
Video: Trump Audience Member on TSA: “Get Rid of All These Heeby Jobbies They Wear”

“We are looking at that”
3377-y (Expectation of Great Things in Due Course)
July 2016
re: #199 Shimshon I worked for 20 years for a nonprofit professional organization of college and university planners. We never expected any quid pro quo from our big name speakers, no matter how much they were paid. They were for ...

Video: Trump Says, “That Could Be a Mexican Plane Up There, They’re Getting Ready to Attack”

Right wing humor?
June 2016
re: #145 Patricia Kayden Do you really want to call David Axelrod week kneed? He was only an architect to the Obama campaigns. And I'll ask again. How do you think Hillary is seeing it? Do you think she is ...

Report: Trump May Not Have “Forgiven” That $45M Loan; Big GOP Donors Reluctant to Contribute

The scampaign continues
July 2016
Trump won't forgive that loan and rich contributors know that. Any proof Trump shows will be a "draft" or something something. Donny needs to show a profit from this venture now that his brand is irreparably damaged. High income earners ...

House Benghazi Commission Ends With a Piteous Whimper

And now… nothing
76Florida Panhandler
June 2016
As innocent as Reagan "allowing" 240 US Marines to be blown up...then doing absolutely NOTHING about it. In other words, a total waste of taxpayer money, cynically spent on pure politics.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Inadvertently Admits Texas Law Intended to Limit Abortion

They weren’t fooling anybody anyway
453Florida Panhandler
June 2016
re: #56 HappyWarrior It's because Ayn Rand can make for entertaining self-help masturbation for late-teen/early 20 something white men whose main personality trait is a grandiose sense of entitlement. However, in the real world, it makes for generally terrible public ...
Credit: Gage Skidmore

Scott Brown Wants Elizabeth Warren to Take a (Pointless) DNA Test

Sheer ignorance and bigotry are a toxic mix
June 2016
The truly false premise is that it got her into Harvard. It didn't. She's actually pretty bright. And Scott Brown has the IQ of a meat thermometer.

Texas Anti-Abortion Law Struck Down by Supreme Court, 5-3

Right wing anti-choice law thrown out
June 2016
re: #120 freetoken It doesn't matter if Warren showed DNA results, they would call it fake, like they did Obama's BC. If you're fool enough to jump through one of their hoops, there is no end to it.