Overnight Open Thread

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It is increasingly clear that the fate of the universe will come to depend more and more on individuals as the bungling of bureaucracy permeates every corner of our existence.

Edna O’Brien

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1 Sharmuta  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:11:07pm

The fate of the Universe is above my pay grade.

2 Macker  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:12:47pm

The fate of the Multiverse is definitely above my pay grade!

3 ArchangelMichael  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:14:40pm

Why do you hate M-Theory! This violates the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics! I just don't like the direction this blog has gone...


4 FurryOldGuyJeans  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:16:11pm

The fate of the universe is in my hands? Ok, let me carefully inch towards the shelf so I can put it down safely....



5 Gus  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:17:12pm

My fate is to have a fate beyond my fate.

Or something.


6 Sharmuta  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:17:20pm

All I know is that if the fate of the Universe depends on the bureaucracy, we're all really screwed.

7 mikalm  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:18:33pm

Hey, there's an ad for a live interview with Bill Ayers on the right side of this page!

8 Pawn of the Oppressor  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:19:39pm

Whatever that fate may be, I rather doubt that I'll have any significant role in it... me being really tiny and all.

9 Gus  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:20:05pm

re: #7 mikalm

Hey, there's an ad for a live interview with Bill Ayers on the right side of this page!

Oh yeah. There he is. What's up with those glasses? Doesn't he know it's not 1983. //

10 FurryOldGuyJeans  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:20:30pm

I am only a tooth missing cog in the great machinery that is life.

11 Lawrior  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:20:44pm

There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened.

-Douglas Adams

12 Pvt Bin Jammin  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:22:04pm

re: #6 Sharmuta

But even the bureaucracy sounds a little better than the blogmocracy. Heaven forbid.

13 Gus  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:22:10pm

re: #10 FurryOldGuyJeans

I am only a tooth missing cog in the great machinery that is life.

/Snaps fingers.

/Puts on a black beret and lights a cigaret.

14 Sharmuta  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:22:41pm

I think the Universe better pray all these individuals have life insurance if its fate is dependent upon them.

15 Pvt Bin Jammin  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:23:27pm

re: #7 mikalm

Hey, there's an ad for a live interview with Bill Ayers on the right side of this page!

Seriously? I just have "Free Newt".

16 Sharmuta  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:23:38pm

re: #12 Pvt Bin Jammin

God help us.

17 Sharmuta  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:24:44pm

re: #15 Pvt Bin Jammin

Seriously? I just have "Free Newt".

You should be able to see it- it's an LGF ad, not google.

18 Gus  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:25:51pm

I've got:

Stop Iran
Contractor Supplies
Increase our Energy Security
Bill Ayers
Ann Coulter
Space Project

19 Pvt Bin Jammin  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:26:25pm

re: #17 Sharmuta

Maybe I should refresh. I'm just getting something about Iran, Father's Day, Oil Drilling, Furniture and Newt.

20 MrPaulRevere  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:27:17pm

re: #12 Pvt Bin Jammin

It was amusing watching chen zen trying to reel in Rodan. What a pack of loons.

21 Lawrior  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:27:39pm

re: #17 Sharmuta

You should be able to see it- it's an LGF ad, not google.

Charles, I would like you to know that I celebrate all of your advertisers.

22 Pvt Bin Jammin  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:28:09pm

re: #19 Pvt Bin Jammin

Seeing it now after the refresh.

23 MrPaulRevere  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:29:00pm

re: #18 Gus 802

Ads for both Bill Ayers and Ann Coulter, now that's what I call diversity.

24 Pvt Bin Jammin  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:31:59pm

re: #20 MrPaulRevere

It was amusing watching chen zen trying to reel in Rodan. What a pack of loons.

That's not the first time I've seen him do that. I have to give him credit. My biggest problem with him was he didn't seen to respect the military in the way that I would expect someone to.

25 Gus  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:32:56pm

re: #23 MrPaulRevere

Ads for both Bill Ayers and Ann Coulter, now that's what I call diversity.

Yeah. It's for some call-in show with Ayers. Tempted to call him and ask him about his big-shot father.

26 MrPaulRevere  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:34:39pm

Have a great week everyone, its been a very long day.

27 Pvt Bin Jammin  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:35:06pm

re: #25 Gus 802

Yeah. It's for some call-in show with Ayers. Tempted to call him and ask him about his big-shot father.

Do it! LOL Let us all know in advance so we can listen. LOL Ask him about that San Francisco police officer too.

28 srb1976  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:35:17pm

Evening folks...right in the middle of a slow night shift....missed all the news today (slept through it) kinda glad I did, seeing what's been going on.

Hope everyone is well

29 pink freud  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:36:12pm

re: #28 srb1976

Isn't it nice to wake up to sparkling grout? :-)

Good morning, srb!

30 BatGuano  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:36:44pm

re: #28 srb1976

Hi SRB. Just dropped in myself.

31 Pvt Bin Jammin  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:37:01pm

re: #28 srb1976

Evening folks...right in the middle of a slow night shift....missed all the news today (slept through it) kinda glad I did, seeing what's been going on.

Hope everyone is well

Good evening, right back. Bet your house is sparkling. the way you were working on it last night.

32 pink freud  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:37:23pm

re: #30 BatGuano

Good evening, Bat ...everyone. Yes, a long and draining news day.

33 srb1976  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:37:41pm

re: #29 pink freud

Isn't it nice to wake up to sparkling grout? :-)

Good morning, srb!

Actually, it really is = ), my little wrecking balls...i mean kids... didn't even spill anything on it today either =)

34 srb1976  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:38:36pm

re: #31 Pvt Bin Jammin

Good evening, right back. Bet your house is sparkling. the way you were working on it last night.

Not quite yet.....starting on the cabinets in the morning.....got some time to kill between end of shift and time the kids go to daycare

35 Gus  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:39:21pm

re: #27 Pvt Bin Jammin

Do it! LOL Let us all know in advance so we can listen. LOL Ask him about that San Francisco police officer too.

He'd probably get all bent out of shape -- country club style.

36 pink freud  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:39:31pm

re: #33 srb1976

Actually, it really is = ), my little wrecking balls...i mean kids... didn't even spill anything on it today either =)

I was being totally serious! I tend to be that way too ...the really heavy duty stuff I will tackle late in the evening and not stop until I am done. It's a good thing to wake up to. Glad the kids were good about it! When do the inlaws (?) arrive? Is it inlaws? family?

37 srb1976  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:40:39pm

re: #36 pink freud

I was being totally serious! I tend to be that way too ...the really heavy duty stuff I will tackle late in the evening and not stop until I am done. It's a good thing to wake up to. Glad the kids were good about it! When do the inlaws (?) arrive? Is it inlaws? family?

Birthday party, including in-laws..saturday....just getting some of the heavy duty stuff out of the way while I have the chance.....then a couple of days off to touch up before the party

38 Gretchen G.Tiger  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:41:39pm

weet dreams all!

39 pink freud  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:41:55pm

Birthday wishes to the lucky one!

40 pink freud  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:42:17pm

re: #38 ggt

goodnight ggt!

41 Pvt Bin Jammin  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:42:35pm

re: #34 srb1976

Not quite yet.....starting on the cabinets in the morning.....got some time to kill between end of shift and time the kids go to daycare

Wish you could come by our place! Free food and booze. :-)

42 FurryOldGuyJeans  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:42:46pm

re: #25 Gus 802

Yeah. It's for some call-in show with Ayers. Tempted to call him and ask him about his big-shot father.

I would bet he has pre-screened "random" callers all ready lined up.

43 Pvt Bin Jammin  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:44:04pm

re: #35 Gus 802

He'd probably get all bent out of shape -- country club style.

No doubt. What a POS.

44 srb1976  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:44:29pm

re: #39 pink freud

Birthday wishes to the lucky one!

Thanks....it's my better half....will pass them along
His birthday this week, father's day next week, 12th anniversary the week after.....then maybe a break for me

45 Gus  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:44:45pm

re: #42 FurryOldGuyJeans

I would bet he has pre-screened "random" callers all ready lined up.

Of course. I know those pseudo-egalitarian types. He gets all dressed up in his "painterly" shirt yet lives like an attorney in one of the best neighborhoods in Chicago. Kind of like whizmo, what's his face, Obama.

46 srb1976  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:45:29pm

re: #41 Pvt Bin Jammin

Wish you could come by our place! Free food and booze. :-)

Believe me...I don't do this often....this is one the big deal birthdays, just want to make it extra nice

47 Gus  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:46:35pm

re: #43 Pvt Bin Jammin

No doubt. What a POS.

Like a Seaman arguing with an MCPO!

//Only saw that on video. Apparently it can't be done.

48 srb1976  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:47:27pm

re: #47 Gus 802

Like a Seaman arguing with an MCPO!

//Only saw that on video. Apparently it can't be done.

MCPO? I thought I was alphabet soup savvy, but I don't know that one

49 Sharmuta  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:47:33pm

re: #24 Pvt Bin Jammin

That's not the first time I've seen him do that. I have to give him credit. My biggest problem with him was he didn't seen to respect the military in the way that I would expect someone to.

He's a democrat.

50 Pvt Bin Jammin  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:48:24pm

re: #46 srb1976

Believe me...I don't do this often....this is one the big deal birthdays, just want to make it extra nice

He's a lucky guy. Wish him a Happy Birthday.

51 Gus  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:48:47pm

re: #48 srb1976

MCPO? I thought I was alphabet soup savvy, but I don't know that one

Master Chief Petty Officer

I was never in any branch of the military however. Had the inclination and took some tests but that was about it.

52 Sharmuta  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:49:29pm

What was rodant flipping out about?

53 Gus  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:50:04pm

re: #52 Sharmuta

What was rodant flipping out about?


54 srb1976  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:50:45pm

re: #51 Gus 802

Master Chief Petty Officer

I was never in any branch of the military however. Had the inclination and took some tests but that was about it.

Oh...better half is retired navy....he would just say Master Chief... I think...and no, you can't argue with them....no one can....

55 Sharmuta  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:50:56pm

re: #53 Gus 802


56 Pvt Bin Jammin  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:51:34pm

re: #49 Sharmuta

He's a democrat.

I figured he was too. He probably doesn't even know any military folks.

57 Fenway_Nation  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:52:01pm

I see the Bill Ayers ad....wonder if I should call in and ask about the two Nyack, NY police officers and Brinks armoured truck guard that his foster son's natural parents killed back in '83.

58 Gus  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:52:18pm

re: #55 Sharmuta


Kent, Esq.

59 BatGuano  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:53:30pm

Who are Chen Zen and Rodan? I don't have my decoder ring. (Be sure to drink your Ovaltine).

60 Gus  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:54:05pm

re: #59 BatGuano

Who are Chen Zen and Rodan? I don't have my decoder ring. (Be sure to drink your Ovaltine).

They're over at the F5 site also known as V2.

61 ArchangelMichael  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:54:42pm

re: #47 Gus 802

Like a Seaman arguing with an MCPO!

//Only saw that on video. Apparently it can't be done.

When I was in high school one of my girlfriends fathers was an MCPO. I will still more intimidated by her mother though.

62 Gus  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:55:25pm

re: #61 ArchangelMichael

When I was in high school one of my girlfriends fathers was an MCPO. I will still more intimidated by her mother though.

Was she Italian?

63 Pvt Bin Jammin  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:56:11pm

re: #57 Fenway_Nation

I see the Bill Ayers ad....wonder if I should call in and ask about the two Nyack, NY police officers and Brinks armoured truck guard that his foster son's natural parents killed back in '83.

Do it! You might have to fake out the people out that answer the phone. Maybe you could tell them that you'd like to talk to Bill about freeing Mumia or something.

64 ArchangelMichael  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:58:39pm

re: #62 Gus 802

Was she Italian?

Nope, English-majority Euromutt I think. English or Welsh last name.

65 pat  Sun, May 31, 2009 11:58:50pm

Has anyone ever noticed that Ayers wife Bernadette is awfully quiet? That is because there is no Statute of Limitations on murder in most States and the Federal system.

66 BatGuano  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:02:03am

re: #60 Gus 802

They're over at the F5 site also known as V2.

Thanks for the info. I'll drop it.

67 Gus  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:02:04am

re: #64 ArchangelMichael

Nope, English-majority Euromutt I think. English or Welsh last name.

Ah. When you described her I immediately thought about my brother's ex mom who was Italian. Knew her before they go married. Boy was she intimidating and quite the boss. In a good way though but she was a toughy and spoke her mind about things. She worked as a civilian in Fort Dix.

68 Gus  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:02:56am

re: #66 BatGuano

Thanks for the info. I'll drop it.

You know. The "stalker site." I joked about F5 because you have to hit F5 to refresh the page on a PC.

69 Pvt Bin Jammin  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:03:10am

re: #65 pat

Has anyone ever noticed that Ayers wife Bernadette is awfully quiet? That is because there is no Statute of Limitations on murder in most States and the Federal system.

She and Bill both spoke at some gathering in the San Francisco bay area just a few months ago. Zombie covered it on the Zomblog IIRC. Other than that, I haven't seen much of her.

Didn't San Francisco re-open that cold case?

70 BatGuano  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:04:51am

re: #68 Gus 802

You know. The "stalker site." I joked about F5 because you have to hit F5 to refresh the page on a PC.

Ok. I think I know what you're talking about. We are at 1.0?

71 Sharmuta  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:05:05am

re: #58 Gus 802

I don't know what these people expect. They tossed their lot in with a crazy person.

72 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:05:23am

re: #63 Pvt Bin Jammin

I had to fake out some MSM switchboard operators when I wanted to call them on the carpet for their horifficly botched coverage of the Sago Mine disaster.....I distinctly remember cracking wise about Cheney's hunting accident with one of them.

BTW- Chesa Boudin (Ayer's Foster son) is pretty much a prototypical silver spoon-fed red diaper doper baby all grown up. If being raised by his parents Weather Underground buddies (turned tenured Marxist academics) and living in Chicago's upscale Hyde Park neighborood wasn't galling enough, Boudin was awarded a Rhodes scholarship in 2002.

73 Pvt Bin Jammin  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:05:36am

re: #70 BatGuano

You've got it.

74 Gus  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:05:40am

re: #70 BatGuano

Ok. I think I know what you're talking about. We are at 1.0?

Yep. I hate to be cryptic but I don't like to bring them up.

75 BatGuano  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:06:41am

re: #74 Gus 802

Thanks. I know that much.

76 Pvt Bin Jammin  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:07:34am

re: #71 Sharmuta

Was that Kent guy a lizard? If so, that's one I don't remember, even though I was a reader long before I registered.

77 srb1976  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:07:47am

I guess it's a slow night everywhere....it's starting to look like I might have to so some actual work tonight though (Yay!...that would be nice)

78 Sharmuta  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:08:37am

re: #76 Pvt Bin Jammin

He was registered here- a creationist.

79 Gus  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:09:38am

re: #71 Sharmuta

The pro-Serbian mentality? Indeed. Amongst other things. I actually was kind surprised to see Chen have a moment of clarity earlier today.

80 Pvt Bin Jammin  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:09:41am

re: #77 srb1976

I guess it's a slow night everywhere....it's starting to look like I might have to so some actual work tonight though (Yay!...that would be nice)

Nothing worse than a super slow shift IMHO. It drags. I'd much rather be busy.

81 ArchangelMichael  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:09:52am

re: #67 Gus 802

Ah. When you described her I immediately thought about my brother's ex mom who was Italian. Knew her before they go married. Boy was she intimidating and quite the boss. In a good way though but she was a toughy and spoke her mind about things. She worked as a civilian in Fort Dix.

In my case the MCPO father generally left me alone. Rarely spoke to me but I think he was happy his daughter wasn't with a complete loser (Judging by her bf's before and after me, this was apparently a problem.) He didn't seem to say much of anything actually.

Her mom was the one always on my case or in my face about shit. It wasn't that she was outspoken, just more involved, and every time my gf was grounded or otherwise in hot water, it came down from her, not the father. She blackmailed me to do something rather heinous (IMO anyway) once in order that her daughter could continue seeing me.

When I was 17 years old I had nightmares about this woman. By the time my gf and I split up though I had made my peace with her.

82 Pvt Bin Jammin  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:10:26am

re: #78 Sharmuta

Thanks. I missed that one.

83 srb1976  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:10:45am

re: #80 Pvt Bin Jammin

Nothing worse than a super slow shift IMHO. It drags. I'd much rather be busy.

You are too right about that...especially nights, for some reason

84 Sharmuta  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:12:43am

re: #79 Gus 802

The pro-Serbian mentality? Indeed. Amongst other things. I actually was kind surprised to see Chen have a moment of clarity earlier today.

I don't begrudge them the bed they've made. At some point they'll realize he's unstable, and good luck getting rid of him.

85 srb1976  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:13:42am

re: #81 ArchangelMichael

When I was growing up my dad was always the scary one.....when I started dating he scared more than one guy away....never mean, or rude, just very, very serious = )

86 FurryOldGuyJeans  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:13:42am

re: #48 srb1976

MCPO? I thought I was alphabet soup savvy, but I don't know that one

Master Chief Petty Officer, E-9 Navy.

Someone even senior officers listen to when they bark.

87 srb1976  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:14:57am

re: #86 FurryOldGuyJeans

Master Chief Petty Officer, E-9 Navy.

Someone even senior officers listen to when they bark.

That much I do know...better half still speaks of his old chief in hushed and reverent tones = ). He's still a little in awe of him I think

88 Gus  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:15:21am

re: #84 Sharmuta

I don't begrudge them the bed they've made. At some point they'll realize he's unstable, and good luck getting rid of him.

It will evolve into V3 and they'll start stalking the stalkers. I don't know. They're a motley crew and it's like mixing up the far left with the far right.

89 ArchangelMichael  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:16:31am

re: #85 srb1976

When I was growing up my dad was always the scary one.....when I started dating he scared more than one guy away....never mean, or rude, just very, very serious = )

Well I think most of my ex-gf's fathers seemed to have a good "loser detectors" so when I showed up at the door, they were relieved and stayed out of the way.

90 FurryOldGuyJeans  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:16:50am

re: #80 Pvt Bin Jammin

Nothing worse than a super slow shift IMHO. It drags. I'd much rather be busy.

Only four professions do I not want to see busy:

A) ER Staff

B) Police


D) Military

91 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:17:29am

BTW.........when is hurricane season? For the last couple of years, haven't we been getting blitzed by the MSM on how we're due for an apocolyptic hurricane thanks to GoreBull warming immediately before the start of hurricane season?

92 srb1976  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:18:49am

re: #91 Fenway_Nation

I believe hurricane season starts today actually....June-November

93 FurryOldGuyJeans  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:19:32am

re: #87 srb1976

That much I do know...better half still speaks of his old chief in hushed and reverent tones = ). He's still a little in awe of him I think

There was a "training" film I remember seeing, before and during boot camp. Had a HIGHLY decorated MCPO retiring. The first time seeing all the fruit salad it was meh. The second time I distinctly remember a collective gasp from everyone in my RTC class as we realized just what the man had done from all the ribbons and other badges on his uniform.

94 Pvt Bin Jammin  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:20:00am

re: #83 srb1976

I worked in a casino for a few months while I was waiting for a government job. It was a small town. OMG the graveyard shift was the pits. Mine was 1:00 until 9:00 AM. We all had to take our turns but I'll tell you, it was tough for me. On top of that, my daughter was an infant, with colic. It was summer, and I had trouble sleeping in the heat so I'd go to bed around 5:00 pm, when my hubby got home. Poor baby always got the colic about 7:00pm. I was a zombie. LOL

95 ArchangelMichael  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:20:15am

re: #91 Fenway_Nation

BTW.........when is hurricane season? For the last couple of years, haven't we been getting blitzed by the MSM on how we're due for an apocolyptic hurricane thanks to GoreBull warming immediately before the start of hurricane season?

As far as I know it started 18 minutes ago my time. I haven't heard a peep about hurricanes from the MFMSM this year either.

I guess Mother Gaia knows that Chimpy McBushitler has been deposed and she may rest now...


96 freetoken  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:20:19am

re: #92 srb1976

Different for Atlantic and Pacific.

97 Clemente  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:20:22am

re: #11 Lawrior

There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened.

-Douglas Adams

My theory's that, during President Quayle's first term, it began to happen so frequently that the old system was abandoned in favor of one that updates dynamically the instant rationality appears possible in any fraction of it.

98 Sharmuta  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:21:53am

re: #88 Gus 802

It will evolve into V3 and they'll start stalking the stalkers. I don't know. They're a motley crew and it's like mixing up the far left with the far right.

I see rodan is also lying that no one praised Tiller's killer. From that hate site:

There was no post deleted or one celebrating the death of Tiller. This is just the delusion of a Leftist Bigot.

Sure about that rodan?

13. Bob in Breckenridge on 31 May, 2009 at 4:00 pm reply

O/T but GREAT news! Dr. George Tiller “the baby killer”, called that because the POS performs late term abortions on women up to 8 months pregnant, was shot and killed today while going into a “church”.

Any church that would allow that motherfuckin’ baby killer in it is not a place that worships God. Burn in hell, you fuckin’ piece of shit!

He's a liar.

99 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:22:06am

re: #92 srb1976

Where's our oh-so-informative 'you-peons-are-destroying-the-earth-simply-by-driving-to-work' updates from the MSM?

Or have the seas stopped rising since the Used Car Salesman in Chief got elected?


100 srb1976  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:23:05am

re: #94 Pvt Bin Jammin

Yikes...sounds hellish....
I've always done shift work, seems like, but my current job is a more stable shift than most I've had (I actually know my schedule a year in advance = ) )
12 hour shifts are long day, and longer when there's nothing going on

101 FurryOldGuyJeans  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:23:05am

re: #91 Fenway_Nation

BTW.........when is hurricane season? For the last couple of years, haven't we been getting blitzed by the MSM on how we're due for an apocolyptic hurricane thanks to GoreBull warming immediately before the start of hurricane season?

Yes, we've been getting okey-dokeyed by the National Weather Service to believe them this year, forget all the "well we were wrong" pronouncements previously.

Just like last winter was supposed to have been extremely mild here in the Seattle area, cancel ski season up in the mountains, and ended up having once of the snowiest winters in quite a number of years.

102 srb1976  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:24:39am

re: #99 Fenway_Nation

Where's our oh-so-informative 'you-peons-are-destroying-the-earth-simply-by-driv ing-to-work' updates from the MSM?

Or have the seas stopped rising since the Used Car Salesman in Chief got elected?


Shhhhh, we're not supposed to notice ......

103 Gus  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:25:10am

re: #93 FurryOldGuyJeans

There was a "training" film I remember seeing, before and during boot camp. Had a HIGHLY decorated MCPO retiring. The first time seeing all the fruit salad it was meh. The second time I distinctly remember a collective gasp from everyone in my RTC class as we realized just what the man had done from all the ribbons and other badges on his uniform.

Seniority. Most have more years behind them then the general officer population. Ensign to commander is a couple of grades. E-1 to E-9 -- 8 grades. O-1 to O-5 -- 4 grades. I'm sure you know this. I feel funny talking about not having been in the military.

104 ArchangelMichael  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:25:49am

re: #98 Sharmuta

He's a liar.

I guess he could *technically* not be lying about this, because that vile comment is still there. He never deleted it.

105 Sharmuta  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:26:10am

Sorry to repost that garbage here. You guys can report that if you want to, but I think their lying should be exposed.

106 Sharmuta  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:26:45am

re: #104 ArchangelMichael

Except he said no one praised the killer either.

107 FurryOldGuyJeans  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:27:39am

re: #99 Fenway_Nation

Where's our oh-so-informative 'you-peons-are-destroying-the-earth-simply-by-driv ing-to-work' updates from the MSM?

Or have the seas stopped rising since the Used Car Salesman in Chief got elected?


Right now I would be happy to have a used car salesman/dealer as Chief Executive. At least they would know how a business runs.

108 Gus  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:28:05am

re: #98 Sharmuta

No doubt he did. The one post Rodan put up was an outright lie and a complete smear.

109 FurryOldGuyJeans  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:28:33am

re: #108 Gus 802

No doubt he did. The one post Rodan put up was an outright lie and a complete smear.

Isn't that SOP?

110 Pvt Bin Jammin  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:28:35am

re: #90 FurryOldGuyJeans

Only four professions do I not want to see busy:

A) ER Staff

B) Police


D) Military

You've got that right. Our poor cops in the larger city near my home had a nightmare Friday, late afternoon until early evening. A horrible fire at a board and care facility where someone died, almost immediately followed by a bizarre shooting at a club full of people and a pistol whipping in another location, possibly related to the whole thing behind the club shooting. Lots of other calls came in too.
This was all within a hour and from one side of the city and back to the other. Thank God this is LA County and other agencies were able to help but it was still hard for them.

111 Gus  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:29:02am

re: #109 FurryOldGuyJeans

Isn't that SOP?


112 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:31:34am

re: #110 Pvt Bin Jammin

Wow....that's more eventful than anything my scanner picked up living in Western Mass. In just one night, too.

113 ArchangelMichael  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:36:02am

Question for military lizards. What is a reasonable enlisted rate for someone who has been in the Air Force or Navy for 16-17 years? E-6?

114 pink freud  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:36:21am

You guys see the newbie down at the end of the Zomblog thread pushing reading material by David Brock, the founder of Media Matters, and also by Chris Hedges, the NYT reporter who wrote the story about Israeli soldiers shooting Pali kids?

He's asking for open minds.

I do believe that's the first time I've seen anyone here promoting Media Matters propaganda.

115 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:38:03am

re: #114 pink freud

Is he still on the Zomblog thread?

/needs a new chew toy

116 pink freud  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:39:08am

re: #115 Fenway_Nation

He was as of about 15 minutes ago, it's been quite active. There's also an older lizard there I've not seen before, offering rebuttals.

117 Pvt Bin Jammin  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:39:10am

re: #105 Sharmuta

His posts were in the middle of the Tianamen Square thread too. Really pissed me off.

I am not in favor of late term abortion either, except in certain circumstances, but murder is murder.

118 neocon hippie  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:40:55am

re: #98 Sharmuta

Bob in Breckenridge? When did he go over the edge?

119 Karridine  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:45:40am

re: #72 Fenway_Nation

Fenway, you use the term as an abstract, a class-label of sorts, but I had a couple of true hippy-dippy rock-boxers bring their 5-day old to my clinic, asking "Why is he crying?"

I immediately realized they weren't the sharpest tools in the shed, because the stink from newborn's UNCHANGED DIAPER was eye-watering, and IF they'd noticed it, they'd written it off as 'natural'...

So I took the offending diaper off, and the poor babe had a red, swollen rash from belly-button to top of his sacrum, and he was in pain.

Long story short, I told them the reality of urine breaking down NATURALLY to urea and uric ACID, which burns baby's skin NATURALLY, and you've GOT TO bathe him (which I did, and had them do) EVERY DAY, twice is okay some days, and then you POWDER HIM and use a CLEAN DIAPER, EVERY TIME...

Red Diaper Baby stands out in MY mind, I'll tell you, Fenway...

120 Gus  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:46:34am

re: #113 ArchangelMichael

Question for military lizards. What is a reasonable enlisted rate for someone who has been in the Air Force or Navy for 16-17 years? E-6?

This says about 14 years for TSgt but it leaps to MSgt at 16 years. Average.

[Link: usmilitary.about.com...]

My guess is that it's within range.

121 BatGuano  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:47:04am

Where must I go to find out who Bob breckenridge is? I am totally lost. not that it is fault of anyone but me.

122 Pvt Bin Jammin  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:48:43am

re: #112 Fenway_Nation

Wow....that's more eventful than anything my scanner picked up living in Western Mass. In just one night, too.

How could you tell I have a scanner? ;-) The shooting was apparently a gang hit. Some gang banger apparently raped a couple of women in Long Island, NY, with force, but copped to attempted, with force and did a little time. He comes out here to Calif. and gets to be a football player on the local city college team! Apparently he roughed up another girl and got a parole violation. He was recently suspected in a homicide in another county but he killed himself. The club scene was an after the funeral gathering. We don't know why the person at the funeral repast was killed but the in the pistol whipping case the caller said she was the sister or friend of the guy who was buried and they were threatening her younger brother. OMG

123 BatGuano  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:55:07am

Bat signal for gmsc!

124 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:56:31am

re: #123 BatGuano

Bat signal for gmscPiMan!

125 Gus  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:56:34am

re: #123 BatGuano

Bat signal for gmsc!



126 ArchangelMichael  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:01:56am

re: #105 Sharmuta

Sorry to repost that garbage here. You guys can report that if you want to, but I think their lying should be exposed.

He seems to be a veritable fountain of disgusting comments. 5 SS now of stuff that supposedly doesn't exist.

127 BatGuano  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:02:33am

re: #123 BatGuano

Bat signal for gmsc!

re: #124 Fenway_Nation

re: #125 Gus 802



He cannot refuse these entreaties.

128 Pvt Bin Jammin  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:04:23am

Good night, lizards. I'm exhausted. "nite vegas, wherever you are.

129 BatGuano  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:04:57am

re: #124 Fenway_Nation

Simple Simon met a PI Man.

130 Sharmuta  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:05:05am

re: #121 BatGuano

Where must I go to find out who Bob breckenridge is? I am totally lost. not that it is fault of anyone but me.

In the archives, but I wouldn't worry about it.

131 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:05:48am

re: #128 Pvt Bin Jammin

G'nite PBJ!

Has Alberta Oil Peon been by lately?

132 The Left  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:07:52am

re: #119 Karridine

What a sad story. Reminds me of these people who try to put their baby on a vegan diet and end up killing them. :(

133 BatGuano  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:07:56am

re: #130 Sharmuta

In the archives, but I wouldn't worry about it.

Not worrying. It's there with Myra Breckinridge.

134 Pvt Bin Jammin  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:08:35am

re: #131 Fenway_Nation

I haven't noticed him lately. Hope all is well. You can search "user:Alberta Oil Peon" and then when you get it, hit comments.

Take care.

135 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:14:01am

Ooops...he was on earlier tonight.

Nothing too urgent or new. I was talking about how someone should set up a tourist train on a now-dormant stretch of Canadian National track that runs through Alberta's badlands.....complete with steam locomotives and vintage coaches (some of which are kept nearby in working order).

136 Karridine  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:18:41am

re: #132 iceweasel

Roger that!

We ARE our brother's keeper, we just can't help all the people all the time, protecting them from themselves...

And I note, Ice, that MOST people commenting here appear to have above-average IQ and significant real-world experience...

137 srb1976  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:19:39am

re: #132 iceweasel

What a sad story. Reminds me of these people who try to put their baby on a vegan diet and end up killing them. :(

How awful!

138 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:20:16am

re: #136 Karridine

You don't mean the overnight threads, do you?

/Aw, shucks....

139 laZardo  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:21:26am

Good afternoon, all.

This Thursday will mark two 20th anniversaries related to the battle between democracy and authoritarianism: Solidarity's electoral victory in Poland, and the Tiananmen Square Massacre.

And how are you guys and gals doing?

140 Karridine  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:23:46am

re: #137 srb1976

Widespread ignorance, in this Age of Knowledge...

"Cow's milk (products) are GOOD for babies..." (for COW's babies)
"Nursing at the mother's breast is unnatural and ugly..." What?!
"Urine is natural..." so is a rattlesnake and a black widow...
"Children can learn for themselves..." Oh, well, then just push the kid out and leave
"It takes a village..." Oh? Well I see we've got the village idiot already....

141 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:23:53am

re: #139 laZardo

I'm sure 0bama will throw the Poles under the bus while grovelling for the Chinese to buy more of our securities.

/Funny Sad how things work out 20 years later.

142 laZardo  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:23:55am

re: #136 Karridine

Roger that!

We ARE our brother's keeper, we just can't help all the people all the time, protecting them from themselves...

And I note, Ice, that MOST people commenting here appear to have above-average IQ and significant real-world experience...

If ignorance is bliss, then it's no wonder I'm one of the most cynical, bitter and mean people you'll ever meet.

/ C:

143 Sharmuta  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:24:09am

re: #139 laZardo

Good morning.

144 The Left  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:26:35am

re: #136 Karridine

We ARE our brother's keeper, we just can't help all the people all the time, protecting them from themselves...

So true. So sad too.

And I note, Ice, that MOST people commenting here appear to have above-average IQ and significant real-world experience...

Definitely. Plus the late night crowd is just a groovy crowd in itself.

145 srb1976  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:32:20am

re: #144 iceweasel

Of course we are...it's the nature of graveyard shifts everywhere = )

146 laZardo  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:32:22am

re: #141 Fenway_Nation

From Warsaw Pact to Washington Pact...Poland and Central Europe would still be the first "nuke fodder" if all hell broke loose. I wonder how likely they'd cling to their principles then.

147 Sharmuta  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:32:27am

re: #144 iceweasel

She likes us. She really likes us!

148 BatGuano  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:32:48am

re: #144 iceweasel

I haven't heard the word "groovy" in along time.

149 The Left  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:33:23am

re: #137 srb1976

I've seen a few news stories over the years about some baby dying or being horribly malnourished and on the brink of death because its parents wanted it to have a vegan diet. Or just babies that die because the parents have bought into some 'health' myth or other.

They're kind of like the anti-vaccination crowd, really. Uneducated, illinformed, and harmful.

(Not that there's anything wrong per se with a vegan diet necessarily-- but it IS harmful to a baby!)

150 srb1976  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:35:10am

re: #149 iceweasel

I've seen a few news stories over the years about some baby dying or being horribly malnourished and on the brink of death because its parents wanted it to have a vegan diet. Or just babies that die because the parents have bought into some 'health' myth or other.

They're kind of like the anti-vaccination crowd, really. Uneducated, illinformed, and harmful.

(Not that there's anything wrong per se with a vegan diet necessarily-- but it IS harmful to a baby!)

I've never subscribed to the "If you don't do things my way it's child abuse" attitude, but in cases like that I always find myself wondering....how do they not notice something is wrong? I still don't understand

151 BatGuano  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:36:06am

re: #147 Sharmuta

She likes us. She really likes us!

Like this?

152 The Left  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:38:52am

re: #148 BatGuano

I haven't heard the word "groovy" in along time.

Oh baby...that's one of the many reasons the night shift rocks here. Come for the good discussion, stay for the tunes and the BatGuano! (hee)

And hey, Charles always seems to end his list of registration rules with "and then everything will be groovy" when he opens reg. I got it from him actually.

153 [deleted]  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:39:45am
154 laZardo  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:40:55am

re: #153 Iron Fist

In order to maintain health, they need to take vitamin supplements and other supportive measures (protein has to come from somewhere).


/not sure how that's vegan-haraam...

155 Sharmuta  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:42:08am

Would a vegan consider breast milk as outside a baby's diet?

156 srb1976  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:43:18am

With both of my littles being rather small, we have had to answer some pretty intensive questions about what and how much they eat....esp. when they were newborns, not to mention frequent doctors appts....

I just always wonder how things like that can not be caught until it's too late.....

Sorry, depressing subject for an overnight thread.....

157 BatGuano  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:43:30am

re: #152 iceweasel

Despite his seriosity, Charles is groovy in his own way. :)

158 BatGuano  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:45:49am

re: #152 iceweasel

Oh baby...that's one of the many reasons the night shift rocks here. Come for the good discussion, stay for the tunes and the BatGuano! (hee)

And hey, Charles always seems to end his list of registration rules with "and then everything will be groovy" when he opens reg. I got it from him actually.

Yeah, I thought you were a little young for the patois. ;)

159 Sharmuta  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:47:48am

re: #154 laZardo


/not sure how that's vegan-haraam...

Soy has lots of protein, but I think it's an issue of amino acids?

160 The Left  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:49:35am

re: #153 Iron Fist

A vegan diet, in and of itself, is not sufficient for a human to grow and thrive. In order to maintain health, they need to take vitamin supplements and other supportive measures (protein has to come from somewhere). If this is a choice that an adult makes, then that is their right, even with the potential health consequences. But to put a baby or young child on such a regimen is abuse and/or neglect. It can lead to health problems, and even, as you point out, death.

You are a hundred percent correct. The only problem with a vegan or a vegetarian diet is that you need to know what you're doing. You have to be taking all the correct nutritional supplements and vitamins and whatever measures.
Also the nutritional demands of infants and young children are vastly different than adults, and some of those demands simply can't be met while on a vegan diet, regardless of any of those measures. Especially not for babies.

161 BatGuano  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:53:27am

re: #147 Sharmuta

She moves in her own way.

162 The Left  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:53:58am

re: #155 Sharmuta

Would a vegan consider breast milk as outside a baby's diet?

re: #147 Sharmuta

She likes us. She really likes us!

I have to pop out for a few minutes and I'll be back, but I just wanted to say I really do love you guys. You've made me feel very welcome here and I appreciate that enormously.

163 laZardo  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:54:55am

re: #162 iceweasel

k cheers.

164 [deleted]  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:55:42am
165 BatGuano  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:55:55am

re: #162 iceweasel

I appreciate all view points from all quarters.

166 Karridine  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:56:17am

re: #154 laZardo

Soy IS protein, but from my studies (for doctorate) getting a food-based BALANCE of nutrients is extremely difficult for an ADULT, let alone a baby or toddler... that's why God invented breasts, and don't get me started on the manifold benefits and functions of colostrum!

Vegetables just aint got it!

167 Karridine  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:57:01am

re: #164 Iron Fist

Well said, Sir

168 laZardo  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:57:49am

re: #164 Iron Fist

Greenheart'd for reference. Thanks.

169 ArchangelMichael  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:58:20am

re: #160 iceweasel

Vegan diets are often touted as the best way to lower cholesterol. Plants have no cholesterol in them at all. Sounds great but...

A nutritionist teaching at a college I went to said that the human body can only synthesize 19% of the cholesterol it needs. The rest has to come from animal products and there's no way around it. We have become so indoctrinated in the "cholesterol = bad" mind set because most people get way too much of it that we forget that we do actually need some of it. He might be talking out of his ass, I don't know. Since he's works "in the field" I'll take his word for it until I hear otherwise from a reputable source.

170 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:58:39am

re: #162 iceweasel

Hopefully you'll be back in time for fruitcup.

171 littleoldlady  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 1:59:59am

Good morning, afternoon, evening *everyone*!™

Fruitcup is on the buffet ------------------>
Help yourselves!

172 littleoldlady  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:00:33am

Feh. :-(

/guess it's gonna be that kinda day...

173 pink freud  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:01:05am

re: #171 littleoldlady

Goodmorning my friend! I stayed up just for you. :-)

Well ...and fruitcup too!

174 laZardo  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:01:10am

re: #169 ArchangelMichael

Wasn't there supposed to be "good" and "bad" cholesterol?

/or was that carbs?

175 BatGuano  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:01:18am

re: #171 littleoldlady

Good morning, afternoon, evening *everyone*!™

Fruitcup is on the buffet ------------------>
Help yourselves!

Thank you littleoldlady!

176 laZardo  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:01:25am

re: #170 Fenway_Nation

re: #171 littleoldlady

Mmm, timing.

177 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:01:32am

Yay! Fruitcup and Depeche Mode on my XM feed as a bonus.

/Kareoke night @ casa de Fenway

178 SixDegrees  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:02:12am

re: #159 Sharmuta

Soy has lots of protein, but I think it's an issue of amino acids?

Correct. Protein isn't a problem for vegetarians, but getting the proper mix of amino acids can be. All the required ones are typically present in meat, which is handy; not so much in plant proteins, although they can all be garnered if attention is paid to obtaining all the required bits and pieces from various sources.

179 pink freud  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:02:18am

re: #172 littleoldlady

Feh. :-(

/guess it's gonna be that kinda day...

Are you having a rough day already!?

180 srb1976  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:02:31am

Ack...gotta catch up on what they pay me to do....see y'all after quittin' time in couple hours....later

181 littleoldlady  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:02:37am

pink! pinkpinkpink! :-)

BatGuano! :-)

laZardo! :-)

Fenway! :-)

182 littleoldlady  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:03:07am

re: #179 pink freud

Start early. Do a good job of it. ;-)

183 pink freud  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:03:20am

re: #181 littleoldlady

pink! pinkpinkpink! :-)

BatGuano! :-)

laZardo! :-)

Fenway! :-)

Haha! It's ALWAYS so good to see you, LoL!

184 pink freud  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:04:11am

re: #182 littleoldlady

Start early. Do a good job of it. ;-)

A thing worth doing is worth ding well. ;-)

185 TheMatrix31  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:04:17am

How is GM filing for bankruptcy yet futures are up over a hundred?

186 BatGuano  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:04:52am

re: #171 littleoldlady

You were one second off this time!

187 Karridine  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:05:55am

re: #156 srb1976

SRB, from experience I venture that the health-care providers were ASKING routine, normal questions "Well, are you feeding her enough?" and getting normal answers "Yes, 3 maybe 4 times a day..." but it didn't occur to them until visit #5 or 6, when they reviewed the records and notes of now-rather-rapidly down-spiralling child's problems, that they ask "Wait! WHAT are you feeding her? AND NO, 'a balanced meal' is NOT adequate. WHAT do you mean, "a balanced meal"?

and at THAT point, they realize they're dealing with chronic, severe MALnourishment and chronic, severe MAL-informing parents... (Stuckon stupiditis)

188 littleoldlady  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:06:44am

re: #186 BatGuano


/beating myself up with a wet noodle!

189 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:07:16am

re: #186 BatGuano

You were one second off this time!

Yes....but lives fruitcup hang in the balance.

190 Zimriel  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:07:29am

MTV Music Awards:

Sweeping high above the studio on a harness, [Sasha Baron "Brüno"] Cohen hit an obstacle, spun down toward the audience and landed face down in the lap of Eminem, exposing his naked bottom to both the white rapper and to millions of viewers watching the awards show live on television.

MTV said Eminem stormed out "in a heated rage" after the incident at the Gibson Amphitheatre near Los Angeles where the live awards show was taking place.

191 pink freud  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:07:57am

re: #181 littleoldlady

Ok, I've snatched a fruit cup and I am heading to bed. Goodnight and thank you, Little Old Lady!

Goodnight everyone!

(LoL: we should talk soon! I miss you.)

192 Karridine  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:08:16am

re: #188 littleoldlady

No she weren't! 1:59:59 is PERFECT and much better that 2:00:00

193 littleoldlady  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:09:04am

re: #185 TheMatrix31

Matrix! :-)

The stock market is on KoolAid™

/either that, or it's inflating itself in anticipation of inflation
//mY bLuE pILL tHeoRy

194 BatGuano  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:09:40am

re: #188 littleoldlady


/beating myself up with a wet noodle!

It's okay. Don't beat yourself up! Mmmm, Noodles.

195 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:10:22am

re: #191 pink freud

'Nite Austrian psychoanalyst of the rosey-hued persuasion.

196 littleoldlady  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:10:22am

'Night pink! :-) Great seeing you...even if only for a minute.

Like sheeps in the night...
© Archie Bunker

197 littleoldlady  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:10:46am

Karridine! :-)

198 BatGuano  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:10:57am

re: #189 Fenway_Nation

Yes....but lives fruitcup hang in the balance.

Mmmm. Fruitcup.

199 Sharmuta  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:12:06am

re: #171 littleoldlady

Thank you!

200 BatGuano  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:12:11am

re: #191 pink freud

Ok, I've snatched a fruit cup and I am heading to bed. Goodnight and thank you, Little Old Lady!

Goodnight everyone!

(LoL: we should talk soon! I miss you.)

BY the way, Which one's Pink?

201 TheMatrix31  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:12:42am

re: #190 Zimriel

MTV Music Awards:

LOL I just saw video of this.

Watch before its pulled...

202 BatGuano  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:13:31am

re: #201 TheMatrix31

LOL I just saw video of this.

Watch before its pulled...

It's pulled.

203 littleoldlady  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:13:41am

Sharmuta! :-) :-) :-)

/taking no chances ;-)

204 laZardo  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:13:48am

re: #201 TheMatrix31

Gone. ;_;

205 TheMatrix31  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:15:42am

Wow, pulled already? I watched it 20 minutes ago!

206 rightside  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:15:53am

Morning Lizards.

207 IslandLibertarian  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:16:17am

re: #171 littleoldlady

Speaking of fruit and diets, back in the seventies there was a Hippie named Deer Foot (he was known to have made the Kalalau Trail hike twice in one day, no small feat that). Anyway, he decided to go on a fruitarian diet for health and spiritual reasons. After not seeing him for a while, his friends checked his cottage, found him dead, coroner report : death by malnutrition.

There are many more "Tales from the Garden Isle".........

208 littleoldlady  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:16:18am

rightside! :-)

209 BatGuano  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:16:45am

re: #206 rightside

Morning Lizards.

Good morning, rightside.

210 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:19:15am

Morning, rightside!

211 Zimriel  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:20:48am

re: #201 TheMatrix31

LOL I just saw video of this.

Watch before its pulled...

This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Viacom International Inc

Dude, those lawyers are fast. (And, I think, liable for a countersuit under fair-use grounds.)

212 rightside  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:21:04am




213 littleoldlady  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:22:56am

re: #207 IslandLibertarian

Works both ways. I remember when I was pregnant going in for a doctor's visit and one of the doctors in the OB-GYN group had died the night before. Evidently he was on a strict Atkins diet (or something like that), developed a potassium deficiency and had a heart attack.

Young guy. A doctor, no less. Shoulda known better, one would think.

214 BatGuano  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:24:09am

re: #201 TheMatrix31

Can you give a brief synopsis of what was pulled. Was it something the untalented pos host said?

215 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:24:32am

Ruh-roh! Spinning pinwheel o' doom again...

216 The Left  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:24:49am

re: #165 BatGuano

You rock, sir. That is all. :)

217 theheat  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:25:53am

Speaking of vegetarian, I popped in for a little fruitcup. I'm only a third of the way done cleaning out the spare room, if that, and I think I'm beginning to go stir crazy.

218 The Left  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:27:06am

re: #177 Fenway_Nation

Yay! Fruitcup and Depeche Mode on my XM feed as a bonus.

/Kareoke night @ casa de Fenway

Yay, back in time for Fruitcup and fenway and depeche mode!

219 TheMatrix31  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:27:52am

re: #214 BatGuano

Can you give a brief synopsis of what was pulled. Was it something the untalented pos host said?

Nah, Sacha Baron Cohen's Bruno character was flying around in an angel outfit, with his ass exposed fully. He hit some beam thing and twirled around a bit, and his ass fell straight into Eminem's face (think a certain number with a sexual connotation). Eminem got pissed and dropped F-bombs, etc.

They say it wasn't scripted at all, but obviously I have my doubts. Either way, it was pretty funny.

Here's a pic, at least.

220 littleoldlady  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:28:05am

re: #217 theheat

HEY! I have an idea!


221 theheat  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:29:07am

re: #220 littleoldlady

WOW. Add a little ice cream and a gallon of milk, and I'd think I was in heaven.

222 BatGuano  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:29:33am

re: #219 TheMatrix31

Nah, Sacha Baron Cohen's Bruno character was flying around in an angel outfit, with his ass exposed fully. He hit some beam thing and twirled around a bit, and his ass fell straight into Eminem's face (think a certain number with a sexual connotation). Eminem got pissed and dropped F-bombs, etc.

They say it wasn't scripted at all, but obviously I have my doubts. Either way, it was pretty funny.

Here's a pic, at least.

Thank G-d for censorship!

223 IslandLibertarian  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:30:06am

re: #213 littleoldlady

I've known some doctors that needed doctors.........
by the way, do you peel all the fruit yourself, and did anyone else get a ham and Swiss on rye or was I just lucky?

224 littleoldlady  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:30:14am

re: #221 theheat

Just about all the food groups, too! ;-)

/who says it's hard to be healthy?

225 littleoldlady  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:31:05am

re: #223 IslandLibertarian

Oh, dear! WHO left the leftovers out?!


226 BatGuano  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:31:36am

re: #222 BatGuano

Yeah, I saw the Pic. Blecch!

227 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:31:43am

re: #219 TheMatrix31

Chalk one up for the Freedom of Too Much Information Act.

228 theheat  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:32:10am

re: #224 littleoldlady

It's all about the chocolate to follow up those garden burgers and eggplant parmesans.

I may be vegetarian, but I do Respect The Chocolate. And ice cream. And milk.

229 IslandLibertarian  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:32:55am

re: #225 littleoldlady


230 Zimriel  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:33:05am

re: #226 BatGuano

Yeah, I saw the Pic. Blecch!

"I prefer syrup"

231 theheat  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:34:34am

re: #230 Zimriel

"I prefer syrup"


232 IslandLibertarian  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:35:04am

sure, I can see the writers: "....then we get Eminem to toss the guy in the slings salad..."

233 laZardo  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:35:07am

re: #219 TheMatrix31

Am I the only one who thought that whatever the heck that thing is on the right of the picture was sticking out of Bruno's/Cohen's ass at first glance?

234 littleoldlady  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:35:32am

re: #228 theheat


Somebody - QUICK! - snare that URL before it's taken!

235 BatGuano  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:35:54am

re: #216 iceweasel

You rock, sir. That is all. :)

Welocome, iceweasel. Glad you you are a member of lizardom. It is a really big tent. :)

236 Karridine  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:37:05am

re: #197 littleoldlady

Hi, Sweetie-Beans!

I'm in and out... jasmine-scented suburban Bangkok is RAIN-SOAKED, right now..

Are you well? Happy?

237 theheat  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:37:12am

re: #234 littleoldlady

It's all yours if you want to quick pay godaddy a visit. Has all kinds of potential - from food to pron.

238 IslandLibertarian  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:37:20am

Eminem, born again!

/looks like a natural birth to me..........

239 theheat  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:40:09am

FWIW - I found a neat site tonight. It's a pictorial travel site from a Kiwi. Russia, Egypt, Turkey - all over the globe. Great photos and a little commentary.


240 laZardo  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:40:37am

re: #238 IslandLibertarian

He'll never be quite the same after snapping like that.

241 littleoldlady  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:40:41am

re: #236 Karridine

I love jasmine! :-)

Well and happy? Hmmm... if'n I don't think too much about it I am. ;-)

242 laZardo  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:41:00am

re: #239 theheat

Heh. You said Seaman.

/after what was just posted...

243 Karridine  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:42:03am

re: #241 littleoldlady

Well, then, "I shall not dwell on the unpleasant things of life..."

Makes sense to me!

And with that, I've gotta get offline, lightning could hit the grid...


244 littleoldlady  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:43:19am

re: #243 Karridine

Bye, Karridine! Take care.... :-)

245 srb1976  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:43:53am

Ok, done with the stuff I get paid to do.....bored again....
1 hour and 15 minutes to quittin' time

246 theheat  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:44:07am

re: #242 laZardo

I hope you're saying that like Beavis & Butthead.

"Huh huh. Huh huh. You said seaman. Huh huh."

247 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:44:21am

re: #239 theheat

I'll see you your travelogue and raise you a comprehensive and detailed photo essay of Mexico's post-privatization railways.

248 BatGuano  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:45:21am

re: #242 laZardo

Heh. You said Seaman.

/after what was just posted...

I'm glad you said what I was thinking.

249 laZardo  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:45:26am

re: #246 theheat


250 theheat  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:48:19am

re: #247 Fenway_Nation

Great photos, and great colors. I like all the reds and oranges and yellows. The one of the red train leaning around the corner is pretty dramatic.

251 littleoldlady  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:49:34am

I'll see your travelogue and railroad pix and raise you an awesome cake site.

252 BatGuano  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:49:53am

re: #247 Fenway_Nation

I'll see you your travelogue and raise you a comprehensive and detailed photo essay of Mexico's post-privatization railways.

Great photos!

253 littleoldlady  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:51:01am

And then I'll get moving on my day... :-(

/not that I want to, or anything...

Good day, ALL!™

254 Sharmuta  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:51:25am

Excrement of the bat rear private part. Sorry- still cracking me up.

255 Zimriel  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:51:34am

Cohen're: #240 laZardo

He'll never be quite the same after snapping like that.

I suppose it's out of the question to ask him to turn the other cheek?

I even tried "The Real Slim Shady" on karaoke. I learnt several valuable lessons; for instance, that not all white people can rap...

256 Sharmuta  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:51:35am

re: #253 littleoldlady


257 BatGuano  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:51:58am

re: #253 littleoldlady

Bye littleoldlady. Thank you for the fruitcup.

258 Sharmuta  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:52:06am

re: #255 Zimriel

I even tried "The Real Slim Shady" on karaoke. I learnt several valuable lessons; for instance, that not all white people can rap...


259 laZardo  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:52:41am

re: #255 Zimriel

Straight up.

260 theheat  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:52:56am

re: #251 littleoldlady

Good grief! Those flowers look real. Have you ever visited cakewrecks.com? I go there from time to time for the commentary.

re: #253 littleoldlady

And Good night.

261 BatGuano  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:53:23am

re: #254 Sharmuta

Excrement of the bat rear private part. Sorry- still cracking me up.

Sounds familiar. Is that a crack at me?

262 Zimriel  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:54:04am

re: #258 Sharmuta


I am thankful that cellphone video and youtube were not around in 2002.

263 The Left  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:54:04am

re: #169 ArchangelMichael

Very interesting. I remember hearing that there was some specific problem involving cholesterol with vegetarian diets--a problem with maintaining high enough levels of it, because the human body does need it. I don't remember the details.

I *think* though that it must not be completely impossible-- only because there is one particular Hindu movement which is strict vegetarian:

Many Vaishnavas, especially Gaudiya Vaishnavas follow a strict vegetarian diet, abstaining from meat, fish and eggs. They also abstain from garlic and onions.

This particular Hindu sect is a few hundred years old. I don't know, maybe they have high rates of some illness or problem that correlates with having too low cholesterol? Or very early mortality?

Vegetarianism in Hinduism: [Link: en.wikipedia.org...]

264 Sharmuta  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:55:29am

re: #261 BatGuano

It was Aisha. You should have seen what she said to my nic.

265 Zimriel  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:56:22am

re: #264 Sharmuta

It was Aisha. You should have seen what she said to my nic.

I wonder what happened to her...?

266 laZardo  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:56:43am

Brb, dinner.

267 Sharmuta  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:57:39am

re: #265 Zimriel

"She" was here last night on the over night thread. Called BatGuano "excrement of the bat rear private part". Just two posts, but still funny.

268 BatGuano  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:57:59am

re: #264 Sharmuta

Just joking. :)

269 BatGuano  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:58:38am

Good night, everyone.

270 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:59:16am

re: #250 theheat

If I'm not mistaken, there's a hole-in-the-wall cafeteria located right up against one of the numerous trestles on Ferrosur's busy Mexico City-Veracruz mainline...

Swine Flu and narcoinsurgency be damned...I could see myself plunked down there all damn day.

271 srb1976  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:59:47am

re: #263 iceweasel

I'm not sure about in adults, but in small children (up to I think age 5?) cholesterol is important to brain development.....don't know all the details...sorry

272 theheat  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 2:59:52am

re: #269 BatGuano

'Night, BatGuano.

273 theheat  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:00:50am

re: #270 Fenway_Nation

I like rusty metal and cactus and wide open places. And Mexican food, of course.

274 Sharmuta  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:01:29am

re: #269 BatGuano


275 The Left  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:02:01am

re: #187 Karridine

SRB, from experience I venture that the health-care providers were ASKING routine, normal questions "Well, are you feeding her enough?" and getting normal answers "Yes, 3 maybe 4 times a day..." but it didn't occur to them until visit #5 or 6, when they reviewed the records and notes of now-rather-rapidly down-spiralling child's problems, that they ask "Wait! WHAT are you feeding her? AND NO, 'a balanced meal' is NOT adequate. WHAT do you mean, "a balanced meal"?

and at THAT point, they realize they're dealing with chronic, severe MALnourishment and chronic, severe MAL-informing parents... (Stuckon stupiditis)

That's exactly the sort of situation I've read about in the news. There have also been a couple of high profile cases of mothers who didn't realise that their infants weren't getting enough milk from breastfeeding.

Another reason this happens is that the parents don't *see* the deterioration in their child, because they see the baby all the time every day. They're not deliberately neglectful or trying to cause harm, they're woefully malinformed.

276 Zimriel  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:02:43am

To completely switch gears, I recommend the movie "Up". Bring tissues.

277 theheat  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:03:09am

re: #271 srb1976

I don't remember if it was in the newspaper, or online, but several years ago I read fat is important to brain development in infants and growing children. It applies to human babies as well as mammal babies.

278 srb1976  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:03:57am

re: #276 Zimriel

To completely switch gears, I recommend the movie "Up". Bring tissues.

Was thinking about taking the little man to see that, probably not til next week tho (less crowded theaters are better when you bring a 4 year old).

279 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:04:54am

re: #273 theheat

To the credit of the new entities south of the border (Ferrosur, TFM and Ferromex), there's been alot less rusty metal these past 11 years.

280 srb1976  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:05:28am

re: #277 theheat

That's probably why our ped. says to keep the kiddies on whole milk for awhile longer = )

281 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:05:44am

re: #272 theheat

'Night excrement of the bat's hindquarters.

282 haakondahl  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:07:07am

re: #136 Karridine

And I note, Ice, that MOST people commenting here appear to have above-average IQ and significant real-world experience...

Thank you. You are too kind.

283 theheat  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:07:58am

re: #279 Fenway_Nation

But, but, but... I like rusty metal. I like it so much I made some of the interior of my office (doors, planters, file cabinets) look like rusty metal.

284 The Left  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:08:49am

re: #269 BatGuano

Bye, BatGuano. Take care of yourself.

285 srb1976  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:11:03am

re: #269 BatGuano

I'm sure it's too late by now...but good night = )

286 theheat  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:11:16am

re: #280 srb1976

Mine ate everything under the sun, and grew up to be a huge, strapping boy. I think parents that are so uptight they restrict a growing kids' intake need a new hobby, like moving sand with tweezers.

287 Sharmuta  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:11:59am

re: #276 Zimriel

To completely switch gears, I recommend the movie "Up". Bring tissues.

I love Pixar movies. Thanks for the heads up.

288 Spare O'Lake  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:12:09am

Good Morning LGF.

289 haakondahl  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:13:55am

re: #54 srb1976

Oh...better half is retired navy....he would just say Master Chief... I think...and no, you can't argue with them....no one can....

Well, noone does. For those who can argue with a Master Chief, it would be unseemly to actually do so. There are better ways.

290 theheat  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:14:19am

re: #288 Spare O'Lake

Good morning!

291 srb1976  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:14:21am

re: #286 theheat

I've got one of each....one eats everything she can get her hands on (and is still TINY), the other barely eats anything (an exaggeration, but he really is quite picky).

Since both of them were small for their age as babies (she still is, him not as much) we were grilled by their doc pretty regularly on what and how often they were being fed

292 srb1976  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:15:09am

re: #288 Spare O'Lake


293 haakondahl  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:16:59am

re: #74 Gus 802

Yep. I hate to be cryptic but I don't like to bring them up.

Agreed. The next thing that comes up is usually lunch.

294 theheat  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:17:26am

re: #291 srb1976

Oh, how lucky your little girl is. I was one of those until I hit about 45. Now I have to watch everything I put in my mouth so I don't get too Rubenesque. I guess it happens to even the skinniest of girls.

My son was a nine pound tub of goo when he was born. Ate like a horse his whole life, got to be 6'2" and 215. I would have lost an arm if I'd tried to put him on a diet ;-)

295 haakondahl  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:21:04am

re: #90 FurryOldGuyJeans

Only four professions do I not want to see busy:

A) ER Staff

B) Police


D) Military

Does anybody here recall when the MSM's wounded victim of the day was the undertaking industry in Iraq, as the surge gained traction and the death rate came down across the board?

The MSM has a patent on reconstituting lemons from lemonade.

296 The Left  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:21:29am

re: #271 srb1976

I'm not sure about in adults, but in small children (up to I think age 5?) cholesterol is important to brain development.....don't know all the details...sorry

I can believe it.

I know hardly anything about nutrition. I know just enough to know that it's very complicated and that a person can't simply eliminate all meat from their diet, or all meat and dairy and eggs like vegans, unless they really know what they're doing. You have to make sure you're making up those deficiencies by taking the requisite vitamin supplements and whatever else.

As was said above, we evolved as omnivores. It doesn't mean we *have* to be carnivores, but those deficiencies have to be made up.

I learned this the hard way.

297 srb1976  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:22:08am

re: #294 theheat

Well, if genetics are anything to go by, it'll only last til she's 30 or so....but that's a long way off.

Lucky for us, she eats the good stuff too, not just the junk

298 theheat  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:24:05am

re: #297 srb1976

Nice to have a kid you don't have to force to eat Brussels sprouts.

299 srb1976  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:24:56am

re: #296 iceweasel

I know more than one person who cut out red meat from their diet and was told to add it back in, because they developed anemia......

Me, I like a good medium rare steak too much to want to give it up = )

300 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:26:49am

Bowie, The Cult, Sisters of Mercy, Love & Rockets....

One second, I'm thinking to mysefl 'Awesome...I haven't heard that song in ages, but what about....?' And the next song is exactly the song I was wondering about.

Kinda eerie how XM/Sirius somehow pulls this off.

301 srb1976  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:27:01am

re: #298 theheat

Nice to have a kid you don't have to force to eat Brussels sprouts.

True, brussels sprouts, broccoli, carrots.....your fingers it you're too slow = )

but she is much easier to keep fed than her brother, who would live on pancakes, bacon and popcorn if we let him = )

302 haakondahl  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:27:47am

re: #118 neocon hippie

Bob in Breckenridge? When did he go over the edge?

News to me as well. He didn't seem like a flouncer, so perhaps it's worse (faint praise, indeed).

303 theheat  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:28:01am

re: #299 srb1976

Odd trivia, but I read once Barbara Stanwyck helped to keep her trim figure by only chewing rare steak, but never swallowing it.

Weird, huh?

304 srb1976  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:29:11am

re: #303 theheat

Wierd....and kind of...eewww also

305 haakondahl  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:30:00am

re: #300 Fenway_Nation

Bowie, The Cult, Sisters of Mercy, Love & Rockets....

One second, I'm thinking to mysefl 'Awesome...I haven't heard that song in ages, but what about....?' And the next song is exactly the song I was wondering about.

Kinda eerie how XM/Sirius somehow pulls this off.

Nice. What's the SID/Name?

306 Spare O'Lake  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:30:28am
Obama Threat to Sell Out Israel at UN
The Obama administration is considering reducing its support for Israel in the UN if Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu does not agree to freeze settlement construction, US officials were quoted by the New York Times as saying.
According to Monday's report, measures being considered include refraining from the Security Council veto of United Nations resolutions that Israel opposes and making use of President Barack Obama's "bully pulpit" to criticize the settlements.

Of course Obama will take no action to stop Iranian and Nork nukes. Instead, he shows what a big man he is by screwing America's staunch ally Israel.

307 theheat  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:31:20am

re: #304 srb1976

Also weird, I don't eat meat any more, but I can't help but lick the pan after I cook steak for Mr. Heat. Something about that dark gooey stuff left in the pan after you cook a steak. I probably miss that more than the steak itself.

308 srb1976  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:32:34am

re: #307 theheat

Yay! Pan drippings.....you can make great sauces from that stuff too = )

309 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:32:45am

re: #305 haakondahl

Huh? This is the 'Classic Alternative Channel', which I think they're calling First Wave.

/And another Depeche Mode song comes up

310 theheat  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:34:46am

re: #308 srb1976

Trust me, after I clean a pan, there isn't enough left to make anything.

Well, it's been great visiting with everyone, but I'm going to try to go through one more corner of the spare room before I hit the hay. Good night, All.

311 Pass The Moonbaticide  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:35:22am

Has anybody else tried and failed to register on the stalker site ?

I am thoroughly fed up of their infantile calling of Charles as 'Chuckles'. What are they ... Five year olds ? Anyway, I wanted to register and tell them to grow up and have a modicum of adult discussion, but it kept claiming failure of the 'Validation Code' entry. Even when the code was as clear as day. I tried ten times ... Not one was accepted.

I was also going to challenge them on the clearly wicked act of murder of Dr. Tiller inside a Place of Worship, which - irrespective of your views on late term abortion - is clearly a violation of the church as a place of Sanctuary. (Most Churches even call their meeting places 'Sanctuaries'). Yet this simple fact seems to have been overlooked.

312 SixDegrees  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:36:53am

re: #193 littleoldlady

Matrix! :-)

The stock market is on KoolAid™

/either that, or it's inflating itself in anticipation of inflation
//mY bLuE pILL tHeoRy

The GM shoe is expected to finally drop today. Not the most welcome news, but the market hates uncertainty more than anything else, and at least this brings certainty along with it.

313 SixDegrees  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:40:24am

An Air France jetliner has disappeared en route from Rio de Janiero to Paris with 228 on board.

314 haakondahl  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:43:41am

re: #313 SixDegrees

An Air France jetliner has disappeared en route from Rio de Janiero to Paris with 228 on board.

Perhaps the Atlantic Ocean refused them overflight rights.

315 The Left  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:45:48am

re: #303 theheat

Odd trivia, but I read once Barbara Stanwyck helped to keep her trim figure by only chewing rare steak, but never swallowing it.

Weird, huh?

Very weird. And creepy! All I can think of is that scene in Rosemary's Baby where Mia Farrow suddenly finds herself craving raw and bloody meat.


316 Fenway_Nation  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:48:08am

Well....I'm off.

Congrats to all the lizards who outlasted me. Wait....is this a contest?


317 Spare O'Lake  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:55:53am

Canadian Governer General Michaelle Jean cut a piece of a bloody seal heart out of a freshly killed seal - and ate it raw!
Now that's a REAL meat eater.

318 yochanan  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 4:00:17am

rarely would i link to NPR

[Link: www.npr.org...]

319 haakondahl  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 4:02:25am

I'm looking for the area of Fernando de Noronha, where an emergency center is being set up for the Air France flight. This is supposed to be an island 226 miles off the Brazilian mainland, but Google Maps is flaky for me today.
I sure hope this is some sort of comms screw up. Haven't seen anything yet as to whether it disappeared off of radar, or whether it simply hasn't checked in.

320 TheMatrix31  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 4:03:14am

Airport official says "we've lost hope", according to FNC.

321 haakondahl  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 4:13:26am

From CNN:

(CNN) -- A French passenger aircraft carrying 228 people has disappeared off the coast of Brazil, airline officials say.

Air France told CNN the jet was making the 11-hour flight from Rio de Janeiro to Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris when contact was lost.

The airline said flight AF447 was carrying 216 passengers in addition to a crew of 12. The plane is listed as an Airbus A330.

A crisis center is being set up at Charles de Gaulle where the plane had been due to land at 11.15 a.m. local time.

"We are very worried," an aviation official told Agence Frane-Presse. "The plane disappeared from the screens several hours ago. It could be a transponder problem, but this kind of fault is very rare and the plane did not land when expected."

Reports said an air force search and rescue operation was underway around the Brazilian island of Fernando de Noronha, 365 kilometers (226 miles) off the mainland.

The Airbus 330 is a twin-engine long-range aircraft introduced into commercial aviation in the 1990s. CNN air travel expert Richard Quest says the plane, a workhorse of trans-Atlantic routes, has an impeccable safety record.

"It has very good range, and is extremely popular with airlines because of its versatility," he said.

It is now 1310 Paris time. The flight was due in about two hours ago. Fernando de Noronha looks to be about a third of the way from Rio to Paris, an eleven hour flight. If that is the vicinity of the last contact, then contact seems to have been lost about nine hours ago, perhaps three or four hours into the flight.

This does not look good.

322 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 4:15:04am

Still trying to wrap my head around SpaceJesus being in the top comments from yesterday.

What's next? Armageddon?

323 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 4:19:12am

re: #311 Pass The Moonbaticide

Not worth the effort. I did it once (before you had to register) just to give someone a little friendly nudge, didn't make me feel better (I thought it would), pissed them off (which, oddly, didn't make me feel any better) and now my glorious nic is sitting over there...festering... and I am the one who put it there.

324 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 4:21:59am

re: #317 Spare O'Lake

To survive? Hell I could do that.

To make a political point, I could not. John Kerry's murder of the two geese for show, still pisses me off.

325 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 4:23:30am

re: #321 haakondahl

No, it does not look good at all.

It is sad, I just had a moment where I thought "Gosh, I hope it was engine failure and not a terrorist attack". I should have thought, "Gosh, I hope everyone is okay."

What a world.

326 haakondahl  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 4:29:05am

re: #324 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

To survive? Hell I could do that.

To make a political point, I could not. John Kerry's murder of the two geese for show, still pisses me off.

"They were CONES!"

327 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 4:29:09am

I'll just sit here and chat with myself a bit.

328 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 4:29:28am

re: #326 haakondahl


329 Hengineer  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 4:31:39am

re: #325 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

No, it does not look good at all.

It is sad, I just had a moment where I thought "Gosh, I hope it was engine failure and not a terrorist attack". I should have thought, "Gosh, I hope everyone is okay."

What a world.

How about "Gosh I wish that hadn't happened?


330 rightside  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 4:35:09am

re: #329 Hengineer

At sea?

331 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 4:35:25am

re: #329 Hengineer


I remember in the late 80's a comedian sitting in the Dr's office. Finds out it is only syphilis and runs out into the streets shouting for joy that it is only syphilis.

Kind of like that.

332 The Left  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 4:36:02am

Hey FBV! I've been meaning to ask you for forever--are you really vegetarian?

333 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 4:36:13am

re: #326 haakondahl

There's a bird called a "Cone"?

334 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 4:36:49am

re: #332 iceweasel

Yeah, Baby, Yeah! Very strict (but not a vegan).

335 3 wood  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 4:36:57am

PRAVDA (no not the New York Times, the real PRAVDA) has the following editorial about the US shift to Marxism:
American capitalism gone with a whimper

It must be said, that like the breaking of a great dam, the American decent into Marxism is happening with breath taking speed, against the back drop of a passive, hapless sheeple, excuse me dear reader, I meant people.

There have been some denying that we are shifting into socialism, let alone Marxism. Well, the Russians sure think we are becoming Marxists.

How did we get to this state?

First, the population was dumbed down through a politicized and substandard education system based on pop culture, rather then the classics. Americans know more about their favorite TV dramas then the drama in DC that directly affects their lives. They care more for their "right" to choke down a McDonalds burger or a BurgerKing burger than for their constitutional rights. Then they turn around and lecture us about our rights and about our "democracy". Pride blind the foolish.

Then their faith in God was destroyed, until their churches, all tens of thousands of different "branches and denominations" were for the most part little more then Sunday circuses and their televangelists and top protestant mega preachers were more then happy to sell out their souls and flocks to be on the "winning" side of one pseudo Marxist politician or another. Their flocks may complain, but when explained that they would be on the "winning" side, their flocks were ever so quick to reject Christ in hopes for earthly power. Even our Holy Orthodox churches are scandalously liberalized in America.

The final collapse has come with the election of Barack Obama. His speed in the past three months has been truly impressive. His spending and money printing has been a record setting, not just in America's short history but in the world. If this keeps up for more then another year, and there is no sign that it will not, America at best will resemble the Wiemar Republic and at worst Zimbabwe.

And then they really call out Obama:

Then came Barack Obama's command that GM's (General Motor) president step down from leadership of his company. That is correct, dear reader, in the land of "pure" free markets, the American president now has the power, the self given power, to fire CEOs and we can assume other employees of private companies, at will. Come hither, go dither, the centurion commands his minions.

So it should be no surprise, that the American president has followed this up with a "bold" move of declaring that he and another group of unelected, chosen stooges will now redesign the entire automotive industry and will even be the guarantee of automobile policies. I am sure that if given the chance, they would happily try and redesign it for the whole of the world, too. Prime Minister Putin, less then two months ago, warned Obama and UK's Blair, not to follow the path to Marxism, it only leads to disaster. Apparently, even though we suffered 70 years of this Western sponsored horror show, we know nothing, as foolish, drunken Russians, so let our "wise" Anglo-Saxon fools find out the folly of their own pride.

So the next time you see someone deny that the US is shifting into Marxisim, just link to this editorial.

336 The Left  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 4:37:50am

re: #324 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

To survive? Hell I could do that.

To make a political point, I could not. John Kerry's murder of the two geese for show, still pisses me off.

Poo, this is what I meant to reply to above when I said hi to you.

337 freetoken  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 4:40:10am

re: #335 3 wood

That makes 4, I think. I guessed that the article linked would be so about 5 times here.

338 3 wood  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 4:41:22am

GM bankruptcy:
GM Bankruptcy Filing Will Bring Taxpayer Ownership, Less Debt

June 1 (Bloomberg) -- General Motors Corp., the world’s largest automaker for 77 years, began filing for bankruptcy by putting a New York affiliate into Chapter 11, a landmark for an industry that defined American economic might.

Chevrolet-Saturn of Harlem Inc., sought bankruptcy protection today, the first of many filings in the Chapter 11 process. While GM hasn’t yet filed, the affiliate called the parent company a “debtor in possession under Chapter 11,” in court documents.

The move follows the bankruptcy filing of Chrysler LLC and represents the Obama administration’s attempt to remake a 100- year-old company that became burdened by higher costs than competitors and a reliance on fuel-guzzling light trucks as gasoline prices rose. Japan’s Toyota Motor Corp. surpassed Detroit-based GM last year as the world’s largest a


ObamaMotors soon coming to a dealership near you.

339 rightside  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 4:41:45am

re: #335 3 wood

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, Over!

340 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 4:42:14am

re: #337 freetoken

And the first time that I saw it. I probably did not click the link to read it, I prefer copy and paste like he did it.

Repetition Rocks!

Mornin' Wood!

341 razorbacker  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 4:44:23am

re: #317 Spare O'Lake


I can't think of a tougher muscle than the heart. Have to admire Canadian dentistry.

342 The Left  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 4:45:30am

re: #334 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Yeah, Baby, Yeah! Very strict (but not a vegan).

incredibly cool!

Personally I think there is a water-tight case for vegetarianism morally, ethically and politically.

Can I ask you --What were your reasons for becoming veggie and why are you not a vegan?--I think the case for becoming a vegan is less clear, and also I'm damn lazy and love cheese more than life.

343 3 wood  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 4:45:42am

Looks like Citigroup will be the only bank that will be run 100% by the Marxists:
Citigroup Stuck With Bernanke Offer Rival Banks Plan to Refuse

When financial stocks slumped in February to the lowest level in at least 17 years, U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke told Congress the government might end up owning “substantial” stakes in the country’s biggest banks.

Three months later, New York-based Citigroup Inc. may be the only large bank that has to accept his offer.

Bank of America Corp., Wells Fargo & Co. and seven other firms judged to need extra capital by the Fed’s “stress tests” plan to raise the required $69.1 billion through a combination of share offerings, asset sales, private securities exchanges and earnings. They w

ill do anything to escape the government meddling that probably awaits Citigroup, said Philip Orlando, who helps manage $410 billion as the New York-based chief equity strategist of Federated Investors Inc.

Look for Obama to take further steps to take of the rest of the banks.

344 3 wood  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 4:47:30am

re: #339 rightside

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, Over!

If anyone can recognize a Marxist, I would guess it is the Russians.

And when they look at Obama and his supporters, they see them.

345 haakondahl  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 4:48:58am

re: #333 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

There's a bird called a "Cone"?

The Wedding Singer:

"What if those had been kids? You wiped out three of those cones!"

[exasperated silence] ... "They were CONES!"

If shooting geese is murder, then scandalous glances are assault, and waterboarding is torture. Still--too bad for the little honkers.

346 Mithrax  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 4:50:02am

re: #338 3 wood

GM bankruptcy:
GM Bankruptcy Filing Will Bring Taxpayer Ownership, Less Debt

ObamaMotors soon coming to a dealership near you.

Yup. I'm in a GM town in Canada, and that sound you hear is the collective puckering of every rear end in this city.

347 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 4:51:34am

re: #342 iceweasel

Don't want to kill an animal to eat, I can survive just fine on veggies.

I was vegan for three years (felt great, actually), but I travel so much, that every time I ate in a non-Chinese type restaurant it became like the Spanish Inquisition with me and the waitress trying to find out what was in this, what was in that.

Plus I like cheese. And did not want to continue to live without cake.

I do not speak of ethical and morals when it comes to my choice though. I have enough shortages in those categories to be smug about it.

348 3 wood  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 4:52:14am

China is still financing the US:
Treasuries, Dollar ‘Only Game in Town’ as China Buys (Update2)

June 1 (Bloomberg) -- For all the hand-wringing over the dollar’s slide, the expanding U.S. deficit and the nation’s AAA credit rating, the bond market shows international demand for American financial assets is as high as ever.

The Federal Reserve’s holdings of Treasuries on behalf of central banks and institutions from China to Norway rose by $68.8 billion, or 3.3 percent, in May, the third most on record, data compiled by Bloomberg show. The Treasury said bidding from foreigners was above average at its $101 billion of note auctions last week.

U.S. government securities have tumbled 4.3 percent so far this year, the worst performance since Merrill Lynch & Co. began tracking returns in 1978, as so-called bond vigilantes drove up yields to punish President Barack Obama for quadrupling the budget shortfall to $1.85 trillion. The purchases by foreigners show that, at least for now, there’s little chance of buyers abandoning the U.S. or threatening the dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency.

349 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 4:52:19am

re: #345 haakondahl

Thanks for explaining. I was still a bit perplexed.

350 haakondahl  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 4:53:36am

re: #346 Mithrax

Yup. I'm in a GM town in Canada, and that sound you hear is the collective puckering of every rear end in this city.

How very appropriate, Tovarishch.

351 3 wood  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 4:54:00am

Got to go to work to pay for Comrade Obama's last night out with the Mrs.

352 Mithrax  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 4:55:39am

re: #350 haakondahl

How very appropriate, Tovarishch.

Lol. Never noticed that pun.

353 haakondahl  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 4:55:53am
"Apparently, even though we suffered 70 years of this Western sponsored horror show, we know nothing, as foolish, drunken Russians"

Unless he is referring to Karl Marx, the Westernness of the Soviet horror show has been greatly overstated by the adolescent editorial board of the least-edited paper in the world.

354 h-4  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 4:56:15am

re: #338 3 wood

[Link: www.google.com...]

355 razorbacker  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 4:57:07am

I see that vegetarianism has been a topic of discussion. I would not seek to demand that anyone refrain from vegetarianism, but I would beg you to consider the plight of the poor animals who have to die for your chosen lifestyle.

356 haakondahl  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 4:58:56am

I'm a member of PETA.

People for Eating Tasty Animals.

357 The Left  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 4:59:52am

re: #345 haakondahl

The Wedding Singer:

"What if those had been kids? You wiped out three of those cones!"

[exasperated silence] ... "They were CONES!"

If shooting geese is murder, then scandalous glances are assault, and waterboarding is torture. Still--too bad for the little honkers.

Well, some people think it's wrong to shoot geese purely for a photo-op.

It's possible to be a vegetarian personally and yet support hunting. Especially the kind of hunting that is done because someone needs to eat, and/or that has the effect of actually helping to maintain the ecosystem (deer, for example). Responsible hunting in many cases is beneficial to the animal population and the ecosystem.

358 Spare O'Lake  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 5:00:18am

re: #355 razorbacker

I see that vegetarianism has been a topic of discussion. I would not seek to demand that anyone refrain from vegetarianism, but I would beg you to consider the plight of the poor animals who have to die for your chosen lifestyle.

We could let the pigs, sheep, goats and cows run free and multiply in the wilderness./

359 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 5:04:13am

Hey, c'mon y'all! He asked.

360 Spare O'Lake  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 5:06:46am

The Canada Goose has become a plague.
They must be culled.

361 Nevergiveup  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 5:07:11am

Good Bye GM.

362 Nevergiveup  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 5:08:38am

Egypt rejects U.S. plan for Arab-Israeli normalization

[Link: www.haaretz.com...]

How's that reaching out going Obama?

363 [deleted]  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 5:09:49am
364 Nevergiveup  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 5:10:40am

The last survivor of the Titanic passed away. I wonder if she really did throw that jewel back into the Atlantic?

365 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 5:10:49am

re: #361 Nevergiveup

They made the 1984 Pontiac Sunbird that my wife and I bought. Was the last new American car I ever purchased.

I am sorry for their plight, but, the f**ked me so hard...

366 [deleted]  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 5:11:06am
367 [deleted]  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 5:12:21am
368 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 5:13:48am

re: #367 taxfreekiller

Absolutely true.

369 Nevergiveup  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 5:14:06am

GUANTANAMO BAY NAVY BASE, Cuba -- These captives already get to order fast-food takeout from the base and have access to a phone booth for weekly calls. Now some 17 Uighur Muslims awaiting a nation to grant them asylum are about to go high-tech, with laptops and web training

[Link: www.miamiherald.com...]

And we ( America ) are the mistreating them? WTF?

370 razorbacker  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 5:15:30am

If you wish to eat only non-animal food products, I have to quarrel with you. But to claim that you do so from some love of animals and a desire to not kill them for your benefit is simply mistaken.

Those grains, fruits, and vegetables that you are eating don't just magically appear. They are cultivated. Their cultivation requires the clearing of forests and destruction of wildlife habitat. Species seldom disappear from overhunting, but from the loss of suitable living spaces. Every acre of plowed field is an acre of woodland that is no longer available for those cute woodland creatures.

Dodo birds? Hunted to extinction. Passenger pigeons? Hunted to extinction. There are cases where animals have been hunted out of existance. But if there are no wild places for animals to live and breed, there are no places for them to exist. Which has more animals living on it, an acre of cornfield, or an acre of forest?

371 Spare O'Lake  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 5:17:01am

re: #365 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

They made the 1984 Pontiac Sunbird that my wife and I bought. Was the last new American car I ever purchased.

I am sorry for their plight, but, the f**ked me so hard...

I had a Sunbird convertible back in the late '80s/early '90s.
4 cylinder turbo, surprisingly peppy.
Loved it.

372 Nevergiveup  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 5:17:12am

The Obama administration is considering reducing its support for Israel in the UN if Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu does not agree to freeze settlement construction, US officials were quoted by the New York Times as saying.

[Link: www.jpost.com...]

I hope all my liberal Jewish friends and relatives who voted for Obama are happy now? And for those's out there who did not think President Bush was a GREAT friend to Israel, well what can I say.

373 jcm  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 5:19:07am

re: #370 razorbacker

If you wish to eat only non-animal food products, I have to quarrel with you. But to claim that you do so from some love of animals and a desire to not kill them for your benefit is simply mistaken.

Those grains, fruits, and vegetables that you are eating don't just magically appear. They are cultivated. Their cultivation requires the clearing of forests and destruction of wildlife habitat. Species seldom disappear from overhunting, but from the loss of suitable living spaces. Every acre of plowed field is an acre of woodland that is no longer available for those cute woodland creatures.

Dodo birds? Hunted to extinction. Passenger pigeons? Hunted to extinction. There are cases where animals have been hunted out of existance. But if there are no wild places for animals to live and breed, there are no places for them to exist. Which has more animals living on it, an acre of cornfield, or an acre of forest?

One one thing to do then....


Morning Honcos!

374 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 5:19:11am

re: #371 Spare O'Lake

Freeze plugs rusted out of mine. I didn't know what a freeze plug was. Now that I know, I'd probably want them made of something that doesn't rust.

375 [deleted]  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 5:22:28am
376 jcm  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 5:25:16am

re: #374 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Freeze plugs rusted out of mine. I didn't know what a freeze plug was. Now that I know, I'd probably want them made of something that doesn't rust.

You want all those people who make freeze plugs to lose they jobs don't you!


377 The Left  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 5:25:52am

re: #347 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

re: #347 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Don't want to kill an animal to eat, I can survive just fine on veggies.

I was vegan for three years (felt great, actually), but I travel so much, that every time I ate in a non-Chinese type restaurant it became like the Spanish Inquisition with me and the waitress trying to find out what was in this, what was in that.

Plus I like cheese. And did not want to continue to live without cake.

I do not speak of ethical and morals when it comes to my choice though. I have enough shortages in those categories to be smug about it.

That's really cool.

I was vegetarian for a while. After about 3 years I got sick. It was precipitated by a B12 vitamin deficiency.

I'm too damn lazy to do what i should do to eat a balanced diet and learn how to do so while being vegetarian.

I never had any interest in telling other people what they should eat or how they should live. I'm further reminded of my own moral and ethical shortcomings every day because my laziness trumped my convictions. Not that I needed reminding, because this is far from the only category where I fall short myself....

Anyway, kudos to you. I admire you.

378 soxfan4life  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 5:26:03am

re: #372 Nevergiveup

The Obama administration is considering reducing its support for Israel in the UN if Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu does not agree to freeze settlement construction, US officials were quoted by the New York Times as saying.

[Link: www.jpost.com...]

I hope all my liberal Jewish friends and relatives who voted for Obama are happy now? And for those's out there who did not think President Bush was a GREAT friend to Israel, well what can I say.

They not only wish for an end to Israel but also an end to America.

379 jcm  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 5:27:34am

re: #377 iceweasel

In college militant vegans where all over the place. One day one girl I knew from some classes cam up to me at lunch and demand to know what was in my sandwich.

I looked her in the eye, smiled, and said "dead pig."

380 The Left  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 5:39:41am

re: #379 jcm

Good for you.
I have no patience or time whatsoever for the kind of vegetarian or vegan who wants to go around telling other people what they can and can't eat. I hate those people and hated them even when i was vegetarian.

Probably one of my core political principles is that we don't invade other people's privacy and we don't interfere with their personal decisions. Do whatever you want in your bedroom or your kitchen or whatever, it's none of my business. Worship any god, no god, many gods.

Don't interfere with my liberty to make decisions, that's all I ask.

To be slightly less harsh on this girl who harassed you, a lot of people in college are over-the-top and confrontational and then grow out of it. It's almost like part of growing out of adolescence.

381 Sharmuta  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 5:44:35am

re: #380 iceweasel

I always think of the C.S. Lewis quote about "omnipotent moral busybodies".

382 jcm  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 5:44:59am

re: #380 iceweasel

Good for you.
I have no patience or time whatsoever for the kind of vegetarian or vegan who wants to go around telling other people what they can and can't eat. I hate those people and hated them even when i was vegetarian.

Probably one of my core political principles is that we don't invade other people's privacy and we don't interfere with their personal decisions. Do whatever you want in your bedroom or your kitchen or whatever, it's none of my business. Worship any god, no god, many gods.

Don't interfere with my liberty to make decisions, that's all I ask.

To be slightly less harsh on this girl who harassed you, a lot of people in college are over-the-top and confrontational and then grow out of it. It's almost like part of growing out of adolescence.

I went back to school after my first career fizzled out. Lot of fun being the cranky old conservative on a liberal campus.

383 legalpad  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 5:46:08am

re: #370 razorbacker

Some people are not concerned with hunting or even that animals are killed, but how they are killed. Slow strangulation, for example, in the case of pigs. Then some are concerned with how chickens are forced to live, those that are not free-range chickens.

These days, in an age of very sophisticated supplements it is really not hard to be vegetarian, vegan, or simply to be picky whose meat product you support.

384 jcm  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 5:47:35am

re: #381 Sharmuta

I always think of the C.S. Lewis quote about "omnipotent moral busybodies".

Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.
C. S. Lewis

385 3 wood  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 5:49:09am

For those who want government to be more involved in their lives, her comes ObamaCare:

Barack Obama's health plan takes shape

If Congress were to take a vote on a health reform bill today, Democrats and Republicans would find a surprising level of agreement — so much so that the broad outlines of a consensus plan already are taking shape.

Sick or healthy
, rich or poor, all Americans would be guaranteed access to health insurance.

In fact, they’d probably be required to purchase it — perhaps through mandates in the law that would include stiff tax penalties for anyone who tried to opt out.

Newly created insurance marketplaces would make finding a plan as easy as shopping for cheap airfare. People could keep their coverage, even if they switched jobs. And they might be able to choose between private insurers and a government-backed plan.

But here’s the catch — none of this would come free, with the wealthiest Americans likely to face higher taxes to help pay for coverage for all.

Understand though, that the term "wealthiest Americans" will end up being defined as anybody with a job.

386 legalpad  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 5:51:18am

re: #382 jcm

I went back to school after my first career fizzled out. Lot of fun being the cranky old conservative on a liberal campus.

That is fun. I've done that a couple of times, and am planning on doing again soon. I remember one speech class I took and how everybody reacted to my speech.

387 Nevergiveup  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 5:54:00am

re: #385 3 wood

There is a surprising level of agreement because they are all ignorant sluts and have no idea what they are proposing will ruin health care as we know it.

388 The Left  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 5:54:23am

Well said and completely right. A lot of the people who are motivated to become vegetarian or vegan do so because of specific concerns about the *way* animals are killed or concerns about the conditions under which they live. Factory farming, for example.

Similarly, some people choose not to be vegan or vegetarian, but to be very choosy about where those products come from. Free-range chicken only, etc.

389 The Left  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 5:55:51am

re: #383 legalpad

What the heck? I'm screwing up today on this... I mean this post in response to you:

Well said and completely right. A lot of the people who are motivated to become vegetarian or vegan do so because of specific concerns about the *way* animals are killed or concerns about the conditions under which they live. Factory farming, for example.

Similarly, some people choose not to be vegan or vegetarian, but to be very choosy about where those products come from. Free-range chicken only, etc.


390 jcm  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 5:55:53am

re: #386 legalpad

That is fun. I've done that a couple of times, and am planning on doing again soon. I remember one speech class I took and how everybody reacted to my speech.


I took as many history classes as I could. I had one very liberal history prof we'd couldn't go through a classes with out a major disagreement over something. Fun part it was never personal she enjoyed having some who would engage during class and not just nod their heads. My classmates could figure out how we'd be hammer and tongs during class, but most mornings we'd have coffee together.

391 Sharmuta  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 5:57:02am

re: #384 jcm

Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.
C. S. Lewis

Always worth repeating.

392 jcm  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 5:57:38am

re: #386 legalpad

That is fun. I've done that a couple of times, and am planning on doing again soon. I remember one speech class I took and how everybody reacted to my speech.

I'm considering going back also. I'm in job now for 7 years completely different form my degree..... my be nice to know what heck I'm doing.

393 legalpad  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 5:58:23am

re: #389 iceweasel

I screw up all the time, typing in these little boxes.

394 Jewels (AKA Julian)  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:01:30am

Ivory towers teem with invertebrates

[Link: news.bostonherald.com...]

395 _RememberTonyC  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:03:06am

the quote at the top of the thread got me to thinking. what are the real "game changers" that we can focus on. this country has strengths that others do not have, so we have the best chance to come up with it.

I think the number one game changer would be an energy fluid that can be created and produced that can be adapted to our current automobile standards. Imagine our influence if we could provide something like this to the world. We could sell it much cheaper than the OPEC crew sells its oil. They could drink their oil and choke on it.

I'm no scientist, so this may be impossible. But that would change the world and cut the balls off places like iran, the head choppers in riyadh, and venezuela to name a few.

396 Jewels (AKA Julian)  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:03:21am

UK Journalists Strike Back at WH Press Secretary's 'Sneering and Condescending Remarks'

[Link: newsbusters.org...]

397 FrogMarch  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:06:24am

re: #394 Jewels (AKA Julian)

Ivory towers teem with invertebrates

[Link: news.bostonherald.com...]

Aren't liberals grand?

398 3 wood  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:07:38am

You know, you'd think Detroit had garbage to deal with from being the home of the Detroit Lions. But now GM and Chrysler become a possession of the Fed's.

Well, at least you got the Redwings.

399 The Left  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:08:07am

re: #381 Sharmuta

I always think of the C.S. Lewis quote about "omnipotent moral busybodies".

Wow, awesome quote and I didn't know it at all. Thank you for that.

It's funny, there is this stereotype on the right that liberals are arrogant and self-righteous and want to tell everyone how they should live. And I can see where that comes from...there IS an element like that within the left and they're annoying as hell. They like to play little "I'm holier than thou" games--both against others (nonliberals) and against each other.

But they really aren't representative of the left as a whole, in my opinion. They're like the whacko people on the right who are so-cons and ALSO obsessed with telling everyone how they should live and how they should think: whether it's about gay marriage, or creationism and ID being smuggled into science class rooms....

i really believe that the vast majority of Americans share a firm commitment to privacy and freedom, regardless of the ways the whackos on both sides throw that out the window.

400 rain of lead  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:08:38am

morning lizards
(from the top of the food chain and damn proud of it)

/small dig at FBV ;)

401 legalpad  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:08:41am

re: #395 _RememberTonyC

The energy policies are no accident. The Saudis are paying people off. The world economy needs the American consumption they complain about so much, or they think they do. There are fifty ways we could address our energy policies but we won't.

402 jcm  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:09:20am

re: #394 Jewels (AKA Julian)

Ivory towers teem with invertebrates

[Link: news.bostonherald.com...]

We the State Provides for all, the individual is not longer responsible for anything.

403 razorbacker  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:10:26am

It is a measure of modern society that citizens now can afford not to consider where their food actually comes from. We have the luxury of not getting our hands dirty in the soil, or bloody from the slaughterhouse.

We do not have to question the amount of pesticides, fungicides, and fertilizers that make our fields economically possible.

We do not have to wonder what happens to the living creatures that once inhabited what now is flat, level, plowed field.

We don't have to worry about the channelization of once free-flowing streams to water our crops.

We are removed from the process. Milk comes from the dairy cases. Eggs are located in one of those twelve-compartmented cartons. Meat's natural covering is a clear poly-wrap. Peas naturally are found in nice, clean cans or plastic packages. Strawberries just appear; they come in little plastic tubs.

That ain't the way it really is.

404 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:13:10am

re: #403 razorbacker

It is a measure of modern society that citizens now can afford not to consider where their food actually comes from. We have the luxury of not getting our hands dirty in the soil, or bloody from the slaughterhouse.

We do not have to question the amount of pesticides, fungicides, and fertilizers that make our fields economically possible.

We do not have to wonder what happens to the living creatures that once inhabited what now is flat, level, plowed field.

We don't have to worry about the channelization of once free-flowing streams to water our crops.

We are removed from the process. Milk comes from the dairy cases. Eggs are located in one of those twelve-compartmented cartons. Meat's natural covering is a clear poly-wrap. Peas naturally are found in nice, clean cans or plastic packages. Strawberries just appear; they come in little plastic tubs.

That ain't the way it really is.

Alienation from the means of production.

405 reine.de.tout  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:13:57am

re: #384 jcm

Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.
C. S. Lewis

Shar repeated it once; worth it a 3rd time.

406 KenJen  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:16:22am

re: #395 _RememberTonyC

the quote at the top of the thread got me to thinking. what are the real "game changers" that we can focus on. this country has strengths that others do not have, so we have the best chance to come up with it.

I think the number one game changer would be an energy fluid that can be created and produced that can be adapted to our current automobile standards. Imagine our influence if we could provide something like this to the world. We could sell it much cheaper than the OPEC crew sells its oil. They could drink their oil and choke on it.

I'm no scientist, so this may be impossible. But that would change the world and cut the balls off places like iran, the head choppers in riyadh, and venezuela to name a few.

How about nuclear power? Electric cars can work but not with our current power grid situation. If the Obama admin were really serious about reducing carb admissions they would look a nuclear energy.

407 [deleted]  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:17:22am
408 MagnaniomousCoward  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:17:34am

Norwegian government considers prosecuting Scientology

"The Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services is considering prosecuting and banning some Scientology practices, in particular the use of the Scientology personality test to sell courses. The move comes after Scientology staff made medical claims to undercover journalists and an MP's daughter killed herself after taking a test."

(As reported by Norwegian newspapers and radio)

409 reine.de.tout  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:18:01am

re: #403 razorbacker

It is a measure of modern society that citizens now can afford not to consider where their food actually comes from. We have the luxury of not getting our hands dirty in the soil, or bloody from the slaughterhouse.

We do not have to question the amount of pesticides, fungicides, and fertilizers that make our fields economically possible.

We do not have to wonder what happens to the living creatures that once inhabited what now is flat, level, plowed field.

We don't have to worry about the channelization of once free-flowing streams to water our crops.

We are removed from the process. Milk comes from the dairy cases. Eggs are located in one of those twelve-compartmented cartons. Meat's natural covering is a clear poly-wrap. Peas naturally are found in nice, clean cans or plastic packages. Strawberries just appear; they come in little plastic tubs.

That ain't the way it really is.

Razorbacker - I agree with everything you said, and have often thought of just these points.

However, I do indeed know where the critters are, at least right now - my cat just came and leaped through our open window with a mouse. Which has now disappeared under the stove. A few days ago it was a bird. Which got loose in the house and all 4 cats tried to get in on the action. Then, of course, there are the lizards which are staple of the cats' gift-giving to us. So all those critters, razorbacker, are in my house.

410 Sharmuta  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:18:38am

re: #399 iceweasel

Wow, awesome quote and I didn't know it at all. Thank you for that.

It's funny, there is this stereotype on the right that liberals are arrogant and self-righteous and want to tell everyone how they should live. And I can see where that comes from...there IS an element like that within the left and they're annoying as hell. They like to play little "I'm holier than thou" games--both against others (nonliberals) and against each other.

But they really aren't representative of the left as a whole, in my opinion. They're like the whacko people on the right who are so-cons and ALSO obsessed with telling everyone how they should live and how they should think: whether it's about gay marriage, or creationism and ID being smuggled into science class rooms....

i really believe that the vast majority of Americans share a firm commitment to privacy and freedom, regardless of the ways the whackos on both sides throw that out the window.

You just described the constrained and the unconstrained visions. Well put.

411 legalpad  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:20:20am

re: #406 KenJen

How about nuclear power? Electric cars can work but not with our current power grid situation. If the Obama admin were really serious about reducing carb admissions they would look a nuclear energy.

Look at it - most of Europe runs on it and has for some time. O seems to talk about the fine example of the Europeans all the time. Maybe he can take a cue from that instead of a late seventies movie about nuclear accidents.

412 Ward Cleaver  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:21:14am

re: #396 Jewels (AKA Julian)

UK Journalists Strike Back at WH Press Secretary's 'Sneering and Condescending Remarks'

[Link: newsbusters.org...]

Ouch, this line really stung:

1. Congratulations. Your presidential regime has managed to secure the most supine, slobbering, spineless, unquestioning media coverage since Enver Hoxha's Albania.
413 FrogMarch  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:23:42am
414 FrogMarch  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:23:54am


415 reine.de.tout  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:24:41am

re: #413 FrogMarch

Air France flight missing.

sacry bleu?

416 jcm  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:25:09am

re: #395 _RememberTonyC

the quote at the top of the thread got me to thinking. what are the real "game changers" that we can focus on. this country has strengths that others do not have, so we have the best chance to come up with it.

I think the number one game changer would be an energy fluid that can be created and produced that can be adapted to our current automobile standards. Imagine our influence if we could provide something like this to the world. We could sell it much cheaper than the OPEC crew sells its oil. They could drink their oil and choke on it.

I'm no scientist, so this may be impossible. But that would change the world and cut the balls off places like iran, the head choppers in riyadh, and venezuela to name a few.

We have oil reserves that make the oil ticks look like pikers.

We've (collectively) decided not to use what we have, and to buy from the oil ticks.

417 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:25:49am

I hardly ever notice a typo unless someone does a PIMF.

418 Miss Trixie  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:26:24am

&#9834 &#9836 Good morning, {lizards!} &#9836 &#9834

Another loverly day in the valley - albeit too cool for me - and I'm once again gobsmacked at the orifice. :) Time to take my vacation soon ...

re: #402 jcm

We the State Provides for all, the individual is not longer responsible for anything.

"What the liberal mind is passionate about is a world filled with pity, sorrow, neediness, misfortune, poverty, suspicion, mistrust, anger, exploitation, discrimination, victimization, alienation and injustice. Those who occupy this world are “workers,” “minorities,” “the little guy,” “women,” and the “unemployed.” They are poor, weak, sick, wronged, cheated, oppressed, disenfranchised, exploited and victimized. They bear no responsibility for their problems. None of their agonies are attributable to faults or failings of their own: not to poor choices, bad habits, faulty judgment, wishful thinking, lack of ambition, low frustration tolerance, mental illness or defects in character. None of the victims’ plight is caused by failure to plan for the future or learn from experience. Instead, the “root causes” of all this pain lie in faulty social conditions: poverty, disease, war, ignorance, unemployment, racial prejudice, ethnic and gender discrimination, modern technology, capitalism, globalization and imperialism. In the radical liberal mind, this suffering is inflicted on the innocent by various predators and persecutors: “Big Business,” “Big Corporations,” “greedy capitalists,” U.S. Imperialists,” “the oppressors,” “the rich,” “the wealthy,” “the powerful” and “the selfish.”

The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness

Just wow. Nail on the head - good stuff.

419 albusteve  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:26:46am

re: #399 iceweasel

Wow, awesome quote and I didn't know it at all. Thank you for that.

It's funny, there is this stereotype on the right that liberals are arrogant and self-righteous and want to tell everyone how they should live. And I can see where that comes from...there IS an element like that within the left and they're annoying as hell. They like to play little "I'm holier than thou" games--both against others (nonliberals) and against each other.

But they really aren't representative of the left as a whole, in my opinion. They're like the whacko people on the right who are so-cons and ALSO obsessed with telling everyone how they should live and how they should think: whether it's about gay marriage, or creationism and ID being smuggled into science class rooms....

i really believe that the vast majority of Americans share a firm commitment to privacy and freedom, regardless of the ways the whackos on both sides throw that out the window.

now if we could just motivate those folks across the middle of the spectrum to get out and vote for hte best interests of the nation we would see a totally different political landscape....much less polarized and hostile...the powere is down the middle

420 razorbacker  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:26:53am

re: #409 reine.de.tout


Bless yore heart.

It's not become a problem with the Big Boy; he doesn't like to eat anything he hasn't seen us pour out of a nice four-color bag. He's sudden death on blowing leaves or roly-poly bugs, but is satisfied to let others handle the rest.

But his predecessor was another story. It got to the point that we wouldn't open the door for her until we checked her mouth for wriggling tails, flailing wings, or bloody droplets.

421 [deleted]  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:26:59am
422 Mithrax  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:27:31am

re: #409 reine.de.tout

Then you need to pick up the small book of Cat Haiku

What is the sound of one cat napping?

423 albusteve  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:28:13am

re: #416 jcm

We have oil reserves that make the oil ticks look like pikers.

We've (collectively) decided not to use what we have, and to buy from the oil ticks.

it will be the biggest part of our downfall...we WILL have an energy crisis that put's past shortages to shame

424 FrogMarch  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:28:34am

re: #415 reine.de.tout

sacry bleu?


425 The Left  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:28:55am

re: #382 jcm

I went back to school after my first career fizzled out. Lot of fun being the cranky old conservative on a liberal campus.

I can only imagine. I bet you have a lot of good stories about it though!

Funnily enough, I went to college when I was a little older as well. I was and am a flaming liberal, but it was quite an experience being the older wiser liberal. In particular, I was amused (when I wasn't annoyed) by the crazy confrontational tactics that people would use. The fake kind of protests. the people who are there for the drama of wearing a costume or whatever.

Also, a lot of them are just trying to shock. Adolescence. Some of them grow out of it, some people never do.

426 Miss Trixie  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:29:44am

Oppsie! Somehow jcm's quote got mixed up with the one I attached. There should be two quotes - not just one.

/I should start drinking coffee ...

427 [deleted]  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:30:45am
428 KansasMom  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:31:30am

re: #413 FrogMarch

Air France flight missing.

Yes, very scary. Just disappeared? No radar blip, no distress radio signal...nothing?
There's always some consolation when they analyze the crash and can determine the cause, because then the same problem can be avoided in the future. I hope they are at least able to locate the black box, but it doesn't sound like they have much to go on location-wise.

429 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:32:46am

re: #421 Iron Fist

That's an extremely Marxist statement, possibly even a quote or paraphrased quote. Was that intentional? Marx goes on a length about alienated labor (working for the Man) and unalienated labor (where the means of production are held in common).

That is an interesting application of the term.

It just popped up in my mind.

430 Nevergiveup  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:32:51am

re: #428 KansasMom

Yes, very scary. Just disappeared? No radar blip, no distress radio signal...nothing?
There's always some consolation when they analyze the crash and can determine the cause, because then the same problem can be avoided in the future. I hope they are at least able to locate the black box, but it doesn't sound like they have much to go on location-wise.

It did send a signal there was an electrical failure right before all communications ceased.

431 Desert Dog  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:33:11am

re: #428 KansasMom

Yes, very scary. Just disappeared? No radar blip, no distress radio signal...nothing?
There's always some consolation when they analyze the crash and can determine the cause, because then the same problem can be avoided in the future. I hope they are at least able to locate the black box, but it doesn't sound like they have much to go on location-wise.

There is speculation that it was a lightning strike. Air traffic control did get an "automatic message" saying systems failure has occurred.

432 bellamags  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:33:17am

good morning lizards. long time no post.

433 OldLineTexan  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:34:29am

re: #428 KansasMom

Yes, very scary. Just disappeared? No radar blip, no distress radio signal...nothing?
There's always some consolation when they analyze the crash and can determine the cause, because then the same problem can be avoided in the future. I hope they are at least able to locate the black box, but it doesn't sound like they have much to go on location-wise.

I think I saw this on TV.


434 [deleted]  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:34:43am
435 Sharmuta  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:34:54am

re: #417 MandyManners

I hardly ever notice a typo unless someone does a PIMF.

Have you ever read that example where it says how our brains are wired to skim past that and still understand what it's saying, and all while being mis-spelled as proof? I wonder if there's a link...? Let me look.

436 OldLineTexan  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:35:28am

re: #434 Iron Fist

Cool. Like I said, that was an interesting application of the term. That indicates individual thinking, which we all know is strictly forbidden :-)

EVERYTHING not expressly allowed is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN.


437 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:35:30am

Need less blood in my caffeine-stream. bbiab

438 albusteve  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:35:32am

re: #427 Iron Fist

The Democrats will no more allow nuclear power to be expanded than they will let the oil companies drill in the Arctic Wasteland. It angers their base too much. We complain about our base sometimes, but think how much worse the Democrats have it. They have to treat Mike al Moor and Mother Moonbat like they were relevant movers and shakers in public policy along with the Gorebal Warmists and ALF.

That is surely taxing on the liver, if nothing else.

nobody is even TALKING about nuc power...no debate, no nothing...
"til that Cadillac ran out of gas"...it's coming

439 jcm  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:36:24am

re: #428 KansasMom

Yes, very scary. Just disappeared? No radar blip, no distress radio signal...nothing?
There's always some consolation when they analyze the crash and can determine the cause, because then the same problem can be avoided in the future. I hope they are at least able to locate the black box, but it doesn't sound like they have much to go on location-wise.

Out over the Atlantic out of range of radar.

A search on the flight path should turn up a debris field.

Black boxes have a pingers for located under water. That's a long shot in deep water.

440 OldLineTexan  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:36:24am

re: #438 albusteve

nobody is even TALKING about nuc power...no debate, no nothing...
"til that Cadillac ran out of gas"...it's coming

In a strange way, the greenies are drowning the polar bears.

/using their "logic" of course

441 _RememberTonyC  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:36:52am

re: #416 jcm

We have oil reserves that make the oil ticks look like pikers.

We've (collectively) decided not to use what we have, and to buy from the oil ticks.

tell me why, again?

442 [deleted]  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:37:11am
443 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:38:50am

Well good morning y'all - from a warmish (68 degrees going up to 88 degrees) bright and sunny Charlotte!
How is everyone today?

444 Desert Dog  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:38:50am

re: #435 Sharmuta

Have you ever read that example where it says how our brains are wired to skim past that and still understand what it's saying, and all while being mis-spelled as proof? I wonder if there's a link...? Let me look.

The pheeomnnal pweor of the hmuan mnid.

Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is that the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the human mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

Smiply amzanig huh?


445 OldLineTexan  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:38:50am

re: #441 _RememberTonyC

tell me why, again?

Disincentives in the forms of technology cost, FedGov regulations, and "environmental concerns".

Therefore, the Chinese will drill offshore of our Florida coast.

446 reloadingisnotahobby  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:39:18am

re: #439 jcm
Only the Military will have the Tech to locate the "Black Box"
at extreme depth......
Then they call in the Institutes...........
Very sad accident!

447 KansasMom  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:39:22am

re: #431 Desert Dog

There is speculation that it was a lightning strike. Air traffic control did get an "automatic message" saying systems failure has occurred.

Planes get hit by lightning all the time. Hopefully the authorities know more about this than they told the reporters. The dots don't all connect.

448 DaddyG  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:39:24am

More Amateur Hour at the White House

The 31-Year-Old in Charge of Dismantling G.M.

Wasn't there some guy in the Presidential race with some experience restructuring companies and ties to Michigan's economy?

Oh yeah... Romney.

449 The Left  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:39:53am

re: #403 razorbacker

It is a measure of modern society that citizens now can afford not to consider where their food actually comes from. We have the luxury of not getting our hands dirty in the soil, or bloody from the slaughterhouse.

We do not have to question the amount of pesticides, fungicides, and fertilizers that make our fields economically possible.

We do not have to wonder what happens to the living creatures that once inhabited what now is flat, level, plowed field.

We don't have to worry about the channelization of once free-flowing streams to water our crops.

We are removed from the process. Milk comes from the dairy cases. Eggs are located in one of those twelve-compartmented cartons. Meat's natural covering is a clear poly-wrap. Peas naturally are found in nice, clean cans or plastic packages. Strawberries just appear; they come in little plastic tubs.

That ain't the way it really is.

Completely true and very well put.

For some people, the recognition of this forms part of their basis for being vegetarian or vegan. They're not necessarily opposed to killing animals, but they recognise that they would feel squeamish if they had to do it themselves, and therefore they choose to abstain from eating animals. At the same time they have no problem with other people eating animals or hunting them and no interest in lecturing anyone about whether anyone else should eat them.

Some of them will also fully support anyone who raises and kills all their own meat.

450 jcm  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:39:59am

re: #441 _RememberTonyC

tell me why, again?


451 bellamags  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:40:26am

OK. I tried. gotta log off --------------damn.

452 Desert Dog  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:40:42am

re: #447 KansasMom

Planes get hit by lightning all the time. Hopefully the authorities know more about this than they told the reporters. The dots don't all connect.

It's frightening anyway you look at it. I fly alot. But, I also know I am safer in the air than I am on the drive to and from the airport. My odds are much worse driving in the car.

453 OldLineTexan  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:40:56am

re: #448 DaddyG

More Amateur Hour at the White House

The 31-Year-Old in Charge of Dismantling G.M.

Wasn't there some guy in the Presidential race with some experience restructuring companies and ties to Michigan's economy?

Oh yeah... Romney.

You don't understand ... teh MSM told me I wouldn't vote for him.


454 FrogMarch  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:41:23am

re: #428 KansasMom

Yes, very scary. Just disappeared? No radar blip, no distress radio signal...nothing?
There's always some consolation when they analyze the crash and can determine the cause, because then the same problem can be avoided in the future. I hope they are at least able to locate the black box, but it doesn't sound like they have much to go on location-wise.

After a lighting strike and horrible turbulence, something may have happened to the pilot's ability to fly the plane.

"I would suggest that potentially it went down very quickly and so quickly that the pilot on board didn't have a chance to make that emergency call,"

455 reloadingisnotahobby  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:41:32am

re: #448 DaddyG

I'm thinking this mess would be alot less dire had
Mitt been in the 0val office!
Shrewed , and effective Buisnessman!

456 Desert Dog  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:41:48am

re: #448 DaddyG

More Amateur Hour at the White House

The 31-Year-Old in Charge of Dismantling G.M.

Wasn't there some guy in the Presidential race with some experience restructuring companies and ties to Michigan's economy?

Oh yeah... Romney.

God, I feel better already, don't you?


457 jvic  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:41:51am

re: #335 3 wood

PRAVDA (no not the New York Times, the real PRAVDA) has the following editorial about the US shift to Marxism:
American capitalism gone with a whimper

So the next time you see someone deny that the US is shifting into Marxisim, just link to this editorial.

The real kicker in the editorial is the concluding sentence:

The proud American will go down into his slavery with out a fight, beating his chest and proclaiming to the world, how free he really is. The world will only snicker.

Like in Texas? (H/T: Instapundit)

Texas Senate Endorses Freeway Spy Cameras

The Texas state Senate voted Monday to give federal, state and local authorities the ability to track and identify every passing vehicle on state highways. The provision calling for “automatic license plate identification cameras” was slipped into the Senate version of the must-pass Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) reauthorization bill. The provision was not part of the bill introduced in the state House of Representatives, whose less sympathetic members will have to accept or reject the entire 1274-page compromise hammered out by a conference committee.

That's the Republican Texas Senate.

458 legalpad  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:41:52am

re: #443 realwest

Doing good - how are you?

459 jcm  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:41:56am

re: #446 reloadingisnotahobby

Only the Military will have the Tech to locate the "Black Box"
at extreme depth......
Then they call in the Institutes...........
Very sad accident!

This is one that will likely end up as unknown. The black (bright orange) would help a lot, but the real knowledge comes from find the pieces and putting the puzzle back to together.

460 legalpad  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:43:37am

re: #444 Desert Dog

Cool, and ouch! It kinda hurts to read it.

461 DaddyG  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:43:45am

re: #455 reloadingisnotahobby

I'm thinking this mess would be alot less dire had
Mitt been in the 0val office!
Shrewed , and effective Buisnessman!

GOP strategists in 2008: Romney's too Mormon for the South Carolina Huckabee supporters... I have a great idea let's push the nomination to McCain. He will appeal to the center! /

462 christheprofessor  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:43:49am

re: #444 Desert Dog

The pheeomnnal pweor of the hmuan mnid.

Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is that the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the human mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

Smiply amzanig huh?


One of my students sent me that once. I remember thinking that a cool way to extend the research would be to include words with the incorrect number of letters (or even the wrong letters) -- as it is now, the letters are correct, just not in the proper sequence.

463 reloadingisnotahobby  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:44:37am

re: #461 DaddyG

Worked out well eh?

464 rightside  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:44:41am

re: #432 bellamags

Morning bellamags.

465 jcm  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:45:50am

re: #454 FrogMarch

After a lighting strike and horrible turbulence, something may have happened to the pilot's ability to fly the plane.

"I would suggest that potentially it went down very quickly and so quickly that the pilot on board didn't have a chance to make that emergency call,"

A sudden catastrophic aircraft failure is extraordinarily rare. An airplane is a faraday cage, lightning seldom does serious damage. Turbulence sufficent to cause an in flight airframe failure is also rare.

We do know of one cause that would cause sudden in flight catastrophic failure, which might manifest as a electric fault signal.

A bomb.

To soon to tell, to many possibilities.

466 Ward Cleaver  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:46:59am

re: #431 Desert Dog

There is speculation that it was a lightning strike. Air traffic control did get an "automatic message" saying systems failure has occurred.

Here's the accident description at Aviation Safety Network.

Flying into thunderstorms is never a good idea. Having said that, planes get struck by lightning all the time, usually without causing any harm.

If the plane's Emergency Locator Transmitter is beaconing, they might be able to locate the wreckage. Then again, they may never find it.

467 DaddyG  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:47:09am

re: #465 jcm
Several formerly unknown small time Jihadist cells in Brazil to take credit for airplane downing in 3... 2... 1...


468 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:47:22am

re: #451 bellamags
Hey bellamags! Where've you been?

469 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:47:27am

re: #434 Iron Fist

Cool. Like I said, that was an interesting application of the term. That indicates individual thinking, which we all know is strictly forbidden :-)

I've specialized in strange thoughts throughout my life.

470 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:47:53am

re: #435 Sharmuta

Have you ever read that example where it says how our brains are wired to skim past that and still understand what it's saying, and all while being mis-spelled as proof? I wonder if there's a link...? Let me look.

Yes, I've read it somewhere.

471 DaddyG  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:48:27am

re: #469 MandyManners

I've specialized in strange thoughts throughout my life.

Strange as in weird or strange as in divergent? (or both)?

472 albusteve  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:48:28am

very good story on the current nuc power situation....from last march

[Link: www.usatoday.com...]

473 reine.de.tout  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:48:39am

re: #435 Sharmuta

Have you ever read that example where it says how our brains are wired to skim past that and still understand what it's saying, and all while being mis-spelled as proof? I wonder if there's a link...? Let me look.

I think . . . if the first and last letters are correct, and if all the correct middle letters are there, we will read the word correctly even if the middle letters are scrambled.

474 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:48:53am

re: #452 Desert Dog

It's frightening anyway you look at it. I fly alot. But, I also know I am safer in the air than I am on the drive to and from the airport. My odds are much worse driving in the car.

YES BUT....... you drive your car, and have no idea who's flying the plane - and if bad weather breaks out, you can pull your car over to the side and wait it out!

475 Flyers1974  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:48:59am

re: #399 iceweasel

Wow, awesome quote and I didn't know it at all. Thank you for that.

It's funny, there is this stereotype on the right that liberals are arrogant and self-righteous and want to tell everyone how they should live. And I can see where that comes from...there IS an element like that within the left and they're annoying as hell. They like to play little "I'm holier than thou" games--both against others (nonliberals) and against each other.

But they really aren't representative of the left as a whole, in my opinion. They're like the whacko people on the right who are so-cons and ALSO obsessed with telling everyone how they should live and how they should think: whether it's about gay marriage, or creationism and ID being smuggled into science class rooms....

i really believe that the vast majority of Americans share a firm commitment to privacy and freedom, regardless of the ways the whackos on both sides throw that out the window.

Does arrogance and self righteousness have ANY correlation between the different sides in a liberal democracy such as ours? And if so, at what point does one cross the line from conservative to liberal? Most will agree that Reagan was conservative and Obama is liberal. But where would a person holding the general LGF football view fit (If I am correct in stating that the general LGF view can be roughly summed up as fiscally conservative/socially liberal.) If a person adheres to the view (and I know a few here do, as this has been discussed over the last days) that liberals behave a certain way due to philosophical neccessity, would it follow that a "True" conservative is least arrogant, a liberal is most arrogant, and a person holding the general LGF view is not as arrogant as a liberal but more arrogant than a true conservative? Most would find such a scale pretty awkward, I think. I'd say the more convinced a person is that TRUTH is on their side and their side alone, the more arrogant and self righteous that person would be, whether liberal, conservative or believeing in monarchy by divine right.

476 Sharmuta  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:49:07am

re: #470 MandyManners

Yes, I've read it somewhere.

Oh, good. That's not an easy keyword search.

477 reine.de.tout  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:50:13am

re: #476 Sharmuta

Oh, good. That's not an easy keyword search.

Try this.

478 Ward Cleaver  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:50:22am

re: #442 Iron Fist

This brings to mind that Egypt Air plane that the Jihadi crashed into the Atlantic some years ago. I've never really seen where that went, as far as the investigation goes. I remember that Egypt claimed it couldn't have been a Jihadi because Jihadis would never just crash a plane.


There was plenty of evidence from the cockpit and flight data recorders that one of the pilots was trying to crash the plane, while the other was trying to recover it.

479 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:50:29am

re: #458 legalpad
Glad to hear it! I'm doing ok thanks!

480 reine.de.tout  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:50:41am

re: #477 reine.de.tout

Try this.

It says:

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?
481 Sharmuta  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:51:41am

re: #473 reine.de.tout

I think . . . if the first and last letters are correct, and if all the correct middle letters are there, we will read the word correctly even if the middle letters are scrambled.

I thought it was a cool combination of a description and an example.

482 jcm  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:52:14am

re: #475 Flyers1974


The arrogance label comes from liberals telling me I too stupid to manage my own finances (social security), my own health care, my own diet, what to drive, how to set my thermostat.

483 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:52:30am

Susan Boyle's in the hospital?

484 The Left  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:52:45am

re: #421 Iron Fist

That's an extremely Marxist statement, possibly even a quote or paraphrased quote. Was that intentional? Marx goes on a length about alienated labor (working for the Man) and unalienated labor (where the means of production are held in common).

That is an interesting application of the term.

Wait a minute-- Marx first discusses 'alienation from the means of production" in the case of an *individual*. He first speaks about how it's alienating to work for another rather than for one's self. It's not so much about alienation from the means of production as it is about "alienation from one's own production: the products of one's labour." I.e, he claims it's better to build the chair and see the chair and use the chair, rather than buy a chair from someone else, or make part of a chair only, or be making chairs for "the man". (you are quite right that Marx later turns this into an argument about "the worker" as a group, and of course it eventually becomes an argument for the workers holding the means of production in common)

I took Mandy to be making a similar point about being alienated from the product of our work or the products that we use. It's a really clever point.

485 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:52:50am

re: #471 DaddyG

Strange as in weird or strange as in divergent? (or both)?

There's a difference?

486 johnnyreb  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:52:58am

re: #454 FrogMarch

After a lighting strike and horrible turbulence, something may have happened to the pilot's ability to fly the plane.

"I would suggest that potentially it went down very quickly and so quickly that the pilot on board didn't have a chance to make that emergency call,"

Once back in the Gulf we lost an EA6B Prowler that just "disappeared" from radar on a night mission. We never found a trace of that plane or crew after 3 days of searching. No indication of any problems, it just went down quick with no mayday. Some speculated it was from a lightning strike.

487 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:53:23am

re: #476 Sharmuta

Oh, good. That's not an easy keyword search.

I can't think of a thing.

488 Digital Display  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:53:39am

Good Morning Lizards.. A close friend of mine from the Speedway Police died yesterday of a Heart Attack..He was only 40 years old...
I am devastated.. I hope you can say a little prayer for his wife and children this morning...

489 Mithrax  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:54:05am

re: #483 MandyManners

Susan Boyle's in the hospital?

Apparently. I'd have popped from all the pressure and fame a long time ago myself.

That's why I just post comments on the internet!

490 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:54:12am

re: #480 reine.de.tout

My widdle bwain hurts.

491 albusteve  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:54:13am

re: #478 Ward Cleaver

There was plenty of evidence from the cockpit and flight data recorders that one of the pilots was trying to crash the plane, while the other was trying to recover it.

the pilot was howling out his prayers, frozen at the stick as I recall

492 Mithrax  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:54:21am

re: #488 HoosierHoops

Good Morning Lizards.. A close friend of mine from the Speedway Police died yesterday of a Heart Attack..He was only 40 years old...
I am devastated.. I hope you can say a little prayer for his wife and children this morning...

Done HH

493 albusteve  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:54:46am

re: #488 HoosierHoops

Good Morning Lizards.. A close friend of mine from the Speedway Police died yesterday of a Heart Attack..He was only 40 years old...
I am devastated.. I hope you can say a little prayer for his wife and children this morning...

sorry for that...very sad

494 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:54:47am

re: #489 Mithrax

Apparently. I'd have popped from all the pressure and fame a long time ago myself.

That's why I just post comments on the internet!

Pace yourself.

495 KenJen  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:55:01am

re: #482 jcm


The arrogance label comes from liberals telling me I too stupid to manage my own finances (social security), my own health care, my own diet, what to drive, how to set my thermostat.

....and how much toilet paper to use.

496 reine.de.tout  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:55:22am

re: #487 MandyManners

I can't think of a thing.

comprehension reading misspelled words

497 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:55:47am

If you shoot someone in the head and he's not moving, it might not be a good idea to pump him full of bullets.

498 Mithrax  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:55:47am

re: #494 MandyManners

Pace yourself.

I always do. Except on pun threads then it's a nerve wracking race to see who can make the funniest pun! :P

499 albusteve  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:56:26am

re: #495 KenJen

....and how much toilet paper to use.

or how to defend against our enemies

500 midwestgak  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:56:49am

re: #488 HoosierHoops


501 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:57:26am

re: #496 reine.de.tout

The only PIMF's I usually notice are when a "not" is missing or something else that changes the meaning of the post.

502 FrogMarch  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:57:30am

re: #465 jcm

A sudden catastrophic aircraft failure is extraordinarily rare. An airplane is a faraday cage, lightning seldom does serious damage. Turbulence sufficent to cause an in flight airframe failure is also rare.

We do know of one cause that would cause sudden in flight catastrophic failure, which might manifest as a electric fault signal.

A bomb.

To soon to tell, to many possibilities.

yeah. The article does mention the "T" word. Hard to say. I was just on a quick trip to Phoenix. On the return flight, I could see a huge towering storm cell with lightening out of my window. I was glad the pilot flew the plane around the cell and not through it.

My father used to fly all of the time on business. On one particular flight from Chicago to Denver, a woman sat down next to him. She was visibly upset and nervous. It was her very first time flying. My dad tried to comfort her. During the middle of the flight there was a big boom and the entire plane dropped, bounced and went dark.
Silence. The pilot never came on to say what happened. My dad thinks that the plane may have been struck by lightening. (& even he was spooked) The women vowed never to fly again.

503 reine.de.tout  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:57:48am

re: #482 jcm


The arrogance label comes from liberals telling me I too stupid to manage my own finances (social security), my own health care, my own diet, what to drive, how to set my thermostat.

How much and what type of oil must be used in cooking . . .

504 jcm  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:57:56am

re: #491 albusteve

the pilot was howling out his prayers, frozen at the stick as I recall

The FDR recorded the stick making rapid up and down motions, like one guy was pushing, the other pulling.

505 The Left  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:58:08am

re: #429 MandyManners

It just popped up in my mind.

I think you were making a really clever point though, even if you couldn't automatically remember where it was coming from or why. It popped up in your mind for a reason!

506 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:58:13am

re: #472 albusteve
Good morning and thanks for that link - that map is very interesting, isn't it?

507 Flyers1974  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:58:40am

re: #427 Iron Fist

The Democrats will no more allow nuclear power to be expanded than they will let the oil companies drill in the Arctic Wasteland. It angers their base too much. We complain about our base sometimes, but think how much worse the Democrats have it. They have to treat Mike al Moor and Mother Moonbat like they were relevant movers and shakers in public policy along with the Gorebal Warmists and ALF.

That is surely taxing on the liver, if nothing else.

I don't understand what the liberals have against nuclear power, after all, as someone pointed out a few days ago, the French have no problems with nuclear power. If I had to guess, I'd venture that the "greens" and Ralph Nader types on the liberal side are most against nuclear power, and that there are some who are impulsively against nuclear power because they remember the old arguments from the 1970's. I wonder how committed the average Democrat is today in being against this, i.e., is it a firm position. At any rate, this is one liberal position that has to go in my opinion.

508 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:58:49am

re: #498 Mithrax

I always do. Except on pun threads then it's a nerve wracking race to see who can make the funniest pun! :P

I wonder if Kosslings are smart enough to play with words for an extended time.

509 Ward Cleaver  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:58:54am

re: #491 albusteve

the pilot was howling out his prayers, frozen at the stick as I recall

Here's the accident description for EgyptAir flight 990 (10/31/1999) at ASN Read the narrative there. I remember reading at the time that some people said there was no way he would have downed the plane, because he had bought two new tires for his son's car while in NYC, and they were in checked baggage.

510 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:59:02am

re: #483 MandyManners
Good morning Mandy - yes - she apparently had a nervous breakdown or something much like it.

511 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 6:59:56am

re: #505 iceweasel

I think you were making a really clever point though, even if you couldn't automatically remember where it was coming from or why. It popped up in your mind for a reason!

Oh, I knew. I was a card-carrying member of the CPUSA in college.

512 Ward Cleaver  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:00:12am

re: #510 realwest

Good morning Mandy - yes - she apparently had a nervous breakdown or something much like it.

Oh my. I hope she gets well.

513 albusteve  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:01:01am

re: #504 jcm

The FDR recorded the stick making rapid up and down motions, like one guy was pushing, the other pulling.

what a freakin nightmare...I can't even imagine...too bad there was not some means to disable the pilot, of course that's another whole problem

514 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:01:11am

re: #510 realwest

Good morning Mandy - yes - she apparently had a nervous breakdown or something much like it.

Considering what a mellow life she's had until now, I'm thinking sheer exhaustion, both mental and physical.

515 Spare O'Lake  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:01:15am
It is increasingly clear that the fate of the universe will come to depend more and more on individuals as the bungling of bureaucracy permeates every corner of our existence.
— Edna O’Brien

Fate of the universe?
Such arrogance has (wo)man - surely an individual person cannot materially affect the fate of the universe.

516 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:01:43am

re: #488 HoosierHoops
Ah, (Hoops) I'm so sorry to hear that. My condolences and sypathies to you.
Um, what are the Speedway Police?

517 Mithrax  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:01:56am

re: #508 MandyManners

I wonder if Kosslings are smart enough to play with words for an extended time.

Probably too busy trying to change the world into their own image :P

518 redstateredneck  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:02:00am

re: #501 MandyManners

The only PIMF's I usually notice are when a "not" is missing or something else that changes the meaning of the post.

Morning all!

I see every typo, but that's probably because I've had to proofread for spelling challenged bosses for years!

519 KenJen  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:02:43am

re: #507 Flyers1974

I don't understand what the liberals have against nuclear power, after all, as someone pointed out a few days ago, the French have no problems with nuclear power. If I had to guess, I'd venture that the "greens" and Ralph Nader types on the liberal side are most against nuclear power, and that there are some who are impulsively against nuclear power because they remember the old arguments from the 1970's. I wonder how committed the average Democrat is today in being against this, i.e., is it a firm position. At any rate, this is one liberal position that has to go in my opinion.

Maybe if we change the name of it to newclean power, have a few movie stars endorse it, we can slide it by them.

520 Sharmuta  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:02:50am

re: #483 MandyManners

Susan Boyle's in the hospital?

Seems so. Poor Susan. I hope she gets well soon.

521 redstateredneck  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:02:53am

re: #514 MandyManners

Considering what a mellow life she's had until now, I'm thinking sheer exhaustion, both mental and physical.

Imagine being thrust into the public eye like that. She went off on a crowd last week who were in her face shouting questions. Don't say as I blame her.

522 Digital Display  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:03:13am

re: #516 realwest

Ah, (Hoops) I'm so sorry to hear that. My condolences and sypathies to you.
Um, what are the Speedway Police?

He was a Sgt. On the Speedway Police Dept...Remember all the funny stories I used to tell riding around with him on patrol?

523 FrogMarch  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:03:31am

re: #486 johnnyreb

Once back in the Gulf we lost an EA6B Prowler that just "disappeared" from radar on a night mission. We never found a trace of that plane or crew after 3 days of searching. No indication of any problems, it just went down quick with no mayday. Some speculated it was from a lightning strike.

Mother nature can be swift and brutal.

524 ConservatismNow!  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:03:52am

re: #497 MandyManners

If you shoot someone in the head and he's not moving, it might not be a good idea to pump him full of bullets.

Especially when you use a second gun to pump him full of bullets.

525 Bloodnok  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:04:17am

re: #510 realwest

Good morning Mandy - yes - she apparently had a nervous breakdown or something much like it.

That is sad. Good morning everybody.

526 razorbacker  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:04:26am


I just got off the phone with my buddy Phil. He moved here from the Los
Angles area about ten years ago with a bucket full of money he'd made from selling his real estate holdings in CA.

Started buying real estate here, intending to duplicate his results.

So now he owns free and clear four houses and about 450 acres of land that he has little hope of selling, with about $100,000 in cash left.

My buddy is nervous.

527 redstateredneck  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:04:40am

re: #522 HoosierHoops

He was a Sgt. On the Speedway Police Dept...Remember all the funny stories I used to tell riding around with him on patrol?

Sorry, {Hoops}. Always such a shock to lose someone suddenly like that. And so young. Damn.

529 Sharmuta  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:05:35am

re: #521 redstateredneck

Imagine being thrust into the public eye like that. She went off on a crowd last week who were in her face shouting questions. Don't say as I blame her.

And the UK press is just unrelenting. I imagine Susan got a short taste of what Princess Di must have felt like.

530 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:05:57am

re: #514 MandyManners
Well I didn't catch the whole story but she was apparently born with a "minor" birth defect and SPECULATION was that all that she's been through - and with everyone telling her she'd win and then she lost to some "street dancers" was too much for her. She is,happily enough, expected to recover fully.

531 KenJen  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:06:01am

re: #512 Ward Cleaver

Oh my. I hope she gets well.

She should have won. Hey, dance troop "Diversity" the 80's called and they want their dance moves back.

532 albusteve  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:06:05am

re: #506 realwest

Good morning and thanks for that link - that map is very interesting, isn't it?

a glaring zero plants for NM...but wait!...neither is there for

533 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:06:26am

re: #517 Mithrax

Probably too busy trying to change the world into their own image :P

All that'd do would be to break the world.

534 KansasMom  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:06:36am

re: #509 Ward Cleaver

Here's the accident description for EgyptAir flight 990 (10/31/1999) at ASN Read the narrative there. I remember reading at the time that some people said there was no way he would have downed the plane, because he had bought two new tires for his son's car while in NYC, and they were in checked baggage.

That was a horrible crash. Hard to prevent a crash when the pilot is very determined to crash the plane. EgyptAir's response to the incident was even worse. I would never fly that airline.

535 Sheila Broflovski  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:06:40am
536 bellamags  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:07:14am

OK I am going to try this again. Hey all you lizards. I have been super busy at the shop and haven't been able to stay with the threads long enough to have coherent discussions!
Good morning RW and rightside. Nice to see everyone again.

537 ConservatismNow!  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:07:15am

re: #526 razorbacker

He has good reason to be nervous!

538 Sheila Broflovski  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:07:20am

re: #534 KansasMom

That was a horrible crash. Hard to prevent a crash when the pilot is very determined to crash the plane. EgyptAir's response to the incident was even worse. I would never fly that airline.

I knew a woman who was on that flight.

539 johnnyreb  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:07:21am

re: #507 Flyers1974

I don't understand what the liberals have against nuclear power, after all, as someone pointed out a few days ago, the French have no problems with nuclear power. If I had to guess, I'd venture that the "greens" and Ralph Nader types on the liberal side are most against nuclear power, and that there are some who are impulsively against nuclear power because they remember the old arguments from the 1970's. I wonder how committed the average Democrat is today in being against this, i.e., is it a firm position. At any rate, this is one liberal position that has to go in my opinion.

They oppose it because it is clean and extremely cheap. Can't be having that for the masses now can we?

Here in CT we have a nice clean nuke plant. But there is one huge problem with it. They are required by state law to sell their electricity at exactly the same price as coal and oil fired electric plants.

540 Flyers1974  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:07:26am

re: #519 KenJen

Maybe if we change the name of it to newclean power, have a few movie stars endorse it, we can slide it by them.

For the average Democrat, I think opposition to nuclear power is based upon ignorance, as opposed to an entrenched political position.

541 Killgore Trout  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:07:31am

Hot Air had to turn off comments on the Tiller murder overnight....

Guys — I’m about to turn in so I’m going to close comments lest trolls turn this thread into a sewer overnight. Thanks to everyone for an interesting (and civil) discussion. I’m sure there’ll be another Tiller thread tomorrow. Until then…


It's sad that they can't be trusted to comment on this without supervision but LGF has had to shut off comments in the past too.

542 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:07:41am

re: #518 redstateredneck

Morning all!

I see every typo, but that's probably because I've had to proofread for spelling challenged bosses for years!

I useta' be a reporter so I usually would read my stories backwards before I zipped them over to the copy editor. I let go of that a while back.

543 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:08:17am

re: #520 Sharmuta

Seems so. Poor Susan. I hope she gets well soon.

See my No. 528, please.

544 redstateredneck  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:08:47am

re: #536 bellamags

OK I am going to try this again. Hey all you lizards. I have been super busy at the shop and haven't been able to stay with the threads long enough to have coherent discussions!
Good morning RW and rightside. Nice to see everyone again.

HEY, {BELLA}! ! !
See, you're not invisible after all.

545 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:09:18am

re: #521 redstateredneck

Imagine being thrust into the public eye like that. She went off on a crowd last week who were in her face shouting questions. Don't say as I blame her.

Bless her heart. I don't think she was ready for that level of fame.

546 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:09:25am

re: #522 HoosierHoops
Ah, yeah I do - prayers going up (again) for him Hoops.

547 KansasMom  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:09:37am

re: #530 realwest

Well I didn't catch the whole story but she was apparently born with a "minor" birth defect and SPECULATION was that all that she's been through - and with everyone telling her she'd win and then she lost to some "street dancers" was too much for her. She is,happily enough, expected to recover fully.

She was a very gracious loser at least. Poor woman, it was all too much too fast I think. Hopefully she'll get back on her feet and sing for people again.

548 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:09:43am

Good morning.

Thoughts or prayers, please (your preference) for the crew and passengers of Air France flight 447.

I hope they're all safe and sound, bobbing around in life rafts, awaiting rescue. But it's not looking good.

Search and rescue appears to be concentrated around the archipelago of Fernando de Noronha (which is where my wife and I honeymooned).

549 Miss Trixie  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:10:08am

{realwest} Morning luv *smoochie-smooch* Glad to see you today! What snoo?

550 jcm  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:10:09am

re: #507 Flyers1974

Can you say China Syndrome? Seriously.

I've talked to watermelon who say the risk of melt down is to great.

Okay, the new generation of reactors CAN NOT MELT DOWN.

The design of the water modulated reactors was such they default to a critical state and the reaction would runaway and melt down.

The new reactors are held in a critical state, when things go wrong they default to non-critical, it's the physics of the design.

551 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:10:13am

re: #524 ConservatismNow!

Especially when you use a second gun to pump him full of bullets.

What was up with that? Did he run out of bullets in the first gun?

552 KansasMom  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:10:27am

re: #538 Alouette

I knew a woman who was on that flight.

I'm sorry to hear that.

553 KansasMom  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:11:05am

re: #548 Occasional Reader

Yes. And for Hoosier Hoops' friend, gone too soon.

554 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:11:14am

re: #526 razorbacker


I just got off the phone with my buddy Phil. He moved here from the Los
Angles area about ten years ago with a bucket full of money he'd made from selling his real estate holdings in CA.

Started buying real estate here, intending to duplicate his results.

So now he owns free and clear four houses and about 450 acres of land that he has little hope of selling, with about $100,000 in cash left.

My buddy is nervous.

Land is one thing they're not making more of.

555 Mithrax  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:11:38am

re: #545 MandyManners

Bless her heart. I don't think she was ready for that level of fame.

But would any amature?

I live in a fishbowl myself and somedays it's ok, some days it's a freaking nightmare. But to be globally known in 6 months?

Just reiterates to me that I wanna go find a nice little town in the middle of nowhere, have a nice quiet job and grow old peacefully.

556 Bloodnok  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:11:39am

re: #536 bellamags

OK I am going to try this again. Hey all you lizards. I have been super busy at the shop and haven't been able to stay with the threads long enough to have coherent discussions!
Good morning RW and rightside. Nice to see everyone again.

Hey. Good to see you again. Glad you are well.

557 Kosh's Shadow  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:11:45am

Li'l Kim keeps his fist clenched:
Reports: North Korea prepares long-range missile launch
This one could reach Alaska.

However, the article does say that experts don't believe North Korea has yet made its nukes small enough to fit on a missile.
Like that makes me feel a lot better.

558 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:11:53am

re: #530 realwest

Well I didn't catch the whole story but she was apparently born with a "minor" birth defect and SPECULATION was that all that she's been through - and with everyone telling her she'd win and then she lost to some "street dancers" was too much for her. She is,happily enough, expected to recover fully.

She lost?

559 OldLineTexan  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:12:00am

re: #548 Occasional Reader

Good morning.

Thoughts or prayers, please (your preference) for the crew and passengers of Air France flight 447.

I hope they're all safe and sound, bobbing around in life rafts, awaiting rescue. But it's not looking good.

Search and rescue appears to be concentrated around the archipelago of Fernando de Noronha (which is where my wife and I honeymooned).

Any polar bears there? Strange, subterranean wheels? Nervous men in jumpsuits?


560 Sharmuta  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:12:05am

LMAO! Suddenly pamela is worried about bigoted political parties in France, and she wants people to write the French Embassy.

561 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:12:12am

re: #532 albusteve
And ya left one out - Nevada, Dingy Harry Reid's state!

562 The Left  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:12:12am

re: #475 Flyers1974

Does arrogance and self righteousness have ANY correlation between the different sides in a liberal democracy such as ours?
I'd say the more convinced a person is that TRUTH is on their side and their side alone, the more arrogant and self righteous that person would be, whether liberal, conservative or believeing in monarchy by divine right.

hey flyers, always good to see you.

Couldn't agree more with you on this. Seems to me that we find arrogance and self-righteousness spread out among people in general. No party has a lock on it, just like no party has a lock on crazy.

I take your points in the last paragraph on board as well. It's really correlated with people's conviction that the TRUTH is on their side. Those are also the people that become hyperpartisan and incapable of listening to a viewpoint with which they disagree or having a discussion: they cannot question their own beliefs or reach a compromise or, often, even listen intelligently to the other side, because they can't tolerate uncertainty and keeping an open mind.
This is not confined to any one party or political philosophy, in my opinion.

563 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:12:28am

re: #488 HoosierHoops

I'm very sorry to hear your news, HH.

564 Kosh's Shadow  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:12:46am

re: #550 jcm

Can you say China Syndrome? Seriously.

I've talked to watermelon who say the risk of melt down is to great.

Okay, the new generation of reactors CAN NOT MELT DOWN.

The design of the water modulated reactors was such they default to a critical state and the reaction would runaway and melt down.

The new reactors are held in a critical state, when things go wrong they default to non-critical, it's the physics of the design.

Not only that, tests of the older design found that they handled loss of coolant better than expected.

565 albusteve  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:13:03am

re: #554 MandyManners

Image: palm_jumeirah.jpg

566 Sharmuta  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:13:37am

Killgore- see my #98.

567 ConservatismNow!  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:13:50am

re: #551 MandyManners

What was up with that? Did he run out of bullets in the first gun?

That part is a mystery to me. The only logical reason why he would do so is because he was tired of being a victim.

568 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:13:52am

re: #559 OldLineTexan

Any polar bears there? Strange, subterranean wheels? Nervous men in jumpsuits?


Missing the reference...

569 Killgore Trout  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:13:56am

Stalker blog sez.....

Anti Christian Bigot Killgore Trout is now claiming we are supporting the murder of Dr. Tiller.

Yes, they did, they edited their original post which said things like....

The killing of Tiller is just another late term abortion.

I didn't bother to get a screenshot, we already know how twisted these folks are.

570 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:14:04am

re: #536 bellamags Hey bella - I assume being super busy at the shop is a good thing in this economy, yes?!

571 albusteve  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:14:10am

re: #561 realwest

And ya left one out - Nevada, Dingy Harry Reid's state!

yep, so I did...you got me on that one bro

572 FrogMarch  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:14:11am

re: #509 Ward Cleaver

Here's the accident description for EgyptAir flight 990 (10/31/1999) at ASN Read the narrative there. I remember reading at the time that some people said there was no way he would have downed the plane, because he had bought two new tires for his son's car while in NYC, and they were in checked baggage.

Weren't there members of Israeli military on board?

573 Flyers1974  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:14:31am

re: #539 johnnyreb

They oppose it because it is clean and extremely cheap. Can't be having that for the masses now can we?

Here in CT we have a nice clean nuke plant. But there is one huge problem with it. They are required by state law to sell their electricity at exactly the same price as coal and oil fired electric plants.

And New Jersey and PA have nuclear plants as well as well. I see what you are saying about the CT law, but isn't the traditional oppossition to nuclear power based on (unfounded, in my opinion) fear?

574 Sharmuta  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:14:55am

re: #569 Killgore Trout

Oh- I quoted more.

575 jcm  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:14:57am

re: #548 Occasional Reader

Good morning.

Thoughts or prayers, please (your preference) for the crew and passengers of Air France flight 447.

I hope they're all safe and sound, bobbing around in life rafts, awaiting rescue. But it's not looking good.

Search and rescue appears to be concentrated around the archipelago of Fernando de Noronha (which is where my wife and I honeymooned).

Shallower waters, makes odds of recovering of the black boxes a bit better.

576 razorbacker  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:15:00am

Whew! Man, that's a relief.

I just saw Mr. Treasury Sec. reassure our Chinese friends that America will follow policies that will not raise inflation.

On the one hand, I'm happy. My few remaining dollars will continue to be able to purchase my needs.

On the other hand, there goes my dreams of being a multimillionaire.

577 abolitionist  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:15:26am

re: #57 Fenway_Nation

I see the Bill Ayers ad....wonder if I should call in and ask about the two Nyack, NY police officers and Brinks armoured truck guard that his foster son's natural parents killed back in '83.

It was 20 October 1981. Kathy Bodin was close to Bill Ayers, long-term. Altho the weathermen were bent on smashing monogomy, among other things, Boudin was Ayers' first "wife". She, along with Ayers and Dohrn, were self-identified Weather Underground members in the 1976 film, Underground.

Long story here: The Brinks Robbery of 1981 - The Crime Library - Crime Library on truTV.com pt1 of 16

578 KansasMom  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:15:32am

re: #569 Killgore Trout

Stalker blog sez.....

I didn't bother to get a screenshot, we already know how twisted these folks are.

Charles got one, and I saw it too. The quote you mentioned was....memorable.

579 Spare O'Lake  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:15:54am

re: #550 jcm

Can you say China Syndrome? Seriously.

I've talked to watermelon who say the risk of melt down is to great.

Okay, the new generation of reactors CAN NOT MELT DOWN.

The design of the water modulated reactors was such they default to a critical state and the reaction would runaway and melt down.

The new reactors are held in a critical state, when things go wrong they default to non-critical, it's the physics of the design.

Oh, so they can only melt down when they are operating properly, but they won't? Oh good, I feel better now.

580 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:16:02am

re: #555 Mithrax

But would any amature?

I live in a fishbowl myself and somedays it's ok, some days it's a freaking nightmare. But to be globally known in 6 months?

Just reiterates to me that I wanna go find a nice little town in the middle of nowhere, have a nice quiet job and grow old peacefully.


581 Miss Trixie  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:16:35am

{Hoosier} My deepest condolences that you and your friend's family find peace and comfort in his memory.

582 Mithrax  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:16:57am

re: #580 MandyManners



Woot! can't go wrong with Rush!

583 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:16:58am

re: #565 albusteve

[Link: realestate.theemiratesnetwork.com...]

It'll suck if/when the sea reclaims it.

584 Killgore Trout  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:17:00am

re: #560 Sharmuta

She's also complaining about people applying government grant's which is a practice that has been going on my entire life and probably much much longer. The woman could not possibly be dumber.

585 The Left  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:17:04am

re: #419 albusteve

now if we could just motivate those folks across the middle of the spectrum to get out and vote for hte best interests of the nation we would see a totally different political landscape....much less polarized and hostile...the powere is down the middle

Agreed. It would be great if we could get rid of the polarization and hostility and blind partisanship that has dominated our political discourse for so long--on both sides of the aisle.

I blame the MSM for much of that.

586 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:17:52am

re: #576 razorbacker

I just saw Mr. Treasury Sec. reassure our Chinese friends that America will follow policies that will not raise inflation.

Oh, well then. Glad that's settled. Thanks, Tim!

587 Kosh's Shadow  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:17:53am

re: #579 Spare O'Lake

Oh, so they can only melt down when they are operating properly, but they won't? Oh good, I feel better now.

That's just it; if they are operating properly (coolant flowing), they will continue the chain reaction, but if they get too hot, they stop. Thus they cannot melt down.
(BTW, at least one safe design dates back to the early 1960's or maybe earlier.)

588 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:17:59am

re: #567 ConservatismNow!

That part is a mystery to me. The only logical reason why he would do so is because he was tired of being a victim.

He musta' been in a lather.

The gun-grabbers are gonna' use this as a reason why no one should be able to have a gun for defense.

589 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:18:29am

re: #549 {Miss Trixie} Hey there gorgeous, *smooches* back to you! Not much is new around here - I woke up on the right side of the grass and that's a relief - BAD dreams last night!
But other than that, everything is about the same. How are you and Lil Miss doing?

590 jcm  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:18:33am

re: #579 Spare O'Lake

Oh, so they can only melt down when they are operating properly, but they won't? Oh good, I feel better now.


Just remember nuclear reactors are a natural energy source......

The Oklo Fossil Fission Reactors

591 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:19:24am

re: #588 MandyManners

He musta' been in a lather.

To whom are you referring?

592 bellamags  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:19:24am

I am going to give everyone an update from the small business end of the economy: Most small business owners that I have talked to have experienced the same things over the past few months.

-IRS sending letters and notices for mistakes on tax "contributions"(even small ones) from YEARS ago. They want to be paid NOW and are charging interest from the date of the mistake. Mine was a payroll tax mistake from 06. Half of what I owe is interest. Do they really have to do this right now?

-Banks and credit card companies cutting lines of credit and increasing interest rates tremendously. I can't order equipment or product unless I have the cash available right now. Great f*cking way to stimulate the economy.

-Increased theft from employees and customers. Weather it is milking the time clock or blatant theft of cash or product.

-Fierce competition from like businesses which force you to cut prices to maintain your current level of income. Which is essentially capitalism and I am all for it, but it is just getting ugly out there.

-Increases in power costs have not been adjusted since last year when the rates went up because of fuel costs.

-Vendors increasing their prices, I have to increase mine, pissed of customers, less purchasing by me and my customers.

593 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:20:01am

Hey, Hoops? I'm sorry to hear that about your friend. I'll keep you and his other loved ones in my thoughts.

594 The Left  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:20:11am

re: #560 Sharmuta

LMAO! Suddenly pamela is worried about bigoted political parties in France, and she wants people to write the French Embassy.

To quote Milhouse from a Simpsons episode "I fear to look yet I cannot look away"!

That crazy train keeps a'rollin'....

595 ConservatismNow!  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:20:12am

re: #554 MandyManners

Land is one thing they're not making more of.

Unless you are Lex Luthor

596 albusteve  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:20:56am

re: #585 iceweasel

Agreed. It would be great if we could get rid of the polarization and hostility and blind partisanship that has dominated our political discourse for so long--on both sides of the aisle.

I blame the MSM for much of that.

yes, the liberal MSM beast that chose, then crowned BO for us

597 [deleted]  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:21:02am
598 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:21:07am

re: #591 Occasional Reader

To whom are you referring?

They pharmacist who put a bullet into a 14-year-old robber's head then chased another one outside and then came back inside where he got another gun and pumped five bullets into the first robber's prone body.

599 KansasMom  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:21:20am

re: #502 FrogMarch

Scary that. I also think severe turbulence would be much more likely than lightning to cause trouble. Mostly because like somebody mentioned above, it could injure the pilot and render him/her unable to deal with the situation.

600 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:21:22am

re: #550 jcm
Good morning jcm - yep, China Syndrome for sure. Did you see this map (kindly provided by albusteve):
[Link: www.usatoday.com...]
Says a lot about where most of the objections seem to be coming from or at least are most effective.

601 Sharmuta  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:21:38am

I have not been reading thoroughly. I'm sorry {Hoops}.

602 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:22:19am

re: #592 bellamags

I am going to give everyone an update from the small business end of the economy: Most small business owners that I have talked to have experienced the same things over the past few months.

-IRS sending letters and notices for mistakes on tax "contributions"(even small ones) from YEARS ago. They want to be paid NOW and are charging interest from the date of the mistake. Mine was a payroll tax mistake from 06. Half of what I owe is interest. Do they really have to do this right now?

-Banks and credit card companies cutting lines of credit and increasing interest rates tremendously. I can't order equipment or product unless I have the cash available right now. Great f*cking way to stimulate the economy.

-Increased theft from employees and customers. Weather it is milking the time clock or blatant theft of cash or product.

-Fierce competition from like businesses which force you to cut prices to maintain your current level of income. Which is essentially capitalism and I am all for it, but it is just getting ugly out there.

-Increases in power costs have not been adjusted since last year when the rates went up because of fuel costs.

-Vendors increasing their prices, I have to increase mine, pissed of customers, less purchasing by me and my customers.

Golly. From all sides.

603 Flyers1974  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:22:33am

re: #550 jcm

Can you say China Syndrome? Seriously.

I've talked to watermelon who say the risk of melt down is to great.

Okay, the new generation of reactors CAN NOT MELT DOWN.

The design of the water modulated reactors was such they default to a critical state and the reaction would runaway and melt down.

The new reactors are held in a critical state, when things go wrong they default to non-critical, it's the physics of the design.

I've seen watermelon mentioned here before, I can't remember what it means. As for the rest of yours, you are preaching to the choir - I have ZERO problem with nuclear power. Unless I'm missing something, it seems to be a solution to many problems. I refer to the the average Democrat who is against it based on unfounded fear.

604 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:22:33am

re: #587 Kosh's Shadow

That's just it; if they are operating properly (coolant flowing), they will continue the chain reaction, but if they get too hot, they stop. Thus they cannot melt down.
(BTW, at least one safe design dates back to the early 1960's or maybe earlier.)

The earlier, dangerous ones are the nuclear reactors. Today's much safer designs are the nookyular reactors.

605 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:22:55am

re: #595 ConservatismNow!

Unless you are Lex Luthor

Last time I checked, I'm not.

606 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:23:06am

re: #592 bellamags

I am going to give everyone an update from the small business end of the economy: Most small business owners that I have talked to have experienced the same things over the past few months.

-IRS sending letters and notices for mistakes on tax "contributions"(even small ones) from YEARS ago. They want to be paid NOW and are charging interest from the date of the mistake. Mine was a payroll tax mistake from 06. Half of what I owe is interest. Do they really have to do this right now?

-Banks and credit card companies cutting lines of credit and increasing interest rates tremendously. I can't order equipment or product unless I have the cash available right now. Great f*cking way to stimulate the economy.

-Increased theft from employees and customers. Weather it is milking the time clock or blatant theft of cash or product.

-Fierce competition from like businesses which force you to cut prices to maintain your current level of income. Which is essentially capitalism and I am all for it, but it is just getting ugly out there.

-Increases in power costs have not been adjusted since last year when the rates went up because of fuel costs.

-Vendors increasing their prices, I have to increase mine, pissed of customers, less purchasing by me and my customers.

So... other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?

607 KenJen  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:23:21am

So sorry Hoops. My thoughts are with you and his family.

608 The Left  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:23:59am

re: #584 Killgore Trout

The woman could not possibly be dumber.

I keep believing that, and she keeps proving me wrong.

609 ConservatismNow!  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:24:06am

re: #588 MandyManners

He musta' been in a lather.

The gun-grabbers are gonna' use this as a reason why no one should be able to have a gun for defense.

I sympathize with the pharmacist for not wanting to be a victim anymore, but we have to have respect for the rule of law or we have nothing. I can't even say if he'll be convicted or not. At most it'd be a Second Degree Murder charge since it was a crime of passion.

610 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:24:31am

re: #603 Flyers1974

I've seen watermelon mentioned here before, I can't remember what it means.

"Green" on the outside, "red" on the inside.

611 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:25:08am

re: #603 Flyers1974

I've seen watermelon mentioned here before, I can't remember what it means. As for the rest of yours, you are preaching to the choir - I have ZERO problem with nuclear power. Unless I'm missing something, it seems to be a solution to many problems. I refer to the the average Democrat who is against it based on unfounded fear.

Green on the outside, red inside. It's the use of environmentalism to disguise Communism.

612 albusteve  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:25:15am

commie watermellons are the dire enemy of R. Lee Emery

613 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:25:40am

re: #554 MandyManners

Land is one thing they're not making more of.

LOL! Actually they are! Some places are using landfills - smoothing over MOUNTAINS (ok, BIG hills) of waste into flat(er) land, soaking 'em with something to make 'em environmentally pure and then planting grass and trees etc. NYC did it with part of the somethingorother "Kills" land fill and also build a public park and playgrounds, softball fields and such along he Hudson, up near Harlem.
It's interesting that these environmental landfill new land is being created in the poorer regions of the country.

614 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:25:49am

re: #598 MandyManners

They pharmacist who put a bullet into a 14-year-old robber's head then chased another one outside and then came back inside where he got another gun and pumped five bullets into the first robber's prone body.

"Excitable boy", they all said...

-Warren Zevon

(Missed that story.)

615 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:26:04am

re: #609 ConservatismNow!

I sympathize with the pharmacist for not wanting to be a victim anymore, but we have to have respect for the rule of law or we have nothing. I can't even say if he'll be convicted or not. At most it'd be a Second Degree Murder charge since it was a crime of passion.

I heard on Fox this morning that he's been charged with First Degree.

616 ConservatismNow!  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:27:32am

re: #615 MandyManners

I heard on Fox this morning that he's been charged with First Degree.

Wow. That's kind of a shock. I don't think that will stick though.

617 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:27:39am

re: #614 Occasional Reader

"Excitable boy", they all said...

-Warren Zevon

(Missed that story.)

618 Flyers1974  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:27:52am

re: #610 Occasional Reader

re: #611 MandyManners

Green on the outside, red inside. It's the use of environmentalism to disguise Communism.

Got it. Is that a LGF's term or a general conservative term? I must admit I've never seen this before here a couple weeks ago.

619 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:28:11am

re: #613 realwest

LOL! Actually they are! Some places are using landfills - smoothing over MOUNTAINS (ok, BIG hills) of waste into flat(er) land, soaking 'em with something to make 'em environmentally pure and then planting grass and trees etc. NYC did it with part of the somethingorother "Kills" land fill and also build a public park and playgrounds, softball fields and such along he Hudson, up near Harlem.
It's interesting that these environmental landfill new land is being created in the poorer regions of the country.

I did not know that.

620 JacksonTn  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:28:26am

re: #611 MandyManners

Green on the outside, red inside. It's the use of environmentalism to disguise Communism.

MM ... yes, and to the person who said it is out of ignorance or fear about nuclear power... no, it is because if you are in a dem party meeting and you bring it up they will tell you that you are not a "good" dem ... they don't need "bad" dems in the party now ... they said it during the election ... "bad" dem would be anyone center-right ...

Good Morning Lizards ... beautiful day here in bitter clingerland ...

621 legalpad  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:28:30am

re: #488 HoosierHoops

Good Morning Lizards.. A close friend of mine from the Speedway Police died yesterday of a Heart Attack..He was only 40 years old...
I am devastated.. I hope you can say a little prayer for his wife and children this morning...

Ah - damn. Damn, damn, damn. That is terrible and frustrating. I am so sorry. Heart issues are some of the worst.

622 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:29:00am

re: #616 ConservatismNow!

Wow. That's kind of a shock. I don't think that will stick though.

I wouldn't be surprised if it did stick and was used as a tool to get a plea to a lesser charge.

623 albusteve  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:29:01am

re: #613 realwest

LOL! Actually they are! Some places are using landfills - smoothing over MOUNTAINS (ok, BIG hills) of waste into flat(er) land, soaking 'em with something to make 'em environmentally pure and then planting grass and trees etc. NYC did it with part of the somethingorother "Kills" land fill and also build a public park and playgrounds, softball fields and such along he Hudson, up near Harlem.
It's interesting that these environmental landfill new land is being created in the poorer regions of the country.

lower Manhattan has expanded over landfills along the Hudson...the WTC was built on landfill

624 jcm  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:29:07am

re: #603 Flyers1974

I've seen watermelon mentioned here before, I can't remember what it means. As for the rest of yours, you are preaching to the choir - I have ZERO problem with nuclear power. Unless I'm missing something, it seems to be a solution to many problems. I refer to the the average Democrat who is against it based on unfounded fear.

Watermelons. Green on the outside, red on the inside.

If you start digging into the green movement you'll find a lot of the same people in the nuclear freeze movement, and lots of ties with various extreme leftists and organizations.

Compare the long term goals of these leftist and the solutions proposed by many greens and again you'll find a lot of correlation in solutions, state control or more and more.

I'm not at all against responsible stewardship of the environment.

What I am against is selling Liberty to others who think they know better than the rest of us. I'm against keeping the 3rd world from lifting themselves out of their misery for the misguided idea of the noble savage.

625 razorbacker  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:29:23am

re: #592 bellamags

As I posted Friday, I've met my first fellow who has gone Galt, and has decided to cut his resturant hours from 13.5 hours per week to 9 hours a week because he refuses to pay more taxes.

I've got to admire a man who refuses to keep his business open more than 9 hours a week so as not to make over $250,000 per year.

626 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:29:32am

re: #577 abolitionist
Uh, what Bill Ayers ad are y'all talking about?

627 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:29:33am

re: #618 Flyers1974

re: #611 MandyManners

Got it. Is that a LGF's term or a general conservative term? I must admit I've never seen this before here a couple weeks ago.

I read it here first and have not read it elsewhere.

628 JacksonTn  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:29:52am

re: #624 jcm

jcm ... no toilet paper for you ... corn cobs only ! ...

629 Jewels (AKA Julian)  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:29:57am

didn't even know the Secret Service had this many agents...and why do the SS get APCS?.....
[Link: www.debka.com...]

630 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:30:43am

re: #598 MandyManners

They pharmacist who put a bullet into a 14-year-old robber's head then chased another one outside and then came back inside where he got another gun and pumped five bullets into the first robber's prone body.

Pumping more bullets in a bad guy who's alread down is something that special ops guys will do in a hostage rescue scenario; totally justified under those circumstances, because they need to be absolutely sure that the seemingly dropped bad guy is not actually about to lob grenade or fire a shot. But under simple robbery circumstances, it's harder to justify. Still, in charging the guy with first degree murder, I think we're looking at a prosecutor with an agenda.

631 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:31:01am

re: #620 JacksonTn

MM ... yes, and to the person who said it is out of ignorance or fear about nuclear power... no, it is because if you are in a dem party meeting and you bring it up they will tell you that you are not a "good" dem ... they don't need "bad" dems in the party now ... they said it during the election ... "bad" dem would be anyone center-right ...

Good Morning Lizards ... beautiful day here in bitter clingerland ...

Lock-step thinking sucks.

It's 85 here already. I'm about to crank up both central a/c units. KA-CHING.

632 jcm  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:31:42am

re: #628 JacksonTn

jcm ... no toilet paper for you ... corn cobs only ! ...

Awww, shucks!

633 Gretchen G.Tiger  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:32:11am

Good Morning Lizards! It's dreary in the Very Far Western Suburbs of Chicagoland. We had a lot of rain in the night and I guess it is going to continue.

How are you-all and what are we talking about?

634 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:32:22am

re: #588 MandyManners
The gun-grabbers are don't need a reason why no one should be able to have a gun for defense, no statistics or studies will convince them differently; it's how THEY feel that counts, not facts.

635 3 wood  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:32:31am

re: #576 razorbacker

I just saw Mr. Treasury Sec. reassure our Chinese friends that America will follow policies that will not raise inflation.

Then he's either incompetent or lying.

The deficit explosion, the debt issuance, the expansion of the money supply and lowering of the Fed discount rate are all inflationary.

636 JacksonTn  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:32:37am

re: #632 jcm

Awww, shucks!

jcm ... oh, man, you know you gonna start something with that ...

637 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:32:46am

re: #629 Jewels (AKA Julian)

didn't even know the Secret Service had this many agents...

Help yourself to a grain of salt... heck, take the whole shaker... it's Debka.

638 bellamags  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:32:59am

95% of this country is employed by small business. If this continues we are going to have an economic collapse on our hands.

This current "administration" doesn't give a crap about the citizens of this country. It is all about control. They want to control the population. The banks are holding on to all the bail-out money and once the economic situation is at bottom, they will step in and own everything. And who will own the banks? Hello Fascism.

I don't want to sound conspiratorial, but what other possible explanation could there be?

639 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:33:35am

re: #630 Occasional Reader

Pumping more bullets in a bad guy who's alread down is something that special ops guys will do in a hostage rescue scenario; totally justified under those circumstances, because they need to be absolutely sure that the seemingly dropped bad guy is not actually about to lob grenade or fire a shot. But under simple robbery circumstances, it's harder to justify. Still, in charging the guy with first degree murder, I think we're looking at a prosecutor with an agenda.

He left the store and CAME BACK IN. If he was so scared of the one he shot in the head, why didn't he stay outside until the cops came? Why did he get another gun and shoot the teen five more times?

640 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:33:56am

re: #635 3 wood

Then he's either incompetent or lying.

The deficit explosion, the debt issuance, the expansion of the money supply and lowering of the Fed discount rate are all inflationary.

But those are more than offset by the effects of rainbow dust, unicorn smiles, and believing that children are the future.


641 johnnyreb  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:34:13am

re: #587 Kosh's Shadow

That's just it; if they are operating properly (coolant flowing), they will continue the chain reaction, but if they get too hot, they stop. Thus they cannot melt down.
(BTW, at least one safe design dates back to the early 1960's or maybe earlier.)

Both GE and Westinghouse have cookie cutter designs approved for production right now with the NRC. They could build these things by the dozens for a fraction of the cost of what it cost to build one in the 1960s and 70s. Problem is, the enviros and the wackos toss lawsuit after lawsuit at them when they get the greenlight to build one. If we removed those obstacles, we could have over 75% of our electric being generated by nukes in a little over 25 years.

We could also be building a whole bunch of super clean gas fired plants all over the place as we have proven reserves of natural gas that will last the next couple of hundred years. Natural gas is almost as clean as Nukes. But we don't do that either. Man are we stupid!

642 KenJen  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:34:21am

re: #636 JacksonTn

jcm ... oh, man, you know you gonna start something with that ...

It's definitely fodder for the punsters.

643 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:34:21am

re: #630 Occasional Reader

Pumping more bullets in a bad guy who's alread down is something that special ops guys will do in a hostage rescue scenario; totally justified under those circumstances, because they need to be absolutely sure that the seemingly dropped bad guy is not actually about to lob grenade or fire a shot. But under simple robbery circumstances, it's harder to justify. Still, in charging the guy with first degree murder, I think we're looking at a prosecutor with an agenda.

As I mentioned a moment ago, maybe that charge is just a way to get a plea to a lesser charge.

644 reine.de.tout  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:34:45am

re: #636 JacksonTn

jcm ... oh, man, you know you gonna start something with that ...

Jackson - howdy.
Saw somebody try to take a dig at your posting style and you didn't fall for it! Good on you . . .
I find it's better to just take folks as they come . . .

645 bellamags  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:34:46am

re: #625 razorbacker

As I posted Friday, I've met my first fellow who has gone Galt, and has decided to cut his resturant hours from 13.5 hours per week to 9 hours a week because he refuses to pay more taxes.

I've got to admire a man who refuses to keep his business open more than 9 hours a week so as not to make over $250,000 per year.

I just fired my full time employee so I don't have to contribute any more than I absolutely have to.

646 redstateredneck  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:34:46am

re: #613 realwest

LOL! Actually they are! Some places are using landfills - smoothing over MOUNTAINS (ok, BIG hills) of waste into flat(er) land, soaking 'em with something to make 'em environmentally pure and then planting grass and trees etc. NYC did it with part of the somethingorother "Kills" land fill and also build a public park and playgrounds, softball fields and such along he Hudson, up near Harlem.
It's interesting that these environmental landfill new land is being created in the poorer regions of the country.

Is it Fishkill? I vaguely remember hearing something about that.

647 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:34:50am

re: #634 realwest

The gun-grabbers are don't need a reason why no one should be able to have a gun for defense, no statistics or studies will convince them differently; it's how THEY feel that counts, not facts.

Yeah, well, fuck them.

648 albusteve  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:35:18am

re: #638 bellamags

95% of this country is employed by small business. If this continues we are going to have an economic collapse on our hands.

This current "administration" doesn't give a crap about the citizens of this country. It is all about control. They want to control the population. The banks are holding on to all the bail-out money and once the economic situation is at bottom, they will step in and own everything. And who will own the banks? Hello Fascism.

I don't want to sound conspiratorial, but what other possible explanation could there be?

I've been saying that since last summer...the donks will wreck the economy then conviscate it....why is that so hard to believe?

649 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:35:54am

re: #639 MandyManners

He left the store and CAME BACK IN. If he was so scared of the one he shot in the head, why didn't he stay outside until the cops came? Why did he get another gun and shoot the teen five more times?

Please note that I am BY NO MEANS justifying that part of his actions.

But "first degree" usually means lying in wait, cold-blooded planning, etc.; this seems pretty clearly to have had an element of "passion"/anger/fear to it.

650 razorbacker  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:36:08am

re: #635 3 wood

Then he's either incompetent or lying.

The deficit explosion, the debt issuance, the expansion of the money supply and lowering of the Fed discount rate are all inflationary.

Kerist, 3-wood, who're ya gonna believe?

One of the smartest financial minds in the country or your lying eyes?

651 Killgore Trout  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:36:39am

Dow +189
The Tea Parties are working!

652 bellamags  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:36:39am

re: #648 albusteve

I've been saying that since last summer...the donks will wreck the economy then conviscate it....why is that so hard to believe?

Its not. Its the truth. I was willing to give the new president a chance, but he blew it. His intentions are now clear.

653 avanti  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:36:44am

re: #625 razorbacker

As I posted Friday, I've met my first fellow who has gone Galt, and has decided to cut his resturant hours from 13.5 hours per week to 9 hours a week because he refuses to pay more taxes.

I've got to admire a man who refuses to keep his business open more than 9 hours a week so as not to make over $250,000 per year.

You must mean 9 hours per day ? BTW, why not just stay open 13.5, pay himself 250K and buy a new business car, remodel the place or give his employees a raise with the extra profit if he's concerned about the coming 3 % tax increase.
When I ran a business, I never paid myself a fraction of that amount, I put more back in the business to help it grow.

654 Gretchen G.Tiger  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:36:54am

Is there watermelon in the fruit-cup?

655 Kosh's Shadow  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:37:07am

re: #641 johnnyreb

Both GE and Westinghouse have cookie cutter designs approved for production right now with the NRC. They could build these things by the dozens for a fraction of the cost of what it cost to build one in the 1960s and 70s. Problem is, the enviros and the wackos toss lawsuit after lawsuit at them when they get the greenlight to build one. If we removed those obstacles, we could have over 75% of our electric being generated by nukes in a little over 25 years.

We could also be building a whole bunch of super clean gas fired plants all over the place as we have proven reserves of natural gas that will last the next couple of hundred years. Natural gas is almost as clean as Nukes. But we don't do that either. Man are we stupid!

Yes, the envirowackos sue, delaying construction by 10 years (meanwhile, the utility is paying interest on equipment it has bought; legal fees; etc.)
Then they point out that it is "uneconomical". The environmental groups should have to put up a bond if they keep fighting, that goes to the utility for their losses, if they win.

656 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:37:19am

re: #649 Occasional Reader

Please note that I am BY NO MEANS justifying that part of his actions.

But "first degree" usually means lying in wait, cold-blooded planning, etc.; this seems pretty clearly to have had an element of "passion"/anger/fear to it.

Could the act of getting another gun be seen as planning?

657 Spare O'Lake  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:37:45am

re: #598 MandyManners

They pharmacist who put a bullet into a 14-year-old robber's head then chased another one outside and then came back inside where he got another gun and pumped five bullets into the first robber's prone body.

Now that's a prescription for a murder charge.

658 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:38:23am

re: #657 Spare O'Lake

Now that's a prescription for a murder charge.


659 Digital Display  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:38:24am

Thank you lizards for your thoughts and prayers today..
I just played Dyans' knocking on Heavens Door and cried my eyes out..
Only the good die young..

660 razorbacker  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:38:46am

re: #645 bellamags

I just fired my full time employee so I don't have to contribute any more than I absolutely have to.

Guy told me that if it weren't for his employee's need for a paycheck, he'd just shut the doors and go fishing.

Claims that his food costs had risen by over a third in just the past two years.

That seemed awfully high to me, but what do I know?

661 Kosh's Shadow  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:38:56am

Time for a funny pharmacist sketch, from the old Fridays show:

662 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:39:10am

re: #646 redstateredneck

Is it Fishkill? I vaguely remember hearing something about that.

Fishkill is much further north. I do know they did something like what realwest is describing at Croton Point, on the Hudson River. It worked out very well; it's a beautiful park now.

There is a "Fresh Kills" garbage dump near NYC, but I think that's still open. (The name took on a horrible irony, when the site was used to dispose of WTC/Ground Zero debris.)

663 albusteve  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:39:11am

re: #652 bellamags

Its not. Its the truth. I was willing to give the new president a chance, but he blew it. His intentions are now clear.

we are rightwing radical crackpots...hows yoo dooin?

664 Gretchen G.Tiger  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:39:23am

re: #657 Spare O'Lake

Now that's a prescription for a murder charge.

First shot (in the head!) was self-defense, the subsequent shots were just plain spiteful. He is going to jail.

665 VegasRick  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:39:24am

re: #651 Killgore Trout

Dow +189
The Tea Parties are working!


666 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:40:23am

After his all-night party Friday night, The Kid slept 14 hours Saturday night and he's still asleep now. I'm gonna' go wake him. bbiab

667 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:40:45am

re: #592 bellamags Hey bealla - I'm not sure how far back into time the IRS can go to nail you for an error in reporting income or in making a mistake on a tax return - y'all ought to find a competent CPA or Tax Lawyer to find out, but as long as you filed a return, you're making a mistake doesn't give the IRS forever to catch it and come after you.
As to the credit cards and credit lines, you're spot on- we just got through (I hope) bailing out banks and financial services sectors, so the Democrats passed this new anti-Credit Card business with even LESS thought put into it than with the other economic disasters we're suffering through government intrusion. Trust me on this: Credit Card and Lines of Credit locking up will tumble this economy even further down than we are NOW, when the POTUS proposes a budget that anticipates a One Trillion Eight Hundred Billion Dollar Deficit.

668 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:40:48am

re: #656 MandyManners

Could the act of getting another gun be seen as planning?

I'm not a criminal lawyer, nor do I play one on t.v., but I think the premeditation element usually requires something more "planned" than simply grabbing a weapon.

669 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:41:01am


670 razorbacker  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:41:05am

re: #653 avanti

You must mean 9 hours per day ? BTW, why not just stay open 13.5, pay himself 250K and buy a new business car, remodel the place or give his employees a raise with the extra profit if he's concerned about the coming 3 % tax increase.
When I ran a business, I never paid myself a fraction of that amount, I put more back in the business to help it grow.

No. His place opened from 4:30 till 9 three days per week. He's dropping Thursdays and only going to be open Friday and Saturday.

And I guess that he just doesn't see the benefit of working hard to enable others to earn.

671 albusteve  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:41:20am

re: #655 Kosh's Shadow

that's one hell of a good idea

672 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:41:28am

re: #657 Spare O'Lake

Now that's a prescription for a murder charge.

He apparently decided to refill the perp's lead prescription.

673 jcm  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:41:30am

re: #664 ggt

First shot (in the head!) was self-defense, the subsequent shots were just plain spiteful. He is going to jail.

He better be able to show the guy was still going for his gun or presenting a threat for the subsequent shots.

Otherwise he's toast.

674 jcm  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:42:29am

re: #673 jcm

re: #673 jcm

Okay... that's weird....

Gotta' watch that trigger finger.

675 VegasRick  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:42:57am

re: #668 Occasional Reader

I'm not a criminal lawyer, nor do I play one on t.v., but I think the premeditation element usually requires something more "planned" than simply grabbing a weapon.

No, No, No - you see him just having a loaded gun or two on property shows that he wanted to kill someone!
/moonbat logic

676 bellamags  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:43:08am

re: #657 Spare O'Lake

Now that's a prescription for a murder charge.

They tell you to empty the gun during your concealed weapons class.

677 jcm  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:43:10am

re: #674 jcm

I'm seeing 2 ea. of several posts......

678 The Left  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:43:17am

re: #596 albusteve

yes, the liberal MSM beast that chose, then crowned BO for us

You'd be surprised. Much of the left loathes the MSM just as much as you do.

One stereotype on the right is that the MSM has a liberal bias all the time and rolled over and crowned Obama.

Yet much of the left, and nearly all of the progressive/liberal left (and especially the blogosphere) despises the MSM and has done for years. They feel the problem isn't that the MSM shows liberal bias--but that the MSM engages in shallow reporting, is stupid, is lazy, and is far more interested in preserving its friendships with whatever Administration is in power than it is in doing its job. They're nicknamed the "chattering class" or the "the Village" on the lib/progressive blogs: a group of rich talking heads that set the tone of our discourse and drive the narrative and are completely ignorant.

In other words, liberals might acknowledge that the MSM this time favoured Obama and pushed narratives that helped him...but they'll point out that last time the MSM was pushing narratives that demonised democrats. They don't like the MSM any better because the MSM decided to love Obama this time. They hate the MSM because they believe it's never interested in doing real reporting or being honest whoever's narrative they're pushing.

679 legalpad  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:43:18am

re: #641 johnnyreb

Man are we stupid!

Not so much stupid as paid off by the Saudis. They always talk about the fine example of the Europeans, but we don't use nuclear power like they have for decades without incident.

680 Cato the Elder  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:43:37am

Edna O'Brien may be right, but whatever depends on individuals, it is not the fate of the universe. Just one little speck of H2O and dirt on the fringes of a rather unremarkable spiral galaxy in the middle of Nothing To See Here, Spaceville, Cosmosland.

681 avanti  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:43:40am

re: #645 bellamags

I just fired my full time employee so I don't have to contribute any more than I absolutely have to.

Why fire him before the tax increase ? By so doing, your income should go up, and you'll pay even more in taxes. When I was in business, I paid myself about $1000 a week, way under 250K cap and I could hire a half dozen lower wage workers before hitting that level.

682 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:43:58am

re: #673 jcm

He better be able to show the guy was still going for his gun or presenting a threat for the subsequent shots.

The perp was allegedly declaring "'tis but a flesh wound! Come back and fight, you coward!".


683 Killgore Trout  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:44:33am

The Paulification of the GOP continues.....
Peter Schiff gives the Libertarian Party some tough medicine "We Need to Influence the GOP!"

684 legalpad  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:44:40am

re: #676 bellamags

They tell you to empty the gun during your concealed weapons class.

I guess you mean that sarcastically?

685 FrogMarch  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:44:46am
686 Gretchen G.Tiger  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:44:53am

re: #676 bellamags

They tell you to empty the gun during your concealed weapons class.

All at one time, right? The guy left the scene and came back to discharge a different weapon. He needs Johnny Cochran.

687 Spare O'Lake  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:45:01am

re: #672 Occasional Reader

He apparently decided to refill the perp's lead prescription.

Take five of these and call your doctor in the morning?

688 lawhawk  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:45:04am

Greets and saluts from the NYC metro area. Say a prayer for the people on board that Air France plane. Don't know what brought it down, but as folks are discussing, lightning by itself isn't likely, and turbulence alone aren't going to cause the plane to crash by itself.

It's too soon to rule anything out, and while terrorism is a possibility, until the systems are recovered, there's no way to know for sure.

The fact that this event took place hundreds miles out to sea makes recovery of the plane all that more difficult.

689 jcm  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:45:08am

re: #676 bellamags

They tell you to empty the gun during your concealed weapons class.

You can keep firing until the threat is mitigated.

You can't decide a threat is mitigated (he went outside) then return and just because put a few more into the perp.

690 bellamags  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:45:21am

re: #660 razorbacker

Guy told me that if it weren't for his employee's need for a paycheck, he'd just shut the doors and go fishing.

Claims that his food costs had risen by over a third in just the past two years.

That seemed awfully high to me, but what do I know?

Not to mention state and local fines, taxes and licensing have increased. I feel like I am trapped in a car at the bottom of a lake and it is slowly filling with water. All I can do is wait for it to fill up, break a window and haul ass.

691 KenJen  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:45:22am

re: #665 VegasRick


Almost out of beer. Need to re-stock.

692 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:45:22am

re: #675 VegasRick

No, No, No - you see him just having a loaded gun or two on property shows that he wanted to kill someone!
/moonbat logic

Sadly, I can easily imagine a "crusading" liberal-oriented prosecutor making exactly that argument.

693 apachegunner  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:45:31am

re: #596 albusteve

yes, the liberal MSM beast that chose, then crowned BO for us

Huckabee giving WV to that stupid shit McCain was what caused Mitt to lose his bid and gave us the batard nobama.

694 Miss Trixie  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:46:14am

re: #589 realwest

Hey there gorgeous, *smooches* back to you! Not much is new around here - I woke up on the right side of the grass and that's a relief - BAD dreams last night!
But other than that, everything is about the same. How are you and Lil Miss doing?

Sorry to hear about your bad dreams and I'll talk to the Big Guy about some sweeter ones to send your way. :)

I was hobbled for most of the weekend with a vicious migraine, lasered with mind-numbing kaleidoscope lights that almost drove me mad.

I'm still a little wobbly today.

695 VegasRick  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:46:50am

re: #691 KenJen

Almost out of beer. Need to re-stock.

I'm buying Bud stock.

696 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:46:56am

re: #668 Occasional Reader

I'm not a criminal lawyer, nor do I play one on t.v., but I think the premeditation element usually requires something more "planned" than simply grabbing a weapon.

He planned to have two guns? Yeah, I know. I'm stretching.

697 The Left  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:47:10am

re: #613 realwest

LOL! Actually they are! Some places are using landfills - smoothing over MOUNTAINS (ok, BIG hills) of waste into flat(er) land, soaking 'em with something to make 'em environmentally pure and then planting grass and trees etc. NYC did it with part of the somethingorother "Kills" land fill and also build a public park and playgrounds, softball fields and such along he Hudson, up near Harlem.
It's interesting that these environmental landfill new land is being created in the poorer regions of the country.

Yep, Fresh Kills, I think? (creepy name now that I think of it)

I think Trump had some kind of plan to expand even further up along the Hudson? I can't remember the details and I think the plan got canned anyway.

698 Cato the Elder  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:47:15am

re: #645 bellamags

I just fired my full time employee so I don't have to contribute any more than I absolutely have to.

Nice. Not because you couldn't afford to keep that person working, but to stick it to the government.

Does your ex-employee have a family?

Sleep well on that pillow.

699 VegasRick  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:47:26am

re: #692 Occasional Reader

Sadly, I can easily imagine a "crusading" liberal-oriented prosecutor making exactly that argument.


700 bellamags  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:48:18am

re: #681 avanti

Why fire him before the tax increase ? By so doing, your income should go up, and you'll pay even more in taxes. When I was in business, I paid myself about $1000 a week, way under 250K cap and I could hire a half dozen lower wage workers before hitting that level.

I can't afford to pay her. I don't pay myself ANYTHING. I had to lower my prices and I am still not getting as much business as last year. I wouldn't be complaining if I took home 50 k a year. I had to cut my salary just to keep up with my increases in costs.

701 razorbacker  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:48:53am

re: #697 iceweasel

Yep, Fresh Kills, I think? (creepy name now that I think of it)

I think Trump had some kind of plan to expand even further up along the Hudson? I can't remember the details and I think the plan got canned anyway.

Kills is from the Dutch. It doesn't mean what it means in English.

702 bellamags  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:48:57am

re: #698 Cato the Elder

Nice. Not because you couldn't afford to keep that person working, but to stick it to the government.

Does your ex-employee have a family?

Sleep well on that pillow.

i couldn't afford to pay her you dick.

703 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:49:16am

re: #698 Cato the Elder

Nice. Not because you couldn't afford to keep that person working, but to stick it to the government.

Does your ex-employee have a family?

Sleep well on that pillow.

What about bellamags' family?!

704 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:49:33am

re: #688 lawhawk

The fact that this event took place hundreds miles out to sea makes recovery of the plane all that more difficult.

There's a smallish airport on the nearby (to probable crash location) Fernando de Noronha archipelago... that should help somewhat.

705 DaddyG  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:49:51am

re: #483 MandyManners

Susan Boyle's in the hospital?

Her 15 minutes of fame was a little too taxing.

706 [deleted]  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:50:03am
707 bellamags  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:50:03am

re: #698 Cato the Elder

Nice. Not because you couldn't afford to keep that person working, but to stick it to the government.

Does your ex-employee have a family?

Sleep well on that pillow.

If i go under 4 fucking more people will lose their jobs.

708 Gretchen G.Tiger  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:50:15am

re: #694 Miss Trixie

Sorry to hear about your bad dreams and I'll talk to the Big Guy about some sweeter ones to send your way. :)

I was hobbled for most of the weekend with a vicious migraine, lasered with mind-numbing kaleidoscope lights that almost drove me mad.

I'm still a little wobbly today.

OH, Miss Trixie! How terrible. Did the Lil' Miss comfort you?

709 apachegunner  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:50:58am

re: #619 MandyManners

I did not know that.

that was "fishkills"

710 avanti  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:51:02am

re: #670 razorbacker

No. His place opened from 4:30 till 9 three days per week. He's dropping Thursdays and only going to be open Friday and Saturday.

And I guess that he just doesn't see the benefit of working hard to enable others to earn.

Well, I'll drop this subject then because I can't feel that sorry for him. The guy is making over 250K a year, working 9 hours a week. if I was making way over $500 hour, hard work would suit me fine. Why not pay someone $100 hour to run the place stay home, I'm available ? :)

711 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:51:37am

re: #698 Cato the Elder

Nice. Not because you couldn't afford to keep that person working, but to stick it to the government.

Does your ex-employee have a family?

Sleep well on that pillow.

Excuse me. How in heavens can you just jump in here with a comment like that when you know ZILCH about Bellamags situation, business or what ever?

I really can't say what I want to at this point, Charles would certainly ban me...

712 albusteve  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:51:41am

Islamists want BO to impose 'peace' in the ME....I wonder what that's all about...

[Link: www.seattlepi.com...]

713 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:51:49am

re: #707 bellamags

Take a breath.

714 jcm  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:51:56am

re: #692 Occasional Reader

Sadly, I can easily imagine a "crusading" liberal-oriented prosecutor making exactly that argument.

There is was a case in CA, (I'd have to dig it out) where a guy was convicted of manslaughter in a self defense shooting because he used SJHP (semi-jacketed hollow point).

The prosecutor's case was the use of SJHP proved he intended to kill and not wound. The jury bought it, and the defense to incompetent to articulate the entire point of stopping the threat, and minimizing the hazard to people and property behind the threat.

715 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:51:59am

re: #615 MandyManners

I heard on Fox this morning that he's been charged with First Degree.

Yep and I think that charge will stick - whether or not he'll be convicted of it is a question. It's one thing to defend yourself and your property and in a moment of Adrenalin rush you go outside chasing bandit number 2, but to come back inside, see the dude prone, face down on the floor with blood coming out of his head and pump a second pistol's worth of ammo into him is too much.

716 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:52:07am

re: #703 MandyManners

What about bellamags' family?!

I have to say, I also find the idea of firing an employee out of an abstract ideological objection to higher taxes to be rather... questionable.

717 Gretchen G.Tiger  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:52:13am

re: #706 Iron Fist

Certainly Mandy had a good point. I was simply curious to see where that point was coming from. The verbiage was almost pure Marx. while Marx did speak about alienation from one's own wrok as an individual, that was still in the concept of the individual as a part of "labor" as opposed to capitalist bourgeoisie. Marxism as a whole isn't concerned with the individual (or the individual's needs) much. The individual is much less important than the State. This is in contrast with the philosophy of individualism that the United States was built on and for so many years exmeplified. We have too many people these days who would just vote themselves a payday and to hell with everything else. While this might appear individualistic at first glance, it is not, really. It requires that the many support the one irrespective of the societal benifit, but the "one" is really a class of people who, through their votes, demand to be taken care of. It is a large enough class of people that it can (and does) swing the election.

That's Ben Franklin. It is almost prescient the way he calls out what will (if we don't get control of it) bring us down.

How long did the actual "republic" part of the Roman Republic last?

718 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:52:31am

re: #702 bellamags

i couldn't afford to pay her you dick.

Okay, that's different. I take back my previous post.

719 Ward Cleaver  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:52:37am

re: #364 Nevergiveup

The last survivor of the Titanic passed away. I wonder if she really did throw that jewel back into the Atlantic?

Here's the story on her. She was just two months old when the ship sank. Her mother survived; her father did not.

720 bellamags  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:52:37am

re: #713 MandyManners

Take a breath.

dude. i am sweaty.

721 callahan23  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:52:42am

Good morning Lizardia!

re: #488 HoosierHoops

Gosh, (Hoops) I'm so sorry to hear that. My condolences and thoughts to you and his family.

722 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:53:32am

re: #681 avanti

Why fire him before the tax increase ? By so doing, your income should go up, and you'll pay even more in taxes. When I was in business, I paid myself about $1000 a week, way under 250K cap and I could hire a half dozen lower wage workers before hitting that level.

AND YOU UP DINGED CATO THE ELDER FOR HIS SNIDE-ASSED REMARK. Both of you, Cato and Avanti, unbelievable, neither of you know Bellamags situation yet you can sit there and dump on her like that. Unbelievable.

723 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:53:47am

re: #715 realwest

Yep and I think that charge will stick - whether or not he'll be convicted of it is a question. It's one thing to defend yourself and your property and in a moment of Adrenalin rush you go outside chasing bandit number 2, but to come back inside, see the dude prone, face down on the floor with blood coming out of his head and pump a second pistol's worth of ammo into him is too much.

My thinking exactly.

Now, I wanna' know what two 14-year-old boys were doing robbing a store.

724 razorbacker  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:53:50am

re: #700 bellamags

I've mentioned that my wife is the payroll department for a food manufacturer.

They're one of those folks who make stuff that you probably buy, or eat if you visit any one of a half-dozen fast food chains.

This time last year she was processing over 800 paychecks a week. Now it is just over 600.

They haven't been firing en masse. They have just been strictly enforcing company rules and not replacing departed workers. Making up the difference with temps.

725 JohnnyReb  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:54:03am

re: #717 ggt

How long did the actual "republic" part of the Roman Republic last?

A little less than 200 years. And in the end inflation hit about 2,000% percent.

726 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:54:26am

re: #720 bellamags

dude. i am sweaty.

That's quite understandable.

727 Flyers1974  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:54:34am

re: #624 jcm

Watermelons. Green on the outside, red on the inside.

If you start digging into the green movement you'll find a lot of the same people in the nuclear freeze movement, and lots of ties with various extreme leftists and organizations.

Compare the long term goals of these leftist and the solutions proposed by many greens and again you'll find a lot of correlation in solutions, state control or more and more.

I'm not at all against responsible stewardship of the environment.

What I am against is selling Liberty to others who think they know better than the rest of us. I'm against keeping the 3rd world from lifting themselves out of their misery for the misguided idea of the noble savage.

You mention the Greens and extreme leftists. Each party has its extremes and yet still manages (at least from time to time) to do the right thing despite those extremes. It is not unreasonable I think, to assume the average Democrat on the street is not an unmovable opponent of nuclear power. The gentlemen a few posts up mentioned CT as having a plant and I happen to know NJ and PA do as well. Those are prety Blue states. Is it possible that there is an issue at play in addition to the Democratic opposition? For example, I've been to Vegas maybe three times over the years and I remember the Yucca Mountain issue being in the papers. I wonder if with respect to nuclear waste, the "not in my backyard" syndrome, which has little to do with partisan politics is a big factor here.

728 Kenneth  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:54:35am

re: #597 Iron Fist

The fact Obama won may not have anything to do with McCain's positions: left, right or center. After 8 years of Bush, and the unrelenting negative press coverage of him, the Dems could have run a mannequin and still won the election. In fact, it seems they did, so little did the media reveal of the record & character of the real Obama.

729 bellamags  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:55:19am

re: #722 Walter L. Newton

thanks walter. : ) and they say chivalry is dead.

730 Kenneth  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:55:33am

re: #680 Cato the Elder

I think Edna was being sarcastic about bureaucrats.

731 lawhawk  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:55:53am

re: #701 razorbacker

Fresh Kills was the largest sanitary landfill in the world when it was closed. After 9/11 it was reopened to receive debris from Ground Zero, and nearly 2 million tons of debris were barged and then carted there and separated out remains and personal effects from the millions of tons of debris.

Most of Fresh Kills will be turned into a park, with the portion used for 9/11 recovery turned into a possible memorial.

The City is in the process of developing several other landfills into park/wildland, including a section across from Starett City.

732 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:56:19am

re: #728 Kenneth

The fact Obama won may not have anything to do with McCain's positions: left, right or center. After 8 years of Bush, and the unrelenting negative press coverage of him, the Dems could have run a mannequin and still won the election. In fact, it seems they did, so little did the media reveal of the record & character of the real Obama.

FCBBHO could've had sex with a goat on the Capitol steps and the MFM would've ignored it.

733 Kosh's Shadow  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:56:20am

re: #728 Kenneth

The fact Obama won may not have anything to do with McCain's positions: left, right or center. After 8 years of Bush, and the unrelenting negative press coverage of him, the Dems could have run a mannequin and still won the election. In fact, it seems they did, so little did the media reveal of the record & character of the real Obama.

I'd prefer the mannequin. But it depends on who the ventriloquist is, I guess.

734 FrogMarch  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:56:21am

re: #707 bellamags

If i go under 4 fucking more people will lose their jobs.

You should fire yourself first - and then let your employees take over. ///
In the magic age of Obama, you shouldn't care about yourself or your family.
The Marxist feel-it-up meme is so entrenched, some people just don't understand the basics of economics anymore.
Porkulus is working!

735 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:56:44am

re: #635 3 wood
Good morning 3 wood - why can't he be both incompetent and lying?!

736 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:56:52am

re: #720 bellamags

dude. i am sweaty.

Tell Cato and Avanti (he UPDINGED Cato fro his comment) to go to hell before I do. What a fucking thing to wake up to, both of them Cato and Avanti, sitting on thier little gold-plated asses passing decisions on TOUR business and decisions and they don't know shit about what's going on.

I'm mad, really mad.

737 aussiemagpie  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:57:08am

G'day from Down Under to {everyone}!

I thought I'd post this because it's winter here now, and this takes place each year...

Whales head north to escape the Antarctic winter

{Bellamags}, the situation here for small businesses is bad and getting worse too! Best of luck with your business, I know how hard you have worked at building it up by reading your posts in the past

738 DaddyG  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:57:15am

re: #642 KenJen

It's definitely fodder for the punsters.

I dunno. It would be too corny.

739 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:57:17am

re: #714 jcm

There is was a case in CA, (I'd have to dig it out) where a guy was convicted of manslaughter in a self defense shooting because he used SJHP (semi-jacketed hollow point).

The prosecutor's case was the use of SJHP proved he intended to kill and not wound. The jury bought it, and the defense to incompetent to articulate the entire point of stopping the threat, and minimizing the hazard to people and property behind the threat.

I thought I heard about something like that. Disgraceful.

Currently, my home defense .45acp load is a mix of Federal HST 230gr JHP, and Glaser "Pow-R-Ball". I guess I should swap those out for tiny little marshmallows, or something.

740 Kenneth  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:58:00am

re: #712 albusteve

Islamists want BO to impose 'peace' in the ME....I wonder what that's all about...

[Link: www.seattlepi.com...]

This is about Israel. In Arabic, the word for peace also means submission.

741 Digital Display  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:58:06am

re: #721 callahan23

Good morning Lizardia!

Gosh, (Hoops) I'm so sorry to hear that. My condolences and thoughts to you and his family.

Thanks Friend..I'm devastated.. He was talking to his wife on the Cell when he died..They say he had a weak artery on his heart that he was born with.
40 years old with 3 wonderful Children...They say they are having the service at a huge Christian Church because so many policeman will be coming...
I am numb today..Will post his Obit later today when it is published..

742 avanti  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:58:34am

re: #700 bellamags

I can't afford to pay her. I don't pay myself ANYTHING. I had to lower my prices and I am still not getting as much business as last year. I wouldn't be complaining if I took home 50 k a year. I had to cut my salary just to keep up with my increases in costs.

That's different, but you said :

"I just fired my full time employee so I don't have to contribute any more than I absolutely have to."

That gave me the impression you were talking about the upcoming tax increase for the 250K bracket that we were discussing.

743 sattv4u2  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:58:47am

re: #651 Killgore Trout

re: #665 VegasRick

On a serious note, I wonder how much if any affect they had on the recent Cali tax votes

Oh , and Good Morning , all

744 bloodnok  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:59:04am

re: #741 HoosierHoops

Thanks Friend..I'm devastated.. He was talking to his wife on the Cell when he died..They say he had a weak artery on his heart that he was born with.
40 years old with 3 wonderful Children...They say they are having the service at a huge Christian Church because so many policeman will be coming...
I am numb today..Will post his Obit later today when it is published..

Oh my. My condolences, HH.

745 UFO TOFU  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:59:17am

re: #739 Occasional Reader

Aren't the Glaser's pretty pricey?

746 redstateredneck  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:59:18am

I read bellamags post that she had to fire her one and only employee just to keep the business afloat. Maybe she didn't word it correctly. Hers is a small business, y'all.

747 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:59:32am

re: #646 redstateredneck
Hi ya {red} maybe! I don't know and hope that lawhawk shows up soon to correct me!

748 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:59:35am

re: #736 Walter L. Newton

I'm mad, really mad.

Bellamags initial post on the subject made it sound like she fired an employee purely out of tax-resistance ideological reasons. I found that rather startling, too. She later clarified that it was because of necessary belt-tightening.

749 albusteve  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:00:41am

re: #740 Kenneth

This is about Israel. In Arabic, the word for peace also means submission.

I know...a veiled demand to turn out Israel...nothing new really, just another POTUS...we'll see how he dodges this one, he's pretty good at Arab style doubletalk himself

750 bloodnok  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:00:43am

re: #742 avanti

That's different, but you said :

"I just fired my full time employee so I don't have to contribute any more than I absolutely have to."

That gave me the impression you were talking about the upcoming tax increase for the 250K bracket that we were discussing.

Sometimes it pays to know a few facts first...

751 Miss Trixie  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:00:54am

re: #708 ggt

OH, Miss Trixie! How terrible. Did the Lil' Miss comfort you?

She didn't leave my side except to tinkle in her box, make a deposit or ask (quietly) for her chicken dinner. It was nice to have her fuzzy puppiness comfort me.

And she snores like a sailor at the end of a three-day leave! :D

752 razorbacker  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:01:15am

re: #710 avanti

Well, I'll drop this subject then because I can't feel that sorry for him. The guy is making over 250K a year, working 9 hours a week. if I was making way over $500 hour, hard work would suit me fine. Why not pay someone $100 hour to run the place stay home, I'm available ? :)

I don't feel sorry for him. He's been successful, and has managed to hold onto his money.

The surprising thing is, the food is as far as I'm concerned slightly above average. But we got there about 35 minutes after opening and waited in line for almost an hour. We eat our meal and leave and the line is still just as long as when we went in.

It is probably unsustainable in the long haul.

And by the way, after he gets through paying you $100/hour to run his business, and you run it into the ground, are you going to pay back his investment in land, buildings, and equipment or are you just going to go back home and wait?

753 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:01:15am

re: #742 avanti

That's different, but you said :

"I just fired my full time employee so I don't have to contribute any more than I absolutely have to."

That gave me the impression you were talking about the upcoming tax increase for the 250K bracket that we were discussing.

Did Bellamags EVER mention the 250k tax bracket. I didn't misunderstand her comment. You and your stick-it-to-the-tax-payer-liberalism was projecting your way of doing things to her comment, you jerk.

Don't try to weasal out of it, just say you're sorry for UPDING Cato's comment.

754 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:01:30am

re: #647 MandyManners

Yeah, well, fuck them.

Um, no thanks! But they shut the hell up about their "feelings" really quickly and it'd be ok with me!

755 Killgore Trout  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:01:35am

re: #743 sattv4u2

On a serious note, I wonder how much if any affect they had on the recent Cali tax votes

I think it had a lot of influence, and I don't consider that a good thing.

756 apachegunner  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:01:44am

re: #733 Kosh's Shadow

I'd prefer the mannequin. But it depends on who the ventriloquist is, I guess.

the ventriloquist is the teleprompter in this case don'tcha think?

757 DaddyG  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:01:44am

re: #710 avanti
The guys business may be making over $250k but that doesn't mean he's taking home a dime of it.

Food service and restaurant owners are some of the hardest working people around and their take home per hour worked is not usually in the high range. That's assuming they have a profitable establishment in the first place. A good friend of mine just lost his establishment to the economy and loss of traffic this year and had to lay off a dozen employees. His margins were never big.

758 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:01:58am

re: #748 Occasional Reader

Bellamags initial post on the subject made it sound like she fired an employee purely out of tax-resistance ideological reasons. I found that rather startling, too. She later clarified that it was because of necessary belt-tightening.

I didn't misread it.

759 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:02:00am

re: #745 UFO TOFU

Aren't the Glaser's pretty pricey?

Yeah, it was a bit of an impulse buy. I was looking at Glaser Safe-T-Slugs (even pricier) initially, chatted with the range guys a little, decided to get a box of the Pow-R-Ball instead. Still, it's just one box; most of my stuff is the Federal HST, which is still somewhat pricey, but less than the Glasers, and seems to be very highly rated.

760 redstateredneck  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:02:05am

re: #747 realwest

Hey, {realwest}. How you doin' today?

761 Kosh's Shadow  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:02:50am

re: #756 apachegunner

the ventriloquist is the teleprompter in this case don'tcha think?

Pay no attention to the man behind the teleprompter (not in front of the teleprompter.)

762 Spare O'Lake  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:02:54am

re: #748 Occasional Reader

Bellamags initial post on the subject made it sound like she fired an employee purely out of tax-resistance ideological reasons. I found that rather startling, too. She later clarified that it was because of necessary belt-tightening.

Perhaps some clarification or confirmation ought to have been sought before the commenter passed judgment and fired the broadside.

763 aussiemagpie  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:03:14am

re: #741 HoosierHoops

{HH} So sorry to hear about your dear friend, that's just awful! My sympathies to his family and of course his great mates like you

We've just been through something similar, a close friend died, aged a week younger than me, and his funeral was last Friday

764 Digital Display  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:03:19am

re: #742 avanti

That's different, but you said :

"I just fired my full time employee so I don't have to contribute any more than I absolutely have to."

That gave me the impression you were talking about the upcoming tax increase for the 250K bracket that we were discussing.

One word of advice avanti..Don't ever trash Bella before you know the facts on the ground...She is well loved here...
Stand down and say you are sorry for jumping the Shark..You really don't want to piss me off today..

765 redstateredneck  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:03:29am

re: #751 Miss Trixie

She didn't leave my side except to tinkle in her box, make a deposit or ask (quietly) for her chicken dinner. It was nice to have her fuzzy puppiness comfort me.

And she snores like a sailor at the end of a three-day leave! :D

I think my old dachshund, Sugarman, has special healing powers. He never leaves my side if I'm sick.

766 jcm  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:03:30am

re: #745 UFO TOFU

Aren't the Glaser's pretty pricey?

You don't use 'em on the range. You use ball (FMJ) on the range with a close ballistic match.

767 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:04:03am

re: #758 Walter L. Newton

I didn't misread it.

Well, good for you. Personally, I'm not sure how else to read "... so I don't have to contribute any more than I absolutely have to", but like I said, she later clarified.

768 KenJen  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:04:14am

re: #738 DaddyG

I dunno. It would be too corny.

Not if there is a kernel of truth in it.

769 albusteve  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:04:48am

re: #758 Walter L. Newton

I didn't misread it.

just to butt in, neither did I..it was a passing comment that got used

770 bellamags  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:04:56am

re: #736 Walter L. Newton

Tell Cato and Avanti (he UPDINGED Cato fro his comment) to go to hell before I do. What a fucking thing to wake up to, both of them Cato and Avanti, sitting on thier little gold-plated asses passing decisions on TOUR business and decisions and they don't know shit about what's going on.

I'm mad, really mad.

I haven't been on this site for months because I have been working 60 plus hours per week just to keep my doors open then I get shit from these two. Whatever. I have bigger things to worry about.

Most people have no idea what it is like to have to "contribute" half of your income to a government which does nothing but everything to destroy what you have and redistribute your money to others who don't deserve it.

All I own is this small tanning salon. I have no house, I live with my dad. I have a car which I still owe on. I bought this place with sweat equity. I did not borrow the money from my parents. I did it myself. Now I have to watch it potentially go under. I have nothing but this place.

771 Gretchen G.Tiger  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:04:57am

can we leave bellmag and his business decisions alone?

772 avanti  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:05:04am

re: #746 redstateredneck

I read bellamags post that she had to fire her one and only employee just to keep the business afloat. Maybe she didn't word it correctly. Hers is a small business, y'all.

I see that now. Firing a employee because of the recession on, is a sad, but a no brainer. The reason I think Cato and I were confused is out sounded like a firing to avoid the upcoming tax increase for the top rates.
In fairness to all, it was easy to misunderstand this quote when we were talking tax burdens:

I just fired my full time employee so I don't have to contribute any more than I absolutely have to.

773 OldLineTexan  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:05:14am

re: #568 Occasional Reader

Missing the reference...

LOST, sorry, thought you hung out with Walter enough to get it ... mysterious disapearance of an airliner, island, etc.

774 Digital Display  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:05:17am

re: #763 aussiemagpie

{HH} So sorry to hear about your dear friend, that's just awful! My sympathies to his family and of course his great mates like you

We've just been through something similar, a close friend died, aged a week younger than me, and his funeral was last Friday

{aussie} Hope today finds you well.Sorry about your friend

775 bellamags  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:05:39am

re: #772 avanti

I see that now. Firing a employee because of the recession on, is a sad, but a no brainer. The reason I think Cato and I were confused is out sounded like a firing to avoid the upcoming tax increase for the top rates.
In fairness to all, it was easy to misunderstand this quote when we were talking tax burdens:

I just fired my full time employee so I don't have to contribute any more than I absolutely have to.

kiss my ass

776 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:05:47am

re: #766 jcm

You don't use 'em on the range. You use ball (FMJ) on the range with a close ballistic match.

Actually, I'm not even allowed to use them at my range. You have to buy the range's ammo (state law, I believe), and it's all FMJ. But I have snuck (sneaked? snooked?) a little in anyway, just to make sure my Kimber feeds properly with them.

777 albusteve  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:05:50am

re: #767 Occasional Reader

Well, good for you. Personally, I'm not sure how else to read "... so I don't have to contribute any more than I absolutely have to", but like I said, she later clarified.

I read it that she is getting hammered and something had to give....imo

778 Kenneth  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:05:52am

re: #742 avanti

Fuck off you idiot.

It was perfectly clear from all that bellamags said the higher taxes were killing his business. He has to cut costs. That means letting staff go. Raising taxes during a deep recession is the stupidest thing to do. Your darling Obama is screwing up the economy horribly. Yet you had the gall to blame the victim.

Why don't you bugger off to the casino where you can engage in the non-productive economic activity of random income redistribution while the house skims off the top: a perfect illustration of Obama's destructive economic policy.

779 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:06:14am

re: #770 bellamags


780 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:06:16am

re: #676 bellamags
BUT bella - do they teach you to grab a second gun and shoot the bad guy full of lead, EVEN THOUGH HE'S LYING FACE DOWN IN A POOL OF BLOOD - or do you grab the second loaded gun and call 911.
Wonder if there are any CCTV security tapes of the whole thing?

781 opnion  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:06:23am

re: #728 Kenneth

The fact Obama won may not have anything to do with McCain's positions: left, right or center. After 8 years of Bush, and the unrelenting negative press coverage of him, the Dems could have run a mannequin and still won the election. In fact, it seems they did, so little did the media reveal of the record & character of the real Obama.

Obama was fresh & the Media has a love affair with him.
McCain seemed like & looked like the past.
Bush was being blamed fairly & unfairly for about everything.
McCain ran a really bad campaign & still went up four points after choosing Sarah Palin. If it did not break that the economy was in free fall, who knows?

782 Summersong  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:06:27am

re: #695 VegasRick

I'm buying Bud stock.

Don't buy it today. The market is up +208 points.

783 redstateredneck  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:06:30am

re: #772 avanti

If you only have one employee, then it's not too hard to figure out that it's a really small business.

784 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:06:38am

re: #770 bellamags

All I own is this small tanning salon. I have no house, I live with my dad. I have a car which I still owe on. I bought this place with sweat equity. I did not borrow the money from my parents. I did it myself. Now I have to watch it potentially go under. I have nothing but this place.

I hope things turn around soon. Good for you for starting your own business.

785 sattv4u2  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:06:40am

re: #755 Killgore Trout

I think it had a lot of influence, and I don't consider that a good thing.

Thanks for the honest assessment

786 callahan23  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:06:46am

re: #741 HoosierHoops

(Hoops) it is particularly sad when a person in its prime dies. I feel for all those who have lost a loved one.

787 [deleted]  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:06:47am
788 razorbacker  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:06:55am

re: #731 lawhawk

Sorry. My point was the name 'kills' is from the Dutch, who settled New York.

A 'Kill' is a stream or creek.

789 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:07:41am

By the way, bellamags... I thought from the "bella" part you were a she; meant no offense, if in fact you're a he.

790 Sheila Broflovski  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:07:51am

re: #772 avanti

I see that now. Firing a employee because of the recession on, is a sad, but a no brainer. The reason I think Cato and I were confused is out sounded like a firing to avoid the upcoming tax increase for the top rates.
In fairness to all, it was easy to misunderstand this quote when we were talking tax burdens:

I just fired my full time employee so I don't have to contribute any more than I absolutely have to.

Well aren't you just a spayshul little showflake.

791 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:07:55am

re: #778 Kenneth


792 redstateredneck  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:08:03am

re: #763 aussiemagpie

{HH} So sorry to hear about your dear friend, that's just awful! My sympathies to his family and of course his great mates like you

We've just been through something similar, a close friend died, aged a week younger than me, and his funeral was last Friday

{ { {aussie} } }
So sorry, dear.

793 albusteve  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:08:05am

re: #772 avanti

don't be so fucking impulsive to have your say

794 avanti  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:08:42am

re: #753 Walter L. Newton

Did Bellamags EVER mention the 250k tax bracket. I didn't misunderstand her comment. You and your stick-it-to-the-tax-payer-liberalism was projecting your way of doing things to her comment, you jerk.

Don't try to weasal out of it, just say you're sorry for UPDING Cato's comment.

If you don't understand why Cato and I replied the way we did to the quote about firing rather then contribute more and employee was fired, you are not being intellectual honest and further conversation is a waste of time.

795 JacksonTn  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:09:03am

re: #778 Kenneth

Fuck off you idiot.

It was perfectly clear from all that bellamags said the higher taxes were killing his business. He has to cut costs. That means letting staff go. Raising taxes during a deep recession is the stupidest thing to do. Your darling Obama is screwing up the economy horribly. Yet you had the gall to blame the victim.

Why don't you bugger off to the casino where you can engage in the non-productive economic activity of random income redistribution while the house skims off the top: a perfect illustration of Obama's destructive economic policy.

Kenneth ... exactly and as a business owners ... it is our right to fire anyone at any time ... and I will shut my businesses down before someone tells me I cannot ...

796 VegasRick  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:09:10am

re: #743 sattv4u2

re: #665 VegasRick

On a serious note, I wonder how much if any affect they had on the recent Cali tax votes

Oh , and Good Morning , all

Regular folks are getting fed up. The lying pols are going to have to find a different tactic (other than fear mongering) to fuck over the people again.

797 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:09:24am

re: #772 avanti

I see that now. Firing a employee because of the recession on, is a sad, but a no brainer. The reason I think Cato and I were confused is out sounded like a firing to avoid the upcoming tax increase for the top rates.
In fairness to all, it was easy to misunderstand this quote when we were talking tax burdens:

I just fired my full time employee so I don't have to contribute any more than I absolutely have to.

No, like I said, it was easy for you to project your...

LIBERAL-SOCK-THE-BUSINESS-OWNER-FOR-ALL-WE-CAN mentality on to Bellamags, and UPDING Cato for his snarky comment.

798 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:09:28am

re: #787 Iron Fist

From what I've heard/read, the head shot was not the fatal one.

799 DaddyG  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:09:40am

re: #768 KenJen

Not if there is a kernel of truth in it.

Are you trying to get into a row with me?

800 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:09:52am

re: #787 Iron Fist

(shooting someone to wound them or shooting the gun out of their hand is Hollywood bullshit).

I was trained to shoot the perp's belt buckle off, so his pants fall down and he gets embarrassed.


801 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:10:21am

re: #794 avanti

If you don't understand why Cato and I replied the way we did to the quote about firing rather then contribute more and employee was fired, you are not being intellectual honest and further conversation is a waste of time.


802 avanti  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:10:22am

re: #793 albusteve

don't be so fucking impulsive to have your say

I get it, the morning crew is a bit nastier then the evening one, bye until later.

803 KenJen  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:10:43am

re: #772 avanti

I see that now. Firing a employee because of the recession on, is a sad, but a no brainer. The reason I think Cato and I were confused is out sounded like a firing to avoid the upcoming tax increase for the top rates.
In fairness to all, it was easy to misunderstand this quote when we were talking tax burdens:

I just fired my full time employee so I don't have to contribute any more than I absolutely have to.

People are not just getting fired because a recession is on. They are getting fired because small and large business don't have any HOPE that Obama and his admin can CHANGE this economy around. It's called buckling down for the long haul.

804 haakondahl  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:11:06am

re: #723 MandyManners

My thinking exactly.

Now, I wanna' know what two 14-year-old boys were doing robbing a store.

The two yoots?

805 redstateredneck  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:11:14am

How does everyone feel about paying for the Obama's date night in NYC Saturday?
warm & fuzzy?
pissed & shitty?

806 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:11:23am

re: #800 Occasional Reader

I was trained to shoot the perp's belt buckle off, so his pants fall down and he gets embarrassed.


Much-needed giggle.

807 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:11:25am

re: #802 avanti

I get it, the morning crew is a bit nastier then the evening one, bye until later.

Chicken shit.

808 UFO TOFU  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:11:29am

re: #759 Occasional Reader

Did a quick search, that Federal HST gets good reviews. I can't afford to practice with the Safety Slugs.

809 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:11:30am

re: #678 iceweasel
Uh, excuse me but "is far more interested in preserving its friendships with whatever Administration is in power" they sure didn't show that side of themselves when Bush was in power. As a matter of factual record, CHARLES helped prevent the MSM - in the guise of "60 Minutes" with Dan Rather and Mary Mapes pull a fast one on the electorate in 2004 to throw votes to Kerry instead of Bush just 5 weeks before the election with memos they knew were forgeries. See e.g., Rathergate and the Throbbing Memo up at LGF Hits upper left side of this page.

810 aussiemagpie  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:11:33am

re: #774 HoosierHoops

{aussie} Hope today finds you well.Sorry about your friend

{HH} Thanks, and same to you, I'm really so sorry

The shock and then the grief is just awful to deal with, especially when the person is young and death is unexpected

811 sattv4u2  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:11:52am

re: #796 VegasRick

Regular folks are getting fed up. The lying pols are going to have to find a different tactic (other than fear mongering) to fuck over the people again.

They'll revert to what they've always done

GIVE people stuff! PROMISE people stuff!

812 bellamags  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:12:04am

re: #789 Occasional Reader

By the way, bellamags... I thought from the "bella" part you were a she; meant no offense, if in fact you're a he.

I'm a she.

813 lawhawk  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:12:06am

re: #770 bellamags

I wish you the best of luck trying to keep your business going. Starting and maintaining a business is one of the toughest things to do, and keeping one going is both incredibly rewarding and draining. I don't envy the decisions you're facing, but I do know from personal experience what it's like to start a business and get one off the ground with nothing but your own sweat equity.

814 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:12:17am

re: #802 avanti

I get it, the morning crew is a bit nastier then the evening one, bye until later.


815 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:12:25am

re: #693 apachegunner

Huckabee giving WV to that stupid shit McCain was what caused Mitt to lose his bid and gave us the batard nobama.

McCain is not a "stupid shit". He's a good man who should not have been nominated. He lacked the killer instinct and ruthlessness to win, but he is not a bad person.

816 KenJen  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:12:40am

re: #799 DaddyG

Are you trying to get into a row with me?

No I'm not. Are you stalking me?

817 JacksonTn  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:12:45am

re: #803 KenJen

KenJen ... that is true ... we have decreased our workers on the farm by about five persons ... we will just have to work harder and longer hours ... and it is just what you have to do to stay alive ... it is either that or everyone goes down ... I would rather lay off a few to save the rest ...

818 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:13:09am

re: #804 haakondahl

The two yoots?


819 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:13:23am

re: #804 haakondahl

The two yoots?

Yeah. I briefly heard this morning on Fox that there was an adult behind that robbery. If so, I'd like to see a felony-murder charge slapped on his ass.

820 albusteve  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:13:26am

re: #802 avanti

I get it, the morning crew is a bit nastier then the evening one, bye until later.

for you, it's always somebody elses problem...always

821 haakondahl  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:13:36am
"The reason I think Cato and I were confused is it sounded like a firing to avoid the upcoming tax increase for the top rates."

One of the differences between tax raisers and tax-cutters is that the latter understand that this is synonymous with staying in business.

822 sattv4u2  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:13:40am

re: #805 redstateredneck

How does everyone feel about paying for the Obama's date night in NYC Saturday?
warm & fuzzy?
pissed & shitty?

totally ambivalent. If you think that Lincoln footed the bill for that tragic night at the theater, you're deluded!

EVERY President gets (and should get) perks like that

823 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:13:54am

re: #805 redstateredneck

How does everyone feel about paying for the Obama's date night in NYC Saturday?
warm & fuzzy?
pissed & shitty?


824 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:14:24am

re: #807 Walter L. Newton

Chicken shit.


825 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:14:26am

re: #808 UFO TOFU

Did a quick search, that Federal HST gets good reviews. I can't afford to practice with the Safety Slugs.

Jiminy crickets, who can?! They cost about $2.50 a round.

826 bellamags  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:14:29am

re: #813 lawhawk


827 JacksonTn  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:14:36am

re: #698 Cato the Elder

Nice. Not because you couldn't afford to keep that person working, but to stick it to the government.

Does your ex-employee have a family?

Sleep well on that pillow.

Cato ... how many employees do you have? ... sometimes you have to lay people off to save the other employees jobs ... there is more to employing people than just writing the paycheck ...

828 sattv4u2  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:14:39am

re: #796 VegasRick

re: #811 sattv4u2

They'll revert to what they've always done

GIVE people stuff! PROMISE people stuff!

in other words ,, BUY VOTES

829 VegasRick  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:14:52am

re: #802 avanti

I get it, the morning crew is a bit nastier then the evening one, bye until later.

Runaway Avanti.

830 bellamags  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:15:00am

(Walter & Mandy)

831 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:15:22am

re: #816 KenJen

No I'm not. Are you stalking me?

Aw, shucks...

832 sattv4u2  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:15:25am

re: #829 VegasRick

Runaway Avanti.

I'v seen those cars. It's more like TOW AWAY !

833 redstateredneck  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:15:38am

re: #812 bellamags

I'm a she.

Not just a she, but a HOTTIE!

834 Kosh's Shadow  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:15:38am

re: #816 KenJen

No I'm not. Are you stalking me?

Just plowing on with the puns.

835 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:16:27am

re: #812 bellamags

I'm a she.

Ah. Someone was using male pronouns in referring to you a few minutes ago, hence my confusion.

836 Ojoe  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:16:30am

An Air France jet with 200+ on board flying from Rio to Paris is reported missing over the atlantic.

837 redstateredneck  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:16:39am

re: #822 sattv4u2

totally ambivalent. If you think that Lincoln footed the bill for that tragic night at the theater, you're deluded!

EVERY President gets (and should get) perks like that

Just trying to change the subject!

838 lawhawk  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:16:51am

re: #805 redstateredneck

How does everyone feel about paying for the Obama's date night in NYC Saturday?
warm & fuzzy?
pissed & shitty?

Nice to see that they're getting out and about. They wanted to catch a Broadway show and dinner? Helps the local tourist industry and Broadway needed the assist.

But when some people are trying to compare this with what Bush did in going back to Crawford for vacation is where I find things separating a bit.

Bush went to Crawford and ran things from there. It wasn't so much a vacation as operating from a different venue (Clinton used to go to Camp David, rather than Arkansas, other presidents went to their homes or retreated to Camp David). Obama didn't go on vacation back in Illinois. He went to NYC for what was essentially an expensive day trip. Bush hated DC - the insular nature of the City and how confining being at the WH. Obama doesn't seem to have that issue yet (he might soon enough as the economy continues sputtering along and the media finally starts taking him to task).

This job is a pressure cooker, and getting a sense of normalcy is needed. I wont criticize him for that. A fair accounting of the trip compared to what prior Administrations have done is all I ask.

839 Flyers1974  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:16:54am

re: #678 iceweasel

You'd be surprised. Much of the left loathes the MSM just as much as you do.

One stereotype on the right is that the MSM has a liberal bias all the time and rolled over and crowned Obama.

Yet much of the left, and nearly all of the progressive/liberal left (and especially the blogosphere) despises the MSM and has done for years. They feel the problem isn't that the MSM shows liberal bias--but that the MSM engages in shallow reporting, is stupid, is lazy, and is far more interested in preserving its friendships with whatever Administration is in power than it is in doing its job. They're nicknamed the "chattering class" or the "the Village" on the lib/progressive blogs: a group of rich talking heads that set the tone of our discourse and drive the narrative and are completely ignorant.

In other words, liberals might acknowledge that the MSM this time favoured Obama and pushed narratives that helped him...but they'll point out that last time the MSM was pushing narratives that demonised democrats. They don't like the MSM any better because the MSM decided to love Obama this time. They hate the MSM because they believe it's never interested in doing real reporting or being honest whoever's narrative they're pushing.

re: #781 opnion

Obama was fresh & the Media has a love affair with him.
McCain seemed like & looked like the past.
Bush was being blamed fairly & unfairly for about everything.
McCain ran a really bad campaign & still went up four points after choosing Sarah Palin. If it did not break that the economy was in free fall, who knows?

Another issue is, how relevant is the MSM with respect to the forming of political opinion, at least these days? As far as those with strong political opinions, people belive what they want to believe. I think it is nearly impossible to change a person's mind regarding political issues through a face-to-face conversation, let alone over the tv, etc... .

If the economy had been in better shape and McCain was the McCain of 2000, McCain wins in my opinion. At one point during the stand-up debate I literally felt bad for McCain. He appeared to me old and tired. That has nothing to do with ideology but with image.

840 sattv4u2  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:17:10am

re: #837 redstateredneck

Just trying to change the subject!

well ,,, you asked ,, I answered!

841 VegasRick  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:17:13am

re: #832 sattv4u2

I'v seen those cars. It's more like TOW AWAY !


842 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:17:30am

re: #831 Occasional Reader

Aw, shucks...

Don't get your silk knickers in a twist.

843 FrogMarch  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:17:33am

re: #797 Walter L. Newton

No, like I said, it was easy for you to project your...


No worries. We can all get a job working for the government.

844 Kenneth  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:17:38am

re: #835 Occasional Reader

That would have been me. I knew bellamags was a she but I forgot.

845 DaddyG  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:17:54am

re: #816 KenJen

No I'm not. Are you stalking me?

Just bending your ear.

846 Miss Trixie  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:17:59am

re: #765 redstateredneck

I think my old dachshund, Sugarman, has special healing powers. He never leaves my side if I'm sick.

Absolutely 100% believable. It's the love. :D

{ { {Bella} } } Don't let the bast*rds grind you down, luv, I know how hard you're working. I'm wishing you lots of good luck.

847 sattv4u2  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:18:00am

re: #836 Ojoe

An Air France jet with 200+ on board flying from Rio to Paris is reported missing over the atlantic.

speculation is that there is an electrical problem on board, perhaps due to a lightning hit

848 Flyers1974  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:18:21am

re: #839 Flyers1974

Sorry people, I wasn't paying attention and did a double post on my preivious.

849 Ojoe  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:19:01am

re: #847 sattv4u2

Might still be flying?

850 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:19:32am

re: #805 redstateredneck

How does everyone feel about paying for the Obama's date night in NYC Saturday?
warm & fuzzy?
pissed & shitty?

Mostly, I greet it with a yawn. However, as Mandy and others were pointing out yesterday, there is a certain degree of hypocrisy there, in that Obama has nattered at us about not driving SUVs or keeping our homes at 72 degrees, etc.

851 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:19:44am

re: #727 Flyers1974

You mention the Greens and extreme leftists. Each party has its extremes and yet still manages (at least from time to time) to do the right thing despite those extremes. It is not unreasonable I think, to assume the average Democrat on the street is not an unmovable opponent of nuclear power. The gentlemen a few posts up mentioned CT as having a plant and I happen to know NJ and PA do as well. Those are prety Blue states. Is it possible that there is an issue at play in addition to the Democratic opposition? For example, I've been to Vegas maybe three times over the years and I remember the Yucca Mountain issue being in the papers. I wonder if with respect to nuclear waste, the "not in my backyard" syndrome, which has little to do with partisan politics is a big factor here.

Take a look at this map (courtesy of albusteve) and tell me where NIMBY seems the strongest, Blue or Red states?[Link: www.usatoday.com...]

852 [deleted]  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:20:04am
853 Gretchen G.Tiger  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:20:19am

Have a great day all!

854 J.S.  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:20:20am

re: #781 opnion

I think Obama was also able to capture and to motivate the youth vote -- Obama got them to turn out to vote, as opposed to staying at home...

855 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:20:37am

re: #848 Flyers1974

Sorry people, I wasn't paying attention and did a double post on my preivious.

That's okay. We gave up shooting newbies at noon for minor infractions.

856 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:20:42am

re: #844 Kenneth

That would have been me. I knew bellamags was a she but I forgot.

So you're experiencing gender confusion, eh, Kenneth?


857 callahan23  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:20:45am

re: #836 Ojoe

An Air France jet with 200+ on board flying from Rio to Paris is reported missing over the atlantic.

A CNN report:

"An Air France plane feared to have crashed in the Atlantic with 228 people aboard reported electrical problems in stormy weather before it lost contact, the airline said Monday, describing the loss as a "catastrophe." "
858 DaddyG  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:21:10am

re: #822 sattv4u2

totally ambivalent. If you think that Lincoln footed the bill for that tragic night at the theater, you're deluded!

EVERY President gets (and should get) perks like that

I had a hard time caring too. Although it would have been cool to bring a broadway musical to DC and fill the audience with reg'lar folk. (The cost of moving the production would have made that unrealistic).

I don't really care to hear about the Presidents date no matter where it happened or what the cost of a horse and buggy to NYC was.

859 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:21:17am

re: #850 Occasional Reader

Mostly, I greet it with a yawn. However, as Mandy and others were pointing out yesterday, there is a certain degree of hypocrisy there, in that Obama has nattered at us about not driving SUVs or keeping our homes at 72 degrees, etc.

Huh? I did?

860 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:21:52am

re: #849 Ojoe

Might still be flying?

From what I heard on the radio, this is no longer a possibility; they would have run out of fuel hours ago.

Like I said upthread, we can hope that they are all soon discovered, safely bobbing around in the plane's life rafts. But it's not looking good.

861 aussiemagpie  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:21:55am

re: #792 redstateredneck

{ { {aussie} } }
So sorry, dear.

Hello {redstateredneck} Thanks, it's been a rough few days, especially for his girls

862 Russkilitlover  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:22:00am

re: #772 avanti

I see that now. Firing a employee because of the recession on, is a sad, but a no brainer. The reason I think Cato and I were confused is out sounded like a firing to avoid the upcoming tax increase for the top rates.
In fairness to all, it was easy to misunderstand this quote when we were talking tax burdens:

I just fired my full time employee so I don't have to contribute any more than I absolutely have to.

If you don't think that government regulations negatively affect small business (or large, for that matter), then you've got the horn of a rainbow unicorn up your.......

I am part of a forum for small business here in So. Cal. I'll tell you a big change they are making - government is telling companies that they must cover 65% of a laid off employees COBRA for 9 months. Supposedly, the business will get a tax credit for this expense the following year. No one believes they will get any kind of credit, so they are adjusting in a couple of ways: 1) Extending the time before a new hire can receives benefits (company I work for went from 90 day waiting period to 9 month waiting period. This way we can really evaluate the employee and decide if they are worth keeping on and taking on the expense; 2) Hiring part time workers who then are not eligible for benefits.

Cheer on the onerous regulations for businesses all you want - go ahead and feel good about socking it to the evil capitalist. But the business owner WILL make adjustments.

863 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:22:12am

re: #843 FrogMarch

No worries. We can all get a job working for the government.

Yes, we could be one of the lucky 60 people at Casa Mia (a non-profit job training program in Denver) to learn how to winterize (which Excel energy teaches me each month with a pamphlet in my bill).

Did you see the local article? What amazes me is that these 60 people have already been selected, set up and will probably be offered laborer-styled jobs, and yet, this was NEVER a publicly announced program, something that you or I could have known about and applied for.

Programs like this are what the federal government call "demonstration projects." They are used so they politicians can go back and say "see what we are doing," when in actuality, the full programs never get started, it never becomes anything else than a PR stunt.

864 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:22:21am

re: #859 MandyManners

Huh? I did?

Maybe someone else... all you people look alike to me.


865 VegasRick  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:22:29am

re: #845 DaddyG

Just bending your ear.


866 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:23:08am

re: #731 lawhawk
Thanks lawhawk - I knew you'd come along and bail my senior moment out! LOL! (see my number 613!).

867 sattv4u2  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:23:13am

re: #849 Ojoe

Might still be flying?

There's a chance, a;beit slim. Depends on what electrical they lost their communication might be fubared, including their transponder beacon

868 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:23:25am

re: #842 MandyManners

Don't get your silk knickers in a twist.

Your devastating comeback has left me a mere husk of a man.

869 DaddyG  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:23:26am

re: #854 J.S.

I think Obama was also able to capture and to motivate the youth vote -- Obama got them to turn out to vote, as opposed to staying at home...

The yoots they love their unicorns!

870 lawhawk  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:23:28am

re: #646 redstateredneck

New Jersey has a bunch of projects like that underway. Overpeck Park is being expanded but running in to significant delays and cost overruns. EnCap is another big mess, with landfill being reclaimed to be used as a golf course and housing.

871 albusteve  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:23:32am

re: #852 Iron Fist

It looks like it lasted a little under 500 years. There are certainly some parallels between us and Rome, but we are still pretty much unique. The world has changed so much because of the industrial revolution (and electronic revolution, etc.) that comparisons are somewhat suspect.

great site...I booked it, thanks

872 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:24:09am

re: #805 redstateredneck

How does everyone feel about paying for the Obama's date night in NYC Saturday?
warm & fuzzy?
pissed & shitty?

I'd like to complain but I don't really think I can. CBBHO has funneled a lot of money it Chicagoland's mass transit agencies. Overall and in the medium term, I am probably benefiting from Obama taking your money and spending it on buses and rail cars for me. Not trying to be an asshole, but there it is.

873 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:24:51am

re: #865 VegasRick


I feel lost now in a maize of puns.

874 ConservatismNow!  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:25:01am

re: #776 Occasional Reader

Actually, I'm not even allowed to use them at my range. You have to buy the range's ammo (state law, I believe), and it's all FMJ. But I have snuck (sneaked? snooked?) a little in anyway, just to make sure my Kimber feeds properly with them.

I'm glad I don't have to buy my range's ammo. It sucks. I've only ever used it once and I had 2 jams and 1 misfire on 50 shots. Now I only ever trust Winchester. I've put at least 500 rounds of Winchester ammo through my PT140 and only had maybe 1-2 jams.

875 callahan23  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:25:18am

re: #866 realwest
Hello my friend how are you doing today?

876 Nevergiveup  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:25:31am

18:01 Officials: Israel considering lifting Gaza blockade as gesture to Obama (Reuters)

Why don't you just send him a July 4TH card instead?

877 Killgore Trout  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:25:45am
878 haakondahl  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:25:53am

re: #849 Ojoe

Might still be flying?

Only if they stayed at altitude on one engine and most efficient cruise, if even possible to have hung on for this long. If possible, they wouold have communicated or landed somewhere by now. Doubtful they'd have gone in circles like Bismark until diestroyed by other means.

879 lawhawk  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:26:09am

re: #866 realwest

No problem! We all have those.

880 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:26:49am

re: #760 redstateredneck
I'm doing ok, {red} thanks for asking! Hope you are too!

881 DaddyG  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:26:53am

re: #865 VegasRick


Well... you just took the starch out of my reply.

882 KenJen  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:26:57am

re: #845 DaddyG

Just bending your ear.

Just buttering me up heh?

883 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:27:46am

re: #874 ConservatismNow!

I'm glad I don't have to buy my range's ammo. It sucks. I've only ever used it once and I had 2 jams and 1 misfire on 50 shots. Now I only ever trust Winchester. I've put at least 500 rounds of Winchester ammo through my PT140 and only had maybe 1-2 jams.

In .45acp FMJ, my range mostly sells Fiocchi, which seems to work fine.

884 [deleted]  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:28:00am
885 sattv4u2  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:28:01am

re: #877 Killgore Trout

O'Reilly Said Tiller Guilty Of "Nazi Stuff"

No surprise there.

There have been so many powerful and moving diaries about murdered humanitarian doctor George Tiller,

Well ,,, that's ONE way to describe him!

Kilgore ,,, KOS?!?!?!,, you cite KOS !

886 Sheila Broflovski  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:28:29am

re: #877 Killgore Trout

O'Reilly Said Tiller Guilty Of "Nazi Stuff"

No surprise there.

Not clicking on the cesspool you linked, but I thought the guy who killed him was into the nazi stuff.

887 FrogMarch  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:28:33am

re: #863 Walter L. Newton


Programs like this are what the federal government call "demonstration projects." They are used so the politicians can go back and say "see what we are doing," when in actuality, the full programs never get started, it never becomes anything else than a PR stunt.

I haven't been on LGF as much lately, but I think I remember you mentioning it. Thanks. I don't trust the government to do anything but rip us off.
It's all smoke and mirrors. Meanwhile, the private sector is bleeding jobs.
But we better not complain about it, or we will be lumped in with Ron Paul.

888 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:28:58am

re: #770 bellamags You don't have to JUSTIFY anything that you do to anyone out here or anyplace else.

You just do what you have to do to keep going.

889 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:28:59am

re: #864 Occasional Reader

Maybe someone else... all you people look alike to me.


'Cause we're bitter clingers?

890 JohnnyReb  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:29:23am

re: #766 jcm

You don't use 'em on the range. You use ball (FMJ) on the range with a close ballistic match.

With an auto pistol I never ever even consider using a special kind of round for self defense unless I have shot at least 200 rounds of that brand through the gun. Way too many auto pistols have problems with certain ammo brands, especially the exotic stuff.

891 VegasRick  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:30:18am

re: #873 Occasional Reader

I feel lost now in a maize of puns.

Billy Maize?

892 DaddyG  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:30:42am

re: #872 Dark_Falcon We have a similar situation here in Atlanta, but I'm worried that the funds will go to pad operating inefficiencies and cost overruns instead of real infrastructure or service improvements.

Only time will tell but I'm not optimistic.

893 albusteve  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:31:28am

re: #852 Iron Fist

It looks like it lasted a little under 500 years. There are certainly some parallels between us and Rome, but we are still pretty much unique. The world has changed so much because of the industrial revolution (and electronic revolution, etc.) that comparisons are somewhat suspect.

nice site...I booked it, thanks

894 DaddyG  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:32:59am

re: #882 KenJen

re: #891 VegasRick

Billy Maize?

Isn't that Bo Grits cousin?

895 sattv4u2  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:33:12am

I don't know why my posts are coming out three times!

Leaving to re-boot

896 [deleted]  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:33:13am
897 [deleted]  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:33:47am
898 jcm  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:34:22am

re: #890 JohnnyReb

With an auto pistol I never ever even consider using a special kind of round for self defense unless I have shot at least 200 rounds of that brand through the gun. Way too many auto pistols have problems with certain ammo brands, especially the exotic stuff.

I use reloaded ball on the range, and a few issues but rare. I'll only use factory loads for carry, and well tested. I've put a lot of rounds through a Beretta 92FS, Sig 2340, and my S&W Compact MP .40 without issues.

The other thing is to do jam drills, about the only thing that can't be recovered very quickly is a ruptured case in the chamber, or a chamber failure.

899 VegasRick  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:34:32am

re: #894 DaddyG

re: #891 VegasRick

Isn't that Bo Grits cousin?

Vince Grits?

900 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:35:12am

re: #805 redstateredneck
Ah red, that's a non-starter. I want my President to fly AF-1 ANYTIME he flies somewhere (or Marine 1) because of the security, communications and the like.
We didn't bitch and moan about Bush taking AF-1 to Crawford for a long weekend did we?

901 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:35:23am

re: #892 DaddyG

We have a similar situation here in Atlanta, but I'm worried that the funds will go to pad operating inefficiencies and cost overruns instead of real infrastructure or service improvements.

Only time will tell but I'm not optimistic.

Honestly, that's one of the few good things about the porkcilus: The money can't be used for operating expenses. The CTA can't us it to give administrators a raise, they have to use it (and are using it) to fix slow zones and buy new rolling stock and buses (the latter sometimes hybrids, so that Obama can throws inconvenient people under them while polluting less).

902 avanti  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:35:28am

re: #778 Kenneth

Fuck off you idiot.

It was perfectly clear from all that bellamags said the higher taxes were killing his business. He has to cut costs. That means letting staff go. Raising taxes during a deep recession is the stupidest thing to do. Your darling Obama is screwing up the economy horribly. Yet you had the gall to blame the victim.

Why don't you bugger off to the casino where you can engage in the non-productive economic activity of random income redistribution while the house skims off the top: a perfect illustration of Obama's destructive economic policy.

OK, your post is a perfect example of how we can try again for a intellectually honest argument.

Point 1. Bella fired a employee so as to not have to contribute.
Point 2.You took that to mean "It was perfectly clear from all that bellamags said the higher taxes were killing his business." as did I.

Now, someone provide a link to the "higher taxes " from a Obama tax increase in effect nwo that caused the poor guy to be fired. Not knocking Bella for anything she had to do, as the result of a slow economy, just want to know how this is BHO's fault.

Fuck you's and liberal bashing will not count as a honest descussion.

903 DaddyG  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:37:52am

re: #899 VegasRick

Vince Grits?

Hominy's his sister right?

904 Sheila Broflovski  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:38:24am

What just happened? Did the hamsters have a sneezing fit?

905 Creeping Eruption  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:39:13am

re: #904 Alouette

What just happened? Did the hamsters have a sneezing fit?

More like their wheel needs a little WD40.

906 Kenneth  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:39:19am

re: #856 Occasional Reader

not gender confusion, just mental confusion.

907 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:39:48am

re: #887 FrogMarch

I haven't been on LGF as much lately, but I think I remember you mentioning it. Thanks. I don't trust the government to do anything but rip us off.
It's all smoke and mirrors. Meanwhile, the private sector is bleeding jobs.
But we better not complain about it, or we will be lumped in with Ron Paul.

And they will extrapolate the figures of people put to work, as in "these 60 people will enable ex-amount of more people to open jobs in this or that industry and open the possibilities of employment in this or that industry..." and so on.

Watch. I worked for the DOE for 13 years, I know how they build their arguments to justify the money they spend.

908 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:40:19am

Sorry. Been out working on the ol' *(pose)* bod.

909 doppelganglander  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:40:25am

re: #770 bellamags

I haven't been on this site for months because I have been working 60 plus hours per week just to keep my doors open then I get shit from these two. Whatever. I have bigger things to worry about.

Most people have no idea what it is like to have to "contribute" half of your income to a government which does nothing but everything to destroy what you have and redistribute your money to others who don't deserve it.

All I own is this small tanning salon. I have no house, I live with my dad. I have a car which I still owe on. I bought this place with sweat equity. I did not borrow the money from my parents. I did it myself. Now I have to watch it potentially go under. I have nothing but this place.

Hang in there, girl. I've missed you around here but I'm really proud of you doing what it takes to keep your business going. I'm a 1099 contract employee, also paying through the nose in self-employment taxes, so I can relate.

910 JohnnyReb  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:40:27am

It appears the Taliban just took over 400 school kids hostage in Pakistan:

[Link: www.foxnews.com...]

911 Flyers1974  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:42:17am

re: #851 realwest

Take a look at this map (courtesy of albusteve) and tell me where NIMBY seems the strongest, Blue or Red states?[Link: www.usatoday.com...]

The map is clear in showing more proposed reactors in Red states v. Blue. What is far form clear is whether this is because of NIMBY. I see proposed reactors in MD, PA, and NY, all blue states, with MD being very blue. I don't know why NIMBY as a liberal thing would apply in VT but not MD for example. Bear in mind, of all the issues I'd be prepared to argue over, nuclear power would be among last on my list. Nuclear power wasn't something I've thought about much at all until someone brought up in a thread not to long ago.

912 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:42:37am

re: #902 avanti

OK, your post is a perfect example of how we can try again for a intellectually honest argument.

Point 1. Bella fired a employee so as to not have to contribute.
Point 2.You took that to mean "It was perfectly clear from all that bellamags said the higher taxes were killing his business." as did I.

Now, someone provide a link to the "higher taxes " from a Obama tax increase in effect nwo that caused the poor guy to be fired. Not knocking Bella for anything she had to do, as the result of a slow economy, just want to know how this is BHO's fault.

Fuck you's and liberal bashing will not count as a honest descussion.

No, you are a perfect example of someone who goes BEHIND SOMEONE'S BACK, since you didn't first comment on Cato The Elders comment, you up dinged him. Then, when I pointed it out, THEN you start tap dancing.

And then AFTER Bellamags explains what she meant, just for those who mistook her comment, you still won't say you're sorry for the misunderstanding.

Other's here have, why not you.

That's the problem here, not anyone else.

913 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:42:40am

re: #902 avanti

Point 1. Bella fired a employee so as to not have to contribute.

Avanti, that's not all of what Bella said. She cited higher operating costs and poor sales as other reasons for the layoff. Ultimately, if the you don't have the money, you can't contribute. State governments need to back off on taxes, or they risk implosion. Programs will be cut, on way or another. The money is not there, and to keep pretending that it is will provoke a disaster.

914 DaddyG  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:42:52am

re: #902 avanti
You need a primer on marginal tax rates and profitability.

If the business takes a big enough hit to its margins because the government starts skimming more that prevents the business from being profitable enough to keep employing its full contingent of workers. (The owner is a worker too and needs to take home a paycheck).

Many small businesses must keep a certain amount of profit or they can't pay the rent, employees, owners, material bills, etc.

As I said above a friend just lost his establishment because his costs were going up at the same time traffic was going down (less disposable income).

No link needed, just common sense.

Bonus question: Why do businesses exist?

915 Cato the Elder  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:42:55am

re: #702 bellamags

i couldn't afford to pay her you dick.

That's not what you said in your first comment. I'd apologize for the misunderstanding but there really was none. You said one thing ("I just fired my full time employee so I don't have to contribute any more than I absolutely have to") first and another thing ("i couldn't afford to pay her you dick" and "If i go under 4 fucking more people will lose their jobs") second.

If you can understand what might be upsetting about the first statement, then I can of course understand what upset you about my comment in light of the other two.

For that I apologize.

916 razorbacker  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:43:12am

There is a basic element of business that I suppose must be restated.

If your employer pays you X amount of benefits, you had better return that employer X+something in value or you won't long be employed there.

Only way I know to avoid that is go into government.

Which, according to the state paper, is now the second largest employer in the state, and will soon probably be the largest employer. And by employer I don't mean individual companies but business segments.

917 jcm  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:43:23am

re: #910 JohnnyReb

It appears the Taliban just took over 400 school kids hostage in Pakistan:

[Link: www.foxnews.com...]


No other comment least I incur the wrath of Stinky.

918 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:43:23am


919 [deleted]  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:43:26am
920 Cato the Elder  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:43:26am

re: #801 MandyManners


When wit fails, fall back on Manners.

921 KenJen  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:43:28am

Lunch time. I'm having left-over pot roast and corn on the cob. Really. Later.

922 Ben Hur  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:43:29am

re: #910 JohnnyReb

It appears the Taliban just took over 400 school kids hostage in Pakistan:

[Link: www.foxnews.com...]

And those were the "moderates."

G-d help those children.

923 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:43:38am

re: #403 razorbacker

Fantastic post.

924 DaddyG  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:43:45am

re: #908 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Sorry. Been out working on the ol' *(pose)* bod.

Barbells or Ding Dongs?

925 apachegunner  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:44:11am

re: #815 Dark_Falcon

McCain is not a "stupid shit". He's a good man who should not have been nominated. He lacked the killer instinct and ruthlessness to win, but he is not a bad person.

pardon me, no one said he was a "bad" person, he was simply not the choice of the party and he is very little "conservative" nor a republican.

926 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:44:42am

re: #852 Iron Fist
America IS unique. No other nation in the World has the Bill of Rights or anything close to it. Even our friends in GB and Canada -with whom we share our basis in law, don't come close with their "Hate Speech laws" and tribunals. We were founded on an ideal - one that had NEVER been tried before in the Western World: that the governed should do the governing.
And while we are far from perfect, we do keep trying to improve America - sometimes in painful ways - but we keep trying to improve Her. That's why so many people want to come here.

927 VegasRick  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:45:39am

re: #914 DaddyG

You need a primer on marginal tax rates and profitability.

If the business takes a big enough hit to its margins because the government starts skimming more that prevents the business from being profitable enough to keep employing its full contingent of workers. (The owner is a worker too and needs to take home a paycheck).

Many small businesses must keep a certain amount of profit or they can't pay the rent, employees, owners, material bills, etc.

As I said above a friend just lost his establishment because his costs were going up at the same time traffic was going down (less disposable income).

No link needed, just common sense.

Bonus question: Why do businesses exist?

Skimming being the correct word.

928 redstateredneck  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:45:57am

re: #926 realwest

Right. Our system of government is not perfect, but it's better than anything else.

929 Creeping Eruption  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:46:48am

re: #910 JohnnyReb

It appears the Taliban just took over 400 school kids hostage in Pakistan:

[Link: www.foxnews.com...]

Their depravity knows no bounds.

930 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:46:53am

re: #924 DaddyG

Nah, neither. Basketball. It is amazing how quickly I am getting my legs under me too. Am able to run a half mile at a full trot and play 45 minutes of fairly vigorous ball.

For me? Freaking miracle my knees haven't given out.

931 avanti  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:46:57am

re: #912 Walter L. Newton

No, you are a perfect example of someone who goes BEHIND SOMEONE'S BACK, since you didn't first comment on Cato The Elders comment, you up dinged him. Then, when I pointed it out, THEN you start tap dancing.

And then AFTER Bellamags explains what she meant, just for those who mistook her comment, you still won't say you're sorry for the misunderstanding.

Other's here have, why not you.

That's the problem here, not anyone else.

Fair enough, I'm sorry that Kenneth, Cato and me mistook it as to relating to taxes, but it was a easy mistake. Now that we've settled that, I really need to get to work.

932 [deleted]  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:47:08am
933 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:47:15am

re: #875 callahan23
Hey (callahan23) I'm doing ok, how are you this evening?

934 OldLineTexan  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:47:53am

re: #831 Occasional Reader

Aw, shucks...

What is this pun fest based on? I'm all ears ...

935 Kenneth  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:48:05am

re: #926 realwest

FYI: Canada does indeed have a Charter of Rights and Freedoms in or Constitution.

That detail aside, you do have a good point about the fundamental importance of individual freedom.

936 bellamags  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:48:11am

Well it was stimulating as always, but now I need to go sit on my fat capitalist ass and count my gold coins.


937 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:48:16am

re: #932 taxfreekiller

Very succinct. Well played, sir.

938 ConservatismNow!  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:48:16am

re: #926 realwest

It is the ever changing experiment.

939 jcm  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:48:47am

re: #926 realwest

America IS unique. No other nation in the World has the Bill of Rights or anything close to it. Even our friends in GB and Canada -with whom we share our basis in law, don't come close with their "Hate Speech laws" and tribunals. We were founded on an ideal - one that had NEVER been tried before in the Western World: that the governed should do the governing.
And while we are far from perfect, we do keep trying to improve America - sometimes in painful ways - but we keep trying to improve Her. That's why so many people want to come here.


940 DaddyG  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:48:59am

re: #930 Fat Bastard Vegetarian Good for you. I'm going to camp with my son next week and plan to spend the whole time working my way up to the mile swim. I did it a few years ago and it did wonders for my form (expecially since I kept up swimming at the pool afterwards).

I'm horribly out of practice now but I figure the week off is a good time to re-start good habits.

I want to be able to play with my g-grandchildren some day.

941 [deleted]  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:49:04am
942 sattv4u2  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:49:11am

Obama about to speak about GM

943 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:49:13am

re: #885 sattv4u2
Only when he gets his lead from Stormfront!

944 badger1970  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:49:15am

Economics 101: The higher a good or service is taxed the less demand for that good or service would result.

For example, a mere five years ago a pack of Marlboro reds was at $3 a pack, now it's over $6 due to taxes to supplement some health care pork. Lo and behold, the politicians are surprised that the tax revenue generated by cigarette sales went down.

The government gets the most revenue in taxes when taxes on goods or services are actually lowered. "voodoo" economics because RINOs and demorats are clueless, stupid or just plain greedy SOBs.

945 bloodnok  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:49:18am

re: #936 bellamags

Well it was stimulating as always, but now I need to go sit on my fat capitalist ass and count my gold coins.


Hang in there. Best of luck!

946 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:49:41am

re: #925 apachegunner

pardon me, no one said he was a "bad" person, he was simply not the choice of the party and he is very little "conservative" nor a republican.

That clarification is acceptable to me. John McCain is an honorable and intelligent man, but you are right to say that he is not a conservative.

947 DaddyG  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:49:57am

re: #936 bellamags

Well it was stimulating as always, but now I need to go sit on my fat capitalist ass and count my gold coins.


Milk or Dark chocolate?


948 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:50:04am

Is the dinger broken? Keep trying to upding TFK, can't get it to work.

949 vxbush  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:50:08am

We need a distraction....


950 OldLineTexan  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:50:29am

re: #883 Occasional Reader

In .45acp FMJ, my range mostly sells Fiocchi, which seems to work fine.

Official supplier of ammunition to all the Glock shoots (or used to be).

951 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:51:16am

re: #898 jcm

The other thing is to do jam drills

How do you intentionally do a jam, in order to train for it? (Serious question, no snark intended)

952 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:51:22am

re: #944 badger1970

Holds head proudly! Shouts at the monitor...


Looks like I quit just in time to piss them off!

953 alegrias  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:51:37am

Al Jazeera (English) satellite TV is for GITMO detainees!

Yes, your tax dollars provide Al Jazeera Hate TV for GITMO detainees, according to Catherine Herridge, Fox News correspondent reported lived this morning at 8am EST.

Ms. Herridge was touring camps or sections 4, 5 and 6 of GITMO and when detainees playing soccer saw her, they yelled "CRIMINALS!" at the Fox News crew!

What a "discriminating" group of jihadists we have at GITMO, they're really up on their Al Jazeera news. (By the way, convicted terrorist fundraiser Sami Al Arian's daughter Laila is a producer for Al Jazeera TV here in Washington, DC. News for terrorists, by terrorist's children)

(we must have Californians deciding whether Al Jazeera and aromatherapy--at taxpayer expense-- make jailed criminals happier criminals)

954 VegasRick  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:51:41am

re: #948 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Is the dinger broken? Keep trying to upding TFK, can't get it to work.

You broke the dinger? Charles will be soooo pissed!

955 razorbacker  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:51:42am

Okay. Now for a comment a bit more enthusiatic.

Just got off the phone speaking with customer service regarding our spa.

'Tis a soothing experience to speak with tech support who actually know how their products are constructed and what materials are used.

Especially when they act all embarressed that the part you need is going to cost more to ship that the part costs.

956 Nevergiveup  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:51:43am

re: #942 sattv4u2

Obama about to speak about GM

Not if you not going to listen to him.

957 jcm  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:51:50am

re: #948 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Is the dinger broken? Keep trying to upding TFK, can't get it to work.

TMI, we don't that much data on your dinger OKAY?

// ;-P

958 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:52:04am

re: #941 Iron Fist

That's one of the points that argue for a revolver for self defense. They don't jam and a misfire just means you pull the trigger again. The downside, of course, is reload speed. I like short-barreled revolvers. they aren't really combat weapons, but self-defense (most of the time) isn't really combat. Most of the time no shots are fired at all. Something short with a lot of blasting power will be a "come to Jesus" moment for most would-be muggers and rapists.

I've got a good story about handling a rapist. This didn't happen to one of my students, but to a student of one of my instructors. She worked in one of the big auto manufacturing facilities in Michigan, and one day when she was back in a warehouse a naked man (IIRC, completely naked) grabbed her and tried to drag her back out of the light. Obviously, he intended to rape her. She took his dick in one hand and his balls in the other, and pulled them apart as hard as she could.

The guy passed out from the pain. He was still unconcious when the police got there. Testicles aren't the hardiest of bodily organs. They will rupture fairly easily. I doubt that the man (if you want to call him a "man") was capable of rape after that. There's not a lot of fancy technique there, but there usually isn't in something that works.

Good for her! That one rapist who'll never try that again.

959 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:52:08am

First posted by another Lizard above.

It must be said, that like the breaking of a great dam, the American decent into Marxism is happening with breath taking speed, against the back drop of a passive, hapless sheeple, excuse me dear reader, I meant people.

True, the situation has been well prepared on and off for the past century, especially the past twenty years. The initial testing grounds was conducted upon our Holy Russia and a bloody test it was. But we Russians would not just roll over and give up our freedoms and our souls, no matter how much money Wall Street poured into the fists of the Marxists.

Those lessons were taken and used to properly prepare the American populace for the surrender of their freedoms and souls, to the whims of their elites and betters.

First, the population was dumbed down through a politicized and substandard education system based on pop culture, rather then the classics. Americans know more about their favorite TV dramas then the drama in DC that directly affects their lives. They care more for their "right" to choke down a McDonalds burger or a BurgerKing burger than for their constitutional rights. Then they turn around and lecture us about our rights and about our "democracy". Pride blind the foolish.

Then their faith in God was destroyed, until their churches, all tens of thousands of different "branches and denominations" were for the most part little more then Sunday circuses and their televangelists and top protestant mega preachers were more then happy to sell out their souls and flocks to be on the "winning" side of one pseudo Marxist politician or another. Their flocks may complain, but when explained that they would be on the "winning" side, their flocks were ever so quick to reject Christ in hopes for earthly power. Even our Holy Orthodox churches are scandalously liberalized in America.

The final collapse has come with the election of Barack Obama. His speed in the past three months has been truly impressive. His spending and money printing has been a record setting, not just in America's short history but in the world. If this keeps up for more then another year, and there is no sign that it will not, America at best will resemble the Wiemar Republic and at worst Zimbabwe.

These past two weeks have been the most breath taking of all. First came the announcement of a planned redesign of the American Byzantine tax system, by the very thieves who used it to bankroll their thefts, loses and swindles of hundreds of billions of dollars. These make our Russian oligarchs look little more then ordinary street thugs, in comparison. Yes, the Americans have beat our own thieves in the shear volumes. Should we congratulate them?


960 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:52:28am

re: #929 Creeping Eruption

Their depravity knows no bounds.

Beslan part two, potentially. This is awful.

961 J.S.  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:52:31am

re: #926 realwest

Could also add that Canada is now a country (similar to some in Europe) which can now put on trial foreigners and charge them with war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide...Oh, and, of course, use secret, anonymous witnesses to bring about a prosecution...

From the Globe and Mail:

"Canada was among the nations that drafted a 1998 statute that established the International Criminal Court and spelled out the concept of "universal jurisdiction" - the legal principle that allows countries to prosecute crimes against humanity that take place outside their borders. Canada's 2000 war crimes legislation followed suit."

I hope and pray the United States will never, ever go down this route.

962 callahan23  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:52:47am

re: #933 realwest

Hey (callahan23) I'm doing ok, how are you this evening?

Nice 'n dandy, thanks. Today I have a day off because it is a German holiday 'Pentecost-Monday'. :-)

963 OldLineTexan  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:53:01am

re: #951 Occasional Reader

How do you intentionally do a jam, in order to train for it? (Serious question, no snark intended)

You don't need the jam, just the steps.

I've done them with snap caps.

964 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:53:07am

re: #950 OldLineTexan

Official supplier of ammunition to all the Glock shoots (or used to be).

Italians and Austrians getting together with guns... what could possibly go wrong?


965 jcm  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:53:13am

re: #941 Iron Fist

That's one of the points that argue for a revolver for self defense. They don't jam and a misfire just means you pull the trigger again. The downside, of course, is reload speed. I like short-barreled revolvers. they aren't really combat weapons, but self-defense (most of the time) isn't really combat. Most of the time no shots are fired at all. Something short with a lot of blasting power will be a "come to Jesus" moment for most would-be muggers and rapists.

I've got a good story about handling a rapist. This didn't happen to one of my students, but to a student of one of my instructors. She worked in one of the big auto manufacturing facilities in Michigan, and one day when she was back in a warehouse a naked man (IIRC, completely naked) grabbed her and tried to drag her back out of the light. Obviously, he intended to rape her. She took his dick in one hand and his balls in the other, and pulled them apart as hard as she could.

The guy passed out from the pain. He was still unconcious when the police got there. Testicles aren't the hardiest of bodily organs. They will rupture fairly easily. I doubt that the man (if you want to call him a "man") was capable of rape after that. There's not a lot of fancy technique there, but there usually isn't in something that works.

Ouch! Combat Arms adds the 'Nut Shot' to its FPS game

I've long since been a semi-auto convert.

Disarming a rapist is always an option.

966 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:53:18am

re: #920 Cato the Elder

When wit fails, fall back on Manners.

Oooooooooooooh. Consider me chastised.

967 Cato the Elder  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:53:26am

Oh and by the way: The premise of "going Galt" is that the world couldn't get along with out Johnny and his band of sooper-productive Randians. I don't think anyone's going to care if a restaurateur cuts back on his hours.

People who shizzle on about going Galt mostly seem to have an exaggerated sense of their own importance.

There's an Austrian saying: Die Friedhöf sind voller Lait, die sich fir unersätzlich hielte.

The cemeteries are full of folks who thought they were irreplaceable.

968 JohnnyReb  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:53:41am

re: #941 Iron Fist

I agree a revolver is most probably the best for self defense. A friend in the business said almost every single case of self defense where shots are fired is settled at less than 7 yards and with 2 rounds fired and a 75%+ miss rate.

Way too many people get caught up in the auto pistol with 2 extra mags for self defense. That may be fine and dandy at home, but not on the street. If you ever have to actually defend yourself on the street the DA is going to try and hang you out to dry for carrying an "arsenal".

969 Creeping Eruption  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:54:18am

re: #960 Occasional Reader

Beslan part two, potentially. This is awful.

That was the first thing I thought when I read the post. It really questions my belief in this thing people call "humanity."

970 FrogMarch  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:54:24am

re: #902 avanti

So folks who are taxed to the hilt should be vilified for wanting to avoid further taxation? Punitive taxation should be honored and respected! Tax cuts are for pussies. Right? Lets embrace taxation while we watch our businesses swirl down the drain. During an economic down-turn, we should brace ourselves for the upcoming promised tax hikes (hidden behind the 95% tax lie) and ignore financial and economic reality; The reality that business is gone. Certainly, folks who know they are already taxed too much and are looking at less revenue and belt tightening should look to the government to tighten its belt. You know, as an example. Alas, the government is spending money it doesn't have, while the private sector goes belly up. (Unless of course you are under the organized labor umbrella. Protection (pay-to-play) money for $5 million dollars in contribution money)

971 VegasRick  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:54:36am

re: #966 MandyManners

Oooooooooooooh. Consider me chastised.

You wearing the chastity belt?

972 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:54:43am

re: #959 MandyManners

First posted by another Lizard above.

Of course, the source is Pravda. A paper which, among other things, posited that Operation Iraqi Freedom was really undertaken in order to recover a crashed UFO.

973 albusteve  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:54:59am

re: #960 Occasional Reader

Beslan part two, potentially. This is awful.

totally predictable...they should never have been allowed down iunti the lowlands to use the population...the Pakis dithered around and this is the result...it could very easily become catastrophic imo

974 callahan23  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:55:00am

re: #926 realwest

... That's why so many people want to come here.

Like meself. ;-)

975 DaddyG  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:55:14am

re: #954 VegasRick

You broke the dinger? Charles will be soooo pissed!

Who's got a broken dinger?

976 vxbush  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:55:21am

re: #972 Occasional Reader

Of course, the source is Pravda. A paper which, among other things, posited that Operation Iraqi Freedom was really undertaken in order to recover a crashed UFO.

With all the appropriate references to Area 51, I hope....

977 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:55:33am

re: #963 OldLineTexan

You don't need the jam, just the steps.

I've done them with snap caps.

Do you actually stovepipe the snap cap, or just load one in the chamber and then go through the steps?

978 aussiemagpie  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:55:57am

re: #943 realwest

*SMOOCH* Hi darls, I'm here :-)

Just so busy reading old threads and links, I haven't got time to post!

979 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:56:01am

re: #971 VegasRick

You wearing the chastity belt?


980 albusteve  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:56:05am

re: #963 OldLineTexan

You don't need the jam, just the steps.

I've done them with snap caps.

please explain...simply

981 VegasRick  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:56:25am

re: #972 Occasional Reader

Of course, the source is Pravda. A paper which, among other things, posited that Operation Iraqi Freedom was really undertaken in order to recover a crashed UFO.

It wasn't?

982 vxbush  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:56:39am

re: #979 MandyManners


Now, was that from the belt, or the usual clue-by-four?

/just having fun, that's all

983 1SG(ret)  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:56:55am

For a long time now, I couldn't figure out what this "mute" thingy was on my remote. I finally figured it out though. It's a Presidential STFU button. Every time I push it while he is talking, I no longer have to hear him. Man, technology is great.

984 vxbush  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:57:21am

re: #981 VegasRick

It wasn't?

And here we thought we were going to get some new technology in the next five years as a result. I'm so disappointed.

985 Dustoff-507  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:57:25am

Morning guys, we having a 'spit-wad' fight this morning?

986 albusteve  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:57:31am

re: #973 albusteve

iunti..new word

987 razorbacker  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:57:44am

re: #979 MandyManners

Careful there. Don't want to bend your wacker.

988 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:57:47am

re: #972 Occasional Reader

Of course, the source is Pravda. A paper which, among other things, posited that Operation Iraqi Freedom was really undertaken in order to recover a crashed UFO.

I noticed the bolded part about the dumbing-down of our citizens, and the preceeding sentence: Gramscian whoredom.

989 FrogMarch  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:57:49am

re: #907 Walter L. Newton

And they will extrapolate the figures of people put to work, as in "these 60 people will enable ex-amount of more people to open jobs in this or that industry and open the possibilities of employment in this or that industry..." and so on.

Watch. I worked for the DOE for 13 years, I know how they build their arguments to justify the money they spend.

I believe you.

990 sattv4u2  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:57:51am

Well ,,, Chrysler coming out of bankruptcy looks to be a FIAT acompli!

991 alegrias  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:57:55am

re: #972 Occasional Reader

Of course, the source is Pravda. A paper which, among other things, posited that Operation Iraqi Freedom was really undertaken in order to recover a crashed UFO.

* * * *
The Pravda reporter couldn't spell WEIMAR, and whines their Orthodox churches are also gone liberal! This ain't your grandparent's Pravda.

992 Nevergiveup  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:58:06am

re: #983 1SG(ret)

For a long time now, I couldn't figure out what this "mute" thingy was on my remote. I finally figured it out though. It's a Presidential STFU button. Every time I push it while he is talking, I no longer have to hear him. Man, technology is great.

Changing the channel works also. Well it does for me anyway.

993 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:58:39am

re: #982 vxbush

Now, was that from the belt, or the usual clue-by-four?

/just having fun, that's all

A ruler.

994 vxbush  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:58:46am

re: #992 Nevergiveup

Changing the channel works also. Well it does for me anyway.

I prefer the power button. And a book.

995 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:59:04am

re: #928 redstateredneck
Yes and we do keep trying to improve her. We are not content to let royalty or theocracy or plain ole fashioned dictator/thugs run things; LOTS of other nations could take a lesson from that.

996 jcm  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:59:05am

re: #968 JohnnyReb

I agree a revolver is most probably the best for self defense. A friend in the business said almost every single case of self defense where shots are fired is settled at less than 7 yards and with 2 rounds fired and a 75%+ miss rate.

Way too many people get caught up in the auto pistol with 2 extra mags for self defense. That may be fine and dandy at home, but not on the street. If you ever have to actually defend yourself on the street the DA is going to try and hang you out to dry for carrying an "arsenal".

I usually carry only one mag.

WA is very good on self defense.
Recent case a home owner with a rifle shot and killed some one who'd been trying to break in, the bad guy had left the property then form the street turned and reached into his waist band. The homeowner fired and killed him. Turns out the prep was un-armed, took a couple of months but the home owner wasn't charged. Prosecutor determined the homeowner had a reasonable fear for his life.

I even thought that shooting was pretty marginal.

997 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:59:23am

re: #983 1SG(ret)

For a long time now, I couldn't figure out what this "mute" thingy was on my remote. I finally figured it out though. It's a Presidential STFU button. Every time I push it while he is talking, I no longer have to hear him. Man, technology is great.

I learned that puppy when Clinton was in the White House.

998 vxbush  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:59:29am

re: #993 MandyManners

A ruler.

That's not my grandmother's ruler, based on the sound of that whack....oh, wait. I bet yours had those holes for the three-ring binder.

999 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:59:35am

re: #968 JohnnyReb

I agree a revolver is most probably the best for self defense. A friend in the business said almost every single case of self defense where shots are fired is settled at less than 7 yards and with 2 rounds fired and a 75%+ miss rate.

Way too many people get caught up in the auto pistol with 2 extra mags for self defense. That may be fine and dandy at home, but not on the street. If you ever have to actually defend yourself on the street the DA is going to try and hang you out to dry for carrying an "arsenal".

They can try but it is an argument that can be countered. Self-defense has sometimes involved defending against groups of attackers and that can require more than one magazine. It also depends on where you live.

1000 debutaunt  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:59:41am

re: #983 1SG(ret)

For a long time now, I couldn't figure out what this "mute" thingy was on my remote. I finally figured it out though. It's a Presidential STFU button. Every time I push it while he is talking, I no longer have to hear him. Man, technology is great.

I usually end up on the stupid Weather Channel.

1001 doppelganglander  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:00:03am

re: #941 Iron Fist

Reading that was physically painful, and I'm a female. I've taught my girls to go for DNA evidence by scratching and hair-pulling, as well as anything else they can do to fight off an attacker. (I've also taught them to avoid dangerous situations and to size up shady individuals, so I hope they'll never need any other skills.)

1002 jcm  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:00:05am

re: #985 Dustoff-507

Morning guys, we having a 'spit-wad' fight this morning?


Stayin' cool at the Lazy B?

1003 redstateredneck  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:00:13am

re: #983 1SG(ret)

It's a Presidential STFU button.

Love it!

1004 JohnnyReb  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:00:15am

re: #970 FrogMarch

So folks who are taxed to the hilt should be vilified for wanting to avoid further taxation? Punitive taxation should be honored and respected! Tax cuts are for pussies. Right? Lets embrace taxation while we watch our businesses swirl down the drain. During an economic down-turn, we should brace ourselves for the upcoming promised tax hikes (hidden behind the 95% tax lie) and ignore financial and economic reality; The reality that business is gone. Certainly, folks who know they are already taxed too much and are looking at less revenue and belt tightening should look to the government to tighten its belt. You know, as an example. Alas, the government is spending money it doesn't have, while the private sector goes belly up. (Unless of course you are under the organized labor umbrella. Protection (pay-to-play) money for $5 million dollars in contribution money)

Here is my prediction. Within one year we will have a Value Added Tax (read national sales tax, but it won't be written that way) similar to Europe. Most likely in the 5-7% range. Why would I say that? Cause my two LLL papers just ran two days chock full of articles supporting the idea and how it won't be too awful bad. Heck even the poor would get a VAT "rebate" to offset their loss. One paper even had 3 articles on it in the Sunday edition. This will be in addition to the income tax already in place.

The scary one was the economist guy coming out and saying that we need a completely new revenue stream to pay for the massive upcoming national health care program.

1005 [deleted]  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:00:26am
1006 alegrias  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:00:31am

re: #973 albusteve

totally predictable...they should never have been allowed down iunti the lowlands to use the population...the Pakis dithered around and this is the result...it could very easily become catastrophic imo

* * *
Silly Pakistanis were bragging they could kick out the Taliban in a matter of days.

They have more Taliban in their midst than they're admitting.
Like we are shocked, shocked to find ACORN Unionistas in this administration's protection.

1007 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:00:38am

re: #935 Kenneth
Huh. What about your hate crime tribunals - see, e.g., Ezra Levant- ?

1008 lawhawk  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:00:42am

re: #981 VegasRick

No, it was to claim the DHD for the Stargate silly! /

1009 Dustoff-507  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:00:53am

re: #995 realwest


1010 DaddyG  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:00:55am

re: #991 alegrias

* * * *
The Pravda reporter couldn't spell WEIMAR, and whines their Orthodox churches are also gone liberal! This ain't your grandparent's Pravda.

Foreign correspondant Laup Nor /

1011 1SG(ret)  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:01:10am

re: #992 Nevergiveup

I know, but that requires thought in where to go. "Mute" relieves me of having to think about it.

1012 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:01:20am

It's already 87 here, with about 60 per cent humidity.


1013 Dustoff-507  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:01:45am

re: #1002 jcm

Yeah, I'm just hanging out today. The weather is GREAT. Was in CA yesterday.

Damn hot there. 0-:

1014 saberry0530  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:02:15am

Haven't noticed it posted yet, but today is the first day of Hurricane Season. Buy your supplies now, while you can....

1015 DaddyG  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:02:15am

re: #1000 debutaunt

I usually end up on the stupid Weather Channel.

Hows that tornado chasing team doing? Got their equipment adjusted and well oiled? Heh.

1016 slokat  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:02:17am

re: #956 Nevergiveup

Not if you not going to listen to him.

If Obama speaks and nobody listens...

...is he still lying?
...does he wink out of existence?

1017 Macker  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:02:30am

re: #1004 JohnnyReb

I hope they call it the GST - Gouge and Screw Tax. Just like Canada, eh.
Off to work!


1018 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:02:43am

re: #996 jcm

I even thought that shooting was pretty marginal.

Wow. Yeah, I'm surprised the homeowner did not do time for that. I can imagine scenarios under which it would be justified, but it's definitely not a slam dunk.

1019 Ward Cleaver  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:02:47am

re: #1012 MandyManners

It's already 87 here, with about 60 per cent humidity.


I'm glad somebody does. Expected high here today is 93.

1020 redstateredneck  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:02:49am

re: #1001 doppelganglander

Reading that was physically painful, and I'm a female. I've taught my girls to go for DNA evidence by scratching and hair-pulling, as well as anything else they can do to fight off an attacker. (I've also taught them to avoid dangerous situations and to size up shady individuals, so I hope they'll never need any other skills.)

I've preached to my girls and my Girl Scouts for years just to not be so caught up in their own little world that they're not aware of what's going on around them. A lot of times you can see danger coming if you' re just looking around and being aware when you're out somewhere.

1021 OldLineTexan  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:03:05am

re: #977 Occasional Reader

Do you actually stovepipe the snap cap, or just load one in the chamber and then go through the steps?

Yes. No need to "simulate" the jam. Train the steps into reflex.

/which I haven't done ;)

1022 Killgore Trout  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:03:12am

re: #1004 JohnnyReb

The Vat story is bogus. It was based on comments made by obscure officials months ago about considering the possibility. There have been vat proposals around for years, I don't think it's going to happen.

1023 Flyers1974  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:03:27am

re: #976 vxbush

With all the appropriate references to Area 51, I hope....

I've actually been to Area 51 or at least as far as the surrounding fence. In my case, my visit had nothing to do with believing in UFO's or conspiracies, but just thought it was a fun thing to do since I was in Vegas to watch a marathon. I saw nothing but desert, a hill and guys in a security jeep watching what I was up to.

1024 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:03:30am

I am having a hard time posting.

1025 albusteve  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:03:50am

re: #1006 alegrias

* * *
Silly Pakistanis were bragging they could kick out the Taliban in a matter of days.

They have more Taliban in their midst than they're admitting.
Like we are shocked, shocked to find ACORN Unionistas in this administration's protection.

well I do have to eat my words to a degree...I did not think the Pakis would stand and fight or pursue the Talis uphill, but it seems they are doing both...altho I agree that we are probably not getting the whole story

1026 [deleted]  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:03:51am
1027 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:04:04am

re: #948 Fat Bastard Vegetarian Nope, you ding was registered (maybe you need to refresh the page?).

1028 ConservatismNow!  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:04:09am

re: #992 Nevergiveup

Changing the channel works also. Well it does for me anyway.

I watch TV to be happy, not depressed. That's why I watch Food network, USA, AMC, and my movie channels. Why would I watch news on television?

1029 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:04:12am

re: #996 jcm

I usually carry only one mag.

Best of both worlds solution: Get an FN Five-Seven. Then, you can carry only one mag. One twenty-round mag.

1030 Macker  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:04:12am

re: #1024 MandyManners

I am having a hard time posting.

Well, this was easy enough, wasn't it?


1031 Killgore Trout  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:04:19am

re: #1024 MandyManners

Me too. A lot of sites are buggy for me this morning. I thought it was my connection.

1032 slokat  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:04:36am

re: #979 MandyManners


Wow, does it hurt to get chastised with a chastity belt in a civilized manner?

1033 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:05:09am

re: #1021 OldLineTexan

Yes. No need to "simulate" the jam. Train the steps into reflex.

/which I haven't done ;)

Interesting idea. And that's something I can actually practice at home. (Wife will roll eyes a lot, of course, but hey...)

1034 Dustoff-507  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:05:16am

re: #1026 Iron Fist

it is better to castrate an opponent with a firearm, but when one isn't available bear hands will do.

Damn! LOL

1035 callahan23  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:05:26am

re: #1024 MandyManners

I am having a hard time posting.

I had to reboot my computer to get rid of the spinning hamster wheels.

1036 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:05:57am

re: #1026 Iron Fist

We're just discussing castration by bear hands

That's one grizzly scenario...

1037 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:05:59am

re: #1023 Flyers1974

I've actually been to Area 51 or at least as far as the surrounding fence. In my case, my visit had nothing to do with believing in UFO's or conspiracies, but just thought it was a fun thing to do since I was in Vegas to watch a marathon. I saw nothing but desert, a hill and guys in a security jeep watching what I was up to.

Gee, you saw to much. Could you please come to the processing center at the west gate, or else, it may be embarrassing to you and your neighbors when we come to get you.

1038 Kenneth  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:06:29am

re: #1007 realwest

I'm not disputing your point. In fact, the situation in Canada shows how tenuous such freedoms are.

It seems to many in Canada that these tribunals are unconstitutional. There have been some challenges going up to provincial & federal supreme courts. Hopefully, they will be disbanded or seriously reigned in. The cases like Ezra involve the tribunals going far beyond the original mandates. The people on these courts are usually militant leftists of various stripe.

1039 albusteve  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:06:31am

re: #1027 realwest

Nope, you ding was registered (maybe you need to refresh the page?).

I had to scan my machine, then reboot...she seized up Captain!

1040 sattv4u2  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:06:40am

re: #1022 Killgore Trout

The Vat story is bogus. It was based on comments made by obscure officials months ago about considering the possibility. There have been vat proposals around for years, I don't think it's going to happen.

In that there have been "comments made by obscure officials months ago about considering the possibility" your saying the story is bogus is incorrect.
The gov't will need a new source of revenue to somewhat offset the spending so you're thinking it won;t happen may in fact be wishful

Some of the greatest and some of the worst ideas have been germinated by 'obscure officials"

1041 aussiemagpie  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:06:59am

Nightynight {everyone} and have a lovely yesterday :-)

I'm finding it hard to post here tonight, so I'll try again tomorrow night!

Hamsters need feeding perhaps....

1042 alegrias  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:07:08am

re: #1020 redstateredneck

I've preached to my girls and my Girl Scouts for years just to not be so caught up in their own little world that they're not aware of what's going on around them. A lot of times you can see danger coming if you' re just looking around and being aware when you're out somewhere.

* * * * *
Glad your Girl Scouts are learning something useful. Yesterday I saw a local troup of Girl Scouts is holding a carnival to raise money for the "rainforest", whereas the local Boy Scouts get to go canoeing, camping, hiking, rock climbing, etc.

Why are Girl Scouts being taught to get badges in political correctness instead of physical strength, self-reliance & self-confidence that really instills something useful? Is it just this neck of jihadist Northern Virginia?

1043 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:07:11am

re: #953 alegrias Indeed, on F&F (which I use for background noise to help me wake up when having breakfast!) said they get four channels and I mentally guessed Al Jiz, CNN, MSNBC and probably CBS. Wonder how close I was?

1044 razorbacker  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:07:11am

Government Jobs Increasing

There are now 55,000 more government jobs than manufacturing jobs in the state.

The government is now only behind the state's largest employer, the trade, transportation and utilities industry.

I don't see what possibly could go wrong right there.

1045 vxbush  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:07:13am

re: #1023 Flyers1974

I've actually been to Area 51 or at least as far as the surrounding fence. In my case, my visit had nothing to do with believing in UFO's or conspiracies, but just thought it was a fun thing to do since I was in Vegas to watch a marathon. I saw nothing but desert, a hill and guys in a security jeep watching what I was up to.

I'd like to be allowed on to the base, but there's no reason for me to end up there. I've enjoyed reading about it in Jane's, though, and reading the stories of the men who can now talk because their work has been declassified. Fun stuff.

1046 Kenneth  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:07:24am

realwest, check your email, please.

1047 Sheila Broflovski  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:07:29am

re: #1024 MandyManners

I am having a hard time posting.

Hamsters are a huffin' and a puffin'

1048 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:07:38am

re: #1023 Flyers1974

I've actually been to Area 51 or at least as far as the surrounding fence. In my case, my visit had nothing to do with believing in UFO's or conspiracies, but just thought it was a fun thing to do since I was in Vegas to watch a marathon. I saw nothing but desert, a hill and guys in a security jeep watching what I was up to.

I met a woman at a wedding a year or two back in Las Vegas who said her dad was a retired USAF office who worked at Area 51/Groom Lake/whatever you want to call it. To this day, she didn't have the slightest idea what he did there, and he absolutely did not talk about it.

1049 Creeping Eruption  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:08:01am

re: #1047 Alouette

Hamsters are a huffin' and a puffin'

Damn Hippie Hamsters!

1050 sattv4u2  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:08:07am

re: #1024 MandyManners

re: #1031 Killgore Trout

Me too. A lot of sites are buggy for me this morning. I thought it was my connection.

I was getting triple posts from everyone. I logged off of one work puter and on to another. No problems with this one so far

1051 abolitionist  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:08:33am

re: #626 realwest

Uh, what Bill Ayers ad are y'all talking about?

I haven't seen it, but this one: re: #7 mikalm

Hey, there's an ad for a live interview with Bill Ayers on the right side of this page!

Hope you're have a good day, RW.

1052 OldLineTexan  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:08:38am

re: #1029 Occasional Reader

Best of both worlds solution: Get an FN Five-Seven. Then, you can carry only one mag. One twenty-round mag.

Bring lots of money.

1053 JacksonTn  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:09:02am

re: #1050 sattv4u2

re: #1031 Killgore Trout

I was getting triple posts from everyone. I logged off of one work puter and on to another. No problems with this one so far

satt ... what ya watching on the feeds today? ...

1054 slokat  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:09:17am

Everything is running fine at LGF, for me in central cal.

1055 vxbush  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:09:18am

re: #1042 alegrias

* * * * *
Glad your Girl Scouts are learning something useful. Yesterday I saw a local troup of Girl Scouts is holding a carnival to raise money for the "rainforest", whereas the local Boy Scouts get to go canoeing, camping, hiking, rock climbing, etc.

Why are Girl Scouts being taught to get badges in political correctness instead of physical strength, self-reliance & self-confidence that really instills something useful? Is it just this neck of jihadist Northern Virginia?

I always wanted to be in Boy Scouts and not Girl Scouts, because the girls never did anything fun. Sorry, but stringing beads on a string isn't my idea of a great time. When my son was in Boy Scouts, I really felt the loss.

1056 [deleted]  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:09:35am
1057 Ward Cleaver  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:10:37am

re: #1054 slokat

Everything is running fine at LGF, for me in central cal.

Same here, in North Texas.

1058 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:10:41am

re: #1052 OldLineTexan

Bring lots of money.

Belgian beer
Belgian chocolate
Belgian ammo

What did you expect?

1059 [deleted]  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:10:42am
1060 redstateredneck  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:10:55am

re: #1042 alegrias

* * * * *
Glad your Girl Scouts are learning something useful. Yesterday I saw a local troup of Girl Scouts is holding a carnival to raise money for the "rainforest", whereas the local Boy Scouts get to go canoeing, camping, hiking, rock climbing, etc.

Why are Girl Scouts being taught to get badges in political correctness instead of physical strength, self-reliance & self-confidence that really instills something useful? Is it just this neck of jihadist Northern Virginia?

They've got all that pc stuff in the handbooks, but there is still a lot of outdoor stuff and even a badge on fixing things around the home and one on car care. We, as local leaders, tailor made our program to teach them the things that we valued.

1061 alegrias  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:11:00am

re: #1028 ConservatismNow!

I watch TV to be happy, not depressed. That's why I watch Food network, USA, AMC, and my movie channels. Why would I watch news on television?

* * * * *
If Fox News hadn't documented those New Black Panther Party thugs with a stick menacing voters at a polling precinct in Philadelphia, shouting stuff at voters, and identifying one of them as a Democrat poll watcher or official of some sort, how would we KNOW this had happened, and that
Eric Holder's Justice Department was dropping its prosecution of these thugs?

Some things you have to see with your own eyes, not believe the lying administration's denials.

1062 Creeping Eruption  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:11:03am

Ok. Since this is a partial gun thread, I would like to solicit opinions for a first shotgun. I will probably need something I can easily change out barrels from Pheasant season to home defense. A Remington 870 comes to mind. Thoughts?

1063 sattv4u2  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:11:20am

Right now we're about to do an 11 hour GM video conference.

1064 vxbush  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:11:27am

re: #1056 Iron Fist

Eyes, throat, groin, knees, and toes are what I teach in basic self-defense classes for women. These are the most vulnerable parts of the human anatomy. It looks really cool in the movies to break a guy's arm while throwing him in such a way that he breaks his neck when he lands, but in a real self-defense situation you are going to just react. There's not a lot of time for planning or pinpoint accuracy. Training can give you a big leg up, but I was always taught that my black belt will only cover 1 3/4" of my ass. I'd better be able to cover the rest.

That is sound advice to everyone.

I've taken RAD self defense training. Probably wouldn't hurt to go to a refresher course.

1065 Ojoe  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:11:51am

re: #1055 vxbush

The BSA now has "Venturing Crews", successor to the Explorer program, girls can join. Age for members is 14 and up.

1066 vxbush  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:11:51am

re: #1060 redstateredneck

They've got all that pc stuff in the handbooks, but there is still a lot of outdoor stuff and even a badge on fixing things around the home and one on car care. We, as local leaders, tailor made our program to teach them the things that we valued.

WHY didn't I have YOU as a leader, then?

1067 albusteve  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:12:06am


[Link: www.foxnews.com...]

1068 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:12:16am

re: #961 J.S. Well the ICC clearly violates several of our rights under the Constitution and Amendments thereto: prohibition against double jeopary; right to effective counsel, right to confront witnesses, right to a trial of a jury of our peers, etc.
I would think a challenge to SCOTUS on any treaty we sign subjecting ANY American citizens (especially American troops who are most likely to get caught up in this bullshit) to the jurisdiction of the ICC would have to succeed.

1069 Flyers1974  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:12:17am

re: #1037 Walter L. Newton

Gee, you saw to much. Could you please come to the processing center at the west gate, or else, it may be embarrassing to you and your neighbors when we come to get you.

The nearest town, Rachel, consisted of maybe twenty trailors and a store/bar, the "Little Ali Inn" which was intended to make some money from the UFO/conspiracy people. Anyway, I learned that there was nothing else to see other than yucca trees. And not to speed on the highway leading out of Vegas, got nailed twice.

1070 sattv4u2  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:12:29am

re: #1053 JacksonTn

satt ... what ya watching on the feeds today? ...

Right now we're about to do an 11 hour GM video conference.

1071 alegrias  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:12:53am

re: #1043 realwest

Indeed, on F&F (which I use for background noise to help me wake up when having breakfast!) said they get four channels and I mentally guessed Al Jiz, CNN, MSNBC and probably CBS. Wonder how close I was?

* * * *
You probably are 100% correct our tax dollars are buying jihadists the worst anti-American propaganda TV available!

1072 jcm  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:13:00am

re: #1013 Dustoff-507

Yeah, I'm just hanging out today. The weather is GREAT. Was in CA yesterday.

Damn hot there. 0-:

Took the kids down to Chehalis and rode the Steam train yesterday. Great fun!

1073 albusteve  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:13:05am

re: #1062 Creeping Eruption

Ok. Since this is a partial gun thread, I would like to solicit opinions for a first shotgun. I will probably need something I can easily change out barrels from Pheasant season to home defense. A Remington 870 comes to mind. Thoughts?

buy it...tactical

1074 JacksonTn  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:13:19am

re: #1070 sattv4u2

Right now we're about to do an 11 hour GM video conference.

satt ... 11 hours? ... dang ... what can you talk about for 11 hours? ...

1075 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:13:33am

re: #1062 Creeping Eruption

Ok. Since this is a partial gun thread, I would like to solicit opinions for a first shotgun. I will probably need something I can easily change out barrels from Pheasant season to home defense. A Remington 870 comes to mind. Thoughts?

A good choice.

I like my Mossberg 590 very much, but am annoyed at the fact that longer barrels for sport shooting are not available.

1076 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:14:07am

re: #1064 vxbush

I've taken RAD self defense training. Probably wouldn't hurt to go to a refresher course.

What is RAD?

1077 redstateredneck  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:14:30am

re: #1066 vxbush

WHY didn't I have YOU as a leader, then?

LOL! I stuck with the girls from 1st through 12th grade and then I retired from my GS career. Well, I still help on cookie day and help with ceremonies but no more weekly meetings for me.

1078 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:14:36am

re: #972 Occasional Reader

Of course, the source is Pravda. A paper which, among other things, posited that Operation Iraqi Freedom was really undertaken in order to recover a crashed UFO.

HUH! Did we ever recover that crashed UFO?!?

1079 vxbush  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:14:44am

re: #1076 Occasional Reader

What is RAD?

Oh, you would ask me.....thankfully, Google found it.

1080 Buck  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:15:11am

re: #625 razorbacker

As I posted Friday, I've met my first fellow who has gone Galt, and has decided to cut his resturant hours from 13.5 hours per week to 9 hours a week because he refuses to pay more taxes.

I've got to admire a man who refuses to keep his business open more than 9 hours a week so as not to make over $250,000 per year.

9 hours a week? What is that 1 and a quarter hours a day? What kind of restaurant is it? Drive through coffee on a freeway only during rush hour is my guess...

1081 vxbush  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:15:25am

re: #1078 realwest

HUH! Did we ever recover that crashed UFO?!?

Where did you think the technology for the Kindle DX came from? Hmmm?


1082 sattv4u2  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:15:28am

re: #1074 JacksonTn

satt ... 11 hours? ... dang ... what can you talk about for 11 hours? ...

I'm about to find out!

Actually what I expect it to be is some "new" GM honcho talking one at a time to large dealers around the country, and at times talking to ALL of them more about the specifics of the bankruptcy and how it will affect them. They can do it this way more effectively than sending each dealer a video

1083 gymmom  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:15:46am

re: #1060 redstateredneck

They've got all that pc stuff in the handbooks, but there is still a lot of outdoor stuff and even a badge on fixing things around the home and one on car care. We, as local leaders, tailor made our program to teach them the things that we valued.

I was a girl scout (in WV in the 70s). We did a lot of camping/outdoor stuff. Also home ec kind of stuff. I was so excited to get my girls in scouts, but it was just crafts. Really depends on the leader I think. I was really lucky. Sounds like your scouts are too.

1084 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:16:23am

re: #1078 realwest

HUH! Did we ever recover that crashed UFO?!?

Put it this way:

-We invade Iraq.
-Then, iPhone invented.


I sleep more soundly know that my iPhone represents the best technology the "Grays" have to offer.


1085 OldLineTexan  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:16:52am

re: #1042 alegrias

* * * * *
Glad your Girl Scouts are learning something useful. Yesterday I saw a local troup of Girl Scouts is holding a carnival to raise money for the "rainforest", whereas the local Boy Scouts get to go canoeing, camping, hiking, rock climbing, etc.

Why are Girl Scouts being taught to get badges in political correctness instead of physical strength, self-reliance & self-confidence that really instills something useful? Is it just this neck of jihadist Northern Virginia?

It may be; back in the day, my Boy Scouts were typically surpassed by Girls Scouts on the annual canoeing trip. Better camping, etc.

BTW, environmentalism in the form of minimum-impact/low-impact camping, wilderness restoration, etc. has been part of the program in Boy Scouts since I was a yout. ;)

1086 J.S.  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:17:03am

re: #1038 Kenneth

Will the so-called "war crimes" courts (the superior court in Quebec, for example) be disbanded any time soon? (did you catch George Jonas's article the other day about "Kafka meets the jet age"? it's about the use of witnesses without a named identity -- just "identified" through a random number/letter assignment -- and these anonymous sources point accusatory fingers -- how do you defend yourself against that?) that's not even including the HRCs; then there's the Hate Speech criminal code act, etc., etc. (I find it all highly unlikely that there's going to be "change" soon...).

1087 vxbush  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:17:06am

re: #1084 Occasional Reader

Put it this way:

-We invade Iraq.
-Then, iPhone invented.


I sleep more soundly know that my iPhone represents the best technology the "Grays" have to offer.


Ix-nay on the Phone-i-ay. That was from another source *cough* Romulan *cough*.

1088 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:17:09am

re: #985 Dustoff-507
Hey, hi there Dustoff my friend. Nope not really, just some posters posting foolish things about other posters......oh and whether or not it's legal to go ahead and grab a second handgun and pump lead into someone who is already down with a bullet to the head.
How the hell are you? How's Coco?

1089 redstateredneck  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:17:51am

re: #1080 Buck

9 hours a week? What is that 1 and a quarter hours a day? What kind of restaurant is it? Drive through coffee on a freeway only during rush hour is my guess...

We have several restaurants around here (usually fried fish places) that are only open Thurs. - Sun. evening hours. I think that's just true of smaller towns and rural areas.

1090 CIA Reject  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:18:03am

re: #1084 Occasional Reader

Put it this way:

-We invade Iraq.
-Then, iPhone invented.


I sleep more soundly know that my iPhone represents the best technology the "Grays" have to offer.


...or maybe just the best technology we could get them to give up. You really think KSM was the only one waterboarded?

1091 Kenneth  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:18:07am

re: #1084 Occasional Reader


'nuff said.

No war for downloads!

1092 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:18:48am

re: #983 1SG(ret)

For a long time now, I couldn't figure out what this "mute" thingy was on my remote. I finally figured it out though. It's a Presidential STFU button. Every time I push it while he is talking, I no longer have to hear him. Man, technology is great.

Probably hadda get a private to teach you how to use it! LOL!

Good morning Top! Hope you're well today!

1093 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:18:59am

re: #1020 redstateredneck

not be so caught up in their own little world that they're not aware of what's going on around them.

Purely personal, entirely cranky observation; general situational obliviousness seems to be on the rise in the US population. To a great degree, I blame the prevalence of MP3 players and cellphones; people just walk around in their music/chat bubbles.

1094 Flyers1974  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:19:10am

re: #1045 vxbush

I'd like to be allowed on to the base, but there's no reason for me to end up there. I've enjoyed reading about it in Jane's, though, and reading the stories of the men who can now talk because their work has been declassified. Fun stuff.

No kidding, I didn't know it was declassified. I'll have to read up. I was there in 2002 I think. I figured the drive to Area 51, which is about three hours from Vegas, would be worth it as I could also stop and walk in the desert, see the wildliife, snakes and what have you. As I learned, not much happening in the desert during the day time.

1095 sattv4u2  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:19:40am

re: #1091 Kenneth


'nuff said.

No war for downloads!

I Pod
I Ran

Maybe if Obama gives Dinnerjacket one like he gave the Queen everything will be cool!

1096 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:19:46am

re: #1067 albusteve


[Link: www.foxnews.com...]

OMG! That pig could probably feed every person who posted on this thread.

1097 Dustoff-507  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:19:54am

re: #1072 jcm

Sweet. Great to be back. CA was really hot in the SAC area. phew.

1098 Racer X  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:20:08am

Shaping up to be shitty day:

Air France plane down in Atlantic - 200 poor souls on board.

400 kids taken hostage by the Taliban (why the fuck didn't we just kill them all DEAD the first week we invaded Afghanistan?).

GM and Chrysler are bankrupt.

Obama is still president.


1099 Digital Display  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:20:22am

re: #1088 realwest

Hey, hi there Dustoff my friend. Nope not really, just some posters posting foolish things about other posters......oh and whether or not it's legal to go ahead and grab a second handgun and pump lead into someone who is already down with a bullet to the head.
How the hell are you? How's Coco?

Hey Bro..anybody hear how Dustyvet is doing?

1100 vxbush  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:20:32am

re: #1094 Flyers1974

No kidding, I didn't know it was declassified. I'll have to read up. I was there in 2002 I think. I figured the drive to Area 51, which is about three hours from Vegas, would be worth it as I could also stop and walk in the desert, see the wildliife, snakes and what have you. As I learned, not much happening in the desert during the day time.

Oh, the whole program isn't declassified; just stuff from the 1950's and early 1960's, I think. But a bit more fascinating than looking at the desert, in my opinion.

Lunch beckons. I must heed the call.

1101 JacksonTn  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:20:34am

re: #1093 Occasional Reader

Purely personal, entirely cranky observation; general situational obliviousness seems to be on the rise in the US population. To a great degree, I blame the prevalence of MP3 players and cellphones; people just walk around in their music/chat bubbles.

OR ... and houses that are too big ... IMO it was better when houses were smaller ... kids shared rooms ... now too many families just go into their own rooms and get on electronics ... not enough interaction in the family ...

1102 FrogMarch  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:20:48am

re: #1004 JohnnyReb

Here is my prediction. Within one year we will have a Value Added Tax (read national sales tax, but it won't be written that way) similar to Europe. Most likely in the 5-7% range. Why would I say that? Cause my two LLL papers just ran two days chock full of articles supporting the idea and how it won't be too awful bad. Heck even the poor would get a VAT "rebate" to offset their loss. One paper even had 3 articles on it in the Sunday edition. This will be in addition to the income tax already in place.

The scary one was the economist guy coming out and saying that we need a completely new revenue stream to pay for the massive upcoming national health care program.

We shall see. Our government will assuredly attempt to throw any and all tax hikes at the wall and see what sticks. During an economic downturn, it's only going to make things worse. Again, the only way out is to get a job working for the government. That's the stated goal of this administration.
It's a safe prediction that Nationalized Heath Care will be a disaster.

1103 Dustoff-507  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:21:03am

re: #1088 realwest

I'm great, the weather is finally wonderful and Coco is in (heat) "crap"

1104 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:21:09am

re: #1097 Dustoff-507

CA was really hot in the SAC area

Did you try switching to lightweight boxer shorts?


1105 VegasRick  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:21:18am

Hey! New Thread!


1106 Flyers1974  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:21:28am

re: #1048 Occasional Reader

I've met one person in my entire life who worked there and likewise, he wasn't divulging any information.

1107 Dustoff-507  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:21:41am

re: #1099 HoosierHoops

Not me?

1108 Dustoff-507  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:22:08am

re: #1104 Occasional Reader

LOL... Ok you!

1109 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:22:12am

re: #1094 Flyers1974

No kidding, I didn't know it was declassified. I'll have to read up. I was there in 2002 I think. I figured the drive to Area 51, which is about three hours from Vegas, would be worth it as I could also stop and walk in the desert, see the wildliife, snakes and what have you. As I learned, not much happening in the desert during the day time.

No kidding. But after dark, especially during the summer, on Thursday nights, the Gray's get naked and bathe in the moonlight, sing songs and ingest a strange sticky substance. Really something to see, sorry you missed it.

1110 sattv4u2  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:22:14am

re: #1105 VegasRick

Hey! New Thread!


don't pull it. The entire shirt will unravel !

1111 Digital Display  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:22:37am

re: #1107 Dustoff-507

Not me?

Hey you..Haven't heard from Dusty since his sister passed about 3 weeks ago

1112 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:23:03am

re: #1099 HoosierHoops

Hey Bro..anybody hear how Dustyvet is doing?

I haven't, and I never even heard from him AFTER the funeral, and I have called (no answer, no message system) and emailed him. I'll try right now.

1113 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:23:24am

re: #1098 Racer X

"Could be worse. Could be raining."

1114 UFO TOFU  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:23:24am

Anyone ever hear from USMC recon?

1115 freetoken  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:23:40am

re: #1042 alegrias

Why are Girl Scouts being taught to get badges in political correctness instead of physical strength, self-reliance & self-confidence that really instills something useful?

What, no Zen Gardening?

1116 1SG(ret)  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:24:06am

re: #1092 realwest

Damn, "Real", you just can't keep any secrets can you. Doing fine except having work stuff to do, but I'm holding off, because I can!

I will never buy a vehicle from a Gov owned/run company, just so that is clear! Ford, you listening!

1117 Dustoff-507  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:24:26am

OK.... it's Sacramento Calif.

Jezzz (-:

1118 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:24:49am

re: #1087 vxbush

Ix-nay on the Phone-i-ay. That was from another source *cough* Romulan *cough*.

Short on Red Matter, are we?


1119 Sean  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:24:56am

Has anybody figured out what model of Lada GMC will be making soon?

1120 badger1970  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:25:28am

re: #1098 Racer X

Mondays suck

1121 [deleted]  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:26:06am
1122 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:27:08am

re: #1112 Walter L. Newton

I haven't, and I never even heard from him AFTER the funeral, and I have called (no answer, no message system) and emailed him. I'll try right now.

Yes, he is on the phone right now, a bit depressed, but I got a laugh out of him. I'll keep it at that.

1123 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:27:19am

re: #1006 alegrias
and albusteve
What you haven't been reading on blogs or in the MSM, is that the Paki ARMY -not militia or police - have finally entered the fray, have retaken the largest city in SWAT and now control the "commerce crossroads" (think marketplace for all in SWAT) and that the effin' U.N. is now worried about the hundreds of thousands of refugee coming BACK into SWAT. There are indeed Taliban/Al-Q sypathizers within the ISI, but they are too few and too afraid (and rightly so) of taking on the Pakistani Army - it is a tough bunch of s.o.b.'s in the Paki Army- all professionals, no draftees.

1124 Ward Cleaver  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:30:04am

re: #1065 Ojoe

The BSA now has "Venturing Crews", successor to the Explorer program, girls can join. Age for members is 14 and up.

Wow, no more Explorers? I was a post president, and we had girls as members back then (mid '70s).

1125 redstateredneck  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:30:13am

re: #1114 UFO TOFU

He must have never been able to get internet services out in the wilds of Montana. Or else he's too busy with his ranch to chat with us!

1126 callahan23  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:30:15am

Oh wow I gotta double spinning hamster wheel. Lets see if I can break that cyclin' by postin'

1127 saberry0530  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:30:32am

DId Stinky just crash and burn?

1128 [deleted]  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:31:28am
1129 sattv4u2  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:32:04am

re: #1119 Sean

Has anybody figured out what model of Lada GMC will be making soon?

No,, but you'll be limited to this size car ,, UPSIDE ,, you can have it in any one of 4 colors

Image: 800px-1965_peel_p50_the_worlds_smallest_car_lane_motor_museum.jpg

1130 doppelganglander  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:32:33am

re: #1056 Iron Fist

Eyes, throat, groin, knees, and toes are what I teach in basic self-defense classes for women. These are the most vulnerable parts of the human anatomy. It looks really cool in the movies to break a guy's arm while throwing him in such a way that he breaks his neck when he lands, but in a real self-defense situation you are going to just react. There's not a lot of time for planning or pinpoint accuracy. Training can give you a big leg up, but I was always taught that my black belt will only cover 1 3/4" of my ass. I'd better be able to cover the rest.

That is sound advice to everyone.

I wanted to give you an upding for that but my dinger is busted. Real life is not like Lara Croft. I also encourage biting any body part within reach.

1131 Kosh's Shadow  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:32:35am

re: #1094 Flyers1974

No kidding, I didn't know it was declassified. I'll have to read up. I was there in 2002 I think. I figured the drive to Area 51, which is about three hours from Vegas, would be worth it as I could also stop and walk in the desert, see the wildliife, snakes and what have you. As I learned, not much happening in the desert during the day time.

Some stuff was declassified, or at least leaked.
A couple of years ago, AvLeak published an article on a military two stage to orbit system. The first stage was very similar to an XB-70, and it air launched a second stage. These fit a lot of the "triangular object" UFO stories.

And I find it interesting that an article when the SR-71 was retired said that the military wouldn't be retiring it if they didn't have a replacement. That was about the time this system went into service.
And the same comment is probably applicable now that it has been retired as well.

Advanced aircraft and spacecraft at "Area 51" - yes.
Aliens, no.

1133 Ward Cleaver  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:32:52am

re: #1119 Sean

Has anybody figured out what model of Lada GMC will be making soon?

I'm betting on the Riva.

1134 Ojoe  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:33:43am

re: #1124 Ward Cleaver

BSA changed the name, for what reason I am not sure.

1135 doppelganglander  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:34:16am

re: #1112 Walter L. Newton

I haven't, and I never even heard from him AFTER the funeral, and I have called (no answer, no message system) and emailed him. I'll try right now.

I got a nice thank you email but I haven't seen him around either.

1136 John Neverbend  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:34:23am

Here's an interesting article on what to expect or not to expect from Obama's forthcoming Cairo speech.

Obama May Need 'Magician' Skills

1137 JacksonTn  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:34:32am

re: #1127 saberry0530

DId Stinky just crash and burn?

sab ... I just had to refresh and get back in ... hamsters tired ...

1138 Occasional Reader  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:35:05am

re: #1131 Kosh's Shadow

And I find it interesting that an article when the SR-71 was retired said that the military wouldn't be retiring it if they didn't have a replacement

"Aurora"... seems to be a fair amount of evidence that it exists.

1139 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:35:08am

re: #1122 Walter L. Newton

Yes, he is on the phone right now, a bit depressed, but I got a laugh out of him. I'll keep it at that.

Just got done with Dustyvet. Ok, a little down, but as he said "I haven't taken the screen out of the window and decided to go airborne."

I told him to take his time, he only owes himself right now.

So, Dustyvet says he'll be back on when he feels ready and he is working on some thank you notes, which will g out as he can get them out. His own pace, if you all understand.

1140 Kosh's Shadow  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:35:36am

re: #1116 1SG(ret)

Damn, "Real", you just can't keep any secrets can you. Doing fine except having work stuff to do, but I'm holding off, because I can!

I will never buy a vehicle from a Gov owned/run company, just so that is clear! Ford, you listening!

The government vill haff vays of making you buy your Pelosimobile, und you will like it!

1141 Buck  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:36:01am

re: #1089 redstateredneck

We have several restaurants around here (usually fried fish places) that are only open Thurs. - Sun. evening hours. I think that's just true of smaller towns and rural areas.

evening hour you mean? Right? One hour and fifteen minutes a day.

I am really hoping the OP meant 9 hours a day...

1142 [deleted]  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:36:21am
1143 callahan23  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:36:59am

re: #1119 Sean

Has anybody figured out what model of Lada GMC will be making soon?

How about the Lada Niva. That'll be a sub-SUV.
Very sub
Retch, just the thought! - Mind bleach is required.

1144 Kosh's Shadow  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:37:17am

re: #1124 Ward Cleaver

Wow, no more Explorers? I was a post president, and we had girls as members back then (mid '70s).

I wish we had girls back when I was in Explorers. The weekends at Otis Air National Guard base would have been even more interesting.

1145 doppelganglander  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:37:44am

re: #1139 Walter L. Newton

Thanks for checking on him, Walter. I just lost my sister 10 days ago, so I can understand he needs to take his own time to deal with it.

1146 Ward Cleaver  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:38:54am

re: #1131 Kosh's Shadow

Some stuff was declassified, or at least leaked.
A couple of years ago, AvLeak published an article on a military two stage to orbit system. The first stage was very similar to an XB-70, and it air launched a second stage. These fit a lot of the "triangular object" UFO stories.

And I find it interesting that an article when the SR-71 was retired said that the military wouldn't be retiring it if they didn't have a replacement. That was about the time this system went into service.
And the same comment is probably applicable now that it has been retired as well.

Advanced aircraft and spacecraft at "Area 51" - yes.
Aliens, no.

"Triangular objects" would be lifting bodies, that NASA's been looking at as far back as the late '60s and early '70s. In the opening credits for The Six Million Dollar Man, the producers used NASA file footage of a lifting body crashing on landing (it was actually unmanned) as the "crash" that Steve Austin was in, leading to his becoming a cyborg.

1147 razorbacker  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:38:56am

Okay. Two comments and I've got to go for a while. Neither of these are original to me, I just read them somewhere.

That Henderson guy who is CEO of GM does look a lot like Richie Riches guardian.

The two greatest supporters of Bush 43's foreign policy are shaping up to be Obama and Cheney. Cheney for his steadfast defence of the policies, and Obama for keeping so many the policies in place.

1148 Racer X  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:39:10am

re: #1137 JacksonTn

sab ... I just had to refresh and get back in ... hamsters tired ...


They are out cruising the boulevard.

1149 saberry0530  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:39:37am

re: #1132 Occasional Reader

Shooting at Little Rock, AK US Army recruiting station; two recruiting officers wounded; suspect apprehended; bomb squad checking suspicious package at scene

BIL is a Army/NG Recruiter from that area, just not that station. Youngest son is a recruiter in Georgia. Not a good thing that this is happening. Gives people ideas.

1150 Ward Cleaver  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:39:37am

re: #1136 John Neverbend

Here's an interesting article on what to expect or not to expect from Obama's forthcoming Cairo speech.

Obama May Need 'Magician' Skills

"Lemme pull a rabbit outta my hat!"


1151 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:40:00am

re: #1099 HoosierHoops
Hi Hoops - no, I've e-mailed him twice in the last week and called once and have received no response at all.
Again,my prayers going up for your friend.

1152 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:40:16am

re: #1147 razorbacker

You had a brilliant post earlier. Thanks.

1153 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:40:36am

re: #1151 realwest

Hi Hoops - no, I've e-mailed him twice in the last week and called once and have received no response at all.
Again,my prayers going up for your friend.

See my answer re: #1139 Walter L. Newton

1154 Ward Cleaver  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:40:40am

re: #1144 Kosh's Shadow

I wish we had girls back when I was in Explorers. The weekends at Otis Air National Guard base would have been even more interesting.

Some of them were actually cute.

1155 redstateredneck  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:40:41am

re: #1141 Buck

evening hour you mean? Right? One hour and fifteen minutes a day.

I am really hoping the OP meant 9 hours a day...

Like from 4:00 - 10:00.

1156 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:41:30am

Hmmm either LGF or I am a little wonky now - keep getting the spinning wheel and when I refreshed get the no connection message, reload LGF and have to log back in AGAIN - third time this morning for the log in.

1157 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:41:45am

Walter? How's show biz?

1158 Kosh's Shadow  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:41:46am

re: #1146 Ward Cleaver

"Triangular objects" would be lifting bodies, that NASA's been looking at as far back as the late '60s and early '70s. In the opening credits for The Six Million Dollar Man, the producers used NASA file footage of a lifting body crashing on landing (it was actually unmanned) as the "crash" that Steve Austin was in, leading to his becoming a cyborg.

Or the delta-wing XB-70'-ish 1st stage and, IIRC, the second stage might have been a lifting body or might have been a delta as well.

1159 razorbacker  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:41:59am

re: #1141 Buck

evening hour you mean? Right? One hour and fifteen minutes a day.

I am really hoping the OP meant 9 hours a day...

No, I meant from 4:30 till 9 PM Friday and Saturday. They are dropping Thurdays.

Were I the suspicious sort, I'd suspect a money-laundrying operation. But I'm certainly not going to suggest that a retired deputy sheriff would do that.

1160 saberry0530  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:42:11am

re: #1156 realwest

Hmmm either LGF or I am a little wonky now - keep getting the spinning wheel and when I refreshed get the no connection message, reload LGF and have to log back in AGAIN - third time this morning for the log in.

Same thing here.

1161 Ward Cleaver  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:42:22am

re: #1134 Ojoe

BSA changed the name, for what reason I am not sure.

Maybe "Exploring" sounded too un-PC (like Christopher Columbus)?

1162 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:42:27am

re: #1153 Walter L. Newton
Hey thanks a lot Walter - I do appreciate it!

1163 Kosh's Shadow  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:42:38am

re: #1150 Ward Cleaver

"Lemme pull a rabbit outta my hat!"


Nothin' up my sleeve.
/bullwinkle again.

1164 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:42:43am

re: #1146 Ward Cleaver

Not meaning to split hairs...but Steve Austin was a cyborg?

1165 [deleted]  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:43:25am
1166 astronmr20  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:44:11am

Regarding the missing AirFrance plane;

Fox News has a picture of an airbus with the headline "Lost," in the same script and font used on the popular TV show of the same name.

Tacky as hell.

1167 Digital Display  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:44:21am

re: #1156 realwest

Hmmm either LGF or I am a little wonky now - keep getting the spinning wheel and when I refreshed get the no connection message, reload LGF and have to log back in AGAIN - third time this morning for the log in.

Same thing....I haven't left you guys...LGF is leaving me...
Thanks Realwest...My heart is broken today....

1168 Ward Cleaver  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:44:54am

re: #1158 Kosh's Shadow

Or the delta-wing XB-70'-ish 1st stage and, IIRC, the second stage might have been a lifting body or might have been a delta as well.

If they're going to use something that can launch from a suborbital place, it would have to be like the XB-70.

I've actually touched the XB-70 that's at Wright-Pat. I've been fascinated by XB-70 for a long time.

1169 midwestgak  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:45:37am

re: #1167 HoosierHoops

Same thing....I haven't left you guys...LGF is leaving me...
Thanks Realwest...My heart is broken today....

Here's another hug {Hoosier}

1170 razorbacker  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:45:51am

re: #1152 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

No, thank you.

Post long enough and hard enough and one of them is bound to be good.

Y'all have a good day, what is left of it. If I don't get up and get some actually productive chores done soon I may as well just pull the covers back up and go back to sleep.

1171 Kosh's Shadow  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:46:31am

re: #1168 Ward Cleaver

If they're going to use something that can launch from a suborbital place, it would have to be like the XB-70.

I've actually touched the XB-70 that's at Wright-Pat. I've been fascinated by XB-70 for a long time.

The AvLeak article said it was almost an XB-70, but IIRC made of aluminum because it didn't have to go as fast. Same 6 engines, I believe.

As far as I know, the AvLeak web site, especially for archives, is subscriber only, so I can't post a link. (I do subscribe.)

1172 OldLineTexan  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:46:57am

re: #1168 Ward Cleaver

If they're going to use something that can launch from a suborbital place, it would have to be like the XB-70.

I've actually touched the XB-70 that's at Wright-Pat. I've been fascinated by XB-70 for a long time.

How did you get way up those poles? I was there once (for a whole hour, curse airline schedules) and I thought it was mounted up pretty high.

1173 astronmr20  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:47:28am

North Korea is queuing up another long-range missile.

Will Obama ignore this one as it soars over Japan?

1174 Kenneth  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:47:44am

As calculated, the per-household aggregate federal and private debt came to a staggering $668,621.

Check it out. The problem, obviously, is Medicare and Social Security, which together account for $444,000 of the total, or around 2/3.

Daniel Indiviglio at the Atlantic Business Channel wonders whether we can pay it back. He runs some numbers on the annual debt service per household required to cover all of this over 30 and 50 years, and it is astonishing. Our democracy has quite simply voted itself more benefits than it can possibly pay for.

There is only one way out of this. Americans and their economy must produce more and save more, and American voters have to face reality and significantly reduce the long tail liabilities. You can argue around the edges, but that means we need pro-growth policies (we are heading the other way right now), we must tell healthy people that they will have to work longer before they can get our government's retirement subsidy, we ought to promote the immigration of educated and competent workers, especially those with capital (China and India seem like the best places from which to drain brains), and we have to find a way to extend lifespans without spending such a high percentage of GDP on healthcare. Above all, we have to get our political class under control.

1175 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:48:10am

re: #1157 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Walter? How's show biz?

This last run ended yesterday. It did better than expected. Eighty percent capacity for the whole run, and we ran one week longer than usual (7 weeks).

Struck the set last night and put up the set for the next show last night (we prefab and/or use available flats from storage, so we are always ready to put up the next set).

We have a John Denver tribute concert next Sat. (yuck), and then our next play "Over the River and through the Woods" opens June 12th (two sets of Italian grandparents try to keep grandson from moving to Seattle by setting him up with a girlfriend).

Busy. We will be loading in all the furniture for the set this afternoon.

I read about your running and stuff. Good for you. Last Thursday I did a 4 mile hike on Mount Falcon. There is so much amazing open space and trails with in 20 minutes of where I live.

1176 1SG(ret)  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:48:10am

re: #1092 realwest

Damn, "Real", you just can't keep any secrets can you. Doing fine except having work stuff to do, but I'm holding off, because I can!

I will never buy a vehicle from a Gov owned/run company, just so that is clear! Ford, you listening!

1177 OldLineTexan  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:48:27am

re: #1138 Occasional Reader

"Aurora"... seems to be a fair amount of evidence that it exists.

I thought they finally admitted that it does?

1178 midwestgak  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:48:34am

re: #1173 astronmr20

North Korea is queuing up another long-range missile.

Will Obama ignore this one as it soars over Japan?

You can bet Japan won't.

1179 Ward Cleaver  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:48:35am

re: #1164 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Not meaning to split hairs...but Steve Austin was a cyborg?

Sure, that's what they called him on the show. He had one bionic arm (right), two bionic legs, and bionic eye (left). The series was based on Martin Caidin's Cyborg.

1180 Digital Display  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:49:15am

re: #1169 midwestgak

Here's another hug {Hoosier}

Thank you Gak... I lost a close friend..How can a healthy 6'10" 40 year old man just drop dead? A wonderful policeman..A close friend...
I am in Shock and I keep find myself crying today for his Children...

1181 Kosh's Shadow  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:49:21am

Obama says "he's not interested in running GM" and the government will stay out of management "in all but the most critical areas".
I hope the government stays out as much as possible, but I doubt that will really be the case.

1182 OldLineTexan  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:49:47am
1183 reloadingisnotahobby  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:50:04am

re: #1165 Iron Fist
Hey I.F.
Was at the range this past Sat and the McMillan rep was there with the new McMillan joint venture rifle ......
We were wacking a washing machine at 860 yards with a
4700.00$ 300 Win Mag....Sweet!

1184 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:50:04am

re: #1166 astronmr20

Regarding the missing AirFrance plane;

Fox News has a picture of an airbus with the headline "Lost," in the same script and font used on the popular TV show of the same name.

Tacky as hell.

I would agree. And I'll tell you this, they are doing it on purpose to MAKE the association, since LOST is a major player up against American Idol.

Marketing, plain and simple, make LOST look bad, not funny.

1185 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:50:09am

re: #1180 HoosierHoops

Oh, man. I didn't know. Dang.

1186 Kosh's Shadow  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:50:29am

re: #1173 astronmr20

North Korea is queuing up another long-range missile.

Will Obama ignore this one as it soars over Japan?

Especially after their nuclear test. Can we be sure they haven't been able to shrink a bomb to fit on a missile?
BTW, this missile can reach Alaska.
Sarah Palin is prepared to shoot it down if it gets close.
/on the last line

1187 sattv4u2  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:50:30am



How to tell someone thay have bad breath!

we now return to our regularly scheduled foolishness!

1188 John Neverbend  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:50:34am

re: #1150 Ward Cleaver

"Lemme pull a rabbit outta my hat!"


re: #1164 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Not meaning to split hairs...but Steve Austin was a cyborg?

Sure. The TV series was based on the novel "Cyborg" by Martin Caidin. As I recall from the book, he was blind in one eye and it was used as a spy camera.

1189 Cato the Elder  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:50:41am

re: #740 Kenneth

This is about Israel. In Arabic, the word for peace also means submission.

No it doesn't. "Islam" means submission. "Salaam" means peace.

The connection is the root S-L-M. Both Hebrew and Arabic are based on such three-letter consonantal roots. But words coming from the same root do not mean the same thing, any more than "doesn't" means the same thing as "does" because they both stem from "do".

1190 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:50:46am

re: #1132 Occasional Reader SHIT! No name of suspect - wonder (no information to support this ya'll) if this could be a repeat of the Newburgh NY situation - folks having been turned into Muslims and then jihadists while in jail)?

1191 astronmr20  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:51:28am

re: #1181 Kosh's Shadow

Obama says "he's not interested in running GM" and the government will stay out of management "in all but the most critical areas".
I hope the government stays out as much as possible, but I doubt that will really be the case.

I'd say his statement is already contradicted, as he has already told them what sort of cars to make.

1192 Ward Cleaver  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:51:39am

re: #1172 OldLineTexan

How did you get way up those poles? I was there once (for a whole hour, curse airline schedules) and I thought it was mounted up pretty high.

They must have moved it. At the time I went there (summer of 1992), it was sitting on the floor (you could walk under it and touch the tires and the landing gear). I got to spend all day at the museum (drove up I-75 from TN). This was the year after GW1, and they had a special exhibit on Gulf War stuff, including an F-117.

1193 J.S.  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:51:43am

re: #1181 Kosh's Shadow

This GM "re-structuring" reminds me of a Canadian "Crown Corporation"...(government owned and operated "business")...

1194 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:51:48am

re: #1188 John Neverbend

Thought cyborg was artificial intelligence stuff. I was wrong.

1195 sattv4u2  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:52:07am

re: #1182 OldLineTexan

Can I start making wild-assed presumptions about who and why?


Can the Mormon Tabernacle Choir account for it's wherabouts ?

1196 lawhawk  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:52:54am

re: #1181 Kosh's Shadow

As shareholders holding the largest share of the company, they have an obligation to be involved in management. To claim otherwise is disingenuous.

1197 1SG(ret)  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:52:55am

Some weird stuff happening on here today! Double posting with 60 posts in between.

1198 Racer X  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:53:12am

re: #1187 sattv4u2



How to tell someone thay have bad breath!

we now return to our regularly scheduled foolishness!


"Do you have any breath mints?


"Get some"

1199 Ward Cleaver  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:53:23am

re: #1180 HoosierHoops

Thank you Gak... I lost a close friend..How can a healthy 6'10" 40 year old man just drop dead? A wonderful policeman..A close friend...
I am in Shock and I keep find myself crying today for his Children...

Was he really 6' 10"? What about the possibility he has some form of "giantism", with the accompanying enlarged heart?

1200 OldLineTexan  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:53:24am

re: #1180 HoosierHoops


1201 sattv4u2  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:54:28am

re: #1198 Racer X


"Do you have any breath mints?


"Get some"

less tact

Me,, "Hi"

Him,, "Hello"

Me,, "BARF"

1202 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:54:29am

re: #1130 doppelganglanderYeah, but do not use clenched fisted hands with which to punch anyone in any bony part of the body - head, for example - as you may break one or more knuckles - I prefer throat and knees myself.

1203 doppelganglander  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:55:52am

re: #488 HoosierHoops

Good Morning Lizards.. A close friend of mine from the Speedway Police died yesterday of a Heart Attack..He was only 40 years old...
I am devastated.. I hope you can say a little prayer for his wife and children this morning...

I just now saw this. I am so sorry for your loss.

{ { { {Hoopster} } } }

1204 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:56:20am

re: #1201 sattv4u2

"When somebody offers you a breath mint? Take it."

I have a favorite breath mint joke. (BION)

"Bill Clinton is the kind of man who will give you one 'TicTac'".
-Dennis Miller

1205 Digital Display  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:56:24am

re: #1199 Ward Cleaver

Was he really 6' 10"? What about the possibility he has some form of "giantism", with the accompanying enlarged heart?

No..He was always tall and athletic...Played power forward in School..
The doctor said he had a weak spot to an artery to his heart..It just tore open..He was on the Cell with his Wife when he died...
I'll post his Obit when the paper publishes it....

1206 John Neverbend  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:56:32am

re: #1189 Cato the Elder

No it doesn't. "Islam" means submission. "Salaam" means peace.

The three Arabic words for peace are salaam, sulh and hudna (it can be argued that the last one doesn't mean peace at all). The first could be described as "peace through submission". The root for the word submission also appears in "Islam". Suhl means peace as in reconciliation. Hudna is akin to cease-fire.

1207 redstateredneck  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:57:03am

re: #1187 sattv4u2



How to tell someone thay have bad breath!

we now return to our regularly scheduled foolishness!

Well, how? I'm waiting with bated (or baited) breath?

1208 Sheila Broflovski  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:57:35am

re: #1206 John Neverbend

The three Arabic words for peace are salaam, sulh and hudna (it can be argued that the last one doesn't mean peace at all). The first could be described as "peace through submission". The root for the word submission also appears in "Islam". Suhl means peace as in reconciliation. Hudna is akin to cease-fire.

Hudna means "you stop shooting while we reload."

1209 OldLineTexan  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:58:10am

re: #1195 sattv4u2

Can the Mormon Tabernacle Choir account for it's wherabouts ?

I'm not sure it wasn't the Amish, in this case.


1210 Digital Display  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:58:49am

re: #1200 OldLineTexan


Yes. 6'10" Big cop..Bigger Heart..Wonderful friend..Great Dad...
May God rest his soul...

1211 John Neverbend  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:58:54am

re: #1194 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Thought cyborg was artificial intelligence stuff. I was wrong.

It's a contraction of "cybernetic organism". I remember an episode of Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea which included a cyborg (actually a robot replica of Admiral Nelson, so it was similar to The Terminator but not the same as Steve Austin).

1212 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:59:02am

re: #1205 HoosierHoops

No..He was always tall and athletic...Played power forward in School..
The doctor said he had a weak spot to an artery to his heart..It just tore open..He was on the Cell with his Wife when he died...
I'll post his Obit when the paper publishes it....

That's how my dad died, aortic aneurysm, near impossible to know you have it unless it's found during some other procedure, and only 2 percent survival rate. I won't go into details, too nasty.

1213 Racer X  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:59:14am

re: #1205 HoosierHoops

Sorry to hear about your friend passing. Hang in there.

1214 John Neverbend  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:59:17am

re: #1208 Alouette

Hudna means "you stop shooting while we reload."

Yes. I didn't want to say it, but that's absolutely correct.

1215 Kenneth  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:59:18am

re: #1189 Cato the Elder

You are correct to point out that the words "Islam" and "salaam" come from the same root word. Because of that, the meaning of "peace" in Arabic is closer in meaning to the English word "pacified", which is similar in meaning to "submission". I was intentionally taking liberties with meanings, but I think you understand my point: when the Arab world talks about wanting "peace" (salaam) in the Middle East, they mean they want Israel to submit (islam) to Muslim dominance.

You example of "do & don't" makes a poor argument. The addition of the negative "not" reverses the meaning of the root word. The difference in meaning between "Islam" and "salaam" is much less than the difference between "islam" and its antonym "harb" (war).

1216 NY Nana  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:59:18am

Drive by post:

See you all later! Daughter is bringing the almost-3 year old grandson here for the afternoon and dinner, as son in law will be working until late. She is now picking him up from Gan (Chabad nursery school), in Brooklyn, near where they live, and they will be on their way.

I am doing the Snoopy Dance!

Got to toddler-proof the place, as he can do more in a 5-minute time frame than NY Grampa and I can do in an hour.

1217 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:59:19am

re: #1046 Kenneth
Got it my friend - will respond as quickly as I can but I understand AND agree!

1218 sattv4u2  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 9:59:23am

re: #1210 HoosierHoops

Yes. 6'10" Big cop..Bigger Heart..Wonderful friend..Great Dad...
May God rest his soul...

so sorry Hoosier

1219 subsailor68  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:00:12am

re: #1181 Kosh's Shadow

Obama says "he's not interested in running GM" and the government will stay out of management "in all but the most critical areas".
I hope the government stays out as much as possible, but I doubt that will really be the case.

"in all but the most critical areas."

This qualification is what gives the game away, IMHO. Who defines "critical"? Clearly, the administration, as that's the qualifier for getting into the decision making process.

"Your designs are creating cars that people want to buy, but those cars are simply not environmentally acceptable. This is a critical area, and we have been forced to intervene."

"Your environmentally acceptable auto designs are creating cars that no one seems to want to buy. This is a critical area, and we have been forced to intervene."

"You don't seem to be able to sell enough cars to keep the company running. This is a critical area, and we have been forced to intervene."

"Well, we let GM try everything, and it's clear that they don't know what they're doing. We have instructed management to bring the Trabant to market within six months."

"We've determined that the only problem with GM is unfair competition from Ford, which is making an obscene profit of almost 8% on each car. This is a critical area, and we've just decided to take over the Ford Motor Company."

1220 OldLineTexan  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:01:00am

re: #1210 HoosierHoops

Yes. 6'10" Big cop..Bigger Heart..Wonderful friend..Great Dad...
May God rest his soul...

He sounds like a great guy, and it is an accomplishment to leave friends behind that speak well of you.

It has been my understanding that a lot of "Big Guys" have arterial problems.

I hope his family will find peace.

1221 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:01:21am

re: #1195 sattv4u2

Can the Mormon Tabernacle Choir account for it's wherabouts ?

From the photos and descriptions, it looks like a gang matter, nothing political. The shooter is a scumbag, of course and should be imprisoned for the maximum possible time.

1222 reloadingisnotahobby  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:01:24am

re: #1216 NY Nana

Bumper sticker I've seen....
I child proofed my house,but they still get in!

1223 jcm  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:01:40am

re: #1168 Ward Cleaver

If they're going to use something that can launch from a suborbital place, it would have to be like the XB-70.

I've actually touched the XB-70 that's at Wright-Pat. I've been fascinated by XB-70 for a long time.

Monster plane isn't it?

To bad a photo op cost two pilots their lives and the #2 airframe.

1224 Ward Cleaver  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:01:58am

re: #1205 HoosierHoops

No..He was always tall and athletic...Played power forward in School..
The doctor said he had a weak spot to an artery to his heart..It just tore open..He was on the Cell with his Wife when he died...
I'll post his Obit when the paper publishes it....

That weakness sounds similar (but maybe not the same) to the one that people with "giantism" have, that can cause sudden death.

1225 MandyManners  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:02:16am

re: #1216 NY Nana

Drive by post:

See you all later! Daughter is bringing the almost-3 year old grandson here for the afternoon and dinner, as son in law will be working until late. She is now picking him up from Gan (Chabad nursery school), in Brooklyn, near where they live, and they will be on their way.

I am doing the Snoopy Dance!

Got to toddler-proof the place, as he can do more in a 5-minute time frame than NY Grampa and I can do in an hour.

Snuggle time!

1226 subsailor68  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:03:22am

re: #1210 HoosierHoops

Yes. 6'10" Big cop..Bigger Heart..Wonderful friend..Great Dad...
May God rest his soul...

Good morning HH. I just read through some of the earlier posts, and just wanted to tell you how sorry I am to hear about your friend. Please remember that he'll never truly be gone as long as he has friends like you who keep his name and memory alive!

You and your friend are in my prayers.

1227 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:03:29am

re: #1089 redstateredneck
That's actually becoming true in cities, too. Friend of mine owns a nice restaurant in Manhattan and his lunch business has dropped off so much, he only opens around 4:00 PM-11:00PM - NYC has lost a LOT of high paying jobs and the used to be requisite big business lunch crowds are now not big enough to justify his keeping it open.

1228 Buck  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:03:55am

re: #1159 razorbacker

No, I meant from 4:30 till 9 PM Friday and Saturday. They are dropping Thurdays.

Were I the suspicious sort, I'd suspect a money-laundrying operation. But I'm certainly not going to suggest that a retired deputy sheriff would do that.

Well then a business open only two days and 9 hours making a kool quarter mil a year...

I probably would not worry about paying a bit more in taxes. But that is just me...

1230 OldLineTexan  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:04:34am

re: #1192 Ward Cleaver

I was there for some business at Goodyear in 1988; my memory could be faulty, and I almost RAN through the place to see all the good stuff.

1231 Sheila Broflovski  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:04:36am

re: #1216 NY Nana

Drive by post:

See you all later! Daughter is bringing the almost-3 year old grandson here for the afternoon and dinner, as son in law will be working until late. She is now picking him up from Gan (Chabad nursery school), in Brooklyn, near where they live, and they will be on their way.

I am doing the Snoopy Dance!

Got to toddler-proof the place, as he can do more in a 5-minute time frame than NY Grampa and I can do in an hour.

Spoil 'im rotten!

1232 Ward Cleaver  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:04:53am

re: #1223 jcm

Monster plane isn't it?

To bad a photo op cost two pilots their lives and the #2 airframe.

Yes, it was too bad. The F-104 and the XB-70, out there in the desert.

1233 KansasMom  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:05:04am

re: #1216 NY Nana

Drive by post:

See you all later! Daughter is bringing the almost-3 year old grandson here for the afternoon and dinner, as son in law will be working until late. She is now picking him up from Gan (Chabad nursery school), in Brooklyn, near where they live, and they will be on their way.

I am doing the Snoopy Dance!

Got to toddler-proof the place, as he can do more in a 5-minute time frame than NY Grampa and I can do in an hour.

Batten down the hatches! Secure the remote controls! Stockpile milk and cookies. Full-on grandma mode approaching!

1234 JohnnyReb  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:05:05am

re: #1219 subsailor68

You have articulated exactly what has been on my mind ever since the One announced the bailout. Obviously Ford is going to be drawn into this in some shape or form. It is inevitable, as sure as the sun rises in the east, the government will do something to or with Ford and their refusal to accept a bail out. Unfair competition will be the start of it.

1235 wrenchwench  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:05:07am

re: #1212 Walter L. Newton

That's how my dad died, aortic aneurysm, near impossible to know you have it unless it's found during some other procedure, and only 2 percent survival rate. I won't go into details, too nasty.

My next door neighbor is one of the 2%. Truly a wonder that he is alive. It happened six months ago, and he took his first post-aortic dissection bicycle ride yesterday, 6 months before his doctor wanted him to....

1236 John Neverbend  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:05:22am

re: #1208 Alouette

Hudna means "you stop shooting while we reload."

I believe that the Klingon word for peace is "roj".

1237 FurryOldGuyJeans  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:05:36am

re: #1207 redstateredneck

Well, how? I'm waiting with bated (or baited) breath?

No wonder you have bad breath, holding rotting fish in your mouth. ;)

1238 JacksonTn  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:06:07am

I am not saying this to be catty or ODS ... I have the tv on and muted ... but I just saw Obama ... what they say about aging presidents is true and it is working fast on him ... he looks terrible ... his color is grayish ... he looks really tired ...

1239 Killgore Trout  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:07:29am

re: #1238 JacksonTn

It's a tough gig.

1240 reloadingisnotahobby  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:07:46am

re: #1238 JacksonTn
He thought he'd just be "kickin it" iin the Oval office..........
Damn this gig is real work..............

1241 John Neverbend  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:07:47am

re: #1238 JacksonTn

I am not saying this to be catty or ODS ... I have the tv on and muted ... but I just saw Obama ... what they say about aging presidents is true and it is working fast on him ... he looks terrible ... his color is grayish ... he looks really tired ...

That's what a night out in Manhattan does to you.

1242 reloadingisnotahobby  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:08:06am

re: #1239 Killgore Trout


1243 midwestgak  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:08:18am

re: #1238 JacksonTn

1244 Ward Cleaver  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:08:25am

re: #1230 OldLineTexan

I was there for some business at Goodyear in 1988; my memory could be faulty, and I almost RAN through the place to see all the good stuff.

A friend (he's ex-AF) and I drove up, and even got to go to the BX there. Which reminds me, I gotta find the pictures I took that day. At the time we went, they had two exhibit buildings (they have three now, and plans to build a fourth), and the "annex", which were two re-purposed hangars across an old runway.

1245 NJDhockeyfan  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:08:42am
1246 wrenchwench  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:09:15am

re: #1238 JacksonTn

I am not saying this to be catty or ODS ... I have the tv on and muted ... but I just saw Obama ... what they say about aging presidents is true and it is working fast on him ... he looks terrible ... his color is grayish ... he looks really tired ...

HDTV will shorten the careers of many an actor, I think...

1247 midwestgak  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:09:15am

re: #1238 JacksonTn

I am not saying this to be catty or ODS ... I have the tv on and muted ... but I just saw Obama ... what they say about aging presidents is true and it is working fast on him ... he looks terrible ... his color is grayish ... he looks really tired ...

I'll try again. You'ld be tired too if you spent every waking moment beating the American economy to near death.

1248 OldLineTexan  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:09:43am

re: #1244 Ward Cleaver

A friend (he's ex-AF) and I drove up, and even got to go to the BX there. Which reminds me, I gotta find the pictures I took that day. At the time we went, they had two exhibit buildings (they have three now, and plans to build a fourth), and the "annex", which were two re-purposed hangars across an old runway.

Yeah, I had time to run through the main hall only. At the time, there was a B-52 on the ground you could walk through, but I couldn't make it. I spent too much time in the early/WW1 section, a major fascination of mine from childhood.

1249 lawhawk  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:09:53am

re: #1238 JacksonTn

Every President ages almost instantaneously with the weight of the world literally on their shoulders 24/7/365. Doesn't matter who it is, but the responsibility is awe-inspiring. I still don't think he knows what he's gotten himself into.

1250 NY Nana  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:10:06am

re: #1222 reloadingisnotahobby

I child proofed my house,but they still get in!

In my case? Bring them on! ;)

Grandchildren are the best revenge for our kids! We can laugh, name it, when the little guys are doing something not quite PC, while our kids, AKA 'the parents' have to keep a straight face. Daughter is an expert on giving me 'the look'...my sons just don't have her talent. ;)

I love it! BBL, with tales of grandparents gone wild!

1251 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:10:20am

re: #1205 HoosierHoops
Hey Hoops - My best friend had the same thing happen to him - fortunately while he was IN the hospital for something different - about 6' 210, but a power lifter and Karate student. Saved his life, but his insurance company won't pay for whatever operation and device the docs want to use on him so he walks around now, just basically "stiched up" so to speak, and he calls his insurance company (as does his cardiovascular surgeon) everyday. And yeah, the type of surgery has been done at least 1,000 times according to doc, so I wouldn't call it experimental. But that kind of arterial "blow out" does seem to happen to "bigger guys" more than others.
Prayers going up again for him, his family and for you my friend.

1252 sattv4u2  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:10:30am

re: #1229 Killgore Trout

US Stocks Higher On Manufacturing Data; DJIA Up 200 Points

When will the calls come to NOT continue with the stimulus spending scheduled for 2010 and 2011. With only about 3% of the "package" in the pipeline by the end of this year,. there is NO way the recovery can be attributed to that

The TARP monies is anothre mattre. I think it helped in that the "bottom" wasn't as low as it could have been

1253 Killgore Trout  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:10:33am

More right wing ugliness....
Hal Turner: let the terrorists win

It never occurs to these imbeciles that guys like Tiller seal their own fate by murdering innocent, helpless babies. No. That couldn't possibly be the case.

To the radical left, anyone who merely speaks in opposition to abortion is to blame for killings like today's, but guys like Tiller, plying their evil trade are, to the DailyKos, innocent.

1254 OldLineTexan  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:10:38am

re: #1245 NJDhockeyfan

Future hostess for The View

We had one "babbler", but she would BREATHE.


1255 JacksonTn  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:10:53am

re: #1249 lawhawk

Every President ages almost instantaneously with the weight of the world literally on their shoulders 24/7/365. Doesn't matter who it is, but the responsibility is awe-inspiring. I still don't think he knows what he's gotten himself into.

lawhawk ... I know that the first intel briefing has to be a real awakening for any person ...

1256 reloadingisnotahobby  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:11:33am

re: #1250 NY Nana

Oh yea!
We're raising a grandson .....
Have a ball!

1257 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:11:53am

re: #1249 lawhawk

Well, he can't say I didn't try to warn him.

1258 KansasMom  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:12:14am

re: #1248 OldLineTexan

Yeah, I had time to run through the main hall only. At the time, there was a B-52 on the ground you could walk through, but I couldn't make it. I spent too much time in the early/WW1 section, a major fascination of mine from childhood.

The B-52 is a neat old bird. Even neater because they are still active.

1259 [deleted]  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:12:20am
1260 Killgore Trout  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:12:29am

re: #1252 sattv4u2

When will the calls come to NOT continue with the stimulus spending scheduled for 2010 and 2011.

I don't know if there is serious talk pulling the plug on stimulus stuff. Maybe if there's some sort of dramatic miraculous recovery but we have a long way to go.

1261 midwestgak  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:12:54am

re: #1249 lawhawk

I still don't think he knows what he's gotten himself into.

He dosen't and neither do the people who voted for him.

1262 Killgore Trout  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:13:31am

re: #1253 Killgore Trout


Why didn't Dr. Tiller take the hint? In 1985, his clinic was bombed; yet he persisted. In 1993, he was shot in both arms. Still, he returned to perform abortions."


1263 sattv4u2  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:13:46am

re: #1260 Killgore Trout

I don't know if there is serious talk pulling the plug on stimulus stuff. Maybe if there's some sort of dramatic miraculous recovery but we have a long way to go.

I don't want a "dramatic miraculous recovery". I like the way the recovery is going right now. Slow, steady each sector recovering a little at a time

1264 Cato the Elder  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:14:01am

re: #1215 Kenneth

You are correct to point out that the words "Islam" and "salaam" come from the same root word. Because of that, the meaning of "peace" in Arabic is closer in meaning to the English word "pacified", which is similar in meaning to "submission". I was intentionally taking liberties with meanings, but I think you understand my point: when the Arab world talks about wanting "peace" (salaam) in the Middle East, they mean they want Israel to submit (islam) to Muslim dominance.

You example of "do & don't" makes a poor argument. The addition of the negative "not" reverses the meaning of the root word. The difference in meaning between "Islam" and "salaam" is much less than the difference between "islam" and its antonym "harb" (war).

Are you an Arabist? My brother is. I'll run your argument by him and see what he says, but I'm not just gonna buy it. I wonder how "close" the word "shalom" - from the same Semitic root S-L-M - is to other Hebrew words that might mean something similar to "submission" or whatever. I don't think you can make a lexical case for what you're saying without running into big semantic-Semitic trouble.

My do-don't example was indeed weak. A better one might be "restful" and "restive", which both come from the Latin verb "restare" yet mean opposite things. No one who knows what "restive" means thinks it has anything to do with resting. The common root is immaterial.

1265 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:14:18am

re: #1260 Killgore Trout

Howabout something like this...

"Well, we don't need the money to help Killgore Trout Bank (FDIC Insured), but since it is already in the budget..."

1266 OldLineTexan  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:14:23am

re: #1258 KansasMom

The B-52 is a neat old bird. Even neater because they are still active.

The B-52's "designed to buckle" shear/body panels were part of any decent course in aeroelasticity/aerial structures course back when I was a student.

1267 Digital Display  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:14:39am

re: #1251 realwest

Thank you Realwest...Bless you my friend

1268 astronmr20  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:14:42am

re: #1255 JacksonTn

lawhawk ... I know that the first intel briefing has to be a real awakening for any person ...

in this case, fresh underwear was necessary.

1269 Cato the Elder  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:15:18am

re: #1206 John Neverbend

The three Arabic words for peace are salaam, sulh and hudna (it can be argued that the last one doesn't mean peace at all). The first could be described as "peace through submission". The root for the word submission also appears in "Islam". Suhl means peace as in reconciliation. Hudna is akin to cease-fire.

Are you an Arabist? See my note to Kenneth.

1270 Kosh's Shadow  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:15:27am

re: #1264 Cato the Elder

Are you an Arabist? My brother is. I'll run your argument by him and see what he says, but I'm not just gonna buy it. I wonder how "close" the word "shalom" - from the same Semitic root S-L-M - is to other Hebrew words that might mean something similar to "submission" or whatever. I don't think you can make a lexical case for what you're saying without running into big semantic-Semitic trouble.

My do-don't example was indeed weak. A better one might be "restful" and "restive", which both come from the Latin verb "restare" yet mean opposite things. No one who knows what "restive" means thinks it has anything to do with resting. The common root is immaterial.

In Hebrew, Shalom not only means peace, but wholeness. Someone who is complete, or whole, is at peace with himself; a group of people who are whole are also at peace with each other.

1271 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:16:18am

re: #1265 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Howabout something like this...

"Well, we don't need the money to help Killgore Trout Bank (FDIC Insured), but since it is already in the budget..."

Did you see my answer to your "How's show business" above?

1272 OldLineTexan  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:16:28am

re: #1270 Kosh's Shadow

In Hebrew, Shalom not only means peace, but wholeness. Someone who is complete, or whole, is at peace with himself; a group of people who are whole are also at peace with each other.

Are you semantic-Semitic?


/nice one, Cato

1273 laZardo  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:16:39am

So I'm waiting for Microsoft's conference at E3 (video games expo) and I just wondered why North Korea won't launch a nuke at Alaska.

The Governor could be our secret weapon.

1274 Killgore Trout  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:16:54am

Bill O’Reilly’s jihad against Dr. George Tiller
The murder is bad enough but the right's reactions have been despicable and the rhetoric that lead to this was just depraved. The leftys have been handed a huge victory on this one.

1275 abolitionist  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:16:55am

re: #1061 alegrias

* * * * *
If Fox News hadn't documented those New Black Panther Party thugs with a stick menacing voters at a polling precinct in Philadelphia, shouting stuff at voters, and identifying one of them as a Democrat poll watcher or official of some sort, how would we KNOW this had happened, and that
Eric Holder's Justice Department was dropping its prosecution of these thugs?

Some things you have to see with your own eyes, not believe the lying administration's denials.

It wasn't just the Panther pair at the polling site. The defendants included Malik Zulu Shabazz, and the NBPP.

Justice Department Files Suit Against New Black Panthers

association, MALIK ZULU SHABAZZ,
JERRY JACKSON, Defendants.

Charges Against 'New Black Panthers' Dropped by Obama Justice Dept.

Attorney-at-war Shabazz speaking at the Black History Museum & Cultural Center in Richmond, said "...but he was one of the most effective preachers of our time. He went from plantation to plantation right here in Virginia, cuttin' white throats and killin' white folks. I'm talkin' about Rev Nat Turner. Right up off here in Virginia. And you are the children of Nat Turner."

"Our time" apparently includes the pre-Civil War era. Nat Turner - b 1800, d 1831.

It's now hard to find any copies of that video anywhere on the net. Not sure that's a good thing.

1276 NY Nana  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:17:28am

re: #1225 MandyManners

Snuggle time!

If he doesn't manage to wiggle out of it! He is a very busy boy.

/And soon he will be taller than I am!

1277 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:17:31am

re: #1271 Walter L. Newton

Yeah! Sorry, should have replied. You took the time and all.

Glad you're doing well.

1278 OldLineTexan  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:17:38am

re: #1274 Killgore Trout

Bill O’Reilly’s jihad against Dr. George Tiller
The murder is bad enough but the right's reactions have been despicable and the rhetoric that lead to this was just depraved. The leftys have been handed a huge victory on this one.

No qualifier needed, eh?

The entire "right".

Do you have a camp in mind that I should attend?

1279 redstateredneck  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:17:45am

re: #1237 FurryOldGuyJeans

No wonder you have bad breath, holding rotting fish in your mouth. ;)

Hee hee. I wondered if anybody got the joke.

1280 badger1970  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:17:46am

re: #1246 wrenchwench

Like when "talkies" of the late 20s and early 30s became vogue.

1281 Killgore Trout  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:17:55am

re: #1265 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Yeah, I think since the ball is already rolling I doubt they're going to stop it.

1282 Digital Display  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:18:08am

re: #1262 Killgore Trout



Marines don't run away from gunfire..They run to it.. It's called Courage and deeply held Convictions....
Maybe the Doctor was made of the right stuff..And insanity doesn't come into play here...

1283 reloadingisnotahobby  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:18:24am

re: #1259 Iron Fist

I've NEVER seen a Spyderco like that!
Have three lock blades.....One I've had for 20 years!
Tantos look so......All buisness...
Right on McMillan recoil was equal to my 308 scout.
Also the first time I EVER used a Swarovski scope!
The value of the rifle would allow me to build three rifles!
Big bucks!
An AR 30 in 338 Lapua is a awesome gun...I've shot them
but can't afford THAT much fun!

1284 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:18:33am

re: #1281 Killgore Trout

They are not in the business of stopping balls.

1285 Cato the Elder  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:19:12am

re: #1270 Kosh's Shadow

In Hebrew, Shalom not only means peace, but wholeness. Someone who is complete, or whole, is at peace with himself; a group of people who are whole are also at peace with each other.

And I'm curious what other Hebrew words from the S-L-M root might mean something akin to "Islam" in Arabic. I think the whole "it comes from the same root" argument is specious as applied to either Hebrew or Arabic when it comes to standard lexical meaning. I'll look into it further, but my gut tells me that saying "when Arabs say peace, they really mean submission" is a stretch. Maybe even a slur.

1286 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:19:18am

re: #1259 Iron Fist
Very nice blade Bro' - but a cautionary word of advice - get thee the hell outta debt as fast as you can!

1287 Killgore Trout  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:20:03am

re: #1278 OldLineTexan

On the whole, yes; Pundits, blogs, and commenters on the right have made very easy targets of themselves. Don't ask me for qualifiers. I won't give them to the left or the RoP, you're not getting one either.

1288 sattv4u2  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:20:09am

re: #1281 Killgore Trout

Yeah, I think since the ball is already rolling I doubt they're going to stop it.

re: #1284 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

They are not in the business of stopping balls.

How bout 'We The People" stop it !

1289 redstateredneck  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:20:22am

Gotta go run and visit an older friend who is doing a stint in a convalescent center.

1290 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:20:40am

re: #1274 Killgore Trout

Bill O’Reilly’s jihad against Dr. George Tiller
The murder is bad enough but the right's reactions have been despicable and the rhetoric that lead to this was just depraved. The leftys have been handed a huge victory on this one.

Killgore, that KOS blog entry says "you don't have to be a terrorist to pull the trigger" indicating that O'Reilly is as responsible for the murder as the murderer.

That is a cheap shot. Where as I don't agree with ANYTHING O'Reilly stands for, nor Rush or Alex or Hannity and so on, that is a cheap shot on KOS and has nothing to do with what happened.

Settle down Killgore.

1291 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:21:18am

re: #1277 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Yeah! Sorry, should have replied. You took the time and all.

Glad you're doing well.

No, I just wanted to make sure you didn't think I had ignored you, that's all.

1292 Killgore Trout  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:21:43am

re: #1288 sattv4u2

Nope. I'm happy to let the Dems do their thing as long as the GOP continues in their John Galt fantasies.

1293 KansasMom  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:22:58am

re: #1266 OldLineTexan

The B-52's "designed to buckle" shear/body panels were part of any decent course in aeroelasticity/aerial structures course back when I was a student.

Pretty cool to see them in the hangar.....you can see the "wrinkles" in the skin.

1294 sattv4u2  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:24:10am

re: #1292 Killgore Trout

Nope. I'm happy to let the Dems do their thing as long as the GOP continues in their John Galt fantasies.

This has nothing to do with "dems doing their thing" This has to do with out of control spending. I was almost as mad at GWB for his spending practices in his last 2 + years as I am now. The only difference between then and now is the AMOUNT.

1295 realwest  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:24:57am

Well y'all it's been grand as usual, but I gotta go now.
Hope you all have a great day and that I get the chance to see you all down the road.

1296 jcm  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:25:22am

re: #1283 reloadingisnotahobby

I've NEVER seen a Spyderco like that!
Have three lock blades.....One I've had for 20 years!
Tantos look so......All buisness...
Right on McMillan recoil was equal to my 308 scout.
Also the first time I EVER used a Swarovski scope!
The value of the rifle would allow me to build three rifles!
Big bucks!
An AR 30 in 338 Lapua is a awesome gun...I've shot them
but can't afford THAT much fun!

I've been drooling over 338 Lapua for awhile. But to have real fun with that you need 1000 yds. Best I can do around here is 300 and that range the management is pain to deal with.

1297 lawhawk  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:25:28am

re: #1255 JacksonTn

Indeed, that alone probably explains why Obama despite his claims to have reversed Bush era policies on the GWoT is continuing them, albeit under the guise of doing it better and/or differently.

Rearranging the chairs and calling them sitting enhancement devices doesn't change the fact that they're still chairs.

1298 reloadingisnotahobby  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:25:28am

re: #1293 KansasMom

Nice Wiemer you got there Mom!
What did say to get that pic!?

1299 Dianna  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:26:20am

Just checking in, and hoping people aren't fighting.

How's Monday treating you folks?

I see Charles is busy with something else, which seems really strange at nearly 10:30. Let's hope it's nothing serious.

1300 FurryOldGuyJeans  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:26:25am

re: #1279 redstateredneck

Hee hee. I wondered if anybody got the joke.

You made it, at least for me, a bit obvious with the second spelling. Not that I would have passed it up if you had stayed with just bated. ;)

1301 reloadingisnotahobby  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:26:40am

re: #1296 jcm

Ours maxs out at 900 then your over into
the next canyon! LOL

1302 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:26:57am

re: #1299 Dianna

Let's hope he's dreaming of things that he loves. How are you today?

1303 Dianna  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:27:30am

re: #1302 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Let's hope he's dreaming of things that he loves. How are you today?


I hope to clear my desk entirely by 11.

1304 reloadingisnotahobby  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:27:43am

re: #1299 Dianna

What ya mean by THAT?
You tryin ta start something?
Goodmorning Dianna........;-)

1305 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:28:16am

re: #1290 Walter L. Newton

Killgore, that KOS blog entry says "you don't have to be a terrorist to pull the trigger" indicating that O'Reilly is as responsible for the murder as the murderer.

That is a cheap shot. Where as I don't agree with ANYTHING O'Reilly stands for, nor Rush or Alex or Hannity and so on, that is a cheap shot on KOS and has nothing to do with what happened.

Settle down Killgore.

Agreed. Bill O'Reilly is not responsible for this murder. He never called for violence against Tiller, only for Tiller to be prosecuted under relevant laws, which is a very different thing. Hal Turner, on the other hand, is indeed justifying terrorism. If we do not give in to that sort of logic when it comes to Radical Islam, we must not do so when it comes to a Pro Life fanatic either.

1306 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:28:21am

re: #1303 Dianna


I hope to clear my desk entirely by 11.

Cigarette lighter comes to mind.

1307 FurryOldGuyJeans  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:28:22am

re: #1288 sattv4u2

How bout 'We The People" stop it !

"We the People" would rather have cradle to grave nanny service. Bread and circuses are real popular right now. Only freedom-loving cranks don't like the government.

1308 Syrah  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:28:29am

re: #1274 Killgore Trout

Bill O’Reilly’s jihad against Dr. George Tiller
The murder is bad enough but the right's reactions have been despicable and the rhetoric that lead to this was just depraved. The leftys have been handed a huge victory on this one.

In this new age of the internet, cellphone and camera phone, the kooks will seem like they are everywhere. It might even be true.

1309 KansasMom  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:28:57am

re: #1298 reloadingisnotahobby

Nice Wiemer you got there Mom!
What did say to get that pic!?

That hyper and goofy dog is always happy! Except when we kick her off our bed....

1310 Cygnus  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:29:01am

Good morning Lizards! Here's some great music to start your week. A friend sent me this - amazing!

1311 Dianna  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:29:13am

re: #1304 reloadingisnotahobby

What ya mean by THAT?
You tryin ta start something?
Goodmorning Dianna........;-)


Lately, you can start a fight around here by saying "good morning!" in the wrong tone.

1312 reloadingisnotahobby  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:29:53am

re: #1309 KansasMom

I had Wiemer that could push ME off the bed!

1313 Dianna  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:29:58am

re: #1306 Walter L. Newton

Cigarette lighter comes to mind.

I'd need at least a kitchen blow-torch, and it might damage my pretty maple desk, so...it's better to do the work.

1314 sattv4u2  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:30:08am

re: #1307 FurryOldGuyJeans

"We the People" would rather have cradle to grave nanny service. Bread and circuses are real popular right now. Only freedom-loving cranks don't like the government.

You may have missed an earlier post of mine
[Link: littlegreenfootballs.com...]

1315 [deleted]  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:30:09am
1316 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:30:18am

I am trying to think of something intelligent to say about four posts from now.

1317 FurryOldGuyJeans  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:31:07am

re: #1308 Syrah

In this new age of the internet, cellphone and camera phone, the kooks will seem like they are everywhere. It might even be true.

There were always kooks infiltrating the general population, they are just more visible now with our instant access tech. Now the kooks have influence outside their own little village.

1318 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:31:12am

I've got to go. Play nice, all.

1319 enoughalready  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:31:20am

re: #1249 lawhawk

It could be argued that nobody does. Ever. And that is perhaps the point.

1320 Dianna  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:31:29am

Woot! A new thread, with just a tot of Totten!

1321 NY Nana  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:31:31am

re: #1256 reloadingisnotahobby

Oh yea!
We're raising a grandson .....
Have a ball!

We do....they are worth every single second...enjoy him. Grandchildren truly are a gift. We also have a nearly 7 year old granddaughter and a 9 year old granddaughter, and the very best is when all 3 are here together, as they are each 'onlies' and adore ech other. The granddaughters are very mothering to the grandson, and I honestly have to turn away sometimes, as I have tears in my eyes.

You are raising your grandson? He is a very lucky child. I wish our kids lived nearer, but at least they are all in the metro-NY area....Brooklyn, LI and NJ.

Got to go!

1322 wrenchwench  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:31:36am

I'm gonna hafta watch myself today. I took my tea out of the microwave, took the cream out of the fridge, put some of it in the tea, and put the cream in the microwave. Just for a sec, though.

1323 reloadingisnotahobby  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:31:44am

re: #1311 Dianna

Don't start with me in that tone missy!
I know what mean!
Gotta go meet Blue Stakes so we can tear up ANOTHER of my parking lots!

1324 JacksonTn  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:31:53am

re: #1318 Dark_Falcon

I've got to go. Play nice, all.

DF ... see ya later and I hope you make all your quotas!

1325 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:32:12am

See, Diana!? You woke Charles up. He was all snug, then sensed the disturbance in the force.

1326 Kosh's Shadow  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:32:27am

re: #1315 Iron Fist

I don't think Obama expected to win this election. hillary was the theoretically coronated candidate, and Obama was really too lacking in experience to even be considered for the office. I think he wanted to get the experience under his belt of being a candidate, and then (Surprise! Surprise!) he won the primaries (he had a good strategy for that), and then he won the big show. He's like a dog who catches a car. Now what?

He's not handling it very well. God help us if he has to face some kind of challenge like W did with the Chinese knocking our spy plane out of the sky. Let alone a repeat of 9-11. Obama just doesn't have the stones to handle a crisis like 9-11.

Challenges like North Korea getting working nukes? Repudiating the armistice agreement?
Iran a year away from getting nukes?
The Taliban trying to take over nuclear-armed Pakistan?

I don't think he has what it takes to handle these, never mind what's coming. And all this is happening because the world knows Obama's in over his head.

1327 Racer X  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:32:49am

re: #1229 Killgore Trout

US Stocks Higher On Manufacturing Data; DJIA Up 200 Points

Just curious - who gets the credit for the rise - Obama or Bush?

and conversely, who gets the blame when it goes down?

1328 FurryOldGuyJeans  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:34:32am

re: #1314 sattv4u2

You may have missed an earlier post of mine
[Link: littlegreenfootballs.com...]

Buying votes has a long illustrious history. I just hope the cozened wake up to realize they sold their birthright for a plate of beans.

1329 J.S.  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:34:38am

re: #1285 Cato the Elder

I have a university text, titled: "Jews, Christians, Muslims: A comparative introduction to monotheistic religions" (publisher: Prentice-Hall, 1998). In Chapter 6, "Monotheism in Islam", one reads: "Islam means 'surrender', and the person who has surrendered to G-d is a 'Muslim'. Those two words share a common root s-l-m, which also produces the word salam, meaning 'peace.'" (The chapters written to explain Islam are written by Muslims.)

1330 sattv4u2  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:34:44am

re: #1327 Racer X

Just curious - who gets the credit for the rise - Obama or Bush?

and conversely, who gets the blame when it goes down?

I'll burst a blood vessel if the "stimulus" is credited with this. Less than 3% of the monies is even in the pipeline (most of it not being targeted till 2010 and 2011)

As I stated, I think the TARP program helped a LOT.

1331 jcm  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:35:34am

re: #1301 reloadingisnotahobby

Ours maxs out at 900 then your over into
the next canyon! LOL

I understand the range managements issues, they require membership and qualifications to do much of anything, which makes it a pain in butt. However when the range was built it was out in the sticks it's now surrounded by housing developments. Every time a stray round makes it off range it makes the news. 911 literally gets calls daily from the neighbors about "gunfire."

1332 Killgore Trout  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:35:36am

re: #1327 Racer X

Just curious - who gets the credit for the rise - Obama or Bush?

and conversely, who gets the blame when it goes down?

I'd say a little of both but mostly Obama.

1333 Kosh's Shadow  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:36:01am

re: #1328 FurryOldGuyJeans

Buying votes has a long illustrious history. I just hope the cozened wake up to realize they sold their birthright for a plate of beans.

Too many still think if they plant the beans, they'll get a beanstalk and can steal the goose that laid golden eggs from the giant.

1334 KansasMom  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:36:45am

re: #1312 reloadingisnotahobby

I had Wiemer that could push ME off the bed!

LOL! They are strong dogs, aren't they?

1335 reloadingisnotahobby  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:37:57am

re: #1331 jcm

The advantage to a managed range is that the average IDIOT can come to ours (free) and do very stupid things!
I've had the occasion to educate a few!They will not soon forget me!

1336 [deleted]  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:38:01am
1337 John Neverbend  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:38:26am

re: #1269 Cato the Elder

Are you an Arabist? See my note to Kenneth.

Look at Islam means submission or peace? and read all the comments. I think this sheds a little more light on the different meanings.

1338 Syrah  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:39:06am

re: #1317 FurryOldGuyJeans

There were always kooks infiltrating the general population, they are just more visible now with our instant access tech. Now the kooks have influence outside their own little village.

I think that we may be seeing something else at work. I agree, there have always been kooks. For the most part, they were shunned and made fun of. They "seemed" to be a tiny minority, easily marginalized and discounted.

Now they seem to be everywhere. They do not look to be such a small minority, but an ever larger one. The tolerance for Alex Jones style mega conspiracies are now taken seriously enough that AJ is praised as a great American and otherwise treated as a sane commenter and observer of the human condition.

I worry that the kooks are becoming more "mainstream" because they no longer appear to be such a small minority. They are becoming legitimized in the public mind by their ubiquity and by their volume.

1339 sattv4u2  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:40:29am

re: #1332 Killgore Trout

I'd say a little of both but mostly Obama.

How so? It's the TARP program that cushioned the fall. That was concieved under Bushs watch

1340 Kosh's Shadow  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:41:42am

re: #1338 Syrah

I think that we may be seeing something else at work. I agree, there have always been kooks. For the most part, they were shunned and made fun of. They "seemed" to be a tiny minority, easily marginalized and discounted.

Now they seem to be everywhere. They do not look to be such a small minority, but an ever larger one. The tolerance for Alex Jones style mega conspiracies are now taken seriously enough that AJ is praised as a great American and otherwise treated as a sane commenter and observer of the human condition.

I worry that the kooks are becoming more "mainstream" because they no longer appear to be such a small minority. They are becoming legitimized in the public mind by their ubiquity and by their volume.

And the MSM, or at least Fox, is mainstreaming the kooks by giving them legitimacy that they wouldn't have if they had to stick to late-night local access cable channels.

1341 KansasMom  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:42:27am

re: #1338 Syrah

I think that we may be seeing something else at work. I agree, there have always been kooks. For the most part, they were shunned and made fun of. They "seemed" to be a tiny minority, easily marginalized and discounted.

Now they seem to be everywhere. They do not look to be such a small minority, but an ever larger one. The tolerance for Alex Jones style mega conspiracies are now taken seriously enough that AJ is praised as a great American and otherwise treated as a sane commenter and observer of the human condition.

I worry that the kooks are becoming more "mainstream" because they no longer appear to be such a small minority. They are becoming legitimized in the public mind by their ubiquity and by their volume.

I think you are right. The kooks can now go online and realize they have brethren.

1342 OldLineTexan  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:42:50am

re: #1287 Killgore Trout

On the whole, yes; Pundits, blogs, and commenters on the right have made very easy targets of themselves. Don't ask me for qualifiers. I won't give them to the left or the RoP, you're not getting one either.

OK. Enjoy your hysteria.

1343 Killgore Trout  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:44:01am

re: #1339 sattv4u2

That's why Bush gets partial credit. Obama continued TARP and expanded. Both made (more or less) the right decision to save our finical infrastructure. Bush fumbled a little bit by letting Lehman Brothers fail but it was early in the crisis and mistakes were inevitable. The merits of the Stimulus Bill remain to be seen.

1344 [deleted]  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:44:53am
1345 Kenneth  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:45:16am

re: #1264 Cato the Elder

I was making a quip about contemporary Arab geopolitics, not a detailed parsing of Arabic etymology. No, I am not an Arabist & I do not speak the language. Still, I will insist that "Islam" and "peace" are very similar in meaning. They are certainly not opposite in meaning as you seem to be implying.

1346 Former Belgian  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:45:24am

re: #1285 Cato the Elder

And I'm curious what other Hebrew words from the S-L-M root might mean something akin to "Islam" in Arabic. I think the whole "it comes from the same root" argument is specious as applied to either Hebrew or Arabic when it comes to standard lexical meaning. I'll look into it further, but my gut tells me that saying "when Arabs say peace, they really mean submission" is a stretch. Maybe even a slur.

In Arabic, the words for "peace" and "submission" do derive from the same root. (A person who submits "accepts peace" in Arabic.)

[Link: en.wikipedia.org...]

The words in Hebrew that derive from this root have to do with wholeness/perfection or payment.

shalom = peace
shalem = whole
mushlam = perfect
leshalem = to pay ("to make whole/good"?)
tashlum = payment, installment
shilumim = restitution payments
lehashlim = to complete
lehishtalem = to "pay" in the meaning of "to be monetarily worthwhile"

The closest Hebrew comes to the Arabic "submission"/"surrender" meaning is "le-hashlim im matzav", i.e., to mentally 'make peace' with a (bad) situation.

1347 J.S.  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:48:11am

re: #1287 Killgore Trout

You don't give the left or the religion of Islam qualifiers? (am I understanding this correctly? can you elaborate? So, if there's a terrorist attack in Pakistan? you won't qualify it by saying it was the act of "extremist Islamists?" or "radical Taliban?" or some other outrageous subset of Islam?)

1348 sattv4u2  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:49:29am

re: #1343 Killgore Trout

That's why Bush gets partial credit. Obama continued TARP and expanded. Both made (more or less) the right decision to save our finical infrastructure. Bush fumbled a little bit by letting Lehman Brothers fail but it was early in the crisis and mistakes were inevitable. The merits of the Stimulus Bill remain to be seen.

heh,, I would give Obama only partial credit for continuing TARP, and not putting a halt to it as a 'failed policy of the past,,,,".

It would be interesting to see what Obama/ Geithner would have come up with if this all started this summer instead of last

1349 Kenneth  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:55:59am

re: #1285 Cato the Elder

Look at the example of the twin Islamic concepts of Dar al-Islam and Dar al-Harb.

Dar al-Islam is also known and referred to as Dar al-Salam, or house/abode of Peace. Dar al-Harb means the "house of war". Islamic scholars use the related meanings of Islam (submission) and Salaam (peace) interchangeably in this context where it is used in contrast to "Harb" or war.

Therefore, it can be seen that the similarities in meaning between Islam (submission) and salaam (peace) is not a slur. Rather, it is established Islamic doctrine.

1350 jcm  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 10:56:35am

re: #1335 reloadingisnotahobby

The advantage to a managed range is that the average IDIOT can come to ours (free) and do very stupid things!
I've had the occasion to educate a few!They will not soon forget me!

I don't blame them at all. I just don't have the time to jump through their hoops. So I'm stuck with single round, bench firing on the 100 yd range.

To be able to stand, use a mag, or the 300 yd I have to go to their safety class, then demonstrate to the range master and go before the appropriate safety committee for each different thing.

1351 [deleted]  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 11:07:01am
1352 The Left  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:19:22pm

re: #1056 Iron Fist

Eyes, throat, groin, knees, and toes are what I teach in basic self-defense classes for women. These are the most vulnerable parts of the human anatomy. It looks really cool in the movies to break a guy's arm while throwing him in such a way that he breaks his neck when he lands, but in a real self-defense situation you are going to just react. There's not a lot of time for planning or pinpoint accuracy. Training can give you a big leg up, but I was always taught that my black belt will only cover 1 3/4" of my ass. I'd better be able to cover the rest.

That is sound advice to everyone.

You're quite right. I've never taken a self-defense course for women and I should, but my vet father taught me more or less the same thing: eyes, throat, groin. toes. A couple of other creepy things as well.

As you say, the problem is that you just react in a real self-defense situation. You don't plan and you're taken off guard.

Consequently women who have taken self-defense classes and can comport themselves well in the class might still (and often do) freeze up. (I have a link somewhere about this)

In the class you're in a controlled environment and you're there to do self-defense. That doesn't mean you can just pull those skills out on the street if you're attacked. No reaction time, no thinking.
It's not like the military, where you're trained to always be alert and always be assessing targets and looking for danger.

you said this: "Training can give you a big leg up, but I was always taught that my black belt will only cover 1 3/4" of my ass. I'd better , be able to cover the rest."

Exactly. And that's the problem with selfdefense classes for women. No matter how good the class is, or how well women perform in it, at the end you've still got this problem about converting theory to action and doing it instantaneously.
That's very hard to do. It's one thing to do well at your class--it's one day (or whatever) a week where you practice stuff. It's another issue to be able to apply physical violence for real, when you need it, on the spot.

(I'm late posting this but btw, agree with you in re: biting at 1165. )

1353 The Left  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:35:55pm

re: #1346 Former Belgian

In Arabic, the words for "peace" and "submission" do derive from the same root. (A person who submits "accepts peace" in Arabic.)

[Link: en.wikipedia.org...]

The words in Hebrew that derive from this root have to do with wholeness/perfection or payment.

shalom = peace
shalem = whole
mushlam = perfect
leshalem = to pay ("to make whole/good"?)
tashlum = payment, installment
shilumim = restitution payments
lehashlim = to complete
lehishtalem = to "pay" in the meaning of "to be monetarily worthwhile"

The closest Hebrew comes to the Arabic "submission"/"surrender" meaning is "le-hashlim im matzav", i.e., to mentally 'make peace' with a (bad) situation.

This is an awesome post. I'm grateful for it especially because I didn't know these Hebrew words you mention (except shalom of course)
My only problem here is this:

imagine we changed only one word in what you said:

The words in Hebrew Arabic that derive from this root have to do with wholeness/perfection or payment.

Now read the list again, with my strikethrogh:

The words in Arabic that derive from this root have to do with wholeness/perfection or payment.

shalom = peace
shalem = whole
mushlam = perfect
leshalem = to pay ("to make whole/good"?)
tashlum = payment, installment
shilumim = restitution payments
lehashlim = to complete
lehishtalem = to "pay" in the meaning of "to be monetarily worthwhile"

Wouldn't it be frighteningly easy to argue that the exact same list and exact same set of meanings signaled something awful and sinister?

I'm just pointing out that the exact same list that we find benign and even lovely in Hebrew would take on a sinister connotation if it we thought it was Arabic,

So it's more a reflection of our fears and prejudices than anything else.

1354 Cato the Elder  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:42:18pm

re: #1329 J.S.

I have a university text, titled: "Jews, Christians, Muslims: A comparative introduction to monotheistic religions" (publisher: Prentice-Hall, 1998). In Chapter 6, "Monotheism in Islam", one reads: "Islam means 'surrender', and the person who has surrendered to G-d is a 'Muslim'. Those two words share a common root s-l-m, which also produces the word salam, meaning 'peace.'" (The chapters written to explain Islam are written by Muslims.)

That is not in doubt. You missed the point of my question.

1355 Cato the Elder  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:45:34pm

re: #1345 Kenneth

I was making a quip about contemporary Arab geopolitics, not a detailed parsing of Arabic etymology. No, I am not an Arabist & I do not speak the language. Still, I will insist that "Islam" and "peace" are very similar in meaning. They are certainly not opposite in meaning as you seem to be implying.

I implied no such thing. I simply question whether you can assert that whenever "salaam" occurs, "islam" is the implied solution. Surely some Arabs use the word "peace" and mean "coexistence", not "submission".

1356 Cato the Elder  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:49:22pm

re: #1353 iceweasel

Wouldn't it be frighteningly easy to argue that the exact same list and exact same set of meanings signaled something awful and sinister?

I'm just pointing out that the exact same list that we find benign and even lovely in Hebrew would take on a sinister connotation if it we thought it was Arabic.

So it's more a reflection of our fears and prejudices than anything else.

You don't even necessarily have to imagine the list as being Arabic instead of Hebrew. A Jew-hater could look at that list, focus on the monetary references, and make deductions in line with his obsession about Jews and finances.

Your point is excellent and illustrates well the caution I was urging in construing the Arabic word for peace automatically as a sneaky reference to submission.

1357 Cato the Elder  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 12:57:31pm

re: #736 Walter L. Newton

Tell Cato and Avanti (he UPDINGED Cato fro his comment) to go to hell before I do. What a fucking thing to wake up to, both of them Cato and Avanti, sitting on thier little gold-plated asses passing decisions on TOUR business and decisions and they don't know shit about what's going on.

I'm mad, really mad.

See my apology to Bellamags.

And thanks for telling me about the gold plate on my ass. I'll be selling it to pay for health care toute de suite. Unfortunately, since gold plate only has to be one or two microns thick to qualify as such, I probably won't get very far with it. But every little bit helps when you're unemployed and disabled.

1358 J.S.  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 3:44:42pm

re: #1354 Cato the Elder

What is "not in doubt"? As I understand your argument, you're suggesting that the root word for "peace" in Arabic (s-l-m) bears no relationship to "submission" or "surrender" (Muslim/Islam). Is that correct? Isn't that what you're arguing?

(I believe that "Islam" means "submission to G-d" -- and that this is also physically manifested in their 5 daily prayers...called "Salat.")

1359 Cato the Elder  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 7:51:06pm

re: #1358 J.S.

What is "not in doubt"? As I understand your argument, you're suggesting that the root word for "peace" in Arabic (s-l-m) bears no relationship to "submission" or "surrender" (Muslim/Islam). Is that correct? Isn't that what you're arguing?

(I believe that "Islam" means "submission to G-d" -- and that this is also physically manifested in their 5 daily prayers...called "Salat.")

Not what I'm arguing at all. But to recap the whole thing when I'm pretty sure I made myself plain would apparently be wasted effort.

1360 J.S.  Mon, Jun 1, 2009 8:45:11pm

re: #1359 Cato the Elder

well, I'm sorry, but I do not understand your argument. You can look up (from Wiki) the term "Islam." In Arabic, "Islam" is a "verbal noun." (In English, an example of a verbal noun is a gerund. Typically, you take a noun, add an "ing" ending, and you get a gerund. "The work" becomes "working.") Anyway, the verbal noun, "Islam", comes from the root "s-l-m" derived from the Arabic verb -- "Aslama" -- which means "to accept, surender, submit." And "salam" is the noun meaning "peace", also from the "s-l-m" root...so you get "Islam" as if it were the English of "peace-ing" (there's also, btw, the whole tradition that the "revelation" of the Prophet came down, came from above and descended; from above, from Allah, to the world below...and, if you submit/surrender to "the message", then peace also descends upon you...(?) )

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