hitter.

508 albusteve  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:47:05am

re: #496 Ford_Prefect

Couldn't disagree more. It is in no way a coinsadence that after 37 years of no one coming even close to Maris' record, suddenly you see it dobe 6 times in 4 seasons. A player's strength absolutely affects his ability to hit the ball a long way. Steroids also affect their ability to stay healthy and that helps add to their career stats.

then they fall over dead ten years later...what happened to all those Steelers from the 70's?....they led the charge into heavy steroid use....

509 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:47:22am

re: #504 Rustler

So the vest only fully stopped 2 rounds? or the other 5 rounds were to non vested areas of the perp?

Yep. Including the ass. I figured he would have brain damage.

510 summergurl  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:49:35am

re: #508 albusteve

then they fall over dead ten years later...what happened to all those Steelers from the 70's?....they led the charge into heavy steroid use....

Remember Jim Plunkett from the Raiders? I was at a charity event where he was speaking last year - the guy looks great.

511 [deleted]  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:50:52am
512 Marvo76  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:51:29am

didn't lyle Alzado drop over because of steroids?

513 soxfan4life  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:51:31am

re: #507 freetoken

Bonds was capable of being a HOF caliber player without the roids. The fact that he broke Aarons record while using roids puts as big of a stain on the game as Rose's gambling, and as such should disqualify him from consideration from the HOF, as well as leave his record with an asterick. If it was good enough for Roger Maris it's good enough for Barry Bonds.

514 Ford_Prefect  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:52:01am

re: #507 freetoken

Bonds hit home runs before he got big.

Even after using roids, he hit more than others.

Other people taking roids haven't hit his level.

By all accounts, Bonds is a great HR hitter.

I can't disagree with the fact that he was a great HR hitter, or even that he was once a great all around player. That does not change the fact, however, that he cheated. From what I understand they are not talking about removing him from the list, anyway. They are simply going to use the * to denote that he achieved his numbers woth a little help.

515 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:52:31am

re: #512 Marvo76

didn't lyle Alzado drop over because of steroids?

Yes, he did.

516 albusteve  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:54:04am

re: #510 summergurl

Remember Jim Plunkett from the Raiders? I was at a charity event where he was speaking last year - the guy looks great.

sure do...won the Heisman at Stanford...played for a coupla other teams too...49s I think

517 soxfan4life  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:54:13am

re: #512 Marvo76

So did John Matuszak

[Link: en.wikipedia.org...]

518 freetoken  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:54:38am

MLB did this to Pete Rose too. Did anyone every show that Rose's gambling addiction materially affected any games or seasons? No, but since it was considered a social taboo by the nanny-types, he has to be punished.

I'm not saying that steroid use by athletes is an ideal model for youth (as young males can definitely be damaged by it.) However, there is so much hypocrisy about singling out a particular player when the use of steroids is so common throughout sports.

I wonder how many of the team owners go to expensive Palm Springs sports clinics for periodic dosing with HGH and steroids?

519 albusteve  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:54:43am

re: #512 Marvo76

didn't lyle Alzado drop over because of steroids?

yes and he was very open about his use before he died...

520 Ford_Prefect  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:55:49am

re: #513 soxfan4life

Bonds was capable of being a HOF caliber player without the roids. The fact that he broke Aarons record while using roids puts as big of a stain on the game as Rose's gambling, and as such should disqualify him from consideration from the HOF, as well as leave his record with an asterick. If it was good enough for Roger Maris it's good enough for Barry Bonds.

My only disagreement with your statement is that while Rose's gambling was explicitly banned at the time he did it, steroids were not. However, I think that the voters should absolutely take it into consideration and not vote the user's in.

521 kcladderman  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:56:05am

re: #516 albusteve

sure do...won the Heisman at Stanford...played for a coupla other teams too...49s I think

Rams maybe? I don't really remember for sure but thats was I was thinking.

522 albusteve  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:56:06am

re: #517 soxfan4life

So did John Matuszak

[Link: en.wikipedia.org...]

he was a beast...I did not know that

523 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:56:45am

re: #502 freetoken

3wood already posted a link to the story... which has been developing for some time.

GM is trying to blackmail the taxpayer, Congress, and Pres. Obama. Furthermore, the management knows quite well that the unions are their friends here, given that the Democrats will have a hard time saying no to the unions.

/anything less than Chapter 11 is detrimental to our national interest, but yeah, watch the bull[expletive deleted] pile up, more billions upon trillions, no one's going to actually pay for it so who the [expletive deleted] cares?

524 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:58:18am

re: #516 albusteve

sure do...won the Heisman at Stanford...played for a coupla other teams too...49s I think

re: #521 kcladderman


525 albusteve  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:58:39am

re: #521 kcladderman

Rams maybe? I don't really remember for sure but thats was I was thinking.

google...drafted by the Pats then went to Oakland then finished with the Niners

526 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:59:19am

re: #525 albusteve

google...drafted by the Pats then went to Oakland then finished with the Niners

And spanked the Eagles in Super Bowl XV.

527 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:59:37am

re: #505 Marvo76

From some of the things in our local paper, this was considered a bad move due to the peripheral businesses that supply GM

/pay now or pay more later, your choice Bonkeys always choose to pay later

528 gregg  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 4:59:58am

re: #512 Marvo76

didn't lyle Alzado drop over because of steroids?

That topic came up recently on radio program I was listening to and they said that Lyle was convinced his brain tumor was due to steroids, but there was no proof.

FWIW, this is from Wikipedia:

In the last years of his life, as he battled against the brain tumor that eventually caused his death at the age of 43, Alzado asserted that his steroid abuse directly led to his fatal illness, but his physician stated it could not possibly be true.

BTW, I'm not pro-steroids.

529 kcladderman  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:00:27am

re: #524 sattv4u2

re: #521 kcladderman


Yea thats it. Was really taxing the ole memory banks on that one.

530 albusteve  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:00:41am

re: #526 Wyatt Earp

And spanked the Eagles in Super Bowl XV.

he was one of those late bloomers...played really well for the Raiders...had the Big Arm...

531 albusteve  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:01:16am

re: #529 kcladderman

Yea thats it. Was really taxing the ole memory banks on that one.

mine too...been awhile eh?

532 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:01:38am

re: #530 albusteve

he was one of those late bloomers...played really well for the Raiders...had the Big Arm...

Agreed. He played out of his mind that year. First Wild Card to win the big game.

533 freetoken  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:01:56am

While I'm ranting about the nannyism of sports authorities, I'll add this.

Barry Bonds is the Martha Stewart of sports. Both are token sacrifices in witch-hunts which are out to punish the most successful or visible. I'm not saying that what either one did is "right" in an absolute sense, but both are punished to somehow assuage the guilt of the many.

534 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:02:59am

re: #533 freetoken

While I'm ranting about the nannyism of sports authorities, I'll add this.

Barry Bonds is the Martha Stewart of sports. Both are token sacrifices in witch-hunts which are out to punish the most successful or visible. I'm not saying that what either one did is "right" in an absolute sense, but both are punished to somehow assuage the guilt of the many.

While I see your point, I have ZERO sympathy for Bonds - primarily because he's an arrogant, smug douchebag.

535 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:03:09am

re: #530 albusteve

he was one of those late bloomers...played really well for the Raiders...had the Big Arm...

Not really. He was AFC Rookie of the Year in 71. The next 4 years with the Pats was dismal, but thats because they had an AWFUL team, offensive line in particular

536 albusteve  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:03:12am

re: #532 Wyatt Earp

Agreed. He played out of his mind that year. First Wild Card to win the big game.

two words...

Cliff Branch
Fred Bilitnikoff
Dave Casper

537 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:03:30am

re: #533 freetoken I disagree there. A number of other players paid significant prices as a result of exposed steroid use.

538 soxfan4life  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:03:47am

re: #533 freetoken

While I'm ranting about the nannyism of sports authorities, I'll add this.

Barry Bonds is the Martha Stewart of sports. Both are token sacrifices in witch-hunts which are out to punish the most successful or visible. I'm not saying that what either one did is "right" in an absolute sense, but both are punished to somehow assuage the guilt of the many.

I'm thinking A-Rod is going to be a much bigger sacrifice than Bonds.

539 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:03:58am

re: #536 albusteve

two words...

Cliff Branch
Fred Bilitnikoff
Dave Casper

Ray Guy . . . :)

540 albusteve  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:04:12am

re: #535 sattv4u2

Not really. He was AFC Rookie of the Year in 71. The next 4 years with the Pats was dismal, but thats because they had an AWFUL team, offensive line in particular

pretty much what I meant

541 rightside  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:04:44am

re: #528 gregg

He had a brain tumor, didn't he? Caused by steroids maybe?

Morning Lizards.

542 Ford_Prefect  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:06:01am

re: #518 freetoken

What Pete Rose did was not only banned by MLB it was illegal. There is no "nanny-statism" there. He knew that what he was doing was against the rules, and for good reason, and he did it anyway.

543 rightside  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:06:10am

re: #539 Wyatt Earp

Ken "the snake" Stabler.

544 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:06:13am

Cool so the Texas skylights were accompanied by sonic booms. Has anyone checked on Crawford ranch. //Maybe the Aliens that planted Bush to ruin the U.S. came back for him.

545 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:06:49am

re: #543 rightside

Ken "the snake" Stabler.

Always thought he looked like Kenny Rogers.

546 albusteve  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:06:51am

re: #539 Wyatt Earp

Ray Guy . . . :)

I don't know if all those guys actually played together btw...I sure do recall Ray Guy...I think he is in the HoF

547 albusteve  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:07:31am

re: #543 rightside

Ken "the snake" Stabler.

George Blanda

548 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:07:39am

Baseball: Football: steroids? If they're going to do it to Bonds, they'll have to wipe out ever record since whenever...and start after they have it entirely cleaned up.

Sosa, McGuire, Clemens, who else? Do we know? Nope, we don't.

Just a fan's opinion.

549 rightside  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:08:28am

re: #545 Wyatt Earp

Yep. I met him when he came aboard our ship to give out sports awards to crewmembers. Really nice guy, still looked good for his age...this was '87

550 rightside  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:09:22am

re: #548 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

FBV: changing avs more often than women change their minds.

551 Ford_Prefect  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:09:30am

re: #538 soxfan4life

I'm thinking A-Rod is going to be a much bigger sacrifice than Bonds.

Again, though, unless someone comes up with evidence to the contrary, when A-rod used steroids they were not banned. As such I don't see how anything official can be done to him. When it comes to the Hall voting, however, I think he may pay the ultimate price and not get in. Same with Bonds, Clemens, Palmierro, etc.

552 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:09:35am

/animals understand Japanese, who knew?

553 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:09:42am

re: #540 albusteve

pretty much what I meant


554 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:10:06am

re: #545 Wyatt Earp

Always thought he looked like Kenny Rogers.

Thats odd. I always thought Kenny Rogers looked like Stabler!

555 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:10:34am

Missing your flight sucks...

Heh. Hadn't seen this...

556 albusteve  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:10:36am

re: #553 sattv4u2


thanks for the skinny tho

557 freetoken  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:10:48am

re: #538 soxfan4life

I'm thinking A-Rod is going to be a much bigger sacrifice than Bonds.

Probably, but his undoing was his high-profile lying.

558 rightside  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:11:49am

re: #547 albusteve

I'll see your George Blanda, and raise you an Otis Sistrunk.

559 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:13:01am

re: #558 rightside

I'll see your George Blanda, and raise you an Otis Sistrunk.

from the University of Mars (I forget who coined that,, perhaps Cosell?)

560 summergurl  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:13:34am

re: #554 sattv4u2

Thats odd. I always thought Kenny Rogers looked like Stabler!

Rogers doesn't look like Rogers anymore - the guy has had lots of cosmetic surgery

561 [deleted]  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:13:42am
562 freetoken  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:13:43am

re: #542 Ford_Prefect

However, did not the official report conclude that Rose's gambling was done during his years as a manager, and not as a player? That is what I thought the conclusion was (correct me if I'm wrong.) If so, why not officially recognize his accomplishments as a player as being worthy of the HOF, while noting that as a manager he broke the rules?

563 Ford_Prefect  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:13:58am

re: #548 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Baseball: Football: steroids? If they're going to do it to Bonds, they'll have to wipe out ever record since whenever...and start after they have it entirely cleaned up.

Sosa, McGuire, Clemens, who else? Do we know? Nope, we don't.

Just a fan's opinion.

I would have no problem with MLB putting a tag line on all statistics from the 'steroid era'. The stats can't be wiped clean because there is no way to know who did what. The hard part would be defining exactly when that era started. There should be similar tag lines concerning stats during WWII and Korea when some players, like Ted Williams, that could have had a large impact on the numbers, were off defending this country.

564 soxfan4life  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:14:01am

re: #551 Ford_Prefect

Again, though, unless someone comes up with evidence to the contrary, when A-rod used steroids they were not banned. As such I don't see how anything official can be done to him. When it comes to the Hall voting, however, I think he may pay the ultimate price and not get in. Same with Bonds, Clemens, Palmierro, etc.

While they not have been banned by MLB, they were against Federal laws. Bonds is not being tried for drug use, rather just like President Clinton he is being tried for perjury. Miguel Tejada just pled guilty to the same thing. Selig should step up and take some sort of decisive action to earn his 18 million dollar salary and allow the game to move forward, not continue to wallow in this PED mud.

565 albusteve  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:14:14am

re: #548 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Baseball: Football: steroids? If they're going to do it to Bonds, they'll have to wipe out ever record since whenever...and start after they have it entirely cleaned up.

Sosa, McGuire, Clemens, who else? Do we know? Nope, we don't.

Just a fan's opinion.

it's a difficult debate and will never be resolved to everyones satisfaction...I just usually lump players into two categories...good guys and bad guys...Bonds is a bad guy...good for his SF fans but not really so much for the sport...I'm big on tradition and loyalty to the game

566 gregg  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:14:29am

re: #541 rightside

He had a brain tumor, didn't he? Caused by steroids maybe?

Morning Lizards.

I'm not defending steroid use by any means. I would agree that Lyle's brain tumor could have been caused by his steroid use. I was just recalling what I had recently heard.

567 albusteve  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:15:16am

re: #558 rightside

I'll see your George Blanda, and raise you an Otis Sistrunk.

good one...I remember Otis now!

then there was 00...Jim Otto

568 freetoken  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:15:24am

I suppose in the Rose case I could be persuaded that he belongs in the hall of infamy as well as in the hall of fame...

But in the Bonds case I'm not budging. This is highly selective punishment by the sports authorities.

569 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:15:36am

re: #560 summergurl

Rogers doesn't look like Rogers anymore - the guy has had lots of cosmetic surgery

I know ,,,, sad,,, he's almost in Cat Woman territory

570 rightside  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:16:37am

re: #561 taxfreekiller

I am going to call my local GM dealership and ask them for my car. Since I paid for their bailout, I want a car out of the deal.

571 yesandno  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:17:20am

re: #555 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Missing your flight sucks...

Heh. Hadn't seen this...

They say it is because she missed her flight....

I think it was because she heard the stimulas bill passed.

/that's what happened to me when I heard it had passed.

572 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:17:26am

re: #570 rightside

I am going to call my local GM dealership and ask them for my car. Since I paid for their bailout, I want a car out of the deal.

And they will reserve their right to say, "Fuck you! Go get me some more money. Now!".

573 akak  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:17:53am

re: #523 Killian Bundy

/anything less than Chapter 11 is detrimental to our national interest, but yeah, watch the bull[expletive deleted] pile up, more billions upon trillions, no one's going to actually pay for it so who the [expletive deleted] cares?

they are calling Obama's bluff, they have the keys to the treasury

574 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:18:03am

re: #561 taxfreekiller

GM boss's and stock holders may as well just hand it all over now,
the commie union's have always wanted to run (ruin) the show.

Let them eat their own cooking.

/the stockholders with any sense are long gone

575 Ford_Prefect  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:18:22am

re: #562 freetoken

I don't know all the specifics. You may be right about that. But, in this case, it is the person that is being banned, I don't think you can separate the two.

576 rightside  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:19:03am

re: #572 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

The democraps already have done that a la "Porkulus"

577 soxfan4life  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:19:22am

re: #570 rightside

I am going to call my local GM dealership and ask them for my car. Since I paid for their bailout, I want a car out of the deal.

Why not call the Whitehouse and ask for our country back? We're paying for this bailout as well. A little return on our investment is not too much to ask. A question though, who was it that came up with the investment thing?

578 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:20:43am
Yes, the police said he fell down an elevator shaft. Onto some bullets.

Ha! Found it. From "Mystery Men"!

Would have driven me crazy.

579 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:23:24am

re: #578 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Ha! Found it. From "Mystery Men"!

Would have driven me crazy.

You really need to get a hobby!


580 rightside  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:23:26am

re: #577 soxfan4life

Because the whitehouse is empty, along with the brains of the One.

/I have to go take a pelosi, and wipe my reid.

581 reine.de.tout  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:23:50am

re: #570 rightside

I am going to call my local GM dealership and ask them for my car. Since I paid for their bailout, I want a car out of the deal.

I'm getting a new car, and I'm buying it from the Lincoln/Mercury dealer SPECIFICALLY because Ford turned down the money.

582 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:25:33am

re: #581 reine.de.tout

I'm getting a new car, and I'm buying it from the Lincoln/Mercury dealer SPECIFICALLY because Ford turned down the money.

Watchya gettin? I just got a Tahoe hybrid, but I wouldn't have ordered it had I known GM was going for the cash!

583 albusteve  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:25:54am

I rented one of these last year....sweet car and affordable

[Link: www.fordvehicles.com...]

584 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:26:15am

re: #579 sattv4u2

Who do you think you are? Anyhow?

585 razorbacker  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:26:35am

'Morning boys and girls.

Well now, glad to see that some of you are still present and accounted for.

I'm watching the CNBC story on GM. I'd hate to see GM die, but then I remember...I'm getting up there in years. Seen more than a half-century.

I've seen the death of Hudson, Packard, Studebaker, American Motors, Oldsmobile, and who knows how many boutique brands. There was DeLorean, Avanti, the laughable new Stutz and all the rest. Each had a reason to live, but more reasons to expire.

Some say that GM is just too big to die. They're wrong. GM can die, but it'll hurt.

586 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:26:44am

re: #577 soxfan4life

Why not call the Whitehouse and ask for our country back? We're paying for this bailout as well. A little return on our investment is not too much to ask. A question though, who was it that came up with the investment thing?

That's what I don't get about these morons. Where do they think the money is coming from? It's not like they took $800 million out of petty cash in the Smithsonian!


587 So?  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:26:53am

And the trouble with Woman is....

588 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:27:13am

re: #583 albusteve

I rented one of these last year....sweet car and affordable

[Link: www.fordvehicles.com...]

I think they gave me one of those with my Tahoe instead of a spare tire

589 Irish Rose  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:27:22am

Good morning, lizards :).

590 soxfan4life  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:27:27am

re: #580 rightside

Because the whitehouse is empty, along with the brains of the One.

/I have to go take a pelosi, and wipe my reid.

We should send Reid and Pelosi each a used sheet of toilet paper to let them know our opinion of the stimulus bill. Sending one to Obama would just overtax his Harvard educated brain. Would probably lead him to tax toilet paper.

591 rightside  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:27:45am

re: #581 reine.de.tout

Good for you, may I ask what you are getting?

592 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:28:10am

re: #589 Irish Rose

Hiya Rose! Purrrrr.

How was the weekend? Didja blow you're whole refund check?

593 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:28:25am

re: #589 Irish Rose

{ Rose }

594 yochanan  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:28:33am

re: #497 Wyatt Earp

did any of the slugs effect his ability to reproduce?

595 albusteve  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:28:45am

re: #588 sattv4u2

I think they gave me one of those with my Tahoe instead of a spare tire

ha!...I drive a little Jetta down here in NM...put it in the closet when I'm done

596 gregg  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:28:56am

re: #573 akak

they are calling Obama's bluff, they have the keys to the treasury

Ed Morrissey had the following quote from Mitch Berg on China and the U.S.:

When you owe the bank $30,000, they own you. When you owe the bank $30 million, you own them.

Maybe that also applies to the U.S. and the auto companies.

597 So?  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:29:01am

re: #19 Edouard

This weekend ... I've been thinking of global cities I'd like to visit.

Where should I plan a trip? I'd like to try a place very remote from the U.S. Just to really open up the world for myself a little more.

Some possibilities:

Tel Aviv
Cape Town
Buenos Aires
Avarua (Cook Islands)

.... (?) suggestions?

Take me with you.

598 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:29:07am

re: #594 yochanan

did any of the slugs effect his ability to reproduce?

I'd rather it affect his ability to breathe, but that's just me.

599 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:29:34am

re: #595 albusteve

ha!...I drive a little Jetta down here in NM...put it in the closet when I'm done

on purpose?!?!?!?

600 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:29:53am

re: #568 freetoken
HoF isn't selected by the authorities in the sport but the Fans I thought?

601 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:30:22am

re: #600 Rustler

HoF isn't selected by the authorities in the sport but the Fans I thought?

Baseball Writers Assoc.

602 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:30:41am

By the way...I am a salesman... this month? Don't know what happened, but am having one of the best months of my career. WTF?

Last month I made less than minimum wage.

603 soxfan4life  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:31:01am

re: #595 albusteve

ha!...I drive a little Jetta down here in NM...put it in the closet when I'm done

So now Jetta's are gay?

604 Irish Rose  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:31:02am

re: #592 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Hiya Rose! Purrrrr.

How was the weekend? Didja blow you're whole refund check?

Nope, I'm saving most of mine.

Had a great weekend though, went to a nice B&B for the weekend and did absolutely nothing. 100% relaxation... no laundry, no dishes, no cooking, no teenagers.

605 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:31:37am

re: #604 Irish Rose

Send me what's left. Please?

606 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:31:44am

re: #603 soxfan4life

So now Jetta's are gay?


607 Irish Rose  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:32:01am

re: #605 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Send me what's left. Please?


608 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:32:09am

re: #602 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

By the way...I am a salesman... this month? Don't know what happened, but am having one of the best months of my career. WTF?

Last month I made less than minimum wage.

guess it depends on what you're selling!

609 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:32:36am

re: #608 sattv4u2

guess it depends on what you're selling!

He's a pimp.

610 reine.de.tout  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:32:45am

re: #582 sattv4u2

Watchya gettin? I just got a Tahoe hybrid, but I wouldn't have ordered it had I known GM was going for the cash!

2008 lincoln MKX, the crossover.
$8500 off the MSRP brings it down to $31,000

611 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:33:04am

re: #610 reine.de.tout

2008 lincoln MKX, the crossover.
$8500 off the MSRP brings it down to $31,000


612 soxfan4life  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:33:05am

re: #604 Irish Rose

Nope, I'm saving most of mine.

Had a great weekend though, went to a nice B&B for the weekend and did absolutely nothing. 100% relaxation... no laundry, no dishes, no cooking, no teenagers.

I think they are like that so we don't feel bad kicking them out of the house. It's a nature thing.

613 Irish Rose  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:33:19am

re: #607 Irish Rose


Take heart, your MWP tax refund is on the way.

614 albusteve  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:33:24am

re: #599 sattv4u2

on purpose?!?!?!?

yeah...I have a big Ford XLT too...and my sweetheart up in MI, a pimped out 04 Impala with only 40k on it...sits in my moms garage....I really dig my Jetta but it's pretty uncool for sure...I wanted a Passat actually but was in a hurry and couldnt find a really nice used one for the money I had...cash only

615 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:33:39am

re: #609 Wyatt Earp

He's a pimp.

So he's in competition with the government?

616 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:33:39am

re: #602 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

By the way...I am a salesman... this month? Don't know what happened, but am having one of the best months of my career. WTF?

Last month I made less than minimum wage.

Oh yeah, December was my third worst month in my career. Funny thing? I won "Salesman of the Month".

That had to hurt the other folks. Before the meeting (where it was announced), I was telling everyone how much I sucked in December.

617 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:34:17am

re: #615 sattv4u2

So he's in competition with the government?

Actually, the hos are in competition with the government. They're both trying to screw us.

618 SasquatchOnSteroids  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:34:19am

re: #599 sattv4u2

on purpose?!?!?!?

Neighbors' kid bought a scooter.
Told me he waved to a Harley guy, got the NY state bird back.
Whaddya expect ?

619 razorbacker  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:34:31am

re: #602 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

By the way...I am a salesman... this month? Don't know what happened, but am having one of the best months of my career. WTF?

Last month I made less than minimum wage.

Sales is a crazy lifestyle, ain't it? You'd like to think that you've got it all ciphered out, that you know exactly how to steer the customer, but really we don't.

I was trained with 'features/benefit' sales. You identify the customer needs, then identify features of your product that meet those needs. Sounds easy, don't it? It isn't.

620 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:34:53am

/dig it or not

621 albusteve  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:35:22am

re: #603 soxfan4life

So now Jetta's are gay?

it's kind of a sissy car...ABQ is really spead out and it get 32mpg

622 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:35:48am

re: #616 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Oh yeah, December was my third worst month in my career. Funny thing? I won "Salesman of the Month".

That had to hurt the other folks. Before the meeting (where it was announced), I was telling everyone how much I sucked in December.

Thought we decided you were the pimp ,, not the ho !

623 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:36:27am

re: #622 sattv4u2

I am so much more a ho than pimp.

624 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:36:41am

re: #621 albusteve

it's kind of a sissy car...ABQ is really spead out and it get 32mpg

I'm getting about that with my Tahoe hybrid,, AND I have room in it to have ,, well ,, STUFF!

625 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:37:26am

re: #621 albusteve

re: #624 sattv4u2

I'm getting about that with my Tahoe hybrid,, AND I have room in it to have ,, well ,, STUFF!

and other humans!

626 Desert Dog  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:37:57am

re: #616 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Oh yeah, December was my third worst month in my career. Funny thing? I won "Salesman of the Month".

That had to hurt the other folks. Before the meeting (where it was announced), I was telling everyone how much I sucked in December.

I got ya beat. I did not take one penny in pay in January, in spite of the fact I worked almost 70 hours a week. We had a disastrous December and there was just not any money left over for the boss. So far, we have recovered and I did not have to let anyone go. But, if we have another month like the one we had in December, I am going to have to lay off some workers. (I only have 6 employees)

627 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:38:07am

re: #621 albusteve
So albusteve what do you think of the campaign to change Albuquerques nicname. From the old one The Duke City(Albuquerque was named for a spanish duke the Duke of Albuquerque) to I forget what they wanted I remember Burque(the slang nic) was thrown into the running as well.

628 albusteve  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:38:58am

re: #624 sattv4u2

I'm getting about that with my Tahoe hybrid,, AND I have room in it to have ,, well ,, STUFF!

they've come a long way with better milage...really dramatic in fact...America makes a whole bunch of damned fine cars nowdays...ironic eh?

629 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:39:05am

re: #627 Rustler

So albusteve what do you think of the campaign to change Albuquerques nicname. From the old one The Duke City(Albuquerque was named for a spanish duke the Duke of Albuquerque) to I forget what they wanted I remember Burque(the slang nic) was thrown into the running as well.

It wasn't named for The Duke of Earl?

630 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:39:26am

re: #629 Wyatt Earp
Duke of Albuquerque.

631 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:39:53am

re: #630 Rustler

Duke of Albuquerque.

Trying to make a funny. Duke, Duke, Duke, Duke of Earl . . .

632 yochanan  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:40:01am

re: #598 Wyatt Earp

I'd rather it affect his ability to breathe, but that's just me.

no problem for me either just hope it takes a lot of pain and time to take the dirt nap.

633 albusteve  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:40:38am

re: #627 Rustler

So albusteve what do you think of the campaign to change Albuquerques nicname. From the old one The Duke City(Albuquerque was named for a spanish duke the Duke of Albuquerque) to I forget what they wanted I remember Burque(the slang nic) was thrown into the running as well.

not up on that rumor...Tacotown?

634 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:40:42am

re: #629 Wyatt Earp

re: #630 Rustler

I thought in light of all the westerns he made it was named after John Wayne (The Duke)

635 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:41:05am

re: #630 Rustler
This one in particular.

636 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:41:06am

re: #632 yochanan

no problem for me either just hope it takes a lot of pain and time to take the dirt nap.

Thanks. I agree.

637 Desert Dog  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:41:10am

re: #627 Rustler

So albusteve what do you think of the campaign to change Albuquerques nicname. From the old one The Duke City(Albuquerque was named for a spanish duke the Duke of Albuquerque) to I forget what they wanted I remember Burque(the slang nic) was thrown into the running as well.

The are going to change the nickname of Phoenix too. From "Valley of the Sun" to "The Overcrowded Smog infested Oven"...They are hoping the new name will discourage more people from coming here.

638 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:42:03am

re: #633 albusteve

Nah think it's something like The Q or some such. I hate it.

639 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:42:14am

[Link: www.youtube.com:80...]

/dig it or not

640 razorbacker  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:42:53am

re: #624 sattv4u2

I'm getting about that with my Tahoe hybrid,, AND I have room in it to have ,, well ,, STUFF!

Gas mileage is a strange thing. We have what passes for a full-size car now, an '05 Crown Vic. Normal highway mileage is 27, if I drive it the way it wants to be driven in order to maximize mileage I can get about 30 on the highway.

Now why would I drive a Focus for an extra two or three miles per gallon but have to give up the room?

641 albusteve  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:44:45am

re: #638 Rustler

Nah think it's something like The Q or some such. I hate it.

so...nuevo!....it's flight designation is ABQ so thats what I write...otherwise I spit out the whole Albuquerque..it's a fine name that conjures up all kinds of mental images...

642 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:44:46am

re: #640 razorbacker Parking :P

643 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:46:44am

re: #641 albusteve
They were discussing it a couple weeks ago on the AM 770 show can't remember if it was Bob Clark or Terry Q. Sayer thos so not sure if it was weekend or weekday. Probably Teri's show tho because they liked the Q.

644 albusteve  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:47:05am

re: #637 Desert Dog

The are going to change the nickname of Phoenix too. From "Valley of the Sun" to "The Overcrowded Smog infested Oven"...They are hoping the new name will discourage more people from coming here.

heh...is there still a bar over there called Foggies Notion?

645 ThinkRight  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:47:55am

re: #640 razorbacker

Gas mileage is a strange thing. We have what passes for a full-size car now, an '05 Crown Vic. Normal highway mileage is 27, if I drive it the way it wants to be driven in order to maximize mileage I can get about 30 on the highway.

Now why would I drive a Focus for an extra two or three miles per gallon but have to give up the room?

Because it is the Obama/Gore way to live !you racist !

646 notutopia  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:48:35am

Man has gone long enough, or even too long, without being man enough to face the simple truth that the trouble with Man is Man.
— James Thurber

If you're identity is based on the color of your skin, the country you come from, or what religion you belong to then you are a weak individual indeed.

None of these things truly defines a human. You are a complex being with free will able to make choices, you are not some weak meat puppet indelibly charred by your countrie's culture. Once past the age of 10 or so you started making choices.

These statements remind me of the Babylon 5 episode, where Ambassador Delenn is interrogated by Sebastian, who repetitively keeps asking the fundamental HUMAN question,

"WHO are you?".

647 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:49:54am

Fanny mae starting a new program called Refi plus. Will let you refinance your mortgage even if your credit sucks.

648 razorbacker  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:50:01am

re: #642 Rustler

Parking :P


I used to have a Celica GT. Blasted thing drove me nuts, 'cause every time I parked on a crowded lot I couldn't find the tiny thing. I'd search and search and finally find the damned thing parked in an F-150's shade right where I'd left it.

649 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:50:03am

re: #640 razorbacker

I had an argument with an "environmentalist' about this. (She was on me about my Tahoe). I told her on weekends, I drive my son and 6 of his freinds plus all their gear to soccer tourneys (often 300 + miles round trip). Even at 45 MPG, I would need 3 Toyota Prius's to accomplish the same thing that my 30 MPG Tahoe does

650 albusteve  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:50:13am

re: #643 Rustler

They were discussing it a couple weeks ago on the AM 770 show can't remember if it was Bob Clark or Terry Q. Sayer thos so not sure if it was weekend or weekday. Probably Teri's show tho because they liked the Q.

slick radio lingo..."rockin your world from the big Q!"

651 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:50:23am

re: #647 Rustler

Fanny mae starting a new program called Refi plus. Will let you refinance your mortgage even if your credit sucks.

Bawney Fwank says it's "fabulous!"

652 rightside  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:50:51am

re: #640 razorbacker

Now why would I drive a Focus for an extra two or three miles per gallon but have to give up the room?

Because you don't know what's best for you, and the govt does. We will all be forced to drive cars like that.

/Is it pelosi time again?

653 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:51:29am

re: #648 razorbacker

At least a Hummer didn't park over it : p.

654 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:52:28am

re: #652 rightside

Because you don't know what's best for you, and the govt does. We will all be forced to drive cars like that.

/Is it pelosi time again?

How many MPG does her broom get?

AND ,,, her squadron of Flying monkeys,, do they leave a chem trail that harms the ozone!?!?!?

655 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:53:09am

re: #654 sattv4u2

How many MPG does her broom get?

AND ,,, her squadron of Flying monkeys,, do they leave a chem trail that harms the ozone!?!?!?

Someone throw a bucket of water on her, stat!

656 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:53:09am

re: #650 albusteve
Yeah sounds good for the Radio but a lot of people recognize the Duke City as ABQ, and I don't thjink changing it would work. Someone is gonna think we are Quebec or something.

657 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:53:52am

re: #651 Wyatt Earp
That is because Barney Fwanks sucks. Literally and figuratively.

658 soxfan4life  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:53:55am

re: #652 rightside

Because you don't know what's best for you, and the govt does. We will all be forced to drive cars like that.

/Is it pelosi time again?

I thought we all knew that already. One more cup of coffee and I'll be dropping a Barack myself.

659 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:54:40am

re: #657 Rustler

That is because Barney Fwanks sucks. Literally and figuratively.


660 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:55:35am

Two nuclear subs collided?

/FOX news, no further explanation

661 albusteve  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:56:04am

re: #656 Rustler

Yeah sounds good for the Radio but a lot of people recognize the Duke City as ABQ, and I don't thjink changing it would work. Someone is gonna think we are Quebec or something.

Fwench?...back home people think of Albuquerque as an exotic place somehow...it's the long Spanish name I think...no one seems to know exactly where it is altho they have heard of it before..haha

662 beblebrox  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:56:07am

Good morning everyone! Happy Presidents Day. Have some cherry pie to commemorate the day:

663 razorbacker  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:56:38am

re: #649 sattv4u2

A few years back, while I was running remodeling crews, I drove full-sized American sedans.

I always had two or three people, with toolboxes and luggage to last a week.

The best cars I found were old Marquis, or Crown Vics, or Lincolns. Huge trunks, ride nice enough that folks could sleep on the road between jobs, and enough room to spread out a bit.

Second best was a Roadmaster, but Buick had a tiny trunk compared to the outside size. But man, I loved that strong Corvette V8 on the highway.

664 Render  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:56:55am

re: #476 taxfreekiller

Allow me to elucidate using a one-time cipher pad, a bastardized beta version of Googlesearch, and my handy dandy TFK decoder ring...

[Link: www.ketknbc.com...]

[Link: ask.metafilter.com...]

[Link: blogs.discovermagazine.com...]


665 albusteve  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:57:02am

re: #660 Killian Bundy

Two nuclear subs collided?

/FOX news, no further explanation

I read that...quite remarkable to be able to do that eh?...good grief

666 reine.de.tout  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:57:20am

re: #660 Killian Bundy

Two nuclear subs collided?

/FOX news, no further explanation

Nothing on their website as "breaking news".
Just the Texas fireball.

667 razorbacker  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:57:35am

re: #660 Killian Bundy

Two nuclear subs collided?

/FOX news, no further explanation

Brits and France. Who knew?

668 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:58:28am

Ok now how is this for Media misrepresentation. CNN announces NTSB and the airline recommend turning off Autopilot in icing conditions. Shortly afterwards footage of NTSB spokesman citing autopilot is Standard Operating Procedure in this type of situation while the pilot remains alert for emergencies.

669 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 5:59:36am

re: #667 razorbacker

Brits and France. Who knew?

I guess their windshields were dirty and didn't see each other coming.

670 rightside  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:00:18am

re: #658 soxfan4life

I love using democraps names as a euphemism for a natural bodily function.

671 Rustler  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:00:36am

re: #669 Wyatt Earp
Really bad when the british ship ran right into the sonar array of the Frenchies I almost wonder if it wasn't an accident caused by sufacing action on the part of the brits.

672 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:00:40am

Nuclear submarines collide in Atlantic

A Royal Navy nuclear submarine and a French vessel have been damaged in a collision deep below the surface of the Atlantic Ocean.

HMS Vanguard and Le Triomphant, which were carrying nuclear missiles, are believed to have collided while submerged on 3 or 4 February, accor.ding to reports. The submarines had a total of around 250 sailors on board

/Britain v. France, say no more

673 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:01:34am

re: #660 Killian Bundy

re: #666 reine.de.tout

They (FOX) ran the story (the subs) last night. It happened some time yesterday

674 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:01:34am

re: #671 Rustler

Really bad when the british ship ran right into the sonar array of the Frenchies I almost wonder if it wasn't an accident caused by sufacing action on the part of the brits.

Didn't these people ever see The Hunt for Red October?


675 rightside  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:01:56am

One ping only.

676 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:02:42am

re: #673 sattv4u2

re: #666 reine.de.tout

They (FOX) ran the story (the subs) last night. It happened was revealed some time yesterday


677 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:03:09am

re: #675 rightside

One ping only.

"So, I said to him, 'Where did you learn to cook . . . Afghanistan?'"

678 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:03:18am

re: #674 Wyatt Earp

Didn't these people ever see The Hunt for Red October?


the ONLY time I've enjoyed Alec Baldwin

679 razorbacker  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:03:51am

re: #669 Wyatt Earp

I guess their windshields were dirty and didn't see each other coming.

Someone last night mentioned that the US Navy drove a nuke boat into an undersea mountain at 30 knots a couple of years ago. I hadn't heard.

But the Port Royal is now free of the shoal on which she'd beached last week in HI. And a Captain is wondering what he'll be doing for the rest of his Naval career.

680 soxfan4life  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:04:46am

re: #668 Rustler

Ok now how is this for Media misrepresentation. CNN announces NTSB and the airline recommend turning off Autopilot in icing conditions. Shortly afterwards footage of NTSB spokesman citing autopilot is Standard Operating Procedure in this type of situation while the pilot remains alert for emergencies.

And we should expect real investigative journalism from CNN? There is a talk show host here in Boston named Jay Severin who calls them all ja-whore-nalists. Seems about right to me.

681 SasquatchOnSteroids  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:04:52am

re: #675 rightside

One ping only.

up-ping !

682 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:04:53am

re: #679 razorbacker

Someone last night mentioned that the US Navy drove a nuke boat into an undersea mountain at 30 knots a couple of years ago. I hadn't heard.

But the Port Royal is now free of the shoal on which she'd beached last week in HI. And a Captain is wondering what he'll be doing for the rest of his Naval career.

Shuffling paperwork from the inbox to the outbox?

683 rightside  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:05:56am

re: #679 razorbacker

The US Navy's only surface nuclear wessels are aircraft carriers. The USS Port Royal is an Aegis Cruiser, CG-73.

684 Bloodnok  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:05:58am

Good morning Lizards. And a special good morning goes out to all those who, like me, are at work.

685 lawhawk  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:06:16am

re: #660 Killian Bundy

Two nuclear subs collided?

/FOX news, no further explanation

Sky News.

The crash between HMS Vanguard and France's Le Triomphant - both carrying atomic weapons - is believed to have occurred on February 3 or 4, The Sun claims.

Despite being equipped with sonar to detect other vessels, neither submarine apparently realised the other was in the same part of the ocean.

A senior Navy source told the newspaper the potential consequences of such a collision were "unthinkable".

He said: "It's very unlikely there would have been a nuclear explosion. But a radioactive leak was a possibility.

"Worse, we could have lost the crew and warheads. That would have been a national disaster."

About 250 sailors were believed to have been on the submarines.

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has refused to confirm the incident, saying it was against policy to comment on submarine operations.

No word on when either sub will reach port when we'll be possibly able to see the damage done.

Sub collisions are pretty rare, and it will be interesting to see how the French and Brits deal with it.

686 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:06:47am
Le Triomphant

/I'm sorry, but that deserves to be summarily rammed by any submarine in the vicinity

687 soxfan4life  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:06:48am

re: #678 sattv4u2

the ONLY time I've enjoyed Alec Baldwin

Not a big fan either, but watched My Best Friends Girl this weekend and thought Baldwin was funny in that movie.

688 razorbacker  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:07:10am

re: #682 Wyatt Earp

Shuffling paperwork from the inbox to the outbox?

That'd be my guess.

Fellow spends a lifetime gaining responsibility and loses it all with a moment of inattention.

But Kennedy has a lifetime job.

Go figure.

689 lawhawk  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:07:16am

re: #679 razorbacker

It was the USS San Francisco.

690 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:07:25am

re: #678 sattv4u2

the ONLY time I've enjoyed Alec Baldwin

C'mon, I don't like him either, but Alec Balwin has had a remarkable career.

Beetlejuice, Glengary Glenn Ross, 30 Rock, numerous very funny SNL thangs, Red Oktober, Team America; World Police (sarc/)

Can't stand the guy, but, hell, sattv...

691 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:07:35am

re: #687 soxfan4life

Not a big fan either, but watched My Best Friends Girl this weekend and thought Baldwin was funny in that movie.

He was fantastic in Glengarry GlenRoss, but other that and HFRO, not much else.

692 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:08:17am

re: #689 lawhawk

It was the USS San Francisco.

It's painted pink.

693 A.W.  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:08:25am

Thurber sounds there like alot of environmentalists who think we have to suicide our species to save the world or something.

Psst, i don't want to save the world unless humans are in it. otherwise, who gives a rat's ass?

694 rightside  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:08:48am

re: #682 Wyatt Earp

He'll have to retire.

695 Erik The Red  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:08:50am

re: #684 Bloodnok

Good morning Lizards. And a special good morning goes out to all those who, like me, are at work.

Yeah Blood but I am out of here in 35 minutes. Did my 11 for the day.

696 beblebrox  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:09:14am

re: #675 rightside

One ping only.

"It reminds me of the heady days of Sputnik and Yuri Gagarin, when the world trembled at the sound of our rockets. Well they will tremble again, at the sound of our silence!"


"What the hell was that?"

"I don't know captain, but i hear on the sonar a lot of Frenchmen wanting to surrender."

697 Render  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:09:21am

About those subs.


698 rightside  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:09:39am

re: #692 Wyatt Earp

It is long and cylindrical... and full of seamen. ;-)

699 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:10:03am

re: #694 rightside

He'll have to retire.

I think the same fate befell an American captain who beached a carrier - The Enterprise? - in San Francisco Bay a few years ago.

700 razorbacker  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:10:15am

re: #683 rightside

The US Navy's only surface nuclear wessels are aircraft carriers. The USS Port Royal is an Aegis Cruiser, CG-73.

Right. I'm talking about two different instances. Hitting the undersea obstruction, a sub.

The Port Royal, a cruiser.

Pretty embarrassing, both times.

701 rightside  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:11:06am

re: #696 beblebrox


Let them sing!

Soiuz nerushimyj respublik svobodnykh
Splotila naveki Velikaia Rus.
Da zdravstvuet sozdannyj volej narodov
Edinyj, moguchij Sovetskij Soiuz!

702 notutopia  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:11:20am

re: #685 lawhawk

Here is the Fox news version
[Link: www.foxnews.com...]

703 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:11:45am

re: #690 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

C'mon, I don't like him either, but Alec Balwin has had a remarkable career.

Beetlejuice (MINOR ROLL ,,, Micheal Keaton and Geena Davis made the movie) , Glengary Glenn Ross (never saw it), 30 Rock (not a fan), numerous very funny SNL thangs (marginal at best), Red Oktober, Team America; World Police (sarc/)

Can't stand the guy, but, hell, sattv...


704 rightside  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:12:01am

re: #699 Wyatt Earp

Any CO who grounds a ship (no matter the reason) will never get another command. Thus, their career ends, and they simply retire.

705 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:12:26am

re: #703 sattv4u2

Oh, hush. Ya goof-ball.

Sorry, watching "Boys Town".

706 rightside  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:12:33am

re: #700 razorbacker

Gotcha. My regrets.

707 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:12:55am

re: #704 rightside

Any CO who grounds a ship (no matter the reason) will never get another command. Thus, their career ends, and they simply retire.

Agreed. I remember seeing a photo of the grounding. Damned shame.

708 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:12:57am

re: #690 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

re: #703 sattv4u2

FVB ,, see inserts from your 690

709 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:14:56am

re: #683 rightside

The USS Port Royal is an Aegis Cruiser, CG-73.

/and she is was part of our Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense

710 rightside  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:15:06am

re: #707 Wyatt Earp

Sure is. There is no job in the world comparable to the CO of a Navy ship. No CEO has as much responsibility, or accountability.

711 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:15:29am

re: #710 rightside

Sure is. There is no job in the world comparable to the CO of a Navy ship. No CEO has as much responsibility, or accountability.

Yeah, but imagine the tail he must get. :)

712 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:15:44am

re: #708 sattv4u2

I saw it. GlenGary Glen Ross was an amazing movie...with an amazing cast, (Jonathan Pryce, Jack Lemon, Kevin Spacy, Ed Harris, Alan Arkin) and Baldwin stole the movie.

713 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:16:12am

re: #704 rightside

Any CO who grounds a ship (no matter the reason) will never get another command. Thus, their career ends, and they simply retire.

Do you get bonus points if you ram another sub under water?

714 razorbacker  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:16:31am

re: #706 rightside

Gotcha. My regrets.

That's okay. Actually, talking about these incidents of high-trained professionals running multi-million dollar machines into things that they shouldn't have been run into kinda puts it all into perspective.

All I did was back a D6 Cat over the bed of a new pickup truck. 'Coulda been worse.

715 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:16:42am

re: #712 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I saw it. GlenGary Glen Ross was an amazing movie...with an amazing cast, (Jonathan Pryce, Jack Lemon, Kevin Spacy, Ed Harris, Alan Arkin) and Baldwin stole the movie.

"F**K YOU! THAT'S MY NAME!" - Alec Baldwin

716 rightside  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:16:52am

re: #709 Killian Bundy

Thanks for visiting our website!

She will be again IMO. That's what I do.

717 Bloodnok  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:16:54am

re: #712 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I saw it. GlenGary Glen Ross was an amazing movie...with an amazing cast, (Jonathan Pryce, Jack Lemon, Kevin Spacy, Ed Harris, Alan Arkin) and Baldwin stole the movie.

And an obscure actor called Al Pacino.

718 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:17:11am

re: #711 Wyatt Earp

Yeah, but imagine the tail he must get. :)

The cabin boy, the cabin boy, the dirty little nipper...

Rammed some glass...

/ah you know the rest.

719 rightside  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:17:24am

re: #711 Wyatt Earp

One of the perks!

720 rightside  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:18:31am

re: #713 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)

I don't know what they'd do, but I'd be happy to adjudicate that one. Both fined, and payments to me.

721 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:18:41am

re: #712 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I saw it. GlenGary Glen Ross was an amazing movie...with an amazing cast, (Jonathan Pryce, Jack Lemon, Kevin Spacy, Ed Harris, Alan Arkin) and Baldwin stole the movie.

I'll take your word for it. in fact, on your recomendation i'll get it and with an open mind watch

722 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:18:49am

re: #717 Bloodnok

And an obscure actor called Al Pacino.

I knew I forgot one. Thanks.

723 Bloodnok  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:19:24am

re: #712 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I saw it. GlenGary Glen Ross was an amazing movie...with an amazing cast, (Jonathan Pryce, Jack Lemon, Kevin Spacy, Ed Harris, Alan Arkin) and Baldwin stole the movie.

He did steal it. And it drives me crazy considering I dislike the guy.

724 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:19:42am

re: #721 sattv4u2

I'll take your word for it. in fact, on your recomendation i'll get it and with an open mind watch

Be prepared to have your ass kicked with it. Best salesman movie I have ever seen (other than "Tommy Boy").

725 albusteve  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:20:02am

re: #722 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I knew I forgot one. Thanks.

he's pretty forgettable generally speaking

726 Miss Trixie  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:20:29am

&#9834 &#9836 Good morning, {lizards!} &#9836 &#9834

Another loverly, mild winter day in the valley and spring is this >< close I can practically smell it. Several birds in my courtyard this weekend wheeling and darting about and it may be that's a positive sign spring will be early for a change.

*crosses fingers*

/Please L*rd. Amen.

727 rightside  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:20:39am

re: #714 razorbacker

That's okay. Actually, talking about these incidents of high-trained professionals running multi-millionbillion dollar machines into things that they shouldn't have been run into kinda puts it all into perspective.

All I did was back a D6 Cat over the bed of a new pickup truck. 'Coulda been worse.

I know what you mean. Doesn't happen often, but human error can come into play. Fortunately, there is usually no loss of life.

728 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:20:42am

re: #721 sattv4u2

Jack Lemon'll break your heart in it, too.

729 SasquatchOnSteroids  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:20:45am

re: #713 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)

Do you get bonus points if you ram another sub under water?

ATAC is safe..... shoooo.

730 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:22:13am

re: #724 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Be prepared to have your ass kicked with it. Best salesman movie I have ever seen (other than "Tommy Boy").

"Shut up, Richard."

731 rightside  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:22:23am

re: #726 Miss Trixie

Morning MT... that av is hilarious!

732 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:22:48am

re: #729 SasquatchOnSteroids


733 soxfan4life  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:23:25am

re: #710 rightside

Sure is. There is no job in the world comparable to the CO of a Navy ship. No CEO has as much responsibility, or accountability.

I would include any major command in the military. No CEO has the responsibility or accountability of a post commander for us ground pounders.

734 bellamags  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:23:36am

re: #730 Wyatt Earp

"Shut up, Richard."

"Are you talking?"

735 beblebrox  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:23:39am

During one of the many wars that the French and the British fought and the French usually lost, the French just happened to capture a British Major. An officer brought the Major to the French general for interrogation. The French general began ridiculing the Major for wearing "that stupid red tunic." The French general said, "Why to you wear that red uniform, it makes it easy for us to shoot you." The British major replied, "If I do get wounded, the blood will not show, and my soldiers will not get scared." The French general said, "That is a very good idea," The Frenchy turned to his orderly and said, "From now on all French officers will wear brown pants."

736 bellamags  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:24:06am

re: #728 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Jack Lemon'll break your heart in it, too.

OMG I love your AVATAR ! LOL i want it.

737 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:24:21am

re: #734 bellamags

"Are you talking?"

"A lot of people go to college for seven years."

"Yah, they're called doctors."

738 SasquatchOnSteroids  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:24:33am

re: #732 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)


Bond. James Bond.

739 soxfan4life  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:24:48am

re: #735 beblebrox

During one of the many wars that the French and the British fought and the French usually lost, the French just happened to capture a British Major. An officer brought the Major to the French general for interrogation. The French general began ridiculing the Major for wearing "that stupid red tunic." The French general said, "Why to you wear that red uniform, it makes it easy for us to shoot you." The British major replied, "If I do get wounded, the blood will not show, and my soldiers will not get scared." The French general said, "That is a very good idea," The Frenchy turned to his orderly and said, "From now on all French officers will wear brown pants."

With a yellow front?

740 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:25:41am

re: #737 Wyatt Earp

"A lot of people go to college for seven years."

"Yah, they're called doctors."

"8 years of college down the drain..."


741 bellamags  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:26:02am

re: #737 Wyatt Earp

"A lot of people go to college for seven years."

"Yah, they're called doctors."

"Richard, who's your favorite little rascal?"
"Is it Alfalfa? or is it Spanky?"................................"sinner"

742 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:26:23am

re: #716 rightside

Thanks for visiting our website!

She will be again IMO. That's what I do.

The "bow configuration" was heavily damaged, repairing that is going to take a long time.

/after the first and second attempt to float it failed, it was obvious what was hanging it up

743 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:26:29am

re: #736 bellamags

OMG I love your AVATAR ! LOL i want it.


744 opnion  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:28:36am

Greetings Comrades! Your thought for the day, "Ask not what your Obama can do for you. Ask what you can do for your Obama."

745 Miss Trixie  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:28:45am

re: #731 rightside

Morning MT... that av is hilarious!

Ain't it though? LOL!

It reminds me of my old cat, Catman, who lived for 18 years. He used to get that very same expression on his face just before his sh*t-disturbing moods that tore the house apart.

Then he'd sleep for a week. :D

746 Digital Display  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:28:56am

Good Morning Lizards! How is everyone this fine day?

747 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:29:26am

re: #744 opnion

Greetings Comrades! Your thought for the day, "Ask not what your Obama can do for you. Ask what you can do for your Obama."

Genuflect when you say that!


748 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:29:50am

re: #744 opnion

Greetings Comrades! Your thought for the day, "Ask not what your Obama can do for you. Ask what you can do for your Obama."

Comrade, when Premier Obama wants you to do something he will tell you what it is.

Back to the assembly line for you.

749 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:30:09am

re: #746 HoosierHoops

Good Morning Lizards! How is everyone this fine day?

/much better than the Port Royal, thank you

750 bellamags  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:30:26am

re: #746 HoosierHoops

Good Morning Lizards! How is everyone this fine day?

Good Morning {Hoops}. I'm doing great. Blue skies about 65 degrees, low humidity and it should reach 72 today. Almost as good as So. Cal weather (which i miss dearly). How are you?

751 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:30:28am

re: #748 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)

Comrade, when Premier Obama wants you to do something he will tell you what it is.

Back to the assembly line for you.

And when he wants your opinion, he will give it to you.

752 Bloodnok  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:30:32am

re: #746 HoosierHoops

Good Morning Lizards! How is everyone this fine day?

Yes. It IS a fine day. (Does best Miss Trixie impression) 34 degrees and plenty of sinshine!

753 reine.de.tout  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:30:47am

OK, guys.
Those of you who haven't done this yet, check out the cookbook and if you order now, we'll include a sham-wow AND a snuggie, the blanket with sleeves!

Well, maybe not those last two items.

But the cookbook is worth it all on its own!

754 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:30:49am

re: #746 HoosierHoops

Whaddup home boy!?

755 Achilles Tang  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:31:37am

re: #4 gmsc

All day long, I've been laughing at the "0bama coins" scam.

Worth far more than even real commemorative coins are the comments about this scam on Tim Blair's blog!

That was funny, but the one who should have been lambasted the most is Montel. That jackass is dumber, or perhaps just less principled, than Rosie O'Donnell.

756 soxfan4life  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:31:39am

re: #751 Wyatt Earp

And when he wants your opinion, he will give it to you.force it on you.

fixed that for you

757 opnion  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:32:24am

It is pretty clear that Burris perjured himslf befor the Impeachment Committee. Lookink at his answers then to specific questions & his ammended affadavit, there is little doubt.
Northwestern Law Professor, Dawn Clark Netch says that the remedies are limited in Illinois. They can declare the Burris appointment temporary & call for a special election. In her opinion that's it.

758 sattv4u2  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:32:32am

re: #746 HoosierHoops

Good Morning Lizards! How is everyone this fine day?

30 minutes till GO HOME TIME ,,,,so i'm doing okay

759 opnion  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:33:28am

re: #747 Wyatt Earp

Genuflect when you say that!


No, no, down on both knees & bang my forehead on ther ground.

760 soxfan4life  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:33:31am

re: #757 opnion

It is pretty clear that Burris perjured himslf befor the Impeachment Committee. Lookink at his answers then to specific questions & his ammended affadavit, there is little doubt.
Northwestern Law Professor, Dawn Clark Netch says that the remedies are limited in Illinois. They can declare the Burris appointment temporary & call for a special election. In her opinion that's it.

A lying scumbag lawyer, seems like a perfect replacement for Obama.

761 rightside  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:34:21am

re: #742 Killian Bundy

She's most likely in drydock already. Prolly 6 months.

762 unclassifiable  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:34:38am

Happy Presidents Day

I am off today but a one of my clients schedules a meeting today which I told her I would come into work for.

SHe then stated that that was not necessary. I should spend the day celebrating President Obama (this was said in jest).

She asked me what I was going to do for my celebration.

I said sleep in, be lazy, and wait for my bailout check.

763 opnion  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:34:57am

re: #746 HoosierHoops

Good Morning Lizards! How is everyone this fine day?

Did you watch the Illinois/ Indiana game yesterday?

764 bellamags  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:35:54am

re: #753 reine.de.tout

OK, guys.
Those of you who haven't done this yet, check out the cookbook and if you order now, we'll include a sham-wow AND a snuggie, the blanket with sleeves!

Well, maybe not those last two items.

But the cookbook is worth it all on its own!

I LOVE THE COVER ART (jaunte). I am going to order several and give them away. (and keep one myself of course)

765 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:36:17am

re: #755 Naso Tang

That was funny, but the one who should have been lambasted the most is Montel. That jackass is dumber, or perhaps just less principled, than Rosie O'Donnell.

Is there any level of stupidity Obama voters won't go to?

/Seriously, you can see in the ad photos that the crap is just painted (or apparently stickered on) a regular US coin... that one guy seemed to think they were minting a quarter with Zero literally engraved on it.

766 Digital Display  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:36:19am

re: #752 Bloodnok

re: #754 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

re: #750 bellamags

re: #749 Killian Bundy

re: #758 sattv4u2

Well Good Morning Lizard Army! anybody need a cup of great coffee?

767 rightside  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:36:37am

Does anyone know if burris is a lawyer? His replies seem so clinton-esque. Would explain a lot.

768 opnion  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:36:43am

re: #760 soxfan4life

A lying scumbag lawyer, seems like a perfect replacement for Obama.

It will probably have to be an African/American., or the fur will fly.

769 Bloodnok  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:36:51am

re: #753 reine.de.tout

OK, guys.
Those of you who haven't done this yet, check out the cookbook and if you order now, we'll include a sham-wow AND a snuggie, the blanket with sleeves!

Well, maybe not those last two items.

But the cookbook is worth it all on its own!

We should send one to Robert Spencer.


770 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:36:57am

re: #731 rightside

Thank God you're not Obama.

/care to comment on the M/V Dove, sen in the vicinity?

771 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:37:06am

re: #767 rightside

Does anyone know if burris is a lawyer? His replies seem so clinton-esque. Would explain a lot.

He's full of crap, so isn't that the same thing?

772 bellamags  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:37:19am

re: #766 HoosierHoops

re: #754 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

re: #750 bellamags

re: #749 Killian Bundy

re: #758 sattv4u2

Well Good Morning Lizard Army! anybody need a cup of great coffee?

Only if its Kona ; )

773 Bloodnok  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:37:19am

re: #766 HoosierHoops

re: #754 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

re: #750 bellamags

re: #749 Killian Bundy

re: #758 sattv4u2

Well Good Morning Lizard Army! anybody need a cup of great coffee?

I'll take five.

774 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:37:28am

re: #766 HoosierHoops

re: #754 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

re: #750 bellamags

re: #749 Killian Bundy

re: #758 sattv4u2

Well Good Morning Lizard Army! anybody need a cup of great coffee?

I'll take one...

775 razorbacker  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:37:32am

Okay, folks. I better get mobile and get busy.

I am so tired to clearing storm debris and cutting trees. Blast all ice storms. A conservative estimate is about six months to a year before it all looks presentable.

On the bright side, I know where the firewood for the next several years is stacked.

A storm related rumor, and then I'm gone for a bit. The story going around is that a band of alcohol-fueled idjits harassed and harried a crew of (Black) linemen from out-of-state so badly that they had to call for law-enforcement backup. I've no confirmation, and the story sounds fishy, to me. Not that racists still exist, I know that they do.

But if you've had electricity, and then you don't have electricity, I don't think that you'd much care about the skin color of those restoring electricity. I know that when the line-crew showed up after only five days, I was so happy that I forgot to vet anyone. For all I know, every one of them was a closet Satanist, or Obama voter, or whatever.

Didn't matter to me.

776 rightside  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:37:44am

re: #766 HoosierHoops

Hey Hoops!

/had my fill o'joe

777 Digital Display  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:37:47am

re: #763 opnion

Did you watch the Illinois/ Indiana game yesterday?

No..We went to a NASCAR party..I haven't even checked out who won yet..Better get on ESPN this morning..

778 unclassifiable  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:39:00am

re: #766 HoosierHoops

Got it right here.

Community Sumatra.

/not Starbucks

779 rightside  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:39:18am

re: #770 Killian Bundy

I'm sorry, I don't understand?

780 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:40:01am

"Angels with Dirty Faces" is coming on TCM. Never seen it. I like having Monday's off. TCM is going to be playing the crap out of Oscar movies this month.

781 rightside  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:40:04am

re: #771 Wyatt Earp

lol! While every lawyer is full of sh*t, not every full of sh*t person is a lawyer!

782 opnion  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:40:07am

re: #767 rightside

Does anyone know if burris is a lawyer? His replies seem so clinton-esque. Would explain a lot.

Yup, he got his Juris Doctor from Howard University School of Law in 1963.

783 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:40:23am

re: #780 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

"Angels with Dirty Faces" is coming on TCM. Never seen it. I like having Monday's off. TCM is going to be playing the crap out of Oscar movies this month.

"Keep the change, ya filthy animal!"

784 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:40:42am

re: #777 HoosierHoops

Didn't drink, didja?

785 unclassifiable  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:40:51am

re: #775 razorbacker

As an a participant in the Ike storm, I know just how you feel.

Did not have power for a week and a half.

786 Digital Display  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:41:38am

re: #780 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

"Angels with Dirty Faces" is coming on TCM. Never seen it. I like having Monday's off. TCM is going to be playing the crap out of Oscar movies this month.

I'll be home in a couple hours..watching a good movie sounds like an idea.

787 opnion  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:41:44am

re: #777 HoosierHoops

No..We went to a NASCAR party..I haven't even checked out who won yet..Better get on ESPN this morning..

Illini won.

788 albusteve  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:41:53am

another gun totin NFL punk...

[Link: msn.foxsports.com...]

789 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:42:11am

re: #775 razorbacker

While your power was off; how many times did you flip a light switch or try to turn something electrical on? C'mon. Tell the truth.

790 Bloodnok  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:42:40am

re: #780 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

"Angels with Dirty Faces" is coming on TCM. Never seen it. I like having Monday's off. TCM is going to be playing the crap out of Oscar movies this month.

Excellent film! The Bowery Boys can be a bit hard to take, but Cagney, Bogart and O'Brien more than offset them.

791 Digital Display  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:43:30am

re: #784 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Didn't drink, didja?

Steaks on the grill.. A couple of cigars and ice cold bud..
And a bunch of people that won't shut up during the race../Like me.

792 lawhawk  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:44:06am

re: #757 opnion

It is pretty clear that Burris perjured himslf befor the Impeachment Committee. Lookink at his answers then to specific questions & his ammended affadavit, there is little doubt.
Northwestern Law Professor, Dawn Clark Netch says that the remedies are limited in Illinois. They can declare the Burris appointment temporary & call for a special election. In her opinion that's it.

The Illinois AG needs to take action and bring charges of perjury and obstruction of justice. I don't see him being removed as a result, even if a guilty verdict is rendered or he cops to a plea.

793 FrogMarch  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:44:30am

Beheading in NY elicits a muted response.

“Just asking, but are beheadings common in western New York? I used to spend a lot of time in that neck of the woods and I don’t remember decapitation as a routine form of murder. Yet the killing of Aasiya Hassan seems to have elicited a very muted response. When poor Mrs Hassan’s husband launched his TV network to counter negative stereotypes of Muslims, he had no difficulty generating column inches. … But, when Muzzammil Hassan kills his wife and ‘the face of Muslim news’ is unveiled rather more literally, detached from her corpse at his TV studios, it’s all he can do to make the local press.”

Where's Matt Lauer and the rest of the NY morning shows?

794 rightside  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:44:48am

re: #782 opnion

Thank you! I knew he was a shyster!

795 razorbacker  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:44:51am

re: #789 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

While your power was off; how many times did you flip a light switch or try to turn something electrical on? C'mon. Tell the truth.

Can't count that high.

796 soxfan4life  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:45:08am

re: #767 rightside

Does anyone know if burris is a lawyer? His replies seem so clinton-esque. Would explain a lot.

Former Attorney General, seems like his track record makes him look like a great replacement for Obama. And this bcomes from HuffPo, so take your brain bleach before reading.

[Link: www.huffingtonpost.com...]

797 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:45:32am

re: #793 FrogMarch

Beheading in NY elicits a muted response.

Where's Matt Lauer and the rest of the NY morning shows?

They're paralyzed by leg-tingling.

798 Dustyvet  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:45:59am

Pat Condell

Freedom go to hell

799 realwest  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:46:11am

Good morning y'all - from a chilly (37 degrees going up to 52 degrees) but bright and sunny Charlotte!
How is everyone this fine morning?

800 soxfan4life  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:46:49am

re: #797 Wyatt Earp

They're paralyzed by leg-tingling.

Haven't received their talking points from the Whitehouse yet.

801 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:46:58am

re: #799 realwest

Good morning y'all - from a chilly (37 degrees going up to 52 degrees) but bright and sunny Charlotte!
How is everyone this fine morning?

Morning, Real!

802 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:47:30am

re: #783 Wyatt Earp

"Keep the change, ya filthy animal!"

I have a friend who calls her children, "Ya filthy animals". It is hysterical.

803 opnion  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:47:44am

re: #792 lawhawk

The Illinois AG needs to take action and bring charges of perjury and obstruction of justice. I don't see him being removed as a result, even if a guilty verdict is rendered or he cops to a plea.

That sounds right. To be honest he will be a weak candidate in 2010 if he runs & survives a primary challenge. The Republicans might elect a Senator in spite of themselves.

804 Dustyvet  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:48:26am

re: #802 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I have a friend who calls her children, "Ya filthy animals". It is hysterical.

Foster parent eh?

805 Render  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:48:32am

re: #770 Killian Bundy

Something like half to 3/4 of the towing capacity needed to yank Port Royal off that man-made shoal came from the M/V Dove (the X-Band radar's motivator). The rest came from seven other military and civilian tugs. They also took off over 600 tons of stuff, including over 100 crew members, all of the fresh water, most of the fuel, and jettisoning the anchors and the anchor chains. It still took them over four hours at high tide.


806 realwest  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:49:09am

re: #801 Wyatt Earp
Howdy Wyatt! How are you doing this morning?

807 Digital Display  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:49:29am

re: #799 realwest

Good morning y'all - from a chilly (37 degrees going up to 52 degrees) but bright and sunny Charlotte!
How is everyone this fine morning?

Hi RealWest! *waves* How is your eye today?

808 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:49:35am

re: #806 realwest

Howdy Wyatt! How are you doing this morning?

Not too bad. Enjoying the extra $$$ for working President's Day.

809 Jetpilot1101  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:49:39am

Good morning Lizards.

OT: Venezuela has gone Socialist. We knew that but now it's official.

810 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:50:00am

re: #779 rightside

I'm sorry, I don't understand?

It's an X-band radar platform tender.

/original pegged as helping in the Port Royal drag, but that didn't seem right, but it was there

811 [deleted]  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:50:26am
812 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:51:50am

re: #804 Dustyvet

Foster parent eh?

Nope. Heh. An over-protective, doting mother. But they laugh like hell.

813 realwest  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:51:54am

re: #807 HoosierHoops
Hi Hoops! My eye is about the same as it's been for the last few days. Waiting until tomorrow to go see an optometrist and if the Opto see's anything, then any Ophthamologist.
But it doesn't bother my vision, doesn't hurt, isn't red or swollen, no puss or anything like that, just feels weird.
How are you doing?

814 albusteve  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:51:57am

re: #809 Jetpilot1101

Good morning Lizards.

OT: Venezuela has gone Socialist. We knew that but now it's official.

and here's a followup with regard to BO....interesting

[Link: www.americanthinker.com...]

815 reine.de.tout  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:52:38am

re: #778 unclassifiable

Got it right here.

Community Sumatra.

/not Starbucks


816 unclassifiable  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:53:02am

re: #809 Jetpilot1101

They have chose to learn from experience.

We'll need lots of ShamWows for the next few decades cleaning up this mess.

817 realwest  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:53:04am

re: #808 Wyatt Earp
Cool! Does it usually work out that days like today are quiet for you?

818 Miss Trixie  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:53:50am

re: #799 realwest

Good morning y'all - from a chilly (37 degrees going up to 52 degrees) but bright and sunny Charlotte!
How is everyone this fine morning?

{realwest} Morning, luv *smoochie-smooch*

How's your eye this morning?

819 opnion  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:54:02am

re: #811 taxfreekiller

So, if Burris's appointment was flawed, and his votes in the Senate, can be voided and them the deal in Mic. gets settled and the R wins, then a re-vote is made on the stupidmentulus, like wow! Bet Collins, Snowe and the old bad Spector would get the willies uh?

Interesting, because Reid & Durbin said that his testimony to the Impeachment Committee was pivital in seatlng Burris. So.........

820 rightside  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:54:34am

re: #810 Killian Bundy

Ahhh gotcha. I was wondering what that had to do with my reply to Miss Trixie's av lol.


821 Spare O'Lake  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:55:00am

The Race Industry has received one hell of a stimulus package.

822 unclassifiable  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:55:00am

re: #815 reine.de.tout

That's what it says on the bag.

Community Coffee Private Reserve Whole Bean Sumatra Mandheling.

Maybe they stole off the wharfs from Starbucks.

823 soxfan4life  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:55:21am

re: #819 opnion

Interesting, because Reid & Durbin said that his testimony to the Impeachment Committee was pivital in seatlng Burris. So.........

Of course the fact that he is a D had nothing to do with it.

824 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:55:23am

re: #805 Render

Something like half to 3/4 of the towing capacity needed to yank Port Royal off that man-made shoal came from the M/V Dove (the X-Band radar's motivator). The rest came from seven other military and civilian tugs. They also took off over 600 tons of stuff, including over 100 crew members, all of the fresh water, most of the fuel, and jettisoning the anchors and the anchor chains. It still took them over four hours at high tide.


/so I don't need to further update any of my three installments?

825 [deleted]  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:55:52am
826 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:55:58am

re: #817 realwest

Cool! Does it usually work out that days like today are quiet for you?

Normally, but today the media tools are across the street filming our grief. Bastards.

827 realwest  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:56:09am

re: #816 unclassifiable
Good morning. Thugo said that any attempts to undermine the results of the election with violence will be met with violence.
Gee, wonder if THugo is planning on any violence he can blame on opposition party?

828 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:56:35am

re: #799 realwest

Morning Real!

Woke up to 19... now 32. Cold came back for a visit, I was enjoying the false spring.

829 reine.de.tout  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:56:51am

re: #822 unclassifiable

That's what it says on the bag.

Community Coffee Private Reserve Whole Bean Sumatra Mandheling.

Maybe they stole off the wharfs from Starbucks.

That's a Louisiana brand.

I bring it with me everywhere I go. Only coffee worth drinking, imo.

830 unclassifiable  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:56:56am

re: #821 Spare O'Lake

Good. Maybe we can finally have a decent Formula One team.

/that's probably not what you are talking about

831 Randall Gross  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:57:20am

Heya, HA has registration open for lizards who've wanted to set records straight when they get carried away over there in comments, now's your moment to register.

[Link: hotair.com...]

832 unclassifiable  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:57:29am

re: #829 reine.de.tout

I know.

I was born at Mercy Hospital.

833 newsjunkie_ky  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:57:34am

Morning all,
Our local conservative radio guy, Leland Conway, is featured on Michelle Malkin's site and will be on Cavuto today. Conway is sending 1500 bags of pork rinds, from Kentuckians, to chuck 'Americans don't care about pork' shumer.

834 Dustyvet  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:58:17am

re: #828 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)

Morning Real!

Woke up to 19... now 32. Cold came back for a visit, I was enjoying the false spring.

We frozen in Lake County...please coffee with a shot of anti freeze...

835 realwest  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:58:19am

re: #818 {Miss Trixie} Hi there gorgeous! *Smoochies back atcha! Hope you're doing well today - as for my eye please see my #813 above.
So how are you doing today? Too bad y'all gotta work today!

836 reine.de.tout  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:58:37am

re: #832 unclassifiable

I know.

I was born at Mercy Hospital.

I didn't know that. Still here?

837 opnion  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:59:59am

re: #823 soxfan4life

Of course the fact that he is a D had nothing to do with it.

They actually wanted replacement Governor Pat Quinn to make the appointment. This was Blago stickin it to em with a weak candidate.
Honestly, in Illinois. Burris is like a punch line.
The problem was that people like Bobby Rush were calling not seating Burris , like a lynching. Add to that there probably was no legal theory or statute not to seat him. They look stuck.

838 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 6:59:59am

re: #821 Spare O'Lake

The Race Industry has received one hell of a stimulus package.

Not yet... seems the "can't read it, can't debate it, no time is left" sky is falling package has four days to cool its heels on Barry's desk before he signs it.

/We are truly fucked when our government has reps that will pass the biggest spending package in history without either debate or examination... and without so much as reading its contents.

839 albusteve  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:00:01am

re: #829 reine.de.tout

That's a Louisiana brand.

I bring it with me everywhere I go. Only coffee worth drinking, imo.

I coulda sworn it would be Cafe Du Monde

840 razorbacker  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:00:22am
February 16, 2009

A FREE BOOK ON Free Range Kids. “Over the past 30 years activities that previous generations of children enjoyed without a second thought have been relabelled as troubling or dangerous, and the adults who permit them branded as irresponsible. No Fear argues that childhood is being undermined by the growth of risk aversion and its intrusion into every aspect of children’s lives.” Yes, when The Dangerous Book for Boys is seen by some as actually dangerous, it’s time for a response.

Posted at 9:00 am by Glenn Reynolds

Ain't it the truth? No way in hell that you could today raise a boy as I was raised.

Working for pay while under-aged. Unrestricted access to guns. Leaving the house after breakfast, and not returning until dark (since we didn't have a phone, no way to check in anyway). No helmets for biking, skating, etc. Free run of a small town with no questions asked. Felt completely comfortable talking to strangers. No adult-supervised activities of any real consequence (as a matter of fact, we were expected to find our own amusements).

I just realized...I was underprivileged. Day-um. Wonder if there is a government-sponsored remedy for that?

841 realwest  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:00:37am

re: #826 Wyatt Earp Uh, what exactly are they filming Wyatt? Surely the mayor isn't holding a press conference by your mayor expressing his greif at the PD's "loss"?!?

842 unclassifiable  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:00:46am

re: #836 reine.de.tout


Mom and Dad went to Texas so Dad could work for Gulf Oil.

Then I stayed and they went to California so Dad could work for Chevron.

I still have relatives in both N. and S. Louisiana.

843 reine.de.tout  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:00:47am

re: #839 albusteve

I coulda sworn it would be Cafe Du Monde

not for me.

844 Jetpilot1101  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:01:36am

re: #816 unclassifiable

They have chose to learn from experience.

We'll need lots of ShamWows for the next few decades cleaning up this mess.

And more than a few slaughterhouses to get rid of all this pork.

845 unclassifiable  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:01:58am

re: #839 albusteve

Cafe Du Monde will permanently stain your innards and anything it touches.


846 realwest  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:02:05am

re: #828 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret) Hey LT! Good morning to you. I blame it all on Al Gore and the Democrats.
Doens't matter if that's right or wrong, I just like to blame everything I can on the Dems, since they seem to be getting a pass from the MSM.

847 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:02:25am

re: #840 razorbacker

You are correct. You can't raise a kid in a padded room afraid of his/her own shadow and expect to get an "adult" out of it.

848 Dustyvet  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:02:29am

re: #846 realwest

Hey LT! Good morning to you. I blame it all on Al Gore and the Democrats.
Doens't matter if that's right or wrong, I just like to blame everything I can on the Dems, since they seem to be getting a pass from the MSM.

Now smile and say “Government Cheese”

849 albusteve  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:02:47am

re: #843 reine.de.tout

not for me.

probably a tourist thing

850 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:03:16am

re: #846 realwest

Hey LT! Good morning to you. I blame it all on Al Gore and the Democrats.
Doens't matter if that's right or wrong, I just like to blame everything I can on the Dems, since they seem to be getting a pass from the MSM.

Is he visiting again? Always a source of a 20-30 degree drop in temp. :-)

851 Render  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:05:00am

re: #810 Killian Bundy

Navy Times (which isn't the official Navy version) reported that the Dove was the primary pulling beast in the extraction, and hasn't retracted or changed their story from last week. It (M/V Dove) does (reportedly) have a lot more towing capacity then the local navy tugs.

The Navy, being somewhat touchy about the Dove's capabilities and uses, hasn't confirmed or denied. I wouldn't expect them too any time soon either.

Given the Port Royal's role in BMD, I suspect the Navy might have hooked up a carrier or two to get the Port Royal unstuck, had the Dove and its covey of smaller tugs not done the trick. They would have torn that ship in half to get it unstuck if they had too.

Rumor has it that a decommissioned Spruance class hull may be used for parts in the repair job, should hull repairs prove necessary.

There were pictures leaked of the US sub that slammed into an underwater mountain. Mayhap we'll see pix of the Port Royals hull when it's in the dry dock. Or maybe not...


852 FrogMarch  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:05:12am

re: #797 Wyatt Earp

They're paralyzed by leg-tingling.

oh - yeah. Beheadings happen all the time, so it's no big deal. /// Plus it was perpetrated by a Muslim, so the media must tread carefully. The whole - angry Muslim beheads his wife in NY doesn't fit the media template.

853 Lincolntf  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:05:39am

Morning all.
While girding myself for what is going to be a day spent on a tedious, chilly and possibly impossible work project I figured I'd drop in.
So, Burris lied about contact w/Blago's brother? Surprise, surprise. I assume he'll end up serving the remainder of the term anyway, but it's funny that even the candidate brought in to put a lid on the scandal was part of the scheme.

854 [deleted]  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:07:15am
855 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:07:20am

re: #852 FrogMarch

oh - yeah. Beheadings happen all the time, so it's no big deal. /// Plus it was perpetrated by a Muslim, so the media must tread carefully. The whole - angry Muslim beheads his wife in NY doesn't fit the media template.

You've been to Amish country, right? You can't go to an intersection without seeing four or five heads propped up on sticks as a warning to the others. Bloody bastards, the Amish.

856 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:07:38am

re: #841 realwest

Uh, what exactly are they filming Wyatt? Surely the mayor isn't holding a press conference by your mayor expressing his greif at the PD's "loss"?!?

They're filming us in an attempt to capture our grief on film for ratings. They came up to a few of us yesterday for comments. To a man (and woman) we politely told them to get bent.

857 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:08:27am

re: #856 Wyatt Earp

They're filming us in an attempt to capture our grief on film for ratings. They came up to a few of us yesterday for comments. To a man (and woman) we politely told them to get bent.

Why be polite?

858 phoenixgirl  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:08:54am

re: #856 Wyatt Earp


859 unclassifiable  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:08:58am

re: #827 realwest

Gum chewing will be sufficient grounds. Possibly looking at Chavez partisans funny will elicit capital punishment.

860 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:09:35am

re: #857 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)

Why be polite?

Because they had their cameras out. If we told them to frak off, they would put it on the air, and our "grief-stricken" commissioner would suspend us.

861 Harry Tuttle  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:09:40am

re: #853 Lincolntf

Morning all.
While girding myself for what is going to be a day spent on a tedious, chilly and possibly impossible work project I figured I'd drop in.
So, Burris lied about contact w/Blago's brother? Surprise, surprise. I assume he'll end up serving the remainder of the term anyway, but it's funny that even the candidate brought in to put a lid on the scandal was part of the scheme.

Well funny isn't the term I was thinking of.

It really makes me upset to think what this country used to be.

862 opnion  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:10:24am

re: #853 Lincolntf

Morning all.
While girding myself for what is going to be a day spent on a tedious, chilly and possibly impossible work project I figured I'd drop in.
So, Burris lied about contact w/Blago's brother? Surprise, surprise. I assume he'll end up serving the remainder of the term anyway, but it's funny that even the candidate brought in to put a lid on the scandal was part of the scheme.

This is Illinois, unfortunately a corrupt viper pit.
All of this scandal swirling around the Cook County Democrat Machine, where Obama comes from & he's clean?
Just the dirty deals with Rezko should have been enough to disqualify him, but the true beilievers ignored everything.

863 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:10:27am

re: #858 phoenixgirl


Thanks pg!

864 realwest  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:10:36am

re: #831 Thanos
Hey thanks Thanos - been trying to get registered there for a LONG time! Finally did!
How are you doing today?!

865 Killian Bundy  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:10:38am

re: #851 Render

Navy Times (which isn't the official Navy version) reported that the Dove was the primary pulling beast in the extraction, and hasn't retracted or changed their story from last week. It (M/V Dove) does (reportedly) have a lot more towing capacity then the local navy tugs.

The Navy, being somewhat touchy about the Dove's capabilities and uses, hasn't confirmed or denied. I wouldn't expect them too any time soon either.

Given the Port Royal's role in BMD, I suspect the Navy might have hooked up a carrier or two to get the Port Royal unstuck, had the Dove and its covey of smaller tugs not done the trick. They would have torn that ship in half to get it unstuck if they had too.

Rumor has it that a decommissioned Spruance class hull may be used for parts in the repair job, should hull repairs prove necessary.

There were pictures leaked of the US sub that slammed into an underwater mountain. Mayhap we'll see pix of the Port Royals hull when it's in the dry dock. Or maybe not...


/so I don't need to further update any of my three installments?

866 albusteve  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:11:22am

Geo Will on the global warming scam...

[Link: townhall.com...]

867 Render  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:11:24am

re: #824 Killian Bundy

Not yet. It took almost a month for the last damage pix to leak. This may take longer.

Still waiting to see if the Rear Admiral who was on board the Port Royal is involved or has any responsibility. Rear Adm. Dixon R. Smith, commander, Navy Region Hawaii and Naval Surface Group Middle Pacific.


868 FrogMarch  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:11:41am

re: #855 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)

You've been to Amish country, right? You can't go to an intersection without seeing four or five heads propped up on sticks as a warning to the others. Bloody bastards, the Amish.

Same with Catholics, Presbyterians, Hindus and Jews.--- head-choppers all.

869 realwest  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:11:57am

re: #834 Dustyvet Morning Dusty - I can send y'all some coffee, but I don't have any anti-freeze, sorry!

870 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:12:15am

re: #860 Wyatt Earp

Because they had their cameras out. If we told them to frak off, they would put it on the air, and our "grief-stricken" commissioner would suspend us.

Way to stick up for your men, Chief.

/I hate that kind of piddly ass crap. A man should be able to speak his mind at times like that without a threat hanging over his head.

871 Lincolntf  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:12:15am

re: #861 Harry Tuttle

Maybe not exactly funny, but my capacity for outrage has been depleted by the stimulus, Gitmo, etc., so I'm just chuckling at the general mess. Maybe later I'll have time for some good old-fashioned indignation.

872 Spare O'Lake  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:12:50am

re: #830 unclassifiable

Good. Maybe we can finally have a decent Formula One team.

/that's probably not what you are talking about

The black on white logo can be proudly displayed, and the chassis would be powered by a gas-guzzling monster engine serviced by a bottomless pit crew.

873 Dustyvet  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:13:04am

re: #869 realwest

Morning Dusty - I can send y'all some coffee, but I don't have any anti-freeze, sorry!

Morning Real...umm, got brandy...?:)

874 rightside  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:13:14am

re: #831 Thanos

Good luck to others. I rarely comment over there anymore. They leave flaming libs on with nothing to add to a deate other than ad-hominem attacks.

875 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:13:25am

re: #868 FrogMarch

Same with Catholics, Presbyterians, Hindus and Jews.--- head-choppers all.

Don't get me started on the Jews... friggin "Friday Night at the Head Choppings" TV show and all.

876 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:13:48am

re: #870 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)

Way to stick up for your men, Chief.

/I hate that kind of piddly ass crap. A man should be able to speak his mind at times like that without a threat hanging over his head.

Every day the local media calls my office and asks if we're working on anything newsworthy. In three years as a detective, I have never said, "Yes."

They get no courtesy from us. Ever.

877 beblebrox  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:13:48am

re: #789 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

While your power was off; how many times did you flip a light switch or try to turn something electrical on? C'mon. Tell the truth.

I hate not having power. I was out for a week early in winter. I have a well. No power=no water=no toilet. I have a generator but it only puts out 110v, and my well pump is 220v. At least the food in the fridge didn't go bad, and the beer stayed cold.

878 Lincolntf  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:13:55am

re: #862 opnion

That Rezko thing alone should have scuttled O's election run. It was a blatant favor exchange with a felon who had benefited from votes Obama cast in the State Senate. It all should have ended right there.

879 Kronocide  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:13:58am

Good AM Lizards. 70 ish in Kona, sun not up yet. Any more suicides du blog?

880 Miss Trixie  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:14:40am

re: #835 realwest

Hi there gorgeous! *Smoochies back atcha! Hope you're doing well today - as for my eye please see my #813 above.
So how are you doing today? Too bad y'all gotta work today!

Nyah Nyah Nyah!

Smartypants! :D

I'm just fine and hoping that Monday zips right by. I would suggest that you may be suffering from computer eye-strain. Do you have sufficient backlight to use when on your computer?

881 Spare O'Lake  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:14:40am

re: #838 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)

Not yet... seems the "can't read it, can't debate it, no time is left" sky is falling package has four days to cool its heels on Barry's desk before he signs it.

/We are truly fucked when our government has reps that will pass the biggest spending package in history without either debate or examination... and without so much as reading its contents.

He won, He wants it, He gets it.

882 Harry Tuttle  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:14:55am

re: #871 Lincolntf

Maybe not exactly funny, but my capacity for outrage has been depleted by the stimulus, Gitmo, etc., so I'm just chuckling at the general mess. Maybe later I'll have time for some good old-fashioned indignation.

Ya I know what you mean brother.

Illigitimi carborundum.

883 Dustyvet  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:14:56am

re: #855 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)

You've been to Amish country, right? You can't go to an intersection without seeing four or five heads propped up on sticks as a warning to the others. Bloody bastards, the Amish.

Image: amish.jpg

884 ThinkRight  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:15:17am

re: #877 beblebrox

I hate not having power. I was out for a week early in winter. I have a well. No power=no water=no toilet. I have a generator but it only puts out 110v, and my well pump is 220v. At least the food in the fridge didn't go bad, and the beer stayed cold.

Thats why we get out of bed everyday isn't it ?

885 Miss Trixie  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:15:17am

re: #856 Wyatt Earp

They're filming us in an attempt to capture our grief on film for ratings. They came up to a few of us yesterday for comments. To a man (and woman) we politely told them to get bent.

Bloody ghouls - like they care. Grrrrrrrrrr.

886 Harry Tuttle  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:15:49am

re: #882 Harry Tuttle

Ya I know what you mean brother.

Illigitimi carborundum.

re: #876 Wyatt Earp

ooops Illegitimi non carborundum

887 Ojoe  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:16:19am

re: #793 FrogMarch

Muted response.


The agenda driven, demon possessed media failing at its basic job to inform the citizens.

To hell with them, deepest level, with the traitors.

I have spoken.

888 razorbacker  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:16:20am

re: #868 FrogMarch

Same with Catholics, Presbyterians, Hindus and Jews.--- head-choppers all.

Don't know about the rest, but juice...well...you know. After all, once you start chopping foreskins it seems like someone might get carried away and forget the limitations.

889 Sheila Broflovski  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:16:39am

re: #868 FrogMarch

Same with Catholics, Presbyterians, Hindus and Jews.--- head-choppers all.

Don't leave out the Eskimos. You know the real reason we can't drill ANWR.

890 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:16:53am

re: #881 Spare O'Lake

He won, He wants it, He gets it.

We pay for it.

891 [deleted]  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:17:45am
892 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:17:56am

re: #885 Miss Trixie

Bloody ghouls - like they care. Grrrrrrrrrr.


The truly sad part is that the neighborhood doesn't seem to care this time, either. When Chuck Cassidy was killed - he also worked in my building - we had meals, cards, letters, phone calls, etc arriving every day.

For John? We had one person bring in a box of donuts yesterday. That's it. Don't get me wrong; we're not looking for freebies or anything, but we don't even see any appreciation from the citizens we risk our lives for every day.


893 unclassifiable  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:18:23am

re: #879 BigPapa

Good AM Lizards. 70 ish in Kona, sun not up yet. Any more suicides du blog?

Why would you care. You're in paradise :)

No blogicides yet. The big lizard and Stinky are resting their ax arms for the moment but this blog has eyes.

894 realwest  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:18:35am

re: #838 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)

We are truly fucked when our government has reps that will pass the biggest spending package in history without either debate or examination... and without so much as reading its contents.

That's the absolute truth - fucking MSM - ya know if Bush had campaigned for a bill (written solely by whomever the House Leader was when the GOP controlled both houses of Congress and no Dems were allowed any imput to it) saying it's passage was URGENT, that the situation was getting worse DAY BY DAY and then split for Crawford, Texas for a nice long 3 day weekend, the MSM would have gleefully - and properly - roasted his ass over an open fire.
Obama does it, probably less than 10% of Congresscritters do their job by reading it thanks to the pressure brought to bear by Pelosi and Reid, and that's just fine with the MSM.I think the MSM should individually register as lobbyists for Obama, Pelosi and Reid. Seriously.

895 unreconstructed rebel  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:19:30am

Blagojevich/Burris - the gift that keeps on giving.

Mornin' y'all. If I can't celebrate victory, then I will take grim pleasure in the trials of my enemies.

896 FrogMarch  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:20:04am

re: #890 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)

We pay for it.

There's a big ceremony in Denver. He signs the "special interest pay-back bill" errr I mean Stimulus in front of fawning pols, press and fans. sold out!

897 Gretchen  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:20:49am

So now that the Dems in Congress will control executive pay because corporations are taking government money, can the country start drug testing welfare recipients?

898 Dustyvet  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:20:59am
899 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:21:30am

re: #897 Gretchen

So now that the Dems in Congress will control executive pay because corporations are taking government money, can the country start drug testing welfare recipients?

Oh, that would be awesome!

900 opnion  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:21:33am

re: #878 Lincolntf

That Rezko thing alone should have scuttled O's election run. It was a blatant favor exchange with a felon who had benefited from votes Obama cast in the State Senate. It all should have ended right there.

Right, BHO was getting a slum lord cotracts to build chep , dangerous public housing, much of it in BHO's district. Obama got cash (Campaign Cotributions) in return.
The units had their appliances break down very quickly & often lacked heat in the dead of Winter. Rezko held no funds back for repairs.
Change we can believe in.

901 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:21:41am

re: #896 FrogMarch

There's a big ceremony in Denver. He signs the "special interest pay-back bill" errr I mean Stimulus in front of fawning pols, press and fans. sold out!

I find it interesting Barry didn't have the nads to sign the "Destruction of America" act in the White House proper.

/twinge of guilt there, man-child?

902 razorbacker  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:22:28am

re: #877 beblebrox

I hate not having power. I was out for a week early in winter. I have a well. No power=no water=no toilet. I have a generator but it only puts out 110v, and my well pump is 220v. At least the food in the fridge didn't go bad, and the beer stayed cold.

The worst for us was that the fan-forced Buck stove became only a fireplace, and that isn't nearly as good. Really missed the whole-house heat.

But it occurred to me last night that I was an idjit. All I had to do was bring the riding mower around front, wire in the inverter that I have to convert 12 volts to 120 and let it idle while a drop cord powered the stove.

I haven't mentioned it to my wife. If ever the need should arise again I'll amaze her with my ingenuity. Again.

903 [deleted]  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:22:41am
904 Dustyvet  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:23:06am
905 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:23:23am

re: #898 Dustyvet

[Link: icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com...]

Good one!

906 unclassifiable  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:23:25am

re: #901 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)

I find it interesting Barry didn't have the nads to sign the "Destruction of America" act in the White House proper.

/twinge of guilt there, man-child?

Think he'll put up the Greek Columns as a back drop again?

907 Dustyvet  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:24:16am

re: #905 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)

Good one!

Thanks LT...:)

908 abaleh  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:24:19am

I see Eric isn't posting jokes today, so here's one:

UN nuclear watchdog chief urges budget hike

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) chief urged member states on Monday to back an 11 percent rise in the IAEA's 2010 core budget so it can help prevent nuclear proliferation threats effectively.

909 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:24:46am

re: #906 unclassifiable

Think he'll put up the Greek Columns as a back drop again?

Wouldn't surprise me in the least.

910 Dustyvet  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:25:37am

re: #908 abaleh

I see Eric isn't posting jokes today, so here's one:

UN nuclear watchdog chief urges budget hike

Not another frigging dime!

911 Stonemason  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:26:11am

re: #876 Wyatt Earp

Every day the local media calls my office and asks if we're working on anything newsworthy. In three years as a detective, I have never said, "Yes."

They get no courtesy from us. Ever.

I can not believe that you would do that to the police loving, middle of the road Philadelphia Inquirer!

^^^^that is my first sarc tag, when I was 18, oh so many years ago I read a front page story in the inky about Jamaican drug dealer. The inky was sympathetic to the dealer and ignored the 3 or 4 people he had killed. It was a disgusting piece and from that day forward I have not paid for an inky and began to lean further right than I had before.

912 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:26:26am

I'm out... have a good one everyone!

913 ciaospirit  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:26:36am

Since we are near depression and on the verge of "catastrophe", Obama feels compelled to fly all the way to Colorado to sign the stimupork bill. Makes perfect sense in Obama's world.

914 realwest  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:26:40am

re: #856 Wyatt Earp
Well it's too bad you're all such true professionals, cause I wouldn't have been polite and "bent" isn't the word I'd have used.
Do y'all have a PD Union in Philly? Do detectives belong to the Union?
Cause if so, the Union ought to write to all the major Unions (UAW, NEA, AFSCME [or whatever public officials union is appropriate]) and ask for their help in preventing the closure of Fire and Police houses in Philly.
In fact, maybe the Cops and firefighters unions could appeal to those other unions by way of a full page Newspaper ad. Maybe start with a "WE CAN'T ASK FOR A BAILOUT OF OUR EMPLOYER - WON'T YOU HELP US?"

915 Dustyvet  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:26:47am
916 albusteve  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:27:20am

re: #908 abaleh

I see Eric isn't posting jokes today, so here's one:

UN nuclear watchdog chief urges budget hike

every time I see UN I go a little crazy...often more...
the UN gets people killed...it is a criminal enterprise

917 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:28:26am

re: #911 Stonemason

I can not believe that you would do that to the police loving, middle of the road Philadelphia Inquirer!

^^^^that is my first sarc tag, when I was 18, oh so many years ago I read a front page story in the inky about Jamaican drug dealer. The inky was sympathetic to the dealer and ignored the 3 or 4 people he had killed. It was a disgusting piece and from that day forward I have not paid for an inky and began to lean further right than I had before.

Jill Porter from The Daily News is the worst. She is a piece of garbage.

918 FrogMarch  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:28:36am

re: #901 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)

I find it interesting Barry didn't have the nads to sign the "Destruction of America" act in the White House proper.

/twinge of guilt there, man-child?

He's going to sign it while Bruce Springsteen and Sheryl Crowe sing something sappy in the background. *applause for dear leader*
next move - remove free speech from the airways and install Chinese communist style "media balance."

919 Gretchen  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:29:17am

re: #899 Wyatt Earp

...but will never happen because if they stopped taking drugs they might not vote Democrat!

920 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:29:22am

re: #914 realwest

Well it's too bad you're all such true professionals, cause I wouldn't have been polite and "bent" isn't the word I'd have used.
Do y'all have a PD Union in Philly? Do detectives belong to the Union?
Cause if so, the Union ought to write to all the major Unions (UAW, NEA, AFSCME [or whatever public officials union is appropriate]) and ask for their help in preventing the closure of Fire and Police houses in Philly.
In fact, maybe the Cops and firefighters unions could appeal to those other unions by way of a full page Newspaper ad. Maybe start with a "WE CAN'T ASK FOR A BAILOUT OF OUR EMPLOYER - WON'T YOU HELP US?"

We have an FOP here. They're mediocre at best, and are usually in lock-step with the administration.

921 FrogMarch  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:29:23am
922 [deleted]  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:29:35am
923 Dustyvet  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:29:45am
924 realwest  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:29:54am

re: #873 Dustyvet
Sorry Dusty, no alcohol at all!

925 Stonemason  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:30:00am

re: #917 Wyatt Earp

Agreed, I can't get my father (40 years with peco) to stop buying that paper though.

926 FrogMarch  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:30:03am

re: #921 FrogMarch

Looks like Hugo is closer to Castro-style dictatorship.

Saan Penn should be happy.

Sean Penn

927 beblebrox  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:30:21am

re: #884 ThinkRight

Thats why we get out of bed everyday isn't it ?

pretty much. it's hard though in a cold, unheated house. i got lucky when it happened to me in that there was a lot of snow on the ground. I was melting buckets of it in front of the fireplace to flush the toilet.

928 Dustyvet  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:30:47am

re: #924 realwest

Sorry Dusty, no alcohol at all!

Well I see my doctor got to you as well...damn that guy is good...:)

929 Render  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:31:44am

re: #865 Killian Bundy

Officially and according to the M/V Doves civilian operators the M/V Dove has just 4,500hp.

The Sea Based X-band (SBX) is reported as having a displacement of over 50,000 tons, a hull weight of 15,000 tons, and an upper deck weight of 20,000 tons. Unless the Navy was planning on an extremely slow towing speed for the SBX, (think less then one knot), I think that 4,500hp might be just a bit understated...

The perils of OSINT. One cannot confirm or deny what one has no need to know.


930 MJ  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:31:53am

Archbishop of Canterbury: Society is coming round to my views on sharia

The Archbishop of Canterbury has defended his controversial comments about the introduction of Islamic law to Britain and claimed that public opinion is now behind him....

[Link: www.telegraph.co.uk...]

He might be right. Britain seems more intent on promoting Jew-hatred, or, at least, sitting back and allowing it to happen- then in defending it's own freedom.
Unfortunately, one need only look at this coward and the Church he represents to understand the appeal of the BNP to many in Britain.

931 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:31:54am

re: #925 Stonemason

Agreed, I can't get my father (40 years with peco) to stop buying that paper though.

Most officers still buy it when they're down at court. Really annoys me.

932 kansas  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:32:15am

Harry Reid says income taxes are voluntary.

933 unreconstructed rebel  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:33:25am

Just a quick drive by this morning. Need to go tend to work. BBL.

934 Afrocity  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:34:01am

Good Morning Lizards. I wonder what I will do with my $13 this week. So many options.

935 JacksonTn  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:34:03am

re: #931 Wyatt Earp

Wyatt ...I have been away for over a week but I was asking about you last night ...I heard about the officer in Philly that was killed ...I am so sorry for the loss of your division and for the officers family ...I wish the madness would stop ....

936 lawhawk  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:34:50am

re: #932 kansas

Harry Reid says income taxes are voluntary.


Well, we already knew that. Paying taxes is a voluntary act by Democrats seeking cabinet positions or being members of Congress.

Only problem is that paying taxes is not voluntary under federal tax law. It's mandatory.

What Reid has done is state explicitly his belief in two Americas. The one that does things right, living within their means, and trying to make a better life, and then there are the others who mooch off the federal teat and suck the life out of those who are fiscally responsible.

937 realwest  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:35:48am

re: #904 Dustyvet
Even better one!

938 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:36:27am

re: #935 JacksonTn

Wyatt ...I have been away for over a week but I was asking about you last night ...I heard about the officer in Philly that was killed ...I am so sorry for the loss of your division and for the officers family ...I wish the madness would stop ....

Thank you much! They announced that the funeral will be Friday and announced the creation of a trust fund. John's wife is five months pregnant with their first child. Here's the info, in case anyone wants it. You could also send cards and/or letters here, I believe.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the P/O John Pawlowski Family Trust, 1336 Spring Garden St., Phila., PA 19123.

939 Dustyvet  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:37:24am

re: #938 Wyatt Earp

Thanks Wyatt.

940 newsjunkie_ky  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:37:31am

Seattle group is going to protest the porkulus bill.
Feeling better about Seattle. Hopefully the rest of American Conservatives will wake up and do something instead of suffering silently.

941 albusteve  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:37:58am

re: #932 kansas

Harry Reid says income taxes are voluntary.


I hate that asshole...doubletalking blab

942 [deleted]  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:39:26am
943 Afrocity  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:40:11am

Oh I forgot Happy Presidents Day!

I will take this day to think of John Adams. I was a fan of his before the HBO series.

One of my favorite "president" movies is Backstairs at the Whitehouse, it is about the black custodians at the White House and follows eight administrations. Backstairs at the White House

944 realwest  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:40:39am

re: #915 Dustyvet
Hey Dusty - lemme guess - you just discovered that
icanhascheezburger site today, right?!
Try this one: [Link: www.daybydaycartoon.com...]

945 MandyManners  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:40:55am

Instead of pissing away political capital on a ridiculous lawsuit, what could four state reps. do to keep their constituents safe from CBBHO?

946 FrogMarch  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:40:58am

It's All Bush's Fault!... Hillary Blames Bush For North Korean Nukes

947 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:41:28am

re: #946 FrogMarch

It's All Bush's Fault!... Hillary Blames Bush For North Korean Nukes

Did she forget her husband's role in all of this?

948 [deleted]  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:41:29am
949 realwest  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:41:47am

re: #919 Gretchen
ROTFLMAO! Great one, thanks!

950 Dustyvet  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:41:52am

re: #944 realwest

Hey Dusty - lemme guess - you just discovered that
icanhascheezburger site today, right?!
Try this one: [Link: www.daybydaycartoon.com...]

I started out looking for a photo, and it sort of got out of hand...silly me...:)

951 MandyManners  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:42:12am

re: #915 Dustyvet

[Link: icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com...]

You, goddess and preboomer always bring a smile to my face with your lolcats stuff.

952 Digital Display  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:42:13am

re: #934 Afrocity

Good Morning Lizards. I wonder what I will do with my $13 this week. So many options.

Good Morning!
with my 13 dollars? I've had my eye on this yellow Beemer..

953 razorbacker  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:42:46am

I'm out. Play nice.

954 realwest  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:42:47am

re: #920 Wyatt Earp
Uh, what's an FOP and how can they represent cops AND support the administraton there?

955 Dustyvet  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:43:29am

re: #951 MandyManners

You, goddess and preboomer always bring a smile to my face with your lolcats stuff.

Thanks Mandy...:)

956 FrogMarch  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:43:38am

re: #947 Wyatt Earp

Did she forget her husband's role in all of this?

Conveniently - yes. No worries. The public isn't paying attention.

957 Afrocity  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:44:13am

re: #952 HoosierHoops

I was thinking that I would buy a small foreign country with my $13.

958 Beach Lover  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:44:50am

Morning all...quick drive by post, but think it great read about our dear leader. Hope it hasn't been posted already. Send it to all on your email list, just in case they aren't yet convinced that we have a scary man in the whitehouse.

It is clear that Obama and his fellow radicals are restive. In the less-than four weeks of his presidency, the new president has taken volumes from the Marxian handbook, which dictates that the stupid masses be blitzed with an overload of information, hollow press conferences, appointments, dismantling of formerly effective national-security programs, et al., in order to set the stage for a massive, Soviet-style takeover of our government, including a civilian national security force that Obama has said should be “just as powerful, strong and well-funded as the U.S. military.” Echoes of Nazi Germany in 1938, anyone?
959 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:44:58am

re: #954 realwest

Uh, what's an FOP and how can they represent cops AND support the administraton there?

Fraternal Order of Police. Not exactly a union, but close. They are so far up the mayor's tushie that they have forgotten whose interests they are supposed to be representing.

960 razorbacker  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:45:00am

*on my way out the door*

One good thing about President's Day. There is a chance that my IRA won't lose too much money today. So I've got that going for me.

961 Dustyvet  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:45:27am

re: #952 HoosierHoops

Good Morning!
with my 13 dollars? I've had my eye on this yellow Beemer..

I going to buy three pounds of extra lean ground beef...:)

962 MandyManners  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:46:57am

If anyone wants to give those bozos a thought or two, here's the link to the Tennessee General Assembly.

Campfield represents the 18th District, Knox County.

Casada represents the 63rd District, Williamson County.

Nicely represents the 17th District, parts of Knox County and Jefferson County.

Swafford represents the 25th District, Cumberland County and Bledsoe County.

Give 'em a shout out.

The very idea.

963 Dustyvet  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:47:17am

re: #957 Afrocity

I was thinking that I would buy a small foreign country with my $13.

The Duchy of Grand Fenwick?

964 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:47:19am

Pay close attention to what your state governments are doing. Most of the states are getting big money, yet many states are still working on bills to up the money YOU pay to them.

Colorado is getting about 1 billion dollars, a lot of that will be used for road and transportation projects.

But, right now our state government is working on passing a bill that will DOUBLE our yearly vehicle registrations.

For me, with a 10 year old car, that would be about 60 dollars.

So, when you look at what the federal government has done to us and what the states are doing, we are getting a double dose of new taxes and all this has to be paid back.

Obama's little robots heads are going to explode when they finally understand how screwed they really are.

For the rest of us, we're screwed already.

965 bellamags  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:47:45am

It is clear that Obama and his fellow radicals are restive. In the less-than four weeks of his presidency, the new president has taken volumes from the Marxian handbook, which dictates that the stupid masses be blitzed with an overload of information, hollow press conferences, appointments, dismantling of formerly effective national-security programs, et al., in order to set the stage for a massive, Soviet-style takeover of our government, including a civilian national security force that Obama has said should be “just as powerful, strong and well-funded as the U.S. military.” Echoes of Nazi Germany in 1938, anyone?

is this really happening?

966 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:48:06am

re: #964 Walter L. Newton

Walter...you made the cookbook cover!

967 bellamags  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:48:18am

re: #965 bellamags

It is clear that Obama and his fellow radicals are restive. In the less-than four weeks of his presidency, the new president has taken volumes from the Marxian handbook, which dictates that the stupid masses be blitzed with an overload of information, hollow press conferences, appointments, dismantling of formerly effective national-security programs, et al., in order to set the stage for a massive, Soviet-style takeover of our government, including a civilian national security force that Obama has said should be “just as powerful, strong and well-funded as the U.S. military.” Echoes of Nazi Germany in 1938, anyone?

is this really happening?

re: #958 Beach Lover

Need to give Beach Lover credit for the quote

968 x-wing  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:49:17am

re: #934 Afrocity

Good Morning Lizards. I wonder what I will do with my $13 this week. So many options.

Ammo is about $.40 a round.

969 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:49:39am

re: #966 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Walter...you made the cookbook cover!

What does that have to do with taxes? Oh, yes, thanks to Reine and Jaunte. It reminds me of my favorite posters in the Golden Post Office.

970 realwest  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:50:32am

re: #959 Wyatt Earp
Well then y'all ought to unionize! I'm not against Unions per se, only when the "employer" doesn't give a damn about worker safety and I'll bet serious money that closing those firehouses, police precincts and what not*, WILL cost the lives of Firefighters and Cops.
*in some cities, EMS or EMT is allocated by Firehouses - you can call a private or hospital affiliated ambulance, but that's not what you get when you dial 911.

971 Harry Tuttle  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:50:34am

0bama presidency ends in 1434 days

972 [deleted]  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:50:46am
973 Stonemason  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:51:13am

re: #947 Wyatt Earp

I blogged about that abou an hour ago, the author of the crap has tw paragraphs together that first claim Bill stopped the nukes then admitted that the norks never stopped.

The hair splitting? Plutonium vs. uranium. What bs.

She is a liar just like her husband.

974 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:51:47am

re: #970 realwest

Well then y'all ought to unionize! I'm not against Unions per se, only when the "employer" doesn't give a damn about worker safety and I'll bet serious money that closing those firehouses, police precincts and what not*, WILL cost the lives of Firefighters and Cops.
*in some cities, EMS or EMT is allocated by Firehouses - you can call a private or hospital affiliated ambulance, but that's not what you get when you dial 911.

We're usually okay. An arbitrator decides what we get in our contract because we can't strike. We usually get much more than the city wants us to receive.

975 Ward Cleaver  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:52:31am

re: #947 Wyatt Earp

Did she forget her husband's role in all of this?

Can you say, "Agreed Framework"? Sure, I knew you could.

976 Afrocity  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:53:08am

re: #964 Walter L. Newton

Did you hear about Oregon? They want all drivers to have GPS in their vehicles:

BOSTON (AP) - Governor Deval Patrick's idea to use GPS chips in vehicles to charge people for the miles they drive is being blasted as "Orwellian" by some opponents.

I don't drive so not sure of the implications but my friend in Oregon is pretty pissed.

977 realwest  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:53:25am

re: #968 x-wing
Good morning and PLEASE don't make me do math this early! How many rounds is that? And what caliber?

978 Afrocity  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:54:30am

re: #971 Harry Tuttle

So basically, I can get through that with an ocean of scotch and a truckload of ambien.

979 jcm  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:55:17am

re: #977 realwest

Good morning and PLEASE don't make me do math this early! How many rounds is that? And what caliber?

It ain't 7.62 NATO!

Morning Real!

Morning Honcos!

980 realwest  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:55:18am

re: #974 Wyatt Earp
But does the arbiter get to decide which firehouses stay open or not?

981 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:55:27am

re: #976 Afrocity

Did you hear about Oregon? They want all drivers to have GPS in their vehicles:

BOSTON (AP) - Governor Deval Patrick's idea to use GPS chips in vehicles to charge people for the miles they drive is being blasted as "Orwellian" by some opponents.

I don't drive so not sure of the implications but my friend in Oregon is pretty pissed.

I'm not interested. What are they going to do, offer coupons for a GPS unit from the feds? That really worked out well with the analog/digital TV convertors.

982 Beach Lover  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:57:01am

re: #967 bellamags

re: #958 Beach Lover

Need to give Beach Lover credit for the quote

thanks, for the credit, but the article is what is important. I hope y'all read the whole thing. The word is getting out there, just not in time to stop most of what he is trying to get through. Speed was necessary for this bill, as what is all in it is still not known. I overheard O'Reilly say the other night that "the Acorn thing is not in the bill" (not to worry)....just shows how well hidden alot of the programs really are.

983 realwest  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:57:02am

re: #976 Afrocity
Good morning to you! They are floating trial balloons about that here in North Carolina, too. Really gives one incentive to buy say, an electric car or some alternative fuel automobile, doesn't it?

984 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:57:15am

re: #981 Walter L. Newton

Stimu-less two.

985 Killer Tomato  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:57:24am

re: #976 Afrocity

Governor Patrick of Massachusetts and Obama were probably separated at birth.
His campaign slogan was 'together we can'.

This is the same dolt who's POd at NH because we won't collect sales tax from Mass residents who shop up here and ship it back to him (we don't have a sales tax).

986 realwest  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:58:13am

re: #979 jcm
LOL! Good morning jcm! How are you doing this morning?

987 kansas  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:58:28am

So now that the Democrats have won the emergency bill no one had read, that could wait for Obama to take a weekend off. Now will he say anything good? Probably not. Will he keep on talking down the economy until we are destroyed? This guy would have been a shitty high school coach.

[Link: online.wsj.com...]

988 ThinkRight  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:58:55am

Alert !
Obama resigns !
/we can hope can't we?

989 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:59:17am

re: #980 realwest

But does the arbiter get to decide which firehouses stay open or not?

Unfortunately, no. They're closed, and they're not coming back. Trust me.

990 vxbush  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 7:59:39am

And a shiny Monday Morning to everyone. Friday's malaise has given way to today's acceptance that I will just have to work on my corner of the universe and make it the best I can. Some may not find that acceptable, but given the things I have to manage in my life, that will have to do for now.


Who are we disparaging today?

991 Killer Tomato  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:00:01am

re: #981 Walter L. Newton

I'm not interested. What are they going to do, offer coupons for a GPS unit from the feds? That really worked out well with the analog/digital TV convertors.

No, they want to imbed a chip in the annual inspection stickers. Of course, I have no idea how that would work - why don't they just record the mileage off the odometer when you have the car inspected?

992 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:00:12am

re: #988 ThinkRight

Alert !
Obama resigns !
/we can hope can't we?


993 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:00:15am

re: #976 Afrocity

Did you hear about Oregon? They want all drivers to have GPS in their vehicles:

BOSTON (AP) - Governor Deval Patrick's idea to use GPS chips in vehicles to charge people for the miles they drive is being blasted as "Orwellian" by some opponents.

I don't drive so not sure of the implications but my friend in Oregon is pretty pissed.

And on a side note. I wish politicians would STOP using Orwell as an example of this program or that program. I consider myself an expert on Eric Blair and his writings, at least 1984, and these sort of programs are nothing like the society that Orwell was describing in his book.

There is an large difference between what we are seeing and real totalitarianism.

Using Orwell and/or 1984 as a frame of reference is pure hyperbole.

994 x-wing  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:00:23am

re: #977 realwest

Good morning and PLEASE don't make me do math this early! How many rounds is that? And what caliber?

LOL,Morning. You can buy a 25 round box of .556 and have just about enough left over for a can of your favorite soda. ;>}

/every little bit helps

995 Killer Tomato  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:00:42am

re: #991 Killer Tomato

sorry - that would be embed

996 Afrocity  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:00:43am

re: #985 Killer Tomato

I used to live in Massachusetts. I moved to the east coast for grad school. I wash shocked when I was in NJ and MA was was not charged tax on clothes or food. I grew up in Chicago where everything was taxed in fact we have highest sales tax in country 10.25% thanks to Strodger (D-IL) and Daley machine.

997 albusteve  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:00:48am

re: #991 Killer Tomato

No, they want to imbed a chip in the annual inspection stickers. Of course, I have no idea how that would work - why don't they just record the mileage off the odometer when you have the car inspected?

too simple...therefore it won't happen

998 Dustyvet  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:00:59am

re: #989 Wyatt Earp

Unfortunately, no. They're closed, and they're not coming back. Trust me.

Wyatt do you ever read the police Link site?

999 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:01:03am

re: #991 Killer Tomato

No, they want to imbed a chip in the annual inspection stickers. Of course, I have no idea how that would work - why don't they just record the mileage off the odometer when you have the car inspected?

They don't have yearly inspections in all states.

1000 realwest  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:01:15am

re: #982 Beach Lover
Hi ya Beach Lover! uh, "I overheard O'Reilly say the other night that "the Acorn thing is not in the bill" - how the hell would he know? For crying out loud, Congresscritters and their staffs didn't have enough time to read the bill that was passed and that was almost twice the length of the 700+ page "first version".

1001 Killer Tomato  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:02:01am

re: #999 Walter L. Newton

Sorry Walter - I meant the loon in Mass.

1002 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:02:06am

re: #1000 realwest

I'm sure they didn't call it "ACORN". But I'm sure there is a pile of money in there just for them.

1003 kansas  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:02:11am

re: #1000 realwest

Hi ya Beach Lover! uh, "I overheard O'Reilly say the other night that "the Acorn thing is not in the bill" - how the hell would he know? For crying out loud, Congresscritters and their staffs didn't have enough time to read the bill that was passed and that was almost twice the length of the 700+ page "first version".

Not to butt in, but O'Reilly is in the process of imbedding his nose up Obama's ass.

1004 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:02:25am

re: #1000 realwest

Hi ya Beach Lover! uh, "I overheard O'Reilly say the other night that "the Acorn thing is not in the bill" - how the hell would he know? For crying out loud, Congresscritters and their staffs didn't have enough time to read the bill that was passed and that was almost twice the length of the 700+ page "first version".

O'Reilly is going to figure it out for all of us. That's what I heard him say last week. He is so much hot air.

1005 Ward Cleaver  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:02:32am

re: #987 kansas

So now that the Democrats have won the emergency bill no one had read, that could wait for Obama to take a weekend off. Now will he say anything good? Probably not. Will he keep on talking down the economy until we are destroyed? This guy would have been a shitty high school coach.

[Link: online.wsj.com...]

Like I said here recently, Obama's plan is to destroy the economy, so he can remake us into a Socialist Utopia.

1006 Harry Tuttle  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:02:36am

re: #964 Walter L. Newton

Pay close attention to what your state governments are doing. Most of the states are getting big money, yet many states are still working on bills to up the money YOU pay to them.

Colorado is getting about 1 billion dollars, a lot of that will be used for road and transportation projects.

But, right now our state government is working on passing a bill that will DOUBLE our yearly vehicle registrations.

For me, with a 10 year old car, that would be about 60 dollars.

So, when you look at what the federal government has done to us and what the states are doing, we are getting a double dose of new taxes and all this has to be paid back.

Obama's little robots heads are going to explode when they finally understand how screwed they really are.

For the rest of us, we're screwed already.

Two examples un on drudge

"Adult download tax proposal awaits climax in Albany

BY Stephanie Gaskell

Updated Monday, February 16th 2009, 9:53 AM
Governor Paterson wants to tax Internet porn on top of music and movie downloads. Diver/Getty

Governor Paterson wants to tax Internet porn on top of music and movie downloads.
Take our Poll
What'll he think of next?

What do you think of Governor Paterson’s Internet porn tax?

He’s going too far.

Great idea!

It’s not going to make a difference.
Related News

* Gov's 2010 team 'in shambles'
* Bottle bill? Can it, say bodega owners
* Paterson: Stimulus plan will bring New York $24.6B
* Owner of 'XXX PERT' plate gets daily porn requests

This is the best tax you ever had.

A state proposal to add a 4% tax for downloading movies and music will also apply to Internet porn.

Gov. Paterson recently suggested the so-called iPod tax to help close a $15 billion budget deficit, but few realized the levy would also apply to XXX-rated material. "

"Outrage brewing over proposed 1,900% beer tax hike

Lawmakers say tax will help budget; brewers warn of lost jobs

09:20 PM PST on Friday, February 13, 2009

By ERIC ADAMS, kgw.com Staff

PORTLAND, Ore. -- Five Oregon state lawmakers want to impose a hefty tax on beer and have introduced a bill that brewers say would cripple them.

Four Portland legislators joined a Springfield senator to introduce Oregon House Bill 2461, which would impose a $49.61 tax on each barrel of beer produced by Oregon brewers. "

1007 Afrocity  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:02:43am

re: #993 Walter L. Newton

LOL. Though I have compared the DNC primaries this past election to "Animal Farm". So many jackasses.

1008 realwest  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:03:10am

re: #991 Killer Tomato
Cause you can roll back the odometer on most cars. Takes time, but if the tax is high enough, it's worth the effort!

1009 MandyManners  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:03:10am

re: #985 Killer Tomato

Governor Patrick of Massachusetts and Obama were probably separated at birth.
His campaign slogan was 'together we can'.

This is the same dolt who's POd at NH because we won't collect sales tax from Mass residents who shop up here and ship it back to him (we don't have a sales tax).

Isn't Massachusetts looking at installing GPS devices on cars to tax the owners when they go to other states to shop?

1010 Ward Cleaver  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:03:30am

re: #999 Walter L. Newton

They don't have yearly inspections in all states.

Nope, but they do here (Texas). Safety and emissions, $39.75/yr.

1011 MandyManners  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:04:33am

re: #999 Walter L. Newton

They don't have yearly inspections in all states.

Which ones don't?

1012 ThinkRight  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:05:22am

re: #1011 MandyManners

Which ones don't?

Georgia has only emission inspection

1013 jcm  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:05:25am

re: #986 realwest

LOL! Good morning jcm! How are you doing this morning?

Trying to over come Hooke's Law. A very small spring is making life hell right night. It's putting too much pressure on a test fixture and messing things up. I've got springs with less force arriving today.

1014 Beach Lover  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:05:27am

re: #1000 realwest
Oh you know....O'Reilly knows everything!
what a jerk he can be sometimes. But, he won't say he was wrong, now will he?
Guess he was counting on word search like most. Heard somewhere that it is out there in PDF format for that very reason. cant word search it.

1015 realwest  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:05:36am

re: #1002 Fat Bastard Vegetarian Yeah, but if they didn't call it ACORN then O'Reilly would NEVER find it!

1016 x-wing  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:05:46am

re: #997 albusteve

too simple...therefore it won't happen

And where's the money in that. I still have to pay for an emission sticker even though I put less than 5 thousand miles on my vehicles, so they don't require being tested.

/Pa. Gov. on drugs

1017 Killer Tomato  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:05:55am

re: #1009 MandyManners

Isn't Massachusetts looking at installing GPS devices on cars to tax the owners when they go to other states to shop?

At the rate we're going, we'll have checkpoints at the borders. Mass has a line item on its tax return - you're supposed to declare the tax you didn't pay by buying stuff out of state.
If I buy stuff there, can I get a refund?

1018 Ward Cleaver  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:06:09am

re: #1008 realwest

Cause you can roll back the odometer on most cars. Takes time, but if the tax is high enough, it's worth the effort!

It's not as easy as it used to be, since mechanical odometers have telltales built in to show that they've been rolled back, and electronic ones store their data in the speedometer/odometer module, which means you'd have to replace the whole module with one from a lower-mileage wrecked car.

1019 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:06:21am

re: #998 Dustyvet

Wyatt do you ever read the police Link site?

Occasionally. I try to limit my police exposure to the time I'm at work. After that, I just sit around and smoke weed.


1020 Afrocity  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:06:40am

re: #1011 MandyManners

Illinois does not have yearly car inspections.

1021 vxbush  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:07:01am

re: #1020 Afrocity

Illinois does not have yearly car inspections.

I don't think Indiana does, either.

1022 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:07:15am

re: #1010 Ward Cleaver

Nope, but they do here (Texas). Safety and emissions, $39.75/yr.

In Colorado, we have a yearly tag registration. It's done mainly by mail. Every few years your car has to go for an actual inspection, but that is mainly emissions.

When I lived in Texas, they inspected everything from the treads on you tires to the angle of your headlights. They only worry about emissions in Colorado, and that cost is 25.00

But they want to double the tag taxes and that bill is being worked on right now, EVEN THOUGH COLORADO WILL GEAT 1 BILLION FROM THE STIMULUS. And that billion is mainly for road and transportation, go figure.

1023 Ward Cleaver  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:07:18am

re: #1019 Wyatt Earp

Occasionally. I try to limit my police exposure to the time I'm at work. After that, I just sit around and smoke weed.


With Michael Phelps?

1024 jcm  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:07:24am

re: #999 Walter L. Newton

They don't have yearly inspections in all states.

WA is emission test only, and only in urban areas. No safety inspections. Yes we have some real junkers running around. And you can expect the junkers not to have insurance.

1025 MandyManners  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:07:31am

re: #1012 ThinkRight

Georgia has only emission inspection

Oops. That was the kind of inspection I was thinking of.

1026 Sharmuta  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:07:41am

Wow- some Nirther went on a ding spree downstairs.

1027 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:08:07am

re: #1011 MandyManners

Which ones don't?

I was referring to a state I know, Colorado. We have a emissions test only, and it is not every year. And we pay 25 dollars for it.

1028 notutopia  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:08:37am

We're being observed. I guess the Coulter fans are curious?
Now Online: 2,390
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1029 [deleted]  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:08:48am
1030 MandyManners  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:09:17am

re: #1017 Killer Tomato

At the rate we're going, we'll have checkpoints at the borders. Mass has a line item on its tax return - you're supposed to declare the tax you didn't pay by buying stuff out of state.
If I buy stuff there, can I get a refund?

How do they enforce that nonsense? Invade your house to see what you own?

1031 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:09:18am

re: #1024 jcm

WA is emission test only, and only in urban areas. No safety inspections. Yes we have some real junkers running around. And you can expect the junkers not to have insurance.

I know as late as 1989, when I left Texas, the inspection was for everything, emissions and safety. Hell, if your treads on you tire was low, you would fail.

1032 Beach Lover  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:09:19am

re: #1011 MandyManners

SC and I'm staying here. Some sanity left among us, at least. They got rid of it a long time ago as it was determined to be useless and possibly could be used as a scam. NC still has it tho, I believe.

1033 albusteve  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:09:38am

re: #1028 notutopia

We're being observed. I guess the Coulter fans are curious?
Now Online: 2,390
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I'm not puttin my pants on for anybody...

emissions only in NM...20$

1034 Ward Cleaver  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:09:40am

re: #1029 taxfreekiller



Land this one yourself.

Head for the basement!

1035 vxbush  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:10:12am

re: #1030 MandyManners

How do they enforce that nonsense? Invade your house to see what you own?

It's the same thing as the Illinois form where we are supposed to voluntarily tell the state the items we have purchased online from other states and then pay our sales taxes on those items.

Yeah. Riiiiiight.

1036 realwest  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:10:19am

re: #1013 jcm
Uh, thanks for the link to Hooke's Law. Now in english, if y'all don't mind?!
What did you overload and with what and why?!

1037 Afrocity  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:10:47am

re: #1021 vxbush

I don't think Indiana does, either.

But Mayor Dick Daley will make you pay $60 for a Chicago city sticker. they give you tickets even if you have out of state plates. They give you 7 days to contest a ticket.

1038 Ward Cleaver  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:10:50am

re: #1013 jcm

Trying to over come Hooke's Law. A very small spring is making life hell right night. It's putting too much pressure on a test fixture and messing things up. I've got springs with less force arriving today.

Wow, that takes me back to high school.

1039 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:11:14am

re: #1030 MandyManners

How do they enforce that nonsense? Invade your house to see what you own?

That sounds like they are trying to imitate their own VAT. In Europe you pay a Value Added Tax on all purchases (was 17 percent last I looked) no matter what country you are in. That's 17 percent PLUS any local country tax.

1040 lawhawk  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:11:17am

re: #1006 Harry Tuttle

This is what governments do. They raise taxes and fees, often on the sin taxes and those taxes that aren't paid frequently - like real estate transfer taxes, in order to grab revenues instead of cutting costs.

Even when in dire fiscal straits, states are increasing their spending, but unions and other groups lobby that the increases are insufficient and label them cuts even though they're seeing still more money than last year.

1041 reine.de.tout  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:11:20am


I got a couple of requests for "posters" of the LGF cover art.

I can't find that lulu.com prints posters, but I have been able to make the cover art available through lulu.com as a dowload, for a cost of $5.00, profits from this to be distributed the same as the cookbook profits.

Anyone wanting a 'poster' should be able, I would assume (being unfamiliar with this myself) to download the image and print it onto photo paper or high-quality stock for a poster.

Click my nic for the blog, or click here.

1042 MandyManners  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:11:51am

Gubmint must think we're all stupid.

1043 Killer Tomato  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:11:57am

re: #1030 MandyManners

How do they enforce that nonsense? Invade your house to see what you own?

As soon as they figure out a way to legally do that, I'm sure they will.

1044 Dustyvet  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:12:10am

re: #1019 Wyatt Earp

Occasionally. I try to limit my police exposure to the time I'm at work. After that, I just sit around and smoke weed.


I just got an email from them with Police News, they had a write up about suspect who shot the officer. Then I opened it and discovered it's from PI news paper...My apology's, I should have read it first.

1045 [deleted]  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:12:29am
1046 Bloodnok  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:12:32am

re: #1026 Sharmuta

Wow- some Nirther went on a ding spree downstairs.

I noticed - LC Hoghead went LC Hogwild.

1047 realwest  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:12:37am

re: #1016 x-wing
Ah, bitch, bitch bitch! In N.C. you have to have proof of auto insurance to get your driver's license EVEN IF YOU DON'T OWN A CAR.
Now that's a true SCAM. Neat and elegant.

1048 Ford_Prefect  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:13:05am

From American Thinker:

How Democracies Become Tyrannies

From the article quoting Plato's Republic:

Socrates describes the early weeks of the new leader's reign:

"Won't he smile in welcome at anyone he meets, saying that he's no tyrant, making all sorts of promises both in public and in private, freeing the people from debt, redistributing land to them, and to his followers, and pretending to be gracious and gentle to all?"

At this point in the dialogue Adeimantus asks Socrates incredulously: "What do you mean? Will the tyrant dare to use violence against [the people] or to hit [them] if [they] don't obey? Socrates answers:

"Yes - once he's taken away [the people's] weapons."

Sound familiar to anyone?

1049 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:13:20am

re: #1047 realwest

Ah, bitch, bitch bitch! In N.C. you have to have proof of auto insurance to get your driver's license EVEN IF YOU DON'T OWN A CAR.
Now that's a true SCAM. Neat and elegant.

I think you will find that requirement in most states. I know it's true for Colorado.

1050 Afrocity  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:13:56am

re: #1029 taxfreekiller



Land this one yourself.

The above was posted in jest right? I am on Xanax as it is during this night mare. I live in Chicago. I don't need that imbecile man child red Baron of Hopenchange flying airforce one into my apartment.

1051 realwest  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:14:33am

re: #1026 Sharmuta
Who was it Sharm?

1052 Afrocity  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:14:34am

re: #1043 Killer Tomato

As soon as they figure out a way to legally do that, I'm sure they will.

Got Census?

1053 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:15:54am
1054 Ward Cleaver  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:15:56am

re: #1049 Walter L. Newton

I think you will find that requirement in most states. I know it's true for Colorado.

Here in Texas you have to show an insurance card when you renew registration, or go for your annual inspection.

1055 Dustyvet  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:16:06am

re: #1042 MandyManners

Gubmint must think we're all stupid.

Now smile and say “Government Cheese”

1056 jcm  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:16:07am

re: #1036 realwest

Uh, thanks for the link to Hooke's Law. Now in english, if y'all don't mind?!
What did you overload and with what and why?!

The spring in question is 1/8th of inch long, and 1/32nd inch in diameter. It holds a small computer chip against little contact pins for testing. The contact pins are about 2/100sth of an inch wide. The spring pushes to hard and bends the pins.

1057 monkeytime  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:16:11am

re: #1050 Afrocity

The above was posted in jest right? I am on Xanax as it is during this night mare. I live in Chicago. I don't need that imbecile man child red Baron of Hopenchange flying airforce one into my apartment.

heh. your posts make me smile. :>)

1058 eschew_obfuscation  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:16:17am

re: #1048 Ford_Prefect

From American Thinker:

How Democracies Become Tyrannies

From the article quoting Plato's Republic:

Sound familiar to anyone?

Heh.... just bought a new toy over the weekend. S&W 1911 with laser grip.

1059 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:16:30am

re: #1044 Dustyvet

I just got an email from them with Police News, they had a write up about suspect who shot the officer. Then I opened it and discovered it's from PI news paper...My apology's, I should have read it first.

Not a problemo. I have a write-up if you want to read it:

He's a scumbag POS who killed a cop. I hope he dies.

How's that?

1060 Afrocity  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:16:51am

re: #1054 Ward Cleaver

Here in Texas you have to show an insurance card when you renew registration, or go for your annual inspection.

I lived in Texas for 10 years. No Tax on Food! No sales tax. That was great!

1061 reine.de.tout  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:16:56am

re: #969 Walter L. Newton

What does that have to do with taxes? Oh, yes, thanks to Reine and Jaunte. It reminds me of my favorite posters in the Golden Post Office.

The cover art is now available as a download for only $5 so you can make your own poster!

1062 Killer Tomato  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:17:03am

re: #1030 MandyManners

How do they enforce that nonsense? Invade your house to see what you own?

You'll love this - (from a Union Leader article)

New Hampshire draws Massachusetts residents to its retail locations through a combination of tax-free shopping at malls and convenience stores in border towns, as well as low tobacco taxes and low state-controlled liquor prices.

New Hampshire and Massachusetts have been engaged in cross-border tax fights for decades. It became heated in 1970s when agents from Massachusetts staked out New Hampshire liquor store parking lots and recorded Bay State license plate numbers.

Massachusetts also got tough on sales tax enforcement actions, pressing a legal requirement that New Hampshire retailers collect the Massachusetts sales tax on any goods they delivered or installed for Massachusetts customers.

The Governor of NH sent NH State Troopers to the liquor store parking lots to ticket the Mass agents for loitering.

1063 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:17:28am

re: #1047 realwest

Ah, bitch, bitch bitch! In N.C. you have to have proof of auto insurance to get your driver's license EVEN IF YOU DON'T OWN A CAR.
Now that's a true SCAM. Neat and elegant.

Here's what I think is a rather large scam, which I was just made privy to. My monthly auto insurance just went up 6 dollars. Why? Because my credit rating has gone down. Yes, I've had financial troubles during the last 5 years, and I have had to do a lot of juggling and trying to take care of what is necessary.

I have had accounts with my insurance company for almost 20 years. Life, mortgage, cars (up to 4 cars at once), apartment, all sorts of policies and NEVER missed a payment and NEVER had to make a claim against any policy.

So, for almost 20 years I have been a perfect and profitable client. But because my credit rating has gone down, they have added 6 dollars a month to my payments because I am a risk.

What they are risking is that if this keeps up, I won't be able to afford the payments.

Shit heads.

1064 [deleted]  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:17:30am
1065 [deleted]  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:17:31am
1066 bellamags  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:17:59am

re: #1000 realwest

Hi ya Beach Lover! uh, "I overheard O'Reilly say the other night that "the Acorn thing is not in the bill" - how the hell would he know? For crying out loud, Congresscritters and their staffs didn't have enough time to read the bill that was passed and that was almost twice the length of the 700+ page "first version".


1067 Dustyvet  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:18:45am

re: #1059 Wyatt Earp

Not a problemo. I have a write-up if you want to read it:

He's a scumbag POS who killed a cop. I hope he dies.

How's that?


1068 x-wing  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:18:56am

re: #1047 realwest

Ah, bitch, bitch bitch! In N.C. you have to have proof of auto insurance to get your driver's license EVEN IF YOU DON'T OWN A CAR.
Now that's a true SCAM. Neat and elegant.

Same thing here in Pa. Yes it's a big scam.

1069 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:19:28am

re: #1063 Walter L. Newton

Go see your agent. They can help (sometimes). Sucks tho, I know it.

1070 yesandno  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:19:46am

All this effort on thinking of new sources of taxation.

If half the effort went into trimming the budget and eliminating that which is ineffective or no longer useful, additional taxes wouldn't be necessary.

I can see the Greek Temple now, with "Happy Days Are Here Again" playing in the background, while a crowd of millions watches as Obama signs the stimulas package into law........................ (wonder what the venue will cost the American taxpayer)

will we each get a effing pen out of the deal?

1071 albusteve  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:20:13am

re: #1063 Walter L. Newton

Here's what I think is a rather large scam, which I was just made privy to. My monthly auto insurance just went up 6 dollars. Why? Because my credit rating has gone down. Yes, I've had financial troubles during the last 5 years, and I have had to do a lot of juggling and trying to take care of what is necessary.

I have had accounts with my insurance company for almost 20 years. Life, mortgage, cars (up to 4 cars at once), apartment, all sorts of policies and NEVER missed a payment and NEVER had to make a claim against any policy.

So, for almost 20 years I have been a perfect and profitable client. But because my credit rating has gone down, they have added 6 dollars a month to my payments because I am a risk.

What they are risking is that if this keeps up, I won't be able to afford the payments.

Shit heads.

call Geico...seriously...when I moved to NM I was blown away by the increase in my rates...called Geico and in 20min had a new policy far cheaper

1072 MandyManners  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:20:29am

re: #1049 Walter L. Newton

I think you will find that requirement in most states. I know it's true for Colorado.

Since when?

1073 realwest  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:20:32am

re: #1049 Walter L. Newton
Other than as a revenue raiser, I don't understand it.
In NY, to REGISTER A CAR - ya know, get a license plate, you had to present proof of auto insurance.
But not to get a damn Driver's license! What's the point of that? IF you rent a car you're obliged to take out minimum insurance, if you drive a friends car - in NY - he/she has to have auto insurance covering anyone driving his/her car to get the license plate for the car!

1074 quickredfox  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:20:37am

re: #809 Jetpilot1101

Good morning Lizards.

OT: Venezuela has gone Socialist. We knew that but now it's official.

And note the wording in the lead paragraph in the NY Times article: "President Hugo Chávez handily won a referendum on Sunday that will end presidential term limits, allowing him to run for re-election indefinitely and injecting fresh vibrancy into his socialist-inspired revolution."

"Fresh vibrancy." It's Springtime for Hugo . . .

1075 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:20:59am

re: #1069 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Go see your agent. They can help (sometimes). Sucks tho, I know it.

I already spoke to him. Nada. He said he was sorry, he knows how good of a client I've been and he offered me a 2009 calendar. I told him to shove the calender, really.

1076 jcm  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:21:28am

re: #1047 realwest

Ah, bitch, bitch bitch! In N.C. you have to have proof of auto insurance to get your driver's license EVEN IF YOU DON'T OWN A CAR.
Now that's a true SCAM. Neat and elegant.

WA insurance is only checked if you get pulled over. No insurance BIG FINE. Lenders will require proof of insurance for an auto loan.

1077 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:21:35am

re: #1075 Walter L. Newton

Bye agent. (get another policy first...)

1078 Honorary Yooper  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:21:40am

re: #988 ThinkRight

Alert !
Obama resigns !
/we can hope can't we?

Please wait for April 1st before doing that.

1079 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:22:10am

re: #1072 MandyManners

Since when?

I don't know. I know it's changed since I moved here in 1989, and I believe it's been in the last 8-10 years. But it is true.

1080 Afrocity  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:22:29am

Sometimes I think about learning how to drive and buying a car. Then I read these posts and it makes me glad I am a mass transit user.

1081 Ford_Prefect  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:22:54am

re: #1074 quickredfox

And note the wording in the lead paragraph in the NY Times article: "President Hugo Chávez handily won a referendum on Sunday that will end presidential term limits, allowing him to run for re-election indefinitely and injecting fresh vibrancy into his socialist-inspired revolution."

"Fresh vibrancy." It's Springtime for Hugo . . .

Look for that to happen here if Obama gets elected to a second term.

1082 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:23:00am

re: #1077 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Bye agent. (get another policy first...)

Nope, state law, can't get around it, state ok'ed it, all insurance companies dealing in Colorado add it as a part of their policy.

1083 vxbush  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:23:33am

re: #1064 Harry Tuttle

No taxation without representation! To arms!

I had a similar problem. When we bought this house, we went looking for mortgages and good rates. Well, every check on our credit brought our score down, and so we got notices too that our insurance was going up as a result.

[slaps forehead]

1084 [deleted]  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:23:33am
1085 MandyManners  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:23:33am

I can barely post.

1086 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:23:43am

re: #1082 Walter L. Newton


1087 Dustyvet  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:23:51am

re: #1078 Honorary Yooper

Please wait for April 1st before doing that.


1088 lawhawk  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:24:20am

re: #1074 quickredfox

And note the wording in the lead paragraph in the NY Times article: "President Hugo Chávez handily won a referendum on Sunday that will end presidential term limits, allowing him to run for re-election indefinitely and injecting fresh vibrancy into his socialist-inspired revolution."

"Fresh vibrancy." It's Springtime for Hugo . . .

Fresh hell is more like it given that the Venezuelan economy has gone in the crapper since oil prices dropped like a stone. He's out of money and nearly out of time, so he hopes to hold on to power that much longer so that his socialist revolution can fully eviscerate the Venezuelan economy.

1089 reine.de.tout  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:24:48am

re: #1085 MandyManners

I can barely post.

what's the matter?

1090 Afrocity  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:25:39am

re: #1081 Ford_Prefect

Look for that to happen here if Obama gets elected to a second term.

First New York City mayor, then Obama.

Mayor Daley 2.0 has been mayor of Chicago since I was a virgin...that was a helluva long time ago.

Why Chicago keeps this guy is beyond me. I moved away for 20 years and this BOZO is still mayor.

1091 realwest  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:26:29am

re: #1062 Killer Tomato

1092 MandyManners  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:26:34am

re: #1089 reine.de.tout

what's the matter?


1093 Honorary Yooper  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:27:45am

re: #1020 Afrocity

Illinois does not have yearly car inspections.

They have emission inspections every other year for cars over five years old in the six county Chicagoland area and the three counties of Metro East. We pay for it through taxes.

1094 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:27:55am

re: #1086 Fat Bastard Vegetarian


Right. It's only six dollars, which I can afford, but it the fucking principle of the thing.

It doesn't make sense to me. If you are having financial problems, why in hells name to you INCREASE someone's obligation?

I know the reasons they give. If you are having financial troubles, it indicates a change (or just "a") manner of life style that may be indicative of other problems, so, you may be more prone to drinking, drugs and I guess car wrecks.

Hell, I was drinking for 15 years while I had my past auto insurance policies with this company. That's when they should have been worried about my viability as a safe driving customer.

1095 Dustyvet  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:28:10am

re: #1090 Afrocity

First New York City mayor, then Obama.

Mayor Daley 2.0 has been mayor of Chicago since I was a virgin...that was a helluva long time ago.

Why Chicago keeps this guy is beyond me. I moved away for 20 years and this BOZO is still mayor.

Daley has a good source of voters...

[Link: www.graveyards.com...]

1096 [deleted]  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:28:39am
1097 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:28:58am

re: #1093 Honorary Yooper

They have emission inspections every other year for cars over five years old in the six county Chicagoland area and the three counties of Metro East. We pay for it through taxes.

In Colorado we pay for it personally. Twenty five dollars a shot.

1098 realwest  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:29:31am

re: #1063 Walter L. Newton
That truly SUCKS. Y'all ought to write to 'em and complain and yes I'm serious about that. Most insurance policies - including Life, health and homowner's policies have a provision that states that if you miss a payment (usually with a 5 or 10 day grace period) your insurance is cancelled. Period. Don't know about auto insurance cause I don't own a car.

1099 Dustyvet  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:29:35am

re: #1096 taxfreekiller

They have about 1.2 to 1.5 million dead people voting in Chicago now.

This info was gathered by the SS administration in an audit on fake/fraud
SS checks going there, the info is under lock and key.

[Link: www.graveyards.com...]

1100 NJDhockeyfan  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:29:37am

re: #1074 quickredfox

And note the wording in the lead paragraph in the NY Times article: "President Hugo Chávez handily won a referendum on Sunday that will end presidential term limits, allowing him to run for re-election indefinitely and injecting fresh vibrancy into his socialist-inspired revolution."

"Fresh vibrancy." It's Springtime for Hugo . . .

Looks like Hugo got the gold seal of approval from the Koskiddies...

Today is a good day for the new version of socialism, the 21th century socialism who is already the ideology if Bolivia and Ecuador, two countries where the abandoned poor, the workers who earned slavery wages and had no benefits, and the small and tiny middle class who had no hope, are finally VISIBLE FOR THEIR PRESIDENTS AGAIN.

Hugo Chavez won his well contested referendum for progress in Venezuela.


This victory was a hard fought one against the elitists classes of Venezuelan society who had governed that country for decades. Those rich inviduals have controlled the government with the help of the United States, destroying the countries middle class, leaving poor people abandoned, selling their natural resources to oil companies and rich US corporations who took 95% of their profits abroad and didnt pay taxes in those countries.

That has been the history of Latin America in the last decades, with dictators put by the US who help keep the conservative bourgeousi on power at the expense of society in general.

Nonetheless, with the elections of Chaves, Morales and Correa, we are finally recovering from the abuses commited in the past and giving people a government where they count.

1101 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:30:17am

re: #1100 NJDhockeyfan

Hey man!

1102 Nevergiveup  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:30:28am

So I take today off and then wake up to find:
1) Obama is gonna help organize Durban2
2) North Korea is gonna launch more missiles
3) GM is going out of business anyway
4) Israel is gonna release like 1000 murders to kill again
5) Hugo is on office for ever
6) But at least spring training starts tomorrow

1103 [deleted]  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:31:11am
1104 Dustyvet  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:31:21am

King Petar II Karageorgevich
King of Yugoslavia, 1934-1945

The only European monarch buried in the United States.
St. Sava Orthodox Monastery, Libertyville Illinois

Wonder if he votes?

1105 realwest  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:31:23am

re: #1068 x-wing
Yup, that's why I got a "Pedestrian License".
(just an N.C. photo ID card - no charge).

1106 eschew_obfuscation  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:32:02am

re: #1098 realwest

That truly SUCKS. Y'all ought to write to 'em and complain and yes I'm serious about that. Most insurance policies - including Life, health and homowner's policies have a provision that states that if you miss a payment (usually with a 5 or 10 day grace period) your insurance is cancelled. Period. Don't know about auto insurance cause I don't own a car.

Life insurance policies typically have a 30 - 60 day grace period and can usually be reinstated within 90 days without underwriting if they lapse..... longer if underwriting is done.

1107 Dustyvet  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:32:24am

re: #1105 realwest

Yup, that's why I got a "Pedestrian License".
(just an N.C. photo ID card - no charge).

Did they make sure you got feet?

1108 Nevergiveup  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:32:35am

re: #1104 Dustyvet

King Petar II Karageorgevich
King of Yugoslavia, 1934-1945

The only European monarch buried in the United States.
St. Sava Orthodox Monastery, Libertyville Illinois

Wonder if he votes?

Wonder which way he votes?

1109 monkeytime  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:32:48am

re: #1102 Nevergiveup

So I take today off and then wake up to find:
1) Obama is gonna help organize Durban2
2) North Korea is gonna launch more missiles
3) GM is going out of business anyway
4) Israel is gonna release like 1000 murders to kill again
5) Hugo is on office for ever
6) But at least spring training starts tomorrow

GM is going out of business? There goes my warranty! :>(

1110 Afrocity  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:32:57am

re: #1095 Dustyvet

Daley has a good source of voters...

[Link: www.graveyards.com...]

Please, I almost did not get to vote in the general election because they lost my voter registration card. On election day I went to the polls and supposedly they were to have my name in a book and let me vote. I was not in it. The poll volunteer lady, sat there and said "Oh there is my husband's name and he has been dead for 5 years.".

They let me vote using provisional ballot. I still bet my vote did not count. Only 37% IL voted for McCain anyway. Electoral college made it futile for me but I at least wanted to exercise my right to vote. Then last week, I got 3 voter registration cards in the mail. WTF?

1111 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:33:05am

re: #1098 realwest

That truly SUCKS. Y'all ought to write to 'em and complain and yes I'm serious about that. Most insurance policies - including Life, health and homowner's policies have a provision that states that if you miss a payment (usually with a 5 or 10 day grace period) your insurance is cancelled. Period. Don't know about auto insurance cause I don't own a car.

I have already talked to my agent, and they cannot take that new charge off the policy. The cost of car insurance in Colorado is so controlled by the state, that I would only find a few pennies difference (or more) with another company.

I love this place, but anyone moving to Colorado should carefully study how our taxing is set up here. They get you coming and going. And it's all little things you don't see until you try to do something like home improvements or buying materials in one country and moving them to the next. And fees for this permit and that permit, and state, country and city taxes on food and goods, all rolled into one.

You can pay dollars in difference between the same bag of food purchased in one country versus the other.

1112 Killer Tomato  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:33:27am

And speaking of cars, it's a bright sunny 33 degree day here, so I'm taking mine to the car wash.
Later, all!

1113 astronmr20  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:33:59am

re: #1063 Walter L. Newton

Here's what I think is a rather large scam, which I was just made privy to. My monthly auto insurance just went up 6 dollars. Why? Because my credit rating has gone down. Yes, I've had financial troubles during the last 5 years, and I have had to do a lot of juggling and trying to take care of what is necessary.

I have had accounts with my insurance company for almost 20 years. Life, mortgage, cars (up to 4 cars at once), apartment, all sorts of policies and NEVER missed a payment and NEVER had to make a claim against any policy.

So, for almost 20 years I have been a perfect and profitable client. But because my credit rating has gone down, they have added 6 dollars a month to my payments because I am a risk.

What they are risking is that if this keeps up, I won't be able to afford the payments.

Shit heads.


I have always had a big problem with this. I'd say that especially since you are a long time customer who has insured a lot of property through them, you should call your agent and tell them that's not right.

1114 jcm  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:34:16am

re: #1105 realwest

Yup, that's why I got a "Pedestrian License".
(just an N.C. photo ID card - no charge).

Can you get pulled over for walking without a license if you don't have one?

1115 realwest  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:34:19am

re: #1081 Ford_Prefect
Good morning Ford! Uh "Look for that to happen here if Obama gets elected to a second term."
Wash out your mouth with soap right now! Then use brain bleach to get it out of your mind!

1116 Dustyvet  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:34:59am

re: #1110 Afrocity

Please, I almost did not get to vote in the general election because they lost my voter registration card. On election day I went to the polls and supposedly they were to have my name in a book and let me vote. I was not in it. The poll volunteer lady, sat there and said "Oh there is my husband's name and he has been dead for 5 years.".

They let me vote using provisional ballot. I still bet my vote did not count. Only 37% IL voted for McCain anyway. Electoral college made it futile for me but I at least wanted to exercise my right to vote. Then last week, I got 3 voter registration cards in the mail. WTF?

Thank God I live in Lake County.

1117 Nevergiveup  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:35:00am

ZAKA team heads to US to help sift through Buffalo plane wreckage

[Link: www.jpost.com...]

Fine Good Wonderful. But doesn't the good old USA have the ability to do this?

1118 Honorary Yooper  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:35:35am

re: #1037 Afrocity

But Mayor Dick Daley will make you pay $60 for a Chicago city sticker. they give you tickets even if you have out of state plates. They give you 7 days to contest a ticket.

He can try that on my car, but he can also kiss this Will County resident's ass. My municipality does not require vehicle stickers.

1119 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:35:48am

re: #1113 astronmr20


I have always had a big problem with this. I'd say that especially since you are a long time customer who has insured a lot of property through them, you should call your agent and tell them that's not right.

If you have read my comments up thread, I mentioned that I have already done that, to no avail. It's a state law or something like that. He has to do it. And all insurance companies doing business in Colorado has the same requirements.

1120 Afrocity  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:35:53am

re: #1109 monkeytime

...and if you ball team is the Chicago Cubs, spring training is the only bright spot of the season.

CUBS = Hopenchange.

1121 clear vision  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:36:40am

re: #1117 Nevergiveup

ZAKA team heads to US to help sift through Buffalo plane wreckage

[Link: www.jpost.com...]

Fine Good Wonderful. But doesn't the good old USA have the ability to do this?

Hey, they just called and asked me for money today. Okay, I'm fine with them spending some in America.

1122 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:36:46am

re: #1104 Dustyvet

King Petar II Karageorgevich
King of Yugoslavia, 1934-1945

The only European monarch buried in the United States.
St. Sava Orthodox Monastery, Libertyville Illinois

Wonder if he votes?

He did. Twice!

1123 realwest  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:37:02am

re: #1084 taxfreekiller
Good morning my friend! Uh, respectfully, I don't believe there are ANY Blue Dog Democrats. I think that's a left over belief from when the Democrat party was not totally controlled by looney leftists.

1124 Afrocity  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:37:14am

re: #1116 Dustyvet

what you got something against "Crook County" ? :-)

1125 astronmr20  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:37:19am

re: #1119 Walter L. Newton

If you have read my comments up thread, I mentioned that I have already done that, to no avail. It's a state law or something like that. He has to do it. And all insurance companies doing business in Colorado has the same requirements.

Gotcha, I just read that.

Insurance companies make me want to do bad things...

1126 monkeytime  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:37:23am

re: #1119 Walter L. Newton

If you have read my comments up thread, I mentioned that I have already done that, to no avail. It's a state law or something like that. He has to do it. And all insurance companies doing business in Colorado has the same requirements.

This is why more and more Americans are moving to Mexico.

1127 Dustyvet  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:37:35am

re: #1122 Wyatt Earp

He did. Twice!


1128 Honorary Yooper  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:38:08am

re: #1116 Dustyvet

Thank God I live in Lake County.

And thank God I live in Will County. :-)
We do our best to keep Cook County in Cook County. Even kicked out a state's attorney (Jeff Tomzcak) because he was the son of a Daley crony.

1129 Oh no...Sand People!  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:38:13am

re: #1125 astronmr20

Gotcha, I just read that.

Insurance companies make me want to do bad things...

But amazing how nothing happens if you are an illegal and don't have car insurance...

1130 Nevergiveup  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:38:42am

France: Government was responsible for WWII deportations of Jews

[Link: www.jpost.com...]

In other breaking news, Japan today announced it will form a committee to to look into allegations that some of it's planes may have once visited Pearl Harbor in Hawaii?

1131 Afrocity  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:39:11am

re: #1128 Honorary Yooper

And thank God I live in Will County. :-)
We do our best to keep Cook County in Cook County. Even kicked out a state's attorney (Jeff Tomzcak) because he was the son of a Daley crony.

What is up with that guy Alexi Giannoulias?

1132 NJDhockeyfan  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:39:12am

re: #1101 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Hey man!

Good morning my friend! How are you?

BTW...thanks for the burger! :)

1133 x-wing  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:39:50am

re: #1123 realwest

And if there were such a thing, our side would need what, 50 or 60 of them to make any difference.

1134 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:39:51am

re: #1113 astronmr20

And just for a little added information, the state passed a rule last year that allowed car insurance companies to AUTOMATICALLY add something like 50 thousand not fault medical to your insurance accounts, even though the state minimums do not require it, and if you didn't want it, YOU had to inform your insurance agent to opt out.

Another handout to the insurance companies from the state of Colorado.

This kind of crap goes on a lot in states, and the customer is always the last to find out about it, after the fact.

1135 Wyatt Earp  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:40:09am

re: #1130 Nevergiveup

France: Government was responsible for WWII deportations of Jews

[Link: www.jpost.com...]

In other breaking news, Japan today announced it will form a committee to to look into allegations that some of it's planes may have once visited Pearl Harbor in Hawaii?

Just sightseeing, of course!

1136 astronmr20  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:40:24am

re: #1129 Oh no...Sand People!

But amazing how nothing happens if you are an illegal and don't have car insurance...

Yup. More than one person I work with has been hit by illegals down here in NC. Even the police officer said they couldn't do anything about it.

Both people had to call their own insurance companies.. which of course f's up one's CLU report for 7 years and makes your rates increase.

1137 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:40:34am

re: #1132 NJDhockeyfan

I told everyone how pretty you are.

1138 Honorary Yooper  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:40:57am

re: #1131 Afrocity

What is up with that guy Alexi Giannoulias?

His family's bank (the Broadway Bank, IIRC) is Outfit connected. Yet another case in Chicago where crime and politics cross.

1139 realwest  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:41:07am

re: #1107 Dustyvet
Yup, they did. Even had to take off shoes and socks and wiggle my toes for 'em!

1140 astronmr20  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:41:16am

re: #1134 Walter L. Newton

And just for a little added information, the state passed a rule last year that allowed car insurance companies to AUTOMATICALLY add something like 50 thousand not fault medical to your insurance accounts, even though the state minimums do not require it, and if you didn't want it, YOU had to inform your insurance agent to opt out.

Another handout to the insurance companies from the state of Colorado.

This kind of crap goes on a lot in states, and the customer is always the last to find out about it, after the fact.


This shit is one of the few things I agree with Ralph Nader about.

1141 Dustyvet  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:41:19am

Another registered Chicago voter...

She also goes out dancing...

Resurrection Cemetery is world-famous as the home of the ghostly "Resurrection Mary".

1142 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:41:44am

re: #1126 monkeytime

This is why more and more Americans are moving to Mexico.

First off, I couldn't afford it, and why would I want to live in a fucking country that is run by drug lords? At least here, in the US, what we mainly have running the country is a bunch of drunks (sorry Teddy, but you are. Take it from a past expert on the subject).

1143 SummerSong  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:42:07am

re: #1129 Oh no...Sand People!

But amazing how nothing happens if you are an illegal and don't have car insurance...

It is amazing. In the last 10 years I have been rear ended FIVE times. FIVE! Not one of them had car insurance. None, zip, nada. As a result, MY car insurance has gone up.

1144 Dustyvet  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:42:16am

re: #1139 realwest

Yup, they did. Even had to take off shoes and socks and wiggle my toes for 'em!


1145 Killgore Trout  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:42:21am

There's a rare open registration over at Hot Air for those who want to jump in.

1146 Oh no...Sand People!  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:42:30am

re: #1136 astronmr20

Yup. More than one person I work with has been hit by illegals down here in NC. Even the police officer said they couldn't do anything about it.

Both people had to call their own insurance companies.. which of course f's up one's CLU report for 7 years and makes your rates increase.

I love how the whole idea of car insurance is in case you get in an accident...and as soon as it happens, the LAST thing you really want to do is call your car insurance company.

Insurance is akin to being forced to wear a seat belt in my opinion.

1147 astronmr20  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:42:33am

re: #1142 Walter L. Newton

First off, I couldn't afford it, and why would I want to live in a fucking country that is run by drug lords? At least here, in the US, what we mainly have running the country is a bunch of drunks (sorry Teddy, but you are. Take it from a past expert on the subject).

I'll take Costa Rica over Mexico 100% of the time.

1148 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:43:08am

re: #1140 astronmr20


This shit is one of the few things I agree with Ralph Nader about.

And my paragraph and sentance structure goes to hell when I start ranting like this. Excuse me Lizards.

1149 realwest  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:43:11am

re: #1114 jcm
Uh uh, only if I'm speeding!

1150 Oh no...Sand People!  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:43:34am

re: #1143 SummerSong

It is amazing. In the last 10 years I have been rear ended FIVE times. FIVE! Not one of them had car insurance. None, zip, nada. As a result, MY car insurance has gone up.

The looters and moochers have tore us apart and now they have their Lord and King Obama at the helm of this boat...

1151 pat  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:43:34am

Could it be that American police are unaware of Honor Killings?
[Link: www.buffalonews.com...]

1152 Nevergiveup  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:43:39am

So I see Illinois has a Senator who may be pre-occupied with corruption and there for not able to really conduct any business in the Senate? And this differentiates him from their last Senator just how?

1153 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:43:40am

re: #1148 Walter L. Newton

And my paragraph and sentance structure goes to hell when I start ranting like this. Excuse me Lizards.

Sentance = sentence.

1154 Honorary Yooper  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:43:44am

re: #1136 astronmr20

Yup. More than one person I work with has been hit by illegals down here in NC. Even the police officer said they couldn't do anything about it.

Both people had to call their own insurance companies.. which of course f's up one's CLU report for 7 years and makes your rates increase.

That's why I got my policy modified last summer. They won't raise my rates for an accident like that, and I get $100 off my deductible every six months I go without an accident. After five of these periods, I will have a $0 deductible. It also lowered what I pay for it, oddly enough (same benefits though).

1155 VegasRick  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:43:55am

re: #1147 astronmr20

I'll take Costa Rica over Mexico 100% of the time.

Thailand for me, if this country falls apart that is my backup plan.

1156 pat  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:44:43am

re: #1145 Killgore Trout

There's a rare open registration over at Hot Air for those who want to jump in.

They suspended my posting privileges for 2 weeks, lol.

1157 NJDhockeyfan  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:45:16am

re: #1137 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I told everyone how pretty you are.

I try to keep my scales squeaky clean.

1158 Honorary Yooper  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:45:20am

re: #1156 pat

They suspended my posting privileges for 2 weeks, lol.

What the hell did you do there?

1159 Nevergiveup  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:45:23am

re: #1155 VegasRick

Thailand for me, if this country falls apart that is my backup plan.

Mine is Israel. If it's still there?

1160 astronmr20  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:45:25am

re: #1145 Killgore Trout

There's a rare open registration over at Hot Air for those who want to jump in.

Sweet. Done!

1161 songbird  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:45:29am

Good Morning, Lizards!

Lovely and springlike in Las Cruces, NM.
I still have so much to pack! GAAA!

1162 astronmr20  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:45:36am

re: #1159 Nevergiveup

Mine is Israel. If it's still there?

Mine is India.

1163 Killgore Trout  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:46:06am

re: #1156 pat

They suspended my posting privileges for 2 weeks, lol.

What did you do?

1164 vxbush  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:46:09am

re: #1153 Walter L. Newton

Sentance = sentence.

Maybe you should step away from the computer for just a minute. Go grab your drink of choice and then come back. :D

1165 realwest  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:47:03am

re: #1130 Nevergiveup
Uh huh and from your link: "The decision released Monday also found that the deportations have been "compensated for" since 1945."
Way to go France!
You cerainly are a civilized nation!

1166 Afrocity  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:47:09am

re: #1147 astronmr20

I'll take Costa Rica over Mexico 100% of the time.

I went to Ireland a couple of years ago to study on a fellowship. It was only for 3 weeks but I fell in love. Granted in County Cork I was the only AA for miles, I felt so at home.

(sigh I love Ireland)

1167 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:47:10am

re: #1154 Honorary Yooper

That's why I got my policy modified last summer. They won't raise my rates for an accident like that, and I get $100 off my deductible every six months I go without an accident. After five of these periods, I will have a $0 deductible. It also lowered what I pay for it, oddly enough (same benefits though).

The "deals" you can and can't get on auto insurance is mainly dictated by state laws. In Colorado, you don't get breaks for anything. I have not had a claim on my auto insurance with my insurance company for 20 years, for a matter of fact, not on any sort of policy I have had with them in the past.

But Colorado state laws have given so many handouts to the insurance companies that it's fucking crazy. You practically need an attorney to figure out what is mandatory and what you can opt out of.

1168 vxbush  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:47:36am

re: #1162 astronmr20

Mine is India.

I think mine is Israel. It used to be Canada, but I've decided I am just not cut out for the cold. Plus, too much socialized medicine for my taste (no disrespect intended for Canadian lizards).

1169 pat  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:47:48am

re: #1158 Honorary Yooper

I think I was too sarcastic, or something. May have let a naughty word in also.

1170 VegasRick  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:48:28am

re: #1159 Nevergiveup

re: #1162 astronmr20

So it seems that a few of us are already starting to think about a plan b.

1171 astronmr20  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:48:53am

re: #1170 VegasRick

re: #1162 astronmr20

So it seems that a few of us are already starting to think about a plan b.

Believe it or not, it's on the table now, yes.

1172 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:49:00am

re: #1168 vxbush

I think mine is Israel. It used to be Canada, but I've decided I am just not cut out for the cold. Plus, too much socialized medicine for my taste (no disrespect intended for Canadian lizards).

Mine is France, but you need a visa after 6 months and that's hard to get.

1173 Nevergiveup  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:49:05am

re: #1165 realwest

Uh huh and from your link: "The decision released Monday also found that the deportations have been "compensated for" since 1945."
Way to go France!
You cerainly are a civilized nation!

So civilized that if the same circumstances arose tomorrow, I'm sure we all know what France would do?

1174 Oh no...Sand People!  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:49:21am

re: #1170 VegasRick

re: #1162 astronmr20

So it seems that a few of us are already starting to think about a plan b.

I don't mind the Philippines so much at this point... but 'summer' will be here in a few weeks...I might change my mind then.

1175 Killgore Trout  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:49:37am

New tactic in the battle with extremism

There will be much more emphasis on shared British values and those who preach intolerance will be shunned even if their views do not break the law.

And so the Preventing Violent Extremism policy will effectively change to Preventing Extremism.
Likewise the government will be more open about criticising Islamic radicals who preach against shared democratic values but stay on the right side of the law.

1176 astronmr20  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:50:20am

re: #1172 Walter L. Newton

Mine is France, but you need a visa after 6 months and that's hard to get.

Walter, I have a few bollywood connections. If you want to move into film, come on over to India with me!

1177 VegasRick  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:50:40am

re: #1171 astronmr20

Believe it or not, it's on the table now, yes.

F'in' sad, I so love this country. I hate the libs.

1178 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:51:36am

re: #1170 VegasRick

re: #1162 astronmr20

So it seems that a few of us are already starting to think about a plan b.

Already thinking about it? You got that right. I've already got my plans. I know people in Paris. I will get a one way ticket to France, either try to disappear in the city, or get entrenched in eastern France, near the Alps.

If it all falls apart, they can send me home on their dime.

Why not, if it all fell apart here, I only have a couple of grand to get me through anything anyway, I may as well spend it in a place with a new view.

1179 realwest  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:51:37am

re: #1159 Nevergiveup
Mine is Australia, 'mate!

1180 astronmr20  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:51:44am

re: #1175 Killgore Trout

New tactic in the battle with extremism

Wow.. change one word in the description of radicals and have the government "criticize" them more.

How does Britian's "colonial guilt" even allow them to put on their shoes and get out of bed in the morning? ?

1181 Nevergiveup  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:52:27am

Kadima on Monday accepted Israel Beiteinu's list of coalition demands and Avigdor Lieberman's party said it hoped Likud would soon follow suit.

[Link: www.jpost.com...]

Israeli Politics....Bribery at it's best?

1182 eschew_obfuscation  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:52:46am

re: #1160 astronmr20

Sweet. Done!

I must be really slow.....I can't even find the registration page

1183 astronmr20  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:53:14am

re: #1182 eschew_obfuscation

I must be really slow.....I can't even find the registration page

(I couldn't find it either... had to search on google for it.)

1184 Oh no...Sand People!  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:53:30am

re: #1181 Nevergiveup

Kadima on Monday accepted Israel Beiteinu's list of coalition demands and Avigdor Lieberman's party said it hoped Likud would soon follow suit.

[Link: www.jpost.com...]

Israeli Politics....Bribery at it's best?

So is Netanyahu going to take the reins? Did he get another seat after the military votes were counted? I haven't heard much...or read much on it either.

1185 Nevergiveup  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:54:25am

re: #1178 Walter L. Newton

Already thinking about it? You got that right. I've already got my plans. I know people in Paris. I will get a one way ticket to France, either try to disappear in the city, or get entrenched in eastern France, near the Alps.

If it all falls apart, they can send me home on their dime.

Why not, if it all fell apart here, I only have a couple of grand to get me through anything anyway, I may as well spend it in a place with a new view.

I always used to joke with my wife that if she wants out, all I want is a one way ticket to Israel and a thousand dollars.

1186 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:54:37am

re: #1176 astronmr20

Walter, I have a few bollywood connections. If you want to move into film, come on over to India with me!

Really, anytime. There is not much holding me here anymore. I can always continue my play writing career from anywhere. My whole life exists on a few memory sticks anyway.

And I always have my programming skills as a back up. They are not doing me any good here, hell, all the work I use to have is being outsourced to India, maybe I need to go to where the work went to.

If you are really serious, click on my name, email me, let's talk.

1187 reine.de.tout  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:54:46am

re: #1175 Killgore Trout

New tactic in the battle with extremism

The flipside to this meant that those who denounced violence but who promoted intolerance and held offensive, anti-British views were tolerated.
More than this, some radicals were even courted as part of our counter-terrorism strategy. The idea was that so long as they denounced terror, other views would be ignored.
This was seen as the lesser of two evils - backing certain radicals even if they preached intolerance of homosexuals or women's rights was seen as a way of protecting Britain.

Pamela and Spencer in reverse?

The next paragraph:

But this has been a dangerous path and shows little sign of working

Message to Pamela and Spencer.

1188 Nevergiveup  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:55:47am

re: #1184 Oh no...Sand People!

So is Netanyahu going to take the reins? Did he get another seat after the military votes were counted? I haven't heard much...or read much on it either.

No Kadima still is one seat ahead, but the right wing parties have more seats. But nothing has been decided or brought yet?

1189 Afrocity  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:56:04am

re: #1177 VegasRick

Not just libs for me. When I was in Ireland, I felt like there was no racism. This is not true of course but as a visitor everyone was so friendly and I made a blunder. A guy called me "colored" and I gave him a look and asked him to refer to me as "Black" . He could not do it, he said that in Ireland that is considered an insult to refer to a person of African descent in that way. He told me he would do it to make me feel better. Whenever he said black, he would turn red so I apologized and asked him to say whatever makes him feel comfortable. I was the visitor in his country. Ireland was lovely. I think that was the one time in my life when I felt 100% happy.

1190 subsailor68  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:56:25am

Mornin' all.

Just a thought. I took some poly sci classes years ago (hey, no snide comments, okay), and none of the forms of government we studied really described what we're seeing today, so thought I'd come up with a new set of classes for the electorate - based on what we saw in November. They are:

The Ignorant
There are two subclasses here:

The Willfully Ignorant. These folks wouldn't read a policy paper, newspaper, or a roll of toilet paper to find out what a candidate is actually saying.

The Intellectually Lazy. These folks could find out what candidates are saying, but just don't feel like it. The bumper stickers and campaign ads are all they need.

The Bribed
What else needs to be said. They listen to see which candidate is gonna give them the most "stuff" and vote accordingly.

The True Believers
These are the scary folks who a) understand exactly what the candidate is saying, b) agree completely, and c) vote accordingly. Sieg Heil.

If these definitions hold, it seems to me that there's only one possible group that can be persuaded to change a position, and that's the Intellectually Lazy. If they're collared often enough, with the info made easy for them to digest, they may actually wake up and smell the coffee.

The rest will always vote Democrat.

1191 Nevergiveup  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:56:58am

re: #1189 Afrocity

Not just libs for me. When I was in Ireland, I felt like there was no racism. This is not true of course but as a visitor everyone was so friendly and I made a blunder. A guy called me "colored" and I gave him a look and asked him to refer to me as "Black" . He could not do it, he said that in Ireland that is considered an insult to refer to a person of African descent in that way. He told me he would do it to make me feel better. Whenever he said black, he would turn red so I apologized and asked him to say whatever makes him feel comfortable. I was the visitor in his country. Ireland was lovely. I think that was the one time in my life when I felt 100% happy.

Ever been to Israel?

1192 rightwinger3  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:57:19am

re: #1155 VegasRick

Thailand for me, if this country falls apart that is my backup plan.

We may be on the same plane.

1193 astronmr20  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:57:25am

re: #1186 Walter L. Newton

Really, anytime. There is not much holding me here anymore. I can always continue my play writing career from anywhere. My whole life exists on a few memory sticks anyway.

And I always have my programming skills as a back up. They are not doing me any good here, hell, all the work I use to have is being outsourced to India, maybe I need to go to where the work went to.

If you are really serious, click on my name, email me, let's talk.

My fiancee and I are strongly considering it. My background is in sound and engineering, and I write film scores on the side. Couldn't write much music for the bollywood scene, but could look there for post-production work anyhow.

She's been working there for a long time and can get a good job in any city.

India's growth averages out around 8 percent per year.

1194 razorbacker  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:57:51am

re: #1019 Wyatt Earp

Occasionally. I try to limit my police exposure to the time I'm at work. After that, I just sit around and smoke weed.


Hmmmm. I had a friend in the Arkansas State Police. I was over at his house one day helping him swap a transmission in his personal car. Late in the afternoon, he asked "Want a beer?"

"Naw, but I'd love to smoke a joint."

"Go look in the cupboard next to the 'fridge. That's where I keep the stuff that I take away from the teenagers."

Some of it wasn't too bad. Now understand, he didn't smoke, cause he was subject to random tests. But as he rationalized, it was more trouble to haul someone into court over a small amount of weed than to just take it away and threaten dire consequences if again caught.

1195 Afrocity  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:57:58am

re: #1191 Nevergiveup

No. I did live in Germany for about 1 year when I was small.

1196 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:58:02am

re: #1185 Nevergiveup

I always used to joke with my wife that if she wants out, all I want is a one way ticket to Israel and a thousand dollars.

Seriously. I really live paycheck to paycheck, and I manage all right, but I don't have much wriggle room, and I am paying off some obligations at a reduced rate (for the rest of my life).

I keep a two grand cushion, that's all I have. If I was to loose the theatre job, I have no idea what I would do, job wise. After 4 years of trying, I just can't seem to pop a full time programming job.

So, my intent is really to do just what I mentioned above. One way ticket to France, try to disappear in the country (or move over to eastern Europe, I know Poland pretty good) and see what happen.

1197 Sharmuta  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:58:11am

re: #1187 reine.de.tout

They will probably think it's their "hard work" that's brought about this change.

1198 astronmr20  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:59:20am

re: #1196 Walter L. Newton

Seriously. I really live paycheck to paycheck, and I manage all right, but I don't have much wriggle room, and I am paying off some obligations at a reduced rate (for the rest of my life).

I keep a two grand cushion, that's all I have. If I was to loose the theatre job, I have no idea what I would do, job wise. After 4 years of trying, I just can't seem to pop a full time programming job.

So, my intent is really to do just what I mentioned above. One way ticket to France, try to disappear in the country (or move over to eastern Europe, I know Poland pretty good) and see what happen.

Eastern Europe is good. Not sure about the job front but the people are awesome.

1199 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:59:41am

re: #1193 astronmr20

My fiancee and I are strongly considering it. My background is in sound and engineering, and I write film scores on the side. Couldn't write much music for the bollywood scene, but could look there for post-production work anyhow.

She's been working there for a long time and can get a good job in any city.

India's growth averages out around 8 percent per year.

Contact me if you ever make the jump.

1200 Nevergiveup  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:59:53am

re: #1195 Afrocity

No. I did live in Germany for about 1 year when I was small.

Military brat? I'm not saying there is no racism in Israel, but because of the Ethiopian Jews, it's different. A very unique experience.

1201 bellamags  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 8:59:55am

re: #1145 Killgore Trout

he he

1202 VegasRick  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 9:00:04am

Gotta run, off to the job (thank God)

1203 astronmr20  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 9:01:01am

Someone go poke Charles with a stick.

1204 abolitionist  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 9:02:01am

Obama administration no longer issuing denials on Fairness Doctrine

Today, Chris Wallace interviewed David Axelrod and asked him directly about the Fairness Doctrine — and suddenly the White House adviser got a lot less definitive: [video]

1205 Nevergiveup  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 9:02:21am

The original Titanic movie is on now. I like it better than the new one.

1206 jcm  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 9:02:42am

They need to put windows in the things.......

Nuclear subs collide in Atlantic

A Royal Navy nuclear submarine was involved in a collision with a French nuclear sub in the middle of the Atlantic, the MoD has confirmed.

HMS Vanguard and Le Triomphant were badly damaged in the crash in heavy seas earlier this month.

First Sea Lord Admiral Sir Jonathon Band said the submarines came into contact at low speed and no injuries were reported.

Both the UK and France insisted nuclear security had not been compromised.

1207 subsailor68  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 9:02:52am

re: #1205 Nevergiveup

The original Titanic movie is on now. I like it better than the new one.

Is that "A Night to Remember"? Great movie.

1208 Nevergiveup  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 9:03:17am

re: #1204 abolitionist

Obama administration no longer issuing denials on Fairness Doctrine

I know I'm in a minority here, but I think if the Dems really ever tried this, it would back fire big time.

1209 astronmr20  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 9:03:38am

re: #1206 jcm

They need to put windows in the things.......

Nuclear subs collide in Atlantic

How is that even possible if both subs have functioning sonar and an operator who finished sonar school?

1210 Afrocity  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 9:03:40am

re: #1200 Nevergiveup

Sorry if i appear naive. I know Ireland has racism. I was caught up in the romance of it all. I went to Kinsale and Klontikilty in the back of a sheep herders truck. I saw all of that green pasture and it felt free and clean. I didn't feel the materialistic vibe like I did in NYC. The only US place that makes me feel that way is Vermont.

1211 x-wing  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 9:03:47am

re: #1145 Killgore Trout

There's a rare open registration over at Hot Air for those who want to jump in.

How long ago did they start that? When I signed up it was always open.

1212 Erik The Red  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 9:03:47am

re: #1203 astronmr20

Someone go poke Charles with a stick.

Hello Lizards. You go astronmr I have your back//

1213 Oh no...Sand People!  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 9:03:53am

re: #1203 astronmr20

Someone go poke Charles with a stick.

So it's official, the best food in the Philippines is in the "Podium" mall here in Manila called "New Bombay". Best Indian food...heck, some of the best food I have ever had period. Their butter naan bread, curry chicken, tandoor chicken...cucumber raitan...soooo good. I would really love to eat the food locally in India...most likely WAY better.

1214 Nevergiveup  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 9:04:16am

re: #1206 jcm

They need to put windows in the things.......

Nuclear subs collide in Atlantic

Yeah, what's up with that. Were they surreptitiously following each other or are they both incompetent?

1215 jorline  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 9:04:42am

Hamburgers are the Hummers of food in global warming

Simply switching from steak to salad could cut as much carbon as leaving the car at home a couple days a week.

That's because beef is such an incredibly inefficient food to produce and cows release so much harmful methane into the atmosphere, said Nathan Pelletier of Dalhousie University in Canada.

Even though beef only accounts for 30 percent of meat consumption in the developed world it's responsible for 78 percent of the emissions, Pelletier said Sunday at a meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

This science is as dangerous as the right wing fundies.
They will tell us what we can eat and how much.


1216 Nevergiveup  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 9:05:06am

re: #1207 subsailor68

Is that "A Night to Remember"? Great movie.

This one is just named "Titanic"

1217 eschew_obfuscation  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 9:06:31am

re: #1208 Nevergiveup

I know I'm in a minority here, but I think if the Dems really ever tried this, it would back fire big time.

I agree. I think they'd have to do it differently than the original doctrine and it would likely be unconstitutional. At least, that's my hope. I should imagine that AM radio would take it to court pretty quickly.

1218 astronmr20  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 9:06:44am

re: #1208 Nevergiveup

I know I'm in a minority here, but I think if the Dems really ever tried this, it would back fire big time.

The thing is, if this was an issue within media in general, I still dont agree with them, but could understand their position.

However, the conservative voices are relegated to the AM BAND. one or two stations per market. How many other frequencies are licensed per market by the FCC? Dozens and dozens of broadcast channels are available, and they want to control the AM stations.

Of course the ironic thing that we all realize is that the rest of those channels that delve into news, especially the ones already funded with taxpayer money- are as left as they can be.

Nonetheless, even if one agrees with the concept of "fairness" on the airwaves, who gets to decide what is fair?

1219 subsailor68  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 9:06:55am

re: #1216 Nevergiveup

This one is just named "Titanic"

Is it this one?


1220 astronmr20  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 9:07:32am

re: #1213 Oh no...Sand People!

So it's official, the best food in the Philippines is in the "Podium" mall here in Manila called "New Bombay". Best Indian food...heck, some of the best food I have ever had period. Their butter naan bread, curry chicken, tandoor chicken...cucumber raitan...soooo good. I would really love to eat the food locally in India...most likely WAY better.

It is damn good, and in most cases, the roadside places in Rajistan are to die for.

1221 [deleted]  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 9:07:55am
1222 Nevergiveup  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 9:08:15am

re: #1219 subsailor68

Is it this one?



1223 Nevergiveup  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 9:09:37am

re: #1221 ploome hineni

Israel is the only country to have spent billions to bring Africans into their country, saving the Jews of Etheopia as they airlifted almost the entire Jewish poplation of Yemen

the problem in Israel is cultural difference..cultural habits and these get worked out

bringing Etheopians, into a first world system is very difficult for the Etheopians and diffcult for the Israelis

Israelis have enough problems and do not need to be labeled racist

You think I'm labeling them as racist? I think you should reread what I wrote and what it was in response to.

1224 jcm  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 9:10:14am

re: #1209 astronmr20

re: #1214 Nevergiveup

Good questions. Both boats are very quiet at low speeds, designed to avoid detection.

We had several collisions with Soviet subs during the cold war, sometimes we followed to closely, or our boat was trying to get pictures of the hull and props of the Russian boats for intel reasons.

1225 bellamags  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 9:10:47am

re: #1215 jorline

Hamburgers are the Hummers of food in global warming

This science is as dangerous as the right wing fundies.
They will tell us what we can eat and how much.


I had a delicious hamburger yesterday for lunch, with a side of steak.

1226 [deleted]  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 9:10:49am
1227 [deleted]  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 9:11:23am
1228 Nevergiveup  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 9:11:26am

re: #1224 jcm

re: #1214 Nevergiveup

Good questions. Both boats are very quiet at low speeds, designed to avoid detection.

We had several collisions with Soviet subs during the cold war, sometimes we followed to closely, or our boat was trying to get pictures of the hull and props of the Russian boats for intel reasons.

Yes, but this is supposedly 2 allies?

1229 jorline  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 9:11:54am

re: #1225 bellamags

I had a delicious hamburger yesterday for lunch, with a side of steak.

Good for you. I serve them in my restaurant seven days a week.

1230 Nevergiveup  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 9:13:44am

re: #1227 ploome hineni

my bad, I did not read up


No problem. I think what Israel did, and is still doing, was great. I could go on and on, but I know you agree so.

1231 subsailor68  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 9:13:45am

re: #1224 jcm

re: #1214 Nevergiveup

Good questions. Both boats are very quiet at low speeds, designed to avoid detection.

We had several collisions with Soviet subs during the cold war, sometimes we followed to closely, or our boat was trying to get pictures of the hull and props of the Russian boats for intel reasons.



1232 horse  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 9:16:57am

re: #1070 yesandno

All this effort on thinking of new sources of taxation.

If half the effort went into trimming the budget and eliminating that which is ineffective or no longer useful, additional taxes wouldn't be necessary.

Indeed, they are no different than the companies they criticize who provide addictive products. Taxes are the nicotine/oxycontin of public policy. Their revenue model is not about providing a better product/service, it is about how many people they can get addicted to their product/service. The more who become addicted, the more revenue they can demand.

Another irony is the left side is all about "sustainability" nowadays. Their somewhat valid point is not "over stressing" resources and systems to ensure they are sustainable in the long term. Yet when it comes to the tax system, it is back to the dark ages with the king's tax agents threatening to knock down your door and seize the bulk of your harvest, maybe leaving you enough to survive, but not thrive and grow. In their model we are all share croppers using the king's assets, tax sustainability be damned.

1233 jcm  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 9:17:23am

re: #1231 subsailor68



Kinda hard to keep a 688 with a munched sonar dome completely quite.

1234 subsailor68  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 9:18:31am

re: #1233 jcm

Kinda hard to keep a 688 with a munched sonar dome completely quite.

Or a 637.


1235 realwest  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 9:23:29am

re: #1208 Nevergiveup
You are not the only one out here who believes that.
As far as talk radio goes, they are clearly after Rush but won't get him cause he's waaay too popular, but how do they get around "fairness" where Radio America is concerned? And as for TV, pfffft - they'd have to actually ADD some conservative talk shows or regular guests on the shows currently on air.
And there's no way to control the internet without spending gazillions of dollars. But if they do try, who are the top three blogs (by terms of readership)?
Huffpoo, Kos and DU - what are they gonna make them let Charles make guest diaries or something?
And when SCOTUS decided the only Fairness Doctrine Case I'm aware of, there were only 3 national air waves for TV stations, few FM stations, and there was no internet. And the FCC ITSELF decided some time ago (maybe 25 or so years ago) that the Fairness Doctrine was inherently unconstitutional - notwithstanding SCOTUS - and dropped it of it's own volition.
Fuck 'em.

1236 jcm  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 9:29:08am

re: #1234 subsailor68

Or a 637.


I worked on the FD with a pharmacists mate who'd been on board for one of those "incidents."

1237 subsailor68  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 9:32:58am

re: #1236 jcm

I worked on the FD with a pharmacists mate who'd been on board for one of those "incidents."

Hmmm....he wasn't perchance aboard a 637 in the Pacific in 1974?

1238 jcm  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 9:39:15am

re: #1237 subsailor68

Hmmm....he wasn't perchance aboard a 637 in the Pacific in 1974?

That would have been around the right time, I know he was Pacific, made jokes about the ChiCom boats, did need a sonar to track 'em etc.... I worked with him in '78 in WA. I haven't talked with him in 20 years, trying to rack my brain for a name. He'd just gotten out and got work as one of Medics.

1239 Ojoe  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 9:55:56am

re: #1050 Afrocity

Good Morning Afrocity.

1240 Gretchen  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 9:55:57am

Regarding taxing milage. Aren't the huge gas taxes in effect taxing mileage, and certainly have a more effective punative effect on drivers of gas-guzzlers, than taxing straight mileage? I can't imagine WA is planning to get rid of gas taxes so this will be double taxation and a creepy way to track citizens. Two for One!

1241 Gretchen  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 9:59:04am

re: #1235 realwest
Fairness Doctrine?

How about publiclly funded colleges, universities and high schools? Whole departments of "Victimhood Studies" would have to go under.

1242 Neo_  Mon, Feb 16, 2009 10:54:17am

Geostrategy-direct is reporting ...

The United States has abandoned its policy of sanctioning companies that aid Iran’s nuclear and missile program, they said.

The officials said the new Obama administration of has decided to end sanctions against Iranian government agencies or companies that aid Teheran’s missile and nuclear program. The officials said Israel has been informed of the new U.S. policy.

“We were told that sanctions do not help the new U.S. policy of dialogue with Iran,” an official said.

I thought there were no pre-conditions.

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